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N E W S L E T T E R - to view our main website
Spring 2014
For Alumni, Families and Friends of the JPII Catholic Schools • Sacred Heart Academy and Shanley High School
Our Values
By: Dr. Michael Smith, Superintendent, JPII Schools
“ENDURING” is the one word that sums up the value of Catholic
Education for me. At a recent alumni event we discussed the difference
between faith formation and character development. Public schools often
use character development as a selling point of their community. We
embrace the same tenets and are currently using the book The 7 Mind
Sets as a scaffold for our character education. The Mind Sets are: Passion
First, We Are Connected, 100% Accountable, Attitude of Gratitude, Live
to Give, The Time is Now, and Live Your Dreams (Shickler & Waller
2012). By all accounts these are attributes we strive to see in others and
especially young adults. People who embody these Mindsets will find
success in their lives and surely be the type of people who will add value
to society and that is the type of person we strive to help form at all of the
JPII Catholic Schools.
But, what separates our graduates from others learning in environments
steeped in the Mind Sets is our sights on the enduring faith component
which is the ultimate goal of Catholic Education. Our community is built
on the enduring Catholic Faith. We are focused on providing students
with an education that will serve them to “follow Christ in an environment
Shanley Students participate in a Non-Uni 4 Unity Day to support Trinity Catholic
High School in Dickinson, ND
In this Issue
Upcoming Events
April 24
April 26
June 21-23
July 11-12
July 25-26
August 1-2
August 21-22
August 22-24
September 15
September 26
September 27
For a full list of activities, please visit:
The Deacon Newsletter is published by the JPII Catholic Schools Network, 5600 25th Street S, Fargo, ND 58104 • Volume #19 Issue #1
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Our Values cont.
guided by the
Gospel spirit, as
taught by the
Catholic Church”
(JPII Mission
Our students
are reminded
of our value
statement “We
are a community
inspiring excellence
through faith,
learning and
service” as it is read
during morning
Nativity Elementary students on
Peace Patrol
We need our
students to be excellent in those areas so that
they can serve God through serving one another.
Our students will fully develop when they can
reach towards excellence in all of these areas.
What will endure for our students, and endures
for community is the focus on Christ and our
eternal lives. Character Development and tools
like The 7 Mindsets are valuable and important,
but they will endure when, like the other areas
of curriculum, are integrated with the Catholic
In this edition of the Deacon Newsletter we are
providing snapshots of Excellence, Community,
Faith, Learning and Service. We will take a look
at these values and how our focus on them makes
our schools truly unique, blessed and fixed on
what endures!
by: Randy Nelson, Activities Director, JPII Schools
“Tradition of Excellence” is a phrase we use at
Shanley quit often. We talk about “Excellence”
in many different ways. “Excellence”, is a part
of our Value Statement for the Network. That
statement reads, “We are a community inspiring
excellence through faith, learning and service.”
Excellence can be defined in many different
ways. Excellence in the class room, excellence in
activities, and excellence in our faith. One area
that we have focused on recently at Shanley with
our activities is “Excellence in Leadership”. Last
December I had the opportunity to attend the
National Athletic Directors Conference in San
Antonio, Texas. One of the session I attended
was on “Sportsmanship”. In this workshop
they spoke about how a student lead leadership
group was instrumental in helping improve the
“Sportsmanship” of the school.
Upon my return from San Antonio we created
the “Captains Council” here at Shanley made up
of captains from different activities. This group
came together with a goal of helping our school
spirit and its sportsmanship reach a level of
excellence. These leaders were able to inspire
excellence in our student body to a new level of
positive cheers and even parent participation
showing our school spirit. One event that was
led by this group that stands out in my mind
took place at Fargo South when our students
collaborated with the Fargo South students in
“opposite night”. The students of Shanley dressed
in Fargo South
colors and Fargo
South students
dressed in
Shanley colors.
The two schools
worked together
to create a fun
and unusual
setting. When
parents looked
across the
court they saw
students in red
shirts and khaki
pants cheering
for Fargo South
and our students
in brown and
gold cheering
for Shanley. This
night was not just
about two schools
competing on the
basketball court
Shanley Senior Molly Swenson, reads the
but about two
Sportsmanship Creed before a football
schools student
bodies coming
together to promote positive cheering and
sportsmanship creating a positive environment
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Our Values cont.
for everyone.
This group is also helping to create awareness of
good sportsmanship by taking turns reading the
Eastern Dakota Conference (EDC) Sportsmanship
Creed. I helped create this Sportsmanship Creed
by adapting the Sportsmanship Creed from the
Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference to fit the
EDC. Before each game the EDC Sportsmanship
Creed is read by the host school. However, here
at Shanley we have taken it to another level. Each
home game after the prayer and the National
Anthem one of our Captains reads the EDC
Sportsmanship Creed over the loud speaker. By
having a student-athlete read this creed lends
credibility for the fans to think about their
sportsmanship. Currently we are the only EDC
School that has a student-athlete read the creed.
Other schools continue to have their announcers
read the creed
The actions of our students and the rest of the
EDC has not gone unnoticed. Sherm Sylling
Executive Secretary of the North Dakota High
School Activities Association visited a meeting of
the EDC Athletic Directors last year to commend
our conference on the work we had done with the
sportsmanship of the students. To receive praise
like this from the head of our State Association is
outstanding. It shows that when students come
together to promote positive behaviors great
things can happen.
I am happy to say that our “Captains Council”
is still meeting each month. These meetings
have grown into mini sessions on “Enhancing
Leadership in our School.” Each “Mini Session”
focuses on areas of being a positive leader. A few
of the topics include Above the Line Thinking,
Role Modeling, Character Education, Goal
Setting, and Leadership Expectations.
As the “Captains Council continues to evolve new
ideas and new was to help promote the values
of Shanley High School and the JP II Schools
Network will take place. Shanley High School is
truly a Community inspiring Excellence from the
students, staff, and parents who live out our Value
and Mission Statements.
by: Peter Simon, Shanley Senior
Faith, it is the first core value use in our value
statement, “A community inspiring excellence
through faith, learning and service.” It is first,
rightly so, because faith is seen in every aspect
of daily life here at Shanley High School and
throughout the Blessed John Paul II Catholic
Schools Network. Faith is a strong foundation for
our education here at Shanley, we start every day
with prayer in morning announcements along
with other prayers said throughout the day in
our classes. Not only do we have the opportunity
to participate in our faith during the school
day, but we also are given a great deal of other
opportunities to grow in our faith lives. One of the
most common and easily accessible ways is every
morning in our chapel there is the opportunity of
adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Fr. Charles
presents the Blessed Sacrament every morning
in the chapel from around 7:20 up until our first
classes start at 8. Even though adoration ends at
8 am, we are still invited to visit the chapel any
chance we have during our school day.
Bishop Folda, Alex Seefeldt, Tyler Nelson, Peter
Simon and Dr. Michael Smith at the
Know Your Faith competition
A rather newer opportunity here at Shanley,
which has quickly become a fun and competitive
tradition, is the annual Know Your Faith
competition. The Know Your Faith competition
is where the four Catholic high schools in North
Dakota get together one day during Catholic
Schools Week and compete against each other
with their knowledge of the Catholic faith
and Church. The winning school receives a
large trophy and the title of Know Your Faith
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Our Values cont.
Champions. The competition consists of teams
representing each school being asked a series
of questions about the Catholic faith including
Sacred Scripture, Church history, and the lives of
saints and other miscellaneous items of the faith.
The team that scores the most points for their
correct answers is crowned the Know Your Faith
Champion for that year in the state. This year
I was blessed with the opportunity to be a part
of the team representing Shanley and my fellow
teammates, Tyler Nelson and Alex Seefeldt, were
able to take home the trophy and the title and
continue Shanley’s reign as champions for the
second straight year.
Another opportunity we have which is also a
more recent one and an extremely profound and
influential opportunity is a Rome Pilgrimage.
Shanley has joined the four other Catholic high
schools in the state of North Dakota, led by the
University of Mary, on an annual pilgrimage
to Rome during the summer. This opportunity
is granted to the incoming seniors who wish to
explore the ancient Church and experience their
Catholic faith like never before. I was fortunate
to take this opportunity last summer and I am
so grateful that I was able to participate in this
extraordinary event. While in Rome, we were
given the opportunity to experience so many
events and see so many sights that it’s hard to
even wrap my mind around it all. During our
time there we saw the major basilicas of Rome,
along with a number of other extraordinary
churches, we were able to explore the city and
see the historical sights of the ancient Roman
Empire, we spent a great deal of time in the
Vatican and St. Peter’s square, even took in the
view from the Cupola at St. Peter’s. We were able
to travel to other cities and sights around Italy
such as Subiaco and Assisi. We were even able to
celebrate the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul with
His Holiness, Pope Francis, inside the Basicilla
of St. Peter. Along with a great number of other
spectacular things. One of the many highlights
for me was being in the front row of the weekly
Wednesday audience of Pope Francis. This
trip alone, going into my senior year was an
extraordinary experience that without a doubt
will have a profound impact upon my faith and
just another example of an opportunity given at
Shanley to educate us in our faith life.
The core value of faith is a strong value that
we hold to a high regard at Shanley and for
me personally throughout my 13 years in the
Catholic Schools Network. The opportunities to
grow deeper in our faith in many different and
meaningful ways and the ability to experience
our faith in a new light are great and numerous.
These are the very visible marks that sets our
schools apart from those around us. My faith
experiences through my Catholic education has
made an incredible impact upon my life today
and has been a key role in my education and
experiences with Shanley High School.
by: Dr, Michael Smith, Superintendent, JPII Schools and
Carolyn Williams-Foell, Shanley Religion Teacher
“God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but of
power and love and self-control.” 2Timothy 1:7
“The 9/11 Tribute center presents annual
awards to teachers that have created
exemplary educational projects that help
students to understand the impact of
September 11, 2001. These teachers have
engaged students in unique projects that
focus on historical and humanitarian
aspects of 9/11 history, making the lesson
of 9/11 tangible to children too young to
remember the attacks” (extracted from the
press release).
This is a national teaching award that includes
a monetary gift for the school donated by the
9/11 Family Foundation. Past awardees include
teachers from public and private schools and
have been from Texas, Colorado, Wisconsin,
Illinois, Florida, Japan, and various northeastern
Shanley Students in Rome
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Our Values cont.
Dennis Farrell (representing the Terry Farrell
Firefighter Scholarship Fund), Carolyn Williams-Foell
and Dr. Lester Young New York State Education
states. The majority of teachers selected for this
award have been from New York State.
Shanley Teacher, Carolyn Williams-Foell,
received this award in February of this year in
New York City. While in New York, she was asked
to speak about what inspired her to teach her
students about the events of September 11th and
the acts of virtue demonstrated that day.
The Project Focus: The curriculum, which
has been in place for 4 years, focused on the acts
of virtue demonstrated by both the victims and
survivors during the attacks of September 11,
2001 and the sustaining role of Faith.
Below are excerpts from the award submission.
Inspiration: Four summers ago, Carolyn
WilliamsFoell, faculty
member of
the theology
traveled to
New Jersey
for a 3 day
Carolyn Williams- Foell in front of the there she
name on the 9/11 memorial of Shanley specifically
graduate, Alfred Marchand, who died in searched
the attacks of Sept 11.
out the
temporary 9/11 Educational Center in New York
City located in the basement of a temporary
museum containing September 11th artifacts.
Although the theme of the center was aimed
at younger students in the New York area, Ms.
Williams-Foell was inspired to develop resources
for her high school students. She developed
a curriculum that would reach the 10th and
12th grade students in her classes. Tenth grade
students study the events of Sept 11, 2001
through documentary video and commentary,
interviewed their parents, experienced art and
poetry inspired by the events of September 11th,
and write a reflection on the impact the day had
on the country, community, and individuals and
the virtues
that day.
Twelfth grade
students study
the events of
11th, through
film, reading
and writing
Carolyn Williams- Foell with tour guide
reflections. The Lee IeIpi who is the Board President of
the 9/11 Tribute Center. His son died
12th graders
when the towers collapsed.
focus on the
of listening to and responding to God’s call
as demonstrated by many victims, survivors,
and rescuers through their actions during the
September 11 attacks and the days following.
When I began this curriculum 4 years ago, the
students had some recollections of the events of
September 11, 2001. However, as time progressed
the students now in class are too young to
remember the events. Each year I have been able
to expand the curriculum. As a member of the
theology department I have focused on virtues
that were demonstrated that day by people of all
faiths and walks of life, but in order to do so, I
first had to teach the students what transpired
on September 11th. While all students were
familiar with the very basic events, most did not
know the details. One surprise I found was that
although North Dakota is far from New York,
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Our Values cont.
there are still inevitably connections between
the families of my students and those who lost
their lives that day. Students are also surprised
to learn this information. It has also come to
light that a graduate of our school died in the
attacks. Parental feedback has been surprising as
well, with parents making a point of letting me
know how valuable they found the experience
of discussing the events of the day with their
children. Since I have started this curriculum,
the school choir has taken a performance trip to
New York City and the choir director has said the
students were visibly moved when visiting the
location of the attacks. Another year a student
created a mosaic in memory of those who lost
their lives on September 11th and it won Best
in Show in the school art show. My firm hope
is that not only will the students remember the
events of September 11, 2001, but realize that if
facing circumstances that require heroic actions
that they will remember the virtue demonstrated
that day and it will strengthen them to act
Shanley Choir Students at Ground Zero
“They that hope in the Lord will renew their
strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings; they
will run and not grow weary, walk and not
grow faint.” Isaiah 40:31 (NABRE)
by: Sherri Simon, JPII Communications Director
Through her work with Churches United
Heidi Deplazes, a sixth-grader at Sullivan
Middle School, put the core value of service
in the spotlight this year for the JPII Catholic
Schools. In the last year, Churches United For
the Homeless in Fargo/Moorhead served close
to 700 people annually and roughly 25% are
children. So, having a safe and appropriate place
for them to play was a high priority for Heidi.
“A playground is a place where a kid can be a
kid…” she noticed the need while doing service
projects with her Girl Scout troop. Heidi: “It was
ok, but I could see better. I have a future vision
for that.” Heidi proceeded to organize an event
that attracted donations worth nearly $5,000
to provide books and toys for a local homeless
shelter, built a shed for the facility, and did an
“extreme makeover” of its playground and family
Last summer, Heidi took part in a youth
empowerment summit that challenged attendees
to change the world in 37 days. That made her
think about the time she had volunteered at a
homeless shelter. “I never saw any of the kids
playing with toys, and it made me sad,” she
remembered. “I think homeless kids especially
need toys to take their minds off all the stress
they have.” So Heidi set out to plan a fundraiser
in 37 days. She brainstormed with friends,
mapped out a plan on paper, and then started
meeting with community leaders to get advice
and support. With help from her mother, friends
and fellow Girl Scouts, Heidi worked out all the
logistics for “Shelter Fest,” a one-night event
featuring a supper, silent auction, and more than
20 kid activities including face painting, carnival
games, crafts and a marshmallow roast.
Afterward, she
had raised more
than $3,000 and
two truckloads of
toys, bikes, books
and other items
for kids at the
homeless shelter.
Then Heidi, along
with volunteers
from three churches
and her Girl Scout
troop, went to work
refurbishing the
shelter’s playground
and family room,
and building a
Heidi Deplazes and
Betsy Dalrymple
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Our Values cont.
new shed with a generous donation from a local
lumber yard. “My hope was that if people saw
that an 11-year-old did all this, they would realize
they are never too young to start living to their
fullest potential,” Heidi said.
for four days of events, tours and national
recognition events. During the trip, 10 of them
will be named America’s top youth volunteers
of 2014, part of President Obama’s Presidential
Service Award.
Heidi Deplazes recently received the 2014
Prudential Spirit of Community Award from
North Dakota’s first lady, Betsy Dalrymple for
her service. She will receive $1,000, an engraved
silver medallion, and a trip to Washington, D.C.
this May. As State Honoree, she will gather
with 101 other honorees from across the nation
Please pray for Heidi and all of our Deacons who
through their service realize that they can make
a difference if you put your mind to it. As Mother
Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world,
but I can cast a stone across the waters to create
many ripples.”
Heavenly Father, from whom every good thing comes,
guide us in the building of Trinity Elementary School.
Grant us the grace to construct a school that provides for
a community inspiring excellence through faith, learning,
and service and welcomes all who enter its doors.
Give us teachers who will inspire virtue and character.
May they be motivated by God to always teach the
total person and foster the following of Christ.
Help us to construct a school where every student is given the
opportunity to be academically and spiritually excellent.
May the construction successfully be brought to
completion with your wisdom and guidance.
With the intercession of the Blessed Mother,
we ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
in the power of the Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever.
By Summer Kubalak
Shanley Class of 2016
Pictured above are two prayers. The one on the left was written by current Shanley sophomore Summer Kubalak. The
other is from the construction of old Shanley. Wayne Blanchard ’52, recent Deacon Award Winner and avid Deacon sports
fan, shared this one. He recently found it in an old missal in mint condition. Please pray our Together! Campaign Prayer
over the next weeks and months. Summer did a wonderful job of pulling together our missions, values and hopes for our
new Trinity School. The groundbreaking ceremony for Trinity is set for noon on April 24 at the site of Trinity School. All
are welcome to attend this monumental event for Catholic Education and the JPII Network.
Dr. Michael Smith Ed.D.
Superintendent, Blessed John Paul II Catholic Schools
The Deacon • Spring 2014
The Joy of Giving
Miranda Family
By: Dr. Michael Smith, Superintendent, JPII Schools
When we choose Catholic Education for our
children there is a choice that is made to invest
in our children in a way that takes a unique
commitment of resources. Not only is there
a monetary investment, but there is also a
commitment of time and energy that we make
because our Catholic Schools depend on a
familial commitment. Events like the upcoming
auction are great examples of how incredibly
dependent on parents and our greater JPII
Community’s involvement is to the success of
our community as we support each other in
educating our students. One of the unique and
special parts of our schools is that all of the
students are community members because their
parents made a decision that Catholic education
is important to invest in on an ongoing basis.
People not part of this type of school system often
claim that our test scores and activities success
are better than public schools, because we select
only certain children and allow only certain
families, in one way they are correct, but the
error in the statement is that families choose us
we don’t choose the families. Critics also do not
understand that all are welcome, and to be a part
of our JPII Catholic Community one must only
decide that it is important enough to choose, and
invest in.
Earl and Rebecca Miranda have made that choice.
As I sat down and spoke with the Miranda family
about their choice of JPII for their children, they
highlighted what went into their decision making
process. In many ways they represent all of our
families who have decided on investing in their
children’s future through Catholic education.
