:tr^ - Hanky Panky Crafts
:tr^ - Hanky Panky Crafts
g= c(t o z+ ::tr ^: xi r . , J -3o=1 PI=E.P 6z++ -i 9po oJyoi 6 p' ' Dql [r[itcEsusr l 0[ il i] DF CHI P T I O [ I PB IC E Pase I BENCH STOfl€ BENCH l3se-,? 92.13 PIANTEE IIA NOP LA NT E R 3 1 .6 O n o s E v as E 0 4 .5 0 (: [ . / u 3 ? (:Pr1r5 OVAL PLAI{TGR BECTAitGtE ' cLAy POI SEr cl- AY POf SET CLAY POT S€T CLAY POT SET cLaY POT Ser tltNc VAIE-sToflE BEitcH WH|TeSIANO .\'rj1 *__ PLANTER,- (: P / o 0 7 S2,35 52.25 tl.?o Sr . 15 91 TO I I-OO 81.oo t+24'.:49r €. DO discotrlnu.d S2.?5-. ct4Y POi ct-av PoT C(AY POT CLAy POT CLAY POT CI.AY FOT CLAY POT CLAT POT CLAI POT CLAY POI CLAY AUNNY CTAV EIEP}iANT , t'l0{}11 Uarland pot $1.60 c P703A c p7037 c P7036 €P7035 cP?ro4 cP7105 CP?10? cP?oEc eF+$45cP7ao6 C9?€€.4- ea-sg:! CLA YP O t S E T 51.24 CL A YP O T S E i 9l.rr c LA l P O T S F I S1.16 lJl €r] ctaY PoT sET u{DnEftA STD 55 2l UAlBgEl-lA STD !i-&O STD g2 /5 lJ.ar:BBELLA ovat pLAi!TER $r a. €L!'trJFd-f2:5! $2 s! CLAYl.'Sl! --J2:6. -+lRNlYrHr\NDrtsS .t :ils J/d o o EtsAiggt.LSAYE.E-SSIS PO T PO T s ET SET s ET s ET s[:T s €r s FT s : ir tTEf43 lP 1 1r 2P 2P {' P P 6F 6P 10F 12P 14p PtitcE 3,6s ,_65 31.0: €l.EO $2.OO t2. rO *2 . 1 s $2.2E 52.30 32.30 (, z I o i a z n€stN a,lsKFI i3 25 I t E S t 0 ,6 A S K € i 53_25 g:r.75 BESrr'{&qsKET RES|0! BAS(E a2 15 A€Slts 6ASKF S2.a0 RES'N EASKET $3 25 cP?1r 5 lrlNc Vj{SE cFti-!r---P{'lrcF"tatN $:-9511 P f rMFK l vtruE l{ c t' ? l 5 4 a t6 7 a l k 3 ,11." r Y $550! tr wtctaE8 BAsi(FJ 52 trl POnC E tnnJ $a.?5 P o R cE LJ\tt! s2:L : ]? ,d o z Y z $t"p &"'ir .( ! (, - 9 s =F CP7133 discontinued lr'r.'rl z rhanke@bevcomm,net I A l OO5GN A 996lV A 9 9 6 TN A996GY A655 w Agg4TN N C P 7O 3E cP7037 CP7036 cP7035 CP7040 .i& ' +1i v\ '" " A l OO5TN ": " :'tY .,.- AlO O 6G Y A l O05GY i:.s A1006rv A r0 0 5 t v . ,,,,r,'...',rdl.r cP7080 cP7089 cP7090 cP7094 cP7091 cP7077 cP7095 HankyPankyDesigns& Crafts Box6 215No.Galbraith, USA MN56013 BlueEarth. Ph(507) 526-3110 rhanke@bevcomm.net E-mail: Fax(507)526-5969 H: I . h Y P A NK Y cP7103 cP7098 HANKY PANKY cP7038 cP7037 W cP7036 cP7104 cP71A2 cP7105 f4 d\l i'll*; l cP7035 a'r.,i{t : ,i ''.ll'l 1P 1-18P, !* attty' c 3P -d ru :-.-, .Ze 11P FO;S - rrrr to r,lrrr HankyPankyDesigns& Crafts Box6 215No.Galbraith, BlueEarth,MN56013USA Ph(s07)525-3110 bevcomm.net E-mail:rhanke@ Fax(507)526-5969 G cP7096 cP7086 cP7085 cP7084 PORCELAIN r-t' cP7115 c P 7 1 8 1 HANKY PANKY A r 551 PORCELAIN :*o g ;i,i"";.,,,,""-'. 