JAMSTEC-R IFREE Special Issue, November 2009 ― Report ― /RQJWHUPWHPSHUDWXUHVPHDVXUHPHQWVDWVRPHRQODQGDQGVXEVHDÀRRUERUHKROHV Masataka Kinoshita1*, Keizo Sayanagi2, Takafumi Kasaya1(LLFKLUR$UDNL3, Hisao Ito4 Spatio-temporal distribution of temperature beneath the seafloor provides essential information on the thermal and K\GURORJLFDOVWUXFWXUHDQGG\QDPLFV:HGHYHORSHGVRPHORQJWHUPWHPSHUDWXUHPRQLWRULQJV\VWHPVIRUREVHUYDWLRQDWVHDÀRRU LQDIHZPGHHSKROHDQGLQGHHSERUHKROHV0HDVXUHPHQWVLQDVKDOORZKROHZHUHFDUULHGRXWDWDK\GURWKHUPDO¿HOGLQWKH southern Mariana Trough and in the western Sagami Bay, and thermistor array system was tested in two onland boreholes in WKHQRUWKHDVWHUQ-DSDQIRUXSWR\HDUV7KHWKHUPLVWRUHOHPHQWVFRDWHGZLWKµ7HÀRQ¶ZDVSURYHGWREHVWDEOHDQGUHOLDEOH LQDWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJHRIWR&IRUPRUHWKDQRQH\HDU6KRUWHUWLPHVFDOHDQGUDWKHUDSHULRGLFYDULDWLRQVLQWHPSHUDWXUHV were commonly observed in boreholes. These variations would result from convection or any kind of flow within the hole. Such variation can be as large as any signal from the formation, so more careful assessment is necessary for the deep-borehole REVHUYDWRU\WKDWLVLQGHYHORSPHQWDW-$067(& Keywords%RUHKROHREVHUYDWRU\&RQYHFWLRQ+HDWÀRZ7HPSHUDWXUHYDULDWLRQ1DQ7UR6(,=( 5HFHLYHG0DUFK$FFHSWHG$XJXVW ,QVWLWXWHIRU5HVHDUFKRQ(DUWK(YROXWLRQ-DSDQ$JHQF\IRU0DULQH(DUWK6FLHQFHDQG7HFKQRORJ\ ,QVWLWXWHRI2FHDQLF5HVHDUFKDQGGHYHORSPHQW7RNDL8QLYHUVLW\ 'HQVH2FHDQÀRRU1HWZRUN6\VWHPIRU(DUWKTXDNHVDQG7VXQDPLV-DSDQ$JHQF\IRU0DULQH(DUWK6FLHQFHDQG7HFKQRORJ\ &HQWHUIRU'HHS(DUWK([SORUDWLRQ-DSDQ$JHQF\IRU0DULQH(DUWK6FLHQFHDQG7HFKQRORJ\ &RUUHVSRQGLQJDXWKRU Masataka Kinoshita ,QVWLWXWHIRU5HVHDUFKRQ(DUWK(YROXWLRQ-DSDQ$JHQF\IRU0DULQH(DUWK6FLHQFHDQG7HFKQRORJ\ 1DWVXVKLPDFKR<RNRVXND-DSDQ +81-46-867-9323 masa@jamstec.go.jp &RS\ULJKWE\-DSDQ$JHQF\IRU0DULQH(DUWK6FLHQFHDQG7HFKQRORJ\ 89 /RQJWHUPWHPSHUDWXUHVPHDVXUHPHQWVDWVRPHRQODQGDQGVXEVHDÀRRUERUHKROHV 1. Introduction PRQLWRULQJLVDQLPSRUWDQWSDUW:HDUHSDUWLFXODUO\LQWHUHVWHG It is now widely accepted that numerous geological LQ WKH IOXLG IORZ DV D SUR[\ IRU VWUDLQ DFFXPXODWLRQ DQG phenomena are controlled by the physical environment, release) in the seismogenic zones. Thus we need to achieve HVSHFLDOO\ SUHVVXUH DQG WHPSHUDWXUH$V ZH XQGHUVWDQG accurate (to the order of ~mK) and in-situ temperature more about the events occurring under the ground or monitoring system. This paper presents a progress report on EHORZ VHDIORRU WKH PRUH DFFXUDF\ LV UHTXLUHG RQ WKH LQ what we learned so far on the temperature measurement in situ temperature structure and its variation. The best way to boreholes. know the temperature at depth is to drill a hole and directly measure temperature there. However, the number of deep 2. Factors affecting formation temperatures drill holes is not enough and their depths are limited. Thus, The formation temperature under the ground (or in most cases we have to derive it from measurements of below