Government Liaison Program (GLP) Weekly August 20, 2012


Government Liaison Program (GLP) Weekly August 20, 2012
Government Liaison Program (GLP) Weekly
August 20, 2012
Premier Dalton McGuinty with PEO Grand River Chapter Government Liaison Program Chair Gabe Tse, P.Eng., and
OSPE President Nadine Miller, P.Eng. at the Premier’s summer patio reception on August 15. More on page 2.
Through the Professional Engineers Act, PEO governs over 80,000 licence and certificate holders and regulates professional
engineering in Ontario to serve and protect the public. Professional engineering safeguards life, health, property, economic
interests, the public welfare and the environment.
If you would like to be added to or removed from the GLP Weekly distribution list, please email
* Deadline for all submissions is the Monday of the week prior to publication.
Table of Contents
Former PEO President, Premier and Opposition Leader speak at the Association of Municipalities
Ontario Annual Conference in Ottawa
Toronto City Councillor agrees to introduce motion for Engineers Way
Councillor Profile: PEO LGA Councillor Rick Hilton, P.Eng.
PEO Oakville, Hamilton-Burlington and Mississauga Chapters participate in Town Hall with PC
Leader of Canada’s New Democrats to hold first official speech in Toronto on September 28th
1. Breaking News
Premier Dalton McGuinty has expressed interest in PEO's concept for a Provincial Engineer. The idea was
proposed in a letter sent to the Premier in June by PEO President Denis Dixon, P.Eng.
The Premier spoke with PEO Grand River Chapter Chair Gabe Tse, P. Eng., Ontario Society of Professional
Engineers (OSPE) President Nadine Miller, P. Eng., and PEO Government Relations Consultant Howard
Brown about the issue at the Premier's Toronto summer patio reception on August 15th.
A meeting has now been arranged for PEO to meet with the Premier's Executive Director of Policy, John
Brodhead for September 12.
This is the first time anything like this has been proposed.
Mr. Tse, Ms. Miller and Mr. Brown also spoke to Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bob Chiarelli
MPP (Ottawa West-Nepean) about the concept.
Also attending the reception were Minister of Finance Dwight Duncan MPP (Windsor-Tecumseh),
Minister of Energy Chris Bentley MPP (London West), Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and
Minister of Aboriginal Affairs Kathleen Wynne MPP (Don Valley West), Minister of Economic
Development and Innovation Brad Duguid MPP (Scarborough Centre), Minister of Consumer Services
Margarett Best MPP (Scarborough-Guildwood) and former MPPs Carol Mitchell, Sophia Aggelonitis
and Jennifer Mossop. Other engineers who participated were Adrienne Downey, P. Eng., a Toronto
engineer who is the Operations and Business Development Manager for Enercom Canada, a wind turbine
manufacturer and her colleague Hassan Shahriar, P.Eng., from Quebec.
Mr. Tse, Ms. Miller and Mr. Brown had discussions with many of the Ministers.
Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation Bob Chiarelli MPP
(Ottawa West-Nepean) (centre left) with OSPE President Nadine
Miller, P.Eng. (left), Operations and Business Development
Manager for Enercom Canada Adrienne Downey, P. Eng. (centre
right), and her colleague Hassan Shahriar, P.Eng.
Right: Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Kathleen Wynne MPP
(Don Valley West) with OSPE President Nadine Miller, P.Eng. (left) and
PEO Grand River Chapter GLP Chair Gabe Tse, P. Eng.
Left: Minister of Economic Development and Innovation Brad
Duguid MPP (Scarborough Centre) (centre left) with Minister of
Energy Chris Bentley (London West) (right), OSPE President Nadine
Miller, P.Eng. (centre right) and PEO Grand River Chapter GLP Chair
Gabe Tse, P. Eng. (left).
Left: Minister of Consumer Services Margarett Best MPP (ScarboroughGuildwood) with PEO Grand River Chapter GLP Chair Gabe Tse, P. Eng.
Right: (from right to left) Parliamentary Assistant to the
Minister of the Environment Helena Jaczek MPP (Oak RidgesMarkham), former Ministers Carol Mitchell and Sophia
Aggelonitis, and OSPE President Nadine Miller, P.Eng.
PEO has found a sponsor to table a motion to have the street behind PEO Headquarters in Toronto
renamed Engineers Way. As reported last week, PEO Government Relations Consultant Howard Brown
spoke with City of Toronto Councillor James Pasternak on August 12, who agreed to introduce the
concept to North York Community Council.