0 A1678 A1672 A1674 41673 CP7010 CP7011 cP7149 CONTAINERS Swanplanter 314"x 1" cP7126 K, n I ..lli* '#t". i!rc, JKM0668 - Erass JKM066S " Silver $l0.00 A1895GY unnypl G1043 G1134 gE ra € .-* r* t: :l?s l s' i siver -i JKI,4S3 - Silrcr Cookieptate Two"tis Mhandte Dq:.elP,l9le $8.50 JK[4S4- Silver Bask€i $8.50 El*Fs6sn""R tIU er 1.!-r ,Il{M0468- Brass i{ffB:3: B,,il; i!illlaql:rff Fanvase 96.50 ^,:gii"r 'ilH' $8.u0 rtfll :#; 3"tarr $8 f &--r ;[::T;il!";" A551 cP720A I cP7207 S Ftl*'I* HankyPanky Designs& Cralts Ph(s07)s26.3110 E-mail:rhanke@bevcomm.net Fax(507)526-5969 Pepper iiilt:Fffiffi.,c.,@ r* q_7 Garlic White oorcelain One ihch scale $6.25 each Wall pooket gold or silver $12.00 $3.50 each Watermcl(nl Scale Hens & Chicks $8,00 Tomato Plant 1" Lantana kit $8,00 makes 5 stalks 9 Flower Kits $8-00 unless marked p.ice Kits $8.00 unless marked price $6-00 r*.-.;-;. l: l5ffi;f tr l.' i , w!*$ I I -s- I r ! - ! 't ') 't 't - t ' 511) 1-+..tri ""1'.lf 10 11 > tl "".1+l -*_.'i Flower Kits $8.00 unless marked price Flower Kits $8.00 unless marked price .t -.} 4 -24 cYcuxEx prw _ .41-+,,ffi-:q, 12 ifl Flower Kits $8.00 unless marked price cvct-aLtEc,i - PINK ..tc dE D.l - 1'.tdt CTIIIESE LAITTEFN n.*6 5 d.llr , _rr tu" btr: in l' .crl. **, rNe* *t r{tA .#e * * 4'\ f'-. 5k NEW AZAL€A KIT $g.OO rrld 12.t.n. L l- e.l. t5 . tf^}.}$fl tr: taaaaat !. rJlXL']{I :: :i ii it ai :: Ffr HI ;i :i ii ,i fHH laaaaaTll : i [aalaaar : r ta]aa]aat:: JRFIs5O f-*+-++ E---*-= l++-++-- E**----# N ! 1k060 $7.50 *i{+Hultt**tEl lr{llt{#|Y-E1 JK8 4 T #*^l;ur,, JKM S]O Evergr€en G..p6 Climber 3 vlne. 18.00 9e9ee ettee gt$ ee 9tf I ?9 e990t9 Dahlrn ? flower .tem. $a.00 16 Tre. lvy 3 vlbe. $8.00 e e 9 9e 9 Geranium Warnels Laser cut Leaves & Flowers linen crepe paper $l 2 . 0 0 e a ch accccocca. rntLlrrrr flH Btl tttrlrr EIIEEEEEE Et!t::l9l!E*!t irf'rrlRxt IIIIIIl mIIn 'dhEiiii'ah-ai5 EEtgtge[:pt E!I!:&EEE EBaS aHag makes g IrIIIII ]UIIn G:E:EEE[:EE affi PhalaGnop3is Orchid IITIIIT Foxglove Columbina JMK|00 $7.50 Doili€s J KM ;25 t7,50 D oi l i es Bifi,J"5'50 MARY KINLOCH A ^/ . \ , . \ / . r A/ . 1 ss$s$s$ DD9DDDD D \r'<,, \, \, \,, \,, \,, o o ooooo \, \/'v \,, \,, \, \, \r'.,'.,'., \, \,, \,, JKM500$5.50 Sm scaleDoilles o6()sooo t\ /\ r'\ /'\ /.\ /.