saint john of god parish


saint john of god parish
84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722
Phone: 234-6535 * Fax: 234-7474 * Email: SJOGNO1@AOL.COM
Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Humberto Contreras, Associate Pastor
Sr. Valerie Scholl, CSJ, Pastoral Associate / Admin.
Dcn. Ronald J. Gillette
Sr. Claudia Allen, CSJ, Apostolado Hispano
Dcn. Frank Gariboldi
Mrs. Maggie Martin, Religious Education
Mrs. Patricia Walsh, Cemetery Secretary
Mrs. Ana Sullivan, Parish Social Ministry Coordinator
Mrs. Eleanor Gould, Music Ministry
Parish Center: 234-6535
Religious Education: 234-4040
Outreach Office: 234-1884
Cemetery Office: 234-6535 x135
Parish Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9AM – 4:30 PM
Sunday: 9 AM – 2 PM
(Mass Cards)
Apostolado Hispano
234-6535 x 106
Equipo Pastoral Que Habla Español
Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor
Rev. Humberto Contreras,
Pastor Asociado
Hna. Claudia Allen, CSJ
Sra. Ana Sullivan,
Ministerio Social
Emergency Sick Calls Any Time
Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5 PM Chapel
Sunday: 8 AM Church
9:30 AM Church
11:00 AM Chapel
Weekday Masses
Monday – Saturday:
9 AM Church
Miraculous Medal Novena:
Monday at 9 AM Mass
Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM in the Church
or by appointment. Please call the Parish Center.
Baptism: 1st and 3rd Sunday at 2 PM. Parents must register
at the Parish Center at least 1 month before the baptism.
Marriage: Those wishing to be married must make arrangements
at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Center.
Our Lady of Providence Regional School
Pre-K (4 yrs.) through 8th Grade
234-1113 or 234-6324
Principal: Mrs. JoAnn DiNardo
Misas En Español
Sábado: 7:00 PM Capilla
Domingo: 9:30 AM Capilla
12:30 PM Capilla
Martes: 7:30 PM Capilla
Bautizos en Español:
2ndo y 4tro Domingo de cada mes, 2 PM Los padres de los niños
deben ir a la oficina antes de inscribirlos. Llame 234-6535 x 106
para una cita.
Confesiones: Los sábados a las 4:00 PM
Primera Comunión y Confirmación:
Niños de 6 hasta los 17años deben asistir a las clases de
Educación Religiosa de acuerdo a su edad. Llame: 234-4040
Sacramentos Para Los Adultos:
(18 años en adelante) Llame 234-6535 x 106 para más
información. Las clases para los adultos son los domingos a las
11 AM.
Matrimonio: Inscribirse 6 meses antes de la fecha de al boda.
Llame: 234- 6535 para hablar con un miembro del Equipo
Pastoral que habla español.
Nuestra Señora de la Providencia Escuela Católica
Pre-K (4 años) hasta 8vo grado
234-1113 o 234-6324
Principale: Mrs. JoAnn DiNardo
October 10, 2010  Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for the Week of October 10th
– 9:00AM
– 9:00AM
Wednesday – 9:00AM
Thursday – 9:00AM
– 9:00AM
Saturday – 9:00AM
– 5:00PM
– In Honor of the B.V.M.
– Michael & Susan Brennan
– In Honor of St. Lawrence
– Ainsley Edmund
– Kevin Shanley
– Mitchell & Maher Families
– Charles & Wilhelmina
– 8:00AM – Those Enrolled in the
Society of Prayer
– 9:30AM – People of St. John of God
– 11:00AM – Kathy Telesco
Monday, October 11th –
Gal. 4:22-24,26-27,31—5:1; Lk.11:29-32
Naaman the Syrian leper-general washes
clean, following the instructions of
God’s prophet Elisha. Jesus heals the
lepers by his own Word and a foreigner
returns to give thanks. Naaman hauled away dirt
from the Holy Land to make a holy place. The healed
Samaritan leaves praising God and full of faith in the
Messiah. For us Christians, God’s presence is not
confined but is wherever we gather to praise the
Lord. There we are nourished and healed in the
Eucharist, our thanksgiving. How do you praise God?
