2011 Annual Report PDF - Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Cincinnati


2011 Annual Report PDF - Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Cincinnati
in the Picture
Society of
St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati
2011 Annual Report
Put Yourself in the Picture
Beloved, let us love one another,
for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and
knows God.…
Put Yourself in the Picture
…Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4:7–8
Put Yourself in the Picture
May the God of hope fill you with all joy
and peace as you trust in him, so that you
may overflow with hope by the power of
the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
Dear Friends,
In some ways the last year has been tougher than
can help, and practical assistance, followed by
most. Our phones have been ringing continuously
words of encouragement and prayer.
with over 250 calls a day from families who could
You will read stories of just a few of the families
not make ends meet. We have a 3–4 month waiting
whose lives have been changed because you
list for mattresses, and our funds frequently run
answered the call to give. But the need continues.
short. Our Vincentian volunteers are visiting more
Put yourself in the picture of giving hope. Together
and more families who are asking for help for the
we can bring hope, change lives and give help to
first time, and their needs are deep and painful.
people and families in crisis by answering Christ’s
Whether they are retired and their fixed income
is simply not enough to live on, whether they were
born into poverty and trying to break the cycle, or
call to love one another.
God bless you for all you have done to help.
whether they are asking for help for the very first
time, those who seek our help are often discouraged
and fearful. While each story is different, all of these
families have something in common—they’ve all
received the gift of hope.
Last year at St. Vincent de Paul, we saw hope
restored to thousands of lives because of your
commitment to helping neighbors in need. That
hope comes in the form of a visit to their home,
a conversation among friends to see how we
Liz Carter Executive Director
Andrew Curran President
& Carl
Keeping Them
in Their Home
Things were already difficult
for Jammee and Carl as they
struggled to make ends meet. But
then came the ultimate sacrifice.
“The hardest part was when we
had to sell our wedding rings to
help pay our bills,” Jammee said.
“It was one of the most painful
things I’ve ever done, but when
you need something for your kids,
you just do it.”
What Jammee and Carl needed
for their kids was a home. He
works at the college where he is
studying in hopes of providing a
brighter future for his family.
She was working as an adminis-
Our Services
Put Yourself in the Picture
Homelessness Prevention
In 2011, 5,017 families received
rental or utility assistance,
making St. Vincent de Paul the
largest private homelessness
prevention provider in Cincinnati.
Almost 90% of families assisted
by St. Vincent de Paul are able to
maintain stable housing at least 6
months after receiving assistance.
Those in need meet personally with our volunteers and
staff to alleviate their initial
need and work toward long-term
solutions with budget counseling,
financial literacy classes and
other resources.
trative assistant until her position
for a new job with the confidence
was eliminated in a cost cutting
of knowing her family would
move. Suddenly that bright future
sleep safely at home each night.
looked grim.
“I was in training to be a lead
administrator,” she said. “Things
were going great. But, I was the
most recent addition to the program, so when they had to make
cuts, I was the first to go.”
Without her income, the bills
“The hardest part
was when we had
to sell our wedding
rings to help pay
our bills.”
piled up and the family found
themselves on the verge of
becoming homeless.
“It was tough. It was a
struggle,” she said. “But now
Thanks to you, Jammee and
we know our kids are alright.
Carl were able to keep their home,
We’ll all be alright, thanks to
and Jammee was able to search
St. Vincent de Paul.”
Picture This
The unfortunate truth is
that for every family that
keeps their home, for
every light or furnace kept
on, there are many other
families we simply do not
have the resources to
help. Your gift of $500
will save a family from
becoming homeless, a
family just like Jammee’s,
or maybe a family in your
own neighborhood.
Don & Delia
Charitable Pharmacy Supplies
Life-Saving Medication
After raising their four children and working hard all of their lives, Don
and Delia looked forward to retiring together and spending more time
with their grandchildren. As they approached retirement, they had
money saved away. Then Don suffered a stroke, forcing him to give
up the family business. The ensuing medical bills quickly drained the
savings that should have supported the couple into their golden years.
Our Services
Put Yourself in the Picture
The situation worsened when
our budget. They were amazed at
Delia lost her job as an insurance
the cost of our prescriptions and
agent following two knee replace-
referred us to the St. Vincent de
ments and the time and energy
Paul Charitable Pharmacy.”
required to take care of her ailing
The Charitable Pharmacy
husband. They were suddenly
provides the couple with their
faced with a growing list of pre-
critical medication at no cost,
scription medications and
allowing them to use their
limited income with which to
limited resources to provide for
pay for them.
their other basic needs.
“We’ve always paid
our bills, but the
medical bills and
new prescriptions
broke us.”
“The people at the pharmacy
have been so good to us,” said
Don. “We don’t know what we
that they would not be able to afford their vital medications. “We
weren’t used to being broke,” Don
said. “We’ve always paid our bills,
but the medical bills and new
prescriptions broke us.”
Out of money and running out
of options, the couple was visited
by volunteers from their local St.
Vincent de Paul conference.
“They were such neat people,”
Delia said. “They took the time to
listen to our struggles and look at
Charitable Pharmacy
In 2011, the St. Vincent de Paul
Charitable Pharmacy filled
39,615 prescriptions valued at
$4 million at no cost for our
neighbors in need. Thanks to
a generous network of pharmaceutical companies and
physicians’ offices, for every $1
donated, the Charitable Pharmacy provides $9 of medication
to those in need.
would do without them.”
Don and Delia never imagined
Picture This
The Charitable Pharmacy
helps dozens of people and
fills more than 250 prescriptions each day it is open, yet
every day some people are
turned away because we lack
the resources to help them.
The rising cost of prescription
medications has forced many
of our elderly and sick neighbors to go without their prescription medications. Your
gift of $5,000 will provide
$45,000 worth of medication and give hardworking
people like Don and Delia
the help they need.
Thrift Stores
Lighten her
On March 15, 2012, Patricia
received a call that changed her
life forever. Her house was on
fire and her 13 year old daughter,
Emanie, was at home when
it started. “I just thank God
everyday that she is okay,” said
Patricia, “but we lost everything.”
Homeless and concerned for
her children, Patricia turned to
her mother for a place to live
until they could get back on their
feet. However, despite her steady
job as a private duty nurse’s assistant, she could not afford to
replace what was lost in the fire.
Desperate to provide clothing
and a permanent home for her
Our Services
Put Yourself in the Picture
Thrift Stores
Thanks to your generous support, St. Vincent de Paul provided more than $11,093,879 in
clothing, furniture and household
items at no cost to neighbors in
need in 2011. Your donations of
gently used items help families
like Patricia’s get back on their
feet. Proceeds from our seven
thrift stores support critical programs including Homelessness
Prevention, the Charitable Pharmacy and the Edyth and Carl
Lindner Choice Food Pantry.
Picture This
children, Patricia turned to St.
Vincent de Paul.
Thanks to you, St. Vincent
de Paul was able to lighten
Patricia’s burden by replacing
basic necessities lost in the fire,
such as clothing, furniture, food,
and birth certificates. “They have
helped me in so many ways,”
“I am very grateful
to St. Vincent de
Paul, and I think
it will be a great
experience for my
children to come
back here and
said Patricia.
Now her children have the
food and clothing they need.
Patricia and her family plan to
my children to come back here
and volunteer.”
Your generous gifts to St.
give back by volunteering. “I am
Vincent de Paul not only gave
very grateful for the things that
a family the food and clothing
St. Vincent de Paul has given
they needed to survive, but also
me,” said Patricia, “and I think
the hope and strength to move
it will be a great experience for
forward, and give back.
Every day our volunteers
visit hardworking families
whose lives have been
flipped upside down
because of an unforeseen
crisis such as a lost job,
an illness, or a fire. Your
generously donated items
are given to families like
Patricia’s at no cost.
Donations can be
dropped off at any of
our seven thrift store
locations, or call (513)
421-CARE (2273) to
schedule a free donation
pick-up today.
Food Pantry Provides Nourishment
Growing up in poverty, Angela watched as her mother constantly
struggled to provide for her family. Determined to break the cycle,
Angela graduated from high school and enrolled in an electrician
Our Services
Put Yourself in the Picture
program at a local college. At
I could go to the St. William’s
age 21 Angela was supporting
Food Pantry, and they were
herself, attending school full time,
always so good to me.”
Angela graduated from college
“Whenever I
needed food I
could go to the
St. William’s Food
Pantry, and they
were always so
good to me.”
and now works as a successful
electrician. She still keeps in
touch with her favorite St. Vincent de Paul member. “During
those tough times in my life, St.
Vincent de Paul was there to pull
me through,” said Angela. “I have
always tried hard to do things on
my own, but at the end of the day,
they were there for me when I
needed it most.”
completing an internship, and
working two jobs. “My days were
completely packed from 6 a.m.
to 11 p.m.,” said Angela, “but my
Food Pantry
jobs were not enough to cover my
bills, transportation costs, and
food.” Angela knew that school
needed to be her top priority, but
she was out of money, food, and
options. Searching for the help
and encouragement she needed
to continue her education, Angela
turned to St. Vincent de Paul.
“Since the day I contacted St.
