Summer 2013 - Humane Society of Western Montana


Summer 2013 - Humane Society of Western Montana
Summer 2013 • Volume 29, Number 2
photo by Pam Voth, ad by Six Pony Hitch
Dear Friends and Supporters,
It has been a successful and productive 50th Anniversary year for the shelter so far. The tireless efforts by the staff, Board, committee members, and
volunteers have produced events and activities beyond anything I had hoped for, and it has all been great fun.
The upcoming (11th) annual Bone Ball at Caras Park promises to be the best one yet, and I hope you'll save the date on your calendars. My dog Misha
and I have attended the Bone Ball for as many years as I can recall. Last summer, we brought along Idri, our new Humane Society adoptee (Idri, of
course, is hoping to win a famous silent auction basket this year).
There have been lots of exciting changes in the past year, as well. We brought on a new development officer, Angie Myers, in February. Angie was up
and running from the moment she started and if you haven't had the chance to meet her, it won't be long! She's very involved with the shelter so I'm
sure you'll see her soon. Our Board, as always, has been one of the most active I’ve ever known and we bid a heartfelt farewell to four members.
con't, pg. 4
loving homes and advocate for the
welfare of all companion animals. · 549.4796
Bone Ball 2013................ 2
Canine Classic 2013........ 3
2012 Annual Report......... 4
2012 Financials............... 5
2012 Humane Education.. 6
2012 Adoption................... 7
2013 Board Members......... 8
Diabetic Cats..................... 9
Honors/Memorials .......... 10
Ken Shughart 2013.......... 11
The mission of the Humane Society
of Western Montana is to provide a
safe, compassionate shelter for pets in
need, place these animals into lifelong,
birthday party animal
Join us for the 2013 bone ball at caras park
"A wonderful
night with great
music, food and
Pictured in Star Pet painting by Marilyn Schmidt: Bridgette (senior grey-faced Labrador), Miles Sr. (California Little), and Klaus (a grey and white cat)−all
adopted from the Humane Society. Billboard donated by First Security Bank and designed by Instone Design.
Help the Humane Society of Western Montana celebrate our 50th Birthday in style! Join us on Friday, August
23rd, 2013 at the Caras Park Pavilion for the 11th annual Bone Ball−this year’s theme is Birthday Party Animal!
Enjoy a catered dinner by Johnny Carino’s, desserts, and toast our birthday with a Champagne Birthday
Partini! You’ll have the chance to bid on our famous themed silent auction baskets, and a great selection of
amazing live auction items.
Costumes are welcome but not required−we can’t wait to see your take on our Birthday Party Animal theme−
who’s going to come dressed as a Malamute with a birthday hat?! We’ll have a DJ so you can show off your
awesome dance moves, AND 100% of the evening’s proceeds will support the Humane Society.
Tickets are $40 each or a reserved table of 8 is $320 UNTIL AUGUST 9 (After 8/9, tickets are $50 each or $400/
table). Visit our website ( to purchase tickets. If you are interested in making a donation or
sponsoring the event, contact Bone Ball Committee Member Marilyn Schmidt at 549-0545.
A few of the auction items:
• A private Bitterroot scenic flight. Thank you Dog Is My CoPilot's Peter Rork!
• Original art by Nancy Seiler. Thank you Nancy Seiler!
• A fly fishing afternoon with Go Fetch's Scott Timothy - on one of our amazing rivers, includes lunch. Thank
you Scott and Willow Timothy!
• Fat Tire Bike. Thank you Marilyn & Steve Schmidt!
• Raptors of the Rockies tour for 8 people, includes lunch. Thank you Kate Davis!
• Two night stay at Shoshone Condiminium. Thank you Jennifer Lincoln!
• Private multi-course Italian meal in your home, prepared by June Jordan. Thank you June Jordan and
Grant Myhre!
