a final gift of home


a final gift of home
the final gift of home
2010 Annual Report
From the President —
even while they resided here. We hope their life stories will
motivate you as they did us.
Omega House continues to
serve as the only hospice home
in the entire Upper Peninsula.
The services we offer have been
utilized to the fullest in this
past year by community
members living in the western
U.P. As the new President of
Omega House, I am thrilled to
be part of this remarkable
organization and look forward
to serving in this capacity.
We feature our Volunteer of the Year, Adele Masters. She first
became involved with volunteering while residing in Mt. Pleasant,
Michigan. After relocating to Houghton, she became active as
an Omega House volunteer after hearing about it from her new
physician, Dr. Sigurds Janners. We thank Adele for her
dedication and hard work.
Michael D. Abbott, Board President
To date, we have served 238
residents, with 66 of these United States Veterans. This is over
one –fourth of all our residents. Last November, Omega House
partnered with the “We Honor Veterans” program, a new
national initiative to provide end-of-life care to U.S. veterans.
The program was launched last September by the Veterans
Administration and the National Hospice and Palliative Care
Organization (NHPCO). With over 600,000 vets projected to
die each year, the V.A. realized it would not have the facilities or
the staffing to help care for this large number. The focus of the
program is to enlist local hospice organizations across the U.S. in
providing specialized end-of-life care to veterans. A part of our
obligation is educating our staff and volunteers about the
numerous issues veterans face at end-of-life; in particular issues
associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. Additional
information on the We Honor Veterans program can be found
on page 8.
Also included in this year’s report are stories of three community
members who were residents at Omega House: Constance
“Connie” Black, Margaret Glennon and Clarence “Fred” Pernaski.
Each of them shares a common thread of living life to the fullest,
In 2010, Omega House served 42 residents. The cost of one day
of care is $210 per resident with many only able to pay a fraction
of that amount. We turn no one away regardless of their ability
to pay so donations help to cover the nearly $300,000 in
operation and resident care expenses each year. To help offset
expenses in a special way, we created the Founders Fund in 2010.
This giving level provides and allocates funding for patient care
and House operations for a month. Long-time supporter, Joe
Kirkish, generously donated our very first Founders Fund gift
and he explains why he chose to do so on page 6.
And finally, we feature one of our past supporters – Jim Vivian,
Sr. Jim Sr. was well known in the Keweenaw. He was also a
very passionate proponent of building Omega House during our
capital campaign. Sadly, Jim passed away before the campaign
was completed. His spirit is still remembered eight years later by
his son, Jim Vivian, Jr.
This Annual Report is available on our website, www.omegahouse.org. Making it accessible electronically not only makes it
available to a larger audience but also significantly reduces the
cost of printing and mailing. For anyone wanting a hard copy,
they are still available by calling the office, 906-482-4438.
I extend a very special thank you to the donors listed within these
pages from the Board of Directors, the staff and all of our
volunteers – and, more importantly, from the residents and their
families who rely on you to help provide the next best thing to
Our Mission
Omega House provides a residential, homelike environment where terminally ill people may live
fully during their final days, free from pain and isolation and supported physically, emotionally
and spiritually by professional and volunteer caregivers, along with family and friends.
Our Vision
Next Best Thing to Being Home
Page 2
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
A Final Gift of Home —
by Joan Thornton & Carol Kass
On March 26th, 2010, Clarence “Fred” Pernaski was going
to turn 80 years old. His family had been planning a party
for him for months knowing it could be his last. Fred
suffered from pulmonary fibrosis which not only made his
breathing difficult but also weakened his heart. For the
last three years he was able to live at home but as his
condition became increasingly worse, his family decided
that if he couldn’t return home after a short hospital stay,
they wanted the next closest thing. Ten days before his
80th birthday, Fred’s wife, Jean, and his family moved him
into Omega House.
But now his family needed to make another decision –
should they still continue with his birthday party? Would
the Omega House staff allow a large group of family to
hold a party? ey had planned for an accordion player to
be part of the celebration – would this be too disruptive to
the other residents? After talking to the staff, it was
decided to continue with the party.
e celebration was scheduled for Saturday, March 27th,
a day after his actual birth date. e entire family was
coming….all his children and all of his grandchildren. As
the week progressed, Fred was becoming weaker and
needed more oxygen. By Friday, he was slipping in and
out of a coma and at one point asked his daughter, Carol
Kass, if he had missed the party. e family kept a vigil at
his bedside and said their “goodbyes”. ey held out little
hope that he would survive until the party the next day.
By Saturday morning, he was still comatose but his family
decided to continue with their plans, including accordion
music and Fred’s favorite cake, red velvet. e entire
family gathered in Fred’s room. Nick Klein began playing
accordion music quietly by Fred’s bedside in hopes that
Fred might hear it. With song underway, Fred woke up,
asked that his bed be brought up and proceeded to
“conduct” the music as he scanned all the people in the
room. He made sure he could see all of his grandchildren
and named them, one by one, until he found all of them.
Nick could see that his music was breathing life into Fred
so he continued playing songs for an hour. During this
time, he played “Blue Skirt Waltz”. is song was Fred and
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Fred at his birthday party.
Jean’s “song”; they had skated to it at the local ice rink in
their early days of dating. Fred’s eyes sparkled when he
looked at Jean and he whispered to her “our song!” Fred
asked his daughters, Joan ornton and Carol Kass, if
they had made his red velvet cake and they told him “of
course”, surprised that he still remembered. e day of
celebration ended with serving cake and ice cream not only
to family members but to residents of the Omega House
and their families. Fred scanned all the people present and
stated, “is was fabulous!”
By Sunday, Fred once again slipped into a coma. at
evening, March 28th, he quietly passed away with his
family by his side. Joan said they were so happy that her
father could enjoy this last day with family and friends,
and in how the staff helped to make it possible. “Who
would have thought we could have a celebration like this
in a hospice home, but the staff really encouraged us to
continue with it. is truly was a final gift of home for my
Page 3
A Daughter’s Thoughts —
By Maggie Vanek
It was New Year’s Eve, 2009. Twenty four
hours before, my mother, Margaret
Glennon, was up, out and about, active,
alert; a fully functioning person. We were
planning a celebration for her fast
approaching 105th birthday. Now the
hospitalist was saying she can not be
helped and must be discharged from the
hospital. Questions flash through your
mind and God’s hand provides answers.
Her personal physician, Dr. Mark
Shebuski, visited her and even though his
assessment was one we didn’t want to hear,
it came from an exceedingly competent
physician with a very caring heart. Omega
House was his recommendation. Once
the decision was made, in moments he and
the hospital staff had the arrangements
As often was the case with my mom, she
arrived at the Omega House before us.
With caring hands they carefully got her
comfortable. In spite of it being late in the
afternoon on a usually active and festive
holiday, the Omega House and Hospice
staff was there to make the transition
seamless for all of us. All paper work was
professionally accomplished without
thought of rushing to get on with their
personal evening plans. us set in
motion an incredible end of this life’s
journey for us with mom.
When you reach triple digit age and have
moved from your home of fifty years to be
near your only child and her husband,
change is inevitable. All the friends mom
made in the seventeen years she lived here
were welcomed at the Omega House no
matter their age or time of day they
arrived. Each person – whether staff or
volunteer – at Omega House or with
Hospice, gently led us all along the journey
with sensitivity and caring. Options were
presented, suggestions both given and
received, and necessary tasks were
completed with the greatest respect for
personal dignity, preferences, and comfort.
Mom could be in control, and for an
independent lady and her family, that was
important. Her passions in life were
teaching children and caring for others so
Page 4
it was good to know others now would be
passionately caring for her.
As life wanes, time to share memories with
family and friends becomes extremely
important. When Steve or I could not be
there, staff and volunteers stepped in.
People at the Omega House spoke of her
spunk. I think she was born with it so it
could serve her well throughout her life as
teacher, caregiver, friend, and incredible
mom and “mom-in-love”. In the long
lonely hours of the night, Stephanie, an
Omega House staff member, graciously
listened to reminisces of mom. Perhaps
they talked of her growing up in a small
Wisconsin town where girls could even
climb telephone poles and where mom,
being petite all her life, always ended up
being the top person on the pyramid in
gym exhibitions. She felt exercise kept her
mobile and her mind alert. Or, they talked
about her love of reading which provided
one of her exciting life experiences. One
day she was reading in her town library
across from a gentleman who suddenly
rushed out of the library. Later she
learned he was the signal man for robbers
who were robbing the bank across the
street. Maybe they talked of the impact of
world events like marching in the first
Armistice Day Parade or the Great
Depression when she was teaching in a
two-room school and was “paid” in script
in lieu of cash. Since teaching was the joy
of her life, I’m sure they talked about her
sense of accomplishment when she helped
students master reading and math for then
she felt they could handle life and she
could send them on their way with
e evening before mom passed away, the
sunset was indescribably spectacular. We
quietly watched it together through the
large windows of her room. e coral
colors engulfed us and intensified the
pretty pink print in the sheets on her bed
and the prayer shawl around her. e
most important constant for mom was her
faith in God. at evening it was as if he
was engulfing her in his arms. As my
mother’s life gently slipped away during
the next twenty-four hours, staff member
Jackie, as she had done so often before,
quietly came in and out of mom’s room
exuding calm and efficient caring. With
the caring strength and support of Pastor
Bucky Beach, Dr. Mark Shebuski, friends
who are family, and the people of the
Omega House – where human life is held
in great dignity and respect – life’s ending
journey for mom was a blessing for all who
loved her.
Margaret Glennon shows off the flowers in her room.
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
A Community of Caring Souls —
By Elaine Mendelin
e following is an account of the last days of Connie Black’s
life, and the caring folks at Omega House, Aspirus
Keweenaw Home Health and Hospice, Aspirius Keweenaw
Hospital, and e Bluffs Retirement Community, who
helped Connie and her family through a difficult time. We’re
grateful for the help, understanding and support everyone
gave to Connie (mom), and to her family.
— Elaine and Dave Mendelin
It’s been 18 months since mom passed away. She’d been
suffering from moderate-stage dementia, had poor eyesight and
hearing, but was able to live independently with help from her
family, and the support of the staff and facilities at e Bluffs in
Houghton. It wasn’t the dementia that took her. Her 91-year
old heart gave out. A few weeks after the onset of her heart
failure she would pass away.