On August 17th, Councillor Pasternak met with
PEO Deputy Registrar, Tribunals and Regulatory
Affairs Johnny Zuccon, P. Eng., PEO Manager of
Student and Government Liaison Programs
Jeannette Chau, P. Eng. and Mr. Brown.
PEO Manager of Student and Government Liaison Programs
Jeannette Chau, P.Eng., Toronto City Councillor James
Pasternak and PEO Deputy Registrar, Tribunals and Regulatory
Affairs Johnny Zuccon, P.Eng. on August 17 in Toronto.
on August 17 in Toronto.
A map of the proposed street to be
renamed, Harlandale Avenue, behind
PEO headquarters. The street is north
of Sheppard and west of Yonge.
On Thursday, August 16th, PEO met with the newly elected Engineering Student Societies’ Council of
Ontario (ESSCO) executives to brief them on PEO activities and to hear their views. ESSCO Executives in
attendance included President Michael Seliske, VP Services Emily Bot, VP Finance and Administration
David Birnbaum, and VP Communications Leila Meema-Coleman. PEO Manager of Student and
Government Liaison Programs Jeannette Chau, P.Eng., provided an overview of PEO’s regulatory function,
outgoing ESSCO President and PEO Student Membership Program (SMP) Coordinator Mauricio Curbelo
provided an overview of the revitalization of the Student Membership Program and PEO Government
Relations Consultant Howard Brown spoke on the Government Liaison Program (GLP). PEO Chief
Administrative Officer Scott Clark also participated and had a great discussion with the group. PEO
Government Relations Coordinator Kaitlynn Dodge was also in attendance.
From left to right: PEO Manager of Student and Government Liaison Programs Jeannette Chau, P.Eng. with ESSCO Executives Michael Seliske,
Leila Meema-Coleman, Emily Bot, past ESSCO President and PEO SMP Coordinator Mauricio Curbelo, ESSCO Executive David Birnbaum, PEO
Chief Administration Officer Scott Clark and PEO Government Relations Consultant Howard Brown at PEO Headquarters on August 16 .
As reported on the website, the Ontario government has announced a new Municipal
Infrastructure Strategy. It will help small, rural and Northern municipalities strategically plan to maintain
and build critical infrastructure.
Municipalities requesting provincial infrastructure funding will be required to show how projects fit within
a comprehensive asset management plan. The plans help municipalities make smart planning decisions
about infrastructure over the long-term.
Ontario is providing $60 million over the next three years to municipalities to help municipalities prepare
their plans and address critical projects identified in those finalized plans.
Visit for more information.
On Sunday, August 19th, The New York Times insert for the Toronto Star published an article by Emily B.
Hager on a new device that imitates the natural speech of children designed by sound engineers. Without
such technology, children born with disorders like down syndrome, autism and cerebral palsy would be
unable to communicate. Some, like the article’s Enrique Mendez, use an iPad loaded with the latest
version of a widely used text-to-speech application, Proloquo2Go. Until recently, devices that help
children like Enrique speak used modified adult voices.
Now, thanks to sound engineers at AssistiveWare and Acapela Group, the makers of Proloquo2GO, a boy
and girl have been recorded, highlighting new progress in the decades-old text-to-speech industry.
Read the article in full at:
2. Councillor Profile
This week’s PEO Councillor Profile is Lieutenant Governor Appointed Councillor Rick Hilton, P.Eng.
Rick Hilton worked for over 30 years in the Canadian mining industry, mostly in the
environment, health and safety area. In his job, he travelled to many parts of the world
to deal with operational and governmental issues. He has been on the cusp of the
development of forward-thinking programs and legislation. He retired from full-time
work in 2005 and is now a part-time consultant in environment, health and safety. In
2009, he was appointed to the Burlington Sustainable Development Committee. Below,
Mr. Hilton answers questions on PEO’s Government Liaison Program.
Question 1: As the regulator of the practice of engineering in the public interest, PEO's government relations is
focused on building relationships with government and identifying public policy opportunities for engineering
to better protect and serve the public interest. What do you see as the greatest areas of opportunity for PEO?
