saint john of god parish
saint john of god parish
SAINT JOHN OF GOD PARISH 84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722 Phone: 234-6535 * Fax: 234-7474 * Email: SJOGNO1@AOL.COM Website: Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor Pastoral Staff Rev. Humberto Contreras, Associate Pastor Sr. Valerie Scholl, CSJ, Pastoral Associate / Admin. Dcn. Ronald J. Gillette Sr. Claudia Allen, CSJ, Apostolado Hispano Dcn. Frank Gariboldi Mrs. Maggie Martin, Religious Education Mrs. Patricia Walsh, Cemetery Secretary Mrs. Ana Sullivan, Parish Social Ministry Coordinator Mrs. Eleanor Gould, Music Ministry Parish Center: 234-6535 Religious Education: 234-4040 Outreach Office: 234-1884 Cemetery Office: 234-6535 x135 Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 9AM – 4:30 PM Sunday: 9 AM – 2 PM (Mass Cards) Emergency Sick Calls Any Time Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5 PM Chapel Sunday: 8 AM Church 9:30 AM Church 11:00 AM Chapel Weekday Masses Monday – Saturday: 9 AM Church Devotions Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday at 9 AM Mass Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM in the Church or by appointment. Please call the Parish Center. Baptism: 1st and 3rd Sunday at 2 PM. Parents must register at the Parish Center at least 1 month before the baptism. Marriage: Those wishing to be married must make arrangements at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Center. Our Lady of Providence Regional School Pre-K (4 yrs.) through 8th Grade 234-1113 or 234-6324 Principal: Mrs. JoAnn DiNardo March 20, 2011 Apostolado Hispano 234-6535 x 106 Equipo Pastoral Que Habla Español Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor Rev. Humberto Contreras, Pastor Asociado Hna. Claudia Allen, CSJ Sra. Ana Sullivan, Ministerio Social Misas En Español Sábado: 7:00 PM Capilla Domingo: 9:30 AM Capilla 12:30 PM Capilla Martes: 7:30 PM Capilla Sacramentos Bautizos en Español: 2ndo y 4tro Domingo de cada mes, 2 PM Los padres de los niños deben ir a la oficina antes de inscribirlos. Llame 234-6535 x 106 para una cita. Confesiones: Los sábados a las 4:00 PM Primera Comunión y Confirmación: Niños de 6 hasta los 17años deben asistir a las clases de Educación Religiosa de acuerdo a su edad. Llame: 234-4040 Sacramentos Para Los Adultos: (18 años en adelante) Llame 234-6535 x 106 para más información. Las clases para los adultos son los domingos a las 11 AM. Matrimonio: Inscribirse 6 meses antes de la fecha de al boda. Llame: 234- 6535 para hablar con un miembro del Equipo Pastoral que habla español. Nuestra Señora de la Providencia Escuela Católica Pre-K (4 años) hasta 8vo grado 234-1113 o 234-6324 Principale: Mrs. JoAnn DiNardo Second Sunday of Lent Mass Intentions for the Week of March 20th: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday – – – – – – – – 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 5:00PM 8:00AM – 9:30AM – 11:00AM – In honor of B.V.M. – Thomas Brennan – Lorraine Lizama – Patrick A. Murphy – Giulio Bazzuro – Mary & Joseph McDonough – Norris J. Thompson – Those Enrolled in the Society of Prayer – People of St. John of God – William Leach READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday, March 21st – Dn 9:4b-10; Lk 6:36-38 9:00AM – Daily Mass – Tuesday, March 22nd – Is 1:10,16-20; Mt 23:1-12 9:00AM – Daily Mass 7:30PM – Misa en Español – (Capilla) STEWARDSHIP 2011 CHANGE Lent is all about change and change is usually not easy. In order to change we have to leave something behind. Today we hear about a very old man who decides to answer God’s call. Abram experiences a tremendous amount of change when he leaves everything behind, risking it all for God’s promise. Jesus changes, is transfigured, right before the eyes of his disciples. The Lenten scriptures issue the call for us to change, to be transfigured, so that we, too, will soon share in the glory of God. What is it that the Lord is asking us to leave behind? Are we willing to take the risk for the promise made by God? These questions are at the heart