Leland Ranch Brochure


Leland Ranch Brochure
7 DAys
SONOMA is world-renowned as a center for winemaking, cuisine, and even brewing, but less
well known for its fly fishing opportunities. Bass, trout, shad, stripers, steelhead – all are
species one can target with a fly in Sonoma’s waters. The Leland Fly Fishing Ranch is an ideal
jumping off point for fishing pursuits in Sonoma County and beyond, where one can pick up
the skills, expertise, and knowledge necessary to fish competently anywhere in the world.
The Bay Area’s only
fly fishing education facility
35 minutes north of
the Golden Gate Bridge
Two small streams
Weather you are a beginner or an
avid fly fisher, there's a good chance we
have a class you'd be interested in. Many
of our classes coincide with our 5 Step
Introduction to Fly Fishing curriculum,
which you can read more about later in
this brochure. Classes may also be taken
at your own pace as you see fit.
2.5 acre trout lake with
desinated instructional areas
1 acre casting pond
Casting lawn
Full-service fly shop
Access to an 8-acre bass pond
SONOMA. A name that brings to
mind a host of others. Pinot noir.
Chardonnay. Merlot, Cabernet. This fertile region of
Northern California is known widely for its winemaking, but relatively few know of its spectacular fishing
opportunities…Opportunities that have expanded
with the opening of the beautiful Leland Fly
Fishing Ranch.
Years of design, planning, and construction have
created a state-of-the-art fishing education facility in
this stunning setting. Situated in a broad winemaking
valley, a few hundred yards from the steelhead running
in Sonoma Creek, the Leland Fly Fishing Ranch has
countless opportunities to offer beginning, intermediate,
and expert anglers.
Just inside the front gate, visitors will find a fullyfeatured fly shop, open 10AM to 6PM, Wednesday
through Sunday. Immediately behind the fly shop
there is a 100-foot casting lawn, where guests can
test-drive the latest in rod technology from the top
brands in the business.
Across the property, past the outdoor classroom,
guests will notice the origins of two small, spring creeklike streams, each holding trout and emptying into welloxygenated ponds. These deep ponds also have expansive gravel flats which afford ample spawning beds.
Students will have the opportunity to fish the ponds at
the conclusion of the Sunday full-day Seminars, and
hone presentation skills on these selective risers using
special flies tied with T.A.G. hooks, the lowest-impact
method of fishing yet developed.
The Leland Fly Fishing Ranch has become a valuable resource for the fly fishing community in the Bay
Area, and California more broadly.
Novices and seasoned anglers alike
can take advantage of the educational
opportunities available at the Ranch in
a convenient and comfortable setting.
L E L A N D S O N O M A Travleler
The Leland SONOMA Ranch Fly Shop
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK / 10am - 6pm
24120 Arnold Drive (Highway 20)
Sonoma, California 95476
Just 35 minutes from the Golden Gate Bridge!
(707) 939-6910
Designed to respond to the short, compact casting stroke we teach in the Leland Method, the five weight Sonoma Traveler will cast a host of different flies with
astonishing accuracy. This eight footer tracks true, is balanced in hand, and will make you a better caster by rewarding the right stroke with brilliant performance.
Designed as the ideal beginner's rod, this portable four-piecer ended up as one of the finest dry fly rods we've ever cast.
Leland Sonoma Reel 5/6
To go with our Sonoma rods, we wanted a reel that was lightweight, affordable, durable, and classic in appearance. In the Leland Sonoma Reel 5/6, we've used
anodized, machined aluminum, proven click-pawl drag technology, and quick, easy spool interchange to produce a reel that's as cosmetically beautiful as it is
mechanically sound.
Airflo Velocity Weight Forward Floating Fly Line, Five Weight
As an affordable, entry-level fly line, the Airflo Velocity has all you need to get out and start successfully fly fishing on your own. With an easy-casting weight forward
taper, the Velocity turns over fly and leader well and loads the rod fully at both close and intermediate distances. At our Sonoma Ranch, and across the fly waters of
Northern California, we’ve seen how this line casts and mends exceptionally well, and helps new and returning fly anglers put the fly where it needs to be.
Also included in this outfit are fly line backing and a cordura rod/reel case. We will rig this outfit for you to the Leland Standard, wherein all connections between
the leader, fly line, fly line backing, and fly reel will be assembled and tested to the greatest strength and reliability before arriving at your door, ready to fish,
right out of the box. Please, in the 'comments' field of the online order form, specify whether you intend to reel with your left or right hand.
Protect Our Waters Coalition
Some good news from the front lines of the battle to
protect our waters! Working together as the 'Protect Our
Waters Coalition,' CalTrout, Trout Unlimited, and Shasta-area
residents have won a major victory for the small towns
and coldwater fisheries of Siskiyou County in northern
California. Mount Shasta, its slopes split between the Upper
Sacramento, McCloud, and Klamath watersheds, is the
headwaters for many spring-, snow-, and glacier-fed streams
in a region that holds some of fly fishing's most hallowed
ground. In these waters, economy and ecology are inextricably linked: the health of local communities depends directly
on the integrity of the environment, as tourism, farming,
and ranching – three primary sectors of the region’s livelihood – all require large volumes of pristine water for their
continued viability. The Protect Our Waters Coalition has
successfully blocked the latest effort by Nestlé Waters North
America to build a one-million square foot bottling plant that
would have de-watered the Shasta, McCloud and Upper
Sacramento Rivers – as well as area groundwater – under
the strict terms of a 100-year contract, with a relatively
paltry offering in local jobs.
