Songs for the classroom
Songs for the classroom
Songs for the classroom 44 (0)1278 741659 1 TSuenoa diat goodThorniry This soargexists in nnry different languages. The French oersian, "Frbre Jacques,,, is probably the olfust. In Spanish it is fond as 'Martinillo," "Fray Felipe,,, and "Bartolito." This oersion, which enphasizes greetings and, times of day, can be sung as a rowrd; s persun or groxp starts and is follaued after the first lhle by a seconil group. Or it canbe sung ds call and response. di . as, tds? Muy- bien- bue - nos gra-cias, muy- bien- Buenos dfas, buenosd(as, ;c6mo estds?2c6moestds? Muy bien, gracias, Muy bien, gracias, iy usted?;y us.ted? Qood nwrning, goodmaning, Horu;are you? How are you! Very weL, I thanrk you, Very well, I thankyou, Hoc,Dabout you? How about you? Buenas tardes, buenastardes, lc6mo estds?2c6moestds? Muy bien, gracias, Muy bien, gracias, ;y usted?2yusted? Qood afternoon, goodaftemoon, Hoc,pare you? How are you? Very well, I thank yut, Very weII,I thank you, Hcnpabout youT How aboutyoul Buenas noches, buenasnoches, ;c6mo estds?2c6moestds? Muy bien, gracias, Muy bien, gracias, ;y usted?;y usted? Qood euening,goodeuening, Honl are you? How are youl Very well, I tlwttk you, Very weII,I thank you, Hont about you? How aboutyou? For callm.d response, person a personor groupsingsrhebollfacewordsanl a second. ar grouprepeats. 2 Sing the days of the week in the somem.anner. Hoy es lunes, hoy es lunes, ;c6mo est6s?;c6mo estiis? m6rtes mi6rcoles jueves viemes sdbado domingo Todoy is Mondr,y, todny isMonday, Hant are you? How are you? Tuesdny Wednesdny Thwsday Frid"J Saanday Smtay ry 3 4 €{ crtoco{ate" IFe Cfioco{ste a gift to the worLd frmn Merico and The word cones from the Nalwatl Language, in which xoco-atl meanrs"bitter wdter" cnd means " cacaa woter." The songcan be su,ng as call and response, with the Leader singing each line and. the group repeating it. The drink of the cocoa bean-chocolate-is Central Anerica, Children cmt ako sing the songfaster and faster, and they can rub their hmds togeth. er in imitation of the molinillo, or chocolate stirrer. uHU, lE, u - no, oos, tres, LJno, dos, tres, cHo, I LA, u-no, dos, tres, U - n O , C I O S t, r e s , TE. cho-co - la - te. cho-co - One, two, *tree, c:Ho, uno, dos, tres, co, one, two, tlvee, co, uno, dos, tres, LA, one, two, tLvee, LA, uno, dos, tres, TE... or1e,two,*vee,TE... chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, bate, bate el chocolate. beat md beat the chocolarz.. lcantordosuecesf [singtwicel L "'" 4 3 I ir$* .\{,' 't =, =11 ,4$ r -' ' '*'. ri i '? tf ' ;i h J ,ia ff, t*r<Cfd" 'fi # t t+li - :.!, ;*3Jb, $ ( *$ ' fl'l '" rd H, ti P "l:r in*#4e ,*3 -ft i i ../l;| ,& ,,A 5 EACHOT U5 I5 A TLOWER J =1s+ Ay: CharlotteDiamond c7 F F-\ grow- ing in Each of us is life's ffi +l Each ol us is a flow- er, we need the sun and raln. Dy Charlolte Oiamond,as recordedon "1OCarrot,Diamond" @ CharloLteDiamondMusic 1OCAN1984 6 F Each of us is a flow- Each grow- er, us of is Da Capo,=-,, ing in life's a qr- I F-need the sun and need the sun and need the sun and (This song is recordedin the key of E) cHoRUS(X2) Eachof us is a flower Growingin life'sgarden Eachof us is a flower We needthe sunand rain. r ain. CHA CHA VERSE Sun,shtneyourwarmthon me Moon,coolme withyournight Wind.bringthe gentlerain Earth.takemy rootsdowndeep. ^ ,z\ oJP 7 CHA 5OMO9COMOLA? FLOREg NOUggOMMEgTOUSCOMME LEgFLEURg Spanishversionof "Eachof us is a Flower" By CharlofteDiamond 1994 SOCAN As recordedon "Soy una Pizza" French versionof "Eachof us is a Flowef' Bv