150 Years of Resurrectionist Presence in the US


150 Years of Resurrectionist Presence in the US
Volume 18 Number 19, Spring 2016
Published for the family and friends of the Congregation of the Resurrection
150 Years of Resurrectionist Presence in the U.S.
By Father James Gibson, CR
This year, 2016, marks 150 years since the Congregation of the Resurrection
first established a religious house in the United States of America.
Although many people familiar with our Community
readily associate the Resurrectionist apostolic labors with
the Polish immigration to Chicago in the years after the
U.S. Civil War, it was actually in Texas that the C.R.’s first
organized a mission to collaborate with the growth of the
U.S. Church.
Thirty years after several passionate young Polish exiles
had gathered to form a community under the leadership
of Bogdan Janski in Paris (1836), the whole Congregation
called the Brothers of the Resurrection consisted of about
40 members, half of whom were priests while the others
were lay brothers and seminarians. Headquartered in
Rome, the Community at this time already had established
missions in Canada and Bulgaria, besides the original house
in Paris. In 1864, the delegates for the General Chapter
included non-Polish members for the first time – the
delegates from Canada, Bulgaria and Italy – and the Superior
General, Fr. Jerome Kajsiewicz, was proud to say that the
fledgling Congregation now had a more universal character.
Yet it was the need of Polish immigrants in the USA that
was to lead to the establishment of the first mission there.
The first ministry of Resurrectionists in the United
States did not yet include the establishment of a
community. In the same month in 1865 that the Civil
War was coming to a conclusion in the southern States,
Father Francis Breitkopf, C.R., was sent from Canada
to make some pastoral visits to Poles living in Parisville,
Michigan. Although his visits three or four times a year
Continued on page 4
Reflection on the Jubilee of Mercy Merciful Like the Father
By Fr. Joseph Malczyk, CR
We are all familiar with the
17th century proverb: Actions
speak louder than words. Ralph
Waldo Emerson put it this way:
“What you do speaks so loud
that I cannot hear what you say.”
In Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 7, verses 16 and 20,
Jesus says,” by their fruits you shall know them.” The
meaning of his words is reflected in the Letter of James,
Chapter 2. In verse 18 he says: “But someone will say,
‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith
apart from your works, and I by my works will show you
my faith.” James then gives the example of Abraham who
was justified by works when he offered his son Isaac on
the altar. In verse 24 he adds: “You see that a person is
justified by works and not by faith alone.” He concludes
in verse 26: “For just as the body without the spirit is
dead, so faith without works is also dead.”
It is obvious that our actions are a reflection of our
faith. If we say we have faith but do not back up our
words with action, what we say has no meaning at all.
The two words faith and action cannot be separated.
Continued on page 6
The Chronicles
Office of the Provincial Superior
3601 N California Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618-4602
Dear Friends of the Resurrectionists,
Easter, in the northern hemisphere, is a time when the ice and snow of winter turns to the daffodils, jonquils,
and irises of spring. Both seasons have their beauty and allure; but there is something magical in the eruption of
new foliage on the land. Spring delivers – always – a promise of new life.
Your kindness to the Resurrectionist priests and brothers, over the years, has also been a promise of new life.
I cannot imagine our CR ministry without your partnership with us. I see your support in caring about the
various Resurrectionists who have walked with you through the large sacramental moments of life and in the
small everyday events. I see it also in your inquiries about CRs who are ill or living in nursing homes. It is
evident, too, in your enduring financial generosity, especially in helping finance the housing, healthcare, and
feeding of our elderly brethren and trose no longer able to provide ministry.
There must be many claims on your benevolence; so I want you to know that the Resurrectionists are grateful
that you choose to keep us on your giving list. Every house of our province includes the intentions of our benefactors,
living and deceased, in our morning and evening prayers.
May the resurrection of Jesus fill us all with deep hope and abundant joy. Happy Easter!
Sincerely yours in the risen Lord,
Father Gene Szarek, C.R.
Provincial Superior
The Five Elements of the C.R. Charism
God’s love for us is merciful and unfailing.
God calls us to conversion.
He invites us to live together as brothers in Christ Jesus.
God calls us to work together for the Resurrection of society.
As Resurrectionists, we model ourselves on Mary and
rely on her intercession.
S p r i n g 2 016
Bright Future
Will bequest helps solidify the future of the Resurrectionists Retirement Fund
Humble, generous, holy, faithful to his Catholic Religion, successful. This is
how Brother Hallas, CR describes Mr Richard Tennes, who was a parishioner
of St Mary of the Angels Parish in Chicago, Illinois, one of the ministries of the
Resurrection Father and Brothers. At the time, Father Ed Karlowicz, CR was
pastor of the parish and was the spiritual director for Mr Tennes. He owned
a lamp shade factory in Bucktown, a neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois. He
attended Mass every day in the church and was extremely faithful to all the
sacraments in the church. He highly respected the spiritual council of Father
Karlowicz, CR. One day, Father Ed invited Brother Bill to be present for lunch
in the rectory. Father Ed told him that Mr Tennis wanted us to be present for
the luncheon meal. Brother Bill came and, low and behold, he informed both
Father Ed and Brother Bill, CR that he was leaving some of his estate to the
Resurrection Fathers and Brothers. We were very amazed at the simple statements
he made about how touched he was with the work of the Resurrection Fathers
and Brothers in Chicago and that he wanted us to know how grateful he was
for all the great work that we do in Chicago and elsewhere in the United States.
He said “ You truly are men of prayer and you are very humble and dedicated to
what you are all about in Resurrecting Society. “ I hope in some small way you
will be able to take care of your senior members through this simple gift”. We
had no idea what a great gift this would be to help our Senior Religious in the
Congregation of the Resurrection.
I hope that you the reader of the Chronicles will prayerfully think about
leaving the Resurrection Father & Brothers in your estate planning. If you have
any questions please feel free to contact our Development Director, Brother
William Hallas, CR at 773- 320-5782 or e-mail him at WHallascr@gmail.com.
Eternal rest grant unto them
O Lord and let perpetual
light shine upon them –
may they rest in peace.
Fr. Frederick Ciesla, C.R
June 21, 1922
August 15, 1942
June 7, 1949
January 28, 2016
Fr. Michael Danek, CR
December 5, 1958
May 18, 1980
Ordained: April 12, 1986
May 18, 2015
Fr. Casimir Tadla, CR
June 30, 1920
August 15, 1940
January 6, 1948
January 25, 2016
The Congregation of the Resurrection is a community of men in the Catholic Church
who live and work together under the banner of the Risen Christ.
We believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to minister to those who have most need of His mercy.
We ourselves have experienced the sad consequences of our sins. We understand our sinful nature.
We have also tasted the Lord’s grace and have turned our lives over to His mercy.
Because we have found the road of conversion, we can help others rise from the death of sin to a new life in Christ.
As a religious community in the Roman Catholic Church, we work and pray together to build up the kingdom of God.
The Chronicles
Continued from page 1
constituted the first sacramental-parish C.R.
ministry in the U. S., the Community did
not establish a parish there until 1868.
It was in response to a plea from Polish
immigrants in Texas, in the Diocese of
Galveston, that the Congregation was to set
up its first permanent mission in the USA.
Bishop Claude Dubuis of Galveston actually
travelled himself to France in search of priests
to minister to the immigrants in his vast
diocese; and having met some friends and
benefactors of the Resurrectionists, he made
known the need of some 9,000 Poles living
in the settlements of Panna Maria, Bandera
and San Antonio in Texas. Considering this
request a sign from God, the CR General
Curia in Rome decided to send three
members with Bishop Dubuis on his return
trip to America: they were two priests, Frs.
Adolph Bakanowski, C.R., and Vincent
Barzynski, C.R., and one cleric (seminarian),
Felix Zwiardowski, C.R.
Setting out by ship from La Havre,
France, on September 28, 1866, the
group of 30 French seminarians, the three
Resurrectionists and Bishop Dubuis arrived
first at New York Harbor and then continued
by sea another fourteen days to Galveston,
Texas. Their arrival on November 1, 1866,
is considered the official beginning of the
first Resurrectionist mission in the United
States. Father Bakanowski and cleric Felix
Zwiardowski were given the responsibility
for the parish at Panna Maria, while
Father Barzynski attended the immigrant
population in San Antonio.
Panna Maria (“Virgin Mary”), which is
the oldest Polish settlement in the United
States, had been founded in 1854 by Father
Leopold Moczygemba, a Conventual
Franciscan priest, who had arrived with
relatives and about 100 families from Silesia
(German-occupied Poland). When Father
Adolph and cleric Felix arrived in 1866, the
town consisted in little more than the simple
run-down church building, with 74 families
in the vicinity and about another 100 families
within a radius of eighty miles. While cleric
Felix lived in the sacristy of the church, Father
Adolph occupied the nearby horse stable
(along with his horse, of course!). In addition
to the crying need of immigrant Catholics
for pastoral attention and participation
in the sacraments of the Church, the first
small Resurrectionist community was
confronted with a Reconstruction-era society
in which violence and general delinquency
was rampant, especially on the part of
Southerners suffering deep resentment from
their defeat at the hands of the Union. A
peaceful living situation was attained for
the immigrants only after a thirteen-month
occupation by federal troops in 1869-1870.
In Panna Maria the Resurrectionists began
immediately not only to organize the parish
as a family – the CR plan from its origins
– but also to attend to the education of the
youth. Within a month of their arrival, Felix
Zwiardowski was teaching reading, writing
and arithmetic to sixty children, five hours
a day, in the church or a makeshift shed.
Indeed, the parish elementary school at
Panna Maria is recognized as the first parish
school established among Polish Catholics in
the USA. The concern for the establishment
of schools for parish families – even before the
solid construction of large churches – was to
become a mark distinguishing Resurrectionist
ministry from other communities led by
diocesan clergy.
Perhaps the watershed event for the C.R.
mission to the U.S. was the first ordination
of a Resurrectionist priest in this country.
Father Felix Zwiardowski, C.R., was ordained
to the priesthood by Bishop Claude Dubuis
in the Cathedral of Galveston on April 20,
1867, and celebrated his first solemn Mass
at Panna Maria. While Fr. Bakanowski was
named by Bishop Dubuis Vicar General for
all the Polish missions in Texas (an office
in which he served from 1867 to 1869),
Fr. Zwiardowski was to dedicate his entire
priestly life to the mission in Panna Maria.
When Fr. Bakanowski was called back to
Rome to serve as Novice Master in 1870,
Fr. Felix took his place as Superior of the
Resurrectionist missions in Texas.