seafloor), basically determined from the tectonics surface heat flow and sub-seafloor thermal conductivity (age of the plate, etc.) or volcanism in the region, is distorted LQIHUUHGIURPVHLVPLFYHORFLW\:HKDYHWREHFDUHIXORIWKH by several factors. First, temperature variation at surface, H[WUDSRODWLRQRIVXUIDFHKHDWÀRZYDOXHVWRWKHUHJLRQDORU caused by millennium-scale climate change to daily variation global scale, because some of them are affected by local due to sunshine or tidal modulation, propagates down effects such as advective heat transfer at hydrothermal to the formation through thermal diffusion. Nagao and systems. Other indirect way is to derive temperature from 8\HGDFDUULHGRXWERWKWKHORQJWHUPDQGVQDSVKRW temperature-sensitive parameters (deeper limit of seismicity, measurements at several boreholes, with their depth ~100m Curie-point depth, seismic velocity, electric conductivity, RUVKDOORZHULQWKHQRUWKHDVWHUQ-DSDQLQRUGHUWRHVWLPDWH etc.). UHJLRQDO KHDW IORZ LQ WKDW DUHD$OO ERUHKROH GDWD LQGLFDWH $WWHPSWV IRU WHPSHUDWXUH PRQLWRULQJ LQ ERUHKROHV linear and stable temperature profiles for intervals deeper GULOOHG IRU 2FHDQ 'ULOOLQJ 3URJUDP 2'3 RU RQODQG than ~30 m below surface. Nonlinear profiles above this boreholes reveal that the long-term, in-situ temperature depth are attributed to the seasonal change in surface monitoring can be a useful tool for detecting transient WHPSHUDWXUH0RQLWRULQJRIWHPSHUDWXUHEHQHDWKWKHVHDÀRRU SKHQRPHQD3DVWJURXQGVXUIDFHWHPSHUDWXUHFDQEHHVWLPDWHG has been carried out by penetrating a lance with multiple through thermal inversion from time-series borehole thermistors inside in the sediment (e. g. Kinoshita et al., WHPSHUDWXUHHJ&KDSPDQDQG+DUULV:DQJ 1996; Hamamoto et al., 2005). Hamamoto et al. (2005) &HUPDNHWDO*RWRHWDOD)RUPDWLRQWKHUPDO showed that the seasonal changes of temperature above the diffusivity can be estimated by comparing temperature VHDÀRRUGHFD\HGWRaRUOHVVDWaPEHORZVHDÀRRU variation between at surface and in borehole (e. g. Kinoshita Second, drilling operations largely disturb the HWDO*RWRHWDOE7KHVDPHWHFKQLTXHFDQEH formation temperature; cutting a hole will heat up the applied to remove the effect of surface temperature variation, IRUPDWLRQEXWWKHFLUFXODWLQJÀXLGZLOOVLJQL¿FDQWO\GHFUHDVH and to estimate true formation temperatures (e. g. Hamamoto in-situ temperature. Temperature logging with wireline tools et al., 2005). From the engineering point of view, the true is the simplest way to take downhole temperature profile, temperature is necessary for planning of drilling operations but the drilling effect must be removed through repeated DQGRIGRZQKROHPHDVXUHPHQWV6FLHQWL¿FDOO\WHPSHUDWXUH ORJJLQJUXQVE\VWDWLVWLFDOO\H[WUDSRODWLQJWHPSHUDWXUHXVLQJ WUDQVLHQWVFDQEHDSUR[\IRUWKHÀXLGÀRZLQWKHIRUPDWLRQ +RUQHUSORWPHWKRGRUFXUYH¿WWLQJPHWKRGHJ+\RGRHW or through fault zones. DO7KHDFFXUDF\RIWHPSHUDWXUHH[WUDSRODWHGE\WKLV 'XULQJ WKH 2'3 SHULRG SUHVVXUH DQG WHPSHUDWXUH method is +/- 5 K or worse, which is not accurate enough REVHUYDWRULHV ZHUH GHYHORSHG DQG DSSOLHG LQ WKH -XDQ GH IRURXUJHRVFLHQWL¿FSXUSRVHV7KXVWKHRQO\ZD\WRREWDLQ Fuca Ridge or in some accretionary prisms (CORK; Becker accurate enough formation temperatures is to make long- DQG'DYLV6HLVPRORJLFDODQGJHRGHWLFREVHUYDWRULHV term, in-situ measurements. 