May 10, 2015 Bulletin - Our Lady of Victory Parish


May 10, 2015 Bulletin - Our Lady of Victory Parish
FLORAL PARK, NY 11001-3198
Rev. Thomas M. Fusco, Pastor
Rev. Rony Fabien, Associate Pastor
Rev. John D. McCarthy
Lawrence Mulligan, Deacon
Rev. Msgr. Charles J. Nosser, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. John V. O’Farrell, Pastor Emeritus
Peg Augello, Principal
Christine Fuchs, Co-Director of Faith Formation
Mary Garofalo, Co-Director of Faith Formation
Maureen Russell, Director of Parish Outreach
Michael Foley, Youth Minister
Jane Parrinelli, Administrative Assistant
Daily Masses:
Monday-Friday: 8:30 am, 12 noon
Weekend Masses:
8:30 am, 4:00 pm, 5:15 pm
Sunday Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am,
10:30 am (Family Mass), 11:45 am,
1:15 pm, 5:15 pm
Rectory: 516-354-0482 516-354-0479
Rectory Office Fax:
Faith Formation:
Parish Outreach:
WE, the parish of Our Lady of Victory, proclaim with joy the presence of Jesus in the world through
Word, Sacrament, and deed. It is through our discipleship that we recognize our connection to God,
our neighbor, and our deepest spiritual selves.
WE, seek to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ by:
+ Welcoming all with kindness, compassion and hospitality. + Nourishing the faith life of the
community through prayer, fellowship and education. + Reverencing the dignity of each person by
celebrating the beauty of life from conception to natural death. + Nurturing the gifts of all so that
each person may live out his or her unique and personal call from God. + Caring for the needs of
the less fortunate by empowering our parish community to answer that call.
WE, do this in the name of Jesus Christ and the mandate:
“See those Christians how they love one another!”
MAY 10, 2015
8:30 am
4:00 pm
5:15 pm
7:30 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
11:45 am
8:30 am
9:15 am
12 noon
May 9
Ellen Lundy/Grace Cilento
Pequillan/Baylis Family
Robert Sean Blakely
Joan Turner
Noreen Clifford
Catherine Mahoney
Thomas O’Leary
May 10
Parishioners of OLV
Mother’s Day Novena
Lee DiSanza
Lonergan/Callaghan Family
Catherine/John O’Reilly
Minnie McMurrer
Edwin R. Wiegand
Thomas Kevin Brown
Guido Di Re
Claire Naughton
May 11
Mother’s Day Novena
Intentions of Fr. Thomas Fusco
Anne J. Nahman
May 12
Sts. Nereus, Achilleus & Pancras
8:30 am Mother’s Day Novena
12 noon
Carmela Capozzi
Wednesday May 13
Our Lady of Fatima
8:30 am Mother’s Day Novena
12 noon
Craig Family
5:15 pm For the intentions of Mary & Jim Farrell
Altar Band #2 Evelyn Brodman/Eileen Lebright
Sunday, May 3, 2015 - $19,988
Catholic Education Collection - $4,698
Catholic Ministries Appeal
Goal: $126,300
Pledged: $96,978
Collected: $75,400
May 14
The Ascension of the Lord Holy Day of Obligation
8:30 am
Parishioners of OLV
12 noon
Mother’s Day Novena
7:00 pm
Kathryn Dudek
St. Isidore
8:30 am
12 noon
8:30 am
4:00 pm
May 15
Mother’s Day Novena
Peggy Blumel
May 16
Mother’s Day Novena
JoAnn A. Atkins/Frank Galioto
Rose Marie Bailey
Margaret Thompson
Andrew Giuntini
Stanley Zelko
Phil DiRienzo
Seventh Sunday of Easter May 17
7:30 am
Joseph/Carmela Petrucci
9:00 am
Mother’s Day Novena
10:30 am
Ed Carney Sr./Jim O’Neil
11:45 am
Scott Dowd
Catherine Hoey
Ned Murphy
Virgil Guanieri
Andrew Giuntini
1:15 pm
Parishioners of OLV
5:15 pm
Charles Corkhill
Altar Bread & Wine donated in memory of
Laura Ragona & Lee Cordano
Sanctuary Lamp in memory of the
O’Reilly & McMurrer Family
May 9
4:00 pm Fr. Tom/
Deacon Alessandro
5:15 pm Fr. Rony
May 16
4:00 pm Fr. Rony/
Deacon Alessandro
5:15 pm Fr. John
May 10
7:30 am Fr. Jim
9:00 am Fr. Tom/
Deacon Alessandro
10:30 am Fr. Tom/
Deacon Alessandro
11:45 am Fr. John
1:15 pm Fr. John
5:15 pm Fr. Rony
May 17
7:30 am Fr. Rony/
Deacon Alessandro
9:00 am Fr. Tom
10:30 am Fr. John
11:45 am Fr. Tom
1:15 pm Fr. John
5:15 pm Fr. Tom
Dear Parishioners,
These are Bishop Murphy’s words regarding
our Commitment to Peace:
“The challenge of peace in today’s world is
multifaceted. Violence, terrorism, ethnic and religious battles are going on all over the globe but
especially in the Middle East and in Africa. It is
easy to get angry and even vengeful. But, as
priests and disciples of Christ, we lead our people by word and example. And the Lord teaches
us, Blessed are the peacemakers.