As the movement of immigrant populations
in America would slowly determine a decline
in growth of the Texas settlements, the
Resurrectionists decided to shift their apostolic
concern to Chicago, where they would
eventually grow to the point of becoming a
Province (originally the Chicago Province,
now the USA Province) of the Congregation
of the Resurrection. The first CR foundation
in the United States, which had begun in
1866, would come to an official close with the
death of Fr. Felix Zwiardowski, C.R., who
was buried in Panna Maria in 1895. It was
in Texas that the outline of Resurrectionist
apostolate was laid out: organization of
parishes as families working together in
unity and love; education of the youth; and
publications of writings to help maintain
Catholic values for immigrants. In fact,
in a letter to Superior General Fr. Jerome
Kajsiewicz, Mr. John Barzynski (brother
of Fr. Vincent) thus described the aims
of the Polish Catholic Weekly Pielgrzym
(The Pilgrim), the first Polish Catholic
newspaper published in the U.S. (“largely
due to the efforts of the Resurrectionists,
Fathers Vincent Barzynski, C.R., and
Felix Zwiardowski, C.R.”): “that each Pole
retain his Catholic faith, learn the language
and history of Poland, but be given the
chance to become a good Yankee” (quoted
in Resurrectionist Charism, A history of the
Congregation of the Resurrection, Vol. 1, by
John Iwicki, C.R., p. 352).
In the 150 years since the Lord called
the Resurrectionists to widen their horizons
by helping the growing Church among
immigrant Americans, the Congregation
has perhaps aided many a family to become
“good Yankees”; but more importantly
we have sought to be a living presence of
the Risen Lord Jesus, announcing by our
common life and our apostolic labors the
unconditional love of God for all people.
S p r i n g 2 016
Apple Valley Fund Raiser
The Fund Raiser was held at the Country Club Golf Course in Apple
Valley, California. In attendance we had 119 people. The following people
were on the committee: Minnie Lopez-Baffo, Ann Raddish, Pam Herman,
Irma Munoz, Yolanda Serrato and Imelda Salgado. It was a wonderful
event. The food was very good with ham, turkey, cheese and fresh
vegetables and fresh fruit. They also had a sweet table. Many of the people
in attendance are known givers to the Congregation.
Left to right Father James Gibson, CR, Father Henry Ruszel, CR, Brother
William Hallas, CR, Father Delwyn Haroldson, CR, Father Gary Hogan, CR,
Father Rafal Wasilewski, CR
The program consisted of Father Gary Hogan, CR, thanking all for
being present and Brother Bill, CR, sharing ways to give to the Seminary
Education Fund.
The Resurrection Merit Award was presented to the widow of Mr Kevin
Olin. She thanked all especially all the Resurrectionists who have served in
the parish for their kindness and support during this difficult time.
It was truly a wonderful event. Father Rafal Wasilewski, CR presided at
all the Masses along with Father Gary who preached and Father Del and
Father Henry as concelebrants. It was truly a Resurrectionists’ weekend.
Dr Ralph, DDS, was especially complementary of the Resurrectionists who
serve at the Parish for their dedication to the parishioners and families.
Father Henry Ruszel, CR with Pam Herman
The benefactors enjoying themselves
at the fund raiser in Apply Valley
Alfredo Aguiniga & Loretta
Lake Arrowhead Fund Raiser 2015
On a beautiful weekend in the mountains of the San Bernadino Valley of California we
again hosted a fundraiser for our Seminary in St Louis, Missouri. Mike & Nancy Casey hosted
the afternoon reception in their beautiful home facing Lake Arrowhead in the San Bernadino
Mountains of California. What a wonderful event, I can see that our benefactors and friends always
look forward to being with us for the afternoon. Wayne & Gira Brown always do such a fine job
in preparing various dishes to tease our appetites. Steve & Pamela Garriety seen to always come
through with some fine wines for our guests to enjoy. The Pastor of Our Lady of the Lake Parish
in Lake Arrowhead, Father Michal Osuch, CR, always has something interesting to share with
the group along with the rector of the seminary Father Gary Hogan, CR. We always leave the event
with a smile on our faces and gratitude in our hearts to help such a worthy cause. Many Thanks
for all who contribute to this great event. May our Risen Lord, always continue to bless you.
Steve & Denis Mantei and Family
The Chronicles
Continued from page 1
Pope Francis proclaimed this year as a Holy Year of Mercy.
In his proclamation, he begins by saying: “Jesus Christ is the face
of the Father’s mercy. These words well sum up the mystery of
the Christian faith. Mercy has become living and visible in Jesus
of Nazareth, reaching its culmination in him.” In the book Pope
Francis The Name of God is Mercy, the author Andrea Tornielli has
a conversation with the pope. In the chapter, Living the Holy Year
of Mercy, Andrea asks him, “What are the most important things
that a believer should do during the Holy Year of Mercy?” Pope
Francis answers the question by naming the Corporal and Spiritual
Works of Mercy and adds that perhaps some aspects could be better
“translated” because they open us up to the mercy of God.
you do for the least of my brothers and sisters you did it for me.”
What follows was taken from the Bulletin of our parish St. Matthew’s
in Schaumburg on January 10th 2016. Fr. Joseph Glab, CR, without
knowing the pope’s comment above, adapted each of the acts of
mercy in more practical terms.
I would strongly encourage you to save these Spiritual and Corporal
Works and reflect on their meaning in your lives. This is just one way
in which we can put our faith in action by always remembering the
words of Jesus: “by their fruits you shall know them.” Also as James
reminds us “faith without works is dead.” In our Resurrection Prayer,
we find the words addressed to Jesus: “Use us as the instruments for
the renewal of society.” We have the transforming power of the risen
Lord in our hands. Let us use these hands to reach out to others with
mercy and love.
During this Year of Mercy, there are many practical opportunities
open to us found in the Spiritual and Corporal Acts of Mercy. One
of my favorite biblical quotes is found in Matthew 25:40: “Whatever
RECONCILIATION OF THE SINNER: (e.g. beginning with
ourselves, pray for a personal transformation & conversion of self
and for all in need of God’s Love & Mercy …)
FEED THE HUNGRY: (e.g. donate food to local food pantries
or shelters; assist a family in need; cook or bake your favorites for
INSTRUCT THE IGNORANT: (e.g. teach by word and
example, help children learn their basic prayers, teach them to
pray or pray with others; have a personal conversation with God:
give honor & praise to God, ask God’s forgiveness, thank God,
and place before God your needs not wants …)
GIVE DRINK TO THE THIRSTY: (e.g. donate juice or water
to food pantries or shelters, check up on a friend or the elderly,
especially, parents, grandparents, brothers or sisters, neighbors …)
CLOTHE THE NAKED: (e.g. donate your clean or slightly used
men, women or children’s clothes or shoes to charitable service
organizations …)
COUNSEL THE DOUBTFUL: (e.g. offer advice to a person
making a spiritual decision, listen to the concerns of others …)
SHELTER THE HOMELESS: (e.g. support a homeless shelter;
make a donation to Alexian Brothers Boneventure House; support
recovery centers for those with addictions, and walk the walk with
those who need encouragement …)
BEAR WRONGS PATIENTLY: (e.g. follow the Gospel of
Matthew: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.)
FORGIVE OFFENCES WILLINGLY: (e.g. forgive those who
have injured you in anyway, and let the wounds begin to heal …)
VISIT THE SICK: (e.g. at home, in the hospital or nursing
home or make a friendly call …)
and pray for the sick, the lonely, those who are oppressed, those
with mental, physical, emotional or faith issues, those with addictions,
the unemployed or under employed, refugees, migrants and
victims of war …, remember the dying and those who cross the
threshold from this life to the next; light a candle in remembrance
and with love and appreciation …)
RANSOM THE CAPTIVE: (e.g. visit the imprisoned, or
participate in writing cards or letters to the home bound or in
nursing homes …)
BURY THE DEAD: (e.g. comfort those who grieve; attend wake
services or burial services of family, relatives and friends and call
and console the grieving afterwards as well …)
GIVE ALMS TO THE POOR: (e.g. greet and speak to the
individual and consider what a cup of coffee or a sandwich costs
today; donate to your favorite charity …)
S p r i n g 2 016
2015 Resurrection Memorials
In Memory of +Jack Redmond
Mike & Jeannette Derum
In Memory of
+Thomas Aquinas Campbell
Mike & Jeannette Derum
In Memory of +Ovidio Marandy
Rocko & Cook Families
In Memory of +William Faber
Chet and Patty Rocko
In Memory of +Joyce Schlembach
Joan Walker
In Memory of +Richard Hendler
Joan Walker
In Memory of +James E. Zimmerman
Reverend Joseph Malczyk, CR
In Memory of +Dorothy Salata
Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR
In Memory of +Joseph Wolowicz
Linda Huchro
In Memory of +Annette Rogals
Albina M. Callaghan
In Memory of +James McClusky
Barbara De Mars
In Memory of +Joseph M. Sarillo
Annette Rogals
In Memory of +Susan McHugh
Joan Walker
In Memory of +Albert (Bert) Hoffman
Father Joseph Malczyk, CR
DePaul College Prep High School
In Memory of
+Adeline Sniegowski, CR
Resurrection Fathers & Brothers
In Memory of +Lois & +Jim Scola
Jack Keefe
In Memory of +Robert Slavik
Annette Rogals
In Memory of +Nickolaus P. Holleck
JoAnn Menet
In Memory of +Cary Kanok
Steve Ratajczyk & Family
In Memory of +Marilyn McCarthy
Lois & Jim Scola
In Memory of +Kevin Heffernan
Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR
In Memory of +Lucy Gluch
William & Leanne Newman
In Memory of +Marco Sarti
William & Leanne Newman
In Memory of +Shirley Bechtol
Larry Nazimek
In Memory of +Dolores Walsh
William & Leanne Newman
In Memory of +Karen Bettinardi
Bill & Jane Turner
In Memory of
+Edward & +Jean Nazimek
Larry Nazimek
In Memory of +Karen Ann Bettinardi
Alicia Flores
In Memory of +Jimmie Wright
Father Joseph Malczyk, CR
& Resurrectionists
In Memory of
+Father Michael Danek, CR
Alicia Flores
Mr & Mrs Jim Blake and Family
Mr & Mrs Hank Anzelone
Chris Aquino & Family
Floro & Eva Alcantara
Barb Beachem
Debbie Biernat
Amy Boone
Art & Julie Bronski
Greg Carder
Rick & Karen Christy
Richard & Sara Cook –
Friends of the Resurrection
Virginia Danek and Family
Kevin & Judy Deady
DeBellis Family
Dennis & Renee DeBellis
James Desecki
Diana Riske
Teresa Diaz
Joanne Gregoire
Iavn & Walkiris Fernandez
Mary Fisher
Connie Gervase
Carol, Guy and Christphoer Hane
John, Chrstine and Johnny Havrilla
Frank & Kathy Hays
Joel & Barbara Kaskiewicz
Mr & Mrs Carl Kocmoud
Agnieszka Kolatek
John & Beata Kolpek
Tom & Shannon Kostka & Family
Aggie & Jack Kubik
Chuch & Mickey LaBuda
Anthony Lenard
Grace Lynch
Lucille & Christine Meczynski
Henry & Mercedes Pimentel
Yvonne Nannini
The Mytniik Family
Timothy O’Reilly
Tim & Mary Pruyn
Prybonski Family
Donald & Walkiris Raineri
Linda Marie Riske
Rogglio & Clairtta Ranayf Family
Mr & Mrs David Rice
Paul Robertson
Chester & Patricia Rocko
Carmela RossGuadalupe Salazar
Mr & mrs Thoms Schutt
Jeanette Schutz
John & Joanne Skocilich
Jeff Sondgerath
The Styka Family
Mike & Jane Srualski
Josephine Sullivan
Mary Ticknor
Antoinette Tuskey
Jsoeph & Josephine Valentino
Jan Voves
Clarence Wagner
The Waschow-Cowan Families
David & Dolores Wayne
Judie & George Wheat
Mr & Mrs Mark Wojcik & Family
Craig & Ginamarie Reckard
Gloria Manatat
Joseph & Maureen Garro
Debra A. Carpenter
Kowara Family
Kevin Deany
Allen & Karen Trimpe
Rich & Diane Ray
Norm & Monticello Leinweber
Steven Cathony
Dana & John Rork
John & Halina Cathony
Irvin & Joan Azczrraga
John Dispensa III & Family
Ronald & Maryann Fogarty
Karen Conrad
Bea Hogan
Stephanie Pinkowski
Barry & Linda Dalaba
Tony & Laurie Marie Policastro
Lois M Sumoski
In Memory of
+Sister Cecilianne Narlock, CR
Resurrection Fathers and Brothers
In Memory of +Gina Haas-Bitz
Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR
In Memory of +Marie TufanoBechmann
Wayne & Judy Ambrose
In Memory of +Jacqueline Keppel
Br William Hallas, CR
In Memory of +Gina Haas-Bitz
Bergner Family
In Memory of +Ken Mahoney
Lois & Jim Scola
In Memory of +Thomas Dudas
Lois & Jim Scola
In Memory of _Robert Coleman Kelly
Heintzelman Family
In Memory of +Benjamin (Mike ) Reidy
Dr Christopher & Kathleen Joyce
In Memory of +Raymond R. Hohman
Allen & Karen Trimpe
In Memory of +Doris Kiely
Rochelle Favale
In Memory of +Kenneth Groeper
William & Leanne Newman
In Memory of +Alice Stiglich
William & Leanne Newman
In Memory of +Marilyn Konwinski
Leanne & Wally Newman
In Memory of +Jon P. Zelip
Margaret Conneely
In Memory of +Dennis Sullivan
The DiMaggio Family
In Memory of +Mary Bloch
Margaret Conneely
In Memory of +Darlene Wagner
Br William Hallas, CR
In Memory of +Eugene Wleklinski
Resurrection Fathers and Brothers
& DePaul College Prep
at the Father Gordon Campus
In Memory of +Bernie Elsner
Br William Hallas, CR
Father Joseph Malczyk, CR
In Memory of +Grace Oliver
DePaul College Prep at the Father
Gordon Campus
In Memory of +Leon Denning
Jo Jackson
In Memory of +Arturo Rios
John and Sheila Leahy
In Memory of +Kurt A. Tryba
Sharon Pellino
In Memory of +David Pillar
Mary Fran Lagro
In Memory of +Sonia de Lama
Father Joe Malczyk, CR & CR’s at
Depaul College Prep at the
Father Gordon Campus
In Memory of +Joseph Grabowski
Serra Club of DuPage
In Memory of +William Kehoe
Community of DePaul College Prep
at Father Gordon Campus
In Memory of +Eleanor DeRose
Helen Bills
In Memory of +Warron Beal
Helen Bills
In Memory of +Rose Chechetti
Marcia Sylvester
In Memory of +Olavi Turunen
Pat & Eero Turen
In Memory of +Sophie Czaplicki
John & Pam Matyasik
In Memory of
+Sister Constance Polek, CR
Resurrection Fathers and Brothers
In Memory of +James Patrick Derum
Mike & Jeannette Derum
In Memory of +Al Miller
Lois & Jim Scola
In Memory of +Barbara Sadilek
George Sadilek
In Memory of +Michael Ciechon
Larry Nazimek
In Memory +Conrad Trybus
Jeannette & Ed Derum
In Memory of +Kenneth Aroeper
Stawiarski Family
In Memory of +Sante M Iacovelli
Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR
Brother William Hallas, CR
Resurrection Fathers and Brothers
In Memory of +Andrezej Lasota
Brother William Hallas, CR
In Memory of +Francine K. Parker
James M Parker
In Memory of +Maureen Sutton
William & Leanne Newman
In Memory of +Tom Kimbler
Donna Klem
In Memory of +Rosemary Bialk
Lynette DiMaggio
In Memory of +Jess Phillips
Darlene Szarek
In Memory of +Tioslav Tica Markovic
DePaul College Prep /
Father Joseph Malczyk, CR
In Memory of +Martha Rauscher
Joan Walker
In Memory of +Demetrious Vnanikas
Ray Casey
In Memory of +Thomas Kane
DePaul Prep/Gordon Tech
Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR
In Memory of +Richard Hoppe
Br William Hallas, CR
In Memory of +Alicia Hughes Yaus
Lois and Jim Scola
In Memory of +Mike Dorsey
Br William Hallas, CR
In Memory of _John Jaros
Bill & Jane Turner
In Memory of +Joan Ferguson
Brother William Hallas, CR
Florence DeBellis
In Memory of +Benjamin Ortiguiterra
Remedios & Reynaldo Ymson
In Memory of +Filomena Sangbaan
Remedios & Reynaldo Ymson
The Chronicles
Brother William Hallas, CR with
Father Tony Dziorek, CR
Judge Ronald Bartkowicz and Nini Centano enjoying the day.
Florence Debellis encouraging
people to buy the raffle tickets.
Father Paul Sims, CR, MC for our
Resurrection Gala 2015.
Bonnie Depaula with Father Jacek
Praski, CR St Wenceslaus Parish
Terry Raatz with Father
Andrew Lewandowski, CR
Sister Rose Marie, Sister E. J., and Sister Lucille
from the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth
Sister Claire Francis, Sister Stephanie, and
Sister Dominic from the Sisters of the Resurrection
Father Norbert Raszeja, CR with Mary Jane Munley
Sister Laura, Sister Donna Marie and Sister Florence, the Resurrection Sisters
Sister Magdalene, Father Steve, Sister Martha, and Sister Franciszka
S p r i n g 2 016
18th Annual Fund Raiser
A wonderful event was planned for the Resurrection Fathers and Brothers again this year. The event took place at Porretta’s
Banquet Hall in Chicago. Again our benefactors came through in support of the Senior Religious Fund and our men studying
for the Priesthood and Brotherhood. We celebrated this Gala this year on Sunday, October 4, 2015. We had close to 300 people
in attendance.
This year our Vision of Hope Award went to Mr Clarence Telkes from DePaul College Prep High School at the Father Gordon
Campus. Mr Telkes shared with the group his full support over all these years for the great ministry that he has shared with us in
educating the young men and women of Chicagoland. Mr Telkes is a guidance councilor for athletes of DePaul College Prep.
The Resurrection Fathers and Brothers again appreciate all the help that is given to them. We look forward to our 19th event
on Sunday, September 25, 2016. We hope to see you there.
Ted & Pattie Hoeh with Father Jacek Junak, CR
from St. John’s, Johnsburg, IL
Audrey Mariani, Father Joseph Glab, CR
and Angela Cullen from St. Matthew’s,
Schaumburg, IL
Mr Clarence Telkes, Vision of Hope Award 2015 with Provincial
Kelly & Mark Resnicek with daughter and Father George Zieba, CR
from St. Pius X, Lombard, IL
The Chronicles
Development Office Income for 2015
2015 was another great year of support from all of our benefactors from coast
to coast.
Annual Fund
$ 43,748.00
In the name of the Congregation of the Resurrection, the Resurrection
Fathers and Brothers I am most grateful for our constant support of our
development programs including the following:
Annuity Fund
$ 92,435.81
Dinner Reservations
$ 20,545.00
Raffle Ticket Sales
$ 38,414.00
In House Raffles
Ad book sales
All Souls Appeal
Hermitage Charitable Trust
$ 50,000.00
Elevator Fund
Retirement Fund Appeal
NRRO (National Collection)
$ 42,108.85
California Fund Raiser
$ 105,642.00
Grand Total
$ 426,681.08
• Annual Appeal 2015
• All Souls Appeal 2015
• Retirement Fund Program
• Seminary Education Program
• Annual fundraiser for our seminarians held at parishes in
• Lake Arrowhead, Running Springs, Blythe, Lucerne Valley and
• Apple Valley, California
• Annuity Program
• Annual Resurrection Gala with our Chicago and suburban parishes.
I would like to express a sincere thank you to the Archdiocese of Chicago
and the Diocese of San Bernardino, California who allow us to speak on our
Mission, in Tanzania in Africa.
As Resurrection Fathers and Brothers we continue to live our Mission of
resurrecting society through our ministry of education on the secondary level
and collegiate level and our mission work in Africa and our parish ministries in
California, Illinois, Missouri and Kentucky.
Many Thanks for your continued investment in supporting our seminarians
in St Louis, Missouri at St Louis University and the Aquinas School of Theology.
It is extremely helpful to us to help form priests in the church today.
The donor list reflects all the monies that have come in from January 1, 2015
to December 31, 2015. We make every effort to keep accurate records and each
gift is acknowledge promptly. If you find something incorrect, or are receiving
multiple copies of this newsletter and /or wish to be removed from the mailing
list, please call Brother Bill Hallas, CR at 773-320-5782 or e-mail me at
The Risen Lord has blessed us with a good year and we always know that our
friends and benefactors are always there to support us. As always, we remember
you in gratitude and in our prayers.