1(5(,' ZHUH GHSOR\HG LQ WKH IRUHDUF VORSH RI -DSDQ Even if we install temperature sensors in the 7UHQFK6KLSERDUG6FLHQWLILF3DUW\%DVHGRQWKHVH borehole, there is intra-hole convection. Cermak et al. H[SHULHQFHV$UDNLHWDOVWDUWHGGHYHORSPHQWRIXOWUD (2008a; 2008b) monitored temperature at two boreholes deep borehole observatory system, in which temperature LQ.DPFKDWND5XVVLDLQ±DQGVKRZHGWKDWDOO 90 JAMSTEC-R IFREE Special Issue, November 2009, 89 í102 M. Kinoshita et al., WHPSHUDWXUH±WLPHVHULHVH[FHSWWKHUHFRUGIURPWKHERWWRP column just above the seafloor for some time, because the of the hole) displayed intermittent, non-periodic oscillations water column in the deep sea is often in a thermally very of temperature of up to several hundredths of degrees, which stable condition. FDQEHH[SODLQHGE\LQWUDKROHFRQYHFWLRQ There are two ways in assembling the borehole temperature measurement system. One is to set the 3. Downhole temperature measurement techniques PHDVXUHPHQWDFTXLVLWLRQVWRUDJHSRZHUXQLWRQWKHVHDÀRRU $V D WHPSHUDWXUH VHQVRU ZH XVH WKHUPLVWRUV7KH DQGWRGHSOR\WKHUPLVWRUDUUD\VWULQJLQWRWKHERUHKROH:H advantages for thermistor against other elements are that it is need ROV or even drillship to install the system, but once it easier to measure (resistance), that it has a higher sensitivity is installed the data is easily downloaded or we can even get Nȍ FKDQJH IRU D IHZ . YDULDWLRQ WKDW LW KDV D VKRUWHU the data on a real-time basis if the data logger is connected to response time because of its small dimension, etc. On the the shore through deep-sea cables. other hand, disadvantages are that the resistance-temperature The other is to install a set of stand-alone modules in relation is non-linear, that its applicable range is narrow (-50 WKHERUHKROH$VRSSRVHGWRWKHIRUPHULWLVHDV\WRGHSOR\ WR&WKDWLWLVDIIHFWHGE\LWVVHOIKHDWLQJHIIHFWHWF EXW WKH PRGXOHV KDYH WR EH UHFRYHUHG WR REWDLQ GDWD:H The accuracy of thermistors depends also on how XVHG7HPSHUDWXUH'DWD/RJJHU7\SHPDQXIDFWXUHGE\ WKH\DUHFDOLEUDWHG:HFDOLEUDWHWKHWKHUPLVWRUVE\XVLQJDQ $17$5(6'DWHQV\VWHPH*PE+*HUPDQ\ZZZDQWDUHV LVRWKHUPDOEDWKDQGTXDUW]WKHUPRPHWHUWRSURYLGHVWDQGDUG geo.de) (Fig. 1). This is a stand-alone measurement system for temperature. The isothermal bath have a stability and WKDWLQFOXGHVDWKHUPLVWRUPHDVXUHPHQWXQLW$'FRQYHUWHU accuracy of 0.01 K or worse. They were actually recorded memory and battery. The resolution is ~1 mK. in the temperature data even in the sensors to be calibrated. IHZWHQVRIP.DQGUHTXLUHWKHUHVROXWLRQRUWKHUHODWLYH 0HDVXUHPHQWDFKLHYHPHQWWRZDUGVVXEVHDÀRRU temperature monitoring