- Canadian Parents for French
- Canadian Parents for French
Cana- CPF Ontario dian Parents for French (Ontario) ISSUE NO. 94, FALL 2006 S W NE 2006 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN OTTAWA Inside this issue: 2006 AGM 2 2006-2007 Board of Directors 2 McGillivray Award 3 The Peer Tutoring Literacy Program 4 Intensive Core French Pilot Project 4 President’s Annual Report 5 Financial Statement 6 Executive Director’s Annual Report 7 Chapter Chat 8 Ontario delegates at the National Conference in Ottawa Hot off the press... Contact the branch office to get your copy of The State of French– Second-Language Education in Can- CPF (Ontario) gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the Department of Canadian Heritage in producing CPF (Ontario) News Marie Brady and her daughter, Kayla, from the Fort Frances Chapter at the Conference Monika Ferenczy, President, CPF (Ontario), addressing the CPF National Conference delegates at the official launch of “The State of French-Second-Language Education in Canada 2006” report. Delegates at the AGM Learning English and French opens doors to tomorrow CPF (Ontario) Annual General Meeting - fast and focused The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) was held on Sunday, October 22, 2006. After two days of participating in fabulous workshops at the National Conference and learning from amazing guest speakers such as Dr. Fred Genesee who presented on “The Suitability of French Immersion for all Students” and Nicole Thibault who spoke on the Intensive French delivery model, our Ontario delegates were ready to get down to business. The afternoon began with a presentation to Paul Caron. He received a Distinguished Life Membership from CPF (Ontario) in recognition of his long-standing commitment and dedication to the advancement of FSL programming in the province. John Ryan, CPF (Ontario) Board member, then accepted the McGillivray Award on behalf of this year’s recipient, Yvonne Dufault (see page 3). The agenda items of the AGM were dealt with efficiently with unanimous acceptance. The President’s Report, the Executive Director’s Report and the Statement of Revenue and Expenses have been reproduced in this newsletter for your review. We are pleased to welcome three new directors to the CPF (Ontario) board, Denis Dalton from Toronto, Luisa Giaitzis from Burlington and Maureen McEvoy from Ottawa. Heather Stauble, our vice-president, ran a very informative one-hour workshop after the AGM specifically for the Ontario delegates. The workshop chronicled events and agreements which led up to the Ontario Action Plan and the Funds for Renewal of FSL, now available to the 60 school boards offering French second language programs. The workshop focused on how CPF (Ontario) members must ensure that board trustees are aware of the availability of these funds and ensure that the funds are being used for new initiatives. Our knowledge of the availability of these funds adds strength to any proposals we may put forth to improve or expand FSL programming and access for all children in the province. It was a great conference! Paul Caron receiving his Distinguished Life Membership from Monika Ferenczy, President, CPF (Ontario) 2006-2007 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Monika Ferenczy PRESIDENT Richard Manuel DIRECTOR John Ryan DIRECTOR Denis Dalton DIRECTOR 2 Martine Brouillet TREASURER Heather Stauble VICE-PRESIDENT Luisa Giaitzis DIRECTOR Maureen McEvoy DIRECTOR CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH (ONTARIO) BOARD OF DIRECTORS & STAFF 2006-2007 PRESIDENT Monika Ferenczy Tel: (519) 631-0371 E-mail: mferenczy@cpfont.on.ca DIRECTOR Luisa Giaitzis E-mail: lgiaitzis@cpfont.on.ca DIRECTOR VICE-PRESIDENT Heather Stauble Tel: (705) 277-3402 E-mail: hstauble@cpfont.on.ca DIRECTOR Richard Manuel Tel: (519) 851-8321 E-mail: rmanuel@cpfont.on.ca TREASURER Martine Brouillet Tel: (905) 891-5728 E-mail: mbrouillet@cpfont.on.ca DIRECTOR Maureen McEvoy E-mail: mmcevoy@cpfont.on.ca DIRECTOR Denis Dalton E-mail: ddalton@cpfont.on.ca DIRECTOR John Ryan Tel: (905) 898-5374 E-mail: jryan@cpfont.on.ca EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Betty Gormley bgormley@cpfont.on.ca MEMBER SERVICES & OFFICE MANAGER Barbara Mison barbara@cpfont.on.ca PROJECTS COORDINATOR Tanzila Mian tmian@cpfont.on.ca PROVINCIAL OFFICE Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) 2055 Dundas Street East, Suite 103 Mississauga, ON L4X 1M2 Tel: (905) 366-1012 Fax: (905) 625-5570 Toll Free: 1-800-667-0594 E-mail: cpfont@cpfont.on.ca Website: www.cpfont.on.ca Membership Support…… Barbara Mison was born and raised in Montréal but has lived in Toronto for many years. She has three children who have gone through the French immersion program and her eldest daughter is now taking a minor in French at university. Barbara Mison, Member Services & Office Manager Barbara has been with CPF (Ontario) for 8 years and is taking on the responsibility of Member Services as well as Office Manager. She will work closely with the