
AUCTION 16. Nov.
kl. 19.00 at LANDMARK
EXIBITION BERGEN KUNSTHALL 10. Nov. kl. 20.00-22.00
Street art for street papers kom til verden som et morsomt ordspill: gatekunst for gatemagasiner. Deretter
utviklet det seg til å bli en internasjonal ide, og nå har det blitt en utstilling av gatekunst og en veldedighets­
auksjon. Utrolig hvordan ting baller på seg...
Street art for street papers auksjonen er en veldedig auksjon som samler inn penger til å arrangere en inter­
nasjonal støttekonsert til the International Network of Street Papers (INSP). Konserten heter Street noise og
går av stabelen 15. mai, 2009. Alt overskuddet fra denne konserten går uavkortet til INSP, og vil hjelpe dem
i sitt arbeide med å bekjempe fattigdom ved å hjelpe til å etablere gatemagasiner rundt i hele verden, men
med et spesielt fokus på Afrika, og å jobbe for den frie presse, som jo gatemagasiner også er.
I dag har vi utstillt en rekke bilder fra gatekunstnere i hele verden. Men det er flere på vei, så på selve auk­
sjonsdage, søndag 16. november klokken 19:00, vil det være enda flere fantastiske kunstverk. Alle som er
interessert i å få oppdateringer på nye kunstverk, skriv dere på mailingklisten som ligger i utstillingslokalet,
så sender vi ut bilder når vi får mer i posten.
Jeg vil gjerne få benytte denne anledningen til å takke de som har vært med på å gjøre dette mulig: Først og
fremst vil jeg takke alle kunstnerne som har donert alle disse fantastiske kunstverkene, Berit Burmester, tus­
en takk for at du ikke ble stresset av alt maset mitt, Pedro Pinto, tusen takk for at du sto på så hardt, Morten
på, takk for all hjelp med å skaffe kunstverk, Kunsthall og Landmark, tusen takk for
deres fantastiske jobb med utstillingen, og for at dere stilte opp på så kort tid, og tusen takk til min familie
som har holdt ut med meg den siste måneden.
Håper dere liker utstillingen.
Morten Heszlein-Lossius
Bilde: Teenage Alien
Åpningsbud: kr. 7000,Banditology:
Stop thinking outside the box.
You aren’t gonna get anywhere like that.
Master the box.
Think inside it and make it your own.
Finally: Go out and do your shit without getting recognized.
Elyasaf Kowner
Åpningsbud: 500
Elyasaf Kowner comes from Israel, but now lives in New York City, usa. On his website, he states “Spraying stenciled graffiti has been my main medium during the
the begining of the 1990’s.
I started using graffiti in Israel after feeling a desire to expose my art, later while living in New York city I first pasted original artwork in the street and later made
stencils of small Embryotic shapes composing large figures.
Åpningsbud: 10.000,Factories, buildings, vehicles and people are puzzled together to form complex cities and strange new worlds as this amazing artist assembles his army of stencils
and goes to work on yet another wall.
Åpningsbud: NOK 7.000,From the turn of the millenium Sixten has spread his stencils from the streets of his native Sweden to the alleyways of Melbourne. The last few years his work has
been exhibited widely in Asia, as well as in Europe and the USA. In his paintings Sixten uses a variety of different techniques, along with ridiculous amounts of
turpentine, spray paint and blood to achieve the dirty gritty feel which has become his trademark.
Bilde: Hard Work
Åpningsbud: NOK 10.000,Pøbel is a humble artist from Norway who likes to paint deserted houses and stranded whales. His images are known to be big, beautiful, high on detail, and slightly
Åpningsbud: NOK 30.000,Dolk Lundgren, or simply Dolk (Norwegian for dagger/knife), is a Norwegian stencil artist whose work has rapidly gained popularity since first being introduced to
the masses via Wooster Collective (street works) and Pictures on Walls (POW) (commercially available prints). His «official» biography, courtesy of POW, stated, «The
premier stencil artist in Norway and wise beyond his years, Dolk has been voted ‘most likely to succeed’ by his classmates at vandal school.» POW went on to say,
«Direct from Bergen, Norway we present Dolk Lundgren. An exciting new artist who lists amongst his hobbies ‘sex, sex, and vandalism’.» Dolk’s profile from Stencil
Revolution lists his occupation as «fluffer» and states his interests as «stencils, painting, exploring, sex.»