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C.
Illustration © 2001 K. Sullivan.
Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2001,
OCP. All rights reserved
9:00AM – Daily Mass –
Tuesday, October 12th –
Gal. 5:1-6; Lk.11:37-41
Sunday Collection
Respect Life
Retired Priests
Late Repairs
$ 7,774.50
$ 1,823.00
Sunday Collection
Respect Life
Retired Priests
Late Religious Ed.
$ 7,717.50
$ 1,738.00
9:00AM – Daily Mass
7:30PM – Misa en Español – (Capilla)
Wednesday, October 13th –
Gal. 5:18-25; Lk.11:42-46
9:00AM – Daily Mass –
Thursday, October 14th – Saint Callistus I, pope
Eph. 1-10; Lk.11:47-54
9:00AM – Daily Mass
Friday, October 15th –
Saint Teresa of Jesus, virgin and doctor of the Church
Eph. 1-11-14; Lk.12:1-7
9:00 AM – Daily Mass
Saturday, October 16th –
Saint Hedwig, religious
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin
Eph. 1-15-23; Lk.12:8-12
9:00AM – Daily Mass
5:00PM – Mass – English – (Chapel)
7:00PM – Misa en Español – (Capilla)
Sunday, October 17th –
Twenty-Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Ex 17:8-13; 2Tm. 3:14—4:2; Lk.18:1-8
– Mass – English
– Mass – English
– Misa en Español
– Mass – English
– Misa en Español
Mass Attendance
Week of October 2nd & 3rd
5:00PM (English) —
7:00PM (Spanish) — 225
8:00AM (English)—
9:30AM (English)—
9:30AM (Spanish) — 338
11:00AM (English) — 226
12:30PM (Spanish) — 348
Restoring the Glory….
to welcome…to worship…
to grow…to serve…
Pledge Report:
$ 1,286,015.25
Total Paid to Date: $ 1,135,839.00
$ 150,176.25
“Memories of Father Jim”
Remember in your thoughts and
prayers, the Sick of the Parish...
Joseph Acciarito
Jacob Aceiedo
Felix Acevedo
Mary Alfieri
Frances Barnhurt
Helen Boeke
Maureen Bose
Steven Braille
William Campbell
Suzanne Celery
Gerri Eshun
Ron Gillette II
Virginia Gonzalez
Joan Growich
Carol Hemmerich
Elaine O’Mara Hulbert
Alice Hydell
Karen Kelly
George Kuehne
Alfred Lapadula
George Liebe
Eddie Linz
Joan McCarroll
Peggy McNamee
Mike Meola, Sr.
Liz Mouzakes
Gladys Oakley
Rocco Palatucci
Margaret Petrie
Cole Pletman
Jean & Joe Pipitone
Carmen Ramos
Shirley Ramsey
Grabiel Riviera
George Santiago
John Santiago
Josephine Seymour
Marie Shay
Linda Smith
William Stottler
Stanley Tesoro
George Tintugo
Joseph Vereline,Jr.
Mary Weber
Barbara Warfield
Bread & Wine and Altar Candle
Memorials are still available for this
year. If you would like a special date,
for 2011 call the Parish office before it is
Columbus Day
October 11th
Parish Offices will be closed
this Monday in observance of
Columbus Day.
The offices will
re-open on Tuesday,
October 12th at 9:00AM
Submitted by: Christina Lopez
In 2004 my cousin was Baptized at
Saint John of God Church. Although
Father Jim didn’t carry out the ceremony, he was present
for it. I remember him telling my husband and me about
his memories as a child and amusing family stories. We
knew who to ask to marry us immediately after meeting
him. Five years later we had arranged Pre-Cana appointments with Rev. Msgr. James M. Kissane.