Vincent de Paul, they were by my
side through everything,” said
Angela. “Whenever I needed food
St. Vincent de Paul’s network
of 9 neighborhood-based food
pantries provides nutritious
food to supplement a struggling
neighbor’s budget. In 2011, your
support allowed our food pantries to serve our neighbors in
need more than 70,000 times,
including more than 23,000
times through the Edyth & Carl
Lindner Choice Food Pantry in
the West End.
Picture This
If you were to pass Angela
on the street one morning,
you would never guess
that such a confident
young women, carrying books and wearing
a smile, would be going
home hungry at night
with no food for dinner.
For every neighbor we
feed, there are still many
people in Greater Cincinnati who go to bed hungry
and alone. A gift of just
$60 will feed three families for one week.
Millie & Larry
Home Visits Provide Relief
An invitation from an old friend
St. Bernard Conference of St.
visit, Millie and her rambunctious
inspired Larry to join a St. Vincent
Vincent de Paul, he was invited to
dachshund hounds were still on
de Paul conference, but it was an
deliver Christmas gifts and cards
Larry’s mind. “I cannot explain it,”
unlikely new friend whose faith
to Millie, a 90-year-old neighbor
said Larry, “but the spirit moved
and courage showed him how to
in need. During his visit, Larry
me to visit Millie and her dogs
grow spiritually through service
sat with Millie, listening to her
again. I brought her some home-
to others.
struggles and learning of her
made soup and we talked for
needs. A few days after the home
hours like old friends.”
Shortly after Larry joined the
Our Services
Put Yourself in the Picture
Conference Membership
Last year, 880 members from our
56 conferences (neighborhoodbased volunteer groups) visited
the homes of people in need
8,801 times, helping 47,827
people in every Cincinnati and
Hamilton County community.
They provided their neighbors
Larry continued to visit Millie,
with basic necessities such
as clothing, furniture, rent and
utility assistance and food.
More importantly, they fostered
hope by giving emotional and
spiritual support on a personto-person basis to those who
needed it most.
said Larry. “I do not pry or ask
bringing her clothes from the St.
questions, but if they invite me
Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores, her
in and want to talk, I listen. That
favorite foods from a St. Vincent
is how you really get to know
de Paul Food Pantry, and other
people, you just listen.” Millie
necessities. Over time, they be-
simply beams over Larry. “A lot
came like family, sharing stories,
of people in this neighborhood
celebrating birthdays, and dis-
would be going hungry if it were
cussing their faith and passion
not for Larry,” said Millie. “He is
for helping people.
a Godsend.”
Millie is close with her neigh-
Together, Larry and Millie
bors, and they all help each other
have helped countless people
when they can. But sometimes
in their community, giving them
the need is greater than the com-
the same love and respect they
bined resources of friends.
would give to any friend. “It is
Millie shares those stories
the relationships that keep me
of her neighbors in need with
going,” said Larry, “and the
Larry, and he does what he can to
feeling I get when I can bring
help. “I just want to show up at
a friend relief from their desper-
their door step with their need,”
ate situation.”
Picture This
Your local parish’s St. Vincent de Paul conference
needs more volunteers
who can offer assistance
through person-to-person
visits in your area. Picture
yourself putting your faith
into concrete action and
learning first-hand what
Jesus means when he
says, “Whatever you did
for one of the least of
these brothers and sisters
of mine, you did for me.”
To learn how you can
bring hope to neighbors
in need—and maybe
make some new friends
in the process—contact
Gary Horton at (513) 5628841 x234 or ghorton@
Ozanam Center
The Spirit of Service
The Ozanam Center for Service
flection on spiritual values.
but as neighbors.
Learning changes the way you
These eye-opening immersion
see the world and your role in it
experiences challenge retreat
adult group, Angela said, “I was
by engaging diverse individuals
participants to see those who
faced with the reality of the hard-
in service, education and re-
are struggling not as “the poor,”
ships and stereotypes of poverty.
After a retreat with her young
Our Services
Put Yourself in the Picture
“I was given a chance to reflect on how I personally can make
a change in my own backyard.”
I literally had a chance to walk
Vincentian Volunteers of Cincinnati
in the footsteps of Cincinnati’s
downtrodden and see their neighborhoods and visit their homes.”
Hannah, a retreat participant,
said the highlight of her week
was, “seeing daily life struggles
on home visits and realizing
poverty is sometimes just a
hand that is dealt—it can
The Ozanam Center also offers
young adults an opportunity to
explore their faith more fully
and engage in service in a
deeper way through Vincentian
Volunteers of Cincinnati (VVC).
VVC is a yearlong service
program that invites young
adults to serve as full time
stipend volunteers at St. Vincent
de Paul and live in intentional
community together in the West
End. If you are interested in
learning more, call (513) 5628841 ext. 239 or email
happen to anyone.”
Angela and Hannah are
among 500 people who participated in retreats at the Ozanam
Center in 2011. Invigorated by
the Christian call to service, participants are inspired to make an
impact and bring lasting change
to our community.
“My experience at St. Vincent
de Paul was eye-opening, inspir-
Picture This
ing, invigorating and spiritually enlightening,” said Bill, after
participating in a retreat with
a group from his church. “I was
given a chance to reflect on how I
personally can make a change in
my own backyard.”
The Ozanam Center
offers custom designed
retreats that are engaging,
challenging and illuminating.
Participants range from
schools to churches to young
professional organizations.
We offer both faith-based
and secular retreats, from
day-long to weekend
or week-long experiences
in our overnight facility at
the St. Vincent de Paul
West End Outreach Center.
For more information,
call (513) 562-8841 ext.
231 or email Ozanam@
Programs and Drives
Bob Rahe Mattress Fund
Picture yourself… without a bed to tuck your
child into each night.
A good night’s sleep is essential, especially for a
growing child. Every night, hundereds of local children, the elderly and many others sleep on the cold
floor because they do not have a bed. Named after a
beloved St. Vincent de Paul volunteer whose family
initiated the fund, the Bob Rahe Mattress Fund gives
the gift of comfort and rest to neighbors in need.
In 2011, thanks to your overwhelming support, St.
Vincent de Paul was able to provide 708 beds to local
adults and children. A gift of $100 will buy a bed for
someone who is sleeping on a cold floor.
Fan and Air Conditioner Drive
5 Cares Coat Drive
Picture yourself… sick and weak with no
source of relief from the summer heat.
Picture yourself… sending your child to school
in freezing weather without a coat.
Summer seems endless and hopeless to our sick
Every winter, our neighbors in need face the freez-
and elderly neighbors who have no source of relief
ing weather without a coat. Your donated coats
from the heat. Because of your generosity, St. Vin-
make such a difference in the lives of local children
cent de Paul was able to give 716 fans and 212 air
and adults. In 2011, 4,700 coats were collected to
conditioners to people in need.
keep our neighbors in need warm and protected.
Thank you to our 2011 partners: Huntington National
Thank you to our 2011 partners: WLWT News 5, Gold
Bank, WCPO, Coney Island, Tedia Company, Inc.,
Star Chili, Kemba Credit Union, City Dash, local fire
American Fan Company and Stor-All Self Storage.
departments, and Stor-All Self Storage.
Our Services
Put Yourself in the Picture
And now these three remain: faith,
hope, and love. But the greatest of
these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
Reds’ Canned Food Drive
Picture yourself… deciding between feeding
your family and paying the bills.
When baseball season arrives,
St. Vincent de Paul partners with
Kroger and Fox 19
Food from the Heart
the Cincinnati Reds to “Strike
out Hunger.” For one game each
season, the Cincinnati commu-
Picture yourself… visiting a food pantry for
the very first time.
nity comes to see the Reds play
ball and fights hunger by donat-
Suburban poverty continues to rise and many of
ing non-perishables in barrels
our neighbors are finding themselves on unfamil-
outside the ballpark. In 2011, we collected over
iar ground. For the first time, they are seeking out
10,000 pounds of food, enough to provide approxi-
assistance to provide meals for their family. Kroger
mately 8,500 meals to neighbors in need.
& Fox 19’s Food from the Heart Drive collects nonperishables and donations in barrels at Kroger store
locations and through coin-boxes at the checkouts.
Thank you to our 2011 partners: Kroger and Fox 19
Thank you to our 2011 partners: Cincinnati Reds and
WLWT News 5.
Holiday Programs
Picture yourself… unable to provide a holiday
meal for your family, or a Christmas gift for
your child.
More and more families are struggling to make
the holidays special for their children. During the
2011 holiday season, you touched the lives of over
6,510 families because of your support of programs
such as Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets,
Adopt-A-Family, Angel Toy Program, and Shop with a
Bengal. Thank you for giving hope to your neighbors
and renewing their holiday spirit.
You Can Give Back!
Give Your Time
ing is from individual gifts from
and encouragement to a family
You can lift a burden either by
Cincinnatians who want to help
struggling to make ends meet.
meeting directly with people in
their neighbors in need.
Host a Food Drive
need or by working behind the
Make a Planned Gift
Hosting a food drive is a fun
You can leave a lasting legacy of
and easy way to bring your
hope through tax-favored finan-
community together to help
cial and estate planning. Receive
those in need. Non-perishable
tax and financial benefits while
food donations are needed year-
giving countless blessings to
round to support families facing
families in need.
financial need.