members to facilitate access to all CPF (Ontario) grants for camps, French performers, library programs, adult French courses, Chapter newsletters and more. The CPF (Ontario) office is gathering advocacy materials and tools to assist Chapters in their proposals to principals, school boards and trustees. Call Barbara if you are seeking help in advocating for a new initiative or expansion of an FSL program in your area. We are here to help you! 2006 McGillivray Award Winner The winner of the 2006 W.R. McGillivray Award is Yvonne Germaine Dufault, a French immersion teacher at the York Region District School Board and an Optimist International Youth Club Facilitator. The 2006 Awards Committee congratulates Ms. Dufault’s commitment to both French second language education and CPF. The McGillivray Award was established in 1986 by CPF (Ontario) to honour the memory of Russ McGillivray and his outstanding contribution to the development of bilingual education. 3 Yvonne Dufault receiving the McGillivray Award from John Ryan, Director, CPF (Ontario) CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH (ONTARIO) A Successful Pilot of The Peer Tutoring Literacy Program for French Immersion Schools From April - June 2006, a pilot of The Peer Tutoring Literacy Program took place at St. Joseph School, a JKGrade 8 Early French Immersion School in North Bay. With the support of the principal, Marcello Tignanelli, and the staff at the school, a small pilot program was started consisting of four readers from Grades 2 and 3 and four tutors from Grade 7. gram demonstrated that it definitely supported improvements in student reading ability. This program offered students an authentic context in which to communicate in their second official language, French. We were very proud of the work our students were doing in reading and were very impressed and pleased to hear our students communicating with each other in French. This pilot program proved to be a positive and beneficial experience for all involved. Readers looked forward to reading with their peer tutors twice a week for a half hour and the tutors had the opportunity to demonstrate their leadership abilities through this added responsibility. It was very impressive to see and hear the positive interactions that took place between the tutors and the readers. The tutors gently prompted and corrected their peer readers as they read. Ginette Hamelin, FSL Catholic Curriculum Coordinator Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board As the teacher coordinator, my experience with this pro- The Peer Tutoring Literacy Program is aimed at fostering literacy in French Immersion. It is designed for almost independent Grades 2 and 3 readers, with no major learning difficulties, who would benefit from extra reading support. For information, please visit the CPF National website at www.cpf.ca and click on “Resources”. Intensive Core French Pilot Project Ontario’s first training session for Intensive Core French (ICF) took place in August 2006 at Glendon College in Toronto. ICF is an alternative model to teaching core French. Participants included various members of the FSL education community. Under the direction of Intensive Core French co-founder Dr. Claude Germain and ICF teacher Jane Jonah, the training program provided participants with the basic principles of ICF, information on the program’s role in Canadian schools thus far, as well as tangible teaching strategies and practices necessary to begin ICF Ontario pilot programs. presented by CPF (Ontario) to Ontario FSL Education Officer Louise Pharand in October 2005, and to Dr. Avis Glaze, Ontario’s Chair of the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat in February 2006. CPF (Ontario) continues to promote this initiative and anticipates the implementation of pilot project classrooms in the next school year. Miranda Emmerson, ICF Participant For more information on Intensive Core French, please visit Canadian Association of Second Languages Teachers (CASLT) at www.caslt.org/teachers/fslintens.htm. An Intensive Core French Pilot Program proposal was Le concours/festival d’art oratoire CPF (Ontario) is proud to announce that the 23rd annual Le concours/festival d’art oratoire will take place at Glendon College (York University) on Saturday, May 12, 2007. Le concours/festival d’art oratoire is the largest French public speaking event in Ontario. Participants include students in grades 4 to 12 taking French as a second language. Last year 275 students from 29 Ontario school boards participated in the event. Prizes are awarded to students in grades 9-12. First place winners in the 11-12 category move on to the National Concours in Ottawa, scheduled for May 26, 2007. The 1st place winners of that event will receive a 4-year scholarship to the University of Ottawa ($20,000). If you are a parent or teacher and wish to have your child/student participate, contact Tanzila at tmian@cpfont.on.ca. 4 CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH (ONTARIO) CPF Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) President’s Annual Report The past year has been a very successful one for the advancement of French Second Language (FSL) programs in Ontario. With the signing of the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Minority Language and Second Official Language Instruction 2005-06 to 2008-09 in March of this year, unprecedented progress was made towards support and revitalization of Core French and French Immersion programs for Ontario schools. As a result of the Agreement, an Action Plan was created by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities which outlined activities, strategies, expected outcomes, performance indicators and required accountability measures in order to reach the goal outlined in the Canada-Ontario Agreement. For the first time in over fifteen years, school boards received detailed memorandums from the Ministry of Education on how funding provided through the Agreement was to be used at the local level to enhance FSL programs and how school boards were to report back on FSL expenditures. These supplementary funds, under the heading of Renewal of FSL, were received by all school boards by the end of June 2006 and were in addition to the regular ongoing federal and provincial funding received by school boards for FSL programs. 5 A key component of the Agreement includes an ongoing consultative process as progress is charted towards the goal of doubling the proportion of graduates functional in their second official language over the duration of the Agreement. CPF (Ontario) contributed to the initial consultation process to the Action Plan in 2003. Currently, CPF (Ontario) is represented on the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities’ Advisory Committee on French Language Post-Secondary Education, whose mandate is to explore ways to improve student access to diverse programs of study in French after high school. CPF (Ontario) has requested the creation of an FSL Advisory Committee at the Ministry of Education but one does not yet exist. Regular communication, status reports and recommendations continue to be forwarded to the attention of the Minister of Education. CPF (Ontario) also coordinated the effort to bring FSL education stakeholders together to promote and launch the Intensive Core French approach in Ontario. The first provincial training session for Intensive Core French teachers was held at the Glendon College campus of York University in Toronto in August 2006. The initiative was also presented to the Chair of the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, the Minister of Education, teacher federation FSL committees and the Program Development Committee of the Ontario Public School Board’s Association. CPF (Ontario) continues to work with parents, teachers, school boards, other parent groups, the francophone community and FSL researchers to further enhance FSL programs in Ontario schools in 2006-2007. Our expanding partnerships will benefit FSL students and contribute to their success as they use their second official language. Monika Ferenczy CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH (ONTARIO) Financial Statement CPF Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2006 Revenue Canadian Heritage 2006 $ 280,000 Concours Donations Events & Other Income Government of Quebec Grant Interest Earned Membership Rebates - Note 3 Publications Summer Work Revenue Trillium Grant Deferred Revenue - Government of Quebec Grant Deferred Revenue - Trillium Grant Total Revenue Expenditures $ 17,240 $ 5,900 $ 4,860 $ 5,000 $ 34 $ 9,779 $ 31,018 $ 4,925 $ 20,500 ($1,250) ($ 963) $ 377,043 Advertising & Publicity Conference Fees Consultants Grants, Donations & Awards Insurance Meals & Accommodations Office & General Outside Services Postage & Courier Printing & Photocopy Professional Fees Publication Purchase Rebates—note 3 Rent Repairs & Maintenance Salaries Telecommunications Travel Total Expenditures $ 13,833 $ 6,448 $ 9,510 $ 36,997 $ 4,044 $ 15,593 $ 11,992 $ 1,449 $ 6,804 $ 11,550 $ 10,119 $ 20,845 $ 35,451 $ 19,926 $ 3,848 $ 144,260 $ 2,845 $ 15,908 $ 371,422 Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures $ Balance, Beginning of Year Balance, End of Year $ 38,027 $ 43,648 5,621 Assets 2005 2006 Cash Accounts Receivable Inventory Prepaid Expenses Total Assets $ 61,604 $ 34,934 $ 27,544 $ 1,638 $ 125,720 Liabilities Total Liabilities $ 87,072 $ 87,072 Accumulated Excess of Revenue Over Expenditures $ Total Liabilities & Accumulated Excess of Revenue Over Expenditures $ 125,720 Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities, Deferred Revenue from Gov’t of Quebec Grant & Trillium Grant 43,648 Note - Related Party Transactions - CPF (Ontario) receives membership rebates from its National affiliate. It also pays rebates to the various Chapters situated in Ontario. Executive Director’s Annual Report Since joining CPF (Ontario) in July, I have been impressed by the dedication of the Board of Directors, Chapter executives and members