Legacy - Magnificat High School


Legacy - Magnificat High School
a p u b l ication of M agnificat high s choo l
Winter 2012
Freshman legacies draw strength from
Magnificat’s rich history.
Front Row 1 L-R: Diane McConnell Girgash ’80, Laura Girgash ’15, Megan Ryan
’15, Tammy Embrescia Ryan ’82, Katie Ryan ’13, Cynthia Ingram Dougher ’86,
Elizabeth Dougher ’15, Mary Margaret Hughes ’13, Melissa Moore Hughes ’86,
Abigail Hughes ’15, Brigid Campbell Burzanko ’84, Julie Burzanko ’15,
Ellen Caruso Fatica ’84, Julia Fatica ’15, Karen Marrapese Ramba ’85,
Madison Ramba ’15
Row 2 L-R: Samantha Gill Platek ’88, Claudia Platek ’15, Laura Beattie Carmon ’88,
Emily Carmon ’15, Mary Kinzel Ripich ’85, Madison Ripich ’15,
Kimberly McManamon Coughlin ’88, Keeleigh Coughlin ’15,
Maureen Karnatz Smith ’81, Bridget Smith ’15, Olivia Castro ’12,
Sandy Reilly Castro ’82, Natalie Castro ’15
Row 3 L-R: Deirdre McNamara ’15, Meghan Hickey McNamara ’80,
Nancy Gulick Wild ’86, Emily Wild ’15, Laura Sweeney-Baehr ’79,
Paige Baehr ’15, Christine Howard Stives ’84, Caitlin Stives ’15,
Kerry Calvey Lenahan ’77, Katherine Lenahan ’15,
Hannah Sims ’15, Jennifer Hayes Sims ’89, Allison Sims ’15
Row 4 L-R: Annemarie Synek Grose ’84, Megan Grose ’15,
Bridget Visconti ’13, Colleen Fitzgerald Visconti ’82,
Claire Visconti ’15, Natalie Prusak Cavanaugh ’88,
Abigail Cavanaugh ’15, Ann Litzler Coyne ’88,
Claire Coyne ’15, Stacey Cooper Malloy ’92,
Rachel Malloy ’15
Back Row 5 L-R: Patricia Brennan Renaud ’88,
Maureen Tuley ’15, Patricia Connor Schwarber ’77,
Emily Schwarber ’15, Ellen Voinovich Matisko’85,
Allison Matisko ’15, Erin Castele ’14,
Monica Rogozinski Castele ’85, Kendal Castele ’15,
Anne Sweeney Bryden ’87, Molly Bryden ’15,
Deborah Cassese Santillo ’85, Sophia Santillo ’15,
Joan McClain Bosken ’72, Ann Bosken ’15
Sister Carol Anne Smith, H.M.
A Message from
3Link Crew Comes To
Magnificat: Developing
Leadership Skills, Reflecting
The Mission
8 Advancement News
9School News
13 Alumnae Profiles
16 Class Notes
19 In Memoriam
Board of Directors
Mr. P. Kelly Tompkins, Chairperson
Ms. Teri A. Coury ’80
Mrs. Kathleen A. Ferry
Dr. William W. Francis
The Honorable Patricia A. Gaughan ’71
Mr. Ralph P. Higgins, Jr.
Ms. Rose Gates Jenne ’68
Sister Rose Marie Kramer, H.M.
Mr. Jeffrey T. Leitch
Mrs. Ann Mathews O’Malley ’81
Mr. Thomas J. Onusko
Mr. Thomas A. Richlovsky
Mrs. Margaret Jeffers Rowe ’87
Sister Susan Schorsten, H.M.
Mrs. Maureen Karnatz Smith ’81
Sister Carol Anne Smith, H.M.
Sister Annette Solma, H.M. ’69
Mrs. Darlene Thomas
Mr. Robert Troop
Mrs. Karen Wysocki Yacobucci ’83
This is a publication of the Offices
of Marketing and Advancement.
Please call (440) 331-1572 or email
kuthe@magnificaths.org with
questions or comments.
School Photographer:
Woodard Photographic
Academy Graphic Communication, Inc.
I cherish the opportunity this column regularly
provides for me to speak with you and share
Magnificat’s story. There is no end to the good news
of our school community including our seniors’ early
admissions to such colleges and universities as
Georgetown, Barnard College (Columbia University),
Cornell, Northwestern, University of Pennsylvania, Brown University,
Notre Dame, Boston College; our 2016 Academic and Marian Scholarship
recipients; significant increased alumnae involvement in the life of our
school; and ongoing service of hundreds of our students and generous
faculty and staff. There is no end either to my gratitude to you.
More often than you might imagine, the great news of Magnificat is relayed
to me by YOU! As we begin this new semester, I am pleased to share with
you two recent messages that eloquently describe the Magnificat experience.
Enjoy and be inspired by these
Current Magnificat junior in a
touching words, and let us remain
recent email addressed individually
steadfast in our commitment to the
to school administrators and her
life-changing and immeasurably
teachers entitled:
valuable mission of Magnificat
“2011: One Year of Thanks:”
High School.
You have all given me so much to look
Sr. Carol Anne Smith, H.M.
From the Mother of a current senior
sharing her gratitude for her daughter’s
teachers and counselors:
…but to say Magnificat is college preparatory would be to sell the school short. In
addition to a fine education, my daughter
has received an education in compassion,
caring and a sense of herself. She understands that she has been given great gifts
and she therefore must give back to her fellow man. She leaves your hands not with
a sense of entitlement, but rather with humility. I am confident my daughter will
do great things in this life. Not necessarily the things that make millions but the
things that mean millions to the people she
will help.
up and aspire to. Although it’s still technically in its development stage, I believe the Surround Learning concept’s
“enriched learning experience” already
exists at Magnificat. At the 2009 spring
open house, I never really understood
what a “holistic learning style” was –
but after being immersed in the environment myself, now I do. Magnificat
is truly a place where learning never
ceases and passions can collide to create
a better reality. What makes Magnificat
work is not its impressive name, history,
or campus. It is the people: the teachers, faculty, and staff whose dedication
creates a sense of seamlessness between
growth in knowledge and growth of
self. One of the greatest things I’ve witnessed is how Magnificat’s mission goes
beyond the traditional classroom setting and translates into the creation of
countless gateways and opportunities I
never would’ve dreamed of.
Link Crew Comes to Magnificat:
Link Crew Leaders enjoy time with members of the Class of 2015 during Freshman Heritage Day at the H.M. Villa.
he Rosemary Saas Center for Women of Faith in Leadership at Magnificat High School encourages
and strengthens leadership skills in Magnificat women through a variety of programs. One of the
initiatives this “center without walls” provides for Magnificat students is the nationally recognized Link
Crew program.
Link Crew promotes community-building within the school
through peer-to-peer interaction between freshmen and junior
students. Juniors serve as mentors, guiding and supporting their
freshmen “Crew” members throughout their critical, formative first
year of high school.
Launched at Magnificat this past fall, this new co-curricular helps
foster the foundation for young women of faith to learn, lead and
serve in the spirit of Mary’s Magnificat. According to Mrs. Moira
Clark ’77, Dean of Student Life and Formation, the implementation
of Link Crew is yet another way for Magnificat to nurture and
develop leadership skills within its students, while also reflecting the
school’s mission.
