Apr 1944 - USS Champlin
Apr 1944 - USS Champlin
Par ll e e lsr. rr. &r. --------- firr,sMPLIN \tir #!i:Grri ( DD6ol ) OftrRAIiONAL ) _-__-,p44 & .A,Di'1INISTRAIfV]i LUG ADDITIOI{AL SIIa$T ,d t ,./--' tfA Lowry Lane, Rosemont, Penn, .!n. r; . FL.uCK, Jr . Li eut . 'Comdr. , USH. irtrs , ii'. .li. Fleck, ii . L. BAUGHAII , Lieut. USN. Eleanor 'f . Il. DAVI3, Jr. Lleub, USNR. lrlls. 'I. E[, Devls, 25Lg Devlne Street' Colunbia, 'SC .H. !,. $Iiviivi0i:lS, Lleut. USNR. thelma C. Sinrmorrs, 505 tse1le*rave Road, Brcoklyn Park Baltfunore, Maryland. a. B. NE"lu'i'ci'{, Lleui . UiiNR. Dorouhy w. N'ewtont e/o #ibtnann, 1646 45th Street ' BnooktSme N. Y. Y. Baughan, :. .'ji. 'jrr ll. I {1**i.o;.'-: ,l!' ' 1..r ."ti q' 415 De Kalb Street' Norrls town, Penn. ,j . [i.f. ^ l"i? g. N. AI'IASTASIUN, Lleut, (js) USN. Alyce L. Anastaslon, I\T. ft . Gj,ASSt Liegt. (jg) USI{R. Barbara E. Glass, B. D0LAif, Lleut. (jg) Geerge Dolan, t79 Dwight Sbneet, Neur .Llaven, Csr:n, 5 o !l z k q , 3203 Park Ave. itiew York, N.Y. 901 S. t6th $breet, Chl ckaslra, Okla USi'{R, o 6 D! n k o € d h l,[ ti,'\ ,tr.il iI. G. FAALAND, (jg) USNR. tieut. iviay H. Faaland, F . H. &tBiirt, Lieut. (Jg) USNlt. Il{rs. F,C. Weber, W. A. SMIIH, &inslgn, USI{. i{iary V. Smtth, . o'i 694 BSth Street, Brooklyal N.Y. B4Sg KendrLsk flaee, i\ew York' Jamiea, L.I., X o F| Fr o H E .i', F.0. Box 1957' . Casper; 'J$yo d g El Bookhout, J . A. BCOKi{itUf, Hnsign, USNI?. Betty ff. GUSTTN, Snslgn, USNR, fuirs. R. Gustin iiarrln6ton, I TafU Ave. OneouLa, NY o Fl E o @ !c Ktngrmn, Arizona, c/o USliD o dl tr o ii l' ,;' .,i ' . , . . 'jils i. ,' ' ,'',* R. G. #OODr:.VE, uns ign, USI{R. ; lti. J. IuluitBACH, llns l1,n, USNI{. w. .8. s0flllitIDAu, ilnslgn, IISNR I[. ;I. MTTCIIELL, Boatswain, USN, i:- r //# Lindsay L{. Good.eve, SIrs. K. Murbacfr, ., .lt/irs. Virglnia 57O Park Ave. New Yorkl N. Y. 56g 1i{.}loward st,reet, iifitnona" ili!.nn. S. S e h n e l d a u r S I 0 4 f j . t t S t r e e t , New Or1eans, La. Ann E. ivlltcheIl, 67 Fank liolm, I'iewport; R.I . I 6 6 o fr Drfnccr.iSt--* tt^"Grqlt-^n a16i Pa, -.12-5-- (As?.1{0 CitAMiPLIN ( DD60r ) u.s.^s._ Dae_._.__. __1 :::_11_._.,D 44 S a cu r d a y ZONb DI SOHI I'Il Oi\ OPERii|I ONAr, & AD&lfiilSffrai'fV,r LOG 0c -04 Sueamlng ln company wlblr DesltLvS? in colurnn oruer. Divislon O o r n n r a - r i d eirn u s s B O Y L r r . . D i s c a n c e b e t w e e n s h i p s I O O 0 y a r d s . ionf,inucus wauch on S,, radar, TBS, lBL, and Sound e,quiprnenE. Ease course, course 1t'0o r, speed l0 xnots. UZOOChangeo coirse to OIScr'. S i r i p c i a r i + e r r e d , c O n d i L . r - o r ic f neaciiness 11 ivilrre. Steamlng on boilers I & 4. --'f.r.-o.-, €rH .- GLASS. fJ+ Steami ng as bei ' ore . 0522 * rl 5.rrU uc i ri atl -ni e us . i slgr r id Ilght uearing 558oI 1 rao6€ l5 mlles. 05i6 Cnan5ecl course to -i57o'r'. OOI5 Sunrise , . , i6hbec i s t r lp . 0 6 .:b U g S C i i . { J f P ; I N l e f ' t e o l u * , n t o l n s p e c t firlng range, ITLT i'irlng range clearl re Joined column , 0725 Liustered crew on sta Elons . I',io absenLees. 0?26 Chan6eci eourse to 3250'1, speed to I knots. C T S Z C q n r r n s r e e ds c l i e d . u l e d . exerclses; w e n b L o ueneral {uarters. Sueamlng on varlor*s c€urses and. at r/arious speeds. E , )r,{*^) o i3. DULfu'{. 6 l0 Oti - 12 x r-ccrj.68crei!1. conduc!1n6 '0910 Co.[i;IeLed flrlng bavi(€ """:::illT"H-o;*;:;*33?t"i#:ll::',"""3:;rni:r:i;) expended 30 rounds 01' brtSg AA co&roon annuni Eion. L d 0oflmenced spotilnB for lile USS oRD80]iAUX. uompleted spobblng and l'orned colurnn as l'ollows: USS BO.YJ,b; USS CjiAMtLIli; USS CnDfioNAUX. OonmenceC ,livislon flaneuvers. 1053 Ceased naneuvor and c ornnenced..I teamln6 on ccurse lEOor a! Ib 'rrrots . I 1 C 6 C . n a ; r - e Cc o r r s e Lo 257 cl. tI07 o g ta ,m;g-. 2" 'i' C h a n g e d s p e e d b o lL I7 ^ ' rf Lnl . l o ' t s il. h. . li. -^ D A V IS s,. v J r , DAVI c3 X c L2 16 h lcns. 6eo04,i,,.rsoo.Jo,sm6nceutli;*H"T.ni::i'"-l::?":::tti::; "'^ ";::;r:3: completed. lroceedln6 lndependenblJ bbrough cnannel lo snchorage ab Casco ty, .r.aine on vgrlcus courses and speeds to corf'or,,r !o chsnrlel. t ^n A E re- ,44!ffi9#- dt q U L6-20 H b! lroceedia6 by va!1ous courses and steeds to iier .r, casco ilay, I{alne, l62J liioored sLarboard slde uo sasEslde pier 6 with 5 nanlla l.lnes anci two wj.re nswsers. l64i Secured slJecial sea deiall and set regular iiont r'rabcn, 1545 ,raft :I shlp iwd.. I4r Alt. t?t, .i64b layluaster froir J S S D i r , N L ; O L Aa r r i v e d o n b o a , n d . 1 7 4 9 r a y m a s b c r l e t ' l s h L p . . 1 9 0 0 S t i o r e p a t r o l ln char6e of S.lAir.bli, r\j!c, lefl strLp. l.zO lviusterod a1l l-A!rs and restricted ,Ilen; no eonente€s, 1 9 , 1 5 C o n f f r e n c a df u e l t n E s h l p l ' r o m o l L b a r g e , 1945 j,lsit. J . r . D A V I s , , J r . U S I ' i i { ,d e E a c b e d p u r s u a n t t o J o n D e s L a n ! L e t ' e r y L 6 - 4 / O Q / t r ' / 3 - C , zo-?4 $a rz/.a+A_6a-"*_ nto^no:1. A.'A. iioored ss before, al.r Cepsrbmenbs secure. 2050 oolrpleted l,'ueij.ad strlp. 2jJ6 il0B0, Ii.!., 7 I O 7 9 2 6 , S Z c , U S : . r n ,r e t u r r r e d a b oa r " d , m L n u s r e c o r d s a n i b s & g a d e p u r s u a n l b o S o P A , C a s c o B a y d e s i r a E c h 0 l l 7 z 2 of I &priL. 222U S,-ore patrol reuurned aboard shlp, tA.z rr.(. N. :r.. Gr,ASS. 6 h6 o 19 o I a Draricr'rt fO rr lEii:iuofiiliqxe& NAHT:EJE) c'rrrs-^ n r;1n ^EAnfiPLIN ( DD601) u.s.s._----____._::_. -_.---_______:_._____ Pop-g- 44' Date -------31l-:-* -----..-.--, ts Sr.mday ZON.UJ DI$CITITTICN 0PbRATIOI\iALcc ADMfi{ISTR'iTfV.I LOG 00-04 sEarboard slde to, wibh fLve for auxlIlar.y purposEs . i v l o o r e i e a s t s i o e o f p i e r l i e o r g e f u e l l r r s d oc k s , manila llnes ano two irawsers r I\o. 4 b o L r e r s t e a n i n g /4 I ? 0rc. - ffaduxL/COODjIVE. {. 04-c6 iioored as before. 0655 Anchor iliilndlass, sbee:'ing ges.r, engi,n€ order belegrapb tesi:ed, sablsfacgory. 0?lE Crew !$uslbrec or.: sEatlon, no &bsentees. 0?2O Stationed .jpnclal Saa Detalls. O,l2Z A:-L sadar Aear tBsted, satl,sfacbony. o?42 Un{iersay. Q745 Us1n6 varieus spoeds t,r cloar docKs. 0?50 ,Xuarter s. Uslng var:lous eou?sea and spseds-proeeed.tng to arga trAtt for scheoulea exerclges, q 08:Lz r- i .-. ,F Si€snilng es b€foree, proceedlr€ on varlous courses and speods to operatlon area ttAn for scheduled exerclses ln companJ wl trr USS .PARi{jiR; UgS }(C tAl'iAHAlii, and USg nI ND. 0815 Secured Spectal Sea Detalts, sst condltLon II Mli{e . 0900 Condli.ctlng dlvlslon .mE5.rvers. 0gE1 Coutge }EOoI, spebd -1059 IO knots. 1OO7General {uarters. l0IO Cornenced schsdul.ed exercts€s. o k t0 6 I o h o ol o q a 5 6 AD H k o c t?-16 X e i.z.b'i{i Lo'6.6eoo4.br,n. ,rio"8iffiiiE ii"3'jll.ftl ;:":ieei.(ti!31'rn:;X;un3i quarters. to 20 Conductlng H Fr h o Knots. Clvlslon tactlcs. L24'l Went to Gen€ral .Prex r a r i n g t o t L r . s s p e c l a l c r o s s - c o n n e c t € d g r " m nrey € x e r c l s e a s l h l s m o r n i n g . Order e oI' shlps ln colufln! USS GHAMPIIN, USS itc LANAflAN, USS nHIND, USS pAnKiJ(. 1258 ttGt Changed speed to 10 knots. 1504 Colusnced exe"clse. Flreo on slx runs Eade A by plane towing a sleove. I33E Cortrpleted exsrclse. Secur€d. frod Gener.al Quarter SEb c.ondl tlon II Ulke. lotal annunltlon expenCed lti Tounds 5I,/JB AA Connon, 206 so t1 rounds 4omtr; 29? rounds 20MM. .|,eavlng operatln6 Rrea. lroce.edlng lndependeutly !0 tr l.or'anchorage Lt Casco Bay, Mghe. 1457 Entered cbannel; stoenlnt variolrE cours.og to tr and speeds bo conforo. 1559 Ancbored ln Bertb 4 at Casco Bay, Malne 1n 12 s faEhoms of wator, mud bojtcn, ffibh ?5 fatbcms ol chaln to bhi starboard anchcr. o Anchor;6e bosrlnds: CoILege Is, 181oti Llttle Chebeage 050oT; Crowls. J,erige dt .Ihls shlp wlth reaal 245-I. dubJ. unglrres on 50 mlnutes notlce. fS59 ,.euelQsg---E o 6 dt .A 6t o barge alcnsslde, I ^n A fW /u,L!ffi,khy* l6 2Q \+E H. 2O0OAII - ,4,a 7 .L:,. 24 Anchored as before. secure. o 4 6 o 6. A n c h o r e d a s b e f c r e . 1u0+ Connreneedfuellng shitrr. L61Z OCom pieu e o I' u o l l -n g s h l p , recelved 5110 Ballons of fuel o11. 1630 Fuel oil barge lei'f fron alongslde. 1900 Fiustcred prj-son"re; a t l a r g e a n d ' r e s t r i c t e d . r t r e n : rro a'bs;rrtees, 1 g O E r r x e c u t e C Si:nset . 20 k e departmenLs reported B.D'lJ B. DCLAi',i . Ersrir-ra t-.a qflibftncer, NA&8lry8la) !qp-^rr u.s.s...,_..9:liif_:I.ti. I gy-6 9.:l 1ytE Pqr.-loQ-rvrcn oaJ DaIe---___? -_l:p-ri_ !___-____-___, B 44 us4 Z0it-!, OPr.RA,lIONAI., & ADtriIliIS'IliAI'I'tb 00 i,CG 04 Anchcned as before, in ;.)erch A aE Casco )Byt Iviaine ln c i ' w a b e rr rn u o b o b to-n, usi ng 7,.t r' s,thoms d cl l al n tc tr.€ starboa r , , . . r . LfIC i.rOf r Cfl Ll]9 Uctlege Is. lEIo; r'ollorriD,-.rrearings. i-,itule vncbea.,e C50:; u r c w r s . 2 i 5 o ; -oIl ege i-s. r.,edge EBSO. Si"ip iri conoi tion oI' nea,rin,ess l.aitr err6ines on ,5u nlnr.ites noclce. n-/ LZ f at hr r ns ,M -,..1. GiJSi'Iii. 04 cB nnchoreci a s oef ,;re . 0525 $e u Concii tlon 11 ii-ike on tne ir,aln ;attefy, bo co[r.-1f, rvitn sE€,te ol' r.eailrless. i 7 L 5 i r t u s c L r o . i c r " . : v , 'o n . sLa*r,:on, lo a.-rsentees. Stabloned Speclal Sea A725 iesteu l,;iain a nl';itiet. ietal-Is a r ' i c ii n a c i e p r e p a r a t i o n s to .,eE uinderway. 073C AI I ,:epartrnents re;porteu read.iness to 6eL underway. ex.C743 Undervray i'cr sclr.eourec anLi-sublrarine e r c l s e s i n o p e r a t l i i 5 a r e a t t ^ ' , i l r n e "I f , 0 a p t a l n at Uonn, jt,\eeutive L,If icer orr rrioge ccurses aird speeds Ec corir'or:n r';itl usirtg varicus cl4tneL.n a frl'rltle* F. 0u Ii. g o d*!^J^,f(. u c * Lz Ec qperatiri., ar€'a ttgceedln. Steanlno as before , Jaa ue baLIs. . ' iis e I I I ' o r s c i re d i i l e c r A S r r e x b r c i s e s . 0812 Securei ;pecial SeE condltlon 085C ljteanin^ II l\riixc in eolurna as "ruloe v'rith suomarine k d .9 E A A anci UoS ui-.'