notice, agenda and materials - Missouri Housing Development
notice, agenda and materials - Missouri Housing Development
MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2013 9:00 A.M. 2601CREEK S. PROVIDENCE ROAD STONEY INN & CONVENTION SALON A CENTER COLUMBIA, MO 65203 2601 S. PROVIDENCE ROAD SALON A COLUMBIA, MO 65203 REGULAR MEETING OF THE MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. Notice is hereby given that the Missouri Housing Development Commission will conduct its meeting at 9:00 A.M. on Friday, March 14, 2014: Stoney Creek Inn 2601 S. Providence Rd. Columbia, MO 65203 The tentative agenda of this meeting is attached to this notice. The news media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting: Lynn Sigler Missouri Housing Development Commission 3435 Broadway Kansas City, MO 64111 (816)759-6822 MHDC will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities at the public site. To request an accommodation, please contact Lynn Sigler at (816) 759-6822 or REGULAR MEETING OF THE MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2014 – 9:00 A.M. SECOND AMENDED AGENDA1 STONEY CREEK INN, 2601 S. PROVIDENCE, COLUMBIA, MO 65203 Regular Meeting 1. Roll call 2. Approval of Minutes a. Approval of minutes for the regular meeting of the December 6, 2013 3. Report of Staff a. Request for approval of funding for the 2014 Rental Production Project List b. Request for approval of the 2014 Tax Exempt Bond Round NOFA c. Request for approval of Bond Resolution No. 1036, Single Family Mortgage Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2014 Series A d. Request for approval of Bond Resolution No. 1037, Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, 2014 Series B e. Request for approval of selection of Single Family Market Rate Program Administrator f. Request for approval of Bond Resolution No. 1038, Multifamily Housing Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2014 Series 1 g. Request for approval of RFP for Bond Counsel h. Staff recommendations for Emergency Solutions Grant funding approvals i. Request for approval of Resolution No. 877, revised j. Financial Report and Budget Update k. Rental Production Update l. Asset Management Update 4. Such other matters that may come before the commission 5. Adjourn 1 The agenda for this meeting was originally published on Tuesday, March 4, 2014, but was amended on Friday, March 7, 2014. The amended agenda includes a change to agenda item number 3(a) and an additional matter, agenda item number 3(l) TAB 1 Roll Call Missouri Housing Development Commission Roster Chairman: Governor: Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon Governor State Capitol Building P.O. Box 720 Jefferson City, MO 65102 573.751.3222 Attn: Ted Ardini Brian May State of Missouri Office of the Governor Wainwright Building, Room 929 111 North 7th Street St. Louis, MO 63101 314.340.7518 Lieutenant Governor: Peter Kinder Lieutenant Governor State Capitol Building Room 224 Jefferson City, MO 65101 573.751.4727 Attn: Brian Bunten Jeffrey S. Bay (Chairman) Van Osdol and Magruder, P.C. 911 Main St., Suite 2400 Kansas City, MO 64105 816.421.0644 Vice Chairman: Troy L. Nash (Vice Chairman) Zimmer Real Estate 1220 Washington Street, Suite 100 Kansas City, MO 64105 816.268.4230 Secretary Treasurer: Greg L. Roberts (Secretary-Treasurer) The Roberts Law Firm 215 Chesterfield Business Parkway, Suite A Chesterfield, MO 63005 636.489.4187 Treasurer: Clint Zweifel State Treasurer State Capitol Building P.O. Box 210 Jefferson City, MO 65102 573.751.8533 Attn: Angie Heffner Robyn Sarah Swoboda Attorney General: Chris Koster Attorney General Supreme Court Building 207 W. High Street P.O. Box 899 Jefferson City, MO 65102 573.751.3321 Attn: Jim Farnsworth Page 1 of 1 Rev. 09/11/13 TAB 2 Approval of Minutes MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes of Meeting Held on Friday, December 6, 2013 The regular meeting of the Missouri Housing Development Commission was held on Friday, December 6, 2013 at 1 p.m., at Stoney Creek Inn, 2601 S. Providence Road, Columbia, Missouri. Those present were: Commissioners and Persons Present to Vote for Ex-Officio Members Jeffrey S. Bay, Chairman Peter Kinder, Lieutenant Governor (telephone) Angie Robyn, Deputy State Treasurer Jim Farnsworth, Assistant Attorney General Troy Nash, Vice Chairman (telephone) David Cosgrove, Secretary/Treasurer Greg Roberts, Commissioner Commissioners Absent Jay Nixon, Governor Clint Zweifel, State Treasurer Chris Koster, Attorney General Staff Members Kip Stetzler, Interim Executive Director Greg Canuteson, Senior Deputy Director Tina Beer, Director of Operations Heather Bradley-Geary, Community Initiatives Manager Marian Campbell, Director of Asset Management Sara Turk, Fiscal & Accounting Manager Marilyn Lappin, Director of Finance Lynn Sigler, Operations Supervisor Megan Word, Legislative Coordinator August Metz, AHAP Administrator Frank Quagraine, Senior Underwriter Weylin Watson, General Counsel Darnell Busch, Information Technologist Terrence Sullivan, Business Process Systems Analyst Debbie Stevens, Administrative Clerk Joselyn Pfliegier, Community Initiatives Coordinator Katie Buckner, Community Initiatives Coordinator John Watson, Governor Nixon’s Chief of Staff Brian May, Governor Nixon’s Office Sarah Swoboda, State Treasurer’s Office Brian Bunten, Lieutenant Governor’s Office Other Meeting Participants Chairman Bay called the meeting to order and roll call was taken by Ms. Sigler. A quorum was present. Kip Stetzler presented the minutes from the Commission meeting held on Friday, September 20, 2013 for approval. A motion was made by Lt. Governor Kinder and seconded by Commissioner Cosgrove to approve the minutes. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-0. The next item on the agenda was the report of the chairman. Chairman Bay recognized the Governor’s Chief of Staff John Watson and invited Mr. Watson to address the Commission. Mr. Watson made a request of the Commission concerning agenda item -- the approval of Rental Production 2014 Round 1 applications. The next item on the agenda was the report of the Facilities Committee. Ms. Tina Beer reported that the Facilities Committee met on November 21 to discuss options for a lease for operations for the Kansas City office. The committee looked at the 8 responses to the RFP and determined that 10 Main Center, which is located at 920 Main, was the best financial option. The Facilities Committee requested the Commission to approve staff to move forward with that lease. A motion was made by Commissioner Nash and seconded by Commissioner Cosgrove to move forward with the 10 Main Center lease. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-0. The Report of Staff followed. Marilyn Lappin, Director of Finance presented the Financial Report for the month of October 2013. Marilyn Lappin requested approval of the RFP for the Single Family Market Rate Program Administrator and Resolution No. 1035 to establish a Mortgage Credit Certificate Program. A motion was made by Commissioner Cosgrove to approve both components of the recommendation and it was seconded by Commissioner Roberts. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-0. Tina Beer, Director of Operations asked for approval of Resolution 877. Ms. Beer presented that Sara Turk replaced Ron Hill, Greg Canuteson was added and Emily Blakey was added to replace Gary Meyer. A motion was made by Commissioner Roberts to approve Resolution No. 877 and it was seconded by Chairman Bay. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-0. Tina Beer requested the approval of the 2013 HOME Repair Opportunity Program funding recommendations. A motion was made by Commissioner Cosgrove and seconded by Commissioner Roberts. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-0. Heather Bradley-Geary, Community Initiatives Manager, requested approval of funding recommendations for Missouri Housing Trust Fund. A motion was made by Commissioner Roberts and seconded by Commissioner Cosgrove. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-0. Heather Bradley-Geary requested approval of funding recommendations for the Homeless Management Information System. A motion was made by Commissioner Nash and seconded by Deputy State Treasurer Robyn. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-0. Heather Bradley-Geary requested approval of funding recommendations for the Housing First Program. A motion was made by Commissioner Cosgrove and seconded by Commissioner Nash. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-0. Kip Stetzler requested that the Commission approve those developments reflected on the spreadsheets titled “2014 Round 1 – Rental Production Recommended Applications” included in the meeting material. A motion was made by Chairman Bay to approve the adoption of the list of developments recommended by staff as a final project list, and that the developments on the project list shall be subject to a subsequent motion on or after March 13, 2014 for final approval and authorization by the Commission including approval and authorization of tax credits. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Cosgrove. The motion passed with a vote of 6-1, with Lt. Governor Kinder voting no. There was a motion made by Chairman Bay to table Agenda Item 4i – 2014 Tax Exempt Bond NOFA until the next meeting. Commissioner Cosgrove seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 6-1, with Lt. Governor Kinder voting no. There was a motion made by Chairman Bay to move the February 21, 2014 regular meeting to March 14, 2014. Commissioner Roberts seconded the motion. The motion passed with a vote of 6-1, with Lt. Governor Kinder voting no. Megan Word requested approval of the RFP for the Housing Needs Assessment. A motion was made by Commissioner Nash and seconded by Commissioner Cosgrove. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 7-0. Kip Stetzler presented the Rental Production update. Marian Campbell presented the Asset Management update. Kip Stetzler informed the Commission that he will present to the Commission a revised 10-year Flood Plain Policy at the next Commission Meeting. Weylin Watson informed the Commission that MHDC received notice of a class action lawsuit against Federal Express. The Commission acknowledged that the staff can handle this notice and any future class action notices without seeking advice from outside counsel and without bringing the matter to the Commission for approval. No formal vote was taken. A motion was made to adjourn by Chairman Bay and seconded by Commissioner Cosgrove; the meeting was adjourned. ________________________________________________ Jeffrey S. Bay, Chairman TAB 3 (a) Report of Staff Request for approval of funding for the 2014 Round 1 Approved Applications 2014 Round 1 - Rental Production Project List 9% LIHTC / HOME / Fund Balance Kansas City Region Project # Units New Rehab Conv HOME NonCHDO profit TC Senior / Set-aside Set-aside Family (Y) (Y) 14-018 56 New Family 14-022 59 New Family 14-070 48 New Senior 14-091 12 New Senior 14-095 33 New Family Development Name Developer City Federal State 9% 9% Tax Tax Credits Credits Ridgeway Villas at the Legends North Star Housing LLC Raymore 620,000 620,000 St. Michael's Housing Phase II Yarco Company, Inc. Kansas City 592,000 592,000 Briar Creek Villas Housing Investment Partners, II Belton 545,000 545,000 Yes Ivanhoe Gateway at 39th Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council Kansas City 178,000 178,000 Yes Rose Hill Townhomes Affordable Housing of Kansas City, Inc. Kansas City 505,000 505,000 Yes HOME MHDC PERMANENT PARTICIPATION LOAN AHAP Credits 1,600,000 195,000 878,000 200,000 St. Louis Region Project # Units New Rehab Conv HOME NonCHDO profit TC Senior / Set-aside Set-aside Family (Y) (Y) 14-013 40 New Senior 14-019 42 New Senior 14-028 101 New Senior Yes Yes Development Name Developer City Federal State 9% 9% Tax Tax Credits Credits HOME MHDC Bluff View Apartments Arapaho Development LLC Festus 570,000 570,000 Woodbury Place II JES Dev Co, Inc. O'Fallon 515,000 515,000 Covenant House McCormack Baron Salazar St. Louis 630,000 630,000 DeSales Impact 2014 DeSales Community Housing Corporation St. Louis 417,000 417,000 465,000 750,000 999,350 14-034 36 14-036 48 New Family Town Square Apartments Gardner Development, LLC Dardenne Prairie 619,000 619,000 725,000 14-048 60 New Senior West Clay Senior Living Phoenix Real Estate Services, LLC St. Charles 657,000 657,000 1,000,000 14-067 53 New Senior Yes Pine Lawn Senior Apartments Beyond Housing Pine Lawn 609,000 609,000 1,250,000 14-100 40 New Family Yes Lemay Homes Lemay Homes Developer, KKC St. Louis 526,000 526,000 850,000 Yes AHAP Credits 300,000 New + Rehab Family PERMANENT PARTICIPATION LOAN 465,000 2014 Round 1 - Rental Production Project List 9% LIHTC / HOME / Fund Balance Outstate Region Project # Units New Rehab Conv HOME NonCHDO profit TC Senior / Set-aside Set-aside Family (Y) (Y) Development Name Developer City Federal State 9% 9% Tax Tax Credits Credits Mary Street Seniors Community Action Partnership of Greater St. Joseph St. Joseph Family Sullivan Heights Apartments Midcontinent Equity Holdings, LLC Sullivan 452,500 452,500 MACO Development Company, LLC Cape Girardeau 465,000 465,000 14-007 5 New Senior 14-010 48 New Yes HOME MHDC 800,000 1,450,000 300,000 14-015 40 New Senior Silver Springs Apartments 14-023 76 Rehab Senior Rose Park Estates Red-Wood Development, Inc. Bolivar 630,000 630,000 14-042 47 New Family Oakwood Place Affordable Homes Development, Inc. Republic 590,000 590,000 14-044 102 Rehab Family Brookdale East Hughes Development Company, Inc. St. Joseph 555,000 555,000 1,300,000 2,400,000 14-046 64 New Family Fish Haven Apts. Legacy Property Developments, LLC Lake Ozark 660,000 660,000 700,000 1,300,000 14-052 48 New Family Fox Fiver Estates Four Corners Development LLC Willard 570,000 570,000 Chillicothe 345,000 345,000 14-053 48 Rehab Family Yes Shawnee Place Chillicothe Housing Authority Development Corporation 14-055 40 New Family Yes James Place O'Reilly Development Co, LLC Springfield 423,000 423,000 14-057 157 Rehab Senior Yes St. Francis/King Hill Interfaith Community Services DBA Interserv St. Joseph 481,000 481,000 Lancaster Duplex Housing Project Northeast Missouri Community Action Agency Lancaster Fox Creek Villas MBL Development Marshall 470,000 470,000 Bloomsdale and Park Hills 364,000 364,000 351,000 351,000 14-063 2 New Family 14-071 34 New Senior 14-093 56 Rehab Senior 14-105 36 New Senior Yes Yes Yes Bloomsdale Estates/ Pleasant View Estates East Missouri Action Agency, Inc. Yes Hawthorne Senior Housing Missouri Valley Community Action Agency Warrensburg Columbia Hannibal 14-107 12 New Family McKee Street New Horizons Community Support Services 14-110 48 Rehab Family Holman Place Iceberg Development 235,000 850,000 1,200,000 195,000 380,000 960,000 1,610,877 389,000 389,000 350,000 PERMANENT PARTICIPATION LOAN AHAP Credits 2014 Round 1 - Rental Production Project List 4% LIHTC / HOME / AHAP Project # Units New Rehab Conv Senior / Family Development Name Developer 14-404 TE 87 Rehab Family Station Plaza Lofts Sherman Associates 14-405 TE 67 New + Rehab Senior Life Skills Rehab Project Renaissance Property Group City St. Louis Kirkwood, Overland, Riverview Federal 4% State 4% Tax Credits Tax Credits Exempt Bond Const. 500,077 480,000 12,000,000 248,000 248,000 5,300,000 HOME 1,690,000 AHAP Credits Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Kansas City 14-018 Ridgeway Villas at the Legends North Star Housing LLC Raymore Family New Construction Special Needs, MBE/WBE, 50% AMI Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: The new construction of 56 family townhomes/duplexes in Raymore with 11% of units set aside for special needs tenants. Rents for special needs units will be substantially lower than rents for non-special needs units. Project will include a conference room where the special needs lead referral agency can meet with clients. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Competitive total development costs Numerous priorities Strong demographics Very low rents for special needs units Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC Fund Balance $1,600,000 Federal and State LIHTC Equity $7,873,479 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $181,724 Total Sources: $9,655,203 Construction Sources MHDC Participation Fund Balance Tax Credit Equity $7,400,000 $1,511,603 Uses: Construction Costs $6,529,537 Architect and Engineering $123,200 Construction Interest $263,625 Contingency $364,200 Closing Legal $16,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $56,000 Acquisition Costs $707,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $1,010,000 MHDC and Related Costs $87,500 Reserves $269,600 Other Development Costs $218,541 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $9,655,203 Total $9,655,203 $172,414 Reserves $269,600 $4,814 MHDC Fees $87,500 $1,563 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $9,298,103 $166,038 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 2 Bed/2 Bath 3 Bed/2 Bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 14 42 Sq Ft 984 1081 - 1294 Market $850 $925 % of Market 35% - 76% 38% - 76% Total $393,468 $258,196 $135,272 $94,452 $40,820 Per Unit $7,026 $4,611 $2,416 $1,687 $729 Year 1 1.43 Year 15 1.36 56 56 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $300 - $650 $350 - $700 Amount $620,000 $620,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $11,071 $0.43 $11,071 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $11,071 $11,071 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Kansas City 14-022 St. Michael's Housing Phase II Yarco Company, Inc. Kansas City Family New Construction Non-Profit, Service Enriched, Special Needs Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: The 2nd phase of the development of the St. Michael Veterans Campus, a 22 acre complex located adjacent to the VA Hospital in Kansas City that will market to Homeless veterans. This is a 59 unit, one building that will be four stories high, with a Supportive Services Center. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. This is number one on the City's priority list. 2. The City has committed $2.5 million to fund infrasrtucture and site improvements on the campus and over $1 milion to fund the Supportive Services Center. 3. It's a 100% special needs proposal. Loan Information Permanent Sources CDBG MHDC HOME $1,067,716 $200,000 Federal and State LIHTC Equity Federal and State Historic Equity $7,991,455 $0 AHAP Donation $1,596,364 Deferred Developer Fee $95,823 Total Sources: $10,951,358 Construction Sources MHDC HOME Tax Credit Equity Conventional CDBG AHAP Donation Proceeds $195,000 $1,598,291 $5,580,000 $1,067,716 $1,596,364 Uses: Construction Costs $8,151,583 Architect and Engineering $260,000 Construction Interest $188,325 Contingency $478,000 Closing Legal $70,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $200,000 Acquisition Costs $50,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $950,000 MHDC and Related Costs $12,000 Reserves $289,400 Other Development Costs $302,050 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $10,951,358 Total $10,951,358 $185,616 Reserves $289,400 $4,905 MHDC Fees $12,000 $203 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $10,649,958 $180,508 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bdrm/1 bath 2 Bdrm/1 bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 55 4 Sq Ft 580 817 Market $725 $800 % of Market 90% 94% Total $432,450 $317,388 $115,062 $0 $115,062 Per Unit $7,330 $5,379 $1,950 $0 $1,950 Year 1 N/A Year 15 N/A 59 59 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $650 $750 Amount $592,000 $592,000 $0 $0 $878,000 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.92 $10,034 $0.43 $10,034 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $14,881 Per Unit (All) $10,034 $10,034 $0 $0 $14,881 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Kansas City 14-070 Briar Creek Villas, LP Houisng Investment Partners, II Belton Elderly New Construction Service Enriched, AMI50, Extended Use Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: A 48 unit 3-story building with a central elevator, and multiple community spaces on each floor that will include an exercise room, community room with kitchenette and a Library with computer workstations. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. Great location for this senior property. 2. Very reasonable development cost and rental rates, comparatively, in the Kansas City MSA. 3. An area that is in need of affordable housing as echoed by the Mayor for the City of Belton at the public hearing. Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC - Fund Balance GP Equity $200,000 $100 Federal and State LIHTC Equity $6,920,584 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $88,884 Total Sources: $7,209,568 Construction Sources MHDC - Participation Loan Tax Credit Equity GP Equity $3,600,000 $2,906,570 $100 Uses: Construction Costs $4,920,000 Architect and Engineering $110,000 Construction Interest $89,775 Contingency $250,000 Closing Legal $50,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $0 Acquisition Costs $473,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $810,000 MHDC and Related Costs $29,400 Reserves $230,808 Other Development Costs $246,585 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $7,209,568 Total $7,209,568 $150,199 Reserves $230,808 $4,809 MHDC Fees $29,400 $613 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $6,949,360 $144,778 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bdrm/ 1 Bath 2 Bdrm/ 2 Bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 24 24 Sq Ft 751 - 820 1023 Market $725 $825 % of Market 66% - 69% 70% Total $292,342 $242,445 $49,897 $11,458 $38,439 Per Unit $6,090 $5,051 $1,040 $239 $801 Year 1 4.35 Year 15 1.66 48 48 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $475 - $500 $575 Amount $545,000 $545,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $11,354 $0.43 $11,354 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $11,354 $11,354 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Kansas City 14-091 Ivanhoe Gateway at 39th Ivanhoe Neighborhood Council Kansas City Elderly New Construction Non-Profit, Extended Use, MBE/WBE Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: A 12 unit infill proposal in three four-plex buildings in an established neighborhood with single family residences and multifamly properies that has direct access from US Hwy. 71 which provides access to the city. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. Proposal will trully help further revitalize "The Green Impact Zone" of the city of Kansas City. 2. Number two priority for the City of Kansas City requiring only $178,000 in Fed. & State credits. 3. Very reasonble rents at $495 for an elderly 4-plex housing in the Kansas City metro area. Loan Information Permanent Sources Federal and State LIHTC Equity Federal and State Historic Equity AHAP Donation Deferred Developer Fee Total Sources: Construction Sources $2,278,097 Participation Const Loan $0 Tax Credit Equity $0 $22,504 $2,300,602 $1,600,000 $455,619 Uses: Construction Costs Architect and Engineering Construction Interest Contingency Closing Legal Environmental Abatement Relocation Expense Furniture and Fixtures Acquisition Costs Developer/Consultant Fee MHDC and Related Costs Reserves Other Development Costs Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $1,522,425 $65,000 $50,667 $80,000 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $35,000 $240,000 $26,810 $69,200 $181,500 $2,300,602 Total $2,300,602 $191,717 Reserves $69,200 $5,767 MHDC Fees $26,810 $2,234 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $2,204,592 $183,716 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 2 Bdrm/ 1 Bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 12 Sq Ft 1041 Net Rent $495 Market $675 % of Market 73% Total $67,716 $50,272 $17,444 $0 $17,444 Per Unit $5,643 $4,189 $1,454 $0 $1,454 Year 1 Year 15 12 12 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Amount $178,000 $178,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.85 $14,833 $0.43 $14,833 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $14,833 $14,833 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Kansas City 14-095 Rose Hill Townhomes Affordable Housing of Kansas City, Inc. Kansas City Family New Construction Non-Profit, Special Needs, Extended Use, MBE/WBE Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: A 33 unit urban, townhouse design concept with 2 and 3 bedroom , one bath units with all the amenities and feel of a single family residence. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. A 100% special needs proposal for the formerly homeless. 2. Centrally located within the City of Kansas City MSA and ideally situated near transit, schools and employment centers. 3. The lead referral agency is located just 2 blocks away and will provide services on-site. 4. The Housing Authority's development arm is the sponsor and will ensure rental assistance for the tenants. Loan Information Permanent Sources GP Equity $100 Federal and State LIHTC Equity $6,413,076 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $59,058 Total Sources: $6,472,234 Construction Sources MHDC/Great Southern Participation Tax Credit Equity GP Equity $4,680,000 $1,146,774 $100 Uses: Construction Costs $4,374,991 Architect and Engineering $220,000 Construction Interest $153,387 Contingency $220,000 Closing Legal $35,000 Environmental Abatement $50,000 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $6,000 Acquisition Costs $273,300 Developer/Consultant Fee $634,000 MHDC and Related Costs $17,750 Reserves $172,800 Other Development Costs $315,006 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $6,472,234 Total $6,472,234 $196,128 Reserves $172,800 $5,236 MHDC Fees $17,750 $538 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $6,281,684 $190,354 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 1 22 10 Sq Ft 805 900 1090 Market $600 $700 $800 % of Market 75% 75% 78% Total $203,670 $168,152 $35,518 $0 $35,518 Per Unit $6,172 $5,096 $1,076 $0 $1,076 Year 1 N/A Year 15 N/A 33 33 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $450 $525 $625 Amount $505,000 $505,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $15,303 $0.43 $15,303 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $15,303 $15,303 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Saint Louis 14‐013 Bluff View Apartments Arapaho Development LLC Festus Elderly New Construction Non‐Profit, Service Enriched, Special Needs, Extended Use Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: A 40 unit 3‐story brick & hardy cement siding 2bdrm/1 bath building with all units wheelchair accessible to meet the needs of special needs tenants. Developer proposes to add solar panels to reduce utility bills for the common areas if budget allows. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. A special needs proposal in an area with documented waiting list for this type of development. 2. Great location. 3. Has full support from the community as well as a Resolution of Support Letter from the City. Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC GP Equity Construction Sources $300,000 MHDC Particiapation Loan $100 Tax Credit Equity GP Equity Federal and State LIHTC Equity $7,247,066 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $71,348 Total Sources: $7,618,513 $5,170,000 $1,449,413 $100 Uses: $5,404,200 Construction Costs Architect and Engineering $145,100 Construction Interest $176,472 Contingency $255,976 Closing Legal $30,000 $0 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $35,000 Furniture and Fixtures Acquisition Costs $326,700 Developer/Consultant Fee $750,000 MHDC and Related Costs $18,000 Reserves $269,000 Other Development Costs $208,065 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $7,618,513 Total $7,618,513 $190,463 Reserves $269,000 $6,725 MHDC Fees $18,000 $450 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $7,331,513 $183,288 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 2 Bdrm/ 1 bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 40 Sq Ft 852 Market $513 % of Market 84% Total $196,080 $155,565 $40,515 $15,178 $25,337 Per Unit $4,902 $3,889 $1,013 $379 $633 Year 1 2.67 Year 15 1.54 40 40 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $430 Amount $570,000 $570,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.85 $14,250 $0.43 $14,250 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $14,250 $14,250 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Saint Louis 14‐019 Woodbury Place II JES Dev Co, Inc. O'Fallon Elderly New Construction Special Needs, AMI50 Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: This is a new construction of 28 two bedroom and 14 one bedroom units in 7 buildings with 6 units in each building for seniors. It is located in O'Fallon. Reasons for Recommendations: 1) Reasonable costs for St. Charles county area. 2) Dire need for senior housing in area indicated by long waiting lists for other LIHTC projects 3) Good public support 4) 2nd on the list of supported proposals by the County of St. Charles Loan Information Permanent Sources Conventional Owner Equity Construction Sources $1,000,000 Tax Credit Equity $110 Conventional Owner Equity Federal and State LIHTC Equity $6,591,125 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $67,804 Total Sources: $7,659,038 $1,345,004 $5,500,000 $110 Uses: $5,354,999 Construction Costs Architect and Engineering $168,000 Construction Interest $203,740 Contingency $267,750 Closing Legal $25,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 $0 Furniture and Fixtures Acquisition Costs $370,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $835,000 MHDC and Related Costs $12,000 $185,924 Reserves $236,625 Other Development Costs Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $7,659,038 Total $7,659,038 $182,358 Reserves $185,924 $4,427 MHDC Fees $12,000 $286 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $7,461,114 $177,646 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bed 2 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 14 28 Sq Ft 768 980 Market $725 $825 % of Market 68% ‐ 80% 63% ‐ 75% Total $278,502 $187,789 $90,713 $64,419 $26,294 Per Unit $6,631 $4,471 $2,160 $1,534 $626 Year 1 1.41 Year 15 1.30 42 42 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $490 ‐ $580 $520 ‐ $620 Amount $515,000 $515,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.85 $12,262 $0.43 $12,262 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $12,262 $12,262 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Saint Louis 14-028 Covenant House McCormack Baron Salazar, Inc. St. Louis Elderly New Construction Non-Profit, Service Enriched, Preservation, MBE/WBE, Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: The new construction of 101 elderly tax credit and market rate units in St. Louis County. The project will incorporate universal design principles. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Competitive total development costs Preserving Section 8 Strong rehabilitation demographics Extensive tenant services Loan Information Permanent Sources Gershman Mortgage Loan MHDC HOME CDBG $4,650,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 Construction Sources Gershman Mortgage Loan Tax Credit Equity AHAP MHDC HOME Federal and State LIHTC Equity $8,370,621 CDBG Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $1,817,000 Deferred Developer Fee $415,045 Total Sources: $17,002,666 $4,650,000 $7,430,266 $1,817,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 Uses: Construction Costs $12,547,513 Architect and Engineering $637,000 Construction Interest $190,069 Contingency $627,721 Closing Legal $75,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $133,766 Furniture and Fixtures $50,000 Acquisition Costs $0 Developer/Consultant Fee $1,670,000 MHDC and Related Costs $10,000 Reserves $545,400 Other Development Costs $516,197 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $17,002,666 Total $17,002,666 $168,343 Reserves $545,400 $5,400 MHDC Fees $10,000 $99 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $16,447,266 $162,844 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 101 Sq Ft 650 Market $800 % of Market 94% - 124% Total $1,053,532 $576,683 $476,849 $315,078 $161,771 Per Unit $10,431 $5,710 $4,721 $3,120 $1,602 Year 1 1.51 Year 15 1.64 101 66 35 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $750 - $994 Amount $630,000 $630,000 $0 $0 $999,350 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.90 $9,545 $0.43 $9,545 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $15,142 Per Unit (All) $6,238 $6,238 $0 $0 $9,895 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Saint Louis 14-034 DeSales Impact 2014 DeSales Community Housing Corporation St. Louis Family New Construction + Acquisition/Rehabilitation Non-Profit Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: Proposal will be comprised of 35 apartments and townhomes located within 14 buildings in St. Louis City. There will be a mix of 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units and a mix of new construction and rehabilitation of existing units. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. Scattered-site development is part of a larger neighborhood revitilization effort. 2. St. Louis City fully supports this project - Number one priority on the list from the City of St. Louis 3. It is within the cost limits. 4. Provides rents at a competitive rate. Loan Information Permanent Sources Great Southern/MHDC Participation $930,000 Federal and State LIHTC $5,378,946 Federal and State Historic $598,057 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $98,105 Total Sources: $7,005,107 Construction Sources Great Southern/MHDC Participation Tax Credit Equity $5,150,000 $1,130,832 Uses: Construction Costs $4,716,336 Architect and Engineering $140,000 Construction Interest $183,469 Contingency $323,000 Closing Legal $35,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $0 Acquisition Costs $418,500 Developer\Construction Fee $720,000 MHDC and Related Costs $20,050 Reserves $156,600 Other Development Costs $292,153 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $7,005,107 Total $7,005,107 $194,586 Reserves $156,600 $4,350 MHDC Fees $20,050 $557 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $6,828,457 $189,679 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bed/1 Bath 2 Bed/1 - 2 Bath 3 Bed/1.5 - 2 Bath Market $600 $800 $1,050 % of Market 75% - 79% 68% - 88% 70% - 79% Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Operating Income Debt Service Net Operating Income Total $260,586 $169,578 $91,008 $60,662 $30,346 Per Unit $7,239 $4,710 $2,528 $1,685 $843 Debt Service Coverage Year 1 1.50 Year 15 1.44 Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 2 26 8 Sq Ft 523 - 592 720 - 1570 1266 - 1696 36 36 0 Income and Expense Data Tax Credit Information Federal Low Income State Low Income Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $450 - $475 $540 - $700 $730 - $825 Amount $417,000 $417,000 $327,452 $388,849 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.85 $11,583 $0.44 $11,583 $0.85 $9,096 $0.82 $10,801 $0 Per Unit (All) $11,583 $11,583 $9,096 $10,801 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Saint Louis 14‐036 Towne Square Apartments Gardner Development, LLC Dardenne Prairie Family New Construction Special Needs, AMI50 Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: 48 units of new construction family development with two 3‐story buildings and a clubhouse Reasons for Recommendations: 1) Very low and affordable rents 2) Development costs per unit competitive relative to other family proposals in the St. Louis region 3) Great location with close proximity to nice, newer services and community amenities Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC ‐ Fund Balance Construction Sources $725,000 MHDC ‐ Fund Balance Tax Credit Equity Federal and State LIHTC Equity $7,922,160 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $81,815 Total Sources: $8,728,975 Great Southern $725,000 $1,584,432 $5,700,000 Uses: $5,870,000 Construction Costs Architect and Engineering $144,000 Construction Interest $210,000 Contingency $293,500 Closing Legal $15,000 $0 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $30,000 Furniture and Fixtures Acquisition Costs $770,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $934,000 MHDC and Related Costs $62,000 $172,800 Reserves $227,675 Other Development Costs Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $8,728,975 Total $8,728,975 $181,854 Reserves $172,800 $3,600 MHDC Fees $62,000 $1,292 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $8,494,175 $176,962 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 2 Bed 3 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 24 24 Sq Ft 1018 1218 Market $990 $1,160 % of Market 40% ‐ 48% 40% ‐ 47% Total $266,054 $202,968 $63,086 $36,680 $26,407 Per Unit $5,543 $4,229 $1,314 $764 $550 Year 1 1.72 Year 15 1.20 48 48 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $400 ‐ $475 $465 ‐ $550 Amount $619,000 $619,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $12,896 $0.44 $12,896 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $12,896 $12,896 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Saint Louis 14‐048 West Clay Senior Living Phoenix Real Estate Services, LLC St. Charles Elderly New Construction Service Enriched, AMI50 Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: New construction of a 3‐story elevator apartment building with 60 units of housing intended for elderly tenants. Reasons for Recommendations: 1) Strong feasibility with ability to service permanent participation loan and a reasonable tax credit request; 2) Good location for an elderly proposal 3) Strong support from public officials 4) Development costs per unit highly competitive, particularly for new construction in the St. Louis region Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC Fund Balance Construction Sources $1,000,000 MHDC Fund Balance (Participat Tax Credit Equity $1,000,000 $1,689,777 USB Participation Portion $6,100,000 Federal and State LIHTC Equity $8,473,887 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $106,552 Total Sources: $9,580,439 Uses: $6,707,782 Construction Costs $67,000 Architect and Engineering Construction Interest $247,000 Contingency $335,000 Closing Legal $50,000 $0 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $50,000 Furniture and Fixtures Acquisition Costs $540,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $993,617 MHDC and Related Costs $32,000 Reserves $229,300 Other Development Costs $328,740 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $9,580,439 Total $9,580,439 $159,674 Reserves $229,300 $3,822 MHDC Fees $32,000 $533 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $9,319,139 $155,319 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bed 2 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 25 35 Sq Ft 715 885 ‐ 1275 Market $715 $800 % of Market 56% ‐ 66% 61% ‐ 75% Total $361,551 $265,975 $95,576 $60,802 $34,774 Per Unit $6,026 $4,433 $1,593 $1,013 $580 Year 1 1.57 Year 15 1.23 60 60 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $400 ‐ $475 $485 ‐ $600 Amount $657,000 $657,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.86 $10,950 $0.43 $10,950 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $10,950 $10,950 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Saint Louis 14-067 Pine Lawn Senior Apartments Beyond Housing Pine Lawn Elderly New Construction Non-Profit, Service Enriched, Extended Use, MBE/WBE Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: A very appealing 53 one & two bedroom elevator building with a community room that has an exercise room, a large resident living room with computers/media and a space for community events. A garden area will be to the rear of the building for relaxation and resident activities. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. An ideal location that adds momentum to the on-going revitalization efforts in the community. 2. Third priority on St. Louis County's list with very strong support at the hearing from the community and Mayors from neighboring communities. 3. An MBE/WBE and Service Enriched designated non-profit entity that is highly regarded. Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC - Fund Balance GP Equity $1,250,000 $100 Federal and State LIHTC Equity $8,099,104 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $99,423 Total Sources: $9,448,627 Construction Sources MHDC - Participation Loan - US Bank Tax Credit Equity GP Equity $7,035,000 $1,619,821 $100 Uses: Construction Costs $7,106,375 Architect and Engineering $214,000 Construction Interest $235,585 Contingency $300,000 Closing Legal $20,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $40,000 Acquisition Costs $0 Developer/Consultant Fee $900,000 MHDC and Related Costs $35,750 Reserves $214,300 Other Development Costs $382,618 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $9,448,627 Total $9,448,627 $178,276 Reserves $214,300 $4,043 MHDC Fees $35,750 $675 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $9,198,577 $173,558 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bdrm/ 1 bath 2 Bdrm/ 1 bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 45 8 Sq Ft 620 845 Market $620 $710 % of Market 89% - 90% 87% Total $338,352 $233,226 $105,126 $63,241 $41,885 Per Unit $6,384 $4,400 $1,984 $1,193 $790 Year 1 1.66 Year 15 1.48 53 53 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $550 - $560 $615 Amount $609,000 $609,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.89 $11,491 $0.44 $11,491 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $11,491 $11,491 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Saint Louis 14‐100 Lemay Homes Lemay Homes Developer, LLC St. Louis Family New Construction Non‐Profit, AMI50 Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: 40 units of new construction of relatively large 3 and 4 bedroom, single‐family detached units, urban‐infill on scattered sites in Lemay, which is a small suburb in southern St. Louis. Reasons for Recommendations: 1) Good location with close proximity to employment and community services and amenities 2) Strong community support 3) Strong feasibility with reasonable total development costs for 3 and 4 bedroom units with homeownership opportunity. Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC Fund Balance HOME ‐ St. Louis County Construction Sources $850,000 MHDC Fund Balance (Participat $800,000 Tax Credit Equity USB Loan (Participation Portion Federal and State LIHTC Equity $6,890,600 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $87,285 Total Sources: $8,627,885 $850,000 $2,767,928 $4,325,000 Uses: $5,983,877 Construction Costs $90,000 Architect and Engineering Construction Interest $180,000 Contingency $300,000 Closing Legal $46,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $0 Acquisition Costs $612,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $800,000 MHDC and Related Costs $27,750 Reserves $186,500 Other Development Costs $401,758 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $8,627,885 Total $8,627,885 $215,697 Reserves $186,500 $4,663 MHDC Fees $27,750 $694 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $8,413,635 $210,341 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 3 Bed 4 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 36 4 Sq Ft 1235 1358 Market $1,000 $1,100 % of Market 57% ‐ 68% 60% ‐ 70% Total $299,479 $215,024 $84,455 $56,695 $27,760 Per Unit $7,487 $5,376 $2,111 $1,417 $694 Year 1 1.49 Year 15 1.23 40 40 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $570 ‐ $675 $655 ‐ $775 Amount $526,000 $526,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.88 $13,150 $0.43 $13,150 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $13,150 $13,150 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14‐007 Mary Street Seniors Community Action Partnership of Greater St. Joseph St. Joseph Elderly New Construction Non‐Profit Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: Utilizing architectural plans that are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood to build a duplex and a triplex with 2 bdrm/ 1 bath utilizing MHDC HOME CHDO funds. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. An ideal infill proposal in an area needing this type of re‐investment. 2. Proposal has support from the community and a Resolution of Support Letter from the City. 3. The developer entity is an arm of the Community Action Agency with the primary mission of helping to provide safe, affordable and decent housing in areas that are most needed. Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC HOME CHDO Comm. Action Partnership of St. Joseph Construction Sources $800,000 MHDC HOME CHDO $5,000 Tax Credit Equity Comm. Action Partnership $800,000 $0 $5,000 $0 of St. Joseph Federal and State LIHTC Equity Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $7,000 Total Sources: $812,000 Uses: $644,760 Construction Costs $31,000 Architect and Engineering $0 Construction Interest Contingency $35,960 Closing Legal $2,500 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $0 Acquisition Costs $2,080 Developer/Consultant Fee $70,000 MHDC and Related Costs $0 Reserves $0 Other Development Costs $25,700 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $812,000 Total $812,000 $162,400 Reserves $0 $0 MHDC Fees $0 $0 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $812,000 $162,400 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 2 Bdrm/1 bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total HOME Units Total Market Units # of Units 5 Sq Ft 1012 Market $500 % of Market 84% Total $23,940 $19,315 $4,625 $0 $4,625 Per Unit $4,788 $3,863 $925 $0 $925 Year 1 N/A Year 15 N/A 5 0 5 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $420 Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14‐010 Sullivan Heights Apartments Midcontinent Equity Holdings, LLC Sullivan Family New Construction Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: New construction of multi‐family housing located on the Crawford County side of Sullivan. Reasons for Recommendations: 1) City of Sullivan supports the constuction of new multi‐family housing 2) Highly competitive development costs per unit for a Family proposal 3) Excellent service provider for special needs households Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC Fund Balance MHDC HOME Construction Sources $300,000 MHDC Fund Balance $1,450,000 Tax Credit Equity Participation ‐ Fund Balance Federal and State LIHTC Equity $5,791,421 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $61,930 Total Sources: $7,603,351 MHDC HOME $300,000 $351,239 $4,900,000 $1,450,000 Uses: $5,622,000 Construction Costs $94,000 Architect and Engineering Construction Interest $170,683 Contingency $281,100 Closing Legal $30,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 $0 Furniture and Fixtures Acquisition Costs $190,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $818,000 MHDC and Related Costs $18,000 $165,743 Reserves $213,825 Other Development Costs Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $7,603,351 Total $7,603,351 $158,403 Reserves $165,743 $3,453 MHDC Fees $18,000 $375 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $7,419,608 $154,575 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 2 Bed 3 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 32 16 Sq Ft 950 1162 Market $490 $520 % of Market 82% 87% Total $225,432 $184,708 $40,724 $15,178 $25,547 Per Unit $4,697 $3,848 $848 $316 $532 Year 1 2.68 Year 15 1.19 48 48 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $400 $450 Amount $452,500 $452,500 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $9,427 $0.44 $9,427 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $9,427 $9,427 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14-015 Silver Springs Apartments MACO Development Company, L.L.C. Cape Girardeau Elderly New Construction Special Needs, AMI50, Extended Use Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: Proposal will be comprised of 30 2-bedroom 2 baths and 10 1-bedroom one bath apartments marketed exclusively to seniors ages 55 and over. Exterior will be brick and vinyl with a community building that will include a fitness facility, and laundry area. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. Has a deep rent skewing and varied unit size configuration. 2. A good senior proposal that has a Resolution of Support Letter from the City. 3. Proposal will help revitalize the neighborhood. 4. Developer manages a senior proposal in Cape Girardeau that maintains a lenghty waiting list. Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC Owner Equity $235,000 $100 Federal and State LIHTC Equity $5,905,109 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $93,567 Total Sources: $6,233,777 Construction Sources MHDC Participation loan Tax Credit Equity Owner Equity $4,475,000 $1,195,522 $100 Uses: Construction Costs $4,376,070 Architect and Engineering $80,000 Construction Interest $97,779 Contingency $138,000 Closing Legal $27,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $10,000 Acquisition Costs $400,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $725,000 MHDC and Related Costs $16,700 Reserves $154,878 Other Development Costs $208,350 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $6,233,777 Total $6,233,777 $155,844 Reserves $154,878 $3,872 MHDC Fees $16,700 $418 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $6,062,199 $151,555 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bdrm/ 1 bath 2 Bdrm/ 2 baths Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 10 30 Sq Ft 775 981 Market $500 $600 % of Market 53% - 80% 53% - 83% Total $207,214 $168,123 $39,091 $11,889 $27,202 Per Unit $5,180 $4,203 $977 $297 $680 Year 1 3.29 Year 15 1.61 40 40 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $265 - $400 $320 - $500 Amount $465,000 $465,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $11,625 $0.43 $11,625 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $11,625 $11,625 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14-023 Rose Park Estates, LP Red-Wood Development, Inc. Bolivar Elderly Acquisition/Rehabilitation Preservation Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: The acquisition/rehabilitation of 76 elderly units in Bolivar. The project was constructed in three phases starting in 1973. It has a Rural Development loan and Rural Development rental subsidy agreement. Bus routes have scheduled stops at the project and it will include FEMA EF-5 rated storm shelters. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Competitive total development cost Preservation of Rural Development project Has Rural Development rental subsidy agreement Strong rehabilitation demographics Loan Information Permanent Sources Rural Development Replacement Reserves $280,000 $153,200 Federal and State LIHTC Equity Federal and State Historic Equity $8,126,471 $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $57,814 Total Sources: $8,617,485 Construction Sources Arvest Bank Tax Credit Equity Replacement Reserves Rose Park Association Rural Development $5,591,500 $1,402,735 $153,200 $78,794 $280,000 Uses: Construction Costs $6,106,500 Architect and Engineering $106,400 Construction Interest $105,539 Contingency $150,000 Closing Legal $18,000 Environmental Abatement $210,000 Relocation Expense $90,000 Furniture and Fixtures $25,000 Acquisition Costs $284,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $905,656 MHDC and Related Costs $12,000 Reserves $349,200 Other Development Costs $255,190 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $8,617,485 Total $8,617,485 $113,388 Reserves $349,200 $4,595 MHDC Fees $12,000 $158 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $8,256,285 $108,635 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bed/1 Bath 2 Bed/1 Bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 66 10 Sq Ft 572 - 590 784 - 804 Market $375 $445 % of Market 83% 77% Total $280,018 $246,710 $33,308 $7,118 $26,190 Per Unit $3,684 $3,246 $438 $94 $345 Year 1 4.68 Year 15 -0.52 76 76 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $311 $341 Amount $630,000 $630,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $8,289 $0.45 $8,289 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $8,289 $8,289 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14‐042 Oakwood Place Affordable Homes Development, Inc. Republic Family New Construction Special Needs Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: 47 units of new construction with units set aside for workforce housing; located in Republic, which is roughly 10‐15 minutes east of Springfield Reasons for Recommendations: 1) Strong feasibility with competitive development costs per unit for a new construction family proposal outside of Springfield. 2) Clost proximity to emloyment and services, both in Republic and Springfield 3) Rents for both types of units‐‐tax credit and workforce‐‐are very low and highly affordable Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC Fund Balance Construction Sources $850,000 MHDC Fund Balance Tax Credit Equity Federal and State LIHTC Equity $7,492,009 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $90,129 Total Sources: $8,432,138 Participation $850,000 $1,466,550 $5,400,000 Uses: $6,329,638 Construction Costs $49,200 Architect and Engineering Construction Interest $154,000 Contingency $317,000 Closing Legal $30,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $0 Acquisition Costs $196,500 Developer/Consultant Fee $902,500 MHDC and Related Costs $29,000 $187,400 Reserves $236,900 Other Development Costs Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $8,432,138 Total $8,432,138 $179,407 Reserves $187,400 $3,987 MHDC Fees $29,000 $617 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $8,215,738 $174,803 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 8 24 15 47 37 10 Sq Ft 918 1153 1351 Market $540 $640 $740 % of Market 68% ‐ 83% 69% ‐ 84% 69% ‐ 81% (Workforce Housing units restricted at 80% AMI) Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $365 ‐ $450 $440 ‐ $540 $510 ‐ $600 Amount $590,000 $590,000 $0 $0 Total $248,645 $183,413 $65,232 $43,004 $22,228 Per Unit $5,290 $3,902 $1,388 $915 $473 Year 1 1.52 Year 15 1.18 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $12,553 $0.43 $12,553 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $12,553 $12,553 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14-044 Brookdale East Apartments Hughes Development Company, Inc. St. Joseph Family Acquisition/Rehabilitation MBE/WBE Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: The acquisition/rehabilitation of 102 family units in St. Joseph. The project includes a large community center building. