OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CATHOLIC CHURCH 15801 N.W. 67th Avenue (305) 558-2202 (Office) Miami Lakes, FL 33014 (305) 558-2631 (Fax) www.ollnet.com (Website) Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 Sacramental Schedules Sunday Masses 5:00PM Vigil (English) 8:00AM (Español) 9:30AM (English) 11:00AM (English) 12:45PM (Español) 5:30PM (English) 7:00PM (Español) Daily Mass Monday - Saturday Monday - Saturday 7:00AM (Español) 8:30AM (English) Confessions Saturday 3:30PM - 4:30PM Baptisms Weddings Sunday 2:30PM All Months except July Arrange 6 weeks prior Arrange 9 - 12 months prior CLERGY & Staff General Information Very Rev. José Alvarez, V.F. Rev. Peter Lambert Pastor Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Roger Currier Rev. Mr. Carlos Ramírez Rev. Mr. Al Mindel Rev. Mr. Pablo Fernández Rev. Mr. Juan Gonzalez Rectory Hours Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 12:00PM / 1:00PM - 8:00PM Saturday 9:00AM - 12:00PM / 1:00PM - 3:30PM Sunday 9:00AM - 2:00PM Mrs. Josefina Vázquez & Mrs. Rosa Diaz Gift Shop Hours Sr. Helene Kloss, OP Mr. David Shannon & Mr. John Prats Monday - Friday 7:30AM - 4:30PM Saturday & Sunday Half Hour before & after each Mass Religious Education Classes Wednesday 4:15PM - 5:45PM & 7:00PM - 8:30PM Saturday 9:00AM - 10:30AM Religious Education Directress (Ext. 625) & Religious Education Assistant (Ext. 628) Mrs. Marlene Arca -Del Pozo Office Manager & Weddings (Ext. 637) Music Ministry Directors (Ext. 618 & 619) Mrs. Elsa Reus Community Relations & Alumni Director (Ext. 616) Mrs. Rosa Gangi & Mrs. Fay Stephens Gift Shop Managers (Ext. 671) OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CATHOLIC SCHOOL 6600 Miami Lakeway North (305) 362-5315 (Office) Miami Lakes, FL (305) 362-4573 (Fax) 33014 www.ollnet.com (Website) Open Registration for 2016-2017 School Year A Catholic School Committed to the Gospel Message PK 2 – 8th grade VPK Accepted Please call Adriana Davis in the Main Office at 305.362.5315 Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School is a Christ centered educational community that is committed to the fullness of the Gospel message. We strive to develop each child’s spiritual, academic, social, and physical potential. For more information about our school, you may visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OurLadyoftheLakesCatholicSchool Upcoming Events Contemplative Cenacle of the Divine Mercy Bilingual Monday, June 13, 2016 @ 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel For more information call: Eduardo or Gisela Valdes 305-389-1559 Cenáculo Contemplativo de la Divina Misericordia Bilingüe Lunes, 13 de junio del 2016 @ 7:30 p.m. en la Capilla Para mas información llamar a Eduardo o Gisela Valdes 305-389-1559 EXCITING GARAGE SALE by the Adult Choir Our first Garage Sale will take place on Saturday, June 25, from 7:30am-4:30pm in the Parish Hall. We will have lovely household items, clothing in good condition, some furniture, toys, etc. The Choir will be raising funds for our Pilgrimage to Ireland in the summer of 2017. Come and check out the "treasures" on June 25th!! MATRIMONIO 2000 Ministerio en la Arquidiócesis de Miami Para la Convalidación de Matrimonios por la Iglesia Católica “Para Parejas Que No Han Recibido El Sacramento Del Matrimonio” Haga su reservación llamado al 305-821-0002 o fax a 305-821-0772. Fechas del 2016: Domingo 17 de Julio, Domingo 16 de Octubre Religious Education News RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM SEPTEMBER 2016-MAY 2017 REGISTRATION FOR CHILDREN & ADULTS’ FAITH FORMATION: Wednesday, June 1 through Thursday, June 30, 2016 LAST DAY TO REGISTER IS THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 2016 OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday & Thursdays: 9:00-11:30 A.M. & 1:00pm-6:00 P.M. Wednesdays: 1:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. NO