Leland applauds the Coalition’s efforts, yet another example
of local grassroots groups finding success in their opposition
to extraordinary multinational corporate pressure.
For more info, or to pledge support, go to:
Sage 590-4
Z-Axis Fly Rod / Abel Super 5N / Sage Performance Taper Fly Line, WF 5F
Fly Fishing
is the
oldest form of
sport fishing. its
skills and lore
Your small dry fly drifts down the rippling current and passes over deeper water.
You sense a shadow moving from beneath and all at once a large form rises to engulf
have a rich heritage your fly. You quickly raise the rod tip and feel the line come tight, and suddenly, the fight
DATING back over
is on...
six centuries.
What got you thinking about fly fishing? Maybe you fished as a kid with your family or
Sometimes you’ll hear or read that these skills are
difficult to learn. Not to worry - the professional Fly
Fishing Instructional Staff at Leland has many, many
decades of shared experience and we’ve taught thousands
of students these skills, along with an appreciation for the
art of fly fishing. Because we have so much experience
at Leland, we’ve assembled and developed the finest fly
fishing instructional package found anywhere. We call it
the Leland Method. Our knack for education has helped
us earn the fly fishing industry’s highest recognition,
the American Angler Award, as the Top Fly Shop in the
Country for 2008. Our teaching staff includes, for example, a former guide with over thirty years experience on
Northern California waters and our newest addition, who
at twenty years of age, is already a three time National
Fly Casting Champion.
friends and would like to regain and build on those experiences. Perhaps you used to fly
fish when you had more time and then got busy with a job or family. Or maybe you've
never fished much, but you've heard that it's a lot of fun and you've got a yen to get outdoors.
We each have our own reasons to love fishing, yet all the fly fishers that we know share a
common thread; we all get immense satisfaction from the connection between anglers, the
fish we pursue, and the beautiful natural surroundings in which we find ourselves. Fly fishing can take us to alpine trout streams or coral sand flats, and far away from our everyday existence in a busy civilization.
When we fly fish, even if it's just for the afternoon or the weekend, we touch upon something ancient within ourselves. In this solitude, we're drawn into the watery world to learn
the ways of the fish, and the ways of the other creatures that share their habitat.
getting starTed at the Leland Fly Fishing Ranch
Please join us at the beautiful, rural Leland Fly Fishing Ranch in Sonoma Valley where
good company, great food, wine, and swimming trout all come together. Our goal is to
make learning fun, and, of course, highly effective, so that you can be prepared with the
necessary skills to be self sufficient with a fly rod on any stream. The three steps of the
Leland curriculum are (1) Forming a Loop (2) Efficient Casting (3) Distance Casting. Taken
together, our three classes will provide you with the skills you need to cast to any species
of fish, from trout to tarpon. Here's what you'll learn:
We'll cover how to use, assemble and care for your fly fishing
gear. You'll learn how both rods and lines are tapered and how
everything works together during casting and fishing.
The most important thing you will learn is how to effectively
practice on your own with our Seven Minute Practice Session. This
can be done nearly anywhere.
You'll learn the proper grip, casting mechanics, and body positions.
This will allow you to use efficient technique from the get-go.
On our running stream in Sonoma, we'll teach you what trout look
for in habitat and what they eat.
We'll teach you the importance of the "Squeeze" that stops the
rod and allows the line to form a loop. The Leland "Drag and Stop"
method will speed up this process.
Finally, we'll give you a run-down on "what the heck do you do
when you T.A.G. hook a fish?" To conclude, we'll offer tips on catch
and release practices and resource conservation.
You'll learn proper timing by catching the 'J' on your forward
and back cast.
Sound like fun? Well, it is, and that right there is just Step One of
the Leland Saturday.
You will then learn how to change your casting plane while keeping
the line aloft. This will lead to your first overhead cast, which
enables you to learn how to change your casting direction.
For dates and times of Leland Ranch Programs
please see the last spread in this brochure.
Wild Salmon Center
Further afield, we'd like to point out the work of the Wild
Salmon Center, an international conservation group based in
Portland, Oregon. A high profile non-governmental organization, the WSC works around the Northern Pacific Rim to
protect globally significant salmon rivers. These are rivers
that are still relatively healthy - where salmon and
steelhead populations have not begun the precipitous
decline that we've seen so many places already, including
here in California. Protecting these unfragmented, healthy
watersheds is key to the long-term preservation of all
Pacific salmon species. WSC's work has taken them to
British Columbia, Alaska, and even the Russian Far East and
Japan, where they have identified most of these important
salmon rivers and are now working to sustain healthy
salmon runs in specific geographic regions. Their study of
unfragmented ecosystems can also serve as a crucial laboratory for understanding how to rehabilitate salmon stocks in
the United States and Canada. To accomplish their international work, WSC partners with top scientists, nonprofits,
governments, local communities, and businesses across the
North Pacific. The Wild Salmon Center welcomes financial
support from interested parties, and also emphasizes the
role that citizens' self-education can play in the fight
to save wild fish: "The more educated and motivated
our communities are, the better the chances are for wild
salmon, trout, steelhead and char."