When we brought her to the emergency room at Aspirus
Keweenaw Hospital in Calumet the Monday evening after
anksgiving, 2009, the emergency room staff attended to her
quickly and professionally. After they had assessed the
seriousness of her situation, they contacted our family physician
who had cared for mom for the past few years. We were
surprised to see him arrive that evening. After reviewing the
results of her tests, he professionally and compassionately
informed us that she had suffered a heart attack from which she
would not recover. Our family physician’s presence brought
comfort in a difficult and emotional situation.
Her next 48 hours were in ICU, after which we were faced with
the decision of where her last days would be spent. We’d always
assumed that her growing dementia would mean long-term
nursing home care, and we had prepared for that eventuality.
We were not prepared for a situation where she would have only
days or a few weeks remaining. It was the nurse at e Bluffs
who suggested Omega House in Houghton.
e moment we stepped into Omega House, we knew it was
the right choice. It was like walking into the home of a friend
with a comfortable living room, large kitchen, and private
bedrooms for patients that look like bedrooms in your own
home. e staff at Omega House quickly and seamlessly
coordinated paperwork and nursing staff needs with Aspirus
Keweenaw Home Health and Hospice. At a confusing and
emotionally difficult time, they quietly, rapidly and gently took
care of the paperwork and transfer details on behalf of mom.
Mom resided a week at Omega House. We visited her any time
of day, any day of the week. Although the staff at Omega
House fully cared for mom’s needs, they also allowed us to
participate in her care if we so chose. ey not only watched
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Connie Black
out for mom—they watched out for us. After a 36-hour stretch
of staying with mom, they brought in a Hospice night nurse
while we took a rest. We developed friendships with the
families of other residents, who were also caring for their loved
ones. ose friendships were a great source of support and
e Saturday before mom died, she slipped into a coma.
Another resident of Omega House who had been there for a
few months also slipped into a coma that day. Our family was
small—her family was large. As her family gathered, they
embraced us as one of their own. Mom’s final hours are
remembered by their embrace, and the tremendous support
from the Omega House and Hospice staff. Mom and the other
resident passed away within a few hours of each other on
December 15, 2009.
ere were about 30 folks who actively cared for mom in her
last few weeks. Adding in those who have donated time and
money over the years to Omega House, Aspirus Keweenaw
Home Health and Hospice, and Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital
to ensure these services are available to all of us—it numbers in
the hundreds. Mom had a community of caring souls looking
after her.
Page 5
Supporters – Past and Present
Joe Kirkish has been a long-time supporter of Omega
House after hearing about it from Dr. Sigurds Janners. Dr.
Janners, Joe’s physician, was part of a community effort to
build a hospice home in the Copper Country. Hearing Dr.
Janners’ enthusiasm and passion about this project inspired
Joe to support it in whatever way he could.
Joe was born to be a philanthropist. As a child, his love of
the word “philanthropy” in the dictionary made him vow
to become one. His family also influenced him “to give
back”. ey were hardworking business owners who
taught Joe the importance of saving and investing your
money. And they also taught him to always remember to
help support your community.
Joe was born and raised in Houghton. He left the Copper
Country in the late 40s after being drafted into the military.
While in the service, he had the opportunity to travel to
California and Texas, the beginning of his lifetime love of
travel. Upon discharge from the service, he enrolled at what
is now Ferris University to study business. But, while at
Ferris, he discovered an interest in theatre, music and the
arts. Eventually he ended up at the University of
Wisconsin and it was there he found his calling as a teacher.
In the mid 50s he began working at Michigan
Technological University as a Humanities faculty and
taught there until retiring 20 years ago.
Upon retirement, though, he did not just sit back and relax.
Joe became even more active in the community. He
supported – and continues to support – many
organizations in the Keweenaw with his time, talent and
treasure. At 86 years young, Joe finds many ways to be of
service to the community: reading to the residents of the
Bluffs, assisting seniors through Little Brothers-Friends of
the Elderly, selecting movies, sponsors and chefs for the
Calumet eatre’s Club Indigo, showing movies to
residents of Portage Pointe. While at Tech, Joe was
involved with the fraternity Phi Kappa Tau for over 40
years. He remains an advisor to Mu Beta Psi, Michigan
Tech’s Music Fraternity, and has supported dozens and
dozens of young people since 1957 through this
Page 6
Joe Kirkish with camera in hand.
Since 2000, Joe has creatively supported Omega House, be
it by donating his photographs as a mini-fundraiser,
enlightening people about Omega House or encouraging
a Club Indigo sponsor to fund a movie in honor of Omega
House. He has also been a generous financial supporter by
contributing annually. Joe’s passion and enthusiasm for
Omega House, though, has earned him a place in its
history. Last year he became the very first person to
support Omega House through our Founders Fund, a gift
that provides resources for patient care and House
operations for a month. In considering a gift of this
amount, he didn’t even blink an eye. “I see it as an
investment. I want Omega House to be there when I need
it.” His gift will generously continue our vision: providing
the Next Best ing to Home to anyone who needs it.
ank you, Joe, for your philanthropy.
We make a living by what
we get, we make a life by
what we give.
—Winston Churchill
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Supporters – Past and Present
When Lorraine Vivian was diagnosed with spine cancer,
her physician recommended hospice care to her. One of
her hospice nurses was Ray Weglarz. During his visits,
Ray and Lorraine talked about a concept he and other
community members had of building a hospice home in
the Copper Country. Ray knew that this was needed as
he had cared for too many hospice patients in the
Keweenaw that died alone. Lorraine, also a Registered
Nurse, became a proponent after talking with Ray.
Lorraine shared this idea of a hospice home with her
husband, Jim Vivian Sr., and told him how important it
was to her. Jim Sr. became a member of that group of
concerned citizens who would believe in, and create, what
was to become Omega House. His son, Jim Jr., feels that
Omega House kept his dad going, especially after the
death of Lorraine in December 2000. “It was because of
her illness that spurred him into action. My dad knew
how much this project meant to my mother and pursued
it every day.”
Jim Sr. was passionate about Omega House and was
dogged in his determination to get the House built. He
was well connected in the community and continually
shared this new passion with all he knew. Jim Sr. donated
the land on which the House was to be built. He also
solicited donations, both in-kind and financial, from the
colleagues he knew through his construction and heavy
equipment business. His efforts were tireless and to this
day, his name is still associated with Omega House. “In
talking with long-time donors of Omega House, I
regularly hear stories of how Jim Vivian Sr. was
responsible for their support,” said Sandy Lewin, Director
of Community and Donor Relations. “His passion for
this organization continues. Lorraine would be proud.”
But, Jim Sr. was never to see the fruits of his labor. In June
2003, he died unexpectedly from complications of
pneumonia. Construction on Omega House began the
following year with its opening in August 2005.
Jim Vivian looking at the vision that became reality.
House. e Jim Vivian Sr. Award is given “in recognition
of exemplary contributions and long-standing service to
further the mission of Omega House.” Two recipients have
received the award since its creation: Dr. Sigurds Janners
and Ray Weglarz, both of whom were an integral part of
Omega House at its inception and continue to be
dedicated supporters. Jim's spirit and dedication lives on
not only in this award but through the stories of the many
people whose lives he touched.
When you are sorrowful
look again in your heart,
and you shall see that in
truth you are weeping for
that which has been your
—Kahlil Gibran
In 2009, a lifetime achievement award was created in Jim’s
name to honor his passion and commitment to Omega
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Page 7
Omega House Joins National “We Honor
Veterans” Partnership
e Board of Directors announces that Omega House is
now a partner in the “We Honor Veterans” program, a new
initiative between the Veterans Administration and the
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
(NHPCO). e goal is to focus more attention on the
end-of-life needs of Veterans and to support local hospices
in meeting those needs. As a partner, Omega House will
educate staff and volunteers on end-of-life issues affecting
veterans (including symptoms of PTSD) as well as
educating veterans and community groups about the
Of the 2.4 million deaths in the U.S. each year,
approximately 680,000 of those are Veterans — nearly
25%. e V.A. expects to see a significant increase in
veterans needing hospice care but predicts they won’t have
the facilities or the staff to handle this growth. e “We
Honor Veterans” program partners with hospices across
the country to provide quality end-of-life care and allow
the veteran to remain within their community.
One third of all residents at Omega House have been
veterans. With this new program, each veteran admitted to
Omega House will be evaluated using the “Military
History Checklist and Guide” offered by the WHV
program. is will allow Omega House to be in a much
better position to assess the mental, physical and emotional
needs of all veteran residents and care for them accordingly.
e focus will be on respectful inquiry, compassionate
listening and grateful acknowledgement. It concentrates on
the needs, desires and treatments of Veterans, including
assessment and identification of all health issues associated
with military service. e common goal: Provide the best
possible care for Veterans in the best possible manner and
If you would like additional information on this program,
or if you would like a representative from Omega House to
speak to your organization about the program, please
contact Sandy Lewin, Director of Community & Donor
Relations at Omega House (906-482-4438 or
In 2010, volunteers donated over 3,000 hours to Omega
House or 58 hours per week! If paid, their collective
paycheck would equal $64,000*. Omega House depends
on these astonishing people who give of their time and
talent. Volunteers help with resident care,
baking, mailings, processing donations,
cleaning, maintenance, lawn and garden care
… the list is endless.
House Manager, Mary Herlevich. You can reach her at
906-482-4438 or by email mary@omega-house.org.
*Per data from Independent Sector,
Currently we are in need of volunteers who
can help sit with residents, assist with
cooking meals, and do light housekeeping
and/or laundry. We are especially in need of
volunteers willing to work on the weekends.
If you’ve considered becoming a volunteer,
call us to discuss how we can best match
your talents with our needs. We will work
with you to accommodate your schedule so
that the process is easy.
To find out more about volunteering, contact
Page 8
Volunteers working on a mailing for Omega House.
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Volunteer of the Year
After moving to the Copper Country in early 2007 from
lower Michigan, Adele Masters was in search of a new
physician in the area. Little did she know that her doctor
would change her life. During her appointment with Dr.