precision) to be a few mK. To secure better relative accuracy Since 2001, we have developed temperature among multiple sensors, we put the sensors in the water monitoring instruments for deep-sea environment, and have Thus, we describe the accuracy for absolute temperature as )LJ0LQLDWXUH7HPSHUDWXUH'DWD/RJJHUW\SH JAMSTEC-R IFREE Special Issue, November 2009, 89 í102 91 /RQJWHUPWHPSHUDWXUHVPHDVXUHPHQWVDWVRPHRQODQGDQGVXEVHDÀRRUERUHKROHV carried out temperature measurements in both onland and deployment at other sites, and we decided to conduct a long- PDULQHDUHDV+HUHZHEULHÀ\GHVFULEHWKHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQDQG WHUP¿HOGWHVWIRUFROGDQGKRWWHPSHUDWXUHFRQGLWLRQVXVLQJ obtained data through these measurements. DQH[LVWLQJRQODQGERUHKROH $ JHRWKHUPDO ZHOO 7* WKDW ZDV QRW LQ XVH DQ\ 4.1. 1300m-deep borehole at Matsukawa geothermal more for production was selected for this purpose. It is ¿HOGQRUWKHDVWHUQ-DSDQ ORFDWHGDW0DWVXNDZDJHRWKHUPDO¿HOGLQWKHQRUWKHDVWHUQ In 2000, we made a 1000m-long thermistor array -DSDQ 1 (DOWP)LJ)LJ string with 20 thermistors and a data logger to be deployed 3). Its total depth is 1298m below the ground level, and its LQ2'3+ROH,GXULQJWKH2'3FUXLVH/HJ0LNDGD upper 710m is a cased section. The upper 200m consists of HW DO 6KLSERDUG 6FLHQFH 3DUW\ +RZHYHU Matsukawa dacite layer, underlain by Tamagawa welded tuff XQH[SHFWHG KROH FRQGLWLRQ SUHYHQWHG XV IURP GHSOR\PHQW OD\HUWRPDQG1HRJHQHIRUPDWLRQEHORZ1('2 RIWKLVWKHUPLVWRUVWULQJ:HZLOONHHSWKLVV\VWHPIRUIXWXUH 7RSRIWKHKROHLVVHDOHGZLWKDZHOOKHDG:HGHSOR\HGWKH )LJ/RFDWLRQRI0DWVXNDZDERUHKROH7* )LJ/RFDWLRQRIERUHKROHVLWHV0DWVXNDZDERUHKROH7*LVLQWKH ,ZDWH3UHIHFWXUHDQGERUHKROH*)LVLQWKH$NLWD3UHIHFWXUH Table 1. Specifications of the temperature monitoring system designed for $&25.DW1DQNDL7URXJKRII0XURWR Fig. 4. Vertical section of temperature measurement system at 0DWVXNDZDERUHKROH7* 92 JAMSTEC-R IFREE Special Issue, November 2009, 89 í102 M. Kinoshita et al., )LJ/HIW7HÀRQFRDWHGWKHUPLVWRUVHQVRUPPLQGLDPHWHU0LGGOH$VLQNHUEDUEHLQJGHSOR\HGLQWRWKHERUHKROH5LJKW7KHUPLVWRUVWULQJ protected by Kevlar coat (arrow), being inserted into the hole, with the other cable for self-potential monitoring. )LJ7HPSHUDWXUHUHFRUGIRUWKHZKROHSHULRGRIREVHUYDWLRQDWERUHKROH7*7KHORZHVW temperature with large variation was recorded on the ground (depth=0m). Fig. 7. Temperature versus depth profile at ERUHKROH7* WDNHQ LQ WKH ZLQWHU period in 2003. JAMSTEC-R IFREE Special Issue, November 2009, 89 í102 93 /RQJWHUPWHPSHUDWXUHVPHDVXUHPHQWVDWVRPHRQODQGDQGVXEVHDÀRRUERUHKROHV DERYHWKHUPLVWRUVWULQJV\VWHPLQ'HFDQGFRQWLQXHG their amplitude is largest at deepest interval, these diurnal PHDVXUHPHQWVDWLQWHUYDOVIURPWRPGHSWKVWR-XQH variations are not caused by the variation in the surface 2003 for 19 months (Sayanagi et al., 2005). temperatures. Fig. 4 shows the schematic section of sensor Temperature logging data measured in 1992 and 1995 LQVWDOODWLRQ LQ WKH ERUHKROH 7* 7DEOH VKRZV WKH LQGLFDWHGWKDWWKHZDWHUKHDGLQWKHERUHKROH7*ZDV system specification. Sampling interval is programmable m and 138 m, respectively. Thus our temperature data at T8 between 1 second and 1 hour, and was set as 1 minute for and T9 (50 m and 100 m below the ground, respectively) WKLVREVHUYDWLRQZLWKWKHUHFRUGHGUHVROXWLRQRIȍ should be watching air temperatures. mK). Each thermistor was independently coated with poly- $V ZH EORZ XS WKH GDWD HYHQ PRUH ZH ILQG WHWUDÀXRURHWKHQH37)(RUµ7HÀRQ¶)LJDQGLVFHUWL¿HG apparently random temperature variations for all sensors (Fig. to work up to 6000m water depth. 9). Spiky variations for T1-T7, with their amplitude of ~50 $VVKRZQLQ)LJWHPSHUDWXUHVLQWKHERUHKROHDUHYHU\ mK and period of 10-30 minutes, would be caused by water stable with its variation less than 1 K. Temperature at 270m circulation or movement in the borehole. Lack of such spiky ZDV&$VVKRZQLQ)LJDYHUDJHWKHUPDOJUDGLHQW variations at 50 m and 100 m depths (i.e. temperature above is estimated as 220K/km, which is affected by the local the water table in the borehole) may support this inference, JHRWKHUPDO¿HOG EHFDXVHZDWHULQWKHERUHKROH7*LVPXFKHDVLHUWRFRQYHFW Fig. 8 shows a week-long record of temperature due to much higher Rayleigh number than that of air under LQ WKH ERUHKROH7* QRWH WKH WUDFHV DUH VKLIWHG WR DYRLG this condition. overlaps). Surface temperature is shown for comparison on WKHERWWRPSDQHO'DLO\YDULDWLRQVZLWKWKHLUDPSOLWXGHRI 4.2. Mini-borehole at a hydrothermal site in the southern a.DUHLGHQWL¿HGLQWKHGHHSHUVHFWLRQRIWKHKROH6LQFH Mariana Trough (March 2004) )LJ$ZHHNORQJ UHFRUG RI WHPSHUDWXUH LQ WKH ERUHKROH7* QRWH WKH WUDFHV DUH VKLIWHG WR DYRLG RYHUODSV 6XUIDFH WHPSHUDWXUHLVVKRZQIRUFRPSDULVRQRQWKHERWWRPSDQHO'DLO\YDULDWLRQVZLWKa.DPSOLWXGHDUHLGHQWL¿HGLQWKH deeper section of the hole. 94 JAMSTEC-R IFREE Special Issue, November 2009, 89 í102 M. Kinoshita et al., 'XULQJ WKH 7KRPSVRQ52326 FUXLVH 71$ bar and the thermistor string went down, lots of soft material (March 15 to 27, 2004), an intensive survey was carried out (probably hydrothermal deposits precipitated in the casing) at several hydrothermal sites in the southern Mariana Trough came out of the hole. The string stopped falling at ~1.7m. DW 1 ,VKLEDVKL HW DO $ VKRUW WKHUPLVWRU VWULQJ Several trials to insert the thermistor string deeper by moving was prepared to be installed into one of the boreholes drilled the string back and forth ended in vein. The mission ended using BMS (Benthic Multi-coring System, chartered from DW0DUFK7KHZKROHV\VWHPZDVVDIHO\UHFRYHUHG -DSDQ2LO*DVDQG0HWDOV1DWLRQDO&RUSRUDWLRQ-2*0(& during dive #780 on March 25. 