• The Resort at Paws Up "Canine Classic" package - Four people will stay at the Blackfoot River Lodge at The
Resort at Paws Up the night before the Canine Classic and receive admission for four to the Canine Classic
trail run/hike. Includes dinner and dogs are welcome. Thank you The Resort at Paws Up!
CAnine Classic
at the resort at paws up on September 22nd
Enjoy a beautiful day hiking with your best smiling
and tail-wagging companions at the 5th Annual
Canine Classic at Paws Up. You can choose from a
13-mile hike/run, a 10k, a 5-mile, or a 2-mile fun
run, all on the trails surrounding the Resort at Paws
Up in Greenough, MT. After your hike, join us for
a delicious BBQ lunch and fun dog activities. To
participate, you can pay our $50 flat entry fee, OR
sign up as a pledge collector (
hswm) and raise money for the Humane Society!
Those who bring in the most in pledges will be
eligible to win some amazing prizes, and 100% of the
proceeds support the Humane Society of Western
Montana and our mission of Saving Every Animal.
Every Time.
presenting sponsor
anniversary party Anniversary Party painted by
Kendahl Jan Jubb
painting raffle
for a chance to win the original Kendahl Jan
Jubb 50th anniversary watertcolor! Drawing at
the Bone Ball on August 23rd!
98 00
No. 001
Anniversary Party
No. 001
Purchase a $98 raffle
ticket to win an original
Kendahl Jan Jubb
watercolor! Only 98
tickets will be sold. Just
cut out this raffle ticket
and mail it in with your
check to: HSWM, 5930
Hwy 93 South, Missoula,
MT 59804. Good luck!
con't from page 1
2012: saving every animal. every time.
Varen Chapman, Renee Hofeldt, Monica Weisul, and Elizabeth Stone have all contributed tremendous time and financial support to the
The Humane Society has made history with our record adoptions of animals from our own community, surrounding areas, and even as
far away as Merced County, California. The most recent batch of “California Littles'” have almost all found forever homes in just a few
short weeks. Check out our website and look
for us on Facebook if you haven’t had a chance
to see the adorable assortment of pets being
cared for at the shelter.
My fellow Board members and I have also
been working hard, under Lora and Angie's
careful guidance, to contact many of our
supporters. We believe building strong
personal relationships is one of the most
important ways we can ensure that our goal of
“Saving Every Animal. Every Time.” is met on a
long-term basis. We are seeking feedback and
ideas as we move beyond this landmark year
and focus on the programs and projects that
mean the most to our donors and volunteers. If
you have any suggestions or thoughts about the
organization you wish to share, I'd love to hear
from you.
On behalf of the Humane Society of Western
Montana Board if Directors, I'd like to wish you
a very wonderful summer! Idri and Misha hope
to see you at the Bone Ball!
Charla enjoying a sunny day at Flathead Lake with Misha (right)
and Idri (left).
Charla Bitney, President
saving 161 little lives in 2012 makes a big difference
Thanks to a great partnership, Chopper (formerly Armadillo) and 160 other dogs
found great new homes in 2012 in western Montana. Armadillo is in one of the many
crates with pilot and Dog Is My CoPilot's founder, Peter Rork (pictured right). The
photo on the left was taken by his new family while on a hike in Helena, Montana.
From Chopper's family: Chopper’s ride has taken him from an almost certain fate
of death, to a member of our family that we can’t imagine not having with us. His
journey and place in our family was made possible by so many people, and is such
a great example of the amazing things that are possible through the hard work,
dedication, and love of those from organizations like Dog Is My CoPilot, and the many
rescue and shelter organizations like the Humane Society of Western Montana.
Your gifts make a difference in the
lives of people and pets.
The Humane Society of Western Montana receives no government funding and we aren't
affiliated with any national organization like ASPCA or The Humane Society of the
United States. Every dollar is put to work helping pets and people in western Montana.
In 2012, 82 cents of each dollar received went directly to the pets in our care and
crucial prevention services, like our Behavior Helpline and Pet Food Bank.
