pdf link - Dishman Group
pdf link - Dishman Group
WWW.INDIANEXPRESS,COM THE INDIAN EXPRESS, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER nvnmon ro oloex- 7 5,20I6 rridii Swping\thsie !,lhln lhs lurlsdicdm ol SDiIC Regd. Oflica: Bhadr8aj Chambers, Swasiik Cross Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009. Phone No.079-26443053/5807, Fax No.079-26420198 Email: grievance@dishmangroup.com, website:ww.dishmangroup.com t{ "hIci!.1 ColLcdon rtd trtpolt'of ImL{il! so[d U[b Gd Sitr..lWng Wrb ln South md ft.tzoilolsDtfc! uno€r ugdcn, s,rrl tsinano, aporm 8nd Entrof (Etsu , rer sd sllglbh Natsal end lnt€mdonal Udd6r' b bko r handling handlino ruortce | br al a wasl6 tor s{d msl6 sfid lruo,i* i, t, rtoor, Ahmedab8d Management Asociation, lm,m-,,mtn"ffi"***::ll::i.lrl,*iit*m:,; dc{rnt lst d.i. lld lftn .tmladln! ol ior I hersby givon that the 33rd Annuat cenerat Meeting (AGM) of the Members of I ltne Company witioe held on Tuesdsy, 276 septembs, 2016 at lo:q) s.m. at H. T. Parekh I .... ., blddeE I Fs delel€d soop. oa wk ard lender ondidoru, porp€.dw -,-lFd(her€d&oDoo'wkardlenderondidoru.'ry?ltPlgfl lHutt, may r€ibr b RFP wtrLa 6n be download€d tm tha xrob porttl: Irilo*tilficdo,illmtr lnlrom G.AfinG bndar : ffi ATTRA ,Jil:;1s::1i:nTff campus, Dr. Vikraml *$iffii:,5j:nm:l hd.r lffi##ffi$,ffi'fl?.fiffi,ffi] l*x*:"t"**:*x%x'i:Hfi:r"'.Ttli#lBH:[:,Ti:";[i#:,fr::i,i:"tTl ffiffi#,}ffi[,}.",, turFulrfiltri&,ffit\&sil,[,: I 26.91016 uplo 8:q! Pil doqm.nt : 27tah ild t d drb ioi 0 upto sfo bld ebmldtu ol PM. Transfer Asent of the Compiny and physically to other membars at their resis- | lShare postal add;ss bv the permitted mode on Septembet g, 2016' The said Annuall E-hC, zour 20dr Ftoor. Blodq Dr. sptt SPlt Ch,lc ch,tc CflrE, I l:"11 Eo ro EO to Eln-c. Fhor, a, E-l *I 7ol{, I lnepori is also available on the company's website M'dishmsngroup.com. I 7014, M.re, Now Dethi.iiooo2, Oelhi-110o02, ph; Ph.: ofl-z3zz7o.lg, 011-232270'13, "r*, JLN uarg, lJLt EtrEll:.oio.mOgmal.m gd/I EtrEll:.oro.molmal.m sd/. | | Pureuant to Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 of Companies I EOloEltr4 :orsr,rcl n O. ilG llmPu8olttl2orllT ltManagement 8nd Administration) Rules. 2014 as amended by the Cg.rqrl]9:l lno.trrtmanso,rtaoteiz | I l{Management and Administration) Amendment Rules, 2015 and Regulation aa of SEBII lI I l\ mc.rlf2E. f.d Bilf., lhchfm" I 1ffi.