The Holy Father constantly calls us to be
peacemakers. To all who will listen, he urges us
to reach out and protect the suffering, the homeless, the victims, including our Christian brothers and sisters so often the targets of violence
and murder, along with other ethnic and religious minorities. The drama of war and its many
side effects has become a daily occurrence and
there seems to be no true end in sight. We will be
living with violence and threats of violence for a
long time. What are we then to do? We cannot
resign ourselves to indifference or silence. We
are responsible for the good of others, especially
the suffering and the innocent.” (to be continued)
The Bishop then goes on to call the people of
the Diocese to make a “Commitment to Peace”
by the power of prayer. Here are some of the
ways we as a parish community can respond to
the Bishop’s call:
1) Sunday, May 17th 2 pm - The Rosary Altar
Society and the Knights of Columbus will
lead a Rosary-Marathon of prayer. All twenty
mysteries of the Rosary will be prayed in
OLV Church. Join us for all or any part of
this marathon of prayer for peace!
2) Monday, May 25th 8:30 am - Mass for Peace
Join us on Memorial Day to pray for Peace
and then head out and enjoy the Floral Park
Memorial Day Parade!
3) Friday, May 29th 7:30 pm - The OLV Youth
Group will lead a Holy Hour for Peace. All
are welcome!
4) Friday, June 5th -7:00 pm - First Friday Holy
Hour will be dedicated to prayers for peace.
Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day! A mother’s love reveals the unconditional love of God better than
any other human experience of love - and for that
we should all be grateful!
Special prayers for our deceased mothers and
grandmothers and for mothers who have experienced the death of a son or daughter.
Ascension Thursday
Thursday of this week, May 14th is Ascension
Thursday, a holyday of obligation. The Mass
schedule is Wednesday at 5:15 pm; and Thursday
at 8:30 am, 12 noon and 7:00 pm.
Blue Mass - Sunday, June 21st 9am
Our Lady of Victory Parish and the Floral Park
Knights of Columbus Council will sponsor a
Blue Mass - a Mass in honor of law enforcement
personnel, fire fighters, EMTs, rescue workers
and all first responders. The Mass will be held on
Father’s Day, June 21st at 9 am. We are hoping
that parishioners who do this heroic work will
join us in uniform for the Mass. More information will be available as the plans continue.
The tragic death of NYPD officer, Brian
Moore, reminds us of the constant need to support those who protect and serve us. Mass is our
best way to do that!
Ordination Anniversary
This Monday, May 11th, I will celebrate a
Mass of Thanksgiving at 9:15 am with the children of OLV School on the occasion of the 30th
Anniversary of my Ordination to the Priesthood.
All are welcome to join us.
I give thanks to Almighty God for the gift and
the grace of being a priest for 30 years. It has
been a time of many blessings for which I am
grateful. Serving God and serving His people in
the Church is an extremely fulfilling and meaningful way to live. I would encourage young men
to consider if God is calling them to the same
way of life - it’s a call you don’t want to miss!
Praised be the name of Jesus Christ
now and forever!
Fr. Tom
Growing up in Florida, I often heard comments from friends and
family living up North about how beautiful the transitions of the
changing seasons were. Still, I was content in my subtropical
paradise and shrugged off any idea that I could be missing out on
anything important. Yet having recently experienced (and survived) my first northern winter, I’ve learned valuable lessons about
shifting from the dark of winter to the welcoming glow of spring.
Like winter creeping in, our thoughts may sometimes become
dark and somewhat jaded as we attempt to build a culture that
welcomes and respects human life. But spring brings a promise of
new hope and new life. It is a season of renewal and a chance to
clear our minds of negative thoughts and ponder our lives and
whether we are sowing good seeds through simple acts of generosity and mercy. This is helpful to contemplate as we journey
through the Easter season, having renewed our baptismal promises – and thus our commitment to follow Jesus – at Easter. As
followers of Christ, we are called to build his Kingdom here on
earth—a Kingdom in which every person is cherished and every
human life respected and protected. And although we trust in the
ultimate victory of Christ over sin and death, our task is not easy.
We may become discouraged with the advances of the “culture of
death,” especially when media outlets inaccurately portray our
intentions, motivations, and efforts. We may feel as though we
need to constantly be on the defense. But what if we try a new
approach? Instead of being reactive, let’s take a proactive approach. When we encounter others, let’s share a positive message of joy and love. After all, as Pope Francis frequently reminds
us, pro-life is pro-love. As he said in his Christmas message last
December, abortion destroys children “before they ever see the
light of day, deprived of the generous love of their parents and
buried in the selfishness of a culture that does not love life.”
Now that the cold has passed, I am spending more time outside
appreciating the beauty that this time of year brings. I am filled
with the joy of renewal, both interior and exterior. We should apply
this joy to our endeavors to build up the Kingdom of God – a kingdom of life. Although it might seem like we are fighting an uphill
battle, our side will eventually prevail, and we can celebrate the
fact that our efforts are not in vain.
