Term 1, Week 6, 1/3/16 - Camdenville Public School
Term 1, Week 6, 1/3/16 - Camdenville Public School
Camdenville News Camdenville Public School ‘Truth & Courtesy’ Term 1, Week 6 Dates to Remember 4/3/16 6/3/16 11/3/16 15/3/16 16/3/16 4/4/16-5/4/16 Ride to School day School Working Bee Camdenville Camp Out P&C AGM 7pm Last day for Stewart House Clothing Parent/Student/Teacher Conference PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Dear parents and caregivers Swimming carnival The following students represented us at the Zone carnival: Jonathan Korkidas, Abdi Orr, Jayden Mayas, William Baird, Kira Martinus, Jane Nikua, Ruby Pugh, Tahalia Nealon, Halvor Erling, Olive Neate, Edie Krone, Josie Newman and Carys Gill. William, Carys, Josie, Ruby and Jonathan made finals in freestyle for their ages and William placed first in 12 year boys 50m Butterfly, 50m freestyle, 2nd in 50m backstroke and 3rd in breaststroke. He will represent the zone at District in freestyle, butterfly and backstroke for his age group. Carys placed 1st in 9 years 50m freestyle and 2nd in the Jnr 50m backstroke. Carys will represent the zone at Districts in these two events. Congratulations to everyone who did their very best on the day. The Tell Them From Me student feedback survey I am delighted that this term, our school, like many others in the state, will participate in a Department of Education and Communities initiative: the Tell Them From Me student feedback survey. The survey aims to help improve student learning outcomes and measures factors that are known to affect academic achievement and other student outcomes. The focus of the NSW-wide survey is on Tuesday 1 March 2016 student wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching practices. Students Years 4, 5 and 6 complete the survey online. More information about the survey is available at: http://surveys.cese.nsw.gov.au/information-forparents The survey is a great opportunity for our students to provide our school with valuable and quick feedback on what they think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. Schools in Australia and around the world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help improve how they do things at school. I want to assure you that the survey is confidential and school staff will not be able to identify individual students from their responses. The survey is conducted online and will typically take less than 30 minutes to complete. It will be administered during school hours between 9 March and 2 April. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary. A parent and a teacher survey will also be part of the collation and triangulation of data later in the year. School Working Bee – This Sunday! On Sunday March 6 from 10:00 we will be having a school working bee. All are welcome to spend an hour or two making sure the school environment is a great as it can be. It’s a great way for families old and new to get to know one another in a friendly productive environment. There will be the usual gardening activities- this term I would like the preschool to get a little attention. We have a few trees to be trimmed and gardens to be tidied. But as well - the canteen transformation will be part of the working bee with finishing touches to walls and shelves. I look forward to seeing as many of you coming along as possible. Learning Potential- a new app to help you understand and support your child’s learning Last year the former Minister for Education and Training, the Honorary Christopher Pyne MP, announced the release of a free app for parents packed with tips and inspiring ways to be more involved in their child’s learning. It’s for all ages, from the high chair to high school, and it gives you: tips and hints relevant information tailored to your child’s age fun and easy ways to stimulate learning https://www.education.gov.au/news/new-learningpotential-app Being safe Online The Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner is a one-stop-shop for online safety. The Office provides Australians a range of up-to-date information and resources, coupled with a comprehensive complaints system to assist children who experience serious cyberbullying. In particular parents might like to take a look at the ESafety web page on the site. https://esafety.gov.au/about-the-office/role-of-theoffice OZtrail OZtrail ordering opportunity extended closes Friday. OZtrail are providing an opportunity for the P&C to sell their camping products at discounted rates to anyone from Camdenville PS - staff, family or friends. Please see the attached OZtrail product list & order form. This opportunity is open to ALL Camdenville PS staff, families & friends. Some of these products may come in handy should you be a Camdenville Camp Outer! Important Note - you don’t have to be doing the Camp Out to place an order - it is open to everyone. Payment is due to Camdenville P&C on delivery. Please funds transfer into P&C bank account: Camdenville Public