updated competent persons` report on the mineral assets of broken
updated competent persons` report on the mineral assets of broken
87 Colin Street West Perth WA 6005 PO Box 77 West Perth WA 6872 Telephone +61 8 9213 9213 Facsimile +61 8 9322 2576 perth@snowdengroup.com www.snowdengroup.com Perth, Brisbane, Vancouver, Johannesburg, London 29 October 2007 The Directors Broken Hill Cobalt Ltd Level 2, 160 Pitt St Mall SYDNEY NSW 2000 Dear Sirs UPDATED COMPETENT PERSONS’ REPORT ON THE MINERAL ASSETS OF BROKEN HILL COBALT LIMITED At your request (agreement dated 9 July 2007) Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Pty Ltd (“Snowden”) has prepared an update of its February 2005 Competent Persons’ Report on the Mineral Assets of Broken Hill Cobalt Ltd (“BHCL”) located in the Broken Hill region of New South Wales. It is our understanding that this report is to be used in support of BHCL’s listing on the Australian Securities Exchange (“ASX”). The purpose of the Prospectus is to offer for subscription 25 M ordinary shares at an issue price of $0.20 to raise a total of $5 M before costs of the issue to fund the future assessments of BHCL’s projects. There is also the facility for an over subscription of up to 10 M shares to raise an additional $2 M. BHCL is an unlisted public company which was incorporated in New Zealand in 1988. BHCL is currently 33% owned by Heritage Gold (New Zealand) Ltd (“Heritage”) and 67% owned by So Co Ltd (“SoCo”). BCHL’s mineral assets comprise a 100% interest in the Thackaringa and Pine Ridge projects located near the historic mining centre of Broken Hill in western New South Wales. The objective of this report is to present for both projects a geological description, an outline of previous exploration and evaluation studies, an opinion on the potential of the projects and on the proposed costed exploration and development programmes for the next two years. Snowden has based its assessment of BHCL’s project tenements on a site visit to the Broken Hill project areas during January 2005, discussions with the directors and senior management of BHCL and their technical advisors, and on technical information compiled by BCHL and previous tenement holders. A listing of the documents referenced is provided at the end of this report. Consents have been sought from BHCL’s management and consultants to include technical information and opinions expressed by them. None of the other entities referred to in this report have consented to their inclusion and have only been referred to in the context of reporting material fact. Snowden has based its findings upon information known to us at 29 October 2007 and has satisfied itself that all material information in the possession of BHCL has been fully disclosed to Snowden. A draft version of this report was provided to the directors of BHCL for comment in respect of omission and factual accuracy. Snowden has prepared this report on the understanding that all BHCL’s mineral tenements are currently in good standing. Snowden has not investigated the current ownership status and standing Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Pty Ltd ABN 99 085 319 562 SNOWDEN IS A SUBSIDIARY OF DOWNER EDI LIMITED 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 1 FINAL of BHCL’s mineral rights within each of its project areas and is not qualified to make legal representations in this regard. It is our understanding that this matter has been dealt with in a separate report provided by Australian Mining Title Services. The proposed exploration and feasibility programmes developed by the management of BHCL and reviewed by Snowden have been designed to realise the potential of the projects in a rational and efficient manner. The budgeted work programmes currently planned by BHCL for its project areas and management costs amount to $3.62 M. We note that the company will have sufficient working capital to carry out its stated objectives if the share issue to raise $5 M upon listing is fully subscribed. From Snowden’s assessment of BHCL’s principal projects at Thackaringa and Pine Ridge in the Broken Hill district, it is our opinion that the projects are of merit and that the evaluation programmes proposed have been carefully conceived and costed. This report has been prepared in accordance with the Code for the Technical Assessment and Valuation of Mineral and Petroleum Assets and Securities for Independent Experts Reports (“the VALMIN Code”) and the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (“the JORC Code”). The Snowden personnel responsible for the compilation and review of this report are: Mr Jason Froud, BSc (Hons), Grad Dip (App Fin), MAusIMM – Senior Consultant; Mr Michael Tyndall, BSc (Hons), Grad Dip (Min Eng), MAusIMM – Principal Consultant; Mr Peter Myers, BEng (Mining) (Hons), MAusIMM – Principal Consultant Engineer; and Mr Peter Munro, BAppSc, BCom, MAusIMM – Senior Principal Consulting Engineer. Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Pty Ltd is an independent firm providing specialist mining industry consultancy services in the fields of geology, exploration, resource estimation, mining engineering, geotechnical engineering, risk assessment, mining information technology and corporate services. The company, with its principal office at 87 Colin Street, West Perth, Australia, also operates from offices in Brisbane, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Vancouver, Belo Horizonte and London and has prepared independent expert reports and valuations on a variety of mineral commodities in many countries. Neither Snowden nor those involved in the preparation of this report have any material interest in BHCL or in the mineral properties considered in this report. Snowden is remunerated for this report by way of a professional fee determined according to a standard schedule of rates which is not contingent on the outcome of this report. Snowden has given and has not before lodgement of the BHCL’s Prospectus withdrawn its written consent to being named as author of this report and to the inclusion of this report in its Prospectus. Yours faithfully Mr J C Froud Mr M C Tyndall BSc (Hons), Grad Dip (App Fin), MAusIMM BSc (Hons), Grad Dip (Min Eng), MAusIMM Senior Consultant – Corporate Services Principal Consultant – Corporate Services 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 2 FINAL TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................5 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................7 GEOLOGICAL OVERVIEW ..........................................................................................................8 THACKARINGA PROJECT ....................................................................................................... 10 4.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 10 4.2 PYRITE HILL .................................................................................................................. 11 4.3 BIG HILL ......................................................................................................................... 12 4.4 MINING AND EXPLORATION HISTORY ...................................................................... 13 4.5 MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATES ............................................................................. 13 4.5.1 Data collection ................................................................................................. 13 4.5.2 Assay and sample QA/QC .............................................................................. 17 4.5.3 Bulk density ..................................................................................................... 17 4.5.4 Geological interpretation ................................................................................. 18 4.5.5 Resource estimation ........................................................................................ 19 4.5.6 Resource classification .................................................................................... 19 4.6 MINING AND PROCESSING STUDIES ........................................................................ 20 4.7 DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS ........................................................................................... 21 4.8 REVIEW OF MINERALOGY AND PROCESSING ISSUES .......................................... 22 4.8.1 Mineralogy ....................................................................................................... 22 4.8.2 Concentration .................................................................................................. 22 4.8.3 Pyrite Oxidation ............................................................................................... 23 4.8.4 Leaching .......................................................................................................... 23 4.8.5 Purification ....................................................................................................... 24 4.8.6 Comparable operations ................................................................................... 25 4.8.7 Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 25 4.9 EXPLORATION POTENTIAL ......................................................................................... 26 4.10 PROPOSED PROGRAMME AND EXPENDITURE ....................................................... 26 5. PINE RIDGE PROJECT ............................................................................................................ 27 5.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 27 5.1.1 North East Extensions ..................................................................................... 27 5.1.2 Himalaya North ................................................................................................ 28 5.1.3 Pyramid Hill ..................................................................................................... 29 5.1.4 Tower Hill ......................................................................................................... 29 5.1.5 Ram Paddock .................................................................................................. 29 5.1.6 Other areas ...................................................................................................... 29 5.2 EXPLORATION POTENTIAL ......................................................................................... 29 5.3 PROPOSED WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET ..................................................... 29 DECLARATIONS BY SNOWDEN MINING INDUSTRY CONSULTANTS ............................................ 30 INDEPENDENCE ...................................................................................................................... 30 QUALIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................... 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................... 32 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS .................................................................................................. 35 SELECTED DRILLING RESULTS ......................................................................................................... 43 1. 2. 3. 4. LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Table 3.1 Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Table 4.3 Table 4.4 Table 5.1 Summary of BHCL’s work programme and budget ....................................................... 6 Tenement status for BHCL’s Curnamona Province projects ......................................... 9 Mining and exploration history at the Thackaringa and Pine Ridge projects ............... 15 Summary of drilling at the Thackaringa and Pine Ridge projects ................................ 16 Comparison of the Pyrite Hill resource estimates ........................................................ 19 Thackaringa project work programme budget ............................................................. 26 Pine Ridge project work programme and budget ......................................................... 30 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 3 FINAL LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Figure 3.1 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3 Figure 4.4 Figure 4.5 Figure 4.6 Figure 4.7 Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2 Location plan of BHCL’s Broken Hill projects ................................................................ 8 Curnamona Craton geological plan................................................................................ 9 Thackaringa project geological plan............................................................................. 10 Geological plan of the Pyrite Hill deposit ..................................................................... 11 Typical cross section through the Pyrite Hill deposit.................................................... 12 Illustrative long section through the Pyrite Hill deposit................................................. 13 Geological plan of the Big Hill project .......................................................................... 14 Scatter plot of check assays for Pyrite Hill ................................................................... 17 Scatter plot of water immersion and downhole probe density determinations ............ 18 Location plan of exploration targets at the Pine Ridge project .................................... 27 Geological plan of the North East Extensions prospect ............................................... 28 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 4 FINAL 1. SUMMARY Broken Hill Cobalt Ltd (“BHCL”) is an unlisted public company incorporated in New Zealand in 1988 and is currently 33% owned by Heritage Gold (New Zealand) Ltd (“Heritage”) and 67% owned by So Co Ltd (“SoCo”). BHCL’s mineral assets comprise two Inferred cobalt Mineral Resources and exploration projects in the Broken Hill mining district. The properties comprise a 100% holding in two mining leases (ML 86 and 87 – Thackaringa) and one exploration lease (EL6622 – Pine Ridge). 