EWI Chapter Connect - EWI San Diego Chapter


EWI Chapter Connect - EWI San Diego Chapter
EWI of San Diego
Chartered April 1950
Message from the President
APRIL 2014 | Vol. 64, No. 4
Tracey Amernick
Cohn Restaurant Group
Greetings to all! Spring is a time of new beginnings, and it is our Chapter’s
64th anniversary in April. I want to thank each of you for being a member of
EWI of San Diego and for your ongoing support. We continue to grow, and
the dynamics of our Chapter continue to be strong. 2014 is turning out to be
another banner year for us, and I am honored to be a part of it.
There are so many elements that need to come together so we can operate seamlessly, and it
takes a great deal of behind the scenes work. I want to extend compliments to our entire Board
and our Committee Chairs for the energy and dedication they provide on behalf of the Chapter.
Our Advisor and Corporate Board Liaison, Darlene Banogon of North Island Credit
Union, is a pillar of strength and a wealth of information. She is also our Corporate VP and will
be taking over as President in September. How blessed we are to have her in San Diego.
Past President & Board Advisor Margie Wilson of Flagship Cruises & Events was an
extraordinary leader for our Chapter, and we are trying our best to continue her high standards
of excellence.
Officers & Directors
Tracey Amernick
Cohn Restaurant Group
Vice President
Besse Johannsen
Besse M. Johannsen,
Attorney at Law
Erin Chapman
Vanessa Davis
Broadway/San Diego
VP Besse Johannsen, Attorney at Law, has been working with Jan Rogers of Francis
Parker School on our EWISP scholarship program; the applications are currently being
judged. She is also working with new member Jamie Fleming, CFP, of Fleming &
Associates, LLC, on the ASIST scholarships. We have not participated in the ASIST program
for a few years – so it’s very exciting!
Retention & Recruitment
Karen Spencer
Flagship Cruises & Events
Secretary/Treasurer Erin Chapman of eIRONclad is a foundation of support in preparing
our agendas, keeping meeting minutes, and lending a helping hand with all of our numerous
special projects.
Laura Machado
Marine Group Boat Works
Our Sergeant -at-Arms Laura Machado of Marine Group Boat Works helps us maintain
accurate records of attendance. Laura compiles counts for every meeting and reconciles on a
monthly and annual basis.
Programs Co-Director
Jill Hammons
USS Midway Museum
Thank you to Retention & Recruitment Chair Karen Spencer of Flagship Cruises &
Events for her due diligence with managing and posting list of prospects and her recruiting
efforts – it’s really paying off!
Programs Co-Director
Teresa Johnson
Artistic Wedding Cakes
By The Grove
Special thanks to Vanessa Davis of Broadway/San Diego for managing our fundraising
efforts, by working on our raffle program, and with your support, continues to help raise money
for our chapter. Vanessa also arranged our upcoming Executive Luncheon at The Westgate
Hotel on April 15.
Chapter finances are in good order and recorded by the Treasurer’s Assistant – Anita Tindall,
Life Member – who heads up a one-person committee, which requires total commitment and
a lot of hard work. She makes sure that our money gets to the bank and maintains excellent
records: the life-blood of any successful organization.
Jill Hammons of the USS Midway Museum and new Program Co-chair Teresa Johnson
of Artistic Wedding Cakes by The Grove are doing an amazing job in coordinating our
monthly meetings. We are almost set for the calendar year with locations and speakers. Each
Anna McCutcheon
San Diego Theatres
Margie Wilson
Flagship Cruises & Events
Corporate Board Liaison
Darlene Banogon
North Island Credit Union
[President’s Message continued on Page 5…]
President’s Message Pages 1&5 • March Meeting Highlights Page 2 • Corporate Update Pages 3&4
• News & Notes Pages 5&6 • April Meeting Notice Page 7 • Executive Profile Page 8 • New Member
Page 9 • Personal & Professional Development Page 10 • Dates & Updates Page 11 • Chapter
Leaders Page 12 • Member Firms Page 13 • San Diego Chapter Anniversary Page 14
April 2014
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
Chapter Meeting Highlights
March 18, 2014 – “Educational Pioneering”
at The Wine & Culinary Event Center
PIONEERING EDUCATOR Dr. Helen V. Griffith, Executive Director of e3 Civic High
School in Downtown’s New Central Library, shared her personal and professional story,
inspiring us to overcome any adversity to achieve our goals and dreams. The Wine &
Culinary Center opened their kitchen to us and we joined their chefs to cook our own
fabulous Tuscan feast.