.i-rnOiiir'U,r. vo46 e.x.er.cises. o b! A L2 16 Lab. 460 lEIn; Steanrin as bef ore. 12,JO fos i t i o n t,orl'g. 7Oo 02r,r. 15C5 Ccrnpl.rtei ASlr exercises.*, liff Subnarlrre surr'aced. s u b .;,a ri r:,e uvC C asco B ay. 1520 v o--rl tic b ino.-1 aI] ivv,ef US S ut i. DPC i { Ai i } rEo e s c o rt bcaro uriIIs, a o H h @ - =t E fu'lr,Sr'ASI0N .! dl 16 - 20 Steamln3 as before. C o n d u c t l n g e m e r g e n cy d r i l l s . 161? Ii€ld colllslon 162b becured from uener&I .alisrte.rs. Set ccndi-l,lon Crlll. UBed varlo,:s couraes and speeds st4ndLll{, tcrrard uasco DaJ,. 1655 II tilke. Statlorred SpecleI Jea !elulis. i715 tassod €ate vsssels abearl1. ised Yarious coursos and speeds approachlng alrchorage. !74o iii3cred starbcarq siqe io U.5 -rnti'Cfi;Ux in USS DtliLBoiA nesl lncludlng USSNI-LDS wlt,i'r 4 manlIa Ilnes sbeaminb for auxlliar ancj lyro y{ire hawsers, Secur€d xlaln eng,lnes, lio. I boilsr purl/oses. L822 Con enced iuellnd. i8I5 r'uel barge came along slde (port). 1a4z 0onpleted fueltnnavln- recelved on boar<i ii,237 €allons ab 60oir. I"o? ai larg,e ai^d restr.i cted 19IO ;tusiered. aIl }rlsoners Sunseb, execuleci colors, 1955 m e n . ^ 'oi s b s e n N e e s . 1 9 4 5 A s s u n e d l e a d y d u t y c x c e r t f 3 r s o u r r d w a t c h . tit ct'i rlo. 4 bc Ller'. on.ines on 30 mlnutes notice. 6,t.m 20 24 2QL7 i,ursuant to Bulers .5I8-S3K Anchored i.s before,. - t l c J ' ; , t r " C } : ' / e L 9 4 4 , r , 1 e u u . A . j j . N i r t t r l T O, Na 4 4 , 3 J i C V ( S ) , aLioarcl U S i f Ht T e p c r t e d t ' c r i u t-yi .i . l O I 3 D u l i l i . ^ i ,.i ' .,,' tY l ?c, U S Ii , }e1' b bne shi ^< t i n ci :arge ci ' t-r' ttcpri sf , r ler s; i.$r.S, J . . E . L ? , i 5 2 2 , i i 2 c , U S I ' r i i r ( B C D )a r r d . l r t I u S l ' , A . ( n ) , J I 3 O o u I , S l c , Stat\n, asc9 US ilI i, ( I no i t' 1 ' e re n t Di selrar--e ) belrg f rarrsf err r:o Lc irecelvino 4, bt y , ll, ' alne . S. li Al' A i']ASi0N DO o D! o q U o o o k € o 6 A I p rntnrrrntt4r.u#iffio^" -EIIIi-^rr Pasr.-l9i* TtIf NAVSEIPS €AI) @ov,*{) u.^s. s......_9-T.ry::.T.{_ I.9.?.-6.9.} l Ig 44 ------------.., Datl-----1--S-g-r-rl- fuesday zoNisDrscRIPTrot( Blup_+ OPIiRATIONAL& .&,DMTNIS'IRATIVE LOG l / i o o r e d s c a r b o a r d L o p o r b s l d e t o U S S 0 R D R C I I A U lXn U S S 4 manlla llnes and 2 wlre harvssrsr OOlr-, Dl,ivtlllO IrA ne s t of C a s c o B * y , I f i a l n e w t t h ]F 535 c as t o.Cf , a l l s t o r e s a b o a r d . aw A. BUOKHO UT. c4-08 tne iriain .BaLterX, maln bs.tbery iuoored as before. directcr, and plot. O S O OS e t II condltlorr Mlke in n j..Y*,*l B . D0LA.['l. O8-Lz doored as bel'ore. 08OOorew mustored on statlcns. No absentoas. 0820 Prrrsuant to CorDesl,s.nt LEl". PL6-4/OO/F,I,/ L3-6 of Merch ,5I, i94 dnsidn S.R. FULUoR$, Jn, D-V(c), USNR, Ieft sblp on t emporarJ addltlonal duty at liaval 1'ra!n1ng Schoc.L (!'lre voatrol) Wasbligt,oF, D.C. lursustrt to Comservlau ltr.. NCJI/UXI( OIOS-SC) of tiarch 2A, L944, Jobn J. !'n!,ER, 646 16 Ia5, So[3c, USNR, E I Left s.alp for Fleet Sound Scbool, Key West, Florlda. 0825 Stabiolcd Speclal E Sea Detatls; 0850 'lBartors. 085? Cast off ltnes. 0854 Underway. 090O Qslng E varlous couraes aDd spEeds to clear anchorage. 0930 Prgceeding to operatlDg area ln companJr wlth Des!1v62, CDD32 ln U$1 BgYlg, gulde ship ln co luJBn fornaa gecured Spaclal Sea D€t.slIs, seu condltlon tlon to conduct scheduled exerclses. c 1005 Course II0oT, speed 20 &Dcts. b II fllke. Coa1lenced 1010 Geaeral duart--rs. dreduled exerclses. AA Bai{er and. Sall ruts. lO50 Cbatued corlJ"s1,/ t 116ot. d F o c d -wi,ftrk&r"h 6 A 6 !t A , , I2-I5 ,/ E " 'o ^ .zrr,r.conprered. exe,:l::fT#"iiilii;rli33uT""3ltil;ui'gt733l 1eou._oso I2I5 Inc.r.eased speed to 15 knols. l?I9 Cbanged speid to ?O ktrots* . roL-{' \'Qii, R. cLAss. Long. ts o .4 : x s 3i ir1t""Ii""rluffirtHifirllnltil3"t3"lft3ruu^, $ 6 USS NIj'LDS; base courEe 116e.[, speeC Ir, knots, dtJcance J0OO yards. t6JO conoaenced zlg-zagglng in aceordahce wlEh plan r1oz. l8b6 suniet, carr(enec Ehip. rE58 Dusk Arert; went to Generar gualters. Lgrg secur6d. from Genelal iiuantersl set condlllon II ldtke. Ig4b Ceased zLg-zailLng, f. -U.?"-l B. D,li,Ali . 20 x o A t6-20 rorrowlng ond.er:ussr,or,,riro:'::Sf dl !! t u 6 o € 24 Sueamlns as b e f o r e . 2O0O lcsitlon: 6 6 0 1 g t r ' d . Commence cl zLg- zaggl ng i.n a c c o r d a n c e w t t h p l a n ; l r,at . /u.(.c 42o Iz r li; I E a a a I EnCnftEinr oo- r." qr[S$o-ffioo. *^,*olrft) t @rr-an Page-I9'7-- ?1116 g .trprll (9Pq9il -u.s.s.-----------..q-SAl'!I-11{ii.ZON,I DI$0iU P'II ON p44 Plus 4 OPEiiA.IIONA! & ADUII|ISTRATiVUI,OC oo-04 Sboanlng ln c onpany wlh tuz?.6t ln scoutlng llne frolt rlgbt to left, qSS EoYJ.,E(CIU 2?.6.2) USS CEAIIPI.,IS, USS OnDRONAUX,;;d USS NIELDS on course 11601, Bpeed I8 knots. Shlp darkened in Beadlnoss condlblon IfM i{ater1a1 condltlon Baker olr bollers Zlg-zaggtr:g ln accoratance vtrth *'J, e, 4. plan #l-OZ. ldalntalnlng contlnuous wabch on SG,-SC,-fBS; and Eou!.d gear. 'n'€--"ar"r" N. n. GI,ASS. 04_08 drsranco yards.our.ro.,,E33Tli$"3"r1'f363'i, 6000 3:33"f":ff:,ffi"if"tl3l; Sunrls€, llghted shlp. 0500 Comenced zlt-zagglng 1n acco:rdance with plan , itLOZ. 0620 CoaEed zit-za€glng. 0624 Cllsnged speed ro I5 knots. 0 6 2 6 C h , a n g c dc o u r s e to 27ovl. OOJ6Changed course to OgoqT. 064l Relleved M7.6.4. 0646 Changed coul'se to I60eT. 0?00 Comrcaced zig-zagging ln sccordance rrth ptan F102. 7,D - DJOl e L A) N . d B. b e o !0 08-r2 e o r,cns. 620serrs.crernusreirec ::"3fltt"X:.o'u13'i;""1?33"f"",ii131'"oiil;"l?l "'t s tested, saElsfEctory, 0950 USS NIELDS, and USS oRDRONAI'i exchsngl,ng- s tatlons. q o la Dally lnspecblon of nagazl r.Ies, condltLon nonnal. E ! I tl zj I l/ W (5 A e|,,hla^.W. Y sCtrl,icIDAU. e q t E DO EI @ A !2-L6 e e lons.620s?,*i. r41osound *]::: ";:t"lt;l'*"i31;tt&LfiiX "*iSiiit"Eri:":::';ii 1415 Dropped two UK? depth. cbarges rlth medium settlngs. Orderod !o r emaln ln c x' o area anC searcb for 15 mlnutes. 1458 Task Unlt Eese course z?Oof. ISObS€cureC froB Genor:al tluarters. ttetu.r'nlnb to sbstlon. 15Lb task Unlt collmenced zlg-zaggl in sccoldance !r1tb plan #104. l55B &esured statlon. task Unlt deployed ln scoutlnd llne to rlght. lsbd SecuredF]rRgear. / nn Ci k e )U@ 4{/. k'o"'o^. L6-20 sreamrrsas bofore. te4o .Tl"{:"frtl:jed dl ct A shlp... FI 6 o u o Fl b! sl o N. R. GLASS. 6 H o 20-24 dt '333.t3it11!1""3i;r331 Long. 640 24.5,u,. n* oeportneifS"*ff"i3uoli3lk. 35ll: 'ing 2l0ul', re.lge 9 mlles, ldentll'led as IO 21 .15. USS.BOYII and USS CHAFIPLI! " chslged.course to I80oT, to cleari (SS NIIJ,DS and USS ORDRONAUK rt,nalned on course 27O"T. 2145.las,r Unlt roformed deplryod ln sc-.utln6 ltne to rl db.E, base cour,se 2 7 0 o T , s p e ed L 4 k n o t s . B. D0LAi\i, "'>J"^; I o q k .9 o o ca o .o -llr€rcu5f; l"_ffi rur.qrL-...na,rf Pos"-l9-e-- @cv.FrD u.^s.^s.--__--_g_sa1i1r-llN__.Lp-p-.9_q])Ihr.r ZOIi-!; Di SCRI F'II0I,I s .iay Date 6 Apri 1 p44 PluL4 O?ER.TIONAI & ADIII NTSTNAII1.iE I,OG oo-04 rlne. orderrronx r€* to ,ruur'i3313$rfi fi3flEtfuIliil,t$u3';?;io3l i33"3*3fi0'uo CTU 27.6.2 ltx USS iloYlii;. Course 2?0'f, spestt 14 knots. Bollers dl end tr4 stesmShip darkenetl;. materl a1 condtllon Bai{er at3d cond&ton of Readl.ness II Mlke lng. set. 0OOO^AtL shlps iurned rLlght gOo lnto colwlo. Cour.se OOOoT, OICO ALl shlps lr.irned rl ght g0o inLo s c outlry 11ne to lef t . Cour se O9OolI. a4 0g Stearnlng as before . CI600 All ships furned lefb inLo eolunn, course OOOoT. 0656 Incroased speed to 15 knots. 0700 iill shi cs Ieft to scouting line course 2700T. i7' ft "il,.^,* I'1. R. GLASS. q 08 12 Sbeamln6as bef ore . t. ;r t. Long , 64() ll'."5rT. Iobo C h a n g e d c ourse Comnenced zLg-zagslng C e a se d z L t ! - z a g g t n g . to 0O0oT . OSOOPosltlon; C eas ed zLg-zagg,l ng. o I o J,at. 39o 25 rN ! !0 11O O dl n o o a 1t a q A m 12-16 E c lons.6404e,-ii.r24ose".u* SlfiT$toS;"?idTi;"*1t33"l3"l3tiii."i"t;ul3i as Task Group21.15. 1500 Cbangedcourse to 080oT. : r\ A k dl .6, . . , ' x o B. DOLAj;. Fr @ 16-20 o St earnlng as before. 180O Changed cou'rse io OOOo'I. E Shlps ln"columo Lnveeted order. 1841 Sunseb. D.srk€ned sbl.p. 19OOChanged course to ?7OoI. Foru6d scoutlng llne to rlghti natiral order. .1914 SG radar contact 27ooi, 17r0O0 yards. Identtl'i.eat as USS CROATAN and, escor!s. Changed course to 00Oo'I. 1.915 Ceased zlg-zlgEtnr!. i1921 Inc::eaged sp6ed to 1.7 knots. E l95O eharejed course to 270oT, decroasod to 15 knots. Comenced zlB-zagglng c 6 1 : r a c c o r C a n c e w i t h p l a n # 1 0 ; 1, L932 Increased dr-sbance to SrOQO .uyr .4 ^A EI. 2Q iicng. 6500?rilg. 2OOOAl1 speed to I4.5 knots. Fl h! 'o ba $l e 24 6 l,at.' 59o 55rN SbeaBlE1 as befone. 2000 fosltton; departnents r6porteti secure. 2255 Formatlon cbanged .n.R *o,_-^_ I{. n. gl,Ass. o o o q e I p ErSr..ratnS tolr Fr;rrr,-arr .oo q$alSffio,*^, pog._ r39 1;rp6 "^&lY"r1'5-' u.s.s.----.-.--c--r4$.1!lti IP_?_991l .... ZONb DI$CRI Ff IOi'i Flus Fri cav Dau--1--------*tl-i-1- , D44 4 OPJNATIONAL & ADII6INIStTiA.Tlvi' LCG oo-04 Steamlng ag a unlt of task Vnli" 27.6.2 proceedLng to a : : e a o f e n e r B ya u b n a r l n e c o n c e n t r a b i o n . C I I J 2 7 , 6 . 2 ( C D D 5 2 ) 1'USS n USS BOYLE. In scoutlng llne f ron lef t bo right. 0SS ts.1Yi,E, 'atSSOBA&PLIN, rilbjjDs, USS Oitiii0irAUX on eourae O00oI, speed 14.5 knoLs. iihlp darkened, materlaj- condltlon Bai(er. and condltion of lieadl.ness ll...$lke set. Stoamlng on boilers #1 and d4. ZLg-zagELnE ln accordance wlth plan 102. iriaintalnlng conulnuous e{aEcb.on S0, SC, tBS, and sound gear, O34OCbanged course to O63e'1. Oi4b Chan8ed course io C66cT. Oi542 Cbanted speed !o 24 irlrots, O$5O Chan8ed sp6ed to 25 l(nots. 0550 Ceaged zlg-zagglag. B. to \q* B! DOLAN. 04-o8 SbeaElng ss before. 05O4 Changed course to C7?-1. 0505 llent to general 4uarters. $lghted flere b6arlrg090ot.,. 0540 Stghted gevcral planes anead. Identlfled as plar,es froe USS CiIOAT0N. C555 Flare dro-cper by plane bearing 086s1. 