School P&C BSB – 062165 Account – 10081421 Please put OzTrail and surname next to deposit. Orders close Friday 4 March 2016. The completed order form is to be emailed to camdenvillepandc@gmail.com or placed in Camdenville P&C Box in school office foyer area by COB Friday 4/3/16. Pick up from the school. Thanks to Chris for providing this opportunity for us. Sue Smith Principal STAGE 1 BOOK Awards Congratulations to the following students who received a Book Award. Week 4 Week 5 Kira Maralgoo Isla Frankie Oliver William Luca Ruby This term Stage One is redesigning the library to create a learning hub. We want to know what you want to use it for… Workshops? Collaborate with new people? Learn from your kids? Simply scan our QR code to fill out our survey! From Stage One Students P & C NEWS AGM BULLETIN P&C AGM AND GENERAL MEETING – STAFF ROOM, TUESDAY 15 MARCH, 7PM The P&C Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in Week 8 on 15 March in the Staff Room at 7pm. The P&C General Meeting will then follow the AGM. More information about the AGM is included later in the newsletter. P&C ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) The P&C Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on 15 March 2016 in the staff room at 7pm, followed by the P&C General Meeting. The Agenda will be available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XYguraXtCdDRqc3ktOVdLVGM/view?usp=sharing REGISTER FOR CAMDENVILLE CAMP-OUT BY FRI 4 MARCH If you are interested in coming to the Camdenville Camp Out on Fri 11 March, please fill in the registration form at : https://docs.google.com/forms/ Payment is required at registration. Booking for the limited campsites closes on Friday 4 March. Please email Fran at camdenvillepandc@gmail.com if you have any questions about the camp out. Also don't forget that orders for OzTrail camping gear are due. REMINDER: WORKING BEE THIS SUNDAY 6 MARCH A reminder there is a working bee on at the School this coming Sunday from 10am to 2pm. We would greatly appreciate any volunteers to help with tidying up the School gardens or painting the canteen and other canteen renovation work. If you can make it, during any of this time, please bring your lunch and don’t forget to wear appropriate protective clothing, ie gardening gloves, hat, sturdy boots etc. SEEKING VOLUNTEERS FOR MEAT TRAY RAFFLE Thank you to those from the school community who have already volunteered to run a meat tray raffle this term. The P&C is still seeking volunteers for Friday March 11. Please email the P&C at camdenvillepandc@gmail.com if you are interested in selling raffle tickets and calling the raffle at the Golden Barley Hotel that Friday or another Friday night in the future, from approximately 5:45pm to 7pm. AGM – EXECUTIVE POSITIONS At this meeting the following executive positions will become open for nomination: President, Treasurer, Vice President 1, Vice President 2, Secretary. Descriptions of these executive positions can be found at: http://www.camdenvillp.schools.nsw.edu.au/p-c/about/executive-roledescriptions SUB-COMMITTEES At the AGM, the P&C will confirm the following sub-committees or working groups to assist the School and the P&C. These subcommittees meet separately and provide regular updates back to the P&C. If you are interested in being involved in one of these sub-committees, either come to the meeting or email the P&C camdenvillepandc@gmail.com by Friday 11 March. Film Festival Committee Purpose: To organise the Student short Film Festival & training/equipment associated with supporting the event School Enhancement Committee Purpose: To look at options for enhancing the School grounds and buildings. Uniform Review Committee Purpose: To review the current Camdenville School uniform and look at other uniform item options. CAMDENVILLE P&C AGM Information For current and new parents/carers of Camdenville Public School students, here is information about how you can be involved in the P&C. What is the role of the P&C? Under the Education Act, P&Cs’ objectives and functions include: Promoting the interest of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co‐operation; Assisting in providing facilities and equipment for the school and promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school; Encouraging parent and community participation in curriculum and other education issues in schools; and Assisting and co‐operating with teaching staff at public functions associated with the school. An important function is to provide “a forum in which parents can develop their partnership with the school and articulate their aspirations for their children’s education.” HOW YOU CAN BE INVOLVED IN THE P&C 1. TAKING UP AN EXECUTIVE POSITION: You can nominate to take up a P&C executive position at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), held on the second meeting of the year. The executive positions are President, Treasurer, Vice President (x2) and Secretary. Details of the roles and