What makes them a bit of an anomaly is that next
year they will have seven children in the JPII
schools. Our Catholic Schools have always been
fortified by a number of large families. Longtime
friends and supporters of Catholic Education
in our area can easily recognize last names like
Noah, Vetter, McCormick and the list of families
who have had large numbers of students in our
schools goes on and on, but the Miranda’s are
also unique because they are relatively new to
the Fargo area. We hope this article will give you
The Miranda Family
some insight into why the Miranda family has
chosen the JPII Schools, as the rationale they
articulated is similar to the reasons families have
been choosing Catholic Education for years.
Earl and Rebecca Miranda are not Fargo natives.
They moved to Fargo in 2008 and chose JPII
Schools because of the faith component and
that at our school’s students are given the same
messages that are reinforced at home. Prayer is
at the center of the Miranda household and to
have faith at the heart of their children’s school
is extremely important to them. So important
that they need to make personal sacrifices to the
extent that their children are also aware of the
choice they have made as a family. In preparing
to write this article I spoke with Earl and
Rebecca, but Lexi (grade 11), Megan (grade 9)
and Jordan (grade 6) also shared their thoughts
about attending JPII Schools. What was striking
was how similar the children’s responses were to
their parents. And for the record the interviews
took place about six weeks apart and the students
and parents were interviewed separately.
One of points expressed by Earl and Rebecca and
the students was the gift of celebrating the true
meaning of holidays. Jordan expressed the fact
that the true reason for Christmas and Easter
could be shared and talked about in schools
and how not to be able to openly speak about
these holidays at school would be strange and
sad. He went on to add, “I enjoy knowing more
The Deacon • Spring 2014
The Joy of Giving cont.
about God and who he sent down to help us. I
am conscientious about how he is with us.” As I
reflected on Jordan’s statement, I thought, “We
are so blessed to have children like this in our
schools.” And we have a lot of them!
Lexi spoke about the importance of faith being
everywhere and fully integrated into different
subjects like science. Her parents echoed
that it is reassuring to know that the staff will
give consistent answers to difficult questions
concerning faith and the application of faith in
lives outside of school. Attending Mass with her
peers is something else, she finds as a blessing of
being enrolled in our schools.
Megan spoke about her love of babies and
how proud that she was to be at a school that
honored the Pro-Life movement as much as we
do here. Megan has already attended one March
For Life in Washington D.C. and both Lexi and
Megan plan on attending next January as part of
Shanley’s pilgrimage where we will be honored
as the lead group of the 600,000 people march.
The significance of the event and our role in it
is something that they are both proud of being
a part of day in and day out. Megan explained
how in the halls of Shanley she could be proud to
be Catholic and do things like say the Pledge of
All three students and parents spoke about how
respectful students in our schools are, and that
when they are not, there is still an expectation
from peer to peer and adult to peer that there is
a level of respect different than in other learning
environments. On the topics of uniforms and
The Miranda children
lunches there was a
variety of opinions
shared, but all agreed
that these were not
the big picture. The
realization that there is a
big picture is significant
to me! Earl and Rebecca
also emphasized how
having their children in
Megan, Jordan and Lexi
an environment where
what they teach and
expect at home is supported at school and how
their children’s peer groups are parented by
parents with similar beliefs and values is well
worth the investment. He went on to say that
when these attributes are coupled with academic
excellence the picture is complete.
What struck me the most in my conversations
with the Miranda family was the sense that
making sacrifices to attend our schools is not
something they hide, celebrate or talk about on
a regular basis, but it is still understood that a
Catholic Education is of great value. Among the
three children there was no sense of entitlement,
but an appreciation for the opportunities their
parents are giving them in the areas of faith,
learning and service. Earl and Rebecca likewise
are not looking for accolades because of their
commitment to Catholic Education, but they do
possess a great sense of pride in their investment
that will pay dividends that are unimaginable.
Next year there will be seven Miranda children
in our schools. One at Nativity, Olivia; two at
Holy Spirit, Jake and Hailey; two in Sullivan,
Jordan and Summer; and two in Shanley, Lexi
and Megan. We are blessed to have families chose
us as a partner in raising their children. We the
educators and support staff in the Network take
pride in our work. There is also a great sense of
responsibility we as a Catholic School have when
people invest in us as the Miranda family and so
many others have done. Please know that if we
are to reach the pinnacle of our potential it takes
all of us, employees, families, friends, graduates
and families of graduates to reach us working
together. So, thank you for your continued
support and prayers.
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Kathleen (Williams) McCroskey (‘57) and
her husband, Darrell “Bud”, celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary in October 2013.
Ken Lasneski (‘59) and his wife, Betty, celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married
February 1, 1964, at St. Joseph Catholic Church,
husband, Micah, welcomed twins, Carson Dale &
Callie Jo, on October 4, 2013.
Jay Thomas (‘96) and his wife, Melissa,
welcomed a daughter, Brooklyn Jane, on October
29, 2013.
Erin (Walker) Beitz (‘97) and her husband, J.
Bradley, welcomed a son, Greyson Oliver, on March
26, 2014.
Tony Williams (‘59) and his wife, Connie,
celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They
were married February 29, 1964.
Ann (Ringey) Reynolds (‘97) and her husband,
Nathan, welcomed a daughter, Charlotte Josephine,
on October 16, 2013.
Robert Smith (‘97) married Jakelle Cornell on
March 1, 2014.
Sharon (Lepine) Wolf (‘61) and her husband,
Matt, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
They were married April 4, 1964, at St. Anthony’s in
Fargo. They have 3 children and 9 grandchildren.
Mike Hager (‘66) and his wife, Kathy, celebrated
their 40th wedding anniversary. They were married
October 6, 1973, at Holy Spirit Church, Fargo.
Gayle (Schlegel) Anderson (‘78) and her
husband, Bruce, celebrated their 30th wedding
anniversary. They were married October 14, 1983,
at Nativity Catholic Church, Fargo.
Kirk Haverkamp (‘89) and his wife, Lynne,
welcomed a baby boy on August 22, 2013. They live
in Phoenix, AZ.
Leo Dignan (‘94) and his wife, Jonie, welcomed
a daughter, Sadie Olivia Maelani, on January 29,
Missy (Dahl) Flaherty (‘94) and her husband,
Mike, welcomed a son, Patrick James, on December
9, 2013.
Missy Perez (‘95) married Ryan Forde on
September 28, 2013.
Joannie (Triepke) Brandenburg (‘96) and her
Ryan Cousins (‘99) married Karen Edwards on
October 26, 2013 in Minneapolis, MN.
Sheila (Hinnenkamp) Jordan (‘99) and her
husband, Doug, welcomed a son, Dominic Edward,
on November 29, 2013.
Emily Schmalz (‘01) married Brandon Kelly in
November 2013.
Ryan Schmit (‘01) married Melissa Lundberg on
December 28, 2013.
Courtney (Horner) Banister (‘03) and her
husband, Zach, welcomed a daughter, Paisleigh Fay,
on December 18, 2013.
James Breen (‘04) and his wife, Laura, welcomed
a son, Joseph Donald, on February 27, 2014.
Charles Hager (‘04) and his wife, Caitlyn,
welcomed a son, Mason John, on March 12, 2014.
Kayla (Sirek) Mattheis (‘04) and her husband,
Patrick, welcomed a daughter, Rose Nichole, on
December 7, 2013.
Tyler Sargent (‘04) and his wife, Amanda,
welcomed a daughter, Alizabeth Jean Marie, on
December 24, 2013.
Amanda (Gapp) Wilburn (‘04) and her
husband, Paul, welcomed a son, Dominic Paul, on
The Deacon • Spring 2014
March 25, 2014.
Cory Chaput (‘05) and his wife, Nicole, welcomed
a son, Carter Cory, on December 4, 2013.
Nick Shannon (‘05) married Hannah Bott on
November 16, 2013.
Michelle Kramer (‘08) began teaching for
the Bismarck Public Schools at Rita Murphy
Elementary in the Fall of 2013.
Courtney Welle (‘05) married Robert Lanes on
October 19, 2013.
Melissa Kramer (‘10) received the Outstanding
Graduating Senior of the Gary Tharaldson School
of Business from the University of Mary, Bismarck,
Jordan Weir (‘06) married Shannon Winkels on
October 19, 2013.
Beth Paulson (‘10) will marry Benjamin
Mortenson on October 17, 2014.
Want to stay up-to-date on all the latest happenings at Shanley as they happen? “Like Us” on
Facebook or follow us on Twitter!! Just search for “Shanley” or “JPII Schools”
Send Us Your News...
Last Name ______________________________________
First Name ______________________________________
Address __________________________________
Email _________________________________________
Phone (
) _____________
Class of _________
Since high school I have... ___________________________
I am currently (working, retired, married, children, etc.)________
One thing I would like others to know about me is...___________
Please return to: JP II Catholic School Network, 5600 25th Street
South, Fargo, ND 58104 or email: maria.dahlin@jp2schools.org.
You may also send us your news via our alumni web site: http://
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Reunion Re-Cap:
Class of 1963 (Reunion)
Class of 1963 Celebrated!!
Celebrate we did and there was much to celebrate.
A fun, casual evening at the “Sky View” at the Radisson in downtown Fargo. Spent the evening enjoying
good food, good friends and good conversation.
Saturday morning a few went golfing and then pizza at Rhombus Guys.
Saturday evening again
at the “Sky View” at the
Radisson for a wonderful
candlelight dinner, words of
wisdom from
Dorothy Berg, door prizes,
CD from Leo, and an 8”x10”
picture and booklet were
handed out to all classmates.
42 classmates and 58 people
Class of 1963 - 50 year Reunion
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Upcoming Reunions:
Now is the time to start planning your class reunion and the Blessed John Paul II Catholic Schools Network
would be happy to assist you! We will provide you with a class list to aide in forming a planning committee,
and once you’ve selected the dates for your reunion we can assist you in finding a venue, set up a school
tour, provide you with Shanley gear and giveaways for your reunion events, and more. For a checklist with
tips on how to get started planning and information about the services offered by the JPII Catholic Schools,
please contact Maria Dahlin in the Development Department, maria.dahlin@jp2schools.org or 893-3233.
Register and watch for updates online at http://alumni.fdjp2.k12.nd.us.
Class of 1954 (60 Year Reunion)
Date: September 11-12, 2014
Joyce Stevens Matthys
joycematthys1@gmail.com or 503-871-1082
Class of 1964 (50 Year ReunionDate: August 21-22, 2014
Schedule of Events:
August 21: Detroit Lakes Country Club (24591 Co Hwy 22, Detroit Lakes)
August 22: Fireside Restaurant (1462 E Shore Dr, Detroit Lakes)
Contact: Marilyn Lang Jamieson
Mary Pat Swanick Collins and Onalee Olson Flicker
mjamieson46@gmail.com or 701-446-7633
Class of 1969 (45 Year Reunion)
Date: June 6-8, 2014
Schedule of Events:
June 6: 7:00 pm Social @ The Radisson (201 5th St N Fargo)
June 7th: 9:30 am Visit with the Presentation Sisters (1101 32nd Ave S, Fargo)
11:00 am Best Ball Golf Scramble
4:30 pm Mass at the Shanley Chapel (5600 25th St S, Fargo)
6:30 pm Class Dinner @ Toscana (202 Broadway N, Fargo)
8:30 pm Pub Crawl- Downtown Fargo
A block of rooms has been reserved at The Radisson under ‘Shanley Class of ‘69
Contact: Julie Cossette Knodel sjknodel@midco.net or 218-227-5075
Class of 1974 (40 Year Reunion)
Date: July 11-12, 2014
Schedule of Events:
July 11th: 6:30 pm Social @ Divots (19 Golf Course Ave, Fargo)
July 12th: Days Events at Seasons/Rose Creek Golf Course
10:00 am Golf Scramble
1:00 pm Afternoon Get-Together on The Deck
4:00 - 6:00 pm Social
6:00 - 12:00 midnight Dinner/Party
Contacts: Frank Lang nightowlfrank@cableone.net
Class of 1979 (35 Year Reunion)
Date: August 22-24, 2014
Schedule of Events:
A weekend at the Lakes!
Bill & Stacy Feist’s Home
44113 Monument Beach Loop
Pelican Rapids, MN 56572
Other Accomodations in the Area:
Pelican Motel: 218-863-3281 or 218-329-5613
Leisure Land Resort: 218-863-4490
Bill and Stacy also have some rooms available:
Bill (218-205-4940) Stacy (218-205-4928)
There will also be room on the Feist property to set up tents and campers.
Bring your own beverages and food.
Contact: Mickie Schmith (580-716-5233)
Michele Keogh (701-388-5666) or Brenda Gravel (612-703-7718)
Class of 1984 (30 Year Reunion)
Date: August 1-2, 2014
Save the Date!
Contact: Bill Short or Lisa McDonald
sportnut2@hotmail.com or 218-233-4780
Class of 1994 (20 Year Reunion)
Date: July 25 - 26, 2014
Save the Date!
Contact: Missy Dahl Flaherty
md_flaherty@hotmail.com or 701-361-3994
The Deacon • Spring 2014
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Deacon Award & Hall of Fame Nomination Form
Hall of Fame Award
Graduates, teams or employees
Deacon Award
Graduates, parents, employees & friends
♦Exemplify ideals of a Deacon through extensive
service and outstanding contributions of time,
talent and/or treasure to the JPII Schools.
♦10 years since graduation
♦5 years since employment
♦Level of excellence in Athletics, Arts,
Academics, Leadership, Service, Career or
Professional either at SHA/SHS or following
♦Reflect Honorably on the JPII Schools
♦Reflect Honorably on the JPII Schools
Address (if living):
Nominee Class Year or Employment Years:
(if applicable)
Reason for Nomination (what, where, when including honors or awards):
Nominator’s Name:
Address (if living):
Nominator’s Relationship: __________________
Forms should be Postmarked by May 31st
JPII Catholic Schools - Attn: Advancement Department
5600 25th Street South
Fargo, ND 58104
Save the Date
Save the Date on your calendar
for the 6th Annual
Sacred Heart/Shanley
Golden Reunion
for alumni celebrating over 50 years since
High School Graduation
September 26-27, 2014
Official Registrations will be mailed out in
late July or early August
Friday, September 26th:
4:00 p.m.
Social gathering at Fargo Country Club
Golden Reunion
6:00 p.m.
Homecoming Football game vs Kindred at
Sid Cichy Stadium
Saturday, September 27th:
10:00 a.m.
Coffee & Rolls with the Sisters of the Presentation at the
Presentation Center
4:00 p.m.
Tour of Shanley High School
5:00 p.m.
Mass in the Presentation Chapel at Shanley High School
6:00 p.m.
Hall of Fame Induction and Mike & Karen Hofer Deacon
Award Presentation Dinner and Ceremony
PLEASE RSVP FOR EVENTS BY September 19, 2014
Name(s): ______________________________________________________
Social at the Fargo Country Club
______ (complimentary)
Homecoming Football Game at Sid Cichy Stadium
______ (tickets available at the social)
Coffee & Rolls with the Presentation Sisters
Tour of Shanley
Mass at Shanley
Hall of Fame/ Mike and Karen Hofer Deacon Award
Dinner & Ceremony
______ x $30 = $______
(make checks payable to JPII Schools)
Listing includes Alumni, Current Parents, Parents of Graduates, Grandparents
and Friends who have made a gift to the JPII Fund between
JULY 1, 2013 and APRIL 15, 2014
These names will appear in the JPII Annual Report for 2013-2014
1. Your name appears
2. Your name is spelled correctly
PLEASE NOTE: If you gave to the JPII Fund between
the dates listed above and your name does not appear,
please contact the Advancement Office at 701-893-3225.
You still have until JUNE 30th to send your gift or give online at
http://alumni.fdjp2.k12.nd.us if you wish to be included!