060i, Decreaseal speed to 2C knots. 0610 USS BOYI,E rsported sound conlact. Seported sLght0622 USS BoYLttdrolped fu1l paLtern. lng periscrpe. 062J USS CSAIIPLIN joineC USS BCYIE. 063C Decreasad. speod io 15 rnots. 0659 SounC conbact 21501, 3OO yards. 0640 Slreaned Fdxen oea:n.- a o g o H !0 I o H e ;ffi',#l::.'.o70oSoundcoatact155o,I.1700yards.0,,.,))|"m 6 S. N. A Il A S l ' A S fOii . 0B Lz ' Lat . 4Oe 45 | it ; Stuu.ming as bel'or:e . OEOCPoslt ion: !or1g. 62c 19 t ii. f arroillng area or' submarlne contr.acE . UBIZ .l'1esunlng s bauion in scoutlnE line, C855 C;urse 020oI, speed 15 knots. 0 9 0 0 C h a n g e c re o u r s e Eo I1OoI. USS }rfiKeH, U$S LAUB, USS idO fAIiAIiAlf ano iwo DEt s joined {'or^natlon 0955 riouno contact ?C5o'I 1?00 yeros. 450 yarcls. 0g4I Lost conUact 2100 I A 2 7 C h a r g e d . c c u r s e t o 2 0 0 c ' r " . I 0 o 5 C h a e r g e dc. o u r s e t o 2 9 O o ' I. LL47 Colored marker si6hred olSof 20oo yaras. tl59 changec course i?, 2r/.,r[,^_;u.",_ qt, uvi' # sci-rtiirDAu. 6 !0 o x o E Fi o c E e R c I2-16 6 00 o '-l h0 LonB. 6za zz,w.,-ro, ""uul3ffilT";;"i"i:*i**3ffi"t:;t;136'"ii!;.nuir83'il coniact, nou legalneal. 1228 Altered course by succssslve ships turn to lloo'I. 124E Sl6btea'fO21.1.5 on borizon beartnb O45o rel-ativ€. L ' 1 t 4 5P a r b e d c o m p a n y wlbh DesDlv 31 (Ioss USS KBl[ijRICtr and USS [iac i{ihzl!, ) to conducb seParate search. ohangdd corirsc to I8Uof, l54B ohglged course to 2OOof and takg echelon l'orrnabion uo Ehe rlgat, dls bance ;JoOOyards.- 15OP Changed course Lo t?Oo!. Jook fcrnatlon on llne of peerlnb c44of, from €uldo. _1528 Changed course by turnin6 io r,ire lett i;o I54"I. 1542 Sound coatacl 070eT. 1545 *eDL bo .jeneral 'du&rler€ arrd Ecreame<i !'oxer eeuri 1548 L,ost soniact O45oT r:qng€ 600 ya::ds. I55? USS ilUS$ sbandlng ln to rssist. .PLii over marifirr, xn'-\'3r,. R. G'A9S. LO-a- conrac!. uss.Eusd 3:,,1:"f"11"r33 lifil","u "*r"".*l;ifls:1"'Hl3':J:"i::; did no! drop. i J 0 5 0 S $ C i l A i r i l l " l t {r e g a l n e d c o n t a c t l l 5 q l . - 1 1 0 0 y a r c i s . 1 6 } 0 losr. contact iSocf and pub over smok€ float. 161b fircreased speod to 15 knots. 16z0 riegalned contact aiC closeA bo 8OO yards. LOZ? A\l engln-es nstop"; iiolding contaet rhile USS .E:JSEnar<es nin. 1650 USS EUS& mlrkes run. 1650 USS !:JS.d;I'ir,rd hedgehog on b€arj.n8 2?7of. 1654 Closed coritact and dropped 11 char6e pattern seu vert de6p. 1640 tlegain€c contaci; bearing OOSoi ah 980 yartts. Olose conts.ct and droppeci pstter! 1652 lerlscope sl6hted. set 1'or nedlun deptb. tObU Connlng tower. o.f subrrurrlne ln slght, 1655 aII batterigs co.nmeoced f irlng. AII eaBlnes ahead fAnk, Zb knobs preparinei !o ram. 1656 Scored dlreat hibs oio gubmarlnc lefsonnel. connlD6 tower of subh.arine setblnt flrg on s-ta.rboard slde. abandoni.nl5 sblp, l7OO 8an'agd submarinets .. and sld6 wibh ou3 port ,Eiern -. bow a;rd slde. 1708 Ceased ftrln6, runge I'culed by JSg l11JStpreparlng to ram. a secand tilae. 1TOA Captatr hlt by shrapnsl, I,leub. R. L. BAUeinN, &xecutivi, Or'llcer assuruedco@eod. l ? 1 2 C o r @ s n c e df l r i n d i r i t h a l l . g r r n s . L l L 4 C e a s e d flriag, submarlne sank qnd several underwaL€r Exploslons.ioard,.l|72s Captaln @ o q! 6 o rii o c A 6 q o .q p -r|.i..4314tard t3'] I tll Pag- ilo - qfrnD,tE Gon }4tl u.^s. ^s..___.--_--_9_*SIllI 9_t_l J:.?_9 Fr lday 7 44 Aprll Date t9 oXERATIollA.L & A,DMITTISTRATM' LOe IA - 2e (Cont. ) lTbO liepalr partLes repor -l?49 OhA,god course to oeool. ed two _ho.L€s tn porb stde of co:opartnent s Apo4L and Azos!. Boih coinpartnents r'loocied' sboring €nd punping 1n prog:ress, lg.3o uss onDj1oNAux and uBB lqrELDs repolt havlng plcked up 28 sErvlvora. 1945 shlp alarkened., aecuned. fron GeneraL i{,uarrers' condltlon of Readln€ss set. llateriai cor}dltlon aflr& sti1r set. f925*Chan6ed epeed to lA K'ots. 19?S OII tqnks 44 r€ported rup burod., also g- 4!' 1926 ohangod course to o?b"f. 1940 UBS Bottl on stabion as screen for !*1f_.u_::."-:*:_- 1,94-I Chalgsd courae to OBOoI. 19SO neported to Brldge -$lc,rrr at EoitII{GSIlorif H, ii.E., SXdlc, USN, 0KI'S, J.A., SoMJc, ilSli, and jlsiids, USiiF $ere treated for mlxor sttral]nel wornds. \.4. Afq.- N: ft. OLASS. 20 ? 24 $teamlng &s before. 20COPoslblon: Lat. 4Oo A0rN; 2037 Removeo c o:nnand.1n61 offie er from unergetr.t-croi" to lf ar dr oon I ' o r o p e ra tl g n . 2245 US$ l;IijlDS arid USS 0n$nONAUfi Jolnei USg t o - r ' o r m s c r e e n a r , J u n d U S S ChA,riPLfrT. rT$ lotg ' 610 c3 . rd o fi t0 q A IV A S I' A SON. f E & o E 6 t '\ ! p q e 6 p tr A e €. E c x o Fr o A A Q c x o dl 6 n IE g Ff ba L o o u o € € ro 6 A h e I A 6 0 E g p ' i { r{ -]a5 r E!t!.rn HFiI?f=H[I^L t!7lr PaSc (8ov. t-{D c$aMPLrN ( DD60r) u.s.^s. ZOI{E DI giJRI ''IIil'{ Saturday 1r I - B Apri 1 44 D dte----- - ------------:------------------, | 9 FIus 4 OF}iRAIlOt{Ai cc ADifrINISTIiAIIVI:, LOO co 04 Bpee. r2Enors. o* .*ilif ilt'i""3"Hl3u"';r*fii5 i,tiL?t;fu'*iEdff";3.""*? l]qN4rtx. shlp darkened.; ncdlfted condltlon aflin, and condttlon of rieadlness II.Mlko set. Stea'lng on bollers fl ard #4. Untt pnoceddlng !b llew york rvlbh prisoners of wan J'rom cerean submertne sunk on ? epitr, 1944-by uss cllArip;rN. Da"?age ic USS CIiAUMN bull resultind from nake oI'= subnartne c6nning torer unclsl3 cont!'or. c oolarrdlDg oft'icer belng aporet,ed on Ln ssre.rooni {or: sh:ri.pne i. uouads 1n abdoEen reeslved durlng ac!!oD. 0;4O Charlged courEe ?69 oT. O6Od mlnor s{lrupn€1 w,:unde on OKUN, J.A.n A34O Ohange speed to IJ xnots. .,oftigc, US}i ; jtSTjiS, SIe, USI'iR being^SrFated..- *S'fASION . 04-08 to 14kncts. rornauil;T*fo$lii3[";" ?3':":;::'#3u"3ffi3"]o'iiuo,"ot oses get 6 o sblp. 0650 condLtion tsakpr ln after section of the sLj.o. \.e 'E H Di! l{r"..- E t }I . R. GLASS. -f o o 08-12 q I ,,ons. 6roo?,ri.oo*o *""ill$t:fJ""1"5;I;i,":toi.u$l:*il;".t.fuu3.01"ffJ;., q Aq J.J. SflAFF!fr, IfI, USrl, Conrano.lng officer passed away as a rosult of shrapnel ,1 1944. wounds received dullnd atbacx and sinklng of qubraa:rlnd on Aprll OgfO , Gorors aE -hau'-ms.st. 1020 -olors two - blocked. A ^ D' R k e 4.q)!M L2 h Lat. 4Oc 55tIJ; 5. O+Q,,,*^.t B. DOLAi't . 16 seE af t. the ship. Llamage sttll All under az dt 6 S te a m l ng aE bef ore . L740 C onci i bl on nodi f darken shlp, Set modll'led condltlon af ir,n U o o '6 ftl dt o 24 Steantng as bef ore zO'.iOFo sltlon I La!. +Oo 27 t\i i departmenbs:reporte.J secuire. $es. and wind lncreaslrg. conbrol. E i eC af lr m Lhroughout w,G/M t,i. f'rn$ ' 650 99 E 2A 1E5O Sunset, 20 x o _/t SLeanlng as befcre .' L?OOP o s i t l o n : 1548 Changed course t o 2 6 7 o f . 69c 55 t lt . Lorig , 16 c 2OO5 .rteduced. speed. to L4 knots, I 6 q A I i) -l ^ ') --rq--ffiffif6ffEr-rrr(8.v. Hl) u.s.s. Sund ay cHArflFLIl{( DDior ) Plus 4 ZON.iiDISCRIPTION OF $ A A II0N A L & A D MIN IS TTIA IIV E LOG 00-04 14knor s. sblps ln ""**iliHf "#ri"ruit'riiSiiY33i';?rffir;",tr%ffJ;,i^,? screenlrB USS CUAJdIIJIN. Selp darkened, condi tlon oi' iieadLness ll i;1ke, and nodlfleal Baterial conCltlon Berer set. Si;eanln6 o! bollEfs trL & f4. 0248 Vlslblllty reduced to I50o yar:ds by fos. h 04 O65C iiet eondJ-tion fi k 0B tSaker. $tsqmlpg as before.. Fresh arrd f iushing i-,lghbed srrlp. C ) 6 U 6S u n r l s e . water cut ln fornarci. T\I\ di-ii8fffi ui E o 9 o L2 Ots !0 A r,ert. 40l ISrN; Sbeamln, as before. 0800 Fosltion; . l J o n 6 . 6 8 0 5 8 r r r .r 0 8 O O t v i u sb e r e d . e r e w o n s U a t l ? n s , n o a b s e n t e c s . Ag25 Chan6;c s peed bo L Z x rD ts . l u o O th e L:a.ptal n ( i t. L. B aU Gi #.trj , LLeub. U S l l . ) he l C mast and arc&F-,od tiie f oi-l owing pr.inis ir.nent s . MIl.,r&R, HE. , 642 25 2J, Shlbc, U,3NB. 33'7 12 L4, SriSc, USN. . PO'.|'I' e L,E, r ft'l$O:-,from 1515 , tc A445, .liarch AVf0L from 1515, to O+ + 5, rdtarr ch Loss of 2L .iiarch L 9 4 4 , 22, L944, USl.5 1l berb 2L ..&rch I 9 4 4 , Loss of 22, L944. 15 us lib. I btANGLs, G. ii. ; 607 88 05 , RotyiJc, USNR A W OL from 1515 , 2L l t,€uach L 9 4 4 , bo O445r dr&rc}; 22 ' L944. Loss of 15 US llb. 'd4 d? , RdiYSc, USNR. AfiOL frbm 1515 , 2L March L 9 4 4 , to O 445, SItarch 22 , 1944 , Loss o.f 15 US lib. I ct b g o k € E g d .!z c tt o H # A e d ql x c tr E' @ ll 5l d H e dct A SOIIIH, J.R, , 6L4 62 62, *vi5c, USIiR, A W Oi , from I5I5 , 2 L i i tarch to020c, $arch 22, Lg44. L944, I5 iJoss of Ug L1b. c 6l s Fl CIilLD.uir'.S,A.L,, 568 42 I, SIviSc,USliR. 2L -,arch ArilOi, fro.cr iSfb Lo 2355, 22, Lg44 . r:oss of Lg44, 15 US f ib . H o o bt o lt0s01 .R,.i,.1 710 7J 26, P o' - r t ' , L. ' 8. t 337 12 L4, Scc, USNR, S M Sg , US N. BLACrl, .J.W. , $L4 48 9'l ,. SoiulJc, USNR. B i, r r r - i' K -li. e ,j . , 5 ' /5 7 6 0 7 , S th 2 c , U gi {l ?. A O L f r o r n 0 8 0 0 , 1 5 r v i a r c . bL 9 4 4 , SCM. b o l50ij , 29 lViarch L944 . rtefused to obey a lawful ord-.r'. Loss of IO US. r,lb. Falluire to fall 5 rirs. ln aU quarters. exLra duEy. Leavl .rrg babtl e s ta C i on w i bnSCI 'd to do so durout authori l y 'ti:B onemy acbion ancr rel'uslng to retirn. 1160 fubllshed ftnCtgs of teck Court ln case of DIRK, C.l!., 922 OI 44, S?c, USNR o l ' f e n s e 3 A O i f r o r n 0 0 0 0 , a 2 . r a r c h 1 9 4 4 r t o 0 7 1 0 , r a . J ' c b2 2 , 1 9 4 4 , a n d . u l i n a t i q g on deck ln lst Dlv. compartmsnt aftsr belr6 lawf',r1ly ordercd to sbop and not doin€ so. lunlshEeht to lose .ElghLeen (SI8.00) petr uonbh of his pay for a pe!.lod of t'wo (2) Eonths. iotal loss oi pay amor:ntlnri to fblrty-slx dollars i,r.36.OO)/ Il2O lr.ansf €r'r ed se s nall Ec USS NIELB . n n ^it"-' A!t.'n.X,.t B/ sciiNnrDAu, :-a-L6 t rons.6eo3d,*;,rnu,,rillT:ffi.":":;:$:'ol3ofJi;tt::t'u!3'6J3;"L?;i 1255 Altered courae to 222-r, Lncreased spo€d to l5 Enots. 1505 a1t€red course to 26?0 't. I J 1 5 . i e d u c e d a p 6 e d t c 1 3 i <r o b e . V. C. ,tt N. R. ur.ASS. --\ / ./'' \ A)-'' dt o di E a o a p Pq';j,i,, i frr', it:... li.ii,,,' u.s.s..