“In our effort to educate young women holistically, we recognize
that learning goes on in a variety of venues that stretch beyond the
traditional classroom. Co-curriculars like the Link Crew program
provide important opportunities for students to learn by doing,”
says Mrs. Clark. “Some of the most profound educational
experiences that our students have during their high school years
occur in these co-curricular domains, and help equip them to
authentically respond to the call to learn, lead and serve in the spirit
of Mary’s Magnificat,” she adds.
Link Crew Advisor, Mrs. Kate Minerd ’83, as well as Link Crew
Leader, Halle McFadden ’13 and freshman student, Ellie Livingston,
give us some insight as to how the Link Crew program is taking
shape at Magnificat.
Left to right: Miss Kelly Donlin, Link Crew Advisor; Ellie Livingston ’15; Halle McFadden ’13, Link Crew Leader and Mrs. Kate Minerd ’83, Link Crew Advisor.
Q. What is Link Crew and why is it so important for Magnificat
to have this program onsite? What is the goal of the program?
A. Mrs. Kate Minerd, Advisor…Link Crew is a school community-
building program, where the experience of successful juniors can
help guide and support freshmen, and make the transition from
grade school to high school smooth and effective. At the same
time, these juniors gain valuable leadership experience. The goal
of the program is to establish an atmosphere of inclusion and
acceptance while building relationships in and among students
and the Magnificat community.
Q. How many juniors are in Link Crew? What is the job of a
Link Crew Leader?
A. Halle McFadden ’13…There are 38 juniors in Link Crew. Each
Link Crew Leader guides groups of 5-6 freshmen for the entire
year, beginning with Freshman Orientation, where we facilitate
ice-breaking games and activities designed to help freshmen
learn about the school and each other. Link Leaders will
continue to develop the relationships and support our freshmen
Crews by maintaining regular contact and organizing a variety
of activities with our freshmen Link Crews throughout the
school year.
Q. As a freshman, you were probably nervous about starting a
new school and meeting new people. How did Link Crew
members make your transition to high school an easier one?
A. Ellie Livingston ’15…My Link Crew Leaders called me to
personally invite me to my Freshman Orientation, and we
played ice-breaking games to feel more comfortable with each
other. We also toured the school dressed in silly costumes, and
we were able to bond with our Link Leaders and each other. My
Link Crew Leaders also call/text me to ask me how I’m
adjusting and if I need anything, and have organized gatherings
to help us get to know each other. It’s nice to have an older
student I can ask questions if I need help, and I really feel
welcome because of my Link Crew Leaders.
Q. Will you consider becoming a member of Link Crew when
you are a junior, and if so, why?
A. Ellie Livingston ’15…I absolutely want to become a member of
Link Crew because I want to be able to welcome freshmen into
Magnificat like I was welcomed by my Link Crew Leaders. I also
want to accept the challenge of a leadership role within my school.
Q. H
ow are Link Crew Leaders chosen? Is there an application
The nationally recognized Link Crew program helps Magnificat
students model and witness the school’s six core values:
- Respect
- Compassion
- Commitment
- Faith-filled Life
- Collaboration
- Lifelong Learning
A. Mrs. Kate Minerd, Advisor…The juniors selected to be Link
Crew Leaders are chosen based on their communications skills,
responsibility, self-confidence, organization and enthusiasm.
They must complete an application and obtain two teacher
recommendations before they are considered for a Link Crew
Leader position. This is a year-long commitment, and students
cannot hold a major leadership position in any other club.
A. M
rs. Moira Clark, Dean of Student Life and Formation…We had
80 students apply to become Link Crew Leaders, which speaks
to how engaged in the school community our students are, and
how eager they are to hone their leadership skills.
Q. W
hat is a Link Alert, and how does that fit into the Link
Crew program philosophy?
A. Mrs. Kate Minerd, Advisor…The Link Alert is a system which
allows teachers to “alert” Link Crew Leaders about potential
concerns they have about freshmen who are in their classes.
Teachers can submit a Link Alert to the Link Crew moderators
who, in turn, contact Link Leaders to intervene on behalf of
their Crew member.
Link Crew at Freshman Heritage Day.
Q. A re there Link Crew events throughout the year, and if so,
what are they and who is invited to them?
A. Mrs. Kate Minerd, Advisor…Activities include attending
Magnificat-sponsored events such as athletics, theater
productions and Night-in-Blue, as well as simple gatherings
before or after school to touch base with their Crews about the
progress of their classes and how freshmen are assimilating to
the Magnificat community. There are also Link Crew movie
dates, “cocoa and cram” sessions where Crews study for exams
together, and we are planning an end-of-the-year picnic. The
activities are designed for all Link Crew Leaders and their Crews.
Q. H
ow does Link Crew prepare for incoming students…is there
a class or program or timeline that is followed?
Link Crew Leaders have fun with their Link Crew members.
A. Mrs. Kate Minerd, Advisor…There is a very structured training
program that prepares Link Crew Leaders to prepare for
incoming students. They are required to attend mandatory
meetings at the end of the school year, as well as two mandatory
training days prior to Freshman Orientation in August.
Q. W
hy did Magnificat decide to implement this program, and
are you happy with the results so far?
A. Mrs. Kate Minerd, Advisor…Magnificat decided to implement
Ready to learn, lead and serve: four of the 2011-2012 Link Crew Leaders.
the Link Crew program to foster a sense of inclusion,
community and relationship building, opportunities for
leadership and responsible interaction among peers. This
program is aligned with Magnificat’s mission of encouraging
young women to learn, lead and serve. The program has been a
huge success and we are looking forward to improving the
program every year.
Welcome Aboard!
We welcome the following faculty and staff members to the Magnificat community: Amy Arbogast, VP Finance & Administration; Luz
Elena Bermudez-Klopp, Teacher, World Languages Department; Kristen Koma Comer ‘86, Teacher, Performing Arts Department; Abby
Joyce, Stewardship Coordinator; Erin Molder, Assistant to the Athletic Director; Carol Richardson, Information & Media Assistant;
Heather Schwager ‘05, Director of Admissions; Chris Rini Slyman ‘84, Administrative Assistant in the Advancement Office;
Sean Szaller, Theater Manager; Carolyn Wanzor, Teacher, Science Department; Adam Wilson, Executive Chef; Valerie Yarmesch,
Director of Educational Technologies and Eglantina Zhuka, Housekeeper.
Amy Arbogast
Luz Elena
Kristen Koma
Comer ‘86
Heather Schwager ‘05 Chris Rini Slyman ‘84 Sean Szaller
Abby Joyce
Erin Molder
Carol Richardson
Carolyn Wanzor
Adam Wilson Valerie Yarmesch
Where in the world is Magnificat?
Eglantina Zhuka
Attention Past
Parents & Friends
of Magnificat:
In an effort to “go green,” we’re capturing as
many email addresses as possible. Please make
sure we have your current email so you don’t
miss any electronic Magnificat updates.
Please contact Mrs. Chris Rini Slyman ’84
at cslyman@magnificaths.org with your
email address.
Kathie Heverin Sambora ’59 traveled to
the village of Ein Kerem in Israel.
Among the many holy sites she toured
was Visitation Church, where Mary
visited Elizabeth and proclaimed the
Magnificat. One wall of the church
courtyard is covered with ceramic tiles
bearing the words of the Magnificat in
42 languages. Kathie resides in Brewster,
New York.