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. Competitive total development costs 2. Strong demographics for rehabilitation 3. Preserving ex-HUD 236 property Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC Fund Balance MHDC HOME Construction Period Income Owner Equity $2,400,000 $1,300,000 $105,198 $110 Federal and State LIHTC Equity $7,159,034 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $140,376 Total Sources: $11,104,718 Construction Sources MHDC Participation Fund Balance Tax Credit Equity Construction Period Income Owner Equity MHDC HOME $7,300,000 $1,548,210 $105,198 $110 $1,300,000 Uses: Construction Costs $5,932,312 Architect and Engineering $296,615 Construction Interest $231,167 Contingency $444,924 Closing Legal $37,500 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $110,000 Furniture and Fixtures $76,500 Acquisition Costs $2,115,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $1,110,000 MHDC and Related Costs $36,000 Reserves $351,200 Other Development Costs $363,500 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $11,104,718 Total $11,104,718 $108,870 Reserves $351,200 $3,443 MHDC Fees $36,000 $353 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $10,717,518 $105,074 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bed/ 1 Bath 2 Bed/1.5 Bath 3 Bed/1.5 Bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 12 60 30 Sq Ft 600 850 900 Market $520 $640 $725 % of Market 75% 75% - 100% 74% - 100% Total $602,975 $433,586 $169,389 $121,422 $45,460 Per Unit $5,912 $4,251 $1,661 $1,190 $445 Year 1 1.37 Year 15 1.12 102 82 20 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $390 $475 - $640 $540 - $725 Amount $555,000 $555,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $6,768 $0.45 $6,768 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $5,441 $5,441 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14‐046 Fish Haven Apartments Legacy Property Development, LLC Lake Ozark Family New Construction Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: Sixty‐four family apartment units that will provide 2 and 3 bedrooms with 2 baths for the much needed workforce housing in an area where local employers and business owners have become concerned about the lack of affordable housing in the community. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. A strong Letter of support from Mayor as well as a Resolution of Support from the city. 2. Competitive development costs and rental rates. 3. Market demographics supports the dire need of affordable housing for the working families in this area. Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC ‐ Fund Balance MHDC Soft HOME Construction Sources $1,300,000 MHDC Fund Balance Participati $700,000 Tax Credit Equity Conventional Federal and State LIHTC Equity $8,513,446 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $154,129 Total Sources: $10,667,575 MHDC Soft HOME $7,270,000 $1,949,841 $700,000 Uses: $7,680,000 Construction Costs Architect and Engineering $180,000 Construction Interest $230,000 Contingency $350,000 Closing Legal $30,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 $20,000 Furniture and Fixtures Acquisition Costs $600,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $950,000 $38,000 MHDC and Related Costs Reserves $229,400 Other Development Costs $360,175 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $10,667,575 Total $10,667,575 $166,681 Reserves $229,400 $3,584 MHDC Fees $38,000 $594 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $10,400,175 $162,503 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 2 Bdrm/ 2 Bath 3 Bdrm/ 2 Bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 32 32 Sq Ft 977 1170 Market $600 $725 % of Market 75% ‐ 88% 69% ‐ 81% Total $355,502 $257,600 $97,902 $65,770 $32,132 Per Unit $5,555 $4,025 $1,530 $1,028 $502 Year 1 1.49 Year 15 1.21 64 64 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $450 ‐ $525 $500 ‐ $590 Amount $660,000 $660,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $10,313 $0.45 $10,313 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $10,313 $10,313 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14‐052 Fox River Estates Four Corners Development L.L.C. Willard Family New Construction Workforce Housing Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: 48 unit apartment/duplex complex with workforce housing units located on the outskirts of Willard, which is roughly 10‐15 minutes northeast of Springfield. Reasons for Recommendations: 1) Strong feasibility with fairly cometitive development costs for a new construction family proposal 2) Good access for transportation and employment, and located close to community amenities Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC ‐ Fund Balance Construction Sources $1,200,000 MHDC ‐ Fund Balance Tax Credit Equity Federal and State LIHTC Equity $7,295,521 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $93,689 Total Sources: $8,589,210 Great Southern $1,000,000 $1,499,363 $5,475,000 Uses: $5,880,000 Construction Costs Architect and Engineering $200,000 Construction Interest $200,000 Contingency $294,000 Closing Legal $35,000 $0 Environmental Abatement Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $30,000 Acquisition Costs $550,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $937,627 MHDC and Related Costs $36,000 Reserves $187,220 Other Development Costs $239,363 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $8,589,210 Total $8,589,210 $178,942 Reserves $187,220 $3,900 MHDC Fees $36,000 $750 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $8,365,990 $174,291 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 2 Bed 3 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 32 16 48 38 10 Sq Ft 950 1375 Market $625 $740 % of Market 76% ‐ 88% 74% ‐ 85% (Workforce housing units set aside for 80% AMI) Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $475 ‐ $550 $545 ‐ $630 Amount $570,000 $570,000 $0 $0 Total $277,884 $198,130 $79,754 $60,711 $19,043 Per Unit $5,789 $4,128 $1,662 $1,265 $397 Year 1 1.31 Year 15 1.10 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $15,000 $0.44 $15,000 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $11,875 $11,875 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14‐053 Shawnee Place Chillicothe Housing Authority Development Corporation Chillicothe Family Rehabilitation Non‐Profit, Preservation Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: This is a 48 unit Rural Development property in Chillicothe that consists of 1 bedroom units that is in serious need of rehab. Currently almost 20% of the units are unable to be rented because they are in need of repair. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. Very reasonable rehab costs. 2. High on the priority list submitted by Rural Development. 3. Rental assistance is availible for nearly every unit through either Rural Development or the Chillicothe Housing Authority. 4. Good location for senior living. Loan Information Permanent Sources Reserves Rural Development Federal and State LIHTC Equity Federal and State Historic Equity Construction Sources $62,000 Reserves $107,000 Tax Credit Equity Conventional $4,415,710 Rural Development $62,000 $868,370 $2,850,000 $520,000 $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $39,960 Total Sources: $4,624,670 Uses: $2,263,400 Construction Costs Architect and Engineering $100,000 Construction Interest $100,000 Contingency $150,000 Closing Legal $25,000 Environmental Abatement $50,000 Relocation Expense $55,000 $5,000 Furniture and Fixtures Acquisition Costs $700,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $515,000 MHDC and Related Costs $12,000 Reserves $388,800 Other Development Costs $260,470 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $4,624,670 Total $4,624,670 $96,347 Reserves $388,800 $8,100 MHDC Fees $12,000 $250 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $4,223,870 $87,997 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bed 1 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 47 1 Sq Ft 576 576 Market $500 $500 % of Market 78% 90% Total $209,585 $178,950 $30,635 $2,720 $27,915 Per Unit $4,366 $3,728 $638 $57 $582 Year 1 11.26 Year 15 2.16 48 47 1 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $390 $450 Amount $345,000 $345,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $7,340 $0.44 $7,340 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $7,188 $7,188 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14‐055 James Place O'Reilly Development Co., LLC Springfield Family New Construction Non‐Profit, Service Enriched, Special Needs, AMI50 Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: New construction of moderate‐sized 1‐ and 2‐BR apartments in a residential neighborhood; Reasons for Recommendations: 1) Good location with close proximity to nearby services 2) Burrell, Inc. has excellent reputation as service provider for special needs households and service‐enriched housing Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC HOME Federal and State LIHTC Equity Construction Sources $195,000 Tax Credit Equity MHDC HOME $5,414,045 Great Southern $1,121,497 $195,000 $4,085,000 Federal and State Historic Equity AHAP Donation Deferred Developer Fee $58,432 Total Sources: $5,667,477 Uses: $3,931,108 Construction Costs Architect and Engineering $226,554 Construction Interest $120,000 Contingency $200,000 Closing Legal $30,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $40,000 Acquisition Costs $80,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $676,030 MHDC and Related Costs Reserves $42,360 $153,000 Other Development Costs $168,425 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $5,667,477 Total $5,667,477 $141,687 Reserves $153,000 $3,825 MHDC Fees $42,360 $1,059 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $5,472,117 $136,803 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bed 2 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 16 24 Sq Ft 803 857 Market $600 $650 % of Market 58% ‐ 69% 58% ‐ 69% Total $189,497 $164,665 $24,832 $0 $24,832 Per Unit $4,737 $4,117 $621 $0 $621 Year 1 N/A Year 15 N/A 40 40 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $350 ‐ $415 $380 ‐ $450 Amount $423,000 $423,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $10,575 $0.44 $10,575 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $10,575 $10,575 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14-057 St. Francis/King Hill Interfaith Community Services St. Joseph Elderly Acquisition/Rehabilitation Non-Profit, Preservation, MBE/WBE Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: The acquisition/rehabilitation of two separate Section 8 elderly projects in St. Joseph. The projects, St. Francis Apartments (built 1977) and King Hill Apartments (built 1989), are approximately 4 miles apart. Wesley Community Center, which will be partially financed with donated developer fee proceeds, will serve as the Interfaith Community Services base for outreach into northwest Missouri. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Competitive total development costs Preserve Section 8 Strong rehabilitation demographics Developer donating developer fee proceeds to partially finance new community center Loan Information Permanent Sources Construction Period Income Reserves Gershman Mortgage $337,201 $1,082,481 $3,800,000 Construction Sources Tax Credit Equity CRA Loan Reserves Gershman Mortgage Federal and State LIHTC Equity $6,156,396 Construction Period Income Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $265,405 Total Sources: $11,641,483 $1,247,601 $4,080,000 $1,082,481 $3,800,000 $337,201 Uses: Construction Costs $4,788,500 Architect and Engineering $239,425 Construction Interest $326,100 Contingency $372,954 Closing Legal $40,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $178,000 Furniture and Fixtures $60,000 Acquisition Costs $3,572,084 Developer/Consultant Fee $1,085,000 MHDC and Related Costs $10,750 Reserves $504,200 Other Development Costs $464,470 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $11,641,483 Total $11,641,483 $74,150 Reserves $504,200 $3,211 MHDC Fees $10,750 $68 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $11,126,533 $70,870 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type Efficiency 1 Bed/1 Bath 2 Bed/1 Bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 12 139 6 Sq Ft 579 550 - 840 600 Market $450 $500 $600 % of Market 93% 92% - 102% 85% - 94% Total $880,123 $583,401 $296,722 $219,882 $76,841 Per Unit $5,606 $3,716 $1,890 $1,401 $489 Year 1 1.35 Year 15 1.27 157 156 1 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $418 $459 - $508 $509 - $561 Amount $481,000 $481,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $3,083 $0.44 $3,083 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $3,064 $3,064 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14-063 Lancaster Duplex Housing Project Northeast Missouri Community Action Agency Lancaster Family New Construction Nonprofit Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: A two unit infill proposal on a corner lot in Lancaster, Missouri. The three-bedroom units will sit in a well-maintained single-family neighborhood that is a couple of blocks away from the town center. Reasons for Recommendations: 1) The site is in an ideal location within the community. 2) The nonprofit/CHDO is experienced with small developments. 3) The duplex is within the cost limits. 4) The nonprofit will be able to house families at a low annual cost. Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC - HOME/CHDO $380,000 Federal and State LIHTC $0 Federal and State Historic $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $0 Total Sources: $380,000 Construction Sources MHDC - HOME/CHDO Tax Credit Equity $380,000 $0 Uses: Construction Costs $296,000 Architect and Engineering $14,000 Construction Interest $0 Contingency $14,220 Closing Legal $3,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $0 Acquisition Costs $7,500 Developer\Construction Fee $27,180 MHDC and Related Costs $0 Reserves $1,200 Other Development Costs $16,900 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $380,000 Total $380,000 $190,000 Reserves $1,200 $600 MHDC Fees $0 $0 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $378,800 $189,400 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 3 Bed/2 Bath Market $550 % of Market 75% Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Operating Income Debt Service Net Operating Income Total $9,263 $6,771 $2,492 $0 $2,492 Per Unit $4,631 $3,385 $1,246 $0 $1,246 Debt Service Coverage Year 1 N/A Year 15 N/A Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 2 Sq Ft 1650 2 2 0 Income and Expense Data Tax Credit Information Federal Low Income State Low Income Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $415 Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Outstate 14‐071 Fox Creek Villas L.P. MBL Marshall Elderly New Construction Service Enriched, Special Needs Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: New construction in Marshall located near the Hwy 65 bypass. There are 34 two bedroom units distributed between duplexes, 4‐plexes, and 6‐plexes. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. Reasonable development costs 2. Is a good special needs and service enriched proposal 3. Near Hwy 65 bypass and many amenities 4. No LIHTC projects completed in city within last 20 years 5. Target population growing in area Loan Information Permanent Sources Federal and State LIHTC Equity Federal and State Historic Equity AHAP Donation Deferred Developer Fee Total Sources: Construction Sources $5,920,816 Coventional $0 Tax Credit Equity $0 $52,297 $5,973,112 $4,300,000 $1,245,212 Uses: Construction Costs Architect and Engineering Construction Interest Contingency Closing Legal Environmental Abatement Relocation Expense Furniture and Fixtures Acquisition Costs Developer/Consultant Fee MHDC and Related Costs Reserves Other Development Costs Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $4,103,904 $85,000 $143,333 $215,700 $25,000 $0 $0 $25,000 $300,000 $680,000 $27,200 $130,900 $237,075 $5,973,112 Total $5,973,112 $175,679 Reserves $130,900 $3,850 MHDC Fees $27,200 $800 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $5,815,012 $171,030 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 2 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 34 Sq Ft 908 Market $510 % of Market 80% Total $158,916 $138,472 $20,444 $0 $20,444 Per Unit $4,674 $4,073 $601 $0 $601 Year 1 N/A Year 15 N/A 34 34 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $410 Amount $470,000 $470,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.83 $13,824 $0.43 $13,824 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $13,824 $13,824 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14-093 Bloomsdale Estates and Pleasant View Estates East Missouri Action Agency, Inc. Bloomsdale and Park Hills Elderly Acquisition/Rehabilitation Non-Profit, Preservation, Extended Use Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: Acquisition and rehab of 2 USDA Rural Development properites with a total of 56 one bdrm/ 1 bath located in Bloomsdale & Park Hills. There will be a clubhouse/community/computer lab/ business center, courtyard, on-site management, picnic area and recreational area on both sites. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. Two medium sized RD properties in need of renovation that are being merged to allow for efficiency. 2. Strong RD support and rental assistance. 3. Very reasonable development costs. Loan Information Permanent Sources Rural Development Existing Reserves GP Equity FHLB Grant $100,000 $93,482 $100 $331,725 Federal and State LIHTC Equity $4,622,498 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $51,439 Total Sources: $5,199,244 Construction Sources FHLB Grant Tax Credit Equity Conventional Rural Development Existing Reserves GP Equity $331,725 $924,500 $2,575,000 $525,000 $93,482 $100 Uses: Construction Costs $2,667,600 Architect and Engineering $120,000 Construction Interest $80,469 Contingency $150,000 Closing Legal $35,000 Environmental Abatement $127,850 Relocation Expense $135,000 Furniture and Fixtures $20,000 Acquisition Costs $527,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $550,000 MHDC and Related Costs $12,000 Reserves $498,600 Other Development Costs $275,725 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $5,199,244 Total $5,199,244 $92,844 Reserves $498,600 $8,904 MHDC Fees $12,000 $214 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $4,688,644 $83,726 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bdrm/ 1 Bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 56 Sq Ft 613 - 636 Market $450 % of Market 88% Total $252,168 $213,182 $38,986 $2,542 $36,444 Per Unit $4,503 $3,807 $696 $45 $651 Year 1 15.33 Year 15 4.04 56 56 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $395 Amount $364,000 $364,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.83 $6,500 $0.44 $6,500 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $6,500 $6,500 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14-105 Hawthorne Senior Apartments Missouri Valley Community Action Agency Warrensburg Elderly New Construction Non-Profit, AMI50 Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: Proposal will be comprised of thirty-six 2-bedroom 1-bathroom units marketed to seniors. There will be seven garden level residential buildings and a community building that will include meeting rooms, office space, computer workstations and a kitchenette. Reasons for Recommendations: 1) Development is in a great location in Warrensburg - close to many amenties. 2) The Total Development Costs per unit are very competitive in the region. 3) The project will also house senior households at 50% and 60% of the Area Median Income in addition to a few market rate units. Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC - HOME/CHDO MHDC - HOME/CHDO $230,000 $730,000 Federal and State LIHTC $4,527,605 Federal and State Historic $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $87,932 Total Sources: $5,575,537 Construction Sources MHDC - HOME/CHDO Tax Credit Equity Conventional $960,000 $905,521 $3,250,000 Uses: Construction Costs $3,945,540 Architect and Engineering $95,000 Construction Interest $90,052 Contingency $134,000 Closing Legal $25,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $10,000 Acquisition Costs $275,000 Developer\Construction Fee $670,000 MHDC and Related Costs $10,750 Reserves $121,600 Other Development Costs $198,595 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $5,575,537 Total $5,575,537 $154,876 Reserves $121,600 $3,378 MHDC Fees $10,750 $299 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $5,443,187 $151,200 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 2 Bed/1 Bath Market $600 % of Market 66% - 95% Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Operating Income Debt Service Net Operating Income Total $187,245 $142,970 $44,275 $11,500 $32,775 Per Unit $5,201 $3,971 $1,230 $319 $910 Debt Service Coverage Year 1 3.85 Year 15 2.68 Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 36 Sq Ft 865 36 33 3 Income and Expense Data Tax Credit Information Federal Low Income State Low Income Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $395 - $570 Amount $351,000 $351,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.84 $10,636 $0.45 $10,636 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $9,750 $9,750 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14-107 McKee Street Apartments New Horizons Community Support Services, Inc. Columbia Family New Construction Non-Profit, Special Needs Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: The new construction of 12 family units in Columbia. 100% of units will be set aside for tenants with special needs. The project will include office and programming space for on-site supportive services. The project will incorporate universal design principles. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. 100% specials needs 2. Extensive services will be provided to tenants 3. Numerous sources of tenant rental assistance Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC HOME Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Owner Equity-Fundraising Missouri Department of Mental Health $1,610,877 $180,000 $100,000 $40,000 Federal and State LIHTC Equity $0 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $0 Total Sources: $1,930,877 Construction Sources MHDC HOME $1,610,877 Tax Credit Equity $0 Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines $180,000 Owner Equity-Fundraising $24,800 Missouri Department of Mental Health $40,000 Uses: Construction Costs $1,557,327 Architect and Engineering $63,500 Construction Interest $0 Contingency $95,000 Closing Legal $5,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 Furniture and Fixtures $15,000 Acquisition Costs $100 Developer/Consultant Fee $65,000 MHDC and Related Costs $10,750 Reserves $62,200 Other Development Costs $57,000 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $1,930,877 Total $1,930,877 $160,906 Reserves $62,200 $5,183 MHDC Fees $10,750 $896 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $1,857,927 $154,827 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bed/1 Bath Total Number of Units Total HOME Units Total Market Units # of Units 12 Sq Ft 650 - 700 Market $0 % of Market 0% Total $77,272 $65,188 $12,083 $0 $12,083 Per Unit $6,439 $5,432 $1,007 $0 $1,007 Year 1 N/A Year 15 N/A 12 12 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $575 Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Out State 14-110 Holman Place Apartments Iceberg Development Hannibal Family Acquisition/Rehabilitation Preservation and MBE/WBE Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: The acquisition/rehabilitation of 48 family units in Hannibal. The project was built in 1995. The project will include a new community/common area and new exterior playground. The project will be constructed to achieve NAHB green building bronze certification. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. Competitive total development costs 2. Preservation 3. Strong rehabilitation demographics Loan Information Permanent Sources MHDC HOME Replacement Reserves Income During Construction $350,000 $30,000 $23,600 Federal and State LIHTC Equity $4,900,420 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $80,027 Total Sources: $5,384,046 Construction Sources Valley Bank Tax Credit Equity Replacement Reserves Income During Construction MHDC HOME $3,550,000 $993,517 $30,000 $23,600 $350,000 Uses: Construction Costs $2,884,200 Architect and Engineering $46,500 Construction Interest $107,656 Contingency $225,000 Closing Legal $35,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $96,000 Furniture and Fixtures $40,000 Acquisition Costs $975,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $596,260 MHDC and Related Costs $12,000 Reserves $158,800 Other Development Costs $207,630 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $5,384,046 Total $5,384,046 $112,168 Reserves $158,800 $3,308 MHDC Fees $12,000 $250 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $5,213,246 $108,609 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 2 Bed/1 Bath 3 Bed/2 Bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 40 8 Sq Ft 880 1125 Market $555 $722 % of Market 74% 69% Total $233,769 $188,438 $45,330 $19,316 $26,015 Per Unit $4,870 $3,926 $944 $402 $542 Year 1 2.35 Year 15 1.21 48 48 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $410 $500 Amount $389,000 $389,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.83 $8,104 $0.43 $8,104 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $8,104 $8,104 $0 $0 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Saint Louis 14‐404 Station Plaza Lofts Sherman Asociates, Inc. St. Louis Family Rehabilitation/Historic (Conversion) N/A Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: This is an adaptive reuse of a historic building in the Locust Business District in St. Louis. The single building will have a total of 87 units consisting of studio, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom units. Reasons for Recommendations: 1) On the city of St. Louis list of recommended projects 2) Costs are very reasonable for a historic conversion 3) Demonstrated need for affordable housing eveidenced by the high occupancy of other LIHTC projects in the area. Loan Information Permanent Sources Conventional Conventional Construction Sources $3,200,000 Tax Credit Equity $566,111 Conventional Conventional Federal and State LIHTC Equity $6,612,241 Federal and State Historic Equity $5,279,465 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $286,369 Total Sources: $15,944,186 $2,558,676 $3,800,000 $8,200,000 Uses: $10,345,319 Construction Costs Architect and Engineering $258,633 Construction Interest $597,000 Contingency $740,000 Closing Legal $150,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $0 $50,000 Furniture and Fixtures Acquisition Costs $1,575,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $1,100,000 $10,000 MHDC and Related Costs $413,721 Reserves $704,513 Other Development Costs Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $15,944,186 Total $15,944,186 $183,267 Reserves $413,721 $4,755 MHDC Fees $10,000 $115 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $15,520,465 $178,396 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type Efficiency 1 Bed 2 Bed Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 20 44 23 Sq Ft 415 685 1035 Market $650 $900 $1,100 % of Market 81% 72% 71% Total $768,314 $417,788 $350,526 $283,436 $67,090 Per Unit $8,831 $4,802 $4,029 $3,258 $771 Year 1 1.24 Year 15 1.32 87 87 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre‐distribution Cash‐Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $525 $650 $780 Amount $500,077 $480,000 $2,625,230 $3,281,537 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.90 $5,748 $0.44 $5,517 $0.88 $30,175 $0.91 $37,719 $0 Per Unit (All) $5,748 $5,517 $30,175 $37,719 $0 Salient Facts: Region MHDC Property Number Property Name Developer Name Location Occupancy Construction Priority (if applicable) Property Type Saint Louis 14-405 Life Skills Rehab Project Renaissance Property Group LLC Kirkwood, Overland, and Riverview Elderly New Construction + Acquisition/Rehabilitation Non-Profit, Special Needs, Preservation Single Family Two Story Row Building with Elevator Duplexes Single Story Row Building without Elevator Description of Property: The acquisition/rehabilitation of 48 elderly units in the cities of Kirkwood, Overland, and Riverview. The new construction of 19 elderly units adjacent to the Kirkwood acquisition/rehabilitation site. 48 of 67 units have Section 8 and will be set aside for special needs tenants. The new construction portion will include space to provide on-site supportive services. Reasons for Recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Competitive total development costs Specials Needs Preservation of Section 8 Extensive resident services Loan Information Permanent Sources Non-MHDC Tax Exempt Bonds MHDC HOME Income During Construction $3,600,000 $1,690,000 $259,371 Federal and State LIHTC Equity $3,174,189 Federal and State Historic Equity $0 AHAP Donation $0 Deferred Developer Fee $223,991 Total Sources: $8,947,552 Construction Sources Non-MHDC Tax Exempt Bonds Tax Credit Equity MHDC HOME Income During Construction $5,300,000 $812,980 $1,690,000 $259,371 Uses: Construction Costs $3,447,000 Architect and Engineering $250,000 Construction Interest $364,375 Contingency $257,000 Closing Legal $45,000 Environmental Abatement $0 Relocation Expense $28,800 Furniture and Fixtures $0 Acquisition Costs $2,850,000 Developer/Consultant Fee $813,404 MHDC and Related Costs $12,000 Reserves $403,200 Other Development Costs $476,773 Total Uses: Development Costs Costs per Unit $8,947,552 Total $8,947,552 $133,546 Reserves $403,200 $6,018 MHDC Fees $12,000 $179 w/o Reserves & MHDC Fees $8,532,352 $127,349 Property Data: Breakdown by Unit Type Type 1 Bed/1 Bath 2 Bed/1 Bath and 2 Bath Total Number of Units Total LIHTC Units Total Market Units # of Units 51 16 Sq Ft 624 912 - 930 Market $950 $1,125 % of Market 63% - 90% 73% - 91% Total $639,805 $345,907 $293,898 $245,285 $48,613 Per Unit $9,549 $5,163 $4,387 $3,661 $726 Year 1 1.20 Year 15 1.31 67 67 0 Income and Expense Data Gross Income Underwritten Expenses Net Operating Income Debt Service Pre-distribution Cash-Flow Debt Service Coverage Tax Credit Information Federal LIHTC State LIHTC Federal Historic State Historic AHAP Credits Net Rent $600 - $853 $825 - $1027 Amount $248,000 $248,000 $0 $0 Price Per Credit Per LIHTC Unit $0.85 $3,701 $0.43 $3,701 $0.00 $0 $0.00 $0 $0 Per Unit (All) $3,701 $3,701 $0 $0 $0 TAB 3 (b) Report of Staff Request for approval of the 2014 Tax Exempt Bond Round NOFA March 14, 2014 NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY Tax Exempt Bonds – Round Two 2014 FEDERAL LOW INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDITS (4% CREDITS) Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) hereby notifies interested parties of the availability of the following funding sources for the rehabilitation or construction of rental housing units for low and moderate income families and individuals in the state of Missouri: Federal 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credits; State 4% Credits in the amount of $5,272,000 Applications for funding will be accepted by MHDC until 4:30 PM CST on Tuesday, May 20, 2014. It is anticipated that recommendations regarding the proposed developments will be brought before the commission in June 2014. Deadlines are subject to change at the discretion of MHDC. If an applicant is requesting Federal and/or State Historic Tax Credits, they should be listed on the application as a source of funds; however, approval of these tax credits will be made by the Department of Economic Development (DED). An approved proposal will not become eligible for tax credits until it applies and receives an allocation of private activity bonds from the Department of Economic Development. We ask all applicants to visit our web site at to obtain the fiscal year 2014 Qualified Allocation Plan, Developer’s Guide, and Application Forms and Checklist. The documents are also available on CD‐R. To request an electronic or printed copy, contact Frank Quagraine at 816‐759‐7210; and please contact Gus Metz at 816‐759‐6878 for questions regarding the completion of the web‐based online application. A separate application must be submitted to request AHAP credits as part of the financing package for any proposed development. All proposals must be prepared using the application on the MHDC web site and must be submitted to the office of the Missouri Housing Development Commission: 3435 Broadway Kansas City, Missouri 64111 TAB 3(c) Report of Staff Request for approval of Bond Resolution No. 1036, Single Family Mortgage Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2014 Series A -2 MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1036 Approved March 14, 2014 Single Family Mortgage Refunding Revenue Bonds RESOLUTION NO. 1036 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR CONTINUATION OF A SPECIAL HOMEOWNERSHIP LOAN PROGRAM; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE BY THE MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF ITS SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS IN ONE OR MORE SERIES IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $45,000,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING CERTAIN PRIOR BONDS OF THE COMMISSION; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND SERIES SUPPLEMENTS AND/OR MASTER INDENTURE AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATED THERETO; APPROVING THE FORMS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF SAID BONDS; APPROVING THE USE OF THE PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND THE USE AND EXECUTION OF THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF SAID BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING THE OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COMMISSION TO DO AND PERFORM ALL THINGS NECESSARY, APPROPRIATE AND INCIDENTAL THERETO. WHEREAS, there exists within the State of Missouri (the "State") a recognized shortage of decent, safe and sanitary housing for low and moderate income persons and families; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 215.010 to 215.250, inclusive, Revised Statutes of Missouri, and Appendix B(l) thereto, as amended (collectively, the "Act"), the Missouri Housing Development Commission (the "Commission") is authorized to issue and sell revenue bonds in order to aid in providing an adequate supply of residential housing for low and moderate income persons or families and for the purpose of purchasing mortgages and notes evidencing loans for the construction, rehabilitation or purchase of single family residential housing and to refund revenue bonds previously issued for such purposes; and WHEREAS, the Commission, pursuant to prior resolutions of the Commission (collectively, the "Resolution"), and the Indentures of Trust, dated as of June 15, 1995 and December 1, 2009, (as amended and supplemented, the "Master Indentures"), between the Commission and UMB Bank & Trust, N.A., (the "Trustee"), authorized the establishment of a homeownership loan program and special homeownership loan program and has issued multiple series of bonds thereunder, including, but not limited to, the 2004A Bonds, the 2004B Bonds, the 2004C Bonds and the 2004D Bonds (the “Prior Bonds”); and WHEREAS, the Commission hereby deems and determines it necessary, desirable and in the public interest to provide for the continuation of the homeownership loan program and the special homeownership loan program and the issuance of one or more additional series of revenue bonds in accordance with the Master Indentures or a separate master indenture in substantially the form of the Master Indentures for the purpose of refunding one or more maturities of the outstanding Prior Bonds (collectively, the “Refunded Bonds”). NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Definitions. All words and phrases not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings set forth in the Master Indentures, unless a different meaning clearly appears in context. Section 2. Declaration of Purposes. It is hereby declared and determined that the purpose of this Resolution is to provide a means of financing and refinancing the costs of acquiring single family residential property to provide adequate, safe and sanitary housing for low and moderate income persons and families in accordance with the Act. Section 3. Continuation of Homeownership Loan Program and Special Homeownership Loan Program. The Homeownership Loan Program and the Special Homeownership Loan Program (jointly, the "Program") created and established pursuant to the Act, the Resolution and the Master Indentures shall be further implemented and administered as provided in this Resolution, the Master Indentures and the other financing documents authorized pursuant to this Resolution. Section 4. Execution of the Series Supplements; Designation of Trustee. For the purposes of providing for the continuation of the Program and the refunding of the Refunded Bonds, the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Interim Executive Director or Assistant Secretary are hereby authorized to execute and affix the official seal of the Commission to the Series Supplements relating to each series of bonds (the "Series Supplements"). The Series Supplements shall be in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes or amendments thereto as the officer executing such Series Supplements shall approve, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by his or her execution of said document. UMB Bank & Trust, N.A., is hereby designated to serve in the capacity of Trustee under and pursuant to the terms of each of the Series Supplements. Section 5. Authorization for Issuance of Bonds; Execution of the Bonds. For the purpose of (i) providing funds necessary for the Program and (ii) refunding of the Refunded Bonds in order to achieve interest cost savings or other lawful purposes, there are hereby authorized to be issued and delivered pursuant to the Act and this Resolution and under and in accordance with the Master Indentures and related Series Supplements one or more series of refunding revenue bonds to be designated "Missouri Housing Development Commission Single Family Mortgage Refunding Revenue Bonds (Homeownership Loan Program)" with appropriate series designation in the maximum aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $45,000,000 (the "Bonds"). The Bonds may be issued in one or more series or subseries and shall mature on the respective dates (not later than September 1, 2036) and in the amounts specified in the applicable Series Supplement, and shall be payable on the dates, bear interest at the rates (not to exceed an average interest rate of 5.50% per annum) and be dated as set forth in the applicable Series Supplement and shall be in the form and shall be subject to redemption and payment prior to their respective maturities, all as set forth and specified in the Master Indentures and the applicable Series Supplement. The Chairman or Vice Chairman, Interim Executive Director, Secretary and/or Assistant Secretary are hereby authorized to execute the Bonds by their manual or facsimile signatures in the manner specified in the Master Indentures and to affix or cause to be imprinted thereon the official seal of the Commission. Section 6. Sale of the Bonds; Approval of Official Statement. The Bonds shall be sold and delivered to the order of the purchasers thereof (collectively, the "Purchasers") in accordance with the -2- terms and conditions of the Bond Purchase Agreement relating to the Bonds between the Commission and the Purchasers (the "Purchase Contract"). The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Interim Executive Director, Assistant Secretary or Director of Finance are hereby authorized to execute and deliver such Purchase Contract in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes or amendments thereto as the officer executing such Purchase Contract shall approve, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by his or her execution of said Purchase Contract. The Preliminary Official Statement (the "Preliminary Official Statement") and the final Official Statement (the "Official Statement") and the use and distribution thereof by the Purchasers in connection with the offering and sale of the Bonds are hereby ratified and approved in substantially the forms presented to this meeting. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Interim Executive Director or Assistant Secretary are hereby authorized to execute and deliver the Official Statement, with such changes or amendments thereto as the officer executing such Official Statement shall approve, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by the such officer's execution of said Official Statement. Section 7. Continuing Disclosure Agreement. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Interim Executive Director or Assistant Secretary are hereby authorized to execute and deliver, for and on behalf of the Commission, the Continuing Disclosure Agreement, relating to the Bonds, between the Commission and UMB Bank & Trust, N.A., as dissemination agent (the "Disclosure Agreement"), each in substantially the form presented to this meeting with any changes therein as the officer executing such Disclosure Agreement shall approve, his or her execution being conclusive evidence of such approval. Section 8. Further Authority. The Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Interim Executive Director and/or Director of Finance are hereby further authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and agreements required to be executed pursuant to the Master Indentures and the Series Supplements or necessary or convenient for the Program, including any agreements authorized by the Master Indentures or the Series Supplements with respect to the investment of moneys held in the funds and accounts under the Master Indentures, agreements relating to the servicing of the mortgage loans and documents relating to the sale of Guaranteed Mortgage Securities financed with the proceeds of prior bonds of the Commission. The Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Interim Executive Director, the Director of Finance, the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary and other officers of the Commission, its attorneys and other agents, consultants or employees and the officers and employees of the Trustee are hereby authorized and directed to (i) furnish such information, execute such instruments and take such other action in cooperation with the Purchasers as the Purchasers may reasonably request to qualify the Bonds for offer and sale under the Blue Sky or other securities laws and regulations of such states and other jurisdictions of the United States as the Purchasers may designate (provided, however, the Commission shall not be required to register as a dealer or broker in any such state or jurisdiction or make any additional representations or warranties in connection with the sale of securities, or to subject itself to service of process in any state or jurisdiction in which it is not already so subject) and (ii) do and perform all acts and things required of them by the provisions of this Resolution, the Purchase Contract, the Master Indentures and the Series Supplements necessary or incidental for the purpose of implementing and carrying out the Program, the refunding of the Refunded Bonds (including modifications to the financing documents relating to the Refunded Bonds necessary to protect the interest of the bondholders), the issuance and delivery of the Bonds, and for the full, punctual and complete performance of all of the terms, covenants, provisions and agreements set forth herein, in the Bonds, the Purchase Contract, the Master Indentures, the Series Supplements and the Disclosure Agreement. Section 9. Authority. This Resolution is adopted under the authority of the Act. -3- Section 10. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any remaining provisions of this Resolution. Section 11. Authority to Modify Series Designation. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Interim Executive Director and/or Assistant Secretary are hereby authorized to cause the series or subseries designation of the Bonds to be modified such that Bonds issued under the Master Indentures are assigned series or subseries designations in accordance with the chronological order of issuance of such Bonds or otherwise at the discretion of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Interim Executive Director or Assistant Secretary. Section 12. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the Commission. -4- PASSED BY THE MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION THIS 14th DAY OF MARCH, 2014. MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION By: Chairman ATTEST: Secretary MHDC/2004 REFUNDING Resolution S-1 TAB 3(d) Report of Staff Request for approval of Bond Resolution No. 1037, Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, 2014 Series B -2 MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1037 Approved March 14, 2014 With Respect to a Special Homeownership Loan Program and Authorizing the Issuance of Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Special Homeownership Loan Program) RESOLUTION NO. 1037 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR CONTINUATION OF A SPECIAL HOMEOWNERSHIP LOAN PROGRAM; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE BY THE MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF ITS SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS (SPECIAL HOMEOWNERSHIP LOAN PROGRAM), IN ONE OR MORE SERIES, IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $125,000,000; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF ONE OR MORE BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENTS, SERIES SUPPLEMENTS FOR EACH SERIES, LENDER/SERVICER AGREEMENTS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATED THERETO; APPROVING THE FORMS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF SAID BONDS; APPROVING THE USE OF ONE OR MORE PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENTS AND THE USE AND EXECUTION OF ONE OR MORE OFFICIAL STATEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF SAID BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING THE OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COMMISSION TO DO AND PERFORM ALL THINGS NECESSARY, APPROPRIATE AND INCIDENTAL THERETO. WHEREAS, there exists within the State of Missouri (the "State") a recognized shortage of decent, safe and sanitary housing for low and moderate income persons and families; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 215.010 to 215.250, inclusive, Revised Statutes of Missouri, and Appendix B(l) thereto, as amended (collectively, the "Act"), the Missouri Housing Development Commission (the "Commission") is authorized to issue and sell revenue bonds in order to aid in providing an adequate supply of residential housing for low and moderate income persons or families and for the purpose of purchasing mortgages and notes evidencing loans for the construction, rehabilitation or purchase of single family residential housing and to refund revenue bonds previously issued for such purposes; and WHEREAS, the Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. 1004, approved November 5, 2009, as amended (the "November 2009 Resolution"), and the Indenture of Trust, dated as of December 1, 2009, as amended (the "Master Indenture"), between the Commission and UMB Bank & Trust, N.A.(the "Trustee"), has authorized the establishment of a special homeownership loan program; and WHEREAS, the Commission hereby deems and determines it necessary, desirable and in the public interest to provide for the continuation of said special homeownership loan program and the issuance of one or more additional series of revenue bonds in accordance with the Master Indenture for the aforementioned purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Definitions. All words and phrases not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings set forth in the Master Indenture, the applicable Series Supplement (each, a "Series Supplement") between the Commission and the Trustee hereinafter authorized and approved, unless a different meaning clearly appears in context. Section 2. Declaration of Purposes. It is hereby declared and determined that the purpose of this Resolution is to provide a means of financing the costs of acquiring single family residential property to provide adequate, safe and sanitary housing for low and moderate income persons and families in accordance with the Act. Section 3. Continuation of Special Homeownership Loan Program. The Special Homeownership Loan Program (the "Program") created and established pursuant to the Act, the November 2009 Resolution and the Master Indenture shall be further implemented and administered as provided in this Resolution, the Master Indenture, the Series Supplements and the other financing documents authorized pursuant to this Resolution. Section 4. Execution of the Series Supplements; Designation of Trustee. For the purposes of providing for the continuation of the Program, the Chairman, Vice Chairman or Executive Director are hereby authorized to execute and affix the official seal of the Commission to the Series Supplements. The Series Supplements shall be in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes or amendments thereto as the officer executing each such Series Supplement shall approve, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by his or her execution of said document. UMB Bank & Trust, N.A., is hereby designated to serve in the capacity of Trustee under and pursuant to the terms of the Series Supplements. Section 5. Authorization for Issuance of Bonds; Execution of the Bonds. For the purpose of providing funds necessary for the Program there is hereby authorized to be issued and delivered pursuant to the Act and this Resolution and under and in accordance with the Master Indenture and the applicable Series Supplement revenue bonds to be designated "Missouri Housing Development Commission Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Special Homeownership Loan Program)" in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $125,000,000 (the "Bonds"), with series designations as provided in Section 11 . The Bonds may be issued in one or more series and shall mature on the respective dates (not later than September 1, 2047) and in the amounts specified in the applicable Series Supplement, and shall be payable on the dates, bear interest at the rates (not to exceed an average interest rate of 5.50% per annum) and be dated as set forth in the applicable Series Supplement and shall be in the form and shall be subject to redemption and payment prior to their respective maturities, all as set forth and specified in the Master Indenture and the applicable Series Supplement. The Chairman or Vice Chairman and Executive Director are hereby authorized to execute the Bonds by their manual or facsimile signatures in the manner specified in the Master Indenture and to affix or cause to be imprinted thereon the official seal of the Commission. Section 6. Sale of the Bonds; Approval of Official Statement. The Bonds shall be sold and delivered to the order of the purchasers thereof (collectively, the "Purchasers") in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bond Purchase Agreements relating to each series of Bonds between the Commission and the Purchasers (each, a "Purchase Contract"). The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director or Director of Finance are hereby authorized to execute and deliver such Purchase Contracts in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes or amendments thereto as the officer executing such Purchase Contracts shall approve, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by his or her execution of said Purchase Contracts. The form of Preliminary Official Statement (the "Preliminary Official Statement") and the final Official Statement (the "Official Statement") and the use and distribution thereof by the Purchasers in connection with the offering and sale of each series of Bonds are hereby ratified and approved in -2- substantially the forms presented to this meeting. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director or Director of Finance are hereby authorized to execute and deliver the Official Statements, with such changes or amendments thereto as the officer executing such Official Statements shall approve, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by the such officer's execution of said Official Statements. Section 7. Approval of Lender/Servicer Agreements and Continuing Disclosure Agreement. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director or Director of Finance are hereby authorized to execute and deliver, for and on behalf of the Commission, origination, servicing and administration agreements with the mortgage lending institutions signatory thereto relating to the Bonds (the "Lender/Servicer Agreements") and the Continuing Disclosure Agreement, relating to the Bonds, between the Commission and UMB Bank & Trust, N.A., as dissemination agent (the "Disclosure Agreement"), each in substantially the form presented to this meeting with any changes therein as the officer executing such Lender/Servicer Agreements and Disclosure Agreement shall approve, his or her execution being conclusive evidence of such approval. Section 8. Further Authority. The Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Executive Director and Director of Finance are hereby further authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and agreements required to be executed pursuant to the Master Indenture and the Series Supplements or necessary or convenient for the Program, including any agreements authorized by the Master Indenture or the Series Supplements with respect to the investment of moneys held in the funds and accounts under the Master Indenture, agreements relating to the servicing of the mortgage loans and documents relating to the sale of Guaranteed Mortgage Securities financed with the proceeds of prior bonds of the Commission (provided that as a result of such sale, the lendable proceeds of the Bonds are increased). The Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary, the Executive Director, the Director of Finance and other officers of the Commission, its attorneys and other agents, consultants or employees and the officers and employees of the Trustee are hereby authorized and directed to (i) furnish such information, execute such instruments and take such other action in cooperation with the Purchasers as the Purchasers may reasonably request to qualify the Bonds for offer and sale under the Blue Sky or other securities laws and regulations of such states and other jurisdictions of the United States as the Purchasers may designate (provided, however, the Commission shall not be required to register as a dealer or broker in any such state or jurisdiction or make any additional representations or warranties in connection with the sale of securities, or to subject itself to service of process in any state or jurisdiction in which it is not already so subject) and (ii) do and perform all acts and things required of them by the provisions of this Resolution, the Purchase Contract, the Master Indenture, the Series Supplements and the Lender/Servicer Agreements necessary or incidental for the purpose of implementing and carrying out the Program, the issuance and delivery of the Bonds, and for the full, punctual and complete performance of all of the terms, covenants, provisions and agreements set forth herein, in the Bonds, the Purchase Contract, the Master Indenture, the Series Supplements, the Lender/Servicer Agreements and the Disclosure Agreement. Section 9. Authority. This Resolution is adopted under the authority of the Act. Section 10. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any remaining provisions of this Resolution. Section 11. Series Designations; Authority to Modify. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director and/or Director of Finance are hereby authorized to cause each series of the Bonds to be designated by the year in which issued and by alphabetical order within such year; provided, that such series designations may be further modified such that Bonds issued under the Master Indenture are -3- assigned series designations in accordance with the chronological order of issuance of such Bonds or otherwise at the discretion of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director or Director of Finance. Section 12. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the Commission. -4- PASSED BY THE MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION THIS 14TH DAY OF MARCH, 2014. MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION By: Chairman ATTEST: Secretary MHDC/2014B Bond Resolution S-1 TAB 3(e) Report of Staff Request for approval of selection of Single Family Market Rate Program Administrator TAB 3(f) Report of Staff Request for approval of Bond Resolution No. 1038, Multifamily Housing Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2014 Series 1 Resolution No. 1038 Multifamily Housing Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2014 Series 1 Bond Series Project Name Mortgage Original Mortgage Loan Mortgage Balance Rate Balance as of 2/28/2014 Maturity Date 2003 Series 5 Kensington Heights 6.25 $ 4,900,000 $ 4,419,627 12/1/2039 2003 Series 8 Stratford Commons 6.25 4,300,000 1,905,668 4/1/2035 2003 Series 9 Apple Court Apts Apple Plaza Apts Montgomery City Apts Bell City Apts Dexter II Apts Licking I Apts Mountain Grove I Apts Parma Apts Scott City I Apts Senath Apts Sikeston I Apts 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 233,571 165,623 484,139 220,840 220,840 212,335 348,243 310,024 216,588 403,446 157,132 6/1/2034 6/1/2034 6/1/2034 6/1/2034 6/1/2034 6/1/2034 6/1/2034 6/1/2034 6/1/2034 6/1/2034 6/1/2034 2003 Series 10 Hidden Valley Apts 6.125 10,500,000 9,138,693 8/1/2035 2004 Series 1 Hickory Townhomes 6.25 3,050,000 2,671,045 10/1/2035 2004 Series 2 Winter Garden Apts 6.25 4,050,000 3,501,492 3/1/2035 2004 Series 3 Woodlen Place Apts 6.25 1,300,000 1,123,938 3/1/2035 2004 Series 4 Festus Gardens Apts 6.25 4,300,000 3,766,409 10/1/2035 275,000 195,000 570,000 260,000 260,000 250,000 410,000 365,000 255,000 475,000 185,000 $ 35,900,000 $ 29,499,653 -3 MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1038 Approved March 14, 2014 Authorizing the Issuance of Multifamily Housing Refunding Revenue Bonds 2014 Series 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1038 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF A MULTIFAMILY HOUSING PROGRAM; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE BY THE MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF A SERIES OF MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, 2014 SERIES 1, IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $30,000,000; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A PURCHASE CONTRACT, TRUST INDENTURE AND SUPPLEMENTAL TRUST INDENTURE AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATED THERETO; APPROVING THE FORMS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF SAID BONDS; APPROVING THE USE OF AN OFFERING DOCUMENT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF SAID BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING THE OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COMMISSION TO DO AND PERFORM ALL THINGS NECESSARY, APPROPRIATE AND INCIDENTAL THERETO. WHEREAS, there exists within the State of Missouri a recognized shortage of decent, safe and sanitary housing for low income and moderate income persons and families; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 215, RSMo. 2000, and Appendix B(l) thereto, as amended (collectively, the "Act"), the Missouri Housing Development Commission (the "Commission") is authorized to (a) make or participate in the making of uninsured or insured loans to approved mortgagors (as defined in the Act) to finance the building, rehabilitation or purchase of residential housing designed and planned to be available for rental to low income and moderate income persons or families (as defined in the Act); (b) issue its bonds or other evidences of indebtedness for the purpose of obtaining funds to make such loans, to establish necessary reserve funds and to pay administrative and other costs incurred in connection with the issuance of such bonds; (c) secure such bonds by the pledge of all revenues, mortgages or notes of others, (d) pledge all or any part of the revenues of the Commission to secure the payment or notes or bonds, and (e) refund bonds previously issued by the Commission the proceeds of which were applied to make or participate in the making of uninsured or insured loans to approved mortgagors (as defined in the Act) to finance the building, rehabilitation or purchase of residential housing designed and planned to be available for rental to low income and moderate income persons or families (as defined in the Act); and WHEREAS, the Commission and UMB Bank & Trust, N.A. (formerly known as State Street Bank and Trust Company of Missouri, N.A.) (the "Trustee") have previously entered into the Trust Indenture, dated as of June 1, 2000 (the "Master Indenture"), in order to provide for the issuance of revenue bonds under the Act to finance multifamily housing projects for occupancy by low income and moderate income persons and families in the State of Missouri; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Master Indenture, as supplemented by Supplemental Trust Indentures between the Commission and the Trustee, the Commission has previously issued multiple series of bonds and notes; and WHEREAS, the Commission hereby deems and determines it necessary, desirable and in the public interest to issue an additional series of revenue bonds under the Master Indenture or a separate trust indenture in substantially the form of the Master Indenture (the “2014 Indenture,” together with the Master Indenture, the “Indenture”) to be designated Multifamily Housing Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2014 Series 1, in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $30,000,000 for the purpose of refunding certain prior bonds of the Commission (the "Prior Bonds") that financed the acquisition, construction and rehabilitation of various multifamily housing projects located in the State of Missouri. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Definitions. All words and phrases not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings set forth in the Indenture and the 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Trust Indenture, to be dated as of the first day of the month in which the Series 2014-1 Bonds (as hereinafter defined) are issued thereunder (the "2014 Series 1 Supplemental Indenture") between the Commission and the Trustee hereinafter authorized and approved unless a different meaning clearly appears in context. Section 2. Declaration of Purposes. It is hereby declared and determined that the purpose of this Resolution is to provide a means of financing residential rental housing to provide adequate, safe and sanitary housing for low income and moderate income persons and families in accordance with the Act. Section 3. Continuation of a Multifamily Housing Program. The Multifamily Housing Program (the "Program") previously authorized is hereby authorized to be continued and implemented pursuant to the Act, to encourage and assist in financing the acquisition of decent, safe and sanitary residential rental housing facilities for low income and moderate income persons and families. The Program shall be created, implemented and administered in accordance with the Act, this Resolution and the Indenture and the other documents herein authorized. Section 4. Approval of Staff Recommendation. The staff recommendation with respect to the refunding of the Prior Bonds attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby approved. Section 5. Execution of the Indenture and 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Trust Indenture; Designation of Trustee. For the purposes of providing for implementation of the Program, the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director and Director of Finance are hereby authorized to execute the 2014 Indenture, if applicable, and the 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Indenture. The 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Indenture shall be in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes or amendments thereto as the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director or Director of Finance shall approve, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by such officer's execution of said document. UMB Bank & Trust, N.A., the banking institution named in the Indenture, is hereby designated to serve in the capacity of Trustee under and pursuant to the terms of the 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Indenture. Section 6. Authorization for Issuance of Series 2014-1 Bonds; Execution of the Series 20141 Bonds. For the purpose of providing funds necessary to implement the Program there is hereby authorized to be issued and delivered pursuant to the Act and this Resolution and under and in accordance with the Indenture and the 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Indenture a series of revenue bonds to be designated "Missouri Housing Development Commission Multifamily Housing Refunding Revenue Bonds, 2014 Series 1" in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $30,000,000 (the "Series 2014-1 Bonds". The Series 2014-1 Bonds shall be dated, shall mature on the dates and in the amounts, shall interest at the rates (not to exceed an average interest rate of 6.00% per annum) as set forth in the 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Indenture and shall be payable on the dates and shall be in the form and shall be subject to redemption and payment prior to their respective maturities, all as set forth and specified in the Indenture and the 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Indenture. The Chairman, the Secretary, the Executive -2- Director and Director of Finance are hereby authorized to execute the Series 2014-1 Bonds by their manual or facsimile signatures in the manner specified in the Indenture and to affix or cause to be imprinted thereon the official seal of the Commission. Section 7. Sale of the Series 2014-1 Bonds; Approval of Offering Document. The Series 2014-1 Bonds shall be sold and delivered to the order of the purchaser or purchasers thereof (the "Purchaser") in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Bond Purchase Contract relating to the Series 2014-1 Bonds between the Commission and the Purchaser (the "Purchase Contract"). The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director and Director of Finance are hereby authorized to execute and deliver, for and on behalf of the Commission, the Purchase Contract in substantially the form presented to this meeting with any changes therein as the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director or Director of Finance shall approve, such execution being conclusive evidence of such approval. The offering document relating to the Series 2014-1 Bonds (the "Offering Document") and the use and distribution thereof by the Purchaser in connection with the offering and sale of the Series 2014-1 Bonds are hereby approved in substantially the form presented to this meeting. The Chairman, Executive Director and Director of Finance are hereby authorized to execute and deliver the Offering Document, with such changes or amendments thereto as the Chairman, Executive Director or Director of Finance shall approve, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by such officer's execution of said Offering Document. Section 8. Approval of Continuing Disclosure Agreement. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director and Director of Finance are hereby authorized to execute and deliver, for and on behalf of the Commission, the Continuing Disclosure Agreement relating to the Series 2014-1 Bonds (the "Continuing Disclosure Agreement"), between the Commission and the Trustee as dissemination agent in substantially the form presented to this meeting with any changes therein as the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director or Director of Finance shall approve, such execution being conclusive evidence of such approval. Section 9. Further Authority. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, the Secretary, the Executive Director and Director of Finance are hereby further authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and agreements required to be executed pursuant to the Indenture, the 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Indenture or necessary or convenient for implementation of the Program, including any agreements authorized by the Indenture, the 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Indenture with respect to the investment of moneys held in the funds and accounts under the Indenture, the 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Indenture, agreements with the providers of any interest rate caps or collars or similar qualified hedging products, agreements with the providers of bond insurance with respect to the Series 2014-1 Bonds. The Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary, the Executive Director, the Director of Finance and other officers of the Commission, its attorneys and other agents, consultants or employees and the officers and employees of the Trustee are hereby authorized and directed to (i) furnish such information, execute such instruments and take such other action in cooperation with the Purchaser as the Purchaser may reasonably request to qualify the Series 2014-1 Bonds for offer and sale under the Blue Sky or other securities laws and regulations of such states and other jurisdictions of the United States as the Purchaser may designate (provided, however, the Commission shall not be required to register as a dealer or broker in any such state or jurisdiction or make any additional representations or warranties in connection with the sale of securities, or to subject itself to service of process in any state or jurisdiction in which it is not already so subject) and (ii) do and perform all acts and things required of them by the provisions of this Resolution, the Purchase Contract, the Indenture and the 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Indenture necessary or incidental for the purpose of implementing and carrying out the Program, the -3- issuance and delivery of the Series 2014-1 Bonds, and for the full, punctual and complete performance of all of the terms, covenants, provisions and agreements set forth herein, in the Series 2014-1 Bonds, the Purchase Contract, the Indenture and the 2014 Series 1 Supplemental Indenture. Section 10. Authority to Combine Bond Issues. In the event that the Executive Director or the Director of Finance of the Commission shall determine that it is necessary and desirable that the Series 2014-1 Bonds be issued simultaneously with additional bonds authorized by the Commission to be issued under the Indenture, the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director and Director of Finance are hereby authorized to cause the Series 2014-1 Bonds to be issued simultaneously with such additional bonds as a single series of bonds to be issued under the Indenture pursuant to a single supplemental indenture, and in such event the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director and Director of Finance are hereby authorized and directed to modify the series designation of the Series 2014-1 Bonds and take such other actions and execute and deliver such documents as may be necessary or desirable to accomplish such purpose. Section 11. Authority to Modify Series Designation. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Executive Director and Director of Finance are hereby authorized to cause the series designation of the Series 2014-1 Bonds to be modified such that bonds issued under the Indenture are assigned series designations in accordance with the chronological order of issuance of such bonds. Section 12. Authority. This Resolution is adopted under the authority of the Act. Section 13. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any remaining provisions of this Resolution. Section 14. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the Commission. -4- PASSED BY THE MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION THIS 14TH DAY OF MARCH, 2014. MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION By: Chairman ATTEST: Secretary -5- TAB 3(g) Report of Staff Request for approval of RFP for Bond Counsel Missouri Housing Development Commission REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO SERVE AS BOND COUNSEL RESPONSE DEADLINE: Five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy by email Due by Monday, March 31, 2014 by 3:00 P.M. Central time SUBMIT RESONSES TO: Marilyn Lappin, Director of Finance Missouri Housing Development Commission 3435 Broadway Kansas City, Missouri 64111 email: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR BOND COUNSEL SERVICES I. INTRODUCTION The Missouri Housing Development Commission (“MHDC” or the “Commission”) is a governmental instrumentality of the state of Missouri and a body corporate and politic. In 1969, the 75th General Assembly of Missouri, in the face of a general housing shortage severely affecting low and moderate income persons, established the Commission in order to increase the availability of decent, safe and sanitary housing at prices within the means of low and moderate income persons. The Commission’s authority is derived from Chapter 215 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended and supplemented. Chapter 215 provides general information about the Commission and is available on-line at Further information about the Commission and its programs is available on the Commission’s website at Purpose of Request for Proposals for Bond Counsel Services (RFP) The Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) is seeking proposals for service as Bond Counsel for MHDC housing bond issues and related program advice and services. Term of Service It is expected that the firm(s) selected pursuant to this Request for Proposals will serve as Bond Counsel for a period of three years with two additional one-year renewal options, for a total of up to five years. Any transaction initiated prior to the ending date of the term of service, for which a material amount of time or expense has been incurred, will be completed by Bond Counsel although the closing might occur following the end of the term of service. MHDC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate the agreement with any firm selected pursuant to this RFP prior to the expiration of the term of service, or to extend the agreement (with the concurrence of the firm selected) for a maximum of two additional periods of up to one year each. II. GUIDELINES AND INSTRUCTIONS Anticipated Timetable for RFP and Proposals Release RFP Proposals Due Evaluation Committee Recommendation Selection by Commissioners Proposal Due Date: March 17, 2014 March 31, 2014 April 11, 2014 April 18, 2014 Monday, March 31, 2014 by 3:00 P.M. Central time Form of Response The Commission desires to consider responses to this RFP in a consistent and easily comparable format. Proposals not organized in the manner set forth in this RFP may be considered, at the Commission’s sole discretion, as unresponsive. Please do not refer to other parts of your proposal, to information that may be publicly available elsewhere, or to the submitting entity’s website or another website in lieu of answering a specific question. The proposal must be accompanied by a cover letter stating that: (a) the information submitted in and with the proposal is true and accurate, and (b) the person signing the letter is authorized to submit the proposal on behalf of the firm. 2 Interested qualified firms are invited to submit proposals that contain information submitted in the order of Section IV below. Completed proposals must be submitted to the Commission electronically and in hard copy. Prospective bidders shall transmit completed proposals to the Commission by email to in PDF file format. The “Subject” line of the email should state, “2014 Bond Counsel Proposal.” Five (5) printed copies of the firm’s proposal — marked as, “Response to Request for Proposal for Bond Counsel” – must also be submitted by the Proposal Due Date to: Ms. Marilyn Lappin Director of Finance Missouri Housing Development Commission 3435 Broadway Kansas City, MO 64111-2403 Completed responses to the RFP must be received by the Commission no later than 3:00 p.m. Central Time on Monday, March 31, 2014. Proposals must be received by the bid submission deadline. Proposers are responsible for ensuring actual receipt of the proposal by the Commission by the time designated above. Standards of Conduct This RFP is considered a “Competitive Matter” as that term is defined in the Commission’s “Standards of Conduct” Policy (the “Standards of Conduct”). Further, every Respondent, including, but not limited to, their respective principals, key employees and agents acting on their behalf are considered “Interested Parties” (as defined in the Standards of Conduct). As a result, every Respondent (including, but not limited to, its principals, key employees and agents) under this RFP is obligated to abide by the rules and restrictions imposed by the Standards of Conduct, including the rules governing contact with Commissioners and MHDC employees. The failure of any Respondent to abide by the rules and restrictions established by the Standards of Conduct may result in the disqualification of that Respondent’s Response. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to review and familiarize yourself with the Standards of Conduct. The Standards of Conduct is available on MHDC’s website at Furthermore, pursuant to the Standards of Conduct, any Response under this RFP shall disclose the name of the individual, entity and/or entities having ownership interests in the Respondent. All entities identified in this disclosure shall be reduced to their human being level irrespective of the number of entity layers which may be present for any disclosed entity. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, to the extent any Respondent under this RFP is a publicly traded corporation, such a Respondent may limit this disclosure to all board members, officers (and other key employees) and any shareholders owning or controlling ten percent (10%) or more of the corporation. Questions regarding this requirement or any other requirements or restrictions imposed by the Standards of Conduct may be directed to the Commission’s General Counsel, Weylin Watson, by phone at 816-759-6624 or email at 3 Inquiries The Commission will provide responses to inquiries submitted by firms to the Commission’s contact person, Marilyn Lappin. All questions must be submitted in writing via email to Ms. Lappin at and received no later than Friday, March 21, 2014, 3:00 p.m. CT. The “Subject” line of the email should be, “2014 RFP for Bond Counsel Questions.” Questions submitted after the deadline will not receive a response. Responses will be provided by March 26, 2014, 5:00 p.m. CT to all interested bidders that have provided an email address to Ms. Lappin prior to the above deadline for the submission of questions. If you have inquiries regarding this RFP or would like to contact the Commission, please contact: Ms. Marilyn Lappin All inquiries must be submitted by email, citing the particular proposal section and paragraph number. Proposers should note that all clarifications and exceptions are to be resolved prior to submission of the proposal. A list of all substantive inquiries received with relevant responses will be provided to interested bidders. Other than the contact person identified herein and except as provided in Section IV.A.2 below, prospective proposers shall not approach the Commission’s employees, managers or board members after the publication of this RFP and before the announcement of a selection about any matters related to the RFP or any proposal submitted pursuant thereto. Public Records Respondents are advised that all submissions may be made available to the public on request upon completion of the process and award of an Agreement. Accordingly, any information which the respondent thinks benefits from an exception to disclosure under the Missouri Sunshine Law (RSMo §§610.010-225) shall be clearly identified as such and segregated from the rest of the proposal. MHDC, in its own discretion, shall determine which information may be disclosed under the Missouri Sunshine Law. By responding to this RFP, respondent agrees that any determination made regarding disclosure of information contained in the response is satisfactory. Modifications to Proposals Respondents may not modify or correct its Proposal any time after the Proposal Due Date, except in direct response to a request from the Commission for clarification. Revisions to this RFP In the event that it becomes necessary to revise any part of the RFP, MHDC will provide an addendum to each firm receiving this RFP. Any additional information required to clarify portions of this RFP will be issued in the form of an addendum. Expenses Relating to Proposals All costs directly or indirectly related to the preparation of a response to this RFP shall be the sole responsibility of and shall be borne by the respondent. MHDC shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by respondents in replying to this Request. 