of the Lenten journey of conversion. Wednesday, March 23rd – Saint Toribio de Mogrovejo, bishop Jer 18:18-20; Mt 20:17-28 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE LORD Weekend of March 12th / 13th 9:00AM – Daily Mass – 2011 Sunday Collection 2010 Sunday Collection Thursday, March 24th – Jer 17:5-10; Lk 16:19-31 9:00AM – Daily Mass – Friday, March 25th – The Annunciation of the Lord Is 7:10-14,8-10; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 9:00 AM – Daily Mass – $ 7,993.00 $ 6,189.00 MASS ATTENDANCE 5:00PM (English) — 117 7:00PM (Spanish) — 112 8:00AM (English) — 67 9:30AM (English) — 92 9:30AM (Spanish) — 345 11:00AM (English) — 243 12:30PM (Spanish) — 398 Saturday, March 26th – Mi 7:14-15,18-20; Lk 15:1-3,11-32 9:00 AM – Daily Mass 5:00 PM – Vigil Mass 7:00 PM – Misa en Español Restoring the Glory…. Sunday, March 27th – Third Sunday of Lent Ex 17:3-7; Rom 5:1-2,5-8; Jn 4:5-42 8:00AM 9:30AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 12:30PM – Mass – English – Mass – English – Misa en Español – Mass – English – Misa en Español – – – – – (Church) (Church) (Capilla) (Chapel) (Capilla) to welcome…to worship… to grow…to serve… GIFTS OF TREASURE SHARED Pledge Report: $1,291,259.75 Total Paid to Date: $ 1,155,506.75 Balance: $ 135,753.00 WE ARE SAINT JOHN OF GOD PARISH - COMMITTED TO FAITH, FAMILY, AND COMMUNITY! Bread & Wine Memorial for This Week: In Loving Memory Of: Mary & Joseph McDonough Requested By: Rose Brennan ATTENTION ALL: MASS TEAM CAPTAINS, LECTORS and EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS For English Masses SPECIAL MEETING Remember in your thoughts and prayers, the Sick of the Parish... Caroline Acciarito Joseph Acciarito Jacob Aceiedo Angelo Cristiano Helen Boeke William Campbell Russell Carter Sandy Comito Gerri Eshun Marie Ferdon Ron Gillette II Carol Hemmerich Catherine Hennessy Elaine O’Mara Hulbert Karen Kelly Eileen Lamanna Kathleen Lamanna Eddie Linz Gerolyn Diaz Martinez Judith McEvoy Mike Meola, Sr. Josh Mouzakes Liz Mouzakes Carmen Ramos Janette D. Reilly Grabiel Rivera George Santiago John Santiago Marie Shay Linda Smith Stanley Tesoro George Tintugo Louis Vavosa Joseph Vereline,Jr. Mary Weber Barbara Warfield Timmy Warfield Healthy Sunday April 10, 2011 9AM to 12:30PM Offering education and information for your health and well-being FREE BLOOD PRESSURE AND DIABETES SCREENINGS Our Lady of Providence School Cafeteria *Refreshments will be served* 631-465-6304 Saturday, April 9th—12 Noon There will be a special meeting for all Mass Team Captains. Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers in the Church. Please make every effort to attend. Father Chris CHOIR Rehearsal SCHEDULES: Adult Choir Wednesday 7:30PM in the Chapel: March 23rd April 6th April 13th April 20th April 27th May 4th May 11th** May 8th May 25th June 1st June 8th June 15th June 22nd Children’s Choir Thursday 7:00-8:00PM in the Chapel March 24th March 31st April 3rd Sing April 7th April 14th April 21st** April 28th May 1st May 5th May 12th May 19th May 26th June 2nd June 5th ** NO REHEARSAL Sing Sing Religious Education Office Mrs. Maggie Martin, Director Telephone: 631-234-4040-Email: Office hours for week of March 21: Monday, Mar. 21 Tuesday, Mar. 22 Wednesday, Mar. 23 Thursday, Mar. 24: Friday, Mar. 25: Saturday, Mar. 26: Sunday, Mar. 27: 1:00pm – 6:00pm 11:00am – 4:00pm 1:00pm – 6:00pm CLOSED CLOSED 10:00am – 12:30pm CLOSED Schedule of Classes: Week of March 21: Mon., Mar. 21: Level 8 7:00 – 8:15pm RCIC 7:00 – 8:00pm Regular Session/Chapel Wed., Mar. 23: Levels 1 – 7 4:45 – 6:00pm & Regular Session/Chapel Sat., Mar. 26: Levels 1 – 7 & Miss Sandy 8:30–9:45am/10:30–11:45am Regular Sessions/Chapel Upcoming Events: Wednesday, March 23, 5:00pm – 6:30pm First Holy Communion Religious Articles Sale We will be selling religious articles for First Holy Communion in the school hall. Cash is preferred, but checks payable to St. John of God are acceptable. Items are cash and carry and will be available ONLY on March 23. “The Passion Narratives” All are