File - Chapter Q
File - Chapter Q
Southern Illinois Wingers GWRRA – Region E – Illinois Chapter Q Come On, Let’s Ride! Chapter gatherings are held at Bandana’s in Carbondale on the 1st Wednesday of each month; EAT - 6 PM / SOCIAL - 7 PM Chapter Website: Chapter E-mail: Chapter Phone: 618-889-6222 MAY 2016 IL- Q OFFICERS & TEAM MEMBERS Chapter Director -- Shawn & Bobbie Banks Assistant Chapter Directors – Sonny & Lisa Gales Safety Educator – Carolyn Thomsen Membership Enhancement Coordinators – Jim & Helen Rusher Treasurer – Janet Hartwig Motorist Awareness Coordinators – Willie & Carlene Kohlenberger Awards & Recognition Coordinators – Donna Harbison & Dusty Boner Calendar Coordinator, Military Care Package, & Christmas 50/50 – Nancy Mallett Charity Coordinator – Steve Gottschalk Newsletter Editor – Diane Gottschalk Webmaster – Eric Wrentmore Couple of the Year – Jim & Tonya Beggs Individual of the Year – Reid Hansen IL District Director Region E Directors Mary Adams Bob & Nicki Fowkes GWRRA Director Ray & Sandy Garris FRIENDS FOR FUN SAFETY AND KNOWLEDGE 1 PAGE 1: CHAPTER Q OFFICERS & TEAM, DISTRICT, REGION AND NATIONAL NAMES & LOGO PAGE MAD 2-5: PAGE DIRECTORY, OFFICER ARTICLES: CD, ACD, RE, MEC, TEAM ARTICLES: COY, PAGE 6-8: SI RIDE IN, 2016 MAD FUN RUN, CALANDAR TALK, CHARITY/SOLDIER CARE PKG, Q-FACTS PAGE 9-10: MAY MBR JOIN DATES, ANNOUNCEMENTS, NEWBIES, AWARDS, BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARIES, WAYS & MEANS, REGION E NEWS, IL DISTRICT NEWS PAGE 11-14: IL DISTRICT NEWS, CH-Q PICTURES PAGE 15-19: OTHER CHAPTER MEETINGS, UPCOMING EVENTS, ALL REGIONS/DISTRICT RALLY DATES, FOR SALE AND SPONSORS DIRECTORS CORNER: SHAWN & BOBBIE BANKS Greetings friends! Just when you think all the cool days are behind us, Mother Nature sends us a chill. But it seems to be finally warmer than cooler. As Chapter Team our primary goal is to “ensure everyone is included.” We are fortunate to have many experienced riders and GWRRA members with us. We must never forget however, that there are new members and veterans who have just plain forgotten some things. In keeping with that thought, we were asked to explain what Dash4Cash was. And as being a member for 3 years, I should know right? Wrong. So as the saying goes, “If you really want to learn how to do something, teach it!” So what is it? It is an opportunity to encourage the membership to go and visit other chapters and support other chapter’s events. You do this by going to the events, taking your picture with others in attendance to prove you were there, and submit your documentation to the IL District Director, Mary Adams. Here are the rules: 1. Must have at least 4 card carrying GWRRA members attend an event to qualify for the program. 2. Each participating chapter must attend at least one other chapter fund raiser OR one chapter social to qualify for the program. 3. All entries submitted must include the names of those attending. 4. Newsletters must be submitted in the same month they are published. 5. The District team is not eligible to participate with any other chapter but their own. 6. Seminar Presenters do not count as part of the chapter total attending. 7. The District Director is ineligible to participate in this program. 8. All entries must be submitted within 15 days of the event. 9. Bonus point months: March New Recruits May MAD Events August MAD Poker Run Locations October Chapter Social 10. Entries and photos must be submitted to: Dash for Cash Submission sheet on the Illinois District Website OR Mary Adams, IL Sr. District Director @ You also get points for mileage if you travel to another chapter’s event. There is a mileage chart on the IL District website. Aside from being a lot of fun, the winning chapter also gets a discount on their annual chartering fees, if I am not mistaken. We hope you can join us on one of our rides this month. We pray that we all have a great and safe riding season. Shawn & Bobbie Banks 2 ASSISTANT DIRECTORS: SONNY & LISA GALES Greetings from the Gales Well April flew by! We started the first of the month with a potluck and card party at The Beggs beautiful new home. Thanks for hosting. We had a great time! We had some beautiful days for riding throughout April, hope you got to go out and enjoy them. Some of you traveled to Vandalia for the trailering course on April 16. On April 23 our own Willie Kohlenberger and SrQ Quartet sang at the Herrin Civic Center. On the 24th we had a group go to The Blessing of the Bikes and saw numerous other members along the way. The hill was packed, going up wasn't bad but coming down the traffic was backed up for a few miles with stop and go traffic trying to get up to the cross. Heard there were 4000 plus bikes.