Number of residents served


Number of residents served
Called to Serve —
At some point in our lives we may all be called to
service; whether to family, our faith community, the
elderly or a special cause, we may each be called in our
own way. Service to me means giving freely of one’s
time, energy, talents and resources to someone or
something beyond our self.
The staff, volunteers and board members of Omega
House are joined in the common bond of being called
into service to support our fellow community members
who are dying. I find it comforting that we gain so
much by serving those who have served during their
lives. As you read this report, I hope you find the stories
of our residents, their families, our staff, and volunteers
as inspiring as I do. We invite and need your support
and that of our greater community for our mission of
service to be fully realized.
Many of our residents have answered their call by
service in the armed forces of the United States of
America. Their service for our common good often
affects who they are the rest of their lives. Because we
serve many veterans near the end of life, we have taken
a series of organizational action steps to help us provide
the best possible care to our veterans and support for
their families and loved ones.
We are active members of the We Honor Veterans
(WHV) program, whose goal is to improve care for
veterans near the end of life regardless of where they
live. The WHV Committee is chaired by our Vice
President, Christine Bohnsack.
We hope that you
feel inspired to
continue to support
this work and share
in our joy of service.
Mike Abbott
Board President
This report invites you to look into our world of service,
read stories about our residents and their families, learn
about our volunteers, and recognize our many donors
and supporters. Our staff and volunteers, including our
volunteer board of directors, invite you to share in and
support this service — to our veterans, our elderly, and
our dying community members. This service is
extended to all in need and may have already touched
members of your family, your friends, associates, and
We are proud of the work done at Omega House. We
hope that you feel inspired to continue to support this
work and share in our joy of service.
Michael Abbott
Our Mission
Omega House provides a residential, homelike environment where terminally ill people may live
fully during their final days, free from pain and isolation and supported physically, emotionally
and spiritually by professional and volunteer caregivers, along with family and friends.
Our Vision
The Next Best Thing to Being Home
Number One Tigers Fan: Loretta Paulson —
Loretta ( Jean) Paulson was an avid
lifelong Detroit Tigers’ fan. She rarely
missed watching or listening to their
games and helped organize many trips
with family and friends to Detroit to
watch them play. Her son Marko
became a Tigers fan and
remembers his mother teaching
him and his siblings to play
baseball when they were children.
“My mom loved baseball, and she
was proud that ‘her team’ was the
Detroit Tigers. Her favorite player
of all time was Magglio Ordonez,
the all star right fielder. When her
cancer was advancing, Dr.
McConnon made a call to the
Tigers organization and entered
her into their Dreams Come True
program; they accepted her. My
mom, my wife Julie, and I traveled
to Comerica Park and it was like a
dream come true. She had her
picture taken with a lot of the
Tigers, including Miguel Cabrera,
Austin Jackson, and commentator
Rod Allen. But her biggest thrill
was having her picture taken with
Magglio Ordonez - she got such a
kick out of that. Even with advanced
cancer, knowing it was her last season
of baseball, she watched or listened to
every game; she was such a true fan.”
Loretta had half of a lung removed
when she was young, and it resulted in
her not being able to complete high
school. In spite of not having a
diploma, Jack Forsberg appreciated
her sharp mind and recruited her to
the MTU accounts payable department in 1967. Marko remembers,
“she loved being active and enjoyed
her 25 years at MTU. She made many
friends there. After she retired she
became the PR person for our family
business, Luigi’s in Calumet.
Everyone called her Mom, Ma or
Grandma. She loved that. In January
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
2012 we threw her a surprise 80th
birthday party and over 100 attended.”
“She was proud of being independent
and lived with cancer for nine years.
She went to Marquette Hospital 13
Loretta Paulson with her favorite Tiger,
All Star Outfielder Magglio Ordonez
times to have her nephrostomy tubes
changed and never once complained.
She taught me and others by her
example, even more than her words.
In March of 2011 she began to
decline, and we moved her from her
own home in with my wife and me.
As she got weaker, we decided
together in September that Omega
House would be a good place for her
and for her family.”
“I am so grateful for all of the care and
attention she was given by the staff
and volunteers of Omega House. The
manager Mary helped my wife and
me with her admission process and
addressed all the questions we had. All
of the aides were great. I remember
the personal attention she received
from Marilyn and Jackie and the
others, and I always will. My mom
had lost most of her appetite and told
me how she appreciated that she could
eat what she wanted to when she
wanted, and that no one tried to force
her to eat. This was a source of
comfort for her and to me. The
staff of Portage Hospice was
comforting, and I remember the
kindness of the nurses Jenny,
Melanie and Holly. She thought
the world of Dr. McConnon; he
was there to support her from the
start of her illness until the end.
He saw her at Omega House the
day she died. Sometimes I think
she was waiting to see her
‘Thomas’ one last time.”
“The accommodations at Omega
House allowed for my wife Julie,
my sister Cheryl and me to be at
her side when she died on
September 23rd. She had inner
strength, she accepted her illness
and prepared herself and those
who loved her for her passing; she
even wrote her own obituary. Of
course we miss her a lot, but I am
grateful that Omega House staff
worked closely with the hospice staff
and our family to make her final
journey as peaceful as possible; and I
am grateful that we did not have to go
through this process alone. I go to
McLain’s park often to commune
with her — that is where we spread
her ashes. During our memorial
celebration at McLain’s, each one in
attendance took a spoonful of her
ashes; and with love, spread them
where we remembered Loretta most
fondly — by the big lake, a tree, the
baseball diamond. I plan to do
something in her memory that will
help spread the word and support
Omega House. I will keep you
Page 1
A Welcome Refuge: Sulo Isotalo —
When Tami Bessner, along with her mom Elsie and
siblings (Dale, Susie, Sally and Dennis), helped their
father, Sulo Isotalo, move from Marquette to Omega
House last summer, they were not sure what to expect.
They all wanted him to be comfortable, but the last few
weeks had been difficult. In a short time, Sulo went
from being at home, to Marquette General Hospital, to
a Marquette County nursing home.
“The doctors at Marquette General told us that he had
a very short time to live. He was discharged from the
hospital to a Marquette County nursing home. We
decided at that point not to leave him alone, and we
began to keep a constant family vigil. We were with
him at the nursing home 24/7, and it was a difficult
time. I remember tearfully praying in the early hours of
the morning in Dad’s room at the nursing home,
praying for guidance. A hand came to rest gently on
my shoulder and a voice asked, Will you give me all
your troubles? It was Chaplain Chuck Tooman from
Lake Superior Hospice, and I did. I told him how the
discharge plan from the hospital was not working, how
my Dad was dying, getting restless and I asked him —
‘Please, can we do something different?’ He made one
call to their office and said, ‘We have an emergency
here at the nursing home; we need more help.’”
“Dad was a veteran of WWII, and we thought of the
Jacobetti Veterans Home. When we called to check on
a room, they said he would be number thirty on the
waiting list. We knew it was unlikely that Dad would
live long enough to have his number called for a room.
I thought of Omega House. Within hours they were
helping us move my Dad to Omega House.”
“Mary Herlevich, house manager, made the process as
easy as possible for our family. The home-like
accommodations helped him begin to relax. He
bonded with the staff, and in a surprisingly short time
he felt secure at Omega House. He really was more
relaxed at Omega House than in any other setting.”
“It was such a busy time for me as well. Besides going
through this difficult time with my Dad and Mom, I
have a full time job and needed to continue to be a wife
and a mother. My Hancock home served as home base
to my siblings traveling from afar; I was happy to do all
Page 2
Sulo and Elsie dancing – married 70 years
this, but it was a lot to juggle.”
“My mother Elsie, my siblings and I, were comfortable
at Omega House, and it became a home away from
home for our Dad. We could come to Omega House
whenever we wanted to and stay as long as we liked.
When I walked in to the house and closed that big
front door, I immediately began to relax and forget all
of the day’s worries and duties. I could focus my time
and attention on just being with my Dad. We all had
some special time together at Omega House. We came
to find that our Dad felt more relaxed when he was at
Omega House, and we were too.”
“Dad was a veteran of WWII and accompanied many
injured soldiers from the McCloskey Hospital in Texas
back to their homes when they were discharged. He
would accompany the wounded soldiers right from
their hospital rooms, usually traveling by train, and take
them right to their door step, right into the arms and
care of their family. These experiences stayed with him
his entire life. My family and I are very proud of him.”
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
“Omega House recognizes veterans. The staff and
volunteers were willing to talk with him about his
service when he wanted to and respected his not
talking if he did not want to. He knew the staff and
volunteers cared about him as a person and as a veteran.
He was treated like the
special person we knew he
was. That matters more than
• One out of
words can say.”
she would bring him his favorite treat, homemade
brownies with ice cream on top.”
“We connected with other residents and their families
during our time at Omega House. While the time was
not all that long, they are deep connections formed at
an important time of life. We
had a sense that we were not
every two
alone, that there were other
dying men in America
families going through the
same thing, and we wanted to
“He surprised us all at
is a veteran
support each other. The son
Omega House. He set some
of one of the other residents
personal goals of trying to
• 30% of Omega House
found out that my Dad was a
walk as much as he could,
big Detroit Tigers fan, like his
eating well so he could regain
mother. He gave Dad an
strength so he could go home
• Omega House
official Tigers baseball cap. He
again. After a few weeks of
loved that hat.
On the
good care and his routine, he
improved enough to return
volunteer Joan Thornton was
home. This was a surprise gift
there for extra support,
to all of us. He made the
especially to my Mom—I will always remember her
decision of when to come back to Omega House
kindness. I am not certain what form it will take, but
himself this time, when he knew it was the best thing
I will always be grateful for, and feel connected to,
for all of us. He surprised us a second time. He got
Omega House.”
stronger and stabilized and went home one last time
for a few weeks.”
“Mary Herlevich was so helpful and supportive
through this process; she told him, ‘Sulo, you can go
home whenever you and your family choose to, and
when you feel you need to, you can come back.’ We all
knew that last time he came back was the final time.”
“He was 100% Finn, and he had so much Sisu. He
chopped and stacked his own firewood and cared for
his own lawn well into his eighties. He loved to walk,
and he loved sports. If you asked him where he was
from, he would always say ‘Humboldt.’ He loved to
talk, and the staff and volunteers at Omega House took
the time to listen to him and be interested in his stories.
When he had questions about death and dying, he
chose not to talk with us about it, but he would talk to
the staff and volunteers about it. I don’t know what we
would have done without Omega House.”
“He had a sweet tooth. Mary, one of the aides, brought
strawberries from home and made him strawberry
shortcake. The aide Jackie and my Dad had a routine.
She would pop her head inside his room and ask, ‘Are
you ready for your snack Sulo?’ He would say ‘yes,’ and
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Having served as
treasurer, vice
president and
president I believe
strongly in the
mission of Omega
Brian Geshel
Past President and Chair of Donor
and Grant Committee
Page 3
Joe Evans: Recipient of the Jim Vivian Senior
Lifetime Achievement Award —
Joe Evans has been an Omega House supporter and volunteer
since 2002. When Jim Vivian Sr. called on him that year,
asking for his support of
a new project, Omega
House, one that few
others had heard of at
that time, he did not
need to be convinced of
the value of the project.
cheerleading events to support the house. Joe spearheaded
many sports raffles, golf outings, summer concerts, and two
outlandish and successful
Cow Splats at the
Houghton County Fair.
Joe served actively as a
volunteer on the board
of directors until January
“I was at my grandAt the conclusion of the
mother Pearl’s side in
2012 golf outing — at
lower Michigan when
the event he started,
she died that year. I
playing the sport he
understood immediately
loves — Joe was
when Jim told me about
presented with the
the Omega House
Omega House Jim
project how important a
Vivian Sr. Lifetime
hospice home could be
Achievement Award.
for our community. I
President Mike Abbott
made a pledge to the
said, “Those who know
capital campaign and felt
the history of Omega
inspired to help. The
deserving Joe is of this
mother Wanda became
recognition and disterminally ill with supranuclearpalsy. For six months my tinction. He continues to volunteer by serving on our
brothers and sisters and I took turns helping care for her in Planned Giving Advisory Council. Those whose lives have
her home in Ithaca. She lived her final six months at the been touched by the Omega House can be grateful that Joe
Masonic Home in Alma where she received very good care. Evans answered Jim Vivian Senior’s call.”
I made many trips from the Copper Country, first to Ithaca
then Alma, to be part of her circle of care. I was a half hour
away from Alma when I got a call that she had died. Being
part of my mother and grandmother’s final phase of life
The work of the
reinforced for me the value of a home like Omega House.”
Joe joined the Omega House board of directors in 2003.
“When I joined I knew some of the board members including
Karin Cooper, and I knew the capital campaign co-chairs,
Jim Vivian Sr. and Bill Blumhardt. It was a good group, a
committed group, all very focused on the goal of raising the
money for the house.”
“When Jim Vivian Sr. died during the campaign and it was
still several hundred thousand dollars shy of the 1.2 million
dollar goal, Joe took another big step forward. I was asked to
take Jim’s place as co-chair for the campaign; I was honored
and humbled at the same time. It was a big task — but it was
for a uniquely wonderful cause, and I said yes.”
Joe was a vital part of the successful team that raised the
money to build and open Omega House in 2005. He served
as the event committee chair, starting, steering and
Page 4
caring staff and
volunteers of OH is
important in many
ways, but especially
in helping to
alleviate suffering
and in providing
support to improve
the quality of life at
the end of life's
Sig Janners, MD
Board Member since 1999
The first recipient of the Jim
Vivian Sr. Award and Co-chair
of Hike for the House
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Tom Hruby: Legacy Society Donor —
Tom Hruby has had quite a journey — from his youth in
Cleveland to Merchant Marine adventures during WWII
to membership in the
Omega House Legacy
Society. It has been an
interesting voyage.
and senior years. I filled my schedule with business and
humanities courses, and the Mining Department head
quickly changed the catalog
wording after I graduated.”
“After graduation, I worked
as a writer for Steel
Magazine, which became
Industry Week, and lived in
my home town of
Cleveland. MTU sent me
a letter informing me of
their search for a new
Alumni Activities. The
combination of travel and
writing and having a home
base in the beautiful
Copper Country was too
much to pass up. I served as
Alumni Director for 30
years until 1985, and I loved
my work.”
“I first saw the Michigan
College of Mining and
Technology in 1943 from
the deck of an ore boat
where I worked during high
school and earned my
Merchant Marine papers.
On our way to Duluth, we
cruised the Portage Canal,
and I was fascinated with
the area. After high school,
the war broke out but
because of extreme nearsightedness I was rejected
by the military. That same
Tom Hruby and Mike Abbott, Omega House President.
day I was rejected I
discovered I was already in
“I believe strongly in the mission and need for Omega
the Merchant Marine, and a Navy recruiter assigned me to
House and have made donations to the house since 2002.
a ship sailing out of San Francisco.”
In recent years, I have been using an interesting planned
giving vehicle called a Charitable Gift Annuity. This allows
“My first ship, the Sea Flasher, was an Army troop delivery
me to give a substantial gift to charity, redeemable upon my
vessel with Navy gunners and a Merchant Marine crew. We
death. While living, I receive a pre-determined quarterly
crossed the Pacific Ocean twice, took enemy fire near
dividend. The return is dependent on your age and the
Okinawa, and lost several crew mates. I landed in Japan just
amount of the gift. It is a win-win for both the donor and
at the end of the war, aboard the Nicaragua Victory.”
the charity. Who knows, I may need the services of Omega
“After the war, I remembered seeing MTU from that ore
House myself someday.”
boat so applied there and was accepted. I fell in love with
the Copper Country.
During high school I
edited the student paper
My financial support to Omega House was
and at MTU followed
my passion for writing where my commitment started. My first-hand
by becoming editor of experience with Omega House came when my
the Tech Lode. I am
pleased to say I have the mother, Vi Morin, was a resident in 2009. The
only phony B.S. in personal care and compassion the staff and
Mining Engineering volunteers showed my mom and our family
degree MTU has ever
given out. The Tech touched me. When I was asked to join the board
catalog had many my decision was very easy. It's a great place, with
mining courses, but it
great people, doing something very special.
Don Morin
didn’t say you had to
Board Member and Chair Building
take them in your junior
and Grounds Committee
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Page 5
Joan Thornton: Volunteer of the Year —
Joan Thornton was named the 2012 Omega House volunteer of the year by a vote of the direct care staff.
House Manager Mary Herlevich said, “ Joan’s willingness to help with any task and her flexibility to come in
on short notice, including weekends, make her an outstanding volunteer. Both her father and a friend resided
at Omega House in the past, and during her visits to
see them she saw directly the value and need for volunteer support at the House. She does so many things to
help out, including cooking, assistance in feeding residents, doing laundry, house keeping, assisting our aides
in the care of residents and providing a listening ear to
our residents and families — all part of Joan’s volunteer
shifts at the house. Friday is her regular day, but you will
see Joan at the house many other times as well. If there
is a need and she can make it she will come to help.”
our four parents in 15 months in 2010. I educated myself about hospice and end-of-life care to help me better care for our family members. I became involved as
a volunteer after my father died at Omega House. Having been part of the care for many family members who
were dying and of my father at Omega Houser helps
me understand what our residents and their family
members are going through.”
“I look at death as part of life — like a big circle. At
Omega House you can be catered to just like when you
are born. You can live and die with dignity in a place
like home; everybody deserves that. Watching this
process so many times I know it is just part of life.
What can be a sad and lonely time can be made so
much better with kindness and caring.”
