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Monist Library of Philosophy
The Relevance of Charles Peirce
edited by Eugene Freeman
Charles Peirce, now universally acclaimed as America's greatest philosopher, and considered by many to be
one of the great philosophers of all time, was virtually
unrecognized and unpublished during his lifetime. However, one of the few of his contemporaries who did
appreciate his genius was Dr. Paul Carus, editor of The
Monist from 1890 to 1919. The now classic series of
papers that Peirce wrote for The Monist is today a landmark in the history of American philosophy.
The full spectrum of Peirce's interests and competence
is truly remarkable. While the greater volume of his
writing is to be found in the areas of logic, the philosophy
of mathematics and of natural science, and the theory of
signs, no one can afford to ignore his inquiries into the
issues of metaphysics, ethics, religion, aesthetics, and
Contributors include: Max H. Fisch, John E. Smith,
Eugene Freeman, Karl Popper, Charles Hartshorne, John
Boler, Jaakko Hintikka, T. L. Short, James F. Harris &
Kevin Hoover, William J. Gavin, Mihai Nadin, Charles J.
Dougherty, Bertrand P. Helm, Karl-Otto Apel, E. F.
Kaelin, Susan Haack, Risto Hilpinen, David Gruender, J.
Jay Zeman, Sandra B. Rosenthal, Robert Almeder, Peter
Skagestad, and Christian J. W. Kloesel.
410 pages; cloth: $29.95
Box 600, La Salle, Illinois 61301
An International Journal of Philosophy
Editors: Marcclo Dascal, Michel Chins. Univcrsidadc Fstadual de Campinas.
Volume IX N.° 1 - April 1986
1) George Fnglebretscn - Truth and Existence in Leibniz; 2) Michel
Paly - Much et Duhcm; 3) Jorge J.E. Gracia - The Ontological Status
of Individuality; 4) Alberto Cupani - A Hcrmenfiutica ante o Positivismo;
5) Fernando Gil - La philosophic biologiquc de Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire;
dc 1'organisation a l'auto-organisation; 6) Leon Koj - On the Foundations
of Denoting; 7) Oswaldo Porchat Pereira - Saber comum c ceticismo.
Volume IX N ° 2 - October 1986
Special Issue: Popper
1) Angelo M. Pctroni - Popper et l'intcrprc'tation me'thodologique dc
Marx; 2) Aslicr Idan - Political Criticism in History: Popper and Althusser;
3) Carlos Santiago Nino - F.l racionalismo critico y la fundamentacion
dc la e'tica; 4) Jczio Her mini Bonfim Gutierre - Demarcacab c decidibilidade em Popper; 5) Michael Krausz - Intentionality, Expressive Properties, and Popper's Placement of Music ,6) Michel Chins - Popper on the
Arrow of Time; 7) Roberto Martins - A Popperian I Valuation of Einstein's
Thcory-plus-Mcthod; 8) Robert Nadcau - Popper, Hayek et la question
du .scicntismc.
Volume X N.° I - April 1987
I) Gerard Radnitzky - The 'Economic Approach' Applied to the Philosophy of Science; 2) Klaus Mainzcr -• What is the Price of Realism in the
Quantum World?; 3) Leon Koj - Two Conceptions of Semantics;
4) Mauricio Beuchot - Las falacias y las paradojas logico-semanticas en la
edad media; 5) Roberto Rcfinetti - Prolcgomenos a cpistcniologia do
bchaviorismo radical; 6) Ruben Mario Tani - Peirce's Semiotic Pragmatism: on Saying/Doing.
Volume X N.° 2 - October 1987
Special Issue: Granger
Contributions of Jules Vuillemin, Andres Raggio, David Braybrooke,
Joellc Proust, Kuno Lorenz, Marcelo Dascal, Arley R. Moreno, Sergio
Cremaschi. Francis Jacques, Flisabeth Schwartz, Ora Gruengard, Michel
Dehrun. Jose A. C.iannotti, Gilles-Gaston Granger.
MANUSCRITO is published twice yearly by the Centro de Logica, Epistemologia e Historia da Ciencia. Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
C.P.6133. 13081 Campinas, SP., Brazil.
Annual subscription is US$ 10.00 (US$ 5.00 for Latin American
An International Journal for Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
Jaakko Hintikka, Dept. of Philosophy, Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA
Synthese publishes articles in all the fields covered by the subtitle.