In the meantime, we must lift up in prayer each other, our Church
leaders, and others who work to protect all human life. This new
season is a perfect opportunity to create a new course of action
and to commit (or re-commit) to promoting respect for life at all
stages, in and out of season. If you haven’t visited the website for
the U.S. bishops’ Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities lately, there are
many resources, such as educational articles, videos, and prayers
that we hope you will find useful as you seek to spring into action
to support life!
Mary Prentis is Staff Assistant for the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. For more information on the bishops’ pro-life activities, please visit
Join the Bishops' Call to Prayer and Fasting for Life, Marriage &
Religious Liberty. Visit to join the movement!
NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.
PHONE: 516-352-0510
Loving God,
We thank you for the love of
the mothers you have given
us, whose love is so precious
that it can never be
measured, whose patience
seems to have no end.
May we see your loving
hand behind them and
guiding them. We pray for
those mothers who fear they
will run out of time,
or patience. We ask you to
bless them with your own
special love.
We ask this in the name of
Jesus, your son.
Our Lady of Victory School
A Parish Elementary School
Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
Phone: 516.352.4466;
Dear OLV Parishioners,
“Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much.
You can never love her more than Jesus did.”
- Saint Maximilian Kolbe
I would like to wish all the mothers in the parish,
which is so beautifully named in honor of the
Blessed Virgin, a very Happy Mothers’ Day! And
to all of the mothers in our school family, please be
assured our teachers are dedicated to continuing the
commitment made by you, their very first teachers,
to always keep the environment of learning
grounded in faith! We are all so grateful for the
roles mothers play in our lives. Have a great day!
Hance Family Foundation
Family Fun Day
OLV School has been a grateful
recipient of generous grants from the
Hance Family Foundation. Please mark your calendars for this year’s Hance Family Fun Day, next
Saturday, May 16th, and make every effort to
participate! Please check to learn more
about the family-friendly, fun-filled day loaded
with activities and special events. Your participation is welcome and your support is appreciated.
Our final Home School Association meeting of the
year took place last week as well. I was grateful to
have had the opportunity to thank the many parents
present and to impress upon them the gratitude I
have for their commitment to their choice of a
Catholic education for their children.
Peg Augello
OLV School Principal
H S A Thank –You
Thank you to the OLV parents who served on this
year’s executive board : Mrs. Heather McClintock
(President), Mrs. Kerry Connolly (VP),
Mrs. Jill Logan (Treasurer), Mrs. Anne Weiss
(Recording Sec.), Mrs. Jennifer Meier
(Corresponding Sec.) Your service to OLV School
and its students is greatly appreciated!
Important Reminders….
Thursday, May 14th is Ascension Thursday—
OLV School will be closed.
 The summer uniform option begins on
Friday, May 15th.
 There will be 11:25 dismissal on Friday, May
Our Lady of Victory School recently hosted their
annual Special Person’s Day in their Early Childhood Education wing. Grandparents, Godparents,
Aunts, Uncles and even OLV 8th Grade Buddies,
were all part of the spirited crowd that visited the
classrooms to see the faith-filled lessons in action. All classes from Nursery through First
Grade welcomed special people in their lives.
Each class presented extra-special lessons to their
extra-special visitors – a fun-filled morning was
had by all!
Kellenberg High
School Honor Roll
Kayla Allbright
Samantha Benjamin
Holly Bohack
Nickolas Brandon
Stephen Cangialosi
Axel Castro
Ryan Cuddy
Karabelle Denis
Shannon Farrell
Joseph Gasparini
Mackenzie Godley
Amanda Greco
Joseph Greco
Alexander Harmaty
Gaelle Josama
Margaret Kelly
Kelly Kenny
Victor Louie
Daniel Loumeau
Taylor May
Stephen McAllister
Kayla McLaughlin
Taylor McLoughlin
Noah Meier
Danielle Moynihan
Kiera Mulhall
Devin Murphy
Hannah Pipa
William Powers
Lourdes Rohan
John Ryan
Salvatore Saia
Matthew Scartozzi
Mary Kate Shea
Katherine Stewart
Justin Tarazona
Garry Tellus
Kayra Theodore
Kevin Troy
Michael Vargas
Mary Weissler
From the
Parish Outreach Office . . .
Maureen Russell, Director
St. Francis Prep
Honor Roll
Ava Bavaro
Kaila Berlovan
Thomas Conway
Neil Dillon
Ryan Hayden
Thomas Houghton
Kathleen Lavin
Shane Malone
Maggie Mansfield
Mary Millus
Madison Reichert
AnnMarie Roberts
Tara A. Roberts
Matthew Sans
Sarah Starace
Sacred Relics of the Saints:
Treasures of the Church
The Church of the Blessed Sacrament
201 North Central Avenue
Valley Stream, NY
presents a teaching and exposition of
Sacred Relics
on Sunday, May 17 at 3:00 pm.
Over 150 relics, including relics of St. Maria Goretti,
St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Francis of Assisi,
St. Anthony of Padua, St. Thomas Aquinas and
St. Faustina Kowalska.