House Volunteers
Kathy Abbott – Joan Antila – Magdalena Belej
Paulette Collins – Mary Dixon – Donna Engmann
Mary Erva – Richard Featherly – Ruth Fitzgerald
Beth Flynn – Cherilyn Frost – Fred and Clare Gaff
Bruce Granat – Shelby Hamar – Mary Hindelang
Doris Huhta – Katie Kolb – Nancy Klingbeil
Lorraine Konosky – Marge Konosky – Delores Kotajarvi
JoAnn Kriege – Dorothy Laajala – Violet Lara
Lorraine Makela – Paul Masini – Adele Masters
Sharon Mattfolk – Patricia Mattila – Judy Mattson
David Milford – Judy Monticello – Carol Niileksela
Paul Peterson – Judy Pleshe – Cindy Quello
Bruce Ragusett – Cindy Ransom – Larry Secord
Erin Smith – Bob Soumis – Mary Ellen Stevens
Adele Taavola – Susan Taivaloja – Joan Thornton
John VanWestenburg – Patty Vilmann – Theonis White
Jan Wieber
Joan Thornton accepting her award from Mike Abbott, President
Veteran to Veteran Volunteers
Joan said about her volunteer service. “I am humbled
and honored by this award - I love being a volunteer at
Omega House. My husband Michael and I lost three of
Robert Bohnsack – Scott Dahlstrom – Jim Lamotte
Elmer Liimatta – Frank Kinnunen – Gerald Smith
Scott Wagner – Bob White
Page 6
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
The Joy of Service —
Raymond Weglarz, RN, Director of Community and Donor Relations
It is common to feel reluctant to offer ourselves in service because we are waiting for the right circumstances
in our lives to occur. We may tell ourselves, “When
this happens, then I will serve.” We may be waiting
for a child to grow, a job to change, or for our health or
the weather to improve. We may be waiting to finally
have enough of something we believe we lack before
we feel ready to offer service to others. But this outlook
may be what is preventing us from experiencing the
gifts that come with service. It is like waiting for heat
by a cold wood stove before making kindling and starting the fire.
When we give freely of ourselves in service, a sublime
joy can arise within us. It is a subtle yet powerful experience that can change us and bring new joy into our
lives. When we are not motivated by the feeling that
we are entitled to a reward for our efforts, this joy is
most likely to arise. The joy found in service can further
support our commitment to serve and help fuel our
ability to be compassionate.
Different traditions have used various words to describe the joy of service.
Omega House is a
living example of
compassion in
Ray Weglarz
Director of Community
and Donor Relations
Omega House is an example of compassion in action.
My heart is continually touched by the display of compassionate service I witness in the volunteers and staff
of Omega House. They have not waited for ideal circumstances to occur in their lives to serve, and their
spirits are buoyed by the joy of serving. They return
again and again, and they inspire others through their
loving gift of service.
Mother Theresa called this joy the holy secret. Her
decades of service to the poor and homeless in India
inspired others to find the courage to serve. She was
fueled by this joy, and some believe it is what
gave her unfailing energy in the face of suffering. She became famous, not from wealth
or power or physical beauty; she became famous because of the depth of her compassion
and her untiring service to others.
Compassion doubly blesses - both the one who
gives and the one who receives, is a saying from
the land of deep snows —Tibet. The Tibetan
tradition teaches that compassion is the most
noble of human qualities, one that we need to
cultivate in ourselves for it to grow.
Michigan Tech Pre-Health Association student-volunteers.
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Page 7
2012 Donors
The following donated to Omega House in 2012 helping to keep our doors open and look optimistically to the future.
5th and Elm Coffee House
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott, Michael and Kathleen
Abbott, Richard and Janet
Abramson, Arthur and Rosella
ACE Hardware
ADK Gamma Alpha Chapter
Adkins, Ronald and Judy
Ahlborn, Mark and Theresa
Aho, Andrea
Aho, Duane and Karen
Aho, Louise
Aho, Pamela
Aho, Roy and Suzanne
Ahola, Christine G
Ahola, Frederick and Agnes
Ahola, John and Carole
Ahola, Neil and Tammy
Aird, Dorene
Aittama, James and Christine
Ala, Grace
Alatalo, Elaine
Albee, Stephen and Judith
Alexander, Eleanor
Algomah Acres Honey Farm & Hive Products
Alkire, Bernard and Patricia
Allen, Ann
Allen, James and Sally
Allen, Janet
Allflex Packaging Products, Inc.
Allison, Janet and Gerald
Allwin, Eugene
Alspaugh, Ann
American Legion Auxiliary #186
American Legion Auxiliary #90
American Legion Post #186
American Legion Post #90
Ameriprise Financial (New Jersey)
Ameriprise Financial Services
Anderson, Arthur and Maureen
Anderson, Barbara Klungness
Anderson, Carl and Chris
Anderson, Don
Anderson, Dr William and Sally
Anderson, Elma
Anderson, Judith M
Anderson, Marion Marie
Anderson, Mark and Ann
Anderson, Nadine
Anderson, Patricia S.
Anderson, Randall and Debra
Anderson, Robert
Anderson, Robert C and Valentyna
Anderson, Ted and Karla
Anderson, Wendy
Andreini, William Bill
Ann Chopp Family
Antcliff, Gerald and Kristine
Antila Funeral Service, Inc.
Antila, David
Antila, Joan
Antilla, Dennis
Anton, Maureen
Anttila, Anna
Apostolic Lutheran Church Toivola
Appel, Thomas and Paula
Applebee’s Grill and Bar
Archambeau, Paulette
Archambeau, Walter and Donna
Archie, Allen and Karen
Arens, Carolyn and Joseph
Arntsen, Gene and Sharon
Arvo, Jack and Shirley
Aspirus Keweenaw Home Health & Hospise
Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital
Aten, Michael and Cathy
Audette, James and Mary
Audette, Merle
Axford,Vernon and Margaret
Ayers, Thomas and Laura
Ayoub, Ethel Morisette
Babich, John Family
Babich, Joseph
Babich, Kathleen
Babich, Rudy
Bach, David
Backman, Ramona, John and Anna
Backon, Robert and Sandra
Bacon, Marlys
Bailey House
Baillod, Jeanine
Baker, C. Allan and Galbraith, Shirley
Omega House
offers an invaluable
resource to the
Western UP,
providing care and
comfort to its
residents in the
final stages of life. I
am honored to serve
on the Board and be
Debbie Stouffer
Board and Planned Giving
able to use my
Advisory Member
knowledge as a
Certified Financial Planner for the
financial benefit of the House as we strive
to reach our long term goals.
Page 8
Baker, Kurt
Baker, Ruth
Bakkila, Eric
Balma, Marguerite
Balma, William and Nancy
Baltensperger, Brad
Banfield, Robert and Carla
Baratono, Robert and Sarah
Barbour, David and Margaret
Baril, Diane and David
Baril, Michael and Laura
Barkdoll, Brian and Sharon
Barkell, Margaret Peggy
Barkell, Ruth Jean
Barna, Bruce and Jaclyn
Barrette, Dennis and Sandra
Barrette, Myrtle M.
Barrette, Rich and Trina
Barroga, James and Patricia
Barron, George and Ilona
Barron, Robert and Joan
Barry, Dr. Phillip O. and April
Bashaw, Florence
Basto, Cindy
Bates, Angela
Bates, Dallas and Carol
Battino, Benjamin and Gillian
Baudino, George Bud and Jan
Bausano, Anthony and Joyce
Beach, Rev Bucky and Belew, Julie
Beauchamp, Diane
Beaudoin, Bruce and Hein, Gretchen
Beaudoin, Lionel
Beck, Donald and Susan
Beck, Gary and Julie
Becker, William
Beehler, Rita
Been, Barbara Ann
Beiring, Francis and Kathy
Belej, Magdalena
Belej, Marko and Monica
Beljan, Joseph and Ruth
Belopavlovich, Pauline
Belopavlovich, Robert and Susan
Benaglio, Anthony and Carol
Bennink, Otto
Benson, Robertine
Berg, Alycia
Berg, Beverly
Berg, Lois
Berg, Siiri
Bergman, Roger and Joanne
Bergman, Thomas and Palmer, Lily
Bernardo, Anthony and Susan
Berrien County Sheriff’s Dept.
Bershing, Scott and Tracey
Bertram, Barbara
Bessner, Harold
Bessner, Todd and Tami
Bessolo, Michael and Laurel
Bethany Lutheran Church - Covington
Bethany Lutheran Church of Keweenaw
Bettinson, Chuck and Smolen, Diane
Beyers, Christina
Beyhan, Debra
Bianucci, Paul and Jean
Bibbs, Cheryl
Biekkola, Allan and Darlene
Biekkola, Lee and Mary
Billings, James and Mary
Bingham, Robert and Marie
Binoniemi, Amanda
Bird, Nancy and Cygan, Kenneth
Bird’s Eye Creations
Bishop, Ethel
Blom, Marc and Becky
Blom, Theodore and Margaret
Bloomfield, Randy and Billie
BlueSky Health
Blumberg, Carol
Blumenschein, Mike
Blumhardt, Joanne
Bob Nelson
Bocynesky, Basil and Sandra
Bogan, James and Ronda
Bohmann, Leonard and Stephenson, Janeen
Bohnsack, Rev Christine and Robert
Boissevain, Paul and Margaret Margi
Boldt, Oscar and Patricia
Bolduc, Leonard and Patricia
Bollmen, Tom
Bonen, Dorothy
Bonini, Mike and Robin Vial
Bonini, Robin
Bonini, Roy and Lenore
Boomer, Fay and Donald
Borne, Jolene
Bornhorst, Ted and Laurie
Bosco, Barbara and Lewis
Bourbonais, Marilyn
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Boyce, James and Alice
Boyer, Joan Rae
Bracco, Gracia
Bradford, Debbie
Bradof, Kristine
Brancheau, Marilyn
Bratetich, Mary A.
Breitkopf, Shasta
Brent Family
Briggs, William and Barbara
Brinkman, Charlotte
Brisky, Gayle
Broel, Ltd
Brogan, Earl and Janice
Brokaw, Alan and Marianne
Brooks, Karen
Brown, Cynthia
Brown, Marion
Brown, Marlene
Brown, Rebecca
Browning, Jack and Wendy
Brule, Warren J
Bruno’s Motor, Inc
Brush, William and Siler, Lois
Brusse, Jean and James
Brychta, Frank and Michelle
Buch, Brent and Lilian
Buchbinder, Elaine
Buchmann, Margaret
Buckett, John nd Mary Jo
Bucko’s Party Store
Bugge, Jack and Candy
Bulleit, William and Laura
Burdett, Bruce
Burger, Charles and Grace
Burich, Florence
Burich, George
Burkman, Leona
Burns, Thomas and Barbara
Burrus, Julie
Buschell, Jean
Butkovich, Delores
Butvilas, George and Barbara
Byykkonen, Wesley and Ann
Cafe Rosetta (
Calumet Electronics Corp.
Calumet Women’s Club
Campbell, Paul and Anita
Campbell, Ruth
Campbell, Wilbur Bill and Ellen
Campbell-Olszewski, Mark and Cathy
Campeau, Donald and Kupari, Sue
Campioni Enterprises (Pat’s Foods & Festival
Canal Run Operations - Portage Health
Canales, Ruth
Cane Funeral Home
Caramella, Mario and Edna
Caramella, Patricia
Carlborn, David and Karana
Carli, Donald and Carol
Carlson, Gerald and Gail
Carlson, James and Karen
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
2012 Donors Continued
Carlson, Patricia
Carlson, Paul and Tina
Carlson, Robert and Betty
Carlson, Wendell and Audrey
Carlton, Frank and Cornelia
Carmody, Peter and Patricia
Carozza, Ada J.
Carr, Faye and Robert
Carrousel Winery
Carter, Alice
Caserio, John
Caserio, John and Mary
Caserio, Mary
Caspary, Helen
Catholic Church of the Resurrection
Cavallo, James and Theresa
CDL Testing Of Hancock
Central Vac Internaional
Chadde, Joan Schumaker
Chamberlain, Ray W.
Chamberlain, Richard and Mary
Chamberlain, Ruth
Chambers, Anne
Champion, John and Norma
Chapel, William
Chaput, Albert
Chart Inc. Georgia Facilities
Chase, Michael and Marian
Chassell Women’s Club
Chesney, David and Vicki
Chesterton Montessori, Inc
Childs, Ann and John
Chmielewski, Jim and Bonnie
Chopp, Edward and Patricia
Chopp, Hubert B.
Christ The King Parish
Christianson, John and Rebecca Becky
Chronowski, Flora
Cinelli, Mark
Cischke, Michael and Connie
Class Of 1980, L’anse High School
Clayton, Scott and Julie
Clement, Albert and Elsa
Clement, Greg and Joanne
Cline, Jonathan and Cynthia
Clisch, Helen
C-L-K Rotary Club
Clouthier, George and Florence
Coates, Samuel and Barbara
Cobb, Connie And Susan
Cobb, Mayme Mae
Coca Cola Bottlers’ Foundation
Codere, Kevin
Codere, Lonnie
Codere, Sean and Maureen
Coello, Terri
Coffey, Lawrence
Colarossi, Giselle
Cole, Alan and Trevillyan, Louise
Cole, Dr Thomas and Donna
Cole, Leroy
Cole, William and Sunny
Colling, Timothy and Trisha
Collins, Paulette
Collins, Scott and Cynthia
Commercial Metals Co.
Community United Methodist Church White Pine
Concert, Fall
Condon, Thomas and Dorothy
Connor, Michael and Ruth
Cook , Leslie Les and Valentine-Cook,
Coon, Ralph A
Cooper, Douglas and Karin
Cooper, Marie
Cooper, Marilyn
Coponen, William
Copper Country Apothecaries Inc.
Copper Country Associated Artists
Copper Country Ford
Copper Country Intermediate School
Copper Country Mall
Copper Country Mental Health
Copper Country Veterinary Clinic
Copper Island Beach Club
Copper Island Printing
Copper Range Abstract & Title Agency
Corgan, Evelyn
Corser, John L
Costello, Margaret and James
Cote, Bradley and Holly
Cote, Darwyn and Helen Sue
Cote, Gary and Heather
Cote, Robert and Carolyn
Country Inn and Suites
County of Houghton
Courchaine, Robert
Court North Star No. 17 Foresters Of
Courtney, Mary
Cox, Robert and Nina
Croation Fraternal Union Lodge 270
Crockatt, Marti
Crouch, Ron and Janice
Crowley, Lawrence
Cuff, Frank and Martha
Curtin, Dennis and Isabell
Curtin, Larry
Curtin, Maurine
Cyberia Cafe
D & L Janitorial Services, Inc.
Daavettila, John
Daavettila, Robert and Mary Jean
Dabio, Gail
Dahlgren, Arthur and Ruth
Dahlgren, Thomas and Julene
Daily Mining Gazette
Dakota, Martha
Dalman Woodfired Pottery
Dalquist, Janet Anuta
Danielson, Michelle
Danis, Robert
Danis, Stephen
Dan’s Polaris
Darling, Robert and Rebecca
Daughters of Italy
Davis, Garland and Vivian
Dawson, Donald and Gladys
Dawson, John and Ruth
Dawson, Robert
De Forge, Alexander and Mary Ann
De La Terre Bistro
Debbie, Justin and Crystal Marier
DeForge, Joseph
DeForge, Russell and Cathy
Dekema, Robert
Delf, Esther Gin
Dellaria, Janet
DellaValla, Dr Joseph and Jessica
Delta-Menominee Heart of the North Lions
Demotts, Myra
Dennis, Chris and Liz
Dennis, Julia
Dennis, Marie
Denofre, Erica
Dept. of Anesthesia, Univ of Cincinnati
Medical Center
Dept. of Anesthesiology, Univ of Cincinnati
College of Medicine
Depuydt, Louie
Des-Jardin, Donna
Desort, George
Desotell, Marilyn
DesRochers, J. Michael and Lynn
DesRochers, James and Mary
Detrisac, M and J
DeWald, Carl
DeWald, Dr Marilynn and Dale
Dewar, Scot and Julie
Dewey, George and Puzakulich, Andrea
Dianda, Jeanne
Dickson, Martha
Diehl, Jimmy and Beske-Diehl, Suzanne
Dinsmore, Dr Christian and Dovin, Dr
Dionne, James and Nancy
Distant Drum (
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Dixon, Mary
Dlubala, Charles and Debra
DNR Baraga Operations Service Center
Dodson, Steven
Dollar Bay Linoleum & Tile
Domitrovich, Carl and Janet
Domitrovich, Frank and Mary
Domitrovich, George and Judith
Domitrovich, Karen
Domitrovich, Sara and Carl
Dompier, James and Coreen
Donovan, Jennifer
Dorcas Society of SS Peter & Paul
Dorscht, Donald and Barbara
Dorvinen, Agnes
Dorvinen, Nancy
Doskey, Mary
Dostaler, David and Joan
Doud, Paul and Patricia
Douglas, Raymond and Virginia
Doyle, Dawn
DP Construction
Dr. Janners Office
Drake, Cindy
Drake, John and Faye Cathi
Drenovsky, Richard and Marcia
Drewyor, Michael and Judy
Dube, James
Dube, James W
Duelge, Jason and Darci
Duffy, John and Irene
Dugdale, Karen
Dunstan, William and Aili
Dupuis, Elmer and Karen
Dupuis, John and Joan
Eagle Harbor Women’s Coffee Group
Eagle Rock Studio
Ecke, Marie
Eckhart, Alfred C. and Mary C.
Eckloff, Donald
Eckloff, Jean
Econo Foods
Ed Gray Gallery & Studio
Eddy, Toni
Eddy, William and Constance
Edgerton, Dyann
Edwards, Joanne
Edwards, Richard and Barbara
Ehlers, Clarence and Sara
Ekstrom, Peter and Carol
Eliason, Earl and Jean
Ellis, Jean
Ellis, Stacy
Elmblad, Catherine
Elmblad, Lowell and Peggy
Emerick, Lynn
Emley, Sharon and Arkin, Donald
Engel, Jack and Sandi
Engineering Trends
Erickson, Laura
Erickson, Neva L.
Erickson-Rochon & Nash Funeral Homes,
Erlandson, June
Erva, Gerald and Mary
Erva, Karen
Erva, Robert and Mary
Eskola, Ethel
Etelamaki, David and Sandy
Etelamaki, Tanya
Etlemaki, Scott and Lisa
Evans, Gary
Evans, Jason and Amy
Evans, Joe and Gail
Faith Lutheran Church Women
Faletti, Orleen
Faller, Cheryl
Family Video
Farley, Diane
Farrell, Daniel and Jolayne
Fay, Karyn and Barry
Feinauer, Mark
Fenton, Jack and Nancy
Ferns, Stephen and Cipparone, Lori
Ferris, David and Toni
Fett, Johanna
Fiala, Frank and Dekker-Fiala, Emily
Filer, Robert and Deborah
Filppula, Harvey and Norma
Finger, Jeff
Fink, Bill and Barry Elizabeth
Finkbeiner, Mark and Karen
Finlandia University Student Nurses
Firearms and Supplies Inc.