About 30 years ago, I became involved in rule-making in a number of jurisdictions from provincial, to national to
world-wide. At my first international meeting with representatives from about 26 countries I discovered I was
the only engineer at the table. I observed rule makers attempting to bend science and engineering principles to
fit political agendas. This resulted in legislation not fully based on scientific or engineering principles and
consequently it did not afford the best protection of the public nor was it completely in the public interest. In
other words, they were missing the mark! As the years have passed, more and more engineers have become
involved. Consequently, the regulatory world is beginning to appreciate the need to utilize science and
engineering principles to develop regulatory requirements that better protect the public and are solely in the
public interest.
But this is no time to sit back on our heels and rest on our laurels. As the world becomes more complicated so
does the task. And, it requires more engineers to become more involved. They need to spread their influence at
the town level, the city level, the provincial level, the national level and even on the international level should the
opportunity arise.
PEO cannot let up! It must work diligently to convince more engineers to become involved in regulatory affairs.
This involvement best fosters the continuous improvement of public safety.
Question 2: What do you hope to accomplish in the future to build on the success of PEO and the work of the
Government Liaison Committee?
Considering the engineering mantra to protect the public, I would like to see more engineers become more
influential in society. There are a number of ways to do this. All engineers need to allocate a regular amount of
their time to build relationships. These relationships need to be built and fostered on a personal level as well as
on a professional engineering level. Volunteering for fundraising or charity work is the best way to build personal
relationships in a community. Attending professional society meetings and volunteering to work with these
societies builds professional engineering relationships. Offering ones experience and expertise to governmental
legislators also builds long lasting professional engineering relationships.
Building and maintaining these relationships are not only rewarding both personally and professionally but can
influence the continuous improvement in public safety. We need more engineers to step up to the plate and
take on the challenge to extend the boundaries of their personal and professional relationships.
3. Events Attended
A delegation of Professional Engineers representing Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) Ottawa Chapter
and Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) participated in the McGuinty Corn Roast &
Barbeque on August 20th hosted by Premier Dalton McGuinty MPP (Ottawa South) and Ottawa South MP
David McGuinty. The event was held at the Billing Estate Museum in Ottawa.
Also in attendance were Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson and PEO Lieutenant Governor Appointed Councillor
Ishwar Bhatia, P.Eng.
PEO member and former Ottawa Chapter
Government Liaison Program (GLP) Chair Guy
Boone, P.Eng., participated in a community
barbeque for PC Education Critic Lisa
MacLeod MPP (Nepean-Carleton) on August
21 in Nepean.
MPP Lisa MacLeod (Nepean-Carleton) with former PEO GLP
Chair Guy Boone, P.Eng. on August 21.
PEO Chapter members from Oakville, Hamilton-Burlington and Mississauga participated in a Town Hall
with Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak MPP (Niagara-West Glanbrook) on August 15th in Oakville. The open
forum included a question and answer period with Mr. Hudak. In attendance were PEO Oakville Chapter’s
Government Liaison Program (GLP) Chair Ankesh Siddhantakar, P.Eng., Chapter Chair Warren Turnbull,
P.Eng., Vice Chair Fred Datoo, P.Eng., and Sohail Naseer, P.Eng., as well as past Chair of the HamiltonBurlington Chapter David Howard, P.Eng., Mississauga Chapter’s Mirko Manojlovic, P.Eng., and former
PEO Councillor and Engineers Canada Director Phil Maka, P.Eng.
Also in attendance were local MPPs Ted Chudleigh (Halton) and Jane McKenna (Burlington) as well as
PEO Government Relations Coordinator Jaymes Beatty. The PEO delegation had a chance to speak with
all MPPs present to introduce PEO and arrange meetings with Chapter MPPs.
Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak MPP (third from right) with (from left to right) PEO Hamilton-Burlington Chapter past-Chair David Howard,
P.Eng., Oakville Chapter’s Sohail Naseer, P.Eng., Chapter Chair Warren Turnbull, P.Eng., Chapter GLP Chair Ankesh Siddhantakar, P.Eng., Viceth
Chair Fred Datoo, P.Eng. and Mississauga Chapter’s Mirko Manojlovic, P.Eng. at the Leader’s Town Hall in Oakville on August 16 .
MPPs Ted Chudleigh (Halton) and Jane McKenna (Burlington) (third and fourth from left) with PEO Oakville Chapter GLP Chair
Ankesh Siddhantakar, P.Eng., Chapter Vice-Chair Fred Datoo, P.Eng., Sohail Naseer, P.Eng., Chapter Chair
Warren Turnbull, P.Eng. and former Councillor and Engineers Canada Director Phil Maka, P.Eng.