CharlotteDiamond1984SOCAN coRo Somoscomolas flores En eljardinde la vida Somoscomolas flores Necesitamos la lluviay el sol REFRAIN Noussommestouscommeles fleurs Dansle jardinde la vie Noussommestouscommeles fleurs ll nousfautle soleilet la pluie. VERSO Sol,cali6ntame Luna,arrdllame Brisa,refr6scame Tierra,alim6ntame. COUPLET Soleil,r6chauffe-moi Lune,berce-moi Brise.rafraichis-moi Terre,nourris-moi. tDEAgAND ACTIVITIEO for EACHOF Ug 19A FLOWER DISCUS9ION IDEA9 water,earth,compost)Whendo we plantseeds? $ Whatdo seedsneedto helpthemgrow?(Sunshine, * Whatkindof flowerwouldyou liketo be? Whatdo we needto helpus grow?(Friends,family,hugs,books,pets, food,sunshine... etc.) Manychildrenin our worlddo not havecleanwater,enoughfood,a homeor leachersto helpthemgrowand learn.Throughorganizations suchas UNICEF, we can helpchildrenwho are lessfortunate than we are. "l am a Special Representativefor UNICEFCanada,and I have travelled to Costa Rica to visit some UNICEF school projects. UNICEFhelps many children around the world receive a better education and live a healthier, happier lite." ACTIYITIE9 * Act out the wordsto "Eachof us is a Flowe/'. lmaginethatyou are a seedin the ground.As you are touchedby the Sun,Moon,Windand Rain,you beginto slowlygrowand bloomintoa beautifulflower. Makea sun,moonand raincloudout of paper,and attacheachto a stick.The windcan be a ribbonstick.Thesepropsmayalsobe 'The GardenSong"and the story,"TheWisestOldWoman usefulfor "MayThereAlwaysBe Sunshine", and Man". $ Divideintotwo groups.One groupsingsthe Chorus whilethe second groupsingstheVerse.The two partsharmonize. * Changethe wordsand makeup a newsong. "Eachof us is a flowergrowingin life'sgarden. Eachof us is a flower.we needour familiesandfriends" $ Drawyourfavouriteflowerwithyourfaceor yourphotoin the centre. .& Makea largeflowerwitha holein the centrefor yourface.(Suggestion from PattiHaire,Las Vegas)See also Activities for "l am a Pizza". DAVE. * Startsomeseedsindoorsor in a greenhouse,and transplantoutdoorswhenthe weatheris warmer.Canyou tellthe difference betweena carrotseedand a beanseed? * Starta beanseedgrowingin a clearplasticcup filledwitha papertowel,soakedwith water."Firstthe rootsgrowdownand thenthe plantgrowsup." Thenplantyourbeansproutintosoil. ls Studysomedifferentkindsof soils,noticingthe smell,textureand colour.Whichsoil has mostlysand,clayor decayedplants?Whichsoil holdsthe mostwater?Whenyou add compostor mulch(decayedplants),the soil becomesricherand holdsmorewater * Visita publicgardenor lookfor wildflowers in the woods. Keepa listof flowersthatyou haveseen- roses,pansies, tigerlilies,skunkcabbage. snapdragons, dandelions, Somewildflowers havewildanimalnames. 8 ?*2::"e," .f;,uuardenSono,' "tocglcnv ",^ C;;tt,iwrdrrowers". _ .wnaf rino;i;.i i?.",2,1 g,,rree,,, ACTION9 A 6 Each of ue ie a flower Each of uo ie a flower in life's garden. arowtna and rain We needthe sun your warmth on me. b r i n gt h e g e n t l er a i n , 9 cool me with your night, Lake mv roole down deeo. THEHUG5UG I )=152 Syrhgstyle DY:ChadotteDiamond CCTFFdimcTC a a"' l- a The I ccTF G CHORUS I--J I HUG- BUG, HUG- thE r?* BUG, thE HUG- *r* BUG, && ne- ver ccTF t) r - L I know where it's hi- ding, il's the HUG- BUG, t? G-- QT e Io CODAlasilime e' it's gon- na hug y0u. a cF watch er., cccT G7 out thE HUG- BUG, rf* you. walch oyt il's gon- na hug I I G7 (I.