__._9.9$*$ __P.P_9.911 Z0Nii DISCRIPII0N L& 9r:,nday Dde_,-g__$pf_11-- Plus 4 ili OPERATIONAL& ADl,[ ISIRATIVE roG 16-20 SieaeLng as before. 1602 Changett courge to 2!5ot. 1656 Fassed lOO f athon- cu!v6. L7J7 In aecordanc€ *ith CoMIIICH Confldentla.l ttspaEch Og}?55 of Aprll, 1.944, Commander Jobn Jac.kson ShEffar IIIr i3i6z, U.S. Navy, ras bunled ab sea ln posltlon: Lat. 59e 56rS; Long. ?I" OEiW. 1755 Chan{5ed course to 2?4oi. Derkooed shlp. l8l8 Suneet. !.1.1*-r ts. DO'AN. 20-24 LorU. ?1o 45tb. La!. 4Oo ootN; steanlng as befori, 2000.loslttoo: AII atogaDtdenEsrbportec secure. 2100 Changoaicou,r-seto 272oT. HhdFf,"*&#J ct !0 o a! e o 2 ai o - h. l i T E I tr c .s. c 6 x o F b o E 5 I a € i c a E c D o }l B F tFI s E H I 6 tt I '1, tt !a t a o e t P ,. Tfiffiiff-r---rrErlr @.. t{t -" P*- Date -.-.----19"--:P-T-i----------, |s 44 Monday Z0i\iE DI S CRIPIION _ Plus 4 OPERATONAL & ADi\d]NTSTITA'i'T7E LOG 04 00 s*eenad byussNrELDs, o33'itiifi,"l"lT3r"3ffii3-i[?"; ; iiirt3rtlii'olil"* Shlp wLbh 27.6.2 i l u 2 ' 1. 6 . 2 l n U S S B O Y I E . Matenlal condltion eftrrt darkened. Steanlng on boilers and condlilon of Readlness II Mlke set. Ot25 #l ar]d ff4. Jhanged coursa to 2670!. 0128 Forued on beantng-J-8oo ills tance 600 yar:,ls from USS tsoYLE. ,USS NISLDS proceedlng lndoilendently. Cbangeil speed to 15 krots. 0150 Changedspeecl to 12 knots. 0204 PasEed potat Z6bra abeam to port. various co.rrses and speeds proc€edLng up enb.Faneechannsl to fev hck,./ Uslng I Uh./#.Al#Gr6# 04 0E TRELAi{D, uscconboard.:3f i33nii"3"l;"e;."333:.til;: k:?:';,3:*:'i,.,ti3' feet of water wlbh 40 fathoms of chain. 0618 $oeured Spectal Sea Detalls and set port wabch, 0619 F'ue1 o11 barge ealne alongsl.de to reno'',re fuel. 0620 Annunitlon barge came alongside to remove amrnunition. q o H )r,( .,tLll&w i{. !a FI i ' i . GLA SS. e o o k 08 -L2 :' -rl-. e Anchored as before. i I 0 8 0 0 ir{ustered No absentees. orow on s l;a t i.on . r/) d U','{.'6.4-{,*';/r^ ts/ S JiT-N EI DAU. 6 l! tr c 12-16 o Anc-aored as bcfors. I23O go(api€tod dlscharglng aro,"ar:ntllon to barg6. 1425 set Soeclal Sea Detalls. ,143? conplet€d allscharge of fuel and dleEel otI. to bar.E6. 1506 Undcrway f,a-f lTavy Yard, New York, $/ith pllot E..E In;LANt sboard. 1507 Prcceedlng on var:lous-. boutsss and speeds bhrough ]{.Y. harbor cha.nnel. 1559 yard bug secur:edbo srarboard sldar ol1crf,.2lrur boeld. cl t{ o Fr @ 5 ql E I. R-. GLASS. o c dl -o c,'ard coest andcourses. iii:;ti:g.T#iIil,oY3'ttli$$$h'nlil?u,,Iif;liff::'"u" ' brldgo. 1606 1\.rg .omlng along port bow. ..1016 Secured mal.n englnes s]rd gyro.s. 162C Enberlng dry dock 14. 16i5 Secured $peclal Sea jJetells &nd set r.eguLar port watjch.. 1655 otrUN, J.A,., 22b 25 25, SrirMEc,USN, transforr.od to U.S. I[Rva] Brooklyn, N.Y. 1715 the -follorlng named non raported aboard for duby, flospltal, E o L C o $ B : 6 . C . , 2 6 6 0 6 0 5 , C t & t ( P A ) ; U S I T , I U E E H A NF, . ? . , 7 5 8 6 9 8 5 , S 2 c , U S $ l i . 80? 47 lLr' ES?OSII0, L'A., fbe followlng asroed men n€porteal aboard fr:om leave: zOG a7 eg S1c, USNE, uNKllSFI, yl|. 2o4 a1 08, Co.t, USNR. 1715 GAttAGffiR, x.J., 1900 ilustored pnlsonerg SoIIZc, USlln, report€d sboard from school' f,or atuty. :[en. Ko absentees. at larga alxd resbftcted diT. €E. vwfu^t'( MITCIIEIL. 2Q 24 Drydo cked as bef or e . ge cure. 2OO0 ltIl d epartments report ed )'.q.)iL* N. n I . ,/, /. R. G LASS. & o r.l !! o o s o dt d e d: € E 0 q E E P -ffif, (/.,s. s........9f:ji.:Ii -IP_9 9.91 I Z O NE DI S CR IrT IO N P IU S 4 oP$nATI0nel & ADIVIINISTRATIV$ 00 u4 LOG Docxed ln Dryd,oct*ff4 l n N a v y Y a n c t , " B r o o k I Y D r N . Y . Rec elv lng t' o t.to w l n g s e rv l c e s I' rom the crocK 3 f nes h wat er , 1 ' l u s n l n g s y s te m s 6cur ect . Electrl- clty, telephone, tu steam, Iry.fusTrN. u4 08 Docked es bef.ore. Hf& H. E. lv'IITClLE;Lrr, oa-!. nucter.A.,senree: **"3il.il*li :&i%;',r:'!i"i'i!ffi: lft"onH:':;:,'::" E n e s . a l p 1 n l o u r s e c t l o n s i o o e f 6 d a t I ' L u s n l n g t s e " r a c l r s . , l u D D H o . L U o t : B ,M . c . , Zbo uo Ub, CI.t ( t'A), USli, was trsn st'orred, trursuant to Uombervlant rpeed..|€tter Io041 f t Apr11, wlth oag ag6 and recorCs to Rsoalvlng Sirailon, ,Joa&)n, $esa., rl F I l'or r.urtner transl-er to 1\avat opor:.tlng Bas3, Argenll", ra duty. fi?:.ffid N. R. GLASS. : d E E !0 € I g E € a o o -t q l2-Ib a t0 a DJcked es oefcrs. t0O0 Mustered and lnatructed duty 1'1n perty. No aos€nta€a. 1 5 i J 0 D I E T 1 E , J . F . , 6 4 2 4 5 i d 6 , W T . 6 c , l J S I i l R ,r 6 E u r n 6 d a o o e r d . E absent over lof,.uo s1nce€OO, tl Aprir 1944, ar\d was mede a\prtsgFar aq larga cy ! ord€r or. the cornancrng c't,1c6r. €e filA/-.;#- . A. sl/llfiI. ^, I6 6 q tsl to tl ! 21 20 Dockeo as before I 8 I 5 M u st e r e d a l i - P A l t s a n d r e s t r ! - c t e d Inen . IIo abs ent ees . / L 9 z 0 l , { 0 A L L T S T E R , C . E . , b c g ' 4 ' , Jb 4 , S C O C , U S N } I , a n d LAW-qoN, W. !4J., b00 87 L 2 , S i l c , U S I I R r e t u r n e d a--oard absent over leave since 0800, ll Aprlr t94+, f 9 2 5 AII der:artmenU s rei .ro-r-.ted seoure_. t .2 t ., 20 $ f '24 Drydocked as oetbre. 9-aW . A. BooKlioLTT. I d E g ic A t! s !a E 66W E. E . , SII\TidONb. tq bt I 6 o € € t A6 6 t -F- Elr l-elC tta CIt?.t{, u.s.s. cHA[rt'rrN ( DD601 ) ZO\b DISCRIPTION WednosCay - Plus Do,e LZ trprl I /q44 4 OPTiRATIONAL & ADMINTSTRAI'IVELOG 00 wrdergolng repalrs. Fort waLcn set. c4 Receivlr€ D o c k ed t n D r 5 ' d , o c kN o . 4 , l i e w Y o n k N a v y Y a r d , N . y . water, stoam, and eLpcbniclty from' tire dock. A.9 flcrA".'R. {/G.go,fDEv!.;. 04 08 Docked AS beforo' 062r "*Q*gfuil .o8L2 D o c k s d a i bef ore . O8O0 e,uafb cf s for musf,tsr . Absentees: LL0I'ID, J.rl., 274 72 53, Cox, USNR. llob OLfVER, W.b., vI? 40 04 SoI{5c, USNR lef b on 4 days leave. IlbO LLOID, .r.E. , 274 72 53, 0ox, USNR, returned dcerd AOL slnce U800, LZ April d tr. A. BooKHour. L2 g E A E 16 Drydocred as beJ'ore. B, Do,l,^--, B. DOLA}I, 16 E g E E. o g !a E e { 2c o Urydoered as before. 1615 Pursuant the commarrdi n g o f l ' l c e r f s o r d e r s o f L Z h p r l l 1 9 4 4 , the fol l ow l .ng rnen w ere tr;nsI' emed to freceivln6 StaUlonr New York for [iunnrary Court '"'r{iartlal wi th Aecq?d+p B0FO, R. L- , 7IO 79 26, SZe, USI{R; BLAKE,H. J., 575 76o7,stni'c,oqqdfr/_M{* !0 EI 5 A g c x o .a' 2024! secure. Fr - Drydocked ras be"lorrd 2000 Al1 deparbmenbs reported flt:"1,,* i?. H. \4ft!Bi{1. b E A I g s c T tt 6 $ ri b a E .E u tr H s € I E tt E o o a e d I D /2-a ) Eit-tt-'r3 r,,u u qfi$ftffig^l rr1.;/Di @tt-^ *&t#nr!,') Pagc LLz - u.s.s.-...-.9-gl4-lf.I-.{.(PP_-6_-q_il_----. ZONii DI$CIiIPTIOI{ I'hur p1+ PIus 4 OSEJjTASI ONAL & A'MINISIRASTlE ' LS Aprlt "d^yDofu LOG 00-04 Restln€! on heelblocks tn Drydock 14, I{ew lork Navy Receivl Ya:rd, Brooklyn, i{.Y. yrlth USS Giilii'FIN (D,ii54) and USS IioPPING (D!;155). anc t€1epi1cne. folloyrln€, servlces, fron iock! fresh wate!,, ateam, electrlclt{, ?' Dr\r--- B. Dotu:Ii. 04 08 D ry d o cked as bef or"e . C 65O P .evel Il e, 0 0 r rl wA./^w B/ scEirEIDAu. -i/T,. L2 08 .Dryooc kea as before . C80O +uart er s f ,or muste r . Absentees . l.ACi{bNf}iAL, S. }i. , EZI Og 56, Iilc, USNR. O92O f ursuant to ISuPers cgd,er'., liD i2t FLA-+/mAt(262)/;H,:y9q-i'{T, bhe f ollowlng narned :n@nlef t .i.'or Gunriery school. fRIgE,!S I{uQ,K,11.f . Anti-Alrcraft ons ign i/f . J. ivlilk BAOI-I, D-V ( G ) , USi'IR. ' ' I' d .9 ., 'i3, D0. r , I ir , i i ti , 652 ll $ C P c, U S N R ' raOg 70 4b, SZc , USIin . iGAi,j , J ,'c. , DiiO UI i' j , n . J . , 8 0 5 5 2 OS' SP c ' U S N R . DUI ' li' I ilJf, i n ' .S., Ag A ' J O 7 5 , S P c, U S I{ R . lt'ii'i.'CIld,LL, .b.r,., 607 ?468, SIc, Usliit. fr$ISEh, 1I .E . , 642 48 90, Slc, USI{R. DeLI LLO , f . , €05 SJ 07 , SIc , USI'I. F O T ' IA , A . J . , 5 5 6 9 7 " l 4 , S l c , U S N f r . riUSSsLL, J., 7LO 78 55, Slc, USiffi. I 045 i' A Ci ' \.c .t' i tl tAi ,rS.i 1 . ' 8 2 1 0 9 56, S l c' U S IIRt L944 and yras inad,e a prisoner llJ Aprii I F d: a 8IB 74'/5, G 1 ; I i M A NC, . , Taturned aboard A OL si nce ar rarseby order "Lrt;jwu F. L2 li. SZc'USi{ft O EO O' of'rlcer. Wiltsiii. baggage, ai d x Fr o 16 l5O0 Musterec ancr lnsLructed duby D o c k e c ia s b e f o r e , 14uO Fursuant to SCfA Casco Balr i'ilaine Uispabeh f ire party, no abgentees. I2I5i6 01' l,rprit L944, RI.!,LLY, t., B..LB56 05, $2c, Ugi,R and Rrr.e,SE,D.T'I 8,46O,- 4L, SZc, USm r r eporbed aooard f or duty rylth baggager rocords, and l55C RgirFIN , J . 844 8t 56, Stir[2c, USI-fR,reported aboard f,cr accounts , duby wit h d 'fi, ii. I$il,lilAUtT ' 6-r 2AZ 58 26, irlc t USitii-i ba IlRAGEit, A. 8r.L 57 25, SIc, IVICLIENNAMIi{, J.it, It}ri3e' USNH A Slcr usNii. o s r ' O B i , i I c K I, Q . f r . , ;o i'?cr US{R. B d R j r . l ' f S K Y ,G . ( n ) ' 845 92 53, in'1c, S U hi i rl si l S si l .b., TIivlOLDIe0.D.1 5lc, USN. i TIB.EE SOLo, P. A. , S?c ' USNli. Szc r U l .-H Igl i ., D . J. , 818 7 4, 6i , re c o rd s a n d accounts from N TS , i 3al nbrl dp:e. .i ri l d. \r7'@ }I..EJ. MITCHJ,LL. e { 6 6 U o H !0 I u F] 16 restricted 20 Doclred as bef'o::e. 1800 l r l u s t e r e o d u t y s e c b i o n a n d m e n , n o a b s e n t e e s , 1 9 , 5 0C o l o r s , \. A. 14106* i\J. R. GLASS. 2C-24 gecure. ;ocked as befors 2000 A11 depdntx$ats roported ^!r11 L944, tr;nalgfl B. FARKIiURSI 2oOO Pulsuant to Coethreo 3srle1 14515 of 15 ' -iiiest, Fla. for t-V(G), iJSiR, detacheC tc procssd to Fleet Souad School' Key ^' Cuty under lnstructlon. terForary ?l'&azA;' -Yi. GI]STIN. o h ,ti t 6 d .6 I-- !'r 1 day 0PERATIONAL 00 19 44 Dae _-___L_L__tiSrl_L ---_-__-__-__--, Ai'lD ADltlIilIS'-[R;.1'fVE LCG c4 riestlng ort rr€€1 blocks 1r: Drydock f4 liew York iiavy Yard, r'rith U$S ..,r(Iri'l'Iii (l,,S+) ald U,)S IjOPk'IiV|}(Dltl55). . or ook ly r i, l \i. Y. iieceivirg ;he 1'ollowln* services -frorn t,iie oock, fresh wator, steam, eiectricluy and teJ-erpncne. t+rfu i-i. .1". ltil iCHr:,r,L . 