On our first Pre-Cana meeting, Father Jim gave us a marriage workbook to go home with, asking us to be honest
with each answer, as we would ALL go over them at the
next session. As our next appointment neared, butterflies
began to flutter for the both of us, partially because we
had dedicated hours towards our workbook, but also because we were nervous to discuss our answers with him.
When we handed in our workbook, Father Jim took it,
opened it, quickly shuffled the pages, and then placed it
down again. “Do your workbook?” he asked. Nervously
but proudly we replied “Yep!”. “Good.” he replied. “I’m not
going to read it though.” (At this point I think we both received the color that left our faces moments ago) He explained our answers were not what were important in our
Pre-Cana sessions; communication between the two of
us was what had mattered. He wanted us to talk to each
other about all the significant moments to expect in our
marriage. How in the future we could experience both the
proudest and hardest of times, but as long as we can
communicate and keep faith in our hearts, we would get
through it all.
Before we knew it, it was the night before our wedding
and we were all at our Rehearsal. Father Jim had told us
he had a slight cough, but not to worry, he would deliver a
magnificent ceremony. The big day had come, and he
had kept his promise. He helped make our day perfect.
He gave such a beautiful sermon, friends and family commented on how kind, funny and touching his words had
been to them.
We returned from our Honeymoon early December and
had heard the sad news that Father Jim was hospitalized,
and, soon after had passed. We had and always will remember his guidance and insight from our Pre-Cana sessions.
He had left such an impression on us, that when we welcomed our first child this summer, we named him James,
as that name will always remind us of strength, humor,
and wisdom.
Religious Education Office
Mrs. Maggie Martin, Director
Telephone: 631-234-4040—Email:
Mrs. Jo Ann DiNardo, Principal
OLOP students began the year with a special mass celebrated
by Fr. Chris. Fr. Chris encouraged the students to bless their
parents, teachers, and friends to bring success, health, and
Next week marks the beginning of our Afterschool Dance and
Band Programs. Musical enjoyment is a wonderful part of life.
The dance group will focus on two types of music and the
moves associated with them. What a great way to exercise
and be healthy! In our Paul Effman band program, students
learn to make their own music with different instruments, such
as the clarinet, trombone, drums, bells, and saxophone.
These skills can be enjoyed for an entire lifetime and are
shown to benefit learning in the classroom.
The THF sponsored a LAPS FOR LEARNING event at Cedar
Creek Park in Seaford on Saturday, Oct 2nd. This was a fun
day filled with different walking and biking competitions. Our
school sponsored some of our students with dress-downs,
raffles, and a Carvel ice cream sale. Children and adults had a
wonderful time and all money is targeted to help students
attending Catholic schools.
Thanks for your generosity in collecting labels and boxtops for
our school. LAST YEAR WE RECEIVED OVER $500!
Please continue to save them for us. In the next few weeks,
we will have large plastic containers to collect them. We
appreciate all that you do for us!
Our school is once again registered at Stop and Shop’s “A+
Schools” Program. Just sign up at their website and register
your Stop and Shop card with our school number. IT WILL
donate a small percentage of your total payment to the school!
You MUST register EVERY YEAR for us to receive the
There are still a few seats available at Our Lady of
Providence , your regional school. If you are
interested, please call us for a visit and check out our
website, for more information.
Office hours for the week of October 10:
Monday, Oct. 11:
Tuesday, Oct. 12:
Wednesday, Oct. 13:
Thursday, Oct. 14:
Friday, Oct. 15:
Saturday, Oct. 16:
Sunday, Oct. 17:
11:00am – 4:00pm
9:00am – 4:00pm
11:30am – 3:00pm
Schedule of Classes for Week of Oct. 10:
Mon., Oct. 11:
Columbus Day
Wed., Oct. 13: Levels 1-7 Regular Session
4:45-6:00pm Chapel
Sat., Oct. 16: Levels 1-7 & Miss Sandy
Regular Session 8:30-945am
Or 10:30-11:45am
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, Oct. 23:
Confirmation Retreat
9:00am – 1:00pm
Large & Small Cafeteria
Sunday, Oct. 24:
Confirmation Robe Mass
Line up 10:45 am in
OLOP School Hall
Candidates & Sponsors
Monday, Oct. 25:
Confirmation Rehearsal
7:00pm Large Cafeteria
Candidates & Sponsors
Wednesday, Oct. 27: Celebration of
Sacrament of Confirmation
4:00pm Bishop Paul Walsh
will be the celebrant
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus
heals ten lepers but only one comes
back to thank him. Jesus said to
him: “Stand up and go, your faith
has saved you.”