Those in attendance will be able to examine and
venerate each relic.
In the Church’s history many miracles and healings
have been worked in the presence of relics, and
many have been healed through this ministry.
Please see
Parish Center Food Pantry will open on
Monday, May 18th
If anyone has any questions about this ministry
please call at 352-5400 or email me at Thank you so much for all
our parishioners enthusiastic responses to help!
Youth Group meets:
Where: OLV Parish Center
When: Every Wednesday 7:00 - 8:15pm
Who: All High School and 8th grade students are
invited to attend.
Tuesday, May 12 (Special Tuesday Meeting)
Topic: The Eucharist
Friday, May 15 — Event: Discover the Sacred Holy Hour and Concert at St. Cyril and Methodius,
Deer Park
For more information:
The Diocese of Rockville Centre Presents
Audrey Assad
Live Concert & Adoration
A Night of Vocations
with Bishop Brennan
Free Diocesan event
ages 13+
on Friday, May 15th - doors open at 7pm
SS. Cyril and Methodius Church,
125 Half Hollow Rd, Deer Park.
Biking4Vocations Pilgrimage
As a way of raising awareness in vocations to
priesthood and religious life, Fr. Joseph Fitzgerald,
Director of Vocations, Diocese of Rockville Centre
will join Father Marc Swartvagher from the Diocese
of Brooklyn and seminarians Stephen Rooney from
the Diocese of Rockville Centre, Dominik Wegiel
from the Diocese of Brooklyn and Steven Diaz from
the Archdiocese of New York on a 29-day, 1400mile biking pilgrimage up the East Coast from St.
Augustine, Florida to Rockville Centre, New York.
Beginning on May 17, the bikers will pass through
11 states, 10 dioceses and 5 archdioceses. Dioceses en route are planning special Masses and
prayer opportunities for the bikers. The pilgrimage
will conclude on June 14 at the Cathedral of Saint
Agnes in Rockville Centre, New York.
Follow the journey by visiting:
2 PM
Come and stay for all four mysteries or just stop by
and say a few decades. Father Tom will lead us in
praying the Rosary together not only to honor the
Blessed Mother during her month of May but also
as part of our response to the Bishop’s request
that we pray for peace.
As we pray these mysteries of the Rosary together
as a faith community, we are asking Mary to intercede for us with her Son to grant us peace not only
in our world but also in our hearts.
Women’s Cursillo
A great spring weekend at St. Joseph in Brentwood
May 14-17. The Cursillo is a structured weekend. It
consists of a series of talks and discussions. It offers you an opportunity to work at getting to know
yourself, discover your strengths, figure out what
place God plays in your life and get closer to God.
The weekend offers you the guidance to blend
your love of God with your environment when
you re-enter your everyday world. For information
call Nancy Massaro 437-6056.
Victory Circle Winners
April 2015
Ann Kellner
Rose Smith
Frank/Jean Valenzisi
Fr. Jim Mannion
Mary Ferrara
As we join together to celebrate all the wonderful Mom’s in our lives, let’s also
take time to remember and pray for all the thousands of Moms who worry about
how they are going to put food on the table for their children this week.
More than 35% of the 300,000 people on Long Island who receive emergency food
each year are children under the age of 18.
Please consider supporting the work of the Catholic Ministries Appeal so that we
can continue to care for God’s children and their families through our
Parish Outreach programs and Catholic Charities.
Our hope is that each family will make a gift. We cannot ask everyone to consider the same
size gift, but after prayer and reflection, each family is invited to make a gift in response to
God’s generosity in their lives.
No gift is too small and all gifts make a difference in the lives of others!
For more information visit
or call 516-379-5210 - ext. 2
Thank You!
Please make checks payable to Catholic Ministries Appeal.
Parish _____________________________________________ Total Pledge: $_______
Name _____________________________________________
Down payment: $_______
City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________ Signature: _____________________________Date:________
Our Lady of Victory Donors
If your name is not highlighted,
please contact me at or 354-0482
and tell me how you would like
your name to appear on the plaque.
If your name doesn’t appear
here, it may be on the other list
called the Sponsors List.
Jo-Ann Abruzzo
Nicole Accardi
Mary J. Achandy
Arthur J. Adams, Jr.