These include the theory of knowledge; the general methodological
problems of science, those aspects of symbolic logic and of the
foundations of mathematics which are relevant to the philosophy and
methodology of science; and those facets of the history and sociology of
science which are important for contemporary topical pursuits.
Subscription Information
ISSN 0039-7857
1987, Volume 70-73 (12 issues)
Institutional rate: Dfl. 888.00/US$372.00 incl. postage/handling
Private rate: Dfl. 328.00/US$ 136.00 incl. postage/handling
O. Reidel Publishing Company
MA 08061. U S A
William Bechtel - Connectionism and the Philosophy of Mind: An
Overview. David Kirsh - The Encoding Problem. Robert Matthews
-Comments. George Graham - Connectionism in Pavlovian Harness.
Hubert Dreyfus - Comments. Michael Tye - Representation in
Pictorialism and Connectionism. Brian McLaughlin - Comments. John
Tienson and Terence Horgan - Settling Into a New Paradigm. Mary
Frances Egan -Comments. Paul Smolensky - TBA. Robert Cummins Connectionism and Computation. Stanley Franklin and Max Garzon Comments.
XXVI, 1987. Individual copies$l0.00. Free with each $12.00 annual subscription toTHE
SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY, Memphis State University, Memphis,
TN 38152, U.S.A.
C 9 Affairs
Marshall Cohen
Associate Editors
A. John Simmons, Warren Quinn,
and Thomas Scanlon
Articles from recent issues include:
Arthur Ripstein, Foundationalism in Political Theory...Larry S.
Tempkin, Intransitivity and the Mere Addition Paradox...lames.
Sterba, A Problem for Parfit: Explaining Assymetry.. .Derek Parfit, A
Reply to Sterba... Warren Quinn, A Review of Bernard Williams'
Ethics and Limits of Philosophy. ..Susan Moller Okin, Justice and
Cender.. .Jeffrey Reiman, Exploitation, Force, and the Moral
Assessment of Capitalism.. .Larry Alexander and Maimon
Schwarzschild, Liberalism, Neutrality, and Equality of Welfare vs.
Equality of Resources... William H. Wilcox, Egoists, Consequentialists, and Their Friends
Subscription Rates
U.S. and Canada: $14.50/yr. Institutions: $22.50/yr.
Foreign: $18.25/yr. Institutions: $28.00/yr. Add $3.50/yr. for postage and
Princeton University Press, 3175 Princeton Pike, Lawrenceville, N| 08648
Prof. Hcctor-Ncri Castancrla, editor
Prof. Earl Conee, associate editor
VOLUME 21, NO. 2
J U N E 1987
Articles: Robert French/ftwmrto1 of Visual Space; Steven \jnycocVJ Bergmannian Meditations;
Ermanno Bencivenga//%i'/ojo/iAy One and Two; Ferdinand Schoeman/Statistical vs. Direct
Evidence; Michael Krcmer/ "If" is Unambiguous; George Schlesinger/yWi>ar/« and Probabilities; Stephen Pollard/ What is Abstraction? Andrew Brcnnan/DuconfiitinTy and Identity.
Critical Reviewt: Mary Mdthersill by Robert Yanal; Edward Zalta by Francesco
Orilia; Philip Weinstein by Bruce Wilshire; Charles Hartshorne by Andrew J . Reck;
Ben Mijuskovic by Niels Ole Bernsen; Niels Jorgen Green-Pedersen by Mauricio
V O L U M E 21, N O . 3
S E P T E M B E R 1987
Articles: Graeme Forbes/Places As Possibilities of Location; Morris L\pson/Objective
Experience; Robert K. Meyer/God Exists'; Robert \zna\ISelJ-Esteem; Arnold
Levison/Rorty, Materialism, Privileged Access; Stephens and Graham/Minding Your P's
and Q's; Stephen Scott/Self-Interest and the Concept of Morality; Richard Ollc/McCall
and Counter/actuals.
Critical Reviews: Laurence Bonjour by Terry Christlieb; Ruth Garrett Millikan
Ay Jay Rosenberg; Leonard Carrier by David Sanford; Simon Blackburn by Sydney
Shoemaker; Barut, et al. by Roberto Torreti; Rex Martin Ay Judith DeCew; Peter
French by Richard De George.