On Saturday, August 18, PC Municipal Affairs Critic Steve Clark MPP (Leeds-Grenville) held his 26th annual
Afternoon in the Islands at the Glen House Resort in Gananoque.
PEO Councillor and Engineers Canada Director Chris Roney, P. Eng., his father Gerry Roney, P. Eng., and
Graham Houze, P.Eng., of PEO’s Thousand Islands Chapter participated in the event. MPPs in attendance
included Jim McDonnell, P. Eng., MPP (Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry), Lisa MacLeod MPP (NepeanCarleton), Bill Walker MPP (Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound) and Senator Bob Runciman. Also attending were
PEO Government Relations Consultant Howard Brown and Coordinator Kaitlynn Dodge.
Mr. Clark recently met with Consulting Engineers of Ontario CEO Barry Steinberg, P.Eng., on the Report of
the Expert Panel on Glass Panels in Balcony Guards. Mr. Clark is the Deputy House Leader for the PC party
and prior to being elected as an MPP, was the youngest mayor in the history of Ontario.
From left to right: PEO Government Relations Consultant Howard Brown, PEO Thousand Islands Chapter member Graham Houze, P.Eng.,
PEO Councillor and Engineers Canada Director Chris Roney, P.Eng., Chris’ spouse Tammy Roney, MPP Steve Clark (Leeds-Grenville)
and Chris’ father Gerry Roney, P.Eng.
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4. Work in Progress
The East Toronto PEO Chapter is currently working to organize a New Member Licence Certificate
Ceremony planned for September 27 at 7 p.m. Chapter Chair Shah Alamgir, P.Eng., is spearheading the
event and will be inviting Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Kathleen Wynne MPP (Don Valley
West) as a special guest.
As well, the Chapter is planning a barbeque on September 15 at noon, tentatively set for Woodbine
Beach. More information on the Ceremony and BBQ will come in the weeks ahead.
PEO Grand River Chapter Government Liaison Program (GLP) Chair Gabe Tse, P.Eng., is organizing an allcandidates meeting for the riding of Kitchener-Waterloo, tentatively set for August 31.
As mentioned in past GLP Weekly’s, Premier Dalton McGuinty announced that the by-elections for the
ridings of Vaughan and Kitchener-Waterloo will be held on Thursday, September 6. The by-elections are
being held to replace former Liberal Finance Minister Greg Sorbara in Vaughan and former PC Deputy
Premier Elizabeth Witmer in Kitchener-Waterloo.
5. Newly Added Events
*MP and MPP receptions/donations are entitled to up to 75% tax credit on the first $400. For more
information see Elections Ontario or Elections Canada websites.
The Annual Norm Miller Golf Day on August 27. It will be held at Muskoka Bay Club, 1217 North
Muldrew Lake Road, Gravenhurst from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Lunch and 18 holes of golf begin at 10
a.m., dinner at 6 p.m. For further details, or to book over the phone, call Don MacKay at 705-6461060.
The Economic Club of Canada presents “Leading in the Global Digital Economy” on August 28. The
event features the Hon. Christian Paradis, Minister of Industry and Minister of State (Agriculture),
Government of Canada. The event will be held at The InterContinental Hotel, 225 Front Street
West, Toronto from 7:45 to 9 a.m. Tickets are $79 plus HST. For more information, visit
On September 1st, Ontario’s New Democrats will celebrate their first September Social. The
Donald C. Macdonald Awards will be given to four lifelong committed pillars of the Social Justice
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community. Join the Leader of the Ontario NDP Andrea Horwath MPP (Hamilton Centre) at the
Design Exchange, 234 Bay St., Toronto from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. For more information, contact Barb
Davis at, 416-591-5455 x 2483 or visit
The Canadian Club presents Leader of the Official Opposition and Leader of Canada’s New
Democrats Tom Mulcair MP (Outremont) on September 28. This will be his first official speech in
Toronto. The event will be held at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Concert Hall in Toronto from
11:30 a.m. to 1:40 p.m. Tickets are $75/$65 for members. For more information or to purchase
tickets, visit
6. Previously Listed Events
*MP and MPP receptions/donations are entitled to up to 75% tax credit on the first $400. For more
information see Elections Ontario or Elections Canada websites.
