27. 1869. - Amazon Web Services
27. 1869. - Amazon Web Services
EiUtartal C— i iiipoaJc»t». T-- " tf ^ .. -J KML i. Votso, C«. S g a g e in the W«y.. a i d - -'rfW -f esi-V^jrt w^itet. wUj a<taM u ;--'•i s^y wr:t!»n VoLHT rx'msmmt-'i^^^r.. HfTCT " T S S . " IVK»t«« »«i" III" «S HHl! m r m s m A A fo the Old Path, whioh mih hi tfer fe^'f^fo^lTni;: MEMPHIS. TENN., SATURDAY, NOVELMBER 2T, 1869. T s o m m ^ , t. tias »-Ma, •«<, Jr»£ili, M . laacgrak^ Eph. I k e k a r r e s t suns a o longer t h i n e ; I t : 4. Tk»4 u iouMssm i* tke prartsstea of l a r ^ d i c r brs—a the suiis go down, t3m *» thereiii,' a . d Ye .haU & d m™fii«of A s j r s d d i e r tinge the f a r sea-line; tiai «w LoriL 8«fr Bml vi: 4-C: C ^ ii: IS; Abu each f a i r f a d i n g of the day shows plainer y e t the y e a r ' s decay. 1 Cor. XT: 29; I Pater iii: 21. i WXBtSLSSX inLi iiXi^ I Lt . . - ^ »t • . No. 14. _ tt^wiatr cff diilr lie can loia that PedobajH Baptist affiliaUosisti be to good as to t r U l t i o u of the apo^ t k w i r . » ngb, „ d to te p ^ S them oat, and explain how they ~ " "t oontrary to it, tfven to the c o n i ^ ? differ so wideljr and easeBtiallj from th^ and yeti in the those which entitle one to the pririlegQ •fleam command, forbidding^ of commaning with the saints at the s ^ , ^ brave the diviae preaen, wno do not hold the apoetdie table of love ? ftalhi^tyj im^ InVite them into his pnl- dectri rfp™d«K,0,C«fcll«.; a. The Gne« of Ctod, the onlj foandatios of Soon from the A^est, in a n g r i e r quest. Hope u d F«ith n Chriat, the only mediwa of • The chariots of the wind shall s w e e p ; JostifioUioQ. Soon, down the shore, with hoarser r o a r But, «To the law and t o the testimony ; pil^^to pr^aph? S. The Word of Gad the Instmment, u d the any secanty rereiv Shall sound the trumpets of the deep. if they speak not according to this Spirit of God the Agent in the regeneration of ^^I^P^ftbapUsta hold and teach what is not believe Till Autumn's Testure disappear, ^ n d the d a r k Kdnlta. WoKD,^t is because there is no light in «|iW,tmBQr,fal8& This is certain. If storm-cloud's path be clear. 4. £ a e h risible Chnixh of Ouist.ia » e o m p a n j t h e m I s a . v i i l 20. Every practice that true doctrine aad ordiof Kripior»IIy immeised belieTeia o n l j , (not of Then, while her eyes to leaden skies is not according to this word, however thfl Baptists teach what is The patient earth no more may raise, b e l i e r e n u d their umeonveried eUUra and leeitn popular aiid pleasing, should at once be f ^ ; a n d . ^ e i x f o r e , Pedobaptists are on probation,) ajaociated by Teloniary coTenant F e n tempest's power i n t h a t drear hour abandoned! N o w it is wiitten in God's to obey and eiecnte all the connnandments of Shakes not her hope in gladder days, solemnly boan4 Vy the l a w of God not andordinaneestaughtby Christ a n i l * ' uonaioi one Christ, haTing the u m e organisation, doctrines, She deems t h a t Spring will come anew and deck Word, Gal. L 8 , 9 : « Tliough we, or an to ooantenanqe or bid ns God speed as angel from heaven, preach any other gosoffieera, an«I ordinances of the Chnrch a t J e r u apostles, and I will affiliate with t h e ^ a s l t l e book is on the i m p o r lBC a ^ of prompt ker in fresh robes of d e w . traft m i n i s t ^ But, if Pedobaptis.s a a l ^ and independent of all othera, acknowlpel unto you than that which we have readtly and gladly as any man. U.,tU (assistance in t ^ e s S ^ e n K^lds So o'er her soul when thick clouds roll, hold;and tjHtch what is unscriptntal aaf edging no lawgiTer in Zion but Christ, and subpreached onto yon, let bim be accu-^ed. mitting to no law he has not enacted. Read And youth's bright pageants s i n k in s h a d e ; As we said befo.e, so say I now aga«p iJlIsfi then Baptists are imder the solemn Earn- i: 7; 1 Cor. fc 2; Eph. i: 1; CoL i: 1-5; Acts ifc When, pressed with care, we woo despair, The impenitent if any mau preach'any Oiher gospel unto O^mmand of God, not to invite them into n^lW r t ^ As dreams we closest clung to fade 41, 42. a different doctnne from that which Oe(a;-e injeopardv evety hour. ( C e to tlieir pulpitr, but to avoid them. There Let some such gracious thought of Spring rise you than t'lat ye have received, let hiaai apostles preached, a doctrine s u b v ^ i v e their rescue at once. In .Uke manner, 6- The "LonTs S a p p e r " is a positire and hopeful to our imaging. be accursed." The quesUbn here a. i^es, IS either i^Ut or innocence in holding and of the tai h which was oncc delivered from the other pages we see that conimemoratiTe ordinance to be obeerred only Do Pedobaptists ijreach the vevy same " ^ a c l u n g false doctrine and unscripmral by a Church of Christ « «eA, (that is, i n church SUSPICIOUS AFFILIATIOH. go9>)el which was preacjied b y tlie apos- pii'^maac^. If there is innocence in it, to the samts," and for which we are com- who need it should cry aloud for h T capacity), not aa a test of (Znttiam /tUowtUp or JAJtRS Jt'DASIEL. tles? I f they de, thea how dare eny then Baptists may eease to write books manded to earnestly contend, are to ^ f as Bartimeus the Mind man, the Jepe^ peraoBal feeling «f one conunonicant toward a n d . n i ^ h seiTDons against Pedobap- received, countenanced and bidden God- the disciples when s i n k i n - « the se^ If my heart dcceive me n«t I desire Bxitist another, aa Pedobaptists erroneously teach, but yi" God's "Lord, save, or we perlsb" When o . e Ust?; bnfc, if there is gu'.lt in holding only to show forth Christ's death till he cimes to know and do what is right. I h»pe ».o preach agaiast their dociriiie a g a i n ; and beicg a CSartA act, it becomes, inci- that T am an honest inqnirer after truth. and ordinances, for this is to oppose the and disseininating false doctrines, then Word, taat Pedobaptist ministerapreach is saved, he should be solicitous &r the the apostolic doctrine and ordir^nces, I salvation of others. Converts aw: m e n dentaUy, a symbol of Chtrek rtlaHotuhip; con- The subject of pulpit affih'ation with trath? But, if Pedobaptists d o »»oc -t5?ose who invite the teachers of such sequently, only those churches ean participate Pedobaptist ministers has long perplexed preach the same doci. iae^the same gos- d ^ t n n e into their pulpits, and thus in this ordiaaace that agree in faith and prae-' qorntenance them as God's ministers, not nvites them into .US pulpit t o preach, is n e e ^ to be.. Impo.lance of perseverThe members of one church (though of mymirfd. It is either right or wrong pel which wp-s.preached by the apostles; less culpable and ^ y of v i o l a t i ^ U«» c u ^ iu the salvation o ^ h e ^ ^ the same faith and order) can come to the com- for Baptist ministers to invite Pedobap- a.?d if we preach tne apostolic doCwV? )e, only snfrcr ^in on the head of those mirScnpta;ee, than the Pedobaptist minister I'he butcher persevered nntU b o t f bora munion of another only by a n act of c a u r t e ^ tist ministers into onr pulpits to preach. then how da.-e we iuvlie them into our ^era^ Owtr encourage them in that sin, 8. If a Baptist minister may violate wer© saved. Jesus • peisevered tiU he and not by right, for each church is independent, If it be risht, I wish to know it, that I palpils to p.-each ? N e matter how fair and W o m e partakers of their evil deed, he Scriptures and be gailtless, I canao; could say, " I t is finished." W U t fedb e a g made the guardian of the pniity of the may govern myself accprdingly. If it their chai-aclei- and illustrious the or£-a j- instead o f reproving them by a refusal see why a Pedobaptist may^iet do like- Uugs should these children cherish tosacred feaat, is inrested with the authority to be wrong, I wish the JBaptists to write ization f/om whicli they come, thoa^h' to i - ^ ^ i ^ vbem as proper teaehers. discipline those whose relationship ordinarily wise and be guiUless. ^ a r d their deUverer? How grateful their prohibition on it. The right or the **au angel •from * heaven," , . instead of invit^^^^ the foregoing quotationjiTes the right. If the foregoing arguments be irco.-jshonld the sinner be toward Jesus his involved in this affih'ation is a " f f oar pnlmts, we aie co.P-jlfem God»s Word, and the argumeu. 6. Chriatian Baptism is the immersion of a rect, please show me their incorrectnesi; Savior f—JkutvOrd. manrt«d by God s Word to "let him be pr,»8CDted, w s c n t e d . II rpsnAntfiillv iiaV- fKa grave sabject, and one concerning which respectfully ask the Rn^i:..*. Baptist beUcTer in water by a qualified administrator if they are correct, will not God hold! is highly important that Baptists accursed." WiU some of ou.- ^apUit minister who invites Pedobaptist minis- Lbose responsible who ignore them ? in the name «f the Trinity, in rcpraaUation of Thixgs THAT LAST.^Le't ns now look the burial and resurrection of Christ, and pro- shoald see eye to eye, and speak the affiliaiionists have the goodness to sbotr ters iQt«« bis pnlpit, to shew me how I at some of those things that • ^ U never fession of a death to sin, union with Christ, and same thing, I honestly believe thai; how there is mo.e criiiil iaUty In violatWQtdd be more guilty, were I to preach HOW BEAUTirOL iS EAB5E. consecratian to his serrice. mode only, wear o u t " such affiliation is inconsistent, unscrip- ing the Scriptures by holding and leach- ipriiikUng for baptism, and were to comOh God! hew beautiful is earth, therefore, can answer this design, and the p n J ing s^riokling for baptism, thu.i in viola^ I have often hnmi a poor blind girl I n sunlight or in shade, i a u n e « - t h e Lord's Table withPedobapfestion of baptism cannot be made by children, tural and h i g h l ^ ^ r o n g ! If I am in iug t h b Scriptu.-e, Iw i ^ v i a j g t rto o.» sweetly sing, " Kind-r ords^ neveir die." Her forests with their waving arch, except " tU ckUdtm ^f God by Fidth.\ Matt, i i i error on this peint^l am open to convici b ^ U t a n he is to invite them into his palpivb those who do not p.each «,Iie Ah,! web«l\eve that these are among Her flowe-*s that gem the glade. 16 andzxTiiL- 17j Mark x r i : I S ; John i i i 2, 3; tion, and will heartily thaak any one pjl^itt&pi'eaoh, and at the same time the things that "will never wear o u t " Acta Tilt t» the c t s e ; R o m . T i : 4 , 6 ; CeL ii: 12- having the true light, to lead meXnto the same doctrine pleached by tl«e jiposUc^ij Her hillocks, white with fleecy flocks, t h e m , a s h e d o e s , ftUse teachers^ GaL iii: 27. ^ i i e God's And we are toldia God's owa. book to good aad right wav. ~ fields wtth g r a i n t h a t glow, be"kiudoneto another, tender-hearted, Bttiying i a water of one dead to sin is the cvea ".I'l anjel from heaven" to 'oe r ^ A f ^ ; . ^ H e t s p a r k l i n g rivers, deep^mdJSnaad, j ' Some of those Baptist ministers who ceived. if he p.each coul -ary tot'ieapo.- subvetTsive e f the truth, while God eo only action; since the burial of a dead man is That through the valley flow. " ibrgiving one another." esplicivly TtJ-.bids such affiliation? the only " l i k e n e s s " or representation of death are in the habit of inviting Pedobaptist ties! The word of the Lord wUl never wear Her crested w a r e s that clash the shore. I canaot see how the Pedobapt?.8t, who in the world, f e r it is called rA^liiesesa of IcntU miaistera into tbcir pulpits to preach, Again: it is wntien in God's Wovd- pm-ichcs sprakling for Christian bapout Though the g.-as-s shi^ w ^ r , and And l i f t their anthem loud, SIX UaOXtiST PEUCIPI^S. a'imit that Pedobaptist ministe.-s have a Rom. xvi. 17: " iS'ow I besccch yo.' the flowers fall away, the woi-d of the Her mountains with ihetr solemn brows, tis.n, iataa^s /or Christian membership, iti.?n™f; scriptural right to p.each and administer biethven. mark them wl)icK cause divit,That woo t ^ i e j i e l d i n g cloud. Lord endureth forever. 1 Peter L with human derices or traditien, is, and eTer nmnn . . . the ordiuances, bftptii^ni and the Lord's ioas and ofTenbCs co.itra. v to wie doc. ;,«e 3Jd commurion at the Lord's Table for has been, the religion of Baptists. 24,25. Oh God! how beautifu' is life all. Is any moi-e criminal in his proceduie 2. Jbiihre laws (as baptism and the subjects Supper. It is certain they have such a which ye have Icar.jecl, aod avoit'. ilie.n." The life of the righteous will[ never T h a ; thou dost lend us here. tlian is that Baptist minister who c^eclares •f baptism, etc.) are not left to be {nTerred, but right, or they have it not. If they have The queswioa here arises. Do Petlo japW i t h tinted hopes that line the cloud, wear ont They will KTC in the world to Pedobaptists teach anti-scriptui-a1. docia aa aueM require jxuitive and plain commanOi such a right, then bap .ism by imraersio.i tist3 hold ai>d leach the itieniJcal. the .4 nd joys that jem the tear. come as long as Gh>d shall live; but the or txini^ia. trine and wbab is subversive of truth, is not prerequisite Tor communio.i. More- same doct.ine preached by anostlus aad yet, in the ^ace of Gijd's proJiideath of the wicked will last forever. W i t h ciadle-hymus of mothers young, 3. To diride the positiTe requirements ef over, if they have a scriptural i i j b t to a'lfl " l e a . n e d " by those Roman C'-ilsC i ^ t into wenttalsand rum-eumtM*, ia to decide And tread of youthful feet, The joys of the ki^dgm ofi he^Ten preach and administer the ordiaancei, tians ? i r they do, then those Ro.uaa bi.ions, so plainly and so positively uthoTf f a r Christ is to be obeyed, and in what ' Th&t scarce, i n their elastic bound. te:ed agai »st countenancing what is conwill never wear out The pleasures of point3 we laay safely disobey him. But to then their pieaclii.ig a id ordiiiauces are Christians were Pedooaptibts, aad we trai-v to true doctrine, will invite those Bow down the grass-flowers sweet. this world wiU spoa die ; but the enjoyrefuse to obey one of the least of his positiTe ri^ht, and no Baptist sl)oald oppose tliera; a.e all v» .o IV and c.irainal lb;- accounted lalse teachera into his prlplt ments of that world will nev«r end. With brightness round the pilgrim's staff. requirements or to teach nthers so, inrolycs one for if he does he is geiJty of wa'-.i.ij nreaclu i g a coairarv docc.i.ie- we "cause to p.-each. If I am wrong on this point Who, at the set of sun. in the guilt of riolating all. The crown of glory will never wear against what Is right, and he dsse. ves icioiis and offenses coat, si* v to the please show me wherei Beholds the golden gates thrown wide. Give rae the 4. Erery poaitiTe law, ordinance, or practice the epithet of "a fierce bigot !'• Tiiose out The crown of the wint>er in the t.T.e doct.iae," an<i Pedob.i^iJsts a.-e "thus saith the Lord" for your cov.i-se, And all his work well done. in the Church, not expratly eomnuaided or exam- thet^iore, who ad.uJt that Pedobapdst Olympic games soon faded; the crowns boHnd to avoia us. But, ii" Pedoba >pled. ia podtitelyforliidai, tince the »pedfiaitian pj But if tbis earth which changes mar, of kings will all wear out; but the crown ministers have a scriptural right to preach tifats do not Jiold aan p.each che doc- aud I am satisfied. mt thing is the prohibition qf every other. These This life, to death that leat^s, And I submit it to the candid Pedoof glory will never fade away. 1 Peter: are .all human inTenUons and tra4ition3, as i n - and administer the sac.-aaients, must • riae by the apostles a n d v j c r f Are made s o ^ a u t i f u l by Him baptist, which minister is the more justly iv. 5. fant baptism, sprinkUng, pouring, etc., nbw . r a c never preach agaia&t as ba;>- by those Ro.nan Caris-tia.is, a id if we From whom all good proceeds, entitled to your esteem, that one who The "new sonj;" will never wear out Uced for religious rites, for which no scriptural tism and infiint c h j ch merubership, for C.'. )«.i<>„:j dd hold the a )Ostolic doctrine, How glorious must that region be conscientiously thinks'it a violation o We hear sometimes that so^c of our warrant can be found, and ore, ther^ore, ti^fiiL thaS would be lO condemn what they thea how dare we invite tho.e i^ao onr Where all the pure and blest 6. Christ g a t e no n^na, society or church the the Scriptures to invite you into his pultunes are woru threadbare, but that will r -om chance, a n d fear, and sorrow free, the authority with the ordinance or aumit to be prac/iced by s o o t u ^ a l au- p j l Kts v.'uo prc.'.ch a d o c . . i i e srb. ersive pit, and, therefore, does it not, or that never be said of the new song. Attain eternal r e s t organiiation it Sis Church o r Kingdom, as to thority, and consequejtly iigljt 1! If I of ihetrae doctrlae, aad who pai.se one who invites you into his pulpit, but Which will you choose ? The lasting, believed PedobaptI>t ruiniste.s have a sions aad ohenecs co i^.^.y ^.o the t.ue m ^ e or change 1m laws, and substitute at the same time secretly hates yeur ene THE BUEIED BOYS. or that which fades away? the things of thing for another. To surrender what h« has scriptural right to p.eacli and adai5=ibter doci/Iae, aan, t Jti, too,'» i-i the face o. doctrine and ordinances as beinjr antiDo you s^e those two little boys over time, or of eternity ? Will you choose eaUblished, is tnmek »--toehangethem,treasoil o^^^nces, I ce talaly would acver this Sc i^iwUiV, which coaim«.ids us to yonder? They are playing under that wealth, honor, fiune, or the joys of shelving bank of sand; having, no don!>i heaven, etenud life, the erown of glory, SIX UTOaTAST TACTS. a good time. But now there is only one, and the'hiew soag?" May God enable I. AU KhoUn, triliet ad Uaeogr<^hm, of any ^^^^^ ^^^^ JO^ gone and absent will warn and he almost hidden from sight Where^ ns to make a wise choice; and, with more, IWonW would not only invite them into „ • note, wuMMmi^ deelare that the primmry (that more. atfl ' Wuo.oeve..therehis people against your errors as he hold, b t h e other? 0 ! terrible! the bank Joskua, may we choose to serve the Lord. is, irst) and Imdmg lignification of "BaptUo,'» my pulpit to pieaeh, bat I would also lorj, shall break o.ie oi these least co.nTrmsury. ia to dip «r immtne, while seme of the very best act consistently, and invite them to ce ji- atandmeats, aad shall teaeh men BO, he and represents them ? I feel that I can has caved in, covering one entirely, and Chrutietn iarmore respect and esteem the mai burying the other to hb wabt TTib latseholara of any age, afirm that it hct no other muue with me at the Loi-d's Table; for aMBuv—{I-ddell and Scott, Carson, Aathon, &e if they have a scriptural right to shallbe e a l M t h e ieasi in the kiaguom who does not invite me into his houic, ter one shrieks for help. Will he be Sm^'fc I W ^ ' f t M o n n a Dmd.—We 3. Standard histoxiant mmmmulg agrtt that preadi and to administer tae ordinaoces, •f heavea." Matt v. 19. ^ Will Bap- than I can the one who invites me iuto heard, or must he stay there until both credit the New York In^pendent with t o t affiliatioaists please shew ns why we hb house, and makes a flonrish of esteem perish ? A butcher who is fortunately, ba^Usm was administered tliey certainly have an equal I ' j h t to coma j e s t A correspondent, Mr. X., we by the iamer^^ heUevert n water. In the should be so sorupjiou:> to obser ve the and afiection toward me, but when I am nay, providentially, serving a neighbormune? .rill say, being on i visit to Hew York 0/ the Trinity.—{Stuart. Bebinsen and TTalL law of God ia reiereuce to baotlsm and ing family with meat, hears him. He recently, decided to go on Sunday mora3. JTaar^ aii timdvi f M ^ a n eemmentotw There is another class of Baptisi mia- cominuaio J, and so uune<iita.ia;v-ly v't absent will tell his family that I am j very great errorist.. and warii them and rushes to the sceae of danger. Bat r e ingtohear Rev. Dr. Chapii To h b sdmit thai the Bibla doM noi ftmish one pUm who deny that Pedobaatbt mini> late his law, ^wnen it c o m ^ j d s us to | his neighbors against cwaauJ/or, or aaarU ^m/mt i^foa, u d ters are proper miniate, ' ' a, and, deny , ' that me. I lore cardo*- woouer does he discover the nature o f t ' e %-egret, on arriving at the church, he thert is th^ ntmoat diasfreement and emtra£e- they have a right to administer the orGv avoid those woo do not hold and teach and decision of character. I can highly catastrophe than he runs away agav. fonnd, not that emuent diving but a whe doctrine taujht by the aposJea? Hm among them n what fmnda or ftr what esteem a candid, conscientious, zealous, Cruel man, thus to leave the helple; nances,and yet they iavite sneh into purpose it is ta b« administered. Again: it is written in the word of decided Pedobaptist, while I think hia children to |>erish. But no—he hastily stranger who-preached eloquently from the text, "But Simon's wife's mother 4. All standard histarius nnaalaeaalj afirs their pulpits to preach, but wUl not sit God, 2 Thes. iiL 6 : " Now we command ^•etnms, bringing with him a shovel He in the wrong. I haye much more respect lay sick of a fever." X thought he the fmnoMU «f the ay^stoUa ekorekes was with them at the Lord's Table. Now, if you, brethren, in the aame of the Lord p i ^ democnUc, (that U, vested in the ptopU Pedobaptist ministers have ao scriptural JetM Christ, that ye withdraw youi telves and esteem for such a one, than I have digs carefully yet earnestly ronnd the wonld go to Plymouth c k n ^ in the af« memhosaldf,) and Oe eiarein mi^rminf ii-jht to the Lord's Table, have they any for a fawning, wavering, popularity-3«ek- half covered boy, aad gets him saie^ from any brother that walked disovderly, ing Baptbt, who b like the sailor |n the out " There b another r says the de- ternoon, to hear Mr. Beecher. Thera ke r^Ba. All religions netttia have ^tPrtin .criptui^ right to the pulpit ? found the same stranger in the pnlpit, Have and not aflerthe tradition whicli be pameri and eUrietl cz ariito^rrfarf csvexamests. t'ley not just aa much rishi to the priv- ceived ef us." The quesiion here a.r.cs. storm, who prayed a little while to the -. ered boy. « Where ?» aaks the bateher, and again he Ibtened to the ezponndiag ( t ^ is, ia Ik. h«ids of the d „ j y „ » „ ileges of the Lord's Table as they hare Lord and then a little while to the Devil, L owing that no one can long survive of the text, " Bat Simon's wife's mother Do Pedobaptists w^lk aOer the tradit'oi thus trying to conciliate the favor of when baried under a j^nk m smion,) art and imlf i ijsiytis lay sick of a fever." Somewhat vexed t f n a m a which lu CfaisUam ean la wftdly ; to the polpit? A man .who is ."^cnplu- of the apostles ? If they do, then Z Vtlight there," replies the boy, as be .3t/h parties. at hb ill 8acce38, X , having liberal " rally qualified for the pulpit is mo6t*ui.»- tists should forever shut their mouths liable. pomtTto the spot Hie buteher eor-j I ask the Bap^st affiliationist to show eaoseqm .Jy, aH th« act. aao oriiaaBeeji • ta '_a6B^onabIy qualified for the Load's views, went in the evening to Dr. Ostlie subject oflmmerfcion for bapj^m, irrsgnlmr indies ar«t%ai; v,| , ^ good's church. What was bH astonishTable! To tell a man that he is a proper aud believers fot church membeisBip; me, if the teaching of the Bible must be Jieacea digging in the spot indical 4-eea.T«i h j ns; mar shoald .. auu soon comes to some clothes: he now ment at being compellet *c Ibten again herald of salvation and seripUurally q u l - aad Pedobaptbts ought not even to cov strictly followed in reference to the b. Tto.ks more cautiocsly, and in a fewmin- to the now f..'