2 BHCL’s projects cover a total area of approximately 64 km , located some 20 km southwest of the city of Broken Hill in the southeastern corner of the Proterozoic Curnamona Province. The Curnamona Province is prodigiously mineralised and hosts the world class Broken Hill lead-zinc-silver deposit. Previous mining and exploration activities in the Broken Hill district have focussed on areas of outcrop or shallow cover and were largely concentrated on Broken Hill Type base metal mineralisation, although considerable gold, tin, rare earth and industrial minerals exploration has also been recorded from the district. Despite BHCL’s current tenements having been explored on an intermittent basis since the discovery of sulphide mineralisation at Broken Hill in the early 1880s, significant cobalt mineralisation was not identified until the 1960s. BHCL’s Broken Hill project areas are known to host two large low grade cobaltiferous pyrite deposits at Pyrite Hill and Big Hill within its Thackaringa project. These deposits have been a primary focus for BHCL and its predecessors since the mid 1970s. The Thackaringa project comprises two small mining leases centred over the Pyrite Hill and Big Hill cobaltiferous pyrite deposits. The Thackaringa cobaltiferous pyrite mineralisation is reportedly stratiform and stratabound, occurring within a plagioclase-quartz-pyrite gneissic rock of the Thackaringa Group. The Thackaringa Group rocks have been complexly deformed, with the Pyrite Hill deposit interpreted to lie within the nose of an open, moderately east-plunging antiform whilst the Big Hill deposit is located along the northern limb of a synform. Currently reported Inferred Mineral Resources at Pyrite Hill and Big Hill include: Inferred Mineral Resources Project Cut-off (lb/t Co) Mt lb/t (Co) Pyrite Hill 1.1 10.6 2.2 Big Hill 1.1 4.4 2.0 In Snowden’s opinion the resource estimates and attributed confidence classifications for the Pyrite Hill and Big Hill deposits, which have been reported in accordance with the JORC Code 2004, are reasonable, given the available data. On-going exploration and metallurgical assessment programmes at the Thackaringa project have shown that most of the cobalt lies in solid solution with pyrite, requiring the application of specialised metallurgical techniques to efficiently and economically extract the cobalt. Various metallurgical trials have shown that the cobaltiferous pyrite can be readily concentrated and the cobalt contained in the pyrite is recoverable by recognised processes. Opportunities have been identified for the application of emerging technologies, and the recovery and sale of by-products and co-products including feldspar, sulphuric acid, elemental sulphur, hematite and rutile. Previous work has been limited to scoping, conceptual or valuation studies, with no formal, comprehensive assessment completed at a pre-feasibility or feasibility study level. BHCL has proposed a two year work programme designed to ascertain the feasibility of developing a viable operation at Thackaringa focussed on the development of the Pyrite Hill resource. Evaluation of the production potential at the Big Hill resource and any additional resources defined elsewhere on BHCL’s near-by tenement areas would then be considered at a later stage. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 5 FINAL The Pine Ridge project area is considered by Snowden to be prospective for the discovery of additional low-grade, Pyrite Hill-style cobaltiferous pyrite deposits as well as base metals, silver, gold and possibly tungsten. Considerable areas of the Pine Ridge project are overlain by alluvial cover and remain largely untested by modern exploration techniques. The North East Extensions prospect includes the north-east extension of the mineralised host unit at Big Hill. Mapping, sampling and drilling indicate the presence of pyrite-rich host rocks with similar cobalt grades to those at Big Hill and Pyrite Hill. The Himalaya North (Broken Hill-type) prospect lies at the north-eastern end of a 2 km long series of base metal soil anomalies which extend north-east from the historic Himalaya polymetallic mine. The Himalaya North prospect area hosts rock units which are also considered favourable for hosting small gold deposits, given the discovery of gold in similar rocks at the proximal Pinnacles Mine and other mines at Broken Hill, which lie outside BHCL’s current Pine Ridge project area. The Pyramid Hill prospect is located 2 km north of the Pyrite Hill deposit and is a newly discovered area prospective for Broken Hill-type copper-gold mineralisation. In Snowden’s opinion the Broken Hill projects remain prospective for the discovery of additional lowgrade stratiform cobaltiferous pyrite deposits located along strike of the defined resources at Pyrite Hill and Big Hill. In addition, the project tenements are considered prospective for gold, base metal, tin, rare earth and possibly tungsten mineralisation. Snowden considers BHCL’s Broken Hill project areas to be of merit and worthy of further exploration. In order to progress its project areas, BHCL has proposed a two year evaluation and exploration programme comprising: • pre-feasibility and feasibility studies of the Pyrite Hill cobaltiferous pyrite deposit, including the validation of existing data, further drilling, establishing a feasible process path and product markets, establishing Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve estimates, establishing project capital and operating costs, preparing a mine plan and determining the economic feasibility of the project; and • further exploration of the Broken Hill greenfields projects through compilation and validation of existing exploration data, geological mapping, geochemical sampling plus focussed geophysical data acquisition and interpretation, drilling and geological modelling. BHCL has budgeted expenditure of A$3.62 M over its initial two year period to complete its proposed work programme, which includes A$0.9 M in corporate overheads. A summary of the proposed expenditure is presented in Table 1.1. Table 1.1 Summary of BHCL’s work programme and budget (A$M) Project Year 1 $000 Year 2 $000 Total $000 Pyrite Hill / Big Hill 670 1,700 2,370 North East Extensions 120 80 200 Himalaya Extended 14 60 70 Pine Ridge 25 54 80 Corporate costs and overheads 450 450 900 Total 1,280 2,340 3,620 In order to fund its future evaluation and exploration programmes it is BHCL’s intention to list on the Australian Securities Exchange (“ASX”) by offering 25 M ordinary shares at an issue price of $0.20, to raise a total of $5 M before the costs of the issue. There is also the facility for an over subscription of up to 10 M shares to raise an additional $2 M. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 6 FINAL Snowden considers that the budgeted work programmes proposed by BHCL for the on-going evaluation of its Broken Hill exploration projects have been well defined and are appropriate. Furthermore, it is Snowden’s opinion that project evaluation studies to extract the cobalt mineralisation conducted to date at the Thackaringa project have been preliminary in nature and do not provide a realistic indication of the potential feasibility of developing a viable mining and processing operation at Pyrite Hill. Snowden contends that the production of a cobaltiferous pyrite concentrate for sale to a sulphuric acid producer may provide the best opportunity for a successful project development. In Snowden’s opinion the programme proposed by BHCL to progress the Thackaringa project has been well defined and addresses the matters necessary to produce a Feasibility study upon its completion. The expenditure budget is considered reasonable for the proposed programme, though it may prove insufficient if an oxidation/hydrometallurgical process route is identified as the preferred path during Year 1, requiring extensive additional test-work during Year 2. 2. INTRODUCTION BHCL is currently focused on the exploration and development of several mineral projects located in the Broken Hill region of New South Wales, Australia. BHCL’s Broken Hill projects lie 20 km southwest of the historic mining centre of Broken Hill in western New South Wales (Figure 2.1) and are immediately adjacent the Transcontinental Railway. BHCL is an unlisted public company which was incorporated in New Zealand in 1988 as the Thackaringa Mining Company Ltd (“TMC”). At the time of its incorporation, BHCL was a fully owned subsidiary of Southern Cobalt NL (“Southern Cobalt”) which subsequently changed it name to So Co Ltd. In 1999, Heritage Gold (New Zealand) Ltd acquired a 33% interest in BHCL and has been sole funding exploration and the assessment studies at the Thackaringa project since that time. BHCL is currently 33% owned by Heritage and 67% owned by SoCo. BHCL’s principal mineral assets in 1988 were the Thackaringa Mining Leases which host two large low grade cobaltiferous pyrite deposits at Pyrite Hill and Big Hill. On-going exploration and assessment programmes were conducted over these deposits during the 1990s through a number of joint ventures. In addition, BHCL acquired further tenements throughout the 1990s, which were subsequently consolidated into a single core property (EL6622) considered prospective for a variety of mineralisation styles including lode-gold, Broken Hill type and metamorphosed volcanic hosted massive sulphide (“VHMS”) base metal mineralisation. This exploration licence completely surrounds the Thackaringa mining leases. BHCL’s current mineral assets comprise a 100% interest in the Thackaringa and Pine Ridge projects. The mining leases of the Thackaringa project are entirely surrounded by the Pine Ridge exploration 2 licences. The total tenement area is approximately 64 km . Despite its proximity to Broken Hill, there has not been any mineral production of any significance from BHCL’s Broken Hill tenements. However, studies completed by BHCL to date at its Thackaringa project have outlined two low-grade cobaltiferous pyrite deposits at the Pyrite Hill and Big Hill prospects. The tenement status and BHCL’s equity in the Broken Hill projects is detailed in Table 3.1, and has not been independently verified by Snowden. BHCL currently holds a 100% interest in the mining leases (“ML”) ML86 and ML87 and in the exploration licence (“EL”) EL6622. Snowden is unaware of any impediments relating to these leases. BHCL intends to evaluate the cobalt deposits within the Thackaringa project by undertaking a prefeasibility study and if warranted, a Feasibility study. A primary focus of BHCL’s pre-feasibility study will be the identification of appropriate processing steps which can be combined to create a practical process route and enable a viable, economic project to be developed. BHCL’s Pine Ridge project is also considered prospective for exploration targets of gold and base metal mineralisation. BHCL 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 7 FINAL intends to undertake data validation prior to the commencement of field work to reassess the existing targets or explore for other mineralised areas. It is the intention of BHCL’s management to list the company on the ASX by offering 25 M ordinary shares at an issue price of $0.20, in order to raise a total of $5 million before the costs of the issue. There is also the facility of over subscription of up to 10 M shares to raise an additional $2 M. The capital raised will be used to fund the future assessments of the projects discussed in this report. Figure 2.1 3. Location plan of BHCL’s Broken Hill projects (after BHCL) GEOLOGICAL OVERVIEW BHCL’s Broken Hill projects are centred on the southeastern corner of the Palaeoproterozoic Curnamona Craton, which extends from the Broken Hill region in western New South Wales into northeastern South Australia (Figure 3.1). The Curnamona Craton has undergone a prolonged history of complex deformation, metamorphism and metasomatism, such that the original rocks are often difficult to interpret. The majority of the Broken Hill district is composed of Willyama Supergroup highgrade regional metamorphic gneisses, schists and amphibolite, which have been subjected to at least three phases of folding and intersected by large northeast and north-northwest trending shear zones. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 8 FINAL Table 3.1 Project Tenement status for BHCL’s Curnamona Province projects Tenement Area Held by BHCL Equity Thackaringa, Pyrite Hill ML86 205.9 ha BHCL 100% Thackaringa, Big Hill ML87 101.2 ha BHCL 100% Pine Ridge EL6622 22 units BHCL 100% Notes All exploration licences (ELs) are for Group 1 minerals (elemental minerals, metallic), mining leases (MLs) are for cobalt, nickel, sulphur, iron, and iron-minerals. A unit is the smallest unit of division of a New South Wales exploration licence. A unit has dimensions of 1° longitude by 1° latitude, or approximately 300 ha Figure 3.1 Curnamona Craton geological plan (after Primary Industries and Resources, South Australia) 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 9 FINAL The Curnamona Craton is best known as the host to the world-class Broken Hill lead-zinc-silver deposit, which had a conservatively estimated 300 Mt of mineralised rock prior to mining. Current research recognises the geological similarities of the Broken Hill district with other Proterozoic coppergold provinces throughout the world. BHCL’s Broken Hill projects cover rocks of the Willyama Inlier, which in addition to hosting potential for Broken Hill-type deposits are also prospective for a variety of other deposit types including silver, gold, beryllium, cobalt, copper, lithium, nickel, lead, tin, tantalum, tungsten, zinc, platinum group elements (“PGEs”) and uranium. The Pine Ridge project is considered by Snowden to be an early stage exploration project whereas the Thackaringa project contains two identified cobaltiferous resources (Pyrite Hill and Big Hill). 