Class Participation (1942-1977)
Class Participation (1978-2012)
Total Participation: 8.81%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $124,190
Class of 1936
Participation: 20.00%
Robert S. Fischer
Mary McMahon
Msgr. Allan F. Nilles
Robert J. Rosatti
Marian Challoner Syltebo
Class of 1942
Class of 1951
Participation: 33.33%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $525
Participation: 12.50%
Steve Gorman
Catherine Stephenson Hartnett
Participation: 3.45%
Class of 1945
Participation: 27.27%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $1,465
Mary Jane Saefke Akers
Tom Bogan
Jerome Cossette
Olivia (Nan) Challoner Hover
George Mallick
Anne Hablas Marchione
Participation: 8.33%
Knute Henning
Phyllis Savageau Williams
Class of 1947
Participation: 16.67%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $435
Louise Mertz Arendt
Catherine Stevens McMullen
Christina Gapp Pyle
Walter Seeba
Donald R. Wood
Class of 1948
Participation: 15.00%
Total Unrestricted Gifts:
Mary Ann Heising Graves
Rita Von Bank Halland
Br. John McLaughlin, CSC
David Pease
Evelyn Ukestad Soukup
Participation: 15.79%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $6,140
James Bailey
Gordon Bartholomay
Mary McDonald Bolinger
Catherine Miller Hinsperger
Dr. Jane Brush Lillestol
Dianne Hoss Myers
Madonna Klontz Sweeney
Mary M. Wadnizak
Patricia Yunker
Class of 1955
Participation: 24.19%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $5,152
Carol Dreier Benjamin
Dr. Patrick Colliton
Kathie Barnick Jaeb
Patricia Rush Setter
Class of 1952
Class of 1956
Marjorie Stegge-Iverson
Betty Brown Bossart
Kathleen Rooney Boucher
Brian Brandmeyer
Veronica Peters Etzel
Joseph Grim
Kathleen Svela Koehler
Gerry Klier Gray
Marie Brattensborg Hunter
Darby Driscoll Keaveny
Dr. Donald Kraft
Kathleen Kreier Myers
James Pettinger
Edward Shea
Betty Germaine Vettel
Thomas Wold
Participation: 9.30%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $2,605
Class of 1946
Participation: 22.86%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $820
Jacklyn Britt Canino
Audrey Nilles Dauner
Donald Durensky
Mary Klontz Hebert
Willard Hebert
Charles Jaeb
Mary Samels Pease
Genevieve Nilles Tougas
Class of 1941
Class of 1954
Class of 1950
Participation: 13.95%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $8,065
Class of 1939
Participation: 25.00%
Class of 1944
William E. Clemens
Participation: 50%
Marion Anstett Radigan
Class of 1949
Larry V. Fischer
Timothy J. Klontz
Ann Deutsch Murphy
Ramona Saefke Neeb
Mary Jo Carvell Seeba
Mark Sweeney
Class of 1938
Mary Marquart Trowbridge
Participation: 22.86%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $565
Joan Maresh Baron
Dr. Norma L. Chaska
Lt. Arthur Cossette
Patricia Livingston Kaszynski
Lorraine Allmaras McManmon
Mary Ann Bailey Urness
Aaron Wolff
Robert G. Wood
Class of 1953
Participation: 39.02%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $8,720
Jerome Barrett
Wayne Blanchard
Dorothy Steinbach Duchschere
Ruth Cantlon Dunnicliff
Margaret Ann Welu Eastman
Monica Savageau Flynn
Joan Kodelka Forstner
Donald Gapp
James V. Hebert
Patricia Carvell Maris
JoAnn Sinner McMullen
Thomas McMullen
Roy R. Montplaisir
Walter Montplaisir
Dale St. Denis
James P. Wold
Participation: 10.29%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $660
Janice McCurdy Alm
Sister Josephine Brennan
Carol Bailey Christensen
Margaret Ibach Conley
Nell Henley Murray
Mary Herrick Nelson
Sharon Mische Scheltens
Class of 1957
Participation: 15.07%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $895
Lucretia Barrett Canning
Dennis J. Chisholm
Catherine Sedlak Etienne
Sheila Person Gullickson
Wilda Bridgeford Kovich
Beverly Rodger Kraft
David Kramer
Rodney Langer
Emily Johnson Morey
Michael Murphy
Jerry Schutz
Class of 1958
Participation: 17.86%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $4,580
Larry Bailey
John P. Dullea
Sister Janice Ihli
Connie Stewart Kelly
John Kelly
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Thomas Kuppich
Maurie Lamb
Donald Lau
Kenneth Marcotte
Mary Scott Miller
Lois Cantlon Nordstrom
Helen-Jeanne Fitzgerald Puvogel
Janet Marquart Richard
Jacquelyn Daugherty Sidner
James A. Wolff
Gary J. Hilber
Richard Ludwig
William Knox
Paul Kuppich
Joan Van Sickle Ragan
Barbara Sedlak Salazar
Patricia Duchscher Schoeppach
Class of 1959
Robert Gibb
Sharon Brown Nordman
Darlene Bailey Stafney
Mary Witcik
Dr. Paul Bridgeford
Stella Crary Bridgeford
Patrick Clark
Brenda Cruz Eid
James O. Eide
Peter J. Erickson
Andrew Fischer
Jack Gerlach
Mary Kennelly Hanigan
Ken Lasneski
George Loegering
Michael Miller
Lloyd Short
Dr. Florence Hauff Wiger
Class of 1964
Participation: 6.67%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $1,215
Participation: 13.64%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $2,775
Class of 1965
Participation: 5.19%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $470
Richard Bergseth
Mary Lou Greving Dahms
Linda Johnson Healy
Kathleen Erck Hickman
Barbara Savageau Holter
Arne Ruud
Rod Swatfager
Tom Alm
Delores Richard Barker
Bruce Coryell
Mike J. Donahue
Jim Driscoll
Ronald Duval
James Gerlach
Janet Leonard Gerlach
Judy Jacobson
Gerald McDonald
Janet Reese Murray
Georgine Jorgenson Parker
Colleen Kieffer Rott
Lawrence Schmidt
Art Schmitz
Betty Kelly Baldwin
Kenneth Collins
Onalee Olson Flicker
Timothy L. Fortune
Colette Kramer Gauslow
Paul T. Jorgenson
Rev. Msgr. Robert Laliberte
Lynn Huntington Schubert
Barbara Torok Sturdevant
Class of 1960
Participation: 4.40%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $320
Participation: 16.47%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $2,930
Class of 1963
Class of 1961
Participation: 9.18%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $1,425
Joseph Busek
Patrick Donahue
Mary Jo Williams Driscoll
Anita Anderson Galloway
Kathleen Kelley Godon
John Gross
Rose Ibach Ivey
Timothy Mehl
Nancy Anderson Schaan
Class of 1962
Participation: 8.33%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $1,515
Frances Fischer Bannerman
Patrick Delmore
Class of 1966
Participation: 13.04%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $1,760
Patricia Mastel Artz
Orville Banasik
Steven Cahill
Michael Flynn
Michael Hager
Michael Halloran
Charlie Hanish
Pam McGarry Hartwig
James Haugen
Karen Cossette Hofer
Colleen Morrissey Keeling
Marjorie Mathison Hance
Robert A. McCormick, Sr.
Kathy Willmann McMahon
Gayle Kranz Noraker
Robert Reynolds
Rosemary Neuman Schatz
Terrance Tangen
Class of 1967
Brenda Ouellette Carlson
Brenda Buck Haas
Mary Fitzgerald Martinez
Joan Williams Schuh
Larry Schuh
Jim Scott
Patricia Deede Simons
Ann Hall Steinhouse
Kari Lavelle Stoner
Helen Tritschler
Participation: 8.26%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $2,560
Linda Olson Borkenhagen
Class of 1968
Participation: 15.45%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $6,910
Kathy Lynch Ashe
David Foerster
Debera Olson Frey
Sue Anderson Jackson
William L. Jacque
John Kennelly
Andrea Laliberte Lewis
Thomas McCormick
Randall Rustad
Linda Dukart Sadowsky
Charlene Sauvageau Scott
Gregory Staszko
Kathrine Armstrong Swenson
Sandy Thiel
Ken Willmann
Thomas Witcik
Class of 1969
Participation: 5.60%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $870
Paul Collins
John Greving
Dr. William Hawn
Laurie Bassett Kadrie
Brian Kappel
Julie Cossette Knodel
Margaret Kodelka Sveum
Class of 1970
Participation: 13.51%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $5,800
Ardys Miller Burley
David Clark
Patrick Dunn
Mark Foss
Mark Hering
Doreen Dooher Kennelly
Patricia Caulfield Kotta
Dr. Mark Malmberg
Jennifer Blanchard McShane
Phil McShane
Barbara Bultman Olson
Rene Ouellette
Jean Wilk Picard
Mary Beth Cossette Rustad
Dr. James Sornsin
Susan Mastel Stallmo
Patrick Sweeney
Michael Tuchscherer
Rich Ulring
Madeleine Moss Zirbes
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Participation: 7.46%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $715
Gail Hebert Danielski
Peter Fendt
Jeff Frey
Dr. Craig Kuhlmann
Debra Schott Nelson
Rev. Gayle Cossette Pope
Michele Smith Schmidt
Jean Sapa Seifert
Rose McGarvey Skroch
Cindy Bergseth Sund
Participation: 7.76%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $889
Lynn Casey
Class of 1973 Reunion
Tim Connolly
Michael Deede
Thomas Elstad
Jim Grossman
Barb McGarvey Larson
Teryl Setter Sitarz
Steve Sweeney
Maureen Foss Wollak
Sharon Desautels Beauclair
Joseph Bofferding
Tom Cossette
Brian Davies
Kevin Duchschere
Rick Kasper
Sandy Rheault Nemcek
Lisa Barth Polachek
Elizabeth Mendoza Streich
Class of 1977
Class of 1973
Participation: 6.57%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $1,190
Participation: 9.70%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $1,260
Kelly Davies Anderson
Julie Bellefeuille
John Bower
Shannon Mehlisch Dockter
Clare Fitzgerald Donnalley
Kathryn Artz Long
Tim McShane
Dr. Keith Millette
Scott Montplaisir
Susan Montplaisir
Michael Schoenecker
Tom Sweeney
Michael M. Thomas
Class of 1974
Participation: 8.55%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $1,430
Peter Bologna
David Bruns
Judy Bassett Bruns
Barbara Greving Gentzkow
Paul Gentzkow
Lois LaChance
Peg Nistler Lorz
Al Soukup
Michael T. Williams
Anita Foster Wood
Class of 1976
Class of 1972
Pat Kelly
Kevin Korsmo
Clifford Naylor
Peg O’Meara
Mary Nagle Shulstad
Patricia Sornsin
Cathryn Colliton Spaeth
Participation: 7.62%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $2,025
Class of 1975
Participation: 12.71%
Total Unrestricted Gifts:
Margaret Bofferding Abraham
Dan Borgie
Linda Lothspeich Brooks
Dean Bruhn-Ding
Dr. Dahn Clemens
Mark DuBord
Deborah Forstner
Teresa Sweeney Jordan
Class of 1978
Participation: 12.71%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $6,895
Dr. Janine Henning Carson
Roger Ceynowa
Steve Cichy
John Hebert
Jon Hughes
Curt Kasper
Richard Laliberte
Dan McGarvey
Todd Mickelson
Larry Montplaisir
Mary Savageau Pandolfo
Sharon Fritz Pollard
Kevin Savageau
Tammy Zander Tollefson
Katie Nistler Traynor
Class of 1979
Jim Hardwick
Terri Braun Kavanaugh
David Kramer
Kathleen Moraghan
Susan McCord Mormann
Michael Schmith
Dennis Strunc
Jim Traynor
Class of 1980
Don Bolgrean
Dennis Bower
Allan Danielski
Elizabeth DuBord
David Fischer
Julie Klosterman
Michael Magelky
Michael Smith
Class of 1971
Participation: 10.22%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $2,200
Patrick Bogan
Patricia Bower-Jernigan
Lori Olson Brown
Dr. Keith Fischer
Diane Fitterer Fritz
Brenda Gravel
Participation: 8.59%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $1,495
Jerry Bannerman
Michael Clower
Dr. Mark Colliton
Stephen Fritz
Steven Granger
Margaret Kolb-Tavis
Philip T. Meyer
Dr. Margaret Traynor Mickelson
Ann Mulkern
Paul Noah
Catherine Savageau Wold
Class of 1981
Participation: 11.50%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $3,880
Cecile Anderson Clark
Cindy A. Cortese
Fr. Paul Duchschere
Philip Duginski
Carol J. Fischer
Toni Magelky Grabinger
Terryl Schwartz Heinlein
Nancy Duchscher Kasper
Thomas Kasper
Duane Lothspeich
Dr. Susan Mathison
Kathy Carew Weir
Pat Weir
Class of 1982
Participation: 6.60%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $2,880
Brenda Urie Anderson
Janet M. Barnick
Michael DeConcini
Dr. Allan Luistro
Theresa Nistler
James O’Hearn
Joe Savageau
Class of 1983
Participation: 3.77%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $150
Laura Hicks
Barry LaBine
Rodger Nichols
Tracy Tool
Class of 1984
Participation: 12.28%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $2,813
Scott Bleth
Sheri Schwartzenberger Ernst
Dr. Jennifer Gourde Fontanini
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Participation: 11.71%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $2,600
Participation: 10.19%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $7,899
Cynthia A. Bailey
Kari Meier Brock
Timothy Franckowiak
Dr. Matt Friederichs
Susan Russell Kadrmas
Shirley Kern
Dave Sandy
Kathy Rivard Schmitt
Phil Simon
Dan Sweeney
Kelly McNulty Vaaler
Participation: 3.64%
Participation: 5.33%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $250
Jill Bozovsky Backlund
Angie Welle Edinger
Jim Picard
Dr. Tim Vacek
Class of 1999
Participation: 4.62%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $505
Class of 2000
Participation: 1.32%
Elizabeth Vacek DiPerna
Jonathan Dahl
Kristi Kapitan Hendricks
Chad Prososki
Rose Beauclair Radkowski
Matthew Welle
Class of 1993
Participation: 4.29%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $2,382
Class of 1993 Reunion
Mara Wieser Gust
Greg McCormick
Class of 1994
Participation: 8.62%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $525
Nancy Tupa Boll
Bridget McAllister Bowden
Dr. Eric Fenstad
Melissa Dahl Flaherty
Jaime Bartholomay O’Neill
Class of 1995
Participation: 8.20%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $250
Josh Astrup
Katie Broderick Astrup
Allison Gemar Bakke
Jennifer Gibb Ebetino
Lucas Rustad
Class of 1996
Participation: 10.96%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $2,410
Sunny Jensen Blankinship
Dr. Benjamin Dahl
Suzanne Haverkamp Halstrom
Mike Hofer
Nichelle Danielson Manchester
Jessica Rustad Stimpson
Amanda Kelly
Jon Markwardt
Jacob Rodenbiker
Class of 2001
Class of 1998
Debra Gallagher Bolte
Michael Finch
James Ernst
Dan Fitzgibbons
Jeffrey Jacobson
Mark Johnson
Timothy Kasper
Lisa Lodin Peralta
Lori Magelky Ruhland
David A. Vanyo
Participation: 6.45%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $230
Class of 1992
Participation: 3.90%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $250
Mark Fenstad
Brian Walker
Corie Gronso Walker
Participation: 6.49%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $550
Pamela Mastel Astrup
Chad Mears
Christopher Meier
Christopher Simon
Participation: 6.96%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $438
Class of 1988
Nicole Fenstad
Adrian Fretland
Dr. Steve Lantz
Teri Schwan Lantz
Mary Catherine Hicks Woods
Participation: 3.70%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $230
Class of 1987
Class of 1997
Class of 1991
Class of 1986
Nanette Sturdevant Fort
Matthew Glessner
Tami Blanchard Llewellyn
Mark Sornsin
Taylor DeVine
Angela Jordahl-Olson
Jeff Manuel
Dr. Brian Mathison
Dr. Michelle Sauer
Julie Price Welch
Participation: 6.45%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $485
Class of 1990
Sara Wold Bleth
William Curtis
Dr. Kenneth Fischer
Thomas Gibb
Dave Glessner
Cindy Gruman
Eric Haverkamp
Jennie Schons Rivard
Mark Rivard
Sarah Seminary Sieh
Robin Clouse Steenson
Lynn Toulouse Swenson
Brandon Weatherford
Dr. Matthew Tinguely
Scott Whitman
Class of 1985
Class of 1989
Julie Schons Kaspari
Diane Moraghan Kenney
Jason Mehlisch
Dr. Thomas Noah
Jessica Pitzel
Judy Montplaisir Roach
Amy Nistler Scott
Eugene Simon
Mary Duginski Skrove
Scott Soukup
Patrick Traynor
Participation: 7.46%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $225
Class of 2002
Participation: 3.64%
Matthew Hauff
John Knoll
Class of 2003
Participation: 3.95%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $525
Erin Faller Hitt
Kellie Bruckbauer Knodel
Michael Wolfe
Class of 2004
Participation: 5.45%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $250
Karla Buth Bell
Elliot Hitt
Nicole Alton Knoll
Class of 2005
Participation: 2.94%
Aaron Beauclair
Adam Roder
Class of 2006
Participation: 1.67%
Paige Richard
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Class of 2008
Chris and Gina Ahlers
Jim and Amy Alexander
Glen and Connie Altringer
Paul and Margo Ames
Russell and Janis Anderson
Josh and Katie Broderick Astrup
Participation: 2.53%
Molly Brenner
Christopher Colwell
Class of 2009
Participation: 1.75%
Kenneth and Pamela Mastel Astrup
Adam P. Richard
Class of 2010
Participation: 1.27%
Kayla Zeltinger
Class of 2011
Participation: 4.71%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $405
Jesse Braun
Dylan Dunn
Preston Nichols
Garrett Zeltinger
Ross and Bridget McAllister Bowden
Class of 2014
Alexander Brock
Chase Montplaisir
Rachel Nistler
Gabriel Sandy
Kathryn Seltveit
Peter Simon
Darian Slama
Madeline Stark
Sebastian Startz
Thomas Startz
Shane DuBord
Connor Dunn
Emily Naylor
Tyler D. Pederson
Class of 2020
Evan Reinholz
† - Denotes deceased
Total Participation: 32.64%
Total Unrestricted Gifts:
Todd and Laura Braun
Dana and Kari Meier Brock
Dr. Alekzandria Brown
Mike and Katie Bruckbauer
Kent and Corinne Busek
Dan and Heather Butler
Dr. Paul and Dr. Janine Henning