If you would like to be featured in this regular column, just send a photo of yourself
in Magnificat attire at an interesting location around the globe. You can email your
photo to mlamb@magnificaths.org. Visit the Bookstore or www.magnificaths.org for
a great selection of tees and sweatshirts.
Board of directors
Congratulations to Mr. Martin Mehall, who received “The
William E. Reichard Award for Outstanding Board Service.”
He is only the third board member to receive this award.
Mr. Mehall, President
and Owner of Richland
Communities, Ltd., retires from
the Magnificat High School
Board of Directors after nine
years of service. He became
involved with Magnificat while
his daughter, Marissa ’02,
attended Magnificat.
Mr. Mehall was a longstanding member of the
Finance Committee and was
instrumental in bond financing.
Mr. Martin Mehall, left, receives
“The William E. Reichard
Award for Outstanding Board
Service” from Mr. P. Kelly
Tompkins, right, Chairman of
the Magnificat High School
Board of Directors.
“Marty really epitomizes what
you hope to find in a board
member. He understood
intimately the business side
of the school, but more
importantly, he embraced and
supported Magnificat’s mission. In every way, Marty gave of his
‘time, talent and treasure’ during his tenure as a director, and
has continued to graciously offer his sage counsel, which is most
appreciated. In short, Magnificat is in a better place because of
Marty,” says Mr. P. Kelly Tompkins, Chairperson of the Magnificat
Board of Directors.
Mr. Mehall and his wife, Berta, reside in Bay Village. Besides
daughter, Marissa, they have a son, Brent.
“The William E. Reichard Award for Outstanding Board Service”
was named for Bill Reichard, who retired from the Magnificat
High School Board in 2008, after 21 years of service. The award’s
criteria include: exemplary support for Magnificat’s Catholic
mission and the Humility of Mary Charism, outstanding committee
leadership and exceptional fulfillment of director’s responsibilities
as delineated in the Corporation’s Code of Regulations.
Welcome 2012! This year brings a great
deal of excitement for Magnificat High
School as we moved forward with plans
to kick off Surround Learning in the fall.
For those of you who had the opportunity
to attend one of three “Fireside Chats”
over the past couple months, you know
P. Kelly Tompkins that the Board of Directors approved a $5
million capital campaign to support this
transformative education initiative.
Surround Learning connects the physical environment, new learning
methodologies, and information and communication technologies
to create a holistic and enriched learning experience for students.
Technology, globalization and an abundance of information are
changing how we learn, how we work and how we interact. The reality
is place and space will increasingly matter as to how our students will
learn and the Board is committed to respond to that need.
The physical redesign of the campus, coupled with the curriculum
changes that have been underway for the past four years, will ensure
Magnificat remains a leading college-preparatory school for young
women. More importantly, all of these changes will be focused on
and will be supportive of our mission, which is to learn, lead and
serve in the spirit of Mary’s Magnificat. Several spaces comprise the
hub of the school, the core learning and research areas, which will be
physically changed and purposefully integrated. This initiative will,
over time, transform the Main Entrance, the Resource Center (now
known as the Surround Learning Center), the Cafeteria, Large
Group Instruction Room (LGI) and the Business and Technology
Center, to create greater seamlessness between learning and the
physical environment. We will keep you apprised of new details
about the project and results of the capital campaign as we move
from the quiet phase of the campaign to the public phase. For
up-to-date progress on this exciting initiative, we encourage you to
visit our blog at www.surroundlearning.wordpress.com.
P. Kelly Tompkins, Chairman
Magnificat High School Board of Directors
Meet your 2011-2012 Magnificat High School Board of Directors
Pictured left to right, front row: Ann Mathews O’Malley ‘81, Sister
Carol Anne Smith, H.M., P. Kelly Tompkins, Darlene Thomas and
Rose Gates Jenne ‘68. Middle row: Sister Susan Schorsten, H.M.,
Kathleen A. Ferry, Teri A. Coury ‘80, Margaret Jeffers Rowe ‘87,
Maureen Karnatz Smith ‘81 and The Honorable Patricia A. Gaughan ‘71.
Back row: Sister Rose Marie Kramer, H.M., Karen Wysocki
Yacobucci ‘83, William W. Francis, DDS, Ralph P. Higgins, Jr.,
Thomas A. Richlovsky, Thomas J. Onusko and Jeffrey T. Leitch.
(Not pictured: Sister Annette Solma, H.M. ‘69 and
Robert E. Troop.)
True Blue
Advancement NEWS
in Texas
As told by Nancy Doerr Carney ’64
Magnificat freshmen—look to your friends to your left and to your
right—you never know where your paths will take you, or how
fondly you will remember your experiences at Magnificat!
Nancy Doerr
Carney ’64
This is a tale of two friends and the Magnificat bond that runs deep.
Kathy O’Brien Hogan ’64 and I became friends as freshmen, but
parted ways as we went off to college: Kathy to Georgetown
University and I to Ohio University. The next time I heard about her
was when my mother sent Kathy’s wedding announcement from The
Plain Dealer to me. I was preparing for a career in TV news as a
graduate student at the University of Michigan at the time, and
Kathy was working as a nurse and had just married.
Television led me to New York and a job in the election unit at
WCBS-TV. By 1972, Richard Nixon was running for re-election as
the Watergate scandal was just beginning to surface. Marriage
followed, and my CBS job in New York led to one with a CBS
affiliate in Houston.
After doing a report on the local news one night, I got a call: “Were
you Nancy Doerr at Magnificat High School?” It was Kathy, and I
was floored! Both living in Houston, we connected and had lunch. It
was like our freshman year, and I remembered why I liked her so much—51 years ago!
Kathy O’Brien
Hogan ’64
Editor’s Note: Kathy was a Registered Nurse and a Talbot Associate for many years, and
is the proud mother of four. When she is not spending time with her nine grandchildren, she
volunteers as a concert pianist at M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital in Houston. Kathy says she is
grateful to the Sisters of the Humility of Mary—who taught her at St. Christopher School and
at Magnificat, and it was, in fact, Sr. Rose Therese who taught Kathy to play piano.
Ext icket
Bragging R
Save the , June 23, 2012
e Class of 1977
As of Ja
eunion Challen
with 12% partic
1962 and 1982
The Classes of
d with 11%.
are close behin
ng for updates!
Visit www.magn
Best Reun
Class ever
Class Queens
Save the Date
23rd Annual
Saturday, March 24, 2012
6 p.m. to Midnight
La Centre in Westlake
Mark your calendars to join Peggy and
Dan Filippi, Gala Chairpersons, for an
evening of dinner, dancing, silent auction,
wine pull and new this year, the apple tree.
Proceeds from the Annual Endowment
Gala support the Magnificat Endowment
Fund, providing tuition assistance to
deserving students. Thanks in part to our
Gala participants, alumnae, parents and
friends, Magnificat benefactors helped
46% of our students with tuition
assistance this year, meeting 57% of the
documented need.
Go online to www.magnificaths.org/
endowmentgala for more information.
Congratulations to our
2012 Award Recipients
Jeffrey and Janet
Duffy Leitch ’68
Magnificat Award
Sue Niehaus
Del Vecchio ’73
Alumnae Award of
• Mrs. Heidi Paul received the Green
Lantern Award from weekly business
publication Crain’s Cleveland Business.