4. THACKARINGA PROJECT 4.1 INTRODUCTION BHCL’s 100% owned Thackaringa project comprises two mining leases, ML86 and ML87 (Table 3.1) which are located some 20 km southwest of Broken Hill. These tenements cover a combined area of 307.1 hectares which overlie two large cobaltiferous pyrite deposits at the Pyrite Hill and Big Hill prospects. The geology of the project area is dominated by a thick sequence of amphibolitic and gneissic rocks belonging to the Thackaringa Group which are partially buried beneath alluvial cover (Figure 4.1). Figure 4.1 Thackaringa project geological plan (after BHCL) The project has a history of exploration and investigation beginning in 1885 with the discovery of the Big Hill sulphide mineralisation. Little then happened until 1951 when the Big Hill area was sampled and mapped for lead and zinc. Cobalt was not reported until 1960 during a regional sampling programme. Efforts since 1970 have focussed on delineating a cobalt resource and identifying a practical processing route to extract the known cobalt mineralisation. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 10 FINAL 4.2 PYRITE HILL The Pyrite Hill deposit is hosted within a plagioclase-quartz-pyrite gneissic unit interpreted to form part of the Himalaya Formation, which is located towards the top of the Thackaringa Group. The deposit has been folded around the nose of the Camels Hump Antiform and extends for 800 m along the northwestern limb and 400 m along the southern limb of this fold (Figure 4.2). The host unit generally dips moderately to the east at about 50° (Figure 4.3) and consists of plagioclase, quartz and pyrite with minor pyrrhotite, rutile and other metamorphically derived minerals. Mineralogical studies have failed to identify any primary cobalt minerals, with almost all of the cobalt found to be in solid solution with primary pyrite. A secondary coarse pyrite phase exists and was found to be depleted in cobalt. Figure 4.2 Geological plan of the Pyrite Hill deposit (after BHCL) A well developed gossan outcrops at surface surrounded by relatively fresh host pyritic rock. Previous exploration has shown these rocks are oxidized to a depth of approximately 30 m and that cobalt may be depleted in the oxidised zone. Drilling has found no evidence for secondary enrichment of cobalt. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 11 FINAL Previous diamond drilling indicates that the host rocks have been extensively deformed with considerable thickening along the hinge of the anticline with attenuation of the fold limbs (Figure 4.4). Pyrite-rich host rocks outcrop for about 1,500 m along the northwestern limb of the anticline. On the southern fold limb, the thickness and pyrite content of the host unit decreases significantly. The southern-most drillhole (80PYH13) intersected a potential cobalt mineralised unit higher in the stratigraphic sequence. Figure 4.3 4.3 Typical cross section through the Pyrite Hill deposit (refer to Figure 4.2 for location) (after BHCL) BIG HILL The Big Hill deposit is located at the southwestern end of a series of gneissic outcrops that strike for about 3,500 m and which also hosts the North East Extensions prospect to the northeast (Figure 4.1). The line of outcrop forms the northern limb of the interpreted Big Hill Synform. The northern limb generally dips to the north at about 65°. The plagioclase-quartz-pyrite unit appears to terminate abruptly in the southwest in what is interpreted by BHCL to be a synformal fold closure (Figure 4.5). The thickness of the host unit varies from about 60 m to 90 m and appears to be stratigraphically and mineralogically equivalent to the Pyrite Hill host unit. As at Pyrite Hill, oxidation appears to have resulted in depleted cobalt value with no evidence of secondary enrichment. The depth of oxidation is reportedly highly variable. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 12 FINAL Figure 4.4 4.4 Illustrative long section through the Pyrite Hill deposit (refer to Figure 4.2 for location) (after BHCL) MINING AND EXPLORATION HISTORY The Thackaringa project mining leases are entirely surrounded by the Pine Ridge project tenements and hence the exploration and mining history of these two project areas is inextricably linked. Snowden has therefore discussed the mining and exploration history of these two areas together. The history of the Thackaringa and Pine Ridge project areas is summarised in Table 4.1. The project tenements have been intermittently explored since the late-1880s by numerous companies and extensive drilling of the Pyrite Hill and Big Hill deposits has been carried out since 1980 (Table 4.2). Select results from this drilling are presented in the Appendix: Selected Drilling Results. 4.5 MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATES A potential resource estimate was prepared for the Pyrite Hill project in 1981, prior to the advent of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code, 1989). An approximate estimation of the resource at Big Hill was carried out in 1998. BHCL has since reported these historic estimates as Inferred Mineral Resources. Snowden has reviewed the Mineral Resource estimates with respect to the guidelines of the JORC Code 2004, and considers that the Inferred Resource classification is appropriate. Whilst more sophisticated statistical methods exist the estimation methodology and the resultant global resource estimates are appropriate considering the available data. Snowden provides the following comments in relation to some specific aspects of the resource estimates. 4.5.1 Data collection Most of the drillhole data for the Pyrite Hill and Big Hill deposits were collected by only two of the previous exploration companies and consisted of NQ sized diamond holes with percussion pre-collars and RC percussion holes. Drillhole locations at Pyrite Hill were set out using a previously established grid. This grid used drillhole TH1 as its datum with an assumed elevation of 300 m. The grid was set out using a theodolite and tape. No surveying of actual collar locations is documented. During Snowden’s previous 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 13 FINAL inspection of the site many of the drill sites and some collars were sighted. However, many collars appear to have been destroyed. While Snowden was unable to independently confirm the location of some of the collars, sufficient drill sites were sighted to confirm the general location, distribution, and amount of drilling. BHCL’s proposed exploration budget includes the compilation of an accurate survey of the existing collars. Figure 4.5 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Geological plan of the Big Hill project (after BHCL) Page 14 FINAL Table 4.1 Mining and exploration history at the Thackaringa and Pine Ridge projects Period 1885 – 1889 Description First exploration and mining in the area by Big Hill Silver Mining Company. The main focus was the discovery of silver and lead. Three shafts were sunk and an adit developed into Big Hill. Several shafts and pits on Pyrite Hill probably date from this period. Silver occurrences for Big Hill may have been falsely reported. 1951 Sampling and mapping of the Big Hill mine workings occured in 1951, with samples reporting no lead or zinc. The samples were not assayed for cobalt. 1960 The first cobalt was reported at Pyrite Hill and Big Hill during a regional sampling programme for cobalt. 1965 Geological mapping, ground magnetics, and bedrock auger sampling over Pyrite Hill searching for BHT lead-zinc deposits was carried out. No BHT mineralisation was found. 1967 The first diamond drillhole, TH1, to 998 ft (304 m) through the fold axis of the Pyrite Hill plagioclase-quartz-pyrite rock was completed. This drillhole intersected 64.4 m of 2.43 lb/t cobalt from 123.4 m down the hole. It had a true thickness calculated to be 62.21 m. 1968 An induced polarisation (“IP”) survey over Pyrite Hill was carried out reporting a strongly anomalous zone over Pyrite Hill. 1970 Further IP surveys were conducted extending the anomalous zones at Pyrite Hill and Big Hill. Further holes were drilled: TH2 (148.6 m); and TH3 (141.4 m) at Pyrite Hill; and BH1 (102.7 m); and BH2 (104 m) at Big Hill. All drillholes intersected significant cobalt mineralisation. Mineralogical and metallurgical test-work found that cobalt occurred in solid solution with pyrite. Traces of the cobalt bearing sulphide, bravoite (iron, nickel, cobalt) were also found. 1975 – 1977 The cobalt potential of the Thackaringa area was assessed as part of a larger regional programme. This work included geological mapping and surface sampling. At the end of the evaluation it was recommended that no further work be performed. 1976 Exploration commenced at the Himalaya Extended project. 1979 A costean was excavated near TH2 to obtain a bulk sample for metallurgical test-work. 1980 A dramatic rise in cobalt prices reignited interest in the Thackaringa area and a joint venture was entered into. A further eight combined percussion and diamond drillholes to test for secondary enrichment in the oxide zone at Pyrite Hill and Big Hill (drillholes 80PYH1 to 80PYH 04 and 80BGH5 to 80BGH8) was carried out. The drillholes failed to locate any secondary enrichment material. Concurrently, further exploration was carried out at the Himalaya Extended project. 1980 – 1981 The exploration strategy prior to completing further drilling and mapping at the Pyrite Hill project was re-assessed. Diamond drillholes 80PYH5 to 80PYH14 were drilled. A potential resource using a long-sectional polygonal technique was calculated and metallurgical test-work on a number of drillhole samples was completed. 1984 Exploration for BHT mineralisation at Himalaya Extended was completed. 1988 TMC acquired the Thackaringa Project. 1993 – 1994 Under an option agreement with SoCo, MGM1 and MGM2 were drilled at Pyrite Hill for further metallurgical test-work including flotation and bioleach testing. 1998 SoCo entered a joint venture agreement and undertook mapping and sampling at Pyrite Hill, Big Hill, and the North East Extensions. TC98C03 to TC98C10 were drilled at Big Hill and a resource using a cross-sectional polygonal method was calculated. Drillholes TC98C01, TC98C02, and TC98C11 were drilled in the North East Extensions. A cross-sectional polygonal resource estimate was completed on Pyrite Hill to confirm the previous estimation. 1999 SoCo’s partner withdrew from the joint venture agreement. Heritage acquired 33% of BHCL and entered an agreement to investigate the Pine Ridge project. Heritage commissioned additional metallurgical assessment work. 2002 Exploration of the Himalaya Extended area for copper-gold-cobalt mineralisation commenced. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 15 FINAL Drill core was sampled at two metre intervals and according to geological boundaries. Core was reportedly split using impact methods with samples submitted for analysis for cobalt, sulphur and nickel. A drill rig mounted sample splitter was used to collect about three kilograms of RC chips over one metre intervals in pyrite-rich zones, two metre intervals in pyrite-poor zones, and five metre intervals in other zones. Mostly dry conditions for the RC drilling were reported. No diamond drill core was available for Snowden to inspect. BHCL believes that drill core may be stored in Broken Hill but was uncertain of its specific location at the time of writing. RC samples were not systematically archived by the various exploration companies. Some RC samples are stored by BHCL in Broken Hill but as the coarse fraction has been removed for metallurgical test-work, Snowden did not consider that these samples were representative. Table 4.2 Project Pyrite Hill Big Hill North East Extensions Summary of drilling at the Thackaringa and Pine Ridge projects Year 1967 Drillholes TH1 Types Diamond Total (m) 304 1970 TH2 and 3 Diamond 290 1980 80PYH1 – 4 Percussion with diamond tail 166 1981 80PYH5 – 14 Percussion with diamond tail 1,219 1993 MGM1 and 2 Percussion with diamond tail 250 Sub-total 2,229 1970 BH1 and 2 Diamond 207 1980 80BGH5 – 8 Percussion with diamond tail 226 1998 TC98C03 – 10 RC 858 Sub-total 1,291 RC 235 Sub-total 235 Total 3,755 1998 TC98C01, 2, and 11 An Eastman multishot camera was used for downhole surveys of the 1980 and 1981 drillholes at Pyrite Hill. These surveys showed only minor deviation from design. A downhole survey of inclination only, was carried out on a single RC hole at Big Hill (T98C10). This survey showed minimal deviation and all unsurveyed holes were assumed to be true to design. Downhole survey data were not available for Snowden to review. Detailed geological logs were available for inspection by Snowden for most of the Pyrite Hill and Big Hill drilling. Snowden is satisfied that the level of geological detail in these logs is sufficient for the interpretation and modelling of the resource. The drillhole logs of the holes completed in 1980 and 1981 contain detailed core recovery records showing recovery of 100% for most intervals and only rarely, intervals with less than 90% recovery. No data was available for recoveries from the other RC drilling programmes. Snowden considers the data collection and survey methods used are sufficient for the classifications adopted in BHCL’s resources estimates. Snowden recommends that the location of holes be 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 16 FINAL confirmed, where possible, before upgrading the currently defined resources from their Inferred classification. 4.5.2 Assay and sample QA/QC Assay data was previously verified through manually checking assay results, re-assaying of selected holes, and umpire check assaying of previous results using recognised analytical laboratories – Analabs Limited (“Analabs”) and ALS Laboratory Group (“ALS”). Some errors were found and corrected through this process. Snowden found no documented evidence for the use of standards, blanks or field duplicates. Figure 4.6 presents a scatter plot of umpire assay results and original results for Pyrite Hill. The Analabs umpire assays demonstrate a significant bias that increases with grade. The ALS umpire assays and the replicates of the original assays show a good correlation with the original results. On this basis, it was concluded that the Analabs results were in error because of calibration issues. Snowden considers that this conclusion is reasonable given that the ALS results and internal laboratory replicates are in agreement with the original assay results. However, the issue of bias can only be fully resolved after additional drilling and the collection of further QA/QC data. Snowden considers that the assay quality is sufficient for the current resource estimates at Pyrite Hill and Big Hill. Snowden recommends that a systematic and thorough QA/QC programme be implemented for future drilling campaigns. Figure 4.6 Scatter plot of check assays for Pyrite Hill 3,500 Analabs, Umpire 3,000 ALS, Umpire ZincCorp, Replicate Check Analysis (cobalt ppm) 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 ZincCorp Original (cobalt ppm) 4.5.3 Bulk density A downhole geophysical density probe was used on the holes drilled in 1980 and 1981 to determine bulk densities for resource tonnage estimation. The accuracy of the density probe determinations was checked by measuring the density of 28 samples from six drillholes using the water immersion technique. It was concluded that the downhole density probe results were sufficiently accurate for resource estimation purposes. Figure 4.7 is a scatter plot of the density results for the 28 samples. It shows that, with the exception of two outliers, the immersion method gives a slightly higher result than the downhole probe. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 17 FINAL For the five drillholes not surveyed using the density probe, a regression relationship was used between cobalt grade and density to assign density values. No evidence or data was available to demonstrate this relationship between density and cobalt or sulphur grade. 3 For the mineralisation at the Big Hill deposit an assumed density of 2.8 t/m was used. This density was derived from the Pyrite Hill data. Snowden considers this approach reasonable for the purposes of producing the current Inferred Resource estimate at Big Hill. Figure 4.7 Scatter plot of water immersion and downhole probe density determinations Immersion and Downhole Probe 4.50 Probe Results (t/m 3) 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 Im mersion results (t/m 3) 4.5.4 Geological interpretation Pyrite Hill A 1.1 lb/t cobalt lower cut-off was used to define mineralised shapes within the plagioclase-quartzpyrite host rock in the polygonal long-sectional geological model. This approach assumed that intersections were continuous between drillholes. For some drillholes multiple mineralised intersections have been interpreted. The thickness of the interpreted mineralised unit varies considerably and Snowden considers that the polygonal long-sectional approach oversimplifies the interpretation. Snowden recommends that future interpretations are based on cross-sectional and plan projections of the mineralisation and that a three-dimensional model is constructed for the resource estimation. Outcrop at Pyrite Hill in the thicker fold axis zone indicates that the deposit is more structurally complex than currently interpreted. Consequently Snowden considers that more detailed drilling and mapping will be needed to allow this complexity to be incorporated into future models. Big Hill At Big Hill, a cross-sectional interpretation with a 1.1 lb/t cobalt lower cut-off was used to define mineralised shapes. The mineralised shapes are less continuous than Pyrite Hill at this cut-off. Continuity is poor on section (down dip) and between sections (along strike), which may partially reflect the amount and extent of the available data. Consequently Snowden considers that there is a higher technical risk associated with the interpretation of the Big Hill deposit. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 18 FINAL In Snowden’s opinion, the geological interpretation used to model both the Pyrite Hill and Big Hill resources is appropriate given the quantity and distribution of available data, and the nature of the resultant resource estimates made, being global and of the Inferred classification. 4.5.5 Resource estimation Pyrite Hill The current Pyrite Hill resource was estimated in 1981. A polygonal long-sectional approach was taken. Consistently mineralised drillhole intersections of at least five metres true thickness and at least 1.1 lb/t cobalt were projected to an inclined long-section. Polygonal areas of influence were drawn around each intersection. Tonnes for each polygon were calculated by multiplying the true thickness of the intersection by the area of the polygon and the density as determined from downhole density probe results or cobalt grade regressions. The unweighted mean grade of each intersection was assigned to its respective polygon. The estimate was calculated for an area from the projected outcrop of the ore zone to the 100 mRL. The resource was reported as above and below the 200 mRL. In 1998, the Pyrite Hill resource was re-calculated using a cross-sectional polygonal method. A 1.1 lb/t cobalt cut-off was used to define mineralised shapes and the calculation was restricted to above the 200 mRL and a 35 m depth of oxidation to restrict the up dip portion of the resource estimation. The 1998 reported resource was also restricted by a simple pit shell with 50° walls. The 1998 resource estimate is smaller and slightly higher in grade (Table 4.3) which probably reflects of the use of a simple pit shell to further restrict the reported resource and differences in the applied resource boundary locations. BHCL are using the 1981 estimate as their current measure of Inferred Resources at Pyrite Hill. Table 4.3 Comparison of the Pyrite Hill tonnes and grade estimates at a 1.1 lb/t cobalt cut-off (above 200 mRL) Estimate Tonnes (Mt) Grade (lb/t cobalt) 1981 10.6 2.2 1998 7.7 2.4 Big Hill Resource estimates for Big Hill were first calculated in 1998 using a cross-sectional polygonal method. A 1.1 lb/t cobalt cut-off was used to define mineralised shapes. The calculation was restricted to 100 m vertical depth and by a simple pit shell with 50° walls. BHCL’s current resource for Big Hill is based on the 1998 estimate of 4.4 Mt at 2.0 lb/t cobalt (Inferred). Snowden’s review of the resource estimates for Pyrite Hill and Big Hill indicate that the global tonnage and grade estimates are reasonable and extreme high grades are not over-represented. 4.5.6 Resource classification The resources at Pyrite Hill and Big Hill are classified as Inferred by BHCL. The Inferred classification for Pyrite Hill applies only to the resource above the 200 mRL. Estimation of the Pyrite Hill resource was performed before the advent of the JORC Code. Pyrite Hill’s initial classification was as “potential resources”. Snowden notes that in 1998, it was stated that the Big Hill resource “…has not been carried out with rigour and is not quotable in releases”. The resource has since been classified as Inferred. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 19 FINAL Based on the checks performed by Snowden and others, Snowden considers that the Inferred classification of both resources is appropriate, provided that only global resources are quoted and no cut-offs or subdivisions are applied. Snowden considers that the data at Pyrite Hill is sufficient to understand the continuity of geology and mineralisation for a global resource. Data at Big Hill is also sufficient to deduce the continuity of geology and mineralisation; however Snowden believes there is a higher risk associated the Big Hill mineralisation, particularly for its continuity down dip. Resource confidence can be improved at Pyrite Hill and Big Hill through further drilling. This improved confidence may have the added benefit of allowing for selective mining studies to be undertaken. 4.6 MINING AND PROCESSING STUDIES No relevant mining, hydrological or geotechnical studies have been completed over the Big Hill or Pyrite Hill cobalt deposits in order to estimate an Ore Reserve in accordance with the guidelines of the JORC Code 2004. However, the available information (primarily drill logs and studies completed to date) suggests that: • unusual or difficult conditions are unlikely to be encountered by any future mining operation; • the mineralisation outcrops so a low mining strip ratio is likely to be achieved; • the low degree of weathering and high core recoveries recorded from drillholes suggest relatively steep pit walls are achievable; • logging of core samples by previous explorers suggests blasting will be required for most of the potential ore; and • the reporting of a low occurrence of water in drillholes suggests a low impact on mining from ground water can be expected. For clarity, the following definitions are adopted for the ensuing discussion on processing options for the Thackaringa project: • concentration is the upgrading of the proportion of a valuable mineral, compound or element in an ore stream by retaining the valuable material and rejecting material of lower or no value. • oxidation is the chemical break-down of a mineral which contains a valuable element to allow recovery of the valuable element. • leaching is dissolving the valuable element into solution. • purification is recovering the valuable element from a leach solution. Metallurgical test-work to date on the Thackaringa deposits has included the following: 1970 • flotation tests were conducted to produce a cobaltiferous pyrite concentrate. 1980 • calcining test-work was conducted to produce a soluble cobalt sulphate by sulphatising roasting; and • autoclave leaching of material from the deposits ground to -74µm was examined. 1994 • BacTech Mining Corporation (“BacTech”) tested bacterial leaching in columns on drill chips crushed to -15mm; • BacTech undertook flask leaching tests of cobaltiferous pyrite concentrate simulating agitated tank leaching. This gave the highest cobalt extraction seen to date at 80-90% with a 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 20 FINAL five day residence time. This was accompanied by separate flotation and comparative grindability work on the material; and • various tests were conducted on extracting cobalt from synthetic liquors approximating the composition of bacterial leach liquors. 1998 • Amdel conducted gravity and magnetic separation test-work . 2000 • BacTech conducted bacterial oxidation test-work on +6mm pieces of mineralised rock; and • EM Technologies performed small scale scoping tests using microwaves as a means of oxidising the sulphides. 2004 • Micron Research Pty Ltd undertook column and tray leaching of crushed drill chips simulating heap leaching. The previous test-work indicates that the Thackaringa sulphides can be readily concentrated and roasted, and that leaching of the cobalt from the concentrate can be achieved. Economic whole-of-ore hydrometallurgical oxidation or leaching is yet to be demonstrated. 4.7 DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS BHCL has identified a number of development options for the Thackaringa project encompassing a range of possible treatment routes for the recovery of cobalt. The options identified by BHCL include: • on-site concentrate production followed by oxidation, leaching and purification; • on-site concentrate production followed by off-site concentrate oxidation, leaching and purification by BHCL or others; and • on-site whole-of-ore heap leaching followed by purification. The options identified for Thackaringa use recognised process steps. These steps have undergone limited amenability testing with the Thackaringa cobalt mineralisation and encouraging results were returned from this work. No work has been conducted to identify or optimise an efficient pit-to-product process path. Factors influencing the selection of the preferred process path include: • recovery efficiency at each process step; • process contaminant impact and management; • capital and operating costs; • waste stream generation and management; • production and marketing of by-products and co-products. Possible opportunities exist for feldspar, mica, rutile, hematite, sulphuric acid and elemental sulphur; • commodity price forecasts and volatility; and • external factors including existing local and remote facilities and infrastructure. In particular, relevant favourable factors include the proximity of Thackaringa to the city of Broken Hill which has a population of approximately 20,000; the availability of power and potable water supplies at Broken Hill; proximity to trans-continental road and rail networks; the presence of substantial industrial works including the base metals smelting facilities of Nyrstar SA/NV (“Nyrstar” formerly Zinifex Limited), at Port Pirie 350 km southwest of Thackaringa; and the 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 21 FINAL on-going establishment of further industrial facilities at Broken Hill in support of the new Murray Basin mineral sands mining activities. 