First Lutheran Church
Fisher, Clarence and Yvonne
Fitzpatrick, Michael and Eliszewski, Kelsaey
Fleischmann, Robert and Mary
Fleming, Shezwae
Florence, Scott
Flowers by Sleeman
Flowers, Christine
Flynn, Elizabeth A.
Fogg Family
Foix, Steven and Sharon
Foley, Barbara
Foley, Lynda Jo
Fontaine, Fred and Maxine
Fontaine, Willis and Brenda
Ford, William and Barbara
Forsberg, Eric and Mary
Foss, Knight Mary
Foucault, Deanna and Steven
Fountaine, Michael
Fournier, Felix and Virginia
I value Omega
House as an
organization where
genuine people
make a difference in
the community.
Jeff Huotari
Board Member and
Co-Chair of Hike for the House
Page 9
2012 Donors Continued
Frair, Paul and Audrey
Frank A. Douglass Agency, Inc.
Frank Stubenrauch & Sons Logging and
Frederick, Gary and Jo Anne
Fredianelli, James and Vicky
Fredianelli, Louis L.H. and Roberta R.M.
Fredrickson, Cedric (Ted) and Karen
Frost, Cherilynn
Fryxell, Jon
Funkey, Kathleen
Fyvie, Robert and Darlene
Gaabo, Frederic and Kathryn
Gaff, Fred and Clarissa Clare
Gagnon, Deb
Gagnon, Michael
Gagnon, Sylvia
Gale, Calvin and Laurie
Gale, Christopher and Margaret Peg
Gale, James and Stephanie
Galetto, Joseph and Doris
Gardner, Glen
Garnell, Louis and Kaye
Garrett, Gloria
Gasparovich, Eleanor
Gasperich, Betty
Gast, Dennis
Gast, Ted and Arlene
Gazvoda, Ludwig
Geborkoff, Irene
Geborkoff, Joseph and Mary
Geda, Mary Ann
Gedda, Brian and Cathy
Gedda, John and Paulette
Geiger, Terrence and Sue
Geis, Fred and Colleen
Gemignani, Anthony and Rosemarie
Gemignani’s Italian Restaurant
Gertcher, Robert and Diane
Gervais, Michael and Marie
Geshel, Brian and Michelle
Geshel, Carol
Geshel, Marie
Gierke, John and Lynn
Gill, George Jr and Judith
Giudicelli, Ange and Ruth
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Godin, Francis
Godlevske, Harold and Darlene
Goldy, Melvia
Gomberg, Susan
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Goodman, Charles and Christine
Gorman, Hugh and Bonnie
Grace Lutheran Church
Grace United Methodist Church -Houghton
Granat, Bruce and Maureen
Grandchamp, McBride & Prophet, CPA’s, PC
Grandelis, John
Gransell, Edwin and Joanne
Grasseschi, Robert Bob and Susan
Gratz, Ronald
Great Lakes Mutual Insurance Co.
Great Lakes Sound and Vibration
Green Jr., J. B. and Phyllis
Green, Abbey and Chris
Green, William and Elsa
Greene, Edith
Greenland United Methodist Women
Greenlee, Thomas and Adele
Greenspon, Larry and Lyter, Sara
Gregorich, Myles and Susan
Gremaux, Larry and Jane
Greuer, Rudolf and Adelheid
Griff, Ernest R.
Griffin, Cindy
Grinus, Glenn and Pattie
Groitzsch, Carl and Fay
Grudnoski, Mina
Guisti, Al and Jean
Guitar, Darrell
Gurchinoff, Thomas and Mary Ann
Gustafson, Charlie and Marilyn
Gustafson, David and Mary
Gustafson, Richard and Shirley
Haapapuro, Carol
Haapapuro, Miriam
Haase, Robert and Jan
Haataja, Ezra and Marlene
Haataja, Robert and Judy
Hagenbuch, Dennis and Ann
Hagwell, Michael and Tina
Hahn Hammered Copper
Hainault, Steven and Susan
Haischer, Karen
Haischer, Ruth
Hakala, Ralph and Joyce
Hakola, Elizabeth Liz
Halgren, Douglas and Anne
Halkola, Paul and Kathleen
Halkola, Tim and Swift, Marilyn
Hall, Cheryl
Hall, John
Hall, Tammy
Haller, William and Eloise
Haltenhoff, Harriet
Haltunen, Leroy and Judith
Hamar, Doug and Shelby
Hamar, John and Joan
Hamar, Julie
Hamar, Marilynn
Hamilton, Michael and Angelika
Hamlin, Theresa
Hancock Eagles Auxiliary #382
Hancock Educational Support
Hancock High School Class of 2012
Hancock Home Study Club
Hancock Rotary Club
Handler, Shannon and Robert
Hanke, John and Marjorie
Hanmer, Wayne and Beyers, Richard
Omega House is a
beacon at the end of
life. I am happy
knowing it may
well be my last
Magdalena Belej
Board Member since 1999
Page 10
Hannula Agency
Hannula, Charles and Jessie
Hannula, Clifford and Joanne
Hannula, Nancy
Hanson, Katherine
Haralson, Dolores
Harbour, Dennis and Bourne, Andrea
Hardy, Barbara and Loduha, Rick
Harjala, Dorothy and Edward
Harkins, Dr. Martin and Mary
Harmala, Edwin and Eleanor
Harmony Gardens Adult Day Center
Harris, Charlene
Harris, John B.
Harris, John N.
Harris, Norman
Hartel, Edward
Hartman, James
Hauge, Andrea (Bacon)
Hauswirth, Bob and Mary
Haviland, Susan and Thomas
Hawley, John and Geri
Hay, James and Bonita
Hayden, Janet
Hayrynen, Kathy
Hebert, Ruth
Hecht, Steve
Heckel, Richard Dick
Heide, Charles and JoAnn
Heikinen, Nancy
Heikkila, David and Evelyn
Heikkila, Gerald and Nancy
Heikkila, James and Joan
Heikkila, Thomas and Robin
Heikkinen, Raymond and Lila
Hein Surveying
Hein, Diana
Heinonen, Marvin and Cynthia
Heldt, Lloyd and Patricia
Hella, Connie
Helman, Ronald and Lou Ellyn
Helminen, Brian and Margaret
Henderson, Starlett
Henkel, Janice
Henkel, Jonathan and Sandra
Hennepin County Environmental Services
Henry, Rev. John
Henry, Wayne
Herlevich, Dawn and Asiala, Christopher
Herlevich, Jon and Cheryl
Herlevich, Mary
Hermann, Harold and Carol
Hermanson, David and Nancie
Herrala, Harold and Mitchell-Herrala, Gail
Hershey, Jerry and Karen Karr
Herveat, Barbara
Hewett, Greg
Hewlett, Robert and Kathy
Hickey, Michael
Hietala, Arthur and Joyce
Hietala, Gordon and Edna
Hietala, Lindsay
Hietala, Minerva
Hietala, Paul and Jane
Hietala, Ralph and Beverly
Hilbert, Bob and Del
Hilgers, John and Christy
Hill, Joanne
Hillenbrand, Myrtle
Hilshorst, Howard and JoAnn
Hiltunen, Donna M.
Hiltunen, Elizabeth
Hiltunen, Pamela
Hindelang, Mary and Silver, Mark
Hines, Dr Mary Beth and David
Hinn, William and Jeanette
Hoagland, Alison Kim
Hocking, Michael E.
Hodges, Donna
Hodges, Jill and William
Hodges, Robert
Hoduski, Brian and Tammy
Hoeft, Rachel
Hoekstra, Gary and Rebecca
Hofbauer, Dorothy L.
Hoffman, Frances
Hoffman, Mark and JoAnn
Hoffstrom, Donald and Sandra
Holman, Al and Joan
Holmes, Ed and Audrey
Holmgren, Elaine I
Holombo, Theresa
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Honkavaara, Harold
Hosang, Mary
Houghton Baptist Church
Houghton County Courthouse
Houghton County Probate and Family Court
Houghton County Treasurer
Houghton Rotary Club
Houle Jr., Robert and Joyce Julio-Houle
Houle, George and Suzanne
Houle, Marlene
Houle, Shannon
Hruby, Tom
Hruska, Ernestine Spear
Hubbard, Karen O.
Hubbell, James and Dawn
Hughes Farm Fruits & Veggies
Hughes, David and Lennon Mattila
Hughes, Gary and Patricia
Huhta, Doris
Hulkonen, Arthur and Mildred
Hulkonen, Jeanne Seratti
Huls, Edward and Gertrude
Huls, Timothy and Paula
Hunter Paul and Olson Hunter, Ren
Huotari, Dr Jeffrey and Kristy
Huotari, Lloyd and Vivian
Huovinen, Glenn
Hussey, Sylvia
Hutzler, Neil and Jean
Huuki, Arnold Bud and Ruth
Hyun, Eric
Iacovoni, Dante and Joyce
Ilenich, Henry and Mary
Iles, Carole J
Illgen, Richard and Sylvia
Immonen, C. Jean
Immonen, Michael and Nancy
Indigo Massage & Wellness Studio
Inghram, Norma
IRTelemetrics, Inc.
Irwin, James
Irwin, James and Glenna
Isaacson, Laura and David
Isaacson, Richard and Marilyn
Isaacson, Uno and Agnes
Iskra, Martin and Gale
Isola, David and Bonnie
Isotalo, Elsie
Isotalo, Lynn
Ivey, Mary
Jaaskelainen, James and Kathy
Jaasko, Theodore
Jabusch, Allyson M.
Jacka, William and Virginia
Jackovich, Pauline
Jackson, Jean
Jackson, Margaret Peggy and Will
Jackson, William
Jakovic, Joseph
Jambekar, Anil and Lois
James LaBelle Family
Jamsen, Gale
Jamsen, Richard and Jane
Janda, James and Patricia
Janners, Dr Sigurds and Candace
Janners, Martha Marty
Janovsky, Charles
Janowiak, Maria
Jarvela, Elaine
Jarvenpaa, Kathleen
Jarvi, Allen and Donna
Jarvi, Herbert
Jarvi, Lilian and Hill, Richard
Jayne, Larry and Chloe
Jenich, Edward and Jana
Jenkins, James and Wilma
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
2012 Donors Continued
Jenkins, Timothy
Jestila, Daryl and Sylvia
Jestila-Sikorsky, Carol Lee
Jilbert, John
Jim’s Pizza
Joachim, Gernot and Julia
Jobst, Joe and Vicki
Jobst, John Jack and Fedewa, Deborah
John and Constance Benson
Johns, Ryan and Stephanie
Johnson, Adam and Robyn
Johnson, Charlene
Johnson, Donald and Katherine
Johnson, Dr Robert and Janet
Johnson, E A Ernest
Johnson, Gary
Johnson, H. Edsel
Johnson, James and Ruth
Johnson, Jerome and Mary
Johnson, Joseph and Sandra
Johnson, Katherine
Johnson, Kathleen
Johnson, Keith R
Johnson, Kenneth C
Johnson, Mark and Dana
Johnson, Mary Ruth
Johnson, Philip and Rene
Johnson, Richard and Sally
Johnson, Robert and Kathleen Carlton
Johnson, Steven and Sharon
Johnson, Ted and Dianne
Johnson’s Shoe Repair
Jolly, Mary Jane
Jones, Clint and Francine
Jones, Margaret, Douglas and Robert
Jones, Thomas and Marie
Jose, Phil
Joyal, Helen
Joyal, Martin and Wendy
Judnich, Gloria
Judnich, Kathleen
Judnich, Michele
Jukkala, Martha
Jukuri, G. David and Barbara
Juntikka, Ann
Junttila, Angeline and William Carl
Juntunen, Dean J.
Juntunen, Donald and Kangas, Marie
Juntunen, Karyn
Jurgensen, Marty and Mary
Jurmu, Douglas and Janelle
Jurmu, Paul and Joanie
Jurva, Roy and Ruth
Kahkonen, Beth
Kahn, Richard and Roberta
Kaiponen, Kenneth and Gerri
Kalcich, Donald and Michelle
Kalcich, Dr. Jill
Kalcich, Steve
Kalliainen, David
Kalliokoski, Jorma
Kamarainen, Peter and Chappell, Carol
Kangas Cafe
Kangas, Ann Marie
Kangas, Jacqueline and Kenneth
Kangas, Michael and Paulet
Kangas, Mildred
Kangas, Paul and Karen
Kangas, Wesley
Kangas, Wesley and Cheryl
Kantola, David and Linda
Kapnick, Douglas and Mary
Kari, Daniel
Karnosky, Sherry
Karvonen, Cathy
Kass, Dr David and Carol
Kastelic, Frank and Cindy
Katalin, John and Ruth
Kathy’s Country Flowers
Katzman, Linda
Kaufman, Susan and Francis, Marlaine
Kauppi, June
Kauppila, Dr Glenn and Clouthier, Lisa
Kaurala, Aune and Helen
Kaye, Sandra
Keeling, Esther
Kekko, C Fred and Margaret
Kellan, Marie
Keller, Jeffrey and Tammie
Kelley, Catherine
Kelley, Thomas and Ruth
Kelly, Sarah
Kempainen, Alvin and Elizabeth
Kemppainen, Curtis and Jeanette
Kemppainen, Esther
Kemppainen, James and Michele
Kemppainen, Paul and Ann
Kendall, Lytton
Kendall, Norman and Barbara
Kent, Julie
Kent, Laura
Keranen, Dora
Keranen, Shirley
Keranen, Uno
Kerban, Michele M.
Kero, Wilbert
Kerr, Sheri
Kershner, Rodger and Mary Steck
Kerttu, Christine
Kerttu, Michael Mike and Joan
Kessler, Lawrence and Mary
Kesti, John and Suzanne
Kesti, Steve and Kelly
Keweenaw Automotive, Inc.
Keweenaw Brewing Co.
Keweenaw Community Foundation
Keweenaw Consignment, LLC
Keweenaw Co-op Market and Deli
Keweenaw MLS (Multiple Listing Service)
Keweenaw Title Agency
Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Khristoff, Sam
Kiiskila, Walt
Killmar, John
Kilpela, Edward and Darlene
Kilpela, Jocelyn
Kilpela, Mark and Christine
Kilponen, William and Kathleen
Kiltinen, John and Pauline
Kingstrom, Greg and Cassandra
Kingstrom, Linda and George
Kinnunen, Barbara
Kinnunen, Eldon and Alice A.J.
Kinnunen, Russell and Barbara
Kinnunen, Walter and Leah
Kino, George
Kinzel, Dr Terry and Kingsley, Sue Ellen
Kipina, Gene and Beverly
Kirk, Edward and Michelle
Kirkish Furniture
Kirkish, Carol
Kirkish, Dan and Jean
Kirkish, George and Laurie
Kirkish, Joseph
Kivela, Gordon J.
Klein, Kenneth and Lynn
Klein, Mary
Klein, Nicholas and Geraldine
Klemett, Marlene
Klemp, Dr. Janice
Kleven, Earl
Klobucarich, Steve and Carol
Klobuchar, Eleanore Ellie
Klungness, Kraig and Alvord, Katharine Tracy
Klups, Mary
Knight Foss, Mary
Knight, Julie
Knodt, John and Sonia
Koch, Rita
Koepel, Jeffrey and Trina
Kokko, Janet
Kokkonen, Pauline
Kokkuri, Florence
Kokkuri, Helen
Kolb, Katherinen Katie
Kolb, Michael and Wanda
Kolehmainen, Alice
Kolehmainen, Arthur N.
Kolehmainen, Donald
Kolehmainen, Keith
Kolehmainen, Lowell
Koljonen, Susan
Kommes, Alfred and Janie
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Kommes, Ronald
Komula, Eva
Konosky, Lorraine
Konosky, Margaret
Konosky, Margaret and Joseph
Kopke, Scott and Diane
Korhonen, Charles and Jane
Korpela, Steven and Virginia
Koski, Carl and Dorothy
Koski, Christine
Koski, Dale and Holmstrom, Eileen
Koski, Douglas and Margaret Jane
Koski, John and Anita
Koski, Karen
Koski, Kathryn
Koski, Michael J.
Koski, Robert and Rolf, Jessica
Koskinen, Erik
Koskiniemi, Bernard and Patricia
Koskiniemi, Dan and Jill
Kostamo, Paul and Torey
Kotajarvi, Delores
Kotila, Gerald E
Kowalski, Eunice
Kraai, Ed
Kraft, Audry
Kraft, Marie
Kriege, JoAnn
Kristapovich, Lawrence and Mary Jo
Kristen, Christine
Krumm, Raymond and Marjorie
Kruse, Richard and Phyllis
Krznarich, Richard and Emilie
Kubin, Dennis and Nancy
Kukkonen, Phillip and Bonnie
Kumlin, David
Kunick, Katherine
Kurtti, James and Debora
Kurtti, Marie
Kurtz, Dr Craig and Jeanne
Kuru, Douglas and Janet
Kus, Keith and Colleen
Laakonen, Charlene and Brian
LaBell, Roger and Minnie Margaret
LaBelle, Prudence
Laberge, Kathleen Bridget
LaBonte, Ed and Karen
LaCourt, Jerry and Dorothy
Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 3900
Lafernier, Michael and Susan
LaFond, Mark and Gale
Lagerloef, Hans and Susan
Lahey, James and Larisa
Lahnala, Erland and Barbara
Lahti, Michael and Sharon
Lahti, William and Mary Claire
Laine, Norma R
Laiti Jewelers
Laitinen, Arnold and Mary
Laitinen, Ellen
Lake Linden-Hubbell Schools
Lake Superior Post 4167 VFW Ladies
LaLonde, Colleen and Randall
Lambert, Deborah and Lewis
Lampinen, Anthony and Marsha
Lander, Lloyd and Jean
Landsparger, Margaret
Lang, Robert and Julie
Langdon, Joseph and Kate
Langen, Earl
Langseth, Rev. Robert Bob and Delores
Lankton, Larry and Rachel
L’Anse Masonic Lodge No. 547
L’Anse United Methodist Women
Lantto, Lloyd and Jeanne
Lantz, Keith and Michel
Laplander, James and Loretta
Lappala, Emil
Lara, Dr. Ethelbert Bert and Violet
Lareaux, Melanie
Laroche, Joan
LaRochelle, Eugene and Mary
Larson, Benjamin and Lianne
Larson, Donald and Donna
Larson, Karl
Larson, Todd
Lassila, Fred and Lorraine
Lassila, Gary
Laurie, Derrill and Jean
Laurin, Michael and Margaret
Laurinaho, James and Karen
Laux, Jack and Donna
Lawer, Terry and Elizabeth
Lawrence, Annette
Lawrence, John and Barbara
Lawton, Dr. John and Karla
Lawyer, Kristina
Lazzari, Fred
Lazzari, George and Margaret Peggy
Lazzari, Gregory and Karen
Leamons, Linda
LeBlanc, Pauline
LeBlanc,Vernon and Susan
LeClaire, Larry and Nora
LeClaire, Louis and Carolyn
Leddy, Judith and David
Leder, William and Jeri
Lee, Frances E.