Thomas and Teresa Christensen
John and Cecile Anderson Clark
Brad and Chris Conner
Charles and Kelly Cooper
Timothy and Gail Dancer
Dr. Chris and Erin Danduran
Gary and Stephanie Dauenhauer
Taylor and Ellen DeVine
Mark and Colleen DuBord
Eric and Kathleen Dukart
Dan and Pauline Dunn
Steve and Suellen Dusek
Steve and Alison Dye
David and Paula Ekman
Dr. John and Lori Erie
Mitch and Kristy Ertelt
Dr. Erik and Bethany Fetner
Dr. Keith and Wanda Fischer
Dr. Kenneth and Dr. Eunah Fischer
Michael and Melissa Dahl Flaherty
Nanette Sturdevant Fort
Keith and Sue Fraase
Dr. Matt and Julie Friederichs
Stephen and Diane Fitterer Fritz
Howard and Kathleen Fulks
Charles and Louella Geraci
Paul and Shelley Giauque
Gabriel and Maria Gietzen
Participation: 4.88%
Total Unrestricted Gifts: $125
Class of 2013
Participation: 2.63%
Alex Seltveit
Sierra Wood
Mike and Sunny Jensen Blankinship
Bryan and Pamela Bossert
David and Carolyn Boutain
Class of 2012
Scott and Barbara Augdahl
Jeff and Lisa Aune
Michael and LaDonna Bannach
Mark and Stephanie Bares
Angella Bartholomay
Dr. John and Sharon Desautels
Ryan and Nicholle Binek
Michael and Michelle Biver
Shanley Parents
Participation: 32.83%
Sullivan Parents
Participation: 36.02%
Nativity Parents
Participation: 37.84%
Holy Spirit Parents
Participation: 22.22%
Lee and Diann Hoedl
Mike and Nicole Hofer
Scott and Cindy Hoselton
Steve and Christy Huber
Dave and Shari Isaak
Jeffrey and Mary Jo Jacobson
Roger and Debra Jaeger
Earl and Kristi Jarolimek
Chad and Cami Jetvig
Ted Jirik
David and Robin Johnson
Mark and Pam Johnson
Steve Johnson and Dr. Susan
Angela Jordahl-Olson
Dr. Andrew and Mona Jordan
Dale and Kelly Kadlec
Dan and Susan Russell Kadrmas
Patrick and Stephanie Kautzman
Brian Keller
Gerard and Joni Keller
Dr. Emmet and Diane Moraghan
Patrick and Cathy Keogh
Kevin and Dr. Anne Kidder
Donald and Melissa Kiffmeyer
Travis and Jill Koch
Jason and Lynn Kotrba
Kenneth and Tina Kraft
Aaron and Cindy Krauter
Kevin and Nadine Kruk
Dr. Gary and Judy Kubalak
Grace Kuehl
Rob and Kamie Kueneman
Dr. Steve and Teri Schwan Lantz
Francis and Barbara Leier
Norman and Josee Leslie
Rob and Cheryl Link
Brian and Roxanne Madson
Andrew and Leanne Magnotto
Jeff and Kim Manuel
Dr. Brian and Jenny Mathison
Troy and Jamie Mattern
Mark McAllister
Greg and Angie McCormick
Keith and Rondi McGovern
Brian and Laurie McKeever
Mary McManus
Chad and Jessica Mears
Jason and Melissa Mehlisch
Christopher and Karin Meier
Brent and Nancy Michelsen
Edward and April Mitchell
Brian and Michelle Moore
Brad and Jill Motschenbacher
Matt and Misty Motzko
Dr. Yuri Nakasato and Ximena
Randall and Dorian Nelson
William and Marna Nelson
Patrick and Brenda Nistler
Steven and Cindy Noack
Paul and Geneva Noah
Dr. Thomas and Kimberly Noah
Gerald and Jane Noble
Paul and Anne O’Donnell
Dr. Mark Gitau and Masha Nzabi-Gitau
Dan Goehring and Janis Bork
Mike and Renee Gravalin
Donna Gray
Dr. Jake and Brittany Grinaker
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Charles and Laura Hale
Todd and Amy Heinrich
Scott and Maria Hennen
Laura Hicks
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Laurence and Rebecca Meyer Charlet
Patrick and Donna Clark
Dr. Patrick and Rae † Colliton
Kim and Bev Colwell
Charles and Kelly Cooper
Gene and Joyce Cortese
Bruce Coryell
Dr. Bruce and Terri Dahl
Gregory and Mary Lou Greving Dahms
Jerry and Bonnie Daily
Timothy and Gail Dancer
Harley and Irene Danielson
Gary and Stephanie Dauenhauer
David and Nancy DeCock
Daniel and Michele DeCrans
Doris Desautels
Gary and Kathryn Dietz
Louise Dryburgh
Mark and Colleen DuBord
Dorothy Steinbach Duchschere
Francis and Joann Dufault
Dan and Pauline Dunn
David and Paula Ekman
Bonnie Faller
Janet K. Feist
Roger and Jan Fenstad
Eve M. Fischer
Robert S. Fischer
David Foerster
Bob and Joan Kodelka Forstner
Keith and Sue Fraase
Leonard and Cynthia Fretland
Robert and Cherie Friederichs
Matthew F. Fritz
Stephen and Diane Fitterer Fritz
Howard and Kathleen Fulks
Gene and Rose Gallagher
Michael and Mary Gallagher
Phillip and Angela Gapp
Justin and Jessica Rustad Stimpson
Jon and Erin Strand
Thomas and Shannon Stumpf
Patrick Sweeney
Todd and Lynn Toulouse Swenson
Dean and Donna Thompson
Patrick and Jamie Traynor
Jeremy and Tosha Ulmer
Dr. Richard and Sharmae Vetter
Paul and Jill von Ebers
Brian and Corie Gronso Walker
Ron and Carrie Ward
Amy Weigel
Justin and Julie Price Welch
Jeremy and Christine Welsand
John and Amelia Wethern
Keith and Julie Wilson
Dale and Nicol Winkelman
John and Linda Wolbaum
Clint and Allison Wolf
Wade Wolf
Mark and Nancy Wolfe
Mark Yaggie
Participation: 16.67%
Total Gifts: $109,401
Paul and Margo Ames
Mel and Colette Kramer Gauslow
Barbara Gendreau
Janet Leonard Gerlach
Robert Gibb
Phillip and Kristin Glogoza
Maurice and Kathleen Kelley Godon
Mike and Renee Gravalin
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Robert and Cheryl Halvorson
Charlie and Kathy Hanish
Ron and Marilynn Hannesson
Marvin and Cory Haverkamp
Willard and Mary Klontz Hebert
Patrick and Holly Heintzman
Knute and Char Henning
Bruce and Kathy Hettenbaugh
Dr. John and Ginny Hicks
Dennis and Kathy Antonelli
Gary and Patricia Mastel Artz
Larry and Jo Astrup
Larry and Carolyn Bailey
Richard and Frances Fischer
Dr. John and Sharon Desautels
LeRoy G. Bernstein
Wayne and Joanne Blanchard
Tom Bogan
Linda Borkenhagen
Neil and Vicki Bosch
Bryan and Pamela Bossert
Kathleen Sornsin Boucher
Diana Bourque
Keary and Sandie Brager
Robert and Bernice Braun
Todd and Laura Braun
Mary Broderick
Mike and Katie Bruckbauer
Robert and Debra Buth
Steven and Jeri Cahill
Rick and Pat Callens
Gene and Barbara Carew
Dr. Paul and Dr. Janine Henning
John and Amy Ommen
Michael and Jaime Bartholomay
Rusty and Marilyn Ouart
Eduardo Pablo and Maria Novoa
Joseph and Sandra Paul
Daniel and Janelle Pederson
Eric and Sarah Pegors
Ray and Jill Perhus
Dr. John and Sharon Fritz Pollard
Chad and Ashley Askew Quamme
Aaron and Teresa Reinholz
Dan and Anna Reisenauer
Daniel Rieger and Dr. Elena
Mark and Jennie Schons Rivard
Dean and Lisa Roberts
Rob and Vicki Roberts
Regan and Renae Rohl
Dr. Jeff and Dr. Denise Rondeau
Brian and Stacy Roney
Lucas and Sarah Rustad
Joe and Connie Savageau
Dan and Maria Saville
Mark and Kathy Rivard Schmitt
Ronnie and Jill Schneider
Dan and Bernadine Seefeldt
Scott and Donna Seltveit
Brett and Joelle Shewey
Michael and Mary Nagle Shulstad
Eugene and Sheryl Simon
Phil and Cheryl Simon
Dr. Michael and Katie Smith
Tom and Jenny Smith
Mark and Mykal Sonstelie
Mark and Denise Sornsin
Kelly and Sandra Splitt
Brent and Brenda Srejma
Dr. Thomas and Anna Marie Hiestand
Thomas and Barbara Savageau Holter
Richard and Andree Horst
Scott and Cindy Hoselton
Scott and Cindy Hutchins
Jeffrey and Mary Jo Jacobson
Debra Johnson
Dr. Andrew and Mona Jordan
Donald and Dorothy Jordan
Brian and Ev Kappel
Rick and Janis Kasper
Sally Kasper
Thomas and Nancy Duchscher Kasper
Brian Keller
Pat and Valerie Kelly
Dr. Thomas and Mary Kay Kempf
John and Doreen Dooher Kennelly
Dr. Emmet and Diane Moraghan
John and Bonnie Kern
Donald and Melissa Kiffmeyer
Gary and Jean Klubberud
Andy and Cindy Knoll
Dr. Ronald and Judith Kolb
Leonard and Patricia Caulfield Kotta
David and Jenny Kramer
Kenneth and Bonnie Kroetsch
Thomas and Phyllis Kukowski
Thomas and Kathy Kuppich
Frank and Kate Latta
Henry and Leota Leintz
Robert and Kathy Littlefield
Steve and Peg Nistler Lorz
Richard and Theresa Lothspeich
Mary Magill
Fred and Mary Manuel
Ronald and Devonne Markwardt
Ronald and Alice Mastrud
Tim and Lorene Mathern
Dr. Mark and Marjorie Mathison
Donald and Jeaninne McAllister
Richard and Mary Jo McClellan
Geneva McCord
Thomas McCormick
Richard and Flora McGarvey
Keith and Rondi McGovern
Mary McManus
Timothy and Sylvia Mehl
Ray and Pat Meier
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
GRANDPARENTS - ($51,952)
Ted and Marian Appel
Larry and Jo Astrup
Larry and Carolyn Bailey
Marie Bellerud
Linda Borkenhagen
Kathleen Sornsin Boucher
Mary Broderick
Gene and Barbara Carew
Dr. Bruce and Terri Dahl
Doris Desautels
Gary and Kathryn Dietz
Robert S. Fischer
Robert and Cherie Friederichs
Matthew F. Fritz
Gene and Rose Gallagher
Tony and Dorothy Renner
Gerald and Myrna Rivard
Jerome and Carol Rivard
Randall and Mary Beth Cossette
Jim and Mary Beth Sexton
Ray and Phyllis Simon
Terry and Ann Hall Steinhouse
Bill and Barbara Torok Sturdevant
Shirley Suda
Madonna Klontz Sweeney
Mark and Lenore Sweeney
Rosemary Thomas
Tom and Ann Toulouse
Donald and Alice Such
Curtis and Margaret Kodelka
Madonna Klontz Sweeney
Mark and Lenore Sweeney
Robert and Sue Thibedeau
Rosemary Thomas
Jonathan and Margaret Tolstedt
Tom and Ann Toulouse
Dr. Michael and Mary Beth Traynor
Deacon Jim Uline
Vernon and Barbara Useldinger
Mark and Suzanne Uselman
Dr. Richard and Sharmae Vetter
Rob and Leslie Wagner
Mark and Mary Lou Walker
John and Marlene Walsh
Pat and Kathy Carew Weir
John and Amelia Wethern
Dan and Pat Whitman
Jerel and Rochelle Wieser
John and Linda Wolbaum
James P. Wold
Thomas C. Wold
Mark and Nancy Wolfe
Michael and Bertha Wood
Barbara Zacher
Kim and Joy Zeltinger
Tim and Brenda Zerr
Glenn and Pat Metzger
David and Candace Meyer
Trudy Meyer
Mark and Paula Miller
Paul and Mary Molick
Walter and Dorothy Montplaisir
John and Betty Moraghan
Gregory and Joan Mulkern
R. Tracy and Dianne Hoss Myers
Peggy Nathan
John and Cynthia Naughton
Randall and Dorian Nelson
Robert and Debra Schott Nelson
Suzanne Nelson
Rodger and Carisa Nichols
John Niemackl and Jean RyanNiemackl
Elizabeth H. Nilles
Patrick and Brenda Nistler
John and Mary Noah
Duane and Gayle Kranz Noraker
Gregory and Suzanne Nordbeck
Mike and Marsha Nygaard
Mary Ann Nystrom
Mary Newton Obert
Paul and Anne O’Donnell
Terry and Kathy Olson
Joe and Geri Paul
Joseph and Sandra Paul
Rosalie Pavek
Daniel and Janelle Pederson
Ray and Jill Perhus
Thomas and Jean Wilk Picard
Dr. John and Sharon Fritz Pollard
Randy and Deb Prososki
Tony and Dorothy Renner
Larry and Susan Richard
Paul and Mary Jo Richard
Leo and Gail Ringey
Gerald and Myrna Rivard
Jerome and Carol Rivard
Mark and Jennie Schons Rivard
Randy Roder and Sandy Thiel
Ken and Lori Magelky Ruhland
Randall and Mary Beth Cossette
Joe and Connie Savageau
Dan and Maria Saville
Lloyd and Constance Schmidt
Jerry and Mary Schutz
Walter and Mary Jo Carvell Seeba
Dan and Bernadine Seefeldt
Scott and Donna Seltveit
Bruce and Patty Senger
Donald and Patricia Rush Setter
Marc and Susan Shannon
Ray and Phyllis Simon
Robin and Mary Jo Slavik
Tom and Jenny Smith
Kelly and Sandra Splitt
Terry and Ann Hall Steinhouse
Lloyd and Patricia Steinmetz
Michael and Barbara Stenberg
Harrison and Dawn Storandt
Marie A. Stremick
Bill and Barbara Torok Sturdevant
Maurice and Kathleen Kelley Godon
Ron and Marilynn Hannesson
Knute and Char Henning
Dr. John and Ginny Hicks
Gary J. and Robin Hilber
Ron and Marlene Hoffart
Duane and Renee Huber
Debra Johnson
Cory and Barb Jones
Catherine Libbrecht
Fred and Mary Manuel
Dr. Mark and Marjorie Mathison
Donald and Jeaninne McAllister
Timothy and Sylvia Mehl
Ray and Pat Meier
John and Betty Moraghan
Elizabeth H. Nilles
John and Mary Noah
Gregory and Suzanne Nordbeck
Mary Ann Nystrom
Participation: 58.26%
Total Gifts: $21,835
Robyn Albrecht
Jo Astrup
Kari Meier Brock
Jessica Christmann
Michael Clower
Tim Cruff
Maria Dahlin
Christopher Dalton
Sandra Ehlke
Rochelle Erdmann
Jenessa Fillipi
Brian Geffre
Kristi Grafton
Mike Hagstrom
Mercedes Hanson
Patricia Hanson
Lee Hoedl
Erica Holo
Cindy Hutchins
Dani Johnson
Courtney Kappes
Maureen Kary
Janice Kjera
Leon Knodel
Jill Koch
Jason Kotrba
Rhoda Koudela
Brenda Krueger
Kathy Littlefield
Suzanne Loree
Ronald Markwardt
Tammy Mattson
Mary Jo McClellan
Shari McTaggart
Pat Metzger
Edward Mitchell
Marna Nelson
Randall Nelson
Angela Olson
Suzann Olson
Rebecca Olstad
Janelle Pederson
Katy Peltier
Donald Pochmara
Deb Prososki
Rebecca Raber
Mary Beth Rasmussen
Gail Ringey
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Sharon Simon
Darla Skaurud
Rev. Msgr. Dennis A. Skonseng
Dr. Robert Toutges
Harriet Turner
Christopher and Heather Vanyo
Richard and Pauline Vetsch
Rev. Msgr. Wendelyn Vetter
Rev. Msgr. Jeffrey L. Wald
Joanne Warner
Jake and Deb Werner
FRIENDS - ($7,507)
Maria Alfonseca-Cubero
Priscilla Anderson
Richard and Karen Bakke
Jay and Amy Beutler
Loren Bolgrean
Fr. Kevin Boucher
Ken and Karen Braun
Pam Brusegaard
Darrell and Geraldine Cariveau
Rosemary Coleman
Fr. Raymond Courtright
Andrew DeCock
Steven Degele
Fr. James R. Ermer
Greg Falde and Rebecca Anderson
Tom Froning
Ray and Nancy Gierszewski
(Gifts of $7,500 – $9,999)
Dan and Heather Butler
Mark and Lenore Sweeney
(Gifts of $5,000 - $7,499)
Kent and Corinne Busek
Dr. Erik and Bethany Fetner
Ron and Marlene Hoffart
Dr. Gary and Judy Kubalak
Joseph and Sandra Paul
Madonna Klontz Sweeney
Paul and Jill von Ebers
Dale and Nicol Winkelman
Rev. Msgr. Gregory J. Schlesselmann
Bakke Art & Design
Bell State Bank & Trust
BNSF Railway Foundation
Clark Construction Group, LLC
Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation
Gate City Bank
George E. Haggart Foundation, Inc.
Grouser Products
High Point Networks
Homewood Suites by Hilton
In-House Advertising & Consulting
Lucile Coghlan McCormick
Memorial Trust
Microsoft Matching Gift Program
Ole & Lena’s Pizzeria
Scheels All Sports
Sun Life Financial Inc.
TCI Insurance
The Prudential Foundation
US Bank Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Goering
Ruby Gramlow
Gerald Gregor
Rev. Msgr. Val Gross
Deb Guthmiller
Roger and Mary Haberman
Jacquelyn Hager
Nick Hazard
Richard and Lynn Hentges
Eva L. Hogan
Angela Holthusen
Greg and Stella Marie Jeffrey
John and Jody Jones
Nancy Jones
Fr. Jared Kadlec
Brenda Krogen
Diane Langer
Hugh and Wilma Jean McDonald
Fr. James Meyer
Fr. Luke Meyer
Fr. Bert Miller
Larry and Gail Nelson
Stephanie Nilles
Lawrence Nosbusch
Duane Olson
Frank and Patricia Paumen
Mike and Michelle Perius
Fr. Neil Pfeifer
Kelly Schlauderaff
Nancy Riveland
Stacy Roney
Lucas Rustad
Randall Rustad
Sonja Schmit
Joelle Shewey
Sheryl Simon
Jessica Skroch
Dr. Michael Smith
Jonathan Spies
Sheldon Steen
Dawn Storandt
Erin Strand
Michael Strand
Dawn Swenson
Mary Beth Traynor
Jamie Watkins
Lynette Wavra
Carolyn Williams-Foell
JP II Leadership Giving Society
This new society is comprised of lead benefactors
to the JP II Fund who, through their generosity,
demonstrate a commitment to the ideals and
mission of the JP II Catholic Schools. Membership
in the society is open to all individuals, companies
and foundations that make a gift of $1,000 or
more to the JP II Fund prior to June 30th.
$15,000 + Founders Circle
$10,000 - $14,999 Partners in Mission Circle
$7,500-$9,999 Legacy Circle
$5,000-$7,499 Benefactors Circle
$2,500-$4,499 Visionary Circle
$1,000 - $2,499 Superintendent’s Circle
Leadership Giving Society
(Gifts of $15,000+)
Elizabeth H. Nilles
(Gifts of $10,000 - $14,999)
(Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999)
Michael and LaDonna Bannach
Dr. Paul and Dr. Janine Henning
Dr. Matt and Julie Friederichs
Steve Johnson and Dr. Susan
Dr. Andrew Jordan
Mona Jordan
Aaron and Cindy Krauter
Thomas and Kathy Kuppich
Patricia Carvell Maris
Thomas and Judy McCormick
John and Amy Ommen
Patrick Sweeney
TCI Insurance
James P. Wold
(Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499)
Jim and Amy Alexander
Bryan and Pamela Bossert
Dennis Bower
Todd and Laura Braun
Robert and Debra Buth
Thomas and Teresa Christensen
Jerome Cossette
Dr. Benjamin and Dr. Lindsey Dahl
Dr. Bruce and Terri Dahl
Michael and Sheryl DeConcini
James O. and Catherine L. Eide
Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation
Dr. John and Lori Erie
Roger and Jan Fenstad
Dr. Keith and Wanda Fischer
Gene and Rose Gallagher
George E. Haggart Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Mark Gitau and Masha Nzabi-Gitau
Mary Ann Heising Graves
Charles and Laura Hale
Eric and Jill Haverkamp
Knute and Char Henning
Richard and Lynn Hentges
Lee and Diann Hoedl
Gene and Sue Anderson Jackson
Dan and Susan Russell Kadrmas
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
General Gift Clubs
Dennis and Nancy Anderson Schaan
Marc and Susan Shannon
Rev. Msgr. Dennis A. Skonseng
Mark and Mykal Sonstelie
Brent and Brenda Srejma
Gregory and Gail Staszko
Tom and Ann Toulouse
Dr. Michael and Mary Beth Traynor
Pat and Kathy Carew Weir
These gifts form the foundation of support for our
efforts at JP II Catholic Schools. We are extremely
grateful to all who participate through a
commitment to one of our gift clubs.