For more info, or to pledge support, go to:
Under brilliant sun, the gray pod of bonefish moves up the tide toward you in only eighteen inches of water. Now you can make out the individuals, and the biggest one is in the
lead! You aim a long, tight-looped cast just the right distance ahead of his path. Your Crazy
Charlie lands with a soft plop, and within seconds, the big guy races over to examine it;
a soft puff of sand, and you exhale slowly, remembering to keep the rod tip down as you
give a steady, deliberate pull on the fly line and solidly drive the hook home. The water
explodes as your entire rod bends under your grip and the reel starts to sing…
by Keith
Hook: TMC 100SP-BL
We’ll cover the entire range of saltwater fly
tackle, from Redfish to Billfish rigs, including the ins-and-outs of fly rods, reels, backing, leaders, and flies for a particular task.
To a saltwater fly angler, there’s nothing more beautiful, or
more thrilling, than a big sunlit flat of white sugar sand sloping
off into turquoise depths. Tidal forces bring powerful fish up
into these shallows seeking prey: bonefish, permit, tarpon, and
others. This is where the battle is won or lost, and you may get
just a few opportunities, so you’ve got to make them count!
It’s not every day that you travel half way around the world to
pursue your dream.
Saltwater fly fishing offers a unique set of challenges. The fish
are usually larger – (sometimes huge) – and, pound for pound,
are much more powerful than their freshwater cousins, so we
We'll discuss, demonstrate, and teach you
the advantages of different grips, forearmwrist mechanics, and stances used in
different saltwater situations, so you'll cast
better, whether
wading the flats
or standing
on the deck ofSage
a skiff590-4
or cruiser.Z-Axis Fly Rod / Abel Super 5N
We’ll teach you dynamic loop control to
increase your line speed, distance and accuracy. You’ll learn about and practice planar
casting, including Belgian-style casting for
larger flies and windy conditions.
The Double Haul will increase rod load and
line speed, and is a ‘must-have’ skill for
most salt situations. If you don’t know how,
we’ll teach you. If you do, we’ll show you
some subtler points that should make your
haul buttery smooth and your fly
line sizzle.
You’ll practice and learn a quick, powerful,
and accurate single-backcast haul stroke
that’s invaluable when casting rapidly to
big fish close to the boat, a vital asset in
overcast tarpon conditions.
need special fly tackle that
can withstand their strength.
Wary saltwater species
often require greater casting
distances amid ocean winds
that can vex even the best casters. And in this game, accuracy
ALWAYS counts. If you’re cruising for sailfish, your foot-long
“fly” may have a bulky foam popping head, and this, as you
may well imagine, is a bit different to cast than your Blue Wing
Olives back home.
If you’re planning a salt water fly fishing trip, you owe it to
yourself to get the most out of it. Whether you’re a first timer,
or an experienced hand, just a few hours spent with us at
put you at the top of your salt water fly fishing
/ Sage Performance Taper Fly Line,
game. If you’re a good caster, we can make you better. We
have a lot of talent on our Team; our Leland Instructors have
fished across the globe, and include our owner, Josh Frazier,
who is an annual participant in the Gold Cup, the most prestigious Tarpon tournament in the world. Our rookie, at 20 years
of age, is George Revel, already a 3-time National Fly Casting
Champion and the youngest Casting Instructor in history to
receive Fly Fishing Federation Certification.
Come join us for the Leland Salt Water Introduction and Casting
Tune-Up. You’ll spend a great day in a beautiful, rural setting
at Leland Fly Fishing Ranch in the heart of Sonoma's Wine
Country. In this relaxed, friendly atmosphere, you’ll hone your
skills and enjoy fine wine, good food and good company.
You’ll learn when to use mono, fluorocarbon, and wire leader materials and the best
methods for connecting them.
Thread: UTC 70 Fl. Orange
Wings: Premium Elk Hair, Bleached
(for 14 and larger)or Coastal Deer Hair,
Bleached (for 16 and smaller)
Tail: Golden Pheasant Tippets
Body: UTC 70 Fl. Orange
Hackle: Grizzly (rear and front)
One of the most
respected guides in
the Northern California
Valley, Bill Lowe will be
bringing his talent for
Spey instruction to the Leland Fly Fishing Ranch on
an ongoing basis. An FFF Certified Casting Instructor,
Bill has been recognized by Sage Manufacturing for
his brilliance as a teacher, and currently conducts the
“Sage Schools” in California. That is, when he’s not
guiding on the Lower Yuba and American Rivers. Bill
is a certainly a busy guy, and Leland is very happy
to have him available for those students interested
in learning more about Traditional, Scandinavian, or
Skagit-style two-handed casting.