Vice President
Matt Lubaroff
Tom Russell
Mike Bayer
Varen Chapman
Jessica Kato
Spider McKnight
Ginny Merriam
Carroll Anne Sowerby
Monica Weisul
Lora O’Connor
Development Officer
Angie Myers
Shelter Supervisor
Nicole Nolte
Program Manager
Mariah Scheskie
Assistant Shelter Supervisor
Brian Foley
Volunteer Coordinator
Breanne Ender
Jean Biggins
Adoption Specialists/Reception
Jordan Fleps
Christiona LaValley
Sarah Mueller
Kelsey O'Keefe
Isabel Presse
Animal Care Specialist
Matt Taylor
Charla Bitney
Stacey Gordon
Programs and Services
Total Expense
Depreciation (non-cash)
Expenses (minus depreciation)
Dues and contributions
Clinics and Camps
Other Programs
Retail Sales, Misc. Income
Sale of Assets
Investment Income
2012 Statistics
Critter Camp
Each year we host several weeks of Critter Camp where
kids ages 7-12 learn about sheltering, caring for pets at
home, and how they can make a difference in the lives of
26 kids 55 kids
56 kids
60 kids
75 kids
75 kids
- Critter Camp
- S.T.A.R. (Special Training to Adopt and Rescue) Camp
- California Littles Camp (new in 2013)
Humane Education
we reached 539 people in our varied Humane
Education programs including:
- Tours at the shelter
- presentations in area classrooms
- Fundraising programs
- offsite events
1,361 adoptions in 2012 (26 per week)
adoption rate
H.O.P.E. (Helping Our Pets Excel) foster families
host shelter animals during their stay with us, so they can recuperate,
grow, or unwind in a cozy environment less stressful than our kennels.
Our Now Touring adoption campaign makes it easy to
adopt shelter pets by offering off-site adoptions at select spots
in western Montana.
302 = number of strays & found pets taken in during 2012
$270 = average cost per animal intake
$81,540 = total spent on Lost & Found animals in 2012
SO, we offer low-cost microchipping and ID tags
to help get pets home quickly
Lost + Found
2012 Statistics
Volunteer Program
number of volunteers who help keep the shelter running
Volunteers worked 5460 hours in 2012
hours required to
make sure all pets
get 20 minutes of
socialization &
attention each day
Got 20 minutes?
To keep our shelter pets happy and healthy,
they each get 20 minutes of human play & socialization time, every day.
Our Volunteers:
Walk dogs
Play with cats
Clean up kennels
Make our landscaping beautiful
Bag food for our pet food bank
Help us with special events
Assit with clerical tasks
Work the front desk
Greet and direct guests
2013 board member
Jenn Clary
Shannon Stage
Jenn Clary is the owner of Encompass Design and
co-owner of Encompass Architecture. The Encompass
businesses perform residential design services and full
service architectural work that strive to create quality,
sustainable projects through a thoughtful design process
that reflect client's needs, values and seek to bring
imagination to reality. Jenn also currently serves on the
Humane Society's Fundraising Committee. Jenn and her
partner Heather have adopted three of their four pets
through the Humane Society. One dog, Cooper, from the
“buskies” crew (bus of Huskies), and two cats, Peyton
and Tucky. The fourth animal, a dog named Piper, is
also a rescue from another state. Jenn has always been
an advocate for all animals and sees working with the
Humane Society a blessing.