04 08 i tocked as before. OTbO t'looal;rg ,irydocd of i\ . it. OE -co:nmenced. t,€. ^Ar^* ut ASS. L2 ibsentDccked as befo.e. 0800 iriustur€d crew at quarters. ees. S i i r J r t ' l ' S , . J. I . , ' e O b 4 3 r S r S b i v t 2 c , i j S i r . 0830 riaised ofr' blocks ln ,iryoocr t4. i,'ir/e c.egr€e Iist Lc sLar.boerd . O'JO?Secure'.i aIl connec tions r'rorrl oockr ltlo? .i,eI't drydoclr. IJ40 iiioored starboaro siCe bo por"E si cle USS "r.,riuB (Dii6lo) at rier \,,, oerbir 3 rre,.'rI rardr Er"ookl;f,n, ii.j. wi l;n J'our rrraniia lirres an," 2 wire cacles. 1055 SilOri'I'S,,1.I., 2Ob 43 c8, StiriZc, USl,;, rvtr;orted aboaro liOi, sirrce 0ti5u Ehis date, ano was rnade a prlsoner aE large kry crder of c or r nar r din i , c r' fl c e r . -/-fluE; W . d U S T I A, i L2 16 iiloored as bei'ore. bar ge iS r i l 5 r,o ra i n c h i s s i i i p on porb ca:nage sustained by chis ship. o R !0 9 o h o d e q A ! t0 I q L 2 3 C ; t r ) i a vrye r . J r u 6 L L Z ( " r . c r , i v e " ) i ' i . r c e si de ln vicinl t y or' f rame 45 , r',io aii.iiaren .+l t6 a 9aM . A. ;-O;.CuUI. f x Fi o 20 i ri o o r' - d as bei ' op. 1630 B U ZZI\R Dy fr' .Ji . e 605 99 6 2, i4e , ris.,'*(, r'eportec aboard, fcr aut;' p,jrsuanL bo ord-qrs frorri U. ij. iilaval rtoc€iving 'i\ilf25/YL6-+/il'iltr Scation, Casco B^j , i'laine c-f I5 Apri I L944 ana via$ r:rai.uea prisoner aE lar,;e oJ orcl\rr oi' corrunanding offlcEr. l - 9 3 4 r . x e c u l r " e d .c o l o r s . 'inen Absentees. i u r . i s E s r e c j a, I l i : r i s o n e r s E.l, iarg,e ario l,esbricteo t s t J ' Z Z i y t l DH , .;r. 6O i 9; 62 , SZ c , U Si i x . A f .e-'!-D' l ' : . S . Li vui i r-V :r. e a B ut I b! o 6 24 lioored as before 2OOO AII aepartments repor d secure. @ lt k e ,n 6 o E E !€ tlr d rD- Tt?;ffilHrilrr,EElt-^n Pdc t" (Bca. Hl) u.s.s. CI{AM;r-,IN(DD60I ) saturdav ------,tg 44 Daa-----I.l-1l--l-i-l------- Ius 4 OPERAIIOIiiAI & AIJMINISTRTTTVA LOG o0 04 Moorecl starboari slde to US:JL/iUts a b f l e r C , b e r t h 5 i'trewYork Navy Yard, i3rooirlyn, N.Y.. wibh four inanila rlnes a n d t w o w i r e e a b l e s . tieceivi.ng the followlng service frorn tne ciock: fresir anci salt wat,eg, sbeam, elecbrleity, and tele;phone. t//4/ /Dn'{t"rnW .' A .- S IV II I 'r , . 04 0e Moored as before. A. B00i L2 OE f r i i o o r e da s b e f o r e . 08OOl$ustered crew a t g u a r t e r s . -uSNfr; ABS,UNTjjHS: oUZZAfiD, R..,a. , 605 g'y 6L, $Zc, USr\R. l10O DfHK, C . d . , S Z c, apprenended atbelrpting to leave shlp wlbhcrut authorlby, w i t h dcttring or' otherE acimltted lntentlon in hls possesslon. o1'mlsslng shlp. Was plaeeci on report and held under guard. awaltlng mast. A.YfuJ"* f R. t V, /6u0DbV!.. a E I g !0 € a o g E ;: I E L2-L6 snd awarded the followlng S{ooned as b€for€. punlshments: 1.J30 L::e coronandlrg offlcer h61d nast a a l0 'di.iil., I4Ar!90N, 50O e? 12, S?c, gsliR. AoL fron 0800, 5-11-44 to 1920, 5-1I-44, lo lose len (10) U.S. llberlles. IOYI.; J.8., 274 72 53, Cox, USN. AoL f::on 0800, 5-12-44 to ll5o, o-12-44. {o lose Flve (b) US..Ilbsrtbs. I{6 ALr,I ST!R, C.n., 659 29 54, 3C3c, USNR. AoL fr.oro OA0O, 5-Il-44 to 5-IL-44, ,noolS,til*l.lt;3r(:l 3;i'.ii,33ltt"".i: A'Lrrorn bb'.o, lob', ,-i?:?;. ,-rn-nn.ro 'lo loee Flve \5) U.S. llbsrtles. ^A . C i U t iI:E A l t , S . R . , 8 2 I 0 9 5 6 , S I c , U S N R . A o L f n o E O 8 0 O , 5 - 1 3 - 4 4 t o 1 0 4 5 , 5 - I 5 - 4 To 'ose fhree (3) U.3. llbertles. 'SIMI{;NS, J.ti., 669 04 6}, SIc, OSiiR. Fall'iro to return aboard bhis shlp under Jo Iose Flfbeen tI5) US. ltbeitles. verbal orders from an ofr'icer. iriouRi,, T.P., 295 e3 24, 82c, 'JSN. 3rolng on Ilberly wlbhout proper authorlty. . Io lose ten (lO) U.S. Ilbertles. DLRK, C.rr,., 922 OL 44, SZc, tlsNfi. Atteeptlng to le ave shlp wtbl:ou! pernisslon. iiaving " other persons clc bhes in pos.sess iorl ' General Court Martlal. U.S. Govt. properby 1n possesslon. 1530 nAnii, a.1., 2Ol 58 ?7, fil,llc, USN, reburneo aboard under the lnf'Iuenco of. lntcxlcstlng Ilquor rhlle 1n a duty sEatus, tiias n&de a prisoncr at 1Er8- by ta ordelg order oi ti.€ ComllandlDg offlcer. 1545 PursuerrL bo Connand.lrrg olflcef (USS CHAl4Pj,Ili) oi tE Aprll 1944, UILLTTR, T.J., 607 25 83, FCPI, USIili, left shlp to escort, under gua:pd, DIRK, C.b., 922 OL 44, Szc, IrSIlH, to dellver hlm bc C o n m a n d l n { gi r f f l c e r , U.S. Naval liecotvlng Statioo, YIer 92, Nery !ork, N.{. bo a$ait a General Cor,rrt ffartial. 4Ar-/,"-, t". t6 h. irdBr:rfi. 20 friioored as beI'ore. }BOO ivlustered duty sectlon, restrlcteo men and prlsoners ab iarge. Abgeniees: V l , A i i D l b . ' I . , 2 0 1 5 8 ' 7 7, h i i { l c , t l S N . 1 8 5 0 M I L L I T R , ' . 1. J1. , 6 0 7 2 5 8 3 , FC Ze, U S ItrR rqturned abo ard to shl r,(-)' r7p e scor t lng t a prlsoner tc Fler 92, re35'bxecuted eorors' w.(aJrlr-a+t"^ 'U'i'.rt. S CiilrilIDAU . 20 24 i{oored as bef cre. dl dt q Arrdepar"'"ru 2000 r[.. 5 A k e tr ct x |D rd Dr o E ! 3 x ti cl 6 & c H !! o o b0 o c EI o e o o a 6 a p IE3U!- rrrE^r Falll!rrL (D rlrlEPt (&v.t{) t!'t: P* '*v_ sundav Dau ---I-?----:-p-{-l--l ---.---.-------, D 44 zoNsl R IF IION Flus 4 0P!.BATI0NAL & ADftlll\IStzu-r'Mt tOO occ4' 3' yorxi,avyyard., r,rew ifl3,"L5t;;"t;"3iill frocelvlng t h e f o l l o w i n""""ili;;l*ollili3ilutl#.*:ilff g servlces froar the Cock t t:resh waber, sbeafl, eleet- .,IIJrlr,_, ricit y, ano. Eetephone. a.l,ilr,!rr,* F, 04 F# W!-3r,ti. 06 i tl c o r.e ci a' s bef on e. oe - H. 0650 ileveille. Lz ^-,^i -iJ $ i u s t e--r e-.d). c r e i w a t q u a r t e r s . h i o o r e d a s b e^ f/ro r -e ^. . O -UEi iO tn; r i. bs enLees : 6 a z :Z ffi L , R . E . , 6 0 3 .9g 62r- s;;, II.aE TIN , J.{tJ., 556 oz 99, nloNLZ c , USI' [R ; ' Si f" R D ,E .l 556 Q Z 99, , ? OL 58 77r Ii ,{I,{ Ic, U S N . O95C l ,[A i i TI,I]1 J.tt.s SbMZe, USNR, r,eburned r.board. absenb ov,sr leave sl.nee Q7Ag, i6 aprlL L944. '.I.I1. DAVIS, ir. 'Jubies, 1000 Lieut. aboard to resurne regular r USNR' reported iraving. co:nplebecl Uemporary ad.dltional outy, pursuanb tc ComDesr,atrt oroers I,L6_4/oo/Fr.Ei'I5_6. 6 R. l*l.q'rJ. D U IA N . L2 fire 16 Irioorec a s b e i ' o r e . Ilo absentces. parby. 1350 iliu.cbered and :Lnsurucbeo Cuty E s F e I €' € h EI eo E E q! Nt@ EI o 9.. .d. $lI'ICIiitLL, ed men and prlsoners f 955 iixec uu ed c olors . E tr ..r 16 d c x o 2C lrioored. as before . 13OO iiirs t e r e d . d u t y s e c t c n r r e s t r i c t at l arge . &XJitiTIr\, J. lT. , 550 .J2 99 , Sti*Zc , USlffi ab s ent . tr trr o ct E € riuS'IIii. 2A 24 f,r{ooredas before. 200 0 all 'ffi<t";>.. deparLinenb s repoAbeo t. ii. DAVIS{ Jr, ct 6 secure I ,.1 00 F t fo Fl o dl o € o o 6 o o d ;'') A I / -E rr -tll#FlE=fr& Grl rr: P*-IaL- @.v.t{D cii/irri LIN u.^s. s._-__--- ( DD50f ) Zlli'l::, t'..SCRIP'i'f 0N rvrOnd&y I'Ius .A t9 44 4 0tiiRA'-UIuivAl 00 L7 tprll Dae & I'IDMINISf R*Tf Vb r,OG 04 uoored star.bcanc slde to USS LAUB aE .rier u, berth r i s v $ B r d , ; .Jrc+xi3-rr, IiY wltir 4 naurila lLnes and two wire cables. 3 neceiving tire f'ollolving ssrvices frorn bhe dock: :.'resh vtrater, steanr, eLecbriclty and rerephone. \.e.)lt* h Ii . il . iLASS. 04 08 iriooreci s-s Lrel'or.e. 0? O,J J'ilA-RD, b.L. , 2) L 5u ?'/ , iviil-lc, Usi'lr reLurne e aooard abeent over leave since 1800, A^orll 15, L944, aric '{rr'as inad.€8- priscner at larg,e by orcier o1' trie coiluna,.Ci.iigoff icgf . -Ff C Yu^AJ"'-t-e11. irro lvil'l'Oi{r:L.[, . 0u L2 lrtooreci as bef'ore. OEOOlviustered cl.rrw at ,'-iuarters. A B S , : i: , iI r . ; i S : J .i } ., 5 b 6 J6 99, $ti i i zc, U S N i i ; B U ' ;Zi tj l D e R .r.1 605 99 62, " .A r{ .l J l i l e ?,2c, USNii; BI.re 'f .G.; 65I 02.iC, Ctr15 t,ut oif l ' i t ' t Z c , U S N R . . a x . . c u L e c rc ; I o r s . all servlces from Cocx. IOO0 Yard Uugs amiveci and UgS i./rlJB, doU und.ei'way, r1r-c€lvltrg servlces fror,r ooci<, elec "ri,cltf', s team, I'resh. ar:c1s&-uL water. .*ooreuin berth 3, L'Ler 0 fuavy lard, i:rookly,", ii.Y. wlth starboar.J slde co, usln6 I'our rnanila linos anii z wlre cables. fISC ConsecLed yarc phone ano air raia terePrione' g n0 c : o x g q q E a !0 l4e;+*.^ lt 6 . A LZ io itrooree as bef ore. Fort side wiLir six llncs. L245 Du2L4, U S S S C C I I m o o r 6 * r o a A o I h c 0Dr:V!,. o 6 : 16 20 a: i'toored as befcre. effecbs of L,o.:.::ander 1615 rersonnal Johrn J. SiiAl'F.rtrt III, weru bra:'rsf err ed ta ..1-g JoLrn J . SIiAFF;lit . Ulii! , deceased, L 9 4 C , a u sL Y r € - ' p r i s c r i e r s a t Ia rge rl l €n. l ' i o.-4bsent1rtes../tr anc rt: strl cted, Z04ab.r*il' fi . 2A A. SiViI fii . s b0 E & 24 j'Yioorec &c bef ore. seeure . 22CC .ri,as16n 'i . J. bllliidACli, D-V ( .' ) , cI' broLip :i' men frolr Guniiery InstrucElo;, dt 2O0O All ,iepartmsnts reporbed U S N i tt T' apcrteo aboard i .nr gi ra r ge .3I r'.iviOl,ti . FI o o o 4 o h D|E3 r{r r -rEG..rr til?mtll^& @cY.r-ru tt- Pqc r'uesday u.s.^s..----.911&l$-l-r--Li!---lP--12.6.-9-l-) llus Z0iiL DISCRiPfION L22 - ______--_-___, D 44 DAe-_i!!_-__+PI_i_L 4 & ADI$IIi{ISTi?ATIVE LCG OPURATIOi'JAL oo 04 Q4 08 ivioored starboard side loPler U berth 3' itlewYork ^iavlf iara, i]ro,:klyn, I.lY, with 4 iuanila llnes and 2 wlre cables. tieceivin6 and the followlng servlcss iro:n tne dock! .ilresh water', stean, eleci;ricity, belei;rrone. n"M ll4 / tl. A . Bo,iKilo uT . U i v i o o red as before. {:/;. 08-12 *t !' 0800 Sustered''c?es al quarters. ffoored as befole' Abserliees! BVZZABD,R.ij., 60O 99 62, SZe, UglLR;MARTIN' J.'.'{.' 556 02 99, StUZc' Usilii. O8O5MIi,I,eRr 8.M., ?oo o7 '75' GM6c, IISI{n' lre turned aboard fnom 5 denrF 666 56 50, RMSo, ltSNR, retu4lled aboard fron 3 days Ieave. OgeOVmtin, !.F., 0945 i,A.\iDiiris.c.i!., 604 49 93, G![3c, UgltB, left sblP for 306 i{59 st. leave. n.8.,, 69q 99 82' S2c, liew Yonk 01ty, N.Y. to bake charge of prlson€r; tsUZZARD, torpedoes fron Na.ty Yed, NeY{Yorb: imlS Mod 5 usNli. ogSo ieeeivsd tirefollowlq i\os 6O596-6C212, 2 Eyros MK12ftod 3, N-s 62682, q2498' and 2 oxploders' IdKo irioi 6, i'ios 3L847, 3n850. 