Dr. D
Bilde: Make a risible difference
Åpningsbud: NOK 500,Around 1999 after reading No Logo by Naomi Klein, in particular the bit about Ron English changing billboards with paint alterations, it occurred to me that I could
do something similar. I cut the letters «Su» from one billboard and placed them over another. The ad that had read «Suddenly everything clicks» had been subverted
to say «Suddenly everything Sucks».
Just for the record some boards are anagrams of the available letters, some are just stupid, some are trying to draw your attention to an issue, hopefully they’re all
more amusing and less mind numbing than being constantly sold crap that you don’t really need. The billboards are usually real cut n paste not Photoshop as has
been the understandable accusation of those who haven’t seen them in the flesh. Obviously if you’re making posters from scratch, as some are here too, then you’re
going to use a stencil or turn to your computer, but you still have to get them up and I’ve yet to find the ‘Control Alt Complete’ command on mine...
Bilde: Flyboy
Åpningsbud: NOK 2400,born 1975 in Zagreb, Croatia
drawing and painting since early childhood
1989 -starts to paint graffiti
1994 -starts with graphic design
member of ULUPUH (Croatian association of artists of applied arts), graphic design section
organizer of Zagreb leg of biggest international graffiti festival Meeting of styles
founder of association HHH (Croatian hip hop)
works published worldwide
employed at McCann Erickson Zagreb
personal website:
el Celso
Bilde: Assorted stickers
Åpningsbud: NOK 2000,(package with all works by El Celso)
Celso is an NYC artist working on and off the city`s streets. He was born in Newark, New Jersey and currently resides in Brooklyn. Celso is also an artist-in-residence
at The New York Times described his most recent show, «Post No Bills,» a street art gallery installation in Long Island City as «audacious.» Art newspa­
per The Brooklyn Rail describes Celso as «a street artist with a taste for experimentation, a knack for making things happen and a predilection for drawing colorful
naked women.»
Celso`s figurative drawings, paintings and original works on Plexiglas were also the subject of a documentary series, «The Streets of New York,» which was broadcast
on NHK in Japan in the spring of 2008. His work is also featured in numerous street art books, publications and web sites. His next show «A Maze,» will open at Fac­
tory Fresh in Brooklyn in November 2008. He is also participating in «The Brooklyn Street Art Show» at the Thinkspace Gallery in Los Angeles in January 2009 and
the Havana Biennial in the spring. Celso enjoys working with models, painting where he is not supposed to, traveling to exotic lands and motorcycling.
el Celso
Bilde: Woman on poster
Åpningsbud: NOK 2000,(package with all works by El Celso)
Bilde: Woman on canvas
Åpningsbud: NOK 2000,(package with all works by El Celso)
Åpningsbud: NOK 8000,Born and raised in Glasgow, Rugman has lived and worked in good old East London for the last 10 years. A graphic artist by trade his early roots are in the com­
mercial art world. While working to make a living, he has been either locked away in his studio in Hackney Wick painting his pop-style canvases or papering and
stenciling the streets of East London.
Best known for his sadistic clown work there is always an element of quirkiness and fear in his art. His love of 70’s America and comic books tend to shine through
in his work, which has been exhibited alongside such artists as Eelus, Eine, Pure Evil, and D-Face in London, Dublin, Barcelona and Manchester. Most recently he has
been involved in both the Cans Festival and Cans 2, the POW street art festival located under Waterloo rail station which includes some of the leading urban artists
and Graff artists of today
Rene Gagnon
Åpningsbud: NOK 3500,I grew up in Fall River, MA, USA. I was one of the first graffiti artists in Fall River and the surrounding areas to truly get out and bomb. I tagged under the alias «SNO». My reign of
vandalism took place between the years 1986 to 1993. As with many other aspects of my life I took graffiti to the Nth degree and was widely recognized amongst my peers and sub­
sequently the police. After getting in my fair share of trouble I retired my markers and spray cans and went to art school. I attended The Massachusetts College of Art in Boston and
graduated with a degree in Illustration in 1999. After my graduation I worked as a freelance illustrator and graphic design teacher.