welcome to join us as we break open sacred scripture and reflect on the Passion of Jesus Christ. Two sessions will be offered in order to accommodate all that would like to make this a part of their personal observance of Lent. Contact Maggie Martin at 234-4040 to register. Monday evenings from 5:30pm – 6:45pm Discussion & video in the School Library (March 14, 21, 28, April 5 & 12) OR Tuesday mornings from 9:45am – 11:00am Discussion & video in the Chapel (March 15, 22, 29, April 5 & 12) Second Week Jesus Taken Captive, Jesus Before Council, Peter’s Denial, Jesus Delivered to Pilate, The Death of Judas Read Matthew 26:47-75 / 27: 1-10, Mark 14:4372 / 15: 1, Luke 22: 47 -71 / 23: 1, John 18: 1-27 The discussion will include: Who led the large crowd to Jesus in the garden? What sign did he use to betray Jesus? Why was Jesus arrested? What does this say about His relationship with the chief priests and elders? How do the different Gospels portray the scene? Which Gospel does the film most closely draw from? Does the visual help you to better understand Jesus and His relationship to the Father? How did the disciples respond? How did Jesus respond? After the arrest, how did Jesus’ followers feel? What did they do? Who remained closest to Jesus? How would YOU have responded, given the circumstances and known punishment of that time? Who best represents YOU in the narratives? What is the significance of Peter’s denial in context of the Last Supper? Which Gospel gives an account of the death of Judas? What do you feel when you watch this scene compared to reading about it? If you attended last year, please do not hesitate to join us again this year. Each time we break open the Word, it speaks to us for the times that we are currently experiencing. Our Lord, Jesus Christ gave His life for our salvation. Let us take time during Lent to reflect on that great sacrifice. . “The Acts of the Apostles” In the Easter Season, Maggie Martin will offer a scripture study course on “The Acts of the Apostles”. It has been suggested that we offer this 5 week course leading up to Pentecost on Tuesdays, beginning May 10 from 11:00am – 12:15 pm in the Chapel. Your input would be appreciated. If interested, please contact Maggie Martin at 234-4040. Telephone: 234-6324 Visit us at: Mrs. Jo Ann DiNardo, Principal A Piece of Providence Registration Registration for new families is now open. If you would like to register, please call the school at 234-6324 or call for an appointment to get a tour. Open House If you missed our Open House, tours can be arranged by appointment. Call the school office at 2346324 (9:30AM to 2PM) if you are interested. OPEN HOUSE Report Cards Report Cards went home with the students last Wednesday. On Thursday, parents had the opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss their progress. The Kindergarten classes at Our Lady of Providence have been working very hard on a variety of different topics in their classes. They celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday by reading his books and completing the theme by making a lovely hat! The Kindergarten classes have also been studying measurement and are using things like plastic frogs, rulers, and cubes to measure. Mrs. Wolter worked with the 6th grade to put together a play in honor of Black History Month. The play taught students how African American’s fought for their civil rights. Keep up to date with current events and individual class information by visiting our school website at Our website can be translated by scrolling down FUNDRAISING - -SHOP TIL’ YOU DROP! There are many ways to help Our Lady of Providence just by shopping! Visit our School Store at http:// to see some items you can purchase as class souvenirs -mousepads, mugs, and shirts. Sign up at Stop and Shop and Boxtops for Education so we can benefit from your shopping for food. Lastly, register at Boxtops for Education marketplace and shop at JCPenney’s & other great stores! Please register at Stop and Shop ( so the store will give us a percentage of the money