( I heard this on FB so you know it's got to be true!) LOL. Afterwards a group of us rode to CiCi's pizza in Cape. On the way home Charlie Mallett took us down C road. The weather was beautiful. On the 28th was the 5th Annual Motorcycle Safety Summit at Black Diamond Warehouse in Marion IL. Hopefully some of you were able to attend. Just as we started off the first of the month with a potluck and card party we ended the month at our house with the same. The weather Gods cooperated and we had a great turn out. Until next month....... Sonny and Lisa SAFETY EDUCATOR: CAROLYN THOMSEN Rider Ed Article, May 2016 Have you ever just sat back and watched other riders in the chapter and in other chapters while out riding? I had the opportunity recently to watch about 250 motorcycles on a single ride which involved children who are in different phases of the fight against brain tumors. This is some very precious cargo and you would expect all riders to be at their best and this group certainly was. However, during the years that I have been riding I have had the opportunity to ride with many different people and chapters. Most of them were safe riders but there are a few that I choose not to ride with mostly because of their riding style. Always remember you are responsible for your own ride. I have talked to riders after an accident and have been told that they were just trying to keep up with the leader when they took a curve that was too sharp for them at their riding experience. Just because the rider in front of you made that curve at that speed doesn’t mean that you can. I have learned over the years of riding that my experience only counts for my ride, not anyone else that I may be riding with that day. It is very difficult for many people to speak up when the group is out-riding your experience or comfort level. The conclusion that I have come up with is, “I know my way home” and “I want to get back to that home safe and sound”. I hope you all remember to ride at your experience level and that you all continue to ride safe. 3 Recently I attended a chapter meeting while visiting Texas and the educator asked each one in the group to think of the one thing that has happened to you while riding that scared you and what you did or have done since to correct that situation. Everyone agreed that hearing others experiences and how they corrected the situation that got them there was very helpful. So, for the next month give this some thought and be prepared to discuss your own personal experience at our June meeting. I really believe you find this very helpful. We have several riders in the group that may not have as much experience as you have and this will be especially beneficial to them. Ride Safe, Carolyn Thomsen, Chapter Q Ride Educator MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT COORDINATORS: JIM & HELEN RUSHER Hello fellow Gold Wingers, Here we are in April and the weather is warming up allowing us to get out on our bikes/trikes and enjoy the spring riding pleasures. The dogwood trees and spring flowers are just gorgeous and waiting for all of us to enjoy them as we ride our bikes. We welcome our newest members Judy and Bill Webb into Chapter “Q”. Chapter Q would like to say thank you to Carlene Kohlenberger for her efforts in introducing the Webb’s to us all. We are sending out this invitation to anyone who is interested in joining us for a fun weekend ride to Nashville and Bell Buckle, Tn. We are currently in the planning stages for this fun trip and we do need to know as soon as possible how many people would be interested in joining and attending the planned events. This ride is scheduled to take place on June 11th, 2016 and return on June 12th, 2016. Listed below is the proposed fun itinerary for everyone to enjoy. June 11th, 2016 before 8:00 a.m. All riders will meet us for departure at the Pilot Truck Stop in Marion Illinois which is located on Route 13 and I-57. Kick stands up and departure at 8;00 a.m. Please have your gas tanks full and your bladders empty. Our first comfort stop will be located Paducah, Ky. We will get off I-24 at the very first exit after crossing the river into Kentucky. There is a very nice convenience store and gas station there with an adjoining Huddle House restaurant. After departing Paducah, our next stop will be in Clarksville Tn. Here we will eat lunch and top off our gas tanks and head on out to Nashville. After arriving in Nashville, our first point of interest and fun stop will be at the Lanes Motor Museum. Helen and I have been here twice before and it is very nice. This Museum consist of a large collection of antique foreign automobiles that most people have never seen or heard of before along with several American antique vehicles. There are also several antique motorcycles to view. In another part of the building, there is a collection of WW2 German vehicles. Outside the building, there is a U.S. Navy landing boat that is like the ones used to carry