In 2000, I was fed up illustrating for clients and I began painting for me again, void of any notion to sell my work. This endeavor brought me back to my roots. I began using graf­
fiti form and color to create large abstract works on canvas. This renewed vitality in my work brought out my true artistic soul and an insatiable urge to get back out on the street.
Although now, unlike when I was a teenager, I carefully choose the placements and the content of my work instead of wildly writing my name on every possible surface. My current
street work can sometimes be harsh statements about war, quirky commentary on commercialism, or a piece done just for the sake of doing it. I’m a doer. I do art. If I took the time to
understand «why» I create art, maybe I’d talk myself out of doing it. So instead I give in to it. I make my ideas a reality. Ideas left in your head are just that «ideas». When you put them
up on the street or on canvas your giving birth to something that didn’t exist beforehand. Giving birth to my ideas and making them real for others to enjoy is my mission.
Luke da duke
Åpningsbud: NOK 400,Graphic designer, illustrator, teacher in the arts.
A healthy interest in urban life and streetart.
Åpningsbud: NOK 1000,Hometown: I come from Huddersfield, in northern England.
Education: I studied Art & Design at college, then did a degree in Graphics at University.
Work: I have always drawn/painted/created and now I continue to try to get my drawings onto as many surfaces as I can. I run a live art night, and an online arts/
culture magazine called ‘Dirt Cheap’
Åpningsbud: NOK 5000,Mogul colors stuff and everything else you might want to know you can find on the stuff that is colored
Snub 23
Åpningsbud: NOK 600,Snub23 is a member of Grafik Warfare.
SNUB was born of frustration. Leaving my mark in any place and in anyway is the name of my game. Coming to a lamp post near you soon.
Bilde: Porque
Åpningsbud: NOK 2000,Originally from NYC and now living in Barcelona Ripo knows the importance of being surrounded with a diverse and creative environment. Constantly developing
and working on a strongly graphic, typographic, and calligraphic style he relays his thoughts and feelings to the public often in the form of large, hand painted,
text-based murals. There’s usually a subtle but essential presence of sarcasm and contradiction in what he chooses to say, as there is in all of our lives. His influences
are deeply rooted in his extensive travels and the large tours he has realized across Europe and Latin America. He has exhibited (mostly illegally) his work in over 36
countries across the world. This April he just finished a tour of South and Central America, traveling and painting large murals in 11 countries from Brazil to Mexico
over the course of a 5 and a half month period.
Chris Stain
Åpningsbud: NOK 2000,Recently street artist Chris Stain has been pasting up his art around town with Swoon. He says that in 1984, he was one of the «kids who became infected by graffiti’s
bold colors, striking form, and independent nature.» Decades later he looked at his own work, describing it as a direct reflection of his surroundings -- «the people,
neighborhoods, and struggles, that are swept along with the every day lives of the common American.»
John Fekner
Bilde: Broken Promises
Åpningsbud: NOK 1000,John Fekner (b. NYC), is a street and multimedia artist, who in the 1970s created hundreds of environmental and conceptual outdoor works consisting of stenciled
words, symbols, dates and icons spray painted throughout New York. Throughout his thirty-year career in the arts, Fekner has made a commitment within his work
by consistently addressing issues that demonstrate an interest involving concepts of perception and transformation, as well as specific environmental and socio­
logical concerns such as urban decay, greed, chemical pollutants, mass media and Native American Indians. Fekner creates multiple versions of work in entirely
different media and will use whatever means are necessary to communicate a vision or message, and whose work changes as that vision expands.
Klone Yourself
Åpningsbud: NOK 1500,-
Åpningsbud: NOK 1500,-
Åpningsbud: NOK 1500,-
Åpningsbud: NOK 1500,-
The lover
Åpningsbud: NOK 2000,-
Åpningsbud: NOK 500,-
Bilde: X-ray dog
Åpningsbud: NOK 500,-
Zef is a street artist from London.
Know Hope
Åpningsbud: NOK 2800,21-year-old Know Hope was born in California and currently resides in Tel Aviv, Israel. Wise beyond his years, the young artist has been working in the streets since
his teens, as well as participating in exhibitions in Israel and the US. «I can’t exactly say what kind of social conscience I have, but I do like to think that I react to my
surroundings, from some point of observing and suggesting recollections and some sort of subtle commentary on what I pick up,» he says. «From these observa­
tions, I try to figure out the most basic and even simplistic components and aspects that compose our reality and the forms of communication/miscommunication
that are happening all around us at any given time.»