*"ffi.EffiLffihd*ds Oepository Services (lndia) Limited on all resolutions set forth in th6 notico of AGM. I lo",n"Membe'sareinrormedthat: beinproportiontothesharesheldbymembersasmTuesday,i lCcpmm,f.f,rfrfri,fa.L.,,dnirAl*rt-ttOo.1l I fixetOffO}il,h&tlt{Sit1 -di}f.aFirtc.,fl, CXI}I ttrarlltl.clTt! I nfefilt{r{ml I lCarnanywf6e-neOmFri@,30$Sspb.nbor,2016atlO:0OArdtnt2,l lteredwithCDSLfore-voting,thentheexistinguserlDandpasswordcanbeusedfor I nsvi ea*, Ucorwsprla, GfiM, Dir.: Gar|(ffirgaF 3E2r29 b I I lalThevotingrightsshall I | 2(f September, 2016 (bsing cut ofl d!te). Any person who becomes a r'.-,,.--. -. .'.after dispatch of the Notice of meeting and holds shares as on the cut-off I I Companyin!ni6^'6mh67.,i|1im.r,^^'.|nrnarlcarrnann llbli:fmcOVgtuentr*it*lnndeemrdMeAngoftheUembendful h8I* I I requesttohelodesk.evoting@cdslindia.com.However.ifsuchpersonisalroadyregiscasting their vote. 1ffitr#ffitrffi',#ffif,#l l',n*:9rJ"..",x;?;:ftfltffi,::iii#:i:::,TJ?"*ffixf*T:*lf"y:ilin: lffi,drdrild,*;#;rd;GrfiiD.d;to;;;r,d*. I I l"i I n sid., ; ihrrb.,r ;rd ahfi 1,ffi If"ftr Bmlc d tre Compeny *il remaindosedfiomFrijay,23rdSepbr$ec201oh$hSe<t€r,20161 I able to €xercise their risht at the AGM throueh ballot papen have cast their vote by remote e-voting prior to tho AGM may also lc) The Membere who lattendrheAGMbutshall notbeentitledtocasttheirvoteagain. 'x*#ffi rll''$:if,it1'#{,,ii::i,inry{tr:,ifr:llfr I EurMEaffiDeyougimoapamrm I I c) Ort-ofideb: 23ds€pBrts2016 ldl Atrffi.,rhomiBlhs6oIh€cmw*,ot-r*manuerotl -t;6#;;fi"ffi6;d-;;Gfi'rdfr;-ito,o;.f !,.1 lI qrtdl dh i.e., IgrU i:en"nU*, 2oi6 may oualn-ts tog{n tO 8rd I p€sswdd giwl etl is svaflobb by htudono mtki wt{dr d I I !*,OrFot *.9ratdffird*ldia.coflr _. .. I fi F::1:;i1{1""ffi 'p,:l"i.r$ I zoto (uuing cut off date) may cast thoir vote by remote e-voting. The remote e-voting I moUutestritl bedisabledby'CDsLforvotingthereafter.Oncethevoteonaresolution The I is cast by member, the member shsll not be allowed to change it subsoquently. I notice of AGM is available on the website of the Company M'dishmanoroup.com I andwcdslindia'cq-D. l"f ln case of any queries, you may refer the Frequently Asked Ouestions (FAQs) for I ryqdc€qlHqghcu)attdutotn€[I'be!4$Eryn*Tql I Msmborsandremotee-yotingusermanual torMembersavailablealihohelpsection I of hrtos:/Arw.evoringindia.iom/ or cail on: r80o200ss33 or write an e-mail to l,l'hdR",r*fi;&r;ut*nnauri*oorus&nin-freeu-l