our troops into battle at Normandy. Inside and hanging from the ceiling is a collection of real airplanes and many are built for only one person to fly. After our tour of Lanes Motor Museum is complete, we are planning for a Dinner Theater that evening. There are two of them close by. One is a Mystery Dinner Theater and the other is a country music dinner theater, we have attended the country music dinner theater and the food and program was very good. June 12th, 2016 Sunday morning. We will leave our motel and head out to Bell Buckle Tn. This is a nice old southern civil war era town with lots of shops to visit and a great southern home cooked restaurant to eat at. 4 We have been here twice and this town is worth the visit and the scenery and ride to it is spectacular. After visiting this town, we will all head on back home with great memories. If this weekend ride and proposed activities is something you would like to join in with us, check your own schedules and please let us know as soon as possible if you intend to go. There are several things we need to check on to finalize this trip such as motel reservations and dinner theater reservations etc. I did speak to a lady at the Mystery Dinner Theater and she said to me that Motel reservations will need to be made as soon as possible as something is usually going on around the Opryland area and motel reservations fill up well in advance of any activities in the Nashville area. This trip is a go rain or shine. If the weather is nice, then we ride our bikes/trikes. If the weather is not so good, then we will take our cars. Please contact Jim & Helen Rusher ASAP if this is something that you would like to do and join in with all of us for a fun weekend. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this trip or activities, give us a call or email. Until next time, ride safe and have fun! Jim & Helen 2016 COUPLE OF THE YEAR - JIM & TANYA BEGGS Greetings to all of our GWRRA friends and family! We are hoping that you all are healthy and ready to ride. It is getting nice outside and riding season has already began in Southern Illinois! Jim and I would like to thank everyone for joining us at our home for the pot luck and card party on April 1st. We had a great time visiting and playing cards, and the food was wonderful. We all do a great pot luck together! We had a great time at Robert and Lisa Gayles card party and potluck on April 30th. Thanks for hosting a great get-together. Jim and I are looking forward to camping in Litchfield on May 11 – 15th for Customer Appreciation Day’s. We will be camping at 3270 Honey Bend Avenue, Litchfield. Please drive over and see us at the campground if you are going to Litchfield. We will enjoy visiting with you all, and maybe we can get a couple of card games going. Hope to see you there! Please ride safely wherever your travels may take you. Jim and Tonya Beggs (618) 534-5961 or (573) 598-3015 MOTORIST AWARENESS DIVISION: WILLIE & CARLENE KOHLENBERGER May is Motorist Awareness Month. The chapter has a few opportunities this month to make the motoring public aware of us. The windshield wash on May 7, is always a great time to talk to people about our organization, and to make them aware that we are just like them....ordinary people, out doing what we love to do. Let's have a huge turnout for this endeavor. We will also be joining MO-I, on May 28, to help with their coffee break on I-55. It's a holiday week-end, and there will be lots of vehicles on the road. I know Chapter I will have a huge turnout, we'd like too see a large group from Q also. Willie & Carlene MAD Coordinators 5 SI Ride-In We will be compiling a list of needs for the Ride-In, and will be passing sign-up sheets around for volunteers. We will more than likely have a short meeting, the next time we meet at Pizza & Pasta Express, and will be asking for your help. The Ride-In has been going on for 32 years, and it couldn't have endured that long, without our volunteers, so please consider helping out, any way you can. Willie & Carlene, SI Ride In Directors Steve & Diane, SI Ride In Coordinators 2016 ANNUAL FUN RUN APRIL 1ST - OCTOBER 31ST It’s time once again for the MAD Annual Fun Run. Our theme for this year will be Unique and Unusual Sites or Monuments. This was done in the past as oddities about 8 years ago. We will be doing it a little different this year. From all of the submissions that we have received, we have compiled a list of over 100 sites, plus some that we have added. We have also added a new twist: where we have included 15 additional BONUS sites which will allow you to have an extra draw for additional points. As in the past, you will need to visit the individual sites and have a picture taken of you visiting the site. You can also do this as a chapter and include the chapter picture. Your Chapter Director will