Mark Adomaitis
Gay Aiello
Martha A. Akakpo & Family
Monica Altmann
Michael Amore
Martina & Theresa Amouzou
Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. Annunziato
Santa Annunziato
Christopher Apostol
Margaret Aquino
James Ardus
Laura Lee Arendt
The Askin Family
James Augustine
James Azzara
Thomas Bach
Karen & Bart Badalucco
Richard Bailey
Joann Balduzzi
Gerry & Mary Bambrick
Eileen & Joseph Barbera
Catherine Barrett
Rosemarie Bates
Regina Bauer
Vincent Bavaro
Ralph Bazuro
Rose Beane
Raymond Beauchesne
Irene Bedell
Joan Beebe
Gerda Begley
Gary Bellesheim
Benner Family
Jennie Bertoline
Elizabeth Beudert
Frances Bianco
Carol Bisci
Robert & Rosemary Blakely
James Bliss
Edward & Tara Bolmarcich
David & Amanda Bonagura
Bonanza Productions
Willamena Bond
Ida Bono
Patrick Bosone
Boy Scouts of America
Boy Scouts of America Troop 678
Robert & Cathryn Boyd
Mrs.Theresa R. Boyle
Mr. Patrick T. Boyle
Raymond V. Brady
Gerard Brady
Brendan Brady
Ann Brancaleone
William Brandon
Francis X. Brennan
Harry Breskin
John Brickman
Lillian Brickman
The Brodersen Family
Evelyn Brodman
Jean Brophy
Ryan & Jeanne Brophy
Dolores Brown
George Bruns
Milton & Mary Brush
Richard Brzozowski
Paul & Patricia Bubelnik
Rose & Michael Buckley
Thomas & Anne Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Buonocore
Vincent & Mariana Burger
Antonia Burger
Richard & Elizabeth Burgess
Gregory & Christine Burke
The Burleigh Family
Patrick Byrne
Steven & Irene Caccavallo &
Mary & William Cahill
Lynda Caira
Mario Calabro
William Calder
Raul Calvo
John Campbell
Maurice Cantillon
Capital One Bank
Barbara & Sal Capone
In Memory of Alfred & Helen
James Caputo
Ellen Caracci
In Memory of Angelo Carillo
Marilyn Carson
Cartwright & Sullivan Families
Mario & Zaida Casilum
Catholic Cemeteries
Neil Caturano
Rev. Msgr. John I. Cervini
Rev. Lawrence Chadwick
Anthony Chilelli
John & Margaret Chmela
James Choisez
Joseph A. Chorney
Mary & Thomas Christman
Richard Chun
Leonarda Cibelli
William Clancy
James F. Clarke
John F. Clarke
Sean Cleere
Mary & Charles Clinton
John Clune
Christopher Coffey
Fredric Cogan
James R. Colligan
John Collins
Francis Condon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connelly
Arthur Connolly
Matthew & Laura Connolly
Sean & Kathleen Constable
Sara & Joe Contardi
Evelyn Conti
George Coon
Lucille Copertino
Ann V. Corbett
Steven & Mary Corbett
Mr. & Mrs. Corbett
The Coyne Family
Christopher & Ileana Crane
Credit Agricole
Michael Creighton
Michael Crocitto
Edward Cullagh
Kathleen Cummings
Joan Cuomo
George Cupolo
John Curci, Jr.
John Curran
William E. Cushman
Dominick Cusumano
Tommasina & Nicholas Cutone
Nancy Daileader
Elizabeth Daly
The Damian Family
Patrick & Jessica Darcy
Carlo & Geraldine Dardanello
Julio DeLeon
Fred DeRosa
Rose DeVito
Stephen Deely
Frank J. Dehler
Rev. Bruno Dekrem
Sergej Delak
Brian & Diane Delaney
James J. Dempsey
Peter & Martha Desmond
Anthony DiBari
Carmelo DiBella
Anthony DiCarlo
Des & Madeleine Dillon
C & Andrea Dilorenzo
Anna DiMarco
Mary DiNapoli
Joseph DiSanza
William Doherty
Thomas Donnelly
Andrew Donovan
Mike & Sylvia Dooley & Family
I. Thompkins Dooley
Mary Elizabeth Dooling
Susan & William Doyle
The Doyle/Whalen Fmily
Vincent Dragone
Ann Driscoll
John & Patricia Drogalis
Charles Drost
Brendan Dunbar
John Durkin
Eileen Dvorak
William F. Emmel
Thomas Engel
Elizabeth Enright
Charles & Loretta Epifania
Janet Errico
Eye Productions, Inc.
Ralph Fallarino
Patricia Fanning
James Farrell
William Farrell
Rose Farruggia & Family
Lucille Feigenbaum
Nicholas Felella, Sr.
Peter Fenton
Ted Ferrara
Mary Ferrara
Robert R. Figueroa
Donall Fingleton
John Finucane
Joseph & Nancy Fioraliso
Bashir Firoz
Sally & Stephen Fisher
Glynn-Ellen Fisichelli. Ph.D.
John & Anne Fitzgerald
Anthony Fitzgerald
Mrs. K. Fitzmaurice
John Fitzpatrick
Thomas M. Flatley
Richard Fleming
Floral Park Fire Department
Kevin Fogarty
Anne Foley
Louis Fournier
Christopher Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Francischelli
Mary Fratianni
Gail L. Freedman
Thomas Freely
Mr. & Mrs. Freund
Gloria Frye
James & Christine Fuchs &
The Galgano Family
Eileen Gallagher
Ruth Gallo
Barbara & Stan Galowski
Game 7 Sports Inc.