-.:!:^-- ssrmin, from the aiij way, recognised «s sctiptnral chnwhea. o j ^ • «^ tbm and communion, why must it uol their nr««iia> •atfidalmiBisi.n of t h r « l " e d to act in tl|p capacity of Qod s ap- seut to commune with us until we m . ' be strictly followed in reference to . has dug so far around the boy as to be pdL ^ B sBaptist f t i s t Ckazclt is tthe to aloftt woiid, and afwer apost<^b tradiiion. But, pdL zbs proved embassador emi k e pM wrt ta a i oi fadfcds ^ i ^r proved Pcfc- things, equally as clearly and positivrly able to Hft t U i out of the hole. He same deigyman. Having occasion next exatifl Tepahfieas lovantment ^>omi^s to thcrferry, X discovered then teU him that he shaU uot be invited baptists walk contraiy «to the tradlt-on 8. Fesoeis^, differi3 senseless, and almost dead, but noi, commanded? If we may invite Prd his next _ n e ^ b o r to be the strange IK CCOB tbflM «f . kaviag to d a r e the privil^e of a disciple of r ^ v e d of the apostles," and if Bapquite. He is taken home, kindly cai%d baptbts into our pulpits to pi each, why preacher, with; h b siermon under hbarm. eritn ia OteainuAy JasUybeflaliBdafil^eivcjL « dmnk ^ Christ in the commemoraUon of ffis tists walk accordiug to apostolic dc'r- may we not invite t h t o to commnue for by his^other, and soon recovei-s. * * I wonder what that ringing can be," M or • tatadk sf tks dmdtt qf Cbritt, for death fgr sianers, in obedience to the triae, then we are commanded, in ti e with us; for it appear^ very obvious " i Y i e w i ^ t h b incident as a little booV suggested, the preacher modestly, as a c o i n e d , «Do this in remembrance of DRme,that is, by the authority of the ^ i U i ^ ^ t ^ tot^-sama thing u e eqnal'io my mind, that there b as much Sciipture peal of belb vtm heaa^ from the oppolet ns tnhi over the leaves and see wl i;. .re, docs seem to me whoUy iiconsii>- w 3rd iril Jesus Tosna Ch.ist, r'li-.Ja". to withdraw f.om i* against the one as there is a g ^ s t the site shore. " I s n ^ a t , " returned X , I's^ons it contains. On pag-e first w« Msiffisas frtakly admit that , r.,scriptural and m n g . What them—not to invite them into our pc'ilfMd sfaice ^pwUe^ other; at any rate, I am willing to try find tBat the mother, of tLL; boy ] : savagely eyeiag the manuscri^ . "that are those peculiar qualificatfons which pits, and to have no affiliation with t??em I ma^ vUA Jiare imerTed vat n y hand in a discussion of this subject. warned him not to expose himself to dst;- Simon'* wife's mother most be dead. I [ l ^ p i e d t k n ^ a n B f f t f c - ^ fit ^maa for the pnlpit and the sacr. 3, Aad -will some one of our Baptist minisWhat Baptist, in the habit of inviting reaponsibl^office of the gospel m m i s ^ . heard in jseveral places y^tMday that ters who is in the habit of inviting Pe- Pedobaptbt imnbters into >hb pulpit. ger; there was maternal kindness and sc lidtnde. On page second we see that he she was very dangeron^y ill" S. Principles ean neither be eonetdtd n e r c t » • preach a word agaiust them—i pnmufcdL wonld not be guilty of co.idemoinw whai I ad- » T H E B A P T I S T , M E M P H I S , ' r -'1 N O Y E M B E R 27, rii^iPTni y e a i This ^ ^ o l e shm neotisary for C h p l commisnonedlKis ai^Ditles to b ^ the ^ U d i t y of which can rise no higher g r e s s ' i # thi»lift»'wonld tliereby be pK-^ tlMi iupport of said mii&Dary^i^if a y e a i t i * ^ Jno. iv. H 2. T h o i l a p t t e i waa than its creator. Such an. institute ia pared & r g r N t t e r hleMe^es8 in - f a ^ v e n . h^ihoiyot WM s t a t ^ , to be (tSO^ This fsilm w a r d h t o s , the apostles only b a n g o ^ m w - purely human, and the power making it than astother. H e deprecated the doc^ wbo '^M hem imftT.AwAiffA STATE ( M S i m r a a o i r . thinrefore%ade n p on the s l * ^ imd the s i o ^ agents. Christ b e i i ^ diviM, bap- has Ihe right, in admiaistering it, to fix trine that the gospel waa a means of aallippoSited o S e e r of a Oxremo, A ^ HoTjillwr 1869. „,_, ctnxrdL ^^ John and its design even over the conscience and Vatl&n, proving hia views t h u s : Suppose s l i c e s c^' a missioaaiQr ^ n r ^ 1 tisol as administered by B s a G r a v k s :—T^niTTO here^ester'^ ^ n a n S « l p t n n l mmirten - J l i ^ report on Foreign. BUsisionB, to-day tbe^apostles-wius the ^ e ' a c t ^ a thing belief of i t s subject. And should a. scrip- a doctor could be found who had a plasi a j m ^ i ^ ^ t b o M wko Itare been d n i j n t l t o n i e a ^ ^ followed b y a b r i ^ speech from Bro. commanded to be done b y the God of tural subject receive such an ordinance, ter that wonld bring the dead to ^ e . W ft Bnqptnrsl ehoTch. , . with a scriptural object in his mind, still Now two men are found who died of the I. S m aotibing m its wasioii to^day. On m y way Mther I I^ilHpfi, our returned missionary from hMven. Afnca, which excited a good deal of While iDhrist wa»'on earth persdnally, this would not make it an ordinance of same disease a t the same time ; if the interest. T h e report was laid on the t h e supervised the execution of his own Christ. The design he might have in re- plaster put npon the breast of one oi Secretary of the Domestic MiBsion table until Monday night, in order to [laws in their appUpation t o his folio were, ceiving it wonld be overmled b y the de- them brings him to lifSs, would it not in „ . l ^ t 3 » | B o a r d . H e w M o n h i a T r a y t o - t h e Obngive Bro. Phillips m6re time 40 discuss | A f t e r his resurrection he communicated sign of the power making and adminis- like manner restore the other? Thus, ^ eonaiaer duly aiad orf^^d it w pleasant t o have bo ^ e subject of Foreign Missions. The {inspiration to the twelve apostles, that tering it. The design of the subject, if if the gospel will restore to spiritual life todtotkefifcirten^offi^itwe^ ^ trareling companion. W e whole of that night's sesmon will be they might give form to the church and at variance with the design of t h e ' crea- one dead s&iner, will it not restore all ? S M ^ I o ^ i ^ ^ b T ^ : at the d f p o t here b y Bro. given to him in behalf of that interest, complete the divine canon. These apos- tive power, weuld either b^ absorbed, or He wound np4)y an address to the unconverted, not that he had any hope of i B W they are n d t h e r baptixed oor oi^ Smith, the exceUent pastor, who conTo-moirow (Sunday) morning Brethren ties possessed as inspired embassadors all set aside to the rule of older and higher being benefited thereby, but it was daiBed,aad«S)e<aallymncetheydaimtoLnyte4-ye t o his hospitable mansion, Boykin and Quinn are t o address the the executive authority that Christ in- authority. bej^iM constme the action on our I ^ good morning repast, w e Pedobaptiat and Campbellite immer- made his duty. He exhorted them to Sunday-school at the Baptist church, and tended as an endowment to the church. quit their " outbreaking " practices, and " " enjoyed the luxury of a little repose. Brethren Manly and Townsend address Through them the church was organized, sions are defective both as to authority S ^ g ^ ' S u T o ^ ^ S t e n t Y ^ ' m a y imagine how grateful it was to the school at the Presbyterian house of and clothed with the executive power and design. Not being churches of tK5 moral men and women, but never than t o those preachers into our the writer, after having been jostled on worship. A t 11 o'clock to-morrow the vested in .the apostles by insiwration, uhrist, or scriptural churches, they are once recommended the cross to them or TClpiti who hold and teadi doctrines,, on ^ ^ f „ three successive nights, with memorial sermon of the lamented Dr. they resuming their inherent authority not depositories of the ordinances. And exhorted them to repent. a(5Connt«fwhieh we would exclude ^ U i L^pjj changes as precluded the relief Manly will be preached in the ^ p t i s t only in cases of absolute necessity, till )erforming a perversion as a substitution The absurdity of -the above tirade is so ^ o f ^ j ' ^ ^ ^ o ^ ^ ^ which the s l o p i n g car might o t h e r w i . church b y Dr. Henderson, and at the the church understood their duties as ex- or a Christian baptism, such au a»lmin- transparent that it is unnecessary to leS ^ e of the old landmarks of the have afforded. A few hours rest brought same hour Dr. Shaver, editor ofLJ/wfeas ecutors of Christ's will. The apostles stration is useless, even granting their fute it. Let it suffice that what I heard Baptist Chureh. . us out all right. But being destitute of and what others told me of the sayiags an<? > S f o « M « ? e a / « m w i l l preach at never had successors as*inspired men; churehhood. 6 . T h a t a bodv of immersed believers ^^ Basil Manly and his the Presbyterian church house. A mass hence the execution of the laws of Christ churehhood, they are without ministry during this Association, fully convinced ' " zhest ei^leaastical authority m and ordinances. They are even inferior me, that what these people want is meeting of the children is to be held in is left with the church, If we can gcL the Baptist church to-morrow afternoon, The church's authority extends to the to the Roger Williams church. To ac- schools among them. and Dr. Tichenor and myself are to talk ordinances. I t is their conservator. First •tnowledge any of their ecclesiastical them to educate their children, the u<'ii «rer thaw contains to them. To-morrow night Dr. Mell will Corinthians ix. 12. I t is the divinely acts, is to acknowledge as scriptural the generation will abandon the follies of I" • of an — asaodatioa,°conventio^ . -j 1Academy —» —Jin the village, C3 which » •ooaeil, or presbytery—and no associa-1 ^^^^^ ^^^ hundred Antinomianism. They are a good, honlunJred and forty pupils of preach' in the Baptist church. I appointed medium to see that his laws power that lies behindition or convention can impose a moral i . . . . I both sexes. After listening to some of Oh these lines we propose as Baptists est, and in maay instances, pious people, the c o n « i t u « . , SauTI^Nigbt, lOJ o'clock. or^dinances be soripturally executed. and only need to read and reflect, aud Have j u s t returned from the The church appoints by divine precept, to fight for victory. they cannot fail to see their delusion. sinee each church of Christ is tons little speech, which was followed by Litchfield, Illioou. in behalf of Howard College. Brethren c e ^ a m agents, ministers, to perform ou an Ldependantjaody, no one church can L f ^ ^ remarks by the writer (Dr. Manly God grant that their eyes may he opened its behalf this ordinance, immersion Freeman, Tichenor and Mell made eloexpect any other to mdorse its acts, only j ^ ^ j n g addressed the school the day beAHTIH0MIAHI8M BUN MAD. to see the light that b shining all over quent speeches, and nearly $1200 was I P^^itent believe^. The The foregoing is a F. COUaTSKT, M. D. Sth^thTut^f'lSLSt'ird.rSS were closod by . the Christian world. reised for the College. The interest in the baptist.c view of the his^ On the third Lord's day in this month, — » membo- unjustly, any other church can well-sung hymn by the school and prayer the meeting is advancing, and the l i b e r - tory of this ordinance and t h e p o w e ^ of I attended the Sabbath services of an reatore him i f i t sees fit. ^ by Dr. Sumner. W e enjoyed our visit B'to. G r a v e s : — I am an old minisicr ality of the brethren is increasing. I the church, t r o m this it follows that Anti-Missionary Baptist Association, held 7. Whenever any chureh acts in iriola- ^ gdjool very much. and have long admired your piincipiea, «« '' f - with Bethel church, some eight miles yet I was a little afraid of your presence, ^V'as'^&^r^e'L'^V^L^^^ D n M a n l y h a d p r e ^ h e d o n W e d n e s d a y trust that I may find a similar spirit E b^ma W I night in the B a p t ^ t church, and it seemed liberality in relation to the Sabbath-1 an ordinance. The-ministry being an from Mount Lebanon. The R e d River lest us little preachers should have to Association, of which I a^i a member, scringe before you. But no<v, sinca I foitf- and all other churches, and associa- to fall to our lot to preach on last night. school cause on Monday. agency to baptize only through the or- apon the suggestion of a brother, who 1 of churches and conventions, should The meeting was improvised for the occahave heard you preach, seen y«>ur meek Monday, NaTcmber 16. daining supervision of the church, there expressed the belief that these singular draw their fellowship from her untU ^ ^ y^^ tjjg attendance was large and loving spirit, I am no more afraid; The services of yesterday canae off ;criptural ministry without the •he repent® aad rectifies her order, or attention good, Christians would entertain reasonable indeed you have won my heart, ami I according to the programme mentioned. Lxistence and action of a scriptura' they become the partakers of her sins. T f" ^ propositions for union, appointed a nummight as well tell it. Q, what a heavenly V That no association, or convention. This morning's tram brought Drs. Mell The memorial sermon by Dr. Henderson I church. ber of delegates, including myself, to meeting we had in Tuscumbia! All was orcoundl, is a "court of appeal," or h ^ and Shaver, of Georgia, and Bro. Phil- was worthy of the subject, the occasion DeduclioB 2 d : Christian baptism is meet delegates to be appointed by their «ny authority over the churches, but is lipg^ returned missionary, and rae other and the author. I t will doubtless be L ^ ^ union, peace ana love. Though we had ^^t of the individual baptized i k i p l y am a d v i s o ^ couacil; therefore, it ij^gthren. Others are expected to arrive Association, and " talk over" the subject. many ministers and messengers from va published. Kjyt act of the church, on behalf "o taa no riirht to dictate to the churches, or I . . • • • m, Not having even attended one of their rious States and Associations, yet all w e e The house was filled to overflowing in Mchrist. This is further confirmed from to demand support for any project or Associations, nor for a number of years of one heart and soul in the great causc fact, that in the New Testament the Mhcme which it may originate, but may Iber of messengers m attendance, though the afternoon to listen to the exercises of recommend, adviK, and urge to per-1 comparatively small, is considerably the Sunday-school mass meeting. T h e L u ^ j g c t ^f ti^e ordinances is always heard a sermon from one of their minis- of Missions; other pens can belter det p m a n c e of duty in subservience to the greater than that of last year. Dr. S. deepest interest was evinced in the ser- gp^i-en of in the passive Voice, while the ters, I attended the meeting in order to BL'ribe this noble meeting. Just after t h J ne.ae,«>,. was r e f l e c t e d President, and vices throughout. The singing was ex- administrator is spoken of in the active, form some j u s t opinion of the probabil- you and I parted, a good brother an J I cellont, and the speakers were in their ^^yere baptism the act •f the subject ity of accomplishing the end proposed, were vbiting around the streets, when we met with a very polite Koman thanks iu very best mood. We sent around two or | gyg^ in a greater degree than that of the and the probaWe-result of such union, continued oon- three little girls at the close of our adeffected. Calholic citizen, who related to us a little administrator, as an agent, it certainly h«r and leave her to herrclf until she re I gYenc^ reposed in him by the brethren, dresses, to collect s o m e ^ ^ i i i ^ ^jp' miM I When I arrived, about ten o'clock, A. witty affair between himself and a Methwould have been proper to represent him ^ ^ " S ^ t i O T touching remarks with J^nd Words to destitute Smiday-schools, M., a yoang ma?i by the name of Archer, odist preacher a short titde before. lie as an active party, instead of a passive l ^ ^ ^ S t a are not Protestants. S i n c e reference to the sad c h a n g e which have and they brought up some $35 for that j one. But being merely passive to an ac once a student of Mount Lebanon Uni- said the preacher tackled him sharply for tiiey never had any eccIeaasticaJ connec-1 occurred in Alabama within the last-few object. tion performed upon him, the act is not versity, gave out the last verse of his laving S H c h had men aad bad principles t ^ with the Papacy, they are now, a n d ' years. After the election a- half 1hour -— A t 11 o'clock to-day, by invitation. his, but the partiefc authorizing the per- opening hymn. His prayer was unobjec- n his church, " tho mother of harlots." jnnoi- was devoted to religious e x e r c i s e w h e n P« tionable, indeed good. His text, Matthew The old Catholic said, " I grant it sir, we hive been the repu^tors of the ppks ^ and pi . . whether! an adjournment for a basket dinner took Dr. Manly and I made brief speeches in forming of the action. The subject does V. 6. His sermou was very fair, and had laye bad men, and bad principles practices of Papacy, relation to our Sunday-school work. The I nothing more than submit to an act perfiBond in Rome s r in the Protestant sects place. result was that in cash and subscriptions farmed to, and for him, by another party, but little that could reasonably be ob- But," said he, "have not you bad men ruJ t k ^ came out cf her. This afternoon the President announced 11. W e regard Protestantism, as well over $100 were raised for the Sunday^o sense is the action his. It is no jected to. Albeit, he harped upon elec- bad principles among you Protestauis ? ' replied,'"Yes." 'Well," U the Reformation of 1827, as based on the appointment of Committees on the school Board. more his, than a natural death, buria tion, eternal decrees tlnd covenants— The preacher thfl EMumption that the prophecies and j following topics: Foreign Missions, Do sabjects, which I could not help thinking said the old Roman, " why do you hackle Bro. Phillips made an address on the L^h^i resurrection, which it symbolizes. To deolarations of C ^ touching l ^ church Missions, Sunday-schools, Educarequired longer and more thorough study us Catholics so, when yon got as African Jligsion to-night, and some two ^{jj^ belongs the honor or credit of obe After anno,.neehundred dollars were contributed to that ^jenco or submission in a specific duty, than he had bestowed, to do them justice, you know, your bad principles from us l a t i o n and preservers of the church. ment of the above Committee, and the Mission. The unfinished business was j^g j^kes no part in the action of the lie was a new preacher, and they were Catholics ? " This was a damper. When ukjsxosiffs. transaction of some business of minor closed up after the address, and after ^jjj^g j^^g^jf Doing an act and sab- very justly proud of him, for he was un- this witty affair was relate3, frejilicd lo 1. The unimmersed bodies of Christians importance, it was determined to devote some eloquent and touching remarks by n^j^tjog to an act done by another are doubtedly the only man in their Associa- my friend, that we Baptists are not imafternoon ^ i o n .o tion, so far as I was able to judge, who plicated in this matter of Catholic e rrors, the President, the singing of an appro- certainly very distinct propositions, k-ing never belonged to IJome in any i p Q i o ^ t i s t denominations are only re- the h e a n n g of reports on the state of priate hymn, and a hearty shaking of rpj^^gQ writers who take the ground comprehended what an argument was. He was followed, without public age, nor descended from her ! Yet the liginna societies. religion in the various associations in the hands, the exercises of this most inter^^^ ^ct of baptism is that of the sab2 . That baptism and an official relation State. But few of the associations could baptized, usually deny the materi- prayer, by an elderly man by the name old Rom.in hit ns Baptists a blow. V»y to a ohareh are prerequiate to a regular ^g heard this afternoon, and it was deter- esting meeting were closed. All left the meeting feeling it was good to have been j^jj^y ^^f specific administrator, for the of Foster, whose main forte seemed to be saying, " W e Catholics cannot get your ongnel ministry; hence, all ordinances ad. , ^ • U ^ d by Li unbkptized and unor- h ' " ^ ^ ^o resume these exercises at the there. The next meeting of the Conven-1 consummation of the legality of the or- vociferation, and calling himself " little old men, but we will get your children old Foster." He quoted at a good deal before l o n g ! " dained, although immersed ministry, are closing hour of to-morrow afternoou's tibn will be held at Opelika. j dinance. Indeed they cannot do other- of Scripture, but rarely gave a passage nlQl and void. session. Now Bro. Graves, this one litlU' inciYours fraternally, T. C. T e a s d a l e . I wise. It is a logical deduction from thwir 8. N o church has a riffht to hear a case The annual, or introductory sermon literaUy, and more than once spoiled the dent among a thousand others^goes t'> postulate. For, if the act of the subject sense. If he left an idea, except that he b r m ^ t before it in violation of the law ^ ^ s preached this evening bv Elder show that Mfethodists, nor any ProlisPEDOBAPTIST AHD OAMBELLITE o f ^ r i r t . The s p e ^ c a t i o n of the order ^ ^ ^ 2 Cor. v. 20. i t was a in this, or any oth^r ordinance be the ma- believed iu the doctrines that Archer tants can battle successfully with Komo, IMMEESiaHS, « to be observed la the prohibition of any . , ' j • » j .1, . ; terial part, the legality of the adminis- preached and was opposed to missions, U. p. UAaiLfT. so near allied td her in character aud othier order. timely discourse, and it is hoped that it The act of baptism is that of the indi- j tration never can hinge on another party, do not recollect it. I presume he is a principle. No, their weapons of warf are 4k N o member ^ o u l d submit to an ar- may be productive of good to the cause vidual baptized, or it is the act of the The legality or the illegality of an act good man, but fear hands were laid like Cajsar's of old, will turn upon ihemraignment or trial brought and conducted of the blessed Master. selves a t every blow. T h b Catholics in violation of the laws of Chrigt. Each Thus ends the first day's proceedings charch of Christ. If the first proposi- must necessarily depend upon the party " s u d d e n l y " upon him. ^ well know, and Protestants know it lou I tion is correct, aii administrative agent is intrusted with its performance. T h a t is, After a recess of half an hour for re- Baptbts alone,who descended from Christ it w V of the Convention. T. C. T. for the nuthiiu observance 01 nis laws. _ 5. Since only,not might,\B right, November 13, 18C9. not essential to a scriptural administra- it is the party that does the thing com- freshment, the " big gun " of the occa- ana his apostles, carry the great battk'-ax S c o ^ t u t i o ^ m m o r i t y is in aU cases ^ j^^g^ increase of messengers tion, or rather, the subject of the ordi-1 manded, who is bound and made respon- sion was fired by Eld. Zachariah Thomas. of truth and ark of principles to battle nance is its administrator. H e may, or sible for its right or wrong performance, After singing, he told us to take our seats, down t h b mighty Dagon of siu and coror disorderiy h - t night and t o d a y . I t is by far the he may not call to his aid the services of Where then is the deposition of the power ruption ! T h e n _ l e t all Baptists, like and then took up about enough time ex- Gideon's men, rally to their mighty worki flugority c a m o t exclude a member of an I most interesting, as it is also much the a second person. H e is the principal in to bestow the ordinances of Christ ? The plaining why he omitted public prayer, JA-ues 3L Thomas. K ^ o w l e d g e d coi^tithtional church. 1 largest Convention they have had since the act, and all other things are, at most, answer is plain and easy.' In the church, to have made a prayer of sufficient length. luka, Mies^ NoTcmber 8, 1869. N o church should receive the letters L j j g ^ a r . Dr. Henderson presides with merely adjunctive. These are the legiti- Otherwise it ceases to be an executive His text, like that of hia predecessor, mate deductions of this proposition ; in body, as exercising control over the ad- Foster, and like that of niost Anti-Mis- To Dr. "W. "WjUiams, Professor of Ecclesiasti-' o«Mumion the members ofsuch a church, eyes ^ r . Mell, the unrivaled parlia- fact, the only true deductions that can be ministration of all Christ's laws, and thus cal Hastoiy, Greenville, 8. 0. or i n any way countenance or uphold its j mentariaa, are continually upon him. made from it; This first proposition di- is laid the foundation for the destruction sionary preachers, as I have learned, seemed to be selected more on account o D k a e Siu :—In your recent article iu disorder; it mouldkeepnocdmpany with Too much time, however, is occupied, as vestedof all ecclesiastical paraphernalia, of the very elements of a scriptural seeming quaint verbiage, than its rel the BqptUit and Index, Ga., this sentt-uce h that it TDAj be ashamed. jg common in our coHventions, ou immais naked sebaptiam and its advocates will church, and the filling of the world with evancy to the subject ho tried to discuss. occurs: " B u t when afterward, in the L T o ^ ^ ^ j U i T h ^ ^ ' S t e n t with t e ^ ^ l ^ ^ t t e r s . Two days are gone, and I do not remember the text of either. third and fourth centuries, the contest onr principles, whether we gain or lose yet much of the business of the Conven- eventually He compelled to defend it ia confusion. To deny the supervision of the church I wish I could give ev^n a synopsis of was shifted from heretics tfi schismatics, nnmMrs or Mpularitv. tibn remains to be transacted. The r ^ this form. Admit that the sects are I who like the Xovatians and the 1 )oija8. "ro fi^ ourpeculiarmisaon, which port of the Committee on Sunday-schoob Christian churches, or that a mere pre- over the ordinances, is to send them be- this last heterogeneous harangue. tendedcall to Christian ministry, i n d e yond the pale of its authority, into the can enly remember a few points. He ifl to be the witoisses of Christ's truth ^ ^ ^ r e a d j u s t before the close of the sestists, held the same doctrinc and iLc aeainat e r e r v system of error, and those . , j . pendent of ordination, authorizes to con- hands of irresponsible persons, t o b e d i s - believed in a call. H e illustrated by a same Epbcopal form of polity as ibt* S H r i g S e or advocate t h e m ; and evening, and recommitted to fer the ordinances. This will place the pensed according to the whims and ca- custom of h b young days, t o blow a horn general church from which they s^tpaabove a £ by no act to countenance, rec-j the Committee, a^d was made the order ordinances where the church can e x e r - prices of a fickle populace. If the pre- for meals. The father and son were in rated," etc. In common with a large o g n u e ^ d or abet those who teach error,! of the day for t l o'clock on Monday, cise no supervision over them. H e n c e , ceding observations are correct^ the con- the field ; a horn blows and the son in- number of theological students, I respecior to confirm tiiose who are in error, i when I was requested to address the the doctrine contained in the proposition science of the subject of1)aptism has quires if that is their horn ; another and fhlly and most earnestly request you 10 Convention on the subject of our Sun3. T o employ all the enei^gfies of the is false. i "otbing t o do whatever ia determining another blows and in like manner the same submit t« us through T h e Bavtisi—ai. QOBunation for the conversion sinners I ipbuilding of Christ's of kingdom. . v ^ . question is asked; at last the home horn it b now placed in the hands of every If the second preposition be taken as jits validity. • the moat effertual means and To-night addresses are to be delivered I t also follows that the d e a g n of its adc is blown, and the sou asks no question, B a p t b t theological student in America— UenaeB,notincompatiblewiththeWord by Bro. Freeman, President of Howard expressing the (ruth of the Scriptures on wGod[College, and Dr. Tichenor, in behalf of this question, it follows, that where t h e r e ministration is letermined and fixed by but puts down h b hoe and starts to the the hbtorical evidences upon which you is no scriptural church, there is no Bible- the legislative power creating the ordi- honse. H e left us t o make the appli- feel warranted to make the assertions: authorized agency to confer a New Tes- nance, a n d that the administrative power oaUon. 