Br. Bill Hallas, CR
Director of Development
S p r i n g 2 016
2015 Annual Fund
Some of our Major Donors
Pamela D Barker
Virginia L Benzier
John & Barbara Bertrand
Paul & Patricia Braun
Pat & Lori Brennan
Kenneth & Nancy Camarella
Canons Regular of St John Cantius
Michael & Nancy Casey
Ted & Jo Dutton
Koch Foundation
Confidence Foundation
+Marie Di Carlo
Nanette Chambers
Victor & Leticia Charnetsky
Charles & Barbara Cummins
Mary Damiani
Stephen & Wendy Duringer
+Edwin Gira estate
Mark & Cathie Garrett
Steven & Pamela Geraghty
John S Greenwald Estate
Hermitage Charitable Trust
William & Virginia Hayden
Dietrich & Roddie Hauser
Hermitage Foundation
Holy Trinity Parish, Westmont, IL
Wally & Sheila Jaszkowski
Leo & Georgette Jodoin
Suzanne Johnson
James & Bridgett Johnstone
Knights of Columbus
+Raymond & Billie Kenz
Reid & Dorthy Kirk
Paul & Vivian Klausner
Phil & Carol Lia
Lopreore Family
John & Sheila Leahy
Mark & Mary Ellen Leggio
+John & Vicky Majchczak
Marilyn Martin
+Sall & +Wreba McGee
+Louis & + Jane Malory
Charles & Diana O’Malley
Jeanne Pollowy
St Bernadette’s Church Panama City Beach, FL
St Scholastica Parish,
Woodridge, IL
St Matthew Parish,
Schaumburg, IL
MLV Sevices, INC
William & Genevieve
Michael & Pattie Smith
Michael L Smith
Norman & Grace Sykes
Glen & Cindy Stahmer
John & Florence
Nottolini Family Trust
Gail Weist
Roger & Mayo Wileman
Ronald & Moira Wilhelm
Joseph Zgonina
Joseph Adamkiewicz
Joan Allstrom
John Balazs
Rev Richard Balazs, CR
Glen Baptiste
John Baran
Jerry J. Baumeister, Ph.D.
George Black
Stanley Block
Ronald J. Boehm
Tom & Susan Boin
Marion Bratek
Carl R. Brauneis
Charles A. Brizzolara
M/M Arthur Bronski
Jack & Geraldine Brubaker
Joseph Bryja
Thomas & Loretta Chazelle
Daniel Cieslik
Bud & Marty Corley
Joseph & Donna Cramer
Thomas Crane
Deborah L Delmonego
William Dreffein
Bernard F & Nancy J Drozd
Don & Pat Eich
Jacklyn Faber
Monica Ferrari
Margaret Flisiak
Norbert & Rose Florek
Patricia & Stanley Fornal
Merel & Constance Freund
Fred & Janet Furmanek
M/M Sean Eric Gaddis
Norbert & Mary Gapczynski
Jean Gawlik
Daniel & Karen Glab
Michael Godzik
Dennis Gollogly
Dan & Gail Grossman
Br William Hallas, CR
Joanne C Hejza
Donald H. Hoffman
Virginia Iza
John & Angie Janiga
R. Janus
Wally & Sheila Jaszkowski
Brother Edward Jaszkowski, CR
Helen Jendricks
Michael R Jette
Theresa & Thomas Jezuit
Thomas Juskiewicz
Ron Kadzielawski
Kinghts of Columbus/
Robert Connelly CO
Betty Ann Kish
William & Lavonne Komp
Thomas A Kopanski
Thaddeus E Korabik
Barbara Kozak
Lottie Krzywda
Kevin Michael Kucik
Most Rev Robert Kurtz, CR, DD
Michael & Marilyn Lamm
Carl A Lekan
Joseph Lorenzini
Muriel E. Lund-Michel
Stan Luta
Joseph R. Mack
Wilfrido & Benilday Maguigad
Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR
Daniel & Barbara Martinez
William F & David H Marutzky
George Matysiewicz
M/M Sam Mauro
Thomas & Caryn McAndrews
Helen Michaelson
Walter & Carol Mika
Anne L. Miller
Ms Helene T Miller
Stephanie M. Mitschelen
Dennis & Mary Ann Mlynski
Octavio P. Montejo
Mary Anne Moses-Farley
William Napiwocki
Kathryn H. Nartnick
Ann Ochab
John & Stella Olender
Marilyn Owen
Jennie Phillips
Edward & Judith Pietrucha
Mr Robert Plurkowski
Frank Posch
John & Nancy Prangl
Theresa Raatz
Joyce & Adam Randle
Craig Reckard
Resurrection Catholic Church
Nora & Chester Rychlewski
Betty Rygiel
Bernadette & Alexander Scalzitti
Rev Carl E. Scherrer
Mr & Mrs Irvin K. Silchuck
Rev Paul Sims, CR
Adriane M Smietana
Michael & Patty Smith
Tom Speck
St Mark’s Catholic Church
St Therese Sodality-St Hyacinth
Thomas W Stach
Edward & diane Stapleton
Ronald & Julia Stepp
Dr James J Strzyz
Rev Don Suberlak, CR
Rev Gene Szarek, CR
Robert W. Szymczak
Ms Irene Taraszka
Allen & Karen Trimpe
Jim Uhlarik
Raymond & Carol Wagner
Anthony & Karen Wierer
Gial F. Wiest
Emily Wojkowski
Raymond & Phyllis Wojnar
M/M Darrel & Patty Wright
Don Wysocki
Reynaldo & Remedios Ymson
William E Zerial
Joseph & Marcia Zurawski
2015 All Souls Appeal
Thomas & Lisa Abraham
Joseph Adamkiewicz
Dale Anderson
Linda Anzelone
MS Mary Jo Arndt
Mary Ann Arrigoni
Enrique Avelar Hernandez
Donald Bacik
John P. Baran
MRS Charlotte Barry
Suzie Bauernfeind
Jerry J. Baumeister, Ph.D.
Judy Berberich
Mr Ronald Bevins
James & Marsha Blake
MR Ronald J. Boehm
MR Roman Bojan
Robert & Jean Brown
M/M Jack Brubaker
Ms Alexandra Brzezinski
Mary & Clement Campbell
MS Loretta and Thomas Chazelle
Mrs Doris Chiemengo
James Chmiel
Thomas Cich
Huguette Collins
Martha Jean Conrad
Martha Corley
Thomas M. Cunningham
Ms Cecilia M Czarnecki
John Czernek
Mrs Lori A. Doerr
Ronald Dohr
William Dreffein
Rev Anthony Dziorek, CR
Margaret Flisiak
Burce & Rebecca Forbes
Jacquelyn Fowler
Franciscian Sisters of Chicago
M/M Fred Furmanek
MR Peter & Nellie Gapczynski
MS Jean Gawlik
A & P Gawron
Vince & Christina Goc
Dennis Gollogly
Gregory Groszek
MR Rose Gualderon
Mrs Vivian Gutting
Joseph & Gloria Haggin
MR Robert S. Hajduk
Linda R Hardeland
M/M Michael Herrill
Mr Donald Hoffman
Leon Hubrich
John Huegel
Elsie Hurlburt-Riedl
Virginia Iza
Peter Jachimiec
Mr Leonard Janiga
Carl & Susan Janowicz
Sheila & Wally Jaszkowski
Drawn at the 2015 Fund Raising Dinner
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd prize
4th Prize
5th Place
$ 500.00
$ 500.00
Miss Helen T. Jendricks
Edmund M Jendro
Therese & Thomas Jezuit
M/M Leokadia Jodoin
Thomas F. Juskiewicz
Ron Kadzielawski
Lorraine & Edward Kamis
C.W. Kazmierowicz
MS Lydia Kean
Leonard Kedzior
M/M Ray Kenz
Betty Kish
MRS James Klafeta
MS Donna Klem
Andrew J Kloc
Betty Koch
Thaddeus E. Korabik
M/M Joel Koskiewicz
Celsete & Robert Kozlowski
Barbara Kozuchowska
Robert Krawczyk
MS Anna Krohn
John & Loretta Kucharski
Donald Lang
Andrew Langston
M/M Gerald Lapka
Mrs S Ann Lazenby
Carl A. Lekan
MS Jeanette Lewandowski
Ted Lipinski
Mrs Mary Lubisich
Muriel Lund-Michel
Stanley Luta
Donald & Kristeen Lynch
MR John Maciaszkiewicz
Kathleen A Mackowski
Eugene Mages
MS Dianne L. Mahoney
Rosemary Manago
M/M Donald Manchester
Jan Manganello
MR Bernard Mania
Audrey Mariani
MR George Matysiewicz
Sam & Bernadette Maurice
Edward McKeown
James & Rebecca McManus
Theresa Merrigan
M/M Walter Mika
Robert & Galen Minetz
Lillian Misiewicz
Stephanie Mitchelen
Octavio & Lillian Montejo
Phil, Kerry & Blanca Montuori
Herman Mudalige
M/M Stanley Mynatt
DR William Napiwocki
Kathryn Nartnick
M/M Dennis Nicpan
REV John Nowak, CR
Marguerite Oberto
Marie Odon
MS Loretta Operini
Joseph Ovca
Marilyn Owen
Clarice L. Peterson
Jennie Phillips
MR Edward Pietrucha
Collette Polinski
MS Geraldine Poplawski
Jacqueline Porzio
Deyette Potz
Jean & Charles Pradlin
Mr John Prangel
MRS Helen Przewoznik
M/M T Przybylowicz
M/M Edward Pudlo
MR Edward L Pudlo
Ken LeBeau
James Desecki
Providence Soup Kitchen
Mary Jane Munley
Debby Kasper
Theresa Raatz
MS Gertude Rada
Joyce & John Randle
MS Bonnie T Rategan
Domnick Ringo
Victor & Yolanda Ruokis
Emelda E. Salgado
Paul & Laura Scardicchio
Joseph Schabelski
David Schaler
Gerald Schimanski
Mary Scislowicz
M/M Ronald Sikorski
Kenneth Simons
J. Skowron
Adriane Smietana
Michael Smith
Mary Snaer
Kathleen Snyder
Lorette & Andrew Sokulski
Fran & Dennis Soroko
St Ann’es in the Mountains
Diane Stapleton
Thomas Strzalka
Mr Jim & Adlen Stuchlak
MS Darlene Szarek
Linda Szymanski
Shirley Tanouye
Irene Taraszka
Alan J. Tenczar
John Theriot
MS Lorraine Tognarelli
Thaddeus S Trychta
Michael & Kathryn Tyl
Charles & Mary Ann Veldman
Joseph & Carole Vitucci
Margaret Walling
Helmuth & Lorraine Warns
Karen & Anthony Wierer
Michael Wiest
Ernest Wikidal
May & Roger Wileman
MR & MRS Eugene Wleklinski