alike. Recent Chapter visits made it clear to me that CPF is truly a parent-based organization from which we derive our passion to promote the benefits of French second language education and linguistic duality. CPF Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) We have the commitment of strong individuals and, as an organization, our strategies have been outlined but will that be enough to address the ambitious goal of the Federal Government to double the number of functionally bilingual graduates by the year 2013? We need just a glance at the enrolment statistics and trends identified in The State of French Second Language Education in Canada Report 2006 to know that there is much work to be done. One of my first orders of business as your new Executive Director was to prepare the Canadian Heritage application for core funding for 2007-2009 for the Ontario Branch of CPF. Along with a forecast of activities, the application summarizes the results we achieved over the past year that bring us a little closer to the 2013 goal. I am encouraged by what we accomplished in 2005-06. The President’s Report highlights CPF (Ontario)’s efforts at promoting the Intensive Core French approach and coordinating the first teacher training session on this method. We also contributed at the ministerial level to improving access and requested the establishment of an FSL Advisory Committee. These efforts support the three strategic priorities identified in the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Action Plan to: • Improve Core French; • Revitalize French immersion; • Increase the number of French teachers. I am encouraged by the level of activity that the CPF (Ontario) office staff was able to coordinate in 2005-06 while maintaining an excellent standard of service. Le concours/festival d’art oratoire continued to thrive with thousands of young Ontarians competing in classrooms across the province for the honour of representing their schools and school boards at this annual provincial FSL public speaking event held at Glendon College (York University). We continue to develop opportunities and programs that demonstrate that the French language is not an abstraction but a living breathing part of our community. “L’esprit d’école”, a leadership weekend held in February 2006, encouraged students to think, play and live in French for an extended period of time. Likewise, the CPF (Ontario) sponsored summer camps benefited over 1,000 children this year, with the number of camps almost doubling from the previous year! There are new projects ahead. CPF (Ontario) recently entered into a partnership with Opera York who will be touring “L’opéra pour les écoles”, a French introduction to opera with dialogue to engage a young FSL audience. It will likely run in three communities in Ontario in the spring of 2007. As we expand the number of activities, we must also strengthen our governance and our advocacy capacity. The Nominating Committee put forth a slate of directors for the year 2006-2007 that will increase the size of the current CPF (Ontario) Board of Directors and increase our ability to reach out to new partners, like-minded associations and stakeholders in FSL education. We welcome these new members and recognize the additional expertise they will bring to the organization. We will continue to provide Chapters with advocacy tools to help them achieve results within their school boards and the public at large. Chapters, in turn, must also expand their membership base. CPF (Ontario)’s current membership has increased by 18% since February 2005. It is encouraging but still a very slow growth rate in comparison to the other CPF branches across the country. This province’s expansive geography makes it very costly to carry out the level of outreach that we would like. Budget permitting, we plan on running a comprehensive membership campaign with a focus on the northern and eastern regions of the province where we have much room to grow. We recently acknowledged new Chapters in both Huntsville and London and, hopefully, there will be many more to come. Betty Gormley 7 CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH (ONTARIO) Chapter Chat - Durham Homework Help For French Immersion Students The Ajax Public Library and CPF Durham have joined with volunteers from Le Club Français to provide homework help to French immersion students, free of charge! help that is given to the children. Thanks a bunch and keep up the good work!” commented Carol Shakes. Grade 2 students meet Tuesdays and those in Grades 3-4 meet each Thursday. Both sessions are from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the children’s program room at the main library. Le Club Français will run for two months, ending on November 30th. Parents are asked to donate French books for the library. “My son, Steffan, has found Le Club Français to be very beneficial. He looks forward to being with other kids as they play fun games. They work in groups together and make the homework less challeging. We really