1. That the Novatians and DonatistJ ii; e n e ^ S a i S v o t ? d S t e k want t o speak for t h e CoUege; it is lookH e . informed us that the choice of w^re Epbcopalian& tamentordinance; and that the act of cijnnot change it, without changing the 6. To ftrnish a pastor to every churchi ing Phcenix-like, it will no doubt Matthiaa to the apostleship was only a 2. T h a t the Donatbts separated froui and miwwonarieg of the crosa for every dea- arise from the ashes of its long depres? baptism is not Uie act of the individual institute itself. The churehhas no power the genend, i e.. Catholic (murch. human device of the eleven, to help God ^ abroad, under gion, superindaoed by the late terrible receiving the ordinance, but the act of to change either its design or form. I t I heard t h e remark mad6 to-day by 3 merely administers on behalf of Christ-, do his work. Inference, Missionary Soattam the church—the power conferring it. ^ e s e two deductions are inseparable and hence is only a conservator of origi- cieties are only a human device to help prominent young minfeter, that if your tions having been given to the d i n r c h U higher degree of prOspenty than ever from proposition second. They are also nal purity. Any change, either of form God do his work. H e warned his breth- positions can be made apparent, he would ren that tho nearer a counterfeit was like join the Episcopalians. For t h e DonaU4 harmony u u t u u u j with wim the bUUprinciples and MUUteachieuuu-IorVIIdesign, UCOI^H,would involve •—— -j^-.. the- destruction report on DomesUc and Indian in So<fy <u a Iw^ autt^ her. T i e j Miamons this afternoon was followed b y ings of the N e w Testament Scriptures, of the original institute, and the substi- the true metol, the more dangerous it tists were older than the Catholic, Gr^ek cdnoehes dxonid select, send for and soa- j a dbiracteristic spcechirom the exceUent Deduction 1 s t : John received his tutibn of anotberjuanimate ordhmnce in w ^ Tho natural inference is that Mis- or R o m a n ; and if the Donatbts were tiiBB. iniaaisnariea of the Cross. [Secretary^Dr. Sumner, and a collection commission directly from God. J n o L its stead/ The perversion of an ordi- u b n a r y Baptists are especially danger^ Episcopalians, then he would apply foc % I of over i300_ was taken up t o support & 53. The act then was God's, and .John ! nance strictly speaking, is the institution ons. H e was p ^ i c u l a r l y ^ severe upon o i l e r s t o t ^ t church. Respectfully, RocnxsTja S i p n E s r . [missionary among the Indians during the was merely the agent in performing it. jof a n e w ordinance by a new authority, the idea that one man by spiritual pro^Aim I GorresiK^cimce; m e e U n f H I g 1 - I t T H E B ^ J T l S T , M E ^ ^ 27, 1869 s-j m ocur agents to tdna the field. These a ^ t t indosing th6 same,' directed to ^is^they m^ht be interesting declaration are W. M. Lea and £. L.' Compere; Bro. tt B o b ^ . and. post-marked. New Or- , t » , t h e r e ^ i d e n o f T h b B j ^ t i s t s ^ o w snd t ^ titey H m S ' l ^ l r a ^ ^ a w ^ ^ leans Febmat7 27, 1869, m now pnonr ^i^ tiie spirit of Catholidsm and its ainw, thdr 4o«trine^ p a x t a ^ o f the e o l W l Lea has already commenced work. t «f C b i u t is His kiBgdoa; Um a a EiJro, Chairmaii if yofe^^sio^ I will send you an article It is ovr design to loan money to young posTOSsion. ^ iftfiiiae-Msnd iaiU a o t k a r i t j - ^ witii^^^ C.SCAIFB, men to amist them in seeoxing both a col1uui p n f t e i i s Ma i^fea. To slto^ is to or mote tooehing maUers at that time. tion, lK>wevei^XW say^Jhat the o l t o t U ; W i t i « M W i t i a to tSig^ GodTa JAS. W. S C A ^ Com. legiate and theological education. The WtatCTet' I Head can vonched tar and more The Oriniaa ^tamld auk* evcrytUBCtoadt* kk rriito intorflBn intk Ua n i g u . n u n Board will u d none bnt those who come ^^Wewes, who are available b e n ^ w alihiys oondemiied gtoa. aadaOow rrilgioa to Imd ta aothlac - J . L. Jaxaa fvpct^ hffptMm ChiizehHdBeen hjr i(^nea At a called confereneb of the church, "Then ia bo Blddla-groiiBd Smwm CaUuOk* aad wdU reeommend^ by their ohurohes. here in Or^on, or supjported by public n m u d u w p B i r e n ; mew rites w m iatrodncai, Baytist*. AO the wet^praetieiac tabat spriakUi«at* but at thfr s a a ^ ' t ^ it is balj tke Nov. 9tlh, the above report wm submitted Oar agents are charged with the duty o: documents accessible to all with butlittie legitimate con^uence of ^hdr teadirate h i d 4awa; tha meatTertod Tfsre «oflhiM«taof tkaCatkoUecUv* trM, and Uwy and unanimoasly adopted. O s BBgod^ w o * erdsiaed; am^s anvitliitpartafanof iurowt and flUaM" ft.*,, J a - seeking ont the gifts of the churches. trouble, and I will in all ca8« give daU ings. Theoreti^y, as V ienomiBstion, a n . Knro,Mod, •xsltod. GoTs w m left nndoBe. ^ B ) . — E t . **v. J. T..Txxtxk(. -Bf. of Straakart. Oar agents are well known in the State. for authority to support any disputed they are the most open of opo^ooitt* duuige followed ekuigc^ oozmptioB trimnphed, C. T. SCA1PB,C^C. They represent a great cause; and b point. I might condense the matter into end »t leogtb tlie M u af ffia was f m l y seated A PSOFOSmOH TO ABEAHSA8 HDTmuaipnists; I say, theoretically, for praethe help of God—we calculate on the coISTEB8. a single article perhaps, or it might exn l i i a t l i m e . 1 SaL it:lO-SO; I Cor. t : 1-18: To the Editor of the Oeatral Baptist. tiealiy their desira-is n ^ camedLwit, for a Bttsa. n: a, 2 Bm-Ji; 17,18; Ber.xiii: There are at least two huDdred. nunis- operation of the brethren—they will be' Ihaveiudedin the circulation of vonr tend to three or four, according to the the great masses that are usually rew^A I • ters in Arkansas. Erery one of them able to do a great work. We must have paper in Arkansas, and I am firequently facts and matter on hand. Hie quatioD, tiieniRe, ia af t&e greatest garded as orthodox derominatioits have should read T h e B a p t i s t for the year an educated ministry. Who will send asked whet« does the Cmtral stand upon I ^ w t a n o e : Wial tmutiMim in Cb^ The following is the article of the but very little to do with them. i> M t ^ m n k a t I t ia in eoiunqneaea of their 187P. It is the organ of the State of OS a bale of cotton to devote to this the Uviflg questions ofthe day, and I am JEkangel alluded to: Tiews OB thia solgeet, tliat B i ^ i s t eknreliea Concerning the deske fer apropn and d i ^ i a fbeir eoaaUtntion bmm all ether Arkansas. All that is done or attempted work? But this Board is charged with unable to answer. Will you do me and DISCIPIfS Ott CAMPBBIXrtBS IX 0BB6OX. scriptural umon with Baptists, " Bro. ahuTc&ea. p<rata on -^vlxieh they differ fram to be done denominationally in the State another duty hardly less important than your friends the favor to answer the folBro. C. H. Mattoon writes usfix>mSa- J1 asks: " Shall the CampbeUitea be perw tiMOt, and tbeir reasons for so diiering, are aa that to which we have just referred. A will be reported in these columns, and fiaOoir:— lowing queries: lem, Oregon, called out by certain things mUted to define such a union ? If so, I t many of oar ministej^ already L Tbe Baptist ehardiea regard it aa Christ'a every minirter should know what it is. 1. Do you regard the immersions of in a communication of Bra C. A. Back- have heard their terms of union time and win, that a n church memben ahoold be eos- We need an organ of communication, so le work, cannot go to/college, or to Pedobaptists and Campbellites as scrip, wtedjMraoM: When Saul "esaayed to join bee, wherein the latter alludes to the Dis- agjun, and they amount substantially to Msiaelf to the diaciplea " at JemaiOeiii, they de> that Arkansas ministers can converse seminaries- It is proposed therefore to tural, under any circumstances ? ciples or Campbellites ia Oregon. Reefised to reeeire hnn, beeavse they "beliered with each other and compare views, and have a coarse of theological lectures in 2. Do you hold with the Religious specting the muntenance by this denom- this: that Baptists drop all their distinc•ot that he was a disciple." I t was not till they tive peculiarities and become CampbelWe Herald and Georgia Index, that there aseertained this, from hearing that he had secure the united action of the entire connection with our Convention. ination of "the grand old doctrines of has not been a succession of Baptist "seen the Lord in the way," a n d h ^ "preached denomination in the State. We make this are charged with the duty of meeting lites," which the former will hardly do churches from the ascension to the pres- grace," Bro. M. says tbat if by these ailer contending for "these grand old doc b(ddly at Dsmascns/ that they permitted him the expense of the Ministerial linstitute. P E o p o s i t i o n : to be "With them, coming in and geing ont, at ent day? doctrines »re meant " the doctrines, of trines" in the pulpit and at the stake for Jerusalem."—^Acto i x : 26-28. All the «iemWe wiU gend this paper g b a t i s to Such, then, is our work. Our agents are Bro. G., I should like for this to stand God's sovereignty, regeneration, living nearly nineteen centuries—taking thereb m , also, of the t r a t ehnrch, are addressed aa every minister (or brother) teho will coming among you, brethren. How wil until you copy the answers. Miati.—Eom. i : 7 : 1 Cor. i : 2; Eph. i : 1. scriptural faith that works by love and for "the loose disjointed vi^aries of a pledge himself to procitre Jive new you treat them ? Bat in Fedobaptist chorches, many persons J. B. S e a e c y . purifies the heart, the divinity of Christ, system less than fifiy years of age, and are members who are not r e c e i r ^ as conrerted. subscribers during 1870. Or, the W. D. MATFIKLD, In the Episcopal and Presbyterian establishthe direct agency and operation of the while hundreds are now living who can Eugushsiax's Greek Coxcordaxce. ABEAH8AS ASSOCIATIONS. Treasurer Board. menta, and soEte of the bodies formed by those Spirit upon the heart, and final perse- distinctly recollect when the founder of Helena, Kot. IC. who have seceded from them, persons The following is a list of the AssociateeeiTed to /idl ammumtm withoat eridence ofThis work is valuable to all Bible stuverance of the saints," and other distin- this system was cut off from the Baptists ions in Arkansas in 1868, and we want their conTeraion; and thoagh the Congrega- dents, and should be in the hands of EXfLAlTATOEY. guishing Baptist doctrines, no Baptist in for heresy." tional Pedobaptists require proof of conTersion every minister of the gospel. the minutes of each one for 1869. We NotwithE d i t o b B a p t i s t : — I n your paper of Oregon has heard Campbellites preach before receiring peraona to the Lord's table, and Repudiating the idea sometimes adto full membeTalup, they mostly regard infanta, standing its value, many know nothing 23d of October, you publish aletterfrom will keep this notice standing until we them. and unconTcrted persons, when baptised, as about it. For their good we copy the do receive them. It is important for the vanced that "all denominations have N. P. Moore, late editor of the Arkansas Respecting the question of " a change members of inferior degree The Westminster General Agents, and the Boards of Mis some error, but I believe oars is nearest Gonfesaion of Paith, whidi speaks the Tiewa of following from an exchange: Baptist, which Elder W. H. Itobert, pasof heart before baptism," he says if this Freabyterians, and of many Congregationalista sions and Education to have the data. " I t enables one who has the least acquaintright, and therefore I stay with it," ho tor of eur church, and Principal of the people Kse the expression, they quibble on this subject, says that ehUdrtH tf mtmbtn ance with Greek to find every Greek word in Elder B. OriflSn, Moderasays: 'Idonot think any considerable wn thenuetaeM membm; born within tJu ehureh. High School at this plac^, considers a re- tor; W. B. Holland, Clerk, Searey. upon it and define it, when questioned, the Kew TesUmeat, in every passage in which Some Independents differ from thia riew, but number of the Baptists of Oregon inBartholomew Auoeiation—A. Collins, Moderaambiguously, or "to be simply an alterrery many of them regard both infanto and the it ocears, together with the rendering given it flection upon himself, and has thought it dorse it. We believe and teach that tjie nnconTerted, when b ^ t i i e d , aa connected, in in the common English version. A proper use right and proper that he make an expla- tor; A. B. Files, Clerk, Hamburg. ing or change of purpose, or intention," some degree, with the church of Christ —(See of it would save many a would-be critic from Baptist church ia the church, the only Ai*oeiaiion—Elder J . R. Hall, Moderanation to the church of his coarse in this tor;Cadron and this he speaks frojn knowledge, havDr. War^lHw and Br. CampbelL) J . A. Johnaon, Clerk, Springfield. true church of Christ, and that so far as exposing his ignorance of" Greek, while it matter, and place the facts that governed ing questioned them " hundreds of times Baptist ehorchea, on the contrary, reoeire a« Caroline Auoeiation—B. Blassingame, Modethe general promulgation of the " grand members, thoae only who gire credible eridence would enable many a diligent searcher after him before the church. Inasmuch as rator; W.M. Warner, Clerk, Dea Arc. during the past seventeen years that he t t their conTeraion; they do net acknowledge truth to reach conclusions which, without it, old doctrines of grace" is eoncem^, as Columbia A$toeiation—J. 0 . Burnett, Modeias been acquainted with them in Oregon. either infants, or the unconverted, as haring are beyond hia reach. No man should ever feel you have published the letter referred to, rator. well as her practice, she is not now, and any riaible connection with the church of Christ. that he has ^ e correct rendering of a word in we have thought it proper after an examAs to regeneration, that does not take DardanelU Auociation—B\deT E. L. Compere, —Acts ii: 47; 1 Cor. u i : 16.17. ination of the facts, that for the justifica- Moderator; J . N. Ledbetter, Cler^ Fort SmithJ )lace till baptism, in their view—they never has been in error; and if the CampIL Baptist churches fatrictly so called) re- the Kew Testament until he has examined it Fayetteville .dMociarton—Elder J . Dunnigan'baptize 'for remission of sins,* they *wasb bellites desire a 'true scriptural union gard it as Christ's will, that all believers carefully throughout the book; nor should any tion of Eld. Robert and the good of the with the Baptists,' all they have to do is received to m e m l ^ h i p should be firtt bt^iizei. man who expects ahy aid from the Greek, con- caase at this place,'you should publish Moderator; J. A. Miller, Clerk, Bentonville. away their sins' in baptism. The grand The ITew Testament churches consisted wholly tinue without this Concordance a single day Independence Anoeiation—Gardner, Moderato come forward, renounce their errors, the facts in the case as contained in a let- tor; J . W. Carnet, Clerk, Smithtille. old doctrines of regeneration, as the of baptized believers. Peter said to believers sn longer than necessary." the day of Pentecost, " Be baptixed every one ter from N. P. Moore to W. M. Lea, W. Judton J«»o«a/»on—Elder A. Tales, Modera-result of the direct operation of the give evidence of a 'change of heart* of yoo," and they "were baptised."—Actaii: (regeneration), and we will receive and We send this paper to every minister H. Robert and others. tor; Wm. Daniel, Clerk, Princeton. Spirit of God upon the heart, which is 8 8 - i I ; see, alao, x : 48. So that the Bi^tist Liberty Auoeiation—3. P. Event, Moderator; baptize them—not over again, for their whose address we can learn. If you chuxchea are, in thia respect, "followers of thp meant by Baptists when they speak of a Union, La. ehorchea of God," as first founded by Christ accept, write immediately and give your Campbellite immersion was not even the Bro. Lea:—I write this under a state Liltle Red River Auociation. change of heart, the Campbellites disand Hia apostles.—1 These, i i : 14. postoffice. shadow of a baptism. of feelings not the best, having sunk all Mount Vernon Auodation. card, and substitute therefor the dogma But in d»ing so they differ from all, other ohurches; from the Quakers, who reject bapOuaeMta Attoeiation — W. A. Lawrence, as ModBaptists in Oregon most decidedly expressed in the following language THE OEGAH OF THE BAPTISTS IH the money I carried with me to Little erator; Thomas Wright, Clerk, Dallas. tism, fnim the Pedobaptists, who substitute anobject to any apparent afliliation with Roek, #900 in gold. I have made up my of the originator and founder of their other rite fiir the immersion of believers, and ABEAHSAS. Pine Bluf At$ociaUon—W. H. Robert, Moderafrom all open communionists, whether Baptists, sect: ' In baptism ,alone we receive re- [Campbellites on the part of professed As President of the Baptist Stat^ Con mind to make a greater sacrifice, and sink tor; W. M. Lea, Clerk, Little Rock. or Pedobaptists, who admit persons without oflice and all to get out of the midst of a mission of sins, regeneration, and justifi- Baptists, let alone union, and any eviRed River Attociafion—H. Haynes, Moderator: being baptized at all; instead of requiring, oa vention, it becomes my duty to announce the aposdea and first churches d i ^ that all to the brethren in the State that their people by whom I have been so misera- '. A. Heard, Clerk, Arkadelpbia. cation. We go down into the water sin- dence of it impairs their confidence. beiievers should be baptized before being r«Roeky BayouAtsoa'*tion—J. W. Miller, Modeners, we come up saints.' Immersion They arefriendsof the Bible Union, "for ceTcd to membership and communion. Cbrist representatives in Convention assembled, bly humbugged, to say nothing else. It r a t » r ; J . A. Cauater, Batesville. has given to His churches no tUtptiuing power tounanimously resolved.to m^ke The Bap- will no^be doubted that I entered the and regeneration are two Bible names for they believe in a pure Bible, and take it Saline Auoa'ation—T. Whitten, Moderator; set aside His laws; no legitlative power to make R. M. Thrasher, Clerk, Rockport. the same act, contemplated in two differ- as their rule of faith and practice. So naw*ones; but has enjoined on them to "observe t i s t their organ. Now, brethren, we are paper enterprise in good faith, when I €pring River Auociation—J. A. Eaton, Clerk, tJ^gi srhatmever" He has commanded, (Matt, spent every cent I had, and I had enough ent points of view. ' None of the unim- ong as the Bible Union b true to its no longer without an organ. Bro. Graves Smithville. i x v i i i ; 20); and, if ever tempted to neglect mersed can be saved ; for none can enter principles, they have no fear as to the ha^, with great generosity, offered us one to live on comfortably for some time. ffifl laws, " to obey God rather than men " 3 E i c a 0 3xr. Many of those very brethren who made the kingdom of God but those bom of result. . . If the pure word of Grod Aats V: -JH. page, or even more, shouia we need it. III. Baptist, churches regard it as Christ's This week an Arkansas department will the greatest professions have done least makes Campbellites out of Baptists, so AMEBIOAN BIBLE UHIOH — QUEBIES. water.' Similar quotations from their will that all church members should be voluntary standard works (if they have any stand- be it;" but until then it is useless to ask wumben; that none should be made members, be opened for our benefit aud pleasure. and humbugged me most, in that they C. B. UitTTOOX. either against their will, or without their Let us fill it up with gopd matter. sent large lists of names, and up to the In the ITnion Qitarterlg for Maj ard works) could be multiplied to any the latter to "sacrifice the grand old docknowledge. God is a Spirit, and those who This 'baptism for trines of grace that at present divide worship Him must do ao in tpmt and in trutk,Write, write, write, brethi^n. Don't fail time that I abandoned the enterprise, no and October, 1868,1findan advertisement reasonable extent. (John i t ; 24); their scrrice must be that of to do it. ' Do yoa need a pastor ? An ar- money.' remission of sins' is the hobby of our Baptists and Campbc^ites as &r asunder of a "Book Store,"in which"A General Aslave.'faith and obedience.—1 Cor. xiii: I ; Rom. They will do it, I suppose, but I had sortment of Standard Religious Works," Campbellite friends in Oregon, and a ser- as the poles." ticle in our department, giving the facts xiv: 23; E»m. xvi: 26. They must ^yield thenttdaa unto God, as those who are alive from the in regard to your field, will most likely spent my last dollar and determined to etc., are to be kept under charge of Rev. mon fr#u one of their preachers that did dead. "—Horn, vi: 13. In every part of their not introduce it prominently would not B u s i n e s s Department. aarvice, they must have " first a willing mind," bring the man you want into your midst. give it up too late, but I had confidence in W. D. Wright, Assistant Treasurer of (2 Cor. viii; 12): must first give themselves to We must cultivate our field ; and in or those brethren, and that ruined me. Then, the American Bible Union. Now I would be tolerated." the Lonl, and then to the church, by the will of A G E H T S . der to do this, we must invite more min- many who promised to send in names like to know what this means ? ^Where Sod-—2 G«r. viii: 5. Respecting 'a change of heart before Elder D. B. RAI—Generar Agent. have been utterly silent. All these things isters is the need of another " Book Concern ?" baptism' being required he says: " I Elder £. L. COMFERB—Eastern But thia saluntanf memberthip ut opposed to the to occupy the ground. Write for Arkansas. eta^uman used by many nationaleaUblishments. them; and if they do not come at the may come up in time, but that style don't Baptists and other denominations all Elder W. M. LEA—Arkansas. have witnessed the reception of scores and to the fines, imprisonment, or worse penalElder J. W. TObK—West Tennessee. ties, by which membership has been enforced- first writing, still continue to write. Any suit me. There is a debt on the office of have their own. Is not this diverting the of their members in Oregon, and an ac- B. G. MANARD, East Tennessee. | it is equally opposed to the initiation of tauot^ news in regard to the churches will be some. $300,and an outside one of some $50 funds of the American Bible Union from L€)CAL AGENTS. knowledgment of a belief * that Jesus tdam infants by baptism; and to membcrshii) by birth. " inter^ting. Write then, brethren. You or $60. I turn the concern over to your- their legitimate channel ? The publica- Christ is the Son of God' is all they re- Evety responsible minister in the Bonth. Baptist churches maintain that Christ may not wield a classic pen. Your arti- self and others, which you can run or tion of their own revisions or transla- quire of tbeir candidates for baptism, requires halg aetisit^ in every member. Church cles may not shine with beauty. Your not as you desire. Brethren would write tions, or a defense against attacks, or rea- and this in ninety-nine cases in a hunmembers are s ^ k e n of in S ^ p t n r e as "lively stones," forming part of " a spiritual house" thoughts may not be sublime. But good me that they were never better pleased sons for certain labors, is all proper and dred in our country is no evidence whatwhich ia devote^l to Ged.—1 Pet. i i : 5. The old-fashioned Baptist facts will thrill the with a paper, yet themselves and many right, but why this " general'.' matter ? BUREAU OF WANTS ever of a change of heart That direct The young are to be instructed, (Eph.vi: 4)[Advertisements under this head viH bt Inthe unriily warned, the feeble-minded comfertei hearts of our people. Let us have them, others at the same office whose names Is it to build up certain tenets or dogmas operation of the Spirit, which Baptists s e r t ^ at $2 per square aaeh insartiaa aaah. All the weak supported, (1 Thess. v : 14); thoae then. In a word, let us make our de- they had forwarded,said not a word about of certain leaders of this Institution? believe takes place in a change of heart, ministers wanting f eld af labor, ohaxdHS waaU who rejoice, rejoiced w i t h ; these who weep the money. They were exceedingly" Can you give any information on this the Campbellites in Oregon discard, and Ing pastors, teaehers aehaola, aad tnitaaa teadk^ p a t h i x e i t w i t h ; those who a r t bereaved, ria- partment what it ought to be. ited.—Jaa. i: 27. To the ungodly the gowrcl is willing to ruin a poor preacher, and pay point ? what is usually denominated 'an experi- ers; all who wish to Tant, aell, or ¥07, or laaas W . D. Mayfield. to be made knavrn, (1 Thass. i : g ) ; and good him in praise. If all had sent up the Is there not a tendency, at least on ence' by Baptists, they t?«at )with conr fiuws; all who wish aitaatNaa aa eisiici^ af done to aU men,—GaL vi: l a I n some part of emploTmeat, and all wantiag oar aaahtaaet, these labors all the members of Baptist churches money I might perhaps have been inthe part of some of the leaders of the tempt, and I have heard 'them ridicule in eorraapondiag for and with then, aunt aula AGEHTS OF AEKAHSAS BAPTIST ^e dead memben ot iroildlj clined % continue, but I waited until my American Bible Union, to cater to the and burlesque it in their preaching. In iketr leante fatova O r ^ A ^ Areaii—cash accomSTATE OOHYElfTIOH. sstobliahments^annot, nor can the in/aatmemb<rt of any Pedobaptiat churches. They can have The State Convention of Arkansas has patience was threadbare; some even vis- peculiarities of other denominations for short, in the whole process of conversion, pany^g the adrertisemut.'l no part nor lot in the matter. triumphed over its misfortunes. It has ited the city and avoided me. Yo^ patronage? At the annual meeting of Baptists and Campbellites in Oregon are V. Baptist churches believe it to b« Chriat'a will, that what is spent in His service sheuld be swept the ruins of a dreadful revolution know I have many pecuUarities ; one is the Campbellites in Oregon in 1868, Rev. the direct antipodes of each other. Durj^ea leith ratdg and that every eftarei tam-out of its way, and flung back forever to sacrifice all rather than be bedeviled, C. A. Buckbee, who was present, went ing nearly twenty years intimate acquainA C t a u r c l l , or two aharahes, wliddag to Ser, who ia A e , should thus p v e . When obtain the aerrieea of a thorongUtf qnaUiad especially when confidence is lost. True, forward with them to the communion, tance with them, I have never heard one making a collection fer the poor saints at J e m - the clouds which hovered around it, paator and an able preaoher, whom waean Boat I cguld by remaining here have wound salexo, the apaatle says "As I have given order darkening its history, and throwing a and in a subsequent article in the JEvan- of them speak of a single precious sea- cordially eaaunead, will address tba editor of to the churches of Galatia, even ao £ y e ; upon up, if so disposed, and have saved &omp gel^ of San Francisco, says that he heard son with God, nor of a single spiritual this paper. gloomy shadow over all its future prosthe fii9t day of the week let every a u qf you lay by him in store, aa God hath prospered him." pects. The day of progress—of labor thing, but I would rather lose all and theni preach the grand old doctrines of blessing to the soul. Nor is this a mat—1 Cor. x v i ; 1, 2. This injunction shows that that get out from amongst them. Among grace," that " they believe in a change ter of surprise, for their doctrines and W a n t e d . — P r o £ P. a . Headenoa, Presicompels gapcess—^has dawned dent of Analytic Bemiaary, eight miles balow it ia the duty of every church member to eontribnto aa God enables him. And the apoatle says, upon us. In the light, and joy, and yoa there you can continue the paper, of heart before l^ptism,'* that they hold teachings do not admit of it. Their re- Unrfireesboro, Tena., whhet to aogaga tha " I f there be Sxst a r O & y mind, it is acceptedstrength of this new period we begin to and make money after a while. '^that only those who walk orderly are pentance is only an altering of purpose, services of a Mnsie Teaahet. AppUeaata eaa aeeording to that a man h a t h ; " showin showing that a work, like men come back from a long I leave to-morrow for Galveston, Texas, entitled to the privileges of the Lord's their conversion only a reformation of address him as above. wQling mind is needful to aiake such aid id iacceptable to God. Church members are to "abound captivity, to build up the waste places of thence to San • Antonio, Texas. May table," that " they desire a proper and manner, their regeneration only an imin this grace" of rich and liberal giving to the our bleai^ Zion. $ 2 0 Prize E s ^ y s . heav(i» bless yon, and preserve n e from script^f ^Mion with Baptists," and adds, mersion, their fiath only an assent ofthe eansa of Christ.