ffi[ffiffiffi'-"*-;rffil ltUoticeish€rebyfurthergiventhatpursuanttoSec{ion91 oftheCompaniesAct,2013 l3)'DEtsdtyfofwdrttuo(qhpdingpaperlhanbcmad€.8Eil8u6dtEl | *mffim' lgl i.he;ofsremodng*iharA*e mtreompalysvibdbt.e,, I l-' m.q*uEuorB.dTardmvomliuinda.oin In1 hcasoeenygiowEurnecldbevotngplwo.tbctmontdsl I Hffil lffiifrHil t,:*# g':ry I Members mav arsowritetocomprianco orricerat l3*xil11'i::Ho kxr r Len resistered I lined mode on I Il iirl I rnel aodress. h::,:"1 l' 44 of the SEBI I lmbere are Pro- t 1 ,,i [e Notice of the I Le ol the AGMI t. ,n .u." I .,1 -".-l frarr I I 25" Septembet I Irino this Poriod,l be disabred bYl lr llo uv ttrem in ttre I ho t'"ut-otf a"t"'I.1 lis elisible to cast I [e e-voting or Poll I :o.oanv .tte, tn"l v cast vote bY fol- I ro the AGM, whichl ) person is already I J pasword can bel te at the IGM and I tle to exercise theirl te e-voting Prior to I reir vote again. I he AGM. ln case of I e Fr€quently Asked I ders availsble atl Sd/- JanmeiaYFVYas rulations, 2015' thel / will remain Wffi closed ] rer, 2016 {both days ns And Exports Ltd' r V. Shah ng Director "hairman&tilmsinsDirector Ahmedabad i l nrevait ano I ana Resuration +zl lread with Rula 10 (1) of Companies (Management aod Administration) Rules, 2014 and lin terms of Regulation 42 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 that the Regist€r of Members land Transfsr Books of the Company will bo closed from Tuesday, the zob day of lseptembea 2016 lo Tuesday, the 27h day of Septembs, 2016 {both days inclusiva), in For, Dishman pharmsceuticats and Chsmic8ls Ltd, lconnection with the AGM. I mayl*bFG$rn[ytukadAJ€s{duffAG')s'd[€]Yotngmanudl I mihbbalw.aoliqinda.om,underhelpr€climuwile anematl I bHN$ksrctingocdslindio.om I I I Fcr.klntt lG ldor*llo lrnri, | | *I I I-",*o-n. [;:T:\ [d through such I ll};",,#'ff'.1:ji?;,,,3l?,T"Ij$il,?j#[,:1#::j';JfflI'J.."#":$.1':":"":f:il I I [-**r*"1 CIN: 124230GJ 1983P1C006329 r ed undensk6 tiCd;ffii#id,,"rd;;-C*ir-r'*"i-ii"'l IEC 0nbmtim EArcatfi and Cmmur{cadon) lor lil;"-dil;k; propody spr€ading ffiIrnols lor br propodv Itry1,p_ry perlod ol0 y.at& cdrcacsbn y$.p"*'.try* I . [*o DISHMAN PHABMACEUTICALS AND CHEMICALS LIMITED aB the SDI,C iruibe Tadn&al ard Finardal prcpcab nom rellsstEblbhod '\\' &dishman Sou$ Ddhl Munk pal Coeomtln (SDMC) ls rlspoffiltlo hr handllng W !ill utqacllt, a)uqc, ru.quQlol?, a-oi4a --' - : Jhq.e ffi-lc.dl rr!n' rn{ m n ?oqq 111 Fat: "idla e.