In use in the Sierra since at least the 1950s, the Sierra Bright Dot is a handsome California-born attractor pattern that’s been known to raise fish on waters
worldwide. The origin of the fore-and-aft wing design isn’t entirely clear – either in
France or England, in the first decades of the 20th century – but it achieved fame
when it made it to the Western US in the form of the Bright Dot. Legend has it this
fly is named for Dorothy Bright, the wife of a mine owner at Monte Diablo Lake
when the mining town was attacked by six escaped prisoners in 1871. After that
incident, it became known as Convict Lake, a name it still bears today.
I’ve fished the Bright Dot on a number of rivers and streams in the Eastern Sierra,
where Golden Trout, Brookies and Rainbows are usually eager to gobble it down.
At low water levels, it’s ideal because it won’t spook fish, but in slightly larger
water, it can get a little swamped. With this in mind, I’ve taken the front hackle and
added a hair wing, to gain some extra visibility and buoyancy. If I had to choose
Our low student-to-instructor ratio assures
you personal attention and quick learning
and allows us to concentrate on a particular
skill group that may be of special interest
to you.
one pattern to take to any trout stream anywhere, this would be it.
Rachel has a gift for turning first impressions into
lasting ones with everyone
she meets. Born in
Charlotte, North Carolina,
her older brothers would
alternate treating her to facials with sweaty gym
socks and taking her fishing at the local pond. From
a young age, Rachel’s Mom recognized how her
daughter would light up a room full of relatives or
relative strangers and acted on it. Before long,
advertising executives discovered her, and Rachel
found herself in front of the camera for nationally
televised McDonald’s commercials, promotional
films for United Van Lines, and the National Football
League’s product catalog. Despite her early
acting/modeling success, Rachel never wavered
from her love of people and community, graduating
from East Carolina University with a degree in
health education.
At the other end of Leland’s
spectrum of instructors,
twenty one year-old fly
fishing wunderkind George
Revel makes casting instruction readily accessible to
students of all ages. When, at only 13, he became
the youngest FFF Certified Casting Instructor in that
organization’s history, George was already an experienced angler and outdoorsman. A native of Redding,
California, he grew up honing his skills on the legendary trout and steelhead waters of the Sierra, the
Cascades, and the Coastal Ranges: Trinity, McCloud,
Fall, Klamath, Mattole, and Rogue, to name a few.
Based now in San Francisco, George teaches at the
Golden Gate Casting Ponds and will be giving lessons
at the Leland Fly Fishing Ranch in Sonoma when it
opens in mid-March 2009.
Jonny Ng lets a tight loop fold
from his Sonoma Traveler
at the Leland Ranch.
All Sonoma rod and reel combos
come with an Airflo line
and are packaged
in a cordura rod
and reel tube.
Gunsmoke anodized aluminum
double-uplocking reel seat with zebra wood insert.
This classicly designed reel
features a simple proven drag
system, high quality aluminum
alloys and a click-pawl drag
mechanism with quick and easy
spool interchange.
>> A radical new handle concept, more ergonomic and intuitive than anything previously
available. Multidensity Power Cork composite at either end mean this handle not only lasts longer, but allows
casters to most efficiently transfer energy into the rod on the cast.
The S O N O M A
This is the outfit that our
instructors use to teach casting classes, and that our students
get to take home after our twice-monthly Rod and Reel Days
at the Ranch in Sonoma.
MATTE BLANK >> Leland rods are built from matte finish
blanks in order to reduce any inadvertent flash on the water
that might betray an angler's presence to wily trout.
While it's designed to be the best fly rod to learn to cast
on, we've seen how this rod will make fans of experienced
casters as well: everyone on staff at Leland is crazy for it.
The Sonoma comes packaged in a cordura rod and reel tube with a Leland
Ranch Sonoma 5/6 weight reel and an Airflo Velocity fly line. $395
S O N O M A Traveler
As one of the best
dry fly set-ups every built, this four piece rod makes a perfect
companion on trout fishing adventures of all kinds.
In the do-it-all line weight of five, the Traveler can softly
present dries to sipping rainbows but also has the backbone
to turn a big-shouldered brown.
At eight feet in length, this rod is lively and light, and
like all Leland Rod Co. Rods, is designed to respond best to
a short, compact casting stroke.
The 4 piece 5 weight Traveler comes standard with the 5/6 wt. Leland Sonoma Ranch Reel,
the Airflo Velocity fly line, and a cordura rod and reel tube. Cast and believe. $495
S O N O M A Emerger
Designed first and foremost as a kids' rod,
this 7 foot 9 inch four weight also happens to
be an outstanding small stream tool!
Available in Blue and Pink.
The Emerger is packaged in a cordura rod and reel tube
with a Red Truck 3/4 Emerger Reel and an Airflo line. It is the
single best investment to make for a budding fly fisher. $199
Located in the Financial District at 463 Bush Street (at Grant) between Union Square & Chinatown.
Z-Axis Fly Rod
“I invite you to a free thirty-five minute
introduction to fly-fishing. In this short class,
the Leland team will familiarize you with
the equipment, techniques, history, locales
and literature of this seemingly enigmatic
sport. I welcome you to come in and ask
questions and I promise that they will be
answered clearly and enthusiastically by one
of our friendly staff. This class, like all of
our classes, is run in an outgoing, relaxed,
approachable, and professional manner. So,
stop in at noon this Wednesday for your
free introduction.”