Shannon Stage currently works at Estep, Hope and Weber
Capital Management, Inc., a locally owned investment firm
specializing in customized portfolio management, socially
responsible investing and estate planning integrated with
charitable giving. Shannon and her husband, Patrick,
attempt to take advantage of everything Missoula has to
offer. Shannon adopted her first pet from the Humane
Society in Missoula when she was 13 years old, a little dog
named Fred. Currently Shannon and Patrick have three
adored pets which were all adopted from the Humane
Society of Western Montana. Missy, a lab/hound mix
surrendered to the shelter (her original family thought she
was 'unadoptable') seven years ago; Willow, the only kitten
Shannon could find in January four years ago; and Buffy,
the first 'Ambassador Pet' cat adopted from the shelter!
saving Every Animal. Every time. by Nicole Nolte, Shelter supervisor
It is estimated that one in 200 cats are affected by diabetes;
and the Humane Society has three! Thanks to the care
made possible by contributions to the Emily Kantor Medical
Assistance Fund, Sam, Gibson and Tinker all are receiving
easy-to-administer insulin injections and a high protein diet,
which helps ensure they live normal, happy lives.
Diabetes mellitus occurs when insulin production becomes
ineffective in regulating the flow of glucose from a cat’s
bloodstream into his or her body cells. This reduces the
energy provided by glucose in a cat’s diet, causing weight
loss due to the body’s reliance on protein and fat stored for
Adopt Gibson
Help give this fun-loving diabetic cat a home
Looking for a bit of unconditional love?
Then Gibson is your guy! He is an
eight-year-old diabetic cat in
need of a loving and knowing
family. Gibson’s needs are
minimal: he would like a
lap to keep warm, toys to
play with, his insulin shots
every 12 hours and two
squares of high protein
food a day.
Contact the Humane
What to look for . . .
Society of Western
Symptoms of feline diabetes/insulin deficiency include:
• A ravenous appetite
• Unexplained weight loss
• Increased water consumption and urination
can make Gibson a loving
Montana to learn how you
part of your family.
Web | Email | Phone 406.549.3934
How to treat it . . .
Once an individual treatment plan is established, feline
diabetes is managed by:
• Twice daily insulin injections
• A high-protein diet
• Periodic monitoring of blood glucose levels (this can be
done at home or at a veterinary clinic)
• Maintaining your cat’s healthy weight
saving Every Animal. Every time.
pet loss support group
Pets are family.
The Humane Society of Western Montana, in partnership with Hospice of Missoula, will be holding four-week sessions
for pet loss. Whether you've lost a pet or are anticipating the loss of a pet, the process of coming together and
memorilizing as a group can be a very cathartic, bonding experience.
FIRST SESSION: July 25, August 1, August 8 and August 15
SECOND SESSION: February 20, February 27, March 6 and March 13 (2014)
All sessions will be held at Natural Grocers (2530 S. 3rd St. West) from 6:30pm - 8:00pm.
To sign up: please call Hospice of Missoula (543-4408) or the Humane Society, 549-4796 x202.
Mary Place Allyn will be leading this support group. Mary has been with Hospice of Missoula since 2008 and a therapist
for over twenty years. She is also an adjunct professor at the Walla Walla Graduate School Extension, which specializes
in clinical social work here in Missoula.