Sigurds Janners, he asked her what she did when she lived
in Clinton Township. She said she volunteered at Mount
Clemens General Hospital for 13 years. He promptly
handed her a slip of paper with a name and phone number
on it and told her “I want you to consider volunteering at
Omega House”. She called the phone number and talked to
House Manager, Mary Herlevich. By that spring, she
became an Omega House volunteer. And this spring she
was the recipient of the Volunteer of the Year award.
Her volunteer “shift” is usually ursdays. But, she’s also
been known to come in nights and weekends or will come
in at the last minute when we need extra help. Adele will do
anything from sitting up all night with a resident, to
collecting and taking out the trash, to helping with mailings.
Last year alone, she logged nearly 200 hours.
Adele worked at Lionel Trains for 30 years before retiring.
After joining her niece on a class tour of the Mount
Clemens General Hospital, she decided it would be a great
place to volunteer. She worked mostly in the MCGH Gift
Shop, although there were occasions when she would visit
with family members of patients who appreciated having
someone listen to their concerns. She was also known for
filling in for other volunteers who couldn’t make it. Her 13
years of training at MCGH certainly made for a smooth
transition to Omega House.
Adele has two daughters living in the Keweenaw and one
son living in Clinton Township. She also had another son
who passed away in 2006. She enjoys spending time with
her nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. In
addition to volunteering at Omega House, she also helps
with Little Brothers-Friends of the Elderly, Saints Peter &
Paul Lutheran Church and at the Share Club.
We thank Adele for all the many ways she helps out at
Omega House and also congratulate her on receiving this
year’s award!
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
President Mike Abbott presents the Omega House Volunteer of the
Year Award to Adele Masters.
"ey are alive and well
somewhere, the smallest
sprout shows there is really
no death..."
—Walt Whitman, Song of Myself
Page 9
2010 Donors
The following individuals generously donated to Omega House during 2010. They have kept our doors open, and have allowed us to stay committed to our mission and optimistically look to the future. We offer our most sincere thanks and gratitude to each and every one of you!
Abbott Laboratories
Mike and Kathy Abbott
Mark and Theresa Ahlborn
Andrea Aho
Stephen and Judith Albee
Kenneth and Eleanor Alexander
James and Sally Allen
Allflex Packaging Products, Inc.
American Legion Auxiliary #186
American Legion Post #186
American Legion Post #90
Ameriprise Financial Services -New Jersey
Ameriprise Financial Services -Houghton
Arthur and Maureen Anderson
Dr William and Sally Anderson
Elma Anderson
Patricia Anderson
Waino and Nadine Anderson
Walter and Marion Anderson
William Andreini
Antilla Funeral Service, Inc.
Dennis Antilla
Gene and Sharon Arntsen
Jack and Shirley Arvo
Aspirus Keweenaw Home Health &
Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital
James and Mary Audette
Rudy Babich
David Bach
Bob and Jeanine Baillod
Marguerite Balma
Bob and Sarah Baratono
Viv Barda
Michael and Laura Baril
Brian and Sharon Barkdoll
Gordon and Ruth Jean Barkell
Tony and Joyce Bausano
Bucky Beach and Julie Belew
Magdalena Belej
Marko and Monica Belej
Joseph and Ruth Beljan
Lois Berg
Barbara Bertram
Harold Bessner
Bethany Lutheran Church of
Bethany Lutheran Church of
JoAnne Blumhardt
Rev. Christine and Robert Bohnsack
Dorothy Bonen
Mike and Robin Bonini
Fay and Donald Boomer
Barbara Bosco
Page 10
Marilyn Bourbonais
Gracia Bracco
Mary Bratetich
William and Barbara Briggs
James and Gayle Brisky
Janice and Earl Brogan
Marion Brown
Jack and Wendy Browning
Bruce Rukkila, CPA, PC
Bruce Burdett
Florence Burich
George Burich
Paul and Anita Campbell
David and Karana Carlborn
Frank and Cornelia Carlton
Peter and Patricia Carmody
Ada Carozza
Helen Caspary
John and Norma Champion
Albert Chaput
Dave and Vicki Chesney
Hubert Chopp
John and Rebecca Christianson
Mark Cinelli
L'Anse High School, Class Of 1980
Albert and Elsa Clement
George and Florence Clouthier
Mayme Cobb
Coca Cola Bottlers' Foundation
Virginia Codere
Lawrence Coffey
Dr. Tom and Donna Cole
Ralph Coon
Doug and Karin Cooper
Marie K. Cooper
Marilyn Cooper
Copper Country Veterinary Clinic
John and Evelyn Corgan
Darwyn and Sue Cote
County Of Houghton
Court North Star No. 17 Foresters
Of America
Croation Fraternal Union Lodge
Ron and Janice Crouch
Lawrence Crowley
Robert and Mary Jean Daavettila
Verna Daavettila
Gail Dabio
Arthur and Ruth Dahlgren
Daily Mining Gazette
Robert Danis
Stephen Danis
Don and Gladys Dawson
Alex and Mary Ann Deforge
Joseph DeForge
Esther Delf
Janet Dellaria
Myra Demotts
Julia Dennis
Marie Dennis
Marilyn Desotell
George Dewey and Andrea
Jimmy Diehl and Sue Beske-Diehl
James and Nancy Dionne
Mary Dixon
James and Coreen Dompier
DP Construction
Dr. Janners Office
Mike and Judy Drewyor
James Dube
John and Irene Duffy
John and Joan Dupuis
Virginia Dwyer
Eagle Harbor Women's Coffee
Toni Eddy
Bill and Connie Eddy
Joanne Edwards
Peter and Carol Ekstrom
Jack and Sandra Engel
Engineering Trends, Dick Heckel
Laura Erickson
Neva L. Erickson
June Erlandson
Ethel Eskola
Gary Evans and Phil Nancarrow
Joe and Gail Evans
Daniel and Jolayne Farrell
Barry and Karyn Fay
Jack and Nancy Fenton
Bob and Deb Filer
Bill and Barry Fink
Mark and Karen Finkbeiner
Firearms and Supplies Inc.
Clarence and Yvonne Fisher
Beth Flynn
Steven and Sharon Foix
Michael Fountaine
Felix and Virginia Fournier
Paul and Audrey Frair
Frank's True Value
Jim and Vicky Fredianelli
Ted and Karen Fredrickson
Frederic and Kathryn Gaabo
Calvin and Laurie Gale
Louis and Kaye Garnell
Ted and Arlene Gast
Anthony and Rosemarie Gemignani
Brian and Michelle Geshel
Carol Geshel
Marie Geshel
George and Judith Gill
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Francis and Grace Godin
Harold and Darlene Godlevske
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Hugh and Bonnie Gorman
Grace Lutheran Church
Grace United Methodist Church Houghton
Bruce and Maureen Granat
John and Dorothy Grandelis
Edwin and Joanne Gransell
Ronald Gratz
J.B. and Phyllis Green
Chris and Abbey Green
William and Elsa Green
Edith Greene
Ernest Griff
Cindy Griffin
Mina Grudnoski
Ezra and Marlene Haataja
Judy and Robert Haataja
Ralph and Joyce Hakala
Elizabeth Hakola
Paul and Kathleen Halkola
Viola Halkola
Lee and Judy Haltunen
Douglas and Shelby Hamar
Marilynn Hamar
Michael and Angelika Hamilton
Eagles Auxiliary 382 -- Hancock
Hancock High School Class of 2012
Hancock Home Study Club
Shannon and Robert Handler
Hannula Agency
Dennis Harbour and Andrea Bourne
Dorothy and Edward Harjala
Harmony Gardens Adult Center
John Harris
Norman Harris
Andrea Hauge
Bob and Mary Hauswirth
Rickard Heckel
Viola Hedin
Charles and JoAnn Heide
Raymond Heikkinen
Lloyd and Patricia Heldt
Connie Hella
Ron and Lou Helman
Jon and Cheryl Herlevich
Mary Herlevich
Barb Herveat
John and Christy Hilgers
Myrtle Hillenbrand
Robert Hodges
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
2010 Donors Continued
Rotary Club - Houghton
Marlene Houle
Tom Hruby
Ernestine Spear Hruska
Edward and Gertrude Huls
Dante and Joyce Iacovoni
Norma Inghram
Jim and Glenna Irwin
Laura and David Isaacson
Richard and Marilyn Isaacson
Theodore Jaasko
Bill and Gloria Jackson
Joseph and Karen Jakovic
Anil and Lois Jambekar
Virginia Jamison
Gale Jamsen
James and Patricia Janda
Dr. Sig and Candace Janners
Martha Janners
Charles and Lynda Janovsky
James and Wilma Jenkins
Timothy Jenkins
Daryl and Sylvia Jestila
Carol Lee Jestila-Sikorsky
Dr. Robert and Janet Johnson
Katherine Johnson
Mark and Dana Johnson
Mary Ruth Johnson
Steven and Sharon Johnson
Ted and Dianne Johnson
Clint and Fran Jones
Martin and Wendy Joyal
Gloria Judnich
Angeline and W. Carl Junttila
Dean J. Juntunen
Marty and Mary Jurgensen
Paul and Joanie Jurmu
Richard and Roberta Kahn
David Kalliainen
Jorma Kalliokoski
Peter and Carol Kamarainen
Ann Marie Kangas
Dr. David and Carol Kass
John and Ruth Katalin
June Kauppi
Sandra Kaye
Fred and Margaret Kekko
Alvin and Elizabeth Kempainen
Uno Keranen
Wilbert Kero
Rodger and Mary Steck Kershner
Keweenaw Automotive, Inc.
Keweenaw Brewing Co.