appreciate all the Volunteers include students from both the French Immersion and French First Language high schools. “When programs become available they must be supported to be sustained or they will be lost.” K. Allen, CPF Durham As a result of offering the homework help club, additional programs have been initiated in the community: “Summer Daycamp” and “Fun Night” on Fridays, a drop-in program for gym activities en français for $2. A great opportunity to communicate in French outside the classroom! “Parents have to ask for these programs, they will not magically appear. Library programs and resources are determined by population statistics. French Immersion students are not identified in these numbers. Libraries need to be open to partnerships and volunteers as they cannot create these programs on their own. When programs become available they must be sustained or they will be lost.” Karem Allen, CPF Durham. For further information, visit CPF Durham’s website at www.cpfdurham.ca. “Our partnership with Le Club Français is a great example of how we are able to expand our services beyond the scope of our in-house resources.” Cindy Kimber (pictured left), Community Relations Coordinator, Ajax Library Services. Chapter Chat - Hamilton-Wentworth Keys to French Inserted Over the years CPF Hamilton-Wentworth has developed a list of events that have become mainstays in our calendar. Learning French Made Easy! This year our Chapter included The Keys to French in each student agenda. This initiative rewards the students, parents, teachers and school boards for their continued support, while making more people aware of CPF. Over 1,500 students in the Catholic and Public Boards have the inserts in their agendas, and we are getting positive feedback. We hope the Board will see the benefits of the tool and continue to include it for all students. Kaywana Gargarello CPF Hamilton-Wentworth 8 The Keys to French, Levels I, II and Les Clés are a great way to help your children improve their French. These three booklets contain over 700 commonly used French verbs, grammar and vocabulary. Members can purchase their own Keys to French for only $4 each! Visit our website at www.cpfont.on.ca or contact the branch office. CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH (ONTARIO) Chapter Chat - Mississauga South “Survival Night” Our Chapter attracted over 200 parents to our first ever “Survival Night for Parents of French Immersion Children” held on October 12, 2006. The evening was targeted to parents of children in grades 1-2. There are approximately 800 French immersion students in the Chapter’s 6 elementary schools. A networking session was followed by 3 presentations aimed at helping parents: • How to deal with “Les Devoirs” ...when you don’t speak French - presented by a grade 1 French immersion teacher, Angela Keipert. Topics included why homework is necessary and beneficial, where and when it should be undertaken and, most importantly, how parents can support their children in French when they do not speak the language. • The importance of reading with children - presented by Edith Underwood, early literacy teacher. Reviewed strategies to make the reading experience meaningful to the child. • French Resources - presented by Rita Bloem, Chair, CPF Mississauga South Chapter. Information relating to libraries, bookstores, TV, radio, DVDs and internet sites was shared with the audience. If parents could not arrange babysitting, their children were welcome to watch a French movie in the library. Many families took us up on that offer! Overall, we attributed the success of the evening to a real desire of parents to support their children, the free babysitting and, of course, the tremendous efforts of a dedicated band of volunteers! Rita Bloem, CPF Mississauga South Basic French Course for Parents The following Chapters are offering basic French courses for parents: Halton Stratford Huron-Perth Goderich Toronto West Mississauaga West York Region For details, contact the office at 905366-1012 or 1-800-667-0594. 9 Tune to French television programming at TFO to support your child’s learning in French. Advantages? • Develop the ability to understand spoken French. • Exposure to French culture. • Hear and understand a variety of language situations and accents outside the classroom. • Reinforce and expand on curriculumbased learning. To view TFO’s television schedule, visit www.tfo.org/television. CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH (ONTARIO) The Web in both official languages... CONVERSE CENTRE FOR SECOND LANGUAGES “Bridging the language barrier” Computer - Ordinateur Keyboard - Clavier Screen - Écran Scan - Numériseur Mouse pad - Tapis de souris Bug - Bogue Click - Cliquer Merge - Fusionner Download - Télécharger Browse - Navigeur Scroll bar - Barre de défilement E-mail address - Adresse de courriel Electronic mail - Courrier électronique Our strength Our passion Our guide Our commitment is our extensive experience is second language teaching is our students’ needs is