The faith that saves is the recognition
that God acts in many ways on our behalf to
bring us salvation. We are healed each time
we put other ahead of ourselves. We are
healed each time we put others ahead of
ourselves. We are healed each time we give
thanks to God for the many blessings of each
day. By giving thanks we acknowledge our
own indebtedness—we are poor and
everything we are and are becoming is
because God has raised us up.
Have you considered answering the all
to help serve the poor by joining the Society of
St. Vincent de Paul? Our next meeting is
Tuesday, October 19th at 12:30PM in the
Conference Room of the Parish Center. We
welcome new members and can be reached
at 234-6535, ext. 103. Join us and become
what God has raised you up to be..
Atlantic CITY
resorts CASINO
October 25th
Departs: 9:00AM
(CIFD West Parking Lot)
Donation: $37.00 per person
$22.00 Casino Return
Must be 21 Years or Older
Tickets or Information:
Irene Miller at 234-8593
Benefit For: Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
Telephone: 234-1884
Ana Sullivan, Coordinator
Thank You
to all the parishioners that support our efforts to
help our community. It is with your support
that we are able to help many families in need.
The thrift store and the
food pantry will be
closed on October 11th
for the observance of
Columbus Day.
Our Thrift Store is open on Sundays
10:00 A.M to 2:00 PM
Come and browse around!
Thanksgiving Day is
approaching and we are
getting ready to serve our
Any family who would like to
receive a Thanksgiving Basket, please
stop at our Outreach Center to sign up.
We will start signing up on October 12th.
Our thrift store has a baby stroller
in very good condition and at a
very good price.
Our Food Pantry is very low
or out of the following items:
- Tuna
- Jelly
- Canned Meat
- Baby food
- Tomatoes Sauce - Canned Vegetables
- Peanut butter
- Beans
- Rice
- Mac & Cheese
Thank you and God Bless You
for your continued support.
Confraternity of Christian
Annual Halloween
Bake Sale
and 50/50
October 30th & October 31st
After All the
Your support will be
greatly appreciated. If you like to
bake and would like to help this
worthy cause, your donations
(cakes, breads, cookies, cupcakes
and other delicious desserts) will be
graciously accepted.
Proceeds go to our Christmas
Adopt-a-Family. With your help,
Christmas for less fortunate families
will be a little brighter.
RCIA– Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Need a Sacrament or Two?
We Can Help!
* Never Baptized but thinking about it
* Baptized in another Christian Faith
but thinking of joining us
* Baptized Catholic but missing
Communion or Confirmation
If you or someone you know is 18years
or older and needs any sacraments of
Initiation, please call Father Chris
or Deacon Ron.
We are in need of more
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Times and Places for all Ministry Training:
The next Training Sessions are:
In Suffolk:
“A” Session
October 16th, 2010—9AM to 1PM
Bishop McGann-Mercy High School,
“B” Session
October 23rd, 2010—9AM to 1PM
Bishop McGann-Mercy High School,
Evening Training Sessions at:
Christ the King in Commack
Session “A” October 19th—7:30PM –10PM
Session “B” October 26th—7:30PM –10PM
If you are interested, please call:
Father Chris or Deacon Ron
Mark Your Calendar
 October 15th – Night at the Races—
6:PM Food—7:00PM Post Time
Proceeds divided between Knight of Columbus
and St. John of God Parish
 October 17th – Lunch at
“CARRABBA’S” — 12:30PM to 3PM
Cost: $25.00 per person. Sponsored by the
Ministry to Catholics of African Ancestry.