Give Your Used Vehicle
Retreats include a
Give Gently-Used
One hundred percent of pro-
balance of interac-
Your tax-deductible donations of
ceeds from our Vehicle Donation
tion with neighbors of diverse
gently used furniture, clothing
Program are used to help local
backgrounds, personal reflection,
and household items give hope
people in need.
scenes. Our volunteers are regular
people of all ages and walks of life.
Participate in
Service Learning
The Ozanam Center for
Service Learning offers
retreat experiences for
adults and students.
service activities, and discovery of
practical ways to break down barriers and create lasting change.
Give Financial Support
A gift of any amount will help
provide encouragement through
emergency assistance with rent,
utilities, transportation, food, and
medicine. Almost all of our fund-
Give Back
To volunteer, call (513) 562-8841 x211.
To schedule a retreat, call (513) 562-8841 x231.
To make a financial or planned gift, call (513) 421-HOPE (4673).
To host a drive call (513) 562-8841 x217.
To donate your gently used clothing, furniture, household
items or vehicle, call (513) 421-CARE (2273).
Put Yourself in the Picture
Cincinnati District Council
All Saints
Bellarmine Chapel
at Xavier University
Cathedral of St. Peter in
Chains / St. Xavier
Christ the King
Church of the
Corpus Christi /
St John Neumann
Good Shepherd
Guardian Angels
Holy Family
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Little Flower
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of the Rosary /
St Matthias
Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Visitation
San Carlos/St Charles
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
St. Ann
St. Antoninus
St. Bartholomew
St. Bernard —
Spring Grove Village
St. Bernard —
Taylor Creek
St. Boniface
St. Catharine
St. Cecilia
St. Clare
St. Dominic
St. Gabriel
St. Gertrude
St. Ignatius
St. James the Greater
St. James of the Valley
St. John the Evangelist
St. John the Baptist —
St. John the Baptist —
St. Joseph — West End
St. Joseph — North Bend
St. Jude
St. Lawrence
St. Margaret of Cortona
St. Margaret Mary
St. Martin of Tours
St. Mary — Hyde Park
St. Mary — Aurora
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Pius Pantry
St. Saviour
St. Teresa of Avila
St. Vivian
St. William
Sts. Peter & Paul
Roger Bacon High School
Financial Report
Picture the difference a year can make!
Total value of program services and assistance:
Assistance Provided
In 2011, volunteers contributed 96,384 hours
Sources of Support
43% Donated food & other goods
16% & legal bequests
of service including:
3% Auto & other
• Conference members: 880 members equaling 60,532 hours
• Bank Street Pantry, Charitable Pharmacy, other services:
1,262 volunteers equaling 16,198 hours
• Stores/other: 15,621 volunteer hours
38% Stores
In 2011, St. Vincent de Paul helped more than 106,319 people
through its programs:
• Conferences (Parish-based Volunteer Groups): helped 47,827
people and made 8,801 home visits
Uses of Support
8% Food pantries
18% Assistance programs
• Social Services: helped 31,014 people, including 408
home visits.
3% Management
& general
• Food Pantries: helped people more than 70,000 times.
3% Car
• Charitable Pharmacy: helped 1,780 people (28,005 visits)
3% Fundraising
and filled 39,615 prescriptions valued at $4.04 million.
• Other drives and events resulted in an additional 2,507
people helped.
65% Furniture,
& other goods
Put Yourself in the Picture
2011 Statement of Activities
Revenues Gains and Other Support
Contributions & legal bequests . . . . . . . . . . $2,955,792
Program services
Donated food & other goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,878,490
Assistance programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,137,710
Stores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,064,428
Food pantries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,422,556
Investment gain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,217
Furniture, clothing, & other goods . . . . 11,093,879
Auto & other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590,279
Total revenue, gains & other support . . . . . . . $18,504,206
Total program services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,654,145
Car donation program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472,851
Supporting services
Management & general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507,629
Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443,075
Total supporting services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950,704
Total expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,077,700
‘For I know the plans I have for
you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans
to prosper you and not to harm
you, plans to give you hope and
a future.’ Jeremiah 29:11
Change in net assets. . . $1,426,506
Net assets beginning of year . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,840,936
Net assets at end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,267,442
2011 Donors
Put Yourself in the Picture
Society of Service ($100,000 and up)
Elaine and Henry Fischer
Robert T. Keeler Foundation
St. Rose Church
Society of Humility ($50,000–$99,999)
The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr./
U.S. Bank Foundation
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ed and Joann Hubert
Family Foundation Inc.
The Robert H. Reakirt Foundation
Society of Simplicity ($25,000–$49,999)
The Estate of Ms. Rita E. Herbert
Dorothy C. Klus Revocable Trust
Kroger Company Foundation
Ruth J. and Robert A. Conway
SC Ministry Foundation
Society of Charity ($10,000–$24,999)
William and Anne Burleigh
Becky and Ted Catino
City of Cincinnati
Robert and Jeanne Diesel
Duke Energy Foundation
Matching Gift Program
James E. Evans
Everybody Rides Metro
GE Fund
Hatton Foundation
The Health Foundation
of Greater Cincinnati
Rick and Amy Held
St. Xavier Magis Fund
C. Bart and Linda Kohler
Niehaus Financial Services
Cincinnati Order of Malta
Paula M. Steiner
Family Foundation, Inc.
Dorothy Roth
Audrey and Thomas Ruthman
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sedler
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
Tedia Company, Inc.
The Kroger Company Foundation
The John and Jenny Ward
Family Foundation
William and Suzanne Joiner
Leadership Cincinnati USA Alumni
The LeBlond Foundation of Makino
Luxottica Retail IT — ILORI
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Meyer
Thomas J. and Linda G. Mueller
Mueller Roofing Distributors, Inc.
John and Mary Ann Mushaben
Nehemiah Manufacturing Co.
Thomas O’Brien
Prasco Laboratories
Margaret Reis
William and Amy Schult
Scripps Howard Foundation
Paul and Meg Tarvin
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Christopher and Diane Williams
The Wohlgemuth Herschede
Society of Justice ($5,000–$9,999)
Catholics United for the Poor
Ron and Vicki Christian
Cinmar, Inc.
Ray and Marylyn Clark
Mr. Michael D. Connelly
Carl and Linda DeBlasio
DHL Express (USA), Inc.
Mr. James Gielty
Janet Homan
Society of Truth ($2,500–$4,999)
AK Steel Foundation
Barbara Apking
BangZoom Design Unlimited
Bank of America
Charitable Foundation
Sheldon and Norma Braun
J. Robert and Dianne Brown
Prentice and Liz Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Castellini
Cincinnatus Society
Nathan D. Clements
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Davis
Mr. Frank Dowd
David and Kelley Downing
Federated Campaign Stewards
GBBN Architects
George J. Hubert, Jr.
Foundation, Inc.
Robert and Carol Gramann
Janet Hickman
Michael Hoeting
i-systems Corporation
Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Knickers XY
Lisa and Steven Knutson
Krombholz Jewelers
Leser Family Fund of the
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Macy’s Foundation
Reynold Tala Maualuga
Mr. Francis R. Monnig
Dennis Nead
Urban and Barbara Neville
O. K. I. Auction, LLC
Mr. George F. Osterfeld
James and Denise Patton
Domata U. and Anna M. Peko
Ellen Prudent
RPP Containers
John Sawyer
Salon Urbanity
Michael and Janet Sepela
Southwest Financial
St. Xavier High School
Tim and Katherine Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Steffen
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L.
Steinbeck, D.D.S., M.D.
The Catholic Foundation
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Steven A. and Carolyn Wenstrup
West Side Capital, LLC
Andrew Whitworth
Bob and Marilyn Wildermuth
Bobbie Williams
Kathy Wissel
Paul and Donna Wyatt
Mark and Christina Zlatic
Diana Housman
Hubert Company
Arthur and Rita Hudepohl
Beverly Davis
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Dr. Michael and
Kathleen Jennings
Tricia and Eric Johnson
Ronald G. and Caroline Joseph
JTM Meats
The Bill Keating, Jr. Family
Mr. and Mrs. Lorrence Kellar
Edward and Ruth Ann Kinney
Marlene and Urban Kocher
Melissa Kowitz
Ms. Mildred W. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. S. George and
Joann Kurz
Al and Mary Lahti White
Ramon and Betty Landenwitch
John Larson
Levi Strauss Foundation
Michael and Julie Liber
Dave Lococo
Daniel and Anne Lovell
Magnified Giving
Arthur and Maryann Maines
John and Deborah Majoras
Timothy and Peggy Mathile
Dr. Timothy McCarren
Mr. and Mrs. William McCloy
Mr. Thomas G. McKenney
Virginia Meador
Mrs. Florence J. Meyer
Mrs. Ellen Miller
Jeffrey and Peggy Mossbarger
Joyce Mukes
Chole Garibay, MD and
Timothy Mullen
Tim Murray
Don and Phyllis Neyer
Rev. Thomas C. Nolker
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
and Susan E. Pichler
Mary Catherine Plogman
Elaine and Edmund Pultinas
Mrs. Ralph E. Quinn Jr.