—3 Cor. viii: 1-16. Bat in" such ^n is greatly to be desired." understanding, their spiritual influence Wt offsr $20 ^ r the best ozageais of tha folb a t s cannot thus give; and pajmento by soaiThis body thought that the want of the being; so humbugged again. P«laion, as ia Stoto Chordies, are not a "gift" An artio. firing Bro. B. to task for is only the influence of language or that lowing pasaagwi of Sariptart, ar euay i^aa ika State was not only a fiuthfnl and devout Yours, > N. P. M o o b k . at alL-4J Cer. viu: 4. these stats stents was sent to the Evcmgdy of words addressed to the eye or ear, snbjeaks appended fuitad to thaaehunasaf Ta VI. BaptUt shuiehes regard it as ChrislTs ministry. We ^ v e this now. And any New ©rleans, La., February 26,1869. BAnxsT—the matter not to exeeai tveaty i « | e s will, that all hia churches slonld be itfrnU md one who attended our Convection just .P. S.—You can use statement oa but the editor clipped out all that per- thdr holiness only a rigid morality, their of fool8eap-4en pages or lasapxafenad. &tinttfiwibewldca^trrm*ta. 'qTsarsnotof tained to Bro. B., and published only consecration to God and Hu service only CeMMITTSE OF ABBITBBB: THE OKDilVthe world. —John rv: lj». .Jha reeeptios of those closed, if at all acqu^ted with Baptist other page if necessary. ' •aly whs hare been baptized at their own deaufc history, will be forced to say that the what referred to the Campbellites. ^ I D HINI8TEBS QI XHIS CITT. performance of certain externals in M a I f o f i s u s a of M t i , makes a real aad vklB e o . R o b x b t : — I f B r o . L e a i s n o t in inclose a copy, from which you can religion, and their doctrines and beliefi The tt^U obtaia5«g tha f rite ta be tha hta ^ u n ^ o n between the cha«k aad tka brethren of this State are a per&ct unit pisperty ef tha ^ i t o r et this paper, ta be pu world; but inlbnt memBerahip, by dbpartiu aar^^dsfiuth and practice.* But the town, read it yourself, and hand it to jndge if Campbellites of Oregon differ comprising a heterogenous nuxture of all lished in the first voluaa .ef Piise b e g e s a s aad fram this rale, blends the dinreh and i h T i n ^ him on bis arrival; in it yon will liMim all from those of Tennessee.) together. Th» baptism of ialaals, and tka an- want of tiioroughly pduQ^ited men—men shades and degrees of every erroneous Essays, where they w m be duly sredited tha eaavertad, coaaeeto the memben of jDhrist with who are aHe ministers of the New Tes- I could say to you. May God bless you You have doubtiess read of the mas- isni and notion extant." anther. It is deaiped to iaane a aaiiaa af volih«M who are ItiU nembezs of tha world. Boi tament—was severely felt. And the alwaya in your labors. nmea that will be Mgaxded staadaid a a i Tslo* sacre by the Indians of Dr. Whitman, of Respecting the statement that they tb« apdstis lays, '^WiuX. eesyanalon hsth l i r i t Yours, N. P. M o o r s . witk daiksassT aad whai eoacord hath (mL Convention, with aa earnestness worthy the Presbytoian mission 'at Wallawalla hold Only those who walk orderly as en- able eoatribntieas to Baptist Utaiatiaii PABSAOISS PB0P08X0. •rith Belial?—Whoreftire, coma out from amana of such a canse, luidressed itself to this I have this day made over to W. M. in 1847. Rev. Mr. Spalding, of the same titled to the privileges of the ^rd's F o r O T « B a | » « f ^ Thea. iL them a ^ ba ya ttfmnU, saith tha l o i Z i ^work. A Bowd of Mmisterial Educa4-Xha t w i h ast iha nnelesa thing: aad I wOl rte^va Lea; W. H. Robert and others, the office nuimon,and whose escape was almoiit a Table, Bro. Mattoon says: "So fer as UsA ^ Sin. ^ ke a persea? Has he af> tion was appointed and«located at He.»» aUL-a Cot v i : M ^ k known as the Arkansas Bcg^iti, in con- miracle, now lives only about % mile ^ m my observation has extended they have pearedif Ii ia olaar t i a i ^ystCB v U A aztenia tha of (aristlani^ u d of iniiiatioa into lena. It was detigced that this Board nderation of-—-dollars for value re- here, and is fully satisfied, and thinks it always invited'all who love the Lord' F o r B e e . — 1 Peter iil. 1 8 - S 0 - « H e weak to t&aah, to thoM who a n mi aiw idra, dsM, should raise at least ten tiionsand dol* and p ^ h e d to the spirits i s prisea.'* can be proven, that the entire massacre to participate. Time iui4 again have / eved. N. P. M o o b b . alM oblitaatatbe dktiaetisal^ lars during tiie year. F o r j r a n . — A d a IL 88-«BapeBt aad' bt was concocted and set on by the Catho> prominent mm among tbemar^ed with Ik* akank and Iks wsrid. H « a Imt And I may here say that tiie Board, ' W i l t m zeaHxe the stateawit af We the Committee on behalf of Tren^ lies for the purpose of exterminating the me that even b^tism is not n^ssaHly bapUsad • * • forthe lenissioa af das." aa Ita^r stoBaa, ara bmU on the last sight of the Convention, was ton B a p ^ church, do certify that the Ptotestants. He has promised me some a prerequisite. And I have seyer^ tinuai F o r F « k . - l t » t t . xxiv- 84^The mean. iha^tfioAm^Uit/btv^ duly piganiwdj and feeling the impor- original of the above copies of letters reminiscences of tiiose events which will witnessed persons who made no preten- Sag "geaeiatiaa^ l a this pMWge. a a a ^ a U t to €bd I 7 m » r M a r ^ k — z x . 13-15—CttuOl |Kt t^WaraTfi tance of the work, we at once appointed and transfer, mth the orig^al envelope doubtless be interesting; and thinldng sions to religion, (accepting their pnblia righteens ba judged at t%Is thefiaaljudgiuat i \ •- - V X- . • . t -v^tf ^iUm ' .. ' • • 1869. •.'•I'L^'JFAI eharciieS^f this eoantiy. 'A£i we de ndt Inow^ a U j ^ t r a a i o n t . ' ^ ^ : b e d e n y I h a t n t t h af tlie man totcaoh iC ithe differepcp. b r t ^ n risen s a M t l r ^ i i r i f f e ^ l i i t l t i ^ n l ^ ] regi^t^ h a r n e t asthsT'^ the ehor^' pap^ ( i f F r « i e b « * ' W paWMpmpht.t w m ^ n ^ ;!will evmr b^^iltk ihe t o ^ .Xha^^mhtsainft **current^isews" and oarrent alaBdjer8.j r^8p7«rery inaitrtinjll; not made ' the preelse aiOlmatiMi^ itt^UA > tea e r t e r f w J N r t i a f J B n a e d i o f J k l i ^ t h a t th^ a m e and.t^e^liew e a ^ will he theirs. . They will the^ last stttaBcar: - af; :tfae<^ paxagr^th-. wMeh t h i n g has not been. affii|Bei^«r^soma churches \ i .As we i have in.- a ]^Tioii» fiArtiqtemember of the urch, requesting a small w h ^ ^ J w a s j j t ^ -ihey' will s h i m his gloAx. haaSs thia actieleu^ llV>at,i tUB. ; i* tU^io^ i a thia eeintry, a ^ d t h a V r i i e Sim Pranelsco pa- j k ^ t e d oat to him the constniotive J^lae-. 8l ^ , ^^^ eyepr member, They will celehxate his praise. They will c u t graaad ef complaint agaiaat ^ e . Ajpfmlt per h a s not aaid w h a t {a ^ r ^ of that ? If hood of the iclofelBg sentence of the ob- young and old; sn^ll and greafV of suc*h their crowna f'Kt- They will s a y i n Thatit has not snppressiMl aotaai and earrent he e a a , * h y doM h e n o t d a i t , a n d make a n end jec^onable artiele—^whioh. is so obvioiu yiiarpmB>Ji:QTmBgB27,iaia. proportioaa as would be knon^ net to be strains sweeter than angels use. Thou w a s t " mews iif'the ^ y ? " otit?" , ** • " " aa to have betn untfltassary—we noje oppressive to any. Then let the older slain and l ^ t redeemed ns to God by t h y Xoj sir, but that you hayi^' published ThQ Appetd may deem du^ Ito^uage say, if the 4/?p«a/i,will admit its offei^ f l B M S TILL TEE DEBATE . and more wealthy give additionally as blood." in your editorial columns a damaging •trong when we pronotihce t^e statement dveness and apologize for its insertion as The italics are mine, and with the santhey might choosa. ; The object of thia F o r Twelr® l l o n ^ , . . . $3.00 misrepresentation —' a statement that of the closing sentence of the article a l^itimate « news item,", we wiil cloro is two-fold. (I). To show what an im- timents I most fully i u ^ r d . . The differF o r Six Moiths, . . . 2 . 0 0 every inteUi|;ent flran on this continent " mendacious." We|iplant just what we this cdntroversy, and attribute its insert mense general fund could be raised by ence between Bro. P. and myself on the knows to be false—^to t^e prejudice of said, and we reaffirm it^ regardless of tion the foreman." this method,*Bay fbr instance, let each dispntdi point ia purely lineal, not marthe Baptists of this city and of the whole who wrote it. The e d i W who penned little boy and girl, as well as oldar, give ginal. "Let us have peace." J.T.T. T h e n i i a a M l v s t i n b u t b r the & w m e ^ cf 6<m1; no m e i ^ t h o t Umagli. siediatira country. The man who wrot^ it, whether the statement penned a false s t a t e m e n t quarterly if you choose, a pro rata share aC C k x u t ; a s interest in Cnriit except h y a he lives in this city or in Califomia, wrote one he knew, and one every intelligent W© have evidence of the prosperity of a certain amount, as suggested in p n w B a l faitk i n h i s f a * j n s t i f y i a g f a i t h Imt it to prejudice and injure Baptists. gentleman knows to be a falsehood ; and of Georgetown College, Ivy., from the another article. t h a t which weeks by lore a a i pnrifiet the Nor is it an item of current news, but the Appeal has given circnlatLon 'to it, fact that we have this week entered the Domestic Missions for Association h e a r t ; na'Iore to Christ which does not iaelnde We have beeu charged with material50 loire t« lus p e ^ f l ^ his ezampls, his p r e v i a a current slander^ an unmit%ated and and thinks it " inoffensive " to those it names of seventeen young ministers upon Domestic Board at M a r i m . . 50 ism, and verily, we are disposed tt» plead and tMtify itself to the werld b j implieit and Foreign Missions 2o was originally intended to injure! If premeditated misrepresentadan, originoar minister's list. The President of that ehaerfnl ebedieaee t« all his commands; no genguilty to the " soft impeachment" This Education, Ministerial 50 uine hrre to his people that does notinfinenee a ated to injure the ^ p t i s t denomination " the church paper in San Francisco" college, N. M,^ Crawford, is well known earth of ours which was pronounced man to do good to them, as he h a s ability and (and will the Appeal ^xSarax us tcKat in the estimation of the credulous multiSI 76 to our i-eaders ^as an able writer, and " good " in the glory hour of its appearofpertonity. J . B. Q t ^ m . tude. The Appeal Bays it did not write church ho means by " t h e church" among scholars 'li^ is universally admJ^ per annum. One quarter of this would ance among the stars of tho morning, ted te 9tand pre-eminent among the first be 44 cents for .three months. Could and is to be " b e t t e r " in the Aurora ot not send money to ns for it. We accept this fdct^ but again affirm Episcopal or Catholic sees fit to pen belles-letter scholars in the South—if not not any little Miss contribute a pair of the resurrection, can be made much more the PablisMng Company or other that the Appeal nor ajiy other paper had the right to publish it. , and publish so gross a falsehood, what in the Union itself. We have his prem- socks to be sold to a merchant once in habitable and pleasant to live on now, parties. It is all we can do to T e t Bsrr. Dr. GraTea, of T H S BAPTIST, of this business has the Appeal with it? i e of a revision of both his valuable three months? Could not our youths of by proper applieatiou of known laws ot attend to oar own business. TVTieH city, takes the Appeal to task about the p a r a - What right kas the Memphis Appeal little works on great subjects, " T h e same age, save or make that much every skill and labor. Among thosi; who beBe regards it as a griiTe offense against to republish an admitted slander of money is lost we are exi>eet€d to graph. Baptism of Jesus" and " Baptism for the three months ? If it were suggested in a lievejn the last idea most emjjhaiically, the Baptist denomination. He should know pay—and we cannot risk for other that the editors could h a r e no motive to efiTend " t h e church paper of San Francisco" Remission of Sins," at au early day, pleasant and pious way, a spirit of pi- and shows his faith by his works, is Dr. M. ous rivalry would throw interest into the Plulips, of the Southern Ihrmer. In parties. All moneys for Tracts so large a portion of their patrons, lie ehonld upon the Baptist denomination ? ' I'hat'a ujvhich we will BterootyjKJ elegantly and matter,- and the work would be done. W. perusing a late coj+y of this journal we the question ; and the Appeal .cannot esissue in good style for our Tract Society. know also that the paragraph is qnite harmand T H E BAPTIST, and none other, less, unless the facta are incorreetly stated. If cape it by writing forty columns more. It will be a magnificent contribution from Let every father .".nd mother do the same were forcibly reminded by bis pnngant that is the cose, the remedy should bo to cor- If he claims tlie right to propagate such him. God bless the young ministers at at the quarter in order to encourage the and potent pen of what we had seen address to J. R . G S A V E S . rect the statement, not abuse these who may or l i t e m s of news," we shall claim the Georgetown College, and may they re- young and train them into systematic be- upon his farm in the " old world " which may not have innocently made it. That might nevolence, which would soon train their w« all remember so tenderly. It is often T£B MEMPHIS APPEAL A6AIH. right to repudiate the claims of the ceive much benefit from THE BAPTI.ST. iojure them, but it would not remore the injury, minds for systematic action in most ether said of editors of our agriculluml jourWe baTe not the least desire to raise a if any, done to the church. No capital can be Appeal in the name of all I*rote8tant8 — Our readers will see in the Arkansas things in life. oontroTerey with the Appeal^ or with made against the Baptist denomination by mis- and Baptists. nals, that they aro mere " book farmers," Department the reply of the Trenton any sccolar paper. "We do not wish to stating facts. And no capital can be made for " I f he cannot, ho may well inquire (2). Our young members would thus and know nothing practically. injure its circolatioD, unless it forfeits it it by concealing them, or by a n y assaults on whether the epithet he uses has not been mis- church to Elder Moore's letter recently be brought to consider their personal This is not true of the editor of tho b^ a course of flagrant injostice toward the daily press for m a k i n g them public. W e applied, and whether it does n i t bccomo more published. It is simply the letter of au- and individual duty in ev«ry department Southern Farma', as thousands can tesProtestants and Baptists. We noticed affirm nothing on the subjcct as to the truth or applicable to himself than it is to ns. * If, as a thority to Brethren Lea and Robert— of Christian life. When the call is than tify who were wont to visit his model religions editor, he chooses to r u n a tiTt with the late article because, 1, we were called falsehood of the s t a t e m e n t made in the para- the political press, we call his attention to the one or botl>—to sell his effects, pay his made in any Christian act, they would farm in Hinds county, Mississippi, iu the graph which is so o f f A s i r e to Dr. Grares. We upon by a brother, shown the article, h a r e not meddled editorially in his controrer- question whether the political editor may not, debts, and dispose of the paper as they feel this individnality even when the min- years '56, '57 te '60. It was our pleasand requested to notice i t ; 2, we felt it sies, and do not propose to do so. He will do with the same propriety, call him to account saw fit. It was addressed to Bro. Bobert ister eaya from the pulpit, "Let us pray." ure to be honored by his iavita^on and our duty, as the editor of th« only Bap- well to deal with facts, if he can, r a t h e r than f t r his combative propensities 7 Wo speak te —Bro. Moore must have forgotten this They would feel they are part of the us hospitable welcome in those days. He and he was authorized to act if Bro. Lea taught that it was not economy to overhim with all respect and courtesy, and wo extist paper published in Tennessee, Missis- with those who give them publicity. When he called ou to pray. pect from him the same thing." work team or servant. He encoui-agcd was not in the city. So Bro. Robert had lippi and Arkansas^ to reprove the Ap- has disposed of them, i t will make little differNew, si'ppose thi.s was done, what his negroes to an hour's nap afler dinner in ence who h a r e uttered them, or with w h a t moWhen we publish a falsehood to the authority to sell, etc. peal for penning or publishing such would be the result ? (not to caunt larger summer time, and t h ^ r lively step, merry d r e s , or with what churches, or no churches, disparagement of the Appeal, it is at — The victory is won in the city of contributions which older and more Blander upon Baptists. We supposed they are connected." laugh and cheerful labor in the evening, liberty to characterize it as it deserves. New York ! A writer in the Bxaminer wealthy brethren wou]A give). Our fully attested the truth of tis theory, that that the least the Appeal could do, unWhat we have already said meets the We have no disposition to " run a t i l t " and Chronicle says: less it designed to inflict an injury upon churches averaging even filVy members, they would fully repay thereby the appa" The city of New York may be safely conceded would each give $87 50 annually to our rent loss of time. He gave them hours ol our people, was to apologize for so pal- statements of this long paragraph. It with the political press, meddling with pable an injustice. But instead of this contains a palpable misstatement, and is matters that do not concern us. We as a Roman Catholio municipality; the e'-gans benevolent objects specified. Then sup- leisure and days occasionally of relaxait comes out in a vt/ufiWion, not an by no means harmless. Our review af have edited for a quarter of a century, of Rome hmoag us do not hesitate to tell us so pose the whole State of Mississippi con- tion, and honored their sj>ortive festivals plainly, and with all aggravation of threat a n d apology, a whole column in length, in the article contains a correction of the and never gave a political editor cause derision. The city government, its treasury, tain 50,000 members, which U below Bro^ with his cheerful presence. The result which are many things nearly as oSen- statement, and a jnst reproof to the au- to " run a t i l t " with us, nor do we expect its patronage, its power, are in the hands of Eager's estimate. Then Mississippi would was, more bales to the hand than any of his neighbors. He sought most improved sire as the article complained ofj and a thor and publishers of it. We do not to furoish a Rome." give, in a way scarcely to be felt, $87,500, cause in the next quarter. and best recommended seeds of corn and understand what the Appeal means by line of policy arrogated to itself that if While we write the telegraph brings or in other words, cotton—took pains to note the rows and Whenever the political press so far decarried into execution, it could inaugu- not having meddled With our controverus the information that the Catholics To Assoc>aiional Missions S2o,000 acres which each occupied, and measured parts from its calling as te publish currate an irresponsible warfare upon all sies. Our position devolves it upon us news," we shall administer tho correction have triumphed in Cincinnati, and t^e Domestic Board at Marion 2-5,000 well the result. As a reward he obtained rent slanders on Baptists for " current Protestant denominations. We review to defend our denomination from such we deem it deserves. Word of God and a'l sacred songs have Foreign Missions 12,500 that ef finest texture and lint, and obMinisterial Education 25,000 the whole rindication of the Appeal^ aspersions as this, and we feel under not tained highest prices in the market. He " T h e reference made to the editors of been cast out of the public schools. The therefore, in the interest of all Protest- the least obligation to the Appeal for not this paper, as one a Catholic, ene an next move wiU be to approp^ate the What wonderful figures!! held to the good scriptural precept -that ants as w ^ l as Baptists, in order to having meddled with us. It is not its Episcopalian, etc., if designed te diminish public 6c1»ool fund to the uses of the And yet it fan be done, if that Financial " A righteous man regardeth the life of province to meddle with us, no more their influence with tho public, he should ckarcb. PitUburg and Louisville next. Commiltee would p r ^ over the matter bis beast," and as a result his horses, establish this one position: than it is ours to meddle with the Ap- remember, is quito as offensive to those and by God's grace, work up to the plan, hogs and cows were housed and cared That no Hcttlar paper has the right to political opinions and controversies. churches, as we can have been to his, by pubI t can be done, brethren, and will we not for. To reward him for this ho packed pen or to publish an article that misrepremore pounds of bacon to the number uf We are dealing with facts now, and one lishing a n item which appeared as part of the I t is an easy thing to say, try? seniVj or is caladated^ directly or indinews, and which, if it made a false representahogs—made more butter to number of of them is that the Appsal impliedly in"Thou knowest that I love thee. Lord," This will be so light on each individ- cows, and had more eggs to number ot tion, it was so easy, and wo were so willing to TtcUy^ to prgudice any religious denomidorses the statement of that very obnox- correct. Let him attend to his business, and Aad easy in the bitter fray ual member that it need not and will not bens than those who think (from very lanation. For His defease to draw the swerd. ious article by assuming it to be a fact^ we will attend to our own. The argument, into affect the minister's support in the least, ziness) that the horse is made more hardy Here is the article we complained of when it is a palpable and slanderous which he goes, about Uio consistency and views Bht when at His dear hands we seqk on the contrary the deacons would sooo by taking the storm, and pull the roof oil . that appeared as an editorial in the Ap- falsehood, as we have shown in our re- of the Baptist church, he knows we cannot atSome lofty trust for him to keep, ^ learn how to systematize <^n that subject hen-house to cleanse of mites, which peal: view of i t What does the Apj/kal mean tempt to answer without giving offense to Bap- To our ambition, faint and weak, ought to have been done by a weekly pu" M r . Spargeea asserts that in E a g l a n d opea tists. He is, therefore, safe from u j . o a thai How sirango his bidding, Feed my sheep! tiU that matter would cease to be the by extenuating its fault ? Will it not force eesunaaion Baptist churches greatly prosper. trouble it is now. Brethren of Missis- rification with suade, broom and lime. •core, and because, even if it was our province, " Too mean a task for leve," we cry, The s s a e thing is affirmed of same of the its own readers to believe that it had a experience has shown there would bo no end to s'p^ii, let us entreat you in tho love we This murderous plan of unhousing chickRemembering not if, in our pride, ehorthes in this cooatry. The church paper of motive in publishing the article ? the coatroversy. The Apptal is not singular bear our common Lord, that you try thus ens to sav^ labor is disgraceful to civiliWo pass Hiji humble service by. San Francisso says that the days ef old landzation. Es^wrciaUy is it blinduess when " W e think it probable that every denomina- among political journals in publishing news prudently, quietly, and prayerfully this Our vows arc by our deeds denied. marhism, whieh does not recegnize a Pedobap- tion of Protestants in the city have had as much items. If they h a r t anybody, tfaev can be cora proper economy of the henroost is dowondrous plan, and see the result, J . T . F . mestic guano, when made into compost. a n a i a Christiaa a t t h e U b l e or in thepalpit, cause of complaint against the Appeal as tho rected according to tko facts. Facts are proper O, F a t h e r ! help us lO resign act nambersd." Our hearts, our s t - t n g t h , our wills to TLcc: But we are digressing. Dr. Phili^is is a Baptists. Whether they are less fortunate in matters for publication, even if they sting. If Then even the lowliest work of Thine the obnesious paragraph has h u r t tho Doctor it We claim that this is a palpable and a having no champion of like eminent talents to practical man, and the SoiUheru l-onntr Most noble, blest, and sweet will btf! Tho lata articles of mine in reply to ©ught to be iu d\ery man's hand who gross misrepresentation cf the Baptist call the Appeal to account, remains to be seen. is because it is true. We have nothing to do with that, or the consequences. And wo would Bro. Pendleton and "Memphis Baptist" would even cultivate a garden succefcsdenomination, a thousand times refuted, W e do not intend to offend Catholics by ploaaIt is a fact—there are thousands of ing Baptists or other Protestants, nor Baptists advise him not te attempt to make capital by were wriitea mainly in July last. Hence fully. One number of it is worth the anbnt.a eharge that is persistently reiterby pleasing Catholics. If more attention has m a k i n g another eutcry ef persecution, in a Baptist b-ethren and sisters who are too Let all who would do an apparent want of synchronism in some nual price of atad by oar enemies. been paid to the religions services, notices, days, land where he and hia church aro as free as the proud to circulate tracts. It is too lowl/ paragraphs. Bro. P.'s aiticle " Injustice" well and avoid the blunders of ignorance The AppeaPa rindication of the above doctrines br interests, Of one than the other, it winds; with reason free in their defenso to come work, too humble service— has appeared since. While that would in the most important of sciences send interviewed: has been because we have been more often re- to their vindieatien, with none to ' molest or "Too mean a task for love." for it, out of proceeds of this crop, and "The ahsTs paragraph appeared in our eolsmns quested to make publications for one than the mako them a f r a i d ; ' and especially when his Read the above sweet verses again, dear be subject to some adverse criticism if if he will follow it« advice, the increase • a the 4th i n s t I t was not Uad4<J, a s all edite- Other; the rule being to accommodate all im- charge of ' s l a n d e r ' and ' malice' is unreaviewed with a "critic's" eye, yet I will reader, and ask yourself if it is not your of pork and poultry alone will repay him rials a r e ^ d should not h a j e been mistaken for partially as we are able. Whatever is objec- sonable, false, and deserves to be retaliated." not. I love Bro. Pendleton too well to an hundred fold. ^ j. T. F. duty to do something for the Master. a a •dilorial by a n editor a e q o a i a U d with the tionable to either is a t least intended to be get up a logomachy with him. lie has We have given our reasons for menpraetiee ef the press i a that soatter." When did you ever have so great an carefully excluded." tioning the religious sentiments of those opportunity to do good at sa lit^e