Photos: Erin Chapman, eIRONclad Technology Solutions; Patti Parsons, Sustaining Member
Paradise Point Resort
Dr. Helen V. Griffith
Besse Johannsen,
Attorney at Law
Vanessa Davis, Broadway/San Diego
Erin Chapman, eIRONclad
The Don Room
Jan Wolfert, San Diego Digital Solutions
Karen Spencer, Flagship Cruises & Events
Millie Goddard, Sustaining Member
Darlene Banogon, North Island Credit Union
Dolores Kelly, Life Member
Cam Schultz, EmbroidMe San Diego
Jacqui Hart, Sustaining Member
Lourdes Navarro, eIRONclad
Linda Kent, Sustaining Member
Photo: Jamie Dickerson, J. Dixx Photography
Gail Weed, Torrey Pines Bank
Jan Wolfert, San Diego Digital Solutions
Margie Wilson, Flagship Cruises & Events
Tracey Amernick, Cohn Restaurant Group
Anita Tindall, Life Member
Linda Kent
Catherine Kent, guest
Tracey Amernick
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
–Page 2–
April 2014
Corporate Update
News & Announcements
from EWIConnect Corporate Edition via email, APRIL 2014
EWI Annual Report 2012-2013 is Online – Members are encouraged to
read the Annual Report on the Corporate web site. A great recruitment tool!
Corporate Office completes Membership Renewals – Renewal
processing for Firms on the traditional renewal cycle is complete, producing
these retention results: Firm renewals = 86.9%; Member renewals = 85.86%.
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
Professional Development
“Setting Goals the
S.M.A.R.T. Way”
with Heather Williamson, Ph.D.
Transformation Group, LLC
Tues., May 6, 12 pm PT
Register at ewiconnect.com
EWI Incorporation moves from California – To facilitate the
simplification of EWI’s Bylaws, and on the advice of legal counsel, EWI is
moving its Incorporation from California to the State of Utah.
Did you know?
Webinars are open to all
staff of EWI Member Firms
EWI Collegiate Program Seeks Mentors – This Pilot Program is
seeking 18 additional mentors for the University of Missouri-Columbia
members. If you are interested in mentoring one of these amazing young
ladies, contact Kim Fankhauser at kfankhauser@desmoinesmetro.com
EWI’s pilot program for collegiate students at the University of MissouriColumbia is now 52 ladies strong! The 9 young ladies of their Chapter Board
are determined to earn the $5,000 necessary for all of them to make a road
trip to attend LCAM in September (gas, food, lodging, and conference
registration.) EWI Corporate encourages all members to donate what you can
to help support and mentor our future generation of EWI leaders. San
Diego’s Chapter Board has made a donation, and several San Diego members
have contributed individually. Donate at http://www.gofundme.com/75g56s
Spokane, WA
Spring Conference 2014
April 24-26, 2014
Northern Quest Resort
& Casino/ Spokane, WA
Register at ewispokane.org
75th Anniversary Meeting
May 13, 2014
June 7, 2014
LCAM 2014
September 10-13, 2014
Crystal Gateway Marriott
Arlington, VA
Register at ewiconnect.com
LCAM 2015
Tulsa, OK
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
–Page 3–
April 2014
Anniversary Greetings
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
EWI of San Diego – Chartered in April 1950
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
–Page 4–
April 2014
Chapter News and Notes
Message from the President
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
Tracey Amernick, Cohn Restaurant Group
[continued from Page 1]
month is unique and every program continues to keep us inspired and enrich
our souls. In addition, all of our delicious menus have been custom-designed
to give you all a true taste of San Diego’s finest culinary talents.