4.8 REVIEW OF MINERALOGY AND PROCESSING ISSUES 4.8.1 Mineralogy The mineralisation at Pyrite Hill and Big Hill reportedly consists of coarse to very coarse cobaltiferous pyrite in a hard and structurally massive albitic quartzose gneiss. The hangingwall and footwall host more ferro-magnesian silicate minerals (mainly biotite) and schistose non-pyritic gneisses. Pyrite content varies from 10% to 90%, with a mean pyrite content of 15 to 20%. Mineralogical analysis has shown the presence of primary and secondary pyrite. Secondary pyrite displays very fine, porous colloform texture, whilst primary pyrite is developed as its characteristic cubic habit. Cobalt is preferentially associated with the primary pyrite. Work to date has shown that almost all of the cobalt is contained in solid solution within the iron sulphide (pyrite) lattice with a mean content of 0.5% cobalt. Cobaltiferous pyrite typically has an iron to cobalt ratio of 100/1. There is negligible cobalt in the ferro-magnesian silicates (ie biotite). Destruction of the pyrite matrix is required in order to release the cobalt for recovery by subsequent leaching. 4.8.2 Concentration Test-work shows that a high grade pyrite concentrate containing cobalt can be produced with a cobalt recovery above 90% using the sulphide flotation method. Mineralogical work completed by Amdel in 1970 suggested that the pyrite was substantially liberated at a very coarse size (around 300 microns) implying a low grinding cost prior to flotation. This mineral characteristic also suggests gravity concentration may be an alternative to flotation. Further concentration of the cobalt content may be possible using a combination of hydrometallurgy and flotation. The secondary pyrite is more amenable to attack by leaching agents than the primary euhedral pyrite. This characteristic could be exploited to alter the secondary pyrite to enable it to be rejected in a flotation stage, upgrading the cobalt content of the retained fraction. The mineralisation also contains a quantity of the magnetic iron sulphide mineral, pyrrhotite, which contains low levels of cobalt. A magnetic separation step could be used to separate the pyrrhotite from the non-magnetic portion of a sulphide concentrate, thus providing further upgrading of the cobalt. The production of a cobaltiferous pyrite concentrate is a relatively low risk, low capital cost and low operating cost process. The concentrate is likely to be suitable for further processing by a leaching process to recover the cobalt, or for direct sale to a sulphuric acid producer. The production of a cobaltiferous pyrite concentrate should not compromise the potential for the project to produce industrial minerals such as mica, ceramic grade feldspar and glass grade feldspar, which could be recovered from the tailings produced during the concentration stage. Potential markets for the sale of cobaltiferous pyrite concentrate include commercial and industrial sulphuric acid plants which use pyrite concentrate as feedstock for roasting. With some plant additions, cobalt and other by-products may be recoverable from the cinders produced. Snowden notes that there is currently no significant market for sulphuric acid nor pyrite concentrate for acid production in the Broken Hill region. With continuing exploration in the area, there is the possibility that this may change if future mineral projects utilising leach technology come into production in the region. There is however a potential future sulphuric acid deficit in South Australia as it is used as the lixiviant (ie the liquid media designed to selectively extract the desired metal from the ore) for uranium production at BHP Billiton Limited’s Olympic Dam operation. The Olympic Dam operation currently produces its own sulphuric acid from its copper smelter off-gases, burning imported brimstone 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 22 FINAL (elemental sulphur) and trucking in acid from Nyrstar’s smelter at Port Pirie. Snowden understands that BHP Billiton’s proposed expansion plan at Olympic Dam will require more acid than what would be available as by-product from copper smelting. In addition to the potential market at Olympic Dam, BHP Billiton’s Ravensthorpe nickel-cobalt plant in Western Australia also has an on-site brimstone burning sulphuric acid plant. Both Olympic Dam and Ravensthorpe may present potential market opportunities for BHCL’s cobaltiferous pyrite concentrate. Ravensthorpe may however provide a better opportunity as cobalt recovery on site may also be possible. 4.8.3 Pyrite Oxidation Test-work has been conducted on the Thackaringa mineralisation which shows that the pyrite can be oxidised by pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical (including heap leaching) methods. Pyrometallurgy The pyrometallurgical approach to oxidation (roasting) treats the cobaltiferous pyrite concentrate by using high temperatures and oxygen to drive off the sulphur and break down the pyrite matrix, leaving cobalt in the cinders for subsequent leaching. During the process, the sulphur can be collected and used to manufacture sulphuric acid potentially providing BHCL with an additional income stream. Hydrometallurgy Hydrometallurgical oxidation methods can be applied to the complete ore stream or to a previously prepared concentrate. Hydrometallurgical oxidation of cobaltiferous pyrite concentrates can be achieved by pressure leaching (elevated pressure and temperature in an acid environment) or bio-leaching (acidic solution inoculated with an appropriate bacterial agent) methods, leaving the cobalt exposed for leaching. Leaching of the cobalt occurs during the same process step. The whole-of-ore heap leach method of oxidation involves construction of large heaps of ore which are irrigated with an acidic solution inoculated with a bacterial agent appropriate for breaking down the pyrite. Leaching of the cobalt occurs during the same process step. Processing a whole-of-ore feed through a processing plant (rather than in heaps) is not considered practical as a much larger plant is required at what is likely to be a prohibitive capital cost. At the 5:1 concentration ratio for the pyrite (as suggested as being achievable by test-work), 1.0 Mtpa of ore reduces to 0.2 Mtpa of pyrite concentrate for further processing, requiring a much smaller plant. 4.8.4 Leaching Roasting The roasting method of oxidation leaves cobalt in the cinders for subsequent leaching. Leaching the cinders yields cobalt in solution for subsequent extraction and purification. Depending on the completeness of the oxidation process, the cobalt may be left in a water soluble sulphate form or other less reactive forms requiring acid leaching. Hydrometallurgical oxidation The hydrometallurgical oxidation processes are integrated with leaching and so may be categorised as whole-of-ore, bio-leaching or pressure leaching. All result in a cobalt solution for subsequent purification. Heap leaching Economic whole-of-ore leaching in heaps has yet to be demonstrated as being achievable with the currently defined Thackaringa mineralisation. Previous test-work has returned poor results, with very low cobalt extractions in column tests after 211 days of leaching. The poor results are due to the 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 23 FINAL precipitation of jarosite resulting in co-precipitation of cobalt. This problem may be manageable. Heap leaching requires large areas to be occupied by the heaps and has a long lead time to production. Although heap leaching incurs a lower capital and operating cost compared to other leaching techniques, purification costs are higher and product recoveries are usually lower. Bio-leaching Bio-leaching or pressure leaching of a pyrite concentrate should be interchangeable technologies for the Thackaringa material. Both processes break down the pyrite and allow subsequent extraction of the cobalt. Pressure leaching operates at elevated temperatures requiring oxygen injection but is a high intensity process with a small “footprint” and is capital intensive. Bio-leaching in agitated tanks does not use pure oxygen but requires large volumes of air delivered to the leach tanks and efficient slurry mixing for sulphur oxidation. Power demand in bio-leaching can be high because the slurry has to be cooled to remove the heat released from the exothermic reactions to protect the bacteria. As for oxidation, leaching a concentrate would require a substantially smaller plant than that which would be required if a whole-of-ore plant leach was conducted. Emerging technologies such as microwave pre-treatment and the GEOCOAT leaching process have been suggested as potentially being applicable though only the later has been in commercial use treating refractory gold ore. The GEOCOAT process is comparatively new bio-oxidation process which has been employed at Ridge Mining Limited’s Agnes gold mine in South Africa. The process is designed to coat a sulphide flotation concentrate onto crushed and sized inert carrier rocks. The coated rocks are stacked on an impervious pad for bio-oxidation of the sulphides. The process typically uses mesophilic (ie bacteria that are active at temperatures ranging from approximately 15 to 40°C) bacteria and is applicable to the processing of refractory gold sulphide concentrates and the bioleaching of copper, nickel, cobalt and zinc concentrates. GEOCOAT has not been tested on the Thackaringa material but may provide an alternative bio-leaching option. Further test-work is required. Snowden notes that all on site leaching options generate a large volume of low tenor acid effluent which needs to be neutralised at additional cost, thereby negating the possibility of metallurgical credits for the sulphur content. Neutralising acid effluent from the leaching options considered for Thackaringa has received minimal attention in previous studies but in general one unit of sulphur will produce three units of sulphuric acid requiring three units of lime for neutralisation. There may be adequate limestone resources in the Broken Hill district for neutralisation, some of which were th developed to support the extensive lead smelting operations which operated in the late 19 century. 4.8.5 Purification The product of leaching, the pregnant leach liquor, can be purified by chemical means, where an insoluble compound is precipitated through chemical means, or by electro-winning where electrolysis is used to plate pure metal onto an electrode. Electro-winning usually requires a preliminary solvent extraction step to purify the leach liquor prior to electro-winning. BHCL should consider producing a cobalt intermediate product by precipitating cobalt hydroxide or cobalt sulphide from the pregnant leach liquor. While cobalt sulphide precipitate contains less impurities than cobalt hydroxide there are severe occupational health and hygiene risks associated with the use of hydrogen sulphide, which is required. Cobalt hydroxide is produced more simply by increasing the pH of pregnant leach liquor through adding lime. Producing a saleable cobalt intermediate product by precipitation rather than cobalt metal by electrowinning would appear to forgo sales revenue from the higher value product. However, the practical reality is that commercial cobalt electro-winning plants are capital intensive, very difficult to operate and require superb solution impurity control. Metal production through electro-winning could be examined after the project is established and has been operating successfully for several years. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 24 FINAL 4.8.6 Comparable operations In assessing the potential viability of a new project, a comparison with similar operations should be made. The only operation known to Snowden recovering cobalt from material similar to that at Thackaringa is Kasese Cobalt (Kasese) in Uganda. At Kasese, cobaltiferous pyrite tailings are bioleached in agitated tanks with the cobalt metal recovered by solvent extraction and electro-winning. Kasese commenced operations in 1998. Its financial success was compromised early in its life by a large capital cost over-run predominantly caused by construction difficulties ascribed to the location, equipment failures and technical problems during commissioning, followed by on-going low cobalt prices. Ownership passed from Banff Resources to Normandy Mining Ltd then to Newmont Mining Corporation (Newmont). The operation shut down in 2002 but recommenced in early 2004 taking advantage of higher cobalt prices after new owners, MFC Bancorp, purchased the property from Newmont. Any hydrometallurgical proposal for Thackaringa which deviates from the Kasese model must be examined cautiously because it would require the development or adoption of new technology or a process path not yet proven in a similar application. In general, there is a poor industry history of transferring new hydrometallurgical technologies into successful production operations. Comparing Kasese to the Thackaringa project leads to considering the difference in characteristics of the two feed streams to whatever process is proposed to break-down the pyrite and expose the cobalt for dissolution (leaching or roasting). The feed grade at Kasese is 1.3% to 1.5% cobalt while the Thackaringa material will assay around 0.6% to 0.7% cobalt after producing a pyrite concentrate by flotation. The Thackaringa pyrite concentrate will require the break-down of approximately twice as much pyrite as Kasese to produce a unit mass of cobalt, requiring higher capital and operating expenses. In addition, twice as much acid sulphate ion is produced which has to be managed through neutralisation or put to an alternative use such as the production of sulphuric acid. Some improvement in leaching performance over that achieved at Kasese might be possible if the Thackaringa plant can use more thermophilic bacteria which survive at elevated temperatures (of up to ° 70 C). 