february 2010 - Dublin City Schools
february 2010 - Dublin City Schools
Wyandot ES Newsletter Home of the Eagles – Soaring High on the Wings of Excellence & Equity FEBRUARY 2010 Wyandot Pledge I am a smart, special, valuable person. I respect myself and I respect others. My words and actions are kind and honest. I accept only my best in all I do. I am proud to be ME! Wyandot Mission Statement Wyandot Elementary School Community’s mission is to ensure that all children become life-long learners and responsible citizens, and to further develop their sense of well-being by empowering all students to learn at high levels of achievement. CALENDAR OF EVENTS FEBRUARY 3 3 & 11 8-11 10 11 12 15 16 17-25 - Jump Rope for Heart Assembly (1:30) Parent/Teacher Conference Nights Jump Rope for Heart (during PE class) Healthy Community/Healthy Youth Night “Backwards Day” No School - Teacher Profession Development Day No School - Presidents’ Day Call school to make your KG Registration Appointment Standardized Testing for Grades 2 & 4 MARCH 2 4 5 8-11 8 15 16 17 18 - AIS Assembly - Gr. 3-5- “Respect is a Magic Word” End 2nd Elementary Trimester No School (Conference Comp Day) Author J. Patrick Lewis visits Wyandot Cols. Jr. Strings performs for Gr. 4-5 (11:20-11:50) Grade Cards PTO Mtg. (7 pm) St. Patrick’s Day - “Wear Your Dublin Green Day” Third Grade Spring Music Program (10:00 & 7:00) March 26-April 4 is SPRING BREAK Wyandot Eagles Motto “Soaring High on the Wings of Excellence & Equity” SCHOOL CLOSINGS Please listen to the radio, TV stations or check at dublinschools.net for information regarding school closings due to inclement weather. Television Stations ONN, WOSU TV, Channels 4, 6, 10 and 28. Radio Stations Sunny 95, WCKX, WUCO, WUFM 88.7, WMNI, WBZX, WEGE, WCVO, 104.9, WHOK 95.5, WLVQ 96.3, 610 WTVN, WNCI 97.9, WCOL 92.3, WFJX 105.7, WZNW 99.7, WMNI 920 AM, WOSU 820, WOSU FM 89.7, WWCD 101.1, 97.1 FM, WBNS 1460. WINTERTIME REMINDERS Cold Winter weather is here! Please make sure your child(ren) are dressed properly for being outdoors. Students should come to school prepared to go outside for recess unless the temperature is 25º or below including the wind chill. ~~Be sure your child dresses appropriately for outdoor recess (coats, hats, gloves, scarves). ~~Remind them to check the lost and found bins for missing items. (Label each item with your child’s name to help get them returned to you!) Only those students who have a written note from a doctor may remain indoors in the school office during recess. SIDE DOOR TRAFFIC CONCERNS STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY The elementary years are the time when your child learns to become a responsible, successful student! You can help your child by encouraging them to be organized and ready for the school day. ~~Remind your child to place homework, notes to the teacher, permission slips when needed, etc. in their homework folder and to place their folder in their book bags. ~~Help your child remember to bring a lunch or lunch money with them each day. With the cold weather there is an increase in the traffic at the DropOff and Pick-Up Zones by the side door. You can help alleviate the traffic jams by following a few simple rules: ~~Pull up as far as you can to allow several cars to drop off/pick up several students at the same time. ~~At the end of the day, park in the lot and meet your child in the commons. Please be courteous to the duty teachers. They are trying to help keep your children safe while keeping the traffic flowing. ! SNEAKER DATES FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION Dear Parent, Please remind your child to wear their sneakers or tennis shoes on the following dates for Physical Education. Help them pack their tennis shoes in their backpack if they wear snow boots or other shoes to school. We are running and jumping in class and students need their sneakers for traction and to move safely. • Please note that if a snow day occurs the dates will change and I will send home a revised list of dates. Thank you, Mrs. Schuth (schuth_beth@dublinschools.net) A-day Classes (Fischer,Wilch, Melton-Ove, Hackathorne, Tyler) January 22,28 February 3,9,17,23 March 1,8,12,18,24 B-day Classes (Stapleton, McNeil, Clark, Dowden, Sarver, Bair) January 19,25,29 February 4,10,18,24 March 2,9,15,19,25 C-day Classes( Winkler, Chlebus, Lehman, Noel, Borcherding) January 20, 26 February 1,5,11,19,25 March 3,10,16,22 D-day Classes ( Thompson, Owens, Unger, Cottrill, Metzger-Susi, Williams) January 21,27 February 2,8,16,22,26 March 4,11,17,23 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR 2010-2011 Beginning February 16, the school office will be taking appointments for