Proceeds go for Scholarships & Parish
October 19th – Society of St. Vincent
de Paul – 12:30PM -- Monthly meeting in
the Conference Room of the Parish Center.
are welcome!!!
October 21st – Evening of Prayer Led
by Msgr. James McNamara This is for all
individuals mourning the death of Fr. Jim.
Time to be announced.
October 30th-31st – Conf. of Christian
Mothers Annual Halloween Bake Sale—
Your support will be greatly appreciated. If you
wish to donate baked goods, please drop them in
the School Lobby before Mass.
 November 1st – Confraternity of
Christian Mothers will hold their monthly
Meeting at 7:30 PM in the Small Cafeteria of the
School. All women of the parish are invited.
 November 14th – Holy Name Society
– 8:00AM -- Members will gather at the
8:00AM Mass with their monthly meeting to follow
in the Small Cafeteria of the School. All welcome!!!
 November 14th – Ministry to
Catholics of African Ancestry will hold
their monthly Meeting at 12Noon in Room 11 of
Our Lady of Providence School. All are invited.
 November 25th – Thanksgiving Mass
10:30AM (Bilingual) in the Chapel.
All are invited to this very special Mass.
What better way to begin your Thanksgiving Day.
 December 9th – 7:30 to 9:00PM –
Evening of Advent Renewal In the Chapel
led by the Cenacle Sisters –
 December 18th – Anniversary Mass
in Remembrance of Father Jim’s death.
Bishop William Murphy will be the principal
celebrant. Please send in your “Memories of Father
Jim” to share with the parish.
Adult Choir Rehearsal Schedule:
October 13th
October 20th
October 27th
November 3rd
November 10th
November 17th
November 24th
December 1
December 8
-- 7:30PM in the Chapel
-- 7:30PM in the Chapel
-- 7:30PM in the Chapel
-- 7:30PM in the Chapel
-- 7:30PM in the Chapel
-- 7:30PM in the Chapel
Children’s Choir Schedule:
October 14th
-- 7:00PM in the Chapel
October 21st
-- 7:00PM in the Chapel
October 28th
November 4th -- 7:00PM in the Chapel
November 7th…… SING—at Sunday Mass
November 11th -- 7:00PM in the Chapel
November 18th -- 7:00PM in the Chapel
November 25th -- NO REHEARSAL
November 25th -- SING—10:00AM Mass
December 2
-- 7:00PM in the Chapel
December 5
-- SING—at Sunday Mass
December 9
Parking, Parking,
St. John of God Parishioners are
now able to park inside the gate by
the school and the Hockey Rink to
attend Mass. Lines will be painted
to delineate parking spaces. Please
know that Hockey games will not
begin until 11:00am on Sunday.
Public Square Rosary Crusade
October 16, 2010 — 12:00Noon
Saint John of God Church
Join the Public Square Rosary Crusade Today
More Information, call: Joan at 342-0795
Please bring a Chair!!!
Thanks for your generosity in
collecting labels and boxtops
for our school. Last year we
received over $500! Please
continue to save them for us.
In the next few weeks, we will
have large plastic containers
to collect them.
You can also register your
Target credit card in the Take
Charge of Education Program
at\tcoe . Click
on “Enroll”, and follow directions for
registering. Thank you for your
support. We appreciate all that you do
for us!
Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors
We need more parishioners
to serve in these ministries.
Our Lord is calling you to
help serve at
his Mass.
Speak to Fr. Chris
or Deacon Ron.
We Pray:
O God, kindly watch over those
exposed to the dangers of military life.
Give them such strong faith that
nothing may ever lead them to deny it
or fear to practice it.
Fortify them by your grace against the contagion of
bad example, so that, preserved from vice and
serving you faithfully, they may be ready to meet
death if it should come.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, inspire them
with sorrow for sin and grant them pardon.
