The Pennsylvania Trailrider


The Pennsylvania Trailrider
The Pennsylvania
The Official Newsletter of the
Pennsylvania Off Highway Vehicle Association
PAOHV Newsletter Summer 2009
PaOHV’s Progress Steady at Mid Year
By Denny Mann
Executive Director
Another quarter of a year is under my belt as Executive
Director and six months are left of my term. So much
has happened since the January 24th membership meeting, and I would like to review the details. This will be an
overview of the events, and as always please contact me
for in-depth details at
The membership’s opinion on the DCNR’s ATV Youth
Training Course
The association’s opinion of the SAAC meetings
The first hurdle for the quarter was on February 5th in Locust Township. This was a great way to start and a big win
for PaOHV. Three hundred OHV enthusiasts attended the
9:00 AM township meeting. We all voiced our opposition
to the anti-OHV township ordinance, and the supervisors
voted our way. What a good feeling it was to play the game
of politics and to be successful.
The most encouraging information from the meeting with
Secretary Quigley was that the DCNR is willing to add new
trails to act as connectors on State owned land. That being said, the DCNR is still not willing to open their roads
to ATVs or open a new ATV system on state land. Yet,
Quigley claimed a new riding park will be opened in the
northeast similar to Rock Run before he leaves office.
April was a month of preparation for the events that followed in May. Information was gathered in two areas:
countywide OHV recreation parks and questions for the
new Secretary of the DCNR.
Then on the 16th of May I attended DCNR’s ATV Youth
Instructor Training Course in Laurelton. It was interesting
to hear everyone’s assessment of the training now offered.
I also demonstrated how to monitor noise levels. Loud exhaust and illegal OHV operation are the biggest problems
with our sport.
On the 2nd of May Dick Lepley, Don Clymer, Don McClure, Linda Devlin, and I traveled to Emporium, Cameron County to educate the locals on benefits of countywide OHV recreation in small rural Pennsylvania towns.
We met in the Chamber of Commerce building to explain
details on how to start up a Cameron County OHV trail
system and the resources that are available to them.
Thanks to Linda Devlin and Don Clymer for their honest
and realistic overview of the process, and how it is up to
the folks of Cameron County to take charge.
The May 7th meeting with acting DCNR Secretary, John
Quigley, was very informative and gave PaOHV insight on
the final stages of Governor Rendell’s term. The meeting
went quite well, and the association has been tasked with
three fact finding missions and overviews:
The membership’s opinion of Rock Run, both pro
and con
Hopefully, the information gathered on these three subjects will pave the way for improvement.
On June 1st the election of the Administrative Directorship
and Public Information/Education Directorship of PaOHV
was held. Roeg Williamson and Dick Lepley filled the two
The final issue occupying PaOHV is the on going Oil City’s
Anti-OHV Ordinance. PaOHV has teamed up with the
Venango County Chapter of ATV Traction and World of
Wheels to fight the ordinance. On June 15th Dick Lepley
represented PaOHV at Oil City’s Council meeting asking
the council to take input from the user group. Look for
new alerts on this subject soon.
Please visit the Pennsylvania Off Highway Vehicles Association’s website on a regular basis for breaking news as well
as where to ride legally. If problems arise in your area, feel
free to contact me by email, Remember
to ride safe.
PAOHV Promotes OHV
Safety Training
By Denny Mann
Executive Director
Starting when the first SCORE brochure hit the shop
counters, the calls began. Where can I get ATV training
for my children?
It didn’t take me very long to get my hands on a list of
trainers and their phone numbers. For years, I freely
gave out instructor information to every parent who
called, and I would promote the classes for the DCNR.
As the SCORE program moved into various recreation
shows across the state, we stocked our table with information the public needed such as where to ride and
who taught classes for ATV safety. To my surprise the
information that the DCNR gave us was nothing more
than a state map with dots marking instruction locations
across the state. No name, phone numbers, addresses,
or information on where, when, or who gives these
much needed and in demand classes. To say the least
the DCNR information was a flop, and it is still that way
on the internet with a DCNR phone number.