Keweenaw Community Foundation
Keweenaw MLS
Keweenaw Title Agency
Walt Kiiskila
George and Linda Kingstrom
Dr. Terry Kinzel and Sue Ellen
Joe Kirkish
Gordon J. Kivela
Nicholas and Geraldine Klein
Mary Klups
Julie Knight
Rita Koch
Michael and Wanda Kolb
Arthur Kolehmainen
Donald Kolehmainen
Susan Koljonen
Alfred and Janie Kommes
Eva Komula
Charles and Jane Korhonen
Douglas and Margaret Koski
John and Anita Koski
Michael Koski
Erik Koskinen
Bernard and Patricia Koskiniemi
Eunice Kowalski
Ed Kraai
Marie T. Kraft
JoAnn Kriege
Richard and Emilie Krznarich
Dennis and Nancy Kubin
David Kumlin
Marie Kurtti
Douglas and Janet Kuru
Keith and Colleen Kus
Charlene and Brian Laakonen
Roger and M. Margaret LaBell
Lake Superior Post 4167 VFW
Ladies Auxiliary
Joseph and Kate Langdon
Rev. Robert and Delores Langseth
Larry and Rachel Lankton
Emil and Ethel Lappala
Joan Laroche
Gene and Mary LaRochelle
Mike and Margaret Laurin
Jack and Donna Laux
John and Karla Lawton
Kristina Lawyer
George and Peggy Lazzari
Gregory and Karen Lazzari
Vernon and Susan LeBlanc
Jane LeClaire
Dave and Judy Leddy
John and Mary Lehto
Benjamin and Mary Leiker
Margaret Lenneville
Sharon Levine and Dana Richter
Sandy and Jeff Lewin
Lewis Painting
Gil Lewis and Sue Bagley
Mary Lewis
Paul and Karen Lewis
Frank and Barbara Lide
Dr. Mary and Joseph Limback
Barbara Ann Lindblom
Lions Club - Baraga
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Lions Club - Chassell
Lions Club - Iron Mountain
Lions Club - Keweenaw
Lions Club - Lake Linden
Lions Club - South Range
Marcia and Walter Littlefield
Ted and Deborah Lockhart
Marshall and Joan Logue
Marilyn Lohela
William and Nancy Lohela
Margaret Lombardi
Guy and Andrea Longhini
John and Greta Longhini
Neil and Kelley Lowney
Cathy Lucchesi
Mark and Paula Lucier
Rudy and Kelly Luck
J. Carl and Grace Lukezich
Mary and Walter Lukkarila
Donald Lundin and Margaret Mattila
Dr. Jerry and Dolly Luoma
Judith Luukkonen
Michael and Patricia Lydon
Ellen Lynch
Robert Maatta
Gudrun MacDonald
Richard Madison
Kimberly and Kenneth Maki
Sulo and Barbara Maki
Wesley and June Maki
Michael and Jean Makinen
Jackie Manchester
James and Barbara Manderfield
Wayne Manninen
Marquette Truck Rentals, Inc.
Martineau & Morris Contracting,
Raymond and Juliana Marttila
Adam Marvar
Robert and Mary Masnado
John and Marie Massi
Mark and Karen Massicotte
Roger and Kay Masters
John and Diane Mattila
Mike and Vicky Mattila
Donald Mattson
Gary and Judith Mattson
Beverly Maynard
Jerome Maynard
Paul and Karen Mayo
Randy and Gretchen Mayra
Albert and Bernadine McCarthy
Robert McCarthy
Dr. Thomas and Renee McConnon
Dr. Dennis and Pamela McCullough
McGann Building Supply Co.
Suzanne McLean
Neil and Beverly McMillen
Richard Meese
Christina Meinardi
Kimberly Menzel
Joni Andreini Meyers
Lorraine Michaels
Michigan Tech Campus
Store/University Images
Michigan Tech Office of Sports and
Danny and Diana Miller
Leonard and Marcia Miller
Martin and Ann Miller
Michele Miller
Rodney and Patricia Mishica
Mission United Lutheran Church
Rosemary Mitchell
Mohawk Ahmeek Women's Circle
Ruth Ann Mohr
Paul Moilanen
Dr. C. Michelle and Philip Morgan
Don and Maureen Morin
Rev. Dr. Sydney Morris
MTU Department Of Public Safety
MTU Sledheads, the Snowmobile
Club of MTU
Elsa and Keith Mugford
Andrew and Marilyn Murtagh
Marlene Murtonen
Nicholas and Marie Muschal
Kanak Nanavati
Nature's Feet
Peter and Amy Negro
Vance Nelson
Frederick and Barbara Niemi
Raymond Niemi
Robert and Carol Niileksela
Elsie Nikkila
Eva Nikkila
David Nitz and Mary Marchaterre
Roberta Noetzel
Northern Mutual Insurance
Lola and Gerald Nousain
Helen Nyberg
David Nye
Paul and Norma O'Brien
James and Roberta O'Connell
Margie O'Connell
Michael and Sara Oja
William and Claire Ojala
Ren and Paul Olsen
O'Neill - Dennis Funeral Home
Dr. Sally Orr
Linda Ott
Bernadette Yeoman-Ouellette and
Charles Ouellette
Jerry and Pat Ovist
Harold and Catherine Paavola
Brian Paeske
David and Judi Paeske
Richard Pallotta
Evelyn Palosaari
Sharon Palosaari
Pamida Foundation
Page 11
2010 Donors Continued
Lido Paoli
Karl and Ruth Parks
Nancy Pawlowski
Dave Pearlman
Barry and Valerie Pegg
Karol and Ryszarda Pelc
Henry Pellikka
John and Jeanette Pemberton
Almor and Kathleen Penegor
David Persons
Barbara and Cecil Peterson
James Peterson
Rolf and Candy Peterson
Phi Delta Chi
Paul and Sharon Pietila
Ruth Pietila
Robert Pizzi and Jeanette Harrison
David and Kathy Plowe
Joseph Podner
Robert and Sharon Poisson
Dorothy Popovich
Portage Health
Hillard and Lois Posey
Alice and Jackie Powell
Stephen and Kathleen Pragnacz
Frances Prebelich
William and Mary Ann Predebon
Marcia Pruner
Stephen Pummill
Eric and Jean Pyhtila
Glenn and Shirley Pyhtila
Dr. Scott and Deanne Pynnonen
David and Agnes Pyykkonen
Quincy Hill Auto Sales
Fredric Quivik
Rick and Cari Raboin
James and Laurie Raffaelli
Kenneth and Christine Raisanen
Michael and Phyllis Ramos
Robert and Mary Randell
Range Bank - Calumet
Joseph and Shirley Rasinowich
Merlyn Rastello
James Rauvala
RE/MAX Douglass Real Estate
Bryan and Karen Reilly
Jack and Karen Reiss
Rice Memorial Clinic Foundation
John Ritola
George and Susan Robinson
Patrick and Anna Roche
Rita Rodeheffer
Mildred Romsek
Bill and Nano Rose
Thomas and Coletta Rose
Robert and Barbara Ross
William and Marie Ross
Mark and Ann Roth
Gerald and Patricia Rowe
Fred and Ruth Ruelle
Page 12
James and Judith Ruotsala
Carol Ruppal
James A. Ruppe
Scott Rutherford and Joyce
S & S Storage, Rentals & Real Estate
Ruth Sablich
Saint-Gobain Corporation
Michael and Kimberly Salmi
Salon by Michelle
Betty Samuelson
James and Nancy Sanderson
Ciro Sandoval and Sandra
Henry and Sally Santeford
Dr. James and Linda Sarazin
Donald Savera
Thomas and Patricia Savola
Charles and Judy Schaefer
Karin Schlenker
Ann Schmitt
Brach and Ellen Schnabel
Bill Schoos
Dorothy Schultz
Andrew and Anne Schumer
Max and Mary Ann Seel
Bruce and Nancy Seely
Steve and Ellen Seidel
Harold and Kay Seppala
William Sewell and Ruth Robertson
Marge Shannette
Robert Sharkey and Susan Donnelly
Robert and Donna Shea
Ruth Sheehan
Stephanie Shem
Nancy and Douglas Sherk
Sherwin-Williams Corp.
Lloyd and Rosemary Short
Scott and Teresa Shoup
Robert and Darlene Sibilsky
Arlene and Gene Silkowski
Alan and Candace Silvola
Arthur and Julia Simila
Julie Simpson
Skanee Women of the B589ELCA
Allan and Mary Slye
Mr. Smith
Ken and Kay Smith
Martyn Smith
Michele Sober
Pat Sohlden
Paul Sorlie
South Range Eagles Aerie 1122 FOE
James Sowka
James and Patricia Spain
Dianne and Nancy Sprague
Pichai and Rajanee Sripaipan
St. Albert the Great Catholic
St. Anne Catholic Church
Guy and Kathy St. Germain
St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church
St. Ignatius Society Of Catholic
Rev. Jack and Cheryl Starr
Statewide Real Estate Of Houghton
Robert and Barb Stebler
Katherine Steiger
Veronica A. Stellberg
Ed and Sue Stephens
Dale and Dorothy Stimpson
Mary Stone
Eileen and Wayne Stordahl
Aaron and Janet Storm
Elsa Strayer
Rebecca Stroube
Doug and Norma Stuart
Con and Therese Sullivan
Florence Suo
Harry Suojanen, Sr.
Superior National Bank
Superior Smiles / Ron Fisher, DDS,
Everett Symons
Glen and Marjorie Symons
John and Sue Taivaloja
Jeff and Denise Talcott
Mary Tarbox
Betty Tauriainen
Tervo Agency
Lillian Tervonen
The Mirror
Maxine Thompson
Mike and Joan Thornton
Tom Thornton
Alyce Thorpe
Barry and Carmen Tippett
Keren Tischler
Siena Toberz
Steven and Betty Tollefson
Paul Tomasi
Gordon and Joyce Trione
Jerry and Pat Trudell
Ron and Anna Trudell
Richard and Barbara Trudgeon
Reuben and Evelyn Turunen
United Lutheran Church - L'Anse
United Lutheran Church Women L'Anse
First United Methodist Church Hancock
First United Methodist Church Hancock, United Methodist
United Methodist Church Ontonagon
United Methodist Church - Sidnaw
Community United Methodist
Church - White Pine
United Methodist Church - Zeba
United Methodist Women -
Steve Uren and Carol Carr
Gerald and Claudette Vairo
Stephen and Shannon Vairo
Gerald and Virginia Vairus
George and Jill Van Straten
Donald Van Uum
John and Joyce Van Westenburg
Corwin VanDenBosch
Robert and Yvonne Veeser
Doris Veldhuis and Bill Lassi
John and Eva Vencato
William and Wilma Verrette
Mary Verville
Norma Veurink
VFW Chassell Post #6507
Thomas and Victoria Vichich
Victoria's Kitchen
Abe and Christine Voelker
John R.Voelker
Ann Vollmer
Robert and Linda Vollwerth
Helen Waack
Peggy Wadaga
Beth Wagner
Scott Wagner
Scott and Susan Wagner
John and Nancy Wakeman
Anita Walikainen
Richard and Lynn Walker
Keith and Shirley Wanhaaho
Warm Rain / Great Lakes Plastic
Arthur Weaver and Phyllis Boutilier
Christopher and Mary Webster
John T. Welch and Rosemary Grier
Clark and Pat Westman
Arthur Wheeler
Mary Wheeler
Bob and Jan Wieber
Wayne and Violet Wiitala
Dave and Gladys Wiitanen
Rita Wiitanen
William Hyrkas Plumbing & Heating
Helen Wisted
Ruth Wisti
Christopher Wojick and Jacqueline
Gene and Lois Woodworth
WPS Resources Foundation
Beatrice and Albert Wuori
Wyandotte Hills Women's Golf
Yalmer Mattila Contracting, Inc.