Mr. Arthur J. and Kathy Raible
Mr. Paul H. Ravenna
W. Emerson D. and
Jo Ann Rhodes
The Rinehart Staadeker Sussli
Retirement Group of
Wells Fargo Advisors
Marie C. Runda
John T. and Carole Ruschulte
John and Susan Sanders
Society of Spirit ($1,000–$2,499)
Academy of Medicine
of Cincinnati
Henry and Nancy Acciani
Agnes Nordloh Charitable Trust
Al Neyer, Inc. Foundation
All Star Container Company
American Fan Company
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Catholic Social Action Office
Rev. Thomas R. Axe
The Bank of Kentucky
Mary Bauder
Grace Beischel
Theodore and Margaret Bergh
John and Joyce Berning
Blue Ash Protective
Association, Inc.
Mrs. Alice Bramlage
William Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Brielmaier
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burns
John and Mary Canny
Susan Castleberry
Cincinnati Friends of Charity, Inc.
City Dash, Inc.
Steven Claar
Maryann Cleary
C.J. and Carolyn Condorodis
Andrew and Liz Curran
DeWine Family Foundation
Jim and Elizabeth Dodd
Mary Dome
Mr. Brad Dreier
The E.W. Scripps Company
David and Mary Ann Ellerbrock
Estate of Ruth M. Stein
Joseph and Michele Evelo
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Freestore Food Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Harry F. Fry
David and Dena Garascia
Gordon and Carie Geraci
Brian and Anne Marie Gibler
Steven and Linda Giessler
Give With Liberty
Richard and Marilyn Gorman
Great American
Insurance Company
Mary Grote
Haglage Construction Inc.
William and Lana Haller
Mr. Richard H. Haneberg
Andy and Tina Hawking
Phil and Gloria Hock
Jack Hoeting
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Hoeting
Ms. Margaret M. Hogan
2011 Donors
Put Yourself in the Picture
Robert C. Schemenauer
Thomas J. and Mary Schmitz
Michelle Schneider
Jim and Margaret Schrimpf
Ms. Elizabeth B. Schulenberg
Harry and Carol Schweer
Scripps Networks Interactive
Terry S. Segerberg
Anthony and Grace Severyn
Mr. Scott and Julie Sheffer
William and Jeanne Shoemaker
Ken and Kathy Skau
Mary Kotte Smyth
Dr. and Mrs. Squicciarini
Mike and Kathleen Stenger
Michael J. Storck
Mike Story
David and Cheryl Stouffer
George and Linda Strietmann
Steven T. and Mary C. Sullivan
St. Vincent de Paul Conference
at St. Maximilian Kolbe
St. Vincent de Paul Conference
at St. James White Oak
Ms. Gail J. Taylor
Mr. Raymond A. Teepen
The Christ Hospital
Medical Associates
The Helen and James G. Broe
(LGW) Fund
The Linus Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Theresa Thiemann
Towers Watson
Tracey Wagner
Jack D. and Susan R. Wendel
WesBanco Bank, Inc.
Mr. Thomas E. Westerfield
William and Antonia Frank
James Winter
Barbara Witte
Mrs. Marilyn Wray
Robert and Carolyn L. Wynn
Sharon E. Ziegler
Johnson Investment Counsel, Inc.
Scott and Mary Johnstone
Dr. Dorothy E. Kaiser
Mr. Jerome Charles Kathman
Ms. Judith Marie Keiber
Steven T. Kenat
David W. and Kristy M. Kissell
Richard and Eva Komoroski
Dan and Mary Kramer
Joan C. Kramer
Samuel and Sandra Kuehn
Thomas A. Kuhn
La Salle High School
Jean M. Lambert
Martin and Helen Lawson
Andrew Lesko
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Libby
Dr. Jennifer Loggie
Mrs. Virginia S. Lurie
M & M Metals
Aileen Mack
Rob and Cheryl Manning
Michael Martin
Dave and Amy Mazza
Kevin and Julie McGehee
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Moorwessel
Mr. Richard Morin
Kenneth and Theresa Mullen
Phillip G. Mullins
Jacqueline Neumann
Raymond and Jo Ann Neyer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Neyer
Mr. William and Deborah Neyer
Anne Niehaus
Ms. Mary J. Niehaus-Fay
Mary Nolan
Timothy and Margaret Nolan
William and Renate Otteson
Our Lord Christ the King Church
Mr. and Mrs. Eileen
and Fred Overbeck
Panda Pencil
Julie and Michael Peters
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Phillips
Patrick B. Points
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Puccini
Amy Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Ricke
Ms. Rita H. Riddell
Frederick and Laura Riehle
David and Candace Rinderle
Theodore and Mary Ann Rohling
Mark and Kimberly Rumpke
James J. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan
Ely M. T. and Joan M. Ryder
Sabre Holding,
Give Together Campaign
Charles and Bre Sambuchino
William H. and Judith M. Sander
Ms. Evelyn F. Schehl
Mary A. Schell, Trust
Mr. David and
Cheryl Schildmeyer
William and Terri Schinkal
Schoenberger Tile & Marble, Inc.
Ralph and Carol Schroer
Society of Faith ($500–$999)
Timothy Albers
Chris Aluotto
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Barden
Bartlett & Co.
Bruce and Karen Berno
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Berns
Robert Besse
Glenn and Martha Bitzenhofer
Fred Boldt
William and Carol Bonapfel
Stanley M. Boric
Dennis and Jennifer Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Burke
W. Alan and Margaret M. Burke
Troy and Jenifer Burt
Lanthan and Louise Camblin
Nilabh Chaudhary
Manuel and Cynthia Chavez
Richard and Linda Chouteau
Susan Christen
Cincinnati USA
Regional Chamber
David and Mary Kay Clark
Steven P. Culbertson
Ms. Mary E. Davis, TTEE
Dayton Foundation
Depository, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Debrunner
Mr. Thomas Digman
Michael Disimile
James and Janet Donnellon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Dufek
Terrance and Susan Dyer
Mrs. Claire M. Edgell
Dennis Engel
Esther Price Candies Corp.
Jerome D. Fagel
Flynn & Company P.S.C., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Fogarty
Kevin Fogarty
David and Anita Freeman
Ruth Gallant
Carl D. Gandola
John and Camille Gartner
Bernard B. and
Suzanne J. Gawne
Heidi and Timothy Graham
Graydon Head & Ritchey LLP
H-M Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred
and Nancy Habegger
Jeff and Joy Harris
Michael F. and
Mary J. Haverkamp
Mr. Craig A. Hayden
Mr. Raymond J. Healy
Richard and Doris Heitz
Jeffrey Herbert
Hewlett-Packard Company
HP Company Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hubert
Ms. Debbie Huffman
Lawrence and Marlene Humbert
James Hunter
Jonand Laureen Hussey
Sara L. Jacobs
Jay Johannigman, MD
Ron and Gloria Johnson
Ms. Mary D. Schulte
Michael N. Schuster
Ms. Mary D. Schweitzer
SCS Construction Services, Inc.
Max Seibert
Becky and Aaron Seurkamp
Gerald L. Shawhan
Kevin Sheppard
Gregory and Margaret Shields
Tony and Lynda Shipley
Richard and Susan Shonk
Charles and Mary Rose Smith
Emilio Spinosa
St. James Church
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
Fred Stang
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stautberg
Strategic Employee
Benefit Services
Sullivan Communications, Inc.
Ryan and Tine Tape
Ms. Jacquelin Tepe
Mr. Franklin D. Thomas
Barbara and Joseph Trauth
Jerry Trefzger
Lawrence and Mary P. Uebel
Ms. Susan M. Vergamini
Lee and Kathleen Vonderhaar
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Waham
Kevin Walsh
Mary Walton
Geraldine Warner
Mr. Jonathan T. Weber
Jerome W. and Dianne Wedig
Jerry Weiper
Jay and Kathy Wertz
Tim Whalen
John E. Wilp
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Yerke
Brian Zappia
Gerald and Dee Zobrist
John W. and Mary Ann Zorio
Ms. Ellen Berghamer
Elizabeth Berling
Lucille Berninger
Ms. Margaret Betscher
Noel J. and Romaine M. Biesik
Louise Birkofer
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bishop
David Bittner
Maria Blake
Jane Blanc
Shirlee Bloom
Mr. Leonard A. Blum
Mr. Nicholas Bodmer
Paul and Esther Boehm
Dr. Ekkehard and
Mrs. Jean Bohme
Ms. Mary J. Bonfield
Perry Boone
Robert L. Booth
Mimi Boswell
Kimberly Bower
Mrs. Mary Bowling
Tracie Bowling
Mrs. Jeanne Bowman
Steve and Diane Bowman
Timothy and Annetta Brack
Ralph Bradburn
Mr. William J. Bradley
Ms. Mary Frances Bray
John and Patricia Brehm
Wesley Brewton
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Brickweg
Linda Brill
Timothy and Catherine Brinkman
Dale Brockman
Mary Broderick
Mr. Tom Brokamp
Society of Samaritans ($100–$499)
Paul and Barbara Abbinante
Kevin and Kim Abele
Action Ministries
Scott H. Adams
Freddie Adkins
Agencies Direct, Inc.