Summer Community BBQ with Dr. Helena Jaczek MPP (Oak Ridges-Markham) at the Memorial
Park in Whitchurch–Stouffville on August 26. There will be great entertainment, free food and
drink, and fun activities for the kids. For more information, email
A Summer’s Eve in the Hills with Dufferin-Caledon MPP and PC Attorney General Critic Sylvia
Jones on August 26. Ms. Jones’ first annual summer fundraising event will be held at the Royal
Ambassador Event Centre, 15430 Innis Lake Road in Caledon East from 4 to 9 p.m. Tickets are
$125. For more information, contact the Dufferin-Caledon Provincial PC Association at (519) 9420790 or email
The Hamilton Centre Provincial Liberal Association will host a cocktail reception with special guest
the Hon. Chris Bentley MPP (London West) on August 27th. The event will be held at The Lincoln
Alexander Centre, 160 King St. E., Hamilton from 6:30 to 9 p.m. For more information or to RSVP,
contact Derek Houlbrook at,, or
call 416-910-7873.
The Whitby-Oshawa PC Association presents the “Tastes of Durham” Cocktail Reception with
guest speaker MPP (Whitby-Oshawa) and PC Deputy Leader Christine Elliott on August 30. The
event will be held at Windreach Farms, 312 Townline Road, Ashburn from 6 to 10:30 p.m. Tickets
are $100. To RSVP or for more information, visit
Cocktails and Conversations with Ottawa Centre MPP Yasir Naqvi on September 5. The event will
be held at Hudson Park, 245 Kent Street, 2nd Floor in Ottawa from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are
$75. For more information or to RSVP, contact or call 613-222-5599.
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4th Annual Ontario Liberal Women’s Caucus Golf Tournament on September 6. The event will be
co-chaired by the Hon. Deb Matthews MPP (London North Centre) and the Hon. Kathleen Wynne
MPP (Don Valley West). The event will be held at King’s Riding Golf Club, 14700 Bathurst St., King
City. Individual tickets are $600, foursome is $2,400. For more information or to RSVP, contact
Adam Larouche at or (416) 260-1608 ext. 221.
York-Centre Pizza and Pasta Event with MPP Monte Kwinter on September 9. The event will be
held at the Crystal Room, 3710 Chesswood Dr., 2nd Floor. For more information, call 416-630-0080
or visit
The Consulting Engineers of Ontario (CEO) will host their 25 th Annual Golf Tournament on
September 6 at the Club at Bond Head Golf Course in Bond Head. Since its inception, this golf
tournament has raised over $250,000 for different charities. More details to follow.
Community BBQ with MP John McKay (Scarborough-Guildwood) on September 8. The event will
be held at the Boys and Girls Club of East Scarborough, 100 Galloway Road East, Scarborough from
12 to 3 p.m.
The Ontario Laurier Club Garden Party with former Ontario Premier and federal Liberal Leader Bob
Rae MP (Toronto Centre) will be held on September 11. The event will be held at The Boiler
House, Distillery District in Toronto from 5 to 8 p.m. For more information and to register for the
event, call 1 800-583-2742, email or visit
Parkdale-High Park NDP Association will host a '40 Years of Activism' celebration for MPP Cheri
DiNovo on September 11. The event will be held at the Boulevard Club in Toronto at 7 p.m.
Tickets are $150.
Sylvia Jones MPP (Dufferin-Caledon), Critic for the Ministry of the Attorney General and
Progressive Conservative Caucus Chair will host their annual Toronto fundraiser on September
11th. Special guest will be the Hon. Peter Van Loan MP (York-Simcoe) and Leader of the
Government in the House of Commons. The event will be held at the ‘Meating at the Bottom Line’
Restaurant and Bar, 22 Front St. W., Toronto from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. More details and contact
information for RSVPs to follow.
25th Anniversary Celebration of the 1987 Liberal majority government will be held on September
13 with former Ontario Premier David Peterson. The event is being hosted by former Halton MPP
Walt Eliot and the Halton Provincial Liberal Association. It will be held at Teatro Conference and
Event Centre, 121 Chisholm Dr., Milton from 7 to 9 p.m. Tickets are $150. To order tickets, visit For more information, call Ellen Kuschnik at (905) 3994638.
The Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance (GTMA) will host their Celebrity Golf Tournament “A
Celebration of GTA Communities” on September 13. Golf with a select group of celebrities,
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Mayors, community leaders and CEOs. The event will be held at the King Valley Golf Club, 15675
Dufferin St. in King City. For more information, visit:
Mississauga-East Cooksville MPP Dipika Damerla will host a Fall Fling Community BBQ on
September 16. The event will be held at the Mississauga Valleys Park, 1275 Mississauga Valley
Blvd. from 12 to 3 p.m.