-– Josh Leland Frazier
Price: Always Free
Dates: Every Wednesday
Time: High Noon
Location: Leland Ranch - Sonoma
24120 Arnold Drive/Highway 121
Once you have completed this free
introduction please consider the full
Introduction to Fly Fishing Program.
Introduction to Fly Fishing
/ Abel Super 5N / Sage Performance Taper Fly Line, WF 5F
5 S T E P P R O G R A M
On the path
to becoming a
self-reliant fly fisher,
there are 5 steps
that we believe are
absolutely necessary
in order to gain the
confidence and
knowledge to work
a stream or
flat effectively.
Consequently, we recommend
that everyone start with the first
Over the past twenty SIX seasons, Leland Fly Fishing Outfitters has
step and move progressively
developed a reputation for having the finest introductory program in the state.
through the program. If, how-
Our endeavor in this field issues directly from our belief that our place in fly
fishing’s long history is as educators and advisers. We proudly offer a comprehensive instructional path, catering to beginning, intermediate, and advanced
ever, you are an accomplished
fly fisher and feel it would
be redundant to review
some of the more basic
fly fishers alike. Our goal is to give our clients the knowledge and skills need-
elements of casting, please
ed to confidently fish on their own, or to more thoroughly enjoy the experience
don't hesitate to jump into the
of guided fishing, anywhere in the world. This said, becoming a competent,
self-reliant, fulfilled angler takes time. We do not promise instant success, as
some instructors and schools do. Instead, Leland urges beginners and selftaught fly fishers alike to follow a five step instructional path to acquire a solid
understanding of what it takes to fly fish successfully.
This can be a truly rewarding sport — but only if skills and teaching
techniques are constantly being refined and tailored to the individual student
and taught in an engaging and relaxed atmosphere.
program at any level.
The angler-instructors at Leland have developed an introductory curriculum that focuses on the
defining aspect of the sport: fly casting.If you start your fly fishing journey with Leland, whether
in a private lesson or as part of a group class, you can be assured that you will have the same
great learning experience. We schedule private lessons in both Sonoma and San Francisco
around clients' schedules, and regularly offer group classes in Sonoma. Our group classes
encompass all of the same material as our private lessons, and provide the unique opportunity to
meet other people interested in fly fishing.
The Step One class provides the foundation for
the next two Steps. Our sequence of classes
elaborates on previous points while progressively
incorporating new techniques, helping you to
become a capable, well-rounded caster. Practice
before Step Two next week!
The second lesson begins with the principles of
rod and line control. A basic review of the fly
cast and its components will lead to an evaluation of standard problems such as tailing loops,
snapped-off flies, wind knots and piled line.
Lastly, your instructor will teach you the essential fly fishing knots and give you a sense for
what a professional carries in his or her vest.
The final step in our intro is devoted
entirely to adding distance to one's cast.
To do this, we incorporate the double
haul into your now-perfect casting stroke.
This enables you to load the rod more deeply
and put more line speed into your loops.
Finally, we teach you a few tricky and fun
casts that have helped us get into fish
when in a pinch. Your largest performance
leap will occur in Step Three.
Step One Curriculum:
Equipment Terminology and Assembly
Understanding Equipment Balance
Body Position, Stance, and Grip
The power of the 'Squeeze' and the Stop
The Drag and Stop Drill
Forming a Tight Loop
Catching the 'J'
Changing Direction
Seven Minute Practice Session
Step Two Curriculum:
Accuracy Practice
Shooting Line
Stop, Shoot and Drop Drill
The Roll Cast
The Advanced Roll Cast or Single Spey
Shooting Line in a Single Spey
Knot Tying and Various Rigging Methods
Professional's Vest
Basic Entomology
Step Three Curriculum:
Single Haul
Double Haul
Casting Into the Wind
Specialty Casts: Reach, Curve, Tuck, etc.
How to Deliver Your Fly with Consistent Accuracy
Price: $100 per person (per step) or $80 per person for a group up to four
Dates: arranged around your schedule Time: arranged around your schedule
Location: Either the Golden Gate Casting Ponds in San Francisco or Leland Ranch Sonoma, CA - Just 35 minutes from the Golden Gate Bridge!
Steps 4 and 5
are continued on
the next spread
WE provide the following items FOR OUR EDUCATION PROGRAMS.
rod, reel & quality line / terminal tackle / a hearty lunch
Students will be sent a comprehensive list of personal items that are recommended for specific classes. Rest assured, we’ll make
certain that you have all the equipment necessary to enjoy our programs, which is our number one goal.
Fishing with Confidence
Our goal is to give our clients all of the mastery & skills to
confidently fish on their own or more thoroughly enjoy their
experience with guided fishing anywhere in the world.
The fifth step is carried out at the best on-stream fly
fishing school in the country. Leland sends its staff, and
experienced customers, to Clearwater Lodge Schools
each year to sharpen their skills and gain more knowledge. Since 1978, Clearwater Lodge – located on the
Pit River – has honed the skills of hundreds of men and
women through their ‘Mastering’ program. The professionalism and knowledge of the Clearwater staff have
enabled both amateur and professional anglers to make
the move to that next level. Leland is proud to be able to
offer “Mastering the Art of Fly Fishing” as our fifth step
in the path to fly fishing self-reliance.