ex- no t uer friend or more affectionate' adWe know that it was in the editorial There are facts that we could state miivr. By the way, his late sermon on •olumn, and there was nothing connected which Baptists of this city have cause editors of the Appeal who professed to pease? I There are hurdreds :i||and you the subject, God's love great," in last with the ardcle that justified any man, to complain of, and that it has re- be religious—^bc cause thay had hereto- who do not know what Baptists believe. aso. ^ number of this paper, is an admirable editor or not, in saying it was not an peatedly offended the Protestant senti- fore so often and so obviously reflected What light kavo you ever been to them ? AM.'mUaUon. one. I agree fully with him, that there e<ntoriaL W e are willing to leave the ment of the commnnity is well known to them, axd that, too, offensively to their You have a friend here and there hunMargaret Fuller somewhat beautifully s a y s : is more mystery in the doctrine and fact " It is a marrel whence the perfect flower (wadecision of thia to any editor in the city. and long felt by all the Protestant mm- Protestant and Baptist patrons; and ice dreds of miles distant. When you write of God's love, than it, all things revealed ter lily) derlTCS its loreliaess and jKirfumc, I t was clipped b y the news editor and inUnd- isters of this aity, and the present editor- did S0 to excuse the editor-itt-chief whq you can inclose a tract that will suit the we did not think countenanced such a case. Will you not become an a^uinal or unrevcaled. One can understand some- springing as it does from t ^ black mnd o r e r ed to go among the aews itesu, bat happened to in-chief knows it fall well. "VVe let this thing of pi-edestination, and may feebly which the river sloops, and where Inrks tho b« placed HJ the & r s m a n a t the bottom of AM edicourse, but he will not- content to b ^ member this week ? pa^s now. tsiial celomn whieh otherwise was aot fuU. The graa-p the doctrine of election, but why slimy eel, and speckled &og, and ihe mnd turcxcused. He has throughont his reply tle, whom contiaual washing cannot cleanse. " W e t h i n k that the publication of the ahove news editor of this paper happened to be abGod should " h o ' ' l o v e n fallen world, as I t is the very same^black mud out of which the tried to vindicate the publication of the sent oa that day, a n d the e ^ t o r who actoally paragraph as p a r t of the c u r r e n t news of the manifested in the gift of his son, sur- yellow lily sucks its obscene life and noisome slanderous article, and is ttnwliitig to selected the article was raised b y the BaptisU d a y i s inoffensive." We niean the one suggested in a recent passes all reasoning or intellectual con- odor." and educated at Baptist college. lie What shall we reply to this? We close it icithout a constructive indorseThus we see, too, in the world,, that selected ^ t *rticlf siiiy^y sf a news item, will say that we did not expect it from ment of the truthfulness of tlie article ! article on the Babject of systematic bc- ception. Tlie surpassing excellency of whieh, h ^ e e r ""fals^ was going the reunds of the pen of the edi|or-in-chief of the What means this ? " If tho obnoxious nevolence. If a man could by frequent the fact is grasped by faith, with joy and some persons assimilate only what is the p ^ r s , s a d s o p p i n g it inoffensire and holy exiiltation, yet it h.ith not entered ugly and evil, from the same moral cirAppeal. We must say again that it is paragraph has hurt the Doctor, it is be- suggestion and untiring a^itatien of the harmless." ' ' into the heart of man to conceive W h y ? cumstances wluch supply good and beauno part of the current news of the day, cause it is true. W e have nothing to do subject, get our church members into We cannot adiaiit the statement in the but a part of the current slanders of the with that or the consequences." We some ^form In the conttlusion of that sermon Bro. tiful results—the fragrance of celestial systematic benevolence, last clauses. The man who selected the enemies of Baptbts. W e have assured confess that we are hurt, and every Bap- quadrating and circling with the Biblical P. has a very happy and orthodox pas- power—to the daily life of others. 'article' knew, aa as the man the that it was highly offensive tist is hurt at the appeardnce of su2h a command to lay by on the first day of sage in this paragraph. It is truly re231. who wnate it, that'it was false, and justly to Baptists. All Baptists will say the statement in the Appeal, and therefore the w^eek (Lord's day), as the Lord' had freshing to hear the doctrine of the resurTbe of God. offinrive to all Baptists. If the editorWhen LaFayette, t h e f r i e a d of human liberty, rection spoken of as a fact and a reality prospered them for benevolent purposes, same thing. Yet he thinks it is inoffen- it is true I ? Now add to this the last was imprisoned b y his King, u n d e r the susin-chief will give us the name of the sive ! The man icho inserted it knew it sentence of the above-paragraph: " a n d we would reach a point that; would re- to be hoped for. It partakes of apostolic picion cf trMsonable designs, h e was shut up news editor, he wHl admit to us that as teas both false and Justly offensive. especially when hia [our] charge of* slan-" lieve the cry of the widow and the or- theology. Hear him. ^^ It is worthy of in a nai-fow, gloomy cell for a long time. He m s s w TUK SXAZEMBSX TO BE FAXSE, a n d This declaration is justly offenaite to oar der' and ' malice' is unreasonable, false^ phan in the land, and the Schools of the re^nbhcation: • tells n s t h a t i n theXioor of h i s little <ilU was a »JkasiBe to BofitiUs 1 ^ [Oar Prophets would prosper at the same " T h e saved a r e td triumph over death. Feel- very small hole c u t . At that hole, a soldier people. Suppose we should copy one or and deserves to he retaliatedIJ If he clipped it from hia exchanges, it time. He would.not only do this, b^t win i n g in their inmost souls, when the final h o a r was flaceil day a n d n i g h t toNrateh him. ^AU ; J, two of the e^^)rials of the Avalanche itialios;} was not from laa secular, but from relifor himself an honorable position among corner t h a t death can de them no isynry, they he could see was the 8oldier'|fye. but that'<yc Since the editor-in-chief has thus justipersonal to the Appeal into our editorial gions ones opposed to Baptists, and capathe workers of the day, sating the legiti- w i l l esoltingly inquire, 0 , death, where is thy WM alwa^'s there 1 Day a n d night, every mocolumns weeldy, as items iqf ** c a ^ n t fied the publication ' of the article^ and. s t i n g t There will he no sting, for sin, which iaeat whVsn he looked up, he always saw that ble of nmrepresenting us touching onr newBj" would he deem it " inoffensive" pronounced it inoffensive, we exQuse the mate aspirations of the humblest and is the sting of death, will iu^ve been bloUed tye! Oh I h e says, it w a s d r e a d f u l ! There practices j but no matter where he found * V to tbe Appeal ? Would it conaport with news editor, who knsw it to be falie and most pious. « a t , a a d ' i h e Tic'tory jgircn through our Lord w a s AO escape, n a h i d i n g 9 when h e lay down, it, no paper h&d a a j right to publish it, offeneire,< and expected we would nothe character of a religious paper? I t has been suggested by the writer, J e s u s ; C h r i s t . The tared tciU ha/t a ffloriotuand when h e rose,up, that cyewas watching him. - ' m u d i lass a. secular one^ for it is false "Wa^are not responable that facts or tice it. that the messengers of the churohes (of renareetioH. -They triU emkrge m imwor'iJ itrength How dreadful the thought to sinners aad kartfiil to the church sLuidered. argnmients shaU be favorable to the ,Bap> The editor's advice b as uncalled for the Bible), which arc the delegate? to bur and heaHtgfroj* the srate. HomimB^hantfy tei^ that Gk>d's all-seeing eye is, ever upon ft AM a s item ef news, « • do not see why tist denomination — only that we;, will not the}/ leave tkeiy maiuiotu.m the dnti / J^ov ttrihasc it is gratnitons. W e have not plead Asspeiations,.should be considered as a that in the deep d^kness as in the i t ihottld n e t b t e c a i i d a r e i so. W t snp- wiilfnlly misrepresent it, and will confect any ingly witl they exemplify tke-^arpi'e betweenthem; a persecution." So long as Baptists are Financial Board of Committ^, to whom li^ht, He sees all their acts. "Piat p t M i t represents the sasaztion of l b . Spur- misstatement of iacis. Dc. Gzave^ an ^ e supm^tal ^ fiit immortal body I, Jlou «m ike glory ^ ^ f m I r a l j , whether t h a i a s s f r t i o n ia true or position that this paragraph ]» editorial, speaks allowed a free pulpit and: a free pre^s^ should be r e f e r r ^ all questions calling <if Jh' r^reetiQH lody exaU Bomfcr thai a tkbiyopen and nijced are all their d o i n ^ to £ d M . W e sapp«a« ''that the same t h i n g has of it as 'mendacious.' bid coatrovertists are they have no favon to ask of the ibr benevolent contributions. I t was fur- eofmd^ly beautiful could eter hate xi^td Jem^ sight, .and He wiir bring every work fa^ affirmed ef seme of the epen cemmonien apt to have their 'combatiTeness' roused on phis Appeal—for they never will want a thermore suggested that they should so A-'d with Ktmt a.i!ft!fr-/s-ion and dtud ~ The intojud^ent! . - lAPTIBT PAITH. EDITOBIAL BBBVITIK. THE SOUTHEEH FIBMEB AITD MATE > BIALI8M. HUMBLE SEBVIOE. " LET US HAVE PEAOE." Illusti*ations. X THAT FIHANOIAL COMMITTEE OF MISSISSIPPI OHfBOHES. ^ X, r i f THE • "..J r mmmmm tk* playgraoad mad ia. the ball, and tka koly Wats'at tka badaidc^Jligr-taa tkoosmnd raya of ligkt to wkiek tka wartd witkant ia Uiad—that A k i h i m i m v m J - I h . J o b n > M a t o n iaCaikfliii ^daeatiamiaad'ky t k ^ m d tkte on— •iiiijfiij-arfc» wma mt- o a l ^ cmn CatkaUai b e a ^ . ttHkint ChriatimBUy • a s a e a u t cf tbs ^ Brot Gf»T«B caUs o v r ^ t t e a t i o a «rf i u imfeflMKs: "Did y»D a r t t k»ow to tka ftat, tkat i^a^ rcwent news item w« • n •ffflMr rnsds kMsna* iafidnl kad .gon» ftrad to kiai aa V . Grant • / Ot Jf—ji'te MbsiT from t i e pafkof moimli^r' T i e jroons "witkoot asing tka foeix Brm^ m m Admitted h« had not. ^Th«a j w allow or Bav." Wa ajsare otir aatMaedr brothiir that (Smatiiuiitj to b a ^ holj niigioa, b j oxjpaei* w« Meant ao diarespeat by BO doiag. We wishnxf it« profMBors to koly; thus, by ywar ed to m a aa a a a y krtaf Itaois into a paragraph Moffing, TOO p a j ii tka liichint MBfUmeat ia keadad *'£rief Mantioa,^ as paasiklaf and to JWT power." saTe ipaM wa Java ika. names of tha brathrea T h e Weatminitter Recieto p a t s t h e toraperane* nform i s th« foUowiog quaiat yet faceiblc langaago: MornI • a u i o a for tk« isaa wko drinks. Meatal suaaioa for tka m m who tkinks. Lejrttl laaAioB for the dmakard-maker. Prison saaaioa for tke statate-breaker. T h e profewMjr of religioa w h o negUata the home of God and other relijiona dntiae. oa the Lord's day, and apeada it in Tisitin^, in oraer lu hare hia week day time, may iaorease hia worldly gaode, ba« he will most aaaoreaiy cheat his eottl ont of eUmal lifgL A t t h e recent eeagion of t h e Concord Aaaaciittion, $3000 wera sabaarihed, in behalf of Cnioo UniTenity, Marfreesboro ; to be aacd in fitticif «p at •««• a portion of the baildinp fpr the miniatorial stadenta and for reciiatioa roa«. A fund also was raised and a eoamiitca •ansxitutad for the support of a colforteur (a miniatar if possible) within the baanJs of the Aaaociation, LIERT.IRRED P«BVHIITS.—Th« K. C. to who* r e f a ^ o e wks nade witkeat niing the ordinary p r a 0 x e s . — * \^i;THOXIO MOSB COXVEXT ITEMS. HOREOBS.—The Cra- cow reTelation has brought to the ligkt ather oonTealamelties. Ireland furnishes its share. Italy is erying from the grooad for Teageanae. It is boldly asaerted that there ia a nua at tkia mamant in the Carmelite Caaveut of Bologna whose coadilion saay be perhaps aimilar to tkat of Barbara Ubryk. Some forty years age two youag ladies of good family were placed in tkia couTant agaiiut thair will, for a, love affair whicli their parents disappraTed. They esaapad from the building, but were detected aad brought back again. One expressed repentance for the offense eh* had comssitted, and gave so many proofs of contrition tkat she ultimately became abkesaaf the convent. The other eould net oTarcoMa her repugaanco to a eonventual life— for a long time refused fcod, and acted with Buah violeace tkat the nuns declared her insane, and placed her in an isolated part af tka eatablishment, where oaly tke daator ocaasionally Tisited her. There she still is, and the peraoca who live near the convent constantly hear her wild cries. Archhishtp of Baltimore, en a late Tiait to the weatern shore of Maryland, confirmed 1,842 peraons. af vrhom 260 are said to be canTorU from Proivstautiam. If true, we preaame those latter are Prutesiaat children foolishly sent to their scheoii; or perhaps the children of paIn Berlin, 3,00* persons met and demanded rents not metabera of a;Ly chareh. of tke Prussian Governssemt tke sappression of caurents and the expulsion of Jesuits. M I - M S T E E I A L P O L I C Y . — A . recaat h e a r e r A thoroogk axaminatian of all these prisons of Sf urgcon reprasoata hii^ aa aaying, for aakis demanded. And in ne country in the world staaee r The trua olargyman is not brosquo, or are tkesa canvamts more carefully guarded harsh, or imperiona, ar ecceatria. Ha acts aiaagainst tka public eye than 4n our own "free •trely, aad always maku a tSudy a/ the art of land." Baubtleas scares of women are this moplemmng. And he narar aakea aa eaemy, axment ia duraace vile, whe are pining aod per••pt where troth desiands tkia great aaetifice. ishiag fer liberty knd food.—A'e/c I'ork ObNEW FooMrLA.—Bro. S h a t e r , editor Mtrter. af the Gaorgia Indtx, says: " W e haTa, far T h e L o n d o n Daily Telegraph says: years aubdiltiued far the usual forii, the fallowTha famous . Craeow eonvant aeams to hare ing r Be ihmt kapusad into the name of the possessed more elaborate appliances for torture Father aa'l of tka Son, and of tha Holy Ames.' Withoat eansara far those than a dark eell. The eemmission which has who feel ao suck acrnplas, wa prefer, in tkis beea appointed to axamiaa the house is said to iiaiet war, to step aaida^ that wa a a y nat have found a whale cellection of such instrueven seem to 'aaaart aBrsalrea,' of ta atand ments of torture and tyranny wielded ia ssediebetween the tiabjacla af tka ordinaaoe and tka val times. The crosses, each weighing eighty peuads, and intended to be worn on tka backs Mdjier whoii^ rawc tkay assume in it.'* of the nuas, aa a punishment; twa heavy We do aat sea tha modesty. blocks af starble, whiek the penitents placed ea A P u o p o s i n o K TO Bs DISCUSSED.— their ekests : Where the Guapal ia praaehed, baptism ia escrowns of tkorns, with loag iron sential ta salratioa. Tennison, (Campbellite), spikes, which they wore en their heads; and affirms, lug denies. girdles with nails pointing inward, which they wore next their skins, »xTa»iey were among tke r«Ugvoaa weapons Mi-MSTiias W a i t e d . — A w r i t e r l a t h e r«aad ia th« aptritani «f tlf« Wiitc&m<at ixnid Refiiutar statea that the Baf tista house. We are not informed whether they in tke Uaited Statea la«k/aiif thoutand preaoh- have been recently used for the purpose of wagers ftiaong chorahea maw exiating, and that ing war against the world, the flesh and if these were supplied they wonid atill want the devil. Indeed they recall the worst spirit huniirtil :tana.illy ta kaap ap a full sapply. af medieval barbarity, rather than the humano spirit of anr own time. It is true that people We want LQOO in tke Soutkweat to-day. Baiti!»TS OJ? SAK FEAXCISCO.—^The shut oat from tke world like the nuns of CraSaptis:g of lian Francisco manifest progrssa eow cannot feel the humanizing infiuenco ef and enterprise. A Fiftk Baptist ^charoh is this ago 80 keenly aa the seeular and the proahoat I* lie cr^iiinized, atfd a new hoose ts be fane, aad heace they must be guidod by lest enerected tt» CB*i a'auut ?10,000. The Ket. C. A. lightened ccnscieaoes. I f t e r the horrible reveBuckbetr, tf Xe^r York, is expected te take lations of the manner in which they have treated one ef their sisters, )t is also possible charge (jf it. • to believe the Cracow nuns guilty of anything. A N"EV.- C t i . S ' V J T E T . — D u r i n g t h e p a s t Nevertheless, it is uncomfortable to reflect that twalTe 5ears, llr. DesrecLes. himself a con- in the nineteenth century a convent should sysTcrted Eeixwaist, has organized, ont afconyerts tematically uco instruments of torture which from the church of Rome, fire Baptist ehnrckes would have found a fit plaoe only iu those re—two in Michigan, two in Ohie, and ena in ligious houses which senturies ago were dens Canada. The last ef depravity."—United Prefhylerian. Based, a church af 32 memT h e F r e n c h j o u r n a l s r e g a r d t h e letbers, was urgaaizid en the herders of Lake ters of Father Haycinthe as a great religiotis Huron ia l i a r . Whan ilr. Daaroches went and political event. Tho papers publish a letinto the • aiaiuniiy, the people requested the ter from Father Haycinthe, addressed to a Father priest tu uaiiihim in debate, but ha deslined, of his order at homo, announcing that he and in a eiicrt time all the familiea Is that viabandons his convent and ceases henceforth to einltv, txc :ptruar, bceama Protestaata opealy. preach in the church of Netre Dame at Paris. One of t i e taen baptized came twenty-five As a reason fer this step ho declares that he miles ts rcetiive the ardiaance. caiinot obey the orders of tke Holy See. He GEL'MAX B . V P T T S T S . — T h i r t y - f i v e y e a n protests before the Pope and Council against lost April Br. St»ars baptized at night Mr. the doctrines aad practises of the Botnish OnckcD unl ehareh, which, he says, are not in accordance six ether couTerts at Himbtirg. with tke principles of Christianity. Thill littlV has grown t«06 ehurehes and IT.QSJr latjtbers. T h e TVihune g i r e s t h e fallowing acL A V I SL IT A V I A I X S T A G O D . — A w r i - eount of a Ramish abduction : ter in the Caic;i::a Cheutiaa Rtpotilory tells a 'Mary Bregan, twelve years af age, the curiuus story cf a Chinese who had a sick soa. daughter of Catholic par^ta, has recently disHa mude custiy offarings t e a eartain God. with appeared, and her wher^Bouts ctin not be asa Ticw t ' hia san s resoTery. A'l was in rain; certained. She is said to have attended a Protka child <iied. Thereupon the father filed a tesUnt Sabbath-school, for which offense she hill in Cf art, charging the god with a breach of was taken before a priest and severely repricontra^. Tha cose was duly tried. This idol manded. She subsequently left her home, but wsa urougLt iaca caart. The father pleaded was discovered and brought baek, and it is supthat he had done erary thing that tha ritual re- posed that she has been placed by her parents ^oire-i of hiai in order te propitiate tha deity; in the House ef the Good Shepherd, in New kut, through some strange perrersity or ina- York. Tha case has excited aonsiderable inbility, the god had failed to perform his p a n of terest in the community, and etforts will be the cuniracL The god bad no way of rebatt- made by the Protestant friends of the girl te ing the cTldcsfe. Judgment was accordingly discover her whereabouts and to take her from given agninst hln, and he was forthwith ex- the place of her imirlsonment." pelletl froEi the prarince. This probably is the la^t vre shall hear of BIIIIA:>TO:C XOX BAPTISM.—To t h e Hethaulst ministers, and all alhera who preach MaryBrog^n. Pnblis sentiment is not yet that '•immersien is not baptism," wa present aroused to a just sense of Roman Catholic imthe fulluTTing dilemma: There are tbooaands pudence, and the courts are tea corrupt to asof membttrs in tha Methadist c k a r ^ w ^ haVe sign to Bomanists their true position in a free faeea ivuntn^d and ItUttt ia iL What teill you and enlightened community. do m'tA thumf. By your preaching.you f a y they T h e Boston Journtd noticing t h e R o have noi bten baptized, and yet they are laam- man Cmtkolie pranoancament against tha bera of your ckarsh im fnU fellowship. And if Ohio public schools, remarks: imntarsioa ia not baptism, why da yoa isumena <'^The points which are urged against the panons, and thas, according to your teaching, •yiteoB, a i it is, are, that it Inrades paternal deceiTC ihem by iapoaimg izpon tkera wkat righl^ and aatkarity, that it vialatea liberty of they aecepi aa baptiam, bnt wkat they deny is eonsaienca, and that it infriages apan natural inch.—Bitptist Tidingu justiea. I k e Titml oltiaotian, howerer, and the T h e following article f r o m t h e R'oaaa whiek must ba accepted aa the leading isman-Catholic Tablet, is eminently inggestiTe, sue of b«th friends and foes of the common showing; scheel system, i;^ tkat tha geaiua and spirit of H o w CJITHPUTN ASS MASS.—It ia n o t b y t h e tke puklic school aysteia and tks Cathalie emleuhism only, ii is by a Catkaiie Ufa vMak cknrah are in direct opposition to each other. the child breathes i a at trerj pore, and with Tke public sekoaU would edncale all alike in wkiek it Is bathed throngh mmd tkntigk by tha podimenu ef knowledge, aad the Catholics Gatimlie wmys amd lukita, anmriadimg ii trary would adacate tkeir own childmt in CathoUc by C a ^ U e p n j f o , f u i i s i l y mmd •ekoola, aad let other daa«minations do tka timies a day with Gmtholie Mapaaioms, i a « or g^ ^ t h o u t location. I t ia a conflict I j M i l •ill Comfmian, mad Ciaaaiiuuon,;t>y between old world aad new world ideas, and it 'lis hmagiagqa ihe wallx, by jke B ^ is an open and decided attempt t» iaerease the l l ^ ^ g m f tuwamd tkejteck, the Mmdonam ^ pawer ef tka Cathallc Ig- diminishing the acfpa m ;d extent of tkat free pnbUa inatmetiaa^kleh is the pride and g ^ i ^ f f ^ f i ^ d f e i i edueatioa. Ottr pabHa aekaola kaow no diatiaetion between ProteflUnt« and; .€«tkalio .achaean, and 'wekaTO ao State nnut car* for those wko are to became its citiscas,.aad ske-«aa do this ia no batter aad more effaetiva wmj .tksA by opening, wide the daora af aekoal-konaaa for whoever ekboses to enter. Our pabUc schools-kare beea eatabli'sked for edueational porposes, and the imparting of apeeial raligioua inatructions ia left to tha family and the church. Neither in Ohio nor alsewkera can it ba ahown that the public system discriminates uafararably agaiaat Catholic acholars, except ia the fact that it doaa net impart that apeoial religioua iastructian which tha Catholie Church would like to have imparted. The people «f the United States can not afford to give up their free public .sehoals, and if aur Catholic eitiiens will identify themselves more elosely with ut aad make the same us* of the public educational facilities with the Protestants,. and in the same spirit, they will see that for a repnkliaan government like ours, Aree. schools are an imperative necessity and a most beneficent prevision." 27. 1869. thera ba only fUtK^ih'lIie' lraeters' eraninns, they will ffTan iJdnti^efhea4^ i | i i e t h e r e q m shaped, pumpkin-akap^ embauat, or' augarloaf. But "confldpnce plant of slow growtb;^-' i n d tke Vender finds It diffiealt to ui^ press his eustomers with his great discovery, that wool is the 'aane aa for aad bristles the same as hair, and that a botohar can turn oat as goad a aa a regtilM- traimed ^achaaio. In spite of tho many eulogies that have been lavished upon these k»t8,.>tke opinion is fast gaining ground that they are oaly adapted for soft heads, and as the Baptists are such a hard headed people, it is thought thai the establishment mast fail. BsAvsa. P. S.—Brother Jetar 'will appreciate this pleasantry, since he himself introduced tha "John Thompson" anecdote, for the benefit of his readers who cannot accept his latitudinous viowt of baptiam.-^^ift/tra^ Recorder. til NerUt Miasiseippi and Wast'Tennessee. J ^ ; this jebking plan t^ey mi^kt eentroV a larger . (OWtaaryastleM M trade, and make it 'srora sueeenfkil by far fee raqMMnria aattM, Mri Wtthia tbt wttks or tiMir iei&onstrated in asaa^ W W Nerthwesten fMM*. ar*eHtiaryaeiheeftii»lfcMewi«il« wS aAariMai, aalMt an that towns), than by tke dmrnmiag STstea,' e ^ tlxty K paM Itr at tk« rata tea eMt* * r VTOTT- ai^t sesobjeettaobjeeticasaad dtfS^iUtiaa ef va* •attaeMtthawartk AaraatiwaataftiJBear rionskini^ k n o m t e e l d raeiekanta. af aay eae act a yatm artUt mwlaawta* aa Geriatk is alsa tka cantor of geolagteal in- Iw-eMatreaattteMAtil^ wwrit.] lerMt and wealth, yet to be developad and ap" Ljfe is a span, a fleeting honr, pUad. All the snrreunding eenntiykas ander How aoen the Taperflies^ it^ at depths Tarying from surfkoe ta twenty Man ia a tender, traasieat flower, feet kenaath, inexhaustible beda of aarl, wkiek Thate*en in blooming dies." the State geologist has pranouaced of surpaning Sitter Mary A. Biles, the daughter "f .41aaTalue fer fertilising purpoaes. Large q n ^ ^ t i e s ander and Sarak Simibro, the wife of B.S. Bike, of silieieus earth, suitable for making pereelaia died the 6tk of September last, aged I t yeeas. ware of China texttira and celebrity, ia alaa J o ^ e d tho Baptiat ehnich at Beech Gr^ve, Gibfound ia the vicinity of Pittsburg Landing, aad son aouatyjTenn., June 1865. Lived a patteea has often beea shipped to Pittsburg, Pa., far of piety, m life of devation to God aad her jfiwthat purpose, because af iis fine quality. ily. leaving a'widowed mother aad a loaeSome af the most enterprising eitiseas haie some hutband to mourn over their loss. Oae already organized a maonfacturiag eaterprisa infant child, (little Willie), to feel the want of here aa the co-operative aystem ta much com- a mother. But if patience iu afflioiicn and mended in worka on political aaoaomy, aad sa wards of comfort in death are calculated to inEDITOR BAPTIST:—I am glad to know t f a t noted for success in Enrope and America of spire the li viig with hope, nar friends may rest yau aro eacouragiag the manufacturing iator- lata years, under the general u a a g e i i a n t of a assured she lives an angel in the £dca of God. etts ia year columas, as wall as the agricultu- successful banker and broker of Makilt, to ka "That once loved form now cald and dead, ral. It is a aatural union and legitimate mar- knawn as the "North Mississippi Cattoa Each mourmftal thought employs; We weep our earthly comforts fled. and Woolen Manufactory." They have laid off riage, and the South can never be what it has Our people will not forget the assurance And withered all our joys. • a district of ten couaties, withia which they ia destiny of the future to hope for, till there uttered by ^ t h e r McNamara, on last Sunday, Mo^ looks beyond the bounds of time. to the effect that as some non-Catholic parents is a thorough appreeiation and practioa ef are rapivily raising a capital stock af $600,000, When what we now deplore Shall rise in full immortal prime, propose to send their children to this school, beth. Cotton is King, but its scepter has been much of which is already in haad, aad tka .