MR Gregory J Wlezien
Mrs Patricia S. Wright
Dan Wuyncott
Donald Wysocki
Eleanore Yahn
August F. Yanke
Joe Zgonina
MS Patricia Ziebka
Helen B Zielinski
Dianne M. Zinn
Placement of Ads
in the Annual Ad Book
DePaul College Prep
Ed Kelly Sports Program,Inc
Elaine Verunac
Holy Trinity Parish
John & Stella Olender
Jubeny & Zaba, LLC
Liberty Sales/Jim Bauernfeind
Lottie Krzywda
Mary, Seat of Wisdom Church
Porretta’s Elegant Banquets
Resurrection Catholic Church
Sisters of the Resurrection
St Anne in the Mountains
St John Cantius Parish
St John the Baptist Church
St Mark’s Catholic Church
St Mary’s Cathedral
St Matthew Church
St Scholastica Parish
St Wenceslaus Church
The Chronicles
Chuck Kindahl and Fr. Tony Dziorek, CR
Donations to the
Fundraising Dinner
Linda & Henry Anzelone
Joseph & Donna Cramer
Helen Drozd
Norbert & Mary Gapczynski
Most Reverend Francis Kane
Ms Carol Kilduff
Stephen Machon ‘64
Don & Eshter Manchester
Most Reverend John R. Manz
Sis Markowski
Patricia Maurer
Joe & Barbara Nakanishi
Joseph & Ann Marie Rinchiuso
Andrew Sokulski
Allen & Karen Trimpe
Raymond & Phyllis Wojnar
Dianne M. Zinn
Patrons to the
Fundraising Dinner
Elaine Verunac
Fundraising Dinner
Gerald J. Adams
Jeanne C. Adelmann
Joan Allstrom
John M. Almetz
Enrigue Alvarez
Joan Anderson
Josephine Ang
Linda & Henry Anzelone
Lynne Arias
Alice H. Aubele
Christine & Mary Baker
Nancy Baldwin
John Baran
Norma Barazowski
Juan F. Barcia
Gladys & Jesus Barrere
Zofia Bartczyszyn
Ronald Bartkowicz
Carole Bartkowicz
Jennifer Bartoli
Barbara Beachem
J. Jesus Becerra
Georgena Beck
Mary Lou Bennington
Rich & Theresa Bigos
Mrs. Helen A. Bills
Hyun Bills
Dr & Mrs Patrick Birmingham
Scott E. Birmingham
Frank Black
James and Marsha Blake
George Bob
Roman Bojan
Jerome J. Boruch
Christine Bowen
Sharon Bowman
Bernie Boyle
Jeanette Bray
P Brazzill
Eugene & Anna Briars
Judith A. Brockmeyer
Jerry Broderick
Charles Brodnicki
Arthur Bronski
Steve Brubaker
Marge Brunner
Alexandra Brzezinski
Robert & Dona Bugielski
Mark Bularzik
Tom Burke
Louise Button
Cheryl Cafcules
Mary E Calomino
Mary & Clement Campbell
Jeanette Capra
Phil Carrigan
Wayne Carroll
Tom Carroll
Martha Carter
Aldona Cassidy
Estela Castaneda
Nora C Castillo
Chantrey Family
Chaplin Family
Melinad Born Chapman
Nancy Chapman
MS Isabel Chavez
Ruth Cheshareck
Howard Chittenden
Cathy Christensen
Guy Christensen
Jerry Christensen
Jerry Christensen
Karen Christy
Miriam Cintron
Chaius Cipalu
Arnulfo Cisneros
Bill Clark
Robert & Marlene Clark
Rick Cobb
Gloria Cole
Marilee Cole
Susan L. Condon
Tim Condon
Cong of the Resurrection
Lawrence W. Conklin
John & Beverly Connon
Kevin & Karen Connor
James & Carol Conrad
Sara & Richard Cook
LaRoe Cotter
Joseph Cramer
Michael Crane
Laura J Current
Theresa Czaja
M/M G Czaplicki
Cecelia Czarnecki
Harry Czclwinski
Kathleen D’Attomo
Merlyn D’Souza
Anna Marie Dahen
Daughters of St Mary of Providence
Kathleen Davenport
John & Sharon De Falco
Kevin Deady
Kevin Deady
Martha Dealba
Kazimere Dec
Tim Delrose
Mary Demsey
Urbana DePaula
James Desecki SR
Lawrence W. Dettmer
DOLMA Devotees/Our Lady of
Helen A. Dewald
Gerald J. Diederich
Jill Dillon
Frank & Patricia Dimatteo
Bernardo Dominguez
James Donnelly
Helen Donnelly
Nancy Doran
Gerald & Kathleen Doyle
Bernard F. Drozd
Douglas & Cheryl Duda
Helen Dudek
Patricia Duerinck
Carlann Dukes
Bob Duncan
Rev Anthony Dziorek, CR
Richard & Philomena Ehlers
Judith & Frank Enda
Nelson & Maria Escobar
Jose Estrada
Ernest Fahier
R.M & D.M. Fandel
Mary Fannin
Annette Farinella
Isaac & Lorena Favela
Chuck Fediecua
Alan Ferrari
Janine M. Feylo
Robert & Claire Fields
Laura & Kevin Fitzpatrick
Margaret Flisiak
A. Flores
Lupe Forster
Lupe Forster
Sal Franco
Connie & Merle Freund
Florence Fruci
Edward & Judy Full
Michael & Mary Fumagalli
Christoper Gajdostik
Tony Galvez
Kevin Garcici
Carol Gawenda
Gebhard Family
Peggy Gelsomino
Edita Gervacio
Martin & Barbara Gfesser
Charles & Lucille Gibbs
Mr Walter W. Gillette
Mary Glas
Katherine Glenney
Marilyn Glover
Carolyn Godun
Michael & Susan Godzik
M Golimowski
Martha Gomez
Eliot Gomez
MS Patricia N. Gonzalez
Catherine Gonzalez
How to Put the Congregation of the Resurrection In Your Will
After providing for your families and loved ones, you may want to put the Congregation of the Resurrection – USA
Province in your wills, thus helping to assure the long-term future of the Congregation of the Resurrection’s Ministry.
Bequests are free of estate tax, and can substantially reduce the amount of your assets claimed by the government.
You can give needed support for the Congregation of the Resurrection-USA Province by simply including the following
words in your will:
I, give, devise and bequeath to the Congregation of the Resurrection-USA Province, 3601 N California Avenue,
Chicago, IL 60618 (insert amount being given here) to be used to support the ministry of the Congregation of the
Resurrection-USA Province.
A bequest can be a specific dollar amount, specific piece of property, a percentage of an estate, or all or part of the residue
of an estate. You can also name the Congregation of the Resurrection-USA Province as a contingency beneficiary in the
event someone named in your will is no longer living. It is recommended that a lawyer help in drafting or amending a will.
James & Jane Gorecki
Ms Dorothy Gorny
Susan Gosewehr
Peter & Marguerite Grealish
Ms Joanne Gregoire
John & Katie Gresko
Patricia Griffin
Patricia A. Griffin
Carl Groesbeck
Philip Grybas
Alma Guherrog
Angela M Gullen
Lynn Gustafson
Susana Gutierrez
Gayle J Haefele
Joseph Haggin
Alta & James Halama
David & Janet Hallas
Richard & Barbara Harazin
Linda R. Hardeland
Frank Hauck
Anna E. Hawkins
Sidney & Bertha Hayman
Frank Hays
Thomas L. Henschen
Jose Hernandez
Marcia & Ronald Herrig
Linda Herron
Hilbein Family
R & K Hines
Barbara Hocking
M/M Theodore Hoeh
Donald H. Hoffman
Arthur Hornsby
Jack Howard
Mrs Catherine Hubeny
John & Karen Hynds
Ralph & Sue Iden
Incrocci Family
Rosann Ingerson
Joann T. Jackson
Nancy Jacobson
John Janiga
Edward M Janiga
Rev Stanley Jankowski, CR
R Janssens
Rosemarie Janus
Marie Jarobek
Mr.&Mrs. Wally Jaszkowski
Brother Edward Jaszkowski, CR
Helen T Jendricks
Mary Kay & Steve Jennrich
Liz Johnson
Mrs Jopek
Christopher & Kathleen Joyce
Joseph M Juchnowski
Nispola Rose Junio
Wleslaw Jurek
Diane Kacprzak
Joel A,. Kagann
Lorraine & Edward Kamis
Edward Karecki
Kebby Kasper
Dariusz Kastzelan
Audry Kaufman
Kavalunas Family
Carolyn Kavarczyk
Sister Mary Jo Keane
Barbara Keane
David & Mary Kelleher
Janet M. Kennedy
Rev Tim Keppel, CR
Soraya Khan
Sister Marie Kielanowicz
Linda Kindelspire
Tamara Kinn
Sister Mary Leonette Klafeta, CR
Donna Klem
Jacob Kluch
Sharon Kman
K Kmiecik
Diane & Carl Knable
Walter Kocinbinski
Pat Kokandy
Patricia & Jeffrey Kolvek
Daniel Kondritz
Walter Konecki
Thomas A. Kopanski
Thaddeus E. Korabik
Joe Kovarnk
Bob Kozak
Barbara Kozak
Frank Krawczyk
J.S. Krembuszewski
MS Carol Krueger
R. Kruk
Lottie Krzywda
Denise Kubat
S p r i n g 2 016
The Congregation of the Resurrection, USA Province, has available the Resurrection
Perpetual Memorials for remembrance of your deceased loved one. Masses will be
celebrated by the Provincial Superior, a Mass will be celebrated during the month of
November and your loved ones will be remembered in the daily prayers of Congregation
of the Resurrection. To request a Resurrection Perpetual Memorial please contact the
Director of Development at 3601 N California Avenue, Chicago, IL 60618.
Memorial gifts are a meaningful way to express sympathy on the loss of a friend or loved one.