Subscribe to:
Nous V. Secretary
Submissions to:
Nous V. Editor
Dcpt. of Philosophy
Indiana University
Sycamore 126
Bloomington, IN 47405
1987 Subscriptions:
Institutions: $40.00
Individuals: 120.00
Single Issues: $10.00
Edited by Terrell Ward Bynum
Metaphllosophy publishes articles and book reviews in a wide range of
philosophical topics including the foundations, scope and function of
philosophy, aspects of philosophical systems, applied philosophy, the
sociology of philosophy, the teaching of philosophy, presuppositions of
philosophical schools, and the relation of philosophy to other disciplines.
January, April, July, October
(two single issues and one double issue per year)
Subscription Rates Volume 18,1987
Individuals: £20.50 (UK) £25.65 (overseas) US$43.25 (N. America & Japan)
Institutions: £38.50 (UK) £48.00 (overseas) US$80.00 (N. America & Japan)
Please send orders with payment to:
Iris Taylor
or to: Journals Department
Journals Department
Basil Blackwell
Basil Blackwell
PO Box 1320
108 Cowley Road
Murray Hill Station
Oxford OX41JF
NY 10156
Basil Blackwell • Oxford and New York
Editor: Henry W. lohnstone, |r.
Associate Editor: Gerard A. Hauser
Book Review Editor: Molly Wertheimer
Associate book Review Editor: Roberta Kosberg
Table of Contents, Volume 20, Number 3, 1987
On Defining Argument
Robert C. Rowland
The Rhetoric of Suicide
Suzanne Stern-Gillet
Aristotle and the New Rhetoric:
Grimaldi and Valesio. A Review Essay
Rosalind j . Gabin
William Grimaldi — Reinterpreting Aristotle
James Kinneavy
Published by: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 215 Wagner Building, University Park, PA 16802. Editorial Office: Department of Philosophy,
The Pennsylvania State University
In 1969, the OWL was established as the official journal of The Hegel
Society of America. Since that time, it has served its readership with a continuous survey of Hegelian scholarship. The OWL is now received by the
over 350 members of The Hegel Society of America - a membership
international in scope - and is subscribed t o by libraries and research
institutions throughout the world.
This biannual journal features articles, reviews, notes and discussions that
bear not only upon the latest developments in historical scholarship regarding Hegel, but also upon the resolution of philosophical issues from a
Hegelian standpoint. Studies are also directed t o considering Hegel's
contemporaries and those influenced by his thought.
Subscription Rates
Individual: Automatic with HSA membership
Annual dues $10.00, students $6.00
Institutional: $16.00 annually
Single Copies: $6.00
Make checks or money orders payable in U.S. currency to The Hegel
Society of America. Mail all payments to: The Treasurer, Hegel Society,
Department of Philosophy, Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085.
ISSN 0030-7580
Lawrence S. Stepelevich
Department of Philosophy
Villanova University Villanova, PA. 19085
Assistant Editor
Eric von der tuft
Book Review Editor
William Maker
Department of History and Philosophy
Clemson University, Clemson SC 29631
Editoral Advisory Board
Shlomo Avinert
John N. Findlay
Errol E. Harris
H. S. Harris
Quentin Lauer, S.J.
Hans-Martin Sass
Charles Taylor
The Journal of the Mind Association
Editor: Simon Blackburn, Pembroke College, Oxford
Mind is the best known British philosophical journal, and one of the most
widely read and respected journals in professional philosophy.
Forthcoming and recent papers include Paul Churchland on reductive
strategies in cognitive neurophysiology, Ruth Garrett Millikan on the
metaphysical nature of Putnam's anti-realism, Jonathan Westphal on
colour, Michael Pendlebury on force in semantics and Ian Hacking on
inverse arguments in cosmology.
Payment may be made by cheque or major credit card.
Please send me:
• Mind Volume 96 US$32.50 (Individuals $22.50)
Q a sample copy
OUP Inc USA, 200 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016
A Quarterly Journal Promoting Original and Scholarly Contributions in All
Fields of Philosophy
Edited by members of the College of Philosophy and Letters and the
Department of Philosophy, Saint Louis University.
THE MODERN SCHOOLMAN is published four times a year, in November,
January, March, and May. Subscription price $26.00 a year; single copies,
$6.50 each. All claims for undelivered issues should be made within one
year of the date of the issue. THE MODERN SCHOOLMAN is indexed in
the Catholic Periodical Index and The Philosopher's Index. Copyright ©
1984 by THE MODERN SCHOOLMAN, Saint Louis, Missouri. Permission
is required to reprint an article or part of an article. Any contributor who
wishes a manuscript returned in the event of its rejection should enclose a
stamped self-addressed envelope.