Jagjeet and Claire Ahluwalia
Aftab Ahmad
Mr. and Mrs. George Ainge
Debra and Mark Albert
Marc Alexander
Romola Allen
Cecile Drackett Allyn
Betty Altenau
Mark Altmayer
Tom and Lynne Alverson
Alfred Ambrosius
James Andrews
Victor and Dolores Angel
Geil Annette
Mr. Eugene A. Ardine
Michael J. and
Ruth Anne Armentrout
Mr. Paul V. Arszman
Ms. Constance L. Arthur
R. Daniel Arvin
Assumption Church
Lorraine Austin
Nancy and Bruce Baarendse
Craig and Theresa Babcock
Pauline H. Bacon
Todd and Ann Bailey
David Baker
Dennis and Kathleen Baker
Kelly Baker
Patricia and Joe Baker
Rita Balcom
Bill Banchy
Sheila Bandy
R.C. Banks
Karen D. Bankston
Mildred Barhorst
David and Molly Barth
Basco Company
Thomas Bates
August Bauer
Gregory and Julie Bauke
James Baumer
Helen Baur
Mrs. Mary L. Baurichter
Judith Bausher
Cynthia Baylis
Bob and Barb Becker
Diane Becker
Ms. Kathy Beckman
Tina Bedacht
Art Bedel
Mrs. Elsie K. Beekley
Ann Beischel
Ms. Sarah J. Bellamy
Don and Lydia Benz
James L. and Nancy L. Berendt
Kit Berger
2011 Donors
Put Yourself in the Picture
Martha A. and John B. Brophy
Martin and Patricia Brotzge
Carole Brown
Daniel Brown
Patricia Brown
Terri Brown
Leroy and Lois Bruck
Wendy Brucker
Walter Brueggemann
Theresa C. Brueggen
Ms. Mary W. Bruening
Ms. Rosemary Brune
Jeff Bruns
Ron Buchanan
Ms. Jean Buck
Mary Budde
Angie Buechner
Katie Bulach
David and Karen Bulman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Burger
Susan Buring
Kelly Burke
Christopher and Kara Burns
Gary and Mary Ann Burns
Mr. David M. Burridge
Lee F. and Margaret A.
Burroughs, M.D.
Alan G. Burwinkel, M.D.
Mrs. Mary B. Busch
John and Mary Buse
Bushelman Supply Company
Robert E. and Virginia L. Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cahill
Mr. Thomas S. Calder
Mary Alice Calme
Patricia Calo
Mrs. Whitelaw and
Carol Campbell
Mr. John Cannon
David M. and Rita L. Carmosino
Mr. and Mrs. Chester A.
and Mary E. Carr
Geri Carroll
John Carson
James and Kathy Carter
Margaret A. Cassaro
Jim Castrucci
David Catanzaro
John and Terri Catanzaro
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Celmer
John and Nancy Cengel
Centennial, Inc.
Mr. R. Guy and Judy Chandler
Angela Charron
Cheviot Fireman’s Assn.
Richard B. Childers
Hoon and Aesook Choi
Fran Cihon
James Cimprich
Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship
Ms. Laura Ciolino
Citizens for the Health Safety Net
Erin Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clanton
David Clapp
Norma Clark
J. H. Clasgens
Mr. Earle Clayton
Pauline E. Clemen
Mary C. Clifton
CM Temporary Services
Jim and Barbara Coffaro
William Cohen
Joan Colak
Carolyn Collette
John and Mary Collins
John and Barbara Collins
Neil M. Comber
Mary Connaughton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Connelly
Robert and Shelia Conner
Dina Conners
Providence Conners
Construction Software
Technologies, Inc.
John Conwell
Mr. Ernest R. Cooper
Rev. Ronald C. Cooper
Cooper Electric
Karen Corbly
Eugene Cordier
John and Virginia Corsini
Deacon John Corson
Janet Costello
Cathy Coupland
Dennis P. Coyne
John Craig
Jeffery A. and Phyllis M. Cramer
Marylou Creelman
Floyd Crouse
Dorothy and William Cubbins
Charles J. and Rita A. Cullen
Ms. Karen Cullion
Steve Curran
Cynthia L. Stueve Rev. Trust
Angie Dadosky
Michael Danowski
Richard and Ann Darlington
Mary G. Davis Rev. Trust
Jim and Elaine Day
Deals that Give Back
Thomas DeBord
Daniel and Melanie DeBrosse
Deer Park Roofing
Michael Defrancesco
Joseph Degaro
Trisha Dehall
Robert C. Dehner
Raymond Deidesheimer
Stephen Derose
John J. and Connie Dettmer
Denise Devery
Brian Devir
David and Susan Deye
Carolyn Dick
Carl and Judith Dickhaus
Teresa Dicolandrea
Tiffiny Diers
Herb and Sue Dietz
Stan and Marilyn Dillon
Linda Dixon
Barbara and Jeannette Doddy
Robert and Erin Donaho
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence M.
and M. Joyce Donnellon
Marianne Dorger
Mr. Robert W. Dorsey
Ms. Katherine M. Dowda
Carol and Jerry Drew
Elaine Drew
Robert and Rita Driehaus
Regene Dubell
Mary Beth Duebber
Alana Dumasius
John E. and Valerie J. Duncan
WIlliam and Barbara Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
and M. Kathryn Dunn
Steve and Margaret Dunphy
Albert A. Duplace
Rich and Louise Easterly
Ms. Carol Ebner
Janet Edwards
Ms. Shirley L. Eiden
Albert and Carla Eilers
John and Judith Eilers
Tripp and Margaret Eldredge
Betty Elkins
Ms. Kate Ellis
Ms. Nina Ellis
Marina Ellison
Omer Erdmann
Mr. William F. Erman
Mike and Mary Espel
Mrs. Mary Jean Evers
Brian Ezell
Jerome and Mary Ann Fagel
Patrick and Mary Fages
Mr. Joe Fahey
Mr. John R. Faillace
Fairfield Banquet &
Convention Center
Ms. Margaret Fanella
Charles Fannin
Ms. Marion W. Fanning
Jim Farwig
Alan M. and Carol R. Faulhaber
Ms. Mary E. Fay
Katherine Federle
John and Mary Kay Feighery
Jay and Lisa Feist
Jerry and Sandy Fernbacher
Herman and Esther Ferris
Patricia Filak
Melvin Firestone
Kirk Fischesser
Mr. Charles E. Fisher
Ms. Dorothy Fisher
Joe and Patricia Fisher
Ms. Marilyn Fisher
Thomas A. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. James T.
and Leslie Fitzgerald
Laurel Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Fitzpatrick
Maureen Flanagan
Marlene Miceli Flick
Edward Flynn
Cindy Foote
Mr. Spencer T. Foote
Robert Forbeck
Jody Forman Fall
St. Clare Friary
Mary Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.
and Peggy V. Frank
Mark C. Franke
Ellen L. Frankenberg
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Frazer
Gary Fredensborg
Jennifer Frederick
Katharine and Jay Freeman
Ken Freudenberg
Mary J. Fricker
Robert and Joan Friedmann
Friends of Young Mothers
Mrs. Patricia Froehle
Jayne Fronk
Mary J. Fuller
Kathleen and William Fussinger
Lisa Gaddie-Thomas
John Galla
Steven and Kathleen Gallagher
Janet Gallenstein
Mary Ann Gardner
Harry and Mildred Gates
Marianne Gatewood
Donald Gayner
Mr. Dennis Geiger
Karen Geiger
Mr. and Mrs. William
and Lilly Gellner
Adam Gelter
Thomas and Lillian Gerde
GFS Chemicals, Inc.
Kathleen Gibboney
David Giles
Ryan Gillen
James Gilson
Mark E. Ginty
Cynthia Givens
Thomas P. and Blanche M. Glenn
Ronald and Mary Godfrey
Ann Goldschmidt
DeAnn Gorham
Susan Grathwohl
Great Oak Construction, Inc.