Lehman, Clifford and Betty
Lehto, Hugo and Rene
Lehto, Mary
Lehto, Patricia
Leiker, Benjamin and Mary
Leinonen, Helen
Leinonen, Joan
Lemke, Susan
Lenneville, Margaret A.
Lentowich, Carrie
Leonard, Dorothy
Leonard, John
Leonard, Scott and Kirkish-Leonard, Sethany
I support Omega
House and believe
in compassionate
care and support for
residents and their
families near the
end of life.
Deanna Foucault
Board Member
Page 11
2012 Donors Continued
Leonard, William and Nancy
Lepisto, George and Carol
Lepisto, Russell and Sharon Duffy
Lepola, Lynn
LeVier, Marc and Mary
Levine, Sharon and Richter, Dana
Lewin, Sandy and Jeff
Lewis, Donald and Barbara
Lewis, Gilbert and Bagley, Sue
Lewis, Mary
Lewis, Paul and Karen
Lewis, Robert and Barbara
Library Restaurant
Lide, Francis Frank and Barbara
Liljequist, Donald
Liljequist, Gary and Mary
Liljequist, Lloyd and Ruth
Limback, Dr Mary and Joseph
Lindblom, Barbara Ann
Lions Club - Baraga
Lions Club - Chassell
Lions Club - Houghton
Lions Club - Iron Mountain
Lions Club - Keweenaw
Lions Club - Lake Linden
Lions Club - Negaunee
Lions Club - Range Post 4402
Lions Club - South Range
Liston, Drs Wade & Audrey
Little, Dolores and Charles
Little,Vincent and Millie
Littlefield, Marcia and Walter
Loading Zone
Locatelli, Anthony and Phyllis
Lockhart, Jean
Lockhart, Ted and Deborah
Logue, Marshall and Joan
Lohela, Linda
Lohela, Marilyn
Lohela, Matt
Lohela, William
Lombardi, Margaret
Lone Oak
Longenecker, Edward and Bonnie
Longhini, Guy and Andrea
Longhini, John and Greta
Lorenz, Edward and Mary
LoSchiavo, Salvatore and Nina
Louie’s Super Value Foods
Louis-Mercier, Dr. Gina
Loukus, Timothy and Christine
Love, Dorothy
Lowney, Carol
Lowney, Neil and Kelley
Loya, Wendy
Lucchesi, Cathy
Lucchesi, Charles and Lou Anne
Lucchesi, David and Shelly
Lucchesi, Dean and Tracey
Lucchesi, Georgia
Lucier, Gerald and Robbyn
Lucier, Mark and Paula
Luck, Rudy and Kelly
Lukezich, J. Carl and Grace
Lukkarila, Walter and Mary
Lundin, Donald and Mattila, Margaret
Luokkanen, Pattie and William
Luoma, Dr Jerry and Frances Dolly
Luoma, James and Sandra
Luse, John and Linda
Luukkonen, Judith
Luukkonen, William and Geraldine
Lydon, Michael and Patricia
Lyle, Dr. Paul and Kari
Lynch, Ellen
Lyon, Duane and Diana
M. J. Shupe Photography (The Studio Gallery)
Maatta, Michele
Maatta, Robert
MacArthur, Claire and R.D.
MacDonald, Dr. Bruce and Cindy
MacDonald, Gudrun
MacDonald, John
Mace, Peter and Jacqueline
MacIntosh, Donna
Mackowiak, Barbara
Mackrain, John
MacQueen, Patricia
Madajewski, James and Sandra
Madajewski, Martin and Fay
Madison, Richard
Magnino, Joseph
Maijala, Susan
Maillard, Kevin and Cathryn
Makela, Paul
Makela, Robert and Barbara
Maki, Amy Jo
Maki, Charles and Marian
Maki, Dorothy
Maki, Jean
Maki, Kathy
Maki, Kim and Anita
Maki, Kimberly and Kenneth
Maki, Mildred
Maki, Robert and Ruth
Maki, Ruth
Maki, Sulo and Barbara
Maki, Wesley and June
Makinen, Michael and Jean
Malila, Wayne and Pauline
Malloy, John M
Manchester, Jackie and Kempke, Allen
Manderfield, James and Barbara
Manderfield, Kathy
Mann, Deborah and Robert
Mann, Jenna
Manninen, Cathy
Manninen, George and Ruth
Manninen, John and Barbara
Manninen, Wayne
Mannisto, Sandra and William
Marcotte, Dr. Lawrence and Mary
Omega House has
filled a valuable
need for many
families in the
western UP.
Neil Ahola
Board Member
Page 12
Marcotte, Paul and Ginny
Margaret Ingrish
Marietta, Neil and Shelba
Marino, Greg
Marino, Kathy and Joseph
Maronen, David and Donna
Marquette Male Chorus
Marquette Truck Rentals, Inc.
Martin, Helen
Martineau & Morris Contracting, Inc.
Marttila, Raymond and Juliana
Marvar, Adam
Marzonie, James M
Masciovecchio, Steve
Masini, Alfred and Kerri
Masini, Christina
Masini, Diana
Masini, Joseph and Charlotte
Masini, Maria
Masini, Paul
Masini, Paul and Michelle
Masnado, Robert and Mary
Massi, John and Marie
Massicotte, Mark and Karen
Massie, Joel and Janice
Masters, Roger and Kay
Mathe, Janice
Mathews, Lynne
Mattila Rock & Dock LLC
Mattila, Barbara
Mattila, Gordon and Marjorie
Mattila, James and Karen
Mattila, John and Diane
Mattila, Leo and Marian
Mattila, Margaret
Mattila, Melanie
Mattila, Michael and Vicky
Mattila, Sanfred and Patricia
Mattson, Casey
Mattson, Donald
Mattson, Gary and Judith
Mattson, John and Cheryl
Matz, John and Jane
Mauno, Colleen A.
Mauno, Steven
Mayers, Clifford and Karen
Maynard, Beverly
Maynard, Jerome and Susan
Mayo, Paul and Karen
Mayra, Gloria
Mayra, Lee and Colleen
Mayra, Mark
Mayra, Randy and Gretchen
Mayworm, Brian and Christina Chris
Mazurek, Michael and Aimee
Mazurek, Robert and Janice
McCarthy, Albert and Bernadine
McCarthy, Elaine
McCarthy, Robert
McClellan Family
McConnon, Dr Thomas and Renee
McCormick, JB Jack and Margaret
McCullough, Dr Dennis and Pamela
McDowell, Douglass and Debby
McFarland, Dan and Krista
McGann Building Supply Co.
McGough, Josephine K
McGrew, Shea and Trudy
McInnis, James and Karen
McIntyre, Patrick
McKenzie, Dr. Douglas and Melissa
Mckie, Bob and Betty
McKilligan, William
Mckinley, Eric
McLean, Suzanne
McMillen, Neil and Beverly
McMonagle, Richard and Mary
McMullin, Delores and John
Mead, Patricia
Medhurst, James and Violet
Medlyn, Arthur
Medlyn, Jeannette
Meese, Richard
Mehlberg, James C and Alice
Meinardi, Christina
Melton, Willie and Gloria
Memorial Chapel Funeral Home
Menacher, Maureen
Menard, Curtis
Mendelin, Jack and Ann
Meneguzzo, Louis and Sandra
Menge, Sandy
Mentink, Ann
Menzel, Kimberly
Meulemans, Jenny
Mewbourn, James and Susan
Meyers, Joni
Meyers, Teresa
Michaels, Lorraine
Michaelson, Gerald and Kathleen
Michaelson, Stanley and Ida
Michels, Robert and Geralyn
Michigan Tech Campus Store/University
Michigan Tech Employees Federal Credit
Michigan Tech ME-EM Dept
Michigan Tech Office of Sports and
Michigan Tech Student Life
Middleton, Nancy and Douglas
Mielcarek, Mark and Sue
Miilu, Eino and Kristiina
Mikesch, Robert and Suzanne
Mikkola, Janice
Mikkola, Donald and Sharon
Mikkola, John and Mary
Mikkola, Melvyn and Judith
Mikkola, Ronald and Mary Beth
Mikkola-Miller, Jean
Milanowski, Paul and Lois
Milde, Bryan and Patti
Miller, A Michele
Miller, Dan and Kim
Miller, Danny and Diana
Miller, George and Georgiann
Miller, Leonard
Miller, Linda
Miller, Martin and Ann
Miller, Michele
Miller, Roswell and Ruth
Miller, Terry and Rita
Miller’s Jewelry
Milszeski, Edward and Karen
Mine Shaft
Miron, Claude and Darlene
Mishica, Rodney and Patricia
Mission United Lutheran Church
Mitchell, James and Mary
Mitchell, Rosemary
Mitrovich, Judy
Mobley, Randall and Caryl
Mohawk Ahmeek Women’s Circle
Mohr, Ruth Ann
Moilanen, Marvin and Kathy
Moilanen, Paul
Monticello, John and Laurie
Monticello, Phil and Judy
Moore, Dennis and Pauline
Morgan, Florence
Morgan, Philip and Dr. C. Michelle
Morin Family,Violet
Morin, Deanna and David
Morin, Don and Maureen Mo
Morin, James
Moros, Joanne M.
Morris, Craig and O’Connor, Kay
Morris, Rev. Dr. Sydney
Morrissey, James and Arleen
Mortier, Genevieve
MTU Accounting
MTU Department Of Public Safety
MTU School Of Forest Resources &
Environmental Sciences
MTU Sledheads, the Snowmobile Club
MTU Standathon Student Organization
Mues, Debra
Mugford, Elsa and Keith
Mukavetz, Larry and Jan
Mullins, Charles and Laura
Mumper, John and Carla
Murphy, David and Marilyn
Murtagh, Andrew
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
2012 Donors Continued
Murtonen, Marlene
Muschal, Nicholas and Marie
Muvrin, Paula M
Myers, Ann and Jerome
Myllyla, Nancy
Mytty, Walter and Cindy
Nakkula, Christine and Dana
Nakkula, Paul and Diane
Nanavati, Kanak B.
Nancarrow, David and Shirley
Narhi, Delores
Nature’s Feet
Neale, Robert and Marjorie Romig
Negro, Peter and Amy
Nellen, Shirley
Nelson, James and Shirley
Nelson, Robert and Teresa
Newhouse, Carl and Charlene
Nichola, Howard
Nicholas Insurance Agency
Nicholas, Gina
Nicholls, Stephen and J. Kathleen
Nichols, Clifford and Marcia
Nichols, Doris and David
Niemi, Allen and Judith
Niemi, Barbara
Niemi, Jackie and Deanna
Niemi, Raymond
Niemi, Wayne M
Niileksela, Robert and Carol
Nikkila, Elsie
Nikkila, Eva
Nitz, David and Marchaterre, Mary
Noetzel, Roberta
Nominelli, Dr Robert and Norma
Nominelli, Mary
Nordeng, Jesse and Peggy
Nordstrom, Mary Lee
Norkol, Alden and Dorothy
Norris, Gerald and Marja
North, Gloria
Northern Great Lakes - Synodical Women’s
Northern Mutual Insurance
Nousain, Lola and Gerald
Nutini, Paul and Carolyn
Nutini’s Supper Club
Nyberg, Helen
Nye, David
Oberlander, Jerry and Florence
Oberlander, Joan and Larry
O’Brien III, James and Cheryl
O’Brien, Dennis and Deborah
O’Brien, Eileen
O’Brien, Norma
O’Brien, Therese
Obst, Helen
O’Connell, James and Roberta
O’Connell, Margie
Oja, Daniel and Nancy
Oja, Michael and Sara
Oja, Richard and Elaine
Ojala, William and Claire
Okler, Selena
Olli, Janice
Ollila, Clyde
Ollila, Paul and Joyce
Olson, Delores
Olson, Gerald Jerry and Linda
Olson, Kathryn R.
Olson, Lavonne
Olson, Richard and Michele
Olson, Stuart and Evelyn
Oltean, Patricia
Omega House Golf Outing
O’Neill - Dennis Funeral Home
Ontonagon United Methodist Church
Oppliger, Shawn and Douglas
Order Of Runeberg, Local No. 8
O’Rourke, Marie
Orr, Blair and Robin
Orr, Dr. Sally
Osborn, Gwendolyn E.
Osmose (formerly PCI, Peninsula Copper
Industries, Inc.)
Ott, Linda
Otter Lake Sportman’s Club
Ottery, Joyce
Ottery, Susan
Otto, Linda
Ouellette, Charles Chuck and YeomanOuellette, Bernadette
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
Ovist, Jerry and Pat
Paananen, Nancy
Paavola, Harold and Catherine
Paeske, Brian
Paeske, David and Judi
Paja, Roberta
Pakkala, Earl and Anita
Pallotta, Richard
Palmer, Karen
Palosaari, Evelyn
Palosaari, Sharon
Palosaari, Steve
Pamida Foundation (Kathleen Scheid is
Pamida Foundation Coordinator)
Paoli, Lido
Paquette, Dion and Jean
Paquette, Susan J
Parker, Jack and Levenia Lee
Parks, Karl and Ruth
Pasanen, Michael D
Passerello, Chris and Fran
Pasty Central
Patrick, Gregg and Cheryl
Patterson, Robert and Beth
Paull, Jean
Paulson, Mark and Julie
Pawlowski, Nancy
Payne, William and Cheryl
Peacock, Lowell and Jean
Pearlman, Dave
Pegg, Barry and Valerie
Pelc, Karol and Ryszarda
Pellikka, Henry
Pemberton, John and Jeanette
Penegor Lumber Inc.
Penegor, Almor and Kathleen
Penegor, Donald and Merrilyn
Penegor, Gerald
Penegor, John and Amy
Penegor, Joyce
Penegor, Ronald and Nancy
Peoples State Bank Of Munising
Perfetti,Vernon and Patti
Perlinger, Judith and Urban, Noel
Pernaski, Jean
Perrault, Albert and Colleen
Perreault, Albert and Colleen
Perreault, Clarence and Marlene
Persons, David
Peryam, Donald and Pamela
Peryam, Jeanette
Pesola, Allen
Petaja,Victor and Della
Peters, John and Jeanne
Peterson and Matz Inc
Peterson, Barbara and Cecil
Peterson, Cindy
Peterson, Cory and Melanie
Peterson, Eric and Susan
Peterson, James
Peterson, Julia
Peterson, Mark and Judy
Peterson, Paul and Carolyn
Peterson, Paul and Ruth
Peterson, Robert
Peterson, Rolf and Carolyn Candy
Peterson, Terry
Petrelius, Rick and Joan
Petrin, Joseph and Sandra
Pfefferkorn, Carol
Pfeiffer, Sam and Martha
Phi Delta Chi
Phyllis Boutilier
Pierce, John and Anne
Pietila, Carol and Edwards, Michael
Pietila, Marcia
Pietila, Paul and Sharon
Pietila, Peter and Jill
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Pietila, Ruth
Pihlaja, Cheryl
Pindral, Chester and Debbie
Pintar, James and Nancy
Pintar, Joseph
Pintar, Martin and Margaret
Pintar, Nancy
Pizzi, Bob
Plante, William and Nancy
Plassa, Corky
Platt, Thomas and Kathleen
Pleshe, Judy
Pleshe, Rose Marie
Plowe, David and Kathy
Plute, James and Judith
Plutt, John and Phyllis
Podner, Joseph
Poisson, Robert and Sharon
Poisson, Ronald and Donna
Poisson, Rosanne
Polkinghorne, William and Coral
Pollard, Terry and Jeanne
Polzien, Daryl and Gladys
Poplawski, David and Donna
Popovich, Dorothy
Portage Health
Portage Health Pharmacy
Portage Home Care and Hospice
Posey, Hillard and Lois
Potvin, Michael and Bonnie
Powell, Alice and Jack
Powers, William Bill and Sally
Pragacz, Stephen and Kathleen
Prebelich, Frances
Predebon, Dr William and Mary Ann
Primeau, Gerald and Patricia
Primeau, Jeffery
Probst, Mary
Pruner, Daniel and Amy
Pruner, Jr., George Bradley
Pruner, Judy
Pruner, Marcia
Pummill, Stephen
Pusilo, Karen
Puuri, Paul and Lucille
Pyhtila, Eric and Jean
Pyhtila, Glenn and Shirley
Pynnonen, Dr. Scott and Deanne
Pyorala, Mildred
Pyykkonen, David and Agnes
Pyykkonen, Jean
Quello, Cynthia and Gerard
Quincy Hill Auto Sales
Quincy’s Restaurant
Quivik, Fredric
Rabbia, Louis and Sarah
Raboin, Richard Rick and Cari
Raffaelli, James and Laurie
Omega House is
such a beautiful gift
to our community.
It provides the
support and
opportunity for
families to spend
quality time
together, focusing
on comfort.