then need to verify everyone from their respective chapter who did participate. For every five sites you visit, along with your pictures, you will be able to draw a hand of five cards. If you visit a BONUS site, which is at least 100 miles from your chapter’s home location, and send a picture with you in it, you will be allowed to have an additional bonus draw. All hands will be $5 per hand, plus an additional $1 for the bonus draw. Payment needs to be from a chapter checking account with the check made payable to; Illinois District Riders Ed. NO CASH or personal checks accepted. Multiple pictures can be printed on one sheet. If you want to send in pictures during the contest early, we will be posting pictures on the website. You will need to have all your pictures, a copy of your checked list and paperwork for drawn cards sent to us to be included in the fun run by December 15, 2016. NOTE: The list for the sites and paperwork for drawn hands are located on the website. After all the information is received by the cutoff date, each card in the deck will be randomly drawn and assigned a point value. Also, a separate drawing will be done for the bonus sites also and those will be assigned a bonus value. The total of these points will be given to the hand and the three highest totals will be the winners. Also note, you will need to visit the bonus site with the proper distance and submit a picture to be counted. If none of your six cards are a bonus number, you will receive a minimum value for the bonus draw. There will also be an award for the chapter that visits the most sites. Pictures are required to be eligible for the awards. The winners will be announced at Winter Warm Up 2017 in Peoria. (Bikes do not have to be in the picture). See flyer for MAD Poker Run Rides So let’s get riding and have some fun! PARTICIPATE, PARTICIPATE, PARTICIPATE CALENDAR TALK: NANCY MALLETT APRIL April 16 and 17 IL Safety Weekend in Vandalia was held. Three Chapter Q members took the course on Saturday. On Sat, April 23rd, The Carbondale Little Egypt Chorus of the Barbershop Harmony Society had their annual show “Memories to Dream On”. They featured the “SrQ” quartet which is our own Willie Kohlenberger’s quartet. 14 of us attended (with the two shows). It was an entertaining evening. 6 The CMA Annual Blessing of the Bikes was Sun, April 24th at Bald Knob Cross. Several (12) attended the blessing. Twelve (a few different people) went to Cici’s in Cape for lunch and had a nice ride home. Trooper Joey Watson spoke at the 5th Annual Motorcycle Safety Summit at Black Diamond Warehouse in Marion on April 28, where 13 Chapter Q members attended. We thank Sonny & Lisa Gales who hosted our final winter potluck and card party at their home. Even though rain threatened to keep us indoors, we must have warded it off because the day was gorgeous. 17 of us came together to enjoy some friendship, card games, good conversation and yummy food. MAY – Motorist Awareness Month May Dash For Cash Bonus Points Available: Windshield Wash – Bike Show – Bike Blessing – Banner Hanging (Start Seeing Motorcycles) Promoting GWRRA and Motorcycle Awareness by publicly working a table or booth set up at an event (NOT Niehaus Days). On May 7th, we are scheduled to hold our annual MAD Windshield Wash at the Rend Lake South Bound rest area. Wear a Start Seeing Motorcycle Shirt, Chapter Shirt or if you don’t have either a red shirt. No vest or big belt buckles (they might scratch the cars). If you have your own bucket, squeegee, paper towels, window cleaner, please bring it along. We’ll meet for breakfast at the Sesser Grille at 8:30am. If you can’t make breakfast come over to the rest stop at 10am and lend a hand. We hand out info and offer to wash windshields to those who come through the rest stop. At noon, we’ll clean up our supplies and have a picnic at the rest stop. Chapter will supply the meat. Bring a dish to share and your own drinks. The weekend of May 13-15 is Niehaus 30th Appreciation Days. Some members are going to be camping in the Litchfield area. Others may only go up on Sat and/or Sun. You may meet at the Pinckneyville Square at 9am to ride together. Contact someone to see if they are going and make plans to ride together. Dash for Cash Points Available. Must have a minimum of 4 chapter members for each. 1. 2. 3. 