Great West Life and Annuity
Insurance Company
Greater Cincinnati Health Council
Patricia C. Greene
David and Theresa Greenwald
Victoria Gregory
Paul and Laura Griffith
Kathleen Grismer
Mr. Raymond L. Grismer
Louis and Hypha Groen
Ms. Ardith A. Grote
Ms. Roxanne Grote
Don Gruber
Richard L. Gruber
Paula Grulee
Bruce and Amy Guiot
Elizabeth Gurley
Blake Gustafson
Suzy Guzior
Eustaquio and Florencia Guzman
Marsha Haberer
Ms. Mary Haberthy
Thomas Habig
William P. Hackett
Michael and Stephanie Hackman
Ann Hagerstrand
Franklin G. Hale
Fred and Eileen Hall
John Hall
Penny N. Hamilton
Ms. Barbara Hammersmith
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Handel
Richard and Jeanne Hannan
Richard Hansman
James and Linda Hanson
Anna Harmon
Ms. Joan E. Harpring
Ms. Mary Harrah
Jolie Harris
Dodd Harrison-Smith
J.P. and Kathleen Havey
Timothy and Marilyn Havlin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hedrick
Megan and Donald Heeb
Carol Heidt
Mr. Donald J. Heimbrock
Sheila Heinen
Susan P. Heinz
Mr. and Mrs. John Hemm
John and Myra Hendy
Patty Hensley
Patricia Herbers
Ms. Carol L. Herbert
Ms. Andrea Herman
Stanley Herrlinger
Beverly Herro
John Herro
Jeffrey and Sandra Hess
Sally D. Hext
Frederick and Sherrie Heyse
Laura Hickey
Mary Hilleary
Joan Hilton
Ms. Mary R. Hilvert
E. Paul Hitter
Dan and Mary Hladky
John and Rosalie Hoar
Robert and Carmen Hodge
Beth and Greg Hoekzema
Dennis and Maggie Hoerst
Eileen Hoffman
Denis Hoffmann
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
and Jean Holder
John and Martha Holland
Martin F. Hollenbeck
Jeana Hon
Kathy Hooker
Thomas and Donrita Hopkins
Ms. Patricia A. Moore Hopson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Horton
James Howe
William and Jane Howe
Michael and Carolyn Hoyt
Christopher and
Kristen Hudepohl
Mr. and Mrs. Fred
and Dorothy Hudepohl
Marvin E. Hudson
Art and Paula Huesman
Donnell S. Hughes
Douglas G. and Doris J. Hughes
Joan Hughes
Lisa Hughes
Kendra Hull
Merrill Hull
Mr. A. J. Humbert
Cheryle A. Hunchuck
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Hunt
Alvin J. Hurt
Thelma Imhoff
Individual Care Center, Inc.
Rosebelle Ionna
Constance Iredale
Cassie Iseman
Francesca Jankowitz
Nancy and David Jasper
Jeffrey S. Bakst &
Associates, LLC
Thomas and Judith Jennings
Ms. Marva L. Johns
Miki P. Johns
Mark Johnston
Ms. Phyllis Johnstone
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Jones
Janice Jones
Linda Jones
Mr. Stephen and Susan Jones
Jay and Kim Jordan
Ms. Kathy Jordan
Mark Jordan
Ms. Mary Carol Joseph
Joseph C. Kammer Law Offices
Barbara Juengling
Robert C. and Christine C. Jung
Robert and Anne Jurek
Robert and Elsie Kaiser
Joan Karwisch
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony John Kasak
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
and Nancy N. Keating
Dave Custer
2011 Donors
Put Yourself in the Picture
Geoffrey and Elizabeth Keenan
Paul C. Keidel
John and Rita Keim
Ruth Keller
Brian Kellett
Faye Kelley
Brigid Kelly
Jim and Carol Kelly
Martin Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. Kennedy
Sue Kennedy
Kenneth Kerr
Anne Kessen
Janet Kessler
Prem Khosla
Philip and Jane Khoury
Michael and Patricia Kimutis
Donald and Kathy King
John and Sheila Kippley
Wendy Kirkwood
Mrs. David A. and
Sharon M. Kitzmiller
Kiwanis Club of Clifton
Kiwanis Club of Fairfield
Deborah Klemt
Thomas and Judith Kloenne
Mrs. Marilyn Klug
Stephen W. Klump
Ms. Paula J. Klusman
Elizabeth Knodle
Diane Knueven
Brian and Susan Koch
Mrs. Ann Tracy Koenig
Christina Kohnen
Brendan and Martha Korte
Ms. Jane A. Koval
Evelyn Kramb
Jerome Kramer
Wm. Kramer & Son, Inc.
Kenneth and Kathryn Kramp
Mr. Ronald Kratz
Sandy Kraus
Lothar and Maria Kreppel
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Krismer
Mr. Joseph Kroger
Robert C. and Geraldine Krueger
Robert and Patricia Krumdieck
Robert Krummen
Ronald J. and Susan M. Kuehnle
G. Edward and Joanne Y. Kuhl
Jane Kuhn
Paul Kuhn
Edward G. and
Cheryl L. Kunkemoeller
L3 Fuzing and
Ordnance Systems
Kevin J. Lab
Christine Labowsky
Ms. Barbara H. LaChance
Mr. Thomas and Jane Lake
Greg LaLonde
Vincent W. Lambers
Rev. Francis G. Lammeier
Letty Lavely
Mr. Peter J. Ledwedge
David and Marla Ledwin
Claire Leist
Nelson Leist
Ms. Anne M. Leonard
Mindy Leonard
Mr. Edward E. Leuthold
Barbara Levy-Wall
Tracey Lewis
Amanda Lietz
Ms. Jennifer Little
Mary Loescher
Bernadette Logano
William H. and Carroll C. Logsdon
Dan and Elizabeth Long
Bernadette Longano
Mr. Thomas L. Lorenz
Gisele Loriot-Raymer
Joseph and Meredith Loughran
Ms. Carol A. Louis
Peggy Loux
Peter Loveless
Cynthia C. Lowe
Ralph Luebbe
Ms. Dorothy A. Luebbers
John Luebbers
Mr. Donald and Joan Luebbert
Mrs. Phyllis A. Luehrmann
Lutheran Church
of the Good Shepherd
Ms. Virginia A. Lynch
M. J. Restoration, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Maas
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Mack
John Maddrill
John and Catherine Magyar
Michael and Carol Maier
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Malec
Teresa Maley
Bala and Sriyani Malliah
Linda Mallory
Charmaine Mamantov
Michael Manhart
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M.
and Jane F. Mankus
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Marchionne
Kathy Marks
William V. and Helen R. Marten
Joanne Martin
Russell J. Martin
Susan Mashni
David and Mary Mathers
Mary-Morse Matthews
Kurt Matthys
Max Hofmeyer & Sons, Inc.
James Mayer
Kathy Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mayer
Barbara McBride
Dennis McCabe
Kevin McCabe
Charles and Ann McCarthy
Janet McCarthy
Malcolm McClellan
Timothy and Jennifer McConnell
Joyce Ann McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Julie McCoy
Douglas and
Teddie McCray, TTEE
Malcolm McElroy
Parnel C. McGreevy
Roche and Susan McGreevy
Albert and Mary McGrover
Mrs. Mary F. McKeown
James and Constance McKiernan
Jeanette McKnight
Malcolm Mclellan
Ms. Casey Mcmahon
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McNerney
Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph R. McSwiggin
Frank McWilliams, MD
Medco Health Solutions
Charitable Match Dist.
Suzanne Mehne
Mary R. Meiners
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Menner
Mr. Richard Menner
Patricia Merland
Ronald D. and Marilyn F. Metz
Greg Meyer
Karen Meyer
Shirlaine Meyer
Ms. Virginia Meyer
Meyer Brothers
Building & Remodeling
Carol Meyers
Patrick D. Michel, D.D.S., Inc.
Robert and Mary Mierenfeld
Celia M Mileski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Miller
Gloria Miller
James Miller
Kristie Miller
Lawrence and Jane Miller
Ray Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
and Barbara Mills
Mischler & Nurre
Certified Public Accountants
Jill Mitchell
Teresa Mitchell
Ms. Mary Jo Mock
Paul and Nancy Mohr
Betty Molloy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Molloy
William and Anita Molloy
Murray Monroe
Mr. Frank E. Montag
Phillip Montanus
Kathy Morgan
Steve Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Dean Witter & Co.
Frank and Marlene Morris
Marion Morrison
Harriet E. Moster
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Motl
Robert and Michele Mountel
and Hildebrant
Mary Beth Mueller
Ms. Susan Mueller
Daniel R. and
Christine L. Muenzer
Nancy Mullany
Lizanne Mulligan
M. L. Murphy
Molly Murphy
Mrs. Gerald Mushaben
Rick Naber
Holly Naro
Joseph and Marlene Nasello
Ahid and Joann Nashif
May Nassef
Mr. and Mrs. Gene N. Neltner
Ms. Mary Jo Nero
Ms. Marilyn M. Nesselhuf
New Jerusalem Community
J. Stuart and Jennifer Newman
Newman Foundation, Inc.
Marilyn Nicholson
Calandra Nickerson
Ms. Mary Nicolay
Kenneth and Jean Niederhausen
Night Hawk, Inc.