\ t\ Bleedlng Heart ^ '\ '. \ J . \ '. \ '\ / . \ DAODDDD D oso$so$ oo000000 '}}}}il tlil Yttl )))l ^,^rlil Kit $8.00 $t$l IlMlllvrtx Z!Z!l!lUIlU m tEgEcr ffi a, gltctgtt tr lrl !! lrt !! E:! t! IEEI 3! ca flflH r$.$$ $ilflflil ffiffiffi $1il J 9 .50 Shelf lt u g! al a!tEcgct Bg IDFEEtlEI !ltrl II IBgBCE DC DC r TI NT BI II tIrtru ZI IZIE! 18 $6.50 JKM300 $7.50 Runners ZI ZI 19 Bo nni € Lav i s h l as or c u ls B onni s L a vi sh l a se r cu l s Vi ctorianGlovE S C A L A DI UM COLEUS X X X X X X X X X X E6 *e *e CX 2 to se s POLY PETALS . d k blu e -o ra n g e red-m u sta rd P IN K_ WHITE QueenAnne'sLace l " scaleKit X X X :5":1 --X XffiWffiX XffiX XffiX XWX XffiX \\Z 6 x \Z Zu\\ 20 !\Z Botrnie Lavish A x .:lllil"il';;i$, qro-i+o-:rss \1l a\r\ht dm\com 4\\ 1" scaleKit $3.00 Bonni€ Lavish 31648 Johnson Rd. Salisbury. Md 21804 4r0-546-1759 lavish@dmqcom X X X X X X X X X X $20-00 SuperPetals Ha.nlryPankyDesigis 215No. Galbraitb,Box 6 BlueEarth,MN 56013 Pb-5075263I10 email: ft anke@bevcomm.net m;r-Ce GerramlumtBloomin'EasyBegonia$7.00 lL ll X X X \\.2 A X X X X X X 1" scalekit $ 7 .00 X X X \Z X X \Z X \t X @\\\ /\\ BonnieLavish I1648 JohnsonRd. Salisbuq., Md 21804 410-546-3759 la!ish@dn{com IZ\\ 21 HaDkyPanryDesigns 215No.Galbraith, Box6 BlueEarth,MN 56013 Ph.507 5263n0 email rha*e@bevcomm.n HANKY PANKY LASER CUTS $6.00 each one inch scale shown redu( TITT.IEIT TOffiGT Hiiiiil iHliiili*lIllilllllllt ifir#lHEfr iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil IFtil**lili I ffi|ffi1ffi iifiitfitttiltfi|EH*lllltll IIETfrEEE tiiiiiil ilifiiilfilIfrlllE# $r 4.00 lrETffiFIffi @ l} single color Oil Color Pencils Oil dgmentssuspendedin wax tffi?TF base. _9e,tolano6 , or tutist quahtytor pape, *ooo.-iC$€]!g-iff Wna $ r- 0 0 *;."-d";";;;;d"-# lffi: 9c'07l4rhil€. mcl'.iduallv 9oo*fled*rc'uv -:J:---.:=.€;. g0l0 U.ht Fhch s{''l I YolktwOche *e+*fl:friffir *-+F=G+':-J lz4 p4 colorser{firsl24 cotorstisted) $23 50" #i: I:'j"8,:ffq" 113Pastel PaleHe, i2 color set Es.5o 114Regal Coloufs, 12 colorset $]0.50 sool ye ow oit penDit 9 1 .l O e a 9019g6nrl6anBtu6 9020lnl€ns€ Btu6 9021IndtgoBtlre 9022Bdghtcr€en 9023Alizadn Crimson 9OO5 Vi o l et oit penc it g .l .rl O e a 9044 Celedon green 22 9024Terra Coffa IFFTN ffinm w@ Effi ffiffiffi ffi ffi{ffiiffit ffiififfi FFffilriiiiiiiil e*F# #l 'l0 laser croton 23 3$;rt; tii$ f !,trrrrr\^rar f r,r '!