{l +Q.qr, iot qsqr{i uLie [..tq.l'i Cloaon : {d@ ry Y-h b (ils I h 6nS@rih h PdldG dS.{iloi b dtuturctr 'srlrlarcsELrfaorAFrtLd.odmeo"ry 5i f,rffiqmlffFry':mt *a fu &taruamrry trrfimiturruucaloroahi'adt{ ulrittui {o{t(e{ltieq,,ttiarin-n i ffi*wmmroHffii.T r! ffii--t;p,r--*rn uu { I{L tE.lclt r}i[. 'ati(t Ft,rrl u3nur, no.r i <.{i aQ.on, tot <, (t ii --- qrl\, -.nr- aiilir.i -1 (,1rar iioii:tt { -ii at ii?i\ tata ir6 d 6 1xn, t 5ii.i o<tq .iiiiit {r{la t'd"i, .d qqt nerii 'Rta u-qldtoL'(+rou *rut tttri ba.n v'r.{t{i ,t.r o-ql[Z.L aLrL r{l sL} d. iq-r1 u-citEq lleet 1{I 6[:rrrL la[\)s.{I tct e0Qa r} ilr*l-c-o'h.{"r,tlq9,q!-t.1111rgy5 n4*U Uno_* lr gPatryrUU r And R!F( c.i{rhhg I trdd hidFti.d Queroer i.l.,t qsqLli g dl ai.rqrr, r4s EMGffi ei'endtm Th lolg, etirqrt, rq.& trQ.totr, a,ott, llitt 4q ra,ll icr,rl uLqfl. ior. e, ,{t ao.rll arqa,{t tulirir-u eRr+alri e.ti } arB.t * orG.t iiJtn ,tLc+L utLr *oq q-ri[ ati * erB<t.u{ sasraLr r&1. arL arBaul i*+r 1tr-+r6s rai '{tilc{ 'tL2 .com,rt 4rs.ilseftidur.{ieD6. 1tr-*Lo$ui'rtrtqj r),.t1Ar i,t.il.{l i{aLoa www.cnpcl.com r* q 'uta {r) ii.iat Uilf$arll} aG[r0$ oFsru [4.[\)s ut tq?ar ui qr+.ri aru Riiz o-q'[[Z,t r{ sri d. * *oq] d o-qidlq aotLri rt qa arl q+ ut,il ui 0. i roqi -i o-ridlq riei 11qr{i .rd r11 dwt.ta {dI ,,ttr{:l nl.. uau.{i.riJin.ri r*Ltei d. o-qlaIoA a"tat n+l qtl i-aet ?, uL iqnLrr a +.r11 *r..r a,oo otre ei} +r www- evotin g i nd ia.com 1.oo-?oo-q\3 s .rt dl-u 1d g1.t u $[ria.e[I uL+rs sr<1. .t18t {-14 www.evoting india.com,+r. tgt Sscral uriet eu"trqr1, r*rRr+a-e litt, Jkiz ogoiq ztqr{, tg ulet : helpdesk.evoting@cdslindia.com al5n{.ei.0 lc{rua www.bseindia.com +z-is (aj.t.ria.u.) nlAG*!. ffi*lEtsdth.iSU edry 0ffi ii*t". iriot ,m h in m.rci d idin!' lffi Jodn{ uu manu.l E qLq1.t'ljla vuqqtqiqri 0 ], iq.r:l'tr {od.t1 s.s,fl qrNr +ucLlr$ aou (ulooiq),i"rqcrr, +s.{I t)"oe, aorq,'tr dqr ntrl to.oo tarl drr,A'ul,a tie, ,t&et ttq, qrtaqLs di?ti.a dciRrdur, t"i.ti:i"ira,.*leaL, i. s .wl t{ldlrnrg rll{I,ucr foarylu.0uahdiEljom. Erdun{e ildd Ati&mbfi rnM dhlrMlf .dtuPq rEddheMdm@p' ii"ii.ir uiax milw, ruE h &Pctud dh fmdo'hAGu MB{igtlho6hh€hffi r{I.r,uu.rier.,ict tl'l}hsGrt fcis{}s ?rdI/- m,llmo"trC*lr'm " dd ti{CS gE[ Tefi nio.l*m no*,A}ugeted ' ?flmdddB@ tu 6ulto{ }diu hn b. emudd fr d tfllr h flbthimhCilPenYrNw Miffiq Ibsldos mam'a.m ib. inffirh iih.nEhir ol h MeMq ffimtdi;; {g 6,{r. 6.reoq &. .q.