Applause goes to Anna McCutcheon of San Diego Theatres, our
Communications Chair. It’s a real challenge to produce a newsletter, and a
big thank you for her artistic efforts to produce such a professionally
designed newsletter each month.
Our Literacy Co-Chairs Pat Evans of San Diego Convention Center
Corporation and Lourdes Navarro of eIRONclad have been working
behind the scenes this year looking for projects that we can contribute to,
and will present these to us in the near future.
Patti Parsons, Sustaining Member, our Courtesy Chair, makes sure that
all birthdays and celebrations are remembered and acknowledged, and keeps
us informed about special occasions and significant events that impact us all.
EWI of San Diego
sponsors booth at
Business Women’s Mega Mixer
EWI of San Diego was a
Business Women’s Mega
Mixer event at the Bahia
Hotel on March 20. Erin
Chapman of eIRONclad
and Linda Kent, Sustaining
Member, staffed the booth. Erin and Linda
collected business cards and distributed
brochures to attendees. The event
recognized Women’s History Month and the
contributions of women in business.
Debbie Wilmot of Parma Management Co. is our historian and also
keeps our membership list current. This is certainly no small feat!
So as you can see, it takes a team to run the Chapter, and beyond the team
there are all of you who support us. As I close this letter, I realize how much
we have accomplished in the first quarter of 2014. Thank you to all of you for
being a part of it. We’re all very excited about our Chapter’s future!
EWI of San Diego hosts
Membership Reception
at Manpower
by Karen Spencer
Flagship Cruises & Events
Retention & Recruitment Director
The Membership Orientation Reception
held on March 12 at the offices of
member firm Manpower was a
prospective members the opportunity to
hear from current members about the
membership. There was great interest by
the prospective members in attendance.
One prospective member – Alva
Whetton of Ace Parking – has
already joined EWI!
Many thanks to Manpower executives
Phil Blair and Mel Katz for allowing us
to host the event at their location, and
special thanks to EWI member Colette
Morel of Manpower for being a
fabulous hostess.
San Diego Past Presidents Darlene Banogon, Anna McCutcheon, and Anita
Tindall, with guest Josh Banogon (L. to R. above), attended a meeting of
EWI’s California Chapters Las Presidentes Pasadas at the Bowers Museum in
Santa Ana on March 8. The group enjoyed lunch at the museum’s Tangata
Restaurant and a private tour of a special exhibit of British paintings.
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
–Page 5–
April 2014
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
More Chapter News and Notes
with Fundraising Director Vanessa Davis and her Sassy Up-do!
We look forward to sharing great
Raffle Prizes at our April 15
luncheon: a 1-night stay at The
Westgate Hotel; SKYE Limo
airport dropoff & pickup; Flowers
by Coley; Sweet treats by Grove
Pastry Shop; and more!
To donate a prize in April (or any
month) send me an email -Vanessa@BroadwaySD.com
As a Thank You, you will receive
for each prize donated!
Photo: J. Dixx Photography
EWI Salutes…
April 23, 2014
The first National Secretaries Week was organized in 1952, in
conjunction with the United States Department of Commerce and
office supply and equipment manufacturers, to recognize the
contributions of administrative personnel to the economy, to support
their personal development, and to help attract people to
administrative careers. The Wednesday of that week became known
as National Secretaries Day.
As the events gained international recognition, they became known as
Professional Secretaries Week and Professional Secretaries Day. In
2000, the names of the week and the day were changed to
Administrative Professionals Week and Administrative Professionals
Day to keep pace with changing job titles and expanding
responsibilities of the modern administrative workforce. To our EWI
Members in the administrative field – we salute you!
