January 18 to January 25, 2015 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic


January 18 to January 25, 2015 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
St. Thomas the Apostle
Catholic Church
80 St. Thomas Way
Saturday Vigil
5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
2:30 p.m. Spanish
Wed-Fri. - 9:00 a.m. Main Church
Montevallo, Alabama 35115
Saturday, 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. and by appointment.
Please contact Fr. Ray or Deacon Bill Alexiou at
663-3936 for Baptismal Preparation.
Parish Membership and a six month preparation
period are required. For weddings, please contact
Father Ray at 663-3936.
Thurs. - 9:00 a.m. Day Chapel
Wed. - 5:30 p.m. at Student Center Chapel
(When school is in regular session)
Holy Days as scheduled in bulletin
Website: www.stthomascatholic.com
Adult - Sundays, 9:30-10:45 a.m.
K-10th Grade - Sundays, 9:30 -10:45 a.m.
Catechumenate - Sundays, 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.
Ladies Bible Study Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
(September - May)
Please contact the office at
(663-3936) if someone is in need of Holy
Communion at home/hospital.
All Catholic adults, 18 and older, who regularly
participate in the Liturgy here should register in
the parish. Those who enroll in Faith Formation
programs or request Baptism or Marriage in our
church should already belong to our community.
To register, please contact the Parish Office.
Those moving are asked to let us know.
All announcements are due in the office, in
written form, no later than noon on Mondays.
Mission Statement:
We, the parish family of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, proclaim our belief in
the message and mission of Jesus Christ.
We are committed to sharing our time, talent and treasure through worship, spiritual
formation and outreach.
Founded 1951
Fr. Raymond A. Dunmyer
Ext. 101
Bill Alexiou
Ext. 102
Financial Secretary
Jean Graffo
Ext. 109
Hispanic Coordinator
Marisa Owens
Ext. 100
Campus Ministry Coordinator
Michael Fisher
Parish Office Hours
Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Parish Telephones:
ph. 663-3936
fax 663-0657
ph. 665-0968
Interested in Becoming Catholic?
You may have been coming to Catholic Church for a long time
with a family member or friend, but you had not thought about
the possibility of becoming Catholic. Would you consider that
possibility now? Would you like to learn more about the
Catholic Church to consider your decision?
Do you find yourself in one of the categories listed below:
· Never been Baptized
· Baptized in another Christian tradition
· Baptized Catholic without other Sacraments of Initiation
(First Communion and/or Confirmation).
If so, you may become a candidate for the Inquiry Classes and the
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).
These classes will be presented in the modular building from 9:30
AM until 10:45 AM each Sunday. Attendance at these classes
carries absolutely no obligation to join the Catholic Church.
For more information, please contact Father Ray at 663-3936 or
Jackie Lampton at 249-1171.
January 18 to January 25, 2015
St. Thomas Parish offers our sympathy to JoAnne Hoff and
Fr. Jack Lau on the death of their father John Rene Lau. May his
soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy
of God, rest in peace.
Wed. College Student Mass and Dinner
St. Thomas Parish sponsors a special Wednesday evening Mass
and Dinner for college students each Wednesday while the
University of Montevallo is in session. The Mass is celebrated at
5:30 PM at the Campus Chapel on the corner of Highland and
Moody, and a dinner prepared by teams from the parish follows
immediately after Mass.
Office is open 8:30am-4:00pm
English Classes
Office is open 8:30am-4:00pm
Mass for Patricia Bomar,
Ladies Bible Study
Catholic Campus Ministry
Mass/Dinner/cook team #3
Adult Scripture Study
Office is open 8:30am-4:00pm
Mass Intentions for Dawson
Office is open 8:30am-4:00pm
Mass Intentions for Susan W.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Mass for Patricia Bomar,
Mass for the People of the Parish
Inquiry Session
Faith Formation
Mass for Marietta Macaya,
Spanish Mass
Children’s Choir-1st-6th grade!
There will be a year-round children's choir offered at St. Thomas
Catholic Church. Rehearsals will be Sunday from
12:15pm-1:00pm, and we plan to sing at one of the Masses in
February. If interested, please contact director, Marie Brewer at
Office is Closed
No Lectio Divina
Faith Formation Retreat Team
Saint Thomas Parish is forming a retreat team to present the Faith
Formation retreats. All college students, and high school students
in grades 11 and 12 are invited to participate on the team. Team
meetings will be held after the Wednesday Night Mass and
Supper at St. Thomas Catholic Student Center on the corner of
Moody and Highland Streets. Meetings will begin at 6:30 PM,
with all participating students invited to join us for the Mass at
5:30 PM, and the supper that follows. For more information or to
sign up for the team, please contact Father Ray at 663-3936.
