EHA Newsletter March 2016 - Erindale Hockey Association


EHA Newsletter March 2016 - Erindale Hockey Association
Erindale Hockey Association
2015/2016 - Issue 2 - March 2016
Message from the President
As we head into the final weeks of the 2015/2016 hockey season, I want to thank you, once again, for choosing and suppor?ng the E rindale Hockey Associa?on. W e've had an outstanding season which has included a number of tournament wins, another successful fundraising dance, an associa?on day at a Mississauga S teelheads game and, of course, a lot of fun along the way.
In This Issue
What's even more gra?fying, however, is watching the children in our programs develop not only their hockey skills, but also good sportsmanship and generosity on and off the ice. I'm so proud of the many teams who gave their ?me and teamwork this season in support of community ini?a?ves, such as tree plan?ng, volunteering at food banks and suppor?ng local charity drives just to name a few. T hank you for represen?ng E rindale Hockey so well!
Message from the President
Social Media
Erindale to Host A nnual
OHF P eeWee "A"
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of a few upcoming events:
2016/2017 Season
March 29 -­‐ April 10
April 8-­‐10
April 17
April 17
May 10
Good Times at the
Erindale Dance!
Erindale Tyke FesEval
Set to Get Underway
Respect in Sport for
Erindale I P Fes?val
OHF PeeWee " A" Championship
Awards Day
2016/2017 R egistra?on B egins
MHL Annual Charity G olf T ournament
I'd also like to thank all of our outstanding volunteers for all of their hard work this season. E ach year, hundreds of people share their ?me and talents to make E rindale a posi?ve learning environment. T o all of our coaches, trainers, managers, convenors, commi]ee members and board members, I thank you. Y ou are what makes E rindale Hockey a great place to be.
Finally, I want to wish all of our players the best of luck as our playoffs con?nue. Do your best and con?nue to be gracious in victory and defeat!
Yours in hockey,
Ted V arty – President
Erindale Hockey Associa?on
Erindale Hockey Association Newsletter - March 2016
Social Media Highlights
Erindale Hockey Association
ERINDALE H OCKEY A SSOCIATION T O H OST O NTARIO H OCKEY FEDERATION ( OHF) P EEWEE " A" CHAMPIONSHIP The weekend of April 8 through 10 marks the annual Ontario Hockey F edera?on (OHF) championships. T his year the Peewee A division will be hosted by the E rindale S picires Hockey Associa?on of the Mississauga Hockey League ( MHL).
This pres?gious minor hockey event will see the top 5 T eams of 12 and 13 year old hockey players from across Ontario visit the city of Mississauga with their families to compete for the ?tle of Provincial Champions. Par?cipants are expected to enjoy an unforge]able experience. All tournament games will be played at V ic J ohnston Community Arena in S treetsville. With the help of our sponsors, volunteers and the community support, we are commi]ed to providing a first class event and will be making las?ng memories that these kids will never forget. A Gala event will be held on T hursday April 7th, 6pm at the Hilton Mississauga Hotel with two ?me Canadian W omen’s Hockey Olympic G old Medallist Cheryl Pounder addressing the audience as guest speaker. Opening Ceremonies will take place F riday April 8th, 6:15PM at V ic J ohnson Arena followed by a game with our very own E rindale T eam. Admission is free if you wear an E rindale Jersey and bring a non-­‐perishable food item!
All are encouraged to come out and support the event by purchasing a weekend Pass for $25 or a day pass for $10 adult/$5 senior/child. S ponsorship opportuni?es are also available and more informa?on, such as the schedule of games can be found on:
our webpage – h]p:// or by emailing:, Facebook page: 2016 O HF Peewee A F inals.
Tammy W alling
Event Chair
At the E rindale Hockey Associa?on, we pride ourselves on providing a recrea?onal hockey program that develops both hockey and life skills and encourages teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play. W ithout the generosity of our sponsors, none of this would be possible. S ponsorship dollars subsidize the cost of team registra?on fees as well as the cost of uniforms, ice and equipment. In 2016/2017, E rindale will celebrate its 70th anniversary and we are hoping that we can count on your generous support. If you are able to support E rindale Hockey with a sponsorship commitment prior to April 30th, we will offer a $50.00 discount off the regular $500.00 fee.
For more informa?on, please contact B rian Carroll, S ponsorship Director at
On F ebruary 6th, the E rindale F amily came together to celebrate the “other side” of hockey: the rela?onships and connec?ons we make with other parents within the organiza?on. Chair Tracy McGlaughlin-­‐Camara did an outstanding job of ensuring that everyone had a great night, including a fabulous buffet dinner, silent auc?on, raffle, a fun photo booth and, of course, a dance floor that was jam-­‐packed all night! Our aNendees ranged right from our IP parents to a growing number of Alumni! A big shout out to IP Team #6 that won a S treetsville B owling Party for having the most new aNendees par?cipa?ng this year!
Huge thanks go out, once again, to Tracy McGlaughlin-­‐Camara, as well as the evening’s co-­‐
host, Ted Varty, S andra Olmstead for her exper?se and guidance, as well as Jill McVicar, Lori Varty, Maria Maiato, G iselle Lough, K aren Treverton and Tammy Wallings for helping to bring the event to life. We look forward to seeing even more of you on the dance floor next year! If you would like to offer feedback on the dance and/or be part of the planning commiNee next year, please contact Tracy at ERINDALE TYKE FESTIVAL SET TO GET UNDERWAY
The 28th annual E rindale T yke F es?val is quickly approaching. T he puck drops on March 30th and play con?nues through April 9th. W ith 56 teams par?cipa?ng, it's the largest T yke F es?val in N orth America!
Each team plays four games and par?cipates in the T im Horton's S kills Olympics -­‐ an on-­‐ice obstacle course. T here's lots of fun to be had and everyone gets in on the act!
All T yke F es?val par?cipants will receive the following:
• Loot bag
• Tim Hortons's Medal
• Trophy • Skate T owel
• T-­‐Shirt
• Individual Picture
• Snack and drink for three games
• Pizza Party for fourth game
We are looking for adult volunteers to work in the box office during F es?val hours. If you're able to help, please contact S co] Brooks at
Please join us at E rindale T win R inks between March 30th and April 9th to join in the fun and watch our future hockey stars!
The 2016-­‐2017 hockey season will bring the introduc?on of the R espect in S port Parent program. T he Ontario Hockey F edera?on has introduced the program to empower par?cipants to recognize signs of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimina?on and eliminate them from hockey through a culture of respect.
This program is mandatory for all parents of children enrolled in minor hockey in Ontario.
“The inten?on of the program is to provide educa?on to parents which helps good parents, become be]er sport parents,” said Mark Allen, R espect G roup’s Ontario Director. “The program is aimed at helping to keep the game fun and safe for kids, and to support coaches, referees and the numerous volunteers who make youth hockey possible in Canada,” says Allen.
Respect G roup was co-­‐founded by former N HLer S heldon Kennedy in 2004. It partnered with the Canadian Red Cross to create a best-­‐in-­‐class e-­‐learning curriculum for mass consump?on. Par?cipants are cer?fied through a 60-­‐minute on-­‐line program, they can do from anywhere with internet access. Cost is $12.00.
To view a short video recently launched by the O MHA, h]ps://
More informa?on will be shared with E rindale parents during the registra?on period for the 2016/2017 hockey season. For the latest news and important informa?on, please visit the Erindale Hockey Associa?on website at