4. Attend a Honda Dealer Customer Appreciation Attend a District Event – Sign in at the District Table Attend a Chapter Fundraiser – Must make a purchase (more than just a drink) and take a photo Attend Indiana Chapter Meeting at Quality Inn on Saturday If chapter members participate in any or all of these four possibilities for points, please let Nancy Mallett know. If you take pictures, please send her those also. On Tues, May 17, we will have a mystery ride leaving the Hucks on 148/13 at 11am for a 4 hour ride which will include a lunch stop. On Sun, May 22, there will be a MAD ride leaving the Hucks on 148/13 at 1pm. No dinner stop, but probably a drink stop. 7 Pack up a lunch! On Sat, May 28, there will be a picnic ride leaving Hardees in Murphysboro at 10am. We’ll ride over to meet up with MO Chapter I at their Coffee Break for Motorcyclist Awareness month. We’ll share a picnic time with them at the rest stop, and then enjoy a nice ride home. JUNE MO District Rally will begin on Thurs, June 2 and run through June 4 in Branson, MO. Get registered now if you plan to go. They have beautiful riding roads in southern Missouri. There is a camping trip scheduled for June 25 at Cave in Rock State Park. Check with Bill Gottschalk for more information. CHARITY AND SOLDIER CARE PACKAGES – NANCY MALLETT Soldier Care Packages: IS IN NEED OF CASH DONATIONS FOR SHIPPING ITEMS ALONG WITH ITEMS FOR OUR SOLDIERS. We have recently received a new addition to our family soldier care packages; Eric Wrentmore’s son Kristopher. Here are some ideas: snack food, beef jerky (remember no pork), canned soup or fruit (check for pop top type), books, something for Easter!!!! Also acceptable: Baby wipes or can of wipes, Rice Crispy Treats, Dry cereal (little boxes), power bars, Dried fruit, Canned soup, Tuna or Chicken (canned or in a pouch), Cashews, peanuts, Balloons, Hats, Bandannas, Nail Files, Nyquil and Dayquil, chips, shampoo, lotion, sunscreen, cotton balls, canned meats (no pork), squirt guns, books, canned fruit or candy. Thank you. There will be a box each month at the social for the collection of items. Look over the lists and when you go shopping pick up one or two items. You do not have to fill the box by yourself. This is meant for everyone to participate. Please adhere to the items listed as there are restrictions as to what can be sent. Q FACTS Backseat Riders: The requirements are to ride to 15 calendar events (other than our monthly chapter socials) and a total of 1,500 miles for the year (January-December). Fill out your card and turn it in to Donna Harbison or Dusty Boner to receive your back seat rider pin/year bar. Polar Bear Rides: If you go on any calendar ride (except meeting night) and ride 40 or more miles in 40 degrees or less. This runs January through March. Please let Donna Harbison or Dusty Boner know if you have completed the ride. Chapter Patches: See Donna Harbison or Dusty Boner. Chapter Q Vests: If you are interested in having a chapter vest made, contact Carlene Kohlenberger. Chapter Q Shirts: You can find the order form on the chapter website and present the completed form to Shawn Banks. Chapter Hats: If you are interested, contact Steve Gottschalk, hats sell for $10 each. Christmas 50/50: For all of our new people out there this is a ticket drawing that is done on each calendar ride, 50% goes to the winning ticket drawn. We sell 3 tickets for $1, you put your name on the back of the ticket and a winning ticket is drawn, from there all tickets are held till the Christmas Party and the remaining 50% is given back to members in attendance by drawing from tickets collected throughout the year. April 50/50 is $330 toward our Christmas fund. Door prizes at Chapter Social: Any members can contribute to the door prize table provided at the monthly social at Bandana’s. These are small items brought in to give at the end of the night from the 50/50 tickets bought. 8 MAY MEMBERSHIP JOIN DATES Michael & Rhonda Jennings 5/1/82 Mike & Darlene Reagan 5/1/85 Warren & Rose Fort 5/1/92 Carletos & Sandra Meeks 5/17/99 Mike & Peggy Coyne 5/08/03 William Ryan 5/08/07 Nathan Bernstein 5/1/07 Dorain Lingle 5/28/12 Kimberly Frisz 5/20/13 ANNOUNCEMENTS May attendance for Chapter Q Social was 53 members and 5 guests. Cindy Pierce, Ken Hill, Scott McNeely (MO Ch-I) and Bob & Laurie Kenchloe (moved to Fl and were past members of “Ch-Q). Steve Gottschalk gave briefing on our Charities for the year. We have $631 currently with a $220 check due from the last basketball game worked which will take us to about $850. Chapter Q is doing charity fund venture with Hurst American Legion. We will be selling tickets for a 7 CF Freezer and $100 meat bundle combination for $5/6 tickets; Chapter Q should receive up to $400 for our share. If you would like to help us sell the tickets we will hand out packets of 10, no money is needed up front, cash for tickets you sell should be turned in to Steve by May 12th, all tickets not sold should also be returned to him by May 12th so they can go to Neihaus Customer appreciation weekend to be sold there. Shawn is looking for some volunteer Ride leaders for the months of June and July. Please contact him if you can plan and lead a specific ride. He is also looking for a volunteer to take over Chapter Shirt orders, he has everything set up with a business but needs