Joan Zanardi
Bob and Darlene Zander
Charles Kerfoot and Lucille Zelazny
James and Joy Ziemnick
Cindy Zimmerman
Zion Lutheran Church Women's
Missionary Outreach
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
In-Kind Donations
All types of gifts are important to Omega House.The following individuals and organizations gave gifts of needed supplies and materials to assist
with the operations of Omega House. If you are interested in making an in-kind donation, please contact our office. Some items that are often
needed include postage stamps and paper products. In addition to the generous donors listed below, we thank the many anonymous donors who
have left gifts at Omega House and insisted recognition was not necessary!
5th and Elm Coffee House
Mike and Kathy Abbott
ACE Hardware
Grace Ala
Algomah Acres Honey Farm & Hive Products
Eugene Allwin
American Legion Auxiliary #90
American Legion Post #90
Applebee's Grill and Bar
Marlys Bacon and Wayne Higgins
Bob and Joanie Barron
Magdalena Belej
Pauline Belopavlovich
Lois Berg
Barbara Bertram
Paul and Jean Bianucci
Jolene Borne
Susanne Boxer
Debbie Bradford
Rebecca Brown
Jack and Candy Bugge
Campioni Enterprises - Pat's Foods & Festival
Catholic Church of the Resurrection
John and Rebecca Christianson
Connie Cobb
Copper Country Mall
Country Inn and Suites
Verna Daavettila
Dan's Polaris
Robert Dawson
De La Terre
Dr. Joseph and Jessica Della Valla
Distant Drum - Andrea Puzakulich
Mary Dixon
Dawn Doyle
Econo Foods
Ed Gray Gallery & Studio
Gerald and Mary Erva
Gary Evans and Phil Nancarrow
Family Video
Jeff Finger
Frank A. Douglass Agency, Inc.
Michael Gagnon
Eleanor Gasparovich
Dennis Gast
Ange and Ruth Giudicelli
Susan Gomberg
Edith Greene
Hahn Hammered Copper
Elizabeth Hakola
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Tim Halkola and Marilyn Swift
Jerry and Karen Hershey
Paul and Jane Hietala
Mary Hindelang and Mark Silver
Dr. Mary Beth and David Hines
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Hughes Farm Fruits & Veggies
Indigo Massage & Wellness Studio
Allyson M. Jabusch
Margaret and Will Jackson
Lilian Jarvi and Richard Hill
James and Wilma Jenkins
John Jilbert
Jim's Pizza
Gary Johnson
Mark and Dana Johnson
Mary Ruth Johnson
Johnson's Shoe Repair
Kangas Cafe
Ann Marie Kangas
Dr. David and Carol Kass
Kathy's Country Flowers
Keweenaw Co-op Market and Deli
Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Jocelyn Kilpela
Mark and Christine Kilpela
Kirkish Furniture
Joe Kirkish
Nicholas and Geraldine Klein
Earl Kleven
Mary Knight Foss
John and Sonia Knodt
James and Debora Kurtti
Mark and Gale LaFond
Lake Linden-Hubbell Schools
Lloyd and Jean Lander
Margaret Landsparger
Gregory and Karen Lazzari
Susan Lemke
Russ and Sharon Lepisto
Sharon Levine and Dana Richter
Library Restaurant
Lions Club - Houghton
Loading Zone II
Louie's Super Value Foods
Peter and Jackie Mace
Ruth Maki
Wesley and June Maki
Paul Masini
Barbara Mattila
Melanie Mattila
Monica and Miranda McClellan
Bob and Betty Mckie
Miller's Jewelry
Mine Shaft
James and Arleen Morrissey
Raymond Niemi
Nutini's Supper Club
Gerald and Linda Olson
Linda Otto
Perkins Restaurant and Bakery
Rosanne Poisson
Quincy's Restaurant & Lounge
James and Laurie Raffaelli
Dorothy Ranta
Charles Roberts
Linda Roe
Roy's Bakery
Scott Rutherford and Joyce Koskenmaki
Fern Salo
Salon Twelve Eighty One
Betty Samuelson
Aldeen Schultz
Sidnaw Post Office
Joseph and Janelle Siller
Silver Rae Studio - Peg McNinch
William and Vicky Sleeman
Julie Slough
Karen Sotala
St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church
Stanton Township Senior Citizens
Northwoods Rustic Creations - Steve Uren
Laurie Stromer
Suomi Restaurant
Superior Video
Surplus Outlet
Marilyn Swift
Lindsay Tomasic
Traprock Pottery - Dennis and Leslie Sotala
United Methodist Church - L'anse
First United Methodist Church - Hancock
John and Susan Uren
John and Joyce Van Westenburg
John and Eva Vencato
VFW #6165 Ladies Auxiliary
VFW Range Post #6165 Auxiliary
Charlene Vial
Britney Vickers
Stanley and LouAnn Vitton
Marilyn Vogler
Walmart - Houghton
Ray and Viki Weglarz
Wicker and Willow
Wayne and Violet Wiitala
Paul and Judy Winquist
Zion Lutheran Church
Page 13
Keweenaw Community Fund Endowment Donors
The following have donated gifts through the Keweenaw Community Foundation towards the Omega House Endowment Fund.
Patricia Anderson
Rubina Aslanian
Leonard Bohmann and Janeen
Kristine Bradof
Charles and Grace Burger
Marie Kellan
Kathryn Moore
Peter and Amy Negro
John and Jayne Nestell
Paul and Joyce Ollila
Linda Ott
Bernadette Yeoman-Ouellette and
Charles Ouellette
Chris and Fran Passerello
Steve Schmunk and Debra Russ
Elvis Scott
Doug and Norma Stuart
Mary Taddeucci
Ray and Diane Tiberg
Richard and Ann Tieder
Dr. Phoebe Wienke
Donations made in honor of friends and family may recognize a special occasion or event, or simply appreciate a significant person in your life.
Thank you to all of you who chose to bestow this gift on Omega House while recognizing the important people in your lives.
Claire Adams
Floryan and Mary Wercinski
Grace and Charli Burger
Judy Pleshe
Jean Kirkish
Leonard and Patricia Bolduc
Louise Beaudoin
Beverly Berg
Jon and Marcia Davis
James C and Alice Mehlberg
Lloyd Liljequist
Donald Liljequist
Magdalena Belej
Lois Berg
Arlene and Rod Flancher
Judy Pleshe
Carl and Margaret Mehlberg
James C and Alice Mehlberg
Lois Berg
Alycia Berg
Cindy Griffin
Donna MacIntosh
Catherine Plowe
Corky Plassa
Rev. Christine “Tina” Bohnsack
United Methodist Church L’Anse
Mark Jalkanen
Janet Allen
Jane Roberts
Leonard and Patricia Bolduc
Dr Sigurds Janners and his Staff
Lorraine Konosky
Pastor Jack and Cheryl Starr
Pauline Belopavlovich
Gerald Stefanich and Debbie
Simpson Wedding
Christine Kerttu
James and Loretta Laplander
Tim and Chrissy Loukus
Carolyn Wescoat
Douglas and Mary Kapnick
Listed below are those individuals who donated in memory of a loved one. Memorial gifts are a caring way to mark the passing of a loved one
or to remember the anniversary of a death.Thank you to all of the individuals who chose this meaningful way to remember friends and family.