David and Mary Samels Pease
Eric and Sarah Pegors
James Pettinger
Dr. John and Sharon Fritz Pollard
Paul and Mary Jo Richard
Joe and Connie Savageau
Scheels All Sports
Donald and Patricia Rush Setter
Brett and Joelle Shewey
Dr. Michael and Katie Smith
Steve and Kari Lavelle Stoner
Todd and Lynn Toulouse Swenson
Rosemary Thomas
Helen Tritschler
Thomas Wold and Lisa Wheeler
Mark and Nancy Wolfe
Mark Yaggie
(Gifts of $500 - $999)
Glen and Connie Altringer
Scott and Sara Wold Bleth
Peter and Anne Bologna
Kathleen Sornsin Boucher
John Bower
Dr. Patrick and Rae † Colliton
Charles and Kelly Cooper
Dr. Chris and Erin Danduran
Doris Desautels
Gary and Kathryn Dietz
Mark and Colleen DuBord
Dan and Pauline Dunn
Greg and Veronica Peters Etzel
Eve M. Fischer
Timothy L. Fortune
James and Janet Leonard Gerlach
John and Kathleen Gross
Erik and Suzanne Haverkamp
Robert and Cheryl Halvorson
Charlie and Kathy Hanish
Catherine Stephenson Hartnett
Eva L. Hogan
Scott and Cindy Hoselton
Duane and Renee Huber
$500-$999 Deacon Club
$100-$499 Red & White Club
$25-$99 Friends of JP II
David and Carolyn Boutain
Roy and Patricia Bower-Jernigan
Keary and Sandie Brager
Brian and Janice Brandmeyer
Jesse Braun
Dr. Paul and Stella Crary Bridgeford
Dana and Kari Meier Brock
Dr. Alekzandria Brown
Mike and Katie Bruckbauer
Dean and Barb Bruhn-Ding
David and Judy Bassett Bruns
Joseph and Annette Busek
Steven and Jeri Cahill
Rick and Pat Callens
William and Jacklyn Britt Canino
Lucretia Barrett Canning
Gene and Barbara Carew
Bill and Georgine Jorgenson Parker
Debra Johnson
Cory and Barb Jones
Rick and Janis Kasper
Brian Keller
Gerard and Joni Keller
Kevin and Dr. Anne Kidder
Dr. Ronald and Judith Kolb
Kenneth and Bonnie Kroetsch
Donald and Jeaninne McAllister
David and Candace Meyer
Roy R. Montplaisir
John and Betty Moraghan
R. Tracy and Dianne Hoss Myers
John Niemackl and Jean RyanNiemackl
Theresa Nistler
Steven and Cindy Noack
Paul and Geneva Noah
Dr. Thomas and Kimberly Noah
Gerald and Myrna Rivard
Dr. Jeff and Dr. Denise Rondeau
Brian and Stacy Roney
Randall and Mary Beth Cossette
Dr. Emmet and Diane Moraghan
Donald and Renae Lau
Norman and Josee Leslie
Lucile Coghlan McCormick
Memorial Trust
Richard Ludwig
Dr. Mark and Bobbie Malmberg
Greg and Angie McCormick
Dr. Yuri Nakasato and Ximena
Paul and Anne O’Donnell
(Gifts of $100 - $499)
Chris and Gina Ahlers
Janice McCurdy Alm
Tom and Arlene Alm
Paul and Margo Ames
Steve and Brenda Urie Anderson
Dennis and Kathy Antonelli
Ted and Marian Appel
Kathy Lynch Ashe
Josh and Katie Broderick Astrup
Larry and Jo Astrup
Scott and Barbara Augdahl
Jason and Allison Gemar Bakke
Steve and Betty Kelly Baldwin
Jerry and Roxanne Bannerman
Mark and Stephanie Bares
Delores Richard Barker
Jerome and Lois Barrett
Gordon Bartholomay
Carol Dreier Benjamin
Richard and Lois Bergseth
LeRoy G. Bernstein
Ryan and Nicholle Binek
Wayne and Joanne Blanchard
Mike and Sunny Jensen Blankinship
Patrick Bogan
Tom Bogan
Mary McDonald Bolinger
Dan and Kelley Borgie
Fr. Kevin Boucher
E. John and Brenda Ouellette Carlson
Lynn Casey
Roger Ceynowa
Duane and Carol Bailey Christensen
Patrick and Donna Clark
Class of 1973 Reunion
Class of 1993 Reunion
Dr. Mark Colliton
Kim and Bev Colwell
Cindy A. Cortese
Gene and Joyce Cortese
Bruce Coryell
Lt. Arthur Cossette
Tom and Nancy Cossette
William B. Curtis
Maria Dahlin
Timothy and Gail Dancer
Allan and Gail Hebert Danielski
Harley and Irene Danielson
Daniel and Michele DeCrans
Michael and Barbara Deede
Patrick J. Delmore
Taylor and Ellen DeVine
Thomas and Elizabeth Vacek DiPerna
Mike and Judy Donahue
Louise Dryburgh
Dorothy Steinbach Duchschere
Kevin Duchschere
Fr. Paul Duchschere
Eric and Kathleen Dukart
John P. Dullea
Dylan Dunn
Patrick Dunn
Margaret Ann Welu Eastman
Gerald and Brenda Cruz Eid
David and Paula Ekman
Fr. James R. Ermer
Bonnie Faller
Janet K. Feist
Dr. Eric and Brooke Fenstad
Mark Fenstad
Carol J. Fischer
David Fischer
Dr. Kenneth and Dr. Eunah Fischer
Robert S. Fischer
Dan and Paige Fitzgibbons
Michael and Melissa Dahl Flaherty
Michael Flynn
Dr. Jennifer Gourde Fontanini
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Pat and Valerie Kelly
Dr. Thomas and Mary Kay Kempf
John and Doreen Dooher Kennelly
John and Bonnie Kern
Shirley Kern
Timothy J. Klontz
Gary and Jean Klubberud
Leon and Kellie Bruckbauer Knodel
Leonard and Patricia Caulfield Kotta
Dr. Donald and Beverly Rodger Kraft
Kenneth and Tina Kraft
David and Jenny Kramer
David and Mary Kramer
Kevin and Nadine Kruk
Grace Kuehl
Rob and Kamie Kueneman
Lois LaChance
Maurie Lamb
Dr. Steve and Teri Schwan Lantz
Ken and Betty Lasneski
Francis and Barbara Leier
Catherine Libbrecht
Duane and Lorrie Lothspeich
Richard and Theresa Lothspeich
Brian and Roxanne Madson
Michael and Barbara Magelky
Andrew and Leanne Magnotto
Fred and Mary Manuel
Jeff and Kim Manuel
Anne Hablas Marchione
Jon Markwardt
Jim and Mary Fitzgerald Martinez
Dr. Brian and Jenny Mathison
Dr. Mark and Marjorie Mathison
Troy and Jamie Mattern
Mark McAllister
Richard and Mary Jo McClellan
Gerald and Judi McDonald
Hugh and Wilma Jean McDonald
Daniel and Jeanne McGarvey
Br. John McLaughlin, CSC
Mary McMahon
Dr. Thomas and Anna Marie Hiestand
Gary J. and Robin Hilber
Duane and Catherine Miller
Elliot and Erin Faller Hitt
Steve and Christy Huber
Jon Hughes
Charles and Marie Brattensborg
Scott and Cindy Hutchins
In-House Advertising & Consulting
Steve & Alison Dye
Dave and Shari Isaak
Joel and Rose Ibach Ivey
Jeffrey and Mary Jo Jacobson
Roger and Debra Jaeger
Earl and Kristi Jarolimek
Ted Jirik
David and Robin Johnson
Angela Jordahl-Olson
Paul T. Jorgenson
Dale and Kelly Kadlec
Jerry and Laurie Bassett Kadrie
Brian and Ev Kappel
Patrick and Stephanie Kautzman
Walter and Dorothy Montplaisir
Brian and Michelle Moore
Emily Johnson Morey
Brad and Jill Motschenbacher
Matt and Misty Motzko
John and Nell Henley Murray
Justin and Janet Reese Murray
Kathleen Kreier Myers
John and Cynthia Naughton
Mary Herrick Nelson
Randall and Dorian Nelson
William and Marna Nelson
Gary and Sandy Rheault Nemcek
Msgr. Allan F. Nilles
Stephanie Nilles
Gerald and Jane Noble
Gregory and Suzanne Nordbeck
Sharon Brown Nordman
Scott and Julie Cossette Knodel
Andy and Cindy Knoll
John and Nicole Alton Knoll
Travis and Jill Koch
Kevin and Barbara Korsmo
Bob and Joan Kodelka Forstner
Deborah Forstner
Mark Foss and Sharon Eckert
Keith and Sue Fraase
Timothy Franckowiak
Adrian and Jennifer Fretland
Leonard and Cynthia Fretland
Stephen and Diane Fitterer Fritz
Howard and Kathleen Fulks
Michael and Mary Gallagher
Charles and Louella Geraci
John and Barbara Gerlach
Paul and Shelley Giauque
Robert and Liz Gibb
Gabriel and Maria Gietzen
Matthew and Mary Glessner
Phillip and Kristin Glogoza
Dan Goehring and Janis Bork
Steve Gorman
Steve and Toni Magelky Grabinger
Donna Gray
John and Barbara Greving
Dr. Jake and Brittany Grinaker
Rev. Msgr. Val Gross
Jim and Jody Grossman
Grouser Products
Cindy Gruman
Deb Guthmiller
Jacquelyn Hager
Michael and Kathy Hager
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Ron and Marilynn Hannesson
Matthew and Alicia Hauff
Marvin and Cory Haverkamp
Dr. William and Vicki Hawn
John and Kathy Hebert
Willard and Mary Klontz Hebert
Todd and Amy Heinrich
Bruce and Kathy Hettenbaugh
Dr. John and Ginny Hicks
Thomas and JoAnn Sinner McMullen
Phil and Jennifer Blanchard McShane
Tim and Carol McShane
Chad and Jessica Mears
Timothy and Sylvia Mehl
Jason and Melissa Mehlisch
Christopher and Karin Meier
Ray and Pat Meier
Fr. James Meyer
Fr. Luke Meyer
Philip T. Meyer
Mark and Paula Miller
Michael and Mary Scott Miller
Dr. Keith Millette
Edward and April Mitchell
Paul and Mary Molick
Larry and Kristi Montplaisir
Scott Montplaisir
Arthur and Lois Cantlon Nordstrom
Lawrence Nosbusch
Mary Newton Obert
Ole & Lena’s Pizzeria
Terry and Kathy Olson
Peg O’Meara and Jeff Wagner
Michael and Jaime Bartholomay
Rene and Sherri Ouellette
Joe and Geri Paul
Frank and Patricia Paumen
Daniel and Janelle Pederson
Ray and Jill Perhus
Jim and Dori Picard
Terry and Rev. Gayle Cossette Pope
Aaron and Teresa Reinholz
Dan and Anna Reisenauer
Tony and Dorothy Renner
Larry and Susan Richard
Rob and Vicki Roberts
Daniel Rieger and Dr. Elena
Mark and Jennie Schons Rivard
Dean and Lisa Roberts
Jacob and Molly Rodenbiker
Regan and Renae Rohl
Robert J. Rosatti
Ken and Lori Magelky Ruhland
Arne and Shirley Ruud
Barbara Sedlak Salazar
Kevin and Julie Savageau
Dan and Maria Saville
Andrew and Rosemary Neuman
Rev. Msgr. Gregory J. Schlesselmann
Brad and Michele Smith Schmidt
Mark and Kathy Rivard Schmitt
Duane and Patricia Duchscher
Jerry and Mary Schutz
Jim and Charlene Sauvageau Scott
Dan and Bernadine Seefeldt
Scott and Donna Seltveit
Bruce and Patty Senger
Edward and Jane Shea
Michael and Mary Nagle Shulstad
Bill and Jacquelyn Daugherty Sidner
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Ross and Bridget McAllister Bowden
Ken and Karen Braun
Robert and Bernice Braun
Molly Brenner
Mary Broderick
Larry and Linda Lothspeich Brooks
William and Lori Olson Brown
Pam Brusegaard
Ardys Miller Burley
Darrell and Geraldine Cariveau
(Gifts of $25 - $99)
Richard and Mary Jane Saefke Akers
Maria Alfonseca-Cubero
James and Sheri
Schwartzenberger Ernst
Guillermo and Catherine Sedlak
Greg Falde and Rebecca Anderson
Nicole Fenstad
Michael Finch
Andrew Fischer
Larry V. Fischer
Monica Savageau Flynn
David Foerster
Robert and Cherie Friederichs
Tom Froning
Alan and Kelly Davies Anderson
Priscilla Anderson
Jeff and Lisa Aune
Corey and Jill Bozovsky Backlund
Cynthia A. Bailey
James and Marlys Bailey
Richard and Karen Bakke / Bakke
Art & Design
Orville and Sharon Banasik
Janet M. Barnick
Joan Maresh Baron
Angella Bartholomay
Dr. John and Sharon Desautels
John and Karla Buth Bell
Jay and Amy Beutler
Michael and Michelle Biver
Joseph and Amy Bofferding
Loren Bolgrean
Guy and Nancy Tupa Boll
Chad and Debra Gallagher Bolte
Linda Borkenhagen
Neil and Vicki Bosch
Diana Bourque
Martin and Sarah Seminary Sieh
Eugene and Sheryl Simon
Phil and Cheryl Simon
Ray and Phyllis Simon
Paul and Teryl Setter Sitarz
Robin and Mary Jo Slavik
Michael and Linda Smith
Tom and Jenny Smith
Dr. James and Karol Sornsin
Scott Soukup
Dave and Susan Mastel Stallmo
Dale St. Denis
Lloyd and Patricia Steinmetz
Michael and Barbara Stenberg
Harrison and Dawn Storandt
Jon and Erin Strand
Dennis Strunc
Thomas and Shannon Stumpf
Bill and Barbara Torok Sturdevant
Sun Life Financial Inc.
Cindy Bergseth Sund
Curtis and Margaret Kodelka
Warren and Kathrine Armstrong
Terrance and Cheryl Tangen
Dean and Donna Thompson
Dr. Matthew and Christina Tinguely
Dr. Robert Toutges
Patrick and Jamie Traynor
Michael and Georgia Tuchscherer
Jeremy and Tosha Ulmer
Rich and Mary Anne Ulring
David and Kelly McNulty Vaaler
Christopher and Heather Vanyo
Rev. Msgr. Wendelyn Vetter
Rob and Leslie Wagner
Rev. Msgr. Jeffrey L. Wald
Brian and Corie Gronso Walker
Mark and Mary Lou Walker
John and Marlene Walsh
Brandon and Melissa Weatherford
Jeremy and Christine Welsand
John and Amelia Wethern
Dan and Pat Whitman
Scott Whitman
Jerel and Rochelle Wieser
Michael T. Williams
Mary Witcik
Thomas Witcik
John and Linda Wolbaum
Clint and Allison Wolf
Wade Wolf
Michael Wolfe
Aaron and Marian Wolff
James A. Wolff
Donald R. Wood
Robert G. Wood
Kim and Joy Zeltinger
Madeleine Moss Zirbes
Laurence and Rebecca Meyer Charlet
Dr. Norma L. Chaska
Dennis J. Chisholm
Steve and Lisa Cichy
David Clark
John and Cecile Anderson Clark
Dr. Dahn and Mary Clemens
Michael and Lisa Clower
Margaret Ibach Conley
Brad and Chris Conner
Tim Connolly
Fr. Raymond Courtright
Jonathan and Elizabeth Dahl
Jerry and Bonnie Daily
Gary and Stephanie Dauenhauer
Andrew DeCock
David and Nancy DeCock
Steven Degele
Patrick and Dianna Donahue
Kevin and Clare Fitzgerald Donnalley
Elizabeth DuBord
Shane DuBord
Philip and Kathryn Duginski
Connor Dunn
Donald and Ida Mae Durensky
Steve and Suellen Dusek
Ronald and Arlene Duval
Ryan and Angie Welle Edinger
Thomas and Nancy Elstad
Peter J. Erickson
Gerald and Anita Anderson Galloway
Phillip and Angela Gapp
Mel and Colette Kramer Gauslow
Barbara Gendreau
Maurice and Kathleen Kelley Godon
Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Goering
Mike and Renee Gravalin
Brenda Gravel
Rick and Gerry Klier Gray
Joseph and Connie Grim
Ervin and Mara Wieser Gust
Gary and Brenda Buck Haas
Rita Von Bank Halland
George and Mary Kennelly Hanigan
Pam McGarry Hartwig
Thomas and Linda Johnson Healy
James V. Hebert
Brett and Terryl Schwartz Heinlein
Patrick and Holly Heintzman
Jake and Kristi Kapitan Hendricks
Scott and Maria Hennen
Mark and Kathy Hering
Franklin and Kathleen Erck Hickman
Laura Hicks
Mike and Nicole Hofer
Thomas and Barbara Savageau Holter
Angela Holthusen
Homewood Suites by Hilton
Richard and Andree Horst
Olivia (Nan) Challoner Hover
Sister Janice Ihli
Marjorie Stegge-Iverson
Judy Jacobson
Greg and Stella Marie Jeffrey
Chad and Cami Jetvig
Mark and Pam Johnson
John and Jody Jones
Nancy Jones
Donald and Dorothy Jordan
Chris and Julie Schons Kaspari
Thomas and Nancy Duchscher
Albert and Patricia Livingston
Thomas and Darby Driscoll Keaveny
Amanda Kelly
Patrick and Cathy Keogh
Donald and Melissa Kiffmeyer
William and Kay Knox
Kathleen Svela Koehler
Jason and Lynn Kotrba
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Douglas and Susan McCord Mormann
Ann Mulkern and Michael Hegarty
Gregory and Joan Mulkern
Clifford Naylor and Monica Hannan
Emily Naylor
James and Ramona Saefke Neeb
Robert and Debra Schott Nelson
Suzanne Nelson
Preston Nichols
Rodger and Carisa Nichols
John and Mary Noah
Duane and Gayle Kranz Noraker
Mike and Marsha Nygaard
Mary Ann Nystrom
James O’Hearn
Duane Olson
Eduardo Pablo and Maria Novoa
In honor of Roy & Janice Pfeifer
Fr. Neil Pfeifer
In honor of Cathy Schwinden
Steve Johnson and Dr. Susan
Lois Alderman
Gary and Stephanie Dauenhauer
Bonnie Faller
Dave Sandy
Keith and Sharon Mische Scheltens
Kelly Schlauderaff / High Point
Lawrence and Barbara Schmidt
Lloyd and Constance Schmidt
Michael and Beth Schmith
Ronnie and Jill Schneider
Michael and Betty Schoenecker
John and Lynn Huntington Schubert
Doug and Amy Nistler Scott
Jim and Mary Beth Sexton
Sharon Simon
John and Rose McGarvey Skroch
Patricia Sornsin and Chuck Parker
Mark and Denise Sornsin
Al and Lori Soukup
Mark and Robin Clouse Steenson
Terry and Ann Hall Steinhouse
Elizabeth Mendoza Streich
Marie A. Stremick
Donald and Alice Such
Rod and Betty Swatfager
Tom and Peg Sweeney
Marian Challoner Syltebo
Robert and Sue Thibedeau
Jonathan and Margaret Tolstedt
Tracy Tool
Mary Marquart Trowbridge
Harriet Turner
Deacon Jim Uline
Donald and Mary Ann Bailey Urness
Mark and Suzanne Uselman
Dr. Tim and Kari Vacek
David A. Vanyo
Richard and Pauline Vetsch
Betty Germaine Vettel
Dr. Richard and Sharmae Vetter
Ron and Carrie Ward
Joanne Warner
Justin and Julie Price Welch
Matthew and Erin Welle
Jake and Deb Werner
Keith and Julie Wilson
Leif and Catherine Savageau Wold
Patrick and Maureen Foss Wollak
Sierra Wood
Mary Catherine Hicks Woods
Patricia Yunker and Francis Bolls
Barbara Zacher
Garrett Zeltinger
Kayla Zeltinger
Tim and Brenda Zerr
Frank and Rhoda Koudela
Wilda Bridgeford Kovich
Thomas and Phyllis Kukowski
Barry and Leslie LaBine
Rev. Msgr. Robert Laliberte
Diane Langer
Rodney and Agnes Langer
Frank and Kate Latta
Henry and Leota Leintz
Robert and Kathy Littlefield
George and Marilyn Loegering
Dean and Kathryn Artz Long
Patrick and Suzanne Loree
Mary Magill
William and Nichelle Danielson
Kenneth and Mary Marcotte
Ronald and Devonne Markwardt
Ronald and Alice Mastrud
Tim and Lorene Mathern
Marjorie Mathison Hance
Geneva McCord
Robert A. McCormick, Sr.