Know Hope is inspired by «the awkward struggle of everyday life as a common denominator and as something that happens in real time. The idea that everything
is temporary, both physically and metaphorically. Electricity poles and their power lines, and the personification of those elements. Everyday urban surroundings.»
Through his work, he hopes «to move heavy hearts at least one inch to the side by confessing that I’m petrified and secretly in love with the world.»
Åpningsbud: NOK 400,We are two independent human beings from Hamburg, Germany and founded the «Zonenkinder Collective» in 2000 as a cooperative project to create our own
world of a(r)tmosphere. Apart from various exhibitions as well as interior and exterior designs across Europe and overseas, our works are published in dedicated
magazines, books and on several worldwide known internet platforms.
Influenced by mixed memories resulting from our various journeys to Europe, Asia and Africa, from our love for the flavour of graffiti, for arcimboldo, Hieronymus
Bosch and our positive thinking we try to merge contemporary “streetart”, popsurrealism and character design with ethnical elements thereby creating our own
In fact sometimes we do not really know what kind of art we create…often we just discover places which scream for color and revival or we suddenly see diffuse parts,
faces, animals in a fresh painted wall or a tree and let it flow…we love to jam together and to pour our soul direct on the wall while creating a new piece of art, …
Bilde (til venstre):
Åpningsbud: NOK 2500,Fremantle says in an interview: My name comes from a joke with friends quite some time before I started stenciling. I usually sign all my stencils with my logo
instead of a name. I only had to use my name «fremantle» mostly on the internet where I had to have a name that could be written so I didn’t think much when
choosing it ! I prefer using a logo when painting. In general a lot of people don’t see the connection, I like the fact that people can get that it’s the same person doing
all the work but I don’t really care about having a proper name.
Bilde(til høyre):
Åpningsbud: NOK 2500,-
Bilde: Altered Existence
Åpningsbud: NOK 7000,Dave Kinsey was born in Pittsburgh in 1971 and attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and the Art Institute of Atlanta before moving to California in 1994 to pursue
a career as a designer and fine artist. His work captures the universal essence of the human condition mainly through an energetic portrayal of urban figures. Work­
ing spontaneously, and utilizing a range of mediums, he constructs multi-layered, textured environments easily likened to the complexities of contemporary life.
His images depict beings who are both triumphant in their defiant stance to their surroundings, and tragic, as they transmit a visual display of raw emotion and
jangled nerves. Kinsey founded BLK/MRKT Gallery in 2001, allowing him to provide a crossroads for a new movement of emerging and electrifying iconoclasts. In
addition to these pursuits his fine art has been shown in galleries and museums worldwide, among these a recent exhibition at the URBIS Museum in Manchester
and Art Brussels in Belgium. He has also been featured in such publications as The New York Times, Black Book and BLK/MRKT One and Two, and invited to speak at
numerous institutions such as The Art Center, UCLA, Montserrat College of Art and most recently, the Semi-Permanent conference in Sydney, Australia.
Åpningsbud: NOK 3000,I live and work in Milan, which is the place of my street-art propaganda.. The first stencils with some attitude hit the streets in 2005; they were quite. different from the ones I make
now and not only from a technical standpoint…. subjects were koy carps which, being so coloured, are suitable for a pictorial. treatment, colourful backgrounds and interactions be­
tween spray and brush.. I have never made writing, I don’t know why I started pasting carps in the. street but it was fun and I’m still learning a lot: it suddenly became. something I
have devoted myself to.. Now I spend a lot of time on it, my stencils are getting cleaner and bigger. I. mainly paint legally in jams or authorized events, I want to do things. properly,
I don’t care about vandalism, I don’t like tags all over the places,. the only illegal thing I do is poster affiche.. Shepard Fairey is my favourite street artist, his style surprises me all the.
time. I also like very much Logan Hicks’ stencils.. I have spent a lot of time preparing new stencils for difusor and after long. solitude and silence now I’m looking forward to having
fun with my x-acto,. working with and meeting as many people as possible: this will be a dream come. true.. In the future I’ll participate in all possible events as I always find the
right. attitude for working and sharing experiences with no police problems. I have got. stopped by the police several times while pasting up, it’s not a big deal in. Milan, the city is
pretty well covered with posters and the police knows street. art: once they ascertain posters do not convey political messages, they let you. go.. Recently in Milan there have been
two illegal events in abandoned industrial. sites, Whereis101 and Whereis107, where everybody was invited to participate:. they have been wonderful days, something like a street
art fairground (the. police too let us work!). I wish other events like these will come soon... I must say that in Milan things are not so bad, media and town authorities too. are trying
to promote this kind of artistic expression: it’s a good moment for. street art!.