REGISTRATION ON MONDAYS OR FRIDAYS DOCUMENTS FOR CHILDREN AND SPONSORS ARE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION. FOR DETAILED INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.OLLNET.COM. PROGRAMA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA SEPTIEMBRE 2016- MAYO 2017 REGISTRACION DE NIÑOS & ADULTOS FORMANDOSE EN LA FE: miercoles, 1 de junio a jueves, 30 de junio del 2016 REGISTRACION FINALIZARA JUEVES, 30 DE JUNIO DEL 2016 HORAS DE OFICINA: Martes & Jueves: 9:00-11:30 A.M. & 1pm-6:00 P.M. Miércoles: 1:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. LUNES Y VIERNES NO HAY REGISTRACION DOCUMENTOS PARA LOS NIÑOS Y PADRINOS SON REQUERIDOS DURANTE LA REGISTACION. PARA INFORMACION DETALLADA VISITE NUESTRA PAGINA WEB: WWW.OLLNET.COM CATECHISTS AND ASSISTANTS NEEDEDNECESITAMOS CATEQUISTAS Y ASSISTENTES DE CATEQUISTAS For more information, fill out the form below and drop it in the collection basket or leave it at the Rectory office. Thank you and may God’s Blessings be with you and your family! Josefina Vazquez, MSW, DRE NAME/NOMBRE: _________________________PHONE: _____-_______-________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________@__________________________ Please check one: I am interested in being a [ ] CATECHIST [ ] SPONSOR ___Tuesday evenings-Adults: Confirmation ___Wednesdays afternoon - Children: Communion ___Wednesday evening – Children: Confirmation ___Sunday mornings- RCIA: Children & Adults ___Saturday mornings- Children: Communion or Confirmation Notes & Thoughts Vocation Cup We thank the following families for hosting the Vocation Cup this past week: The Lemoine Family The Rojas Family The Vocation Blessing Cup is a wonderful instrument of prayer and devotion for our parish families. The Cup reminds each host family that it is their responsibility to pray for and foster vocations to the priesthood and religious life. A family is asked to host the Vocation Cup for one week. It will travel from home to home as a sign of our total parish commitment to praying for vocations. Seeking Volunteers for the Vocation Cup Bringing home the vocation cup is a wonderful opportunity to unite any family in prayer, bringing them closer to God and to each other while praying for vocations. If you and your family would like to volunteer to take home the vocation cup for one week, please fill out the information below and turn it into the rectory office or drop it in the offertory basket. Thank you for your support! Name_______________________________ Phone number__________________________ E-mail_______________________________ Mass time you attend_____________________ Congratulations! to the following couple who was Married on Saturday, May 14, 2016 Victoria Perez & Michael Muñoz Thank you to all who have already generously responded to this year’s ABCD. Your support strengthens the ministries that serve our Archdiocese and allows the Church to form new disciples. As Scriptures remind us, Give and it shall be given to you. Your neighbor needs you. You are the answer to someone’s prayers, and together, we are changing lives. ¡Gracias a todos los que ya han repsondido generosamente al ABCD de este año! Su apoyo fortalece los ministerios que sirven a nuestra Arquidiócesis y permiten a la Iglesia formar nuevos discípulos. Como las Escrituras nos recuerdan, Den y recibirán. Su prójimo necesita de usted. Usted es la respuesta a las oraciones de alguien, y juntos, estamos transformando vidas. Ministries of our lady of the lakes Ministerios de nuestra señora de los Lagos Within Ministries (formerly M.O.M.S.) Meetsevery1stMonday Women’s Club ofthemonthinthe OLL School Art Room ,at7:30pm. Men’s Emmaus / Hombres de Emaus Meetsonevery4thThursday ofthemonth, intheParish Hall at7:30 pm Women’s Emmaus/ Emaus para Mujeres English meetsThursdays at7:30PMintheschool,room#216. Contact:Odalys Ismail -305-926-6778 Español