Winter 2014 - Brockville and District Hospital Foundation


Winter 2014 - Brockville and District Hospital Foundation
Winter 2014
Kawartha Credit Union
KCU contributes
to the 1 East
Revitalization Project
- page 2
Gananoque Collaboration
Gananoque Collaboration
does it again!
- page 5
a Times
P r o v i d i n g
G r o w t h
f o r
t h e
F u t u r e
Message from the Chair
The holiday season is fast
approaching, and I would like to
take this opportunity to thank all
organizations, donors, independent
partners and volunteers who have
helped make 2014 such a giving
year! The Brockville General
Hospital is fortunate to have the
support of the citizens of Leeds
and Grenville and surrounding area
in ensuring quality healthcare for
our families.
Please know that your donations
this past year have supported two
progams, Brockville Cardiovascular
and Palliative Care, as well as the
purchase of equipment and
support of the 1 East Revitalization
The BDHF Board of Directors and
staff wish you and yours a safe and
happy holiday.
Ruth Lockett
Chair, Board of Directors
Brockville and District Hospital
Brockville and District Hospital Foundation Board Members 2014-2015
Message from the Chair ...........1
Focus on Community Support Gift-in-Kind Donations ..............2
Wedgewood Retirement
Resort ......................................2
2014 Annual Appeal .................3
Caring News..........................4-5
Black Tie Gala and the 1 East
Revitalization Project................6
Donate a Car ............................7
Wish List...................................7
Contact Us................................8
Seated l-r Scott MacCrimmon, Vice-Chair; Ruth Lockett, Chair; Ainslie Coleman, Dave
Publow. Standing l-r: Wayne Blackwell, Mary Lynn O’Shaughnessy, Heather Halladay,
Tom Blanchard, Kevin Tackaberry, Karen Matte, Dennis Hudson, Maureen Fraser, Bill
Spencer, Tony Weeks, Russ Gaskin, Jack Butt. Missing: Heather Howard, John Broome.
Fo c u s o n C o m m u n i t y S u p p o r t
Gift in Kind Donations
Thank You to our PRICELESS Gift in Kind Donors!
Over this past year, The Brockville and District
Hospital Foundation continued to be overwhelmed
by the generosity of our area businesses,
organizations, service clubs, industries, individuals
and the community as a whole with their
Gift-in-Kind donations.
The Foundation defines a Gift-in-Kind item as a
non-cash donation of a good or service. With over
15 events held over this past year to raise crucial
dollars for Brockville General Hospital’s programs
and equipment needs. The success
of each and every event was
dependant on the generosity of our
Gift-in-Kind donors! Some of our
Gift-in-Kind businesses...
Wedgewood Retirement Resort
A sincere thank you to our Friends fo Palliative
Care Volunteers (a few are pictured below) and to
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our Friends at the Wedgewood Retirement Resort
for hosting the Volunteer reception. As well, we
would like to extend our appeciation to the
Wedgewood staff and residents for welcoming us
into their home.
Above, BDHF Special Events Coordinator,
Meredith Gorell attends the Wedgewood
Health Fair held on November 5, 2014.
We N e e d Yo u r S u p p o r t
2014 Annual Appeal
November 1 - December 19th, 2014
Page 3 Winter 2014 Caring Times
Kawartha Credit Union
You Spoke…The Community has listened!
The 1 East Revitalization Project is well
under way at the Brockville General
Hospital (BGH) after concerns were
expressed by patients, staff at the BGH
and the community at large. The Brockville
and District Hospital Foundation (BDHF)
has spearheaded an ambitious fundraising
effort of $400,000 to complete this
Revitalization project. The people have
spoken and the Community is responding.
The Kawartha Credit Union (KCU) learned
of the project and were quick to show their
support with a $5000.00 donation. Pictured
here during the cheque presentation (l-r)
Judith Hart ,KCU staff; Ruth Lockett, Chair
of the BDHF; Mary Haddow, Brockville
Branch Manager KCU; Sarah Holmes and
Cindy Dalgleish KCU staff members.
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The Royal Scarlet Chapter of Edwardsburg recently donated
$1100 to The Brockville and District Hospice Palliative Care
Service at the Brockville General Hospital. The Royal Scarlet
Chapter is a Chapter Degree of the Loyal Orange Association. Its
annual dinner, this year held May 23rd is run under the Chapter
banner so the funds raised stay local. The generous donations
made over the years by this dedicated group have totalled close
to $20,000 for the Palliative Care Service.