Mass for the People of the Parish
Inquiry Session
Faith Formation
Mass for Thomas Barber,
Spanish Mass
Faith Formation Retreats
Saint Thomas Parish will offer retreats for students in the
Confirmation I and Confirmation II Faith Formation Classes on
January 30-31 and February 27-28 respectively. All students in
these classes are required to attend these retreats.
Adoration ends at noon
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Mass for Lois Thomas, deceased
Parish Office Closed 1/19
The Parish Offices will be closed on Monday, 1/19 in observance
of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.
If you attend St. Thomas on a
regular basis and have not
registered with the Parish, we
invite you to do so.
Complete the following information and drop it in the
offertory basket. A parish staff member will contact you.
(Please check (X) appropriate area!)
NAME _______________________________________
CITY_____________________ ZIP_______________
TELEPHONE # ______________________________
Taste of St. Thomas 3/7
The 15th annual Taste of St. Thomas will be held on Sat., March
7th from 6:00-9:00 PM. Note that only the silent auction will be
open at 6:00, with food service beginning at 6:30. This is our
parish’s signature social and fundraising event. It is enjoyed by
parishioners and others from the local community and is a fun
event for people of all ages. You can help by signing up in the
Gathering Space to volunteer in a number of ways. We need cooks
& servers, as well as donations for the Silent Auction and the
Penny Sale. Donations may be for a service, merchandise, use of a
vacation rental, or a monetary donation. Donations may be brought
to the parish office. Please join us for an evening of food, fun, and
fellowship. And bring your friends! Call Joanne at 914-7778 for
more information.
Knights Super Bowl Meat Sale
Once again the Knights will be having a meat sale for the Super
Bowl. The price will be Butts $30, Ribs $15, and Chickens $10.
The Meat will be available for pickup after 5:30 Mass On January
31st and after both masses on February 1st. A signup sheet will be
in the gathering area for pre-orders.
Eucharistic Adoration
Come spend time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. 1st & 3rd
Friday of each month. Friday adoration begins at noon and ends
on Saturday at noon. For more information or to sign-up call
RoseMarie Vetrano 620-0051 or cell 370-6618.
Adoration is held in the Chapel at the Student Center.
There will be Adoration on January 16, 2015
Contribution Statements Mailed
The contributions statements for St. Thomas Parish were mailed
out last week. If you did not receive your statement, please
contact the parish office. Thank you for your continued
generosity to the parish.
Confirmation Date Set for 3/21
Bishop Robert J. Baker has scheduled Confirmation for St.
Thomas Parish on Saturday, March 21, 2015 at the 5:30 PM
Mass. All are welcome to join us for this special event.
Collection for Latin America 1/24-25
The 2015 collection for the Church in Latin America will be held
on the Weekend of January 24-25. Please be generous.
Today’s Readings
First Reading — Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.
(1 Samuel 3:3b-10,19)
Psalm — Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.
(Ps 40:2,4,7-8,8-9,10)
Second Reading — Your bodies are members of Christ.
(1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a,17-20)
Gospel — They saw where he was staying and they stayed with
him. (1:41,17b)
Readings for the week of January 18, 2015
Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 2:18-22
Hebrews 6:10-20; Mark 2:23-28
Hebrews 7:1-3,15-17; Mark 3:1-6
Hebrews 7:25—8:6; Mark 3:7-12
Hebrews 8:6-13; Mark 3:13-19
Hebrews 9:2-3,11-14; Mark 3:20-21
Jonah 3:1-5,10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31;
Mark 1:14-20
Stewardship of Treasure
Weekly Collection 1/11/15
Building Fund
Year-To-Date Collection
Building Fund
7/1/14 - 06/30/15
With the advice of the Parish Finance Council, Saint Thomas Parish will do financial planning
according to a fiscal year (7/1/14 to 6/30/15) rather than a calendar year. Thus, the numbers above have been
adjusted to reflect the new budget which began on 7/1/14.
Monthly Altar Flowers
Communal Anointing of Sick 2/7-8
January 10th and 11th
In memory of Richard “Hawk” Dollard
January 17th and 18th
In memory of Bobbie LeVinge
In honor of Bob and Anne Shiller Anniversary
January 24th and 25th
In memory of Walter Surma
St. Thomas Parish will celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of
the Sick at the 5:30 PM Mass on February 7, and at the 8:00 AM
and 11:00 AM Masses on February 8. Additional instructions will
be provided at the beginning of the Masses.
Blue Ribbon Catholic Education at OLV
When you provide your children with Catholic education at Our
Lady of the Valley Catholic School you’ll be giving them a
foundation built on faith, knowledge and service. The school’s
excellence has been recognized with education’s highest honor –
the U.S. Dept. of Education Blue Ribbon School of Excellence.
