The Wonderful World of New Evangelization PYM holds Vigil for


The Wonderful World of New Evangelization PYM holds Vigil for
Vol. 08 No.parishworks!
28 October 27, 2012 and
The Wonderful World of
New Evangelization
PYM holds Vigil
for Kuya Pedro
by: Gene C. Alberto
By: Darel Magramo
We’ve been hearing about
the new evangelization. We also
know it is important for us to
evangelize. However, there is
often confusion concerning its
meaning. It is not yet familiar
concept for most Catholics.
The old concept of
evangelization has been
reintroduced and redefined
when Pope Paul VI wrote his historic and challenging
exhortation to the whole Church, “The Gospel must be
Many Catholics who do think of evangelization relates
Last October 20, 2012, Saturday, The Saint Andrew
to missionary priests and nuns who go to remote, deepest
the Apostle Parish-Parish Youth Ministry (SAAP-PYM)
jungles to convert thousands of tribes. The image of door- joined the entire Filipino community in welcoming the
knockers forcing their faith also comes to mind.
second Filipino Saint, Blessed Pedro Calungsod. Not only
was it the usual prayer vigil, it was a night of fun, singing,
The good news about the new evangelization is that
dancing, worshiping and evangelizing.
it is everybody’s job. The work of evangelization is not
limited to priests and religious. The laity as evangelizers
The event was hosted by yours truly and Ana Regina
has been affirmed and supported by the Church. We are
David. The vigil started with the enthronement of San
reminded that the Church exists to evangelize, and we are Pedro Calungsod’s image led by the PYM dancers while
the Church.
Jamie Rivera’s “Kuya Pedro” was being played. It
was followed by another dance to the tune of “Awit ng
For the Church evangelization means bringing the
Good News to all people. The presentation of the Gospel Kabataan” by Rivermaya. Maybe you’re asking why
“Awit ng Kabataan”; because Blessed Pedro Calungsod,
message is a duty by the command of the Lord Jesus, so
at a very young age of 14, was an active member of the
that people can believe and be saved.
church, a Catechist who left the comfort of his family to
The Scripture tells us that before Jesus went up to
preach the Lord’s Good News in a foreign land. So we
heaven, he commanded His disciples. “Go and make
dedicated that song for him because just like the PYM,
disciples to all nations baptizing them in the name of the
he’s a young servant.
Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to
For the Praise and Worship part, the attendees joined
observe that I commanded you, I am with you always until
as they sang and danced to “One Way”, “Every
the end of time.” (Mt. 28:19-20) Jesus said it 2000 years
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Wonderful World of New Evangelization
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ago. It is not important now as it was then.
If evangelization is truly is our basic duty, then
perhaps it would be helpful to come up with exactly
what is expected of us. What is the new evangelization?
Where do we fit in? How do we do it?
I would like to offer a simple definition of
evangelization which I have arrived at as the result of my
own experience in my ministry.
Evangelization does not consist only of the preaching
and teaching of the doctrine. For evangelization must
touch life to which it gives a new meaning. There must
be particular expression of the search for God and for
faith which at present time regarded as obsolete and are
sometimes despised.
This is precisely what we wish to do here, at the
beginning of this Year of Faith during which the Church
striving to proclaim the Gospel to all people, has had the
single aim of fulfilling her duty of being messenger of
the Good News of Jesus Christ proclaimed through two
fundamental commands: “Put on the new self” and “Be
reconciled to God.”
The home is a very good place to start the parents
not only communicate the Gospel to their children, but
from their children, they can themselves receive the
same Gospel as deeply lived by them. And such a family
becomes the evangelizer of many other families, and of
the neighborhood of which it forms.
It is often said now a days that the present generation
thirst for authenticity that young people are searching for
truth and honesty. These “signs of the times” should find
us more vigilant. We are being asked: Do you really
believe what you are proclaiming? Do you live what
you believe? Because of this we are, to a certain extent,
responsible for the progress of the Gospel we proclaim.
Our modern world is characterized by the mass media
as means of social communication. When they are put at
the service of the Gospel, they are capable of increasing
indefinitely the area in which the Word of God is heard;
they enable the Good News to reach millions of people.