4.8.7 Conclusion BHCL consider an operation focused on producing a cobaltiferous pyrite concentrate for sale with industrial mineral by-products has a low technical risk combined with the likely low capital and operating costs, when compared to a hydrometallurgical process route producing an intermediate or final cobalt product. This option would provide BHCL with time to pursue additional processing technologies capable of retaining more of the value of the cobalt for its own account. Snowden consider that the Thackaringa project has the following major advantages and disadvantages, each representing opportunities or risks to achieving a positive feasibility study outcome: Advantages: • large volume resource; • low mining costs and risk; • high current cobalt spot price; • low deleterious element content; • favourable concentration characteristics; • potential value-adding by-products and co-products; and • proximity to infrastructure, facilities and transport. Disadvantages: • low cobalt grade; • concentration (or upgrading) of cobalt grade limited by the inherent cobalt content of the pyrite; 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 25 FINAL • technically difficult extraction of cobalt; • high cost extraction of cobalt; and • volatile cobalt market. Snowden consider that for the Thackaringa project to be economically viable, BHCL will need to receive credits for acid production in addition to its revenue from cobalt. If there is no market for the acid production, this acid will need to be neutralised thereby adding additional cost to the project. This additional cost may make the project a marginal proposition. 4.9 EXPLORATION POTENTIAL In Snowden’s opinion, potential exists for further extensions to the currently defined cobalt resources at Pyrite Hill and Big Hill, particularly at the North East Extensions prospect lying northeast along strike from Big Hill, in the adjacent Pine Ridge Project, and also within the folded equivalents of the Pyrite Hill plagioclase-quartz-pyrite rock which have been mapped in various locations within the current project tenements. Many authors have documented a correlation between cobalt grade and pyrite content in mineralised rocks. Future exploration should aim to delineate the location of favourable pyrite-rich rocks and zones of high pyrite content. IP surveys carried out by previous explorers were successful in further defining the pyrite-rich units at Pyrite Hill. This geophysical technique may be successful in locating the position of favourable pyrite-rich rocks within the plagioclase-quartz-pyrite rocks mapped in other areas of the project. 4.10 PROPOSED PROGRAMME AND EXPENDITURE BHCL has prepared a work programme and budget for on-going assessment of the Thackaringa tenements. A summarised version of the work programme and budget is presented in Table 4.4. The Thackaringa project work programme budget comprises: • drilling, which provides for compiling and validating existing data and a drilling programme of 6,000 m of RC and diamond core holes for resource definition, metallurgical test-work and engineering purposes; • pre-feasibility and feasibility studies including: - metallurgy: which provides for concentration, oxidation, leaching and purification test-work and a pre-feasibility options study in Year 1. Year 2 is for definitive test-work to establish a process path for assessment in the feasibility study; and - engineering: which provides for mine engineering and marketing studies at pre-feasibility and feasibility study levels. Table 4.4 Thackaringa project work programme budget (A$M) Activity Year 1 $000 Year 2 $000 Total $000 Infill drilling 300 500 800 Pre-feasibility and Feasibility studies 300 1,100 1,400 Site management 70 100 170 Total 670 1,700 2,370 In addition to the costs shown in Table 4.4, corporate costs of A$0.9 M are anticipated over the two year programme period, which includes costs attributable to gaining admission to the ASX. Snowden considers that the Thackaringa programme has been well defined and addresses the matters necessary to complete a Feasibility Study. The proposed budget is considered reasonable, 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 26 FINAL though it may prove insufficient should an oxidation/hydrometallurgical process route be identified as the preferred processing path during Year 1, in which case, extensive additional test-work will be required in Year 2. 5. PINE RIDGE PROJECT 5.1 INTRODUCTION BHCL’s Pine Ridge tenements overlie portions of the Broken Hill and Thackaringa Group rocks, which host the Broken Hill lead-zinc-silver deposit and other significant base metal deposits of the Broken Hill region. Significant but mostly shallow (<5 m) alluvial cover is present throughout the Pine Ridge project tenements. BHCL currently holds a 100% interest in the Pine Ridge project which comprises a single exploration 2 licence (EL6622) with an area of some 64 km . The Pine Ridge project area completely surrounds the Thackaringa project tenements. Extensive geological mapping and rockchip sampling of EL6622 was completed by Mr W. Leyh of Eaglehawk Geological Consulting Pty Ltd (“Eaglehawk”) in April and May of 2007. This work highlighted a number of additional exploration targets (Figure 5.1) with the rockchip samples confirming the style and grade of previously encountered mineralisation. Snowden considers these targets are prospective for base metals, silver and gold and warrant further exploration follow up. The most significant of these targets as defined by Eaglehawk are detailed below. Figure 5.1 5.1.1 Location plan of exploration targets at the Pine Ridge project North East Extensions The North East Extensions prospect represents the northeastern continuation of the plagioclasequartz-pyrite unit which hosts cobaltiferous pyrite mineralisation at Big Hill. These host rocks are mapped in outcrop for some 3,500 m along strike of Big Hill (Figure 5.2). Mapping, sampling and 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 27 FINAL drilling completed to date indicate the presence of pyrite-rich host rocks in the North East Extensions tenement with similar cobalt grades to those at Big Hill and Pyrite Hill. Figure 5.2 5.1.2 Geological plan of the North East Extensions prospect (after BHCL) Himalaya North The Himalaya North prospect is located to the east of the Big Hill deposit within the southeastern corner of EL6622 (Figure 5.1) and overlies rocks of the Broken Hill Group. Pasminco Exploration Pty Ltd discovered a series of base metal anomalies extending over a 2 km strike length to the southwest of the historic Himalaya mine. This system also extends 1.5 km to the northeast of the Himalaya mine and into BHCL’s Pine Ridge project. The development of garnet quartzite and garnet sandstone within this anomalous base metal zone is considered by BHCL’s consultant, G.W. McConachy and Co., to indicate prospectivity for base metal and gold mineralisation. Follow-up work involving geochemical rockchip sampling and detailed 1:1,000 scale geological prospect mapping by Eaglehawk has confirmed the geological setting and prospectivity of the Himalaya North prospect. The work has also highlighted the exploration potential for Broken Hill-type mineralisation at the Himalaya North prospect and elsewhere on the Pine Ridge project. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 28 FINAL 5.1.3 Pyramid Hill The Pyramid Hill prospect is associated with shallow circa-1900s workings and is considered a Broken Hill stratiform to stratabound base metal analogue (copper-gold). Lodes up to 10 m thick exist along a strike length of greater than 500 m with potential for a further 200 m under cover. The prospect is hosted by altered psammite, pelite and amphibolite (probably of the Broken Hill Group) as well as the Potosi Gneiss and is prospective for copper and gold. From geological mapping the mineralisation occurs in extensive, complexly folded, massive sulphide derived lodes. 5.1.4 Tower Hill The Tower Hill prospect is considered a Broken Hill stratiform analogue. The prospect is hosted within the lower to middle Broken Hill Group consisting of altered meta-sediments and amphibolite and the Potosi Gneiss. The project contains extensive refolded zones greater than 40 m thick, a strike length of 3 km and with lodes up to 4 m thick. Tower Hill is considered prospective for base metals, principally lead, silver, zinc and possibly tungsten. 5.1.5 Ram Paddock The Ram Paddock area includes repeated lode zones up to 20 m wide in a poorly exposed valley area. The strike length is approximately 4 km long and there is evidence of minor historic open pits in the area. Ram Paddock is considered prospective for cobalt. 5.1.6 Other areas Other prospective areas highlighted by the Eaglehawk programme of geological mapping and rock chip sampling include Alders Tank, the Old Coolgardie Tank, TSQV prospects, Pyrite Hill North and the Camel Hump Area (Figure 5.1). These areas warrant further exploration but are considered to be a lower exploration priority due to a lesser degree of veining as well as increased soil cover. 5.2 EXPLORATION POTENTIAL The anomalous zone extending to the northeast from the Big Hill pyrite deposit to the North East Extensions prospect is considered by Snowden to be highly prospective for further cobalt mineralisation. In addition, potential exists for additional cobalt mineralisation in the folded equivalents of the Pyrite Hill plagioclase-quartz-pyrite rocks which have been mapped within the tenement. Potential for base metal and gold mineralisation at the targets highlighted by Eaglehawk is supported by the presence of similar rocks to those which have been found to contain gold and base metal mineralisation at the nearby Pinnacles Mine and in other mines at Broken Hill. Snowden notes that a significant portion of the Pine Ridge project area remains largely untested due to the presence of extensive soil cover. Only one diamond drillhole has been drilled outside of the known cobalt deposits with the historical exploration emphasis being on cobalt. 5.3 PROPOSED WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET BHCL has prepared a work programme and budget for the on-going assessment of the Pine Ridge project area. A summarised version of the work programme and budget is presented in Table 5.1. As a precursor to further exploration, BHCL plans to digitally compile and validate all available data and confirm the location of all previous drillholes. Given the uncertainty associated with some of the data, particularly the exact location of drillholes, Snowden considers this approach to be appropriate. IP geophysical surveying will be used across the North East Extensions project and followed-up with a small number of targeted drillholes. The aim of this programme is to establish the continuity of the pyrite-rich units and to find areas of elevated pyrite content and thus elevated cobalt grades. Given 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 29 FINAL the correlation between pyrite and cobalt grades and the demonstrated effectiveness of IP to define the pyritic unit, Snowden considers this approach to be appropriate. At the Himalaya Extended prospect, BHCL has proposed a programme of data compilation, mapping and interpretation to identify new targets for drilling. Table 5.1 Pine Ridge project work programme and budget (A$M) Activity Year 1 $000 Year 2 $000 Total $000 Exploration 60 0 60 Drilling 60 140 200 Site management 40 50 90 Total 160 190 350 DECLARATIONS BY SNOWDEN MINING INDUSTRY CONSULTANTS INDEPENDENCE Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Pty Ltd is an independent firm of consultants providing a comprehensive range of specialist technical and financial services to the mining industry in Australia and overseas, through offices in Perth, Brisbane, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Vancouver, London and Belo Horizonte. Our services include technical audits, project reviews, valuations, independent expert reports, project management plans and corporate advice. This report has been prepared independently and in accordance with the VALMIN and JORC Codes of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (“AusIMM”). The authors do not hold any interest in BHCL, its associated parties, or in any of the mineral properties which are the subject of this report. Fees for the preparation of this report are being charged at Snowden’s standard rates, whilst expenses are being reimbursed at cost. Payment of fees and expenses is in no way contingent upon the conclusions drawn in this report. QUALIFICATIONS The principal personnel responsible for the preparation and review of this report were Mr Jason Froud (Senior Consultant – Corporate Services), Mr Peter Myers (Principal Consultant Engineer), Mr Michael Tyndall (Principal Consultant – Corporate Services) and Mr Peter Munro (Associate Principal Consultant Engineer). Mr Jason Froud (BSc (Hons), Grad Dip (Fin Mkts), MAusIMM) is a geologist with more than 11 years experience in the mining industry. Jason has worked in mining geology and exploration roles in Australian gold and copper deposits gaining skills in grade control, reconciliation, resource definition, financial analysis and quality assurance and quality control. Since Joining Snowden, He has been involved in independent technical reviews, audits and valuations of mining and exploration assets covering a wide range of commodities. Mr Michael Tyndall (BSc (Hons), Grad Dip (Min Eng), MAusIMM) is a geologist with a combined 10 years experience in marine and terrestrial diamond exploration and mining and a further five years experience in mineral resource management on deep level gold mines in southern Africa. Key expertise was gained in mineral project feasibility and technical due diligence studies. Over the past two and a half years Michael has worked as a mineral industry advisor where he assisted in the compiling and writing of independent techno-economic valuation reports for various commodity and mineral asset types, mainly for the purposes of stock exchange listings and project capital funding. In January 2009, Michael joined Snowden’s corporate division in Australia as a principal consultant. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 30 FINAL Mr Peter Myers, B Eng (Mining) (Hons), MAusIMM, is a mining engineer with 25 years experience in underground, open pit and dredge mining operations. He has held senior operational and technical roles including those with Departmental and Site Management responsibility. He has managed or participated in a number of feasibility studies, major site capital projects, business improvement projects, short, long term and life of mine plans, and mining development and production contracts. Peter’s experience covers copper, nickel, zinc, lead and mineral sands operations employing underground selective and bulk methods, hard rock open pit methods, and dry and dredge alluvial methods. As a consultant, he has been involved in technical reviews, audits and valuations of diamond, copper, nickel and gold open cut and underground mining projects. Peter Munro, BAppSc, BEc, BCom, AAusIMM, is a Senior Principal Consulting Engineer with Mineralurgy Pty Ltd, a Brisbane based specialist metallurgical consultancy. Peter gained extensive experience in virtually all aspects of mineral processing and extractive metallurgy with a primary focus on zinc, lead, silver, copper and gold during his 30 years with M.I.M. He has constructed, commissioned and operated a variety of minerals processing plants, conducted technical reviews, audits, efficiency enhancement projects and carried out due diligence evaluations throughout the MIM group. His work in Mineralurgy Pty. Ltd. has included technical reviews, audits, due diligence evaluations for initial public offerings and acting as banker’s engineer. Peter is a past member of the Board of the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Mining, Metallurgy and Materials and at the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, University of Queensland. 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 31 FINAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Amdel Limited, 1998, “Separation and Analysis of Pyrrhotite and Pyrite.” Arandis Pty Ltd, 1988, “Untitled note to Sirocco Resources NL.” Ashland, M., 1976 “Interim Report on Big Hill/Pyrite Hill Pyrite Cobalt Deposit for Central Austin Pty Ltd.” Australian Anglo American Ltd., 1982, “Final Report to Jones Mining NL, Exploration Licence 1621, Ophara Tank.” BacTech, 1997, “Various reports to Southern Cobalt NL.” BacTech, 2000, “High Temperature Bacterial Leaching Sighter Test on Thackaringa Cobalt Ore.” Broken Hill Cobalt Ltd, 2005, “Focussed on a Cobalt Development and Gold and Base metal Exploration in Central and Western New South Wales.” Carruthers, D.S., 1960, “Cobalt in the Pyrite Aplites, Pinnacles-Thackaringa Area. “ Castle, M.J., 1988, “The Pyrite Hill and Big Hill Cobaltiferous Pyrite Deposits.” Clema, J.M., 1991, “Big Hill – Pyrite Hill, Cobalt-Sulphur-Iron Resource, Thackaringa, NSW.” CRAE, 1977, “Report on Pyrite Hill/Big Hill Cobaltiferous Pyrite Deposits Broken Hill.” CRAE, 1981, “Resource Potential Pyrite Hill, ML 86, Broken Hill District, NSW.” CRAE report number 10388. CRAE, 1981b, “Results of Exploration, ML 87, Big Hill, Broken Hill District, NSW.” number 10389. 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Surv. of NSW, 2003, “Gold Prospectivity in the Broken Hill Block, New South Wales, Project Progress to July 2003.” Report GS 2003/265. Gilfillan Associates Pty Ltd, 1992, “Interim Report on Pyrite Hill and Big Hill, Thackaringa Hills, NSW.” Glen, R.A., 1992, “Thrust, Extensional, and Strike-Slip Tectonics in an Evolving Palaeozoic Orogen – a Structural Synthesis of the Lachlan Orogen of South-eastern Australia.” Technophysics, v. 214, p. 341 – 380. Heritage Gold NZ Ltd, 2004, “Annual Report 2004.” Hunter Exploration NL, 1998, “Report on Exploration Activities, May to June, 1998, Big Hill Prospect and Extensions, ML 86 and EL 4521.” Hunter Exploration NL, 1998, “Report on Exploration Activities, September to November, 1998, Big Hill Prospect and Extensions, ML 86 and EL 4521.” Jones Mining Ltd., 1985, “Exploration Licence 1621, NSW, Ophara Tank Project, Final Report.” KH Morgan and Associates, 1996, “Evaluation of the Thackaringa Project for Southern Cobalt NL.” Kvaerner Davey, 1997, “Thackaringa Cobalt Project – Review of Capital Cost Estimate.” Kvaerner Davy, 1997, “Southern Cobalt NL Process Review.” Kvaerner Metals, 1998, “Southern Cobalt NL Process Review.” Macedon Gold Mines B.V., 1993-95, “Broken Hill Cobalt progress reports.” Various Macedon Gold Mines B.V, 1994, “Bacterial Oxidation of Cobalt Ore.” Macedon Gold Mines B.V, 1994, “Cobalt Bio-Leach Project.” 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 33 FINAL Macedon Gold Mines B.V, 1994, “Thackaringa Cobalt Project Third Preliminary Feasibility Study.” Macedon Gold Mines B.V, 1995, “Bacterial Oxidation of Cobaltiferrous Pyrite Concentrate.” Macedon Gold Mines B.V, 1995, “Thackaringa Cobalt Project Status of Bacterial Leaching Work.” Micron, 2004, “Bacterial Leaching Trials of Thackaringa Cobaltiferrous Pyrite Ore Samples,” Progress Reports 1 – 4, Final Report. Micron, 2004, “Bacterial oxidation test-work on the Pyrite Hill Cobalt Resource.” Mineral Resources, 2004, “Appendix 3 Flotation Test Results.” PIRSA, 2005, Primary Industries and Resources SA, www.pir.sa.gov.au. Platsearch NL, 2004, “Annual Report 2004.” Plimer, I.R., 1976, “Untilted Report regarding mineralogy of Big Hill/Pyrite Hill.” Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Limited, 1998, “EL4535 Thackaringa 1 and EL4536 Thackaringa 2.” Fifth Annual Report 30/6/98. Sherritt Gorden Mines, 1980, “Examination of Cobalt Concentrates and Ore Samples from Australia.” So Co Ltd, 2002, “Test-work for Thackaringa Project.” Stagg, R.N., 2005, ‘Thackaringa Cobalt Project Status of Bacterial Leaching Work.” Stevens, B.P.J. and Burton, G.R., 1998, “The Early to Late Proterozoic Broken Hill Province, New South Wales.” AGSO Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, 17(3), 75 – 86. Terence Willsteed and Associates, 2003, “Independent Valuation of Mineral Interest.” Thomson, B.P., 1951, “Big Hill Mine.” Vince Gauci Mining Consultants, 1992, “Review of the Pyrite Hill - Big Hill Cobaltiferous Pyrite Deposits.” 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 34 FINAL GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS Acid volcanics Volcanic rocks with high content of quartz Adit A near horizontal tunnel with at least one end opening to the surface Aeromagnetic survey A survey made from the air to record the magnetic characteristics of rocks Airborne EM (AEM) A survey made from the air to record the electromagnetic characteristics of rocks Air-core Percussion drilling method which can produce core Albitic Of or related to albite feldspar Alteration A change in mineralogical composition of a rock commonly brought about by reactions with hydrothermal solutions or by pressure changes Amphibolite A crystalline rock containing mainly amphibole and plagioclase with little or no quartz Anomalous A departure from the expected norm. In mineral exploration this term is generally applied to either geochemical or geophysical values higher or lower than the norm Basalt A fine grained volcanic rock composed primarily of plagioclase feldspar and mafic minerals Base metal A non-precious metal usually refers to copper, zinc, lead, and nickel Base of oxidation Level beneath surface below which rocks are not affected by surface weathering processes Basement Bedrock Basic Igneous rocks with low silica content Bedrock Solid rock underlying unconsolidated material Bias A tendency for measured results to deviate from “true” results Bioleach An ore processing method that uses bacteria to oxidise material, usually sulphides Biotite A dark coloured mica mineral Blank A sample sent to a laboratory to test for cross contamination. A blank contains none of the element being analysed BLEG Bulk leach extractable gold Breccia A rock consisting of angular fragments in a finer grained matrix Broken Hill-type A model for ore deposits with similar characteristics to the giant Broken Hill lead-zinc-silver deposit Bulk Density The weight of a material divided by the volume it occupies (including pore spaces) Bulk leach A laboratory technique whereby a sample is treated with a leaching agent (i.e. cyanide) to extract a particular mineral Calcine To heat a material to drive off a volatile matter Calcrete A calcareous hard crust formed at or near the surface of soil by weathering Calc-silicate A metamorphic rock consisting mainly of calcium-bearing silicates such as diopside and wollastonite, and formed by metamorphism of impure limestone or dolomite Cambrian The period in geological time between 530 and 460 million years ago 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 35 FINAL Carbonaceous Rich in carbon/organic matter Carbonate Rock or mineral composed of more than 50 percent carbonate minerals such as limestone or dolomite Carboniferous Geological time period from about 345 to 280 million years ago Chalcopyrite A copper iron sulphide mineral, the most important ore of copper Chemical analysis Accurate laboratory determination of the concentration of a given element in a sample Chemical symbols Au – gold, Cu – copper, Zn – zinc, Pb – lead, As – arsenic, Ag – silver, NaCN – sodium cyanide Chert Very fine grained rock composed of silica Chlorite A green plate iron-magnesium rich silicate mineral Cobaltiferous Containing cobalt Collar The starting point of a drillhole Colloform A texture, often found in certain types of mineral deposits, where crystals have grown in a radiating and concentric manner Conductivity Geophysical anomaly relating to electrical conductivity often associated with sulphides Costean A trench Country rock Term applied to rock surrounding or penetrated by mineral veins Cut-off A grade value above which material is usually ore and below which material is usually waste Density probe A geophysical device used to measure the density of rocks in drillholes Devonian A period of geologic time between 345 and 395 million years ago Diamond drilling Method of obtaining a cylindrical core of rock by drilling with a diamond impregnated bit Diamond tail The end part of a drillhole drilled using diamond coring, the start of the drillhole is drilled using percussion methods DigHEM Digital Helicopter Electromagnetics, a proprietary airborne electromagnetic survey system Dip The angle at which a rock layer, fault, or any other plane or surface is inclined from the horizontal Disseminated Fine particles of mineral dispersed through the enclosing rock Dolerite A mafic intrusive rock Dolomite A sedimentary rock consisting mainly of the mineral dolomite (a calcium and magnesium carbonate) Duplicate A duplicate sample or analysis is performed to measure precision Dyke Narrow body of igneous rock cutting across structure of the adjacent country rocks Eastman multishot camera A device used to measure the azimuth and inclination of drillholes EL Exploration License in New South Wales ELA Exploration License application in New South Wales Electromagnetic survey EM - a geophysical exploration method based on measuring magnetic fields using artificially induced currents into the ground Epithermal A low pressure and temperature hydrothermal deposition of minerals 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 36 FINAL Euhedral Perfect crystalline form of a mineral Facies The aspects of a rock unit reflecting the conditions of its origin Fault A fracture in rocks along which there has been relative movement either vertically or horizontally Feldspar A group of aluminium silicate rocks that are very common in the Earth’s crust Felsic Light coloured rock containing an abundance of any of the following:feldspars, felspathoids and silica Fence A linear series of drillholes, often inclined and overlapping Ferruginous Containing iron Float Rock material dispersed from bedrock Flotation A method for separating and concentrating ores Fold A bend in strata or in any planar structure Fold axis The centre line of a fold Foliation Parallel orientation of platy minerals Footwall The underlying side of a fault, orebody or mine workings Fragmental tuff A rock formed by volcanic processes and containing fragments greater than two centimetres Fresh Rock that has not been oxidised g/t (ppm) Grams per tonne (parts per million), a measure of precious metal content in a sample Galena A mineral, lead sulphide, the dominant ore mineral of lead Geochemical anomaly The occurrence of higher than average content of an element in rock or soil Geochemistry Study of variation of chemical elements in rocks or soils Geophysical exploration The exploration of an area in which physical properties (eg. resistivity, gravity, conductivity, magnetic properties) unique to the rocks in the area are quantitatively measured by one or more geophysical methods Geotechnical Of or relating to the science of rock mechanics Gneiss Applied to banded rocks formed during high-grade regional metamorphism (also gneissic) Gossan A surface capping of oxides of iron from the weathering of metallic sulphide minerals Grade Quantity of ore or mineral relative to other constituents, in a specified quantity of rock, usually expressed as ppm, ppb, g/t, lb/t or % Granite A coarse grained igneous rock which contains 20 – 40% quartz Granodiorite A coarse grained acid igneous rock, similar to granite but with a lower percentage of silica Greenschist facies A grade of metamorphism referring to the amount of temperature and pressure rocks were subjected to Greywacke A grey indurated sandstone consisting of poorly sorted grains of quartz, feldspar and rock fragments in a clay matrix Grid A systematic array of points or lines Hangingwall The overlying side of a fault, orebody or mine workings Hematite A mineral composed of iron oxide; one of the most common ores of iron Hornfels A fine to medium grained rock produced