The award honors individuals who have
exhibited an exceptional commitment to
sustainability. Among the initiatives Mrs.
Paul has spearheaded are an Environmental
Science class, the implementation of an
extensive recycling and composting program,
the creation of a student Sustainability
Club, the development of a prairie on
school grounds and an environmental
encounter to Yellowstone National Park.
Pictured left to right are: Mrs. Moira
Clark, Mrs. Heidi Paul, Mrs. Lori Koss
and Sister Helen Jean Novy, H.M.
• Miss Betty
Dabrowski has
been selected to
the 2011 Class
of Fellows of
the American
Society (ACS).
Selection to the
group is based
Mr. Joseph S. Francisco,
Past President of the
ACS and Miss Betty
to teaching and
research, as well
as leadership or managerial excellence in
an organization involved with chemical
sciences. Inductees usually teach at the
college level, so this is quite an honor for
Miss Dabrowski. During her 30-plus
years with Magnificat, Miss Dabrowski
has served has a teacher, department
chairperson, co-curricular advisor,
volunteer and benefactor.
Mercy Awards H.M. Sisters
Congratulations to Sister Carol Anne Smith,
H.M., President of Magnificat High School,
and Sister Carole Anne Griswold, H.M., Vice
President of Mission Integration at Mercy and
former member of the Magnificat Board of
Directors, who both recently received the
inaugural Sisters of the Humility of Mary
Mission Leadership Award from Mercy, the
health system based in Lorain County. Since
Sister Carol Anne
Sister Carole Anne
1927, the Sisters of the Humility of Mary
Smith, H.M.
Griswold, H.M.
have ministered to the health care needs of
the Lorain community with an emphasis on the poor and underserved. This award
recognizes trustees, physicians or executive directors who significantly foster the mission of
Mercy and its sponsors by demonstrating: passion for mission, vision, servant leadership and
lasting commitment to Mercy’s faith-based ministry. Sister Carol Anne Smith has been
involved with Mercy since the mid-1980s in a variety of leadership roles, most recently
serving as its Chairperson. Sister Carole Anne Griswold began her nursing career at one of
Mercy’s predecessors, and oversees many of its outreach efforts.
‘Crystal Apple’
Congratulations to Mrs. Barbara GrawKikta ’69, French teacher, for winning a
2011-2012 Plain Dealer Crystal Apple
Award. She was chosen from hundreds of
entries. Mrs. Graw-Kikta was nominated by
AP French student Laura Nguyen ’12.
“Madame Kikta-McGraw deserves this
Crystal Apple Award because she is willing
to give everything in her power to see her
students succeed,” says Laura.
Pictured left to right: Ms. Lori Marks, The
Plain Dealer; Laura Nguyen ’12, student
nominator; Mrs. Barbara Graw-Kikta, French
teacher and Crystal Apple Award recipient
and Ms. Suzy Nash, Bryant & Stratton
College, sponsor of the Crystal Apple Award.
The Crystal Apple Award, in its 21st year,
recognizes extraordinary educators who have
inspired, challenged and supported students,
helping them realize their true potential.
Mrs. Graw-Kikta will be recognized at an
awards ceremony in May.
Yearbook Recognized
The Dawning yearbook has received a Gold Medalist Award with
two marks of Distinction from the Columbia Scholastic Press
Association, as well as a First Place with Special Merit Award from
the American Scholastic Press Association. Congratulations go to
Mrs. Joan Gigliotti and Mrs. Barb Stockhausen, advisors, and last
year’s editors, Jacqueline Hwang ’11 and Marissa Gervasi ’11.
Merit Scholars
Magnificat High School is proud to announce its six 2012 National
Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalists and Commended Students:
Semifinalists: Colleen McLinden,Bridget Popovic and Abby Davis.
Commended: Morgan Salama, Tara Coury and Annaliese Danckers.
Senior Pens a Book
Tara Coury ’12 has written and illustrated
a book called The Safe House. She started
the book her freshman year, inspired
by her time as an art therapy volunteer
at the Domestic Violence and Child
Advocacy Center in Cleveland. She was
introduced to the non-profit organization
through Magnificat’s Campus Ministry
Department and Key Club, and she
continues to volunteer there on a weekly
basis. Proceeds from Tara’s book benefit
the DVCAC, and it’s available for
purchase at the Magnificat Bookstore and
on www.amazon.com. The cost is $20.
Tara plans to pursue writing and art at
Barnard College • Columbia University.
Congratulations to the directors, cast and crew of Aida, which
delighted crowds with its stirring ballads, rousing choral numbers
and exuberant dancing; a staging Sir Elton John himself would have
enjoyed. Special recognition goes to Director Miss Amy Smialek ’00
for a production that is still being talked about.
Our spring play, The Scarlet Letter, will run April 27-29. Come
enjoy a preshow dinner event on Saturday, April 28 at 5 p.m.
Contact Mrs. Julie Sims Gibbons ’80 at jgibbons@magnificaths.org
for more information.
The Fathers’ and Mothers’ Clubs, and the Magnificat faculty, staff and students thank
everyone for attending the 54th Annual Night-in-Blue! The event was a great success
due to the hard work and planning of so many volunteers, led by veteran
Night-in-Bluers Mrs. Julie Sims Gibbons ’80 and Mrs. Martha McGorray Schmitz ’65.
Congratulations to our winners: Erin Warns ’11, grand prize winner of the 2012 Hyundai
Accent GLS (ticket sold by Maddie Connaughton ’13); Kim Ketterer ’76, 2nd place winner
of $500 (ticket sold by Sam Ketterer ’14) and Judy Carey ’74, 3rd place winner of $250
(ticket sold by Jo Kilbane Myers ’13). Special thanks to Colin MacLean of Elyria Hyundai
for providing this year’s grand prize.
Editor’s Note: Night-in-Blue was also a Night-in-Green...Mrs. Heidi Paul (“Mother
Earth”) and the Green Police from the Sustainability Club are happy to report that the Night-inBlue cafeteria waste amounted to: 950 gallons of compost, 250 cubic yards of recyclables and only
two cubic yards of garbage!
2011 Fall Sports Wrap-Up
“Put you faith to work...Listen, dream, play, laugh.”
The team returned to the OHSAA state
championship for the fifth time in the
past six years. With a 1st place finish in
sectionals and 4th place in the district,
they qualified for the OHSAA state
tournament, where they placed 6th in
Division 1. The team was led by Ali
Nageotte ’14, who placed 3rd in the
state and was selected as one of The
Plain Dealer’s “Best of the Best,” first
team All-Ohio. She also scored a
hole-in-one at the Canfield
Invitational. Nageotte and Jillian
Hollis ’15 were selected as Plain Dealer
“Players of the Week.” Hollis was
selected as MVP of the Northeast Ohio
Independent School Girl’s Golf League.
Northeast Ohio Golf Coaches
Association selected Cara Kelley ’14 to
its second team, and Julia Gentner ’15
and Ali Vonderau ’12 received
honorable mentions.
Under first-year head coach
John Fenix and Magnificat
graduate and Hall of Famer
Nicole Rini Bebie, the team
went 10-4-4. The team
took the eventual state
champion Strongsville to
the wire, losing 3-2 in the
last 13 seconds. The varsity
team boasts four seniors
with a GPA greater than
3.7, which earns them a
place on the All-Ohio Academic team. The team
GPA of 3.76 earns the Soccer Coaches Association
“Team Academic Award.” Natalie Guido ’12 was
given an honorable mention by the Greater
Cleveland Scholastic Soccer Coaches Association.