the Kindergarten Registration nights to be held on April 14th and 20th. Children who will turn 5 years old by Sept. 30, 2010 are eligible to attend Kindergarten for the 2010-2011 school year. Please call the school office beginning Feb. 16 at (614) 761-5840 to schedule your appointment. Registration packets will be mailed to you by the end of March. Please complete all forms and bring them with you to your appointment, along with your childʼs certified Birth Certificate, Lease and/or Utility bill, Immunization records, Custody Papers (if applicable) and Social Security Number. PARENT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM Dublin City Schools has the ability to call thousands of parents in a short amount of time. The “PreK-12 Notification” system is meant to be a compliment to the existing means of communications. It will not replace TV stations, the districtʼs web site, or the districtʼs mass email system. We will continue to utilize ALL of these mediums in the event of a school closure and/or delay. At this time, the use of the system will largely be limited to emergency notifications and weatherrelated notifications. In the future, the system may be used for other forms of communications, but it is imperative the system not be overused. As the system develops, individual school buildings will be able to send phone, email, and text messages regarding issues that are extremely important to that building community. Our schools will not use the system to communicate “everyday information.” There are already many other methods of communication in place that offer general information. The system is voice activated and the recording will start when a phone is answered OR when the call is dropped into voice mail. If neither of these takes place, the system will continue to try to reach a voice for a short period of time and you may receive multiple calls in these cases. If you have caller ID, the incoming number you will see is 764-5913. Parents will have the opportunity to control their contact information with this system and will have the options of voice, email, and text message notifications. Parents may call 1-800-846-4976 to add additional contact information or opt out of receiving the phone calls. The call must be made from the primary contact number the district has on file in order to manage the information. Any changes to your primary phone numbers must take place at your childʼs school. Once the call is made from the correct primary number, parents can create a pin number to log into www.prek12notification.com where up to four email addresses and four phone numbers may be added to a userʼs profile. During emergency calls, all numbers and email addresses in a userʼs profile will be contacted. WYANDOT KIDS CARE!!! In just one week, Wyandot students donated $769 which will be given to the American Red Cross to help pay for food and water for the survivors in Haiti. This week we are finishing up our health kits for the homeless. Thank you for all the generous donations! CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATION THANK YOU!! to Mrs. Su and all of the Chinese New Year Celebration committee members and the PTO for hosting a very special week teaching our students all about Chinese culture. The week culminated in a New Years’ Celebration and buffet on January 23. This event highlighted Chinese cultural activities, history and food. FROM THE CLINIC The flu and cold season is in full force. Dublin School Policy requires students to remain home until they are symptom-free (no fever over 100º, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, or flulike symptoms) for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication (ibuprofen, acetaminophen). We can all stay healthy by washing our hands frequently and thoroughly and covering coughs and sneezes. REMINDERS: If your child has borrowed clothes from the clinic, please wash and return them a soon as possible. BREAKFAST THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY!! We have noticed more and more students coming to school without eating breakfast. Did you know... Studies show kids who eat breakfast have a distinct advantage over breakfast skippers. ~Kids who eat breakfast have better brain power particularly when it comes to memory. ~Better test scores, attendance and mood for breakfast eaters. ~Breakfast eaters have longer attention spans. ~Skipping breakfast makes kids tired, irritable and restless. ~Breakfast can also help keep your child’s weight in check. ~Children need to refuel their bodies after 10-12 hours of sleep. Please talk with your kids about the importance of a good start to their day!! If you need breakfast ideas...call the clinic.