GENERAL HAPPENINGS - Brockville General Hospital


GENERAL HAPPENINGS - Brockville General Hospital
General happenings
Healthy People, Outstanding Care
Brockville General Hospital
In This Issue
2. BGH Third Floor Renovation Complete
2. Human Resources
Has New Home
3. Making One Wish
Come True
4. “An Evening to Care”
5. New Anaesthesia Machines for BGH
6. Staff Forum Meeting
6. Board of Governors
April meeting/Submission
7. The Volunteens are
8. Volunteens
9. From the Editor’s Desk
10. Clara Hughes Comes
to Brockville for Mental
11. Living Well
12. Celebrating Our Volunteers
13. Support Group for
14. Foundation Calendar
of Events 2014
14. Thank You
15. Education Opportunities
16. South East LHIN
Launches Public Awareness Campaign
17. Easter Closing Notices
17. BGH Recognizes
18. Palliative Care News
19. Events
20. Request for Support
April 2014
BGH Open House Celebrates Community
Healthcare Milestone
Brockville General Hospital hosted an Open House and Official
Opening of its new Charles Street Site Mental Health Inpatient
Unit on March 18th, marking a milestone in this community’s
healthcare. A 1997 directive from the Hospital Services Restructuring Commission will be now be completed with the relocation of current Elmgrove acute care mental health services into the new inpatient unit, and the closure of the BGH Elmgrove Site April 1st (formerly
the Elmgrove Unit on the grounds of the former Brockville Psychiatric
Hospital/Brockville Mental Health Centre).
“This is certainly a celebration for the community,” said Tony Weeks,
BGH President & CEO, at the official ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Also officiating was Brockville Mayor David Henderson and BGH
Board of Governors 1st Vice Chair Charlotte Patterson.
“It has been a journey,” said Patterson, “shared by the community.
BGH stands on the shoulders of those who came before us with mental health care for Leeds and Grenville. Today is a wonderful step forward.”
Cutting the cake at the Open House are (l – r) Mayor David Henderson,
Charlotte Patterson, BGH Chief of Psychiatry Dr. Robert Malone, Tony
Weeks, and BGH Director of Mental Health Services Linda Peever.
General Happenings
BGH Third Floor Renovation Complete
The Interim Mental Health Renovation that has been underway since last fall at the Brockville
General Hospital (BGH) Charles Street Site is completed.
“We were pleased and excited to invite the public to take tours of the new Third Floor here at
Charles Street,” says Maggie Wheeler, Chief of Communications and Engagement for BGH. “It’s
been a big job, but also a very interesting time to be part of. Welcoming the Mental Health Services
into the new Inpatient Unit on Third Floor will be a celebration for the hospital and the community.”
Officially handing the Third Floor keys
over to (centre left) Todd Schonewille,
BGH Director of Facilities and Infrastructure, are (l – r) Franck Gerbelot,
ZW Group Senior Project Manager; Stephen MacDougall, EllisDon Construction Site Superintendent; and Grant
MacEachern, Stantec Design Senior
Human Resources Has New Home
The Human Resources offices at Charles Street Site have made the move to their new permanent
location on 2West. Everyone is enjoying the accommodations in the newly refurbished offices.
Cameron McLennan, VP People
Services & Talent Management,
looks over the new offices.
HR staff Eleanor Hogeveen gets
settled in her new office.
Making One Wish Come True
Wishes can come true—but you have to make a list.
Brockville resident Roger Lowe recently noted the equipment needs “Wish List” in the Brockville and
District Hospital Foundation’s current Caring Times newsletter, and was pleasantly surprised at the
range of prices in the items listed. Wanting to support Brockville General Hospital (BGH), Mr. Lowe
chose to donate $3500 through the Foundation to cover the purchase of a new portable blood pressure machine. This machine will be used in the Med/Surg inpatient units on the Second and First
Floors of the BGH Charles Street Site.