Ragusett, Bruce and Carol
Raisanen, Alice and Morin, Patricia
Raisanen, Donald and Sandra
Raisanen, Kenneth and Christine
Rajala, Katie
Ramos, Michael and Phyllis
Rand, Rebecca
Randell, Robert and Mary Ann
Range Bank - Calumet
Rankinen, Helen
Ranta, Dorothy
Rantala, Glen W
Rantanen, John and Beverly
Rasinowich, Joseph and Shirley
Rasmussen, Shirley
Rastello, Jon and Karen
Rastello, Merlyn
Raudio, Bruce and Dorothy
Rauls, David and Charmaine
Rautio, Clifton and Faye
Rautio, Earl
Rauvala, James
Rauvala, Sharon K Bird
Ravet, Brad and Karin
Ravet, Joseph
Ravet, Lloyd and Judy
RE/MAX Douglass Real Estate
Red Carpet System, Inc.
Reed, Randall and Denise
Reilly, Bryan and Karen
Reiss, Jack and Karen
Rengel,Virginia and Ronald
Rice Memorial Clinic Foundation
Richards, Dr Robert and Carolyn Carrie
Richards, Rev. Lillian
Rickland, Miriam and Lowell
Rieder, Paul and Pat
Riggs, Melvin and Shirley
Rigoni, Bette and Ray Jr
Riley, Keith and Aurellia
Ringler, Jay
Ritchie, Shelley and Andrew
Ritola, John
Riutta, Ron and Dorothy Doro
Rivers, Brian
Rivest, Joe and Brandi
Roberts, Amy and Charles Buster
Roberts, Charles
Robinson, George and Susan
Rocchi, Charles and Sharon
Roche, Patrick and Anna
Rock, Mary C Aldridge
Rodeheffer, Rita
Roe, Linda
Roger Lewis
Roiger, Matt and Sandy
Rokicki, Susan and Mihal, Joseph
Romanini, Nancy
Leah Kinnunen
Board Member
and Hospice Nurse
Page 13
2012 Donors Continued
Romsek, Mildred
Rose, Bill and Alexandrine Nano
Rose, Thomas and Coletta
Rosemurgy, Natalie
Rosemurgy, Susan B
Ross, James and Cecile
Ross, Robert and Barbara
Ross, Thomas and Verna
Ross, William and Marie
Rossberg, Edward and Bertha
Rossberg, Jack and Bertha
Rota, Jason and Melissa
Roth, George and Lois
Roth, James and Verna
Roth, John and Margaret
Roth, Mark and Ann
Roth, Thomas
Rothenberger, Theresa
Rouleau, Peter and Maren
Rovano, Bruce and Karen
Rovano, John and Monica
Rowe, Gerald and Patricia
Rowe, Jay and Joyce
Rowe, Mark and Colleen
Rowe, Sylvia
Rowley, Lorna
Roy’s Bakery
Rozum, Joseph and Joan
Rudak, John
Ruddy, Brian and Susan
Rudy, Jack
Ruelle, Fred and Ruth
Rugani, Frank and Nancy
Rukkila/Negro and Associates
Ruohonen, Irene
Ruotsala, James and Judith
Rupley, Judith
Ruppal, Carol
Ruppe, James
Rutherford, Scott and Koskenmaki, Joyce
Rybarczyk, Kris
S & S Storage, Rentals & Real Estate
Saari, Donald and Rita
Saatio, Patricia
Sablich, Ruth
Sacred Heart Soc. Lodge
Saguiguit, Luz
Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation
Sajdak, Betty
Salani, Helen
Salani, Richard and Marja
Salata, Robert and Michelle
Salmi, Michael and Kimberly
Salo, Fern
Salon by Michelle
Salon Twelve Eighty One
Helping at Omega
House is a
experience that
brings comfort and
peace for both the
residents and
Page 14
Salvadora, Keith
Samuelson, Betty
Sandberg, Della Mae
Sanderson, James and Nancy
Sandoval, Ciro and Boschetto-Sandoval,
Sandretto, Basil and Cathy
Sandretto, William and Sharon
Santeford, Henry and Sally
Santi, Anthony
Sarazin Enterprises, Inc
Sarazin, Dr James and Linda
Sarazin, Dr William and Robin
Saterstad, Otto
Savela, Danielle
Savera, Donald
Savola, Thomas and Patricia
Sayen’s Auto Sales
Sayner, Nancy
Scally, Barbara
Schaefer, Annette E.
Schaefer, Charles and Judith
Schaefer, Richard and Rheta Wolfe
Schaller, Ralph and Virginia
Schick, Paul and Joan
Schipinski, Elmer and Anna
Schlenker, Karin
Schmidt, David and Cindy
Schmidt, Judy
Schmitt, Ann Marie
Schmitt, Deborah
Schmunk, Steve and Russ, Debra
Schnabel, Ellen
Schoos, Bill
Schuck, Martha
Schultz, Aldeen
Schultz, Dorothy
Schumer, Andrew and Anne
Schwab Charitable Fund
Schwamberger, Martin
Scott, Elvis
Scott, Erik
Scully, Barbara
Seaton, Kenneth
Seel, Maximilian Max and Mary Ann
Seely, Bruce and Nancy
Segsworth, Nancy
Seid, Alton H
Seidel, Steven and Ellen
Seligmann, Burton
Semco Energy
Semmens, Edwin and Karen
Seppala, Harold Hal and Kay
Serafini, Susan
Sergey, Joseph and Susan
Sewell, Jeanine D.
Sewell, William C. and Robertson, Ruth
Seymour, Lenore
Judy Pleshe
Board Member
and Events Committee Chair
Shamion, Catherine
Shannette, Marge
Sharik, Terry
Sharkey, Robert and Donnelly, Susan
Sharrar, Judith A
Shea Family
Shea, Robert and Donna
Sheaffer, Daniel and Brenda
Sheehan, Ruth
Shem, Stephanie
Shene, Ching-Kuang and Su-Shen Hung
Sherk, Nancy and Douglas
Sherwin-Williams Co. CORPORATE OFFICE
Shiroda, Francis
Shoos, Diane and Smith, Martyn
Shopko Foundation (Tara Zeller is
Foundation Manager)
Shopko Pharmacy
Short, Rosemary
Shoup, Scott and Teresa
Sibilsky, Robert and Darlene
Sickler, Carol
Sidnaw Post Office
Sidnaw United Methodist Church
Sievers, Lawrence and Susan
Sikorsky, Anita
Siler, William and Patricia
Silkowski, Arlene and Gene
Siller, Joseph and Mary Janelle
Siloa Lutheran Church
Silver Rae Studio
Silvola, Alan and Candace
Simi, Elizabeth Betty
Simila Julia
Simila, Ken and Carole
Simonsen, Ellen and Sigurd
Simpson, Julie
Sipola, Gerald
Sirvio, Helen
Skindzel, Larry
Skoglund, Denis and Mary
Slates, Gale
Sleeman, Tim and Kerri
Sleeman, William and Judi
Sleeman, William and Vicky
Slough, Julie
Slye, Allan and Mary
Smith, Charles
Smith, Earl and Sally
Smith, Ken and Slena Kay
Smith, Marcia
Smith, Stephen and Ruth
Smolen, Robert and Mary
Smoot, Dr. Carl and Tammy
Snell, Duane and Gina
Snow, Timothy
Snyder, Guy and Elizabeth
Sober, Michele and James
Sohlden, James and Jolene
Sohlden, Patricia
Sohlden, Sarah
Sorlie, Paul
Sorvari, Carl and Joyce
Sotala, Dennis and Leslie
Sotala, Karen
Soumis, Michael and Ann
South Range Eagles Aerie 1122 FOE
South Range Eagles Auxiliary FOE 1122
Sowka, James
Spain, James and Patricia
Spear, Donald and Helen
Special Events
Spence, Helen
Spera, Caitlin
Spooner United Methodist Church
Sporbert, Donna
Sprague, Dianne and Byers-Sprague, Nancy
Sprietzer, Fern
Sproule, William
Sripaipan, Drs Pichai and Rajanee
St. Albert the Great Catholic Church
St. Anne Catholic Church
St. Clair, Charles E.
St. Germain, Guy and Kathleen
St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church
St. Ignatius Society Of Catholic Women
St. John’s Ladies Aid Society
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church - Mass City
Stancher, Art and Anne Beth O’Brien
Stancher, John and Sharon
Stanton Township Senior Citizens
Stark, Anthony Bill and Patricia
Stark, Robert
Starr, Rev. Jack and Cheryl
StateWide Real Estate of Houghton
Steber, James and Joan
Stebler, Robert and Barbara
Steck, Daniel and Joan
Steffel, Judy
Steffel, Robert and Esther
Steiger, Katherine
Stellberg,Veronica A.
Stenson, Faith
Stephens, Edward and Suzanne
Stepien, Stann and Lisa
Sternhagen, Dan and Joanne
Stevens, Carole
Stevens, Ronald and Geraldine
Stevens, William and Mary
Stewart Manufacturing Inc.
Stickels, Charles and Patricia
Stimac, Helen J.
Stimac, Lyda
Stimac, Thomas and Cheryl
Stimpson, Dale and Dorothy
Stipanovich, Louise
Stipech, Edward and Hilde
Stipech, Frank and Sharon
Stone, John and Martha
Stone, Mary
Stone, Steve and Mary
Stoor, Pearl
Stordahl, Wayne and Eileen
Storer, John and Bubnash, Theresa
Storer, John and Mary
Storm, Aaron and Janet
Stouffer, Debbie
Strayer, Elsa
Stream, William and Julie
Strieter, Jan
Strome, Fraser and Carla
Stromer, Laurie
Strong, David and Jacalyn
Stroube, Rebecca
Stuart, Doug and Norma Lee
Stukel, Fred and Marcia
Stukel, Patricia
Sturos, Maria
Suino, Robert and Lori
Sullivan, Con and Therese
Sullivan, John and Helen
Sullivan, Shirley Jean
Sunn, Alan C
Suo, Florence
Suojanen, Sr. Harry
Suomi Restaurant
Superior Block Co
Superior Monogramming, Inc
Superior National Bank
Superior Sand & Gravel, Inc.
Superior Smiles/Ron Fisher, DDS, PC
Superior Video
Surplus Outlet
Suryanarayana, Shalini
Suvanto, Charles
Swift’s Hardware
Symons, Everett
Symons, Marjorie
Szubielak, Patrick and Jennifer
Taavola, Adele J. and Brian
Taavola, Bruce and Jean
Taddeucci, Jim and Frederica
Taddeucci, Mary
Taivaloja, John and Sue
Talcott, Jeff and Denise
Tallman, Marian
Talvensaari, Tom and Debra
Tapani, Ralph and Betty
Tarak, Eleanore
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
2012 Donors Continued
Tarbox, Mary
Taskila, Reino and Alice
Tassava, Mary
Taucher, Frank Jr. and Susan
Tauriainen, Betty and Fritz
Taylor, Daryl and Shirley
Tchida, Michael Mike and Debbie
Teeple, David and Barbara
Temple Jacob
Tepkasetkul, Leslie
Tepsa, Hazel
Terrell, JoAnn
Terrell, Louise and Doug
Terrell, William
Tervo Agency
Tervonen, Lillian
Teska, Anne
Tewalt, Corey and Patricia
Thayer, Duane and Mary
The Calumet Players
The Laser Lady
The Mirror
The Wooden Spoon
Thebo, Don and Judy
Thermoanalytics, Inc
Thomas, Mark and Gladys
Thompson, Maxine
Thornton, Margaret
Thornton, Michael and Joan
Thornton, Tom
Thorpe, Alyce
Tiberg, Ray and Diane
Tikkanen, Harold
Tippett, Barry and Carmen
Tischler, Keren
Titus, Orrene Evelyn
Toberz, Siena
Toivola Area Senior Citizen’s Club
Toivola Firemen’s Fund
Toivonen, Helen M (H.M.)
Tollefson, Steven and Betty
Tomasic, Lindsay
Tonkin, Robert
Torch Lake Senior Citizens
Torgeson, Wayne and Sharon
Torreano, Barbara
Torrey, David and Katie
Toutant, Elizabeth and Thomas
Toutant, Mary
Townsend, John
Traprock Pottery
Treptow, John and Shirley
Trevarrow, Janet
Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Trione, Joyce G
Trudell, Annagret
Trudell, Jerry and Patricia
Trudgeon, Richard and Barbara
Tulikangas, Paul and Catherine
Turcotte, Laura
Turin, William and Mary
Turino, Frank W
Turner, Carmyn
Turnquist, James
Turnquist, Robert L.
Turovaara, Sharon
Turpeinen, Kim
Turunen DDS MS, Denise
Turunen, Reuben and Evelyn
Turunen, Roger and Brenda
Tyree, M. Elaine
U P Foods
United Lutheran Church Women, L’Anse
United Lutheran Church, L’Anse
United Methodist Church - First UMW
United Methodist Church - L’Anse
United Methodist Church (First) - Hancock
Uotila, Frank and Catherine
UP Engineers & Architects, Inc
Upper Peninsula Power Company
Ureel, Judith
Uren, John and Susan
Uren, Sharon
Uren, Steve and Carr, Carol
Usitalo, Gordon and Carol
Uusitalo, Sandra
Vairo, Gerald and Claudette
Vairo, Stephen and Shannon
Vairus, Gerald and Virginia
Valitchka, Charles and Kathryn
Van Buren, Ray and Arline
Van Camp, Geoffrey and Mary
Van Gheem, Ryan and Bobbie
Van Pelt, Peter and Patricia
Van Straten, George Jr and Jill
Van Uum, Donald
Van Westenburg, John and Joyce
Vandellen, Nichole
VanDenBosch, Corwin
VanderWest, Gary
Vanek, Steven and Margaret Maggie
Vater, Carol
Veeser, Robert and Yvonne
Veldhuis, Doris and Lassi, William
Vencato, Daniel and Denise
Vencato, John and Eva
Verran, June
Verran, Richard H
Verrette, William and Wilma
Vertin Grover,Vicki
Vertin, James and Phyllis
Verville, Mary F.
Verville, Norbert and Helen
Vettori, Douglas and Kathleen
Veurink, Norma
VFW #6165 Ladies Auxiliary
VFW Chassell Ladies Auxiliary 6507
VFW Chassell Post #6507
VFW Copper Ingot Post #4624
VFW Post 3900
VFW Post 4167 Lake Superior Post
VFW Range Post #6165
VFW Range Post #6165 Auxiliary
Vial, Charlene
Vichich, Barbara and Steve
Vichich, Thomas and Victoria
Vickers, Britney
Victoria’s Kitchen
Vitton, Margaret
Vitton, Stanley and LouAnn
Vivian Jr., James
Vlahos, Arlene
Vliet, Larry and Deb
Voelker, Abe and Christine
Voelker, John R.
Voght, Ann E Betty
Vogler, Marilyn J.
Voice, Dale and Jo-Ellyn
Volk, Wayne
Vollmar, James and Susan
Vollmer, Ann
Vollwerth, Robert and Linda
Von Batchelder, Frederick J
Vorhes, Rev Peter and Siivola, Elizabeth
Vreeland, Mark and Mary
Vuorinen, Phebe
Waack, Helen
Waananen, Joseph and Marion
Wadaga, Peggy
Wade, James and Donna
Wagner, Patricia J
Wagner, Scott
Wagner, Scott and Susan
Wakeman, John and Nancy
Walck, Christa
Waldron, Mark and Chris
Walikainen, Anita
Walker, Richard and Lynn
Walls, David and Melanie
Walman, Myra
Walmart - Houghton
Wanhaaho, Keith and Shirley
Ward, Dennis and Linda
Ward, Janine
Warm Rain Corporation
Warshauer, Jaclyn
Watson, Joseph and Linda
Watts, Lynn and Lorraine
Watwood,Vern and Trish
Weatherington Family
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Webb, Curtis
Weber, Cynthia
Webster, Christopher and Mary
Weckler, Ruth
Weglarz, Ray and Viki
Weidhaas, Julia
Weidner, Rev. James Jay and Kristine Jukuri
Weisinger, James and Sharon
Welch, John T and Grier, Rosemary
Wercinski, Floryan and Mary
Wescoat, Carolyn
Wesley, Melissa
Westcott, Mary
Westerholm, Gary and Helen
Western Upper Peninsula Substance Abuse
Westman, Clark and Pat
Wheeler, Arthur
Wheeler, Arthur L
Wheeler, Mary
Wheeler, Zachary and Elise
Whelan, Stacey
White Door Grocery
White, Caryl
White’s Piano Service
Whiting-Petit, Debra Ann
Wiater, Pat
Wicker and Willow
Wickley, Peter and Betty
Wieber, Robert and Jan
Wienke, Dr. Phoebe
Wiinamaki, Tim and Wendy
Wiitala, Kim and Debbie
Wiitala, Wayne and Violet
Wiitanen, David and Gladys
Wiitanen, Dennis and Barbara
Wiitanen, Katherine
Wiitanen, Rita
Wiles, Susan
Wilkowski, Janet and Gerald
Willett, Thomas and Marlene
William Hyrkas Plumbing & Heating
Williams, Elizabeth (Betty)
Williams, John and Rita
Willingham, Andrew and Stephanie
Wilmer, Mary Ann
Wilmers, Anthony and Amy
Wilmers, Michael and Barbara
Wilmers, Stephen and Linda
Wilson, Fritz and Marvyl
Wilson, Michael M
Wilson, Morris and Rita
Wilson, Nancy
Wilson, Thomas and Darlene
Winquist, Paul and Judy
Wisconsin Public Service Foundation (WPS)
Wisted, Helen
Wisti, Lorretta
Wisti, Ruth
Witting Contracting, Inc.
Wojick, Christopher and Huntoon, Jacqueline
Woods, Pamela
Woodworth, Lois
Worrall, Gary and Barbara
Wruble, Brad and Rachael
Wuori, Beatrice and Albert
Wuori, Robert
Wuorinen, Leona
Wuorinen, Terry
Wuoti, Carl
Wyandotte Hills Women’s Golf League
Yalmer Mattila Contracting, Inc.