Betty Nocero
Ms. Eleanor J. Noe, TTEE
Donald and Matilda Nordmeyer
North Deerborn Pantry
The Norwood Council
Knights of Columbus 1162
Charles and Sally Nugent
Ms. Mary Nunlist
Mr. Michael O’Brien
Susan A. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O’Herron
John O’Malley
Paul J. and Janis M. Obermeyer
Betty Odley
Debra Oliver
Larry Oliver
Mr. Paul J. Olsen
Mr. Dennis Olver
Mark Ophaug
Patrick and Karen Orsary
Eric Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
and Sandra Osterhues
Jonathan and Michelle Ostrander
Carol Ann Ottman
Ralph and Elizabeth Overberg
Herbert and Mary Pahren
Mr. Thomas Palmer
Donna Park
Rozelia Park
Stephanie Patton
David and Vickyle Payton
Alma Peddenpohl
Steven and Judith Peelman
Alissa Pelzer
Mr. Theo M. Penker
Amy Pennekamp
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C Perin
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Perrino
Sally Perry
Perry Public Schools
Mary Persinger
Petermann, LTD
Bonnie Peterson
Richard C. and
Bonnie N. Peterson
John and Donna Pfiester
Charles Pfizenmayer
Jane Phelan
Zachary Pierson
Rosina Pirchner
Plumbers, Pipefitters,
& Mechanical Equipment
Shirley Plummer
Nancy Porter
Mr. C. Douglas Postler
Anthony Potts
Linda Powell
Lori Powers
Michael C. and Pamela R. Pratt
Susan Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeanette Preuth
Gina Prickel
Inma Prieto
Adam Puccini
Barbara Pumplun
Mary Ann Punch
Robert Puthoff
Pyramid Controls
Mr. Jerry Rahe
Ken Randall
Paul and Ann Rapien
Jane Rasico
John and Joanne Raterman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Rathman
Tony and Monica Rau
Norman and Virginia Rave
Scott and Lisa Ray
Kenneth and Bernice Reeder
Michael and Joyce Rees
Mark and Linda Regensburger
Sheila Reid
Peggy Reif
Judy Reilman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rekow
John Rentz
Jerry Rettig
Ruth Richardson
Todd and Anna Richardson
Mrs. Joan Rieder
Dorothy Riesenback
Ray and Joan Riestenberg
Mr. Jerome R. and Megan Riga
Mrs. Johnnie Mae Riley
Susan Rivers-Payne
Paul and Susan Robben
Mrs. Mary Caroline Roberto
Annette Robinson
Mr. Joel L. Robinson
David C. Robisch
Mrs. Elizabeth Roche
William H. Rocklin
John C. and Mary E. Roeseler
Donald Rogers
Ms. Martha Rogers
Mrs. Joan S. Rohde
Annie Rolston
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Romer
Durwood and Margaret Rorie
Jeff Rose
Mary Ellen Ross-Knickel
Laura Roth
Mr. and Mrs.
Howard B. Rottinghaus
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Rottmueller
Mr. and Mrs.
Jeffrey P. Rowekamp
Ed and Carol Rubeo
Mr. Eugene P. Ruehlmann
Mike Ruggiero
Mr. Robert Rumpke
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Rupp
Connie Ruprick
Richard Rushing
Dr. Kathryn A. Russ
Ann Russell
Mary L. Rust
Eugene and Terri Rutz
William and Algene Rutz
Mrs. Joann Sabato
Sacred Heart Church
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Saelinger
Toni Sager
Eva Salmons
Audrey Sandman
Gary and Mary Sanzone
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Sauer
Mr. Edward Sauer
James W. and Sandra Sauer
Kenneth E. Saxon
Daniel M. and Lucie M. Schall
Debbie Scharff
Michael Schenk
Carl and Sally Schlotman
James and Lynnette Schluter
George and Kay Schmidl
Thomas and Linda Schmidt
Donald and Joan Schmitt
Martin and Suzanne Schmitt
Rev. George Schmitz
Jim Schmitz
Ms. Diane Schmutte
Jon W. and Alyce K. Schneider
Robert Schoettinger
Mrs. Marian R. Schott
Charles and Rebecca Schroer
Dan and Robin Schuckman
Mr. Jerry O. Schuehler
2011 Donors
Put Yourself in the Picture
Harold Schuler
Ken Schulteis
Charlene Schwab
Brad and Molly Schwartz
David and Sandra Schwartz
Stephen and Joann Schweitzer
Sally and Rich Sears
Rita Sedmak
Edward and Mary Jo Seibert
Rosemary Seidner
Mark Seipel
Thomas Sell
Marvin Settle
Ron and Alice Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
and Lisa Sganga
Rachele Shaffer
Reuben Shaffer
Dr. and Mrs.
Donald and Pauline Nofziger
James Shanahan
Kathleen Shaut
Kevin Shea
Daniel and Karen Sue Sheeran
Elizabeth Shepherd
Guy and Irene Sherman
Mr. and Mrs.
Christopher J. Shimala
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Sholtes
Ms. Mary Jo Siebert
Ms. Betty Siefke
Mary Lea Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Sillies
James and Mary Simcoe
Linn Sinnott
Sr. Judith Hinderes
Mark and Linda Sivik
Mary Jo Smallwood
Arlene Smith
David and Linda Smith
Larry and JoAnn C. Smith
Paul M. Smith
William J. Smith
Edie Smitson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C.
and Carol Snowden
Jon and Jenelle Sobotka
Mary L. Speed
Agnes H. Spoelker
St. Nicholas Deaf Club
St. Vivian
Ms. Mary Gaines-Standish
Linda M. Staneck
Ms. Joan and Greg Steele
Donald F. Stegeman Trust
John and Barbara Stehlin
Robert and Marian Stehlin
Joseph Stein
Dennis Steinke
Christopher and Janet Stenger
Ms. Carole Stokes-Brewer
Mark and Kim Stone
Mr. Jonathan J. Stow
Scott and Jean Streicher
Rev. Robert Stricker
Al and Sue Stuempel
Robert C. Sullivan
Russell E. Sunberg
Jorge and Nina Sunkel
Douglas and Maria
Dennis Swaney
Stanley Swantack
Grant Szabo
James Taggart
Catherine M. Tallen
Dennis E. and Clare M. Tasset
Teresa Taylor
Verna Taylor
Mary Ann Tebbe
Helen Temming
Robert and Mary Tepe
Yvonne Tepe
Teschner Trucking
David and Mary Tettenhorst
Carol Thieman
William and Marilyn Thiemann
Ms. Mary Thran
Stephen and Andrea Tien
Teresa Timmons
Ms. Judith B. Titchener
The TJX Companies
Gerald A. Tonges
Estelle Topmoeller
Toyota of Cincinnati, Inc.
Ms. Mary Tracey
David Tracy
Michael Trame
Mary Traynor
Cindee Tresslar
Robert L. Trick
Julie Triona
Marian Trouts
Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph E. Tuchfarber
John Twarozynski
U. S. Bancorp Foundation
Ms. Rita E. Uehlein
Woodrow H. Uible
Alan and Marjorie Ullman
Gerard and Ann Umberg
United Italian Societies
of Greater Cincinnati
United Methodist Women
Jen and Colin Upham
Donor Ursuline Academy
James and Aileen Van Flandern
Patricia Curran and
Robert Van Stone
Ellen M. and L. Gery Van Treeck
Jacob Vener
Joseph and Darlene Verkamp
Dr. Lee J. Vesper
Brad Vitucci
Kathy Voegele
Mr. and Mrs.
Richard A. Vogele
Richard and Jean A. Volk
Margaret Voskuhl
Carolyn Voss
John and Connie Wagner
Richard and Anne Wagner
Deborah and Bob Wait
Mr. and Mrs.
David S. Waligora
Andrea L. Wall
Betty Walriven
Jim Walton
Lisa Wampler
Debbie Ware
Michael C. Warmbier
Peggy Warren
Denis and Alice Waymire
Thomas and Janet Weingartner
Donald and Sandra Weinkam
Wilson G. Weisenfelder
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weisgerber
Jacquelyn Welborn
Kathleen Welch
Mr. Randall Welch
Ruth Weller
Stanley Welling
Ben and Judy Wells
Judy and Ben Wells
Eugene P. Wessler
Robert and Ruth Westerfield
Thomas Wetterich
Michael Whalen
Scott and Tina Whalen
Lynne Whang
Daniel and Nancy Whitacre
Robert J. and Jean White
Thelma White
Van and Robin White
Amy Wiandt
Richard and Mary Kay Wick
Ronald Wieland
Geraldine Wilkens
Kathleen Wilkins
Rich and Susan Williams
Robert R. and
Suzanne N. Winstel
Phyllis Wintzinger
Wireless Connection
Rev. Gary J. Witsken
Christy Woelfel
Robert and Mary Jo Woelfel
James H. Wollenhaupt
Sean Woock
K C Wood
Joseph and Mary Ann Workman
Mary Wright
J. Richard Wuest
Dean and Jill Yates
Benjamin Zeiders
John and Kathleen Zeller
Sarah Zieverink
Steve and Mila Zimmerman
William and Arlene Zins
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zolg
Special Thanks
Put Yourself in the Picture
A special thank you to the physicians, physician practices and pharmacies
that support the efforts of our Charitable Pharmacy:
ABS Business Solutions
U.S. Partnerships
APC Mason (Suite 200)
Catholic Health Partners
Christ Hospital Medical
Associates — Auburn
(Suites 440, 334 &520)
Christ Hospital Medical
Associates — Bridgetown
Christ Hospital Medical
Associates — Delhi
Christ Hospital Medical
Associates (Suite 200)
Collaborative Pharmacy
Complete Prescription
Direct Relief International
Dr. Andrew Schulz
Dr. Barry Webb
Dr. Bill Gluntz
Dr. Clark Baxter and Kathy
Dr. Chole Mullen
Dr. Donald Nofziger
Dr. Joseph Daugherty
Dr. Kathy Downey
Dr. Mark Bibler
Dr. Mary Jo Slattery
Dr. Michael Jennings
Dr. Raasheed Ghani
Dr. Susan Stegman
Dr. Timothy Lichter
Heart to Heart
Keysource Medical, Inc.
Medpace, Inc.
Merck, Inc.
Remedi Senior Care
Rho Chi Honor Society
Skilled Care, Inc.