Success in fly fishing rests primarily on two abilities: (1) presenting your fly to the trout
so it seems like a natural insect and (2) recognizing the places in a stream where a trout
is most likely to be. These skills are the very essence of the sport, and each of us, novice
and expert alike, refines them every time we fish. We have tried a variety of approaches
in teaching these skills over the years and have found nothing works as well as actually
fishing: standing in a stream, casting to trout, dealing with the vagaries of wind and current, with a competent enthusiastic instructor nearby. That's the way Clearwater Lodge
teaches the Mastering program. You fish a variety of streams under a variety of conditions, learning to make your fly drift like that natural insect, with an expert instructor to
assist and encourage you.
590-4 Z-Axis Fly Rod / Abel Super 5N / Sage Performance Taper Fly Line, WF 5F
CalTrout’s mission is to protect and restore wild
trout, native steelhead and the waters they inhabit
throughout California, and to create high quality
angling opportunities for the public to enjoy.
Although great fishing has been restored,
protected, or made possible by much of their work,
CalTrout is not a fishing club or organization. Quality
angling is merely an outcome of their primary focus:
to improve the health of the state’s watersheds,
rivers and lakes.
Simply put, CalTrout is a water company. They
keep the water flowing and keep the resource
healthy through their participatory work in the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) dam
relicensing process, protecting the public trust, reforming grazing practices on public lands, expanding
the wild trout program, and recovering decimated
steelhead populations statewide.
For more information or to become a member go to
www.caltrout.org or call (415) 392-8887.
At this point, you’ll be set to reap the rewards of your time spent learning how to
handle and cast a fly rod. The Blue Ribbon trout streams of California are the setting
for this next installment, where a prowling awareness of the mysteries and joys of the
sport is sure to overtake you. The fourth step is carried out on-stream, where you are
taught by specialized guides who have been trained as professional instructors. There
is an important distinction to be made here: your average fishing guide is more often
than not simply a mechanism to put you on fish (and maybe crack jokes or tell stories
on the side). On the other hand, a trained instructor who is also a guide can teach
you the intricacies of reading water, choosing the right angling method for different
feeding situations, and selecting the fly that will best arouse the interest of your prey.
The experience will leave you with more than just a memory of a great day; you’ll
walk away with the skills to independently go back and re-create that day for yourself. The guides we use are hand-picked by the Leland staff to teach you how to catch
fish. In California, Leland offers three locations for this step, the central Sierra, the
Tahoe/Truckee area and the Burney/Shasta area.
Price: $425for one person or two Dates: arranged around your schedule
Time: arranged around your schedule Location: arranged around the best fishing opportunities
‘Mastering The Art of Fly Fishing’ begins on a Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m. The
Clearwater Lodge staff will help you get settled into your room. Then you'll join your
instructors for an orientation to the activities over the next four days. They start with a
review of equipment, help you organize your tackle, and provide you with a Clearwater
rod and waders if you need them. They'll brush you up on the three basic knots and
you'll have a refresher casting lesson. Each evening there is time for relaxing before dinner. Dinner is served family-style around the big cherry dining table.
Thursday morning, in a three-hour multi-media presentation, you'll learn about the
ways of the trout, their habits and habitat. Then it's on to the nearby streams, large
and small, flat water and fast water, so you'll be prepared to fish trout water anywhere
you go. Instructors begin by teaching you how to effectively fish with a nymph. As your
abilities increase, they'll introduce you to dry flies. Each morning, in short casting
clinics, you'll learn the skills you need for that day's fishing. A video camera is used to
record your casting progress. You’ll be amazed at how fast you'll improve by being
able to see your casting stroke in action. You will learn how to wade a fast current
safely, to select the right tackle for the fishing conditions, to recognize a mayfly, a
caddis fly, and a stone fly. Your instructors will show you how to check the streamside
vegetation and submerged rocks to see what natural insects are present in the water so
you can choose the appropriate imitation. They will teach you how to play and land
a large or small trout quickly and release it unharmed. Each day you'll enjoy hearty
breakfasts, delicious lunches streamside, and candlelit dinners with the camaraderie
of new friends.
Price: $1310 per person Dates: Please check our website
Time: Wed. 2:00 p.m. through Sun. afternoon Location: Clearwater Lodge, Pit River
Jim Andras grew up
amongst the cactus,
rattlesnakes, and sun of
the Arizona desert. At an
early age, fishing revolved
around outwitting largemouths while dodging golf
balls and rangers on local courses. He immersed
himself in the art and science of fly fishing, burned
through pages written by the masters, practiced blood
knots with twine, and cast in the family pool. He
guided his first trip in 1996 and considers each new
day on the water his best day. Together with his wife
Rachel, Jim owns Andras Outfitters and divides his
guiding calendar between the striper and steelhead
seasons of Northern California and Southern Oregon.