Kevin Kucik
Nicholas & Nancy Kukulski
Raymond Kuna
Greg Kunysz
John Kurczak
Ken & Shirley Kurgan
Most Rev Robert Kurtz,CR,DD
Mike Kuruc
Nancy Kurzieja Tomaso
Maria R. Kwoka
Michaeline & Charles La Buda
Sharon Labak
Margaret Lalonde
Theresa Lambruschi
Helene Lambruschi
Carolyn V. Landbeck
Kimberly & Thomas Landers
Daria Larsen
Constance Lauerman
Ken Lebeau
Todd & Sharon Lechtenberg
Frances & Lambert Leloup
Stanley Lempa
Anthony Lenard
Mike Lennon
Kazimierz Libera
Betty Limbach
Pat Lindner
Cory & Joan Linnane
Janet & Larry Lissak
Kathleen & John Litos
Michelle A. LoCoco
Maj Vick A. Lombardo USMCR
Cenobio Lopez
Ernestine Lopez
Michaelle & George Lopez
Cathy Lowery
Anna Lowicz
Diane Lunghofer
Lillian A. Luszcz
Stan Luta
Molly Lutz
Madonna Convent Sisters
Janina Majsterek
Elzbieta Makowski
Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR
Art Malinowski
Mr.&Mrs. Donald Manchester
Annamma Mangalasseril
Faith Mantooth
Susan Marcotte
Audrey C. Mariani
Cindy Marofske
Pat Martin
Harold Martin
Terry Martinka
Christine & Ronald Marulewski
Mary Jane Mastro
Ursula Matelski
Michael & Elizabeth Matson
John Matuszak
Fred J. Matuszewski
Jan Mauciniak
Judith A. Max
Melissa May
Patrick Mazza
Donna McAllister
Sue McCowan
Val McGovern
Sister Maryann McKeogh, CSFN
Ed & Geraldine McKeown
Margarita Melendez
Eric Mense
Andrzej Merchut
Jeanne C. Meyer
Helen Michaelson
M.C. Michna
Leonard Michno
Leon & Mary Mika
Carol and Walter Mika
Mr.&Mrs. Charles Miller
Anne Miller
Marge Minicucci
John Miulli
Janine Modjeski
Jose & Maria Monarrez
Mary Ann Moses-Fraley
Brian & Therese Moxley
Dan Mrozinski
Mary Jane Munley
Richard Murphy
Kathy Nartnick
Erika Navarrete
Tony & Christina Navarro
Thomas Nee
Phyllis Neumann
William & Leanne Newman
Dennis E. Nicpan
Richard & Joanne Nielsen
Harriet Nlega
Joe Noble
Nicole Nolde
Joan Noonan
Randall Norman
Michael J. O’Brien
Edward O’Donnell
Pam O’Malley
W.W. OGrady
Chris Ocytko
Wilson Olaparth
John & Stella Olender
Kathy Olsen
J. Martin & Christine V Olsen
Robert J. Oremus
Chris Orger
Dave Ortman
Don Osterling
Midred S Ostrenga
Dolores Ostrowski
Jim & R Ottara
Dr & Mrs Fred J. Pacer
Ed Page
Frank Pagura
Rosemary Pagura
Charlotte Paoletti
Eliz Parker
Cynthia Paulin
Susan Pecna
Sarom Ped
Ida Pegzc
Norma Pemeko
Francisco Perez
Mary Ann Pernal
Patty Perry
Joseph & Janine Petric
Bill Pfaff
Joan Pfisterer
Marissa Pfleuegt
Michael & Mary Photakis
Edward Pietrucha
Stephanie Pinkowski
Charlie Pipek
Susan Marie Pitzen
S Poderys
Rafael & Gloria POL
Collette Polinski
Jim & Cindy Powell
Providence Soup Kitchen
Eileen J Prus
Mary Przybylg
Therese Pudela
Linea Pullia
Christine Puralewski
John & Carol Pustola
James and Diane Quaid
Mario & Susan Quatrini
Queen of the Resurrection
Theresa Raatz
Linda Ragan
Sharon Rakowski
Teresa Ramos
Joan Reardon
Vick A. Reato
David & Carlene Reid
Clarence Reping
Judith & Russell Retterer
Mary Reynolds
George & dolores Rieber
Asie Huriburt Riedl
Sherry Riffel
Kevin & Gertrude Rigney
M/M Joseph Rinchiuso
Deacon Jaime Rios
Linda M Riske
Henry & Marilyn Ristic
John Robertson
Chester & Patricia Rocko
Antonio Rodriguez
Francis Rog, CR
Ray Rogers
Regina A Rogers
Ronald & M. Kristeen Rogers
Ryszard Romanski
Karen Rosenback
Nancy Rudzinski
Felix Ruiz
Phillip & Nancy Russell
Lisa Ryan
Rev Melvin Rybarczyk, CR
Pearl Rychlik
Eleanor Rylko
George Sadilek
Eileen Saksa
Dennis Sanders, CR
Cecilia Santago
Stanley & Joan Sapyta
Bernadette & Al Scalzitti
Bob Schaedel
Robert Schaedel
James & Sonya Scheffler
Fred J. Schlick
Bonnie Schneider
William&Linda Schuberth
Robert N Schuit
Frank & Constance Schuler
Thomas & Mary Ellen Schutt
Mrs. Jeanette Schutz
Salomea M. Sciborski
Jim Scola
Marlo Serritella
Anna Maria Severino
Michelle & Nenita Seyvilla
Jack & Karen Sheehan
M/M Irvin K. Silchuck
Shirlee A. Simmons
Matthew Simon
Rev Paul Sims, CR
Nazareth Sisters
Sisters of the Resurrection
Ed Siuzdak
Thomas & Bernadette Siwek
Michael Skala
Daria & David Skrzypczynski
David P Skrzypczynski
D. Smentek
Richard Smith
Gregory & Linda Sobotka
Aura M Solis
St Matt’s Quilt Club
Patricia & Kent Stanisz
Frank & Jacqueline Stawiarski
Joanne & Bob Stawik
Thomas & Catherine Steinbauer
Patricia Stewack
M/M Stojadinovich
Andy Stoltman
Nancy L. Straube
Dolores Streff
James J. Strzyz
Robert & Eileen Styka
Rev Don Suberlak, CR
Josephine Sullivan
Declan Sullivan
Sally Swiech
Monica & Steven Szalaj
Rev Gene Szarek, CR
Ben & Ashlee Szelog
John Szeszol
Henry Szymanski
Dorothy T. Taccini
LeAnn Terry
The Callahan Family
The Hogan Family
Joan & Harold Thoma
Eizabeth Thorson
D. Thurman
John & Patricia Tirio
Don Tomasiewicz
Carl Groesbeck with his son and daughter and
Fr. Andrew, CR, Pastor, St. Mark’s, Wheaton IL
The Chronicles
Francisco Torres
Deb Torri
Eero & Patricia Turen
William & Jane Turner
Edward Utterback
Milagros M. Valentine
Stan Valinskas
Thomas Vaughn
Sue Vaught
Maria R. Vera
Donald Versen
Elaine Verunac
Michael Vitucci
Ray & Carol Wagner
Dorothy Walega
Joan Walker
Sister Virginia Ann Wanzek, CR
Phyllis Washburn
Jan K Wasilewska
Yvonne & William Weber
Blanche Weigand
D.J. Weiland
Eileen Weiss
Robert & Gloria Weltlich
Jeff Werner
Mike West
Wheaton Oaks Prof Bldg.
Sue Whelton
Genevieve Wieszczyk
Angela M Willalaz, JR
Thomas & Barbara Winiecki
M/M Helmuth Witek-Warns
Mark Wojciechowski
M/M Raymond Wojnar
David & Dorothea Wolverton
Rev Marion Wroblewski, CR
Wally Wydra
Donald P. Wysocki
Barbara Young
Rev Gary Young, CR
Walter R Zaleski
John & Kathie Zang
Lawrence Joann Zazeski
Karen Zelko
Michael Zenker
Kathleen M. Zenow
William Zerial
Edwin W. Ziarko
Adela Zieniewicz
Dianne Zinn
Jwa & Joszef Zurczak
Waldemar & Zofia Zygarlicki
Resurrection Memorial
M/M Richard Adams
M/M Adamski
Floro & Eva Alczntara
Joan Allstrom
Amador Family
Wayne & Judy Ambrose
Dorothy V Ambrosini
Kay & Angelo Amico
M/M Michael Andrews & Family
M/M Hank Anzelon
Chris Aquino
Angelo Bagnoli
Pat Bahen
John & Mary Lou Balazs
Rev Richard Balazs, CR
Zofia Bartczyszyn
Matalie Bartold
Patricia Batten
Barb Beachem
Befriender Ministery
Patricia Behle
Bergner Family
Bernie & Gigi Berns
Gus & Janice Berry
Debbie Biernat
Irene Biesiadecki
Edward Biggott
Helen Bills
Scott Birmingham
Marsha & James Blake
Virginia J. Bluhm
M/M Anthony & Rita Bonavolonta
Amy Boone
Irene Bork
Brater Family
Lisa & Terry Brennan
Theresa Bright
+John & +Father Richard Patulski, CR
Living and Deceased members of the Hoffman Family
Revs +Edwin & +Bernard Bak, CR
+Wanda Grabowski
_Mrs Ann Bielecki
+Mrs Chester Bielecki
+Mrs Clara Bielecki
+Valerie & +Clem Menclewski
Mr & Mrs John Kuklewicz
+Sophie & + Valentine Bielecki
+Mrs Lottie Guyon
+Mr Stanley Bielecki
+Mrs Jenny Cope
+MS Rose Pistanowich
Pasqualina & Alfonso Marsillo
Martorina Family
Deceased members of the Wojnar & Krawczyk Families
+Helen & +William Hallas, Senior
Bernie Elsner/Herff Jones & Company
+Rev Edwin Zygmunt, CR
Revs +Humphrey and Henry Ruszel, CR
+Rev Henry Blaski, CR
+William & +Genevieve Siemianowski
Chris Lima & Dennis Brogan
Arthur & Julie Bronski
Stephen & Jacqueline Brown
Charles & Renee Bryant
Brian & Laura Bykowski
Nellie D Cabal
Frank & Joann Capozzi
Donna & Barry Carey
Debra A. Carpenter
Angela Carreon
Gregory Carter
Pattie & Tom Carty
Raymond Casey
Mary P. Cashman
Tony Cassarino
John & Halina Cathony
Steven Cathony
Loretta Chabalowski
Clara Chlan
Rick & Karen Christy
Louis & Sarah Clark
Joseph P. Clayton
T. Comer
Pamela M. Conroy
Dawn Contarsi
Dawn Contursi
Contursi Family
Richard Sara Cook
Giovanni Corado
Karen Corbett
Alex & Audrey Cuatchon
Dorothy Damato
Mira Danek
Virginia Danek & Family
Kevin & Judy Deady
Kevin Deany
Forence M DeBellis
Dennis & Renee DeBellis
Irvin & Joan DeMares
Barbara DeMars
Catherine Dembowski
Angelina Dembowski
M/M Edward Derum
Mike & Jeannette Derum
James J Desecki SR
Teresa Diaz
Gene & Roberta Dieden
Tony & Lynette DiMaggio
Mary Kate Donovan
Raymond & Laverne Dunaway
Patrick Dwyer
Don & Joyce Eichengerger
Dave & Patsy Eisler
Ewald-Barlock Funeral Home
Marie Fadden
Robert & Barbara Farruggio
Rochelle Favale
Joyce & Ted Federico
Ivan & Walkiris Fernandez
George Fidler
Mary Fisher
Eleanore Fluet
Mrs Diane Flynn
ronald & Mary Ann Fogarty
Patricia Gaffigan
Barbara Galiga
Gapczynski-Rozycki-Pfeil Families
David Gardner
Joseph & Maureen Garro
Jean Gawlik
Lauretta Gembica
Renee & Pasquale Genova
Pasquale Genova
Connie Gervase
Ed & Irene Godek
John & Helen Goggin
Walter Golembiewski
M/M Leo Golemo
Gordon Tech Community
Matthew & Ann Marie Gornick
Barbara Grabiec
Marian B Greene
Joanne Gregiore
Ed & Kelly Gregory
Josephine Guarnera
Mike & Jeannette Guesman
Doreen & Jacqus Gunchik
Elizabeth Gunerka
Terry Haas
BR William Hallas, CR
Carol,Guy & Chris Hane
John & Breeda Hanrahan
Sharon & Tom Harris
Larry & Susann Hartig
John & Christine Havrilla Family
Frank & Kathy Hays
Heintzelman Family
Rosemarie Hejnosz
Lisa Helminski
Rev Gregory Helminski, CR
Pat & Marge Heneghan
Paul & Judy Hennip
Leopoldo Herrera & Family
Mark & Cynthia Heywood
M/M John J. Hoff
Corazon & Gerald Hogan
Bea Hogan
Patricia J. Homp
Judith Honig
Linda Huchro
Tom & Diana Hutchinson
ICF Branch 210 %Linda Carosa
Italian Catholic Federation #210
Italian Catholic Federation –
Linda Carosa
Mary & Jim Ivers
Iza Family
Jo Jackson
John & Laurie Jacobs
John & Angeline Janiga
Leonard Janiga
Edward M Janiga, C.P.A.