someone to handle all orders to turn in, pick up and deliver. Lisa Gales did the 25 cent game and the recipient was Randy Price. Motorcycle, Motorcycle old or new, here are some care products just for you, some polish to keep her bright & new. Apply with a Rag & buff right through, Wax on-Wax off as Miagi says you can build your muscles up in just one day. Crevice Cleaner don’t you know, Sonny says for those tiny little spaces only the bike show people will know. Windshield cleaner so you can see forever & a day, even when the deer are standing in your way. Now after you’ve worked up a good ol sweat, here’s a DQ Card you’ll use I bet! NEWBIES/ AWARDS/MAY BIRTHDAY-ANNIVERSARIES - DONNA HARBISON/DUSTY BONER This month came quickly; hard to believe it is May! We have a new couple to introduce, Bill and Judy Webb. They are from Carterville and would like to welcome them to our group; we will try not to scare you off. Walter and Jean Potwora earned their Polar Bear pins by riding to the Blessing of the Bikes in MO, and road 140 miles in 34 degree temps. Burrrr! We have a lot of birthdays this month: Steve Gottschalk 6th, Alice Perryman 8th, Diana Carroll 8th, Bobbie Bank 14th, Janet Hartwig 15th, Diane Gottschalk 21st, Joy Reese 1st. We have one anniversary: Charles and Nancy Mallet 25th, best wishes to all. Hope we didn't miss anyone, if so please let me know. Safe riding to all, Donna Harbison 9 WAYS & MEANS: REID HANSEN Thanks to Steve G, Willie K, Charlies M and Mike P for helping pass out door prizes. Giveaways were won by: Peggy C (3), Cindy Pierce (3), Ken Hill (3), Dusty B (3), Jeff, Sonny G (2), Steve G (2), Laurie K (3), Reid H, Bobbie B, Warren F, Randy P, Nancy M, Alice P, Joy R, Jean P (4), Mike R (2), Darlene R (3), Jim B, Bill C, Carlene K, Rose B. The big winner of 50/50 for the night was Warren Forte. Congratulations, Warren, on your winning that $97. . REGION E NEWS I sat down at the computer the other night to write this article when I was interrupted by an email from Assistant Jere with a preview of his article. Well, there is no way I could ever be that clever and wordy so enjoy and join us at McGrath’s Powersports in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June 24 - 25 for the 2016 Region E Rally. We will be kicking things off with some very special awards and then choosing the 2016 Region E Couple of the Year and Individual of the Year. After a fun filled day, you will be treated to an Ice Cream Social courtesy of the Iowa District. Life is short so have dessert before dinner. After dinner we will finish off Friday with a talent show and after dark the light show and parade. Cedar Rapids is home to F-Troop (IA-F) and they quickly said yes when I asked them to plan some guided rides. Now I don’t know the area like they do, but my imagination starts conjuring up rides to places like Anamosa for a visit to the National Motorcycle Museum or the Amana Colonies for a little shopping and lunch at one of their fine restaurants. Maybe a trip towards Dubuque and along the Mississippi River and the list goes on and on. The technicians at McGrath’s will be putting on a seminar each day for you to learn a little more about your bike. Something new this year will be the District Pride Competitions instead of chapters competing. The games are going to be organized by the Illinois District so be prepared for fun and surprises. The Nebraska/South Dakota District will be shining up the trophies for the Bike Show so it will be interesting to see what folks have done to their bikes over the winter. We have free lunches each day. The Patch Shop will be there. And of course there will be a few things to raffle off. This has been the most unusual rally we have ever planned, but at the same time all of the customary rally features will be offered. We’ve made the rally fit the location and we are so grateful for its location. Bob & Nicki Fowkes Region E Directors IL DISTRICT NEWS This summer, July 21-23, the city of Pontiac Illinois has agreed to sponsor the IL District Summer Rally! Pontiac is one of the most popular stops along historic Route 66. The city welcomes nearly 50,000 visitors per year and has experienced a steady increase in tourism numbers. They have been very gracious in helping the District Team make this a fantastic rally. As with the past summer rallies this will be a riding rally. Chapter-C has volunteered to put together some great rides along Route 66. It’s going to be a fun filled weekend with so many different things to see and do. We are kick starting the rally Thursday evening with opening ceremony at 5 pm; and our member appreciation meal (walking tacos) at 5:30 followed by an ice cream social. At 7:45 pm we’ll have two groups heading out for a beautiful sunset ride. Don’t forget to sign up for the “Pie in Your Face Contest”. Rumor has it that our own District Director Mary Adams and District Rider Educator Dan Davis will be the targets. Have your money ready!!! 