{1, stulaet Blm &,t: oolqqqert R [isq {Llteu6qLo[, q.raqtg- geoot'r,ati lutri, d.ti i i iltr n".il.1 zqr[qqL.ri (a) u-eldla.fl qt+,rL 4ri 0 i, i-14 3lu"l:!la{ tG{alls (uF.r,rL) tll.ti.r (tldt"lt"ia).ulti $l tLs+r,ri, c'l &.ld.it orfqrtri tn+lqLi ro.{I n }"oe, aot q'u iit.ft Qrrtit ltot r}et trl'tll riwr'ti uLtul urtqtttr "LBtLi, ,1 ,u{t i re-vii$ ttrr1Lt d. {ctL't:l iijl+ tilrct1 o,t'{to{1 ,{dl c16 e{ti.t iq'tll.ii +Loq q.ft elt al r,ri ivii'rz-o,tiS ar{lt, dad } ro.ll rt.}*t, rot q{L il tt[ rrrrqol e),r .tll io*'1"1 .helpdesk.evoting@cdslandia.com.l u-riiJeql lq.idl r{l1ol uLu{Irtut qtz ur.lloqL qRcr3 ttlt qfi.r gl.]SL ut"Lr6ql t .1ttat{e(t e]r+ dt, 41, (at! l+1 <'lqrletl €]r{ o-cldtq.tLi 3 ?q[.tr rd.si. r}.s1. %3 di vt d dtt&r nqe o-ctelcr lut geqL<t CDSL *qa 'rLlLq{ ,{'lar{L dr q}dL.r't q,r vuqll t} 0. 1aa uLuJt ui ,rLnci'r'i G,{l'l"LrfI (b) detz Lui,aLrt tiz urr+u.{i qt'ctr dovlqll 6,{ertq slqiqi utLqrl o,ti olg.i"t'{i ett r l}.tt, il".t'l z{Ql f?q'la o-qldlqql iltii qle o,rL,ri e)t io,tl daa t{rqlrig"l,{,ti i,{.tt qlaqqqt.tt 'r qlqgtr.r-i 6\q'ior s{l rLtd. i.t.tl q"lz r*Ltr'i u'iq i"ii ,is"lqqi utzr rell qLsq'i lJ{i c.{. (d) tt.tiJ u-cldloL"ti u.r+ rrQ"or?. a.r, eor t'u riv (acrl. q.oorr1) ta qrt } qi qtQea .tt. t q., eor.6,qr a.lv (nl*.r.oo crrl) tl'r stt{ r}. ut rl'}tq t rfrt+tq rir.,-tc-sri $[ds(r iU qqqL (c) no.{i *qqi uiE i.*) f?dj "jo"lq 'riei q{rq.q.t 9:llu1 i,i.tl di? o-qla'l"Lqll {'i? stscLr iui Orl2h,rLuc 5i.{ri rirLccrr r oq'I {Qr,a?, i o 1 q-u rlqr (sa .+i+ .t1fl,+ e"lui) qrLe,tt el,r Qqia o-qlfloLrr1 iq.tl qla orL'{ n:el e{LrotLe qi8"r qt2 CDSL aLrr htt'iJ o-q'ldloL q"I.$e'l .tllzn iq.[ta:I iotaLua l.trqE ot{LqqLqi o4Lc{L {o.ai iqi }rar :rqL ?,qrr'l .t,{i. 0. ui www.cdsl.com ur liet"ita"lq-fl ddatciiqt} Gsq-zdl!t!€t Art'i'tL.(oiEtrth16eA,,r r{ ruulqi +od \Lit'1q'iJo-q'ldlcrtaqi{r,tet https:iilww"evotingindia.com.ui.eri;rr'i't1r.ile.tt 0. {s{qLiqr tz ooaoo'{.t.3g {qqL al helpdesk.evoting@cdslindia.com 6q? 3}<t 3{I qLsi. eto.i t.tar,r.t ulQnr'] grievance@dishmengroup.com ult u-ioe er{l 11} d. jq.ft ttLtt, r.ota.il ret et,l 4.r.{Iil (i.lzi.z .*i ui.st'rtFtQt.t) [itqq1, rorx.tL [itr"(.t i otx ttLQ. qi{cr qi Lq1(nleraljl{tr) l.tt{r{l, 1o t.r'tt f.tql'1 x i q.qt utr{I .l ttLuti qgt .i'laleL raL,{qLtl oati 8, iu.tl{L re+ii rg+zr ,tqt qiri.fllr 1*. .ict+ett. eo.{l t.2"qq, ojsirtat v,\!n! aa !s. ri.