Richard and Flora McGarvey
Brian and Laurie McKeever
Mary McManus
Glenn and Pat Metzger
Trudy Meyer
Brent and Nancy Michelsen
Kathleen Moraghan
Anthony and Mary Savageau Pandolfo
Rosalie Pavek
Tyler D. Pederson
Fr. Neil Pfeifer
Thomas and Jean Wilk Picard
Jessica Pitzel
Chad and Sarah Prososki
Randy and Deb Prososki
Helen-Jeanne Fitzgerald Puvogel
Chad and Ashley Askew Quamme
Robert and Ellen Reynolds
Adam P. Richard
Julien and Janet Marquart Richard
Paige Richard
Leo and Gail Ringey
Jerome and Carol Rivard
Colleen Kieffer Rott
Kerry and Linda Dukart Sadowsky
*All memorial gifts from alumni
count toward class giving totals and
the Class Act Challenge.
In honor of Msgr. Allan Nilles’ 90th
Patrick and Brenda Nistler
John “Jack” Anderson
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Rev. Alexander Andrews, OSB
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Nick Bailey
Cynthia A. Bailey
Larry and Carolyn Bailey
Duane and Carol Bailey Christensen
Rodman Bailey, Sr. ‘51
Cindy Bailey
Larry and Carolyn Bailey
Paul Bailey
Gordon Bartholomay
Mary Carolyn McDonald Bolinger
Duane and Carol Bailey Christensen
Helen-Jeanne Fitzgerald Puvogel
John and Darlene Bailey Stafney
Jolene Bakkila
Mike and Marsha Nygaard
Jerome Bannach
Michael and LaDonna Bannach
Gerald “Jerry” Bartholomay
Larry and Jo Astrup
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Donald and Dorothy Jordan
Paul and Geneva Noah
Rusty and Marilyn Ouart
Brian and Stacy Roney
Mark and Lenore Sweeney
Walter Bauer
Larry and Jo Astrup
Brian and Stacy Roney
Renee Ringuette Bearden ‘79
Sheila Foss
Kevin and Terri Braun Kavanaugh
Lillian Clara Beaton
Dick Nilles
Elizabeth H. Nilles
Robert Beauclair
Dick Bellerud
Marie Bellerud
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Deceased Members of the
Class of 1955
Kathleen Rooney Sornsin Boucher
Howard Earl Black
Gerald and Myrna Rivard
James Harrison Disney ‘48
Mary Marquart Trowbridge
Reese Elizabeth Black
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Lucille Campbell
Jerry O. Brantner
Paul and Barbara Greving Gentzkow
Lini Chavez
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Rae Colliton
ATM Processing Company, Inc. /
Mark Palmer
Scott and Sara Wold Bleth
Kathy Sornsin Boucher
Dr. Patrick Colliton
Dr. Bruce and Terri Dahl
Cameron and Shannon Mehlisch
Roger and Jan Fenstad
Michael and Melissa Dahl Flaherty
Dave and Marci Glessner
Matthew and Mary Glessner
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Jim and Sharon Hardwick
Dr. John and Ginny Hicks
Charles and Kathie Barnick Jaeb
Lucille Dolan
Robert and Cheryl Halvorson
Mark and Mary Lou Walker
Ellsworth “Ed” Dollinger
Elizabeth H. Nilles
Steve Duginski ‘60
James and Janet Leonard Gerlach
Ron and Judy Kolb
Art and Carol Schmitz
Charles Eldredge, Sr.
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Kathy (Grandbois) Ferguson ‘70
Gordon Bartholomay
Susan Flynn
Michael and Karen Cossette Hofer
Dr. James and Adeline Kolars
Dr. Allan Luistro and Mary English
Dr. A. V. Luistro
Jason and Melissa Mehlisch
Elizabeth H. Nilles
John and Mary Noah
Paul and Geneva Noah
Brett and Joelle Shewey
Dan and Brenda Sweeney
Mark and Lenore Sweeney
Richard and Teresa Sweeney Jordan
Marge Beyer
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Robert Tavis and Margaret Kolb-Tavis
Michael Thomas and Molly VoldThomas
Tom and Ann Toulouse
James P. Wold
William “Bill” Conway
James and Janet Leonard Gerlach
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Ernest “Ernie” Cossette
Lori Hager
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
John and Laura Huth
Sister M. Anne Hablas ‘43
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
David and Jenny Kramer
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
John and Nell Henley Murray
Robert P. Hanish
Charlie and Kathy Hanish
Harold A. Dancer
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
William Joseph Beutler
Jay and Amy Beutler
Dr. Harold and Bonnie Rodenbiker
Francis Lee Beutler
Jay and Amy Beutler
David Fortier
Duane and Gayle Kranz Noraker
Mark A. Foster
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Duane and Gayle Kranz Noraker
Florence Fritz
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Kay Froslie
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Donna Gaffaney
Jim and Sharon Hardwick
Jon and Joann Peterson
Jon W. Peterson, Jr.
Chris and Maria Peterson
Katherine (Sittauer) Gartin ‘76
Lisa Barth Polachek
Michael Sean Gerlach ‘72
Jeff and Debera Olson Frey
Dolores (Charbonneau) Gregor ‘61
Gerald Gregor
Paul & Harriet Greving
Gregory and Mary Lou Greving Dahms
Delores Hochsprung
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Mike Holm
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Paul Holm
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Michael Paul Jones ‘74
Paul and Barbara Greving Gentzkow
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Brett and Joelle Shewey
Mark and Lenore Sweeney
Dr. Gerald Kavanaugh ‘45
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Anne Hablas Marchione
Benjamin Gaffrey Knier
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Mike and Marsha Nygaard
David Kosciolek
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Andrew Kowalski
Jim and Sharon Hardwick
Deborah Ann (Jacobson) Kukert ‘86
Jack and Barbara Gerlach
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Ralph and Tami Blanchard
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Joseph (‘23) & Harriet Kuppich
Thomas and Kathy Kuppich
Sidney (Staszko) Kuropchak ‘70
Paul and Barbara Greving Gentzkow
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Randall and Mary Beth Cossette
Gregory and Gail Staszko
Denise (Savageau) Lahn ‘81
Wayne and Joanne Blanchard
Class of 1981
Dorothy Steinbach Duchschere
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
John and Kathy Hebert
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Thomas and Nancy Duchscher Kasper
Kevin and Terri Braun Kavanaugh
Dr. Ronald and Judith Kolb
Patricia Carvell Maris
Evelyn Ukestad Soukup
Madonna Klontz Sweeney
Mark and Lenore Sweeney
Robert G. Wood
Esmerelda Mateo
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
James W. McCord
Zachary Vincent McLellan ‘69
Duane and Gayle Kranz Noraker
Susan (Barry) Meckstroth ‘56
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Isabel (Lemna) Mische ‘31
Keith and Sharon Mische Scheltens
Sister Claudia Nelson ‘42
Daniel and Onalee Olson Flicker
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Dennis Langer ‘65
Rodney and Agnes Langer
Mary Kay (DeJardine) Nestler ‘59
Lloyd and Linda Short
Margaret “Peggy” (Manning) Lavelle ‘48
Claudia “Corky” Helen (Maddock)
Netherland ‘61
Jim and Mary Jo Williams Driscoll
John and Kathleen Gross
James Edward Lavelle ‘72
Randall and Mary Beth Cossette
Marilyn Olson
Duane Olson
Neil Little
Ronald and Linda Beare
Charles and Kelly Cooper
Dr. Bruce and Terri Dahl
Gary and Stephanie Dauenhauer
Bonnie Faller
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Robert and Cheryl Halvorson
Patrick and Holly Heintzman
Thomas and Barbara Savageau Holter
Paul and Nancy Kochmann
Robert and Kathy Littlefield
Ray and Pat Meier
Peggy Nathan
John and Cynthia Naughton
Pat and Brenda Nistler
Mike and Marsha Nygaard
Joel and Patricia Deede Simons
Wayne and Jean Welle
Anton “Tony” Magelky
Jeremy and Kara Magelky
Josh and Aliceyn Magelky
Michael and Barbara Magelky
Norma Magelky
Judge Frank Magill
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Jim and Sharon Hardwick
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Jon and Joann Peterson
James Pyle
Rachelle Brombach
Doris Desautels
Mike and Sheila Finneseth
Christina Gapp and James Spero
Donald and Mary Gapp
Phillip and Angela Gapp
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
John and Kathy Hebert
Lloyd and Doris Heroff
Dr. Ronald and Judith Kolb
Beverly Komestakes
Dr. Craig and Anna Kuhlmann
Darryl and Eileen Lutovsky
Susan Montplaisir
Elizabeth Nilles
Mike and Marsha Nygaard
Christina Gapp Pyle
Raphael and Lois Riedman
Dan Kenna and Bev Schons
Donnie and Margaret Seerup
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Ron and Til Tellinghusen
Genevieve Nilles Tougas
Joseph Webber
Lester and Corrine Zimmerman
Douglas and Susan McCord Mormann
Mary Rose Laliberte
David and Peggy Eblen
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Richard and Rachelle Laliberte
Catherine Stevens McMullen
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Deborah Palmer
Dale Reimers
Mark and Lenore Sweeney
Tom and Nancy Cossette
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Mary Marquart Trowbridge
Mark and Lenore Sweeney
Rosemary Thomas
Karen (Evje) Opgrand ‘61
Bill and Barbara Torok Sturdevant
Evelyn Ouellette
E. John and Brenda Ouellette Carlson
Sister Mary C. Palmer ‘31
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Timothy Palmer ‘62
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Mark Alan Pancratz ‘72
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Duane and Gayle Kranz Noraker
Marlowe Parries ‘38
I. Joan Parries
Madonna Klontz Sweeney
W.J. “Joe” & Mary Pettinger
James Pettinger
Mary (Conway) Poirier ‘52
Gordon Bartholomay
Lon and Mary Jo Pettinger Cooke
James and Janet Leonard Gerlach
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Mike and Marsha Nygaard
Marie Robbins
Dan and Ann Deutsch Murphy
Joseph Robinson
Galen and Dr. Florence Hauff Wiger
Catherine Schmalz
Bonnie Faller
Charles Schneider
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Mike and Marsha Nygaard
Gregory Schulz
Bonnie Faller
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Mike and Marsha Nygaard
Larry Scott
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Jean Sedlak
Barbara Sedlak Salazar
Bishop Fulton Sheen
Scott and Maria Hennen
Thomas J. Sinner
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Mike and Marsha Nygaard
Jeffrey “Jeff” Skuza
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Pat and Brenda Nistler Family
Mike and Marsha Nygaard
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Paul Sornsin
Joan Van Sickle Ragan and Don
Alvin (Al) Soukup
Wayne and Joanne Blanchard
Jim and Mary Jo Williams Driscoll
Dorothy Steinbach Duchschere
Paul and Barbara Greving Gentzkow
Jean (Williams) Wold ‘53
James P. Wold
Rosemary Wright
William and Andrea Laliberte Lewis
Nicholas Spaeth
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Nancy Yirchott
Michael Murphy and Janet Nichols
Elnora Steeves
Shanley Staff
LeRoy Anthony Zacher
Evelyn Ukestad Soukup
Dorothy Storandt
Mark and Terri Brenner
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Shanley Staff
Harland Charles “Stubby” Swatfager
James and Mary Haugen
Al and Lori Soukup
Shirley Zander
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Marvin and Cory Haverkamp
Dan and Jeanne McGarvey
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Brett and Joelle Shewey
James & Hazel Wilk
Thomas and Jean Wilk Picard
Rev. Eugene Wesley
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Jim and Sharon Hardwick
Al and Lori Soukup, Jr.
Scott Soukup
Sister Maureen Walker ‘48
Gordon Bartholomay
Louise Dryburgh
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Mary Marquart Trowbridge
Matthew Thibedeau
Robert and Sue Thibedeau
Patrick D. Sweeney
Betty Brown Bossart
Kathleen Rooney Boucher
Harvey and Dr. Jane Brush Lillestol
Steve and Cindy Magnuson
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Brett and Joelle Shewey
Adam Thiel
Randy Roder and Sandy Thiel
Ronald Thorson
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
Verna Vaage
Mike and Marsha Nygaard
Molly Volkerding
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Robert & Shirley
von Ruden
Marguerite Walker
Bob and Cheryl Halvorson
Amanda Leininger Memorial
Brian and Ann Bandemer
Dr. Eric and Brooke Fenstad
Roger and Jan Fenstad
Andrew Nelson Memorial
Endowed Scholarship
Suzanne Nelson
Marialice Soleim
Kathleen Rooney Sornsin Boucher
Mike and Shawn Hagstrom
Pam Joraanstad
Shanley Staff
Elaine Zelinski
John and Kathy Hebert
Evelyn Ukestad Soukup
*Donations to these named
Scholarship Funds serve a specific
purpose & are therefore considered
RESTRICTED GIFTS. Gifts to these funds
are very much appreciated, but DO NOT
count toward class totals for Alumni
giving (only UNRESTRICTED giving to the
JP II Fund or Memorials count toward
class giving totals).
*This is also not a complete listing of
ALL scholarships. These are
scholarships that received donations
from July 1, 2013-April 15, 2014 only.
A full listing of Endowed Scholarships
can be found at http://alumni.fdjp2.
Alacoque Gibb Memorial
Jennifer Gibb Ebetino
Thomas and Holly Gibb
(in memory of Andrew J. Vanyo)
Michael Wolfe
Beth McGarvey Memorial
Harvey and Margaret Bofferding
Julie Bellefeuille
Rick Berg and Tracy Martin
Mike and Brenda Braulick
Kim and Bev Colwell
Barbara DeConcini
Melvin and Patricia Dunbar
Brian Durbin
Kevin and Cheryl Erichs
Vicki Fredrikson
Myron Fried
Donna Gaffaney
Maurice Goodwill
Swede and Carol Grindberg
Bob Heinley
Chris and Stephanie Heppner
Chris and Julie Schons Kaspari
Curt and Jana Kasper
Jon and Sarah Kuznia
Ron and Barb McGarvey Larson
Bobbi McGarvey Family
Daniel and Jeanne McGarvey
Jim and Lisa McGarvey
Kathy Willmann McMahon
Joannie Meyer
Todd and Dr. Margaret Traynor
John and Betty Moraghan
Lowella Ortberg
Ernest and Nancy Patterson
Dick and Rose Peterson
Daniel and Judy Montplaisir Roach
Mark and Susan Schaan
John and Rose McGarvey Skroch
Shawn and Mary Duginski Skrove
Joyce and Lee Sunblad
Curt and Tammy Zander Tollefson
Joe Wainwright
Kelly and Denise Wentz & family
Dennis and Rosie Wentz
Dennis and Linda Wilkes
Bill and Marion Willmann
Ken and Cindy Willmann
Brother Michael Collins Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Don Bolgrean and Julie Klosterman
Steven Granger
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report.
Clifford & Blanche Cossette
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Steve and Teri Cossette
Tom and Nancy Cossette
Randall and Mary Beth Cossette
Deacon Scholarship Fund
Class of 1958
Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation
Dick Kasper Endowed Memorial
Sally Kasper
Timothy and Melanie Kasper
J. Michael Collins Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Jeff and Le’Dean Collins
Kenneth and Marcia Collins
Paul and Debbie Collins
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Harold & Mary Ann Klosterman
Memorial Scholarship
Don Bolgrean and Julie Klosterman
Fred Desautels Memorial
Dr. John and Sharon Desautels
Paul and Rose Beauclair Radkowski
John & Ruth Dunnicliff Endowed
John and Ruth Cantlon Dunnicliff
John Kodelka Memorial Scholarship
Bob and Joan Kodelka Forstner
Mark & Lenore Sweeney Endowed
Rick and Teresa Sweeney Jordan
(In honor of Mark Sweeney’s 82nd
Mark and Lenore Sweeney
Steve and Janice Sweeney
Tom and Peg Sweeney
Steve & Mary Lou Nistler Endowed
Memorial Scholarship
Steve and Peg Nistler Lorz
Microsoft Matching Gift Program
Theresa Nistler
Jim and Katie Nistler Traynor
PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts
through April 15th. Gifts through
June 30th will be included in the
Annual Report.
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Where Are They Now?
We are very proud of our graduates and their positive impact on their communities. Faith, family, service and
excellence are common characteristics in our graduates. Please take some time to read through these interviews
with graduates and their profiles, we hope that you find them interesting and inspiring.
If you know of a graduate who would make for a great profile for the Deacon Newsletter
please contact Joelle Shewey (joelle.shewey@jp2schools.org) or Mike Smith (michael.smith@jp2schools.org).
The Sundance woman: MSUM director of health volunteers
each January at film festival
By:Merrie Sue Holtan, INFORUM
Published January 15, 2014 in The Forum
Moorhead - In 1964, United Artists premiered a film
in London promoting Beatlemania. “It’s Been a Hard
Day’s Night,” a title inspired by Beatle drummer
Ringo Starr, became one of Time Magazines great 100
films of all times.
It also played to packed crowds at the Fargo Theatre.
Mary and Carol Helms, fourth- and fifth-graders at
the time, stood in line to buy tickets to see the movie
– 14 times.
attended Sundance
in 1998 and says
she was worn out
from seeing all the
films and wanted to
become a part of the
festival. She then
convinced her sister
to join her.
In 1848, Mormon pioneers first explored the
mountainous area at 7,000 feet above sea level, 30
miles southeast of Salt Lake City.