“This donation will enhance our nursing staff’s delivery of safe, timely care to the patients on our
units,” says Travis Wing, BGH Manager of Med/Surg. “We are all very grateful for the support of our
community members.”
Testing the new equipment are (l – r) Heather Quesnelle, BGH Vice President Clinical Services and Chief Nursing Executive; Wayne Blackwell, Foundation Board member; Roger
Lowe, donor; Travis Wing, Med/Surg Manager; and Steve Vanderkloet, Registered Nurse,
“An Evening to Care” for Local Palliative Care at SLC April 2nd
The St. Lawrence College (SLC) Marianne van Silfhout Art Gallery will be the site for “An
Evening To Care” fundraising event in support of local palliative care services April 2 nd.
The evening will showcase local artists on display, music by SLC Music Theatre program, and a silent auction of services and items donated by local businesses. Appetizers and a cash bar will be
available. The evening will run from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
“We have a goal of $800.00 to raise for palliative care,” says Kelli McPherson, event committee
member. “The tickets sell for $20.00 and that includes one complimentary beverage. The evening
will be an entertaining way to care about something as important as palliative care.”
All proceeds raised by the event will go to support the Brockville and District Hospice Palliative Care
Service based at Brockville General Hospital. The service provides assessments, counseling, pain
and symptom management, as well as physical, emotional and spiritual support for patients and
families dealing with life-limiting illness. Volunteers offer support to patients and families at home,
and in hospital. The service receives no government funding.
Tickets can be purchased in advance from Kelli McPherson by calling 613-803-6605 or email to You can also purchase your ticket at the door the night of the event. St.
Lawrence College parking is free after 5:00 p.m.
Admiring one of the pieces of artwork that will be on display for the event are (l – r) event
committee members Kelly McPherson and Kelsey Moffit, Brockville and District Hospital
Foundation Executive Director Joan Simon, Gallery Curator Christina Chrysler, and event
committee members Jennifer Nichols and Cassidy Blackburn.
New Anaesthesia Machines for BGH
The recent purchase of a new set
of anaesthesia machines for the
Brockville General Hospital (BGH)
Operating Rooms brings the surgery suites into a whole new level
of patient care—thanks to the
Brockville and District Hospital
Foundation and an anonymous donor.
Admiring one of the new Primus Infinity anaesthesia machines
are (l – r) Foundation Board member Ainslie Coleman, BGH Surgical Nurses Amanda Lawson-Rimmer and James Verstegen, Dr.
Alex Tolton, BGH Vice President Clinical Services and Chief
Nursing Executive Heather Quesnelle, and BGH Chief of Anaesthesia Dr. Murray MacGillis.
“The Brockville and District Hospital
Foundation were informed by the
BGH of the need for the Anaesthesia
machines for the Surgical Suites,”
says Joan Simon, Executive Director
of the Foundation. “We were fortunate
to receive a gift by an anonymous donor to purchase one of the machines. The remaining machines were
funded by the Foundation.”
The original set of six anaesthesia machines at BGH had aged out, according to Dr. Murray MacGillis, BGH
Chief of Anaesthesia.
“The other machines were over 10 years old,” explains MacGillis, “and it was becoming impossible to get
parts for repairs. The technology was also aging out.”
The process to replace the machines took the better part of a year, with a group from BGH participating with
other hospitals in Ontario who also needed new anaesthesia equipment. In the interim, BGH reviewed other
options before choosing to purchase with the hospital group. “We took the best choice,” says MacGillis, “and
got the best price with the group rate.”
The six new machines are the Primus Infinity by Drager, chosen for their state of the art technology and excellent reliability.
“On two fronts—patient care and technological supports—these machines take BGH to a whole new level of
service,” MacGillis says.
Enhancement of patient care begins with the large, easy to read monitors that provide one screen with all patient data presented simultaneously for the surgery team. The Infinity also offers a portable module that stays
connected to the patient throughout surgery, and then follows the patient to Recovery where it is reconnected
to the system—constantly monitoring the patient and providing the vital signs for the nursing staff. “All external monitors stay on the patient,” MacGillis explains, “so we no longer have to disturb the patient to remove
the contacts. It is a seamless information transfer and the patient is never disconnected from the system until
he or she is leaving Recovery.”