Andras Outfitters /andrasoutfitters.com
jimandras@flyfishingoutfitters.com / 530.722.7992
Matt ‘Gilligan’
The son of a die-hard fisherman, Matt began fly fishing
the waters of the Eastern
Sierra and Tahoe Region
when he was 13. Now, as
a guide, 'Gilligan brings' to
the river over 20 years of
experience fishing and tying flies for Sierra Nevada
trout. Gilligan’s Guide Service runs trips year-round
on the Truckee and Little Truckee, two of the finest
trout fisheries in the state, and also offers custom
trips on waters throughout the region. Gill loves to
guide anglers of all abilities, and has the equipment to
outfit first timers for whatever fishing excursion holds
their interest. Gilligan offers half-day, full-day, and
multi-day trips.
Gilligan's Guide Service / 775.351.6665
Andrew’s passion for fly
fishing started as a young
kid and continues today. Not
only has Andrew been guiding for years, he has been
an instructor at Clearwater
M. R. T.
House and most recently
led their Guide School. He is an accomplished author
with articles in California Fly Fisher and Northwest
Fly Fishing, as well as a guidebook to Feather River
Country, “Plumas National Forest Trout Fishing Guide.”
He currently guides for Clearwater House during the
trout season and on the Yuba, Feather, Trinity, and
Lower Sacramento Rivers the rest of the year. Andrew
offers drift boat, pram, and walk/wade trips on
some of the most beautiful and productive fisheries
in the state. Andrew is part of a collective of guides,
Confluence Outfitters, which operates in Northern
California and Southern Oregon, on some of the
greatest fisheries in the world.
Confluence Outfitters / 530.632.3465
FLY FISHING KIDS CAMP with Rachel Andras
This summer, spend three fun-filled days at the beautiful Leland Ranch
and discover the art of fly fishing! Learn to cast a fly and to fish like a
pro under the direction of Leland instructors as rainbow trout cruise the
clear water of spring-fed ponds. Campers will become efficient casters, proficient knot tiers, and self-reliant anglers with the knowledge of
where trout live, what they eat, proper fly selection/presentation, and
the ability to put it all together when the fish takes*!
*Leland Sonoma Fly Fishing Ranch utilizes safe TAG (touch and go) hooks for all fishing on ranch property.
Price: $495 per child - Includes: Lunch, 4 weight, 7 ½ foot Leland Rod Co. “Emerger” Fly Rod & Reel, Camp
T-Shirts and Leland Fly Tins Dates: Monday, July 19th thru Wednesday, July 21st / Monday, July 26th thru
Wednesday, July 28th Monday, August 2nd thru Wednesday, August 4th Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Leland Ranch - 24120 Arnold Dr., Sonoma Ages: 10-15 year of age (8 – 10 campers per week)
SPECIAL EVENT HOSTING at the Leland Fly Fishing Ranch, Sonoma Valley
The Leland Fly Fishing Ranch will be available on a flexible basis for hosting whichever special events your family, company, or friends are interested in putting together.
Corporate events, birthdays, or reunions are all good occasions to learn the basics of fly
fishing, or to tune up rusty skills. The length and breadth of these programs can be tailored to your specific requirements. For more information, got to: fishingoutfitters.com or
call 707-939-6910.
7 DAys
24120 Arnold Drive (Highway 20)
Sonoma, California 95476
(707) 939-6910
ONLY 35 MINUTES NORTH OF THE GOLDEN GATE, in Sonoma’s beautiful wine country,
you’ll find our new fly fishing education center. The Ranch provides a peaceful setting in which to
learn, with the added opportunity to practice low-impact, T.A.G. hook fishing!
There are two primary ways to pursue your angling education at the Leland Fly Fishing Ranch.
One is a two hour Intro to Casting Seminar, a group class taught every Saturday morning; the
second is a more comprehensive program, a private class held the last Sunday of every month.
Rigging, casting, reading water, getting the proper drift, plus a rod and reel to keep!*
A more comprehensive program, the Sunday seminar begins with the basics of tackle selection and designation, and moves
into rigging, leader theory, and finally, casting. Other topics include general entomology, a fly tying demonstration, reading
water, fly selection, and “playing” fish. *Included in the cost of tuition is a Leland rod/reel/line/leader
package which anglers can keep for their first forays onto area waters, or trade in for full retail
value toward a new purchase within 90 days.
This is a relaxed approach to learning that has worked well for hundreds of anglers around the world. We finish the day
pursuing trout on our ponds with the latest in fisheries conservation; flies tied on T. A. G. hooks. This is where we perfect our
casting and sharpen our fishing skills.
Dates: Every Sunday Time: 9AM - 4:30PM Price: $360.00 (Includes LELAND SONOMA Rod, Reel, Line & Leader)
Location: Leland Ranch - Sonoma, CA - Just 35 minutes from the Golden Gate Bridge!
Price: TBD Dates: around your schedule Time: around your schedule
Location: Leland Ranch - Sonoma, CA - Just 35 minutes from the Golden Gate Bridge!
PRIVATE CASTING CLASS with a certified Leland Instructor
Tighten up your cast before you go on that trip of a lifetime. Being the best caster
you can be will not only improve your angling, it will make your fishing day much more
enjoyable...even if the fish are scarce. At Leland we teach vertical casting, which is
successful and easy to learn. All fly rods today are designed to perform best with this
classic style of casting. With this class you will be able to appreciate the engineering of
your fly rod and have the rod perform better for you with less effort. If preparing for a
trip, we recommend investing the time to learn to cast accurately and efficiently at various
distances and in wind. Better casting will pay dividends in fish caught and overall
enjoyment on the water.