Card: www.maxim-film.de
Learn more http://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/us/administrative-professionals-day
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
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April 2014
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
Chapter Meeting ~ April 2014
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
The Westgate Hotel | Riviera Room, 3rd Floor
1055 Second Avenue | San Diego, CA 92101
Between Broadway and C Street, Downtown
Parking: Validated Parking at hotel ($3.00)
12 pm/Meeting begins
12:50pm/Speaker Program
“USS Midway Museum: 10 Years & Beyond!”
John “Mac” McLaughlin is President & Chief Executive Officer of the USS
Midway Museum. He was hired as the Chief Operating Officer in December 2003,
one month prior to the Midway’s arrival in San Diego, and has been the chief executive
throughout the building of the Museum.
Prior to joining the Midway, Mac retired from the Navy as a Rear Admiral in August
2003. During his career as a Naval Aviator, he served as a Commanding Officer of a
helicopter squadron and Naval Air Station. He served two tours of duty in the Pentagon
on the Chief of Naval Operations Staff, and served Flag tours as Commander, Naval Air
Reserve Force and Naval Reserve Forces Command.
Mac graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1972 where he was an All-American
and Captain of the track team. He holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration
from Troy State University. He is married to the former Norah Anne Flynn of Chula
Vista and they have two children, Kathleen and Stephen.
John “Mac” McLaughlin
Join us for lunch at The Westgate Hotel on April 15 to salute our Member
Firm Executives, and to celebrate the 64th Anniversary of EWI of San Diego
and the 10th Anniversary of the USS Midway Museum.
FREE - One Executive from each Member Firm
Caesar Salad
$45 Active Members & Guests
$40 Sustaining & Life Members
PRE-PAY with PayPal at EWISanDiego.com
At bottom of Home Page, click “Meeting Fees”
All Active Members have a standing reservation.
RSVP by THURSDAY, April 10
with guest names | for non-attendance | for vegetarian meal
RSVP@ewisandiego.com | 619.427.6793
Chicken with Sundried Tomato Sauce,
Horseradish Potato Cake & Fresh Vegetables
Vegetarian Option
Wild Mushroom Tortellini with Parsnips,
Oyster Mushrooms & Bayul Thyme Jus
Vanilla and Orange Pot de Crème
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
–Page 7–
April 2014
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
Executive Spotlight
John “Mac”
President & CEO
Who is your role model, and why?
My father is my role model. He worked hard, took good
care of his family, and never had eyes for anyone except
my mother.
What is your favorite quote or words to live by?
“The best executive is one who has sense enough to pick
good people to do what he wants done, and self-restraint
enough to keep from meddling with them while they do
it.” – Theodore Roosevelt
If you could be anywhere on earth right now, where
would you be and what would you be doing?
I’d be the CEO for America’s Living Symbol of Freedom,
the USS Midway…and I mean that.
EWI Member Firm
since 2004
Norma Nicolls
Jill Hammons
What should EWI Members know about the USS
Midway Museum?
Your members should know that the USS Midway
Museum is a tribute to San Diego, the “birthplace of Naval
Aviation” and the city where America’s aircraft carrier
fleet was invented. The Midway is the most visited
historic ship in the world, seeing over 1 million visitors
each year. We have over 250 after-hours special events
annually, host over 450 military ceremonies, and
welcome 50,000 local school children to “Midway
University” for educational classes.
Were you born a leader, or made into one?
As a junior officer in the Navy, my personal efforts and
abilities were the most important measure of success. As
I gained more seniority, my abilities took a back seat to
the performance of those I was entrusted to serve and my
leadership focused less on myself and more and more on
them. As a CEO, taking care of my people is my #1
priority, and I believe the good leaders understand that.