GIFTS RECEIVED FEB 14, 2013 - JUNE 14, 2013
In memory
of beloved
Lynn Ascher
"Mazie" Grace
JoAnne Foley
"Jack" dillon-kautz
"Sirus” Kelly
Judy and Clifford Walker
Miriam and William Cordes
"Ozzie" & "Sebastian/
Miriam and William Cordes
"Cissy" Beardsley
Quick Paws
Nancy Heil and Martha Buser
"Penn" Kuchel
Craig and Joan Kuchel
“Pet” Kutzman-Faure
Jan Brocci and Mike Williams
"Nell" Caldwell
Lauren Caldwell
"Xena" Capehart
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hughes
"Dusty" Cherubini
Breanne and Ed Ender
Margaret Kingsand
"Chloee” Christian
Quick Paws
"Ishq" Clark
Martha Buser and Nancy Heil
"Anubis” Davenport
Quick Paws
"Jack” Davis
Quick Paws
"Echo" Delaney
Georgia Delaney
"Molly" Dowling
Miriam and William Cordes
"Buddy" Eckhart
Kathleen and Joseph Eckhart
"Dusty" Egan
In memory
of people
who loved
Lowaine and Nikki Lee
"Reighley" Lemke
Vick and Jean Applegate
"Shadow" Lett
Ben and Jennie Yonce
"Roger" Lonski
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hughes
"Katie" Lubaroff
"Mackie" McCann
Jennifer Carter
"Magic" Miller
Paul Miller
"Gunnar" Minnick
Janel and Lloyd Queen
"Crosby" Neal
Joel Lankford
"El Dorado" O'Connor
Heather Hammond
"Magy" Palin
Angie Palin
"Hailey" Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hughes
"Luna" Phillip
George Vukich and Maureen Buckley
"Hasting Angel Pooh Bear"
Matt Zdanek
"Sam" Samhammer
"Derby" Foster
Angela Hinman
"Miles" French
Jason Granvold
Suzanne Aboulfadl
Jim and Susan Polich
Marianne and Tim Tronstad
Mike and Linda Mackovich
"Bea" Mackovich
Spider McKnight and
Bridget Carson
Miriam and William Cordes
Mary Birch
Ruth Bissett
"Madison" Queen
"Shay" & "Onyx" Foley
Matt Zdanek
Quick Paws
Robert and Joan Egan
"Payton" Ender
Breanne and Ed Ender
Gerrie Jeske
"Mitsy & Annie" Lee
"Mij" Tkatschenko
"Floyd" the office cat
Steven Benzschawel
Jim and Susan Polich
Kim Brown Campbell
Bobbi Day
Heather Kinnear
Cindy Wulfekuhle
John Adams
Nancy Rittel
Jean Harte
Peggy Seel
Miriam and William Cordes
Quick Paws
"Maisy" Leary
"Daisy" Birch
Erin Catterton
Nonda Beardsley
"Tigger" Benzschawel
"Vettie" Gibson-Turley
Janel and Lloyd Queen
Bridget Johnson and
Henry Ward
"Sirus" Schertz-Kelley
Deandria Gutzmer
"Madeline" Small
"Jack" dillon-kautz
"Josie" Harte
Ruth Z Bissett Estate (Barbara Treasure)
Margaret "Miggie" Kohlhase
Gail and Dave Barney
Catharine and Frank McCall
Dick Morgan
Robert and Sandra Morgan
Margaret McPike
Dolores Criswell
Earl Morgenroth
Marcia and Bill Amrine
Shirley Moore and Dalynne Moore
Brenda Thayer
Margaret Louise Nelson
Dean Hoistad
Gregory and Jerrilyn Scheytt
Robert H. Newman
Nancy Braun
Carolyn and Daniel Driscoll
Colleen and Richard Dyer
Phyllis and J. Ferrier
Patty Koch
Darius and Janet Palen
John Weinert
Ethel Yvonne Powell
The Ice Hounds
Nina Roselina
Anne and Jon Bertsche
Edna Merle Bond
Tom Sak
Robert DeMarois
Jim Sevores
Cruz Hanson
Jacquelyn Cecile Smith
Jay Evan Harris
Alice Soerenson
Joanne Manchester
U.S. Bank
Denise Small
Melissa Hanson
Big Sky Blues Umpire Association (Wayne Wade)
First Security Bank
Mount Sentinel Little League (Stacie Stensrud)
Susan Muralt
Sandi Ramos
Mandy Henson
Devan and David Bahm
Brooke Billadeau
Carol Billadeau
Rebecca and Darren Gordon
Kathy and John Monzie
Sandra OBryant
Peggy Tonon
Lorelei and Christopher Warden
Linda and Walter Zimmer
Ripley Hugo
Sandi Ramos
Debra Leatherman
Cynthia Winchell
Lynn Ascher