responsibilities of executive roles can be found at http://www.camdenvill-p.schools.nsw.edu.au/pc/about/executive-role-descriptions 2. BECOMING A P&C MEMBER: You can become a P&C member and be involved in P&C meetings and activities. An annual subscription fee of 50c entitles you to vote at meetings, starting from the next meeting following payment. Our meetings are usually held twice a term (Weeks 3 and Week 8) on a Tuesday evening from 7pm in the School Staff Room. As a member, you can contribute to planning P&C fundraising activities and community events, curriculum issues and other matters affecting the education of your child/ren, as well as getting a direct update on School activities from the Principal. Note; anyone can suggest agenda items for discussion at P&C meetings. Not all agenda suggestions may be considered appropriate to include on the meeting agenda, but the P&C Executive will endeavour to respond to your issue. 3. SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP: You can nominate to be a coordinator (chair) or a member of a sub-committee involved in such activities as acquiring prizes and sponsorship or organising the School’s renowned short film festival. The subcommittees report regularly to the P&C Committee on their activities and receive financial assistance from the P&C. 4. VOLUNTEERING AT P&C EVENTS: You can volunteer to help out at P&C fundraising and other P&C run events such as election day, bbqs and the short film festival. If work and other commitments prevent you from attending P&C meetings, then volunteering for events is a great way to contribute to the school. 5. DONATING TO THE P&C We received feedback last year from some parents who wanted an opportunity to donate directly to the P&C. We welcome any donation to assist our fundraising activities on behalf of the School. Please leave donation payments in the P&C collection box near the School Office. Thank you in advance for your donation. MERIT AWARDS - Term 1 Week 4 CLASS Pigeon Peas Soya Beans Velvet Beans Chickpeas Lima Beans NAME REASON Tiana Her excellent attitude and effort in literacy groups Aidan His contributions to PBL discussions April Using M100 words to help her read James Sorting and ordering numbers Penny Asking an expert interesting and thought out questions to inform our PBL Olivia Working independently in literacy groups Archie Ordering four digit numbers in any given range Maggie Creating a very detailed Venn diagram when comparing learning spaces for PBL Razzia Fantastic comparison work in in literacy Oliver Being a persistent learner Luca Being a positive and confident leaner Catriona Making valuable contributions to our PBL Alexander Trying hard to make good choices for his learning Amy Making excellent contributions in class discussions Josie Fantastic effort & application in writing activities Ruby Insightful comments and thought provoking questions in class discussions Christos Excellent contributions with others Billie Sharing her learning with others and helping her classmates in times of need William Designing our learning space to include covered areas for collaboration Lucas Designing procedures for using the flexible learning space Aisha For using great vocabulary & punctuation in her writing Jennifer For always having a positive attitude towards her leaning Mung Beans Split Peas Cajun Peas Pinto Beans Adzuki Beans Red Lentils MERIT AWARDS - Term 1 Week 5 CLASS Pigeon Peas Soya Beans Velvet Beans Chickpeas Lima Beans Mung Beans Split Peas Cajun Peas Pinto Beans Adzuki Beans Red Lentils NAME REASON Tane Being confident & giving things a go Ivy Spotting gold words & phonemes when reading Reuben For using his knowledge of doubles to add 2 numbers together quickly Mae Using phonemes confidently to help her read words in books during reading groups Markell Sharing his great knowledge of sea spiders to help with our aquarium Faith Wonderful writing and illustrations about our aquarium Zac Showing a deep understanding of 2D shapes Taniyah Creating a persuasive poster to inform the community about our survey Riley Strong contributions to class PBL & science discussions Miyazaki Being an active learner Matilda Thinking about what we need to do to have a successful project Zachary Working with others to solve problems during maths Alex Making connections during PBL Isaac Using different strategies to add numbers together Taj Thoughtful & informative responses in our PBL lessons Edie Exemplary portrayal of the school values Dusty Making insightful contributions in all class discussions Kyle Contributing amazing ‘needs to knows’ in PBL discussions Arris Demonstrating a variety of multiplication strategies Shayla Fantastic use of powerful verbs to make a piece of writing engaging Aksel Demonstrating great focus and concentration during literacy and mathematic activities Selina Always remaining on task & completing work to a high standard Josh Contributing well in Literacy groups & identifying descriptive phrases