\nd bloom to fade no more." he pledges himself that no word shall be there bruised and damaged by an illegitiiaate inter- tmoke of large briek-kilnt already greet R. A. COLEMAS. the eye as evidence of their earnestness and spoken, and no act tolerated, which could in course with its aatnral Queen, in a foreign JON KS—Died Octobcr 4th, 1^9, at the reaidetermination. They propose to avail themany manner interfere with the religious views land. Commerce, based oa manufacturing indeace of her father, E. L. Fort, Montgomeiy selves of the experience, skill and mathinery of these childrcu or their parents.—Standard terests, is what may be termed the Queen, and county, Tena., Mary W., the wife of John W. of Europe aad .America. Most of these genWe put this pledge on record, though the a union can and will be made, at ao distant Jones, and a member of the Baptist church at tlemen appear te be actuated by aa much of a day. Am enterprise, contemplating ami raisworld knows the following facts: Red River. philanthropic impnlte, at by a keen perception 1. The object of a Catholic school is to make ing a million of dollars, for Corinth, as a cenDeath has smitten the only daughter of de-* ter of a manufacturing district of ten coun- of the profit and thrift it will add to purse and Catholics. 2. A Catholic school, in a Catholic cburcb, ties in North Xltasissippi, Tennessee and Ala- country. The war has left the rich poor and voted parents, the only sUter of afTeclioaatetaught by a Catholic teacher, and superintended bama, is already on foot, and the Board of Di- the poer poorer Many htlplett widowa and brethers, the wife of a most worthy husban^ by a Catholic priest, will luake Catholics of reclart will not be latisfied till they have a orphans linger in their midst tufferiag for the mother of twa tender buds, Carrie aud little children. Mary. In tho dark, 8.ad hour of bereavement, S. Catholic priests have generally made and factory of equal capacity and capital in each haaitB and suitable butincss to enable them to generally disregarded all such pledges.—liib. of the ten. correspundont of the Washing- live virtuaasly aad earn an haaest livelihoad. when the chastening rod is laid heavily, a hen Recorder. ten Chronicle, passing by hero, gives the place This class they prepose ta e.^pecially care far sorrow plows deep furrows aver the wounded and the enterprise the following notice. While in tha seleation af new operatives far the fac- heart, when tha hidden recesses of the seal are To Clerks of Asaociations* there may be' some sentiments in tho article tory. They limit shares ta $100, payable im searched by poignant giicf, it is even then ike The American Baptist Publication Societ, that wo look at "over the left," yet, in the five per aent.. installaicntt mantkljl^, thus al- aweetest balm af hope is applied to tho wounded has issued two numbers of the Baptist Ytmr main, it is true and practical. If it meets low iag twtnty months for tho full invettmeat. apirit, which li)re sweet incense rises In the Book. It is desirable that it should be made your approbation, please giva it an insertion, Each man ean take a share far kiaself aad heart, a grateful affering of praise to Him who perfect. In the Book for 1869 we find the fol- at it gives a very correct geographical aad geo- wife, and one for each child' under their ma- smites but to bless, who wounds but to heal, lowing Practical Stiggestiens, which wo com- logical view of this part of aur common jority. Thit prevents a monapoly of stack who takes away that they may bo found again mend to the attention of all who arc able to aid country. and makes every itockhalder personally inter- in that pure home of tearless joy prepared tut J. T. P. in securing full and accuratc Baptist Statistics. J. W. F. ested, aad every aivil distriat in the tan aoun- those who love. The documents desired should bs forwarded at M I N K K A L K K S 0 U B « ; E S O F N O K T U U I S S I S - tiet is entitled ta 83 shares and aa hoaorary JACKS.—On the 19th of October, 1839, deonce: RIPPI. direetor. There are IGO aivil distriets ia tha parted one of the most precious women who I reaehed this point of so much historical in- givaa section, so we aan see how this large ever lived in Helena, Arkansas. Sho was pioss PKACTICAI. SUOGESTIOXS.—The minutes of associations aro the soarce whence our statis- terest last evening, and am tomptcd by tha lin- capital caa bo made up of small- sams. Back from her youth. .\t first, she connected herself tics must be chiefly drawn. The Clerks of as- gering memories of the past to remain over a shareholder is eatitlad to $50 worth ef tka with the Methodist church; but afterward, oa sociations will confer a faver, and help on the day or twa to think of what I have seen here manufactured articles, at a net cost of mana- examination of the subject, sho became a Bepwork which we have undertaken, if they will in tha memorable days of 1862, immediately facturia;;, besides his pro rata of dividends tist. From the time I took charge of thochurek note the following particulars ia their minutes: after the occupation by our troops. My sojourn from his share. Twa hundred tenement iu Helena, I have found in her a true frienQ, hero for several months with tho lamented Ifc- houses or cottages with gardens attaehad, are ouo of the best friends I ever knew. Sho was 1. The number of churches. 2. The names and postoiBces of ordained Phorson, the battlo of luka, and the subse- to be ereated on tke factory grounds, to that devoutly pious, aud faithfully met all the duties quent fierce aad saaguinary bi>ttle of Corinth, pareats of the boys and girls need net ba of a Christian life. She was attentive lo tke ministers, whether pastors or not. with their multiplieity of accompanying inci- separated fram their children, save daring wants of her paster. .\nd in her illaess, she 3. The additions by baptism, letter, experidents, most of them of that sad and emotional tho hours of labor. Freedmen aro permitted was the mast resigned and the most happj creaence and restorations, ia separate columns, cbaracter peculiar to grim war and its blood to take stack, and many of them hava availed ture which it has been our fortune to see. Her added up. and havoc, now pass vividly in panoramic view themselves e( tha privilege, and in tho fur- death was truly triumphant; and, beyond any 4. Diminutions by death, letter exclusiens, and eratare, also in separate columns, and before me, suggested by tho now silent and fast naces, draying, and carting, as Wall as in tke possibility of doubt, her entrance into heaven obliterating remains of batteries Robinett and wood skops, tkey, tot, will find employment, was abundant. added up. It will preycnt confusion, also, if they will WiHiams, which together with other promi- wkilo in all the sarrounding country are tmall Her dear husband is bowed down with tho on the title page, specify to what State the as- neat batteries in the eastern portion of the farms and aggregated bodies of tkem, wkioh stroke, and all the family, reft ef tncii- uea.uSt sociation belongs,and,if any of the churches are town, united in their converging firo in are in tillable conditian, where calaniea from friend, are overwhelmed with grief. Her pastor located in ether States, indicate it in the min- pouring terribly destructive death and dismay Northern States or Europe wanld be welcomed feels that the brightest star in hit congregation into the ranks of Van Dorn and Price in aud «heri«had. Tho (at preteat) mythieal and has gone down. The whole community is in utes. The minutes ef Stato Conventions and Gen- these fearful days of October, '62, together with fabulous Kuklux would be tha warmatt defend-^ tears. God have mercy on us ! God bless the eral associations have hitherto furnished us val- th6 mute white headboards of our national era of every settler wha shows by his action family! W. D. M. uable help. The value of these minutes will ccmetcries hero, with their multiplied thou- that ho had in gtod earnest cast in his capital, SPECIAIi l¥OTir£.S. be greatly increased if they embodf^ hereafter: sands of siltnt witnesses, form sad, ghostly, labor and destiny with then here, (aud alteflitting and reilcctivc memories for tho writer. where throughout the South,) in building up TUB U.NtvrKs.vL CUT, "What shall I BUY G)r 1. Correct list of all associations in the State, But oar sad retlectiens arc tempered with grati- their wasted lan4. Parties engaged in thete Holiday Presents" aan be answered best by with an abstract of their statistics, as given fication at tho present evidences of prosperity internal improvements and enterprises bore Parker & Co., 08 and 100 Summer Street, BosaboTC. ton, who have an immense vpnety ef HcHijy which havo arisen from the desolation and may yet conclude to invite Northern invest- and useful articles, such as all kinds of Fancy 2. The names and statistics of .^nti-Miasion ashes of tho past, and the softening asperities ment, in order that they may the mere affecta- Boxes, Writing Desks, Glove iJoxos, Albams in Baptist .Associations, and lists of all unassoof the late war in .business and social inter- ally interest permanent settlers, and to as- Morocco and Cilt and Velvet bindings, real Mociatcd Baptist churches. course with tho two sections North aad South. sure them of their aon-prtscriptiva tendency, rocco Shopping Bags, Furnished Beticules, Silver Plated Ware, and Cutlery of all description's. 3. Tho number of Baptist houses of worship, Wc have discussed the war in its bearings with and ta cncourage them to come in their midst. Jewelry initatiens of the latest styles of solid with their value, and the worshipers that they many prominent Southrous, and it forms no Tho fortunes or misfortuats af war, as tkey geld, which cannot be distinguished /rom tke can accommodate,together with the number and subject of dissension or unkindnesa between us. may term it at first sight, and thair necessities, real, etc , etc., and hundreds ot the lalctt and value of parsonages. most entertaining Beoks. Their stock contains Tho war has well and wisely lessened many of 4. The statistics of Sunday-schoois—the num- the differences between us of rank and false hav^intpired the Southern peaple with a lively almost crerythiag necessary to supply tke ber of schools, officers, teachers, scholars, vol- nations of blood and aristocracy, and the com- and growing appreciation ef "Yankee" energy, wants and gratify the tastes af everybody, i>ad tkey claim that their superior facilities for buyumes in library, teachers baptized, and scholars ing years of time (the great modifier) and iagenuity, and enterprise, and their latent tal- ing these goods enables them"to sell at very ents are being rapialy devalopod in the tamo baptized. prosperity will not widen tho gulf, but lessen fruitful direction. We most cordially cammead mach under the prices paid for luch articles. They want Agents everywhere, te whom they 5. The name and postoffice address of every it, and wc shall be a more firmly united, prosthis growing and earnest spirit ef improve- offer most liberal indaccments. Wc call attenordaiaeJ Baptist minister in the State. perous, and happy people than ever heretofere. ment to the most kindly consideration of the tion to their advertisement iu another ooluun. G. Lists of all the ministers whe havo died Timo will detaonstrate that throagb blood and great, and, I believe, magnanimous North, and 14-1 r in the State during the year. tears have tho sections bcccme purified and those seeking other fields of iadustry and inTo CoNscMPTiVKs.—The advertiser having We request the dorks and secretaries of all their differences washed out, and wc fervently vestment. "OWES." been restored to health in a few weeks by a Baptist .Associations, Cenventioas, Societies, exclaim, God speed to the future prosperity of very simple remedy, after having suffered aa*Theological SeminarieSi Colleges, and other tho redeemed Republic. ' l i s needless to allude eral years with a severe lung se'^'-^'nTi <j|Bt Corinth, Miss., Ootober IC, 18ft9. dread disease. Consumption—is anxious ta educational institutions, to forward to us so iu minute details to the past of this locality, make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of soon as issued a aopy af their Catalogue, that at most af year readers are familiar with Na. A N I N T K B E S T I X G S T O I S Y Exi'I.oi>«i>.— cure. we may use them ia preparing a new and beau- tional history, and this onoe sti-ategic point in To all who desire it, he will send u cupy ot tke tiful Southern Baptist Register for 1870, and military annals is familiar to tho memories of It is said that a maauicript has btaa foued at prescription used, free of charge, with the flion behalf of Bro. B. Griffith, Secretary, No. 630 all. We will, however, devote a short space to Bi^ry St. Edmandt, coataiaiag an intarasting rections for preparing and using the soms, Arch street, Philtidclphia, for the new Year its present and future, geographically and geo- account, addressed by Newton himself to Folkes, which they will find a sure cure for con£umpof the discovery of the power of gravitetiou ; tion, asthma, bronchitis, ctc. The abject of {he Book. Doa't fail logically considered, in its relative bearings to but nothing is said about the fall of aa apple advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afilicted, and spread infermation which the general good. While Corinth by no means This l>it of pleasantry will be read can claim to be a "Hub" of the nation nor of having anything to do with it. The manu- he conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes with a smile. Ridicule is often more powerffil the South, it has proven to be a very important script is now in the possession of Mr. William every sufferer will tiy his reiaedy, as it casts them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Raynbird. than argnmcnt: hinge to many events of the late war. EighParties wishing the proscription, will please A t Paris a Russian valet, out of a adlrcss " JOUS T I I O M P S O X A N P II.VTR>." teen miles from this point is Pittsburg LandR E T . EDWARD A. WILFOH, Coed Dr. Jeter, of Richmond, having pro- ing, whore the battle of "Shiloh," the name by place, hung himself in despair, and the suicide 8 3in-£^20 Williamsburg, Mags county, N. cured a Mr. •• John Thompson's" aid "sign," which it is familiar to all sections, was lost and was discovered by the postman nho called ta Iloit LIOSTRXTEE s BITTER* r'vrn'ftA has gone into the hat business. He imagines won, or vice verso, as we may view it from deliver a letter to the dectased announcing the —Tilt WHOLE STOET I.V A NcTsnniL —The Ofthat the sign is distasteful to his neighbors, either stand-point. This landing it at .the death of Lis father and his inheritance of fice of the stomach is to convcrt the fitod into a cream-tike scmi-fiuid, callcd CUTME. This is but having slightly modified it, he says, " \Ve headwaters of perennial navigation of the Ten- £2,900 a year. How many men and woman effcctcd partly by the action of a solveui, called shall let our sign stand as we have set it up." nessee river. It is below all the shaals of that weuld have been saved from eelf-mnrder could the gastric Juice, which exudes frot:i tl;0 ciistBut his customers da not abject so much to the remarkably shoaly river, and at Hamburg, they only have kept constantly before them ing of the stomach, and partly by a lui-chant^ of that organ, which rhurn$, as at sign, as to his hatters, and the stuff out of which is two mtles'from Pittsburg Landing, it Cowper's lines in tha poem of "Ncedloes movement wtrc, the dissolving alimont. TLc OnT^E which the hats are manufactured. is now ia contemplation to make the terminus, Alarms:" pusses from the stomach into the duodenum, or Some, and those are his best, are made cf af a railroad. In fact, a part of the work has " Beware of desperate steps, the darkest day. entrance to the bowels, where it is suhjecied to the action of the bile, and »...« , coarse furs, "by Baptist ministers without reg- already been performed, but the commissioners Wait till to-morrow, may bate passed away." tion of it convertofj into a fluid calhd Ckylc, deemed it prudeni to defer work until the comular ordinations." Seme of tangled wool, "by which eventually becomes blood. ministers who have been excluded from regular mercial and industrial interests of the country PREMIUMS FOE "THE BAPTIST." Now, it is evident that if the great sfjlvMt, Baptist churches." Some of stolen f e l t , . b y were more thoroughly established. Then, by the gastric juice, is not pnxluced in iufiioiCnt Ciood u n t i l 18T0. «;uantity, or if the mechanical action of (ho excluded Baptist ministers, tin defiance, af means of this railroad, it will only require an stomach is not sufBciencly brisk, tho ilrxt proWe wish to add one thousand new patrons to hour to see the two national cemeteries estabcharcb authority." Some of goat's hair, " by cfM of digt*Uon will be but imperfecJiy performBaptisu wha aro proved to hare been ungodly." lished here in the same visit, and to take a THE BAFTIST bsfore 1870, and fo influesce our ed. It is alsi clear that if the liver, which SsEU of Bwino's briaO;^ '" by impostors claim- bird's-eye tiew a f a field full of historical inter- brethren and the churches to make one effort, plays such nn important part ia charging Jhe nourishing portion of the chymc into the mateing to be Baptist miaiaiera." Some tf a mix- est. The Memphis and Charleston^ railroad we offer tho following rial of the blood, is congested, cr in tiny unnntture of lamb's wool and kid's hair, "by Pedt- crosses the Mobile and Ohio railroad here, the FUEMIUMS: ural condition, the second proem trill not be kaptist ministers." And some are dano up fanner stretching by its different connections Putting the paper at only Thrtt Doilars per 'annum. thoroughly accomplished. The result of tW tro failuret is dytfXptii, complicated with W, ander water out of the scraps and shreds of all from tke Atlantic to Meiapkis, attd ere long to Far Fivn Subscribert, ioHnnett. kiads of materials, "by aiinisters of tke Disci- San Francisco, while the Utter runs ia nn alThe mode in which Hoste(<-r'« nUtT* nno^ THE S I X T H COPY G R A T I S . ples'churches." These kaU of suak different most eontinuoas line firem Mobile lo Chicago. rate in such cas'is is this: iheyi;iBTigorata ^ t textoros, are oa sale at No. 1115, at exactly tka These I^ads eoatrol, ercoald do se if tiw mercellular membrane of the rtbinach, which HYMN B O O K S . same price, namely, tkt c(»&dence of die bi:y»r c h a n t of New York and CiiHaddpliia ifere disevolvet the gastric jnice, thereby insuring aa . For Twelve Subscribrrs, posed to aeeupy this little city with Jobbing SIX COPIES OF "SOUTHERN PSALMIST" ample suSciency of the fluid't o completely disim the ru^ciency of tha article. solve the food. They also act upon tho nerves But here lies the gist cf the difficulty between houses, the trade of the entire Tombigbee valThere are one thousand churches that cauld of the stomach, cai^siog an )iccelcrati'>Ts of he ley for 200 lailes, coilprising the Tery heart the vender and his custpmers. The formsr inmechanical movement necessary to rMcc!* the secure this premium. * food lo a homogeaeas mats. They al^o act spe sists tkat bis kats, though made by b u n ^ e n , and excellenee of the internal cotton ragian of cifically upon the liver, strengthening it. aW PULPIT BIBLE. and of diverse and Tery inferior materials, will Alabama azid Mis8is8i|ipi, and by nteana of the so enabling i t to produce au ample and res'^a Memphis and Charleston railroad could alsa For Fifteen Sabscribers. aaswer the purpose ofJiato just as well as the supply of bile, for the purpose of convert'^ finest beavers, pravided tke wearer of the hats control the Tennessee River ralley, which is A NICE PULPIT BIBLB (with Concordance) the nutritious particlei of the dirme into C^ AND HYMN BOOK. and promote the passage through ibebewt' can believe it, and wiU be satisfied. The quality the richest portion of North Alabama and the useless debris. East Tennessee, while they might compete sucof what is not in its fabric, bat in the faith of BBACE. In this way, Hostetlcr's BiUcrs cure cessfully with ilemphis and St. Lonis f o / all h i n w h a accepts it. And herein, ehiefly, is the For Thirty Subscribers, sia and liver complaint. The e s p U c 'aov " if superiority of these hats above all others. If O N E B A N K I N G ' S B O D Y BRACE—$20 plain, simple, philoeophtcal, and tnie. > Secular. • •••31 \ THM BAPTIST, BEW ABVBRTKEMENTS. HEDIOIH^. the inequaiity in the length of her Smh* esased -by m high heel boi^ worn oa rae THE HART SfiiBPE fixA and Bot on the other, annoyed her R I S K . & J O H N i S O N , DB. A. WESSON, BYMPATHT. imrcjBWtKR, more than errea the aiteneas of her foot «Do come alrag, ADy; yoa're such » •aeatia T W M t U T g Ajnmijb OBIIOX wUh I f e n a f s e t a n n and Dealers ia her a pain In her sid^ it tfnsted oppoatte XanaBrld A Higbeeni afUI aadaWaaarpaaf Taaahaw wa MiaaiatMattday ta K«« 3 0 8 K « l » JltM«t, dnr poke; weTl be too l«te at school if Hhergave Ooatalaa no mora aeknowkdcad powarfU aad^aMatNa drag STcrTS* Saptaabar. back; and on the aeoond day she thoaa of «ke ^ t i ^ t o UBCdta«: At tka T a t t j ^ p M ^ w to faU Oalhga aatnsa, JmMI^. j m don*t h t t n y u f . " mj dalma ibr a eoatlMiaaca of patnwbtti^e out petnlantly, ** I do wish, mother, Stoves, T i n w a r e , Tinplate, •MdidMathan «0 ^ Intapraaeatjag a p a o ^ ta whoa I hava M k n o n (^T aMaatiaa ltiaaliaetbeyaiid diapate that >Mh laafidaea ^Saard. t w i , Waahtoit wSTElijll^ W leo «rm hurrying pQ I can, Jennie; you yoa ironld make a slipper for my other oTertwvaty yaaral leaTettt ihehBBianByataaB BO bad eftata. Therefor*, it Saiiidto]I.B.CI*aMatCirOatalegaaa. . , S-tf it, taanaftveaaara, onir necaMiaiy ta gl* tlocaUty CBATES, bow I canH walk as.faat as you do, foot too. Tbw going hippity hop is a of my oiBca. Id a word, I aai able ta i^ve aatiafcrtiai ahoald be »aa't atadj to aroid aU nediciMO that tai aay marary branch kaowa to the dental proiksaioa, at tie paeoOly on the iee.** hUowi^ rates: great deal worse than the pain in my MANTELS, HOLLOW WABE, Ibm aontaia ttM leaat part of aay of tha maMj marcatial il faU aat of Teeth, npprr aad tower. and araenical preparatlona. .S-W 00 • O, nonaense! Just because yonr*re Beat known to the profaaaiaa. »Bttle bit lame, yon make that as ex- «Is it ? You understand that at last," Teethfilledwith the flneat gold „ t2 W , CASTIXGS, ' . ibr all sorts of laMess. If you'd saidher mother, glancing significantly aarceaafal operation, orn; of t h e l a t ^ l«proT«d machiiua known to the worlii, for Uy to do better, you could, I know," ' at Ally, who just then came limping S h e e t I x * o n , T V i r e , j ^ a c i n g lUtraw Oxide and Oxyyu LangUiag Oka. The para gaaMtetad from thia machine wUi traaaport. *Well, Jennie," said her. sister in a into the room. <>«*iuBhUMl, while babe wHhoat the aligkteat pala. Sole Igrents for Back's Patent ^fceoQS reice, and with the tears start- Jennie colored, and sat silent for a and ia prrlbctty harmleaa la iU uhteta. ^ ^ ^ ^ i t diaUactiy anderatood I an the original A. l e in her patient eyes, " if erer one of while thinking. Presently she said, No. 23S Main St., Memphis, Tens. E p W A R D W I L D E R ' S Doa't M<atake the BKK:* nor p'ace, M> lium ^re other R I L L I j ^ T V T yqar legs gets to be shorter than the" " Yes, mother, I know the meaning of name* la the ptx>reakioa ao near the Bala^ they hart U-eu oOea taken ib.' uiue. •filer, you'llfindout how easy it is to sympathy now; and you shall see if I Incox*poi*a.ted i n 806 Sain St. A. W£SSO!(, 306 Maiir St. TBI on slippery sidewalks," The Coarae of Stady la eatended.-thoroagh aad practical* 4I.6Bi.iiU5 soon forget it. Poor little Ally!"— affording anperiorftieiUtieaIbr obtaining a aonnd BaaiJennie made no answer to this speech, N'. in the Amer. Messenger. nesa Edoeauon. except by an impatient jerk of her hair D B . T. F. L I K D E , B n g l i a b Department.—ThU departmeot ia in charge of a ripe acMlar aad aa esperieaaed teacher. and a stUl^mcker step; and the little The Paper Society for 1870. Pcamamalilp.—Stadeata in the diSareat departla purely Tegetable. It ncta oa the aick and enfseUad aHnU SURGEON DENTIST, of the CaUei* will receiT* apeeial inatraction daily Mme girl, with a sigh that came from We are eo frequently solicited by the joung from a profcaaional teaaher of the art. ilka a eharm, KiTing them lenewed Tigor and atrength. w y deep down in her childish breast, miaiaters in our colleges and theological scbools No. 180 Main Street, near OTcrton Hotel, t&'A SeparaU Departrntnt for Zotfcet.'^dB The old and the yonag, aa aleo ladle* confined to the 8-3m.l5 LiODIS. PriBcipal. her Lest to keep up with her older to make a present, of at least one copy to their hooae, OBght to oae it freely, aa there ie nothing that MSMPHIS, TENX. ^ e r ' s strong, rapid movements.. But reading-rooms or societies, with the assurance give* each appetite, at oaoe bringing, np the tone of the QENTIIAL FEMALE INSTITtJTE, ftbe eflort was too'much for her; her that it ia read with avidity and its influence atomach, thereby giving health and vigor ta the ayatem. Clkitou, Hinds Connty, Mississippi. Teeth Extracted Without Pain salutary, that we have determined, with the lameness made her get tired very easily, OFFICE HOUBS, The Scholastic year of 18«-70 will begin Tneaday, the help the importance of the object may elicit, to and this morning the pavements were so send 2Sth day of September, and eontinas forty weeka, or tan this paper grati* to every young man From 9 A M. to 5 P. iL •jrered with sleet that the walking was studying achool months, until Jniy 1, 1870. for the ministry in all the Baptist COOKINa STO VES. Hap3-ly Of the advantages offered by thia Inatitatioa, which for aDuanally difficult. A sick, faint feeling and theolosical schools on this eoatithe paat aeventean yeara by iu well known exceHenca snddenly t-ame over her; she turned colleges nent, so fast as we shall be able to receive their The Best Store Made AnjHliere. haa drawn to it so extensive a patroaage, mention need BELLS. not be made. We will, however, aay that by its aeceaalwhite, and breathing hard, said: address. ble and healthfU location, ita neat aad ample accomEDWARD WILDER'S Hiiving taken the first premium at every fair htid in Uit•Jennie, I feel so queer can't walk We are impressed with the conviction that the louri MENEELYS' BELLS. modations, its well (Umiahed table, ita ezteaaiva Appafor ten years, and the Gold Medal at the New Orleans another step, indeed I can't,unlil I sit cause of Christ and the principles of pure Fair in 18C8, after two days' actual trial with alltho ratas for Scientific Illostrationa, ita Oymnaainm, aad Foondery at Weal Troy, K. Y. other moans for physical caltore, and above all, by ita Established by Andrew Menecly in 1826. Christianity and a correct ecclesiasticism will leading stows of the country. dawn and rest. I'm sorry." rigidly thorough iaatmction, it comncnda itaelf tn all be powerfully advanced by this movement. Bella for Churchca, Academies, Fv^tories, etc., of which what a bother I" exclaimed her If the principles, doctrines and policy advoEvery Store Gnarautccd. who a««k for themselves or othera an acccmpliahad and mors have been taade at tliis e^bUshment than at aU practical education. No . D M Main street, opposite Peabody Ilotel, Memphis. the other fonnderiea ia the country combined. One faonalter; for she saw by her pale face and cated in this paper are indeed scriptural, and dred and fifty unsolicited ^mmendatary letters received Expenses are for tuition ia Bnglish Branchos, {O, S4 or daring the tonbling limbs that Ally would indeed it is the oaly paper on the continent in which past yaar. Written warranty given with $3 per month; for board, including firnished room and every bell. Hoanted with Con.