{ v! u! u! !! \/! v! !t i ui,t q/ !u vv !v EEEEEHE !ffi #fEffgfrl EEVVES? 8EtEtE EE IIYII ,ttttr, rllrl'{}0ll gE E : r ilf m lttttitittif E"z"EEgVE ?,Y,ZEZZZ % ScaLE }1ltbtir aot.B $3ou llmm z_ SCAI-E BNotr Fcrr RII'IIDCU 3B!3C3BCCI ill[[g[3[[3!fl03 3300133cs3 cct8[c0c$gl flrlfl[3[CmX[n Ir SCALE lucLlir rav. - 9a d@blc lot.r. 126ti4l St00 .50 Meidenhair Fem ffigffig #9#s WEffig ffigWg ffigffig $8.50 $7. ooooout o g u g g g $ $ g l! g B OOOOtrOO s g g g g g g g ll onnonooo ggggo$g$ o s geg$aggono a oo006ll00 n6000doo ggggS gg g g ood6006n ggggoggg ooo60nuo o ggggg$gg noodoool t goB gggg$ t! r >lltr .aoooooooooooa ooo4.).)00.)40.)4) 4A OOOO60()()aao ooooaooooooo<) aooo4aooa6aoo aZ)000()6.)()00.)0 oooaoool).).)0.)a) goooooooD gggoooacn o64do4do4.)4()0 oooooooaoooo.) 4 0 a 4 0 a o o a 4 0 ()a ooa440aoaoooo 0005050uc0011 c30i:cr0ncl)nll clccnnclc::cll 03c0c00ncl0il 1:r0rr3n0nr0ll IanInI00rtnil lu03ntnuc30i: aa6l )4000040.)4 aal )l ).)004000.)4) ()()()l )00adooooa aoddaaoo4aool ) A 4A OO4A A A OOA /) o o o o o o o o o 4 0 (). ) aaoooooaooooo oaaooaooooa4.) ooooooooooooa aoooo()oooaooa) a ooooooooo auooooooo i o oo o i o oo o o ooooooooo: ooooooooD ogoocoooa oooooodoo ooooooa!0 $5.50 M I NI CO NT A T N E R S PEnx|frl|TPtcrr^ l ( PCilS E|lack, brownl rose, orange, red, purPle, greent blue $2.70 eaoh cP-7021 l%" wide,l%" tall pale bluc $1.85 Botha dratJ{ng I wflting pen.Flno polnt .0( Permanent, {a tefpfoof & fadepfoof. a:2069 Plgna i nk . cP-1n22 I 1/8" wide, 1 %" tall prle yellow $1.85 * Excellentfor copyl|lachine rcproductlon. cP-7033 Setof3 potswith sauc€rstSM-314"X'/;',Med-314"tall, l!' wid€ LG. 1" ta[, l ]/4" wide $9.50sctof3 215No, Galbnirh,Box 6 Bl@ Earth,lvrN56013 PL 5075263110 mil: rha.le@bevcom.ner 6 cotor set gr1800 Flno polnt .005 Create14 MinlaiureButterflies BALL STYLUS flov€. ih.Dins Kt. alrd.lt--....-.----..----..*r0 D33s. Dcrr. fu8d *lt - rLtir - -- ' lzF d-f.s Edl|.r lrr- ?ffint lcr-Dct s-_--.--"tg50 RlL.Lr!.Hfl *,::.|ED Needle end Pro Tool $2 littotrnotarr pks JKM902 Bufte y Kll, (aclualsize) very €alistic lasor-€ulbultadies. andenjoy. Justglu€on antenna€ $ 1r .50 ?6 27 l)opromiorr Brn Oolloetion Depression 0lals Nostalgia is hot and you can creare your om nosralgic scenewirh lhis ser ot Deprersione glrss from { }rysnbon T h e r" s c a L es re mw .re.candv dr5h€s. candle holders and cake plate corne in