you spend on groceries. You do not pay any EXTRA money but they will give the school a donation based on sales. You can shop at any Stop and Shop. YOU MUST REGISTER AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH SCHOOL YEAR. Just go to their website put in your information and your Stop and Shop card number. It is so easy! Box Tops for Education & Campbell Soup Labels & Empty Inkjets. Please place the above items in the collection basket or drop them off at the Parish Office. Box Tops for Education are many products Please check your purchases for the box tops. We also collect Labels for Education. We get 10cents for each Box Top Coupon. With your help, we have received over $4,600.00 since we started collecting. Thank you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated. EMPTY INKJETS ACCEPTED! Society of St. Vincent de Paul 234-6535, ext. 103 In the Gospel, Jesus is transfigured and a voice from Heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am will pleased. Listen to him.” Christian living is about being touched by Jesus and in bettering the lives of others. We don't “build tents”, we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, touch the downhearted, visit the lonely, encourage the discouraged, and bring the tenderness of Christ to persons who are destitute and forgotten. St. Vincent often said: “Let us love God, my brothers, let us love God. But let it be with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brow.” In this way Christ touches others through us. Do we listen to Jesus when he asks us to take care of our brothers and sisters who are suffering? You gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will help the poor to celebrate the grace of God’s love this Easter. ATLANTIC CITY resorts CASINO PARISH OUTREACH OFFICE Telephone: 234-1884 Ana Sullivan, Coordinator Our FOOD PANTRY is very low or out of the following items: -Oatmeal --Rice (1 or 2Lb.) -Canned Potatoes --Canned Fruit -Pasta Sauce (24oz) -Tomato Sauce -Canned Vegetables (Small Cans) -Pancake Mix & Syrup Thank you for your continued generosity in keeping our shelves from going bare. THRIFT SHOP BAG SALE $5:00 Starting March 21st. All Winter Clothes On Sale! April 25th (Monday) Departs: 9:00AM (CIFD West Parking Lot) Donation: $37.00 per person $22.00 Casino Return Must be 21 Years or Older Tickets or Information: Irene Miller at 234-8593 Benefit For: Society of Saint Vincent WANTED We need volunteers willing to help us in the Thrift Shop, Food Pantry and at the Desk. We will train. For more information, please contact the Outreach office. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED SE BUSCAN Necesitamos voluntarios dispuestos a ayudarnos en la tienda de Mercado Barato, Despensa de Alimentos, y en el Mostrador. Vamos a entrenar. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con la oficina del Centro Comunitario. From Father Chris: Your Favorite and Most Meaningful Prayer Here in the Bulletin to Share. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we each shared our favorite and most meaningful prayers, spiritual poems, and religious articles with the entire community. If you would like to do so please submit your prayers, poems, and articles to Fr. Chris by bringing them to the Parish Office or emailing them to: or Please keep in mind that depending on space, content, and the amount of prayers submitted, that not all may make it into the bulletin. You can submit them anonymously or with your name. Prayers: A Soldiers Prayer Look, God I have never spoken to you before But now I want to say “How do you do?” You see God, they told me You didn’t exist And like a fool I believed all this. Last night from a shell hole I saw Your sky, I figured right then they had told me a lie. Had I taken time to see things You made I’d have known they weren’t calling a spade a spade. I wonder God if you’d shake my hand, Somehow I feel that You will understand. Funny I had to come to this Hellish place Before I had time to see Your face. Well I guess there isn’t much more to