The International Association of Hydrogeologists will host their “2012 IAH Congress” on
September 16-21, in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The event will be held at the Sheraton on the Falls.
The Congress will allow the presentation of a wide variety of new and evolving hydrogeological
issues and opportunities that include Energy and Climate Change; Groundwater Resource Analysis
and Management; Groundwater / Surface Water Interaction (Ecohydrology); Groundwater
Quality; and Karst Hydrogeology to name a few. For more information on the Congress, visit the
website at:
A fundraising reception with special guest Attorney General John Gerretsen MPP (Kingston and
the Islands), in support of Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities Glen Murray MPP
(Toronto Centre) on September 19th. The event will be held at the Bay Adelaide Centre, 333 Bay
Street, Suite 2900 in Toronto from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $350 each. To RSVP for this event,
please contact Milton Chan at 416-725-8556, or complete the registration form
( and return via email to or fax 905-738-8505.
Scarborough-Agincourt MPP Soo Wong will host the “Red Lantern Dinner” at The Very Fair
Seafood Cuisine, 17 Milliken Blvd., Scarborough on September 20th. Tickets are $138 and a tax
receipt will be issued. For more information call: 416-299-9371 or email
MPs Mike Sullivan (York South-Weston) and Peggy Nash (Parkdale-High Park) will host an evening
with federal NDP leader Tom Mulcair on September 27. The First Annual Toronto West Ridings
“100 Mile Fundraising Dinner” will be held at the Weston Golf & Country Club, 50 St. Phillip’s Rd.,
Etobicoke beginning at 6 p.m. All menu items for the event will be sourced from local farmers and
producers within a 100 mile radius of Toronto. For more information visit
The Ontario Liberal Party Annual General Meeting will be held September 28-30 at the New
Ottawa Convention Centre, 55 Colonel by Drive. More details to come.
The Carleton-Mississippi Mills Federal Liberal Association will hold its "Lifetime Liberal Awards
Gala" on October 3 at the Irish Hills Golf Club at 3248 Carp Road in Carp. The guest speaker will be
Justin Trudeau MP (Papineau). The Gala Dinner will include the recognition of existing Lifetime
Members, door prizes and a silent auction. Tickets for the Gala Dinner are $100 per ticket or two
for $175. For more information, visit
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A day-long seminar entitled Take Back Manufacturing is being organized by PEO West Toronto
Chapter for October 13th. The event will take place at the University of Toronto and feature a
discussion among leaders of manufacturing, economics, labour, technology, finance and policy of
what is needed to restore a healthy manufacturing sector in Ontario. Invited speakers include Jim
Stanford, Chief Economist, Canadian Auto Workers, and Nigel Southway, P.Eng., Chair of the
Society of Manufacturing Engineers. The event is being spearheaded by PEO West Toronto
Chapter Government Liaison Program (GLP) Chair Parvin Marzban, P.Eng.
Mayor’s Ball for the Arts in support of Toronto Arts Foundation on October 15. The event will be
held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre – South Building in Toronto. Tickets are $750. For
more information, contact Karen Miller at (416) 224-9990 or email
PEO will hold its annual MPP Queen’s Park Reception at the Ontario Legislature on Wednesday,
October 17.
Fast-neutron reactors and their ability to reduce the long-term toxicity of used nuclear fuel waste
(while creating considerable non-carbon electricity) will be discussed at the next Policy
Engagement Series presentation of the Ontario Centre for Engineering and Public Policy (OCEPP)
on October 18th. The guest speaker will be Peter Ottensmeyer, a professor emeritus at the
University of Toronto and a retired senior scientist at the Ontario Cancer Institute. The
presentation will be held from noon to 2 p.m., at the Primrose Best Western Hotel, 111 Carlton
Street, Toronto. Registration and other details will be available soon.
The 4th annual True Patriot Love Tribute Dinner on November 1 at the Metro Toronto Convention
Centre – North Building in Toronto. This event honours and supports members of the Canadian
military and their families. Guest speaker will be General Walt Natynczyk. Tickets are $1,000. For
more information, contact Karen Miller at (416) 224-9990 or email
If you have any comments, additions, or questions, please do not hesitate to call or email:
Howard Brown, President, Brown & Cohen Communications & Public Affairs Inc.
321 Brooke Avenue | Toronto, ON M5M 2L4 |Direct line: 416-783-1140 | Cell: 416-844-1180 |
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