delicate rransparenr pink, anber and g re e n-l o l o rs re presenrari veof the $r 4 .25 silk crepe paper $8.00 r930s. Each setis dveiLttblein transparentomber,green or pink. ftem* CHR6AA CHR68G CH868P CHRTOA CHRTOC CHRTOP CHFsAA CHR88G CHRE8P cHn110A cHF110T( CHRllOP CHRl32A CHRl32G cHF132t CHR152A GHR152G CHR152P Desoription 3-Piec€CandyDishes,pink . . . . Cakeplale& CandleSticks,Ambe. Cakeplate& CandteSticks,creen Cakeplate& CandleSticks,pink . Pilch€r& Glasses,Amber Fffi3lt8E"Til8,lfl :..::: : ::)u..' c'""" zs ;ji:r 31:ilffi:: ;';r*1 -l)*z s-Piece Placssening, Amber.......... 3il!Eii3i3!3lil3,SLTl : : ::)xu" Roosler & Hen,Amber fi::*:lffl:3,'""-"1: :::.' "')rs.oo makes 3 stalks GPiece Slemr&are,An*Jer . 28 trel lis LavishSansiveria Lear.es these areprinted on both sides and lasercut. crolon teavcs $3.00perdozen BonnieLavish $3.00per dozen Green potdto vine "Blackie" Potato vine Lavish Sansiveria I-eaves These are printed oD both sides ano uset cuL $3.00per dozen E/ tI I 30 { + * I i+ f 31 Flower Kits $8.00 each DUSTY IILLER l" scale. Kit $B.OO l /2" yellow rose $8.00 (,.k. o $8.00 l/ 2 " m6 rigo t d 9 8 . 0 0 Water lily $8.00 makes **1I'!*!n*' 32 33 $o,oo -\ 1 .| fane loose grassIt mix dark mix #LFM-4GL #LFM_4GD $s.50 $5.30 r-T'! Jfan0pa-S lOlsrz.so )oll HouseKit 1" scale \ @ \ @ \ @ \ @ \ a a 97.00 Holly Branches nh X.',',T#fi:i,Til.;, r"scareX x x Xr ffi:Pkffi ffiil *s.ffi ffir corrse turf (looee) lighL m.d, dtrlG conller ffiffiffi tur.rb'*dihd6!-\ llbi.Eold ICD1300 BonnielavishX K ffirmffiEl1 ffiSF*s** s15.5 HS1*.ijr$2.90 mesh \ xford Sho o , laser-cut \ , \ , \ , \ , \ ShoeBo'i' \ X X 1" scaleKit \b, X X X \ 4 \ u \ u v \Z 4\ \ b, \ v 4 v Two partbox with lid Foldon thedonedlin X X \ BonnieLavish X X X X a K; 34 Fho polnt t|,oozor *Ffl- 5 /8 " x l " 3/8"deep Gluetabsto form box \ \ \ .o0 Botrnie Lavish K > sr-ol { fl*-==. !d..t.!d0. ilh*dm dd d(r r 3 t/2n ir.50 T5 .--r| 1-r" $4.Fo TTdrd-"4 $5 \o \9 l e t- shown reduceo Garden Tools U ftlr&** b' -u ,'c -,/ 1s101452 f-" r $30.00 $ 4.00 Turtle Plastic LJ ISL2639 $ 5 .10 lsLo192 lsl0126 Spade Shov€l I I Frog - Plastic .#*\* #2-50 2/$1.80 * *3-140 3 for '50 1:# I :l "-.