say, But I am sure glad, God, I met You today. I guess the zero hour will soon be here I am not afraid since I know You are here. The signal! Well God, I’ll have to go, I like You lots, this I want You to know. Look now this will be a horrible fight, Who knows I may come to Your house tonight? Though I wasn’t friendly to You before, I wonder, God, if You’d wait at Your door. Look, I am crying! Me shedding tears! I wish I had known You these many years, Well I have to go now, God, good-bye! Since I met You, I’m not afraid to die. Found on the body of an American soldier killed in action Mark Your Calendar March 25th — Soup Supper – 6:30PM Knights of Columbus Hall — Process to Church for Bilingual Stations of the Cross. March 31st — Holy Hour – 7:00PM (English) in Church. April 4th — Penance Service – 7:00PM (English) in the Chapel April 7th — Seder Supper – 7:00PM (English) in Small Cafeteria of the School April 16th — Vigil of Palm Sunday – Masses in Chapel: 5:00PM English 7:00PM Spanish April 17th — Palm Sunday – Masses in Chapel: 5PM English / 7PM Spanish English Masses: 8AM / 9:30AM Church 11AM — Chapel Spanish Masses: 9:30AM / 12:30PM Capilla 12:30PM — Iglesia May 9th, 10th, 11th — Parish Mission with Father Cedric Watch the bulletin for more information Thank you! Level 7 2011 Annual Blanket & Coat Drive The students in Level 7 Religious Education classes would like to thank the parishioners for their overwhelming generosity. This year’s drive was the largest collection yet! Thank you to all for your commitment to our community. All Are Welcome To: A Lenten Soup Supper Offered by St. John of God Parish & the Knights of Columbus Friday, March 25, 2011—6:30PM At Knights of Columbus Hall At 7:45PM we will process to St. John of God Church for bilingual Stations of the Cross at 8:00PM Todos Están Bienvenidos: Una Cena De Sopa Patrocinado por San Juan de Dios y Los Caballeros de Colon Viernes, 25 de Marzo—6:30PM Salón de los Caballeros de Colón A las 7:45 vamos a caminar en procesión al templo para El Vía Crucis bilingüe as las 8:00PM Price: $5 per chance or 5 chances for $20. Drawing and Winners PRIZES: Announced 1st prize: 42” Flat Screen T.V. May 6, 2011 2nd prize: Lap Top Computer 3rd prize: Kindle 4th prize: GPS Somos La Parroquia de San Juan de Dios - comprometidos a La Fe, La Familia, y La Comunidad! RESTAURANDO LA GLORIA Para Acoger….Para Alabar Para Crecer….Para Servir Cantidad total de los Compromisos $ 1,291,259.75 Cantidad total de los Pagos $ 1,155,506.75 CENA DE SOPA, PROCESIÓN Y EL VIA CRUCIS CAMBIO Cuaresma es cambio y cambiar no es fácil. Para poder cambiar debemos dejar algo atrás. Hoy escuchamos acerca de un hombre muy viejo que decide responder al llamado de Dios. Abram atraviesa por una tremenda cantidad de cambios cuando todo lo deja y lo arriesga por la promesa de Dios. Jesús cambia, se transfigura, justo delante de los ojos de sus discípulos. Las escrituras en Cuaresma nos llaman a cambiar, a ser transfigurados, para que también nosotros pronto participemos en la gloria de Dios. ¿Qué nos pide Dios dejar atrás? ¿Estamos dispuestos a arriesgarlo todo por la promesa que Dios hace? Estas son las preguntas centrales en el camino de conversión de la Cuaresma. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Dn 9:4b-10; Lc 6:36-38 Martes: Is 1:10, 16-20; Mt 23:1-12 Miércoles: Jer 18:18-20; Mt 20:17-28 Jueves: Jer 17:5-10; Lc 16:19-31 Viernes: Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Heb 10:4-10; Lc 1:26-38 Sábado: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Lc 15:1-3, 11-32 Domingo: Ex 17:3-7; Sal 95 (94); Rom 5:1-2, 5-8; Jn 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42] ENCONTRANDO EL CIELO Quién no ha encontrado el cielo –aquí abajo– No lo encontrará arriba– Los Ángeles alquilan la casa junto a nos, Doquiera nos mudemos– VIERNES, 25 DE MARZO, 6:30 PM Este viernes a las 6:30 PM, habrá una cena de sopa en el salón de los Caballeros de Colón, 62 Avenida Carleton. Después, vamos a procesar los tres bloques a nuestra Iglesia y el Padre Chris, nuestro