With small class sizes and faith as the cornerstone of OLV’s
curriculum, students excel in academics, athletics and the arts all
while developing strong faith and a personal value system based
on the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. To learn more about
OLV, prospective families may contact the office for a tour of the
school at 205-991-5963 or go to www.olvbirmingham.com for
additional information. Additional admission events are also
planned including: Catholic Schools Week Mass and Open House
on Sunday, January 25th with Mass at 11 AM and Open House
immediately following Kindergarten Round Up on Thursday,
January 29th from 5:30-7pm Registration for NEW students in
preschool through eighth grade for the 2015-2016 school year
begins on February 2nd.
Lenten Retreat 2/20
The Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center in Cullman is pleased to
announce a Lenten Retreat to be led by Rev. Frank Muscolino,
Priest of the Diocese of Birmingham. The weekend retreat, to be
held February 20-22, will focus on Pope Francis. The program
will begin Friday evening and will end after the noon meal on
Sunday. The cost for the weekend is $210/person for a private
room and $185/person for a shared room; lodging, meals, and
linens are included. For registration information, please contact
the Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center at (256) 734-8302 or by
e-mail at retreats@shmon.org.
Penny Sale- Taste of St Thomas 3/7
The Ladies Auxiliary is in need of new or gently used toys for
children and/or small items for adults, to be raffled off during the
taste of St. Thomas. If you have any items you would like to
donate, you may drop them off in the gathering area of the
church, in the boxes marked "Penny Sale", after any of the
masses beginning the weekend of January 24th through the
weekend of March 1st. You may also bring items to the church
office during the week during regular office hours. Thank you
for your support. If you have any questions please contact
Michelle Wallace at 639-4215 or Charlotte Lee at 919-5961.
Moms & Tots
We are an energetic group of mommies & children birth through
preschool. We have scheduled weekly activities. Newcomers are
always welcome! Call Kimberly Fridy at 563-6592.
St. Thomas Easter Choir: 1/21
Due to the calendar Ash Wednesday, will be on February 18, 2015,
less then a month away. The Easter Choir will not only assist in the
Ash Wednesday evening service but is an integral part of Holy
Week beginning with Palm Sunday and including Holy Thursday,
Good Friday and culminating with the Easter Vigil services on
Saturday evening, April 4, 2015. Our first rehearsal will be on
Wednesday, January 21st at 7:15pm to 8:30pm in the choir room
which is located behind the sacristy in the main church building.
Every attempt will be made to have the doors open by 7:00pm on
Wednesdays during the Lenten season. We truly look forward to
seeing new members and old friends. Please consider joining us
this year. For further information please feel free to contact either
Joe Howard at 668-9448 or Ann Hicks at 621-0372.
Ladies' Auxiliary 2/8
The next Ladies' Auxiliary meeting will be on Sunday, Feb. 8,
2015 at 7:00PM in the St. Joseph room. All ladies of the parish
are invited and encouraged to attend our meetings.
Knights of Columbus Monthly Meeting 2/8
The K of C Council will hold their meeting on Feb. 8, 2015. The
meeting will start at 7 pm in the modular building. These
meetings are open to all Knights in good standing. We will be
having our Assembly meetings for fourth degree Knights at 6:pm
prior to the Council meetings.
Altar Flowers for 2015
Altar Flowers for 2015 the list is in the gathering space. Thank you
for helping us have flowers on the altar. The cost is $90 for the
whole arrangement or $45 for half.
Blood Drive 2/1
St. Thomas will be hosting a blood drive on Feb. 1, 2015 at
8:30am-1:30pm. Please give.
Lecturas de Hoy
Primera lectura — Aquí me tiene usted; ¿para qué me quería?
(1 Samuel3:3b-10,19)
Salmo — Aquí estoy, tal como el libro dice de mí.
(Ps 29:1-2,3-4,3,9-10)
Segunda lectura— ¿Acaso no saben ustedes que su cuerpo es
parte del cuerpo de Cristo? (1 Corintios 6:13c-15a, 17-20)
Evangelio — vieron dónde vivía, y pasaron con él el resto del día.
(Juan 1:35-42)
Lecturas de la Semana Enero 18, 2015
Hebreos 5:1-10; Marcos 2:18-22
Hebreos 6:10-20; Marcos 2:23-28
Hebreos 7:1-3,15-17; Marcos 3:1-6
Hebreos 7:25—8:6; Marcos 3:7-12
Hebreos 8:6-13; Marcos 3:13-19
Hebreos 9:2-3,11-14; Marcos 3:20-21
Jonás 3:1-5,10; 1 Corintios 7:29-31;
Marcos 1:14-20
Unción de Enfermos Comunitaria
Si usted atiende a Santo Tomas con
regularidad y no ha registrado con la
Parroquia, los invitamos a que se inscriban.