Daniel Janiga, MD
Eleanor Jasinski
Cynthia A Jaworski
Helen Jendricks
Lester Jodynar
Johnson Family
Brian & Judy Jonas
Christopher & Kathleen Joyce
Bernadine Jura
Thomas Jura
Steve Pater and Patty Jurczyk
Alice Kaczmarek
Joel & Barbara Kaskiewicz
Paul & Marita Kasley
R. Kempski
Donna & Jim Kerley
James Klafeta
Donna M Klem
Larry & Marilyn Klem
Stefan Knyzaniak
Emily Koc
Donna & Roger Kocher
M/M Carl Kocmoud
Agnieszka Kolatek
John & Beata Kolpek
Anne & Mark Koniecko
Mary Kopinski
Ted Korabik
Tom & Shannon Kostka
Tom & Shannon Kostka
Cynthia A Kotlicky
Ellen & Maciej Kowara
Aggie & Jack Kubik
M/M Jesse Kuczak
Sophie Kunze
M/M Robert Kurcz
Russell V LaBarbera
Chuck & Mickey LaBuda
Ladies Rosary Society - St Hedwig
Mary Fran Lagro
Loretta Lan
Rich & Paul Lang
Andrea Lapenta
Julie Larucci
John & Sheila Leahy
Mrs Irene Legowski
Norm & Regina Leinweber
Anthony & Rita Lenard
Frances T Leonard
Joseph Lepianica Family
Carol & Don Libby
C. Lier
Michelle A. LoCoco
Henry & Fran Logisz
Alaina Lozano
J.A. Lucania
Bob Luksta
Gary & Janet Lundsberg
Grace Lynch
Wayne & Susan Madura
Ted & Sandi Makowan
Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR
Gloria Manata
Dorothy Mark
Nora Masterson
John & Pam Matyasik
Steve & Barbara Mazzola
Michael & Lois McCarthy
McLaughlin Gormley King Co
Lucille & Christine Meczynski
Paul Mederich & Family
Angela & Delfin Melchor
Joann M. Menet
Bob & Christine Merkel
Benjamin Metoyer
Dolores & Dean Meyer
Stephanie Miliszewski
Judy Mitrenga
Ronald & Carol Molick
Marie Mookkiode
Mariagrazia Mordinin
Linda Morgan
Sophie Moskal
Mrs Dorothy Mrowinski
William & Nancy Murphy
Chris & Tom Murphy
Dorothy Mykisen
Anthony & Rita Myslinski
Robert Mytnik
Yvonne Nannini
Larry E Nazimek
Judie Neiman
Marjorie & Robert Nelson
Jerome & Susan Nesterowicz
William & Leanne Newman
Jim & Linda Nicholas
Jean Nowaczyk
Dolores V Nowak
Rev John H Nowak, CR
Marguerite Oberto
Harriet O’Brgut
Erin O’Connell-Diaz
Marilyn & Harold Olson
Florence Olszowka
John D O’Malley
Jean Ore
Timothy C O’Reilly
Our Lady of Fatima
Clara M Paff
Diane Panzeca
Gene Parker
James M. Parker
Candace & Terry Pasquale
Philip Pastere
Gerry Patryn
Sharon Pellino
Ronald J. Peplow, D.O.
Doris Pereyra
David & Mona Perrin
Connie Peterson
Ronald & Georgianne Pfeiffer
Jennie Phillips
Henry & Mercedes Pimentel
Stephanie Pinkowski
Tony & Laurine Policastro
Lorraine V Polinski
Collette V Polinski
Theresa Polinski
Joe & Jayne Pregorcki
Nick Provenzano
Ted & Elaine Prugar
Tim & Mary Pruyn
John Przypyszny, MD
M/M Edward R Pyzik
Mrs Theresa Raatz
Dottie Rachal
A & M Rada
Donald & Walkiris Raineri
Rogelio & Clarita Ranayf
Joann M. Rapp
Steve Ratajczyk & Family
Lambert & Ruth Ratermann
Craig & Ginamarie Reckard
M/M David Rice
Linda Marie Riske
Vince & Marinella Rizzo
Paul Robertson
Carie & Phil Robinson
Chester & Patricia Rocko
Chester & Patricia Rocko
Iris & Jerry Rodriguez
Annette Rogals
Mauro & Judith Romagnoli
Juli Roock
John & Dana Rork
Carmel Ross
Carol Roszel
MRS Helen Rusnak
Pearl M Rychlik
Eleanor & Glen Rylko
Marianne Saccone
George Sadilek
Guadalupe A Salazar
Guadalupe A Salazar
Theresa Santoro
Shirley & Alex Sawka
Richard & Barbara Sayther
Gisela V. Schaefer
Ronald & Barbara Schneider
M/M Thomas R. Schutt
Jeanette Schutz
Lois & Jim Scola
Serra Club of Dupage
Florence & Helen Sesko
Deby Shackelford
MS Janice Shores
M/M Edward Sicinski
S p r i n g 2 016
Sisters of Notre Dame
Sisters of the Resurrection
Mrs Sylvia Siuda
Julius Sivori
John & Joanne Skocilich
MRS Judi Slattery
Joan Smith
M/M D. M. Sobczak
Isabelle M Sobieski
MRS Dolores Sokolowski
Jeff Sondgeroth
M/M Rymundo Soriano
Dennis & Fran Soroko
MRS Bernice C Sosnowski
Mike & Jane Srualski
St Hyacinth Basilica
St Hyacinth Bingo Workers
St Joseph Church
St Matthew Church
St Scholastica Parish/
Rev N Raszeja, CR
State Fund Mutual Insurance
Stawiarski Family
Ullainee Staworski
James J Strzyz, MD
Styka Family
Josephine Sullivan
Lois M Sumoski
Marcia Sylvester
Darlene Szarek
Dottie Szczepanik
Virginia & Eugene Szynkarek
Jim, Gail & Irene Taraszka
Irene & James Taraszka
The Grant H. Bailey Family
The Petersen Family
The Rocko Family
The Spencer Family
Den & Phyllis Thomsons
Mary Ticknor
Charlotte E. Tiffy
Timothy C Toomey
Allen & Karen Trimpe
Dennis & Margaret Trybus
Thaddeus Trychta
Pat & Eero Turen
Bill & Jane Turner
Antionette Tuskey
William & Judith Uruba
Edward Utterback & Family
Joseph & Josephine Valentino
Kathy Vargas
Mary Ann Vieweg
Susan & Mario Villasenor
Joan Voves
Raymond & Carol Wagner
Clarence Wagner
Melissa Waldbridge
Darlene G Waldron
Dorothy Walega
Joan C. Walker
Fred & Dean Wallrath
Waschow-Cowan Families
David & Dolores Wayne
Blanche S Weigand
Eleanore J. Wenzel
Florence & Helen Weyland
George & Julie Wheat
Cecilia White
Beverly Wicks
Genevieve Wieszczyk
John E. Wittstock
Steven Wojcik
M/M Mark Wojcik & Family
Raymond & Phyllis Wojnar
Irene C. Wolski
Reymandlo & Remedios Ymson
Sophie Zak & Family
Mrs Irene S. Zettl
Mary Ellen Ziegler
Linda Zielinski
Helen Zielinski
Bill/John Zorney/Berger
Thaddeus Zurawski
Stephanie Zygmunt
AnnieMarie Zygmunt
California Fundraiser
C.C. & Barbara Abshire
Alfredo Aguiniga
Jose & Herme Aispuro
J.B. & L.R. Alee
Stephanie Alexander
Maria Alfaro
Ramiro Alvizures
Manuela Arambor
Stephen & Suzan Arment
George & Marilyn Armstrong
Mary Jo Arndt
Jose & Stephanie Arredondo
Jeffrey & May Aslakson
Carmine & Minerva Baffo
Anthony Bancale
Rosetta Bass
Katheinz & Dana Baur,Jr
John Beauclair
Robert & Maxine Beck
Raymond & Ursula Beeson
Dwight & Martha Benavidez
Paul & Cheri Berger
Armando and Carmen Berriz
Mary Jane Birdsall
Jeff Bisaha
David & Maggie Bivens
Dennis Blackford, Jr
Joanne Bloch
Richard & Gloria Bott
Pierrette Boyd
Linda Bradley
A.B. & Roberta Brand
Frank & Kathleen Brannen
Paul & Patricia Braun
Pat & Lori Brennan
Alfe Brimon
Stephen & Marlene Brock
Kathleen Brody
Wayne & Gia Brown
Lamar & Araceli Burress
Johnny & Connie Carletello
Donald & Rita Carlson
Patrick & Mary Anne Carroll
Jennie Casey
Michael & Nancy Casey
Mark & Tamara Cataneso
James & Liz Chambers
Nanette Chambers
John & Betty Cich
Gabriela Ciriaco
Mary Clavin
Shirley Clemmons
Jeffrey & Carole Cole
Theresa Collins
Huguette Collins
Lawrence & Barbara Collins
Tommy & Cheryl Collinson
Confidence Foundation
Thomas & Christine Cook
Dan & Jeanette Cox
Engelberto & Maria Cruz
Steven & Margaret Curran
John & Mary Curtis
Robert & Kathleen Dahl
Frank & Alfreda Dalla Valle
Annette David
Donald & Ruthann De Baets
Lori & Shirley Dechant
Samuel & Stephanie DeLucia
Brian & Carol Donoghue
Patrick & Sandra Dorman
Jean K. Drott
Leonard Drozd
Renee Drummond
Daniel & Jean Du Bose
Manuela Duarte
Dean & Mary Dunkin
Robert Dunn
E. Duran
Girard & Caroline Dusak
Lila Eastman
Margaret Eby-Howe
William & Kwangsun Edmmonston