Address all communications to The Editor or The Business Manager,
THE MODERN SCHOOLMAN, 3700 West Pine Blvd., Saint Louis, Missouri
63108. Foreign subscription agencies: NETHERLANDS: Swets & Zeitlinger, Keilbesgracht 471, Amsterdam; SPAIN: Anaquel Ediciones,
Conde de Penalver, 36, Madrid; FRANCE: Office general du livre; \4bis,
rue Jean Ferrandi, Paris 6e.
An International Scholarly Journal
Edited by Robert G. Turnbull
Printed Format
Since 1982, the Philosophy Research Archives has been published
as a printed journal. Only long monographs continue to appear
on microfiche.
The Philosophy Research Archives is sponsored by the American
Philosophical Association, the Canadian Philosophical Association,
and the Philosophy Documentation Center.
Unique features
1. No article size restrictions other than those determined by the
quality of the manuscript submitted
2. Unrestricted philosophical scope
3. Relatively rapid publication decisions
4. Unusual opportunities for amending and/or rewriting manuscripts
5. A strict policy of blind refereeing and supplying copies of referees
reports to authors
6. A truly outstanding group of over 200 referees
All Papers W e l c o m e
The Archives welcomes scholarly papers from any philosopher,
regardless of whether he or she is a member of a sponsoring
organization. The Archives is prepared to consider papers in any
branch of philosophy and from any philosophical orientation. Articles in French, as well as in English, will be considered. However,
the Archives will only consider finished pieces, as contrasted with
early drafts.
To O b t a i n M o r e Information
For complete information of the Philosophy Research Archives,
including the procedure for submitting manuscripts and the names
of referees, consult The Philosopher's Index or write to the Philosophy Documentation Center.
Subscription Information
Annual printed volumes are $36. (Individuals: $18) Add $2 for extra
postal costs for orders mailed outside the United States. Volume
11 (1985) is the current volume for 1986.
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0189 USA
Journal for the
Edited by Charles Smith
The Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour is an interdisciplinary journal
which publishes original theoretical and methodological articles relating to social
behaviour. It is widely read by philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, and
others with an interest in this field.
February, May, August and November
Subscription Rates Volume 17,1987
Individuals: £20 (UK) E25 (overseas) US$36 (N. America & Japan)
Institutions: E48 (UK) E60 (overseas) US$95 (N. America & Japan)
Please send orders with payment to:
Iris Taylor
or to: Journals Department
Journals Department
Basil Blackwell
Basil Blackwell
PO Box 1320
108 Cowley Road
Murray Hill Station
Oxford OX41JF
NY 10156
Basil Blackwell • Oxford and New York
The Journal of Value Inquiry
Executive Editor
James Wilbur
The Journal of Value Inquiry is an international philosophical quarterly devoted to
the stimulation and communication of current research in axiology. Papers may
address themselves to questions concerning the nature, origin, experience and
scope of value in general, as well as to more restricted studies concerning
problems of values in ethics, social and legal theory and practice, science,
aesthetics, and methodology. The journal is committed to no position or program
and, in consequence, invites papers without restriction of method, scope, or
Subscription Information
ISSN 0022-5363
1987, Volume 21 (4 issues)
Institutional rate: Dfl. 181.00/US$76.00 incl. postage/handling
Private rate: Dfl. 75.00/US$31.50 incl. postage/handling
Private subscriptions should be sent direct to the publishers
Back Volume(s) Available
Price per Volume
excl. postage
Volumes 1-20 (1967-1986)
Dfl. 145.00/US$ 50.00
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
The Journal of Philosophy
Libraries and institutions
Students, retired/unemployed philosophers
Postage outside U.S.
$ 6.00
Published bi-monthly 1904-1976, monthly thereafter.
All back volumes and individual issues are available, also a
Cumulative Fifty-year Index, 1904-1953 and a Ten-year
Supplemental Index, 1954-1963. Back volumes 1976present also available in microform.