__::::_..i $ 6 .5 0 tf3-121 2 for .50 Birds - Plastic I 6ff {pt6;;fiErir-J'-M $4.25 A893 t 4r $5.2L,, t.; , "u trout A3339 $ r.9 5 $4.25- #A3485br $7.50 ow or black yell Waterlily flo\iYers & leaves purp W hi te pi nk FOLIAGECLUSTER WDSFCSTLightGreen WDSFCsSMediumGreen WDSFCsgOarqGreen $8.00 each hot pk wild bird #43247 $5.75 l2 vraterlily leaves r:.::,rr!flo'r/er $1.60 bud $1.25 Potting Table $14.00 36 37 .L'II No.1?2 1 17 BUNKA $2.20 6 yd. X-in stocl Cd.{t F-ol ) ilc- BQh 30 13 Ecr u Belge 32 Bright Yellow 64 66 Med. Blue GoldenYellow 28 166 167 72 Da( Tan l,{ed.Brown Dk. Br own DarkerRustBrown i4 l"{ed.Lavendar 75 Dk. Pu'ple s8 Dk Red 101 M ed Teal 26 Med.Lr. leal 104 Chdshas cleen 173 Dk O liveG €en 156 Lt .Pink 1s7 M ed Pink 189 Bur gundy 153 Ll. M alve 155 Ok. Purple-mauve 163 Gr ey 212 214 65 63 38 Dk,dk t eal M ed Blue Med.Ll. Bllle Lt. Blue d-o srLK HjBDoNS .P- nl 6- :sAVEBYLTAEICE X X I 161.ttTAN 163_MAWE 156.ITPFACH x X 176.UAAOON x 1?O..LTPLUM 17r.&EOP|-UU X X 1@DKrr!O ' X . 5 3/4 I25.M€DGAEYSTUE X . i26MEOD(' x 127.PNt(t [4EWE t20. MEDrUSCAOSc X 12!),AUAGAOSE X 13I. FALETEAL 132.lTtelL X x H E I D I OTT tw eeranrffiS.sol a 11h'q A IS5.VEAYI.TPEACHX llo.MEDaROWN X BA $10 tr4,I.PAL! FUSCI{ PINX X t30.50 l'ileildl()lit'Dolls COLOR Swatches gt 9.5l ' I ,rj" -.? ho 6aysit cant be dono:is )ted by sheWho is doin-gir. 4l 3 3/4" tall p o r c er a r n porcelain RU S TY $] 3.95 A LL S HOWN A CT UA L S I Z E S Q UT RT$ 1 3 . 9 5 P o rc e la in #MM 145 unDainted plastic 3 for $1.25 Be lls Of lreland Kit $ 8 . 00 Extra tiny painted plastic baby $2.25 each unpainted plastic tiny bab 2 for, 6 0 0 petat fall flowers kit $8.00 42 $8.00 1" scale 43 HAN KY P A NK Y RICE PAPER 12 sheets4 3 / 4 " X 6 1 / 2 " i }{f.U U $r.00 COTOAED PAPEB 34 coloE - 68 steets I 1/8" $1B.75 2 Goldenrod(soldyell) 3 Pumpkin(lighl) ffi 17 11.Orchid 18. Ok Orchid 20 Dk Violet 2?. Lt Alue emefaldg een L t.T a n tu Brown- gold I 22 Decorate cakes- #irffiffi#ll*S,ker - ii&* 25. SunselBlue Shuen paper (thin Chinese) 5 ea - 4 1 / 2 " One co lo r p k , $ l, 0 0 Ll. Sand $ 8.35 ru uF 1116fm dnd cdbF e uldd rn I cooue crnoi 3 plunsdrle usddto .tsllv sjeol.lay pad lon I 1/4! Yide at base. 1 3/4' tarr' Dtroratd lleddntg Cnkcs Nlrd€rron dtrrxbleresin Very Soodqtrrrrv 7 colors Pk. $1.40 P*l.r.:' M 32.fa n 33. lvory l]rnk, P.nt' liruc E.nrj. & Desisn3 uD 5Eot3 E-33ii rh'hteer,u!.orh r!E&: tclyp.itycr":Is...rt M - h€! n I L K L I NE N paper 4 sheets 5 r /2 ,'x 1 3/4" $2.75 tl fl fl actuatsize \,/ \-./ \-/- V PCS4Pattern Cutter Set $u'33 t/r6"!'