{l' i,trltt titr totq{I .iororq.n, as"{t eQ.arc, aotc q*1 (di Rq+ti Lq{L {Lsa/ +tLra) q9q1!R A+.u.t 14ttq{ban i-r }'{uen qdl www.dishmangroup.com (e).r)6,rqt ltrrrt'ftuLr,t,t.ti qrolqrq , b auaod t, I ot g{[ e11[cer{ utctt 1rc,ti a.rqt*r ,t:rt lcic rt,{ errr trnil", .tlzla, qrNs .,t}cLe, ucr{[.r1 Aaq .tqr ui${i A,t nor{'t{r o-loe aLu0 J\'t1 I "igd{.tl qrdltit'{-a nq{i .ritu{el t}, iqi oQxlFts tsdl qi [itct.t.tr nn"ii fiBrell ?cai &q1:llar1 [it,rrrL1+Ll 'rreL'tor1 ltor.tt ttis{I sg erQtqr, ao1 q<t r't r qiEell .aL\ctiti .tLart t). j'r.t:l.t'l qLNg o{}erer i\.t:I.fl i a{rua www.dishmangroup.com qr Gqr 5'raoc t}. j,r.t1u {se.{I req lozdl rlirqroori ,trrr iq.tllu (ii"rd-a rlst'qRQrL.t) tcc{, ?ot 'i.s qio{,iL i+L Fr,{q{ a o 1uLel !,r.t1:r (Livi.a sti dll,ttiQrr.t) [ir,rq't, i o t.i att dlo "l-s vl+ni.s q'il u1i $F.r+L.u (leRi€q otlflqoluar i-s ft+reloa {IsqLlri-as) totq'tr Gtqq.i xv .t.q{, oiodr.rl 'ridtnqi qglqqt{l oatierL aqL.r arLqi Stlr rto.{-ii it .t.t udsflt'.tse1 uLqqt .ui lrtiz u-q1zlla.0 llctL i.qer .lulJte{I qtchtlrt (t Fs,tL) t'et't}s dgoi.t .tldt+ ,tr{iur tcr{I i. iri'.i a,Ja H NdS,hb,EOrRtBq M '- m:Edb156,f ti.slsGsT;EddFthEeoil'@vfr !-m.DIiE ha Fd, +to.i{r u-ioe rttr,r'l [itcL,r) ui i ti lvnt d coMnbr TEdbB@rt t B'r'lt'rz{lo .tt,rtrl -riq.ur[ qLi€t 0l lteil i rJ-irr( "rLu-Jt (r+r .ti ot.{ dru d. noqli rr;rLqcL.ti rrLi & ] qrNs uS.qtet i,{al.{I lqilLoe j,rilal rt*€J )il14+t ,rt nei-u [;t{tsr$ {t} +ctt 1 1,oo noLt-{I +iJIa xLt, t*e -+i ttir- to qi.L z oorr-r $ra ooa-r tx Emall: grlevance@dlshmangroup.com, webslte: www'dishmangroup.com Clil : 12d230GJ1983P1C006329 w.cnpcl.com z.{l qrNg nrqLr,qtaotLni.tqtr *1. e q,.{lnQ&rt., ?ox q 0, +rrq - ni iot* scq, ({t), e.<.Vx (r{|), .t11u, atrQt aot -idtrrl [:tq.t qu xrot nrrr o0uia sr"tcrs cia {qt, d{q!rilaHtert gst website: t t3t ! IDGIE Shm *:*'"lsr*$*s,T*":"tfl,:"m,lg.*i: .i. rote i. evyso\s/'rzos, O271|7-251612 !'r uarma.a. idb Wdzshnan r GJ2003PLC043354 ilnova@chirlpalgroup.com, l*,.tr.ont qlr" t" I}cl rar hrlBa rk rr red *rl A ilcrd. trtalt iiwrft www.bslndia'@m rd lD +r "*+ Moraiya Village, Tal. Sanand, Ahmedabad-382 210. 39514 (P), f,raaJln umul ml0 ildrrlbdrgratdl il ir"f- oid qlc Jdl+-(duq ulodli rqr I loltlu'ra rr q ual rt$rnq rlc{ rd 1r I dlrf 3 I *,.n* i-S r + rh(etlFa tsaria TCHEMICALS LIMITED FPGIP50,0} l:re1'?}"alltl'l'F: iJa Arr *,, cfl t (&) Su.r-uhtqer eoirQ.ott, rotq. qrt. olrr ial.t "ti iio"r st.tlsaq (.S.'r I oooovoso)