What would be your first choice for an alternate
Professional athlete, but only in my dreams.
How has membership in EWI been a good business
decision for you and the USS Midway Museum?
Norma Nicolls, Jill Hammons, and [former EWI member]
Lori Cartmill….all EWI superstars and leaders of
Midway’s success.
Visit the USS Midway Museum at Midway.org
The USS Midway Museum opened in June 2004.
The Midway is celebrating its 10th Anniversary in 2014
with a year-long series of special events.
Visit http://www.midway.org/memberdeal for a special
offer just for San Diegans: 20% off their most popular
Crew-Level Membership Package! Offer valid thru 2014.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Golf, travel and hang out with my family.
What do you find most rewarding about your
leadership role at the USS Midway Museum?
Helping to build a true community asset that all of San
Diego can be proud of.
What’s the best business or career advice you’ve
ever received?
You can whine or strive to do better. Your choice will
determine your success or failure.
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
–Page 8–
April 2014
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
Meet Our New Member
Who is your role model or inspiration, and why?
Adrienne Nicodemus
Tell us about SKYE Limousine:
SKYE Limousine is a corporate and luxury transportation
service. It is important for the members of EWI to know that
our primary focus is providing service for executive travelers.
Between home, office, airports and meetings, our fleet of
sedans, vans and SUVs allow executives to convert travel time
into productive time (to complete projects, phone calls,
emails, even sleep.)
We have efficient reservation and billing systems that make
creating and paying for reservations simple for executive
assistants. SKYE Limousine chauffeurs carry themselves in a
professional manner, dress well, operate vehicles safely and
they care! We have a very high retention rate amongst our
corporate clients because we do our job well – we keep
executives and their assistants happy.
And yes, we do have limousines available for your upcoming
winery tour. 
What do you want our Members to know about you?
I can relate! I’m a wife, mother, University of Michigan grad,
sister, daughter, stepmom, God’s princess, Harvard grad,
athlete, certified teacher, yogi wannabe, business owner,
divorced then remarried (to the same man…ask me later),
international traveler, Grammy award-winning shower
singer, and I wish I could do all of the above better. I’m sure
with a cup of tea and a little time to chat we’d find a few
things in common. Call me and we’ll set a tea date.
What do you find most rewarding about your leadership
role at SKYE Limousine?
I’m a teacher-coach at heart and feel most rewarded when my
role with SKYE Limousine allows me the opportunity to teach
chauffeurs about our services and clients, lead them to
understanding what’s most valuable to our clients, and
coaching a chauffeur on how to render services that reflect
this knowledge and understanding.
My role models are my parents, who believe in the
unconditional and unfailing love of God, who did their
best to show me the beauty of His love and the joy of
living a life in celebration of His love. I do not have
perfect parents and they do not have a perfect daughter,
however, realizing God’s unconditional love compels us
to love others unconditionally and this is the miracle glue
of any relationship.
I am inspired by my husband, who at 36 (my age now)
had the zany idea of starting a corporate transportation
service and who now at 44 is approaching the end of his
first year of law school. I’m inspired by his bravery; he
doesn’t fear reinvention and learning new tricks. He’s
not the man I married, he’s a better man.
Do you have a favorite book?
I’ve read too many wonderful books to have a favorite,
but I highly recommend The Color Purple (Alice Walker)
and Moloka’i (Alan Brennert) -- both are AMAZING tales
of women enduring harsh conditions without losing their
sense of self or ability to love. Walker’s delightful
presentation is in a series of epistles and has a different
texture than the movie – read it!
What attracted you to membership in EWI?
As a business owner, I’m put off by comments like, “It’s
not personal, it’s business.” Yes, it is business, and yet, it
is personal. I take personal interest in knowing the
T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Accomplishes More) of
people that contribute to SKYE Limousine, and have a
personal interest in exceeding the expectation of our
I was attracted to EWI membership because the format
(networking, dining and learning together) encourages
members to establish relationships. And relationships
don’t require categories, like business versus personal,
either you have a good relationship or you do not. I’m
interested in helping others by building good
How do you and SKYE Limousine hope to benefit from
EWI membership?