Please inquire for price lists and shipping charges on back
An International Review of Philosophy and the Human Sciences
Volume 18, Number 3, October 1987
The Turn Towards Subjectivity: Michel Foucault's Legacy, by Deborah Cook
A Husserlian Response to Derrida's Early Criticisms of Phenomenology, by Dane
Gestalt Mechanisms and Believing Beliefs: Sartre's Analysis of the Phenomenon of
Bad Faith, by Adrian Mirvish
Freedom, Finitude and Totality: Ricoeur and Heidegger, by Patrick Bourgeois and
Frank Schalow
Nietzsche, The Self and Hermeneutic Theory, by Nicholas Davey
Reviews and Notes
The JBSP publishes papers on phenomenology and existential philosophy as well as
contributions from other fields of philosophy. Papers from workers in the Humanities and human sciences interested in the philosophy of their subject will be welcome.
All papers and books for review to be sent to the Editor: Dr. Wolfe Mays, Department
of Philosophy, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL. England. Subscription and advertisement enquiries to be sent to the publishers: Haigh and Hochland
Ltd., The Precinct Centre. Oxford Road. Manchester 13, England.
Journal of Chinese Philosophy
Order form:
$95 for one year
Dialogue Publishing Co.
P.O. Box 11071
Honolulu, Hawaii 96828 U.S.A.
$39 for one year
Editor: Chung-ying Cheng
$73 for two years
University of Hawaii, Honolulu USA
Plus Postage:
Co-Editor: Antonio S. Cua
„ , , . „ .
AIR MAIL $11.60 (per year/volume)
Catholic University
of America
. . _ .
c _ . ,, . . . , , ,n .
USA Pfister
SEA MAIL $6.60 (per year/volume)
nn. D.r.Lauren
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA
Since its founding in 1973, the Journal of Chinese Philosophy has published over
150 series articles concerning subjects including classical Chinese philosophy, NeoTaoism, Chinese Buddhism, Neo-Confucianism, and Chinese philosophy in the
twentieth century, covering areas such as Chinese metaphysics, aesthetics, ethics and
social-political philosophy. Symposium issues have been published on such themes
as Chinese logic and Chinese philosophy of language, justice East and West, John
Dewey and China, Chinese Cosmology and Metallurgy as well as Taoism and
Journal of Philosophical Logic
Richmond H. Thomason, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh,
The Journal of Philosophical Logic is the only journal specializing in
philosophical logic and utilizes formal methods of dealing with topics in
logical theory. Subjects specifically included are:
contributions to branches of logical theory directly related to philosophical concerns; contributions to philosophical discussions that utilize the
machinery of formal logic; discussions of philosophical issues relating
to logic and the logical structure of language; philosophical work relating
to special sciences (for example, linguistics, history of logic, or physics).
Subscription Information
ISSN 0022-3611
1987, Volume 16 (4 issues)
Institutional rate: Dfl. 222.00/USS93.00 incl. postage/handling
Private rate: Dfl. 75.00/USS27.00 incl. postage/handling
Special rate for ASL members: Dfl. 67.00/USS24.00 incl. postage/handling
P.O. Box969
The Netherlands
D. Reidel Publishing Company
MA 02061, U S A
Falcon House
Queen Square
Lancaster, U1tf)N,U.K.
Journal of Indian Philosophy
B. K. Matilal, All Souls College, Oxford, UK
Indian philosophy has attracted a small audience in the West for many years, but it is only
recently that Western philosophers have shown any general inclination to join it. The Journal
of Indian Philosophy encourages this inclination and has been able to stimulate creative
activities among orientalists and philosophers along with all the various combinations that
these two classes can form. Contributions to the journal are bound by the limits of rational
inquiry and avoid questions that lie in the fields of speculative sociology and para psychology.
In a very general sense, the method is analytical and comparative, aiming at a rigorous
precision in the translation of terms and statements. Space is devoted to the works of
philosophers of the past as well as to the creative researches of contemporary scholars on
such philosophic problems as were addressed by past philosophers.
Subscription Information
ISSN 0022-1791
1987. Vol. 15 (4 issues)
Institutional rate: Dfl. 236.00/USS 99.00 incl. postage/handling
Private rate: Dfl. 86.00/USS36.00 incl. postage/handling
Private subscriptions should be sent direct to the publishers
Back Volume(s) Available
Price per Volume
Volumes 1-14 (1970-1986)
excl. postage
Volume 3 may be ordered from:
Dfl. 195.00/USS68.00
Swets & Zeitlinger BV, P.O. Box 810, 2160 SZ LISSE, The Netherlands
. -•
} ^ .