<cai Botary Toke (patented la a rare combination, inch a* the world haa never before he obliged to stop. " Now we shall bethey arc fully and faithfully advocated, for the fbel, etc., $17 per month ; for waahing S2 par month for UGO and I8C3), the most recent and deairahle bell fixttu nse. An iliostrated catalogue sent free apan applRaeen or known. All aorta of old chrunic aaectioai and incidenUla aad ink, forty cenU per month. Tuition in in to be late, and I shall get a tardy- highest welfare and the desired future «f our tlonto Unaic, Languagea and Ornamental branches ia the aame •^Beware ofattempta to") scrofulooa dlaouoa disappear by ita nie as if by magic, as it was in geld beforo the war. & «J. K. MENSBLT, k, all because of you. I do wish I denomination, the^e principles should be J O H N S O N , R I S K & CO., deceive. Oor Feundary ia ' A.•Weal Tray, S. T. and the care of tbeao obnoziona diaeaaea is rapid, certain at ITesJ Troy, act Troy. thoroughly discussed with and impressed upon For tall iafbraation aend Ibr Clxcniara. Allletteraof kad a sister like other girls." ii-H-ly and complete. inquiry ahoald b« addressed to ** President of the Central the coming ministry. It is a move iu the right M E M P H I S FOTJNDRV This last remark was made in a low direction, Female Inatitote," Clinton, Hinda county, Hiss. and so confident are we that there a^re STEEL COMPOSIBOBT. KELLS, Prest. Board ofTmateM. but the lame child heard it as she a sufficient number of brethren who will assist -ANDT I O N , for Churches, Sehook. Geo. WKirriKU), Sec. Board of Trustees. 6tf aank down upon the steps of the nearest in contributing the paper to one young minis- AIICIIITECTURAL IKON WORKS. etc., etc. BLTMTEE, KOKTOS & (X»., Blanufacturera, Cincinnati, Ohio. iM>Bse, and it cut her little heart cruelly. ter, for a lehole or a part of the year, that we jyjISSISSIPPI COLLEGE, These celebrated Bells (not Cast Iron or "Amalgam") For a moment she was tempted to ask now make th&ofer, and if wc are not aided we Manu/aelurers of rival la parity and volume ( f tone those of copper and C l i n t o n , B l n d a C o n n t y , Hlaalaalppl. tin, are more durable, and coat only one-third as moch. Itocrly why she should have been thus will alone bear the entire expense for one year. The next Collegiate year will open on the 27th of SepEDWARD WILDER'S Sand for DeecriptiTs Circular. l(>-«ow-lS afficted by God. But then there stole To carry out this movement we must obtain Iron Work for Buildings. tember, ISaO, and continue forty weeka, until the lat day names of each student in each school who of July, 1»70. lack to "her memory the sweet text: the The expenscafor the entire year arc ^VJ to Ibr toiis willing to take the paper from the postoffice. OrnameHtal Iron Railings, Buckeye COMPOUND These light afflictions, which are bat for And we must rely upon the kindness of the tion; <10 for incidental and fuel fees. Board for the last Bell F o n n d i r year wan from to 817 per school month—four weeks 3 moment, work out for us a far more ex- Presidents and senior Prefessors to make our FENCES, VERANDAS, BALCONIES, ETC. i $ are counted a school mouth. Washing $2 per month. It m •eeding and eternal weight of glory; and proposition known to the studbntsl StTABLItBCn !.<< 1837. is expected that board will b« obtained oa aa reaaoaafaie ribe felt comforted, and said in her sweet, We give a list of the colleges and seminaries, —ALSO,terms next year. Stndeats for the aiinistry are not Cbarch, Academy. Factory, Farm, Fire Alarm BalU. charged tuition, fuel or iacidratal f«r8. 4c., made of pare Bell UetaU (Copper k Tin>, warranti.-d ya^ent way, " You needn't wait for me, and request that the regent of each will fill the S u p c r i o r S a i l I r o n s , D o ^ I r o n s , quality, tone, durability, ic., and mcranted with our Departments of Instructiou are two, Collegiata and inPatent Improved BoUUna: Ba^iain. Illustrated CaU Jennie, I can come on by myself when I blank kith the number studywig for the minisHas th« liappirit sflVct on contumptiTcs, cansing them Preparatory. In both of these ample instruction of the logne sent free. & TIFT, try in the college: 3?-tf 102 4 m S. S<K:ond St.. Cineicnati. O. most thorough kind will be given. SASH WEIGHTS. get rested a little. Go on now, and if frwly to PXp«torate, thereby giving them instant relief the State Convention, held in Canton the Ist of June, COLLEGES. sTrt.Y:.Nu and comfort, and in cases of coagh or severe cold it ia in- it At jon're late tell Miss Adams it was my HJISIX iLSD LOCATION. was resolved to raise money to pay the debt of the rjB MIMSTET. Wagon Boxes, Gin Gearing, dixpcnsaMr, and should alwaji* IH- kept In the house. MISCELLANEOUS. College and to furnishra(<bDaforits future maintenance. fcih, and I know she'll excuse you," Broirn UniTenitj', Proridenco, K. I The .\gcnt, Elder E. C. £a)^>r, is now engaged ia eollcitUniT'y, namilton, N. Y Aromatic Tesetnble Soap. —ANl>Now, Jennie knew that it was not her MailUon Ing subvcriptiocs with every prospect of succt-ss. The C«lby Uttlvfwity, Waterrillf, Me ^ futnre.prrmam-ncc of the institution is thus iusnred, and aisier's fault, but her own, that they were GfOTgtt^va Columbian CDliegr, Wmhingtoii, £). neuf ntt d hejitalc to come for fear Ihty tannot here comCollese, Grorgrtown, Ky 17 Bridgc a n d Railroad Castings. ather pressed for time that morning, for Kichmoad College, Bichmond, Va plete thvir education. Circulars cuDtaluins fuller information can be obtained Ally had been quite ready to- start to Itenistm University, GranTille, Ohio OfEcc and Sample Rooms at by addrrifsing thf Pre«i>knt, Kev. Walter Ilillman, ClinMercer CnlTersity, Peuflold, G« idicol for half an hour, bat had to wait Shurtleff CoUeg.-, Cpper Alton, lll..„ \ ton, lliDds county, MU^i. ISEXJ. WUITFIELD, J EDWARD WILDER'S 5-tf President Board of Trnstces. SOT Jennie, So her heart was rather Waie Forest CoUega, Wake Forest, X. C K I S K &. J O U X S O N ' S , CoUpge, Marion, Ala ...» tooched to hear the little girl take all Uuward a'.'G JIain St., opjvositi; Tralx'tly Hotel. 6-3m-lS For the DeUcate Skin of Ladles and Children. i Baylor UniTertity, Independence, Texas •JJNIOX UNmi:RSITY, tiie blame so meekly upon herself; and Cnirersiiy of Lewisbarg, Lewi«bnrs, I'li. , Sold b y a l l Dragrglata. iii^O-lf Jewell Cullsge, Liberty, Mo 2 Mnrfreesboro, Tennessee. dbe said more kindly than she had spoken William Cniir<T»ity of EocUester, Rochester, X. Y PAPER WAREHOUSE, before," No, indeed. Ally, I shall not Union Cnivcrsity, Marfreesborp, Tenn REV. D. H . S E L P H , X. M., President and Prof, of Moral Philosophy. leaTe yau at all, I'll wait for you, and OrrRon College, Oregon City 361 Main Street, rnrman University, Greenville, S. 0 < .\dds and bringa n a netv ara In mrdiclnr. It is purely perhaps we shall not be late after all," Mi.>ii(sippi Professor of Theology. College, Clinton, 31i»» Tegetable, and not only cnree CIiIlU and Fever aad Fevor G E O . W . J A U M A N , A . . M . , The quick tears started again in Ally's Mount Lebanon University, Mt. Lebanon, La MEMPHIS, : : : TENNE&SKE. and Ague, bnt restores the blood to its proper consistency Prtifesacr of .\ncirnt Languages. Kai<tntazoo Coilegp. Kaiontazoo, M:ch_ Use eyes, but this time they were grate- Cbtcago Univerrtty, Chicago, Ill_ 1 T. T. EATON,i'rof.A.ssor M.,cif Mai hematics. and riil» the system entirely of the malarU. fid tears, and she said sweetly, " It's veryBethel College, Kusscllville, Ky..... Southwestern Pablishing Company. REV. J . M. P H I L L I P S , Univenity, Waco, Texasgood in you, Jennie; and, indeed, Fm Waco Principal Preparatory Dt-partment. Wolfrille, X. S Jobbers and Betail Dealers in jart as sorry for your sake as for my own AcadU '.'oUege, Til" next soisiou of this institution willill oop-^n on August THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTIONS. , ISTO. 3i > , ISW, close srcotd Thursday in Jtane, ^bat I'm so Tame. I know I'm a great SAUK ASO LOCATION. 5TI-DENW. DR. SHALLENBERCER'S TUtTIOS PEE ANSCX. BOOK, NEWS, WRITING, FLAT The«>l. Dep. Madison Univ'y, Ilainiltun. N. Y trouble to you all the time," Preparaeery IVpartuent $30 to $10 Jfew Huspton Theol. Sem'y, Fairfax, Vt Cotleci'ite » « to $00 —AND— Oh, well, it can't be helped, I sup- Newton Theol. Institution. Newton Center. Mass EDWARD WILDER'S laridentals iwr month — SOceaU Wecfn Baptist'Theol. Institn'n, Georgetown, Ky Board per Week...™. $3 to $4 pose^" said her sister, in something of Kalamazoo Theol. Seminary, Kalamazoo. Mich ^ I S T T I D O T E Wrappini^ Papers. All students entering are charged from date of entrance A l x v a y s Stops tUe C h i l l s . htr old impatient tone. "Come, don't Bochester Theol. Sem'y, Eochester, N. Y..,..„„ 35 This M^icine —BO dedactiona except for protraetinl illness. The iutitution is now fuUy organized and prepared to haa beea before the PnbUo Theol. DB3. Univ'y of Lewisbnrg, Lewisburg, Pa joo think you can go now ? Try ; lean Sottth'n eater upon iU career of aaefnlnesa. Tba bniUioga wMch PBINTIKQ IKKS^Book, Kews, Job and Card , alsi. fifteen jcara, and is still ahead of all other Bapt. Theol. Seminary, Greenville, S. C 51 were sadly iaJureU daring the war are being thoBangbly OD me, and I guess you can." So Ally Theol. Dep. ShcrtUff College, Upper Alton, IIIrepaired.and measnrea are on foot forraatoriag the library Colored of all Grades. known remedies. It does not purge, docs aad apparataa to their farmer canditiaa. Theol. Seminary, Chicago, III got up; aided by her sbter's arm, she Chicagii not sicken Ihe stomach, is perfectly mfo in Pr. Shelton, who was formerly connected with the Uni32 any dose and tinder all drctunstonccs, and venity, nas returned, and the Traateea congratnbte joanaged to walk so nicely, that the great Croier Theol; Seminary, Chester. Pa_ themselrea on aeauring hla aervicea. Are not intended aa a griping, powerful purgative, but aa President &elph will,for Medicine that will the present, conttnne hia labors PRINTING CARDS AND CARD BOARD ad)ool-bell was still ringing as they hur- T H E M O S T P E U F E C T I E O N T O N I C — is theC only a mild andaearcbing cathartic—searching oat and bring* in the field to raise an endowment, and hia claaaea win be URE IMMEDIATELY \ t Uannfacturers' Prices. amang the ether membera of tba flacnity. permanently every form of FCTCT aad ing forth from the system all that makea ill health, and distribated jied in at the gate, and they were not H E U E M A N ' S F E K U A T E D E U X E H O F B A K K . and For fhrtber information apply to aay member of the because it is a perfect Antidote t» leaving It cleansed and strong. faculty or D. D. M A S K T , iKle after all. A pleasant cordial prepare<I frjm Cali- Agne, 5-tf Sec. Boaij^ of Trusteea. Slalaria. W AH orders by Mail or Expressfilledwirti cart-; ar:d, That evening, after Ally had gone to saya Bark and Pyrophosphate of Iron, Sold by eJl DruoKists. if ao desired,«ent "C. ti. D." Q . E O R G E T O W N F E M A L E No neeeasity to go beyond Uemphis for anythirrg ia am bed, and Jennie was studying her spell- possessing the valuable properties of iil-13.1y.iv.l3-B t-tl line. _ isg lesson for the next day, she suddenly iron, phosphorus and calisaya, withoat SEMINARY. B. F. GEOSS. looked up and asked, Mother, what is any injurious ingredients^. As a preven- D. B. XnOMAS. The next scholastic . of this Institution will open WATEJiS' the meaning of sympathy f It is in my tive to fever and ague, and as a tonic for September C, ISCS, aai close tha aeaond Wedaeaday In June, IS?*. EDWARD WILDER'S THOMAS GROSS, ioBon, and I caa al^ ays^ remember bet- patients recovering from fever or other NEW SCALE PIANOS Bi>ABD or IXST&CCTIOX AND QATKBHXBST. ter how to spell a word when I know sickness, it is recommended as unsurw i t h Xroit I ' r a m e . OweiatrnnK Biias J. J. Rui ktr, A M., Prin^dU amxcrACTvacaa or anA AgTmOe B r l d c c . passed by the most eminent physicians. what it means." J.Mxit £. Farfuan, A. M. , Mrt . E. M. Famam, Lxzzit Whuler, Mrt. R, e. Hatch, Melodeona and Cabinet Orgrans * It means the power of entering into Physicians in prescribing, and the public L E -A. T H E « , Mkt SHa Tkompton, The best manntactured. thefeelingsof others, sharing their en- in puichasing, should be particalar to Mrt. M. M. Rueker, Miu M. S. Craviford. T V a m t n t e d f o r Six T c i t r i . jpjments and their sufferings, and so specify HEGEMAN'S, as there are many And Dealrra in For particniara addrcaa ms at Georgatown, Ey., S-Sm.n J. J. BVCKER. Pianos. Mtkideons and Orsana of aiz ftratslass maker to make them happy, or patient inferior articles in the market, purportat greatly rednced prices ibr Caah. Hew 7 octave Play la what ita name denote*—a true mother'a friend. It Ibr |Z7t aad aprar^; new cabinet orxans tar $Sp and ^ aoder trouble, by showing them that we ing to be of the same combination. Pre- Leather and Shoe Findings, does away with the nanaeons doae of vermifnge and witB ward. Saeond-baad instramenU at great bar^na. II PLANDTG MILLS. Inatrated Catalotreea mailed for tbrae eenta. warenma the poisoBoua effects of all worm candy. It is a pare anderstand and care about what they pared only by Hegeman <& Co., Chem- . ' * rCRKIGH ASD D0MB8TIC 411 Broadway, Kew Xork. HO&ACE WATXBS. •ymp, perfectly harmleaa ia its natnre, aad is warranted ft*]. Our joys are idways doubled, and ists and Druggists, New York, and sold Q . A Y O S O P L A N I N G MILL, Teatlmonlala. In all casea to relievo the little snSerer of worms. Tba Waters Pianoa are known aa amonc the very bea •or sorrows divided, by the knowledge by all respectable druggists. K. T. Evanceltat. CALF AND SKIirS, We can apeak of the merits of the Wattrs Pianos fc« Ifeat kind Inends sympathize -with us. Jio. Uli Adams Street, peiaonal knowledge aa beittg of the very best quality CSirist commands us to be sympathetic Christian IntelUgencer. The Watert Planoa are bniU of tha beat and most thi>Tanners' and Corriers* Tools, Tanners' Oils, MEMPHIS. I H K B he bids us 'weep with those who P H O T O G R A P H P A R L O R S oo^ty aeaioned material.—Advocate aad Jonmal. Oar fHeada wUl find at Mr. WaUrs* store the very bfll wvep, and rejoice with those who rejoice;' of Hanoa, Mdodaona and Organs to be lenil BTC., ETC., WM. FAXRIS. 'aaaortraeat AfclX. BUSSELl. 251 Main Street, la the Cnilsd Statea.—Graham'a Magazine. and we are told, f Bear ye one another's MEMPHIS, : : TENNESSEE. HaTinf naed one of Waters' Piano* for two yearsj have foond It a m y ranerier laltnuaent.—Alonao Graj 366 fcadens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.'u Principal Brookly^o Helghu Seminary. J. w. RACE, PliotcH{T«her. We Save two Waten Pianoe In onr Seminary, whlo BUSSELL, FARRIS & CO. Sympathy b very sweet and precioos,' MjSMPHIS, TEi^k have been aererriy teatad far three years, and c» EDWARB WILDER' S MEDICINES teatUy to their good qnallty and daraWUty.—Woodt BLOOMINeTON NURSERYi endued Jennie^s mother earnestly, Caah paid far Hidaa aad Laathor in the ronah. Onpify. * t . CarroU. III. Xannlhctnrera of Bozacv WATUS, ESQ.—Dear Sir—The PUno yoo "and I wish my daughtCT would culti- ISTSTEAR. SOO ACRES. 10 ORBSNHOUSES. W.6a>.nnD Ar« madaaad Mmponnded in tha tnoat acientifle naBner, me ia allowed to be the beat Plaao ia this town, and thiae ^ e i t ; for I think it would make her F^dt, Ornamental and Nursery Stock W eeveral of Chlckaring'a and Stoddart's here.-Chsi Aorais vurrxD evwy. aad are the moat powerfia known in tho TegeUbla kingB ^ Perth, a w . Doors, Sash, Blinds, Patent WeatherVbire fertau aaiaae eriaiatt *ore patient with her l ^ e sister, who ton,SeadMcLean 10 eents for Fall Catslognes. BloomingBorace Watera, 481 Broadway, U famed for the excrtdom, and ara warranted not only to core aU the diaeaaea leace of hia PUnoa and Oixaaa.-Evening Poat. eonntj, IIL F. K. PHOEHIX a u a s : tt bM aM eeuve iiso patient herself under her affliction." (br which they are reooBuaended, bst to eradicate them boarding, Flooring, Molding, ManThe WaUra PUao ranka with the beat mannfkctnirsd is 1-7 America.—ne H. T. Indeaendent. froia the tyttea and leaTe It In tha h U a ^ of Tigor But Jennie was to learn the sweet Uonsat BoDto*.—Since Kr. WaUra gave up pablishinf; "Who Would Suffer?" aheet he haa davotcd aU hia capital and attentirn and itrensth. They are alike preacribed aad ucd by the ties. Casing, Cornices, Tracery^ tathemfiaic, grace of sympathy by a personal lesson. It ia now tnnty-two yean aince Dr. Tobiaa fint lotroaasafhettire and aaie-of PUtoa aad MWodiow. aibleat and moet learned medical men aad t ^ tha mlaiatry, Behaa Jnattaned a catalogae of hia new instramcntr, One night, as she was preparing for bed, dacedtks "Teiatiaa Uaiineiit** in the TTslM StatM, BlTiaca aew aeale of prlaea, which alowa a marked , 8l<nr lUdUnga, Wood Turnaoii Bem in • ateda inatane* ha* Ua mcdleia* tailed to and In no instance hare they ever beea known tb CaU in dactlon from former ratea, aad hia PtaaiM hkvermntl) abe chanced to run a needle, accidentally extaraal ilo all. If not »or« than i« atated In kla pamphlat. Aa an been awarded the JTtatPremlaa at eeveral Fairs. Banj performing a rapid and'certain care. temadj in caaaa of Ohnmle Bhamitatbai, HeadpeopU at the iwaeent day, who are attracted. If not »B e.3mis ing and Scroll Satoif^f, ^ ^ppcd upon the carpet, into her little ack«, ToetlMdw, Bndaes, BniU, Cnta, Som, SwclUnsa, te^ with the flamia* adrertiaamcnta of rival Sprain, StlBta of laaaeU and fatna In Liatla, Back and m. koawe, probably overleok a medaat maanlkatarer Kk ffoot. It festered and Bwelled, and iClieat, It! voadarM cntaUTe powara ara miracnloaa. S :B I T T T R E B 1 3tr. W Um a t m ; hat we bm^ea taknew that hU i » t n ^ t CoUe, Diatrbea, And*U work pertalniss to tha internal and extenal earned a good repntatiaa Vrng before XSwaltiM so painful the next day that she TakealntanianvfbrtlwcanofCkoIera, DTaaatwj-i Sick Haadaeba and ToalttBC, itt toothing and I L e ' S E K t e , SOH & (XKS xie aad"haaora**cattBected «b*mrlth w a ever thoaiP penatratiBc qaaatiN aa aoon aa taken. The oatb finlah of baOdiags, d not wear her thick boot, and her with which each kottle ia accompanied viU show that SEED CATALO G WE Inacfd, we hare oae of Itr. Vatan^ PJano f o r t * * * la onr 1 arn*lkM(whMalthae atood for years), of iaaotUnciaJarionataitacoiBiKiaitlon. Thonaanda AXBSVWCtOTBK 80I. E PBOPBIXrOB, lO* made a soft list slipper for the eftherecertiteatM anyaaanfoetnxM l a t o worid m ^ t weU fee mro* iMTi! been recrired apeakiac of the rate Ornament^^^wraHons, in Wood^ We have aJiway* been delisted wttkfTaa a i w e r f ® ^ Tlrtnea of thia valnahte aitlela. Any pmon alter haring Flower and VegetaUd Qarden for 1870 wounded EaoL This was comfortar QKd a M pwacfhl teBtrtDaat. aad thatdta w doabt it onM « m aerar he withoat it. Xrei? bottle of the of-Gronsdaa Vance* aad Oeanro Gardeaa, A o a the ats (Slaria* Kront) K«in Street d a i a W ^ . More than &ia,aoBe ar4ha baat aaaf the atgaatore of "S.I. Tobiaa^ on the oatin Jannarr. ET«I7 lover of flow^a wlahln ^fe ^oucb when Jennie was sitting still; SennlDehaa a the dty, eeeeral Bl*In««t te the laoat elaboiate. We aln work, urf keep kpfaew aide wrapper. Sold bjr the Smgrifta and StORke«peta Vablidicd thia new and ralnable work, £ree of abane. aho^d addrw m farforaad M ^aa wsCM aaU idaM), aadlilrtiatwi jOneM threnjskont the United Statea. Wee, 60 cents. Depot, en baad fiiir iaie, an artielee In oar Une. Iwni^telyM. O'KKWB, 80JI k 00., Kwanger * Barihe stood up or walked about 10 Parte Flace, Hew lork. , Lonii^efEy. o p a ^ aad flrat-daaa taatramaBt St(MC«r _ U-ll ry'a Block, Bochaabr, N. Y. . «-Jaitl 41-6m-iia6 BtOBEIJt. TABBIS ft 00. amentwecenldnotslve.-aaM'YavaaL noTSl-'CSMowIy ' • • »<* ip StomacI) Bitters Sarsaparilla and Potash BELLS, Extract of Wild Cherry II- TAKDCSES Chill Tonic REV. W M . SHELTON, D.D., Fever and Ague FamUy Pills H1- Mother's Worm Syrup, } \ \ i. _n UTOim — i i M *r«a« • w I r 27,, 1869. P0BLIOATIOH8. M E n H U L . V l ' m X B t*.:Tia«': ,. , , . — r n y a t t a C03 t T m . ^ZTTkmnriia. c*., JIABM FOR SAUL %emi. * t 3Lt. mkUOOt nyatti Cin M O K R I 8 , U E A COTTOIf FACTORS^ - A3ni— &ROCEES Commission Merchants, IS i m o i ffiCREEr, E« £. Lee Blwk. fceeirei e H * r t y e a n a ef goad eslSaB laed fcr aalK • a h n d i a d M i d a i z t y M m a l a u r d . ftaab a a d « a d a r l a a d fcaca, f o o d g t a w t yreaa, m a d l a c h o u a a a a d 17 M a d l M S S ^ n e t , M e m p f c i s , T e u k ftiwad<Aeatetha j a > d . g a e d locality Air a y h y a i d a a . W m dfrida t o a a t t p a r d a a a r * . Bttaatad i a ^ o t e a a OTOdr. J U N . , «kMit b ^ w a r tatvaaa i M d a c l a B a a d » m a e . a « t b a H l i d a a i n i i G a a t r a i railroad, a i ^ milaa froMlhuaat. T a r M aaay, aa I a s R u l a K t o m a r a Weat. T . A. HdMB. JPracidnt. JASw I I . B A B S T . A M WoodraC) OB plaea. ..•lea Preaidaata. H - WUta^ Ban. K a y . . „ ,,, swSscrvtArjTa Cka*. T . f a t t a t M a ^ ..AiaiaUBt Sae'y. 0 * K E E F i r S UBGE WINTER HEAD LETTUCE. Maaoa. M. O'Keefc, Boa * Oa., tha waO k a o w a a a d r a . b b i s Bead b i p e r t m , Orovera aad H o r t a t a . Bochaater, H. T.. growmaad t b o r o a ^ l y taMad tkia aaw r a . r M y U r tha paat throa yeara. aow oifer i t t o tbe pabUc aa a l l M a a d T a l a a b l a a e q a t e i t i a B f t i r b o t h the m a r k e t a k d privata s a r d a a , aa i t i i ready fiir aaa fally n r e e W « e k a E a r i l e r t h a a a a y a t h e r variety of Lettaca, ezecpt t h a t crown aadergteaa. I t viH ataad tha v i a t a r withoat protectioa i a tha aoldaat at o a r a o r t h a r a cUaatea. I t f b r a u very lai3p,aalid, axeaedia^y*tender, ereaniah yellow heada, t h e oataida tama b e i ^ of a browaiah tioge. Orders f ^ r Scad will be r v e d n d aow, t o be filled by m a n , in waled paekasai, a t 50 cents, aad can only be bad g e n a i a e a n d t r a a a t their aatabUahaint. Order imBediately aC. JK. O V B S r S , S O H * C O . , Bocheatar, K . T . tiui HempliiBi T ^ . i . T. t U M i o a s . c. e . c u r . FAEGASOir & CLAY, Wholesale Grocers -A5I>- o v e r H a l f 108,74S BUUlon. a snaacTOBt: Sam. A t a , T . A. ITalaoa. A . WoodnOr, JaeobWaUer, H a A Tonraaca, H . A . Partes. O. C. Speaeer, B. O. Briakley, F . M. V ^ t a , Ciea. J o h a B. Gordaa, F . 8 . Davia, 0 . W. Fraser, Chas. Kortrceht, C. P . Horria, J . W MeCowa. •xBicAL aaAxa: O o - f t o ! ! ! Z " A o - f c o x r s * ^o.^ 330 Front Street, MeaipUs, Tom. Q W E N , M G N T J T T & ^ T T E T V T I O I V I X. Miles WlUett, M. D., STOCK-RAISERS. RECEIVING, FOR WARDING ASD General Commission Merchants, L E E BLOCK, - - Meaphis, Teu.* •VH Cotton, Tobacco o r othi-r Ptoi'nce conaicnad to os ilMtlxnl, nnl(»i o t l : « » i i e liMt'li--'e<*. Boggiiig, Cope, and ot.ipr irapiilif^ {ot-n'ilieil a t tU» Loireat jtmrkei Pritx-. 6 tf II. A. I arti.-. V. P a t t i w o . p A. A.S3rie*oil. C. L . r«riee. A l t T E E , B U R L E S O > ^ & C O . i<aci:caisr% Co PartM, McCcIue k. Barlaaoc, COTTON FACTORS « J . H . S n k i n e , X . D. A Specific to prevent Murrain in 'at^ and Cholera in Hogs. M U W H . O O T T i i l S "WORDS" O n r a R M A R T F O R S E M I ^ M O N T H L T , UmmHL « f T , ^Idlidud t k « StntejrHMkart Ok* B m U l i a n a B ^ ^ t e t C M r r u a U w a . DR. W . A. H O O T E N Baa p m a a a a a t ^ located i a OOBOrTH, M m . ATLANTA, TERMS: par a a a a B i . CLUBS TO OXK XDDKZSS. GEORGIA^ BaTiag penaaaaatljr loeatad l a Ooriath, Miaa., I a a BOW Siagia copy, fiOCKBt*. prepared t o t r e a t all Diaeaata of t h a Bye. Haviag had Ba baa opeaed a larga a a d eomatodiOBs Tiillimsig fci f r a c Mparieaea t a tha praatita a f Madieina, aad fcr t h a t s a t ^ y e a r a d M ^ m n e k t i i M a a d a a p a d a l attaatioB Six copies.................. thaBIiad. B e U traatiagdiMiaasa af the Xy»i o e o t o tlM Bye, with tha iaBBaarabla boat of diataaea laei25 oaat*. glTiaf U s pexMaal a t t e a t t o a t o aU aaaaa pii—atad. ^ t t o t h a t taMrtant e r m do n o t beattata t o aay t h a t Tea aad apward, aaeb. Bootea w a a U i a d t h r a a y e a n Wa«i»»»: ' 1 iriU treat with aaeaeaaan diacaaaa of tha By* t h ^ a r a POITAOB, QOABTKKLT IB AOTAXCX. i a t h e reach of h a a u m akiU—of a a aiatter h o w kma exiuastad. as ha thoag^t, tka ^kiUof t h e Medteal FM*Soaata. staadiBK. % ^ a a b a o f tea e o p l i ^ a a d a a d e r , 4 « s Single copiea g mmtM fbaafam both Harth aad SaatA, ka eaiM i n t o powsataeaC Payable a t offlaa of aabacriber. a system of t r e a t e e a t b y w h i i ^ be waa sooa i i s t s t a t «B I also t r e a t Cancers w i t t sneeess, ^ • • BenUtUatea laade i a check*, poatoSea money order, or, sight. Bit was a gradaatad phyafciaa aad sncctsslai pm»when they a r r loeatad apon p a r u wharc Biadieiaf caa ba properly applied, a a d where t h a fibrooa raoU h a v a a o t where theas ara Bot to be had, legia-cred k f era, only a t Utisaer before he twcaaMhBad. H e practioae t h e M M axteaded t o v i u i p a r U of tha *yateB. system b y v h i e h he vma restored. I a tiie iwat t w i a a onr ri*k. years ha has Ferftctly aad p e n a a a e a t l y restored a a i w t Pa«tina*ters, beiag famished with a list of tiie u a m a Jl^?.*'**'* ^ *»»'>• PANinELL laaay peraea* fh>m total bHnda*e*. vf xsbscribers to a club of papers, ara raqaiteu, by t h e To TCBOva fkt>m t h e a i a d * of i h e m o s t c r e d a l o a s a a r Postoffice regalations, t o deliver t o thaai t M r papers. Ko charge made for examining aye* o r eancer* anlea* prtjadiots t h a t may arise, be refcta tbe pnbUc t o the b t treatment is given, and thea a a d e r contract. Address 8 . a B06EBS, lowiag first class B S B N S , cUviagtb* postofBce addrsHSf Pablishing and Depocitory A { ^ t . tSBMS—Cash, o r it* aquiraUnt i a good proparty. 361 Mala street, Memphis, T t n a . each, aad pn^oaes t b a t , tbr^roaf t h a t any of tha u a M t eates herein published by him a r e not genuine, or tkiA Pricea reasonable, and proportioned accardUg t o the a a t u r e of the caae. 1-3T-'' S. Q. LOWBEY. these cores were Bot eSsctsd by him a* hereia *tatad,*a A s e n t s W a n t e d To sell the only Complete Unabridged People's Edition of pay t o t h e order of t h e iadividaal prodaciag aaid p i w C five thoBsaad dellar*. c. c. I>r. W m . Smttlk'a C U R E D . ATLAKTIO BBANCH: .Pre*ident. Secratary. John B . Gordo W . C . Morria.. K I N D LOWBET, C A N C E R S C A NB E CO., PREVENTIVE Cotton and Tobacco Factors, Of Murrain and Hog Cholera UuioD S t r e « t , OF T H E E Y EIC COTPTHERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. J J I S E A S E S I f E W l L * M MKIM. • W VAW^tVfe^'aaa V« ^AAAWABM^^ VAIAK AA4AV. LIGNAMT SOBES, and CHBOMIC DISEASES. I know it U thought, by pbysieiaa* geaerally, t h a t a Canccr canaot ba cared. They have treated i t with the L O U I S T I L M BBAMCH. knife, and i t always prove* fhtal. The most emineat l a r now confess t h a t the kaife t* *peedy death to the paC. C. 8panoer.