Mary, our Mother, be with them in battle,
and should they be called upon to make
the supreme sacrifice, obtain for them the
grace to die in the love of your Divine son.
Saint Joseph, pray for them. Amen.
Maria Regina Residence
Volunteers Needed
Maria Regina Residence, a sponsored ministry of
the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Brentwood, invites
you to share this ministry with us as a volunteer.
Our ministry is to those women and men,
Religious and Lay, in need of skilled nursing care.
We have many areas of need and would be
grateful to each of you who recognizes and
accepts the challenge and joy of becoming a
volunteer. If you are interested in sharing this
ministry with us, please contact Sister Rita
Epilone, Volunteer Coordinator, at 299-3288
Rev. Rogan / Fr. John P. Halpin
Knights of Columbus Council #1816
62 Carleton Av, Central Islip
Hall Rentals For All Occasions
Call us at: 348-3507
Rev. Rogan / Fr. John P. Halpin
Knights of Columbus Council #1816
62 Carleton Av, Central Islip
Telephone: 631-348-3507
2nd & 4th Tuesday
of each month At 7:00PM
New Members Always Welcome
October 13th
Shrine of
Our Lady of the Island,
Manorville, N.Y.
Stations of the Cross
Holy Mass
Speaker —
Janice T. Connell*
3:00PM - Benediction
*Janice T. Connell, author of: THE SECRETS OF
most compelling and spiritual book yet.
Catholic Charities
Your opinion is valuable to
Catholic Charities.
Catholic Charities is conducting a very brief,
confidential survey among Catholics on Long
Island. In appreciation for your input, an
anonymous donor has pledged $10.00 to Meals
on Wheels for L.I. Senior Citizens for each of the
survey responses. By simply providing your
opinion, you can make a big difference! To
participate, please visit the web address below
by October 15th. Thank You!
Celebrate Marriage Afternoon
Sunday, Oct. 17, 2010 at
Shrine of Our Lady of the Island
from 1:30 to 4:00PM
For More Information, Call: 631-728-4165
Somos La Parroquia de San Juan de Dios - comprometidos a La Fe, La Familia, y La Comunidad!
Para Acoger….Para Alabar
Para Crecer….Para Servir
Cantidad total de los compromisos
Cantidad total de los pagos
¿Sabe que puede comprar cosas muy baratas pero buenas en la tienda a lado del Outreach
todos los domingos entre 10:00AM Y 2:00PM?
Venga y mire a lo que tenemos.Quizas pueda encontrarun regalo para navidad o cumpliaños.
También tenemos plumas, lapices, carpetas, y otra
material que se usa en la escuela—todo a un buen
Nuestra extendida lección sobre el ser discípulo continua este fin de semana enfocando lo central que es el agradecimiento en la vida cristiana. Escuchamos relatos sobre extranjeros que tienen el poder sanador y limpiador del Dios de Israel y dan gracias al Señor. En el episodio de hoy proveniente del
libro de Reyes, el profeta Eliseo cura al extranjero
llamado Naamán de su lepra. Naamán vuelve para
darle las gracias a Eliseo y promete adorar únicamente al Dios de Israel de ahí en adelante. El Evangelio presenta el relato de la cura de los diez leprosos. Es el samaritano –también un extranjero– que
retorna para darle gracias a Jesús y dar gloria y alabanza a Dios. “El Señor da a conocer su victoria, revela a las naciones su justicia”, canta el salmista.
“Aclama al Señor…griten, vitoreen, toquen” (Salmo
98:2, 4).