by thermal metamorphism 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 37 FINAL Hydrometallurgy The treatment of ores by methods involving dissolution Hydrophilic Having a strong affinity for water Hydrothermal A process of ore formation in which minerals are deposited from hot aqueous solutions Igneous A rock that has solidified from molten material or magma Indicated In reference to a mineral resource this is the second to lowest resource confidence classification under the JORC code Induced Polarisation (IP) A surface electrical, geophysical surveying technique Inferred In reference to a mineral resource this is the lowest resource confidence classification under the JORC code. Intermediate Igneous rocks whose composition is intermediate between acid and mafic rocks Intrusion/Intrusive A body of igneous rock that invades older rocks. Ironstone A rock with large amounts of iron compounds. Jarosite An iron sulphate compound resulting from oxidation (weathering or leaching) Jasper An iron-rich siliceous rock. JORC (Code) Joint Ore Reserve Committee of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. The JORC Code provides mandatory reporting requirements for statements of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves by Competent Person(s). Most recently published in 2004 Laterite Highly weathered residual material rich in secondary oxides of iron and/or aluminium Lava A general term for molten rock that is extruded onto the surface lb/t Pounds per metric tonne, 1 lb/t is equal to 454.5 g/t or ppm Leaching The dissolution of mineral components in rocks and ores by bacteria, acids or other reagents. Can be carried out in heaps, tanks or pressure vessels Limb Those parts that form the flanks of folded rocks Limestone A sedimentary rock consisting mostly of calcium carbonate Limonite A general term for a yellow to brown-black iron oxide minerals which are a common weathering product Lineament A linear feature of regional extent, generally recognisable in the topography; commonly detected by satellite imagery Lineament A large-scale linear feature as evidenced by topography, which may represent underlying structural features Lithology A term pertaining to the general characteristics of rocks. It generally relates to descriptions based on hand sized specimens and outcrops rather than microscopic or chemical features Lode A tabular or vein like deposit of valuable mineral between well defined walls of country rock Long-section A section projection parallel to the long axis of a body Ma An abbreviation for one million years ago (Megannum) Mafic Descriptive of rocks composed dominantly of magnesium and iron rockforming silicates Magnetic survey A geophysical technique which measures variations in earths magnetic field Magnetite A magnetic iron oxide mineral 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 38 FINAL Manganese Manganese Massive Sulphide Any mass of abundant metallic sulphide minerals, usually of zinc, lead, copper, iron and related to volcanism Measured In reference to a mineral resource this is the highest resource confidence classification under the JORC code Melnikovite A finely layered iron sulphide mixture which includes pyrite Mesh fraction A sizing system used to screen samples prior to their chemical analysis Mesothermal Hydrothermal mineral (deposit) formed in the 200-300 degree range and at depth Metallurgy The science that deals with procedures used in extracting metals from their ores Metamorphic rocks The process by which changes are brought about in earth’s crust by the agencies of heat, pressure and chemically active fluids Metasediments Sediments that have been metamorphosed Mineral Resource A concentration or occurrence of material of intrinsic economic interest in or on the Earth’s crust in such form and quantity that there are reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction Mineralisation A concentration of metals and their chemical compounds within a body of rock ML Mining Lease mm Millimetre, 0.001 metres mRL metres reduced level, the elevation in metres based on a datum Mt Abbreviation for million metric tonnes or 1,000,000 t NQ A standard diamond drill core size, 60.3 mm diameter Open cut, open pit, pit A mine worked at the surface Ordovician The period in geological time between 500 and 435 million years ago Ore Material that can be mined and treated at a profit Ore Reserve The economically mineable part of a Mineral Resource Outcrop The surface expression of a rock layer Outlier A statistical term for values that are outside the normal population of values Oxidation (metallurgical) Decomposing the structure of a mineral to allow further processing. Can be carried out using heat, bacteria and acid Oxidised (geological) Decomposed by exposure to oxygen in the atmosphere and groundwater (geological) Palaeozoic Era in geological history from the Pre-Cambrian to the Mesozoic or about 570 to 225 million years ago Pegmatite A coarse grained, igneous rock which often contains commercial minerals, occasionally these are rare earth's Pelite The metamorphic equivalent of a mudstone or lutite PEM “Pulse electromagnetic” geophysical exploration technique Percussion drilling Method of drilling where rock is broken by the hammering action of a bit and the cuttings are carried to the surface by pressurised air returning outside the drill pipe Permian Period in geological history from about 286 to 248 million years ago Petrographic Pertaining to the optical study of rocks 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 39 FINAL PGE Platinum group elements (includes platinum, palladium, ruthenium, and rhodium) Pit shell The three-dimensional outline of an open pit or theoretical open pit Plagioclase A form of feldspar (see feldspar) Pleistocene One of the seven subdivision of the Tertiary period in the geological timescale Polygonal estimation A resource estimation method that applies polygons of influence around drillholes Porphyry An igneous rock that contains conspicuous crystals in a fine-grained matrix Porphyry copper A copper deposit in which the copper minerals occur as discrete grains and veinlets throughout a large volume of rock ppb Parts per billion (1,000 million) Pre-Cambrian The period of geological time prior to 540 million years ago (~=90% of all time) Pre-collar The first part of a drillhole often drilled using percussion methods and then finished with a diamond tail Primary Un-oxidised. Proterozoic The more recent period of the Pre-Cambrian Psammite The metamorphic equivalent of a sandstone or arenite Pyrite A common pale bronze iron sulphide mineral Pyroclastic Fragmental deposits formed from the accumulation of volcanic ejections Pyrometallurgy The treatment of ores by methods using high temperature Pyrrhotite A bronze coloured iron-sulphide Quartz Mineral species composed of crystalline silica Quartzite A silica rich metamorphic rock formed from sandstone Quaternary A period in geological time from 1.8 million years ago to the present day RAB Rotary air blast, a type of percussion drilling Radiometrics Geophysical technique measuring emission from radioactive isotopes Replicate Often refers to an additional laboratory analysis of a sample. Usually taken randomly or as a check of unusual values Reserve(s) In-situ quantity of mineralised rock of known grade from which the contained metal can be recovered economically taking into consideration, geological mining, social, political, and environmental factors – see Ore, Ore Reserve, JORC Code Resistivity survey A geophysical technique which measures the electrical resistance of rocks in the ground Resource(s) In-situ quantity of mineralised rock of known grade, the extent of which has been estimated on the basis of geological information and from which the contained metal may be recoverable economically – see JORC Code Reverse Circulation RC drilling A method of percussion drilling whereby rock chips are recovered by air flow returning inside the drill rods rather than outside, thereby providing usually reliable samples Rhyolite Fine grained acid volcanic rock Roasting Applying heat to achieve oxidation 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 40 FINAL Rock chip sample A series of rock chips or fragments taken at regular intervals across a rock exposure Rutile A mineral, TiO2 Sandstone Sedimentary rock composed of sand-sized grains Schist A metamorphic rock with platy to foliated texture Secondary enrichment Enrichment of primary mineralisation, usually by weathering processes Sedex Sedimentary exhalative - a submarine volcanic process whereby sediments or ore deposits are deposited on the sea floor Sericite Fine grained white micaceous mineral Shaft A long, narrow, vertical tunnel sunk into the earth Shale Fine-grained sedimentary rock with well defined bedding planes Shear A zone where lateral movement along parallel planes produces deformation of rock Silicification The process whereby original rock minerals are chemically replaced by various forms of silica Siltstone A fine-grained sedimentary rock composed largely of silt-sized particles Silurian Period of geologic time from about 440 to 410 million years ago Sirotem A proprietary electromagnetic survey technique Skarn A term to describe a contact metamorphic deposit in limestone Slate A compact fine-grained metamorphic rock Soil sampling Systematic collection of soil samples at different locations in order to study the distribution of elements in the soil horizons Solid solution A homogeneous and stable solution of one solid substance in another SP (self potential) A geophysical technique which measures the natural earth currents at the ground surface Sphalerite A zinc-iron sulphide mineral; a major economic source of zinc Splitter A device to reduce the size of a sample without introducing bias Standard A standard sample is a sample of known grade used to test a laboratories accuracy Stanniferous Containing tin Stockwork A network of veins Stope Generally the hole left underground after mining narrow moderate to steeply dipping veins Stratabound Said of a deposit confined to a single stratigraphic unit Stratigraphy The study of formation, composition and correlation of sedimentary rocks Stream sediment sample Drainage sample usually consisting of –80 mesh (small) fraction of active stream silt and sediment Strike Horizontal direction or trend of a geologic structure Stringer A narrow vein of mineral traversing a rock mass of different composition Sub-crop Outcropping bedrock that is dislocated from the bedrock but has not been transported Sulphates Minerals consisting of a chemical combination of sulphur with a metal Sulphatising roasting Roasting a material so that a sulphide material is oxidised to a sulphate form 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 41 FINAL Sulphides Minerals consisting of a chemical combination of sulphur with a metal Sulphosalts A certain type of sulphur mineral distinct from sulphide minerals Supergene An enrichment or deposit formed by descending fluids in weathered rock Syncline A fold that is concave up, with younger rocks in the middle Syngenetic A mineral deposit which is said to have formed at the same time as the enclosing rocks Tailings Reject products from a mineral treatment plant, usually finely crushed or ground TEM A proprietary ground electromagnetic survey technique Tertiary The period of geological time between 65 and 1.8 million years ago True thickness The thickness as measured perpendicular to the plane of an object Tuff A rock composed of volcanic ash Tuffaceous A rock which contains pyroclastic material Turbidite A sedimentary rock formed by turbidity (density) currents along a sloping ocean floor Ultramafic An igneous rock comprised chiefly of mafic minerals Umpire assay An assay sent to a laboratory, other than the one generally in use, as part of a quality measurement programme unit The smallest division of a New South Wales exploration licence. A unit has dimensions of 1° longitude by 1° latitude, or approximately 300 ha UTEM A proprietary ground electromagnetic survey technique VHMS Volcanic hosted massive sulphide - high grade and value deposits related to silicic volcanism VLF-EM A ground geophysical survey technique utilising very low frequencies Volcaniclastic Sediments comprising rock fragments derived by explosion or eruption from a volcanic vent Volcanics Collective term for extrusive igneous rocks Water immersion method A method for determining the density of a substances by measuring the volume of water it displaces 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 42 FINAL SELECTED DRILLING RESULTS Project Hole Name From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Cobalt (lb/t) Pyrite Hill TH1 123.40 187.80 64.4 2.43 TH2 78.03 102.11 24.08 3.66 TH3 77.20 129.54 51.82 2.25 80PYH1 7.50 14.20 6.70 1.94 80PYH2 34.10 48.25 14.15 2.18 80PYH3 23.00 35.00 12.00 1.57 80PYH4 39.75 55.00 15.25 1.61 80PYH5 36.70 65.00 18.30 2.56 80PYH6 54.00 74.00 20.00 1.56 80PYH7 67.00 79.40 12.40 2.45 80PYH8 92.00 101.70 9.70 0.92 80PYH9 81.20 82.35 1.15 1.12 80PYH10 48.45 78.00 29.55 2.50 80PYH11 34.60 91.50 56.35 2.18 80PYH12 30.20 36.50 6.30 2.14 85.15 90.80 5.65 2.71 Big Hill North East 80PYH13 52.20 54.20 2.00 1.12 80PYH14 251.80 273.40 21.60 2.76 MGM2 85.00 91.00 6.00 3.66 99.00 111.00 12.00 3.85 117.00 125.00 8.00 2.97 150.00 154.00 4.00 3.60 157.00 160.00 3.00 2.23 BH1 40.50 53.30 12.80 7.50 BH1 64.50 84.40 19.90 2.65 BH2 24.40 30.50 6.10 2.31 80BGH5 39.00 49.00 10.00 1.74 80BGH6 28.00 53.00 25.00 3.54 80BGH7 3.00 6.00 3.00 2.03 80BGH7 15.00 19.00 4.00 1.41 80BGH8 44.00 78.15 34.15 2.19 T98C03 68.00 73.00 5.00 3.70 T98C04 90.00 100.00 10.00 2.40 T98C05 35.00 52.00 17.00 2.00 T98C06 83.00 91.00 8.00 2.20 T98C07 35.00 46.00 11.00 3.40 T98C09 95.00 107.00 12.00 2.20 T98C10 101.00 110.00 9.00 1.90 T98C01 35 .00 71.00 35.00 2.10 13.00 32.00 19.00 1.50 071030_Final_7020_BHCL_CPR.doc Page 43