Michael & Ann Gardenfeld
Catherine Garrity
James Gatta & Andrea Lauretta
Paul Geary
Fred Gehrling
Michael & Kathy Genovese &
Edward Geraghty
Joseph Gibbons
Michael J. & Maureen Gibbons
James & Noreen Gill
Girl Scouts
Kathleen Giudice
John & Alice Glenka
Lawrence J. Goerke
Maureen & Paul Goetze
Michael Gold
Jeffrey & Mary Goldberg
Edward & Barbara Goodloe
Kevin Greene
Fred & Joyce Greene
Dolores Greenidge
Joan Greenlaw
Richard & Anne Gregory
The Grgas Family
John A. & Rose Marie Gridley
Louis Grimaldi
Raymond Grodzki
Christopher Gross
Alan & Catherine Guadagno
Daniel Guerin
Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand Guerra
George Guerriero
John J. Halk
Declan Hall
James Hannigan
Margaret Harrington
Maurice & Joan Hartnett
Anne Hayden & Family
John Hayes
Michael Hearne
Patricia Hearne
Brian & Nancy Heerey
Cathleen Heerey
John & Cecilia Heerey
Hans Henke
Michael Henkel
Fred J. Herbert
Mark Herbrich
James Hershler
Joseph Higgins
Kevin Higgins
Mary Hillenbrand
George & Margaret Hinchy
Peter & Karen Hoey
James & Anne Holland
James Horan
Celeste Iafrate
Scott & Gina Iannello
Marguerite Iraggi
Angelina Irizarry
Mr. & Mrs. Jackowski
Thomas Jagde
Roseanne G. Jameson
Bernard Jaramillo
Jim & Dianne Johnnides
John Johnson
Robert & Kathleen Johnson
Joseph Johnson
Christopher Jones
Robert Joyce
Lawrence & Caryn Juliano
Edward & Susan Kaeding
Marcella Kaiser
Timothy Kaiser
Robert Kalaf
Mario Karlovic
Andreas Karpf
Aldana Katinas & Cynthia Lipsky
Maureen Keegan
Norman Kelapire
Jeremiah Kelleher
Frances Kellner
Barbara Kelly
Kelly, Caglione & Alluise
Robert Kelly
Michael Kelly
Kevin Kelly
Michael Kelly
Sr. Theresa Kelly, RSM
William J. Kelly
Kevin & Anna Kennedy
Thomas Kennedy
The Kennedy Family
Marguerite Kenny-Rojas
William Kenny
Maureen A. Kenny
Julie & Jim Kerr
Dennis & Mary Kerrigan
Jai Y. Kim
Scott Kimmins
Mr. R. King
James Klein
Gunter & April Kodila & Family
Russell Kohler
Peter Kolomick
Kathleen Koltun
John Kostic
Margaret T. Kramer & Family
John W. Krudener
Donald & Edna Krug
James Kudilil
Mr. & Mrs. Lacernza
Richard & Deborah Lahey &
Richard & Mary Lally & Family
Mike & Kathy Lally & Family
Jean LaManna
The LaMantia Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert LaMarche
James Landers
Laura Landgraff
Joy Lane
Charlene Langdon
Lane Office Furniture
The Laraia Family
Frank Lasar
The Laurencelle Family
Francis Lauria
Eleanor Lavelle
George & Eileen Leavell
The Lebright Family
Patricia Lennon
Patricia A. Lennon
Andrew & Rosemary Lentini
Fred J. Leonardo
Philip Leone
James & Tara Leporati
Maria & Carmine Liberta
Louis Liberti
Gregory & Mary Liegey
Dolores Liguori
William F. Lindner
Eric Linsner
Lions Club of Floral Park
Vicki Lippolis
Thomas Lisante
Andrew G. Logan
Thomas & Jill Logan & Family
Victor J. Logiudice
Emil Lohen
Nora Lonergan
Ken & Linda Loonan
Michael Lopez
Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Lopresti
Cy & Elaine Loumeau
Paul & Helen Loumeau
Joseph Lucaturto
Diane Lynch
Brian Lyons
John MacDonald
Frank & Mary Macchiarola
Duncan MacIntosh
Bernard Mackey
Lillian Maestri
Valerie Magee
William B. Maggiulli
Matthew Maguire
Marion Mahlmeister
Jean Mahony
Kathleen Mahony
Richard & Patricia Maickel
John Maier
Robert Maina
L. Ronald & Virginia
Malanowski & Family
Diane Malone
John & Rita Mancini
Frank Mannino
Kathleen Mannle
Jean Mantione
Charles & Mary Louise
Marchello & Family
Kenneth Marchello
Robert Marggraf, Jr.
Harold Marquart
Victor Martinez
Rita Martyn
Massimino Family
Pauline Mastandrea
The Mathiez Family
John Matula
Joseph Maxwell
Deborah May
Patrick McAllister
N.J. McCann
William McCarrick
Kevin McCarthy
The McClintock Family
Ed & Pat McCormack
Thomas McCormack
John M. McDermott
Anne Marie McGeever
Brian & Phyllis McGovern
Margaret McGrath
James McGuire
James & Mary McInerney
Jean & Thomas McKeon &
Sean & Mary Jo McKeown
Joseph McLoughlin
Nancy McLoughlin
Thomas F. McNally
Joan McQueeney
Michael McQuillan
Anne McTiernan
Marc Meigan
Franklyn Mento
Madeline Mercilliott
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Merckling
Andrew Metrick
Kenneth Meyfohrt
Frank Micciche
Michael & JoAnn Milea
Ralph Milito
Cliona Miller
Michael & Maureen Minogue
Monique Mirouze
Daniel Mirro
Emily Mockler
Christopher Modelewski
Mel Modica
Vincent & Joanne Modica &
Paul Monseliu
Michael Montaigne
Thomas Moore
Jim Moreno
Frank Morris
Judith M. Morris
Kathleen & James Morrongello
Mario Mucciolo
Robert Mudzinski
John P. Muldoon
Peter & Rita Mulhall
Jennifer A. Mulhall
Edward Mullane
John Mullee
Deacon & Mrs. Lawrence P.