JL | 7 C
t^n International Quarterly Journal
flA ~i P T " of General Philosophical Inquiry
f U 3 1 /
Editor, John HOSPERS
Editorial Board: Henry Allison. William p. Abton, John M. Cooper. Dagfinn Fallcsdal. R- Baron Marcus,
Joseph Margolis. Wallace 1. Matson. Joseph Owens. Bruce Vermazen. Wilfrid Sdlars, Anita Silvers, John E.
Smith. Richard Wasscrstrom.
Managing Editor: Sherwood J. B. SUCDEN
with the Editor for special instructions. Two nonreturnable copies (one copy outside the U.S. and Canada)
should be submitted NINE MONTHS PRIOR to the announced publiation dale. Papers should be prepared
for anonymous submission to readers, and should be from 10 to 20 double-spaced typewritten pages in length,
including notes.
Jan., 1988 Philosophical Problems of Space Exploration
Apr., 1988 Aesthetics and the Histories of the Arts
July. 1988 Justification
Oct.. 1988 Descartes and His Contemporaries
Jan., 1989 Logic as a Field of Knowledge
Apr.. 1989 Kant's Critical Philosophy
July. 1989 Kant's Practical Philosophy
Oct.. 1989 The Philosophy of R. G. Collingwood
Jan., 1990 Hellenistic Ethics
Editorial Office: School of Philosophy, University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Business Office: Box 600, La Salle, Illinois 61301
Vol 71 No. 1
Vol 71. No. 2
Vol 71. No. 3
Vol. 71. No. 4
Vol. 72. No. 1
Vol. 72. No. 2
Vol. 72. No. 3
Vol. 72. No. 4
Vol. 73. No. 1
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United Slates: Annual (4 issues): Institutions. $24.00; Individuals, $15.00.
Single copies: S6.00. Foreign postage: Add SO cents to single copy rate or $1.00 to subscription.
Edited by Christopher Kirwan
Analysis publishes short discussions of questions of detail in philosophy, or of
precisely defined aspects of philosophical questions. These range over topics in
philosophical logic, philosophy of mind, moral and political philosophy, and
philosophy of religion—all in the broadest sense. The discussions can extend
over several interchanges, and a contributor may have the opportunity to take on
more than one respondent to his or her original article.
January, March, June, October
Subscription Rates Volume 47,1987
Individuals: £8.00 (UK) £10.00 (overseas) US$21.00 (N. America+Japan)
Institutions: £12.00 (UK) £15.00 (overseas) US$33.00 (N. America+Japan)
Please send orders with payment to:
Iris Taylor
or to: Journals Department
Journals Department
Basil Blackwell
Basil Blackwell
PO Box 1320
108 Cowley Road
Murray Hill Station
Oxford OX41JF
NY 10156
Basil Blackwell • Oxford and New York
Edited by Anthony Ellis
Philosophical Books was founded by the Analysis committee in 1960 to provide
prompt, scholarly reviews to assist both librarians and individuals in the choice of
professional works of philosophy. Besides conventional reviews in both
contemporary philosophy and the history of the subject, the journal includes
regular discussion features where authors of selected titles have the opportunity
to reply to reviewers. There are also occasional subject surveys, and issues
devoted to a single theme.
January, April, July, October
Subscription Rates Volume 28,1987
Individuals: £13.65 (UK) £14.65 (overseas) US$29.00 (N. America & Japan)
Institutions: £29.50 (UK) £36.75 (overseas) US$60.00 (N. America & Japan)
Please send orders with payment to:
Iris Taylor
or to: Journals Department
Journals Department
Basil Blackwell
Basil Blackwell
PO Box 1320
108 Cowley Road
Murray Hill Station
Oxford OX41JF
NY 10156
Basil Blackwell • Oxford and New York
Monist Library of Philosophy
Language and Thought in Early
Greek Philosophy
edited by Kevin Robb
Previously unpublished essays discuss the origins of
philosophy as an integral part of the development of the
language, literature, and culture of early Greece. In a
monograph-length leading paper, Eric Havelock, author
of Preface to Plato, The Greek Concept of Justice, The
Literate Revolution in Greece and Its Consequences, etc.,
treats of the Presocratics as pioneers in forging the
linguistic and conceptual foundations of Western philosophy and science.
Eric Havelock, "The Linguistic Task of the Presocratics"; G. S. Kirk, "Orality and Sequence"; Jonathan
Barnes, "Aphorism and Argument"; Charles H. Kahn,
"Philosophy and the Written Word"; J. P. Hershbell, "The
Oral-Poetic Religion of Xenophanes"; Julius M.