“I work parties
(sometimes of 2,000
people) and special
events, and my
sister works passes
and packages,”
Carol says. “There
are many parties,
opening, closing,
street parties,
Carol (Helms) Grimm ‘71
invitation only
photo courtesy of The Forum
events, but the
final award party
is a lot of fun. I serve as a crowd liaison, setting up,
taking down, and I’ve learned a new skill – tying very
attractive tablecloths.”
Today Park City, population of 8,000, hosts millions
of tourists a year including the 45,000 patrons of
the Sundance Film Festival held for two weeks each
One year the pair worked a big private party, where
Carol ended up at coat check and made $70 in tips.
“We went out to a fancy restaurant and paid with onedollar bills,” Mary recalls.
In 1981, actor Robert Redford set out to provide a
venue in this remote natural setting for independent
film artists to explore and take creative risks without
commercial and political pressure. The Sundance
Film Foundation and Festival discovers and develops
these artists from across the globe.
Carol explains that volunteers have to apply in the fall
and be 18 years old.
“It really showed me the power of film,” says Carol
(Helms) Grimm, director of health and wellness at
Minnesota State University Moorhead. “OMG. I’ll
never forget the opening when the Beatles hit the
stage running right at us.”
Her love of the big screen has led her to a 14-year
stint each January as a volunteer – along with
her sister who now lives in Omaha, Neb. – at the
Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. Carol has
also served on the board of the Fargo Theatre for six
This year, Mary and Carol will volunteer starting on
Tuesday for the second week of the festival. Mary first
She works alongside college students, interns, Park
City locals and people from all over the country.
Shifts can be from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Veteran volunteers
can pick their venues, and Carol has been at the
Prospector Theatre for about 10 years.
“Park City is not a large town,” Carol says. “Movie
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Where Are They Now?
venues are everywhere, libraries, school, theaters,
civic buildings and hotels. We receive training in
person and online to let us know what is new each
year. It’s all about excellent customer service.”
Volunteers pay their own transportation and housing
but receive tickets/vouchers to see films and “tons of
stuff including really cool jackets.”
Depending on the year, Carol will see up to eight
films. Her most memorable have been, “The Station
Agent,” “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” “Maria Full of
Grace,” “Blair Witch Project,” and “Way Way Back.”
One year, Carol sat next to film critic Roger Ebert,
whom she describes as great to talk to and a “real
regular guy.”
Another time she worked a film venue, and a
gentleman approached her and said, “I realize I have
my daughter’s tickets and need to bring them to her.
Will you recognize me when I come back?”
“I certainly will, Mr. Vice President,” Carol said.
“It was VP Al Gore there to support his film,
‘Inconvenient Truth.’ He was very gracious and
This year, Carol has the documentary “Ivory Tower,”
about higher education on her must-see list as well as
“Rudderless,” a feature film with William H. Macy.
Carol, the oldest of six siblings, graduated from
Shanley High School, where she learned community
activism from her mother and concern for social
justice issues from the sisters who taught at the
school. This deep background led her to North
Dakota State University, where she majored in
Social Studies education and worked for Campus
Attractions, where she brought in films, acts,
coffeehouse entertainment and programming for
After a brief stint teaching, Carol became the
volunteer and public education coordinator as a
Vista volunteer for the Rape and Abuse Crisis Center,
which turned into a full-time position for 16 years.
“I wanted to get active in something related to
women’s issues,” Carol says. “It was a driving force
for me.”
Carol earned a graduate degree in management from
the University of Mary.
She spent the next 10 years at Fargo Cass Public
Health as Director of Health Promotions, working
with such issues as family planning and sexually
transmitted diseases. In 2008, she became the
director of Health and Wellness at MSUM.
“I see the biggest changes for college students in the
area of mental health,” Carol says. “Students with
mental health issues have more pharmaceuticals
available to them, so they are now able to attend
college. We are there to help them manage that and
the stress.”
“I like volunteering for Sundance because it is so
different from my real life,” Carol says. “If you like
film, Sundance is the place to be. It’s a celebration of
film – upbeat, exciting, and an electric environment.”
Diocesan policy regarding reporting sexual abuse:
The Diocese of Fargo is committed to the protection of youth. Please report any incidents or suspected incidents of child abuse, including sexual abuse, to civil authorities. If the situation involves a
member of the clergy or a religious order, a seminarian, or an employee of a Catholic school, parish,
the diocesan offices of other Catholic entity within the diocese, we as that you also report the incident or suspected incident to Msgr. Joseph P. Goering, Vicar General, at (701) 356-7945 or to Larry
Bernhardt, Victim Assistance Coordinator, at (701) 356-7965 of victimassistance@fargodiocese.org.
For additional information about victim assistance, visit:
The Deacon • Spring 2014
In Memoriam (information from Fargo Forum or provided by families)
We extend our sympathies to the friends and families of:
Ruth Madeline (Clemens) Ure (‘30) passed
away on February 8, 2014. Ruth was the sister of
William Clemens (‘38).
Sister Mary C. Palmer (‘31) passed away on
February 3, 2014. Sister Mary Palmer taught
at St. Anthony’s, St. Mary’s, Nativity and Holy
Margaret “Marge” (Pfeffer) Muus (‘35)
passed away on January 9, 2014 in Minot, ND.
Annabelle (Walker) Van Gilder (‘42)
passed away on March 10, 2014. Annabelle was
the sister of Sister Jane Walker (‘39), Tom
Walker (‘51) and the late Jim Walker (‘42)
and Sister Maureen Walker (‘48).
Jean (Rosatti) Lund (‘44) passed away
on November 20, 2013. Jean was the sister
of Robert “Bob” Rosatti (‘41) and the late
Joseph Rosatti (‘37).
Dr. Gerald Kavanaugh (‘45) passed away on
March 1, 2014. Jerry was the husband of Donna
(Erickson) Kavanaugh (‘45) and the brother
of Joel Kavanaugh (‘50) and the late Jim
Kavanaugh (‘48).
James Harrison Disney (‘48) passed away in
January 2014 in Concord, CA.
Margaret “Peggy” (Manning) Lavelle (‘48)
passed away on October 15, 2013. Peggy was the
wife of George Lavelle (‘47) and the mother
of Susan (Lavelle) Custer (‘68), Michael
Lavelle (‘69), Bob Lavelle (‘70), Patrick
Lavelle (‘72), Bill Lavelle (‘73), Nancy
(Lavelle) Hettich (‘75), David Lavelle (‘76),
Paul Lavelle (‘78), Colleen (Lavelle) Roy
(‘78), Ted Lavelle (‘79) and Jeff Lavelle
(‘81). She was also the grandmother of John
Lavelle (‘08).
M. Claire (Von Bank) Naset (‘51) passed
away on January 27, 2014. Claire was the sister
of Rita (Von Bank) Halland (‘48).
Dennis Montgomery (‘57) passed away on
November 17, 2013. Dennis was the brother of
Patricia (Montgomery) Heisler (‘62).
Clement Sauvageau (‘57) passed away on
October 3, 2013.
Elizabeth J. (Moen) Crane (‘59) passed away
on December 16, 2013. Elizabeth was the sister
of Phyllis (Moen) Weber (‘56) and Ruthie
(Moen) Dean (‘60).
Mary Kay (DeJardine) Nestler (‘59) passed
away on January 21, 2014. She was the sister of
the late Robert DeJardine (‘54).
Margaret (Jamieson) Sailer (‘59) passed
away November 23, 2013. Margaret was the
sister of Kathleen (Jamieson) Enghauser
(‘58), Judy Jamieson (‘62), Robert
Jamieson (‘66), the late William Jamieson
(‘62) and the late James Jamieson (‘63). She
was also the mother of Sandra (Sailer) Ferris
(‘83), Karen (Sailer) Kessler (‘84), Scott
Sailer (‘94) and the grandmother of Lauren
Kessler (‘11).
Claudia “Corky” Helen (Maddock)
Netherland (‘61) passed away on January
27, 2014. Claudia was the sister of Michael
Maddock (‘59), John Maddock (‘64), Mary
(Maddock) Moneke (‘66), Penny Maddock
(‘70), Tom Maddock and Jim Maddock.
Karen (Evje) Opgrand (‘61) passed away on
November 29, 2013.
Timothy Palmer (‘62) passed away on
October 22, 2013. Tim was the father of Ranae
(Palmer) Schmidt (‘86), Christina Palmer
(‘88), Rachael (Palmer) Henning, Ashley
Palmer (‘08) and Derek Palmer.
Mary Jo Ann (Rylance) Hoffarth (‘65)
passed away on March 23, 2014. Mary Jo was the
sister of Dan Rylance (‘60).
Peggy (Erickson) Bender (‘66) passed away
on February 21, 2014. Peggy was the sister of
Rita Erikson (‘63).
James Edward Lavelle (‘72) passed away
on December 24, 2013. James was the husband
of Jeanne (LeDoux) Lavelle (‘82) and
the brother of Lory (Lavelle) LaPointe
(‘66), Kari (Lavelle) Stoner (‘67), Margy
(Lavelle) Furst (‘68), Jack Lavelle (‘70),
Barb (Lavelle) Houglum (‘74), Dan Lavelle
(‘76), Chuck Lavelle and Andrew Lavelle
The Deacon • Spring 2014
In Memoriam
Katherine (Sittauer) Gartin (‘76) passed
away on April 3, 2014. Katherine was the sister
of Nancy (Sittauer) Rosell, Mary Ann
(Sittauer) Brock (‘78) and Kevin Sittauer
Renee (Ringuette) Bearden (‘79) passed
away on December 23, 2013. Renee was the
sister of Barbara (Ringuette) Miller (‘58),
Gene Ringuette (‘64), Lavetta (Ringuette)
Syverson (‘66), Ken Ringuette (‘68), Dana
Ringuette (‘72), John Ringuette (‘74), Tom
Ringuette (‘76) and the late Scott Ringuette
Denise (Savageau) Lahn (‘81) passed away
on February 17, 2014. Denise was the daughter
of Dick Savageau (‘52), the sister of Kevin
Savageau (‘78), Tim Savageau (‘79), Donna
(Savageau) Hammer (‘79), Dave Savageau
(‘86) and the step-sister of Laura (Mullen)
Graham (‘80), Dick Mullen (‘81), Mark
Mullen (‘83), Mike Mullen (‘84) and Julie
(Mullen) Zimmel (‘88).
Gerald “Jerry” Bartholomay passed
away on November 14, 2013. Jerry was the
Superintendent of the Fargo Catholic Schools
from 1999-2004. It was under his leadership that
the new Shanley High School & Sullivan Middle
School building was constructed.
Della Bassett passed away on December 21,
2013. Della was the mother of Jim Bassett
(‘70) and Judy (Bassett) Bruns (‘74).
Lillian Clara Beaton passed away on March
9, 2014. Lillian was the wife of James Beaton
(‘39) and the mother of Mike Beaton (‘67),
Pat (Beaton) Thompson (‘68), Charley
Beaton (‘71), Lou (Beaton) Nagle (‘72) and
Don Beaton (‘76).
Howard Earl Black passed away on January 9,
2014. Howard was the father of Mary (Black)
Shaw (‘69), Michael Black, Kathy (Black)
Dahlsad (‘73) and Kevin Black.
Maury Byron passed away on April 5, 2014.
Maury was the brother of Marcy (Byron)
Schroder, Kevin Byron (‘77), Michael
Byron, Daniel Byron, Carrie (Byron) Roy
(‘80), Mary Byron and Katherine (Byron)
Lucille Campbell passed away on October
6, 2013. Lucille was the mother of Brian
Campbell, Kevin Campbell (‘72) and
Michelle (Campbell) Brennan (‘74).
Ralph John Christlieb passed away on
December 31, 2013. Ralph was the brother of
Harold Christlieb (‘60), David Christlieb
(‘62) and Stephen Christlieb (‘63).
Rae Colliton passed away on January 12, 2014.
Rae was the wife of Dr. Patrick Colliton (‘51)
and the mother of Cathryn (Colliton) Spaeth
(‘75), Scott Colliton (‘79), Mark Colliton
(‘80), Steven Colliton (‘83) and Todd
Colliton (‘86).
Helen Corcoran passed away on November
16, 2013. Helen was the mother of Donald
Corcoran (‘61) and Audrey (Corcoran)
Ernest “Ernie” Cossette passed away on
March 22, 2014. Ernie was the father of LeRoy
Cossette (‘63), Russell Cossette, Wayne
Cossette (‘66), Karen (Cossette) Hofer
(‘66), Michael Cossette (‘68), Suzanne
(Cossette) Holm (‘69), Kathy Cossette
(‘71), Joleen Cossette (‘72), Faye (Cossette)
Carmen (‘74), Debra (Cossette) Young
(‘75) and Joe Cossette (‘77).
Harold A. Dancer passed away on October 11,
2013. Harold was the father of William Dancer
(‘76), James Dancer, Timothy Dancer and
the late Sandra Dancer (‘73). Harold was
also the grandfather of Samuel Dancer (‘08),
Michael Dancer (‘11) and current Network
student Madison Dancer (‘14).
Gerald Diedrich Deede passed away on
February 17, 2014. Gerald was the father of
Patricia (Deede) Simons (‘67), Nancy
(Deede) Schroeder (‘68), Michael Deede
(‘73) and the late Karen (Deede) Sieber
(‘74). He was also the grandfather of Rebecca
(Simons) Seeba (‘90), Amy (Simons)
Anderson (‘93) and Kara Simons (‘99).
Ellsworth “Ed” Dollinger passed away on
March 2, 2014. Ed was the father of Mark
Dollinger, Teresa Dollinger (‘87) and the
late Scott Dollinger (‘84).
The Deacon • Spring 20143
In Memoriam
Susan Flynn passed away on October 29, 2013.
Susan was the wife of Michael Flynn (‘66).
Donna Gaffaney passed away on February
13, 2014. Donna was the mother of David
Gaffaney (‘80) and Thomas Gaffaney (‘87).
and Chief Science Officer. He received his PhD
in Cereal Science from NDSU. Michelle and their
son, Andrew, continue to reside in Parker, CO
where Andrew is a freshmen at the University of
Colorado, Boulder, majoring in Engineering.
Janet L. Gerberding passed away on
February 23, 2014. Janet was the sister of
Judy (Gerberding) Hoffman, Jeanne
(Gerberding) Alm, Jim Gerberding (‘70),
Jerry Gerberding (‘71), Joan (Gerberding)
Cook (‘72), Jack Gerberding (‘74) and
Janette (Gerberding) Silleck (‘81).
Mary Rose Laliberte passed away on October
9, 2013. Mary was the mother of Msgr.
Robert Laliberte (‘64), Paul Laliberte
(‘66), Andrea (Laliberte) Lewis (‘68),
George Laliberte (‘70), Lisa Laliberte
(‘72), Richard Laliberte (‘78) and Michael
Laliberte (‘80).
Elmer “Red” Halland passed away on
November 19, 2013. Elmer was the husband of
Rita (Von Bank) Halland (‘48).
Neil Little passed away on February 7, 2014.
Neil was the father of McKensie (Little)
Sawyer (‘99), Logan Little (‘01), Alexandra
Little (‘11) and Madison Little (‘13).
Lonnie J. Hendrickson passed away on
October 28, 2013. Lonnie was the brother
of Leah Rae Hendrickson, Rory Allan
Hendrickson (‘87) and Heather Lyn
(Hendrickson) Moen (‘93).
Doris Hunt passed away on February 1, 2014.
Doris was the mother of Joanne (Hunt)
Bennett (‘74), Tracey (Hunt) Breland (‘76)
and Nancy (Hunt) Brenk (‘79).
Mona Rose Johnson passed away on January
30, 2014. Mona was the sister of Nickolas
Thorson (‘71), Randy Thorson and Yvonne
(Thorson) Christoferson.
Jerry Keogh passed away on February 17, 2014.
Jerry was the father of Michele Keogh (‘79),
Sherry Keogh (‘80), Mary (Keogh) Kava
and the grandfather of current Network students
Jacob Kava and Joseph Kava.
Benjamin Gaffrey Knier passed away on
March 14, 2014. Ben was a member of the Class
of 2006 through sophomore year and the brother
of Anna Knier (‘00) and Alexandra (Knier)
Putzer (‘03).
Andrew Kowalski passed away on December
4, 2013. Andrew was the brother of Charles
Kowalski (‘59).
Wallace (Wally) Kunerth passed away
October 24, 2013. Wally was the husband of
Michelle (Bolgrean) Kunerth (‘75). Wally
worked with Penford Foods for over 20 years
and completed his employment as Vice President
Geraldine “Geri” (Korte) Moening passed
away on October 8, 2013. Geri was a member
of the Class of 1963 and the sister of Janice
(Korte) Burlet (‘62).
Roger Mohrbacher passed away on
February 28, 2014. Roger was the father of
Julie (Mohrbacher) Desautels, Diane
Mohrbacher, Jane (Mohrbacher)
Dickerson and Tricia (Mohrbacher) Skodje
Donald F. Mugan passed away on April 3,
2014. Don was the father of Bridget (Mugan)
Nielsen (‘91), Christa (Mugan) Crane (‘92),
Ryan Mugan (‘98) and Alexander Mugan.
Harold L. Newman passed away on February
20, 2014. Harold was the father of Russell
Newman, Kari (Newman) Ness, Nancy
(Newman) Erickson, Ruth (Newman)
Tang and Cheryl (Newman) Olson (‘86).
James Pyle passed away on December 7, 2013.
Jim was the husband of Christina (Gapp) Pyle
(‘47), the father of Tim Pyle (‘78), Laurinda
Pyle-Webber (‘80), Tom Pyle (‘85) and the
grandfather of James Webber (‘07), Stefan
Webber (‘11) and Tristan Webber (‘13).
Ronald Peter Rasmussen passed away on
January 22, 2014. Ronald was the brother of
Lorin Rasmussen, Carol (Rasmussen)
Myhre (‘62), Dianne (Rasmussen) Bentsen
(‘63), Dorothy (Rasmussen) Bach (‘66) and
The Deacon • Spring 2014
In Memoriam
Mary Rasmussen.
Dr. Mark K. Reinke passed away on December
25, 2013. Mark was the husband of Kathy
(Abel) Reinke (‘77).
Joseph Robinson passed away on December
24, 2013. Joe was the husband of Kathy (Kelly)
Robinson (‘59).
Tracy J. Schmidt passed away on April 2, 2014.
Tracy was the brother of Dan Schmidt (‘70)
and Pat Schmidt (‘72).
Gregory Schulz passed away on February 27,
2014. Greg was the father of Devany Schulz
Jeffrey “Jeff” Skuza passed away on March 11,
2014. Jeff was the father of Travis Skuza (‘11)
and Nicholas Skuza (‘14).
Paul Sornsin passed away on January 25, 2014.