Shown here are (left to right) Elaine Watters and Pam Foster,
Consult Nurses, accepting the cheque Shirley Coleman,
Coordinator Palliative Care and Consult Nurse, Chapter members
Clarence Barkley, Reg Conners and Carl Thorpe.
Gananoque Collaboration…Does it again!
The Gananoque Collaboration group is shown above with Cathy
Cassidy Gifford, Vice-President of Clinical Services and Chief Nursing
Executive. The Gananoque Collaboration contributed $38,000 towards
the purchase of a much needed Central Monitoring System in order to
support the care and monitoring of patients in the step down unit. The
town of Gananoque, the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 92 and
Ganaoque Citizen Jack Keyes continue to generously support the needs
put forth by the Brockville and District Hospital Foundation for
Brockville General Hospital. A community and a cause coming
at its credit:
best! Dale Elliott, Eastern Ontario Network
Thank You for Supporting Your Hospital
Isla and Ben
A mitt-full…from the MUD!
A dedicated community of ATV drivers braved the wet weather,
August 23rd for an ATV Poker Run, in support of the Brockville and
District Hospice Palliative Care Service. This event raised an
impressive $ 5113.65 for the program. Pictured from the left, are
Shirley Coleman, Coordinator Palliative Care and Consult nurse, Event
Chair Carolin Kroot, her daughter, and fellow event coordinator Jenni
Kirkland, and Pam Foster, Palliative Care Consult Nurse.
Ben and Isla’s story…Year by Year….Year One!
Last year we introduced you to our special VIP’s
Ben and Isla. What better way to celebrate their
first birthday, than with an update on their lives,
during their very important first year.
Ben and Isla’s parents, have noted some of the
“firsts” for these cuties, plus provided some
captured moments bringing truth to the saying,
“pictures are worth a thousand words”.
Happy 1st Birthday Ben and Isla!
Thank you to Tim Hortons. The five Brockville locations
raised an astonishing $11,717 through their September
Smile Cookie Campaign in support of “Cancer care gets
closer to home”. Thank you to all of the participating Tim
Hortons, and the volunteers who helped make this event
such a huge success.
Above, A bouquet of thanks from Joan Simon to dedicated
volunteers Ron and Jan Flindall, for delivering smile
cookies to BGH locations each day of the campaign so BGH
employees could purchase and enjoy smile cookies too.
How are these two developing?
• Isla’s favorite foods are green veggies and
meat, Ben a fondness for scrambled “eggies
and cheesees”
• All types of books are a love for both toddlers
• Both Ben and Isla are picking up technological
items pretty quickly…Ben favors the remote
control, Isla her parents cell phone!
• Both Isla and Ben love the outdoors and have
discovered their own ability to move. Isla
enjoying pushing her dolly stroller and Ben
walking along furniture
• Sleeping patterns are somewhat different,
Ben’s a sleeper, and Isla’s the early riser
• Both Mom’s admit that these two are more like
brother and sister, as is evident at their weekly
day care visits with a few stand offs over a
certain toy or soother
A year from now… another update on Ben and
Isla… and a view… from TWO!
Page 5 Winter 2014 Caring Times
2015 Black Tie Benefit Gala - 1East Revitalization Project
The 1 East Revitalization
project came about due
to the concerns and
comments made by the
Community Advisory
Committee and the
general public regarding
the state of the 1 East Inpatient Unit. The 1 East In-patient Unit has not
seen any cosmetic enhancements since the early
hosting a Black Tie Benefit Gala to celebrate
Brockville General Hospital’s 130th Anniversary
that is co-chaired by Ardis and Marsha Lindsay.
This signature event will be celebrated on April 25,
2015 in the Granite Room at the Brockville Country Club….Save the Date!
The 1 East Working Group was formed. One of
the key elements that the group conceived was
the creation of a “Model Room”. This model room
will allow staff and patients to use and evaluate all
aspects of the items purchased before all of the
rooms are completed. Some of the features
included in the model room are:
Large face clocks
Improved lighting
Raised toilets
Larger sinks with room for storage of
patient's toiletries
Calming & soothing paint colours
Easy to manoeuver over bed tables
Bedside tables
Easy grip hand rails
Window coverings
Privacy curtains
In-room computerized charting
The cost to complete 15 patient rooms, the corridors and a patient sitting room is estimated at
How do we reach this goal?