Michael Mulloy
Donald Munro
Daniel Murphy
Fred & Mary Ann Murphy
James Murphy
Mary Murray
Vincent Musso
James Nagle
Brian Nelsen
Michael Neubert
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Neuscheler
Tara & David Newton
Patricia Nicastro
John & Annemarie Nickels
Peter Nolan
The Norelli Family
Victor Nuccio
Michale O’Brien III
Edmund O’Connor
William O’Driscoll
Anthony & Mary O’Gara
Douglas Ogle
Joseph & Maria O’Grady &
John & Rosemarie O’Grady
The O’Hagan Family
Patrick O’Hanlon
Vincent & Claire O’Hara
Mary Lou O’Hearn
Paul & Patricia O’Leary
Mary S. O’Leary
Catherine & Walter O’Meara &
Michael O’Neill
In Memory of James O’Neill
Thomas O’Regan
Nancy Orosz
William O’Shea
Joseph & Sally O’Shea
Virginia O’Shea
Eileen O’Shea
Eileen O’Shea
Joseph Oswald
OLV Faith Formation – 5th grade
OLV Right to Life
OLV School
OLV School Class of 1966
Lucy & Jerry Paciullo
Michael Palermo
Ettore Pallisco
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Parisi
Mr. & Mrs. Guido T. Parisi
EC Park Realty
J. Brian Parks
Louis Pastorini
The Paternoster Family
Mauricio Pazmino
Brenda Pecoraro
Dominick & Helen Pellegrino
Joseph, Joanne & Christina
Elizabeth Pelletiere
Louis Pelos
Maria & Joseph Peluso
Barbara Perri
John & Tricia Perry
Alfred Peters
The Petrosino Family
John & Mary Petrsoric
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Petrucci
Rob and Kara Pfeiffer
Vincent Pierce
Christopher Pilosi
The Pinto Family
Michael Plante
Louis Polito
Leonard Porcelli
The Portoghese Family
Mary Powderly
Jon & Lynn Powers
Mary Price & Family
Richard Prince
Rae & Anthony Princi
Ann & Anthony Princi &
Vito & Mary Ann Pugliese
Joseph E. Quaderer
John & Frances Quattrochi
Salvatore & Anna Quattrochi
Charlotte Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Quinn
Laura Ragona
Thomas Raleigh
Sasha Ramcharitar
Kenneth Ramondino
Francis & Carol Raso
Ralph & Clara Ratto
Robert & Sara Reardon
Vincent & Anna Reccardo
The Rederscheid Family
Joseph J. Reekie
Corinne Regan
Kevin & Diana Regan & Family
Vincent Regan
Robert Regan
The Regan Family
Patricia J. Reilly
Patricia Reilly
John K. Reilly
Keelin Reilly
Rev. Gerard Ringenback
Vincent Rivellese
Leonardo Rivera
Milagros Rivera
Durante Rizzuto
Eleanor Rizzuto
Jeanne & William Robinson
James Rochford
Kieran Rohan
Arturo Rojas
Herbert Roleke
Janet Romano
Mrs. Giovanna Roos
In Memory of Rose Rossi
Victor Rubbo
Reto & Elizabeth Ruedy
Robert Ruscica
Antoinette Russo
Maeve Ryan
Joan & John Ryan
Hani & Magda Sabet
Sacred Heart Academy
The Saia Family
Joseph Salcito
Grace & Anthony Samartano
Barbara A. Sanford & Family
The Sangen Family
Allen Sankovich
Anne Marie & Maria
Fred & Dorothea Santomero
John Santora
Robert & Eugena Sarro &
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Sathue
James Sawicki
Florence Scala
The Scalise Family
The Schaeffer Family
Mr. & Mrs. Scheida
Michael Scheiner
Paul & Maureen Schenfeld
Daniel Schieck
Michael Schiffer
Madeline Schmid
William Schneider
Fred Schuler
Bob & Bobby Scott
Gloria Scott
William Seelig
James & Monica Segota
Sean P. Segota
William Seitz
Elizabeth & Barrett Selfridge
The Shanahan Family
Robert Shea
Mrs. Ellen Sheehan
Rita Shelley
The Sheridan Family
J. Matthew Shimala
Adolph & Claire J. Siani
Richard & Jean Sinnott
Mary Ann Sipplak
John Slavin
Rose Smith
Philip & Gloria Smith
John Smith
William & Faythe Smith
Edward & Anna Marie Smolenski
Carl Soller
The Songen Family
Nicholas Spano
John P. Speck
James Spoerel
James Spoerel
Richard Springer
Anne Stadelmann
James Stagnitta
Herbert & Erna Stalzer
Theresa Stanis Drury
Wanda Stasiak
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Steimer
Eileen Stephens
Helma Stuart
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Suau, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Sullivan
Donald Supancic
Edward & Mary Suppe
Matthew Sweeney
Mary Alice Sydor
Sister Florence Symes, CSJ
Josephine Tagliani
Mr. Fiory Tallini, OP
Ronald Tedesco
Richard Teleski
Marie Temme
Anthony & Mary Tesori
Michael Tesori
Peggy & Lee Thivierge
The Tholl Family
Nicholas & Sujitha Thottam
Craig Tigh
David Titor
Catherine Toefield
Steven Michael Toner
Michael & Rosemarie Torre &
Tri-State Renovations
Mario Tucci
Tulip Super Drugs, Inc.