It didn’t take long for the PaOHV SCORE crew to inquire
with the DCNR on why they had so little information on
their own classes. The standard response was we can
not publish names because of privacy law. This answer
always amazed me since the ASI and MSF had on line
class registration. The instructor’s names and locations
were in easy view of the public.
This spring I completed the DCNR’s Youth ATV Safety
Class Instructors course where I discussed this problem
with the Master Trainers and the DCNR representative.
Of course the representative reiterated the privacy act,
and the Master Trainers verbalized their dissatisfaction
with the system.
So, it is obvious to me that finding a certified class for
your children is a problem and that instructors can’t find
students. PaOHV has many instructors including me
as members. I am offering free advertisement on www. for interested members. Please send us your
name, phone number, email address, street address, web
page address, class dates, class locations, and what ever
information you wish to post. PaOHV will advertise your
class. This offer is also good to the instructors of the ASI
and MSF DirtBike School.
Williamson, Lepley Elected
to PaOHV Board
Roeg Williamson of Dauphin County and Dick Lepley
of Crawford County were elected in June to the PaOHV
Board of Directors. Williamson will serve his second
term as the Association’s Administrative Director. Mr.
Lepley became the Public Information Director. Both
were elected unanimously.
Each term is three years. Mr. Lepley replaces Bob Abernethy who chose not to seek another term. PaOHV
salutes Bob on a job well done and thanks him for his
service to the off road cause.
PaOHV Supports Quigley
PaOHV has endorsed John Quigley as Secretary of the
Department of Conservation and Natural Resource.
Quigley was nominated in April to replace former Secretary DiBernardinis.
PaOHV sent a letter June 8 to Pennsylvania Senate leaders encouraging confirmation of Quigley. “We have
had the pleasure of working with Mr. Quigley for several
years in his capacity as Chief of Staff to the Department”
wrote PaOHV Executive Director Denny Mann. Mr.
Mann continued, “We have found Mr. Quigley to be an
intelligent and honorable member of the Administration. Be certain, we have not always agreed on policy.
Nevertheless, we have respected his accessibility and his
articulation of the issues.”
Quigley’s nomination has since stalled in the Senate.
Governor Rendell withdrew his name in late June when
Senate leaders balked at bringing Quigley’s nomination
to a vote. Some Senators questioned his ability to lead
the Department after having expressed stances on the
Senate’s budget proposal that were viewed as excessively
partisan. Quigley remains the acting Secretary for the
Training young ATV and Dirt Bike riders is so important
for the future of our sport. Safe riding skills, awareness of
law, and rider etiquette are established in these classes.
Many problems will be avoided in the future if children
take the DCNR or ASI Youth ATV Safety classes and the
MSF DirtBike School. If we can prevent one lost life, we
have achieved a huge success. Please send the needed
information to or PaOHV, P.O.
Box 61741, Harrisburg, PA 17106.
Rider Insurance Continues
as 2009 Newsletter Sponsor
By Bob Connor
Technical Director
PaOHV thanks Rider Insurance for its 2009 Newsletter
sponsorship. Rider Insurance offers an array of insurance products for motorcycles and ATVs. PaOHV asks
that you consider Rider Insurance and all of our corporate members for your off road needs. Visit
for details.
Can our changing economic climate be an opportunity
to pitch the benefits of OHV riding areas in Pennsylvania? For the last fifteen years my fellow members of the
OHV club the Back Mountain
Enduro Riders and I have been
trying to demonstrate to community leaders in Luzerne
County just how beneficial a
legal riding area could be
to financially stressed
communities. I
know of many other
groups across the
state trying to get
the same message across to its community leaders and
landowners. Most are having limited success.