/ide Follrshapes,Pc4R,Pc4I, Pc4T,Pc4H' coQ (2 actual siue PCS5Pattem Cxttef Set $8.55 pc'n,34a*ia" Pc5R, Pc5F, PC5t, lourshapes, lqPjltEg FoR CAKE DECORAT|NGtN M|N|ATUBE TEXTUBEPASTEfor'Frosting"- - - - - - - ________I oz_________ $7.50 ParchmohtBags,------- - - ----24- - - -- - ____ - $2.00 Coudirig to charEe tipsonbaS-----___Z__ $2.o MonoJect Syringewithpointprotector- - ________ $2.3o RYSN TINY SEEDSTAMET{i 144dds - Sa00 =.=:F;ii;.8'.a=--_ r_ e €l 5/8" couple $'1.00 3/4" oouple $4.00 ffi- $r2.50 Pirt - all dart purpleeld ,di ltt 2l€H, white CHF€ Atown $r 2.50 23AA $2.85 #0600 $2.55 Ring in box $7.50 #4806 oak rope $6.00 BaksryBoxes FlmoSoftensr CHR44 '$3,00 Marhe blue- aI @ine blue DDL989 BA871O1 boxgs) 52,00 ,1 1 /8" 2 for $2.00 # B A B 7 I 0 1 $ 4 .0 0 i"'Jfft1.f,ifflx,ffi *.,1'.,*" iDZ.LU Hanlq/ PaokyDesigns 215 No. Galbraith,Box 6 BlueEardLMN 56013 PH.5075263110 email: rhanke@bevcQmm.net 46 ri r*t,$t-sO 47 Mini Procision cuttins 3/r" tall + 1"1 Kit l/i1 tarlhehobbyist that '; Light dutylt created woftins area forpr€cision requires a smaler rlli\$iffi projecls. Each kitcontains 5y1x s" sell wilh Healing lvlar, a # 16001knife Cutlng 6 rq $'55 cap supershaD bladeand safety 58.90 # porcelain w/3aucer $3-65 A3099 $4.50 I ll1 - X 2 t ' a c r o s s t o p 5 LONG BONSAI PLANTERS 6 oo^""utt,1*. 92'30 '!r. artr,!t!rrc.!!.{ 2 s,(t.a End capi '60 Lace Tool A3R, 6 3/4" Ll Inr .e"dlp. r p. r ' Lol . l' r t .,"u*";@''@f Zz Storage Wheel 'vl glaas vase porcelaln c P7130 $2.50 u....eJ.r &a r |d. iJ.Xt'a arrlar!r*.1 Hp #7168 !2.95 l . Lr . r r l ' . rc' l tao DlfC Tatring Tlr"ead - $2.00 batl IN MINIATURE BOOKS#1,#2,#3 CROCHET BY RUTHHANKE :::;*:timrf*' !t! co rs & crraK TATnf,c rHnE o oxE E cn coloq P c( t9-5s ;;;; fiTr:i*"""". $9.95each #2 CBOCHETIN MINIATUBE I 2O P A G E S Baby wear, Childrens wear, Lodies Wear, llens wear, Personal accessories, Householditerns, Bed c-over CROCHETIN MINIATT,RE#1 #3 CBOCHETIN MINIATUBE t9 95 HankyPankyDesigns& Crat Box6 215No.Galbraith, BlueEarth,MN56013USA Ph (s07)526-3110 E-ma il: rhanke@bevcom Fax(507)526-5969 HANKYPANKY DECORATING CHALKS. ACIDFREE 1si Row:White, Yellow, Yellow Orange, Orange, RuddyRed,Red 2ndRow:Fesh,P nk,Magenta, Orchd,Violet,Dk.Blue 3rdRow:RoyalBlue,Lt.Blue,Turquo se,Dk.Green,Green,Limecreen 4ih Row:BurntSienna,Tan,Lt. Brown,Dk. Brown,Grey,Black CHALK BOX KITS,acidfree 24 assortedcolors TAPECOLORS