4 Visits and Interviews All firms responding to this RFP must be prepared to schedule a visit to its offices or to another location upon request by the Commission. In addition, firms responding to this RFP may be interviewed by the Commission as a part of the selection process. Reservation of Rights The Commission reserves the right to conduct any investigation of the qualifications of any firm that it deems appropriate; negotiate modifications to any of the items proposed in the Proposal; request additional information from any firm; reject any or all Proposals; and waive any irregularities in any Proposal. The Commission retains the right to negotiate the fees and compensation arrangements for its Bond Counsel services. At the Commission’s sole discretion, the selection of a proposal by the Commission may be cancelled at any time prior to the complete execution of a contract or agreement. If the Commission cancels its selection of a proposal, the Commission may repost this or a similar RFP and re-seek proposals. III. SCOPE OF SERVICES MHDC anticipates the need for legal services in connection with the issuance of its homeownership bonds, multifamily housing bonds, occasional refunding bonds, and other bonds or notes. It is anticipated that mortgage revenue bonds may possibly be issued one or two times per year during the term of the agreement. Multifamily housing bonds will be issued at various times during the term of the agreement. Bond Counsel is expected to assign those attorneys and professionals employed by the firm who are best suited to advise the Commission in all matters associated with issuance of housing bonds and with ongoing compliance of trust indentures and other documents and agreements integral to the issuance of bonds. In addition, occasionally the Commission may seek legal assistance for contractual and other technical legal matters in conjunction with its housing programs, including Mortgage Credit Certificates. The scope of services to be provided may also include any or all of the following: 1. Preparation of all board resolutions related to bond issues and mortgage credit certificate programs. 2. Preparation of master and supplemental indentures for ongoing single family and multifamily housing bond issues. 3. Preparation and/or review of all official statements and disclosure documents necessary and appropriate to the authorization, issuance, sale or delivery of multifamily housing bonds. 4. Review of all official statements and other disclosure documents necessary and appropriate to the authorization, issuance, sale or delivery of mortgage revenue bonds and other bonds associated with MHDC’s homeownership programs. 5. Delivery of legal opinions regarding the due and lawful authorization and issuance of each bond issue, the exemption from federal and state taxes for those bonds issued on a tax-exempt basis, exemption from securities laws, the sufficiency of the disclosure for those portions of the official statement prepared by bond counsel or summarizing documents for which bond counsel is responsible and delivery of such other legal opinions typically provided in connection with similar transactions. 6. Preparation of all closing documents in connection with each bond issue. 5 7. Preparation of legal documents and IRS filings in connection with each mortgage credit certificate program. 8. Administration and tracking of private activity volume cap available to the Commission for both homeownership and multifamily transactions. 9. Prepare bond and loan yield analyses and related IRS filings for arbitrage rebate purposes. 10. Participation in meetings and phone conferences regarding specific bond issues and the Commission’s bond programs generally. 11. Attendance at meetings with MHDC staff, Commissioners, and others party to MHDC’s issuance of bonds, including financial advisors, underwriters and rating agencies. 12. Provision of any other legal services, advice or opinions, as requested, regarding the Commission’s bond and other housing finance programs. IV. STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF PRPOSAL A. BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE Provide a brief description of your firm, including but not limited to the following: 1. Firm Information. Provide a description of your firm that includes the location of the firm’s office(s), the length of time your firm has been in business, the number of partners and associates, an overview of the housing legal group and the bond arbitrage and related federal tax group and a discussion of any substantive changes in its ownership, management and housing group, and in any other area of its public finance practice in the last three (3) years. 2. Firm Ownership. Pursuant to the Standards of Conduct (see Section II of this RFP), any Response under this RFP shall disclose the name of the individual, entity and/or entities having ownership interests in the Respondent. All entities identified in this disclosure shall be reduced to their human being level irrespective of the number of entity layers which may be present for any disclosed entity. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, to the extent any Respondent under this RFP is a publicly traded corporation, such a Respondent may limit this disclosure to all board members, officers (and other key employees) and any shareholders owning or controlling ten percent (10%) or more of the corporation. For purposes of providing firm ownership information, please complete Exhibit 1 (attached) in spreadsheet format to include a listing of your firm’s owners/shareholders. Questions regarding this requirement or any other requirements or restrictions imposed by the Standards of Conduct may be directed to the Commission’s General Counsel, Weylin Watson, by phone at 816-759-6624 or email at 3. Contact Person. Provide the name, address, phone number, fax number and email address of the firm’s contact person for this engagement. 4. Housing Experience. Include general discussion of your firm’s experience in single family and multifamily housing bond work, including the number of partners and associates in your tax exempt housing bond practice. 6 5. Federal Tax Law. Describe your firm’s experience with federal tax law related to tax-exempt single family and multifamily housing revenue bonds. Include discussion of your firm’s experience with the eligibility requirements for single family mortgage revenue bonds, willingness to respond to specific inquiries from lenders, experience with bond and loan yield analysis on both single family and multifamily housing bonds and experience with arbitrage rebate issues on housing bonds. Has your firm ever represented a housing bond issuer on a random audit by the IRS? What was the outcome? Has a federal tax opinion delivered by your firm during the past ten years been invalidated or overturned? Has the firm or any client of the firm entered into any closing or settlement agreements, or similar arrangements, in connection with any federal tax opinions delivered by the firm during the past ten years? 6. Co-counsel and Minority Participation. Describe either your firm’s status as a minority or woman-owned firm or describe any relationships that you have with other law firms regarding proposed co-counsel relationships and/or fee splitting arrangements, including the involvement of any minority or woman-owned firms that would assist in any capacity with services to be provided to MHDC. If you have a co-counsel relationship and/or fee splitting arrangement with a minority or woman-owned firm, provide detailed information about your proposed financial and work sharing arrangement with these firms. If none are described, confirm that your firm will provide all services described above without the involvement or assistance of any other firm or lawyers. 7. Professional Liability Insurance. Describe the type and amount of professional liability insurance your firm carries. 8. Investigations and Proceedings. Indicate whether your firm has any knowledge of any active investigations or criminal proceedings by the Internal Revenue Service, the Securities and Exchange Commission or any other state or federal agency with regard to your members or practices. If so, please provide a brief description of such investigation and the name and phone number of a person whom MHDC might contact to obtain more information. Identify any administrative proceeding, investigation or litigation regarding your firm and/or any member of the firm which is ongoing or has been settled or otherwise concluded during the past two years. 9. Federal Work Authorization Program. Pursuant to Mo.Rev.Stat. §285.530.2, the firm selected pursuant to this RFP shall provide MHDC with an affidavit stating that the firm does not employ any person who is an unauthorized alien in conjunction with the contracted services, and that the firm is enrolled in and participating in a federal work authorization program with respect to the employees working in connection with the contracted services. Prior to execution of any agreement contemplated herein, the firm shall provide evidence of participation in a federal work authorization program. Questions regarding this requirement may be directed to the Commission’s General Counsel, Weylin Watson, by phone at 816-759-6624 or email at In your proposal, please indicate whether your firm is currently enrolled in and participating in a federal work authorization program such as E-Verify. 7 B. SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE AND RESOURCES 1. Tax Exempt Bond Issues. List all tax exempt bond issues for which the firm has acted as bond counsel since January 1, 2011. Note issuer, type of issue, dollar amount, and issuance date of each issue. Highlight those issued in Missouri and that are housing bonds (whether within or outside Missouri). In addition, please note those issues for which your firm has given a sole or lead opinion. 2. MHDC Experience. Describe your firm’s historical experience in serving MHDC or other state or local issuers of housing bonds. 3. MHDC Staffing. Identify the partners and associates who will serve MHDC (including tax attorneys), including office location, phone number, fax number and email address. Provide appropriate resumes and identify their responsibilities in serving MHDC. Please provide evidence that the attorneys that will serve MHDC are licensed to practice law in the state of Missouri and whether or not they are members of the National Association of Bond Lawyers. 4. Analytical Capabilities. Describe the firm’s computer capacity with respect to yield verification for mortgage revenue bond issues and multifamily bond issues. 5. IRS Experience. Describe your firm’s recent experience in obtaining Internal Revenue Service rulings and clarification of IRS code and regulations. 6. Tax Law Communications. Describe the manner by which your firm regularly communicates changes in tax law to your clients. 7. Federal Legislation Updates. Discuss your firm’s ability to monitor and advise MHDC on federal legislation that may affect MHDC’s housing operations. 8. Firm Resources. Identify resources of the firm that will be made available to MHDC. 9. Other Information. Discuss any topics not covered in this Request for Proposals that you would like to bring to the attention of MHDC. C. COSTS Describe your proposed fee structure. Please include the hourly rate to be charged by the members of the firm for work on related matters not directly resulting in a bond issue. Also state whether the firm will charge in the event a proposed bond or other financing issue is not successfully sold. State whether the firm will charge for attendance at monthly Commission meetings. Provide an estimate of your firm’s fees and expenses under a “per-bond” rate structure for each of the following types of transactions: a $50,000,000 single family new money issue; a $40,000,000 single family taxable refunding issue; a $5,000,000 multifamily housing issue and a $10,000,000 multifamily housing issue. Note that some mortgage revenue bonds and multifamily housing issues may be privately placed and the related fees negotiated. State whether the proposed fees include expenses, or whether expenses will be charged separately (identify those expenses that will be charged separately, if any). State whether the fees submitted are effective for the duration of the expected service period of three years and the two additional 8 optional one year periods. In the event the proposed fees would not extend for the full duration of the contract, describe your process and expected frequency for rate changes, including maximum percentage increases. V. RFP REVIEW AND SELECTION CRITERIA The Bond Counsel Services Agreement will be awarded to the firm(s) which, in the opinion of MHDC, is (are) the best qualified to provide such services. Proposals will be evaluated on a variety of factors, including: 1. The firm’s demonstrated willingness to follow the guidelines in this RFP. 2. Experience and qualifications of both the firm and the staff to be assigned to these financings, as evidenced by formal training; education; appropriate professional licensing and related experience. 3. Firm’s ability to provide the required services on a timely basis in light of the anticipated workload, and the availability of adequate personnel and resources of the firm. 4. The firm’s experience during the past three years as bond or underwriter’s counsel on various housing and mortgage revenue bond financings. 5. The firm’s expertise in the area of tax law. 6. Involvement and accessibility of staff to be assigned to the financings. 7. Organization, size and structure of firm. The firm’s presence in Missouri. 8. The firm’s inclusion of minority and women participation, including the firm’s employees and/or any participation with a minority or woman-owned firm. 9. Projected costs and proposed fee structure for services performed. 10. The Commission’s prior experiences, if any, with the firm and any other factors the Commission believes would be in its best interest to consider. 11. Related investigations and regulatory proceedings involving the firm will be taken into account, depending upon the nature and significance of the proceedings. There is no additional information requested. Thank you for reviewing this RFP. We look forward to your response. 9 EXHIBIT 1 MHDC ‐ Bond Counsel ‐ RFP Firm Information Proposing Firm [Firm Name] Owners/Partners/Shareholders TAB 3(h) Report of Staff Staff recommendations for Emergency Solutions Grant funding approvals 2014 Emergency Solutions Grant Staff Recommendations Emergency Solutions Grant Staff Recommendations (2014) St. Louis City Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City 14‐700‐E Interfaith Residence dba Doorways St. Louis 14‐710‐E Peter & Paul Community Services St. Louis 14‐714‐E Shalom House St. Louis 14‐718‐E Our Lady's Inn St. Louis 14‐720‐E ArchCity Defenders, Inc. St. Louis 14‐747‐E Employment Connection St. Louis 14‐775‐E Municipal Information Systems, Inc. St. Louis Grant Type Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐housing Administration Emergency Shelter Administration Emergency Shelter Administration Emergency Shelter Rapid Re‐housing HMIS Administration Rapid Re‐housing Administration HMIS Total Amount Recommended $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 25,157.47 $ 50,000.00 $ 35,123.00 $ 290,280.47 St. Louis City CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Recommended in CoC $ ‐ $ 125,000.00 $ 23,750.00 $ 92,709.50 $ 37,623.00 $ 11,197.97 $ 290,280.47 Page 1 of 9 2014 Emergency Solutions Grant Staff Recommendations St. Louis County Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City 14‐701‐E Interfaith Residence dba Doorways St. Louis 14‐716‐E Our Lady's Inn St. Louis 14‐735‐E Employment Connection St. Louis 14‐776‐E Municipal Information Systems, Inc. St. Louis Grant Type Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐housing Administration Emergency Shelter Rapid Re‐housing Administration HMIS Total Amount Recommended $ 50,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 42,223.00 $ 172,223.00 St. Louis County CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Recommended in CoC $ ‐ $ 30,000.00 $ 23,750.00 $ 71,250.00 $ 42,223.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 172,223.00 Page 2 of 9 2014 Emergency Solutions Grant Staff Recommendations St. Charles, Lincoln, Warren Counties Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City Grant Type Amount Recommended 14‐717‐E Our Lady's Inn Defiance $ 30,000.00 14‐727‐E Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service St. Charles 14‐753‐E Catholic Charities Community Services St. Peters 14‐774‐E Community Council of St. Charles St. Charles Emergency Shelter Rapid Re‐housing Administration Rapid Re‐housing HMIS HMIS Total $ 50,000.00 $ 72,600.00 $ 48,123.00 $ 200,723.00 St. Charles, Lincoln, Warren Counties CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Recommended in CoC $ ‐ $ 30,000.00 $ ‐ $ 119,500.00 $ 48,723.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 200,723.00 Page 3 of 9 2014 Emergency Solutions Grant Staff Recommendations Springfield/Greene, Christian, Webster Counties Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City Grant Type Amount Recommended Emergency Shelter Rapid Re‐housing $ 50,000.00 14‐737‐E Family Violence Center dba Harmony House Springfield 14‐756‐E City of Springfield Springfield 14‐756‐E Sub The Kitchen, Inc. Springfield 14‐756‐E Sub Family Violence Center dba Harmony House Springfield 14‐778‐E Missouri Association for Social Welfare Jefferson City Administration Emergency Shelter Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Rapid Re‐housing HMIS Total $ 78,750.00 $ 19,023.00 $ 147,773.00 Springfield/Greene, Christian, Webster CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Recommended in CoC $ ‐ $ 50,000.00 $ ‐ $ 72,000.00 $ 22,023.00 $ 3,750.00 $ 147,773.00 Page 4 of 9 2014 Emergency Solutions Grant Staff Recommendations Joplin/Jasper, Newton Counties Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri Springfield 14‐732‐E Lafayette House Joplin 14‐777‐E Missouri Association for Social Welfare Jefferson City 14‐724‐E Grant Type Homelessness Prevention Administration Emergency Shelter HMIS Administration HMIS Total Amount Recommended $ 94,389.00 $ 47,250.00 $ 17,823.00 $ 159,462.00 Joplin/Jasper, Newton Counties CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Recommended in CoC $ ‐ $ 44,720.00 $ 89,670.00 $ ‐ $ 18,103.00 $ 6,969.00 $ 159,462.00 Page 5 of 9 2014 Emergency Solutions Grant Staff Recommendations St. Joseph/Andrew, Buchanan, DeKalb Counties Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City Grant Type Amount Recommended 14‐751‐E YWCA St. Joseph St. Joseph $ 50,000.00 14‐760‐E Hillcrest Transitional Housing of Buchanan County St. Joseph 14‐769‐E 14‐772‐E The Salvation Army, an Illinois Corporation Mid‐America Assistance Coalition St. Joseph Kansas City Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter Rapid Re‐housing Administration Emergency Shelter HMIS Total $ 44,489.97 $ 50,000.00 $ 14,623.00 $ 159,112.97 St. Joseph/Andrew, Buchanan, DeKalb Counties CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Recommended in CoC $ ‐ $ 127,371.40 $ ‐ $ 15,000.00 $ 14,623.00 $ 2,118.57 $ 159,112.97 Page 6 of 9 2014 Emergency Solutions Grant Staff Recommendations Kansas City/Independence/Lee's Summit/Jackson County Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City 14‐729‐E Rose Brooks Center Kansas City 14‐754‐E City of Kansas City Missouri Kansas City 14‐754‐E Sub 14‐754‐E Sub reStart, Inc. Synergy Services Kansas City Kansas City 14‐761‐E Hillcrest Transitional Housing of Eastern Jackson County Independence 14‐770‐E 14‐773‐E Hope House, Inc. Mid‐America Assistance Coalition Lee's Summit Kansas City Grant Type Emergency Shelter Administration Street Outreach Administration Street Outreach Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Rapid Re‐housing HMIS Administration Emergency Shelter HMIS Total Amount Recommended $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 39,375.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 17,623.00 $ 206,998.00 Kansas City/Independence/Lee's Summit/Jackson County CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Recommended in CoC $ 47,500.00 $ 97,500.00 $ ‐ $ 36,750.00 $ 18,373.00 $ 6,875.00 $ 206,998.00 Page 7 of 9 2014 Emergency Solutions Grant Staff Recommendations Balance of State Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City 14‐702‐E True North of Columbia, Inc. Columbia 14‐708‐E Welcome Home Columbia 14‐711‐E Christian Associates of Table Rock Lake Kimberling City 14‐713‐E Phoenix Programs, Inc. Columbia 14‐721‐E United Gospel Rescue Mission Poplar Bluff 14‐725‐E Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri Springfield 14‐728‐E Pettis County Community Partnership Sedalia 14‐730‐E Voluntary Action Center Columbia 14‐743‐E Rainbow House Columbia 14‐755‐E City of Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau 14‐755‐E 14‐755‐E Sub 14‐755‐E Sub 14‐779‐E Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri The Salvation Army Community Caring Council Missouri Association for Social Welfare Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau Jefferson City Grant Type Emergency Shelter Rapid Re‐housing Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Street Outreach HMIS Administration Rapid Re‐housing Administration Homelessness Prevention Administration Street Outreach Rapid Re‐housing HMIS Administration Rapid Re‐housing Administration Emergency Shelter Administration Administration Homeless Prevention Street Outreach Rapid Re‐housing HMIS Total Amount Recommended $ 45,000.00 $ 44,391.36 $ 98,466.65 $ 50,000.00 $ 12,600.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 50,400.00 $ 8,610.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 106,888.90 $ 70,117.70 $ 636,474.61 Balance of State CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Recommended in CoC $ 53,681.90 $ 146,891.36 $ 216,966.65 $ 98,700.00 $ 101,854.70 $ 18,380.00 $ 636,474.61 Page 8 of 9 2014 Emergency Solutions Grant Staff Recommendations Grand Totals Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Recommended $ 101,181.90 $ 651,482.76 $ 354,136.65 $ 505,909.50 $ 303,545.70 $ 56,790.54 $ 1,973,047.05 Page 9 of 9 Missouri Housing Development Commission Funds St. Charles, Lincoln, Warren Counties Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City Grant Type Amount Requested 14‐707‐E Youth In Need St. Charles Emergency Shelter $ 37,397.35 St. Charles, Lincoln, Warren Counties CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Requested in CoC $ ‐ $ 37,397.35 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 37,397.35 Page 1 of 7 Missouri Housing Development Commission Funds Springfield/Greene, Christian, Webster Counties Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City Grant Type Amount Requested Emergency Shelter 14‐756‐E City of Springfield $ 71,250.00 Springfield Administration 14‐756‐E Sub The Kitchen, Inc. Springfield 14‐756‐E Sub The Salvation Army Springfield 14‐756‐E Sub Family Violence Center dba Harmony House Springfield 14‐756‐E Sub Council of Churches of the Ozarks Springfield Administration Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter Total $ 71,250.00 Springfield/Green, Christian, Webster CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Requested in CoC $ ‐ $ 67,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,750.00 $ 71,250.00 Page 2 of 7 Missouri Housing Development Commission Funds Joplin/Jasper, Newton Counties Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City 14‐736‐E The Salvation Army Joplin 14‐739‐E Children's Haven of Southwest Missouri, Inc. Joplin Grant Type Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐housing Administration Emergency Shelter Total Amount Requested $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 100,000.00 Joplin/Jasper, Newton Counties CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Requested in CoC $ ‐ $ 80,000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ ‐ $ 7,000.00 $ 100,000.00 Page 3 of 7 Missouri Housing Development Commission Funds St. Joseph/Andrew, Buchanan, DeKalb Counties Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City 14‐738‐E Interfaith Community Services, Inc. St. Joseph 14‐760‐E Hillcrest Transitional Housing of Buchanan County St. Joseph Grant Type Homelessness Prevention Administration Emergency Shelter Rapid Re‐housing Administration Total Amount Requested $ 50,000.00 $ 5,510.43 $ 55,510.43 St. Joseph/Andrew, Buchanan, DeKalb Counties CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Requested in CoC $ ‐ $ 5,128.60 $ 47,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,881.83 $ 55,510.43 Page 4 of 7 Missouri Housing Development Commission Funds Kansas City/Independence/Lee's Summit/Jackson County Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name 14‐766‐E reStart, Inc. Agency City Grant Type Amount Requested Kansas City Emergency Shelter Administration $ 36,910.65 Total $ 36,910.65 Kansas City/Independence/Lee's Summit/Jackson County CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration $ 35,065.12 Total Requested in CoC $ 1,845.53 $ 36,910.65 Page 5 of 7 Missouri Housing Development Commission Funds Balance of State Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Number Agency Name Agency City Grant Type Amount Requested 14‐702‐E True North of Columbia, Inc. Columbia Homelessness Prevention $ 5,000.00 14‐703‐E Ripley County Family Resource Center Doniphan 14‐708‐E Welcome Home Columbia 14‐709‐E Polk County House of Hope Bolivar 14‐711‐E Christian Associates of Table Rock Lake Kimberling City 14‐712‐E Douglass Community Services Hannibal 14‐715‐E Citizens Against Spouse Abuse, Inc. Sedalia 14‐721‐E United Gospel Rescue Mission Poplar Bluff 14‐728‐E Pettis County Community Partnership Sedalia 14‐730‐E Voluntary Action Center Columbia 14‐740‐E House of Hope, Inc. Lexington 14‐741‐E Council on Families in Crisis Nevada 14‐744‐E 14‐745‐E 14‐750‐E The Salvation Army, an Illinois Corporation The Salvation Army, an Illinois Corporation Synergy Services, Inc. Columbia Jefferson City Parkville 14‐755‐E City of Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau 14‐755‐E Sub 14‐755‐E Sub The Salvation Army Safe House for Women, Inc. Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau 14‐757‐E County of Livingston Chillicothe 14‐757‐E Sub 14‐757‐E Sub 14‐762‐E Concerned Citizens for the Community Inc. Grace Episcopal Church of Chillicothe Families Assisted in Transitional Housing, Inc. Chillicothe Chillicothe Clinton Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐housing Administration Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter Rapid Re‐housing Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Homelessness Prevention HMIS Administration Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Administration Homelessness Prevention Administration Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐housing Administration Emergency Shelter Administration Emergency Shelter HMIS Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Administration Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter Administration Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter $ 84,874.25 $ 5,608.64 $ 35,000.00 $ 1,533.35 $ 100,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 37,400.00 $ 36,900.00 $ 34,490.00 $ 18,242.00 $ 37,600.