Jeremiah J. Tuohy
Paul & Eileen Ulrich
Margaret Valente
Frank & Jean Valenzisi
Joseph Valsamma
Thomas & Roberta Van
Lucy & Pasquale Verderosa
Aido & Fernanda Verdino
Richard & Virginia Vetter
Alexander Viespi
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Villanova
The Visceglia Family
Attilio & Rose Viscovich
Kristine Viscovich
Suzanne Viscovich
Lana & Bruce Vogel
Jack Vormittag
James Vota
Stephen P. Waldow
Faith & Lawrence Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Walsh
Thomas & Tracy Ward
Most Reverend Emil Wcela
Charles Weis
Barbara T. Welki
Josephine Wengert
Kathleen White
Dennis & Norma Whitley
Walter Willin
Rita Wilson
Steven Winters
John D. Wirenius
Peggi Woods
Dorothy Wright
Veronica Wright
Veronica Wuenschel
Georgianna Yarema
Mark Youngonteb
Kathryn Zahner
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Zamojcin
Mr. & Mrs. Zervous
Anne, Emil & Robert Ziliox
Ricartito Zoleta
Alexander Zwarych
2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 2:30 pm
To arrange for a baptism, a copy of your child’s birth
certificate must accompany your date request.
Please come to the Rectory office to make these
arrangements. A Baptism Preparation Class is
Our RCIA process welcomes adults not baptized who
wish to join the Catholic Church. We welcome, as
well, baptized adults seeking the Sacraments of First
Communion and Confirmation. Please contact the
Rectory office at 354-0482.
3-3:45 pm
Eve of Holy Days:
3-3:45 pm
Eve of First Friday:
3-3:45 pm
Confession by appointment - please call the Rectory
office 354-0482.
We encourage those planning a wedding at Our Lady
of Victory parish to contact the Rectory office before
booking a wedding reception facility. All plans with
our church must be made at least 6 months prior to
the anticipated date.
The priests are available at any time to discuss the
call to Priesthood, Diaconate or Religious Life. Please
call the Rectory Office at 354-0482.
The Anointing of the Sick takes place on the first
Saturday of each month at the 8:30 am Mass.
If a home visit is needed, please contact the rectory
at 354-0482.
Eucharistic Adoration with Benediction - The First
Friday of the month at 7:00 pm in the church.
The Angelus/Regina Caeli is recited each weekday at
12 noon.
The Rosary is prayed each weekday after the 12 noon
Mass and on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm
The Miraculous Medal Novena is prayed on Mondays
after the 12 noon Mass.
Karen O’Connell
Seamus Tierney
John Durkin
Jesse B. Wagner
Erica Dehler
Theresa Vastola
Antoinette Heinemann
Robert Sarro
Everett McGinn
Helen Comando
Anne Nahman
Michael Vastola
Brigidann Turadek
Brittany Wager
Mary Ferrara
Lane Griffin
Names will remain on the sick list for six weeks.
Please contact the rectory if you would like the name to
remain on the list longer.
Army: Chief Warrant Office Robert Prokopowicz
Lt. Brian Greene
Capt. Chris Greene
Sgt. First Class Bryan Welch Capt. Keith Grant Capt.
John Herger
Spec. Angel J. Arroyo
SPC. Matthew C. Fallon
Pvt. Stephen PendeltonCapt. George Radford
Pvt. Ryan J. Panzone
Sgt. John Patrick Riffle
Navy: Lt. JG. Malachy J. Soller
Lt.JG. John P. Beinert
Lt. Emily Beth Lipsky
Commander Louis J. Springer
Marine Corps: Sgt. Frank Phillips
1st Lt. Michael Sweeney
Andrew Thorndike
Sean Phelan
Pvt. Kierston Turner
Air Force: TSgt. Michael Torre
Staff Sgt. Matthew Ashmore Capt. Kevin Groom
Joloure Gomez & Matthew Vota
Diane Figueroa & Daniel Cavozzi
Susy Goncalves Mendes & Joseph Cullen
Cara Lynn Farley & Louis Gambino
Brigid Nugent & Ian Hipschman
Jennifer Naughton & David Coaker
Thomas J. Hayden
James Farrell
Kathleen Denehy

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