7KHREMHFWLYHVDUHHLWKHUWRLQIHUWKHÀXLGYHORFLW\WKURXJK 3UHOLPLQDU\ SORW RI WHPSHUDWXUH YV WLPH LV VKRZQ the hole, or to detect any transients or tidal modulation. in Fig. 12. Four thermistors were in the casing below sea The thermistor string consists of a data logger, ÀRRU$JUDGXDOWHPSHUDWXUHGHFUHDVHLQWKHFDVLQJVXJJHVWV thermistor string including 10 thermistors, tension member a gradual decrease in the hydrothermal venting rate through wire and a steel sinker bar (Fig. 10). Sampling interval was the casing. Temperature scattering with their amplitude of PLQXWHZLWKWKHUHFRUGHGUHVROXWLRQRIȍP. .PD\EHFDXVHGE\ÀXLGFLUFXODWLRQLQWKHFDVLQJ (DFKWKHUPLVWRUZDVLQGHSHQGHQWO\FRDWHGZLWK7HÀRQVDPH FRQ¿JXUDWLRQDVRQHXVHGIRU$&25.)LJ 4.3. Mini-borehole in the western Sagami Bay (2006) 'HSOR\PHQWRIWKHWKHUPLVWRUVWULQJV\VWHPVWDUWHG 'XULQJ WKH .< FUXLVH RI 59 .$,<2 RI *070DUFK)LJGXULQJ52952326 -$067(&ZHPDGHWKH¿UVWWULDOWRLQVHUWDPFDVLQJLQWR dive #776. First a sinker bar, temporarily used as a pull-pin, WKHVHDIORRUXVLQJDSLVWRQFRULQJWHFKQLTXH7KHFDVLQJLV was pulled out successfully. Then the sinker bar was inserted DWWDFKHGRXWVLGHWKHFRULQJSLSH:KHQWKHFRUHUSHQHWUDWHV YHU\VPRRWKO\LQWRWKHFDVLQJDW$30DWWKH)U\HUVLWH into the sediment, this outer casing pipe is released from the 1 (GHSWKP$VWKHVLQNHU corer and stays in the sediment. Mud inside the casing is )LJKRXUUHFRUGRIWHPSHUDWXUHLQWKHERUHKROH7*QRWHWKHWUDFHVDUHVKLIWHGWRDYRLGRYHUODSV6XUIDFHWHPSHUDWXUH is shown for comparison on the bottom panel. Spiky variations for T1-T7, with their typical period of 10-30 minutes, may be caused by water circulation or movement in the borehole. JAMSTEC-R IFREE Special Issue, November 2009, 89 í102 95 /RQJWHUPWHPSHUDWXUHVPHDVXUHPHQWVDWVRPHRQODQGDQGVXEVHDÀRRUERUHKROHV )LJ3KRWRJUDSKVRIWKHWKHUPLVWRUVWULQJWRSDQG data logger (bottom) used at the Fryer site in the southern Mariana Trough. )LJ7KHUPLVWRUVWULQJLQVHUWHGLQWRWKHFDVLQJGHSOR\HGE\%06DWWKH)O\HU6LWHK\GURWKHUPDO¿HOGLQWKHVRXWKHUQ0DULDQD7URXJK 96 JAMSTEC-R IFREE Special Issue, November 2009, 89 í102 M. Kinoshita et al., removed as a core sample. temperature data was obtained at eight depths for 1 year until The same thermistor string system that was used in LWZDVUHFRYHUHGRQ'HF7KHVDPSOLQJLQWHUYDO WKH0DULDQD7URXJKVHHVHFWLRQZDVGHSOR\HGH[FHSW was 10 min. for a spherical-shell shape lid attached to the string in order The bottom-water temperature variation was to isolate the hole from sea water (Fig. 13). identified in the hole for the first 9 days but it disappeared 2Q 'HFHPEHU WKLV V\VWHP ZDV GHSOR\HG DIWHUWKDW3UREDEO\WKHVSKHULFDOVKHOOVHDOZDVQRWZRUNLQJ LQ WKH ZHVWHUQ 6DJDPL %D\ ¶1 ¶( ZHOOIRUWKH¿UVWIHZGD\V7KHORQJHUSHULRGYDULDWLRQ depth 1250m) during the KY05-14 cruise, using the heavy- days) remained in the hole, and its amplitude was ~10% duty ROV, or ‘Navigable Sampling System’ (NSS) of of that in the water, and its phase delay was ~1 day (Fig. 2FHDQ5HVHDUFK,QVWLWXWH8QLYHUVLW\RI7RN\R&RQWLQXRXV $OO WHPSHUDWXUH UHFRUG LQ WKH KROH VKRZHG QR SKDVH difference. The average temperature gradient was calculated as P.PZKLFKLVFRQVLVWHQWZLWKSUHYLRXVKHDWÀRZYDOXHV (Kinoshita et al., 1992). Fig. 15 shows a blowup of temperature record for DKDOIGD\9DULDWLRQVH[LVWLQDOOVHQVRUVLQWKHKROHZLWK their amplitude 10-20 mK and their period 0.5-1 hours. 