Price: $100 per person or $80 per person for a group up to four Dates: arranged around your schedule
Location: Either the Golden Gate Casting Ponds in San Francisco or Leland Ranch Sonoma, CA - Just 35
minutes from the Golden Gate Bridge!
Whether you have questions regarding rods or reels for your next adventure, or are unsure about
which materials you'll need to tie that unique pattern, Keith Westra is your man. With ten years of
industry experience, he really knows his stuff - products, fisheries, and even productive patterns.
Keith's attention to detail is extraordinary, to say nothing of his charm and wit.
Rest assured that you won't be given a hard sales pitch or feel obligated to make a purchase. Leland
is proud to offer this level of personalized service, and we encourage you to feel free to call Keith any
time, Monday through Friday, 10AM - 6PM Pacific Time.
Keith can be reached at: 866-672-1959, 415-781-3474 I.M.
ext:112 or: keith@flyfishingoutfitters.com
He will also be available soon via LIVE CHAT on our website!
Leland is the Grandfather I never met. Unfortunately he passed
away before I was born, but through bedtime stories told by my
father, his life, and most memorably his passion for fly fishing,
were not lost. A man, whose face I only knew from black and
white photos taken along the Owens River, was slowly becoming
a legend in my mind. As I grew older and came to understand
that fly fishing was more than just a pastime, these photos and
stories began to resonate. Sadly, I thought fly fishing was a
mystery whose complexity and history had to be learned from a
sage like my Grandfather; a man who now only lived in lore and
legend like the sport itself.
While conventional fishing with my father on the banks of the
San Joaquin each summer, I watched the wielders of long rods
paint the water with their colored lines and dry flies. These fly
fishermen were free to search every corner of the stream for the
native, colorful, and wily trout. I feared this type of angling freedom was not available to me. Luckily, driven by the legacy of my
Grandfather and images of these "free" fly fishers, I challenged
my apprehension and picked up a fly rod.
Twenty years later I named my retail fly fishing business after
this angling legend, Leland Frazier. This was an obvious and easy
decision: it was he who led me to fly fishing and his memory that
gave me the determination to return to the river after those days
when I caught more trees behind me than fish in front of me.
I can only guess that with Leland by my side it would have been
easier to learn to cover the water with my fly line and dry flies.
Without him, I had to work hard to become a fly fisherman. I
would read, fish, research, and corner anyone who even knew
of the sport. It was a long road, but I figured out that with hard
work, fly fishing, like anything in life, is attainable.
I am now the luckiest guy I know. Whether teaching a casting
lesson, opening the shop, designing equipment, or fishing myself,
I feel like that boy I knew in my youth. That naive excitement
still fills my body, like that first step into a cold stream, bringing
me back to a time when the world was full of wonder and every
morning seemed fresh with dew.
At Leland Fly Fishing Outfitters, we want to make it easy for you
to become a fly fisher -- as easy as if a wise grandfather was at
your side every step of the way. I welcome and encourage you
to let fly fishing connect you to your proud history, create history
of your own, or perhaps give you the opportunity to fill your
grandchildren with the same excitement, possibility, focus, and joy
that Leland has given to me.
– Josh Leland Frazier
pictured above: my Father, L. Scott Frazier,
and my Grandfather, Leland Frazier
Our exclusive site devoted
entirely to Fly Tying offers
the finest materials and
equipment available. Our goal
is to provide a unique and
enjoyable online shopping
experience. And we still offer
Fly fishing is our passion.
Leland Fly Fishing Outfitters is committed to
providing the best possible service while
sharing that passion.
Some of us have been fly fishing for decades;
some of us are just getting started. One thing we
all have in common is our love for the sport. We
like to think that our employee profiles are similar to those of our customers. We fish at home
and we fish all over the world. We know how
important fly fishing can be, and we are ready
to assist our customers in every way.
Leland carries the top brands in fly fishing,
and we are always paying attention to the
latest trends. We can put together the best outfit
and work within any budget. We will match the
prices of any legitimate retailer. In addition to
our manufacturers’ excellent warranties, we
personally stand behind everything we sell.
We remember the more experienced anglers
who gave us good advice when we got into
fly fishing. We hope to be as valuable a
resource to our customers.
463 Bush Street (at Grant)
San Francisco, CA 94108
866-672-1959 or (415) 781-3474
We also offer fly tying and on-stream instruction.
The programs are terrific introductions to specific
types of rivers and techniques. For customers
ready to discover more exotic fisheries, we host
trips all over the world. For anglers looking to
start off right, tune up their casting for a trip, or
learn to fish for steelhead, our programs are a
great way to take years off the learning curve.
Our goal is not just to meet the needs of our
customers, but also to exceed their expectations.
If for some reason we fall short of that goal,
please let us know.
24120 Arnold Drive
Sonoma, California 95476
(707) 939-6913
www . LelandFlyFishing . com
©2010 All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.