Yarroch, William and Pavlowich, Joan
Young, Deb and Mark
Zanardi, Joan
Zander, Robert and Darlene
Zanoni, Mary
Zeba United Methodist Church
Zelazny, Lucille and Kerfoot, Charles
Zenner, Louis and Barbara
Zerbst, James and Elizabeth
Ziemnick, James and Joy
Zimdars, Harold and Valerie
Zimmer, Linda
Zimmerman, Cindy
Zimmerman, Robert and Shirley
Zion Lutheran Church
Zion Lutheran Church, Women’s Missionary
Zion Lutheran Ladies Aide (formerly Skanee
Zipse, Joyce
Zulinski, Robert and Kallungi-Zulinski, Paula
Zurcher, James and Diane
Zutter, Steve and Jane
I am honored to be
part of this
community resource
and treasure.
Deb Young
Board Member
and Golf Event Chair
Page 15
In-Kind Donations
All types of gifts are important to Omega House.The following individuals and organizations gave gifts of needed supplies and materials to assist
with the operations of Omega House. See our wish list on page 24.
Aho, Pamela
Ahola, Neil and Tammy
Albee, Stephen and Judith
American Legion Auxiliary #90
American Legion Post #90
Baudino, George Bud and Jan
Becker, William
Bertram, Barbara
Bethany Lutheran Church of
Biekkola, Allan and Darlene
Bird's Eye Creations
Blumhardt, Joanne
Bradford, Debbie
Brown, Rebecca
Butkovich, Delores
Carlson, Wendell and Audrey
Catholic Church of the Resurrection
Coponen, William
Copper Island Printing
Dalman Woodfired Pottery
DeForge, Russell and Cathy
Dennis, Chris and Liz
Dostaler, David and Joan
Doud, Paul and Patricia
Doyle, Dawn
Evans, Joe and Gail
Feinauer, Mark
Gagnon, Deb
Gagnon, Sylvia
Grace United Methodist Church Houghton
Halkola, Tim and Swift, Marilyn
Hamar, Doug and Shelby
Helminen, Brian and Margaret
Herlevich, Mary
Hershey, Jerry and Karen Karr
Hines, Dr Mary Beth and David
Hoffman, Mark and JoAnn
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Hosang, Mary
Houghton Baptist Church
Isotalo, Elsie
Isotalo, Lynn
Jackson, Margaret Peggy and Will
James LaBelle Family
Janda, James and Patricia
Jenkins, James and Wilma
Jilbert, John
Johnson, Adam and Robyn
Johnson, Mark and Dana
Johnson, Richard and Sally
Jose, Phil
Kalliokoski, Jorma
Kangas, Ann Marie
Kangas, Mildred
Kangas, Wesley
Kass, Dr David and Carol
Keller, Jeffrey and Tammie
Keranen, Dora
Kilpela, Mark and Christine
Knight Foss, Mary
Konosky, Lorraine
Konosky, Margaret
Kotajarvi, Delores
Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 3900
Laiti Jewelers
Lake Linden-Hubbell Schools
Langseth, Rev. Robert Bob and Delores
Lankton, Larry and Rachel
Levine, Sharon and Richter, Dana
Lions Club - Houghton
Lohela, William
Mazurek, Michael and Aimee
Monticello, Phil and Judy
Morrissey, James and Arleen
MTU Standathon Student Organization
Mukavetz, Larry and Jan
Nichola, Howard
O'Brien, Norma
Olli, Janice
Paull, Jean
Portage Home Care and Hospice
Quello, Cynthia and Gerard
Raffaelli, James and Laurie
Rajala, Katie
Roberts, Amy and Charles Buster
Roth, John and Margaret
Ruelle, Fred and Ruth
Rukkila/Negro and Associates
Samuelson, Betty
Sarazin Enterprises, Inc
Schuck, Martha
St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church
St. Paul's Lutheran Church - Mass City
Steffel, Judy
Stenson, Faith
Superior Monogramming, Inc
Taskila, Reino and Alice
Teska, Anne
The Laser Lady
Thornton, Michael and Joan
Toivola Area Senior Citizen's Club
Tollefson, Steven and Betty
Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Turnquist, James
U P Foods
Ureel, Judith
Vial, Charlene
Victoria's Kitchen
Vitton, Stanley and LouAnn
Volk, Wayne
Wade, James and Donna
Walmart - Houghton
Wieber, Robert and Jan
Wiitala, Wayne and Violet
Winquist, Paul and Judy
Zurcher, James and Diane
Keweenaw Community Foundation Donations
The following have donated gifts to the Keweenaw Community Foundation for Omega House.
James S. Bogan
Marie Kellan
Joseph B. Kirkish
Chris E. Passerello
Elvis J. Scott
Douglas A. Stuart
Listed below are gifts made in honor of a friend, family member, co-worker or someone important in the life of the donor.
In honor of Mike and Kathy
Abbott, Richard and Jane
Kesti, Steve and Kelly
In honor of Julie Beck
Cinelli, Mark
In honor of Lois Berg
Berg, Alycia
In honor of James Bogan
Young, Deb and Mark
In honor of Bob and Christine
Sikorsky, Anita
In honor of Rev.Tina Bohnsack
United Lutheran Church Women,
United Methodist Church - L’Anse
In honor of Faye Carr
Drake, Cindy
In honor of Richard Drenovsky
Watson, Joseph and Linda
Page 16
In honor of Joe Evans
Weglarz, Ray and Viki
In honor of Cindy Griffin
MacIntosh, Donna
In honor of Reed Harjala
Harjala, Dorothy and Edward
In honor of Betty Hodges
Bonini, Roy and Lenore
In honor of Dr. Sigurds Janners
and his Staff
Konosky, Lorraine
In honor of Carol Korpela
Weglarz, Ray and Viki
In honor of Shawn LaCourt
LaCourt, Jerry and Dorothy
In honor of MTU Dean of
Students Office
Watson, Joseph and Linda
In honor of MTU Student
Affairs Leadership Team
Stevens, William and Mary
In honor of Paul and Norma
Pleshe, Judy
In honor of Robert (Bob)
American Legion Auxiliary #90
Brule, Warren J
Detrisac, M and J
Duelge, Jason and Darci
Houle, Marlene
Hubbell, James and Dawn
Peterson, Rolf and Carolyn Candy
Schumer, Andrew and Anne
VFW Chassell Ladies Auxiliary
VFW Chassell Post #6507
Wruble, Brad and Rachael
Ziemnick, James and Joy
In honor of Ruth Peterson
Dorcas Society of SS Peter & Paul
In honor of Judy Pleshe
Burger, Charles and Grace
In honor of Annette Schaefer
Laberge, Kathleen Bridget
In honor of Bill and Dona
Stancher, Art and Anne Beth
In honor of William Sewell
Weglarz, Ray and Viki
In honor of Jim Wash
Lions Club - Negaunee
In honor of Sally Watson
Wescoat, Carolyn
In honor of Warren and Joann
Lowney, Carol
In honor of We Honor Veterans
American Legion Post #186
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Listed below are memorial gifts made in rememberance of a loved one..
In memory of Pat Hagwell
Burger, Charles and Grace
In memory of Rene Adams
Depuydt, Louie
In memory of James E. Ahola
Ahola, Christine G
Memorial Chapel Funeral Home
In memory of Donald P. Allen
Allen, James and Sally
In memory of Fred Alspaugh
Alspaugh, Ann
In memory of Lillian Armbrust
Hamar, Marilynn
Konosky, Lorraine and Karppinen,
Lazzari, George and Margaret
Wakeman, John and Nancy
In memory of George Auger
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Konosky, Lorraine
In memory of Joesph Babich
Archambeau, Paulette
Babich, John Family
Babich, Kathleen
Babich, Rudy
Beljan, Joseph and Ruth
Dorscht, Donald and Barbara
Dugdale, Karen
Geborkoff, Irene
Geborkoff, Joseph and Mary
Hilshorst, Howard and JoAnn
Jackovich, Pauline
Johnson, Richard and Sally
Kangas, Michael and Paulet
Kauppi, June
Koski, Carl and Dorothy
Lee, Frances E.
Niileksela, Robert and Carol
Pyhtila, Eric and Jean
Schmidt, Judy
Tarak, Eleanore
Verran, June
Wiater, Pat
Zerbst, James and Elizabeth
In memory of Lloyal Bacon
Hauge, Andrea (Bacon)
In memory of Gordon Barkell
Lohela, Marilyn
In memory of John B. Garber
White, Caryl
In memory of Ruth Bevier
Turunen, Reuben and Evelyn
In memory of Jay Cossette
Kaufman, Susan and Francis,
Vivian Jr., James
In memory of Loretta Blau
Buschell, Jean
Mace, Peter and Jacqueline
In memory of Mary Ann
Courchaine, Robert
In memory of Bill Blumhardt
Blumhardt, Joanne
In memory of Tom Courtney
Courtney, Mary
In memory of Carolyn Boberg
Kraft, Audry
Snow, Timothy
In memory of Michelle Shelly
Taddeucci Cutler
Taddeucci, Jim and Frederica
In memory of Pauline Bombard
Moore, Dennis and Pauline
In memory of Deb Danielson
Danielson, Michelle
In memory of Gary Goke
Evans, Jason and Amy
in memory of Charles Boomer
Boomer, Fay and Donald
In memory of Charles B.
Boomer, Fay and Donald
In memory of Good Friends
Gale, Christopher and Margaret
In memory of Jean DeMars
Marttila, Raymond and Juliana
In memory of Blanche
Belej, Magdalena
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Evans, Gary
Hiltunen, Elizabeth
Houghton County Probate and
Family Court
Hruska, Ernestine Spear
Jaaskelainen, James and Kathy
Jenkins, James and Wilma
Karvonen, Cathy
Konosky, Lorraine
Makinen, Michael and Jean
Mikkola, John and Mary
Mikkola, Ronald and Mary Beth
Morris, Craig and O’Connor, Kay
Nominelli, Mary
Penegor, Joyce
Schaefer, Annette E.
Strome, Fraser and Carla
Toutant, Elizabeth and Thomas
Wisti, Ruth
In memory of Angeline Bessert
Edwards, Joanne
In memory of Iris Christina
Grandi Boschetto
Sandoval, Ciro and BoschettoSandoval, Sandra
In memory of Ellen June Bose
Filer, Robert and Deborah
In memory of Ruth Bosley
Gagnon, Sylvia
In memory of Douglas Brennen
Schaefer, Annette E.
In memory of Robert Brunet
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Johnson, Kathleen
Vettori, Douglas and Kathleen
In memory of Gary Burcar
Boxer, Susanne Susie
In memory of Leona Lee
Cobb, Mayme Mae
Faller, Cheryl
Schaefer, Annette E.
In memory of Helen Campbell
Miller, Linda
Zelazny, Lucille and Kerfoot,
In memory of Bertha Betty
Carlson, Gerald and Gail
In memory of David Carlson
Boxer, Susanne Susie
In memory of Milma Carlson
Edwards, Joanne
In memory of Jean Ann Beach
Beach, Rev Bucky and Belew, Julie
First Lutheran Church
Hiltunen, Donna M.
Mikkola, Donald and Sharon
Vanek, Steven and Margaret
In memory of Signe Churan
Morrissey, James and Arleen
In memory of Louise Beaudoin
Berg, Beverly
In memory of Paul Clisch
Clisch, Helen
In memory of Eugene Beehler
Beehler, Rita
In memory of Lawrence Coffe
Schnabel, Ellen
In memory of Evelyn Bergerson
Ross, Thomas and Verna
In memory of Philip Cooper
Cooper, Marie
In memory of Ronda Lee Jestila
Jestila-Sikorsky, Carol Lee
In memory of Antoinette Toni
Caserio, John and Mary
In memory of Holly Caspary
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Toutant, Elizabeth and Thomas
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
In memory of Thomas Dennis
Dennis, Marie
In memory of Meri Dianda
Dianda, Jeanne
In memory fo Robert Clyde Dix
Haischer, Karen
In memory of James Donovan
Donovan, Jennifer
In memory of Barbara J. Dow
Toutant, Elizabeth and Thomas
In memory of Gail Dube
Dube, James
In memory of Mike and Janet
LaRochelle, Eugene and Mary
In memory of Robert Duncan
Spain, James and Patricia
In memory of Ken Dyer
Lahti, William and Mary Claire
In memory of Ashley Eakin
Koljonen, Susan
In memory of Lloyd Erickson
Mikkola, Janice
In memory of Peter Erickson
Maki, Kathy
In memory of John and
Margaret Glennon
Vanek, Steven and Margaret
In memory of Margaret
Lazzari, George and Margaret
In memory of Grace Godin
Godin, Francis
In memory of Dorothy Gorman
Condon, Thomas and Dorothy
Domitrovich, Carl and Janet
Domitrovich, George and Judith
Domitrovich, Karen
McCarthy, Albert and Bernadine
Miller, A Michele
Schmidt, David and Cindy
In memory of Clara Fedewa
Baker, Ruth
Eckhart, Alfred C. and Mary C.
Filer, Robert and Deborah
Garrett, Gloria
Goldy, Melvia
Hillenbrand, Myrtle
Jenkins, James and Wilma
Jobst, Joe and Vicki
Jobst, John Jack and Fedewa,
Pleshe, Judy
Rasmussen, Shirley
Scally, Barbara
Stancher, Art and Anne Beth
Taylor, Daryl and Shirley
In memory of Tom Greenlees
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Vettori, Douglas and Kathleen
In memory of Barbara Filer
Foley, Lynda Jo
In memory of Eric Hanner
Passerello, Chris and Fran
In memory fo Genevieve Guzek
Morrissey, James and Arleen
In memory of Eugene and
Phyllis Haase
Haase, Robert and Jan
In memory of Alberta Hainault
Lahti, William and Mary Claire
In memory of Paul Hainault
Hewett, Greg
In memory of Charles Hall
Becker, William
Page 17
Memorials Continued
In memory of Walt Hannula
Pyorala, Mildred
In memory of Carole Hartell
Hartel, Edward
In memory of Mary Harvey
Bohnsack, Rev Christine and
McCarthy, Albert and Bernadine
In memory of Janet Hauswirth
Manchester, Jackie and Kempke,
In memory of Robert Heider
Maijala, Susan
In memory of Gert Heikkila
Pyorala, Mildred
In memory of Wayne Higgins
Boxer, Susanne Susie
In memory of Bill Hillenbrand
Hillenbrand, Myrtle
In memory of Sulo Hiltunen
Brinkman, Charlotte
Granat, Bruce and Maureen
Herlevich, Mary
Kendall, Norman and Barbara
Lohela, William
Romanini, Nancy
In memory of Doris Hoffmeyer
Olson, Delores
In memory of James Holombo
Holombo, Theresa
In memory of Peter Houle
Houle, Marlene
In memory of Robert and June
Houle Jr., Robert and Joyce JulioHoule
In memory of Audrey Hunter
Nominelli, Dr Robert and Norma
Nominelli, Mary
Wilson, Fritz and Marvyl
In memory of Larry and Millie
Irwin, James
In honor and memory of Sulo
Caserio, Mary
Eliason, Earl and Jean
Etlemaki, Scott and Lisa
Hancock Educational Support
Heikkila, Thomas and Robin
Henkel, Janice
Holmgren, Elaine I
Isotalo, Elsie
Johnson, Kenneth C
Lucchesi, David and Shelly
Mitchell, James and Mary
Peterson, Robert
Pihlaja, Cheryl
Uusitalo, Sandra
In memory of Ernest Ernie
Vettori, Douglas and Kathleen
In memory of Helen Jane Jewell
Kangas, Wesley and Cheryl
Page 18
In memory of Barbara Jobst
Stancher, Art and Anne Beth
In memory of Albert and
Eleanore Kobe
Bucko’s Party Store
In memory of Clyde Johnson
Rocchi, Charles and Sharon
In memory of Theodore Ted
Schaefer, Annette E.
In memory of Kathleen Judnich
Belej, Magdalena
Carter, Alice
Chopp, Edward and Patricia
Curtin, Larry
Farley, Diane
Hainault, Steven and Susan
Judnich, Michele
Marcotte, Dr. Lawrence and Mary
Marcotte, Paul and Ginny
Miller, Terry and Rita
Rybarczyk, Kris
Schipinski, Elmer and Anna
Short, Rosemary
Stancher, Art and Anne Beth
Suino, Robert and Lori
Vairo, Gerald and Claudette
Wercinski, Floryan and Mary
In memory of Arthur L. and
Louise Kolehmainen
Kolehmainen, Arthur N.
In memory of Larry Konosky
Konosky, Lorraine
In memory of Ann Kotila
Kotila, Gerald E
In memory of Evelyn Kuusisto
Kesti, John and Suzanne
Parks, Karl and Ruth
In memory of Gloria LaBelle
Jenkins, James and Wilma
Melton, Willie and Gloria
Obst, Helen
Peterson, Rolf and Carolyn Candy
In memory of Joesph and
Clarice Julio
Houle Jr., Robert and Joyce JulioHoule
In memory of James LaBelle
Archambeau, Walter and Donna
Greuer, Rudolf and Adelheid
Jenkins, James and Wilma
LaBelle, Prudence
In memory of Eric Jurgensen
Jurgensen, Marty and Mary
In memory of Helen LaBeske
Boxer, Susanne Susie
In memory of Anthony Kalcich
Kalcich, Steve
In memory of Daryl Laitila
Hiltunen, Donna M.
In memory of Helvi Kangas
Anttila, Anna
Kangas, Wesley
Kangas, Wesley and Cheryl
Pesola, Allen
Raudio, Bruce and Dorothy
In memory of Alverna
Lewis, Mary
In memory of Sylvia Kappler
LaBonte, Ed and Karen
LeBlanc, Pauline
In memory of Robert R. Kari
Ahola, Frederick and Agnes
Dorvinen, Nancy
Kari, Daniel
Lankton, Larry and Rachel
Lowney, Neil and Kelley
Pietila, Peter and Jill
Schaefer, Annette E.