1,/./ q.4^ffi o E o !, dt 2 o P o q q o !a tr A 16 ,L2 SZc, USi;Re Tvported h'iooredas before. aboarcl rrnder gua.rci,' AtrOt 603 99 1 2 I 5 iIIIIZZARDI H.I!.1 1900, Apr[l 14, L944, f . Do-\,,*-, ! .8. DULA}I . 62, c i rrrro 9Ir4VrV dt x o j Fr o E E t6-20 to orders DD6O1/ 1700 Pulsualt !,ioored as befcre. USS CH,IMI!IN to iv:ofiiiAu, D..J.; Mi{8c' USI{R' P16-4 fnon Ccn:rran.dlngof;flcEr, lio L8oo lAu{bred duty section, aboartt. lllen from !-tre:. !'i.girt e::. Sebcoi returted iitflcer" LiES CHAMPLIN 0ormsnd!€ frcn !o orders OAOOiT/ttO-+ n:r suant absenises, aho*xA from Pitoneber SchooL' LTXIIKLN'-.K, 642 :52 2Q' EM3,c ' USIiR rdtrrned IgiC ulusbercct prisoners aE large ano restnicteci fllell. - iio .i= $ Ff DO o U H.. tTiig.ifi. e 5 ct 20 24 I { c c r o d a s b e f o r e ' i 0 0 O A l 1 deparbrnents r e p o r t e d s e c u r e . , 2 I O O F u r s u a n t b o C o m S e r v l a n t l t n . S e r . l O O f f - S C oJ' 3/ 2s/ 44, J.ffiAATg, o L at t 6 d pI krgrnc!.nt ICt t3. L i rrt n 1t!!' rpil=tL^ aryf D!!rFAI'Drr!('!IAIJ NavsEIPS (28) (Rev. }tl) Pagc 12s rcednes<lay Dae________L_9 ---S_!-T_11 - - , p 44 ZOI.r DISCRIP'IIOIi Plus 4 OPl,Rrtl'I0l'iAt oo & ADMf N ISTRA'I'IVE tOG 04 trioorod starboarc side bo Pier C bertii 3 ln ilew YcrK, l ia" y f ar c , r:ro o k l ;rn , neceiving N.Y. wiLh 4 manllA lines ana 2 wire cables. lire following servlc es from the dock: e}ectriclty, and sEeant, fresr:, water, ,0 be lepnone , q.0 .4,4^)* if. 04 Sbli2c, U S l l i tr r * t u n n e d ,6. .rCtiltr-IDAU. 0B -' o o r e d as bef ore. 0520 l !' " ai i ' 1' l l i , J.' trt/., o56 OZ 9 9, abo ard AWOL s ilc e 1800, Apri I 16, L9:4. 0 6, l) o4o-^J .8. D OLA i { . L2 0800 tiusuered crew at quar"ters. ' P . b .ier l o o r e d a s b e f o r e . A b s e r i t e e s . l $ B E R S O LI t r , 2 6 4 L 2 8 ' 7 , S Z c , U S N I i ; I ' r O R T 0 N ,I ' ' ' 4 r , , 2 4 4 t 9 0 6 , O o x , LiSi''rii. OyIS Comnenced,I'ueltng shlp. Drai'b of si:lp Fwd . LLtT " ; Af b. l5 t llrf . 'naving Itr50 Ccmpleted fuilln,' ship, r€cs-ved on boaro 4300 gallons oI' Dlesel 011 from PARAGOIiCIL 0OI|IPANY. Drai't of shi-p Fwd.. LLt7tt.. A{t,., 16',9". 08 VrW,Jt l," . cd o t !o 6 * o F.' h,. Tr^b,BjiH . e a L2 16 e rrioof ei as befof e . LZ 30 Corrlnenc e d f ue I 1n6 I'orw ar d . tt. L. HAUGHAN, rr . F'I,!,CK, USll , r e ; L e v e d i l e u t . 1500 Ll eub . C omrnander r !'rancis li euL . IJSAi, oi' c orrriiLIro oI' t-ire USS Ci{fi'{irLIN ln e c e o r d a n c e w l b h i : u i r e r s o r d q , r ' s (b) r5l559. (a) rzir4E; i 5 1 5 K I I ' I G , h . f , r , . , J r . 8Ol 89 68, 5t*r2c, [iSilR, reported aboar d f or d u l y fro rn D i tL 7 l , U ,3 S gi -JnID j !,.. o a s 'Z&th x o iI . GUS.IIN . t5 t - l \ 20 ivioored as bef':re. tc 1630 Pursuanb vornServlaiib s€r. 1259d of /"prj- I 1944, ts iAWDY, i.A., 652 48 o9, Tl/i.-rc1USNR, was irs')sferrBd € Pursuant to.it'Ieot Servlse School, U.S. l[avai hepalr ijase, San !1edo, Ca1il'. to ConServl,ant sE!. l8?7 of iiiarch 19, 1944 SCAliLOu,Q.r:,., 2iL7 5;: zJ, SIc' Usiiit' was transferred to hece1v14, 3L"Elon, Casco Bay. uaine. frilsuani i;o Jomserv|anb 0 s e r , 1 0 9 8 8 c f 5 n p r l ! 1 9 4 4 , S I R I N G I i A M ,i A . l | , , 6 6 0 2 6 2 9 t r i & 1 2 c , U S N R , r i a s t r s n s f e l r r.l It to i'leet Servico Schorl, Norfolk, Va. lursu; nt to ComservLant sor. io9i6 of to !'leet 5 April I'J44, liASI4USS,N, tlK., 329 06 0Q Slc, USIr was trslrsl'€rred 8 Ve. iursu!-nt Lo uo&servlanb ser. I056i of i ;pri1 1944, S€rvlce school, l\orfolk, to I'iava-L rorpedo School B,,AlCitFCrfrt, K.ii., 614 54 35, TMAe, USNR, r{as transferred Iiewporb, ii.I. r u r s u g n t ! o o o i n s e r v L a n t , s e E . 9 3 2 0 o t 2 5 n i a r c h 1 9 4 4 1 B i . A i iI " . . 1 . 1 v.i. llorfoik, to jlaval Tralnlnd )tatlonr 2 9 5 5 l 6 5 , C i { . J rc U J N , n a s t r a n s f e r r e d I7O0 ihe f<lloriing nasred rlen reporEed aboard fcr duby with ba66age, recoris, ll,ufD, H.-H., Verbal crders of gcPA, Casco bay, tdai e. an<i accounbs. AuLhortiy: sr,iioD' ),1.L., 63A 57 'og 94L 07 96, SAc, UBNR; SC:IEFF, l. F., 506 67 29, SZc, UsliRi S2c, USIiR; l(Ori(A, A.J., 665 57 @, Szc, USNI MIlCilrl,L ' J,f.' 8JB bg 46, S2c, c ligNR; Situriitr,, Jr. L., 69 95 66, Szc, USNR; SMAI,L dIDG!, C.ir., 928 66 95 !i2c, Usi\tt: A U T R Y , C . H . , 6 3 2 2 4 3 5 , S 2 c , U S ; C C M B S ,i l , G . , 6 5 9 9 6 6 9 , g z c ' U S i i R , J A T V I S , A . J . , 3 1 5 6 4 6 9 , S Z c , U S i i Bj 1 8 0 0 i i r i ubs c r e d d u t y s e c t i o n a n d p r 1 s o n e r ; J a t l a r d , e . Ooni,Iebed fuellng shlp. Drafu t'orward14t 9" snd rr.strlcted men. No absentees. EO f'l o cl (9 c o a E Ai'E.L5'e". Ifli. 6-. \1$ftf,{ rilJ Jfi!!I,. 2C 24 l . : i c o r e da s b e i ' o r e . Z O u OA l l departrner:bs report-ed secure gzVrz*zi I. 9, Ii. DAVIST/Jr, tcd tDE -rrE rif,?mE[rrr ^f a:7ri Pagc--Lz, G.v.H$ Tnu;"scay Z O } I ] J ; I S C R ].P II O N Dde 'eo april t9 44 PIus + OTI.iRATi OI'{AL & AL\I\TII\I: TR;.TIVU LOG 00 04 ivloored. starboand. slcte tu 3r'ooKryn, and two wlre li . fr . v.,it!-l 4 r n a n i r a l l n e s i ng s er v ic es f' rc m tl " l .--:c c e i r : steam, €lect.i:;city, -ij-qliR, u c ? 5 F . A L E Y , C , F . , b 0 9 UY 79, SZc, r€.turned. ln Pier C, bertn .), Navy Ya.rd. l-ieeei.vlng tne t'oltowcabLes. l'resh water, and telephone, aboard AiL since 00OO tnrs ryW d.ace o / ' o+ YU. J. IiiIIR3ACT.!. 08 l l o o re C I s be,i ' rl re . OoLlu Stauloned :ipecLal !ea. tetaiis. ;tbth Sureet Ub0b p1.tct BARLOI/a urriverL on board. Obbb Ilnderway, desEination Annex, l3rootriyn, I[,'Y. 07Ub Uobtl Tug an'J. o1.IoE t a k i n g s n i p i n t o l l a s t R , v e r . Tug cast of i', st+aming on vari-ous coilrsrr..; and. speeds cor:-t'orning tc II.v, harDor cna. nne r s . . U ' 7o ' / l ' i -r s E ].rn e o v e r i o oo ck, al er 65, ,3roorr..r-yn ' S upcry A nnex, \-R.ArM^ I{. R. GI,ASS. h. x x H M oB - ri' R. -3; :.. :; n j a t'or moorj-nts. iiailrng approaci:r Eo oocrc :{aiing preparetlons OBUULli,es Aiornii io, w:tir atd of tug. Prer ,tC, BrooKi-yn SuppJ.y ADne]. - Iroltsid€ l.lnec and o wlro over tro oock. nJorg(l iiorLalde Lo oord bt. prer $/j-th 4 nanila cabLe s . obzu secu.r6d maln englnes . cyro lrep u rl-rnnrng . ua24 Pli-ot dlIS!{Jw le 1 t oEcb Musterad snip. 08'lb socured speclal sea Detatl and set regular port watoh. D 0 L I N A R , W S , f j 5 2 J . 1 8 c , g o a c , U S N R ; 4 B - ! . i R0b. 1 ,,! : f . A . crsw at querters, Aosentegs. ' { y o ) . ' z 8 ! , s z c , U S N B M J R T O N ,T . w . , 2 4 4 t g O b , C o x , U S N . 0 8 U 0 M o E j B O N1, ' . W . , i @ o 6 u 6 6 DO x o LZ ro ..1 arnmunl tron oar ge. n i o o re d a s oefore. L44L) R ec' i tvea ano[ner tbIU GAI!:S, J, G. , tjOO 8'd L8 , SZc, LrSNR, transi'errred" to rctu I; lr s t bar.ge I e I ' t . I b 4 5 O K U N , J A , e A z b ' , e t ' 2 5 , S o . 1 , { 5 c ,U s N , r e p o r t e c i 5 t . .\L dAllb lilatrat H O S p t - t a r , a boa r d pur suant to i 3 i -rPe rs l rr. o oOB tB over P Ib-o/MI1l of 26- F' eor:uarJ )v44 fr d 6 M Ff Ib I7 .L5 A m nunlt lo n n l e n. restrtcteci s AL\ ! I7I0 0 om::Ie ted ta lrtng on ammunitLon. l l { -o c re o a s before. lvSL) iuusterec at{+ PAl,t s and Oa rg e e a -s t o fi ' IJ-ne* q and (jepartecr . No absentees. Urli. \6lh-do* Fi.Ac i1l\ulDA .r. 2Q 24 f q"l.I c''ruJ-n; baggai:-e. front i l to o re o a s bel ' or e ,' S C?o05 i i . U . t ' ' Fiecervod. I I ) . i ; ' , K A Si]/!, A.J;,,4IT'L}H!.jLL, J. l'.. : ti?e Receiving SEauion, rTr)oKlyp, li.lf . ; ; , S i l A R r E e j i . 1 , , j s l ' i l ' . l r L , ) R I u i + E ,0 . ! ' , I t , C ; i l - d s , ! , l J " G . ; jls,^,rhuh,#M "r}R ht d o tt t ! I rrdncrrrnt bF rd qrili&ffiprr(^', 3ryrL^ NA98EIP8 Ct$) (Bev. Hr) rr Tn c Page i;'rlday Lzc Date----------?-+---gp-{r+-----------, tg 44 tsUNii DISC'RJPTIOII 0rgRrrTt=0t$1, & AuvrIt\ l:, TR:.Tl\,r-UtOG oo 04 to wi th- 4 rnanila ltne s l ng riif":- f'cr aux l ri a ry s outfr side ol5rrj S 6. pier, lllaj.n englnes secured". No. R e c el vl ng f'resh re u"nuo*3oill:l"o:;lil$,: rp o s e s . iryat*r f::orn t.,e docOi 'S 5rooklJri, ld.y-. coi.[er steam- fu"O R. G. SC()DEVE. r {,,,,..: a4 u8 l ' { o o re d a 6 o e f o r e . A 7 5 O K f l l c , F - . H . , B C ) ' /8 y 6 7 , S t f t t ? c , U s N t t ' i , , l \ R D ,. ! ' . L . , 2 { . ) L 5 S 7 ' / , 1 , , { l { 1 c , neturned aooard ArJt si_nce OZuOr' 2l Aprl1, Iv4+. USl,l, returned a b o a r d A W O L s l n c e U I U U, 2 L { : r r i l , L944. MustereC e:.ew at quarters. Aosentees : F 0 T t ' A , A . J . , 8 b o g , l 7 4 , S l c , i l s t r t n ; { B : ; R , S O L F Ip, . A . , 2 4 , 6 , L 2 g ? , s Z c , USIIR; MC KINNF'Y, J.D , , et07 z5 e7 , S I c , U : N R ; I { I T C I i l t tL , I i . E , , 6 Q 7 ? 4 6 9 , S } r c , T T S N R ' ?, D t{* .^J B. l)cLAll. E 08-r? j *f . '33:"m:*'?i::"'Iffii::":li;ji3ll""" sarrsr-act*y. uru* iif"iil. O FoTTA, A.J., 8b6 V7 74, S!c, UjNR, neturnad aboard AOt E l a r b o a r d s l d . e . p g Z"o.*.!ol3l'3.; slnce o7u0, 21 April, . t - 9 4 4 . M I T U t 4 i tl , , ! i . E , , 6 0 7 2 4 6 8 , usNR, reEurnecr aboard stc, ,101, s*nce O'luO, zL.trprLL, Lv44. Annuni 6i.on l.lgrluer cast off. tOj-O !'uel oll barg6 cane. al.onJ sL!1rboerd ELds. goni[enced. fue]-tng. toitS Cornpleted fue11ng. tJalga cast o1'1'. lo4b statlonod ;pecla-r Dea D6talrs. I O b u p l I o t i i U N G l l So n b o a r d . lOSc Cast olt'. 1O5b Undsrway, used various courses and speeds witrr aid of tug to clear dock. 1l-OO Pliot 16rt snlp. Steaued on v'ar'-ous courses and spe€ds through channel . 1146 Seculrad slecla.I ssa detalrs, set condltlon II- Ullke..- I o ! !0 E. o h eul € o 6 r0 EI g )t'e Au^* N. R. GIASS. LZ Ib ,,:, Steaming. as bef ore . I Z O U P o sj . t i o n : Lat. 4vo zg f N; Long; I a :IO T G ' e 7 ,6 f o rn e d a n d. s teaml ng; l n col umn, shl ps l n I' ol t-ow rng' or ddn 3 U S S B O Y LE; u::s cHAl{PLi.N; u.'-S NIuLDS; U':,fj Or{UnOUnUX; U*o-. r-Altg; USIS L,ie LAiyAf{Ali, USS LAUB I e f ' t c o l u n n a n d r e t u r n e d , t o p i c l i u p C T G ' e 7 . o ( C n n 1 6 ) a t , s u b m a r l n e n e t s , e w Y o r k I T a rb g r . 