sereunenlosJueves alas7:30PMenelsalon#216 Contacto:Zaidis Enriquez - 305-297- 4271 EnglishmeetsThursdays at7:00PMintheSchoolLibrary Coordinator:Armando Andreu (786) 487-1237 Español sereunenlosjuevesalas7:00PMenelSalondeArte (Escuela)Coordinador:Bladimir Jaen (305)781-6196 Respect Life Ministry Cursillos de Cristiandad Praystherosaryevery2ndFridayofthemonth@7pminthechapel Nosreunimostodoslosviernes alas8:pm enelsalon Contact:Marcella Villegas— respectlifeministry@comcast.net parroquial.ParamasinformaciónveanuestrapáginadeinternetKnowsomeonewhoispregnantandneedshelp? http://cursillos.org) o contacte CallRespectLifeCenterat786‐452‐0266 Cesar Zuniga—786‐252‐9693 Sufferingfrompost‐abortionproblems? E-Mail: cesarzuniga0921@hotmail.com CallProjectRachelat954‐981‐2922 English Bible Study Please join us in studying the Book of Isaiah beginning in September, Tues. @ 7:30 PM or Weds. @ 9:00 AM. Contact Susan O'Neill at 305 490-5992 Legion de Maria Busca tu santificación personal, mediante la Oración y el trabajo activo. La Virgen María nos espera los Lunes a las 7PM, en el Salón Parroquial. Acompáñenos en el rezo del Rosario los Domingos a las 6:30, en la Capilla. Informes: Gonzalo Guerrero Tel: 786 338 3325 Participa Del Grupo Bíblico Parroquial “EstudialaPalabrayformacomunidad” ReunionesViernes alas7:30pm enelsalóndeartedelaescuela Fuente del Espíritu Santo ÚneteanosotrosenelGrupodeOración: Reuniones:miércoles alas7:30pm enlacapillay enelsalónparroquial Contacte:Rosa Maria & Fernando Maldonado (305)705-3398 Pastoral Care Team Life Teen & Edge As members of the Pastoral Care Team, we want to ensure that members of our parish who are ill and/or dying receive the spiri‐ LIFE TEEN isamodelofyouthministryforsenior tual, physical, social and emotional support they need. Members of highteens,leadingthemclosertoChrist. our team are ready and willing to visit, pray with and bring the Mariano Rodriguez (mrodriguez@rtc‐cpa.com) Eucharisttoourparishionerswhoareill/homebound/ordying. If someone you know could use the services of our Care Team, TheEDGEisayouthministryforgrades6‐8. pleasecall305-558-2202 Arleem Fernandez (arleem44@aol.com) Sunday nights right after the 5:30 PM Life Teen Mass “Unbreakable” Weekly Couples Meetings Matrimonios en Amor y Fe Dating,EngagedorMarriedCouples MeetsThursday at7:30pm intheParishCenterWest Contact:Lou & Madie Mendez 305-829-2073 Website:www.unbreakable412.com Facebook—Searchfor:Unbreakable412atOurLadyoftheLakes Teinvitamosaparticipardenuestrasreunionesmensuales todoslosultimosLunes decadames,enelsalon parroquialalas7:45pm. Paramasinformacionfavordellamar: Antonio y Cecilia Peralta 305‐772‐1361,786‐704‐7845. Linea de Oracion Permítenos orar por ti Llamealteléfono305-834-2517 UngrupodepersonasoraránportusnecesidadesanuestroDios. Why Catholic? Por que ser Catolico? English:LastTuesdayofthemonthfrom7pm‐9pmintheparish hall.Coordinator:ErnestoDelahoz(305)282‐4100 Español:Eltercerlunesdemesde7pma9pmenelsalón parroquial.Coordinador: HomeroCruz(305)450‐9311 Week of June 12, 2016 5:00pm †Karl Beldzik Sunday Vigil † Maria Oprisi Sunday Masses Español 8:00am Pro-Populo (The Parish Community) †Madison Carey 9:30am †John Villacci †Rodriguez-Varela Family 11:00am †Sastre-Capdevila Family Español †Graciliano Jose Molero 12:45pm †Miguel & Nieves Espelosin †Emilio & Anacorita Zabate 5:30pm †John Collins Español †Edna Castillo Garcia 7:00pm †Aida Lopez Echemendia 7:00am †Victor Antonio Iglesias Carrasco †Nidia Hernandez Ricardo 8:30am †Gonzalo & Manuela Chavez Tuesday †Jesus Mayea 7:00am †Carmel Rocha Toledo Accion de Gracias 8:30am †Manuel Perez de la Mesa George Bossi Wednesday 7:00am †Humberto Cadena Los Enfermos de la Parroquia 8:30am †Jorge Ramos The Sick of the Parish Thursday 7:00am†Teresa †Carmen Noriega 8:30am †Antonio Calaf †Antonio “Tony” Ernesto Torres Friday 7:00 am †Rafael de Cardenas Accion de Gracias 8:30am†Ismael Hernandez Thanksgiving Saturday 7:00am