In Memory of Ruth Otto Abood
Albert and Bernadine McCarthy
In Memory of Claire Adams
David and Gladys Wiitanen
In Memory of Aune Aho
Reuben and Evelyn Turunen
In Memory of Oliver Aho
Susie Boxer
In Memory of Willard Aho
Dr Robert and Norma Nominelli
In Memory of Charles S. Allen
John and Faye Drake
Barbara Mattila
James and Patricia Spain
In Memory of Fred Alspaugh
Ann Alspaugh
In Memory of Fran Anderson
Robert Anderson
James and Phyllis Vertin
In Memory of Melvin Anderson
Starlett Henderson
John and Martha Stone
Thomas and Darlene Wilson
Page 14
In Memory of Roland Antila
Frederick and Agnes Ahola
David Antila
Merle Audette
Kurt Baker
George and Ilona Barron
Bette and Ray Rigoni, Jr
Mario and Edna Caramella
Patricia Caramella
Donald and Carol Carli
Martha Dickson
Jean Eckloff
Catherine Elmblad
Harvey and Norma Filppula
Willis and Brenda Fontaine
Frank Stubenrauch & Sons Logging
and Trucking
Richard and Shirley Gustafson
John Harris
Joanne Hill
Donald and Katherine Johnson
Dale Koski and Eileen Holmstrom
Karen Koski
Kathryn Koski
Robert Koski and Jessica Rolf
Kathleen Bridget Laberge
Michael and Sharon Lahti
Clifford and Betty Lehman
Lone Oak
Wayne and Pauline Malila
John and Barbara Manninen
Sandra and William Mannisto
Stanley and Ida Michaelson
Mark and Sue Mielcarek
Donald and Sharon Mikkola
Deanna and David Morin
Wayne M Niemi
Karen Palmer
Jack and Levenia Parker
Michael D Pasanen
Martin and Margaret Pintar
David and Kathy Plowe
Michael and Bonnie Potvin
Yvonne Poulos
Paul and Lucille Puuri
Cynthia and Gerard Quello
John and Beverly Rantanen
Jon and Karen Rastello
Miriam and Lowell Rickland
Annette E. Schaefer
Catherine Shamion
Joseph and Mary Janelle Siller
Elizabeth Simi
Charles Smith
Carl and Joyce Sorvari
James and Joan Steber
Helen M. Toivonen
Frank and Catherine Uotila
Andrew and Stephanie Willingham
Fritz and Marvyl Wilson
Pamela Woods
In Memory of Irene Beiring
Susie Boxer
David and Nancie Hermanson
Michael Hickey
Ernestine Spear Hruska
Mary Klein
Charlene and Brian Laakonen
Deborah and Lewis Lambert
Claire and R.D. MacArthur
Peter and Jacqueline Mace
Ann and Jerome Myers
Jeanette Peryam
Judy Pleshe
Deborah Schmitt
Donald and Helen Spear
Edward and Suzanne Stephens
Stann and Lisa Stepien
Kristine and James Weidner
Peter and Betty Wickley
Dr. Phoebe Wienke
In Memory of Aurelia
Reuben and Evelyn Turunen
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Memorials Continued
In Memory of Constance
“Connie” Black
Jack and Ann Mendelin
In Memory of Lorna Boltz
Neil and Kelley Lowney
In Memory of Beverly Vitton
Annette E. Schaefer
In Memory of James Butkovich
Johanna Fett
In Memory of Leslie Butter
Dr. Phoebe Wienke
In Memory of Bertha "Betty"
Gerald and Gail Carlson
In Memory of Margaret
"Marge" Carlson
Susie Boxer
Ruth Haischer
Ron and Dorothy Riutta
In Memory of Charlotte Catoni
John and Nancy Wakeman
In Memory of Charles "Mick"
Carl and Chris Anderson
C. Allan Baker and Shirley
Dallas and Carol Bates
Leonard and Patricia Bolduc
Anne Chambers
Robert and Rebecca Darling
Julie Hamar
Lytton Kendall
Guy and Andrea Longhini
Pattie and William Luokkanen
Jackie Manchester
James M. Marzonie
William McKilligan
James and Susan Mewbourn
Dennis and Pauline Moore
William and Alexandrine Rose
Mary Tarbox
Arthur Weaver and Phyllis
In Memory of Helen Louise
Michael and Marian Chase
In Memory of Edwin Cooper
Julia Weidhaas
In Memory of Mary Ann
Susan and Thomas Haviland
In Memory of Sylvia Curtin
Arthur and Mildred Hulkonen
In Memory of Deb Danielson
Michelle Danielson
In Memory of Jean Deephouse
Susie Boxer
In Memory of Ruth DePompolo
James and Alice Boyce
In Memory of Meri Dianda
Jeanne Dianda
In Memory of Gertrude
Sylvia Gagnon
Karen Pusilo
In Memory of James Doyle
Joanne Edwards
In Memory of Gail Dube
James Dube
In Memory of Gladys Duffill
Reuben and Evelyn Turunen
In Memory of Clyde Eddy
DP Construction
In Memory of William Eilola
Susie Boxer
In Memory of Tom Ellis
Robertine Benson
In Memory of John Enrietti
John Caserio
Court North Star No. 17 Foresters
Of America
Mary Ivey
John and Barbara Lawrence
Anthony and Phyllis Locatelli
John Plutt
Mark and Gladys Thomas
Gordon P and Joyce G Trione
Gerald and Claudette Vairo
Vicki Vertin Grover
Ellen Laitinen
Lloyd Liljequist
Cathy Manninen
Jeannette Medlyn
Donald and Sharon Mikkola
Melvyn and Judith Mikkola
Jean Miller
Roswell and Ruth Miller
Kathryn R.Olson
Shirley Rasmussen
Ellen and Sigurd Simonsen
Denis and Mary Skoglund
Marian Tallman
Wayne and Sharon Torgeson
Steven and Margaret Vanek
Robert and Yvonne Veeser
Vern and Trish Watwood
Arthur Weaver and Phyllis
Cindy Zimmerman
Robert Zulinski and Paula
In Memory of Mel Goodreau
Chuck Bettinson and Diane
In Memory of Eloise Greenlee
William Brush and Lois Siler
Thomas and Barbara Burns
Thomas and Adele Greenlee
MTU Accounting
Mark and Ann Roth
John and Monica Rovano
Maria Sturos
First United Methodist Church Hancock
In Memory of Sara Jilbert
Jean Buschell
James Vivian Jr.
In Memory of Joseph and
Clarice Julio
Robert Houle Jr. and Joyce JulioHoule
In Memory of Saara Kalliokoski
James and Patricia Spain
In Memory of Edith Kallungi
Reuben and Evelyn Turunen
In Memory of Hubert Karvakko
Reuben and Evelyn Turunen
In Memory of John Kemppainen
Francis and Barbara Lide
In Memory of Homor Keranen
Scott Leonard and Sethany
In Memory of Ruth Kinnunen
Reuben and Evelyn Turunen
In Memory of Denis Kinonen
Linda Leamons
In Memory of Arthur L and
Louise Kolehmainen
Arthur N. Kolehmainen
In Memory of Larry Konosky
Giselle Colarossi
Lorraine Konosky
In Memory of Peter Hautmaki
Chart Inc. Georgia Facilities
Vicky Feng
Cindy Peterson
In Memory of Sylvia Koski
Thomas and Dorothy Condon
Frank and Mary Domitrovich
Sara and Carl Domitrovich
Larry and Chloe Jayne
Esther Kemppainen
William and Mary Claire Lahti
Harold and Kay Seppala
Catherine Shamion
In Memory of John B. Garber
Caryl White
In Memory of Richard "Dick"
Mary Courtney
Abbey and Chris Green
In Memory of Betty
Susie Boxer
Brian and Christina Mayworm
In Memory of George Gill, Sr.
Susie Boxer
In Memory of William Heikkila
Paul and Judy Winquist
In Memory of Margaret
Merle Audette
Bruce and Jaclyn Barna
William and Barbara Briggs
Joanne Edwards
Joe and Gail Evans
Jack and Nancy Fenton
James and Stephanie Gale
Joseph and Doris Galetto
Robert and Susan Grasseschi
John and Joan Hamar
Nancy Heikinen
Ronald and Lou Ellyn Helman
John and Christy Hilgers
Donna M. Hiltunen
Karen O. Hubbard
C. Jean Immonen
Anil and Lois Jambekar
Gernot and Julia Joachim
Sherry Karnosky
In Memory of James Holombo
Daniel and Theresa Holombo
In Memory of Catherine
Ruth Canales
In Memory of Doug Erickson
Robertine Benson
In Memory of Paul Farrington
Dennis and Pauline Moore
In Memory of Barbara Filer
Jo Foley
In Memory of Melvin Fraki
John and Martha Stone
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
In Memory of Edward Hautala
Evelyn Palosaari
In Memory of Susan Hornick
Anne Teska
In Memory of Peter Houle
Michael and Cathy Aten
Sylvia Gagnon
Marlene Houle
David and Gladys Wiitanen
In Memory of Robert Houle
Robert Houle Jr. and Joyce JulioHoule
In Memory of Eleanor Hoyer
John and Joan Hamar
In Memory of Russ Hoyer
Susie Boxer
John and Joan Hamar
James and Patricia Spain
In Memory of Paulette Bray
Susie Boxer
In Memory of Jane Lindsey
James and Diane Zurcher
In Memory of Jeffrey Roy Linna
Susie Boxer
In Memory of Anthony "Tony"
Susie Boxer
William and Virginia Jacka
In Memory of Ray Maki
Jean Maki
Kim and Anita Maki
Wesley and June Maki
Page 15
Memorials Continued
In Memory of Taimi Maki
Reuben and Evelyn Turunen
In Memory of Denise Marth
Jo Foley
In Memory of Rita Martin
Susie Boxer
In Memory of Verna Masini
James and Christine Aittama
Don and Renee Anderson
Susie Boxer
Joan Rae Boyer
George Burich
Wesley and Ann Byykkonen
James and Karen Carlson
Catholic Church of the
Marti Crockatt
Don Campeau and Sue Kupari
Paul and Patricia Doud
Marie Ecke
Stephen Ferns and Lori Cipparone
Clarence and Yvonne Fisher
Robert and Darlene Fyvie
John and Paulette Gedda
Robert and Susan Grasseschi
Charlie and Marilyn Gustafson
Douglas and Anne Halgren
Charlene Harris
David and Nancie Hermanson
Robert and Kathy Hewlett
William and Jeanette Hinn
Frances Hoffman
Robert Houle Jr. and Joyce JulioHoule
George and Suzanne Houle
Marlene Houle
Laura and David Isaacson
Kathleen Johnson
Roy and Ruth Jurva
Curtis and Jeanette Kemppainen
James and Michele Kemppainen
Laura Kent
Lawrence and Mary Kessler
Michael and Sharon Lahti
Marilyn Lohela
Peter and Jacqueline Mace
Joseph Magnino
Jean Maki
Deborah Mann
Alfred and Kerri Masini
Christina Masini
Diana Masini
Joseph and Charlotte Masini
Maria Masini
Paul and Michelle Masini
Janice Mathe
Clifford and Karen Mayers
Gloria Mayra
Mark Mayra
Randy and Gretchen Mayra
Robert and Suzanne Mikesch
Melvyn and Judith Mikkola
Ronald and Mary Mikkola
John and Laurie Monticello
Genevieve Mortier
Charles and Laura Mullins
David and Marilyn Murphy
Shirley Nellen
Alden and Dorothy Norkol
Joyce Ottery
Susan Ottery
Page 16
John and Jeanne Peters
Joseph and Sandra Petrin
Judy Pleshe
James and Judith Plute
William and Coral Polkinghorne
Alice Raisanen and Patricia Morin
Donald and Sandra Raisanen
David and Charmaine Rauls
Paul and Pat Rieder
Melvin and Shirley Riggs
Joe and Brandi Rivest
Sylvia Rowe
Richard and Marja Salani
Betty Samuelson
Burton Seligmann
Alan and Candace Silvola
Ken and Slena Smith
Marcia Smith
Donald and Helen Spear
Michael and Debbie Tchida
Mary Toutant
John and Shirley Treptow
Robert L. Turnquist
Gary and Helen Westerholm
David and Gladys Wiitanen
Anthony and Amy Wilmers
Thomas and Darlene Wilson
In Memory of Carrie Mattila
Susie Boxer
In Memory of Earl Mattila
Eric Bakkila
James and Patricia Barroga
Theodore and Laurie Bornhorst
Michael and Connie Cischke
Michael and Tina Hagwell
Janet Hayden
Arthur and Joyce Hietala
Garry and Rebecca Hoekstra
Harold Honkavaara
David Hughes and Lennon Mattila
Ernest and Elaine Jarvela
E. A. Johnson
Gary Johnson
Kathleen Johnson
Paul and Karen Kangas
Sam Khristoff
Douglas and Margaret Koski
Paul and Torey Kostamo
Keith and Colleen Kus
William and Nancy Lohela
William and Geraldine Luukkonen
Debbie, Justin and Crystal Marier
Barbara Mattila
Gordon and Marjorie Mattila
Leo and Marian Mattila
Leo and Marian Mattila
Margaret Mattila
Michael and Vicky Mattila
Sanfred and Patricia Mattila
Joni Meyers
Christine and Dana Nakkula
Clifford and Marcia Nichols
Stuart and Evelyn Olson
Cynthia and Gerard Quello
John Rudak
Donald and Helen Spear
Cheryl Stimac
Adele J. and Brian Taavola
Reino and Alice Taskila
Douglas and Kathleen Vettori
Joseph and Linda Watson
Wayne and Violet Wiitala
Leona Wuorinen
Terry Wuorinen
Yalmer Mattila Contracting, Inc.