1546 PasseC buoy rrArr abeam t o port , ?an1a- ZO() yards . Changeo c o u r s e t o L'aL-I, speed 8 knotsr distance 5t)O yar:ds. '/'6/0 5cr\ry. i. D{t"-'-' -d. D OLAN. X @ H Fr c E d E s k d dt 6 u o Fl b, o o 16 h anged. c our - e e to 'EU lzboT. DO Steamlngas bel'ore. 16ci Changed. course to ;JOIoT. rTrB t' 7 + O J o j -neo OornD esR on Ib 1; U -s: LA U 6. L7+ b steaming in corur r Ibrmatlon lD companJ v(tbh DesHon^Io nlnus USS PARKER; USS 1GjNDRICK; USS IfiacI+lNZIiJ. L74A Chan8od couree ho lidoeT - f orned scourlng tlna - lntervAl iJU00 yar:ds. J.9r0 Dusk Alert - *anned alL cattle sLBtlans. ITOb Sunset. Liarkonod thiP . 194i Secw,ed f r:oru Gener.ai q.uartgrs , s at conditlon II lulke . , /1 ,. 4l4h<"-*54' T. !i. DA\rrS, 4f . ' 20 oo 06 t tT. liro Alr .,{' 'd,0UAl. r ourse to 11 ships r i E;ht 24 'IUUO Pos ltion. Steamlng as oel'ore . Lat . o9o 56 t N i !ong. AlJ. rdopartmenus repor:teo secure, srrlps turn 3Uo right. ?lUU Ali ships ttlrn iroo'lel't. ?Lbb Alf ships turn guo rlgnt lnto coir,unn, shlps tt-trn to course I'doof . speed. to Ib knots. lncreased 22OB Ad.Justed L z 6 c T . Sn l ,o s i n s c c u tl n , _ Il ne . 2' z+ 2 A Il shl ps turn 45o rl gh! . : 2215; 5 .turn 45o l e l ' t . Z 6 3 b A rr s i ri ps turn 600 ri ght. U S S C H A I,{P LII.:mo.vocr t u a v o r d l l g h t r:d . me re l tl a n tmen. 25b0 A rI sri l i s i urn I bU" I9.I t'E. i ti U o ,tpt' \-L ,p$;ffi o dt o E e s o o A a o q p -f-r*ll ro a rlL^'' ffiFrr, Dlr ( DD60I) U.^S.S.__.-c--$3g.ItIi{ Z0NE DISCKITTICN Plus Pacc 126 [i at urday i3--*r:-i1-.-,---__..,p 44 Dde '4 0I!,RATI0NAi, & ADMMIS?RA,IIVIi LOG 00-04 Steillng ln conpany slth. Desnon 16 less, I,SS pAfii(,nn; css KE;IiDnrc6;and ltsgMac t$nzru, cDs 16- in uss LrrrrB. Fornation on ltne, on course-l25ot, speed knots. $alntelnlng $atcb. on TBg, ijc radar, and _iE sou4d €qulpqent. Sbsalilqg on bollers aZ & ti. Shtp dankined, turAfi"u" -Jirl"e condlllon rr M, -6s.terr. sI condltron bai<er sei. or.ob'co;;;t-;"'Ee, aarol, -' speed 15 rnots. O]rb st6hted righted shlp dead aheaar. oiso i,asieo rrlntJ,rshlp abeam tr EEarboard,-pooo yaids. ozob ;nan6ea cipeed to - 12 krrotg. -io oztD ;hsnged course bo liogo'},^spged- bo rs knots. oeio ca'"ag"a spuea--[o r,"or" to avold convoy beallul z,llvI - AIOoI on noiuherly couise. , ".. h # #3H"- 04-08 . s::*l"C as - b e f o r e . . - O 4 O OC b a n g e d c o u l s e t o l 2 g o T , 0406 Ch:r'Egd_:?urs9. to 0 1 2 b Changed counse bo 500.r.., ObI? Changed SlgoT: _coura€i to l23er' o 5 2 o u s s _ p A t t K L R J. o i n e d - T a s l r o r o u p ; t o o r p o " r i i o n uss xc laIiAEAN,d1slance rboo iard;. " " t e r 'o6ga os4b ohalrgearipeea t6 ia- rr"ots. Changedspeed bo 14 knots. a E g 0659 ChalgedepeedTo l5'knots.r DO A; f I o B. DOiAI. .ii a 08-12 Steenlrg aE before. 08OOlosltlon: LgnB. 7?o 28' . 0BoO i{ustereE clew on statlon. Abse;to;3 6O7,2b A7, SIc, IISNR. O94, Cband€d course to l19or. tr dt o Lat. g9o AgtN; llc xillr+.y, a.p., . ( ) E tso ffi&". A t! L2-T6 Sreaming Long . "lLo I? r *r. as befone, 1?O0 PosLtton: Lat. 38c Fr @ n 1 5 e 16 20 6 Steaming; as befone. 6 s !a 20 t 24 Lat. 6eo15'i{. zooo ;ii'fi;:";;-3i;"13;"*?330,::i}:1""' E J7o s?rN; B. Dtt,,'-l o (t G B. DOLA}I. k e I 6 la a .8 P .t rrF-8rc-ElilE p?txrr,EF-^n t',r- Pqc u.s,.s.-_-_-.9_Hd*{_r_I$--N_._(ap__6_9__ii__ Zone Dlscription ;runday t=-' Date ----.-----? I -*-*f-ll--------, p 44 Plus 4 OPJTiATIONAL & ADI{INISTRATIVE lOG oo ing or der : 04 steamlng as rxrlt of 'rasx uroup 27.'6 in trre follcwIJSSt+uP; UliS ffc LANAIIANJuSs tsoytE; USS oi*Airtpi,tN ; USs irIIi,tDS; USS ClilRO iiA UI ; l n s c o u fl n g llnq. U S g P A l tK i tR stearnl ni ; l ndependenti y astern ol ,' US S LA Ut s . j a s e e o u rs e l i rg _ :.I, s pged l b knors, Inberva-l JO00 yi rri .s. C D S 16 l n US S LA UB a n c i AD D 3 2 l n U SS B0 1E E , S teamr-ng on bol l ers tP rn.i sS s. S hl p d ar x eii€d1 n a te rl a l c o n d l tl o n b a .trer anci conol dton of ftea,.i l ness II rui l ke se!. 0 r o0 c loc x s s e L a h e a d 5 /., rn l r:u te s bo zone pl us Jb bi me . a) .,a -'r: %iat+,ry ri. DAvT{ Jr'. 04 scouting llne front 0B A Sbeamlng as irefore tc Og7of. o730 se. ASTASICI{. €.i b E od-L2 !ons.6Eo b4,h. 'sooArrur?ffi:::-#:.iii!',5; a J.D., 607 25 47, Slc, USlin. 0600 t3oth nobcr wb.aleboa ":3??"::"'li::jr"i?''*8'irii,iij ts tesbsd and found. !0 A *.. .F i _r c o satlsfactory. 0805 Formatton cb,anged speed Lo 1J ¬s. cb'an*ed speed to 14 kncts ' € IIZO Fornation d e h JI . n ,&t"^ \ !{. R, ALAsS. E a !o 12-15 A ,.on6. 640so,.*.rsreFortnatr3l":il*8"3""::i3i"i; 1338*l""il*3"r1""iili":t:"#J:i o Gt X o coursE to 0g7el. IJ3I Cortraeneed',ienerel DrLlts; w€nt to oenoral qiuariers. r4l.i ,irrcrr€d from Oenerai {1rart6!s; F€t condttlgn-.Il Mlke. iornatlon cb,angec speed to Lg knobs. 1429 Fornatlon cb.anged speed Eo, 14 knots. l4go uss rARK!,fi took statiion ln formatlon, tbind. shlp tiora tie rlght. 3.loL"--'t t'o o tt H e B. DCLAN. c cl 16 A 20 S te a rntng xncts. as before 17Ot fncreased 15 .?/&4'9, 'l' j . ir. 20 L,ong . speed to 62c^ 43tW. DAV ST Jr . FI 6l 6[ o Fl D! E !! Fl 2+ I Steaming as before. 2O0O P o s l t l o n ; 2 OOO A1 I d e p a rtr:re nts reporteci seeure. h. 6 Lat. p. AIaa.+- N . R . GIA S S . 560 Svti'J; o lJ e 5 I ,2 I - -Fl., Gh{r !|ili-?qrrl| rrr P* G.r.t{t u.^s. ^s. criaMPi,rN(pp0or ) hionday Z0$!, DISCAI?1IoN . flus L?8 I g 44 Date -*---?3----Ur-r-*,-------------, JlOtEr,RAtI0N & AIMINISTFAIIVE I,Oe oo-04 ressu$sr{acKiiNZrir orStiiffilf.ii SrHll.Sttl$"i3;ii'trd8";fd:oi#;?il:" ".,u on llne, shlps ln cho I'oLiorlnB order fron rtbbt to left: USS !AUB, USS t,fc LAII'- AiiAli, uss raRiiE ri, uss Boy.i;, uss oHAILPL li, uss NI.ilrDs, u$5 oItDnorrAUXi on ccurse 087et, speed 15 xflots1 lnuerval 5000 yards. SteamLng on bollers i2 and tg, shlp darkened and ln condlttron of Readlness II iidlko, ne.bertal condltLon Jraketr i{alntelnlng contlnuous uatch. on ,!BS, fBL, SG radar, and gouDd jrqulpment. !?!: 0I0O Set clocks sh€ad 50 ulnutes to zone ti e pLus g. 3, Dol.J B. 04 lf ' a boiler , DOLAI{. 08 Ste a ml n g s te a rn i r:g o n # 3 b o l l e r, as bef cre. C 742 S hi fted 0610 S unri se . A ?L.5 S eci red steerrl :.,g to porE ^ motqfi rcable. %h,"; T:'Li, DAVI5, Jr. et 08 18 o o DO d @ v o H ;: 5 6 ' 4oIulitl; 62 rounds ?OMM. p AI\T S ' l A S I O N . L2 16 Sbeamlng as before. r,on8 . 57o 58 | ri,i. 12OO Assusr.ed SC rad.ar guard. g uloe . L4Q 3 F o rma ti o n ch,angeo to 079''r'. 6 DO A Lat. 360 bttN; 12OO Posltion; L555 USS BOYLE oesignabed formaElo -h.4. jtfr* li. il. tt h o EI GLAss. -?t 16 L?z? Sunset. H k 20 Stearai r:g a s b e f o r e . Darxened shlp. guarcl. 1 6 0 0 Secured. 3C radar Long. 55o 29.S|lli. course to C90oT. AIt 24 6 d A I.r"[J B. DOLANO 20 ai 6 s o Fl DI 'Lat''. Steamlng a s b e f o r e . 2 O O OF o s l t i o n : cieparbments report ed secure . 2A 45 l " ormatl on o o 37c16.btI\j; changed z@,a,ag t . i i . D A V I srl Ji u o (l G' e E z h a: 6 6 uj o p hF-.s rcu u. ^5.S.-- nrrDr gj$lffinser..EE'.-^ Page L29 CHA.IUPLTN(DD6OI ) ZON.irDf SCfiI f'II0N tuesday 25 APril Date -------- 44 -,F1us s o?itRillIo$AIJ & ADltlINISTAATM, loc 00-04 CDS16_1n USS LAUB. Ln fo1loylnd, ord6:,: Stoamlng as a untt of Task riroup 27.5. Ctc 2?.5 and Ships scoutlnts lln€ normal to cou.Fse - lnbenval .,OOOyards uss !AuB, uss p,iRK.Eii,uss Mc i,AlqAsas,uss BoyL[, uss'criAs]r terial t; s { ANAS'I'ASIOtri{. . 04-08 StilanLng as bsfore. 0617 Sblfted I,lgbJ€d ship. . \ 0614 Sunrls6. motorr' starboard sabLe; steerlng to starboar r.- h'f."k E, :J ;-: from uieneral duarters, aet. condltLon fI itiike. o g a":4r*m:' A 6 !0 1l r| L2-L6 k icns.Eooos'h. r+oo..ptili*ull€ffi"1'i,li';*#3:"t;;:ti:1i""i:;'":l:"ffJXi". llIfCI& l,l, E,;..60? 24 FiJ'lTA, A-J., A56 97 MoR'IoN,.t.ul,, 244 Lg S1oBNICKI, C.C.r 60-847 TIMOIDII C.D., 225 gl Mn'jEAItr,t, ii[.R. , 202 58 BSZZARD,R.i!., 60O 99 iiuz;aARDeii. E. I jiiiARl IN I iviARlIN I J. !{ . , .T. cu. , 5C5 556 r'vvt q,J o2 vtu satlsf S1c, Slc, Cox, S1c, Slc, Slc , SZc, USNn. UgNli. USl.l. USNn. ijSN. USI{. USitR. &OL 2 hns.20 !rln. l5 I5 AO! 2 hrs'. .20 nin. AC.L 24 brsr ljJ ntn. 10 lO A,oi, 24 bour8. Lcss Atol,36 bours. Loss A,Ol, J6 hours . Irr custody ashore SP c , IIS N i t. 9e ! ,9 t St&i2c, Uslln A0.i, 2 fuys, \Julrlrr\rt L,TBIIL la\,lJ L' \raJp, Sthn2c, USI{R A0.:, 2 krrs, II :- hrs. tl^ rD. 47o 34t ti. All Lt\t $cM M 1'. ;I. $tea;ning. as ..bef ore . 1828 Bot:i motor D a r k e n e d P!*Y' 1926 Sunsot. shlp. \ DC DAVIV fu . wfraleboats tested H. GLA,SS. Lat . 11 .E D o u tr H o dt 9l o E 'r, )"t - 11. -&,err, Si ;e a rn l ng as bef one . 2OOO P os l tl ,nn: d.epartment s ieport ed secwt;: : & DO - O 24 lt c cl '.1 rJIIrr. e'Dqt*:J . D0L/|N. *ea^/-- o 20 mln. 50 mj.n. $. iong , €xtra duty. h 6..,tra duty. extra duty. e x t r e d u b y . E3 r€ US ltbertle .t Ug li.bertlo 2C actory. '2C hour e .bours hours bours of 19 of l0 br oug ti ab oar d un cier gu ar d AOt 25 days , I5 hrs . 10 min. 62, 556 OZ 99, 16 Cond.ltion 68, '14, Q6, 57, 64, 26, 62, 6 x c 37o 08 t N; e @ o .c a q I -ffii-rE-rE''- Pqtc rA- r/ .s ^s 0HAMFLIN( DD601) aJ. tJ. Wednesdsy Dare rrt.---------- ZON$ DISCRIFIION Flus 26 Aprll D44 2'* oPERATIONAL & $,DI{INIS'IRATM' LCIG \& oo r t : .l: \'/'j fi 04 Steemlng as a unit of Tesk *roup 27.3 ccmposed of DesRon 16 less USS K.EiNtnrcKand uss L{AOfijiNzrli. crc 27,:5 (cisto) tn- uss LAUB. F o n m a t l c n o n - s c o u t i r : 6 l l n e s h i p s l n t h e f o l l o w l n g -uss ord,er ifrom :right to treft. uss LA-LB' uss i;.c Lai\iaIlAN, uss_PARK6R, us$ iloytli, cIiaMrLrN, uss ".itgt,D$, U S S O R D R 0 N A U X .u n c o u r s e O 9 4 o t , s p e e d t 6 k n o t s . Stealdng on boller #2. Shi;t darkened. iviaintalning continuous watch on TBS, SG raCar, and sound gesr. rViaterial Seb all clocks 04 08 before. 0609 Ll6hted ship. rorLningtlne of bearlns 8l;S-:"Eri3 r e l . a t l v e t o g u l d e , U S S . LZ knots. O7+8 Sirlps / /{. c; b I h EO 08 -r2 : 3 i i Lon6. 