Lily Mae Stonesifer
Quick Paws
Evelyn Marie Morgansen
Van Dyke
Laura and Drew Smith
Finn Ward
Anthony Navarro and Risa Lange-Navarro
Andrea Luckett
"Kokanee" & "Waya"
Pat and John O'Buck
"Mo Mo" Aman
"Miss Tina" Grochowski
Jane Grochowski
"Wyclef & Scott" Cordes
Miriam and William Cordes
People who
love pets
ken shughart
Breanne and Ed Ender
Carin Pugh Hansen
Jamie Yule
Gerry Blackman
Sarah Bryan
Jean Brudd (Kindrid Spirits Gift Shop, LLC)
Dan Calahan
Joshua Herbold
Lorri Chlapowski
Wells Fargo Community
John Engen
Amber Morrison
Elaine Eshleman
PayneWest Insurance (Sarah Kelly)
Kenneth Farmer
General Electric
Mary Ann Flockerzi
Ethel MacDonald
Char Frojen
Jamie Lockman
Kate Geranios
Dr. Jan Hiller
Gary Baty
Daniel Combo
David and Mary Dickson
Christina Jardon
Nancy Jardon
Sharon Johnson
Payne Financial Group
A BIG thank you, woof, and meow to all who attended the 2013 Ken Shughart
Humanitarian Award Dinner. The evening, emceed by Mayor John Engen and
honoring local photographer Elizabeth Stone, was a huge success and raised
over $93,000 to support the Humane Society’s mission of Saving Every Animal.
Every Time. We are committed to making a difference in the lives of companion
animals in Western Montana, and we couldn’t do it without your help, so THANK
Terry King
Sam and Marilyn Lemaich
Santford Martin
Duke Energy Foundation
Reid Perkins
Bill and Carole Jensen
Russ Read
Quick Paws
Rachel Sehestedt
Amgen PAC (Patrick Gliha)
Elizabeth Stone
Cheryl Cogswell
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Cogswell
Jacque Lanier
Athena Lonsdale
Ed Rosenthal
Jona Lagerstrom
Maureen Mann
Jamie Lockman
Cheyenne Lagerstrom
Nonprofit Organization
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 2
Missoula, MT 59801
24low-income spay/neuter clinic
7volunteer orientation @ 11 am
24 Volunteer appreciation party
for cats
Ten Spoon Winery from 6-8pm
25pet loss support group
go to page 9 for more information
2volunteer orientation @ 5 pm
in the Humane Society's education room
3volunteer orientation @ 11 am
in the Humane Society's education room
3off-site adoptions
Dairy Queen on Higgins Avenue
8annual meeting @ 6 PM
in the Humane Society's education room
in the Humane Society's education room
Higgins Avenue, 10am - 4pm
22 Canine classic
at The Resort at Paws Up
4volunteer orientation @ 5 pm
in the Humane Society's education room
5volunteer orientation @ 11 am
wish list
5930 HIGHWAY 93 S.
in the Humane Society's education room
18 ASPCA MEga Matchathon
at the Humane Society
19aspca mega matchathon
at the Humane Society
17petfest & off-site adotions
at Caras Park from 10am - 3pm
23bone ball
at Caras Park Pavilion, 5:30pm
6volunteer orientation @ 5 pm
in the Humane Society's education room
Our hours: 1 - 6 PM Tuesdays Fridays and noon - 5 PM on Saturdays.
We are closed Sundays, Mondays and
major holidays.
• amazon wishlist
KMR (kitten formula)
for neonatal kittens
• esbilac formula
for neonatal puppies
• scoopable & gravel litter
we change a lot of boxes!
• large rawhides & Kongs
stress reduction for dogs
• dry erase markers
to keep track of all the details
• 8.5 x 11 white copy paper
for adoption contracts
• zip ties
to connect carriers
• ziploc bags
portion food for our food bank
•gently used dog toys
dogs love 'em!
•food scales
for kitten weight checks
•shower CD players
for stress reduction in kennels
we use 728 gallons/year!
•scratching boards