Distrito de St. Thomas, celebrara el Sacramento de la Unción de
los enfermos, en la Misa de 5:30 PM, el 7 de Febrero y en la Misa
de 8:00 AM y 11:00 AM el 8 de Febrero. Instrucciones
adicionales serán ofrecidas al comienzo de las Misas.
La Oficina estára Cerrada 1/19
Dirección de su casa __________________________________
La oficina estará cerrada el Lunes, 19 de Enero de 2015, en la
observanción de día de celebración de Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Desayuno Mexicano del Ministerio Hispano
Se vendera comida en el salon social de la iglesia el tercer
Domingo del mes a las 8:45am hasta 11:00am. Si quiere ayudar o
donar, por favor comuniquese con Gricelda al (205) 478-5110.
El desayuno sera el 15 de Febrero, 2015
Código Postal_________________________________________
Coro de Niños
Santo Tomás tendrá un Coro de Niños y los ensayos serán los
Domingos de 12:15-1:00pm. El coro es para los niños del primer
grado a seisto grado. Para mas información contacte a Marie B
por email: Margaret.marie2015@outlook.com. El coro sera sólo
para las misas en inglés.
Sabor de Santo Tomás 3/7
La 15 anual edición Sabor de Santo Tomás se celebrará el Sábado
7 de Marzo de 6:00PM-9:00PM. La subasta silenciosa se iniciará
a las 6 pm pero la comida se ofresera a las 6:30PM. Necesitamos
voluntarios para ayudar a cocinar, limpiar, las donaciones y el
trabajo de las mesas. Encuentro en la iglesia van a ver hojas para
apuntarse en las diferentes áreas en que usted podría ayudar. Por
favor, únase con nosotros para una noche de comida, diversión y
compañerismo. Para obtener más información, llame a Joanne al
Clases De Inglés
Las clases de Inglés son los martes a las 6:30pm-8:00pm.
Lectio Divina
Santo Tomás ofrece un grupo de oración llamado Lectio Divina.
Se trata de una nueva manera de aprender la Biblia y estar más
cerca con Dios. El Lectio Divinia son los Lunes a las 7:00 pm.
Clases para Quinceañeras
Todas las niñas de 14 años de edad que planean su
quinceañeras, necesitan tener las platicas antes de su Misa de los
15 años. Las clases son dos veces al año, tienen una duración de
sólo seis semanas. Por favor tambien comuniquese con la Sra.
Mercedes al 205-413-3066. Las clases son obligatorias.
Pongan la forma en la cesta de ofertorio
Nuevo Feligrés_________________________________________
Cambio de dirección____________________________________
Horario: Oficina del Ministro Hispano
Padre Ray Dunmyer
Misa en Español: Padre Bruce Bumbarger
Lunes– Jueves:8:00 am-4:00 pm y Viernes 8:00am-12:30pm
Horario de Misas Hispanas
Domingos 2:30 p.m.
Platicas Prebautismales
Deben registrase antes del bautismo en el libro situado en el
espacio a la entrada de la Iglesia.
Comuniquese con el Padre Bruce (205) 755-5498 o 663-3936
Catequesis para niños
Domingos: 9:30 A.M.—10:45 A.M.
La persona es Karina Lizbeth Campos (205) 281-9847
Hora Santa: Viernes 6:00pm-7:00pm cada 1er y 3er viernes
en la capilla en Montevallo
Lectio Divina: Los Lunes 7:00pm
Promotor De Salud:
Luís M. Lopez (205) 540-8146
Teléfono de la UAB (866)915-7676
Prematrimonial: Gabriel y Edith Sanchez 217-6656
Preparaciones para los adultos:
Marisol Millan 205-432-8940
Preparaciones Matrimoniales
Preparaciones para quinceañeras: Sra. Mercedes al 413-3066
Las personas que necesitan platicas y planear su boda necesitan
hablar con el Padre Bruce seis meses antes de sus boda y tambien
necesitan tener las platicas matrimonials. Las platicas son el
Viernes 20 de Febrero a las 6:00PM y el 21 Sábado a las 8:00AM
en Santo Tomás. Para más información comuniquese con
Gabriel y Edith Sanchez al 205-217-6656 o con Padre Bruce al
Las Decoraciones para Bodas y Quiceañeras: 663-3936
La Fecha de la Confirmación 3/21
Obispo Robert J. Baker ha programado Confirmación de Santo
Tomás el Sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015 a las 5:30pm Misa. Todos
son bienvenidos a este evento especial.
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