FLORIST 1/2" wide taDe lefito right Twiggreen Lrghtgreen White Darkgreen Strew Brown Olive Earthbrown Grey 1" wide tape - leltto righl I ffi n*:" Rainbow box ot 112"florist tape 12 rolls lndividualchalks NEWCOLORSBOX HANKYPANKY wire #30 greenpaintedwire 75 - 6" lengths #30 green paper-coveredwire 100- 12" lengths Extrafine gold bullion 5'8" COLORED MASKINGTAPE WHITE ORGFEEN FYREDBLUEYELLOW PLEASE SPEC 1"x 30yds.- $2.00 53 \,Ia]iin0 lliniature Garden Mai<in! Miniature Gardens i-riE-F6v',i-i6BooKoF MINIATURE LANDSCA P I N G This book will enrble you to createin exquisilc l/2 scale gardcn.Everything is handmade from inexpensiveard rc.tdy availablematcdals.and no specializedcqurpmentor cxpenise is necessary. Mary Kaliski w**Q. Mary Kxliski shovs hos tu nll a dollhouse ilcxpensivelv s'th rn cla) abundancc ol accesso.ic\ Her stcp' b! sleP Inslru.rlonslnd berutifLl photographs enticc beginncrs lnd adlNced crxners lo cxperimcnl with thc side vtuiciy ol clays cuF re.tlt on the rMrkct She expllins propefirc\ ol difercnt bnnds, gives adlicc on {hat tylc\ to us. on sFcific !rcjecls, and ln)vides dozcnsof pfoicds ro fill fbur seftingsi,r and tourd a doll house. Thc most expcnsirepiecc of e4uipment Mrry uscsrs. past! mdchi.e. bul you may sub_ stitutc a rclling pin or bnyer. lfary\ frvoritc tool is hcr handl Prcjcctsm marLcd lion easEstro /.'ltwaha Learr lhe basics of landscapng in minialurelrom Caroyn Stephenson. In 32 paqes oI slep-byslep instruc lions a.d color photographscaroyn describes how to make flowers, planis, ground cover, rocks, snruos 6nd blshes, lrees, and wate. 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F|D S.cE - Eotola - 45.35 Ldlt - Dolol2 -,!'-5.Y-5 ncr.fs tl.DEd. r.rb E F I 5.i TEr. - DOY14I - 5,.:)U D.lli lbu$ D.n. - .19_!t5 r.rhg I tt€ig _ ar-75 Ib lool .a Ho-FLrt ^- ^..:, crr-l'F cql.ci6s - Bot!15 --$9:Y D\5rlr^/?.. .'r' , "' {.+ !{e*o-J*--|2+3!- dolls page 46 texture paste $7.50 &geE Pase52 Grtetr prper covcredwir€: #30,24, ,24 1" n'ide ilcisa'€Fe - S2.Al $6.50-1oo 12" stems 1" Fidc color ma,tk t{pc - 52-00 #22, #2O $12,OO 100 stems RE;s3r. floricf lape pacl( - $2i.J0 The Dolls'House DOII.S' HOTJSE a(;ARt-)t:\tRt Gardener HANKY PANKY Featuring8 GardenPlans in 1/12scale sPc782 I76 pages By:L. Barnard& M. Hinchclifle (Hardcover) Dkcodinued florirt tapc Siogle rcll rtrrw, gl€y earth brown FIMO SOI'TDNERS3.OO