We would feel guilty before God if we did not utilize
powerful means that human skill is rendering.
In the course of this modern world, we have faced
various obstacles to this universal mission. Furthermore,
it is sad to note that the evangelizing work of the Church
is strongly opposed if not prevented by certain public
powers. But we are confident that despite these painful
trials the activities of these present disciples of Christ will
never meet final failure in any part of the world.
Despite such adversities the Church constantly
renews her deepest inspiration that which comes to her
directly from the Lord: “To the whole world! To all
creation! Right to the ends of the earth! Rejoice and not
to imprison the proclamation of the Gospel by limiting it
to one sector of one class of people, or to a single type of
Evangelization will never be possible without the
action of the Holy Spirit. In fact, it is only after the
coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost that
the Apostles depart to all the ends of the earth in order to
begin the great work of the Church’s evangelization.
The Holy Spirit placed on their lips the words which
they could not find themselves. It is the consolation
of the Holy Spirit that the Church increases. The Holy
Spirit is the soul of the Church. It is he who explains the
faithful the deep meaning of the teachings of Jesus Christ
and his ministry. It is the Holy Spirit who, today just as
the beginning of the Church, acts in every evangelizer
who allows himself or herself to be possessed and led by
We are the people of God invited to a life that bears
testimony to the Gospel of Jesus Christ – the priests,
the deacons, the religious, the Christian families, the
youth, the adults, the leaders, the professionals without
forgetting the poor who are often rich in faith and hope.
Our evangelizing zeal must spring from true holiness of
life, nourished by prayer and above all by love for the
May the light of the Year of Faith which has shone
in Churches all over the world, offer millions of hearts
reconciled with God, continue to shine with the new
evangelization as its basic feature for this year and in the
years to come.
We rejoice to entrust to the hands and heart of our
Blessed Mother Mary this year which is especially
consecrated to her and which also the 50th Anniversary
of the close of the Second Vatican Council and the
publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
convened in 1985 by Pope John Paul II.
Welcome to the wonderful of Catholic New
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Vigil for Kuya Pedro
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Move” and ”Chosen Generation”. After the Praise and
Worship, a video clip about the life of Blessed Pedro was
shown with Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle as
the narrator. The Hymns of Youth (HOY) choir and the
Tan sisters also serenaded us. The prayer to Saint Pedro
Calungsod was led by PYM ministry heads. The last
performance was from the PYM-LAM Choir, composed
of Clotie, Zach, Noel, Keren, and HP. An MTV from
singer Harry Santos entitled “Blessed Pedro Calungsod”
was also shown while the PYM dancers dance. To
formally close the vigil, our beloved Parish Priest, Msgr.
Dennis Odiver gave the closing remarks and his final
blessings. After the vigil, the community gathered at the
Jubilee Hall for fellowship.
Now that another Filipino was proclaimed Saint,
Destined to be
By: Bunny R. Callejo
“Are you in love?” was the
question given to us at the Youth
Catechism (YouCat) which was
held at Mater Dolorosa Parish
last October 6, with the theme
“IKAW NA! Called To Become
The speaker was Sr. Maria
Leah Japos of the Parish
Visitors of Mary Immaculate.
She was a fruit of the Parish
Youth Ministry, who once was
in our seats listening to youth
formations. She was a vocalist of
their band and was able to finish
her Bachelor of Law. But God
has His own plans for her life – she was called to be a
The talk was short and concise. She discussed
how simply we could be a saint; that is to be in love
with the Lord Jesus Christ. She also discussed that to
be saint is to receive the grace of God through the 7
Sacraments. Baptism is a sacrament of death, death to
let us be inspired and faithful in building the kingdom
of God here on earth by following the footsteps of the
young Filipino saint, Saint Pedro Calungsod.
Original Sin. That is when we become
children of the Father in heaven—the
first grace that God has given us. The
Confirmation Sacrament puts the seal
of our baptism and puts us in the battle
in proclaiming the Good News of the
Lord. The Sacraments of Anointing
and Reconciliation give us strength
(physically and spiritually) and unite us
with God once again. The Sacrament
of Holy Communion or Holy Eucharist
gives us nourishment in our spiritual
life, like when our physical bodies need
food. She also shared that it was with
the help of the Eucharist, a sacrament
she loves, that she realized God calling
her. The Sacrament of Matrimony
imbibes in us the call to a covenant
of loving one another. But not all
are called to married life. Last but
certainly not the least, the Sacrament
of Holy Orders wherein the other sacraments would not
be possible without this. She explained that all other
sacraments are given by those anointed – the priests.