Siller, Joseph and Mary Janelle
Wiitanen, Dennis and Barbara
Wuori, Robert
In memory of Adele Kass
Cinelli, Mark
In memory of Esther
Niemi, Raymond
In memory of Dorothea
Spain, James and Patricia
Wienke, Dr. Phoebe
In memory of Thomas Kerrigan
Hietala, Gordon and Edna
In memory of Alice Kershner
Steck, Daniel and Joan
In honor of Christine Kilpela
Baratono, Robert and Sarah
In memory of Roger Lorenz
Lorenz, Edward and Mary
Wuorinen, Terry
In memory of John Lowney
Holombo, Theresa
In memory of Art Maki
Maki, Kimberly and Kenneth
Maki, Mildred
In memory of Ray Maki
Maki, Jean
Salani, Helen
In memory of Daniel Lazzari
Boxer, Susanne Susie
In memory of Robert, Bob Maki
Salani, Helen
In memory of John Lehto
Konosky, Lorraine
In memory of Jeryl Manchester
Manchester, Jackie and Kempke,
In memory of Peter Lehto
LeBlanc,Vernon and Susan
Lehto, Patricia
Maillard, Kevin and Cathryn
Paja, Roberta
Wheeler, Arthur
In memory of Clayton Dibba
Hella, Connie
In memory of Calvin Leppanen
Zipse, Joyce
In memory of Carl Lescelius
Raisanen, Kenneth and Christine
In memory of James Letto
Boxer, Susanne Susie
In memory of Lloyd Liljequist
Cote, Robert and Carolyn
Ross, James and Cecile
In memory of Ruth and Lloyd
Liljequist, Donald
In memory of Stanley
Passerello, Chris and Fran
In memory of Nancy Lohela
Arvo, Jack and Shirley
Bruno’s Motor, Inc
CDL Testing Of Hancock
Childs, Ann and John
Hainault, Steven and Susan
Herlevich, Mary
Holombo, Theresa
Hulkonen, Jeanne Seratti
Illgen, Richard and Sylvia
Iskra, Martin and Gale
Kangas, Ann Marie
Kendall, Norman and Barbara
Klemett, Marlene
Kolehmainen, Alice
Lohela, Linda
Lohela, Marilyn
Lohela, Matt
Lohela, William
Makela, Robert and Barbara
Mattila, Michael and Vicky
Mattila, Sanfred and Patricia
Morris, Craig and O’Connor, Kay
Norkol, Alden and Dorothy
Pierce, John and Anne
Pyhtila, Glenn and Shirley
Toutant, Mary
Veeser, Robert and Yvonne
Wiitala, Wayne and Violet
Wilmers, Stephen and Linda
Wuori, Robert
Yalmer Mattila Contracting, Inc.
In memory of Fr. Wayne
Geshel, Carol
Popovich, Dorothy
In memory of Denise Marth
Foley, Lynda Jo
In memory of Susan Martin
Stipanovich, Louise
In memory of Eleanor
Leonard, William and Nancy
In memory of Verna Masini
Masini, Christina
Wilmers, Michael and Barbara
In memory of Margaret Mattila
Arens, Carolyn and Joseph
Bonen, Dorothy
DNR Baraga Operations Service
Dostaler, David and Joan
Faller, Cheryl
Gardner, Glen
Hietala, Minerva
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Memorials Continued
Houghton County Treasurer
Huovinen, Glenn
Johnson, Charlene
Johnson, James and Ruth
Johnson, Joseph and Sandra
Kantola, David and Linda
Keranen, Shirley
Koski, Christine
Kurtz, Dr Craig and Jeanne
Maki, Dorothy
Mattila, James and Karen
Mattila, Leo and Marian
Mattila, Michael and Vicky
Medhurst, James and Violet
Nakkula, Christine and Dana
Olson, Stuart and Evelyn
Petrelius, Rick and Joan
Pindral, Chester and Debbie
Taavola, Adele J. and Brian
Taavola, Bruce and Jean
Tallman, Marian
Tepsa, Hazel
Trudgeon, Richard and Barbara
Vettori, Douglas and Kathleen
Wiitala, Wayne and Violet
Wilmers, Stephen and Linda
Wuorinen, Terry
Yalmer Mattila Contracting, Inc.
In memory of Shirley McCarthy
Belej, Magdalena
In memory of Marilyn Murtagh
Hakala, Ralph and Joyce
Holmes, Ed and Audrey
Mugford, Elsa and Keith
In memory of Fred Pernaski
Kangas, Ann Marie
Pernaski, Jean
Thornton, Michael and Joan
In memory of Paul Myers
Penegor, Gerald
In memory of June Peterson
St. John’s Ladies Aid Society
In memory of Andrea Neale
Neale, Robert and Marjorie
In memory of Rita J. Peterson
Bernardo, Anthony and Susan
Bishop, Ethel
Brule, Warren J
Buch, Brent and Lilian
Cole, William and Sunny
Colling, Timothy and Trisha
Daavettila, John
Dodson, Steven
Drenovsky, Richard and Marcia
Ehlers, Clarence and Sara
Giusti, Al and Jean
Houle, Marlene
Jenkins, James and Wilma
Jurva, Roy and Ruth
Kantola, David and Linda
Kinnunen, Eldon and Alice A.J.
Komula, Eva
Loukus, Timothy and Christine
Mathews, Lynne
Matz, John and Jane
Menacher, Maureen
Noetzel, Roberta
Peterson and Matz Inc
Peterson, Julia
Pleshe, Judy
Rossberg, Edward and Bertha
Storer, John and Bubnash, Theresa
Storer, John and Mary
Wilson, Michael M
Wilson, Morris and Rita
Wilson, Nancy
Wruble, Brad and Rachael
In memory of Toivo and Olga
Lil Nerg
Houle, Marlene
In memory of William Nicholls
Nicholls, Stephen and J. Kathleen
In memory of Peter Nissila
Boxer, Susanne Susie
In memory of Carl Sonny
Boxer, Susanne Susie
In memory of Arthur Nottke
Warm Rain Corporation
In memory of Therese O’Brien
McCormick, JB Jack and Margaret
O’Brien III, James and Cheryl
Stroube, Rebecca
In memory of Mel Olson
Olson, Delores
In memory of Verna McCarthy
McCarthy, Robert
In memory of Philip Paananen
Paananen, Nancy
In memory of Norman McLean
McLean, Suzanne
In memory of Robert Paananen
McCarthy, Albert and Bernadine
In memory of Erma McMurphy
Kilpela, Mark and Christine
In memory of Vieno Paananen
Berg, Alycia
In memory of Christina Maria
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Vichich, Thomas and Victoria
In memory of Helen Paavo
Lazzari, Fred
Lazzari, George and Margaret
In memory of Louis and
Josephine Meneguzzo
Meneguzzo, Louis and Sandra
Vitton, Margaret
In memory of Marguerite
Margie Parolini
Pleshe, Rose Marie
In memory of Ann Betsy
Boxer, Susanne Susie
In memory of Charles Mikkola
Mikkola, Janice
In memory of Jackie Mobley
Weglarz, Ray and Viki
In memory of Warren T.
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Spain, James and Patricia
In memory of Violet Vi Morin
Morin, Don and Maureen Mo
In memory of Byron Muljo
Eckloff, Jean
Langdon, Joseph and Kate
Paquette, Dion and Jean
In memory of Anna Ruth
Boxer, Susanne Susie
In memory of Jean Loretta
Antilla, Dennis
Buschell, Jean
Gregorich, Myles and Susan
Hannula, Clifford and Joanne
Kahn, Richard and Roberta
Pietila, Carol and Edwards,
Plowe, David and Kathy
Stancher, Art and Anne Beth
Usitalo, Gordon and Carol
Winquist, Paul and Judy
In memory of William Penegor
Kelley, Thomas and Ruth
Koski, Dale and Holmstrom,
Lang, Robert and Julie
Lentowich, Carrie
Miller, George and Georgiann
Penegor, Almor and Kathleen
Penegor, Donald and Merrilyn
Penegor, Ronald and Nancy
Turin, William and Mary
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
In memory of Ruth Peterson
Brinkman, Charlotte
Flowers, Christine
Gagnon, Sylvia
Laitinen, Arnold and Mary
Marino, Kathy and Joseph
Peterson, Mark and Judy
Peterson, Paul and Ruth
Portage Health Pharmacy
Rocchi, Charles and Sharon
Sleeman, Tim and Kerri
Waldron, Mark and Chris
In memory of Pete Raoul Pietri
Foley, Barbara
In memory of Thyra Piiparinen
Boxer, Susanne Susie
In memory of Bertha Pintar
Pintar, Joseph
In memory of Mary Pintar
Pintar, Joseph
In memory of Noel Polk
McMillen, Neil and Beverly
In memory of Richard Putansu
Vairus, Gerald and Virginia
In memory of Tom Rodeheffer
Rodeheffer, Rita
In memory of Claire Rom
Massi, John and Marie
In memory of Valerie Ross
Ross, Robert and Barbara
In memory of Robert Bob Roth
Roth, Thomas
In memory of Eva Rowntree
Moore, Dennis and Pauline
In memory of Emmy and Pual
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Schaefer, Annette E.
In memory of Flay Edgar and
Charlene Rule
Mentink, Ann
In memory of Robet Sajdak
Sajdak, Betty
I have long been
an advocate of
hospice having
worked in the field
for over 20 years.
Our community is
fortunate to have
Omega House to
care for our friends
and neighbors
Wanda Kolb
Incoming Board Member
during their final
phase of life. It is
truly the next best thing to being home.
Page 19
Memorials Continued
In memory of Sandy Hook
Jackson, Margaret Peggy and Will
In memory of Helen Savola
Illgen, Richard and Sylvia
Ollila, Paul and Joyce
Taavola, Adele J. and Brian
In memory of Joe Sergey
Gagnon, Deb
In memory of Ann Shea
Toutant, Elizabeth and Thomas
In memory of Arthur Simila
Chopp, Edward and Patricia
Kangas, Wesley and Cheryl
Murtagh, Andrew
In memory of Don Simila
Cinelli, Mark
In memory of Waino Bud
Schaefer, Annette E.
In memory of Wayne Hank
Boxer, Susanne Susie
In memory of Samuel and
Florence Sis Sowka
Sowka, James
In memory of Erich Sporbert
Ahola, Frederick and Agnes
Balma, William and Nancy
Beck, Donald and Susan
Copper Country Intermediate
School District
Elmblad, Catherine
Gagnon, Deb
Gierke, John and Lynn
Gill, George Jr and Judith
Hoffman, Mark and JoAnn
Houle, George and Suzanne
Iskra, Martin and Gale
Kerban, Michele M.
Konosky, Lorraine
Krznarich, Richard and Emilie
Lions Club - Range Post 4402
Mannisto, Sandra and William
Ollila, Paul and Joyce
Quello, Cynthia and Gerard
Semmens, Edwin and Karen
Sipola, Gerald
Snell, Duane and Gina
Sporbert, Donna
Taavola, Adele J. and Brian
In memory of Vieno M. Stalo
Gustafson, David and Mary
In memory of Adrian AC Stein
Godlevske, Harold and Darlene
Kilpela, Edward and Darlene
Lehto, Hugo and Rene
In memory of Dennis Sten
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Mytty, Walter and Cindy
In memory of Joseph Martin
Belej, Magdalena
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Cinelli, Mark
In memory of Betty L. Stroube
Hofbauer, Dorothy L.
Page 20
In memory of Frank Suino
Dlubala, Charles and Debra
In memory of Mary Verville
Verville, Norbert and Helen
In memory of Bridget Sullivan
Clement, Albert and Elsa
Kinnunen, Barbara
Mazurek, Michael and Aimee
Mazurek, Robert and Janice
Rovano, John and Monica
Sullivan, Con and Therese
Wesley, Melissa
In memory of Paul Voght
Terrell, Louise and Doug
Voght, Ann E Betty
In memory of Charlena Supina
Belej, Magdalena
Bolduc, Leonard and Patricia
In memory of Helen Lantto
Brown, Marion
Jukuri, G. David and Barbara
Lantto, Lloyd and Jeanne
Romanini, Nancy
Wisti, Lorretta
Wisti, Ruth
In memory of Joyce Taivaloja
Gaabo, Frederic and Kathryn
In memory of Ray Wadaga
Wadaga, Peggy
In memory of John Buck
Stukel, Fred and Marcia
In memory of Cheryl Wajnicki
Moilanen, Paul
In memory of Rose Marie
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Sleeman, William and Judi
In memory of Berniece
Madajewski, James and Sandra
Peoples State Bank Of Munising
Vanek, Steven and Margaret
In memory of Finn Wisted
Wisted, Helen
In memory of Irene Wisti
Wisti, Ruth
In memory of Michael W. Wisti
Makinen, Michael and Jean
In memory of Carolyn Wood
Masnado, Robert and Mary
Sayner, Nancy
Wakeman, John and Nancy
In memory of Mildred
Aho, Roy and Suzanne
in memory of Duane Butch
Masciovecchio, Steve
In memory of Mary T. Watters
Schaefer, Annette E.
In memory of Patrick Thornton
Thornton, Michael and Joan
In memory of Justin Weirauch
Portage Health
In memory of Richard and Ann
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Sharkey, Robert and Donnelly,
Stevens, Ronald and Geraldine
Wilson, Thomas and Darlene
In memory of Ray Wiitanen
Wiitanen, Rita
In memory of Gordon Trione
Boxer, Susanne Susie
Beyhan, Debra
Burrus, Julie
Kinnunen, Barbara
Margaret Ingrish
Murtagh, Andrew
Saguiguit, Luz
Stancher, Art and Anne Beth
Stukel, Patricia
The Calumet Players
In memory of Howard Williams
Williams, Elizabeth (Betty)
In memory of Sherk Arzola
Wakeman, John and Nancy
In memory of Marilyn Turcotte
Mikkola, Janice
In memory of John Turovaara
Turovaara, Sharon
In memory of Pete and Barb
Turpeinen, Kim
In memory of Jack Turunen
Stark, Anthony Bill and Patricia
In memory of Marie
Leonard, William and Nancy
In memory of Bill Williams
Davis, Garland and Vivian
In memory of Ed Williams
Williams, Elizabeth (Betty)
In memory of Konstantin Kon
Kolehmainen, Alice
Konosky, Lorraine
Mannisto, Sandra and William
Massie, Joel and Janice
Menge, Sandy
Mikkola, Donald and Sharon
Newhouse, Carl and Charlene
Niemi, Jackie and Deanna
In memory of Greg Wright
Desort, George
Gierke, John and Lynn
Kalcich, Dr. Jill
Kirk, Edward and Michelle
Klungness, Kraig and Alvord,
Katharine Tracy
Loya, Wendy
McGough, Josephine K
Middleton, Nancy and Douglas
Morgan, Florence
MTU School Of Forest Resources
& Env. Sciences
Peterson, Rolf and Carolyn Candy
Platt, Thomas and Kathleen
Rabbia, Louis and Sarah
Rose, Bill and Alexandrine Nano
Sharik, Terry
Suryanarayana, Shalini
Tischler, Keren
Weglarz, Ray and Viki
Whiting-Petit, Debra Ann
Wiitanen, Katherine
In memory of Donny Wuorinen
Wuorinen, Terry
In memory of Calvin W. Wylie
Stancher, Art and Anne Beth
I am proud to
support the Omega
House and serve
on the board as a
In memory of Hazel Vencato
Vencato, Daniel and Denise
In memory of Marion Verran
Oberlander, Jerry and Florence
Clare Gaff,
Board Member
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Accumulative Giving
The following donrs have made accumulative donations to Omega House totalling from $5,000 to $100,000
$100,000 Lifetime Giving
Ernest R. Griff
James LaBelle *
Rebecca Sandretto *
$50,000 Lifetime Giving
Portage Health
Jim and Lorraine Vivian *
$25,000 Lifetime Giving
Patricia S. Anderson
Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital
Lois Berg
Coca Cola Bottlers' Foundation
Joe and Gail Evans
Richard Dick Heckel *
William Hodge *
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
Keweenaw Home Nursing & Hospice
Joe Kirkish
Lions Club International
Lions Clubs of the U.P.
Fr. Wayne Marcotte *
Eileen Niva *
Portage Lake Hospice
Rice Memorial Clinic Foundation
Arthur Weaver* and Phyllis Boutilier
$10,000 Lifetime Giving
Ameriprise Financial
Robert and Christine Bohnsack
George J and Barbara Butvilas
Finlandia University Student Nurses
Marilynn Hamar
Tom Hruby
Sig and Candace Janners
Joseph Nicholas
Keweenaw Community Foundation
Jackie Manchester and Allen Kempke
Pearl and Yalmer Mattila *
William Raduchel
Corbin Roy *
James A. Ruppe
William and Patricia Siler
St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
UP Engineers & Architects, Inc
Vartan Group
$5,000 Lifetime Giving
Maurice Anderson *
Benjamin and Gillian Battino
Magdalena Belej
Campioni Enterprises
Chassell Lions Club
Daily Mining Gazette
House Family Foundation
George Dewey and Andrea Puzakulich
Galleher, Inc.
H-B-K County Medical Society
John Hendrickson and Marylou Whitney
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Houghton High School Honor Society
Rotary Club - Houghton
Ms. Sheri Kerr
Terry Kinzel and Sue Ellen Kingsley
Francis and Barbara Lide
Lions Club - Chassell
Paul and Kari Lyle
Suzanne McLean
Noteworthy Singers
Osomse -Peninsula Copper Industries, Inc.
Savitri Padmanabhan
Pamida Foundation
John T. Parks *
William and Sally Powers
Marcia Pruner
R. C. Mahon Foundation
Aurel and Bessie Roy *
Rukkila/Negro and Associates
Sandstone Piecemakers Guild
William Sewell and Ruth Robertson
Dianne and Nancy Byers Sprague
Superior National Bank
Superior Sand & Gravel, Inc.
Tom Thornton
John and Joyce Van Westenburg
Doris Veldhuis and William Lassi
Walmart - Houghton
Dave and Gladys Wiitanen
Rick and Kathryn Wright
Yalmer Mattila Contracting, Inc.
* Denotes Deceased
Every effort has been made to accurately include all donor information in this annual report. If we have inadvertently
misspelled your name or omitted information, we offer our sincere apologies and ask that you bring the mistake to our
attention so it can be corrected in the future. Although we strive for perfection, human (and computer) error can come
in to play! We thank you for your patience and assistance.