'XH WR VSDUVH VDPSOLQJ WKH FXUYHV DUH REYLRXVO\ DOLDVHG but it is likely that these variations are caused by intra-hole convection of seawater. 4.4. Borehole GF-2 near Lake Tazawa (2008) Fig. 12. Temperature in the casing (Tnorm10 is located at the lowest point). $V D SDUW RI WKH ERUHKROH REVHUYDWRU\ V\VWHP )LJ/HIW3KRWRJUDSKVRIWKHVLPSOHFDVLQJV\VWHPZLWKSLVWRQFRUHVDPSOHU<HOORZSLSHLVDWWDFKHG RXWVLGHWKHVSHFLDOSLVWRQFRUHUDQGZLOOEHOHIWEHQHDWKWKHVHDÀRRUZKLOHWKHPXGLQVLGHSLVWRQ FRUHULVUHFRYHUHG5LJKW&RQ¿JXUDWLRQRIWHPSHUDWXUHDUUD\LQWKHSLVWRQFRUHFDVLQJLQWKH western Sagami Bay. JAMSTEC-R IFREE Special Issue, November 2009, 89 í102 97 /RQJWHUPWHPSHUDWXUHVPHDVXUHPHQWVDWVRPHRQODQGDQGVXEVHDÀRRUERUHKROHV )LJ:KROHWHPSHUDWXUHUHFRUGRIWKHWHPSHUDWXUHDUUD\LQWKHSLVWRQFRUHFDVLQJLQWKHZHVWHUQ6DJDPL%D\µPEVI¶VWDQGVIRUµPHWHUVEHORZVHD ÀRRU¶ Fig. 15. Blowup of temperature record of the temperature array in the piston-core casing in the western Sagami Bay. Note that all temperature curves are VKLIWHGDORQJWKHYHUWLFDOD[LVWRDYRLGRYHUODSVµPEVI¶VWDQGVIRUµPHWHUVEHORZVHDÀRRU¶ 98 JAMSTEC-R IFREE Special Issue, November 2009, 89 í102 M. Kinoshita et al., GHYHORSPHQWSURMHFWLQ-$067(&HJ$UDNLHWDO their period 1 to 10 minutes (Fig. 17). No clear correlation we carried out a system integration test for the tiltmeter using between sensors is seen, but some variations seem to be DQRQODQGERUHKROH*)7HPSHUDWXUHZDVDOVRPHDVXUHG µELPRGDO¶LHFKDQJLQJEHWZHHQWZRYDOXHV$VLQWKHFDVH DVDSDUWRIWKHWHVWXVLQJ7HPSHUDWXUH'DWD/RJJHUV7\SH described in the previous sections, these may be indicatives 1854 (Fig. 1). of intra-hole convection or vertical migration of water due to 7KHERUHKROH*)LVORFDWHGLQDPRXQWDLQDUHDRI H[WHUQDOO\DFWLYDWHGGHQVLW\LQVWDELOLW\ 6HQERNX&LW\RI$NLWD3UHIHFWXUHLQWKHQRUWKHDVWHUQ-DSDQ 1 (DOWLWXGHP)LJ7KH 4.5. Effect of intra-hole fluid circulation on geodetic hole was cut to 800m depth in the welded tuff formation, and measurements the upper 300m is a cased section (Ito and Kikuchi, 1987). So Through monitoring in above boreholes, we observed far some temperature and stress measurements were carried VRPHW\SHVRIWHPSHUDWXUHÀXFWXDWLRQV6HDVRQDOYDULDWLRQV out, and the hole condition is well known. are caused by the change in ground temperature (up to 30 K The tiltmeter assembly was lowered with a standard peak to peak), and they are attenuated at depth of a few tens logging wire with seven conductors inside. Temperature of meters below ground, depending on the thermal diffusivity loggers were attached to the tiltmeter or to the wire (Fig. 16), of formation material. Temperature variations with semi- XVLQJYLQ\OWDSHVDQGFDEOHWLHV³WLHZUDS´7KHH[SHULPHQW GLXUQDOSHULRGDUHREVHUYHGEHQHDWKWKHVHDÀRRU7KH\DOVR was conducted from Sep.9 to Oct. 18, 2008, and the attenuate with depth, so that they can be distinguished from temperature monitoring with seven data loggers distributed