Flyer 2015.cdr - Greene County Chamber of Commerce
Flyer 2015.cdr - Greene County Chamber of Commerce
P. Schneider & Associates Windham Mountain Columbia Memorial Health William’s Lumber Karp, Ackerman, Skabowski & Hogan CPAs Shook/Porto Insurance Agency Catskill Central School District Sawyer Chevrolet Bavarian Manor P.0. Box 248, 327 Main St. Catskill, NY 12414 Thank You to our 2014 Golf Tournament Sponsors! 11th ANNUAL CHAMBER Friday, May 15, 2015 GOLF TOURNAMENT Christman’s Windham House Mountain Course MAKE THE HOLE. MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Sponsorship OPPORTUNITIES REGISTRATION FORM I have made arrangements to play in a foursome. Team members are listed below.* Gold Sponsor $1,000 Includes largest signage, recognition during awards ceremony, greens fees and carts for four and free Tee Sponsor Tournament INFORMATION Silver Sponsor $500 Includes 2nd largest signage, recognition during awards ceremony, YES! I WANT TO PARTICIPATE If you do not know all the team members, please email this information by may to TEAM CAPTAIN greens fees and card for two and free Tee Sponsor Bronze Sponsor $250 COMPANY Includes 3rd largest signage, recognition during awards ceremony, and free Tee Sponsor ADDRESS CITY/STATE Hole in One Sponsor $250 Friday, May 15, 2015 Christman’s Windham House Mountain Course Check-in & Continental Breakfast..............8:30am Shotgun Start .......10:00am Lunch at the Turn Puts your business’ name on the Hole in One banners and tee markers Awards Banquet Sponsor $200 PLAYER #1 Breakfast or Lunch Sponsor $150 PLAYER #2 Includes signage on tables and a free Tee Sponsor Mountain Mixer Sponsor $125 Rules: !USGA Rules Prevail !Four Ball Scramble !Blue Tees for Men !White Tees for Seniors (65+) !Red Tees for Women Trophies For: Prizes For: First Place Team Man & Woman Second Place Team Man & Woman Closest to th Pin Man & Woman PLAYER #3 PLAYER #4 Includes signage at Mountain Mixer and free Tee Sponsor Awards Banquet...4:00pm Straightest Drive PHONE Includes signage at Awards Banquet and free Tee Sponsor Cash Bar ..............3:00pm Longest Drive EMAIL Third Place Team PAYMENT Tee Sponsor $75 Tournament Fees: $110 per player $440 per team Gold Sponsor $1000 Banquet Sponsor $200 Silver Sponsor $500 Breakfast or Lunch Sponsor $125 Bronze Sponsor $250 Foursome $440 Tee Sponsor $75 Individual $110 Tournament Fee includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and free raffle entry. For more information contact: Rebecca Howard Event Organizer (518)943-4222 TOTAL VISA MASTERCARD AMEX DISCOVER CC# EXP. DATE SECURITY CODE SIGNATURE Enclosed is a check for _______ payable to the Greene County Chamber of Commerce.