JV went 9-3-1 and our newest team, JVB, went 9-1.
The team (5-11) played through a
very soggy fall season. Twelve
varsity players are Academic
All-Ohio by maintaining a GPA
greater than 3.5. The team
graduates 12 seniors, so the JV
squad is the team’s future. The JV
team (5-1-6) was very competitive
and will be a force as varsity
players next year. Magnificat is the
only west side school with a field
hockey team. We look forward to
continuing to grow our program.
of 2012 Announced
The tradition of honoring Blue Streaks
athletes and coaches continues as we
induct eight members into the Class of
2012: Nancy Noonan Oliver ’66
(deceased), Kerry Spicer Bebie ’87, Sandy
Guzowski Supler ’93, Alison Kemmerling
Jimenez ’94, Maureen Ferris Mewett ’94,
Sarah Grealis Walden ’96, Anne Lawhun
Campbell ’98 and Coach Larry Chernauskas, Sr.
The induction ceremony takes place
Friday, May 11 at 5:30 p.m.
For the fifth year, Magnificat fielded three teams—Varsity A
(17-5), Varsity B (15-4) and JV (12-7). The Varsity A team was
co-champion in the Northeast Ohio Girls Tennis Association
Division A. Six players advanced from OHSAA sectional to
district competition. Emily Witt ’14 qualified for the state
championship in Columbus. The team finished 3rd in the state in
the Ohio Tennis Coaches Association team championship. They
lost in the first round of the OTCA state championship to eventual state champion
Dublin Coffman. Seniors Rachelle Abdelnour, Annie Foliano, Jessica Hollis, Nora
Hudec, Maddie Lugli, Abby Lawless and Kelly Plagens have been awarded “Gold
Racquets” from the Tennis Coaches Association for earning at least two varsity letters
and maintaining a GPA greater than 3.75 for six semesters.
For the seventh consecutive year, the
team ran in the state meet. The 2011
team was very young with one senior,
one junior, one sophomore and four
freshmen on the seven-member varsity
squad. The team placed an outstanding
6th in the state, with four personal
records and two season’s best at the
state meet. This team continues the
Blue Streaks tradition of running
excellence by placing 1st in the district
and 4th in the regional meet. The three
upperclass varsity runners are on the
Academic All-Ohio team with a GPA
greater than 3.5. The future looks
bright for this young, 37-member team.
The team (21-6) played some of the best teams in Ohio. For the 23rd
consecutive year, the team won the district title. The team was also
regional runner-up to state runner-up Toledo St. Ursula. Cayley
Balser ’13, earned third team All-Ohio and Clare Schirmer ’12
received an All-Ohio honorable mention. Cayley and teammate
Grace Conroy ’12 have been selected to first team by the Northeast
Ohio Volleyball Coaches Association, while Clare was selected to
second team and Maddie Koz ’12 received an honorable mention.
The seven seniors on this squad were outstanding teammates and
examples to future teams. The JV and freshman teams also had great
ALUMNAE Profiles:
Magnificat draws strength from its rich history. This heritage is often passed down from
mother to daughter, and even granddaughter. This proud tradition is growing, and in
fact, more than 21% of this year’s freshmen are legacies.
So what does it mean to have your daughter experience Magnificat? We sat down with
four current Magnificat moms to find out!
looks exactly the same. Claire’s Night-inBlue experience was fun and similar to
the Class of 2015
What has changed?
The classes and curriculum are far more
challenging, and there is a broader choice of
courses. The athletic programs are very
strong and competitive. There is an everlarger range of clubs and extra-curricular
As told by Freshman Mom
Ann Litzler Coyne ’88,
Mom of Claire Coyne ’15
What were you involved with while a
student at Mags? And your daughter…
I was on the tennis team, worked on the
yearbook, served on Student Council, was a
National Honor Society member and
involved with Campus Ministry. Claire
shares some of those same activities, playing
JV tennis this past fall, working on the
yearbook and being a Lector with Campus
Ministry. She is also a Key Club member.
What do you hope Claire will take with her
from her years as a Magnificat student?
I hope that Claire will become even more
well-rounded. My hope is that Claire will
take advantage of the numerous
opportunities at Magnificat to broaden her
horizons, meet new people and learn as
much as she can.
One more thing…
Another tradition that Claire and I share is
the way we celebrate Presidents’ Day. Claire
has had a keen interest in U.S. Presidents
since she was in preschool, so every
Presidents’ Day our family visits a former
President’s home or birthplace.
Ann Litzler Coyne ’88, left, and daughter,
Claire Coyne ‘15 over Christmas break.
Ann is a member of the Gala Committee.
She and her husband, Terry, are raising their
family in Rocky River. Besides Claire, they
have daughters Emily and Elizabeth.
What does it mean to have Claire experience
It is a great feeling to know that Claire is
attending Magnificat! I am thrilled that she
is enjoying her experience and embracing
everything Magnificat has to offer.
What’s still the same since you were here?
Claire has some of the same faculty
members that I had. Sister Carol Anne was
the principal when I attended. The Cafeteria
The Coyne Family visited the Harry S.
Truman house in Independence, MO last
Presidents’ Day weekend.
The Mission
is Clear
the Class of 2014
As told by Sophomore Mom
Amy Stakich Nageotte ’82,
Mom of Ali Nageotte ’14
Amy Stakich Nageotte ’82, right, and her
daughter, Ali Nageotte ’14, celebrate Ali’s
3rd place individual finish at the OHSAA
Division I State Golf Tournament at The Ohio
State University this past October.
What does it mean to have Ali experience
It means the world to me to be able to give
Ali the opportunity to experience
Magnificat and all that it offers. It means
that she has the opportunity to grow and
learn in a loving, faith-filled environment
surrounded by girls from all walks of life. It
means that she will emerge from Magnificat
with a strong, solid foundation not only for
college, but for the rest of her life.
The back of the class t-shirts summarizes it
well: “From the outside looking in you can
never understand it…From the inside
looking out you can never explain it.”
What’s the same since you were here?
The feeling of community is the same. I
think the girls feel that they are part of the
Magnificat community and that the
community is there for them. The
camaraderie between the girls is the same.
They are free to be true to who they are in
the all-girls’ environment. Some faces are
the same—Sister Carol Anne, Sister Helen
Jean, Ms. Arundel and Mr. Phillips. The
blue skirts are the same!
Daily Guidance
What’s changed?
Much about the physical space has changed
with the addition of the Magnificat Center
for the Performing Arts and the new Gym.
It still feels like a comfortable yet progressive
place to learn. The biggest difference I
noticed as a parent is the clear definition of
the mission—to educate young women
holistically to learn, lead and serve in the
spirit of Mary’s Magnificat. Every student
knows the mission and the expectations of
their four years at Magnificat. I also feel the
curriculum is much more challenging today.
The work Ali is doing as a sophomore I was
doing in college. The Athletic Department
has changed drastically, too. Today, there are
so many varsity sports available to the girls.
As told by Junior Mom
Kimberly Bush Blesi Adams ’86,
Mom of Emily ’13 and Elizabeth ’13
What were you involved with while a
student at Mags? And your daughter…
I sang in the choir and performed in a
couple of plays. Ali plays varsity golf and JV
basketball, and is in Key Club and Mu
Alpha Theta Math Club.