10 On Friday the hospitality room will be opened from 8am-4pm. We have rides, people games and table games and there will also be a Trolley car available leaving every 30 minutes from the hotel from 1-3 p.m. Friday evening will be spent at town square where the Kiwanis Club will be the food vendor; plus multiple restaurants are available for your convenience for your supper time enjoyment. Kick stands up at 7:45 pm for our lighted parade with all the state flags. Saturday the hospitality room is opened from 9-3. Again there will be people games, on bike games, Road Captains Course, bike show and the trolley will run (times to be announced) again for the rally convenience. Don’t forget if you are a full preregistration participant you will get another free meal and dinner show prior to closing ceremony on Saturday night. Camping is now available at Threshermen’s Park, 14975 E 2200 N Rd in Pontiac. Please contact Mary Adams for a site reservation. Camping is $20 per night no shared spots. Please join the IL District team for a fun filled weekend & “Get Your Kicks on Route 66”!! Ride safe and have FUN! Steve & Diane Gottschalk, Assistant Directors Friends & Family Each day, we look at the chapter calendar to see if there is something going on. This is our guide to see what is in store for us in the coming days. We really enjoy having dinner, going on rides, or having card parties with our friends/family. It has come to our attention several times over the last 30 years of being a part of the GWRRA family; we spend more time with the GW family than our immediate family. We never know who we are going to be interacting with at each function since we have a large GW family and not everyone goes to everything (including us). However, we never fall short of having a good time and good conversation with whoever arrives at the destination. We also have other chapters, otherwise known as extended family, in our area and throughout the district and the country that we can go to visit. IL Chapter C is offering their yearly Meet the Chapters event. This encourages all of us to go and visit other GW chapters and get to know them. All chapters in the IL District are invited to participate. The Chapter pays a small fee and everyone in the chapter gets a card to have signed when you go to the various chapters. We hope you will enjoy participating in this and meet lots of new friends along the way. We hope you’ll enjoy what the chapter is planning this year. Some fun events, including rallies, rides to various points of interest, dinners, parties, picnics, campouts, etc. Maybe you can put some of the following on your agenda: Region E Rally – June 24-25 in Cedar Rapids, IA; Reno Rendevous in Reno, NV – July 7-9; IL District Summer Rally – July 22-23 in Pontiac, IL; and Wing Ding in Billings, MT – Aug 31-Sept 3. You not only will have some grand family reunions, you will see different parts of the country! If you are going to Wing Ding, check out the IL District Ride to Billings. Information is on the District website. Let the good times roll!!! Nancy & Charles Mallett GWRRA IL MEP Coordinators 11 CHAPTER FUNCTION PICTURES FROM APRIL SrQ Quartet singing at Herrin Convention Lunch ride after IL Blessing of the Bikes Ch-Q member Willie Kohlenberger State Trooper Joey Watson giving Annual Motorcycle Safety Summit Along with IL Ch-Q in attendance 4/2016 12 APRIL CHAPTER Q FUNCTIONS 4/2016 4/2016 IL Blessing of the Bikes IL Ch- Q on joint ride with MO Ch- I 4/2016 Lunch ride to MO CeCe’s after blessing 13 APRIL CHAPTER Q FUNCTIONS Sonny & Lisa Gales card party 4/2016 14 OTHER CHAPTER MEETINGS Chapter B2- Algonquin, 2nd Monday, Colonial Café & Ice Cream Parlor, 6:30 eat-7:30 social Chapter C- Gilman, 2nd Friday, Pizza Place Chapter C2- Freeport, 3rd Thursday, Rt 20 Bar & Grill, 6pm eat-7pm social Chapter D-2 –Effingham, 1st Sun; Martin's IGA Iron Horse Cafeteria, 6pm eat-7pm social Chapter DK- Plano, 1st Saturday, Q Bar Restaurant, 6pm eat-7pm social Chapter E – Gillespie, 2nd Thursday; Miners Family Restaurant, Eat at 6 pm Chapter F - Mt. Vernon First Tuesday; at Ryan's Family Steakhouse, 6pm eat-7pm social Chapter G- Rock Falls, 2nd Wednesday, Candlelight Inn, 6pm eat-7pm social Chapter G2- Lake Bluff, 4th Sunday, Lake House Chapter H2- Galesburg, 1st Tuesday, Sirloin Stockade, 6:30pm eat-7:30pm social Chapter I – Decatur, 2nd Saturday, Whit's End, 9am Chapter L- Rockford, 4th Tuesday, Machine Shed 7pm Chapter N- Quincy, 3rd Monday, The Coach House, 7pm Chapter NW- Palatine, 1st Sunday, Donkey Inn, 9am Chapter O- O’Fallon, 1st Saturday, Luna Cafe, 6pm eat-7 pm social Chapter P1- Paris, 4th Thursday, Main Street Café, 7pm Chapter Q- Carbondale, 1st Wednesday, Bandana’s, 6pm eat-7pm social Chapter R- Peru, 3rd Wednesday, 4 Star Family Restaurant, 7pm Chapter S - Olney 2nd Saturday, The Holiday, 6pm eat-7pm social Chapter T- Springfield, 2nd Sunday, Parkway Café, 6pm Chapter U – Vandalia, 3rd Monday, Ponderosa, 6pm eat-7pm social Chapter Y- New Lenox, 1st Thursday, Little Joe’s, 7pm Chapter Z- Metamora, 4th Sunday, The Flame, 5pm eat-6pm social Chapter Z2- Oakbrook Terrace, 2nd Sunday, 8am eat-9am social Missouri Chapter I- Jackson, MO1st 1st Thursday, Delmonico's, at exit 99 off I-55. 