It also means the patient data is still instantly available for the physician, should any change occur. Even if the
physician is in the operating room and available for a brief consult, the main monitor can present the vital
signs from Recovery with the touch of a button—offering a huge advance in patient safety.
Tuesday, April 8th
@ 2:00 – 3:00 pm
Charles Street Site Auditorium
Video-conferenced with the following sites:
Garden Street Site Boardroom
Front Avenue - 2nd Floor Boardroom
All Staff are encouraged to attend
Board of Governors
January Meeting
Monday, April 14
Charles Street Site
Submissions for “General
are due on
the 24th of
every month.
Please send to
Rebecca Bax
Open Session usually
begins at 6:00 p.m.
The BGH Volunteens are Back!
Brockville General Hospital is happy to announce the return of its highly successful
“Volunteen” program.
Based on the original volunteer program for teens that ran from 1990 to 2005, the new Volunteen
program will give area youth the chance to volunteer in many areas within the hospital, allowing
them to experience the working hospital setting first hand. The Volunteen program is once again
hosted by the Brockville General Volunteer Association (BGVA) in partnership with St. Lawrence
College’s Child and Youth Worker program.
“Brockville General Hospital and our Volunteer Association have many learning experiences to offer the youth of our community who are interested in the various aspects of healthcare,” says
Cheryl Marshall, Manager of Volunteers for the BGVA. “We look forward to working with the young
people of the community, ages 13 to 18, which will bring a new vitality and younger component to
our Volunteer Association.”
Pictured launching the program at the hospital are (l – r) SLC Child and Youth Worker students Amanda Furlong, Vanessa MacInnis, and Stephanie Feltmate with Volunteer Manager
Cheryl Marshall. Missing is Kira Merritt.
From the Editor’s Desk
We are very excited to announce that the May edition of our monthly newsletter will
feature an all new look!
What will be different and what will be the same?
It will be a new format in order to make it easier to read online, as well as in print, but
the biggest change will be the name. To make the newsletter more about our employees and readers, we are currently accepting suggestions for the newsletter name. Do
you have a suggestion for the new name? Please send them to Rebecca Bax at
But even with all of these changes we guarantee the content you look for will remain
the same.
If you want an email alert for the next edition of the newsletter, you can sign up here:
Clara Hughes Comes to Brockville for Mental Health
Clara Hughes is a six-time Canadian
Olympic speed-skating and cycling medalist and the national spokesperson for Bell
Let’s Talk.
Clara’s Big Ride for Bell Let’s Talk is a 110
-day national bicycle tour through every
province and territory, beginning with Toronto on March 14, 2014 and concluding in
Ottawa on July 1, 2014. As part of Clara’s
Big Ride, she will cover 12,000km and visit
95 communities along the way.
Clara’s Big Ride is aimed to grow awareness, acceptance, and action to create a
stigma-free Canada.
Olympian Clara Hughes waves to the
crowd as she rides through Brockville.
BGH observers found different ways to
stay warm as they waited patiently for
Clara Hughes.
The Brockville General
Hospital, Brockville Mental
Health Centre, and Leeds
and Grenville Mental Health
cheer on Clara Hughes on
her 110 day ride.
Brockville General Volunteer Association News
We are thrilled at the Brockville General Volunteer Association to once again be celebrating
International Volunteer Week, April 6th to April 12th with our wonderful Volunteers!
To each and every one of you we give our heartfelt “Thank you!” for everything you do. Your dedication to volunteering at BGH is outstanding! You make our hospital a special place for our patients, staff and our community! Amazing people who are so giving of your time and talents every
day, we count it a privilege to have you on our BGH team.
Please come to the Volunteer Celebration Tea on Thursday, April 10th from 2:00 to 3:30pm in the
Cafeteria at the Charles Street site. We look forward to seeing you all there!