Moravcsik, "Heraclitean Concepts and Explanations";
Kevin Robb, "Preliterate Ages and the Linguistic Art of
Heraclitus"; Arthur W. H. Adkins, "Orality and Philosophy"; Joseph Margolis, "The Emergence of Philosophy";
Dallas Willard, "Concerning the Knowledge of the Preplatonic Greeks"; Wallace I. Matson, "From Water to
Atoms: The Triumph of a Metaphysics"; Robert S. Brumbaugh, "Diction and Dialectics: The Language of Plato's
Stranger from Elea"; Joanne Beil, "Select Bibliography
on Orality and Literacy".
335 p a g e s ; d o t h . $ 2 9 95
Box 600, La Salle, Illinois 61301
1. FIRST PUBLICATION: Papers can be considered for THE MONIST only if
(a) they have not previously been published elsewhere, and
(b) they are not being considered for publication elsewhere.
2. DUPLICATE COPIES: Two clear copies of the MS should be submitted, and
these will not be returned. An additional copy should, of course, be retained
by the author.
3. LENGTH: The suggested length for MONIST articles is 4,000 to 8,000
words, or about 10 to 20 double-spaced, typewritten pages, including all
notes, with about one inch margins on all sides.
4. STYLE and SPELLING GUIDES: University of Chicago Press, A Manual of
Style, 12th edition revised 1975; The Random House Dictionary of the
English Language; or the Oxford English Dictionary for authors who follow
British usage.
5. FOOTNOTES: Footnotes or references should be typed double-spaced in a
separate section, and numbered consecutively. They will be printed at the
end of the paper. The first mention of a book or journal article should have
complete bibliographical information (for books, the publisher's name
should be included and for journal articles the volume and date of the journal should be included). "Op. cit." should be replaced by an abbreviated
reference — see University of Chicago, A Manual of Style, 12th ed., pp.
6. PERMISSION TO QUOTE from works in copyright must be obtained by
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7. GALLEY PROOFS: No part of an article can be rewritten in galley or page
proofs. Any addenda on galley proofs other than corrections of typographical errors may be disregarded at the discretion of the Editor.
8. OFFPRINTS can be ordered only at the time galleys are sent to the author for
9. CROSS REFERENCES: Wherever possible the author should cite section
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10. QUOTATION MARKS: Mentioned terms or expressions are enclosed in
single quotation marks with no intervening punctuation. Otherwise standard American literary usage is to be followed, as stipulated, e.g., in the
University of Chicago Manual of Style. Special conventions, if followed consistently, are permitted where formal language is used.
11. SPECIAL TYPOGRAPHY: Diagrams, tables, and illustrations should be on
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zero and capital O and prime marks should be indicated in the margin.
Materials to be printed in italics, especially single letters in text or in formulas, should be underlined.
Topics for Recent and Forthcoming Issues
Papers may now be submitted to the Editor of THE MONIST for publication in the
following special issues, each of which is devoted to a single general topic specified
by the Editorial Board. No paper can be considered which has been published
General Topic
For Solicited For Submitted
Oct. 1987
Thomas Reid and
His Contemporaries
Sept. 1986
Dec. 1986
Jan. 1988
Philosophical Problems
of Space Exploration
Dec. 1986
Mar. 1987
Apr. 1988
Aesthetics and the
Histories of the Arts
Mar. 1987
June 1987
July 1988
June 1987
Sept. 1987
Oct. 1988
Descartes and
His Contemporaries
Sept. 1987
Dec. 1987
Jan. 1989
Logic as a Field
of Knowledge
Dec. 1987
Mar. 1988
Apr. 1989
Kant's Critical
Mar. 1988
June 1988
July 1989
Kant's Practical
June 1988
Sept. 1988
Oct. 1989
The Philosophy of
R. G. Collingwood
Sept. 1988
Jan. 1990
Hellenistic Ethics
Dec. 1988
Dec. 1988
Mar. 1989
Scholars in philosophy or related disciplines who wish to submit papers for any of the above
special issues of THE MONIST should communicate well in advance with the Editor and ask
for Special instructions defining the scope of the general topics in-which they are interested.
Papers may be from 4,000 to 8,000 words in length — or about 10 to 20 double-spaced
typewritten pages, including notes. Two clear copies should be submitted (one clear copy from
contributors outside the U.S. and Canada), and these will not be returned.
John Hospers, Editor, THE MONIST
Editorial Office, School of Philosophy,
University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA 90089