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 87,361.10 $ 130,200.00 $ 47,134.00 Page 6 of 7 Missouri Housing Development Commission Funds 14‐763‐E Hope Haven of Cass County, Inc. Harrisonville 14‐764‐E COPE, Inc. Lebanon 14‐765‐E Safe Passage Domestic Violence Crisis Intervention Services Moberly Emergency Shelter HMIS Administration Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter HMIS Administration Total $ 50,000.00 $ 47,500.00 $ 19,141.50 $ 977,984.84 Balance of State CoC by Category Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Total Requested in CoC $ 41,496.53 $ 683,332.69 $ 188,959.57 $ 26,521.08 $ 9,694.15 $ 27,980.82 $ 977,984.84 Total Requested $ 41,496.53 $ 908,423.76 $ 243,459.57 $ 32,521.08 $ 9,694.15 $ 43,458.18 $ 1,279,053.27 Grand Totals Street Outreach Emergency Shelter Homelessness Prevention Rapid Re‐Housing HMIS Administration Page 7 of 7 TAB 3(i) Report of Staff Request for approval of Resolution No. 877, revised RESOLUTION NO. 877 AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES OF MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REVISED: MARCH 14, 2014 RESOLVED, that within the course and scope of their duties, each of the following shall be an authorized officer for the purpose of signing certifications and other instruments provided by Resolution of the Commission. FURTHER RESOLVED, that all prior instruments made by any of the hereinafter named officers are hereby ratified: Jeffrey S. Bay Greg L. Roberts Tina Beer Marilyn V. Lappin Greg Canuteson Sara A. Turk Chairman Secretary-Treasurer Director of Operations/Assistant Secretary Director of Finance Deputy Director Fiscal & Accounting Manager FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following officers be authorized to sign all bond financing documents: Jeffrey S. Bay Marilyn V. Lappin Tina Beer Chairman Director of Finance Director of Operations FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the purposes of authorized signers on all bank accounts and investments, the following named shall be an authorized officer: Marilyn V. Lappin Sara A. Turk Cynthia Flood Tina Beer Director of Finance Fiscal & Accounting Manager Accounting Manager Director of Operations FURTHER RESOLVED, that all of the above-named officers and the following named be authorized to sign Section 8 Annual Contributions Contracts, Emergency Solutions Grant and Missouri Housing Trust Fund disbursements: Marian Campbell Director of Asset Management FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the purposes of the Asset Management Department and Loan Servicing Department, the following named shall also be an authorized officer: Marian Campbell Cheri Baker Director of Asset Management Loan Servicing Officer FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the purposes of the Information Technology Division, the following named shall also be an authorized officer: James Kalthoff Director of Information Technology FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the purposes of the funding, the following named shall also be an authorized officer: Emily Blakey Lorenzo Rice Sandy Middleton Tax Credit Attorney (LIHTC documents only) HOME Administrator (Construction Disbursement, HOME & HeRO documents only) Construction Manager (Construction Disbursement, HOME & HeRO documents only) FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the purposes of the Homeownership Department, the following named shall also be an authorized officer: Don Brinker Single Family Homeownership Manager CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution regularly presented to, and duly adopted by, the commissioners of Missouri Housing Development Commission at a meeting duly called and held in Columbia, Missouri on the 14th day of March, 2014, at which a quorum was present and voted, and that such Resolution is duly recorded in the minutes of the commission. ______________________________________________ Assistant Secretary TAB 3 (j) Report of Staff Financial Report and Budget Update FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2014 Financial Reporting Package for the month of January 2014 and the period then ended Index Page: 1 – 2 Executive Summary for the month 3–4 Key Financial Information 5 Asset Quality 6 Balance Sheet 7 Charts – Assets by Program and Asset Composition 8 Charts – Homeownership Bond-Financed Program Asset Trend and MBS Portfolio Composition 9 Budget for Use of Net Position (Fund Balances) for Fiscal Year 2014 Mortgage Revenue Bond Activity HUD Purchase Loan Program 10 Condensed Statement of Revenue and Expenses for the month including the effects of GASB Statement No. 31 10a Condensed Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the month, actual compared to budget (excluding the effects of GASB Statement No. 31) 11 Condensed Statement of Revenue and Expenses for the period July 1, 2013 to January 31, 2014, including the effects of GASB Statement No. 31 11a Condensed Statement of Revenue and Expenses for the period July 1, 2013 to January 31, 2014, actual compared to budget (excluding the effects of GASB Statement No. 31) 12 Loan Servicing Report MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY January 2014 Assets Total assets, as reported, were $1,826,324,000 as compared to $1,945,079,000 at the end of the previous fiscal year. Excluding the effects of GASB Statement No. 31, assets totaled $1,781,933,000 at January 31, 2014 as compared to $1,898,627,000 at June 30, 2013. MHDC’s asset base continues to have a high-quality and low-risk profile. Approximately 40% of total assets are comprised of guaranteed mortgage-backed securities (page 5). MHDC has no subprime loans, no variable rate debt and no interest rate swaps or similar instruments. MHDC’s conservative asset base and careful management has MHDC well positioned in the current economic environment. Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities The cost basis of new homeownership mortgage-backed securities purchased total $94.7 million in the fiscal year. Net of scheduled principal payments and loan prepayments, the cost basis of homeownership bond-financed mortgage-backed securities and loan portfolio has decreased $106.7 million in the fiscal year. In the Rental bond-financed program, two rental project loans have been funded in the fiscal year totaling $14.4 million. Principal pay-downs and prepayments in the Single Family Homeownership portfolio are 23% annualized (25% in 2013 and 14% in 2012). In the Multifamily Rental portfolio, principal pay-downs and prepayments are 17% annualized (4% in 2013 and 16% in 2012). Bond Issues and Other Debt During the fiscal year, two Multifamily bond issues for $14.6 million were closed (page 9). Bond pay downs have totaled $142.4 million. During this fiscal year, new FHLB Advances totaling $47.1 million have financed the MBS Warehousing Program. Results of Operations: Month of January For the month of January (page 10a), net operating results amounted to an increase of $1,579,000 before including the effects of GASB Statement No. 31, (see additional information below). Operating Revenue over Expenses is $1,551,000 more than budget. Results of Operations: Year-to-Date Fiscal 2014 Year-to-date for this fiscal year (see page 11a), net operating results amounted to a gain of $20,694,000 before including the effects of GASB Statement No. 31, (see additional information below). Operating Revenues over Expenses is $15,479,000 more than budget. 1 Federal Programs Year-to-date, Federal Grant Revenues include $78.1 million in Project Based Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments and $9.8 million in HOME Investment Partnership Program funds. These federal programs provide important resources for achieving the objectives of the Commission. The Commission’s efforts to preserve affordable housing, including preservation of the Housing Assistance Payment Contracts, are vital for continuing this economic resource for the state of Missouri. Effects of GASB 31 Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 31 “Accounting and Financial Reporting for Certain Investments and for External Investment Pools” was instituted in 1998 and established fair value accounting for investment securities; such as U.S. government and agency securities, and GNMA, Fannie Mae and FHLMC mortgagebacked securities. GASB Statement No. 31 requires that these investments be reported at fair value on the balance sheet and that changes in fair value be reported as revenue in the operating statement. During periods of rising market interest rates relative to the stated rates of our portfolio, the fair value of our investments and mortgage-backed securities will decline. Conversely, when market interest rates fall below those of the stated rates of our portfolio, the fair value of our investments and mortgage-backed securities will increase. The required implementation of GASB Statement No. 31 has caused an increase of $12,128,000 in the fair value of investments and our mortgage-backed security portfolio during January (see page 10). During January, interest rates fluctuations have resulted in an increase in the fair value of mortgage-backed securities and other investments. Overall, the required implementation of GASB Statement No. 31 has caused a decrease of $3,124,000 in the fair value of investments and our mortgage-backed security portfolio during the fiscal year (page 11). During this fiscal year, interest rates fluctuations have resulted in a decrease in the fair value of mortgage-backed securities and other investments. Depending on future financial markets, we can expect interest rate fluctuations to have a continuing material effect on our financial statements. 2 Missouri Housing Development Commission Key Financial Information as of January 31, 2014 ($ in thousands) Trend Analysis 2011 Total assets, cost basis, excluding conduit bond issues % change 2012 2,192,899 2013 2,011,310 (2.93) (8.28) 1/31/14 1,810,273 (10.00) 1,705,791 (5.77) Total debt, excluding conduit bond issues % change Total equity % change Revenues % change 1,467,351 (6.79) 1,257,907 (14.27) 1,041,677 (17.19) 627,377 640,060 659,691 5.45 5.94 2.02 3.07 102,957 98,722 83,696 74,596 0.23 (4.11) (15.22) Net income 5,714 13,827 15,313 (64.35) 141.98 10.75 1,450,319 1,261,858 Total loans and MBS FHA Risk-Share Loans 1,628,287 4.43 201,175 (10.93) 171,962 % change 15.69 (14.52) Nonperforming assets 2,453 269 % change Loan loss reserves % change (11.38) 592,210 % change % change 923,100 (5.73) 44,362 (89.03) 44,172 0.59 (0.43) (12.99) 172,272 (10.87) 11,879 (22.43) 1,174,654 (6.91) 176,317 0.18 2.35 3,013 3,010 1,020.07 43,322 (1.92) (0.10) 43,104 (0.50) NOTES: Asset values exclude conduit debt issues and are adjusted to eliminate the effects of market value accounting (GASB Statement No. 31). Annualized growth rate of total assets is -9.89% compared to -10.00% in FY2013. Strategic Plan target is 5% annually. Equity values are adjusted to exclude the effects of market value accounting (GASB Statement No. 31). Revenue and net income values also exclude the effects of market value accounting (GASB Statement No. 31) and federal grants and assistance (pass-through revenues and disbursements). These values are projected for FY2014. 3 Missouri Housing Development Commission Key Financial Information as of January 31, 2014 Financial Ratio Analysis PROFITABILITY 1 S&P Profitability Measures Return on Average Assets (1% Strategic Plan target) Return on Average Assets, Excluding Subsidy Programs & Spec. Initiatives Return on Assets Before Loan Loss Provision and Extraordinary item Return on Assets Before Loan Loss Provision and Extraordinary Item, Excluding Subsidy Programs & Special Initiatives Five Year Average Financial Ratios (2008-2012) FY 2014 FY 2014 Budget 5-year average 2013 2012 MHDC 0.68 0.23 0.62 0.80 0.66 0.85 0.42 0.93 0.90 1.03 0.70 0.28 0.65 0.85 0.69 0.87 0.48 0.97 0.95 1.08 Return on Average Equity (4% Strategic Plan target) 1.83 0.66 2.09 2.42 2.27 Net Interest Margin 1.21 0.93 1.04 1.06 1.04 ASSET QUALITY (%) Non-Performing Assets / Total Loans and Real Estate Owned Loan Loss Reserves / Total Loans and MBS Loan Loss Reserves/Risk-Share Loans and Non-Performing Assets LEVERAGE (%) Total Equity / Total Assets Total Equity and Reserves / Total Loans and MBS FY 2014 FY 2014 Budget 5-year average 2013 2012 All 'AA+' HFAs All 'AA' HFAs All 'AAA' HFAs All HFAs 0.67 0.57 0.67 1.38 0.53 0.69 0.75 0.99 1.38 0.72 0.96 1.65 1.08 2.23 1.11 MHDC All 'AA+' HFAs All 'AA' HFAs All 'AAA' HFAs All HFAs 0.256 0.021 0.166 0.239 0.019 0.02 2.80 3.32 3.09 3.37 3.67 3.43 3.14 3.43 3.05 2.76 2.11 2.57 5.63 2.07 24.04 22.92 24.23 24.72 25.65 FY 2014 FY 2014 Budget 5-year average 2013 2012 MHDC All 'AA+' HFAs All 'AA' HFAs All 'AAA' HFAs All HFAs 38.67 36.93 31.42 35.36 31.19 26.17 25.88 17.12 31.72 17.20 59.83 52.68 47.65 54.16 46.30 38.52 38.56 26.06 46.22 26.01 NOTES 1. MHDC's profitability ratios have historically been lower than other AA+ and AA rated housing finance agencies. This trend is reflective of the limited risk profile of MHDC's asset base. 4 Missouri Housing Development Commission Asset Quality Information and Summary Effects of GASB Statement No. 31 ($ in thousands) Balance Sheet Total Assets as Reported Unrealized gains/losses (effect of GASB 31) # Total Assets at Cost 6/30/2011 $ Mortgage-Backed Securities at cost as % of Total Assets at Cost Mortgage-Backed Securities Portfolio Composition: % GNMA % Fannie Mae % FHLMC 6/30/2011 $ 6/30/2013 2,195,550 $ (94,523) 2,101,027 $ 6/30/2012 1,151,375 $ 50.3% 83.6% 14.3% 2.1% Loan Portfolio Total Loans at par Uninsured loans (includes Risk-Share, HOME & TCAP) as % of Total Assets at Cost 2,378,078 $ (87,561) 2,290,517 $ $ Mortgage-Backed Securities Portfolio 6/30/2012 1,945,079 $ (46,452) 1,898,627 $ 6/30/2013 1,000,022 $ 47.6% 84.7% 13.4% 1.9% 6/30/2011 1/31/2014 1/31/2014 801,535 $ 42.2% 87.6% 11.0% 1.4% 6/30/2012 1,826,324 (44,391) 1,781,933 711,368 39.9% 88.8% 10.0% 1.2% 6/30/2013 1/31/2014 $ $ 622,088 $ 403,791 $ 17.6% 586,904 $ 396,110 $ 18.9% 591,999 $ 404,257 $ 21.3% 582,532 407,775 22.9% Risk-Share loans HOME loans TCAP loans Non-performing assets (uninsured) $ $ $ $ 201,175 172,449 30,081 2,453 171,962 182,685 30,367 269 172,272 184,225 30,284 3,013 176,317 192,729 30,186 3,010 Allowance for loan losses as % of Uninsured/Non-guaranteed loans $ Asset Quality Ratios $ $ $ $ 44,362 $ 11.0% 6/30/2011 Non-performing assets / Total Loans, MBS and real estate owned Loan Loss Reserves / Total Loans and MBS Loan Loss Reserves / Risk-Share Loans and Non-Performing Assets $ $ $ $ 44,172 $ 11.2% 6/30/2012 $ $ $ $ 43,322 $ 10.7% 6/30/2013 43,104 10.6% 1/31/2014 0.150% 2.72% 0.019% 3.05% 0.239% 3.43% 0.256% 3.67% 21.79% 25.65% 24.72% 24.04% # - Effect of GASB Statement No. 31 reflects the changes in fair value of investments and mortgage-backed securities that result from changes in market interest rates. 5 Missouri Housing Development Commission STATEMENT OF NET POSITION, unaudited (in thousands) January 31, 2014 Rental Bond-Financed Program Operating Funds ASSETS CASH AND TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS Certificates of Deposit Investment Agreements U.S. Government and Agency Securities Total LOANS RECEIVABLE, net of allowance for loan losses ($43,104) OTHER ASSETS Accrued Interest Receivable Prepaid Expenses Fixed Assets, net of accumulated depreciation ($4,248) Accounts Receivable, Other Total Total Assets DEFERRED OUTFLOWS OF RESOURCES Total Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources LIABILITIES Bonds and Notes Payable Interest Payable Escrow Deposits Funds Due Others Accounts Payable Unearned Revenue Total Liabilities DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES NET POSITION Invested in Capital Assets Restricted Commission Designated (Unrestricted) Unrestricted and Undesignated Total Net Position Total Liabilities, Deferred Inflows of Resources and Net Position $ 20,941 $ Homeownership Bond-Financed Program 25,147 $ 108,570 Combined Totals January 31, 2014 June 30, 2013 (audited) $ 154,658 $ 204,214 4,300 232,098 ---------------------------236,398 93,365 ---------------------------93,365 29,738 ---------------------------29,738 4,300 29,738 325,463 ------------------------------359,501 13,600 32,801 280,900 ------------------------------327,301 302,251 254,472 746,789 1,303,512 1,405,181 2,321 680 764 ---------------------------3,765 ---------------------------563,355 1,501 139 ---------------------------1,640 ---------------------------374,624 3,241 7 ---------------------------3,248 ---------------------------888,345 7,063 680 910 ------------------------------8,653 ------------------------------1,826,324 6,836 10 745 792 ------------------------------8,383 ------------------------------1,945,079 ---------------------------$ 563,355 ================ ---------------------------$ 374,624 ================ 194 ---------------------------$ 888,539 ================ 194 ------------------------------$ 1,826,518 ================== 405 ------------------------------$ 1,945,484 ================== 11,611 1 9,150 573 1,139 9,980 ---------------------------32,454 261,978 662 90,774 505 ---------------------------353,919 725,653 9,233 94 ---------------------------734,980 999,242 9,896 99,924 573 1,738 9,980 ------------------------------1,121,353 1,130,031 12,635 102,556 338 2,074 10,225 ------------------------------1,257,859 - - 1,083 1,083 1,113 680 275,472 180,146 74,603 ---------------------------530,901 ---------------------------$ 563,355 ================ 20,705 ---------------------------20,705 ---------------------------$ 374,624 ================ 152,476 ---------------------------152,476 ---------------------------$ 888,539 ================ 680 448,653 180,146 74,603 ------------------------------704,082 ------------------------------$ 1,826,518 ================== 745 404,886 192,424 88,457 ------------------------------686,512 ------------------------------$ 1,945,484 ================== 6 Assets by Program Mortgage Assets, Investments, Cash and Other June 2004 to January 2014 $1,600,000,000 $1,400,000,000 $1,200,000,000 $1,000,000,000 $800,000,000 $600,000,000 $400,000,000 $200,000,000 $- Homeownership Rental Operating Fund HOME & TCAP MHDC Assets - January 31, 2014 - $1.8 billion U.S. Government & Agency Securities 18.73% Guaranteed Investment Contracts 1.67% Mortgage-Backed Securities 39.92% Bank deposits, CDs and Money Market Accounts 8.84% Conduit Bond Issue Assets 4.27% Risk-Share Loans 9.89% Other Assets 0.47% Insured Loans 0.58% Uninsured Fund HOME & TCAP Program Balance Loans Assets (uninsured loans) 11.17% 4.45% NOTE: asset information presented excludes the effects of fair value accounting (GASB Statement No. 31). 7 Homeownership Bond-Financed Program Mortgage Assets and Total Assets Excludes the Effects of GASB Statement No. 31 June 2004 to January 2014 $1,600,000,000 $1,400,000,000 $1,200,000,000 $1,000,000,000 $800,000,000 $600,000,000 $400,000,000 $200,000,000 $- Mortgage Assets Total Assets Homeownership Guaranteed Mortgage Backed Securities Portfolio Composition January 31, 2014 Fannie Mae 10% FHLMC 1% GNMA 89% Types of Mortgage-Backed Securities GNMA: mortgage-backed securities with payments guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) which is a government corporation within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). GNMA (also known as Ginnie Mae) provides explicit "full faith and credit of the federal government" guarantees of timely payment on these securities backed by FHA and VA loans. Fannie Mae: mortgage-backed securities with payments guaranteed by Fannie Mae, a federally charted and stockholder-owned government-sponsored enterprise organized in accordance with the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act. FHLMC: mortgage-backed securities with payments guaranteed by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), a stockholder-owned government-sponsored enterprise (also known as Freddie Mac). 8 FY2014 Fund Balance Budget January 31, 2014 BUDGET Rental Housing Production and Preservation Program Single-Family MRB Program Equity Contribution Bellefontaine Habilitation Center Rehabilitation Grant Rental & Operating Assistance Program Housing First Program Disaster Assistance Multifamily and Home Improvement Interest Subsidy Program TOTAL FUND BALANCE PROGRAM BUDGET DISBURSED $ 10,000,000 2,000,000 1,420,174 * 427,000 884,000 100,000 4,000 $ 25,251 200,756 25,000 3,279 $ 14,835,174 $ 254,286 * $9,787,220 funding committed to Bellefontaine Habilitation Center rehabilitation approved 10/8/2010; Disbursements: $2,838,268 in FY 2011, $4,723,592 in FY 2012 and $805,186 in FY 2013. Fund Balance Revolving Funds as of January 31, 2014 Construction Lending Single Family Homeownership Program Homeowner Cash Assistance Authorized 30,000,000 (1) 20,000,000 (2) 21,500,000 (3) $ $ Applied 5,845,000 4,556,000 - (1) This revolving fund is used to make market-rate multifamily construction loans. (2) This established a $20 million fund to finance GNMA, Fannie Mae or FHLMC mortgage-backed securities (MBS) in conjunction with MHDC's First Place bond program, or direct sale including forward delivery, as a source of continuous lending as approved at the April 17, 2009 Commission meeting. In addition, this fund will be utilized to finance MBS in conjunction with first-time and repeat buyers from disaster areas as approved at the May 26, 2011 Commission meeting. (3) This established funding totaling $21,500,000 for 3% cash assistance to fund homeownership closing costs and down payment. This cash assistance is recovered by means of the first loan rate or amortizing seconds. Recovered funds are recycled and reused for this same purpose. These funds include $1,000,000 earmarked for 5% cash assistance funding for borrowers from disaster areas as approved at the May 26, 2011 Commission meeting. Amounts applied to cash assistance funding have been fully recovered to date primarily through the sale of pools of assisted loans. Mortgage Revenue Bond Activity AMOUNT AUTHORIZED BOND ISSUES Rental: 2013 Series 3 (Shepard Apts.) closed 7-30-13 2013 Series 4 (House Springs Apts.) closed 11-26-13 As of January 31, 2014 $ $ 12,030,000 2,555,000 AMOUNT ISSUED $ $ 12,030,000 2,555,000 14,585,000 MBS Warehousing Program as of January 31, 2014 Mortgage-backed securities are purchased with short-term financing provided by the FHLB. After market bonds are issued, these MBS will be transferred to the SF NIBP and the FHLB advances repaid. Mortgage-backed Securities warehoused as of January 31, 2014 FHLB Advances as of January 31, 2014 Pledged general investments $ $ $ 16,090,000 11,611,000 35,785,000 HUD Purchase Loan Program Since the purchase of 26 loans from HUD during 1996, we have collected principal and interest payment funds, which are available for rehabilitation work and tenant initiatives. These are restricted funds. Program Receipts, since 1996 Grants and Loans, since 1996 Available for Rehab/Tenant Initiatives as of January 31, 2014 $ $ 9 26,298,009 (17,644,385) 8,653,624 MHDC CONTRIBUTION $ $ - Missouri Housing Development Commission CONDENSED STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES, unaudited (in thousands) Includes the Effects of GASB Statement No. 31 For the Month Ending January 31, 2014 Rental Operating Bond-Financed Funds Program Unaudited REVENUES: Interest on Mortgage Loans $ 443 $ 810 Interest on Investments 390 27 Fair Market Value of Investments 4,142 1,466 Administrative Fees 494 Financing Fees and Other 227 1 Housing Trust Fund Receipts Grants & Federal Assistance 11,952 ----------------------------------------Total Revenues 17,648 2,304 EXPENSES: Interest Expense on Bonds and Notes Miscellaneous Bond Debt Expense Compensation Administrative Expenses Provision for Loan Losses Housing Trust Fund Grants Grants & Federal Assistance Total Expenses REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES FROM OPERATIONS Subsidy Programs and Special Initiatives REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS AFTER SUBSIDY PROGRAMS & SPECIAL INITIATIVES Homeownership Bond-Financed Program $ Combined 2,874 93 6,520 22 --------------------9,509 $ 4,127 510 12,128 494 250 11,952 --------------------29,461 3 6 684 270 143 11,559 --------------------12,665 --------------------4,983 651 42 --------------------693 --------------------1,611 2,358 13 --------------------2,371 --------------------7,138 3,012 61 684 270 143 11,559 --------------------15,729 --------------------13,732 25 --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- 25 --------------------- $ 4,958 ============ $ 1,611 ============ $ 7,138 ============ $ 13,707 ============ 10 Missouri Housing Development Commission CONDENSED STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES, unaudited (in thousands) Excludes the Effects of GASB Statement No. 31 For the Month Ending January 31, 2014 Rental Bond-Financed Program Actual Budget Operating Funds Actual Budget Unaudited REVENUES: Interest on Mortgage Loans Interest on Investments Administrative Fees Financing Fees and Other Housing Trust Fund Receipts Grants & Federal Assistance Total Revenues EXPENSES: Interest Expense on Bonds and Notes Miscellaneous Bond Debt Expense Compensation Administrative Expenses Provision for Loan Losses Housing Trust Fund Grants Grants & Federal Assistance Total Expenses REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES FROM OPERATIONS Subsidy Programs and Special Initiatives REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS AFTER SUBSIDY PROGRAMS & SPECIAL INITIATIVES $ $ $ $ Combined Budget 527 278 317 239 11,615 -----------------12,976 810 27 1 -----------------838 874 29 -----------------903 2,874 93 22 -----------------2,989 3,417 75 5 -----------------3,497 4,127 510 494 250 11,952 -----------------17,333 4,818 382 317 244 11,615 -----------------17,376 3 6 684 270 143 11,559 -----------------12,665 -----------------841 5 3 787 397 63 308 11,553 -----------------13,116 -----------------(140) 651 42 -----------------693 -----------------145 720 44 -----------------764 -----------------139 2,358 13 -----------------2,371 -----------------618 3,083 100 -----------------3,183 -----------------314 3,012 61 684 270 143 11,559 -----------------15,729 -----------------1,604 3,808 147 787 397 63 308 11,553 -----------------17,063 -----------------313 25 ------------------ 285 ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ 25 ------------------ 285 ------------------ $ 816 ========== $ (425) ========== $ 145 ========== $ 139 ========== $ 618 ========== $ 314 ========== $ 1,579 ========== $ 28 ========== 10a $ Actual 443 390 494 227 11,952 -----------------13,506 Number of Employees: 110 Number of Employees at Prior Year End: 113 Compensation and administrative expenses as percentage of Total Revenue - 5.50%; budget 6.81% $ Homeownership Bond-Financed Program Actual Budget $ $ Missouri Housing Development Commission CONDENSED STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES, unaudited (in thousands) Includes the Effects of GASB Statement No. 31 For the Seven Months Ending January 31, 2014 Rental Operating Bond-Financed Funds Program Unaudited REVENUES: Interest on Mortgage Loans $ 3,630 $ 6,093 Interest on Investments 2,636 223 Fair Market Value of Investments 1,096 8 Administrative Fees 3,463 Financing Fees and Other 1,951 3 Housing Trust Fund Receipts 3,800 Grants & Federal Assistance 89,232 ----------------------------------------Total Revenues 105,808 6,327 EXPENSES: Interest Expense on Bonds and Notes Miscellaneous Bond Debt Expense Compensation Administrative Expenses Provision for Loan Losses Housing Trust Fund Grants Grants & Federal Assistance Total Expenses REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES FROM OPERATIONS Subsidy Programs and Special Initiatives REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS AFTER SUBSIDY PROGRAMS & SPECIAL INITIATIVES Homeownership Bond-Financed Program $ Combined 21,368 610 (4,228) 2,122 --------------------19,872 $ 31,091 3,469 (3,124) 3,463 4,076 3,800 89,232 --------------------132,007 16 9 5,107 2,164 1,729 82,615 --------------------91,640 --------------------14,168 4,723 104 --------------------4,827 --------------------1,500 17,503 117 --------------------17,620 --------------------2,252 22,242 230 5,107 2,164 1,729 82,615 --------------------114,087 --------------------17,920 350 --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- 350 --------------------- $ 13,818 ============ $ 1,500 ============ $ 2,252 ============ $ 17,570 ============ 11 Missouri Housing Development Commission CONDENSED STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES, unaudited (in thousands) Excludes the Effects of GASB Statement No. 31 For the Seven Months Ending January 31, 2014 Rental Bond-Financed Program Actual Budget Operating Funds Actual Budget Unaudited REVENUES: Interest on Mortgage Loans Interest on Investments Administrative Fees Financing Fees and Other Housing Trust Fund Receipts Grants & Federal Assistance Total Revenues EXPENSES: Interest Expense on Bonds and Notes Miscellaneous Bond Debt Expense Compensation Administrative Expenses Provision for Loan Losses Housing Trust Fund Grants Grants & Federal Assistance Total Expenses REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES FROM OPERATIONS Subsidy Programs and Special Initiatives REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS AFTER SUBSIDY PROGRAMS & SPECIAL INITIATIVES $ $ $ $ Homeownership Bond-Financed Program Actual Budget 3,689 1,951 3,187 1,674 3,700 81,305 -----------------95,506 6,093 223 3 -----------------6,319 6,117 203 -----------------6,320 21,368 610 2,122 -----------------24,100 23,919 525 405 -----------------24,849 31,091 3,469 3,463 4,076 3,800 89,232 -----------------135,131 33,725 2,679 3,187 2,079 3,700 81,305 -----------------126,675 16 9 5,107 2,164 1,729 82,615 -----------------91,640 -----------------13,072 38 23 5,505 2,786 435 2,158 80,876 -----------------91,821 -----------------3,685 4,723 104 -----------------4,827 -----------------1,492 5,040 309 -----------------5,349 -----------------971 17,503 117 -----------------17,620 -----------------6,480 21,585 700 -----------------22,285 -----------------2,564 22,242 230 5,107 2,164 1,729 82,615 -----------------114,087 -----------------21,044 26,663 1,032 5,505 2,786 435 2,158 80,876 -----------------119,455 -----------------7,220 350 ------------------ 2,005 ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ 350 ------------------ 2,005 ------------------ $ 12,722 ========== $ 1,680 ========== $ 1,492 ========== $ 971 ========== $ 6,480 ========== $ 2,564 ========== $ 20,694 ========== $ 5,215 ========== 11a $ Combined Budget 3,630 2,636 3,463 1,951 3,800 89,232 -----------------104,712 Compensation and administrative expenses as a percentage of Total Revenue - actual 5.38%; budget 6.55% $ Actual $ $ LOAN SERVICING REPORT As of January 31, 2014 Loans Units Remarks Rental Programs FHA Insured 83 7,747 FNMA 20 675 Includes FNMA Participation Loans. US Bank 52 - Includes US Bank Participation Loans 203 6,961 28 712 405 12,173 21 - Uninsured HUD Purchased Loans HOME Funds Housing Trust Fund Includes FHA Insured, Section 8, Market Rate & Risk Share. Includes Acquisition/Construction/Permanent Financing for Special Needs, Elderly & Family housing using MHDC fund balances. Includes HUD Purchased Loans, special financing relating to the HUD Purchased Loan Program. Federal HOME Funds Construction Preservation non-profit and for profit and Federal HOME Funds Emergency Relief. Includes permanent financing for Family housing. Rural Development Guaranteed 1 40 Includes a multifamily permanent financing. Rural Initiative Loans 3 40 Rural Initiative Loan units are based on lots. TCAP 24 709 Tax Credit Assistance Program. TC Exchange 25 709 Low-income Housing Tax Credit Exchange Program. 