In Memory of Dolores Mattson
Donald Mattson
In Memory of John Mattson
Donald Mattson
In Memory of Joyce Mattson
Donald Mattson
In Memory of Matt and Sigrid
Donald Mattson
In Memory of Robert Mattson
Casey Mattson
In Memory of Mary McAdam
Susie Boxer
Sylvia Hussey
Robert and Suzanne Mikesch
Patricia Oltean
Cynthia and Gerard Quello
Steven and Margaret Vanek
David and Gladys Wiitanen
Thomas and Marlene Willett
In Memory of Vieno Paananen
Alycia Berg
In Memory of June Pardini
Susie Boxer
Michael and Sharon Lahti
In Memory of William Parkila,
Keith and Shirley Wanhaaho
In Memory of Ruth Parsons
Ray and Viki Weglarz
In Memory of Albert Paynich
Louise Stipanovich
In Memory of Clarence "Fred"
Susie Boxer
Karen Haischer
Ann Marie Kangas
Dr David and Carol Kass
Nancy Segsworth
Michael and Joan Thornton
In Memory of Joe Persha
George and Joan Leinonen
In Memory of June Peterson
St. John's Ladies Aid Society
In Memory of Robert McCarthy
Susie Boxer
In Memory of Bertha Pintar
Joseph Pintar
In Memory of Alex Brian
Susie Boxer
Karen Haischer
In Memory of Mary Pintar
Joseph Pintar
In Memory of Don Miller
Fritz and Marvyl Wilson
In Memory of Gary Mills
American Legion Post #90, Lake
In Memory of Violet "Vi" Morin
Duane and Karen Aho
Robert Houle Jr.and Joyce JulioHoule
Mark Mayra
Randy and Gretchen Mayra
Albert and Bernadine McCarthy
Violet Morin Family
Brad and Karin Ravet
Joseph Ravet
Lloyd and Judy Ravet
Betty Samuelson
Ralph and Ginny Schaller
James and Donna Wade
In Memory of David Moyle
Edward and Patricia Chopp
In Memory of Patricia Nelson
Ralph and Betty Tapani
In Memory of Sally A. Ott
Susie Boxer
In Memory of Edward and
Antonia Ozanich
Carol Geshel
In Memory of Philip and Vieno
Nancy Paananen
In Memory of Antonio Pizzi
William and Laura Bulleit
John and Paulette Gedda
Terrence and Sue Geiger
Carol Haapapuro
Dolores Haralson
Paul Masini
Paul and Carolyn Nutini
Brian Rivers
Erik Scott
William Yarroch and Joan
In Memory of Mort Plowe
Walter and Marie Anderson
Robert and Sandra Backon
Cindy Basto
Susie Boxer
John nd Mary Jo Buckett
Copper Island Beach Club
Bob and Del Hilbert
Edward Jones Advisory Solutions
Erickson-Rochon & Nash Funeral
Homes, Inc.
L.H. and R.M. Fredianelli
Joseph and Doris Galetto
Ludwig Gazvoda
Ernest R. Griff
Darrell Guitar
Jack and Shirley Arvo
James and Wilma Jenkins
G. David and Barbara Jukuri
Dan and Jean Kirkish
Kenneth and Lynn Klein
Eleanore Klobuchar
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Memorials Continued
William and Nancy Lohela
Elaine McCarthy
Robert and Elaine McCarthy
David and Shirley Nancarrow
Roberta Noetzel
Rick and Joan Petrelius
Jack and Karen Reiss
Dr Robert and Carrie Richards
Bruce and Karen Rovano
Annette E. Schaefer
Earl and Sally Smith
James and Patricia Spain
Donald and Helen Spear
Pearl Stoor
John and Helen Sullivan
Corey and Patricia Tewalt
Michael and Joan Thornton
Robert and Yvonne Veeser
Mark and Mary Vreeland
In Memory of Grayce Slonaker
American Legion Auxiliary #90
Lake Linden
In Memory of Vieno M. Stalo
David and Mary Gustafson
In Memory of Adrian "AC"
Hugo and Rene Lehto
In Memory of Gladys Stimac
Bernard and Patricia Alkire
Jack and Shirley Arvo
Amanda Binoniemi
J. Michael and Lynn DesRochers
Viola Halkola
Gerald and Nancy Heikkila
George and Suzanne Houle
Pattie and William Luokkanen
In Memory of Albert Plute
Therese Rothenburger
In Memory of Ann Sved
Robert and Carla Banfield
In Memory of Minnie Poggione
Susie Boxer
Margaret Vitton
In Memory of Paul Swift
Susie Boxer
John and Helen Sullivan
In Memory of Martha
Mark and Christine Kilpela
In Memory of Elizabeth
Everett Symons
In Memory of Susan Presslein
Susie Boxer
In Memory of Toivo Taro
Walter and Donna Archambeau
In Memory of Robert Raffaelli
Charles and Christine Goodman
In Memory of Shirley Thornton
Susie Boxer
In Memory of Corbin Roy
Kirkish Furniture
In Memory of William Thorpe
Margaret and Joseph Konosky
In Memory of Robert Sajdak
Frederick and Agnes Ahola
Giselle Colarossi
Harold Herrala and Gail MitchellHerrala
Michael and Joan Kerttu
Guy and Andrea Longhini
Jenny Meulemans
John and Carla Mumper
Judy Pleshe
Jay and Joyce Rowe
Betty Sajdak
Roger and Brenda Turunen
Ryan and Bobbie Van Gheem
Ruth Weckler
Steven and Jane Zutter
In Memory of Hilda
Hermanson Tormala
Susie Boxer
David and Gladys Wiitanen
In Memory of James "Jamie"
Dennis and Isabell Curtin
Robert and Esther Steffel
In Memory of Yolande Treidel
Janet and Gerald Allison
Christ The King Parish
David and Toni Ferris
In Memory of Robert
Gerald and Virginia Vairus
In Memory of Hazel Vencato
Dorothy Bonen
Sean and Maureen Codere
Frank and Martha Cuff
Michael and Marie Gervais
Cheryl Hall
John and Cheryl Hall
Jeffrey and Trina Koepel
Gerald and Kathleen Michaelson
Torch Lake Senior Citizens
In Memory of Joyce Marie
Clifton and Faye Rautio
In Memory of Marion E.Verran
Duane and Karen Aho
Thomas and Paula Appel
Leonard Bohmann and Janeen
Broel, Ltd
Florence Burich
Chesterton Montessori, Inc
Jonathan and Cynthia Cline
Alan Cole and Louise Trevillyan
Robert and Nina Cox
Jean Ellis
Harold and Carol Hermann
Dolores and Charles Little
Arthur Medlyn
Jeannette Medlyn
Dan and Kim Miller
James and Theresa Cavalla
Jerry and Florence Oberlander
Joan and Larry Oberlander
Sam and Martha Pfeiffer
Richard H Verran
In Memory of Geraldine Vettori
Karen Haischer
In Memory of Paul Voght
Arthur and Maureen Anderson
Ethel Morisette Ayoub
Lee and Mary Biekkola
Susie Boxer
Florence Burich
Margaret and James Costello
William and Barbara Ford
Carole J. Iles
Dolores and Charles Little
Kathy Manderfield
Helen Martin
Doris and David Nichols
Roberta Noetzel
Jesse and Peggy Nordeng
Alden and Dorothy Norkol
Jack Rudy
Helen Spence
Lyda Stimac
Doug and Norma Lee Stuart
Mary Tarbox
JoAnn Terrell
Louise and Doug Terrell
William Terrell
Don and Judy Thebo
Elizabeth and Thomas Toutant
Ann Voght
Dennis and Barbara Wiitanen
In Memory of Lois Vogler
Walter and Cindy Mytty
In Memory of Patricia Ann
(Probst) Washburn
James Vivian Jr.
In Memory of Mae June Wight
Sanfred and Patricia Mattila
Adele J. and Brian Taavola
In Memory of Rita Wiinamaki
Great Lakes Mutual
Mary Jane Jolly
In Memory of Sylvia Ylitalo
Susie Boxer
"You give but little when you
give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself
that you truly give."
—Kahlil Gibran
Every effort has been made to accurately include all donor information in this annual report. If we
have inadvertently misspelled your name or omitted information, we offer our sincere apologies
and ask that you bring the mistake to our attention so it can be corrected in the future. Although
we strive for perfection, human (and computer) error can come in to play! We thank you for your
patience and assistance.
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Page 17
2010 Events
Events are held throughout the year to raise funds and awareness of Omega House. anks to the many individuals, community groups and organizations who generously give their time and talent to support Omega House. All proceeds from
these events go directly toward providing care for our residents. In 2010, over $35,000 was raised
Omega House Fall Benefit Concert
e Fall Concert returned to the stage of the Calumet
eatre in 2010. e “Hunter’s Moon” Concert was
held on October 23rd and included performances by
Lindsay Tomasic & Trees and e Erik Koskinen Band.