The transportation industry is dominated by men and I
believe diversity (in all forms) leads to better ideas and
outcomes. If I look to my industry peers for precedence
or guidance, I’m going to receive opinions heavily
influenced by male thinking. EWI affords me an
opportunity to connect with and learn from WOMEN in
business; I think access to their diversity of experience
and opinions will benefit me and SKYE Limousine.
Connect with Adrienne: Adrienne@SkyeLimo.com
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
–Page 9–
April 2014
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
Personal and Professional Development
One Surprising Secret of
Highly Productive People
From an article by Greg McKeown on LinkedIn.com
Over the last 10 years we have moved from being connected to
being hyper-connected, with the promise that with increased
connectedness would come, among other things, increased
productivity. Somehow, we’ve bought into the assumption that
there exists a linear relationship between success and
connectivity, but often the exact opposite is the case.
We can’t escape the hyper-connected nature of our modern
world; it’s unrealistic to believe we’ll suddenly stop surfing the
internet or checking our smartphones. However, turning to
technology for the answer (productivity apps to help us
streamline our to-do-lists, or calendar apps to help us schedule
our over-stuffed lives) can be band-aid solutions, fooling us
into believing that more – more apps, more software, more
connected devices – will help us do less.
There are times that less technology can enable us to
accomplish more. This is why many of the most effective and
successful people use non-digital solutions to help them
navigate this hyper-connected world. The #1 non-digital
solution successful people use? A simple notebook or
Consider the following examples:
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO. Writer Michael Helft in
Fortune magazine: “[Sheryl’s] days are a flurry of meetings
that she runs with the help of a decidedly undigital spiralbound notebook. On it, she keeps lists of discussion points
and action items. She crosses them off one by one, and once
every item on a page is checked, she rips the page off and
moves to the next. If every item is done 10 minutes into an
hour-long meeting, the meeting is over.”
Richard Branson, billionaire entrepreneur, wrote in his
autobiography, “…my most essential possession is a
standard-sized school notebook, which can be brought at
any stationery shop on any high street across the country. I
carry this everywhere and write down all the comments that
are made to me by Virgin staff and anyone else I meet. I make
notes of all telephone conversations and all meetings, and I
draft out letters and lists of telephone calls to make....the
discipline of writing everything down ensures that I have
listened to people carefully.”
Oprah Winfrey has kept a handwritten journal since she
was 15. She has written, “It's a wonder that I've managed to be
a successful human being considering how pathetic I appeared
in many of my daily musings. It's a testament to growth and
Photo: oprah.com
grace that I've come this far… In my 40s, I got wiser. I
started using journals to express my gratitude — and
watched my blessings multiply. What you focus on
While George Lucas worked on Star Wars for 8 hours a
day from a secluded writing room, according to writers
Brett and Kate McKay, “…he also carried a pocket
notebook with him at all times for taking down ideas,
words, and plot angles on the go. While mixing the sound
for American Graffiti with Walter Murch, Murch asked
Lucas for R2, D2, meaning Reel 2, Dialogue 2. Lucas liked
the sound of that phrase and jotted it down in his
notebook. This little note would of course come in handy
later for the naming of that now famous robot. Names
like Jawa and Wookie also began as quick scribbles in
Lucas’ notebook.”
For the last ten years I have kept a notebook with me
almost everywhere I’ve gone and written in it almost
every day. I use mine to write down:
1. Ideas
2. Goals
4. Names of people I'd like to remember
5. Long lists of things I am considering doing
6. Short lists of things I am actually committing to
7. Notes from key meetings
8. Plans for future key meetings
9. What I need to say yes to, to achieve my goals
10. What I need to say no to, to achieve my goals
11. What I am grateful for today
These books are more than a collection of random lists:
they enable us to connect the dots in our lives. They are
more than piecemeal ideas: they provide the clues for
what our highest contribution could be. They are more
than a record of the past: they are a powerful tool for
designing the future.