Åpningsbud: NOK 9000,With a political activist background Arofish has certainley earned his stripes in anti war stencil art. It’s not only the image thats important to the artist but also the
location, very much liking his graffiti to interact with it’s surroundings. Now residing in London you’ll find his works not only in the capital city but as far a field as
Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine.
Åpningsbud: NOK 2000,-
Bilde (til venstre):
Åpningsbud: NOK 1500,-
Bilde (til høyre):
Åpningsbud: NOK 1500,-
el Cartel
Åpningsbud: NOK 50,(applies to all posters)
El Cartel emerged in 1998 to claim the streets as a space for public opinion. Mutis, Eneko, César Fernandez Arias, Olaf and Sean, Alias Jaque Le Biscuit (an early sub­
stitute to César), agree to draw, finance and fly post their thematic posters four times a year. Censoship and art direction do not apply to El Cartel. This collective
inundates the streets of Madrid conscious of the inherent delictive quality of graffiti. Recently Mutis has left the collective and César took over his broom.
El Cartel travels, collaborates with some publications, exhibitions, biennales, and other forms of social manifestations. More than artisitic pursuit, a form of com­
munication. One of many
el Cartel
Åpningsbud: NOK 50,- (applies to all posters)
Tagger Andersen
Åpningsbud: NOK 1500,Freelance graffiti artist working out of Kristiansand, Norway!
Mr. Mucho
Åpningsbud: NOK 3000,Mr. Mucho, born in 1977. Lives and works in Oslo, Norway.
«I like to spend time with my family and to make things. At the moment, I’m working on moving sculptures and planning new mosaic projects. My best friend is
Is this you?
Åpningsbud: NOK 100,we’ve been collecting these pictures for some years now. they come from photobooths and pavements all over the UK.
the isthisyou project was born out of a simple question: is it possible to reunite these images with their owners?
Bilde (til høyre):
Åpningsbud: NOK 150,-
Beth Granter
Åpningsbud: NOK 300,After travelling around the world, I completed a biology degree, then went around the world again, before coming back to Brighton to do an MA in digital media.
Then I worked on the University of Sussex Web Team as a Project Developer, designing and managing the development of social networking community mashup
site, SPLASH - Student Personal Learning And Social Homepages, and designing and building all of the interiors on the University Second Life project. I now work as
a Community Project Manager at Twenty First Century Communications in London, where I manage social media and community projects for a variety of organisa­
I am a digital artist / illustrator / graphic designer and have worked on a number of print publications. I am interested in new media art and street art.
I sometimes work freelance for the BBC - creating video content for the web, and writing reviews of shows I go to.
I am also interested in feminism, queer politics, animal rights, ecology, sexology and evolutionary psychology. I enjoy World of Warcraft and other online worlds.
My main is on Dragonblight and is called Bodium.
Jeff Aerosol
Åpningsbud: NOK 35000,Jef Aerosol belongs to the first French street art generation of the early 80s. After experimenting with copy-art in the late 70s, Jef went on to work with stencils, a
craft that inspired urban artists like C215 after him. Inspired by music, film and literature, his trademark mix of life-size actors, musicians and poets can be seen on
walls in numerous cities, including Paris, London, Lille, Chicago, Venice and Amsterdam.
He has exhibited his works in a number of solo and group shows around the world, including his first UK solo show in London 2007 and this year Amaze stencil
festival in Belgium with fellow Opus Underground artists Hush and Pure Evil. Jef is a true legend in the street art world.
Åpningsbud: NOK 300,Goro is a streetartist from Poland.
Åpningsbud: NOK 10000,-
Morten Heszlein-Lossius
Tlf: 9077 3295