What do you hope Ali will take with her
from her years as a Magnificat student?
I hope Ali will take away wonderful
memories of these four special years of her
life. Memories of a strong academic
environment, memories of a special place to
grow in her faith, memories of great athletic
experiences and memories of very special,
lifelong friends.
One more thing…
We have a house in Rosemary Beach, FL
that we love to go to as a family. It is where
Ali learned to play golf. We love to golf
I always tease both of my daughters that I
bought their Magnificat blue skirts the day
they were born!
As an alumna, Amy attends Night-in-Blue,
open houses, plays and concerts. She also
attended Sister Cheryl Rose’s retreat
sessions. She and her husband, Dan, are
raising their family in Westlake. Besides Ali,
they have Maggie, who is hoping to become
a member of the Class of 2016!
the Class of 2013
Elizabeth Blesi ’13, left, mom Kimberly Bush
Blesi Adams ’86, center, and Emily Blesi ’13,
enjoy the holidays together.
What does it mean to have Emily and
Elizabeth experience Magnificat…
It is a true blessing to have my girls attend
Magnificat. Their father, Andy Blesi, passed
away when the girls were only seven. The
decision to have them attend Magnificat was
already made when he was sick. We wanted
the girls to have the best a high school could
offer. Magnificat was that high school for me
and I knew it was the one for them, as well.
What’s the same since you were here?
It amazed me that there are some of the
same teachers that taught me when I
attended. The dedication to education that
the teachers at Magnificat have is amazing.
The girls are experiencing the same
outstanding education and leadership that I
was taught when I attended.
What’s changed?
There are so many differences. The clubs the
girls can join in school and outside of school
are wonderful. They both have enjoyed
tutoring younger children. The school itself
is amazing with all the additions that have
been made over the years. The food choices
for lunch are wonderful—so healthy and
such a variety.
What were you involved with while a
student at Mags? And your daughters…
I was involved with Ski Club and on the
Dance Committee. I also participated in the
after-school work program to help my
parents with tuition. My daughters enjoy
Key Club, Animal Outreach and tutoring
through Campus Ministry.
What do you hope Emily and Elizabeth will
take with them from their years as
Magnificat students?
I hope that my daughters take what they
have learned from Magnificat and become
the best person they can. They have been
given a special opportunity to achieve not
only academically, but also spiritually—to
be an inspiration to others through their
kindness and understanding. I know that
the friendships that they make over these
four years will be lifelong. I also know that
the growth that they make over their four
years at Magnificat will make a difference in
future situations that life brings them.
One more thing…
The girls and I enjoy boating trips, vacations
and skiing with their stepfather, Allyn, and
stepbrothers, Ryan and Colin Adams. Most
of all we love spending time together.
Emily and Elizabeth are very fortunate to
attend such a fine school. I have been
extremely pleased. What else could be more
important than having my girls learn from
the outstanding teachers and staff who guide
and teach them daily. It was the best
decision that their father and I made.
Kimberly enjoys coming back to Magnificat
to attend Night-in-Blue. She and her
husband, Allyn, are raising their family in
Avon Lake.
A Competitive
the Class of 2012
As told by Senior Mom
Laura Bodziony Lawless ’84,
Mom of Abby Lawless ’12
(And also the mom of
Hayley Lawless ’14!)
What’s changed?
The curriculum has advanced in step with
changing times (Modular Technology,
Chinese as a foreign language), as well as the
physical plant, to meet the needs of its
students. The Magnificat Center for the
Performing Arts is a prime example of how
Magnificat maintains a competitive edge.
What were you involved with while a
student at Mags? And your daughter…
I always participated in Night-in-Blue and
was a four-year member of the softball team.
Abby currently participates in Key Club,
Garden Club, Drama Club and is a
four-year member of the tennis team.
What do you hope Abby will take with her
from her years as a Magnificat student?
I hope Abby always challenges herself to go
beyond set expectations and to feel
empowered as a young woman in today’s
society. The sense of self she has obtained
through her peers and teachers during her
four years at Magnificat is immeasurable.
Laura Bodziony Lawless ’84, left and her
daughter, Abby Lawless ’12 celebrate
Christmas together.
What does it mean to have Abby
experience Magnificat…
I love the sense of tradition that this will
instill in my daughters. The fact that I can
offer the same opportunity that my parents
provided to me makes me very proud.
What’s the same since you were here?
There are many of the same faculty members
as when I attended, which leads me to
believe that there is a true commitment to
the mission statement of Magnificat. The
student body is much more diverse…
Magnificat is no longer a “neighborhood”
high school.
One more thing…
I knew when Abby was little that I would
want her to have the advantage of attending
Magnificat High School. Living on the east
side of Cleveland, I knew Abby would have
to want this for herself. I could not be more
proud of the leap of faith Abby took when
choosing herself to attend Magnificat. She
displayed maturity beyond her years to
“leave” her friends behind and go solo to
“the other side of town.” Abby has never
regretted this decision. Abby’s experience at
Magnificat has gone beyond my hopes and
dreams for her!
As an alumna, Laura is a Gala Committee
member and keeps in touch socially with
many of her classmates. She and her
husband, Bill, are raising their family in
Lyndhurst. Besides Abby and Hayley ’14,
they have a 19-year-old son at the University
of Dayton, and a 10-year-old son at St.
Gregory the Great School.
Since 1955, Magnificat has been honoring the legacy of the Sisters of the Humility of Mary, educating
young women holistically to learn, lead and serve in the spirit of Mary’s Magnificat.
Class notes
Kimberly DeLorean Murphy ’94 and
husband, William, welcomed twins,
Addison and Morgan, on August 22, 2011.
Emily Arundel Deprez ’98 and husband,
James, welcomed daughter, Alexis Faith, on
November 21, 2011.
Natalie Hostacky Stevens ’97 married
George Imhoff Stevens on September 10, 2011.
Lori Schulz Radinsky ’94 and husband,
Troy, welcomed son, Ian Sullivan, in August.
Ian joins big brothers, Nolan, 6, and
Aidan, 4, and big sister, Kaelyn, 3.
Katie Vaccaro Cook ’99 and husband, Ian,
welcomed daughter, Megan Ann, on
January 25, 2011.
Jayne Micuch Faber ’94 married Ron
Faber on October 9, 2011.
Meghan Seedhouse Reagan ’02 married
Patrick Reagan on August 13, 2011.
Caitlin Hubach ’02, Brianna Lutz ’05 and
Meghan’s sisters, Sheila ’04 and Molly
’06, were all in the wedding party.
Meghan Sauer Aloshen ’03 married
Chris Aloshen on May 28, 2011 at St.
Angela Merici Church. Danielle
Zawadzki ’03 and Jackie Parobechek
White ’03 were maid of honor and
matron of honor, respectively. Meghan
and Chris reside in Falls Church, VA.
Jodi Bennett Des Rosiers ’92 and
husband, Ray, welcomed daughter, Grace
Anne, on March 15, 2011. She joins
Chelsea ’13, 16, Kevin, 14, Lilly, 9, and
Ava, 4.
Melissa Vale Hagy ’95 and husband, Ryan,
welcomed son, Bryson Rylen, on December
23, 2010. He joins sister, Abree Marie, 5,
and Caleb John, 3. They reside in Dallas, TX.