Using a notebook or journal is not a cure-all for our
hyper-connected world – but it can help us navigate it.
Read the full article
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
–Page 10–
April 2014
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
Chapter Dates and Updates
Here’s how it works:
For each referral who joins as a New Member in 2014, you will receive
1 raffle ticket. At the end of the year, all tickets are entered into a
Send referrals to Karen Spencer at Karen@FlagshipSD.com
Lunch Bunches
Join us and get to know Members in smaller groups!
North County: Monthly on Second Tuesday in Solana Beach (The Fish Market
-or- Fidel’s.) Connect with Anita Tindall, ATindall@san.rr.com, 858.279.2727
Mid-City: Monthly on Last Friday at various locations. Connect with Debbie
Wilmot, Debbie@ParmaManagement.com, 858.457.4999, Ext. 115
Downtown: Monthly on First Wednesday at The Westgate Hotel.
Connect with Patti Parsons, PattiParsons@mac.com,
Apr. 9
Apr. 13
Apr. 23
Apr. 28
Apr. 28
Dawn Boese, Sustaining Member
Sarah Esch, Sustaining Member
Jeannie Inman, Sustaining Member
Jamie Fleming, Fleming & Associates, LLC
Rebecca Luers, Luers & Dyer CPAs, LLP
May 8
May 10
May 23
May 26
May 27
May 28
Danny Yeakel, Life Member
Linda Kent, Sustaining Member
Deborah Thomas, Fuse Events
April Hall, Alliant Insurance Services
Millie Goddard, Sustaining Member
Anna McCutcheon, San Diego Theatres
Floral donations courtesy of
April 15, 2014
Executive Luncheon
Mac McLaughlin, Pres/CEO
USS Midway Museum
Location: The Westgate Hotel
May 20, 2014
Chapter Meeting
Phil Blair, Manpower
Location: To be announced
June 17, 2014
EWISP Awards Luncheon
Location: Francis Parker School
July 15, 2014
Chapter Meeting
Location: San Salvador
August 19, 2014
Fundraiser &
Business Meeting
Location: Flagship Cruises
September 16, 2014
Breakfast on USS Midway
October 21, 2014
Chapter Board Installation
November 18, 2014
Chapter Meeting
December 16, 2014
Holiday Fundraiser
Chapter Board Meetings
Monthly on 1st Wednesday
– All Members welcome –
Contact Tracey Amernick
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
–Page 11–
April 2014
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
Chapter Leadership
Tracey Amernick
Cohn Restaurant Group
Besse Johannsen
Besse M. Johannsen,
Attorney at Law
Erin Chapman
Laura Machado
Marine Group Boat Works
Karen Spencer
Flagship Cruises &
Vanessa Davis
Broadway/San Diego
Jill Hammons
USS Midway Museum
Teresa Johnson
Artistic Wedding Cakes
by The Grove
Committee Chairs
Pat Evans
San Diego Convention
Center Corporation
Anna McCutcheon
San Diego Theatres
Margie Wilson
Flagship Cruises &
Corporate Board Liaison
Darlene Banogon
North Island Credit Union
(Non-Board Position)
Anita Tindall
Life Member
Deborah Thomas, CMP
Jan Rogers
Francis Parker School
Lourdes Navarro
Jamie Fleming, CFP
flemingand associatesLLC.com
Fuse Events
Dolores Kelly
Life Member
Fleming & Associates, LLC
Patti Parsons
Sustaining Member
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
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April 2014
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
San Diego Chapter Members
Ace Parking
Alliant Insurance Services
Alternative Health Source
Artistic Wedding Cakes by
The Grove
Broadway/San Diego
Classic Party Rentals
Cohn Restaurant Group
Continental Catering, Inc.