865 29,766 GNMA Master Servicer 7,027 7,027 Serviced by Master Servicer, MHDC funded through MRB. FNMA Master Servicer 926 926 Serviced by Master Servicer, MHDC funded through MRB. FHLMC Master Servicer 101 101 Serviced by Master Servicer, MHDC funded through MRB. 52 52 642 642 Rural Growth Master Servicer 8 8 Cash Assistance Loans (CAL) 7,292 - Serviced by Master Servicer, MHDC funded; convert to grants over 60 months. 488 - Serviced by Master Servicer, MHDC funded. Rental Program Totals Homeownership Programs MRB Issues GNMA MRB Issues Tax Credit Advance Loans (TCAL) HOME Funds/Other 1,187 1,187 Homeownership Program Totals 17,723 9,943 TOTALS 18,588 39,709 Serviced by Participant/Servicers. MHDC reconciles bank accounts, audits foreclosures and processes assumptions. Serviced by GNMA Contract Servicers. MHDC processes assumptions, servicing fees and audits foreclosures. Resolution 853 Serviced by Master Servicer, MHDC funded through MRB. Includes MHDC DPA/MRB Issues/Flood Program Funds and Federal HOME Funds/FmHA, Weatherization and Home Improvement, Habitat for Humanity. MHDC performs all servicing functions. 12 FY 2014 Budget and Operating Fund Budget Variance Report As of January 31, 2014 For The Year Ending June 30, 2014 MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION BUDGET SUMMARY (TOTAL OPERATIONS) (in Thousands) For Year Ending June 30, 2014 REVENUE AND EXPENSES Operating Fund Multifamily Single Family Programs Programs FY 2014 Budget as Presented Combined Totals Operating Operating Revised Fund Fund Combined Revisions Totals Totals Revised FY 2014 Budget as Adopted REVENUE: Interest Income -- Mortgage loans Interest Income -- Investments Administrative Fees Financing Fees and Other Housing Trust Fund Receipts Grants & Federal Assistance Total Revenues $ 6,325 3,341 4,292 2,869 3,700 139,380 159,907 $ 10,490 350 10,840 $ 41,000 900 800 42,700 $ 57,815 4,591 4,292 3,669 3,700 139,380 213,447 - 67 40 9,443 5,058 750 3,700 138,646 157,704 8,640 530 9,170 37,000 1,200 38,200 45,707 1,770 9,443 5,058 750 3,700 138,646 205,074 REVENUE OVER EXPENSES FROM OPERATIONS 2,203 1,670 4,500 8,373 SUBSIDY PROGRAMS AND SPECIAL INITIATIVES 3,413 - - 3,413 $ 6,325 3,341 4,292 2,869 3,700 139,380 159,907 $ 57,815 4,591 4,292 3,669 3,700 139,380 213,447 - 67 40 9,443 5,058 750 3,700 138,646 157,704 45,707 1,770 9,443 5,058 750 3,700 138,646 205,074 - 2,203 8,373 3,435 3,435 EXPENSES: Interest Expense on Bonds Miscellaneous Bond Debt Expense Compensation Administrative Expenses Provision for Loan Losses Housing Trust Fund Grants Grants and Federal Assistance Total Expenses REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS AFTER SUBSIDY PROGRAMS AND SPECIAL INITIATIVES $ (1,210) $ 1,670 $ 4,500 $ 4,960 22 (1) $ (22) $ (1,232) (1) Housing First Program adjusted to $884,000 (additional $22,000) based on FY 2013 disbursements, as adopted for the FY 2014 budget. 1 $ 4,938 MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REVENUE AND EXPENSES BUDGET -- OPERATING FUND -- SUMMARY (in Thousands) For Year ending June 30, 2014 Budget Budget Year July through 2014 January Actual July through January Variance July through January $ $ REVENUES: Interest Income - Mortgage Loans Interest Income - Investments Administrative Fees (Page 3) Financing Fees and Other (Page 3) Housing Trust Fund Receipts Grants and Federal Assistance TOTAL REVENUES $ 6,325 3,341 4,292 2,869 3,700 139,380 159,907 $ 3,689 1,951 3,187 1,674 3,700 81,305 95,506 3,630 2,636 3,463 1,951 3,800 89,232 104,712 (59) 685 276 277 100 7,927 9,206 EXPENSES: Interest Expense Miscellaneous Bond Debt Expense & Banking Fees Compensation (Page 4) Administrative Expenses (Pages 4-5) Provision for Loan Losses Housing Trust Fund Grants Grants and Federal Assistance TOTAL EXPENSES 67 40 9,443 5,058 750 3,700 138,646 157,704 38 23 5,505 2,786 435 2,158 80,876 91,821 16 9 5,107 2,164 1,729 82,615 91,640 (22) (14) (398) (622) (435) (429) 1,739 (181) REVENUE OVER/UNDER EXPENSES FROM OPERATIONS 2,203 3,685 13,072 9,387 SUBSIDY PROGRAMS AND SPECIAL INITIATIVES 3,435 2,005 350 REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS AFTER SUBSIDY PROGRAMS AND SPECIAL EXPENSES $ (1,232) 2 $ 1,680 $ 12,722 (1,655) $ 11,042 MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ADMINISTRATIVE FEES & FINANCING FEES AND OTHER BUDGET -- OPERATING FUND -- FINANCING FEES AND OTHER (in Thousands) For Year ending June 30, 2014 Budget Budget Year July through 2014 January ADMINISTRATIVE FEES: Section 8 Project Based Rental Assistance HOME Program Emergency Solutions Grant IRP Admin & 15 Year Opt Out Fees TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE FEES FINANCING FEES AND OTHER: Tax Credit Application Fees MIP Premiums Construction/Rehab Monitoring Fees Issuer Fees TCAP/TCR Monitoring Fees Servicing Fees DPA & Other Repayments to Fund Balance (Net Position) Financing Fees RTC Compliance Other TOTAL FINANCING FEES AND OTHER $ $ 3,474 700 93 25 4,292 $ 1,500 425 225 140 147 75 35 300 20 2 2,869 3 $ $ 2,428 700 54 5 3,187 $ 875 248 131 82 86 44 20 175 12 1 1,674 Actual July through January Variance July through January $ $ $ 2,648 779 13 23 3,463 $ 921 283 330 78 46 12 260 12 9 1,951 $ 220 79 (41) 18 276 $ 46 35 199 (4) (86) 2 (8) 85 0 8 277 MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION BUDGET -- OPERATING FUND -- COMPENSATION - ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES (in Thousands) For Year ending June 30, 2014 Budget Budget Actual COMPENSATION EXPENSE & Year July through July through OFFICE AND TELEPHONE EXPENSES 2014 January January Variance July through January Salary Expense Fringe Benefit Expense $ 6,297 3,146 $ 3,673 1,832 $ 3,498 1,609 $ (175) (223) TOTAL COMPENSATION EXPENSE $ 9,443 $ 5,505 $ 5,107 $ (398) Office Supplies, Postage and Other Expenses Bank Service Charges Dues and Subscriptions Office Occupancy Rent - Equipment Insurance Expenses Advertising/Public Relations Telephone Expense $ 220 95 89 855 18 226 65 115 $ 128 55 25 499 10 38 67 $ 84 34 20 489 27 2 24 55 $ (44) (21) (5) (10) 17 2 (14) (12) TOTAL OFFICE AND TELEPHONE EXPENSES $ 1,683 $ 822 $ 735 $ (87) Hardware (Server/Workstations, including leases) Support Services for Network & Client System Software - Network & Client Business Application Software Purchases & Development Business Application Software License, Maintenance & User Support Training Communications $ 29 226 70 64 363 30 101 $ 17 132 41 37 211 17 59 $ 5 76 21 9 188 8 57 $ (12) (56) (20) (28) (23) (9) (2) TOTAL INFORMATION SERVICES $ 883 $ 514 $ 364 $ (150) 4 MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION BUDGET -- OPERATING FUND -- ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES (in Thousands) For Year ending June 30, 2014 COMMISSION AND STAFF TRAVEL, Budget Budget PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL EXPENSES & Year July through DEPRECIATION AND OTHER EXPENSES 2014 January Actual July through January Variance July through January Commissioners' Per Diem Commissioners' Travel Staff Travel Expenses Commission Meeting and Public Hearing Expenses $ 4 15 400 59 $ 2 8 233 34 $ 1 2 167 27 $ (1) (6) (66) (7) TOTAL COMMISSION AND STAFF TRAVEL $ 478 $ 277 $ 197 $ (80) Professional Services Temporary Services Conferences and Educational Seminars $ 985 90 100 $ 574 52 58 $ 361 77 12 $ (213) 25 (46) TOTAL PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL EXPENSES $ 1,175 $ 684 $ 450 $ (234) Administrative Charge (Dept. of Economic Development) Homeless Studies & Other Grants Depreciation (non-cash expense) $ 204 120 515 $ 119 70 300 $ 119 33 266 $ (37) (34) TOTAL DEPRECIATION AND OTHER EXPENSES $ 839 $ 489 $ 418 $ (71) 5 TAB 3 (k) Report of Staff Rental Production Update FiscalYear2013ProjectSummaryReport 2013 Round 1 ‐ 9% Credits, HOME, 4% Credits, Fund Balance Project # 13‐001‐T 13‐004‐HT 13‐007‐HT Status / Est. Closing Month Development Name CLOSED Birch Tree Apartments II CLOSED Villas at the Summit II CLOSED Allgeier Manor Apartments Units 48 24 48 Type Rehab New Rehab Senior Family Family Senior Senior 13‐010‐MHT‐USBO 13‐015‐MT‐USBO CLOSED CLOSED Aspen Trails The Greens at Branson Hills II, LLC 48 40 New New Senior Senior 13‐020‐HC CLOSED Fairview Estates III 9 New Family 13‐022‐MT‐USB 13‐035‐MT CLOSED CLOSED Churchill Apartments, LP Prairie View Estates 48 27 New New Family Family 44 30 235 New New Rehab Family Family Family 13‐036‐HT 13‐038‐MT‐USBO 13‐039‐H CLOSED Beacon Village CLOSED Webster Groves CANCELLED Mark Twain Hotel Partners,LP Updated: 11/21/2013 Developer RCH Development, INC. MBL Development Co. Midwest Affordable Housing Educational Opportunities Gardner Development, LLC Country Ridge Development Company, LLC North East Community Action Corporation Zimmerman Properties, LLC Affordable Homes Development, Inc. The Kitchen, Inc. Housing Plus, LLC Brady Capital, Inc City Farmington Maryville Aurora Reg‐ ion OS OS OS LIHTC Type 9% 9% 9% Fed $513,000 $335,500 $335,500 State $513,000 $335,500 $335,500 St. Peters Branson STL OS 9% 9% $610,000 $523,000 $610,000 $523,000 Montgomery City OS Marshfield Neosho OS OS HOME only 9% 9% $421,000 $393,000 $421,000 $393,000 Springfield West Plains St. Louis OS OS STL $462,000 $418,000 $462,000 $418,000 Arnold STL 9% 9% HOME only 9% $616,000 $616,000 Jennings STL 9% $538,000 $538,000 Gainesville Fredericktown Jennings OS OS STL 9% 9% 9% $159,000 $300,000 $688,000 $159,000 $300,000 $688,000 Borrower is closing with a HUD loan rather than HOME funds 13‐042‐HT CLOSED Richardson Ridge Villas 48 New Senior 13‐043‐MT‐USBO CLOSED Windfall Trace II 47 New Family 13‐048‐T 13‐056‐T 13‐059‐T April CLOSED CLOSED Westridge Apartments St. Michaels Village The Residences at Jennings Place 30 48 54 Rehab Rehab New Family Senior Senior Patrick W Werner / Arapaho Development LLC Housing Authority of St. Louis County Leisure Homes Corporation East Missouri Action Agency R.R. Jennings Developer, L.L.C. 13‐060‐MT‐USBO 13‐062‐HT‐USBO 13‐063‐MT‐USBO 13‐064‐HCT CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Brookside Senior Residences Rock Ridge Villas ‐ Phase II Woodland Hills Katherine Estates 46 48 48 48 New New New New Senior Family Family Family RGSR, LLC Rock Ridge Developer I, LLC Four Corners Development, L.L.C. Midcontinent Equity Holdings, LLC Kansas City Branson Waynesville Duquesne KC OS OS OS 9% 9% 9% 9% $513,000 $371,000 $532,500 $517,500 $513,000 $371,000 $532,500 $517,500 13‐065‐T 13‐069‐T 13‐071‐T 13‐074‐T 13‐076‐MT CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Palmer Place Senior Apartments Wilshire Hills II Stone Meadow Estates Green Gables II, Phase 2 Willow Bend Villas 41 42 76 48 40 Rehab New Rehab New New Senior Senior Family Senior Senior DLS Historic Developer IV, LLC JES Dev Co, Inc. Rural Housing Developers, LLC Phoenix Real Estate Services LLC Dalmark Development Group, LLC Independence Lee's Summit Nixa/Ozark Wentzville Raytown KC KC OS STL KC 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% $462,500 $546,000 $391,000 $576,000 $502,000 $462,500 $546,000 $391,000 $576,000 $459,000 13‐083‐T 13‐084‐T CLOSED CLOSED Freedom Place Callyn Heights 68 25 Rehab New Family Family The Vecino Group, LLC Preferred Family Healthcare, Inc. St. Louis Kirksville STL OS 9% 9% $636,000 $316,000 $636,000 $316,000 13‐086‐T 13‐088‐HT‐USBO 13‐089‐T CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED Oak View Village Village East 3010 Apartments 46 20 58 New Rehab Conv Senior Senior Family Union Trenton St. Louis STL OS STL 9% 9% 9% $416,000 $123,000 $515,000 $416,000 $123,000 $515,000 13‐092‐HC CLOSED Walnut Estates 34 Rehab Senior Raymore KC 8 New Family Golden Management, Inc. AMB Development, LLC The Salvation Army, an Illinois corporation West Central Missouri Community Action Agency Pathways Community Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. Jefferson City OS HOME only HOME only 13‐096‐H Late March Pathways Apartments Comments 2013 Round 1 ‐ 9% Credits, HOME, 4% Credits, Fund Balance Project # 13‐098‐HC Status / Est. Closing Month Development Name CLOSED Carl Junction Seniors II Units 12 Type New Senior Family Senior Updated: 11/21/2013 City Carl Junctin Reg‐ ion OS Fed State OS KC LIHTC Type HOME only 9% 9% Bethany Kansas City $218,000 $545,000 Springfield OS 4% $297,840 36 85 Rehab Rehab Family Senior 13‐401‐TE CLOSED 12th Street Apartments CANCELLED Saint Regis Historical Renovation Project CANCELLED John B. Hughes Apartments 138 Rehab Family Developer Harry S Truman Community Development Corp Missouri Housing Partners, LLC Linwood Redevelopment Company I, LLC JBH Developer, LLC 13‐402‐TE 13‐403‐HTE Late March Blair School Apartments April Loretta Hall Townhomes 38 39 Rehab New Family Family New Blair School Deveoper LLC St. Louis Capstone Development Group, LLC St. Louis STL STL 4% 4% $184,418 $318,243 $218,000 $545,000 Developer unable to secure tax credit investors. $285,000 Developer unable to secure tax credit investors. $184,418 $318,243 Eads Square Apartments 104 Rehab Senior St. Louis STL 4% $519,911 $350,000 Arcade Building Lemay Manor I & II 185 129 Conv Rehab Family Senior St. Louis St. Louis STL STL 4% 4% $1,488,656 $301,170 $0 $290,000 Sycamore Grove Apartments 179 Rehab Family Volunteers of America National Services St. Louis Leased Housing V, LLC Millennia Housing Development, Ltd SCB/HDC, LLC Kansas City KC 4% $613,453 $420,000 13‐100‐HT 13‐101‐T 13‐404‐TE 13‐406‐HTE 13‐408‐TE 13‐412‐TE August May Late May June Comments FiscalYear2013ProjectSummaryReport 2013 Round 2 ‐ 4% Credit, Tax‐Exempt Bonds Project # 13‐413‐HTE 13‐415‐TE 13‐416‐TE 13‐418‐HMTE 13‐419‐TE 13‐421‐TE Status / Est. Closing Month Development Name May Oak Point Redevelopment April Union Sarah April Etzel Place V July June Villages at Delmar St. John Neumann September Faxon School Units Type 30 New 100 Rehab 62 New plus Rehab 40 New 100 New plus Rehab 45 Conv Updated: 11/21/2013 Senior Family Family Senior Family Developer Oak Point Partners, LLC Steele Properties Affordable City Homes, LLC City Kansas City St. Louis St. Louis Reg‐ ion KC Stl Stl LIHTC Type 4% 4% 4% Fed $229,104 $345,000 $270,852 State $229,104 $345,000 $270,852 Family Senior West End Developer, LLC Cardinal Ritter Senior Services St. Louis Jennings Stl Stl 4% 4% $312,666 $264,022 $312,666 $264,022 Senior Pioneer Sunflower Development Kansas City KC 4% $257,490 $257,490 Comments TAB 3 (l) Report of Staff Asset Management Update March 2014 Rental Production Watch List Asset Management Portfolio MHDC Financed Portfolio Federally Funded Portfolio TOTAL 273,744,762 271,702,800 545,447,562 Loan Balances as of Loan Balance PASS 3/3/2014 95.16% 519,070,104 SPECIAL MENTION City County Loan Date Program Loan Balance Weakness Type Total Occupancy Responsibility Risk Units Developer Low Lockwood Group (FP) 3.66% Augusta Oaks Apts Thayer Oregon 1998 Federal Uninsured $ 317,002 Occupancy Family 24 79% Market Overall % of COMMENTS Portfolio portfolio Occ Rate on watch list Ozark Properties serves as management agent. Decline in occupancy is due to increased resident skips and difficulty keeping site 90% 25% Months on List 1 manager. Staff inspected the property in May 2012 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property satisfactory. Two applications are pending. Walk-in traffic and telephone calls continue to be minimal. Cardinal Apts/Lincoln Housing Lincoln Benton 1996 & 2011 Federal Uninsured / Uninsured $ 755,369 Occupancy Family 24 79% Market Low Lockwood Group (FP) 90% 25% MACO serves as management agent. Decline in occupancy is due to increased evictions due to the non payment of rent. Staff inspected the property in November 2013 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property satisfactory. 24 applications were received and are pending. Walk-in traffic and telephone calls have increased. Occupancy has increased since the last report. 6 Drake Apartments Carthage Jasper 2005 Federal Uninsured / Uninsured $ 533,955 Occupancy Elderly 26 77% Market Low Carlson Gardner (FP) 93% 4% Mid America serves as management agent. Decline in occupancy is primarily due to an unexpected increase inresidents moving out due to health issues. Staff inspected the property in February 2013 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property satisfactory. Four applications are pending. Walk-in traffic and telephone calls continue to be minimal. 1 Grand Boulevard Lofts Kansas City Jackson 2008 TCAP $ 6,850,000 Occupancy Family 134 82% Market Low Leschen Place Hillsdale St. Louis 2004 Federal Uninsured $ 415,535 Occupancy Family 15 80% Market Low Sherman Associates Development (FP) Housing Revitalization Consultants Corp. (FP) 82% 100% Sherman Associates (Related Party) serves as management agent. Decline in occupancy is primarily due to residents needing to move due to job loss/transfer and a lack of qualified applicants. Staff inspected the property in September 2013 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property satisfactory. Ten applications are pending. Walk-in traffic and telephone calls continue to be lower than normal. 1 93% 25% 1 New Beginnings (FP) 94% 25% Beyond Housing serves as management agent. Decline in occupancy is primarily due to neighborhood crime, unaccredited school district, and residents not paying rent. Staff inspected the property in April 2012 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property needing improvement. All inspection items needing correction have been reported by management as being corrected; staff verified that the work has been completed. 8823s were issued as appropriate. No applications are pending and walk-in traffic and telephone calls continue to be minimal. Kodiak Management (Related Party) serves as management agent. Decline in occupancy is primarily due to evictions for non payment of rent and the off-peak season for the Branson area. Staff inspected the property in February 2013 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property satisfactory. No applications are pending and walk-in traffic and telephone calls continue to be minimal. Lost Tree North Apartments Branson Taney 2006 Uninsured $ 893,079 Occupancy Family 24 83% Market Low Maple Avenue Independence Jackson 2002 Uninsured $ 418,581 Occupancy / Physical Family 64 77% Owner/Market Low Cohen-Esrey Historic Hsg Rehab Development (FP) 89% 33% Cohen-Esrey (related party) serves as management agent. Decline in occupancy is primarily due to the decline in economic conditions causing increased skips and evictions for non payment of rent. Management is offering incentives to attract residents. Staff inspected the property in December 2013 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property needing improvement. Inspection items remain open and uncorrected 8823s were issued as appropriate. There are six applications pending, and walk-in traffic and telephone calls have increased. Occupancy has decreased since the last report. Green Hills CAA (related property) serves as management agent. Decline in occupancy is due to eviction for lease difficulty finding qualified residents due to low income limits. Staff inspected the property in August 2013 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property satisfactory. Walk-in traffic and telephone calls continue to be minimal. There are two applications pending. Occupancy has remained the same since the last report. 14 YARCO (related party) serves as management agent. Decline in occupancy is due to evictions for lease violations, non payment of rent, and difficulty finding qualified residents. Staff inspected the property in July 2013 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property needing improvement. Inspection items remain open and uncorrected 8823s were issued as appropriate. Ownership is currently having discussions with the limited investor regarding possible disposition strategies. Walk-in traffic and telephone calls continue to be minimal. There are five applications pending. Occupancy has increased since the last report. YARCO serves as management agent. Decline in occupancy is due to evictions for lease violations, legal guardian requirements, and difficulty finding qualified applicants. Staff inspected the property in January 2014 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property satisfactory. Two applications are pending and walk-in traffic and telephone calls continue to be minimal. 3 1 Meadowview Senior Apts Jamesport Daviess 2006 Federal Uninsured $ 827,913 Occupancy Elderly 14 79% Market Low GH Community Development Corp (NP) 89% 50% 3 Park Gate Townhomes Kansas City Jackson 1999 & 2009 Uninsured $ 907,971 Occupancy Family 104 77% Market Med East Meyer Community Assoc. (FP) 77% 100% Pemberton Park for Grandfamilies Kansas City Jackson 2009 TCR $ 7,325,000 Occupancy Elderly 36 81% Market Low Cougar Capital LLC (FP) 86% 50% River Bend Apartments Orrick Ray 1994 Federal Uninsured $ 300,501 Occupancy Family 20 80% Market Low Lockwood Group (FP) 90% 25% MACO serves as management agent. Decline in occupancy is due to evictions for lease violations and residents relocating closer to employment. Staff inspected the property in February 2013 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property needing improvement. All inspection items needing correction have been reported by management as being corrected; staff verified that the work has been completed. 8823s were issued as appropriate. One application is pending and walk-in traffic and telephone calls continue to be minimal. 1 Willow Point Concordia Lafayette 2002 Federal Uninsured $ 430,239 Occupancy Family 32 78% Market Low Capstone Development (Ken Vitor) (FP) 92% 20% Cohen-Esrey (related party) serves as management agent. Decline in occupancy is primarily due to the decline in economic conditions causing increased skips and evictions for non payment of rent and unqualified applicants. Management is offering incentives to attract residents. Staff inspected the property in October 2013 and found the physical condition and overall management of the property satisfactory. Walk-in traffic and telephone calls continue to be steady. There are three applications pending. Occupancy has decreased since the last report. 8 $ 19,975,145 1 March 2014 Rental Production Watch List CONCERNS: (Substandard, Doubtful, Loss) Ashley Park City County Loan Date Program Loan Balance Weakness Type Occupancy /Physical Family Total Occupancy Responsibility Risk Units Developer 1.17% Kansas City Jackson 2006 Removed from the last report: Cedar Ridge aka Allison Apts Risk $ Share/Federal - Uninsured 6,402,313 $ 6,402,313 184 80% Owner/Market High Capstone Development (Ken Vitor) (FP) Overall % of Portfolio portfolio Occ Rate on watch list 92% 20% Adverse Classification Substandard COMMENTS The reputation was poor prior to rehabilitation and management continues to struggle to overcome the negative reputation. Ownership defaulted on the loan in December 2012. In February 2013, ownership submitted a Partial Payment of Claim application to HUD for consideration. The application is currently being reviewed by HUD. HUD has indicated that a decision is anticipated within the next 30 days. In October 2013, HUD awarded the property an additional 50 project based Sec 8 Units. Staff inspected the property in January 2013 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property needing improvement. All inspection items needing correction have been reported by management as being corrected. Decline in occupancy is due to evictions for non-payment of rent and illegal activity. In March 2013, MHDC reestablished a security grant with the property to help with security until a decision is made by HUD. Currently, there are 24 applications pending. Occupancy has increased since the last report. Months on List 28 TAB 4 Such other matters that may come before the commission TAB 5 Adjourn