In conclusion, Sr. Leah sang a love song that she
offered to the Lord as she was deeply in love with Him.
The formation was attended by two representatives of
our parish namely, Dada Penaflor and yours truly.
Puzzle Corner
By: Karen Ann Phoa
October 28, 2012 – 30th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Readings: Jeremiah 31:7-9 / Psalm
126 / Hebrews 5:1-6 / Mark 10:46-52
1. “Thus says the Lord: Shout with joy for Jacob, exult at
the head of the nations; proclaim your praise and say:
The Lord has delivered his people, the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T N
N A M E R of Israel.”
2. “You are my Son: this day I have begotten you; just as
he says in another place: You are a _ _ _ _ _ _ T S R I E
P forever according to the order of Melchizedek.”
3. “As Jesus was leaving _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O C H R I E J with
his disciples and a sizable crowd, Bartimaeus, a blind
man, the son of Timaeus, sat by the roadside begging.”
4. “He began to cry out and say, ‘Jesus, son of David, have
pity on me.’ And many _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D E U B K E R
him, telling him to be silent.”
5. “’Go your way; your faith has saved you.’ Immediately,
he received his _ _ _ _ _ G T H I S and followed him on
the way.”
Answer Key: 1) Offering; 2)Throne; 3) Glory, Asking; 4) Indignant; 5)Serve
• Come and be part of PREX Class
32 on November 9, 10 and 11.
Registration forms are available at
the Parish Office.
• Oct 28
Simon and Jude, Apostle
Saver’s Choice
Tama sa Timbang
Good Quality
Call us Now
Evangelizing like
how Mama Mary did
By: Christian Anthoni Sarasola
Last October 11, I attended the Parish Leaders
Conference, with the theme, “The Blessed Virgin Mary &
the New Evangelization”. We had Ms. Loudette Banson
as resource speaker. She gave emphasis on evangelization
in the post-modern times especially to the youth, as she
believes that it is critical that the youth be educated and
evangelized, as they will also be evangelizers as well.
Being a Catholic youth, I was moved by the topic.
Her question “How can the youth evangelize?” sunk
into my mind. I thought, “What can I do to convince the
other youth to know God more and to help in spreading
the knowledge of the Gospel? To give us some ideas,
she cited some examples in which they were able to
evangelize in a contemporary way. One good example
was organizing a team building that is composed primarily
of the youth. This will help them gain new friends and at
the same time gain knowledge about the word of God.
Also, recently, they organized a cheer dance competition
during the “One Million Roses for the World” which
promoted praying the Rosary for all the countries in the
From her examples, I was able to reflect on how I
could help in the new evangelization in a simple way.
This is through being a role model to the other youth
my age. I will act based on the word of God and will
encourage my friends to do the same. I will also convince
others to attend seminars, activities and contests that can
educate them about God’s teachings.
I believe in the saying, “The Word of God well
understood and religiously obeyed is the shortest route
to spiritual perfection. So let us “Go in peace to love and
serve the Lord.”
Parish Works is the official weekly newsletter
of Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish.
Media and Communications Ministry
Matthew Lizares
Parish Works Staff
Susan Amoroso, Emilio Medina,
Irene Gonzales, Noemi Sta Anna,
Jennifer Reyes, Ann Lopez, Jessica
Samantha Lim
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Harley Dave Punzalan
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Ellie Medina, Ging Santos, Vince
Eduard Reyes, Mria Rhea Pia Libao,
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SAAP Facebook Admin
Karen Ann Phoa
Gene Alberto, Bunny Callejo,
Christian Anthoni Sarasola, Darel
Spiritual Advisor
Rev. Msgr. Dennis Odiver
St. Andrew the Apostle Parish
N. Garcia St. cor. Kalayaan Ave.
Bel-Air II, Makati City
Phones: (632) 890-1796 / 890-1743