Pastor, va a conducirnos en el Vía Crucis bilingüe a las 8:00 PM. Venga y traiga a un amigo. Avisos de los Cursillos de Cristiandad Para las mujeres el Cursillo de Cristiandad tendrá lugar en abril los días 14-17. Llame a 631-664-3765 para más información. Cada domingo después de la misa a las 9:30 AM, hay una reunión de los hombres y mujeres que ya hicieron el Cursillo. Vale la pena hablar con ellos. Movimiento Familiar Cristiana Católica Si quiere mejorar la relación entre la familia y Dios debe recibir información sobre este movimiento. Favor de llamar a Hilda y Javier Rivera a 870-9842 o Alberto Y Margarita Roman a 682-4986. LOS JOVENES Cada viernes a las 7:00 de la noche, los jovenes se reúnen en la cafetería. Si está entre 14 años y 21 años están invitados a participar. Venga y traiga a un amigo. From Fr. Chris N.: The common theme of today’s readings is metamorphosis or transformation. The readings invite us to work with the assistance of the Holy Spirit to transform our lives by renewing them during Lent, and to radiate the grace of the transfigured Lord around us by our Spirit-filled lives. The transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain reminds us that the way of the cross leads to resurrection and eternal life, and that the purpose of Lent is to help us to enter into those mysteries. The second reading, from St. Paul’s second letter to Timothy, explains the type of Lenten transformation expected of us. Today’s gospel describes Jesus’ transfiguration during prayer on a mountain. This transfiguration moment gives the disciples the encouragement they need to continue on. The transfiguration offers us a message of hope and encouragement. In moments of doubt and during feelings of despair, the expectation of our transformation in heaven helps us to reach out to God and listen to His consoling words: “This is my beloved son/daughter in whom I am well pleased.” We need these 'mountain-top’ experiences in our own lives to encourage us along on our journey through Lent and our journey of conversion. We can share experiences like those of Peter, James and John when we spend some extra time in prayer and help others sacrificially during Lent. God’s Blessings Always, Fr. Chris N. De Padre Chris. N.: El tema común de las lecturas de hoy es metamorfosis o transformación. Las lecturas nos invitan a trabajar con la ayuda del Espíritu Santo a transformar nuestras vidas por renovándolas durante Cuaresma y irradiar la gracia del Señor transfigurado alrededor de nosotros por nuestras vidas llenas del Espíritu. La transfiguración de Jesús en la montaña nos recuerda que el camino de la cruz conduce a la resurrección y la vida eternal y que el propósito de Cuaresma es ayudarnos a entrar en estos misterios. La segunda lectura de la carta de San Pablo a Timoteo, explica el tipo de la transformación Cuaresmal esperado de nosotros. El Evangelio de hoy describe la transfiguración de Jesús durante la oración en la montaña. Este momento transfigurado da a los discípulos el ánimo que necesitan para continuar. La transfiguración nos ofrece un mensaje de esperanza y animo. En los momentos de duda y durante los sentimientos de desesperación, la expectativa de nuestra transformación en el cielo nos ayuda extendernos a Dios y escuchar a Sus palabras consoladoras, “Este es mi Hijo/hija muy amado en quien tengo puestas mis complacencias.” Necesitamos estas experiencias de la cima de la montaña en nuestras propias vidas para animarnos en el camino por Cuaresma y en nuestro camino de la conversión. Podemos compartir las experiencias como las de San Pedro, Santiago y Juan cuando pasemos alguno tiempo extra en la oración y cuando hagamos un sacrificio en gastar nuestro tiempo por ayudar a los otros durante Cuaresma. Bendiciones de Dios Siempre, Padre Chris N.
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saint john of god parish
84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722
Phone: 234-6535 * Fax: 234-7474 * Email: SJOGNO1@AOL.COM
Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pasto...