Christine Weimer Papesch ’95 and
husband, Erich, welcomed daughter,
Gabrielle Genevieve, on September 9, 2011.
She joins big sister, Elizabeth, 4, and
brother, Nicholas, 2.
Mandy Shaerban Steyer ’00 and husband,
Grant, welcomed son, Jude Barrett, on
September 22, 2011.
Rebecca Jakubisin Varga ’04 and husband,
David, welcomed daughter, Theresa
Bernadette, on July 28, 2011. She joins big
sister, Maria Christine, 1.
Arlene Marie Glowe Finlay ’96 and
husband, Christopher, welcomed baby girl
Annabelle Marie on July 9, 2011.
Catie Brimus Macuna ’96 and husband,
Tom, welcomed son, Collin Thomas, on
September 1, 2010.
Sara Miller Amberg ’97 and husband, Jim,
welcomed son, Jameson Reid, on July 15, 2011.
Ann Chu Blauvelt ’97 and husband,
Michael, welcomed son, Ethan, on July 9,
2011. He joins big brother, Michael, 1.
Bundles of Joy!
Blue Streak
Kathy Kehoe Christy gathered this summer
in Tybee Island, GA with her sisters Fran
Kehoe ’61, Margie Kehoe O’Shaughnessy ’62,
Pat Kehoe Fagan ’63, Maureen Kehoe ’67
and Ann Kehoe Butera ’72 for a little
“sistercation.” They vacation together
frequently, generally scheduling their trips
to coincide with the Komen Race for the
Cure events in which they participate.
Jill Stransky Schutzler ’93 and
husband, Craig, welcomed son, Ryan
Thomas, on July 15, 2011. He joins big
brother, Justin, 3.
Class notes
Mary Ann Back Henderson and her
husband left Europe and returned to Ohio
after she retired from a 30-year career with
BP. They currently reside in Lakewood, and
she sings in the St. Luke’s choir. She and
Carol O’Malley Richardson ’76 successfully
ran the 2011 Blue Streaks Through River 5K.
Patricia Carroll Robinson, husband, Douglas
H. Robinson, MD, and daughter, Marilee, 3,
reside in Washington, D.C. Patricia is VP of
Provider Relations for Amerigroup
Corporation, a Medicaid and Medicare
health plan provider that serves 12 states.
Colleen Fitzgerald Visconti, Ph.D., CCCSLP, mother of Shannon ’11, Bridget ’13,
Claire ’15 and son, James, has co-authored a
book: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology:
Evidence-Based Education, Plural Publishing
Incorporated, 2012. The dedication includes
the first names of her daughters and son.
Colleen is Chair of the Department of
Communication Arts and Sciences,
Professor of Communication Disorders and
Director of the Baldwin-Wallace Speech
Clinic at Baldwin-Wallace College.
Rachele Alpine Mielke sold her first young
adult novel, Canary, to Medallion Press for
publication in Fall 2013. Rachele earned a
Master’s degree in English Literature from
Boston University and is currently working
on her Masters of Fine Arts in fiction
writing at Cleveland State University. She
has a blog at www.freckle-head.blogspot.com.
Janet Yurcik owns The Cute Little Cake
Shop in Strongsville, which she runs with
her mother. Together they make customdecorated cake pops, cake balls, chocolatedipped goodies and more. Their website is
Moira Baylog is a high school guidance
counselor and team leader in Bethesda, MD.
Brigid Long has been selected on behalf of
the College of Pharmacy to receive The
Ohio State University Board of Trustees
Student Recognition Award for academic
and service achievements. Brigid is working
toward her Doctorate in Pharmacy.
Melinda Braves Marksz graduated from
The Ohio State University School of
Veterinary Medicine in 2011 as a Doctor of
Veterinary Medicine. She plans to specialize
in zoo animals.
Jessica Van Dalen graduated from the
Maurer School of Law at Indiana
University-Bloomington and is a patent
attorney in the Indianapolis office of Faegre
Baker Danniels LLP, a top 100 law firm. She
also recently completed her first halfmarathon, the 500 Festival Indy Mini,
finishing in under two hours and in the top
15% of over 16,000 female competitors.
Colleen DeJohn Pallett graduated summa
cum laude in May from Hunter College
with a Master’s degree in early childhood
education. She and husband, Paul, also
welcomed their first child, daughter, Kendall
Rose, on July 13, 2011.
Kristen Knuff Metz completed a graduate
studies program at Bowling Green State
University and earned a certificate in autism
spectrum disorders.
Jennifer Dill graduated from the
University of Florida College of
Veterinary Medicine in May. She is now
completing a Veterinary Anatomic
Pathology Residency and Ph.D. program
in Aquatic Medicine at the University of
Georgia and the Georgia Aquarium.
Diana Ginley Ina received her Doctorate
in Physical Therapy from the Medical
University of Ohio in May, and was
married to Anthony Ina on August 27, 2011.
Elizabeth Baumgartner is performing in
a national/international tour of the
musical called In The Mood: a 1940s
Musical Revue. This is her second year as
swing dancer and singer in the show. She
toured the United States and Canada
with the first leg of the tour, and will
now be touring additional states in
addition to Australia and New Zealand.
Moira Gardner traveled with Lyn
Richardson Travis ’71 to Uganda in the
summer to work with children at St.
Monica’s Girls Tailoring School run by
Sr. Rosemary Nyirumbe. Moira is double
majoring in Social Work and International
Studies at Cleveland State University.
Bridget Mackin attends The Ohio State
University where she studies Dental Hygiene.
Mary Kate Sweeney is majoring in
Organizational Communications at Miami
University with a minor is Business
Management. She is president of her
sorority and also serves as a senator in the
Associated Student Government.
Maura Hauer worked in
Lesotho, Africa this
summer and built
chicken coops,
greenhouses, piggeries,
playgrounds and
cabinets in a safe house
for orphans. She worked
with 37 other students
from Wittenberg
University, where she is
an Environmental
Studies major.
Mary Hyland is studying Sports
Management at Cleveland State University
and coaches JV softball at Lakewood High
School. She recently volunteered with her
brother, Patrick, in Ecuador through Rostro
de Cristo.
Elizabeth O. Johnson will graduate from
Marquette University Diederich College of
Communication in 2013, where she is a
Marquette shadow program coordinator and
tour guide, and is the Marquette University
women’s lacrosse vice president. She is an
intern to Cleveland Councilman Joe
Cimperman, Ward 3. Follow Elizabeth on
twitter at eojohnson.
Suzanne A. Lavelle is studying Sports
Management and Communications at the
University of Michigan. She was
communications/public relations intern for
the Braylon Edwards Charity Basketball
game last spring, and was the
communications intern with the Greater
Cleveland Sports Commission over the
Erin Gulick transferred to Xavier University
where she is majoring in Math and
minoring in Professional Education with the
goal of teaching high school. She plays club
softball and is a Eucharistic Minister. Erin
will be traveling to New Jersey for an
“Alternative Break” and hopes to study
abroad in Rome next year.
Flo Albastroiu is studying Spanish and
Biochemistry at The Ohio State University.
Mickey Bacisin is a Nursing student at the
University of Akron.
class notes
Natasha Corrigan is furthering her
studies as an exchange student in
Belgium at the Seminaire de Floreffe. She
is studying French, Spanish, History and
Geography. She will remain in Belgium
until July 2012 on scholarship.