Paul was the brother of Ann (Sornsin) Peery
(‘59), Mary Sornsin (‘62) and Steve Sornsin
Alvin (Al) Soukup passed away on October 30,
2013. Al was the husband of Evelyn (Ukestad)
Soukup (‘48) and the father of Al Soukup
(‘74), Mike Soukup (‘74), Kathy (Soukup)
Cicora (‘76), Nancy (Soukup) Tufto (‘78),
Greg Soukup (‘79) and Scott Soukup (‘84).
Harland Charles “Stubby” Swatfager
passed away on January 23, 2014. Harland
was the father of Rodney Swatfager (‘65),
Lawrence Swatfager (‘66), Patricia
(Swatfager) Haney (‘69), Randy Swatfager
(‘74), Connie (Swatfager) Lunneborg,
Rhonda (Swatfager) Beringer and Gail
(Swatfager) Meyer.
Anne Tuchscherer passed away on January
26, 2014. Anne was the mother of Marilynn
(Tuchscherer) Scott, Marvin Tuchscherer
(‘70), Michael Tuchscherer (‘70) and
Margery (Tuchscherer) Klinger (‘74).
Molly Volkerding passed away on March
14, 2014. Molly was the mother of Patrick
Volkerding (‘85), Shawn (Volkerding)
Richardson (‘86) and Jennifer
(Volkerding) Bulthuis.
Laura Voth passed away on February 26, 2014.
Laura was the mother of Marylou (Voth) Maul
(‘64) and Betty Voth.
Geraldine Weber passed away on February 2,
2014. Geraldine was the wife of Kent Weber
Rosemary Wright passed away on January
12, 2014. Rosemary was the mother of Jacalyn
(Wright) Rosson (‘68).
Nancy Yirchott passed away on January 2,
2014. Nancy was the wife of Charles Yirchott
LeRoy Anthony Zacher passed away on
February 15, 2014. LeRoy was the brother of Al
Zacher (‘75), Mary Jo Zacher (‘84) and the
late Billy Zacher (‘75).
Elaine Zelinski passed away on December
9, 2013. Elaine was the mother of Mark
Zelinski (‘74), Tim Zelinski (‘78) and Cindy
(Zelinski) Morse (‘80).
If you would like to inform classmates and other alumni of a loved one’s passing, please submit information
either by phone or by email to Maria Dahlin at: 701-893-3233 or maria.dahlin@jp2schools.org.
The Deacon • Spring 2014
What’s Happening in our Schools
Radio Club
By Tim Cruff, Shanley Science Teacher and Radio Club Advisor
On September 18th, 2012, the United
States Communication Commission
approved a license for the Shanley High
School Amateur Radio Club; call sign
KD0TCP. Since then, the call sign has
been heard in Europe, Japan, South
America, Canada, Cuba, and all over the
United States. The club at this time, has
eight members that have passed their
FCC examinations and we have more
studying for the next exams to be given in
May at the Court House Annex in Fargo.
The students operate from a small radio
station on the second floor of Shanley
High School where they were able to
establish antennas in the attic of the
school. When the weather is warmer; you
may see them outside after school setting
up portable antennas, working off a
generator, or using battery-powered high frequency,
very high frequency, and ultra-high frequency radios;
to make national and international contacts.
Some of our students are members of the Red River
Radio Amateurs, which is a very active organization
that has provided emergency communication
capabilities in the Red River Valley for years. Some
students are also members of the American Radio
Relay League (ARRL); the national organization that
is the primary amateur radio organization within the
United States. The ARRL informed us that to their
knowledge, Shanley is the only high school club that
has established lettering criteria based on school
service, community service, and continuing education
To date; our students have provided service to a
multitude of public events in the Red River Valley.
They usually provide emergency communications
to assist individuals that are participating in
various community-based events such as, the Fargo
Marathon, the Buffalo River Trail Run, the Muscular
Dystrophy Bike Run, the Rotary Bike Run, and the
Sky-Warn system.
The club will be assisting the University of North
Dakota with their High-Altitude Balloon Research
Radio Club Members operate equipment
projects in April and June as part of the tracking
& recovery team, and the club is assembling a
cross-band communication systems that will be
deployed on the balloons to provide long-range radio
In April, the Shanley High School Radio Club is
hosting the Emergency Communications Trailer that
will be the local base-of-operations for the North
Dakota Radio contest, and at the end of June, is the
International Field Day; where the students will be
setting up emergency communications at a remote
site (camping), using generators, battery systems,
and solar cells to make contacts all over the globe
as a practice for regional, national, or international
emergency events.
So far, all equipment for the club has been donated
by local Hams, and the program has cost JPII Schools
nothing to operate. The club is hoping to operate
long-term through donations, or by selling excess
The Deacon • Spring 2014
What’s Happening in our Schools
Gatorade Players of the Year
By: Chase Montplaisir, Shanley Student
off. The Deacons finished 26-9 with another EDC
Tournament runner-up and finished fourth at the
state tournament. Fraase received second team allstate honors her freshman year.
She continued to blossom the following season.
The main source of offense for the Deacons, Fraase
carried Shanley to a 24-10 record, a third straight
EDC Tournament runner-up and fifth place at the
state tournament. She was an all-stater again her
sophomore year, except this time she made it on the
first team. “We had a really good year that year but
improvement was a must before the next season,’
Fraase said.
The summer before her junior season Fraase gave
a verbal commitment to the University of North
Dakota to play volleyball. “It was exciting to make
that decision because it is a great program up there
(Grand Forks),” Fraase said.
Alivia Fraase
Load. Jump. Swing. Hit. Score. Repeat. If you visit
McCormick Gymnasium during volleyball season
you will see this sequence from junior middle hitter
Alivia Fraase over and over again. Dribble. Shoot.
Score. Repeat. If you venture into McCormick
Gymnasium during basketball season you will see
this sequence from sophomore point guard Sarah
Jacobson. Fraase and Jacobson do share something
in common, however. Fraase was named the 2013
Gatorade Player of the Year for the sport of volleyball.
Jacobson was named the 2014 Gatorade Player of the
Year for the sport of girls basketball.
Fraase began her varsity career as an eighth grader.
That season she helped lead Shanley to a 24-9
record that included a runner-up finish at the EDC
Tournament and a seventh place finish at the state
tournament. The following season Fraase took
With the decision out of the way Fraase was able
to focus on her final two high school season. She
dominated the competition again this past fall,
eclipsing the 1,000 kill mark in the process. The
Deacons finished first in the EDC regular season as
well as tournament. They took third place at state
and eclipsed the 30 win mark for the first time in
school history, finishing 31-3. Fraase led the Deacons
with 491 kills her junior year. She finished the season
with 1,278 total kills in her career. She was named to
first team all-state for the second consecutive season.
Jacobson, not unlike Fraase, began her playing career
in middle school. She made the varsity roster as a
seventh grader. Jacobson played limited minutes in
her inaugural year on a team that lost in the state
title game to Fargo North. The following season
she assumed the starting point guard role. She hit
the ground running her first full season. She was
the second leading scorer at 12.8 points per game.
She was first on the team and fourth in the EDC in
assists at 3.6 per game. She also led the conference
in three point percentage, connecting on 46.6% of
her attempts. She help the Deacons to a 19-6 record,
a runner-up finish at the EDC Tournament and a
fourth place finish at the state tournament. The
following season was Jacobson’s coming out party.
The Deacon • Spring 2014
What’s Happening in our Schools
She burst onto the scene by averaging a team
high 15.5 points and 5.0 assists per contest. She
also stole the ball 2.9 times per game. Shanley
won the EDC Championship behind Jacobson
and advanced the state semifinals before falling
to Bismarck Century. They finished in third place
at 22-3 overall. But something was still missing
from Jacobson’s resume, a state championship.
“We lost in the semifinal game and that was really
disappointing so we worked hard to not feel that
feeling again,” Jacobson said.
Sarah’s sophomore year was dominant. 21.7 points,
6.8 assists, 2.9 steals per game, 52 three pointers,
43.3% from behind the arc solidified herself on
the all-state team for the second consecutive year.
She led Shanley to an EDC Championship and a
state championship. She dominated on the title
bout, scoring 28 points while the entire Minot team
scored just 29. She was named tournament MVP and
was an unanimous selection to the all-tournament
team. “That weekend was so much fun and the
championship was just the icing on the proverbial
cake,” Jacobson added.
Alivia Fraase and Sarah Jacobson have been wowing
spectators since middle school. Whether it is a high
velocity kill or a 22 foot three pointer, they have skills
that their compatriots and competitors alike don’t
have. A year and two years remaining at Shanley,
respectively, the sky’s the limit for these two bonafide
Sarah Jacobson
stars. Shanley fans and opposing fans have been
blessed with these two wonderful talents and have
more to look forward in the future. Congratulations
to Fraase and Jacobson on their Gatorade Player of
the Year awards.
“It is really cool to win this award and my teammates
deserve as much credit as I do,” Fraase said.
“Honored, that is probably the word that comes to
mind. A.J. won it last year and now me this year,
it has been a really special two years for our whole
family,” Jacobson said.
Deacons devotion: Eighth-grader with muscular dystrophy
known as Shanley’s No. 1 fan
Origianally published in The Forum
Fargo - Fargo Shanley’s Sid Cichy Stadium and
McCormick Gymnasium are the two favorite hangout
spots for 14-year-old Joe Keller.
Both venues are where Keller’s heroes call home, and
given the countless hours he spends at both locations,
the venues are his home, too.
Keller, an eighth-grader at Sullivan Middle School, is
widely known as one of the most fervent supporters
of Shanley High School athletics and he has the ticket
stubs to prove it.
“Shanley is the only school I follow,” Keller said.
“I really enjoy watching all the sports at Shanley.
Everyone is a part of the game and that is what I like.
It’s fun to be a fan and fun to watch the players do
At age 5, Keller was diagnosed with muscular
dystrophy – a group of muscle diseases characterized
by progressive weakness and degeneration of skeletal
muscles that control movement.
After the diagnosis, Keller needed the assistance of
leg braces and by the time he entered fourth grade, he
began using a motorized wheelchair fulltime.
Actively competing in his favorite sports was off the
table. Cheering and supporting his friends that could
play was not.
“He is a special guy,” Shanley junior all-state
The Deacon • Spring 2014
What’s Happening in our Schools
he is totally joyful and positive. As a player it was
always great to know he was at our games.”
Keller is a student manager for the eighth
grade boys basketball team at Sullivan. His job
description is to dish out encouragement.
“We are sort of an all-star team,” Keller said of the
team. “I look forward to every tournament and
every game.”
Since Keller began following Shanley athletics,
three games – the 2008 boys soccer state
championship, the 2012 girls soccer state
championship and the 2013 boys basketball state
championship – stand out.
Joe Keller watches a Fargo Shanley basketball game
with his friends on Friday. Keller, who was diagnosed
with muscular dystrophy at age 5, is a student manager
for the eighth grade boys basketball team and is known
as one of the Deacons’ most supportive fans.
Dave Wallis / The Forum
linebacker Alex Berg said. “He is always talking to the
football players and loves watching the sport. I know
he wants to be out there so bad, but he is there every
game cheering us on. No one compares to him. He is
our No. 1 fan.”
“Even though Joe can’t play sports, he takes a great
interest in them and has passion for them,” added
Joe’s father, Gary Keller. “That is a great feeling and
I’m proud of him.”
Keller’s sister Kayla is a senior at Shanley and plays
soccer. When the Deacons girls soccer team defeated
Bismarck St. Mary’s in a shootout to capture the 2012
state championship, Keller took a lap around the field
with the Deacons’ team flag in hand.
“He never misses a game and always puts in the extra
effort to get to all of them,” Kayla Keller said. “He has
formed friendships with my teammates and other
players, too. Whenever we play Fargo Davies, some
of the girls from the team who play on my travel team
come over and give Joe a hug. The friendships he has
made are bigger than the game.”
“Joe brings a lot of passion to Shanley athletics,”
added Carly Mickelson, a former three-sport athlete
for the Deacons and 2013 Shanley graduate. “A lot
of people can cheer and be supportive at games, but
Keller said the 2013 boys basketball title is his
favorite. Following the victory, every member of
the team came up to Joe to thank him for being in
Bismarck that night last March.
“Even though Shanley might lose a game here and
there, I’ll think about last year’s state championship
game,” Keller said. “I know that might sound like
I’m living in the past, but I’m just so glad we got that
state title.”
Keller never shows up to a game without Deacons
gear. He has a specific hat for every sport, but his
lucky hat is one that he has worn since 2011 – the
year the Shanley girls basketball team made it to the
state championship game.
Keller said the hat has a lot of sentimental value and
is autographed by players on that 2011 squad as well
as Shanley players in the seasons that have followed.
Shanley athletes also support Keller. Every year, the
boys basketball team designates one home game
to wear T-shirts that read “Joe’s Heroes” during
warmups and also join the Keller family at Fargo’s
annual Walk for Wishers fundraising event for the
Make-A-Wish Foundation.
“It definitely gives our team a sense of pride, knowing
Joe has our back,” Shanley basketball standout
Patrick Strom said. “We have his back, too. We love
seeing him at the games, giving him high-fives and
going to the Make-A-Wish events the Keller family
participates in. We love supporting him and we are
glad to have his support as well.”
You are invited to join us for a day of golf, fun and fellowship at the
Orv Kelly Shanley Scramble
Monday, September 15, 2014
Moorhead Country Club
Burger/Brat Lunch at 11:00 AM
Begins at 11:30 AM
Hole-in-One Contest
(sponsored by Valley Imports, Inc.)
6-Person Scramble ● BBQ Dinner
$125 Scramble & BBQ Dinner ● $20 BBQ Dinner Only
Name _________________________________________________ Phone # _______________
E-mail address: ______________________________________________________________
(Your team will be notified via e-mail if there are last-minute tournament changes due to weather, etc.)
______ I do not have a team, but would like to play. Please put me on a team with an opening.
Team Requested:
Name _______________________________________________________ Handicap ______________
Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________
Name _______________________________________________________ Handicap ______________
Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________
Name _______________________________________________________ Handicap ______________
Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________
Name _______________________________________________________ Handicap ______________
Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________
Name _______________________________________________________ Handicap ______________
Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________
Name _______________________________________________________ Handicap ______________
Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________
#Golfing & Dinner
_____ X $125 = __________
_____ X $5 = __________
(limit 2 mulligans per golfer please)
#BBQ Dinner Only _____ X $20 = __________
*Total Due = __________
*Your team will be considered “registered” when payment is received.
Tournament is limited to first 25 teams.
Please complete entire form and
return with payment by Sept. 8th to:
5600 25th Street South
Fargo, ND 58104
Questions? – Contact Joelle at 701-893-3225
or e-mail Joelle.Shewey@jp2schools.org
The Deacon • Spring 2014
What’s Happening in our Schools
TOGETHER! we are a vibrant Catholic Community
with unlocked potential. Our Together Campaign will
allow the Blessed John Paul II Catholic Schools to
operate from a position of strength for the future and
realize our collective capacity. By constructing Trinity
Elementary School we will capitalize on the amazing
growth in the area and provide a steady stream of
students to fill Shanley and Sullivan School.
Bishop Folda wrote: “As part of our mission to serve, we
are truly blessed to have Blessed John Paul II Catholic
Schools, which provides our youth with an academic
tradition of excellence, a faithful and inspiring
ministerial team, and strong support from our local
parishes. With our many blessings comes the
responsibility of providing an environment to support the spiritual and academic growth of our
children. Strategic planning efforts within our community have indicated that it is time to move forward
with the building of Trinity Elementary School and to address lingering debt and expansion projects at
Shanley/ Sullivan. It is time for all of us to come together as a Catholic Community to address the new
needs and the ongoing mission of our Catholic Schools”
We are investing in our Catholic youth by providing a world class learning environment, focused
through the prism of faith. We have consistently excelled at academics, sports & activities, but our
foundation in faith is what really distinguishes our schools. Together! We can build upon this
tradition, and inspire excellence through faith, learning and service for the future!
Watch the JPII Catholic Schools website for more information and updates as we progress into the
future. If you have any questions or would like to offer support for the Together Campaign please
contact Dr. Michael Smith at 701-893-3244.
The Deacon • Spring 2014
Deacon Partners Program
The Deacon Partners Program is a program featuring corporate businesses who provide annual financial support for JPII Catholic Schools. The success of our schools in faith formation, academics, Christian Service and
extracurricular activities is a key determiner of the JPII Catholic Schools achieving its Mission “… to teach the
total person and foster the following of Christ…” The Deacon Partners is an annual program. Deacon Partners
receive many benefits beyond the development of our future area leaders. Thank you to our Deacon Partners:
The JPII Catholic Schools is proud to introduce a re-structured Deacon Partners program as part of our JPII
Annual Fund with special packages tailored to the needs of our generous business donors!
If you are interested in becoming a Deacon Partner for the 2014-15 school year,
please contact Joelle Shewey, Director of Constituent Relations & JPII Fund,
at Joelle.Shewey@jp2schools.org or 701-893-3225)
*All advertising must be consistent with the mission of the JPII Catholic Schools... “to inspire exceptional student
achievement by teaching the total person and fostering the following of Christ in an environment guided by the Gospel
spirit, as taught by the Catholic Church.”
Blessed John Paul II Catholic Schools Network
5600 25th Street South
Fargo, ND 58104
If your Deacon Alumn has a new address, please pass it on to us, so we can send them the Deacon newsletter.
Phone: 701-893-3233 • Email: maria.dahlin@jp2schools.org
Or mail to: ATTN: Maria Dahlin, JPII Catholic Schools Advancement Department, 5600 25th St. S., Fargo, ND 58104
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Dr. Michael Smith
Treasurer: Eugene Simon
Fr. Kevin Boucher
Fr. Jim Meyer
Fr. Raymond Courtright
Msgr. Jeffrey Wald
Fr. Paul Duchschere
Fr. Jared Kadlec
Msgr. Joseph Goering
Fr. Bert Miller
Wanda Fischer
Tom Kasper
Keith Wilson
Carrie Ward
Laura Alderman
Chris Connor
Dave Dietz
Wanda Fischer
Fr. LaCroix
Dr. Michael Smith
Lori Hager
Director of Admissions and Marketing
Joelle Shewey
Director of Constituent Relations and JPII Fund
Sherri Simon
Executive Administrative Assistant and Communications Director
Ed Mitchell
Mark Krecji
John Jones Jr. (Council Chair)
Joe Paul
Keith Wilson
Fr. Boucher
Principal of Shanley High School
Leon Knodel
Principal of Sullivan Middle School
Cindy Hutchins
Principal of Nativity Elementary School
Jason Kotrba
Principal of Holy Spirit Elementary School
Randall Nelson
Activities Director
Fr. Charles LaCroix
Mary Beth Traynor
Director of Accreditation & Student Services
Stacy Roney
Business Manager