County of San Diego Dept. of Housing &
Community Development
EmbroidMe San Diego
Enhancery Jewelers
Flagship Cruises & Events
Fleming & Associates, LLC
Fuse Events
Goldfield Stage & Company
J. Dixx Photography
Besse M. Johannsen,
Attorney at Law
Leashes and Love
Luers & Dyer CPAs, LLP
Magpie Enterprises, Inc.
Manpower Inc.
Marine Group Boat Works
North Island Credit Union
Francis Parker School
Parma Management Company, Inc.
Raytheon Photon Research Associates
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego County Regional Airport
San Diego Digital Solutions
San Diego Flowers by Coley
San Diego Theatres
SDA Security
SKYE Limousine
The Westgate Hotel
Torrey Pines Bank
USS Midway Museum
Willis – Human Capital Practice
Ace Parking
Executive: Keith B. Jones,
Managing Principal & Partner
Rep: Alva Whetton, Executive Assistant
Leashes and Love
Executive & Rep: Emily Rogers, Owner
Emily@Leashesand Love.com
Executive Women International (EWI)
brings together key individuals from
diverse businesses for the purpose of
promoting member firms, enhancing
personal and professional
development, and encouraging
community involvement.
Barbara Bennett
Dawn Boese
Sarah Esch*
Millie Goddard*
Jacqui Hart
Jeannie Inman*
Stephanie Jones
Linda Kent
Joan Lewan
Patti Parsons*
Suzi Smith
Marge Suess*
Adele Asmer*
Gracia Hinesh*
Stephanie Hitt*
Dolores Kelly*
*Past Chapter Presidents
Teresa Mattson*
Nancy Meyer*
Anita Tindall*
Danny Yeakel*
To be a global women’s organization of
5,000 engaged members empowering
others for positive change
Integrity | Excellence | Respect |
Share your News and Photos
in the monthly CONNECT
Contact: Anna McCutcheon
Submission deadline:
May Issue – Apr. 28, 2014
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
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April 2014
EWI of San Diego Monthly Newsletter
Our 64th Anniversary 1950~2014
San Diego was chartered as a Chapter of Executives’
Secretaries (the original name of EWI) in April 1950, in
the Don Room of the historic El Cortez Hotel downtown.
El Cortez Hotel
Chartering Ceremony, El Cortez Hotel, April 1950
L. to R.: Floy Richmond, San Diego President; Ouida Flack, Long Beach
President; Evelyn Andrade, National President from Los Angeles Chapter;
Corris Guy, Los Angeles President; Neala Gierhart, Las Vegas President.
The Don Room
“What positive changes have you seen in EWI over the years?”
San Diego’s longest-serving Members answer…
1986 LCAM
LCAM Houston
“The most significant positive change
is the technology we use to
communicate in ‘now’ time among
our Members, other Chapters, and
Corporate. Technology also facilitates
a very attractive and informative
newsletter with features not available
in pre-digital times.”
“Instead of many large firms, we have
many small businesses - entrepreneurs.
This is an exciting change - a change of
the personality of our Chapter. Our
organization is a perfect place for
networking - a place to exchange ideas.
I’m glad to see our Chapter keeping up
in these fast changing times.”
-Patti Parsons, Sustaining Member
EWI Member since 1972
-Millie Goddard, Sustaining Member
EWI Member since 1983
LCAM San Francisco
“The positive change for San Diego is that
we really didn’t change. We are still going
strong after all these years. We still have
fantastic speakers, members attending
conferences, retired members who stay
involved, and lifelong friendships. And to
have one of our own as Corporate
President is a feather in our cap.”
-Dolores Kelly, Life Member
EWI Member since 1977
EWI Corporate Office: 3860 S. 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 / PH: 801.355.2800 / 877.4EWI.NOW
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