BLACKBUSH DROVE WHITTLESEY CAMBRIDGESHIRE PE7 2LJ 01354 652502 TO LET BY TENDER on instructions from Agricultural Property THE WHITTLESEY CHARITY BLACKBUSH DROVE WHITTLESEY CAMBRIDGESHIRE PE7 2LJ Particulars of TWO ENCLOSURES OF ARABLE LAND extending to 15.356 acres (6.21 hectares) (more or less) TO LET BY TENDER AS A WHOLE ON A SIX YEAR FARM BUSINESS TENANCY Tenders Close: 12 Noon, Wednesday 30th September 2015. Ref: SAP/JW/1565 20-24 Market Place, March, Cambridgeshire PE15 9JH Offices at Chatteris, March & Wisbech. Auction Hall at Wisbech. 01354 652502 Agricultural Property DESCRIPTION - Two enclosures of arable land at Blackbush Drove, Whittlesey, comprising 5.26 acres (more or less) situate opposite the junction with Camber's New Drove and 10.11 acres (more or less) located a short distance away. SCHEDULE RLR Map No. Acres Ha. TL 2593 - 5982 5.26 2.13 TL 2593 - 4107 10.11 4.09 LAND CLASSIFICATION - The land is classified as Grade 1 on the Agricultural Land Cassification Map of England and Wales (Sheet 134). PREVIOUS CROPPING Field No. 5982 2015 - Winter Wheat TENURE AND POSSESSION - The two fields are offered to Let, as a whole, on a Six Year Farm Business Tenancy deemed to commence on 11th October 2015 to 10th October 2021 (unless the parties agree to continue the tenancy). A sample agreement will be available for inspection at the offices of Maxey Grounds & Co. by appointment. Early entry will be permitted in order that the new Tenant can commence cultivations. The Tenant will be required to sign the Tenancy Agreement prior to entering on the land. TENANT RIGHT - There will be no claim for tenant right, nor any claim for dilapidation (if any) at the commencement of the tenancy. RENT - The rent will be paid half yearly in arrears on 6th April and 11th October. The rent will be fixed for the first 3 years of the tenancy. There will be provision for 3 yearly reviews, thereafter. 2014 - Potatoes 2013 - Winter Barley 2012 - Winter Barley 2011 - Wheat Field No. 4107 METHOD OF LETTING - Completed Tender Forms should be submitted to Maxey Grounds & Co., 20 - 24 Market Place, March, PE15 9JH, in a sealed envelope marked" TENDER FOR BLACKBUSH LAND" by 12 noon on Wednesday, 30th September 2015. 2015 - Winter Wheat 2014 - Sugar Beet 2013 - Winter Barley 2012 - Winter Barley 2011 - Winter Wheat Any person wishing to have acknowledgement of safe receipt of a Tender should send a covering letter, with the sealed envelope, as NO marked tenders will be opened until after 12 noon on Wednesday, 30th September 2015. 01354 652502 Agricultural Property No tender marked "subject to contract" or qualified in any way will be entertained. Tenders must be made on the form attached to these particulars. The Landlords are not bound to accept the highest, or indeed, any tender. BASIC PAYMENT SCHEME - The land is registered with the Rural Payments Agency and has been used to activate entitlements by the previous Tenant. Arrangements will be made to transfer these entitlements to the new Tenant, without charge, for the period of this tenancy. The entitlements (or such other payment units as might replace the entitlements) will be transferred to the Landlords or their nominee at the termination of the tenancy, at no charge. The land has not been entered into any Countryside Stewardship or Entry Level Schemes. WAYLEAVE AND EASEMENTS - All wayleave payments (if any) remain with the Landlords. SPORTING RIGHTS - The sporting rights are NOT included in the letting. 20-24 Market Place, March, Cambridgeshire PE15 9JH Offices at Chatteris, March & Wisbech. Auction Hall at Wisbech. PLANS AND AREA - The particulars have been prepared using the metric edition of the Ordnance Survey Map. OUTGOINGS - Drainage rates are payable to the Middle Level Commissioners and Whittlesey Internal Drainage Board. The apportioned rates, for guidance, for the year to 31st March 2016, are:Middle Level Commissioners Whittlesey I.D.B. £228.02 - £105.24 The outgoing Tenant has paid the drainage rates for the full year and the new Tenant will be required to pay the sum of £156.76 to reimburse him for the period 11th October 2015 to 31st March 2016. The Tenant will be responsible for paying all drainage rates during the tenancy. VIEWING - At any reasonable daylight hour with particulars in hand. PARTICULARS PREPARED - September 2015. 01354 652502 Agricultural Property Important Notice – Maxey Grounds & Co LLP for themselves and all employees and for the Vendors and Lessors of this property for whom they act as Agent give notice that these particulars are a general outline only for guidance, having been prepared in good faith, and do not constitute an offer or contract. Measurements and distances are given as a guide only. We have endeavoured to ensure the information is accurate, but we would urge you to contact the relevant office of Maxey Grounds & Co LLP before travelling any great distance to ensure that your impression of the property is as we intended. The services, appliances and equipment have not been tested and prospective Purchasers/Tenants should satisfy themselves on such matters prior to purchase/lease. No person in the employment of Maxey Grounds & Co LLP has any authority to make or give representation or warranties whatever in relation to the property. 20-24 Market Place, March, Cambridgeshire PE15 9JH Offices at Chatteris, March & Wisbech. Auction Hall at Wisbech.