RWKHUÀXFWXDWLRQV from surface to 200m depth was carried out just for one night :HREVHUYHGWHPSHUDWXUHIOXFWXDWLRQLQPRVWRIWKH (Sep. 12). boreholes as described above. Their amplitude ranges 10-50 $WDSUHOLPLQDU\ORRNZHFOHDUO\UHFRJQL]HWKDWDOO P.DQGSHULRGPLQXWHVWRKRXU$OWKRXJKZHQHHGPRUH temperatures fluctuates with their amplitudes ~50 mK and careful analysis, they are probably caused by the intra-hole )LJ/HIW%RUHKROHWLOWPHWHUDVVHPEO\EHLQJLQVHUWHGLQWR*)KROH&HQWHU7HPSHUDWXUHGDWDORJJHUDWWDFKHGWRWKHZLUHZKLWHFLUFOH5LJKW 'HSWKRIWHPSHUDWXUHGDWDORJJHULQWKHKROH JAMSTEC-R IFREE Special Issue, November 2009, 89 í102 99 /RQJWHUPWHPSHUDWXUHVPHDVXUHPHQWVDWVRPHRQODQGDQGVXEVHDÀRRUERUHKROHV ÀXLGFLUFXODWLRQ,WFDQVLJQL¿FDQWO\DIIHFWWKHSHUIRUPDQFH RI WR & IRU PRUH WKDQ RQH \HDU:H DOVR IRXQG WKDW of other instruments in the borehole, such as tiltmeter (section WHPSHUDWXUHVÀXFWXDWHDWDSHULRGRIPLQXWHVZLWKWKHLU $VLPSOHFDOFXODWLRQGHPRQVWUDWHVWKDWDWHPSHUDWXUH DPSOLWXGH.IRUDOOVLWHV7KHH[LVWHQFHRILQWUD difference of 0.1K between both ends of the metal housing hole fluid circulation may be the cause of these variations. of tiltmeter (length ~ 1 m) can cause its internal tilt of 10 -6 UDGLDQ DVVXPLQJ KRXVLQJ¶V WKHUPDO H[SDQVLRQ FRHIILFLHQW -5 $EHWWHUNQRZOHGJHRIWKHLQWUDKROHDGYHFWLRQLVDEVROXWHO\ necessary to achieve the goal of borehole observatories. -1 is 10 K ) and calculated by multiplying the length and WHPSHUDWXUHGLIIHUHQFHZKLFKLVHTXLYDOHQWRUHYHQODUJHU Acknowledgments WKDQWKHIRUPDWLRQWLOWH[SHFWHGIRUWKHVHLVPRJHQLF]RQHV 7KHH[SHULPHQWVLQWKHUHSRUWDUHSULPDULO\IXQGHG $ EHWWHU NQRZOHGJH RI WKH KROH FRQGLWLRQ LV DEVROXWHO\ E\ -DSDQ 0DULQH 6FLHQFH DQG7HFKQRORJ\ &HQWHU necessary to achieve the overall scientific goal of borehole DQG LWV VXFFHVVRU -DSDQ DJHQF\ IRU 0DULQH(DUWK observatories. 6FLHQFHDQG7HFKQRORJ\:HDUHJUDWHIXOIRURWKHUIXQGLQJ sources, the Special Coordination Funds of MEXT (Ministry 5. Summary of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) of Since 2001, we have carried out the temperature -DSDQ DV WKH $UFKDHDQ 3DUN 3URMHFW 3URMHFW DQG *UDQW PRQLWRULQJEHQHDWKWKHVHDÀRRURUDWRQODQGERUHKROHV)RXU LQ$LG IRU &UHDWLYH 6FLHQWLILF 5HVHDUFK *67KH H[DPSOHV ZHUH SUHVHQWHG KHUH WZR LQ RQODQG ERUHKROHV GDWDORJJHUXVHGLQ0DWVXNDZD7*VLWHZDVSXUFKDVHGE\ DQGWZRLQWKHGHHSVHDLQVLGHDIHZPKROHEHORZVHDÀRRU (DUWKTXDNH5HVHDUFK,QVWLWXWH8QLYHUVLW\RI7RN\R:HDUH :HIRXQGWKDWWKHWKHUPLVWRUHOHPHQWVFRDWHGZLWKµ7HÀRQ¶ JUDWHIXOWRWKHRSHUDWLRQWHDPRI52952326DQG166IRU proved to be stable and reliable in a temperature range the successful operations of deployment and recovery of )LJ7HPSHUDWXUHUHFRUGHGLQ*)KROHIURPPWRPGHSWK$QQRWDWLRQVLQWKHJUDSKLQGLFDWHWKHVHQVRUQXPEHUDQGLWVGHSWKPHJµ7B¶ stands for sensor T5 set at 195m below surface). Note the data is vertically offset to avoid overlaps, so the absolute value of temperature is meaningless. 100 JAMSTEC-R IFREE Special Issue, November 2009, 89 í102 M. 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