Megan Fitzgerald is majoring in
Communication Sciences and Disorders
at Ohio University.
Annie Geib is studying Occupational
Therapy at Ohio University.
Casey Riley is double majoring in
International Studies and French at The
Ohio State University.
Elise Sako is
studying at the U.S.
Coast Guard
Academy in New
London, CT, where
she also is a member
of their NCAA
Division III
volleyball team.
Bundles of Joy!
Blue Streak
Have a new little love in your life? We want to hear about it! Please share
the good news with our Alumnae Office and we’ll send you a Magnificat
bib. Take a picture of your little one sporting his/her new Blue Streak attire
and email it to mlamb@magnificaths.org. Photos may be featured in an
upcoming publication.
Email Maggie Mroz Lamb ’84 at mlamb@magnificaths.org with your alumnae updates.
Please join us in prayer for the families of our students and alumnae.
Stephen Anthony Albanese
Husband of Judy Albanese ’61;
Father of Liz Albanese ’05
Zara Minuccia Barzellato
Mother of Lucia Barzellato ’77
Roger Stanton Berry, Sr.
Father of Kathleen Berry ’73
Margaret Brinker
Mother of Grace Brinker ’00 and
Megan Brinker ’03
Neal C. Chadwick, M.D.
Father of Ashley and Lauren Chadwick ’00
Mary C. Cleary
Aunt of Peg Malloy Hazlinger ’69; Greataunt of Colleen Malloy ’14
George E. Condon
Father of Terry Condon ’61 and Katie
Condon ’69
William “Bill” Dalton
Husband of Eileen McFarland Dalton ’74
Thomas J. Ference
Father of Monica Ference Orlando ’01 and
Victoria Ference ’04
Virginia Grace Hackel
Mother of Gail Hackel Floyd ’63
Evelyn A. Hammett
Grandmother of Sarah Hammett ’99
Michael C. Hayes
Father of Jenny Hayes Sims ’89, Kathryn
Hayes Fletcher ’90 and Christine Hayes
Sobonya ’92; Grandfather of Allison and
Hannah Sims ’15
Alice Marie Holchin
Mother of Mary Holchin Kitchens ’66,
Susan Holchin Cahill ’70 and Nancy
Holchin ’72
Stephen J. Jambor
Father of Margaret Jambor Souders ’66
and Mary Jambor Barry ’69
Norma J. Kanary
Mother of Nancy Kanary Patrick ’66,
Lenore Kanary ’68, Barbara Kanary ’72,
Gayle Kanary ’74 and Lisa Kanary Johnston ’82
Mary Christine Karl
Mother of Christine Karl McKenna* ’71 and
Bernadette Karl Gosky ’76; Grandmother
of Julianna Gosky ’06
Daniel T. McEntee
Father of Bridgett McEntee Mundell ’86
Jack G. McKay
Father of Megan McKay ’93
Rita A. McVean
Mother of Kathleen McVean Schulz ’64,
Susan McVean Pellman ’65; Grandmother
of Lisa Pellman Spicer ’90
Ellen Madden Moran ‘67
Mother of Julie Moran Farrell ’00; Aunt of
Jill Krejci Sobek ’96, Mary Ellen Madden ’03
and Deirdre Madden ’04
Deborah J. Norris
Mother of Allie Norris ’15
Andrew William Knippel
Son of Mary Cohan ’74
Rebecca M. Pasini ’98
Sister of Rachael Pasini ’02
Rachael Kovach ’06
Patricia Adams Rupp ’70
Sister of Pam Adams Pagrabs ’71
Janice Marie Lekan
Mother of Jaimy Lekan Dyer ’94
Patricia Block Lenhardt ‘73
Joseph Francis Lydon, Sr., M.D.
Father of Katie Lydon Gomez ’71
Patrick A. Manley
Father of Kathleen Manley Pucci ’78, Kari
Manley ’80, Kristin Manley ’81, Kim
Manley ’83 and Kelly Manley ’84
John F. “Huey” McAndrew
Husband of Patricia Burke McAndrew ’61;
Father of Christine McAndrew Higgins ’85,
Trish McAndrew ’90 and Moira
McAndrew Wopershall ’93; Uncle of
Kathleen Ryan ’95
Henrietta U. Rzepka
Mother of Christine Rzepka Reagan ’73
Pauline M. Sheehan
Mother of Ciara Sheehan ’05
Paul Steen
Husband of Molly McBride Steen ’85
Carole Symanski
Mother of Marianne Symanski ’81, Christine
Symanksi ’83 and Denise Symanski ’89
Pierre Toomey
Grandfather of Beth Toomey McBride ’90
Sandra McKeown Vidas ’62
* Deceased
We have included all the relationships that we could locate in our records. If we have missed one, kindly let us know by emailing
Chris Rini Slyman ’84 at cslyman@magnificaths.org, and we will be happy to include it in the next edition of our magazine.
Fathers’ Club Fish Fry
February 24, 5 p.m.
Talent Show
February 24, 7:30 p.m.
Registration, Class of 2016
March 3
An ’09 alumna was overheard saying,
“I can’t wait for my E-news and just
devour it!” And it’s no wonder with all
that’s jam-packed into our monthly online
newsletter. From student accolades to
alumnae tidbits to dates and times of
upcoming events, be the first to know
what’s happening at Magnificat with “The
Magnificat Messenger” E-newsletter. Start
your “subscription” by sending your email
address to Mrs. Traci Zahn,
23rd Annual Endowment Gala
March 24, 6 p.m.
La Centre in Westlake
Lenten Retreat
Alumnae and Friends
April 2, 7 p.m.
The Scarlett Letter Spring play
April 27-29
Winter Concert
March 7, 7:30 p.m.
Spring Choral Concert
Alumnae Happy Hour
March 8, 7 p.m.
The Market in Rocky River
May 3, 7:30 p.m.
Senior Prom
Blue Streaks Through River
5K Run/Walk
May 4
Fathers’ Club Fish Fry
March 9, 5 p.m.
May 27
Spring Band Concert
May 10, 7:30 p.m.
Dance Concert
Baccalaureate Mass
May 29
Athletic Hall of Fame
March 15, 7 p.m.
May 11, 5:30 p.m.
Spring Open House
Rosemary Saas Speakers Series
March 22, 6 p.m.
Magnificat Spelling Bee
March 24, 8:30 a.m.
May 31
Margie Flynn, Principal and Co-owner,
Brown Flynn
May 17, 2 p.m.
Reunion Weekend
June 23
Magnificat High School, a girls’ Catholic college-preparatory high
school, founded and sponsored by the Sisters of the Humility of
Mary, calls young women to live Mary’s Magnificat in the world.
We educate young women holistically
To learn, lead and serve
In the spirit of Mary’s Magnificat.
you can help us go green! Please let us know if:
• You’re receiving more than one copy of the magazine at your home.
• You’d prefer to save paper and postage and view the magazine via the Magnificat website, www.magnificaths.org.
• Your daughter has finished college, and you are still receiving her magazine at your home.
We can forward her magazine directly to her.
• You no longer wish to receive the magazine.
Please email your request to Traci Zahn at tzahn@magnificaths.org.
20770 Hilliard Boulevard
Rocky River, OH 44116-3397