To assist in achieving this ambitious goal the
Brockville and District Hospital Foundation will be
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On October 22nd, the I East Revitalization
Project was announced. The model room
was unveiled on the I East ward. Above,
guests are touring the new room.
W List
The Brockville and District Hospital Foundation (BDHF) supports the Brockville General Hospital’s
commitment to provide an excellent patient experience guided by the people we serve, delivered by people who care.
Donate a Car
The Brockville & District Hospital Foundation is
pleased to announce that we have entered into a
partnership with Donate-A-Car Canada.
Donate-A-Car Canada will accept vehicle donations
for Brockville and District Hospital Foundation and
they will provide free towing in many areas across
Canada. When you Donate your car, RV, boat,
motorcycle or other vehicle to the Brockville and
District Hospital Foundation through Donate-A-Car
Canada, it will either be recycled or sold at auction
depending on its condition, age and location.
Donate-A-Car Canada will look after all the details.
After your vehicle donation is complete, Brockville
and District Hospital Foundation will send you a tax
receipt within 45 days! Visit the Foundation’s website
(Under the “Ways to Give” tab)
Ceiling Lift
Intensive Care Unit .........................................................$6,000
Holium Laser Goggles
Operating Room...............................................................$3,000
Glider Rockers
Maternal Child (four needed)..........................$4,800 each
Sleeper Chairs
Maternal Child (three needed) .......................$6,000 each
Medical Surgical Units (ten needed).......................$5,000
Floor Polisher
Environmental Services................................................$6,000
Portable Blood Pressure Machine
Medical Surgical Units(two needed) ............$3,500 each
One purchased...Thank you!
Central Monitoring System
75 Charles St.,
Brockville, ON K6V 1S8
Intensive Care Unit and Emergency
Department .....................................................................$40,000
This system was purchased by the Gananoque
Collaboration; Jack Keyes, Town of Gananoque , and the
Royal Canadian Legion – Branch 92…Thank you!
Page 7 Winter 2014 Caring Times
Ruth Lockett, Chair
Scott MacCrimmon, Vice-Chair
Tom Blanchard, Past-Chair
Wayne Blackwell
John Broome
David Bryer
Jack Butt
Ainslie Coleman
Maureen Fraser
Russ Gaskin
Heather Halladay
Heather Howard
Dennis Hudson
Karen Matte
Mary Lynn O’Shaughnessy
David Publow
William Spencer
Kevin Tackaberry
Tony Weeks, President/CEO BGH
Joan Simon,
Executive Director
Meredith Gorrell
Lee Ann Grattan
Melanie Kavanaugh
Privacy Statement
On the Horizon
Mark your Calendars!
Annual Appeal
November 1st - December 24th, 2014
Help support the purchase of a
Sterrad System, a sterilization system
for BGH by making a donation to the
2014 Annual Appeal.
30 Hour Palliative Care Telethon
February 28 - March 1 at the
Brockville Arts Centre. Silent Auction
at the 1000 Islands Mall. Support the
Brockville and District Hospice
Palliative Care Services by making a
pledge to the Telethon or bid on a
silent auction item.
130th Anniversary Black Tie Gala
April 25th at the Brockville Country
Club. Tickets are $200 each and
available at both Brockville Scotiabank
locations, 397 Stewart Boulevard and
7 King Street West. All funds raised
will be directed to the 1East
Revitalization Project.
Are you Receiving our
If you have provided us with
your email address, thank you.
If you haven't shared your
email address with us, you’re
missing out on an opportunity
to receive updates about newly
purchased medical equipment
and upcoming Foundation
Help us to reduce costs
and keep in touch!
Please send an email to
Subject line: newsletter
75 Charles St.,
Brockville, ON K6V 1S8
The Brockville and District Hospital Foundation respects your privacy. We protect your personal information
and adhere to all legislative requirements with respect to protecting privacy. We do not rent, sell or trade our
mailing lists. The information you provide will be used to deliver services and to keep you informed and up-todate on the fundraising activities of the Foundation. If at any time you would like to be removed from our
mailing list, simply contact us by phone at 613-345-4478 or by email at and we will
gladly accommodate your request.
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