-5.) VERSE c J lf you'rein a grow- ly mood sil- linga - lone tr') *) 10 on your bed, I the c c7 G7 HUG- BUG will sneak up lrom be- hind , [- and hug you right on the , t * Fdim G head. r:edtfZ ll's the By CharlotteOiamond, ae recordedon "Diamondin lhe Kouqh" @ CharlorteDiamondMueic19Bb90CAN bRAC|TO9 SpanishVersionof "TheHug Bug" By CharlofteDiamond1994 SOCAN @CharlotteDiamondMusiclnc. (This song is recordedin the key of A) CHORUS TheHugBug,the HugBug,the HugBug Neverknowwhereit's hiding It'sthe HugBug,the HugBug Watchout it'sgonnahug you! coRo Bracitos,Bracitos,Bracitos aQuiensabedondeest6? Bracitos,Bracitos iCuidado!te vienea abrazar. 1' 1. lf you'rein a growlymood Sittingaloneon yourbed TheHugBugwillsneakup frombehind Andhugyourighton the head.GHORUS Sit[ estdsmuyenojado Soloy tristeen tu pieza Bracitosvienepor detr6s Y te abrazala cabeza. CORO 2. lf you'resnifflingwitha cold Andchillyrightdownto yourtoes fhe HugBugwillsneakin the middleof the night Andhugyourighton the nose. CHORUS 2. Sit[ estdsmuyresfriado Y no te sientasfeliz Bracitosvienecon cuidado Y te abrazala nariz. CORO 3. lf you'vetumbledoff yourbike Andskinnedbothof yourknees TheHugBugwillsneakup whenyou'renotlooking Andgiveyoua greatbig squeeze.CHORUS 3. Si caesde tu bicicleta O te das un tropez6n Bracitosvienepor sorpresa Y te da un buenapret6n. CORO 4. Nowit doesn'tbite,it doesn'tsting Or buzzlikeanotherbug It eatsgoodwishesand happydreams Andturnsthemintolove. 4. El no muerdeni tieneaguij6n Ni zumbacomoun abejon Vivede suefrosy de ilusi6nes Que los convierteen amor. 5. So if you'refeelingupsidedown Or twistedall around .Justkeepyoureyesopenwide 'Causethe Hug Bug'scomingto town. CHORUS 5. Si sientesmuchaconfusi6n Y tu no puedespensar Buscd:en todasdirecci6nes Bracitosestdpor llegar. CORO 11 tt for THE HUG 9UG tDEAg& ACTIVITIE1 DISCU''ION IDEAg I witha coldor hurtbecauseyou moodsin thissong- feelinggrumpyor sad,sniffling Thereare manvdifferent " h"u" fallenoff 6t yourbike.Talkaboutotheisituations whenwe needa hugor a kindword.Discusshowto be a goodfriend,a caringbrotheror sister.Whatdoesa Hug Bug etc. a smile... looklike?- six legs,4 wings,2 antennae, ACTIVITIE9 S nct out the differentmoodsof this song. p Uat<ea Hug Bug Stick Puppetfrom cut out hearts, pipecleaners(forantennae)and a craftstick. (Seeillustration). S' Voucan alsomakea PaperBag Hug Bug. Drawa faceon a smalllunchbagthenstuffwithtissuesor papertowels and tie off the top.Attachsix legson the sidesand fourwingson the back;thenattachcolouredwoolon top for hair.Tie a stringto or overyourbed. yourHugBugso thatit can hangin the classroom and theycomein many the world, over Bugs live all ilememberthatHug So useyourimagination! shapes,sizesandcolours. different ffi' wrlte somenewverses. "When yourbestfriendmovesaway,you mayfeelsad and blue Sendth6ma Hug Bugand a letter,too. And ask themto writeto you." S Orawyourown Hug Bugand sendit to: CharlotteDiamond'sHug Bug Club, B.C.CanadaVOP6C5 P.O.Box 58067,Vancouver, Shewill write backto you! grandpaor a specialfriend. Or senda HugBugto yourgrandma, l. Make your ravourirr t ' Hug Bug t" cut ouiih,.".ffii""':fi:"3;:'*J:,,,gii:1i1r.,"#ffi#ir::?ff*"r;!r_ili:fli1,,iffico cufter, ['ffi,1n"r.^,#,im*:6nd cur down thecentre oreachsideheart tomake fiiJli:;[ [f;l$;{*s*i#,y*r ri?:r#::,:i. YourHuq Duqa may be too cute to eatr 12 From: Date: Order No: Ordered by: Email address: Telephone: Delivery address: Price list 2009 Price Quantity Price De Colores CD + book £30 Soy un Pizza £15 Diez Deditos CD + book £30 Todo el Mundo £15 Fiestas CD + book £30 Les Fleurs £15 Le Soleil £15 Bonjour L'Hiver £15 Musical Treasures Song Book and CD Craftworks finger puppets £26 VAT @ 15% and P&P at cost to be added for CDs sold separately Quantity (please contact us)