I just love
volunteering for
Omega House
From personal
experience I can
attest that Omega
House helped my
family make the
best of a difficult
Cindy Griffin
Secretary and Board Member and
Chair of Operations Committee
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Donald VanUum
Board Member
Page 21
2012 Events
Events are held throughout the year to raise funds and awareness for Omega House. We are thankful for the many individuals, community groups and organizations who generously give their time and talents to support Omega House.
The proceeds from these events go directly toward providing care for our residents
Ski for the Heart
Close to 200 gathered to ski and snowshoe at Swedetown Trails in Ski for the Heart, an
annual fundraiser for Omega House and the Copper Island Cross Country Ski Club.
Volunteers from Aspirus Medical Center, Aspirus Keweenaw Home Health & Hospice,
Copper Island Cross Country Ski Club, and Omega House have helped to coordinate this
special event for over eight years. Our thanks go to Jenna Lang, Mark Jindrich and Gladys
Polzien as primary organizers for the 2012 Ski for Heart.
Omega House Golf Outing
The 10th Annual Omega House Golf Outing took place June 9th
at the MTU Portage Lake Golf Course, and was organized by
board member Deb Young and Omega House staffer, Carol
Pfefferkorn. At the 11 am shotgun start, “tee off,” the weather was
glorious with temperatures in the 70’s. As the day went on, the
temperatures got hotter, and so did many golfers. Several teams
shot scores in the 60’s. The winning team of Mike Hauswirth and
his sons shot a scorching 56, sixteen strokes under par. “I am
thrilled to work with this event and those dedicated to this sport,”
said Deb Young. “We are grateful to Mark Maroste and his staff at
the MTU golf course for hosting the event.”
The Livin’ Is Easy Concert
The winning team: Kyle Hauswirth, Mike
Hauswirth and Brett Hauswirth
Over 20 local musicians thrilled an audience of 200 at the sixth
annual Livin is Easy benefit concert, “True Colors,” on July 24,
at the Gloria Dei Church in Hancock. Our thanks go to event
organizers Ruth Robertson and Lara Neves. Music included
classical, jazz, show tunes and blues. Featured guitarist Steve
Jones played a jazz medley, and was later joined by saxophonist
Paul Keranen in an all-Blues Medley. Artists included vocalists
Ann Campbell, Courtney Clisch, Roger Kieckhafer, Barbara
Lide, Jeff Massey, Lara Neves, Barry Pegg, Ruth Robertson,
Karin Schlenker, Cheyenne Kaufman, Emilie Krznarich, David
Owens, Marika Seigel and singer/guitarist Chuck Young. Pianists were Jon Ensminger, David Bezotte and Trisha Kuzmic.
Steve Jones, Jazz guitarist
Page 22
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
2012 Events
Fall Concert
Attendees danced and enjoyed the music of indie band Breathe
Owl Breathe. Artists Micah Middaugh, Andrea Moreno Beals and
Trevor Hobbs brought their special blend of rock and classic music
with great energy to the 10th Annual Fall Omega Benefit Concert. The “Blue Moon Benefit Concert” was held for the first time
at The Continental Fire Company (CFC), on Saturday, September
1. Contributions from local artists and businesses were featured at
a silent auction during the concert. The CFC received wonderful
comments from attendees, young and old. We are grateful to CFC
owners Tom and Adam Yoeman and Jon Julien and their staff for
graciously hosting the event.
Breathe Owl Breathe
Hike for the House
The Omega House 1st Annual Hike for the House, cosponsored by major contributor, Portage Health and more
than 15 local businesses, took place on a soggy, rainy morning, October 6 at the Michigan Tech/Nara Trails. More
than 100 walkers and volunteers showed up with high spirits, welcomed by a surprise visit from Bob and Ruth Nara,
who welcomed the hikers. The sun streaked through the
clouds, with snow and rain at times. The success of this
first hike would not be possible without the efforts of planners and board members Jeff Huotari, MD; Sig Janners,
Enjoying the Nara Trails despite the inclement weather.
MD; and Mike Abbott, board president. We are grateful
for the work of over 50 volunteers from the Michigan Tech
Pre-Health Association, Michigan Tech First Responders, Kiwanis Key Club and employees of Portage Health,
who helped on the trails and with registrations.
Community Fundraisers
and Involvement
The success of any event depends on the hard work of our
volunteers, who have devoted hours of their time to develop
successful fundraising events. In 2012, we owe special tribute to local high school students from the Kiwanis Key
Club, the Michigan Tech Pre-Health Association, Michigan Tech First Responders, members of Aspirus Health
Home & Hospice, members of Portage Health and Finlandia Nursing Students. The Finlandia Nursing Students
hosted their 8th annual spaghetti dinner, which raised over
$2000 for Omega House
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Finladia students at the annual spaghetti dinner
Page 23
2012 Omega House Financial Statement
A detailed 2012 Financial Statement is available at Omega House for review upon request.
2012 Total Income – $361,599
2012 Expenses – $318,493
Payroll and Related Expenses . . .$206,211
Resident payment . . . . . . . . . . . .$163,314
Donations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$142,049
Health & Other
Insurance Expenses . . . . . . . . . .$30,702
Utilities/Telecommunications . . . .$23,900
Event Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$36,118
Printing & Mailing Expenses . . . .$21,502
Medical Equipment Rental . . . . . .$13,372
Event Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8,011
Food & House Supplies . . . . . . . .$10,381
Interest Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,466
Other Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,280
House Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . .$7,640
Other Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,146
Wish List
Please contact our House Manager, Mary Herlevich, if you have questions about purchasing or donating an item
listed on our wish list. We are grateful to all our donors who have responded to our wish list needs in the past. We
thank the many church groups, individuals and organizations who do annual fund raisers to help support Omega
House and purchase wish list items.
• Gas clothes dryer
• Napkins
• Riding lawn mower
• Microsoft Office 2010 software
• Snow blower: 30” 12 hp heated grips
• GiftWorks 2013 software
• Clorox Wipes
• Wall mounted rechargeable flashlights
• Lysol disinfecting cleaner
• Flat screen TV’s for 6 rooms
• Hand sanitizer
• Shower sling for Hoyer Lift
• Coffee (regular)
• Seven mattress pads x-long twin size
• Stamps
• 13 gallon garbage bags
• Heavy duty extension cords 25 feet
and under
• Gift cards to area stores
• Digital postal scale-meter
• Paper plates (no Styrofoam)
• Electric Hoyer Lift with scale
We are very grateful to the individuals, businesses, churches and community organizations who keep us
supplied with needed items from the Wish List. Your generosity is much appreciated.
Page 24
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Who We Served in 2012
Number of residents served: 43
Number of U.S. Military Veterans served: 14
Average length of stay: 38 days
Number of care days provided: 1,641
The cost to provide one full day of
care for each resident at Omega
House is $210. This covers the
expense of 24 hour care from trained
Resident Care Assistants, home
cooked meals, personal care, laundry
services, housekeeping, utilities,
volunteer services, snow removal,
insurance and other essential
services. Omega House provides
care on a sliding scale basis so
residents are charged a fee based
upon their income and assets.
Percentage of Resident Pay
Paying 100%
of full fee
of Residents
Reduced Fee
of Residents
<15% of Full Fee
of Residents
Omega House
exemplifies what is
good and right
about our
community and it
is an honor to help
support its very
humane mission.
Guy St. Germain
Treasurer of the Board
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Page 25
How Can I Give to Omega House
Annual Gifts
Annual donations to Omega House support the daily
operations of the House. These gifts are essential for
us to fulfill our mission. Annual gifts can be designated
in memory or in honor of a friend, loved one or someone important in your life. Please consider becoming a
Sustaining Donor with on-going donations via a credit
or debit card. We bill in a safe and secure manner at
the amount and interval that you direct us to. Contact
Mary at Omega House for more information.
There are many non-monetary contributions of products and services that you can gift Omega House that
support the daily operations of the House. Our on-going
Wish List is updated regularly and includes items such
as postage stamps, gift cards to areas stores as well as
kitchen and bathroom items needed at the house. Please
see the list at the end of the annual report.
Founders Fund
An Omega House Endowment Fund is administered
by the Keweenaw Community Foundation (KCF). The
Fund was established in 2005 to create an account that
is held in perpetuity to support the work of Omega
House. Donations to the KCF Omega House Fund
can be made by contacting our office or the Keweenaw
Community Foundation directly. 906-482-9673 or
The Founders Fund recognizes individuals who make
donations at the $25,000 level. These gifts are payable
over a period of one to three years. A gift of this level
provides resources to operate the entire house for a
month. It helps ensure that no one will be turned away.
The Founders Fund is named for the early organizers
who helped make the vision of Omega House a reality.
Veterans Fund
Since opening our doors, U.S. military veterans have
made up to approximately 30% of all residents. We are
honored to serve these residents. You can recognize a
veteran, a branch of service or a veterans group with
your gift.
Naming Opportunities
Omega House has naming opportunities available for
donations small and large. This is a unique way to forever honor or remember a loved one. For gifts of $1000
an etched glass panel commemorative wall has been
created that greets visitors as they enter the house.
Keweenaw Community
Foundation Endowment Fund
Community Outreach
If you would like an Omega House representative to
speak to your community group, educational class, civic
organization or church group or veterans organization
please contact us. We will work with you to present a
program that meets the needs of your group.
For more information about gifts to Omega House
contact Raymond Weglarz, Director of Community
and Donor Relations. or
For information about events or for assistance in
planning an event to benefit Omega House contact
Carol Pffeferkorn, Outreach and Event Coordinator,
Events are held in the community throughout the year
to benefit the house. Some events are planned and conducted by Omega House staff, volunteers and board
members. Other events are planned and conducted by
individuals and organizations in the community on behalf of Omega House. Please consider becoming a
sponsor for an annual Omega House event or hosting
an event of your own. See the Events section of this
Annual Report to identify ways that you can support
Omega House.
Page 26
Donate Online
Our website provides you with a convenient and secure
way to donate online anytime. Donations can be made
using a credit card and you may designate a special fund
or make the gift as a memorial or honorarium. Support
Omega House on line at and
click on Donate Here on the left side of the page.
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Omega House Legacy Society
You can become a member of the Omega House Legacy Society, and leave a legacy of compassion, by including Omega
House in your will or estate planning. A Legacy Gift to Omega House may provide tax advantages for you and your
heirs, and we encourage you to consult with your tax advisor, attorney, or financial planner regarding such gifts. The
options listed below give you flexibility, control and the enjoyment of your assets until your death. Your Legacy Gift to
Omega House can be recognized, or you may remain anonymous. Omega House has created a Planned Giving Advisory
Council with experienced professionals from our community who help advise us in the area of planned giving. Please
call if you would like more information about the Legacy Society or planned gifts to Omega House.
A bequest allows you to support Omega House in the
future without giving away your assets during your
lifetime. You can make a bequest donation in your will
or living trust by designating Omega House as the
beneficiary of cash, real estate, securities or by leaving
us a percentage of your estate after all other obligations
have been fulfilled. A bequest remains revocable until
your death, allowing you to change your mind at any
time. If you have chosen to include Omega House in
your will, please let us know.
Beneficiary Designation
This is the simplest way to leave a Legacy Gift to
Omega House. Some assets like retirement plans, life
insurance policies and annuities are not distributed as
part of your will or trust, as the beneficiary is
determined by whom you list on the beneficiary
designation form provided by your account
administrator. You can request to update your
designation form at any time and simply name Omega
House as the full beneficiary or partial beneficiary of
your plan’s assets. You may change your mind at any
time prior to your death.
Retained Life Estate
This gift allows you to enjoy and control your home,
camp or cottage and transfer ownership to Omega
House upon your death. It saves you or your heirs the
hassles associated with selling real estate, it avoids
probate, and may even provide tax advantages. This gift
will not impact your property taxes, as the principal
residence exemption will be unaffected, and the taxes
on your property will not be uncapped. This gift can
also be changed or revoked if your circumstances and
needs change. Gifts of real estate must be approved by
the Planned Giving Advisory Council prior to
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
acceptance by Omega House so please contact us if you
are considering a gift of real estate.
Contingent Gifts
Contingent Gifts are recommended by many estate
and financial planners. These gifts serve as a
contingency plan should something unforeseen happen
to your primary beneficiaries. The gift comes into
effect only if your primary objective is not possible.
Contingent gifts can be made by a will, trust or a
beneficiary designation on life insurance or a
retirement account, such as an IRA.
Complex Gifts
There are several gift options that are more complex
than those listed. These gifts include: Charitable
Remainder Trusts, Charitable Lead Trusts and
Charitable Gift Annuities. These gifts can provide tax
advantages for you and your heirs but do require the
assistance of an estate or financial planner experienced
in these matters.
Omega House Planned
Giving Advisory Council
The Planned Giving Advisory Council is comprised of
community volunteers who serve in an advisory
capacity to the board of directors in areas related to
their experience and education. Advisory council
members include:
Jeff Bugni
Gail Evans
Joe Evans
Fred Gaff
Brent L. Peterson
Chris B. Gariepy
Roger S. Helman
Debbie A Stouffer
Gerald K Vairus
Page 27
We Honor Veterans —
staff and doctors, and the hospice and palliative care
staff at the Oscar G. Johnson Veterans Medical
Center in Iron Mountain. They have seen first hand
the quality of services we provide to veterans. They
have met and spoken to our staff and volunteers
about their programs and services. Western UP
veterans have told me they feel there is a need for
another state veterans home to care for elderly,
disabled and dying veterans. Jacobetti Veterans
Home in Marquette is 100 miles or more from many
of our area veterans. I hope that happens, but until
that time it is important that veterans know we are
here, willing and able to serve them.”
Dr. Larry Skendzel, Medical Director for the
Jacobetti Veterans Home in Marquette, is one of the
few Upper Peninsula doctors board certified in
POW flag raising ceremony at Omega House
hospice and palliative care. He visited Omega House
Front row, left to right: Mike Abbott kneeling, former POW Robert Bob Peterson
last fall and spoke privately with some of our veterans.
seated, daughter Terry Peterson, Christine Bohnsack. Back row: Omega House
Larry said, “Organizations like Omega House are
staff and board members.
islands of refuge. It helps make for the kind of
In November, the national We Honor Veterans (WHV) community I want live in, and for the kind of community I
Program named Omega House the first health care hope to die in.”
organization in the Upper Peninsula to reach Level 3 status.
Christine noted, “Sometimes a veteran is best served and
Omega House Vice President and WHV committee chair, understood by another veteran. To help fill this need we have
Christine Bohnsack, helps lead the organization’s veteran developed a ‘Veteran to Veteran Volunteer Program.’ We now
outreach initiatives. “ In meetings with VFW groups, church have seven veteran volunteers who can visit with our resident
groups and civic organizations, we provide information about veterans. One of our veteran volunteers is a chaplain as well.
the special needs of veterans near the end of life. One out of I am proud that Omega House is the first organization in the
every two dying males in our country is a veteran. We have entire UP to reach Level 3 in the WHV program; it shows
served many veterans since we opened and I feel it is our commitment to serving our veterans.”
important for Omega House to be part of this national
program. We take pride in our commitment to serving
I am proud that
veterans, and we are deserving of this recognition from
Omega House is
WHV team member Ray Weglarz, RN believes in the
importance of this education and advocacy for veterans. “We
live in an area of our state and nation with a strong history of
pride in military service and in voluntary enlistment. The
number of veterans per capita in the western UP is among
the highest, and the distance between VA clinics and VA
hospitals is among the farthest, making access to care close to
home a significant issue for our area veterans.”
“Through our participation in WHV we have strengthened
our relationships with VA health care providers, including the
Hancock VA Community Based Outreach Clinic (CBOC)
Page 28
the first
organization in
the entire UP to
reach Level 3 in
the WHV program;
it shows our
commitment to
serving our
Christine Bohnsack,
Board Vice-President and Chair of
We Honor Veterans
Omega House 2012 Annual Report
Board of Directors
Mike Abbott, President
Rev. Christine Bohnsack, Vice-President
Cindy Griffin, Secretary
Guy St. Germain, Treasurer
Brian Geshel, Past President
Neil Ahola
Magdalena Belej
Deanna Foucault
Clarissa Gaff
Dr. Jeff Huotari
Dr. Sigurd Janners
Leah Kinnunen
Wanda Kolb
Don Morin
Judy Pleshe
Debra Stouffer
Donald VanUum
Deb Young
Mary Herlevich, House Manager
Carol Pfefferkorn, Events Coordinator
Ray Weglarz, Director, Community & Donor
Resident Assistants
Deb Gagnon
Mary Knight-Foss
Jeanine Hulkkonen
Stephanie Laroux
Juanita McClellan
Laurie Stromer
Debra Gariepy
Deanna Hillstrom
JoAnne LaCourt
Jackie Mace
Marilyn Pini
Donna Wade
Mailing Volunteers
Joan Antila
Billie Bloomfield
Barbara Burns
Mary Erva
Jean Immonen
Margaret Keating
Dorothy Laajala
Bernice McCarthy
Rita Moilanen
Lynne Palo
Violette Richards
Ellen Schnabel
Bob Soumis
Lyda Stimac
Judy Ureel
Mary Warrick
Judy Winquist
Jean Barnes
Michele Brychta
Joanne Edwards
Vi Hedin
Geraldine Kaiponen
Jean Kowalski
Yvonne Lencioni
Cindy McLean
Charlene Momenee
Cyndy Quello
Lorraine Saari
Mary Skoglund
Hellen Spence
Martha Stone
Betty Voght
Rita Wiitanen
Penny Ziemer
Since 2005, Omega House has provided care to over 300 people. The only qualification for
eligibility to Omega House is to be in a hospice program or qualify for hospice care. The
diagnosis can be related to any life-threatening illness: stroke, heart failure, kidney failure,
degenerative diseases and cancer, to name only a few. Omega House is for those individuals
who need additional care that prevents them from residing in their own homes. Residents are
supported physically, emotionally and spiritually, while maintaining their independence,
dignity and respect.
Back Cover art “Ascending Doves” by Mary Ann Beckwith from the Omega House Meditation Room
2211 Maureen Lane
Houghton, MI 49931
(906) 482-4438
The next best thing to being home