Los Enfermos de la Parroquia †Carmel Noriega 8:30am †Juan & Ana Gonzalez The Sick of the Parish Monday Week of June 19, 2016 Sunday Vigil 5:00pm †Angelica Echevarria-Diaz †Imelda Polinag-Villafania Sunday Masses 8:00am †Pablo & Pedro Rustan †Esteban & Enrique Rustan 9:30am Pro-Populo (The Parish Community) †Carmel Rendenna 11:00am †Juan Hernandez 12:45pm †Perfecto Hallon †Felix Raul Abreu 5:30pm †Manuel & Luisa Munar †Alexander Randazzo 7:00pm †Nestor Raul Samudio †Orlando & Isabel Augier Pray for the sick Fidel Andreu Ben Aguirre Efrain Barrera Beatriz Brunnet Margarite Bucchino Emily Nichole Caldera Raquel Capmany Miriam Castro Angela Cayon Mary Churchill Ruth Connors Miriam Cordero Benito Corral Liliana Cortiza Doug Cuddy Elizabeth Diaz Joe Diaz Dorothy DiBuono Alexis Fari Berta Fernandez Matilde Fernandez Roman O. Garcia, Sr. Eduardo Gonzalez Maria Gonzalez Martin Gonzalez Julia Hochfelder Miriam Jimenez Dominga Jurado Iva Kirk Edward Knowles Karl Kristiansen Diane Leahy Cassandra Lenton Tomas Lopez Thomas Lowe Alejandro Maldonado Emma Mantilla Juan Martinez Regina Mojica Edita Montesino Aida Pacheco Benjamin Pacheco Frances Panka Celia Papazian Anita Pol Marion Repp Ruben Rodriguez Eileen Scurio Gene Scurio, Jr. Gene Scurio, Sr. Elena Valdez Raquel Valdes Maria Victoria Marie Wallace Jenny White Alejandro Ybarra Brian Ysubido Pray for the Dead Margarita Grajales Regine Mojica Carmen Noriega Gabriel A. Rodriguez Readings of the Week 06/05 Weekly Offering Mass Time Attendance 5:00 pm Vigil Offertory Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51:3-6ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:43-48 310 $1,581.00 8:00am 347 $1,368.00 9:30am 348 $2,603.00 11:00am 803 $4,340.00 12:45pm 800 $1,818.00 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31:20, 21, 24; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 5:30pm 310 $1,532.00 Thursday: Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15 7:00pm 351 $1,007.00 Friday: Second Collection $3,423.00 Votive/Coins $ 482.00 Mail In/Online Donations $ 858.00 Credit Cards $3,778.00 St. Vincent de Paul $ 318.00 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Ps 132:11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:4-5, 29-34; Mt 6:24-34 Sunday: Zec 12:10-11; 13:1; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24 ______________________________________________________________________ Total 3,269 $23,108.00 Our Lady of the Lakes Announces Easy Giving Options Using your credit card for donations can save time and make your giving both automatic and convenient. Please visit our webpage www.ollnet.com and fill out the authorization form, giving Our Lady of the Lakes authorization to charge your credit card account each month. Please return the form to the Office or drop in the Collection Basket. Our Lady of the Lakes Parish Registration If you attend mass here at OLL, you are encouraged to register with us. Please stop by the Parish Office to fill out a simple registration form or register on our webpage www.ollnet.com. We urge you to get involved with our ministries and, as a stewardship parish, ask that you use your Offertory envelopes. If you are not both a registered and active member of our parish, Baptisms, Marriages, Sponsor certificates and other documents needed from the Church will take longer to obtain and, in some cases, not possible. You must be attending Mass regularly and be an active member of the parish. Bulletin Requests If you would like to publish an announcement in our parish bulletin, please send the information to bulletin@ollnet.com. All requests are subject to approval by Father Alvarez. Solicitud para el boletín Si desea publicar un anuncio en nuestro boletín de la parroquia, por favor envíe la información a bulletin@ollnet.com. Todas las solicitudes están sujetas a la aprobación del Padre Alvarez.
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