43o J.D. , 60? OJt4 rtent gtr|lged-tc 5"/38, 78 condi clon c Steanlng as before . r.,at. b7o 02 tN;' O80O Fosltlcn: 51'?t',/1. AII divlsionE musiered on station. Absentee: i r r i cK I N N r y , 25 87, SLc, USNB,. 0805 rvrotor whsleboats tesbed. . r - ' o u n ds a b t r s f ' a c t o . r y . to 'ieneral duarters.for O94O iilorrnatlon speed. tiunriery practiee. L5.7 knobs. ]058 Conrpleteo gunnery practice, expended 16 rounds rounds 40MLI ar-r'i 90 round.s zOl,{li. Secilsd from Gqneral ,{.uarters, seb lrornabion rr f{lke . cnange to lrne , LE4a oo4{T. I o L @ o E D! F-5,k L2 o c x c 16 Lons . 4zo41'y,. Asrr*"ut38TllfrT"H5:""' 12 0ll , P o s l t l o n : Lat. 55o 5O.5 rN; Fi o d..r>J.,*; E e B . D OLA i \. di dl t6 H 20 6 q Formation re.;uced speed to 1755 ln column. 1756 i .' ormatl on tnfi e as ed lo rino,ts.1?16ii,orrnarr.itSffiSu'ir3ii3"f"rri3,iiS t e a m l n g Formatlon changed course to 092oT. speeo to L5.7 xnoLs . L925 Sunset. Ssoutlng line. Darkened shlp. .V&rr*'X 'DIrVTS4TJIi 'I'. II. I Fl !! 6 DO f'l o cl F o 24 Lcng.'4Oo z4rff., 2 O O OA l l St eamlng as bef'or e . ZffiA Pos lt l on : departments neported seeure. onO ,fO .{ g E A d AI'IASfA-qICN. ! o ,o P I-3 c -lr^r 1TfiiAffi]frro (lrr. Et- Ht) Fqc t'.t.r - thursdav u.s.s...-9-I1g:-IN I??901) ZON}I DISCRTPTTON Plus Dau------?-1---+P--l-tl-4-----------, 1944 2 OPEfi.ETTONAL& ADMTNISTRATIVI, LOG '0004 :. Steanlng ln f orrnatlon i-n company wi th lask $roup 2'l .3 conslstlng of DesHon 16 le ss USStuNDRICKand USS MAg KE\lZft',. CIG 27 ,3 (CDS16) ln USS LAiiB. Fornation on scoubing llne. Shlps in followlng order from left to rlght I USS LAUB, U-;S iuiCLANAEAN, USS fAriKilii, USS BOYid!, USS CHAMPLIN, U S S N I U L D S ' U S S O R D R O N A U X0. n c o u r s e O 9 2 o I , s p e e d I 5 . ? k n o b s . S b e a m l n g o n $hip darkened and ln condltlon of rieadlness If ililke. Condltlon #Z boiler. Baker set, Contlnuous watch on SG radar, sound gear, and TBS. C100 Sct all cl'ocks ahead 5o mlnutes, to zone plus r+ tlne. )", .R )dL^Arv N . _R . G L A S S . 04 08 Steamlng as befbre. O61C Sunrlse. Llghted slrip. 0650 Shlfted steerlng to starboand motor, starcoard cable . 0752 iiotor whaleboats tested; satlsfactory B. p&*^l B. DOLAN. d o E b A g 08 Lz L a t . J 6 o 3 ? f l , i; stedning as befone. ogoo Post tlon: i J o n g . 3 6 0 5 1 r i l . C r e w m u s t e r e d o n s L a t i o n s . A b s e n t e e: M C K I N i , l l Y , J . D . , 607 25 87, SIc, USI{R. lO50 Publlsbed flndings of iveck Court ln tkr.e case of lc/tltTlN, J.'i{. , 556 02 99, StMPc, USNR. 0FFuI,ISE: AoL 2 d"yq 1} hours, and 20 .nln. and A0rr 2 hours, 51 ntnut es. !'lndlng: The speclfic aulon proved by plea; sentence: Tc losehg.OO per month of his pay for a perlod of tvuo Q)' months. To.tal loss of Flay amountlng to $,56.00. Approved ,W&auEhorit ,a T. : to g a E g a q E a t0 F' c a € E dl x @ EI L2 16 S te a m l ng as b e f o r e . 1 2 r i Ot S o s l t i o n : L a t , 3 6 2 0 t N ; o Long,35 l8tW, L 5 2 6 C h a n g e d c o u r s to O95oT. I'i350 Went to General .l[ue*+e{s . I 40O S ec i; re d fro m Ge n e ra l { u a r.t et3s. S e Ec o n d l t l o n I I I n i l r cnr S n/ ) 4.r(/wR.. ffi i6 t o f lank ship, sb l p Steamlng a s b e f o r e . 1655 USS NILtDS changed posltiorr. on starboard nand; assumed. W /pf guard. dark enod 1926 S unsei ; 20 Lcng.,32 15 knots. 4 9 . O r l , i l . A II 24 oteamlng as before. d e p a rtm e ri l bs reported x x g c A (t a I 20 B' -D Dol"--l OLA I{, E. o Fr o FI E Fl !0 6 I s I c E o r5 r,at . 560 O8.5 rN; 2 O O Ol o s i t t o n : bo securr€. 2025 Changed "_pffU @ o a q Z61e*ra-y E T, H. DAVfd, ir . p o .q F Pqc ti: ':, i'lrday E0Nij DISCRfPTI.SN Dqte 28 Apr 11. LJC _--____--, Ig44 I flus :;::::...; , $*P*1 ',6,''', OFJIRATIONAL& ADMINISfRAIIVH LOG 00 04 $t eanlng as a unl.t of YG '27 . 5. CTG 27 ,3 and CDS 1 6 ln USS i,^AIE, Ships ln scoutlng llne ncrmal to base ccurse ln f,cllowi.ng orieE : usS IiIELDS, USS tAU5, USS ;,'iCLAI,J^{{HN , USS PAitKr,li, USS BCYLii, LTSSCIi:.MPLI}{, ,fl" UgS ORDRONAUX . Dls Lanc e 5OS yards . Ste amlng on bol ler #2 . Shlp d arkene d. ,.,' iiiaterial conditlon Baker and 6ondltton or'iieaoiness I 095"1, fttlt<e set.^Course r' A S I0l tr. 08 04 -l gi rte-d shl p. Steamlng as b e f o r e . 0606 Sunr.lse. C 6 5 5 $ b i f t e d s t e o r i n g i o p o r t m o t o r , port c abl e . O743 Bo bhl mot,:r w hal eb,lat s bested. OondlLion satlsfactofy, GLASS. 6 L2 OB o Steamfuig as before. I j,, : Long. 2go O 5 r i r . Musbereo crow on s;ations. 6 0 7 2 5 8 7 , $ 1 c , USNR . i,at, 55' 55 t'i{; C6O0 Posltlon: Absentee: IUCKINNHfT ;i.D. ' tr.DJr*^.1 E b! E o d B. DOLAN. E ,1. 6 ,ii L2 1,,, rong . 27o 55 . 5 l.tii. a ^ . IO a Lab. 55c 58.5tN; Sueamlng as bef.:re, l 2 C I Ol o s l t l o n : 1 9 3 0 C a p ta l n conmenceci l n s p e c t l o n o f l o w e r d e c k s , 6 ?@**) T. H. DAVrSdln ; !0 o d FI 6 x @ 16-20 inspee blon. St e aming es b e f o r e . L928 Darlrened shlp, Fr o o E a 162S $eeuned d E d dt 20 L o n g. zla 55.5 t w. 24 Stea:ning as before, ^4,t1depertment s reporteC 2 O O Ol , o s l t l o n : secure. 55o 54.5 ri'l.i. h- €, .qJ-^* N. ii. 't- Lat. GLASS. ct B Fl ' !0 g o o E o dl d E o € { k e I g a A ' a p -&*t. -|-.--ll I{r d -ql\^r DlQ{ErEo.rrI, x|'tEltt clt (rrv,-rr) att- gl_ u.s.s..---__9_tiasl}_Lll .Igp--g UO}iti DISCHIPtfON 3ab''irdarDau_ - 3? _ll:*- I t ___, D44 Plus 1 OTiRAIT ONAL & AD}IIINISTRAIIWI :.t roo Pqc LUG 00-04 Stearrlng as a unlt of '.[ask Group 2?.5 co4,os-ed of DesRon 16 Iess uss !{a0 KnNZIr, uss ifiJNtfiIcK, c''!G 27.3 (cDS16) in o3$ ..LA-II-E| sblps In Ecoutllg llae normal to base course ln followlng orda" fron tile rltht; USS NId.Dg, USS tAU;, USS i{C -aI{AEAII, USS }An&},R, U$S BNYLE' UgS CIiAbi?LIN, USS ofiDRCN AIfX; lnterval Steael.ng on bol}or f2; stltp darkbned' 5000 yards. Baso course natgrial condl-tlon Baker asd condlbton of neadlness II Mlke set. Ot00 Set clof;ks abead oae-ha1f but, Uo zone plus fi. Og5of, speed 15 knots. 0?50 Fornailon changgd courEe to 08?-1. 3,P.# 04 O54O Sriifted steering 0B shlp. Llghted ^ A O6LZ Sunrlse' Steamlng as before, bo starboard raotor and starboarcl cable. z(fu^; x. tf '"' D A V r s (J b ' .3 o,i Lz o Lat. 55o 51.5 rli; 08OO Posltion: Steamln6; as beforrc. n i C K I L N i iYr J.U., Absenteei 54t',ii, Ivtustered. crew on stations. Long, 2L 125o' I' . O9IO ti al f masbecr 6 07 25 87, Sl c , U S N i i . 0 8 0 6 $ i u h te o pl ane bearl ng llxpended: Test f lred all guns, 0940 ifijenbbo General duarters. col::rs. g o o 3 i s !a e E, o e LLaj 6 rounos |t'/sa I* couirnon.;44 rounds 4OMDI;lOO round.s 2OI'5MamrmrnltlA. Changed course to 09OoT; t03O Secured, from General duert e"fr rr/4eV c9nalttff ' rr irilke 6 ,/J.4rl.' ^L*ffiroN, a a0 c L2 A t6 izCO Posl!j-on: Lab. 360 09 tN; Sbeamingas bef ore. S e c u r e d f r o n t e s t o f F ' X Rg e a r . .i,ong. 2oo 41 'l$. 1419 lested FXR E";;.--fsle r unr r rs a tul rsuf ar 'c t o r l r . 1 5 3 0 S t e e r l n g i g e , a r l n s p e c b e d . C o n d'i t l' o \ ' n'q' M* . N : R' GLA.SS. . . 16 20 Sb e a mtng as before ' 1928 liunse t , dryqlen 20 Long . 18 0g2ut. o- 04. 5 tW. AII 24 2 O O OP o s l t l o n I Steanlng a s b e f o r e . depar bnent s r e p o r t e c i s e e u r € . 6 X o h o t H e d c s I I a Lat. t dl ,%:4ha^ 'I Ti . o ;go i2 rN; urg e o a A}IAS,IASION . o E e o o A m o a -Fr-! I{r Ef frlfallli^& "^&Hg't- aEGa! ft- Pagc L'la Sunday ZO},Ifi DTSC;iIPTIO}I 50 Apri} - lg 44 Flus OEhJRAI'IO}IAL & ADMl}i ISTRATTVE LOG . i"-" 00 -o4 Steanlng as a unlt of 'IG 27.5 compoEed of DesRon 16 leEs USS MAC K-drTZIcand gS$ E8IIDRICK, C'!G 27.3 (CDS 16) ln gSS IAUB. .Sblps ln ssouting 11n6 nor.mal to base courae ln fol1or1BB order from the rlght: USS Nli4daS, USS IAUB, USS ;\iC i/,N l;UAll, USS ,?ABiCill, UgS BoYLli, USS of,Atr{I-LlN, USS tDRoNAo(i Lnlerval 50O0 yards. Steamlng on bol-1er tZ & 6 6hlp darkened and ln gonditlur o: Read.lness,II ldllre. ![aterlal condltlon Baker ser. Base course O92ol, speed 15 knobs. O1OOAll clocks set slxead one half b.our to zone zero tlne. )',.G ll!r^N. R. 3!AS3. 04-08 Stesmlng as before. CEAMPIJINassumed SC sndsc radati guand. O4OCUSS Pmf:,n, USS NILIDS, USS B,-po-0.--_ 6. DCLAN. a . t"- 08-12 j,a!. 56o 06 tNi steanlnd as before. O E O O. F o s M o n ! ^ iong. 14' 53'W. Mustened cr6w on slstlon. t MC KINNiiY, J.D., 607 25 A'l Absent,oa SIc, I'SNR. 0955 gsneral qua!,ters. O94? Test ftr in6 maln bsttery. &amunitlon expended.: 5 rounds 5rr/38. 1018 Secu:'ed fron General quarters. Set conditlon' 1125 Iested sprlnkl!:g II l'llke. systeaa ln uiper end. lower b.andllng ro'or1s. Satlsfacbory. a ;z&-; rA T. E. DAvr$( Jr. t'rr.lu.il:#l'f 12OO Posltlon: Long.lso zz,,/t ,";"3353[";o nrl l es dhead of 'L4L4 bargeb 1'or trac*in6 drlll. 0n sbatlon. asslgned tne following puulshments.: 14?5 Ihe #AifD2 E.L. 1 zOt 58 77 l;tffllc, USN. Lat. 36 O?tN; to ptsovi d.e l l ne Captaln held-lYlast and w hile ln Intoxl cated a duty sLatus 4-I5 Pr:ni siment : Su'mrnary Cour b ryl&r b ..i ,' !' Fi l N S E : a prlso.ne AWOL while ab l arge. 0 600/ to O 7O 0 ' 4-Ln-44; 4- t7 -44, r;ar Surnrnany Courf Punlsirment: CFFiI{S.!.;: AWOL wh.LIe a prlsone at large. O I C O- 4 - 2 L to 07OO 4-2L-44. OFFiil{SE: L + 3L f es t f ir e d l .{ t. 4 5 tr Su n . E x pended. 22 cluded exereises. . Returned to Sati-on, y Cour t iviaro Fr:nlshrnent: Sr.rmmer . TBps ,ry rounds 5*t/sA Errunurrilt-o,l+ / ,4f/Wu s. I;'. AItAS'jlASrcI\i. L6-20 Stesrnlng as beforo. 1600 Asbunsd SC iadar guard. Al1 flgltlng ll$hbs snd runnln.E llgbs oporatlng nornally. 17OO Colmenced ztg-zaggt tn accordsrce rylth llan #6, USF 1OA, 1?I5 Ceased alg-zagglng. 1SOO Colonencod zlg-zaddlng ln accordance sj.bh plsn #6, 1927 Wsnt to Generel quarters for Duskalert' \ g- If,"..- N. R. 0!ASS. 20-24 Stoanlng as before. z C O Of o g l b l o n : !at. 56o O?'Ni ^ Long. 10- 55rh. AIl doparbments neportsd secrEe. 2-SO Secured from General luartorsi set condltinn II Mlke. 214O Ceased zlg-zegg1ng. 2232 !'ormablon cheDged cou-nse to 088-T. 2255 Fornetlon cbanged course to ,i92o.[*. 3.-Dlp B; DOT,AN. o o E! x o o q q o b0 x o