William & Sandra Esquer
Carmen Falcon
Grace Farinola
Donald & Betty Ferrarese
Bruce & Carol Fertig
Anthony & Marie Finazzo
Jerome & Caroline Fisher
Rafael Flores-Castelo
Joe & Pat Flynn
Janet Forcinel
Andrew Forcinel
Cherly Gallagher
Daniel & Penny Galuszka
Mary Galvez
Steven & Pamela Geraghty
Mary Godin
Martin & Sofia Gonzales
Concepcion Gonzales
Theda Jo Griffin-Smith
Thomas & Mary Griley
Arthur & Lisa Grunow
Edward & Caroline Hack
Bing & Kiem Han
Paul & Shaun Hanley
Archie & Lois Hardy
Michael & Alison Hastert
Ralph & Barbara Haussmann
Steve & Judith Hayduy
Robert & Carolyne Heckmann
Michael & Joan Heim
Donald & Alice Helmer
Ray & Nancy Henderson
Mary Ann Hepler
Fernando & Maria Hernandez
M/M Herrera
Dietrich & Roddie Heuser
Jerome Hofmans
Thomas Holmes
James & Elaine Horan
Albert & Becky Hourany
John & Debra Huegal
Beverly Ingram
William & Marjorie Jackson
Judith Jamison
Richard Janzer
Leroy & Armida Jaramillo
Leo & Georgette Jodoin
Phillip Johnson
Wayne Johnson
Otto & Aggie Johnson
Richard & Kira Johnson
Manuel Joia, Jr
Georgia Jones
Richard & LeAnne Jones
Donita Joseph
Michael & Susan Juback
Georgia Julian
Barbara Kaminski
Bruce & Lydia Kean
Todd A. & Michelle L Kelly
Deborah Kennedy
Billie Kenz
Nori Kieran-Meredith
Reid & Dorothy Kirk
Knights of Columbus
Ralph & Patricia Knipstein
Regina Konior
David & Veronica Krell
Anthony & Nancy La Civita
Toni La Verta
Paul & Carol LaBarrere
John & Teresa Lanceta
Andrew Langston
Clifford & Sheila Lapp
William & Gail Lattus
John & Frances Lattus
Gina Lavo
Ronald & S. Ann Lazenby
Sheila Leahy
George & Arietta Leonhart
James & Judith Lewis
Nancy Limcangco
Rafael Loaiza
Paul & Nancy Loesch
Lawrence & Inge Longeuay
David & Pamela Lopez-Gallardo
Wayne & Barbara Loux
Mary Lubisich
Larry & Terri MacDonald
Errol J Mackzum
Eugene Mages
Lawrence & Laura Maher
Shirley Maldonado
Philip & Elizabeth Marsden
Leonard & Mary Marsico
Richard & Deanna Martin
Antonette Martinez
Barbara Martinez
Joy Mayor
Maria Mc William
John & Kathy McCaffery
Ralph & Mary Catherine McCaffrey
Tom & Jerri McCarthy
James & Patricia McDonald
Robert & Gert McDougall
Jacqulyn McLachlan
Maria McWilliams
Louise Mendivil
Terry & Pacita Mendoza
Timothy & Jane Metzger
Rick & Debra Miller
Oscar & Marie Miranda
Gale Misuraca
Wardell & Ann Molina
Miguel & Andrea Monreal
Miguel Monreal
Richard & Elizabeth Montes
Edward & Margaret Morey
Dana Morrison
Dolores Mott
Herman & Shyamalenkha Mudalige
Michael & Margaret Mueller
Charles & Lena Mullen
John & Rpbin Mutschler
Stanley E. & Patricia S. Mynatt
John & Peggy Nagle
Coralee & Matthew Nally
Mark & Mylene Napiza
Paul & Trenae Nelson
Ruby Jane Nery
Patricia Neville
Theresa Nordeck
James & Nancy Novak
Danilo & Erlinda Nucum
Charles & Diana O’Malley
Carol Olin
Maria Orozco
Our Lady of the Desert
Our Lady of the Lake
James R. Padilla
Bart Palenchar
Albert & Rosemarie Parnis
John & Peggy Perry-Mulligan
Saul & Cora Peters
Richard & Clarice Peterson
Debra Petrillo
Charlotte Phillips
Michael & Kathleen Podegracz
Noel & Margaret Poole
William & Patricia Procter
Veneranda Rabor
Frank & Ann Raddish
Stephanie Ramos
Gerald & Paula Reese
Alan & Judith Reilly
Timothy & Kathleen Reischl
Margarita Resurriccion
Rick & Rita Rhillinger
Robert & Delores Riggio
Donald & Kristin Riles
Evelyn Roach
Clifford Rodgers
Linda Rodriguez
Armida Romero
Yvette Salera
Karl & Margaret Sauter
Harry & Linda Scarborough
Kathryn Schmidt
Melchior & Henrietta Senteno
Erik & Yolanda Serrato
Kevin & Margaret Sewell
Stanley & Patricia Seymour
Carolyn Simons
Adriane Smietana
Antoinette B Smith
Gary & Louise Smith
Michael & Patricia Smith
Wilson & Susan So
Charles & Anna Sodaro
Rudy & Perla Soliman
St Anne in the Mountains
St. Joan of Arc
Rita Stachowski
Glen & Cindy Stahmer
James & Lenette Staley
Diane Stapleton
Thomas & Louise Strand
George Sumner
Corky & Grace Sykes
Janice Tafoya
Ricardo Terrones
Mary Jane Tesoro
Bill & Gloria Thomas
Louis & Rose Thomas
Matthew Troy
Frances Ureno
Frank Valdovinos
Maria Varela
Frank & Jacklyn Vasquez
Peter & Danielle Vig
Evelyn Vivian
Frederick & Mary Von Arx
Thomas & Celeste Von Der Ahe
Dennis & Kathleen Walsh
Laura White
Roger & Mayo Wileman
Ron & Moira Wilhelm
Philip & Antonise Wilkinson
Betty Williams
Scott & Pamela Wolff
Patricia Wright
Dolores Zamudio
John & Margie Zoldi
Ron Zura
Knights of Columbus AV
St Stanislaus Kostka Church, Illinois (1867)
Lorenzo Smith
St Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Church, Chicago, Il (1893)
Charles “Chuck” Kindahl
St Hyacinth Basilica, Chicago, Illinois (1894)
James Kiolbassa, Peter Domanski and Amanda Meja
Our Lady of the Lake Parish, Lake Arrowhead, CA (1997)
St Anne in the Mountains, Running Springs, CA (1997)
+Michael Lee Smith
+Edward and Diane Stapleton
St Wenceslaus Church, Chicago, Illinois (2000)
Bonnie DePaula
St John the Baptist Church (Johnsburg, Illinois (2006)
Mr. and Mrs. Ted (Pattie) Hoeh
St Matthew Parish, Schaumburg Illinois (2007)
Audrey Mariani and Angela Cullen
Our Lady of the Dessert, Apple Valley, CA (2010)
+Kevin Llyod Olin
Holy Trinity Parish, Westmont, Illinois (2011)
Walter Gillette
St Pius X Parish, Lombard, Illinois (2012)
Kelly & Mark Reznicek
St Scholastic Parish (2012)
Mary Jane Munley
St Mark Catholic Church (2014)
Carl Groesbeck
3601 N California Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618-4602
If you are receiving multiple copies of this
newsletter and/or wish to be removed from
the mailing list, please call the Office of
Development at 773-463-7506 or by
E-mail at whallascr@gmail.com.
If you would like to have a Mass
said for your loved one or on the
occasion of an anniversary –
Have you heard of the
Masses are accepted by the Congregation of the
Resurrection. These Masses will be said on any
date you wish. Please send the date and the
intention with a $10.00 offering to:
Gift Annuity Fund?
Contact us for further details:
3601 N California Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618-4602
or by E-mail at whallascr@gmail.com
Congregation of the Resurrection
Office of the Director of Advancement
3601 N California Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618-4602
God love you!
Fr. Gene Szarek, CR, PhD
Provincial Superior
The Chronicles Newsletter is published for
the members, friends and donors of the
Resurrection Family.
Brother William Hallas, CR
Director of Advancement
Fr. Tim Keppel, CR, Fr. Steven Bartczyszyn, CR
John Booz
Abbey Press
Contributors: Bill Hallas, CR, Gene Szarek, CR, Joseph Malczyk, CR, and Jim Gibson, CR
Any comments or newsworthy information should be mailed to:
Congregation of the Resurrection, Office of the Director of Development, 3601 N California Avenue, Chicago, IL 60618-4602
Visit our website at www.resurrectionists.com E-mail whallascr@gmail.com