This year marks our 125th Anniversary year! An organization that is thriving, growing and continually evolving to better meet our hospital needs. As I look at archival pictures of the beginnings of this
association of a small group of Doctor’s wives to over 365+ current volunteers we know that hundreds of thousands of hours went to make us what we are today.
Once again, THANK You for all your support! We will be celebrating with cake and refreshments on
April 7th outside the cafeteria at the Charles Street site and encourage all of you to invite a friend to
discover volunteer opportunities available and grow with us.
Cheryl Marshall, Manager of Volunteers
Calendar of Events
April 2
4 Girls 4 A Cause — An Even- Palliative Care
ing to Care
St. Lawrence College
May 5
Beauty and the Breast
Fume Hood Equipment The Mill
June 6
BBQ — Care and Share
BGH Sites
June 14
Bikes for Beats — Motorcycle
show and vendors
1000 Islands Mall
June 20
Heat and Sol Mexican Fiesta
Maternal Care
Brockville Yacht Club
July 19
Golfing for Maternal Care
Prescott Golf Club
Education Opportunities
Brockville General Hospital
Pastoral Care Training
Sponsored by the Spiritual Care Department
April 2-June 4
10 Wednesday Afternoons 1:00-4:00 pm
This program is designed for volunteers interested
in providing Pastoral Visitation in health care and
home settings. Our aim is to meet the Spiritual
Needs of our local community.
Register: by March 21
Cost: $75
(no cost for BGH Volunteers)
For more information contact:
Janet Stark, Spiritual Care Manager
613-345-5649 x 1020
Easter Closing Notice
Eleanor’s Café and Gift Shop
will be closed
April 18 for Good Friday
April 21 for Easter Monday
The Gift Shop will open
Saturday April 19 from 1pm to 4pm
BGH Recognizes
National Volunteer Week April 6 to 13
National Med Lab Week April 28 to May 4
National Administrative Assistant Day April 24th
Palliative Care News
On Thursday March 13, patients, loved ones, volunteers and staff of 5th floor Garden
Street all celebrated St. Patrick ’s Day!
Patients and volunteers had a sing song together as well as cookies, coffee and even a jig or two to
celebrate the happy day.
Seamus the Leprechaun
Palliative Care Volunteer Liz Grange,
Coordinator of Volunteers for palliative
Care Patti Howlett
Palliative Care Volunteer Helen Brady
Kath Mondeville & Helen Brady
Volunteers Needed for Palliative Care
Are you or someone you know thinking about becoming a Hospice Palliative Care Volunteer?
Brockville and District Hospice Palliative Care Service is looking for caring and compassionate individuals who are willing to share with us, some of their valuable time…
If volunteering in Palliative Care is something that you would like to do, call today to set up
your appointment to meet with a Palliative Care Volunteer Coordinator.
Training is offered twice a year. The next session will be starting in the spring:
Leslie: Coordinator of Community Palliative Care Volunteers, 613-345-5649 X 4417,
Patti Coordinator of Hospital Palliative Care Volunteers X 4410.
General Palliative Care Program inquiries X 4412
Requests for Support
Relay for Life is once again upon us. The event this year takes place in Brockville on Friday June
13, 2014. I have created a team in honor of my 13 year old daughter Daria (who has recently
fought and won her battle with stage 4 lymphoma!!) that will be walking to raise money for the
cancer society.
I would like to invite the BGH community to support this worthwhile cause by making donations to
our team "Fight Like A Girl with Daria". Donations can be made on the maternity floor or to any
team member or by visiting our team page on the Relay website:
Our team currently has 16 members including maternity nurses Ellen Gleason, LoriAnn Noonan,
Dr. Ruparelia and myself...any of us would be happy to help you make a donation.
We will also be raising funds by having a Celebrity Server night at Boston Pizza on Wednesday
April 16 2014 and would love for everyone to come out!
Cheryl Sanger, R.N.
Maternal Child Unit