Skilled Care Pharmacy
The Ohio Heart & Vascular
Center — Mt. Airy
We would like to thank all the generous businesses, organizations and individuals
that contributed goods to the shelves of our Choice Food Pantry:
Bellarmine Chapel —
SVDP Conference
Bob Farrell
Busken Bakery
Christ the King Church
Chuck Rap
Cincinnati Reds:
Food Drive
Dollar General: Food Drive
Ellenbee Leggett
Esther Price
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
EverDry Waterproofing
Freestore Foodbank
GameStop: Food Drive —
Tom DiNuoscio
GH Testing
John Morrell & Co.
Kroger — Anderson
Kroger — Woodlawn
Mascari Sales
and Marketing
Matthew 25 Ministries
Miller Poultry
Moeller Greenhouse &
Garden Center
Moeller High School:
Food Drive
Mt. Notre Dame High
School: Food Drive
Manufacturing Co.
Pete Settle
Reinhardt Foods
Roger Bacon High School:
Food Drive
Rouster’s Apple House
St. Jude School:
Food Drive
St. Peter in Chains
St. Rose Church
St. Ursula Academy:
Food Drive
St. Xavier High School:
Food Drive
Sara Lee Corporation
GameStop: Food Drive
Ursuline Academy:
Food Drive
Whole Foods — Hyde Park
Whole Foods — Mason
We would also like to thank the Cincinnati area fire departments
that participated in the 5 Cares Coat Drive:
Blue Ash
Green Township
Anderson Township
Mt. Healthy
Liberty Township
Little Miami
Deerfield Township
We offer our most heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all the compassionate businesses
and organizations that partnered with us in 2011:
Addressed for Success
Mailing House
Addyston United
All Craft Manufacturing Co
Alternate Solutions
American Fan Company
BangZoom Design Ltd.
BlueSky Creative, Inc.
BMW Store
Burlington Coat Factory
Caruso Produce
Christo Rey High School
Cincinnati Ballet
Cincinnati Bengals
Cincinnati Reds
City Dash
City of Cincinnati —
Citizen Complaint and
Internal Audit
Clear Channel Radio
Coney Island
Crossroads — Cincinnati
Reach Out Projects
Cumulus Radio
Danelle Alexis
Davita Dialysis
Dental Care Plus
Donnellon-McCarthy, Inc.
Downtown Dash
Elder High School
Everybody Rides Metro
EverDry Waterproofing
GBBN Architects
Give Back Cincinnati
Goldstar Chili
Good Neighbor
Group Sales, Inc.
Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
Healthcare Access Now
Holiday Inn — Eastgate
Hubbard Radio
Huntington National Bank
Indian Hill High School
John Morrell
and Company
Kemba Credit Union
Knickers of Hyde Park
Krombholz Jewelers
Lady FAME Riders
La Salle High School
Lemasters Consulting, LLC
Mason City Schools
McCauley High School
Mercy High School
Miller Poultry
Moeller High School
Mt. Notre Dame
High School
Niehaus Financial
Services, LLC
Old Navy
One Warm Coat
O’Reilly-Metcalfe Group
Peerless Printing
Penzey’s Spices
Press-Tige Dry Cleaners
Quiznos — Western Hills
Radio One
Roger Bacon High School
Ruckus Beauty Studio
Sacred Heart Church
Sacred Heart Radio
Salon Urbanity
St. Bartholomew
St. Mary School,
Hyde Park
St. Rose and Cathedral
St. Ursula Academy
St. Xavier High School
Salon Urbanity
Seton High School
Financial Services
Stor-All — Landen
Stor-All — Pisgah
Strategies to End
Summit Country
Day School
Tedia Company, Inc.
The Hilton Cincinnati
Netherland Plaza
The Lunch Bunch
Toyota Motor Engineering
& Manufacturing North
America, Inc.
Toyota Production System
Support Center
Toys for Tots
Toys R Us — Eastgate
TSSC, Inc.
UFCW 75 Women’s
Network and
Minority Coalition
Ulmer’s Auto Care
Ultimate Air Shuttle
University of Cincinnati
Fashion Design Program
VR Business Brokers
WCPO — TV (Channel 9)
WKRC — TV (Channel 12)
WLWT — TV (Channel 5)
WXIX — TV (Channel 19)
Zion Christian
Temple Academy
St. Vincent de Paul Board of Directors 2012–2013
Andrew Curran, President
Joe Evelo
Gary Massa
Managing Director of Investments,
Merrill Lynch
VP of University Relations,
Xavier University
John B. Gartner III, SIOR
Anne Niehaus
Principal, Brokerage Sr. VP,
Colliers International
Attorney, Niehaus Law Office, LLC
Marketing Director,
Esther Price Candies
Bob Gramann
Teacher, Loveland High School
Becky Catino
Sr. Mary Ann Humbert
Partner, 625 Investments
Spiritual Advisor, Sisters of Charity
Ron Christian, Secretary,
Rick Chouteau
Marva Johns
Pharmacy Board Rep.
Senior Vice President, Paycor
Partner, Taft Law Firm
Amy Connolly Held
Senior HR Consultant,
Libby Perszyk Kathman
Liz Carter, ex officio
Lisa Knutson
Chief Admin. Officer, E.W. Scripps
Executive Director,
SVDP Cincinnati Council
SVDP Charitable Pharmacy
COO, radio, dmr
Bart Kohler, Chairman
President & CEO, Hubert Company
Chris Williams, Vice Pres.
Consulting Director,
Operational Results, Inc.
Tricia Johnson, Treasurer
Executive Director,
Ernst & Young LLP
Karen Bankston,
Associate Dean of Clinical Practice,
Partnership and Community Engagement, University of Cincinnati
Sandy Brielmaier, Past Pres.
Managing Consultant,
Towers Watson
President, GBBN Architects
Bre Sambuchino
Chris Shimala
Vice President, Huntington Bank
David Stouffer
CFO, ThinkVine Corporation
SVDP Charitable Pharmacy Board 2012
Ron Christian, President
David Catanzaro
Julie McGehee
Jay Wertz
Partner, Taft Law Firm
Global Scientific Mgr. Professional/
Tech. Affairs, P&G
Corp. Sec./VP Benefits &
Compensation, E.W. Scripps
Portfolio Manager,
Johnson Investment Counsel
Vice President
Kelley J. Downing
Chole Mullen, MD
Liz Carter, ex officio
Director, Dept. of Internal Medicine,
Christ Hospital
Managing Director, Bartlett & Co.
Outpatient Psychiatry Attending,
NorthKey Community Care
Executive Director,
SVDP Cincinnati Council
Brad Schwartz, CPA,
Executive Director, Center for
Chemical Addictions Treatment
Mike Jennings, MD,
VP of Finance,
Mueller Roofing Dist. Inc.
Mike Puccini, RPh,
Sandra Kuehn
Susan Mashni,
Pharm D, BCPS
Drug Policy Dev. Specialist,
Catholic Health Partners
Pharmacy Business
Development Mgr.,
Cincinnati/Dayton KMA, Kroger
Donald Nofziger, MD
Past President,
Academy of Medicine
Bob Saelinger
Partner, HR & Personnel Planning,
Graydon Head & Ritchey LLP
Andrea Wall
Asst. Dean of Student Affairs,
UC College of Pharmacy
Dedicated to the dear
memory of Denny Engel,
Charitable Pharmacy Board
member. His compassion
and generosity touched
the lives of many. He
will be sadly missed and
lovingly remembered.
SVDP Advisory Board 2012
Ron Brown
Steve Culbertson
John Kron
Jim Stutz
Retired President & CEO, Milacron
Deloitte (retired)
Mark Casella
Jim Dodd
Dan Meyer
Vice President,
Halo Brand Productions
President/CEO, Coppertree, Ltd
Retired Sr. Vice President,
Fifth Third Bank
Nehemiah Manufacturing Co.
Bob Conway
The Bistro Group
Mike Conaton
Ron Joseph Jr.
Joseph Auto Group
The Midland Company
Mark Kroeger
Mike Connelly
VP of Corporate Communications
& Investor Relations, Scripps
Networks Interactive
President & CEO,
Catholic Health Partners
Thomas O’Brien
Retired VP, P&G
Neil O’Connor
Clark, Schaefer, Hackett & Co
Bob Stautberg
St. Xavier High School
Tamara Sullivan
Freelance PR Specialist
Rev. Barry Windholtz
St. Peter in Chains Cathedral
Management Team
Production Credits
Liz Carter, Executive Director
Prentice Carter, Operations Director
Mike Espel, Charitable Pharmacy Director
Matt Flege, Managment Associate
Cindy Hammerstrom, Director of Finance
Gary Horton, Director of Volunteer and Member Services
Kevin Lab, Programs Director
LaMonica Sherman, Winton Hills Coordinator
Karen Williams, Development Director
Eric Young, Community Relations Manager
The 2011 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Annual Report was
made possible through the dedication and generosity of the
following team members:
Design & Production:
Scott Bruno, b graphic design
Merrilee Luke-Ebbeler, Beebo Photography
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
1125 Bank St. • Cincinnati, OH 45214
(513) 562-8841 • www.SVDPcincinnati.org
Elysa Hamlin
Find SVDPcincinnati on