6pm eat-7pm social *See Ch-Q Calendar for scheduled rides. UPCOMING EVENTS Neihaus Customer Appreciation Weekend, May 13-15, Litchfield, IL MO District Rally June 2, Branson, MO Region E Rally June 24-25, McGrath Power Sports, Cedar Rapids, IA Reno Rendezvous July 7-9, Reno, Nevada IL District Summer Rally July 22-23, Pontiac Rec Center, Pontiac, IL Wing Ding 38 August 31-September 3, Billings, MT SI Ride In September 23-25 DuQuoin, IL 15 *Below are all of the 2016 Region/District Rally’s going on this year. Have great fun, be safe and fill your head with knowledge! Region A Rally (Oct 27-29) Region B (none) Region D Rally (Jul 28-30) FL District Rally Mar. 17-19 MD District Rally Jan 7-8 OH Winter District Rally Feb 5-6 GA District Rally Apr 21-23 PA District Rally May 19-21 IN Winter District Rally Feb 12-13 AL District Rally May 19-21 New Eng Rally Jul 21-23 MI District Rally Feb 27-27 SC District Rally Jul 14-16 Bi State Rally Aug 4-6 IN Spring District Rally May 19-21 MS District Rally Oct 13-15 OH Summer District Rally Jun 16-18 MI District Rally Aug 5-6 Region E Rally (June 16-18) IL Winter District Rally Jan 22-23 Region F (May 27-29) CO District Rally Aug 11-13 Region H (Mar 17-19) AR District Rally Mar 17-19 MO Spring Fling Mar 5 AZ District Rally Oct 28-30 KS Winter Rally Jan 15-16 Mo District Rally Jun 3-4 NV District Rally, None KS District Rally Apr 22-24 MN/ND District Rally Jul 8-9 UT District Rally Jul 15-16 LA District Rally Mar 31-Apr2 WI District Rally Sep 16-17 CA District Rally Sep 23-25 OK District Rally Sep 29-Oct 1 IA District Rally Sep 25-26 Region I Rally/None TX District Rally May 19-21 Region J Aug 26-28 Region K Jul 22-24 ID District Rally Jul 28-30 Wing in the Rockies The Roaring 20’s MT District Rally None Red Deer, AB Canada Quality Hotel & Suites OR District Rally None Woodstock, AB Canada WA District Rally TBD WY District Rally Aug 29-30 Region L Jul 22-24 Region N Summer Rally May 20-21 COY Selection Best Western Region N Winter Rally Nov 4-6 COY TN Sweetheart Ball Feb 13 COY Selection Glengary, Truro, NS Canada TN District Rally Apr 28-30 WV District Rally Jul 22-23 KY District Rally Aug 18-20 NC District Rally Sep 22-24 VA District Rally Oct 6-8 16 FOR SALE GL1800 DFT trike. It has 58,000 miles on it. Contact Rich at 1999 Gold Wing SE—All the goodies plus many extras $6500. . ALSO Cycle Mate Trailer Black, murals, swivel hitch, top rack, Bearing Buddies......$250. Call Johnnie @ (309)-798-2870 (IA Chapter O) Cooler racks for your bike. The racks work great for coolers and give you extra storage room. Rack and bracket for the bike is $120. Add a bracket for your trailer for $15 more. MO Chapter I-email or call Dave Bollinger @ 573-450-8434 Tulsa windshield for 1800 Gold Wing, tinted, used but in very good condition. $25. Call Bob Evans 446- 6170 or 823-0402. (MO Chapter W) FOR SALE! Men’s Leather Jacket by Vance Leathers USA Size 46 with Zip in Liner, $100.00 Call Mike and Darlene Reagan at 618 889-8065. 2005 V-Star Classic. Mustang Seat all chromed out, new tires and windshield $3,500.00. Call Mary Beth at 618-364-0086. Aluminum Ramps – 4 foot x 5 foot. $60.00 each. Call Jim Beggs at 573-587-3015. 2011 Tow Blazer camper with 12” wheels, complete with screened in patio and air conditioning! Asking $3000 OBO. If interested, get in touch with Lou Bartoloni at 314-638-7459 after 6 p.m. daily. It belongs to his brother (MO Chapter W2). 1982 Gold Wing Aspencade. 86,000 miles. Runs. Contact Mike Reagan. (618) 889-8066 17 Support our Chapter Q Sponsors See Bill or Danny Bill Gottschalk, Owner/Sales Manager Danny Young, Owner/Service Manager Marion DAIRY QUEEN China Buffet 7 N Main Street Pinckneyville, IL 62274 618-357-6888 Grill & Chill Buffet Offers Best Value 2200 W Main St, Marion, IL 62959 18 SPONSORS CONTINUED PIZZA & PASTA EXPRESS DINE-IN * CARRY-OUT * DELIVERY * BUFFET 104 N DIVISION ST CARTERVILLE, IL 62918 618-985-6262 ALCOHOL-FREE & SMOKE-FREE FAMILY ENVIRONMENT. DINE-IN * CARRY-OUT * DELIVERY * BUFFET BENTON, HERRIN, MARION, MURPHYSBORO AND WEST FRANKFORT YE OLD COUNTRY STORE ICE CREAM & FUDGE SHOPPE 218 E MAIN STREET DU QUOIN, IL 62832 718 located 618-542-4466 STORE HOURS: M-T H 4-9PM FRI 4-10PM SAT 2-10PM SUN 2-9PM on Historic Old Route 66 in Litchfield, IL., I Niehaus Cycle Sales has been a family run business since 1971L 62056 19