language competence For course outline and schedule visit us at www.conversecentre.com Call: 416-625-6948 10 Backup - Souvegarde Home page - Page d’accueil Password - Mot de passe Copy - Copier Print - Imprimer Save - Sauvegarder Cut - Couper Paste - Coller Underscore - Soulignement CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH A Global Experience! Canadian Education Exchange Foundation Fondation canadienne des échanges éducatifs A not-for-profit organization! France Belgium Luxembourg Spain Mexico Italy Germany The Netherlands RECIPROCAL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGES for... • Individual Secondary School Students 14–17 years old. 3 months abroad + 3 months hosting. •2007 Summer Cultural Exchanges France, Switzerland or Spain. 1 month abroad + 1 month hosting. •Short-term Class/Small Group Exchanges also available Canadian Education Exchange Foundation 250 Bayview Drive Barrie ON Canada L4N 4Y8 Phone: 705 739-7596 Fax: 705 739-7764 E-mail: info@ceef.ca Web Site: www.ceef.ca 11 25 Years and counting… The following Ontario School Boards have offered French Immersion for 25 years or more: Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Durham District School Board Grand Erie District School Board Halton District School Board Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board Ottawa-Carleton Catholic District School Board Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Peel District School Board PVNC Catholic District School Board Toronto Catholic District School Board Toronto District School Board Waterloo Region District School Board York Region District School Board CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH CPF MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION CPF allows one or two adults per family as voting members. MEMBERSHIP FEES: Ο Ο Ο BEST VALUE! New Membership 3 YEAR - $60.00 1 YEAR - $25.00 Donation* Total (No GST) Renewal: Membership #__________ Change of Address MEMBER INFORMATION Member’s Surname:_______________ Given Name: _______________ $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ 65% of your membership fee supports the activities of your local Chapter, 25% supports CPF’s work at the Branch level and 10% goes to CPF National to partially cover processing costs. Spouse’s Surname: _______________ Given Name: _______________ DONATIONS Your gift in support of CPF is welcomed and appreciated. All donations Street: __________________________________City: ______________ are important to us. However, due to cost, we will issue tax receipts in January of the following year only to donors who have made donations of Province: ______Postal Code: _______ Home Phone: ( )__________ more than $10, unless a receipt for a lesser amount is specifically requested. Work Phone: ( )_________________ Fax: ( ) __________________ CPF Charitable Reg. No. 11883 5131 RR0001 Thank you for your support! E-mail: ____________________________________________________ Payment by: □Visa □Master Card □Cheque Enclosed School Board: ______________________________________________ Name on card: ______________________________________________ School's: __________________________________________________ Card #: ________________________________Expire Date:__________ Local CPF Chapter/Section: ___________________________________ Signature:__________________________________________________ I understand that the personal information collected on this form is for the purpose of forwarding various newsletters and other mailings related to FSL matters as well as fundraising materials. Occasionally, the CPF membership list may be made available to other groups/agencies to offer members special benefits or education-related information. Use of the list will be carefully regulated and only permitted under a contract specifying confidentiality and one-time authorization. If you do not wish to receive mailings, other than directly from CPF, PLEASE CHECK THIS BOX: □ Return to: CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH 176 Gloucester Street, Suite #310, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0A6 CPF Marketplace TO ORDER: Visit our website at www.cpfont.on.ca or call the CPF (Ontario) office at 905-366-1012 or 1-800-667-0594. You can also e-mail us at cpfont@cpfont.on.ca. PROUD OF TWO LANGUAGES PROUD OF TWO LANGUAGES PROUD OF TWO LANGUAGES The Keys to French, Levels I, II & Les Clés Pins Balloons For your kids, those hardworking teachers, that supportive principal, the librarian or the French consultant at your Board... Great for displays at Chapter events such as kindergarten sign-up night. $3.50 each or 3 for $10 $5 for a package of 25 balloons Are you moving? Don’t forget to call or email the Branch with your new information!“To catch the reader's attention, place Compact reference guides providing quick access to the basic elements of French grammar. Visit our website for more information. Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) 2055 Dundas St. East, Suite 103 Mississauga, Ontario L4X 1M2 $4 each