PaOHV Welcomes
Returning Corporate
Members for 2009
This spring, Governor Rendell announced state agency’s
need to cut operating budgets by $500 million. As of
this writing, the budget remains largely uncompleted.
Similarly, I am sure there is not a community in Pennsylvania that is not struggling to achieve a balanced budget
as tax revenues have declined. Still, Pennsylvania misses
the tax dollars that could be generated by robust OHV
James McMahan
Z and M Cycle Sales, Inc.
Greensburg, PA
We have been able to raise some eyebrows by using the
West Virginia Hatfield-McCoy OHV trails’ success as a
prime example. Last year, $23 million was dumped into
the region’s economy by OHV users. Businesses, workers, and government have been the benefactors. The
major stumbling block to duplicating the West Virginia
model in Pennsylvania is always the same--liability. To
combat this problem, Fred Brown, lobbyist for Pennsylvania Off Highway Vehicle Association, has been trying
to change language to the Recreational Use of Land and
Water Act (RULWA).
Nick Kibuk
Kibuk Cycle Sales, Inc.
Kittanning, PA
Cheryl K. Main
Larry’s Sport Center, Inc.
Galeton, PA
Mr. Brad Zepka
Zepka Harley Davidson,
Johnstown, PA
RULWA updates to relieve landowners of reasonable
liability would, in my opinion, open a new chapter for
OHV riders. I feel one of the largest contributors to the
Hatfield – McCoy success were legislative changes in
West Virginal to address landowner liability by including
a fair hold harmless provision. This paved the way for
formation of Hatfield McCoy.
Kim Gallia
RPC Sales, LLC
Chadds Ford, PA
With a new economic climate upon us anything is possible. We all need to keep plugging away for the sport we
enjoy. The opportunity has never been better. Please
join the efforts of Pennsylvania Off Highway Vehicle
Association to keep off road recreation alive in Pennsylvania by joining PaOHV and promoting changes to
Sharon Aleksandrowicz
Aleks Powersports
Erie, PA
Dan Harris
Breezewood Proving
Grounds, Inc.
Clearville, PA
Ann Repine
Tri-County ATV Recreation
and Rescue Association
Heilwood, PA
Rob Speldman
Rausch Creek Powersports
(RC Trailriders)
Valley View, PA
David C. Whiteman
Ameriprise Financial
State College, PA
Andrew Stutzman
ACS Motor Sports
Consulting, LLC
Hegins, PA
OHV Bits and Pieces
• P
aOHV can promote your events or training
sessions. Submit your information to for posting on the
Events page at
•Have you visited the “Where to Ride” pages
on PaOHV has the most
comprehensive and current list of public riding
areas available in Pennsylvania. Check it out.
• Th
e next PaOHV general membership/board
meeting is set for October 24 at 10:00. Look for
the location to be announced on www.paohv.
• P
aOHV welcomes additions and changes to
the “Where to Ride” page. Help us keep the
information current. Submit changes to robert@
• P
aOHV offers low advertising rates for the
Pennsylvania Trailrider. Call Don McClure
at S/MARC promote your
• T
wo resolutions have been introduced in the
state legislature urging exemption of small
bikes and ATV from the Consumer Product
Safety Commission’s list of prohibited products.
PaOHV joined national organizations earlier
this year to oppose the ban based upon the lead
content rules written late last year.
• A
ndy Krape, club representative from Central
PA ATV Association, has been appointed to the
Pennsylvania Recreational Trails Advisory Board.
This Board advises DCNR on the awarding of
PAOHV Board of Directors
Denny Mann
Executive Director
Dick Lepley
Public Information Director
Roeg Williamson
Administrative Director
Bob Connor
Research Director
Jack Clark
Legislative Director
Mike Babusci
Assistant Executive Director
Dave Marchese
Finance Director
Permit No. 762
Harrisburg, PA
P.O. Box 61741
Harrisburg, PA 17106-1741
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