A silent auction was also held in the eatre Ballroom
prior to the concert and during intermission featuring
wonderful items donated by regional artists and
businesses. e 2011 concert is slated for Saturday,
October 22nd – check our website for details:
Lindsay Tomasic & Trees perform at the Hunter’s Moon Concert
Fall Gala
Omega House celebrated our 5-year anniversary of opening our doors. e Omega House Gala was held in October to
celebrate this special occasion. Over 100 guests gathered at the Miscowaubik Club in Calumet for a social and dinner. A
short program was provided by members of the Omega House Board. In addition to the presentations, a silent auction
was held in conjunction with a live auction. e Jim Vivian Sr. Lifetime Achievement Award was given to its second recipient, Ray Weglarz, a long-time hospice nurse and also one of the founders of Omega House. e Award is given “in recognition of exemplary contributions and long-standing service to further the mission of Omega House.” Jim Vivian Sr. was
a founding member of Omega House and a tireless fundraiser during the capital campaign. It is in recognition of his energy and vision that the award was created.
Omega House Golf
e Golf Outing is held the first weekend in June and
celebrated its 8th anniversary in 2010. ree-person
teams come together for a great day of golfing and lunch
at the Michigan Tech Portage Lake Golf Course in
Houghton. Over 25 generous sponsors help support this
popular event. Local businesses also provide a multitude
of prizes that are awarded during the event.
The winning team from the 2010 Golf Outing were Tim Baroni,
Jeff Markham and Jamey Markham
Page 18
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
2010 Events
Ski (and Snowshoe)
for the Heart of the
A skier heading down the Valley Trail at the Ski for Heart.
Each February, Ski for Heart is held at the
Swedetown Ski Trails on the second Saturday.
Participants are encouraged to skate ski, classic ski
or snowshoe to accumulate kilometers and points.
e proceeds of this fundraiser are divided between Omega House and Copper Island Ski
Club. Six generous sponsors contributed this year
to help defray costs. Area businesses also donate
food and door prizes for the ski and snowshoe
participants. is event is an excellent way to get
outdoors and also benefit two great causes.
The Livin’ Is Easy Concert
Ruth Robertson organized the first benefit concert in July 2007 and continues to coordinate this wonderful evening of
music. e concert is held at the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and features regional singers and musicians performing
musical numbers from Broadway shows and operas. We appreciate the generosity of Ruth and her gifted friends in sharing their talents to help raise money for Omega House. e 2011 concert is scheduled for Tuesday, July 26th at Gloria Dei
Lutheran Church.
Student and Community Fundraisers
ere were multiple events held in 2010 that were organized and coordinated by student organizations and community groups. Our
thanks go to the MTU Sledheads, Phi Delta Chi sorority, the Finlandia Student Nurses and the Hancock High School Class of 2012.
In addition, we receive countless donations from area churches and
civic organizations of both money and in-kind goods, such as food
and household items. We are extremely grateful for these donations
and thank all who contribute.
Finlandia student nurses serve up spaghetti to
raise funds for Omega House.
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Page 19
2010 Omega House Financial Statement
A detailed 2010 year-end financial statement is available at Omega House. Please call if you would like to review a copy.
2010 Total Income – $350,243
2010 Expenses – $289,319
Resident payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$106,744
Donations Including Memorials . . . . .$57,339
Founder’s Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$50,000
Legacy Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$29,327
Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$20,600
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$32,916
Buy-A-Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25,335
Direct Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,502
Durable Medical Equipment . . . . . . . . .$6,870
Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,120
Lease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$600
Salaries and Related Expenses . . . . .$208,807
Utilities/Telecommunications . . . . . .$22,044
Personnel Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$16,225
Printing/Copying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9,263
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8,463
Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8,324
House Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,462
Postage/Mailing/Delivery . . . . . . . . . .$5,524
Insurance/Occupancy Expenses . . . . .$3,950
Business Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,087
Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,171
Wish List
Omega House is in need of the following items. Items marked with ** indicate they are urgently needed. Please contact
House Manager Mary Herlevich at 906-482-4438 if you can donate any of these items or if you have questions. Our
Wish List is posted on our webpage under News & Notes and updated monthly – www.omega-house.org.
Styrofoam cups (all sizes)
3 oz Paper Dixie Cups
Clorox Wipes
Paper Towels
Paper Plates (no Styrofoam, please)
Plastic Storage Bags (Resealable, in all sizes)
Plastic Garbage Bags (13 gallon)
Bunn Brand Coffee Maker (new or gently used)
Liquid Hand Soap
Glade Solid Air Fresheners
First Class Postage Stamps**
Copier Paper**
(We are always in need of stamps. Please consider purchasing an extra book for Omega
House the next time you’re at the Post Office.)
Gift Cards** (from area stores for groceries, paper & cleaning products and/or office supplies)
Card Table and Chairs** (new or gently used and preferably padded seats)
Hand Truck (new or gently used)
Tower Fan w/ remote control (2 needed, new or gently used)
Large Plastic Totes (call Mary to ask what sizes we need)
Flat Screen TV for Living Room (call Mary for details)
We are very grateful to the individuals, businesses, churches and community organizations who keep us supplied
with needed items from the Wish List. Your generosity is much appreciated.
Page 20
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Who We Served in 2010
Number of residents served: 42
Number of U.S. Military Veterans served: 18
Average length of stay: 32 days
Number of care days provided: 1,368
The full cost of care for one day of service at Omega house is $210. This amount provides 24hour care from trained assistants and volunteers, made-to-order home-cooked meals, personal
care, laundry and housekeeping services and emotional, spiritual and bereavement support.
Because of generous community support, Omega House operates on a sliding fee scale so
residents are charged based upon their income and assets.
Percentage of Resident Pay
Medicaid Eligible
Paying 12% of
full fee
Paying 100%
of full fee
Paying 75-99%
of full fee
Paying 13-24%
of full fee
Paying 50-74%
of full fee
Paying 25-49%
of full fee
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Page 21
How Can I Give to Omega House
Annual Gifts
Annual donations to Omega House support the ongoing
operations of the House and provide the next best thing to
home to area residents. Annual gifts can be designated in
memory or honor of a friend or loved one. Sustaining
Donors provide on-going donations monthly, quarterly or
annually by providing us with a credit or debit card and an
amount and time frame to be charged.
Several events are held in the community throughout the
year. See the Events section of this Annual Report to identify ways that you can support Omega House.
Founders Fund
e newly created Founders Fund is a donation at the
$25,000 level payable over a period of up to five years. e
Fund allocates resources for patient care and House operations for a month and ensures that no one will be turned
away because of inability to pay. e Founders Fund is
named in honor of all the early organizers who believed in
the need for Omega House and made that vision a reality.
Veterans Fund
Since opening our doors, U.S. military veterans have
made up to one-third of our total residents. We are honored to serve these residents and have established a special
fund to assist in providing care to any veteran in need of
the services provided at Omega House.
Omega House Legacy Society
Designating Omega House in your estate plan will leave
a legacy of compassionate care to community residents. In
addition to providing support for Omega House, your
planned gift can provide tax advantages for you and your
heirs. Several options to consider are: Bequests, Retirement Plan Assets, Life Insurance Policies, Real Estate and
Trusts. We encourage you to consider a Planned Gift to
Omega House in accordance with the advice of your tax
advisor, attorney, and/or financial planner.
Naming Opportunities
Omega House has several naming opportunities available for donations small and large. We extend this unique
opportunity to families and friends to forever honor a loved
Page 22
Contributions of products and services supports Omega
House by providing much needed items and assistance for
the operation of the House. Our on-going Wish List contains items such as postage stamps, gift cards to areas stores
and kitchen/bathroom items and can now be viewed on
our website: http://www.omega-house.org/ news.php
Keweenaw Community
Foundation Endowment Fund
e Omega House Endowment Fund is administered
by the Keweenaw Community Foundation (KCF). e
Fund was established in 2005 to create an account that is
held in perpetuity to support the work of Omega House.
Donations to the KCF Omega House Fund can be made
by contacting our office or the staff at the Keweenaw Community Foundation.
Community Outreach
If you would like an Omega House representative to
speak to your community group, civic organization or
church, please let us know. We are always happy to present to groups to inform the community about what services
Omega House offers and to provide a virtual tour of the
For more information on any of these options, call
Sandra Lewin, 906-482-4438
Donate Online
e Omega House website provides you with
a convenient, secure way to donate online
anytime. Donations can be made using a credit
card and may be designated to our special
Funds and/or as a memorial or honorarium.
To make a donation online, go to our website –
www.omega-house.org – and click on “Donate
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
You matter because you are you. You matter to the last moment of
your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die
peacefully, but also to live until you die.
—Dame Cicely Saunders, 1918-2005
Founder of St. Christopher’s Hospice
and the modern hospice movement
the final gift of home
Since 2005, Omega House has provided care to over 230 people. As the only hospice home in the entire Upper
Peninsula we accept residents from Ironwood to St Ignace, but to-date almost all of our families have been from
Keweenaw, Houghton and Baraga counties. e only qualification for eligibility to Omega House is to be in a hospice
program or qualify for hospice care. e diagnosis can be related to any life-threatening illness: stroke, heart failure,
kidney failure, degenerative diseases and cancer, to name only a few. Omega House is for those individuals who need
additional care that prevents them from residing in their own homes. Residents are supported physically, emotionally
and spiritually, while maintaining their independence, dignity and respect.
Omega House 2010 Annual Report
Page 23
Mike Abbott, President
Rev. Christine Bohnsack, Vice-President
Guy St. Germain, Treasurer
Cindy Griffin, Secretary
Brian Geshel, Past President
Ron Antila
Magdalena Belej
Frank Carlton
Deanna Foucault
Clare Gaff
Dr. Jeff Huotari
Dr. Sigurds Janners
Don Morin
Rev. Dr. Sydney Morris
Judy Pleshe
Ray Weglarz
Donald VanUum
Deb Young
Robert Zander
Mary Herlevich, House Manager
Sandy Lewin, Director, Community & Donor
e beautiful stained glass window created by
Abbey Green that graces the wall of the
meditation room at Omega House.
—Photo by Candace E. Koski Janners
Resident Assistants
Deb Gagnon
Debra Gariepy
Mary Knight-Foss
Stephanie Laroux
Jackie Mace
Juanita McClellan
Marilyn Pini
Rosanne Poisson
Laurie Stromer
Donna Wade
2211 Maureen Lane
Houghton, MI 49931
(906) 482-4438
a final gift of home
Sharon Avenue