Lunes: Ga 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 -- 5:1; Lc 11:29-32
Martes:Ga 5:1-6; Lc 11:37-41
Miércoles:Ga 5:18-25; Lc 11:42-46
Jueves: Ef 1:1-10; Lc 11:47-54
Viernes:Ef 1:11-14; Lc 12:1-7
Sábado:Ef 1:15-23; Lc 12:8-12
Domingo:Ex 17:8-13; Sal 121(120);
2 Tim 3:14 -- 4:2; Lc 18:1-8
Hombres: 14 a 17 de Octubre
Mujeres: 18 a 21 de Noviembre
El cursillo le da la oportunidad para un encuentro personal con Cristo. Si tiene
interés favor de comunicarse con un
miembro de la Ultreya o con
Digna Sandí-(631)664-3765 —vocal o
Dolores Marte (631) 342-9185 —sub-vocal.
Ministros de la Eucaristia, Lectores, Acomodadores, Líderes de las Misas,etc.
Además de la explicación del procedimiento nuevo. Va a tener la oportunidad
de firmar las fechas cuando puede server.
No se olivide.
El lunes 11 de octubre todas las oficinas
están cerradas
From Fr. Chris N.:
The central theme of today’s readings is the expression of gratitude expected from us.
Today’s gospel presents a God who desires gratitude from us for the many blessings we
receive from Him, and who feels pain at our ingratitude. Today’s gospel story tells us of a
single gentile leper (a “Samaritan heretic”) who returned to thank Jesus for healing him,
while the nine Jewish lepers went their way under the false impression that healing was
their right as God’s chosen people. “Where are the other nine?” Jesus asked the gentile
leper. Today’s readings also remind us that faith and healing go hand in hand. It was faith
that prompted Naaman to plunge himself into the waters of the Jordan River, and it was
faith in Jesus which prompted the lepers to present themselves to the priests. The readings
also demonstrate the universal love of God for all peoples including the Samaritans whom
Israelites hated and the pagans, the enemies of Israel whom Naaman represented.
We express our gratitude to our loving God by offering grace before meals and by
allotting a few minutes of the day for family prayer. Let us show our gratitude to our
forgiving God by forgiving others and to a loving God by radiating His love, mercy and
compassion to others. It is by taking good care of our old and sick parents that we express
our gratitude for the sacrifice they endured in raising us up. Let us live with the attitude of
gratitude towards our friends, teachers, doctors, for the countless gifts we have received
from them.
God’s Blessings Always, Fr. Chris N
De Padre Chris. N.
El tema central de las lecturas de hoy es la expresión de gratitud esperada de
nosotros. El Evangelio de hoy presenta a un Dios que desea la gratitud de nosotros por las
multitudes de bendiciones que hemos recibido de Él, y que se siente el dolor a nuestra
ingratitud. El cuento del Evangelio de hoy nos dice de un leproso gentil (‘un hereje
samaritana”) que regresó a dar gracias a Jesús por la curación mientras los nueve judíos
se fueron bajo la impresión falsa que la curación que ellos experimentaron fue su derecho
como la gente elegida por Dios. “¿Dónde están los otros nueve? Jesús preguntó al leproso
gentil. Las lecturas de hoy nos recuerden que la fe y la curación van juntas. Fue la fe que
indujo que Naamán se zambulló en las aguas del Río Jordan, y fue la fe en Jesús que
indujo que los leprosos se presentaran a los sacerdotes. También las lecturas muestran el
amor universal de Dios para todas las personas incluido los samaritanos que los cuales los
israelitas odiaron, y los paganos, los enemigos de Israel que fue representado por Naamán
Expresamos nuestra gratitud al Dios amoroso a través de dar gracias a Dios antes
las comidas y por asignar algunos minutos del día para oración como familia. Déjanos
mostrar nuestra gratitud a nuestro Dios indulgente por dando nuestro perdón a los otros y
a un Dios amoroso por irradiando su amor, su misericordia y compasión a los otros .Es por
cuidar lo mejor que podemos de nuestros padres enfermos y viejos que expresamos
nuestra gratitud por los sacrificios que ellos soportaron cuando nos criaron. Déjanos vivir
con la actitud de gratitud hacia nuestros amigos, maestros, doctores por los dones
innumerables que hemos recibido de ellos.
Las Bendiciones de Dios Siempre, P. Chris. N.