„ ..Pre*ideat. geons The physician who applies the kaife to a Cancer ia K. T. Hopkin* .Secretary. tient. not acquainted with the diagno*is.of the di*caae. The Tegetabla Kingdom ftirnisW* *afc and i>alnle** the certain cure of this dread disease. Tlieae • V I n * n r e * Lire* aad promptly adjusts and pay* losses. tperifics for I have used with the most unparalleled aucceas It* principal busine** U with Southern State*, and to remedies for the past four y«ars them i t appeal* for patreaaga. I t hsa ample meana to cows. tally protect policy-holders and pay all !o**e*. What physician in Tenneasee can aay thi* of hi* treatU-S-tf ment of the fever CT meaalM T Yet medical ichool* deny t h a t one solitary case of Cancer was aver cured 1 Are they willing t o be convinced t I offer tho following Q A R O U N A L I F E I N S U R A N C E CO. Bible Dictionary, R e f e r e n c e s : Gen. J . B. Gordon, Atlanta, Ga. Cel. W. H . Praden, Daltoa, Ga. Bev. Isham 6 . Wood. Borne, Ga. Prof. S. G. Hillyer, Cartersville, Ga. JCapt. W . T. Callier. Calhoua. Ga. / Bev. B. L. Boss, H.D-, F o r t Taller, Ga. 6 . S. Dasher, Conductor S. W . Bailruad, Ga. I . F . Cox, Presideat F n a a l e Ccdlege, LaG.'oBg^ Ga. , Col. B . A. Thomtoa, Cotamtnw, Ga. Hon. C. B. WeoUn, Dawson, Ga. Dr. J . T. Boberson, Bafaula, Ala. Hon. Charles A. Stanton, Tnsk'-gw, Ala. Dr. W. W. Ford, Americas, Ga. Dr. F . F . Taber, Ag't J o a r A Sless., Maroa, Ga. Bev. J . F. Hooten, A t l a a t a , Ga. Col. H. C. Hooten, Cnion Springs. AU. Bon. W. H . C. Davenport, Lone S u r , Texas. B. G- Holloway, Esq., Cotton Hill, Ga. Hon. W. M. TnmUn, Cnthbert, Ga. T. N. Vining, Esq., Macon, Ga. Hon. J . T. Clark, Cnthbert, Ga. I t contain* over 1000 clo*ety printed, doBbla-columa octavo pages, aad is illustrated with over two hundred engravings, aad a series of flue, authentic maps. This Dictionary embodies the results of the most recent study and research of over sixty of tha moat eminen; Biblical scholars. CU-rgymen of all deaominations reI h a r e aaed it tiurty-two yeara for cattle with constant gard it as tbe host work of the kind ever publishod.and one lacceaa—not oae failnre. I b a r e uned i t for haga two which ought to be in the hands of every Bible reader. years, with perfect ancceaa. Follow directiona, and I I t is a great library iu itself. Tha labor and learning will rafaad the money paid for medicine in case of death of centuries are gathere<l into this one volume, to throw from m o r r a i a o r cholera.. a clear,(trong light upoi every page of t h s inspired word. Xadieiae, with directiona, lold a t 50 cents per ponnd. . \ g e n t j a r e meeting wttb unprecedeated success. One Sent by expreas, or aa directed. reports ."to i«rders taken the flrst three days of his canvass; Addreaa me. with the cash, a t Shelby Depot, M. * L . B . another 76 in two days ; another 212 in ten davs ; another B , Tena.. or B. Webber * Bro., 230 F r o n t atreet, or CHALLENGE TO ANY MEDICAL SCHOOL 2D Dictionaries and 2S of our large Family Bibles in two Ck^rllficates: C. C. Ward * Co.. oppoaita Worabam Honae, Memphis. half days. ' The madiciBe should be nsed from l a t H a y to 1st OctoMy daughter loat her eyesight suddenly, of Ama: Let any medical *chool i a the United State* *end me a Send for circulars with terms, testimonials, and a full ber with cattle, and daring the year with hcgs, except in OF MEMPHIS, TENN., patient amicted with what the faculty of aaid school (hall description of t h e work. Address. N a t t v . l a l P u b . I placed her under Dr. Hooten for trratmeut. I a aah cold weather. Uuwever, I bind myself ~o refund t h e time she was entirely restored. She can now lee a* i pronounce to be a genuine Caacer, aiul I will promise to C o m p a n y , Cincinnati, Ohio. dtf money if t h e stock are broaght nnd'er its iuflnence before as ever she ceald. My daughttr aud I cannot Bud wa core t h a t very Cancer, provided tha (hculty of said school they are affected with the disease, commenciag a t a n y sufficient to express our gratitude to I>r. Hooten. will a«ree to give ma a certificate admitting the care, U time. W . W . PUBTEAB. WM. S M I T H l . cun d, duly signed by th»m and sealed with tha great aeal Eufaula, Ala., J u n e 1,1867. of their college, and they shall not bo required t o give the THE CBBISTIAN HABMONY, a New Tano Book i» Thia is t o certify t h a t we arc rxqaainted with Mr. P n r certiUcste fur t w ^ v o o r eighteen month* after the cure Seven SyllaMe Chatacter Notcs,by t h a t p m u l a r camposer and know him to be a practical and belieT* has been treated; or, I was alBicted with chronic inflammatory (ore e v m f a r W I L L I A M WAXTCXA, (Author Soathern Harmony, etc.,. lasaTerations above written m a y be relied open as Tbe faculty of any medical college, or any reapnnsible Tho system on which thi* work is based is unsurpassed for four years. I applied to a large number of most emiaoiK eatiraly t r a t h f a L physU-tian, may tend me ten case* ofcoufesaed Cancer, and simplicity, physicians without obtaining any relief. Withia tasa Usned—H.'C. Brewer, B . N. Bosa, John R. Giles, J . M. e facility with which any one can learn 1 will prumlse t o cure nine out of ten—quite as large a to sing. One 3ft htho Bond, Matban Stewart. A- Saeaa, J . F . Orr, A. bes« music books ever published. weeks Dr. Hooten perfectly cured me of all blindness eaA proportion an physiciaiu cure of the simplest forms of disJ . White * Co., Tboa. J . Boss, Jubn E . Branch, Selling remarkably fast. For sale by booksellers geae- soreness of the eyes. I would t h a t I could repay Br. X . I n E f o r e B a ^ i n s t LOBS o f L i f e ease. the debt of gratituda I owe him for my almost miracaiaaB S . B . Webber * Bra., J a s . Scott. B . A. Praden. and by tho p u b l u h e r . E." W. MILLElf. I call upon the medical schools especially to p u t my rally, restoration- I cheerfully give this certificate for thakaa C. A. Tonng, W. H . ^ t o n , A. B . Snead. " " lloa, 1104, Saasom Street, Philadelphia, P a . 2-trskill in the trcatihent of the Canccr to the most rigid but fit of suffering humanity. Bespcctfully, fair trial. ^ THOS. W. JOHSSON, Proprietor Eatujg Beaae. There are cases which I except in the above challenge: SmithviUe, Ga., May 31,18C7. 1. Cajicer In th< mouth or throat. • —AND— S. Wnen located where it cannot be reached by my rem A U T H O R I Z E D C A P I T A L % 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . edits. My daughter entirely lost her eyc-iight from L ^• 3. IVhi-re the patieist i* affiieted with another dlsea*e or B L A N K BOOK M A N U F A C T U R I N G , When I placed her under Dr. Hooten she was totally I l a aboat six week* >be wa* entiraly restored to a complication of di*«.'«*e«. I have had patient* sent me Every vestige of disease was removed from b t r oves. ia the last stage* of coasumption. The Cancer wa* cured 361 M a i n Street. but tbe coDSumptioB killed. JAS. UILL1.1B*. Quitman, Brooks county, Ga., Nov. 1,18G7. 4. Tbe patient (hall not bo ao old or weakly t h a t thert i* not sufficient vitality left to produce granulation aftei The of t n h e American Basket n e »GiIrF- xT PEACH r c A L U uBASKET, a s i l ^ , or Officers. the Cancer is taken out. Com npaay, la to canstmcted aa to carry delicate f n i i t with For the benefit of those saffering with sore eyes, a a d a a. The Cancer shall not have been of so long itanding 1 ITaving exteasive facilities, a r c prepared to execute justice to Dr. Hooten. I will state that I look my wife* the least puasiUe i o j a r y . I t ia strong, t j ship long disR WOODWARD, Regular Physician. ^ to have involved some vital part, as in some two or thn thre* work in tbe best manner, a t Northern Prices. tancea, cheap a a o a { ^ to give away. icea, and cheap Dr. Hooten on the 7th of May. 1808, entirely blia£-4fc case* brought here. I do not p.-ofess to r ^ u v e n a t a o l d M. J , WICKS, President Var Grape*, t h e neatest a n d most economical packing result of a very high degree of infiainmation of the f f m age, or to raise the dead, but t o cure Cancars under ordi box i a u e . Caa be shipped in daCs, a n d a n y child that Sbe cummcnced improving very soon under his t r e a u s a s l . A- SEESSEL, Vice President. nary circomstancea, and malignant Sore* and ether diacan drlra tacks a a a p n t them together. Circulars sent and coDtinnod to Improve rapidlT until quite restotedac Blank work ruled to any given pattern. . eaae*. Yet I have luccessfuUy treatod patients from 70 to W. F, BOYLE, SecreUry. free. f-Jy-at—B-l-1m-ia sight. On the 15th day of July following she retail • ' y e a r s old. aSTOincial work, with or withont printed headings, home with her sight entirely restored, wilhoul. i W. C. McCLURE, Treasurer. 1 *«nd uo medicinc* o u t of my cfflce, nor *hall 1 executed in .t superior manner, AS LOW as the same slightest inflammation about her eyes pt^rceptible. I ' J . H. EDMONDSON, General Agent treat any cases in f u t u r e except tboie who put then>setvet work can be bad in any city nortli of Memphis. saR in recu-mmending I>r. Huoten to every one s u t k i 1 7 0 R T Y T H O U S A N D CASES O F under my personal treatment, and consent to remain with with their eyes. S. 8. DUNL.\.P, firm ol Mnrcau A Vaal JL GOODS GOODS« were shipped frura our honseln one year, to mo until pronoaneed cured or discharged by lae. I V E M E A N AI.I< W E S A Y . 4-tf Macon, Ga., July 2.>, 18CS families. Hubs and mercbauts, in every part t>f the conntry, from Maine t o Caiifurnia, a m o u n t i n g in value REFERENCED to over My daughter was blind in one eye aluiit two yw Dr. B<iyd, M. D., McLemoresville, Tenn. The other was Involved at time* io ahl^h ufgree ofiati Dr. J . M. Fort, M. D., Missouri, cured. O o n s n l t i n g P h y s i c i a n s , mation- Tlie disease was Granular Cunjnnctivitis. O X E H I I . I . I O X DOI.E..4RS. TO S E L L THE ONLY Dr. Dillard, D. D., Lexington, Xy., cured Is r o w perfectly restored to sight. Nu person caa. Warner fipindle, Fredericksburg, Va. that h«r e}<* were ever affected. Elder W. C. Buck, Waco, Texas. Onr lacilities for transactioK this iramonie bosinoss a r c B . W . A V E N T . Complete, Unabridged People's Kdition I was mytjelf blind of Granular Conjunctivitis tuaT* F. A. R A M S E r . t b a s ever W. »h» p r i a . Hen. Joel Berry, Hissl**ippi. Ooe of my eye* burst o u t . I had to be UhI every cipal C'Uea t o purchase goods from t h e Manufacturers, Hr. NorSeet, M. D., Port Royal, Tenn OF— T went. I tried maay di*tingtiiBhed oculists witboi Importers, aod Importcrs. and otfiers, otfi<-ra, tbi J b i ^['ASH. A S " " and often a t an imDr Sayles. M. D., Ridgely, Mo. cfit. Cnder the treatment o f D r . Hooten t i n - e •a-' mense ense sacrifice from tbe oori^, r i ^ a a l cost of ,production. l)T. Dillard, M. D. Chicago, III. D r . W m .. SS n dt a ll U ^i a beyond all exiicctations of myscU a_d ..jen"». Our stock consists, in p a r t , uf the fuilowiag goods: Peterson Tanner, Athens, Ala. now see to make my way alone comfortably. Since Attorneys. J . B . Graves, Memphis, Tuna. i n ; myself under Dr. Hooten. to my certain knoa Col. John McGee, Dalton, Ga. he has restored a number of persons from blindaaaS' J . E. McDowell, M. B., Helena, K y . several years' (taading. Ha has a large number «(| Dr. O Smith. Texas, cured. L O G W O O D & P E Y T O N . Containing over one thousand closley printed deable- tients with the moat malignant type* of *ore eyes, Tbe atwve is tbe proposition made to tho medical schools column, octavo pages, from new electrotype plates, o n are making wonderful improvement, and are | W . J . JAMKS. of Tenuesaec and the Soath by my fother, B . W. J a n u a r y , good paper, and appropriately illustrated with over two rejoiced a t their success. A t U n U , Ga., July 9.1SG9. during the period u f l h i r t e e a years; and so manifest was Peisons desiring further information wiM sp|>iy ic S his success, tbat no school ever accepted it. I now renew hundred engravings, and a series of fine, authentic maps. the challenge. Directors. This Dictionary embodies the results of the most recent Hooten for circulars. I was educated in the scienco of medicine by my father, Persons failing to receive answers to their l -tters isiars and associated witlThim for eii;ht years ia the treatment study, researsh, and investigation of about sixty-five of ately, will please write again. S-fimS* W. R Hunt, A. Sees^l, of Cancers and other m a l i g t a n t affections, and a t bis the mMt eminent and advanced Biblical scholars now death, which occarrcd iu be c o m m i t t ^ the secret liriDg. Clergymen of all denosiinations approve it, a n d P. W. Smith, F. Titus, alone to me. Elegant French and German Fancy. Roods, iK-antifal B. K-Pullen, N. S. Bruce, Haviug served :uy country as a soldier tltrough tbe late regard it as t h e best work of its kind in t h e English Photograph Albums, t h e new^it and choicest styles i o Wm. Joyner, and, with others, lust all, I now devote myself to rbe latignage, undone mhich uogiit to be in the hands of «rery Killed in 48 Hours, witiout Knife or E. M. Apperson, war, treatment of Canccr especially, aud to tite other above- Bible reader in the land. Morocco and Velvet BindiDgs. By t h ! great Frcnch Bemetly, a t N. D. Menken, J. T. Pettit, mentioned diseases. Morocco Traveling Bags, Uandkcrchief aiid Glove J. 6 . Lonsdale, I t is a great library in itself. Tbe labor and learning I have removed to Trenton, Tena.', on the line of the M. J. Wicks, DR. SPALDJNG S Mobile and Ohio Bailroad, and easy of access from all of centuries ore gathered in this one volume, to throw a Boxes, etc. W. B. Greenlaw, W . L. Vance, parts of the South and West. I t is a pleasant town, very STATE CA5CEB ASD LrSG IXFIRMll^ healthy, board cheap, and society good. U y residence i« Clfar, strung light U|>0U every page of the iuspired word. W, H. Moore. one mile in the country, and ofBcc in town. Patients can .\gi'n<s are mcttiug with u n p n t e d e n t e d success. One NASUriLLE, TEXXESSEE.'^ VTf have al»o made arrans^meDti with fom? of t h e be accommodated with board in private houses in the reports 55 orders taken the first three days of his tanvass; leading Poblishing Hnasrs that will enabli- as to sell tbe country or In town, as tbey may prefer. This arrangeOFFICE—City Hotel, room 40, over Morton's BBBK standard and latp»t works of pvpniar anthom a t about ment is far preferable to a large infirmary crow^ded with another 7ti in two days ; another 21^ in ten days. . \ n one^half the regular pricf—soch as Byron, Moore, Bnrn», those affected with a loatbesomt disease. agent «uld 3(0 iu one town and vicinity. Send fnr circo- Store, south side Public Square. Contnltatic* IHA Tha Coiapany is aow I t o Issna poUciM in all the Milton and Trni yson's Works, io full Gilt and Cloth Charges will vary according to the character of the dis- Urs with terms, Ic-stimonials, and a full di. > '!>tionof OpcratiKg Booms c a Church street. variou* forms of L i f e ' saraaee, and reapectAilly solicit* ease, Binding?—and hundrrd^ of others. but la all cases reasonable. rPayments must be made ay pabiic patronage. *ep7 t f Consumption, Di(^|p*r6 of the E r e and Ear, n These and everything else for when the patient i* discbargeil. When no benefit is n> the work. Address, NATIONAL I'UBLiSUI.VG CO., ceived, na pav will be demanded. &U-Gm24 178 Elm street, Cinciutati, Ohio. Cancers, Old Sort^s, Spinal <.:um]>1a-nti>, DisThe Bev. J . B. Graves, editor of "The Baptist," has t)cen familiar with m y father's practice for many year*, S ^ 1 0 , 0 0 0 F O R , ^ 1 0 . ea»es of Women, and •ind he kindly |>ermits me to refer to him. We do not offcr a single artiale of mprcbandi^e t h a t can For further information, seniT for circular and testimobo sold by regular dralcrs a t o u r price. We do not ask Fremium When tbe Classes are Comi4ete, PRIVATE DISEASES OF LO.VO-STAXDING I'i^U. Address you to buy goods from us unless we ran sell them cheaper This is tbe book for every one who wishes to under- Asthma, Bronchitis, and all old than you can obtain them in any other way—while the irhlcb are now being rapidly filled up. stand or refute Campbellism. I t should be in every famJ. O. J A N U A R Y , M . D., % greater p a r t of onr goodd aresuld a t about ily.—J. B. Grave*, £d. Baptist. apt TBENTON, TENN. The work itself we consider the best book on the subA d v a n t a s e a . — T h o Advantages of this Assoeiatloa ject for popular reading—N. M. Crawford, Pre«iJeut of treated successfully. over ordinary Life Insurance Compaaiet a r e ; Ko panic* Georjetown College, Ky. can break i t ; t h e fees ar» so small, and required to be Medicines sent to all parts of tbe United States. "We want good reliablp np-nts in every p a r t of tha ^ ^ a t such long intervals, t h a t any m a n can secure to I have never mot with, any work which fills its place. country. By eraploylag your spare lima t o form clnba Here we have an index to all Mr. (?ampbell taught, with Uy a eompeteacy apoa h b death. Addreso DB. SPALDING k 00., and sending us o r d e n , you caa obtain t h e most liberal chapter and page for evt rything t b a t is aIBrmed.—.\. B. eomminions, either in Cash or Merchandise, andallgoada 4-Cm.2D ^belb.vville. Cabaniss, late President of Brownsville Female College. sent by us will be as rrprp«ent<-d, and we guarantee satlsPrice per siagl<> copy, postpaid, 81 M. Orders for MABonic M n t a a l b c t i o n t o every one dealing with our house. worth or more, one-third off. Send post office orders or Agents should collect tea cents from each customer and L I F E A S S U R A N C E ASSOCIATION, by exprets, to D. B. BAY. forward to us in advance, for Scscripfive Checks of t h e 4<.> tf Humboldt. Tenn. T H E GRE.\T good* we sell. The holders of the Clisck* have t b e privilrgo of eithar .\GENTS WANTED. o , JXTo. 8 8 4 S t . purchasing the a r t cle tbereun desoibed, orof exchaaging fur any articl« mentioned oa our Catalo^ae. numberiag K I L L S ALL PAIN I N TWO MINUTES. over 3S0 diOi-rent articles—not one of which can be p u r B o w d of Direatsra. chased in the usual way the same money. For the past ten year* I have given spccial attention to Hen. P . T. ScaroGS, of Scraggs Jt Dancan. The advantajc* of first sendiug fur Chucks a r e these: Scrw," A. TAcai.Be, IE*q., of A. Vac*aro A Oo. D l a c a a c a o f t l i e K y e «tnd B » r , W e a r * c s u t a n t i y buyic;; small lots of very valaable J . S. S t u n o n , Xsq., of Stantoa A Moore. goods, which are not on our catalogues, and fur which ws A. IlATcaiTT, Esq.. of Bnsby A Hatchalt. a a d to the largs practice and experience of tbat period, I The Second Great Book of the age NOW BEADY. \ v e Ligne checks till all are sold; besides, in every )arg« club XD. PicaxTT, J r . , of Measick A Pickett. have n-ceatly added t h a t of day after day following and hope for this work a sale equal to t b e we will p u t checks P>r Walrh<-», Qnilt^, Blanket*, Dress W. B . HOKKS, Examining Physlciaa. observing the practice of the leading phy^cians and surPatterns, or some other ar:iele of value, giving soma K<^n* of the great IlospitaU and Infirmaries of New member* of the d a b a n opportunity of purciiasing a a York, and made myself practically csuverxant with t h e OAccvs. article for about oiie-qnart»r of its value. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. many recent discoveries and improvement* in treatment D. C. TBADEB, President. I n every order amouciing t« over J50, accompanied and operation* of Europe and America. The greatest Snbscrlptioa Book of modem times. H. M. BAGAM, Secretary. by ihe cash, the Agent may retain f"i, and in every order C. C. WABD A BRO:, MemphU, E B T I N , P E X D L H i a m a . I n no department of Medicine have such improvements H . O. TBADEB, Trsa«arer. 6-3m-18 ofover ;iOO, S3 may be rrtained to CO., Sasbville, Wholesale A p B t i . beea made, in late year*, as in disease* of t h e E y i aud The above works, with o u r P I C f O B I A L BIBLE OF Ear. I have restored t o useful vision and bearing, per- 1000 ILLirSTRATlONsf, open') a feld i * snrpMsing rich PcicE—51 psr Bottle; SO pet Dozen ; |T2 jx rCroas sons ccnsidored hopelessly blind and deaf. ne«s to every earnest worker. j y j E R C H A N T S ' N A T I O N A L B A N K , Copies given to any person t^caAtie a good .\g?ot. The life of hundreds is made mlserhbla by sore eyes and Thia offer it more e^; ciaily to assist Agents in the Eighty pages sent free. Address, stating Teriitory ears tbat coald be cured in a short Ume, AND AT SMALL desired, Western and Southern EXPENSE. tes, b u t is open to all cu!GOOOSPEED db CO., tomen. I believe I a m the only regular practicing physician in dsn efthstkraat s a 4 l a ^ , t a d OF MEMPHIS, TENN., . 37 Park Kow, Sew York. th» State who give* i p c ^ l attaation to diseases of t h ( 148 Lake St., Chicago. Eye and Ear—thereby having greatly t h e advantage ol 4-3!n-lC o t e iaariiaU aad i .\pent4 will be paid teirper cent, in Cash or Morcbandise thcwe who a r e (Imply "oculist* a n d a a r i s t s , " for diseases llaalUBtluBB. when they fill u p their entire clnb, f j r which below we tllmwitili t t l ^ v O l both r e q a i n Tor tbeir raccessnu treatntent conatitn* No. 8 J E F F E R S O N S T R E E T . of give a partial list Of commissions: ' p H E S C L W E R N O N G G R A P E civsD f r m b t say cats la wkMi 4a sot a O . tional rem^ie«> . For an order ofSOT, from a d a b of tUirtv, tre will pay bmSl. AltwkowuiUU rer(on» can bo au^ccMfaUy treated here aiid a t very OUJFEIJPJP tha Aeent, **conimi»«ii»i, 28 yards Brown or Blcnchin! csa tserirs a taanT* ef eer medlriu f m . much lest expense tLan In any of tbe citiea. Sheeting, Good Dress P a t t e r n , Wool&iaare Shawl, French AntUorlxed Capltsa, - • $1,000,060 Treatoa. U a Cttsslmere Pants a n 3 \"e»t Pattern, fine large White — - " . ia mmaccesaibla B«SUSV t o aU poinU by vm railroad, T Patld I n CapJUtl, 300,000 h e a "l t"l ^ town, and has aU the asoal" social Counterpsne, etc., etc., or ?3 in cash. iai ia"d v a n t a l ^ . The Unfallins Grape for the Soath \ SQUINT OR CROSS-EYE RELIEVED BY A .IE C-3m 18 F o r a a order of $50. ft.im a clcb of fifty, we will pay tbe SLIGHT OPEBATION. Aj;ent, commission. yards Sheeting, on* pair heavy Wool BUnkats. PopUn Ih»a* Pattern, handsonia Wool W. B . CHEBBY. P r » « ' t Be/^rreace^jMrmimoi^The^^^^ physicians a a d citiiens A. T . LACY, Vita rre«ideBt, Square Shawl, SUrer-Ca^o Watch, etc., etc., or 55 in cash. of Trenton and TJclaity, whera 1 have resided for ten J , J . FSEBMAV, Ca*hier. year*. A CTonsaiuptive C a r e d . For a a ordsr af ?1(K>, from a club of one hundred, we trill p v tha Agent, a* csmmission, 109 yard* good vardS. W . CAUIWEIsIs. M . D . . DB. U. JAMES, a rrtirad physician, discovered, wtAs wide Sheeting. Coin Silver Hunting Cat* Watch,"Elch Trenton, Tena.. December, 1808. deSC tf in the East Indie*, a cure f . r Consomption. A'Uiaai, SIBXCTOKS. l o n g Woal Shawl, Suit of all Wool Frcneh Cajslmeri, Croncbltis, and General Debility, when l is only child, ^ 0 * Woodrali; Tho*.' B. Smith, A. J , White, etc., etc., or $10 in cosh. T ^ R . C H A R L E S PICKETT, O F F I C E d a n ; b t e r , wa; sivpo «i> to die. His child was tnred. aaC B . A. ^ r t e a , H . T , TomUasoD, A. T . L a c e j , U DOW alive and well. He wilt send the recii»o for makiar We do not employ any TiaVeUng Agents, and etutom- J a s . B . S t e r r i m a I ^ J . B . W a t k l B » , •M-J. 47 P o p W street, corner of Second, Memphi*, Tann. H . Chany. and »uece«if«l.'y usini; this remedy free, on mceipKt Dr. F . , h a T i a K bean In constant practice twenty-two e n should not pay motiey t o p e n o n * purporting t o be ovr lt-4-tr 0r: -V two stamps to jisy expanse*. There is a o t a single i s w ^ y e a n , hope*, by strict attaitttoB t o h i s bntinesa, day or Aseots. a n k a s personally acqtiaiated. . torn of C,ni«ni»ptino t b a t it doe* not a t enoe take b o l d ' ^ Bight, t o giva geiteral »ati«I(ctton. CaUa t o any p a r t a SEND MOSEY ALWAYS BY BEGISTEBBD LETTEBS. and dlsMpate. XlfiUt w e s t s , peevishness, irrittt;.t«« * tha city lame prica. apMtf tbe nerv«-», failure of memory, dificnlt rxpectoratasc. P R V l ^ r N O . For fttrthar p a r t l c a l a n send for o u r aew eight pace «ltnrp p«in* in the l u n ^ , sore thriMt, chilly secvatioaa. V A L U A B L E G I F T — 8 0 PAGES. Catalolbes. P A H K B B . «t, C O . , uaBwa a t the stomach. Inaction of tbe bowels, aud w a * IB-lO-ly !» aod 100 Summer ath>*t. Boston. Maaa. CLARKSVILLE, GA. B r . S. S. Fiteh'* " POMSBTIC JCAXILY PHYSIiBg away of the mtitclen. CIAIT'deMsribea a n Diseasea a a d thalr Baaiedle*. Sent The wiiter will p b ' a u state tbe name «f t h e paper tbqr by aiaH, f ^ . Addrewi DB. 8 . 8. FITCB, see thi* advertisem^'ct in. .Vddr^. inarSrSiaF 714 Broadway, ITaw York. CBADDOCK A Ot>.. PnbUshea by H . W. PHI LIPS A CO., Agrteultural s e t M a i n street, H e m p h t a , , 7-3in-l» KSJ Race street, l-bnadeli.hla. V«««Publisher*, Mcspnts, TCXN. ExecatecTery dtea1pUc& of P r i n t l a g , inclodloc SoDthwestern U R R I C A N E S P R I N GJi NEWSPAPEBS, BOOSSELI.SBd. B T A n O S K R S , These justly celebrated aiinerel spring* are cow _ HA6AZISES, ThU work I* beaotiftaUy illa»trat«l, and toll d i w t i o o s for the reception of victors ft.r the TUfv a*> A p p l y t o S r . ,1. D . S t U I n u m i o f M e m p b l s . BOOKS, aad onto i ^ a a , »o t h a t a w y sitaatsd i a Franklin county, Tenn.. six m i l - r o s t k a t B a will reitore, l a r a a n d ntfaroiiata yon aa BO oaa eUa grape mill and p m a . Ac. PBICE FIFTY CENT^ I f TulUhoma, o a the NashTille A ChatUaoOga rallrnad. PAMPHLETS, atat* IH in m. a latter w t o M. W. w OTBU .. . PhiUpa A C... Tbe water* ar» without doubt the best w-dltiBal wa* can. B U ikD), hnaaanity and kaowladge .ia adaqoate t o pyat. lacloae SO CATALOGUES, To. 337 ISeiBphi*,- Tena. 7 - Soath- Court - (treat, • — State, particularly for the cor.' " r dy«p-j»ia. U s * y a a r DU. B a who care* DnioksnBeaa a n d H o r p h t a e No. mrEditors giTlBg the ab.»vo ane laset^oa (haU r ^ T i ia the CIBCTTLARS, 3S1 U « i n BtTMt, kidney compUmts. chronic diarrlt^* {it never l a l ^ Eating, can care y o a . S-ly a e»py aad tbe thaaka of ttc author, who. nUaed b» the and female cumplalnu {it i« uoeqoaled), ri..l. ra i n f a a t w * ; LAW BLANKS, war,l( uiy abta the r a r , m uiy aow toiaake lo laaae w o M U ^f r ^ t a to ~ tharpi -™ in fact, a n y dl*«s«> arising from the stuoiarh, liver, U i MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. POSTEBS, Our SoBthem prasa wiU aM i a beaeliUng o a r people uey* o r boweU, whatever may ba the syn»t>tom«. y BmhH cured, o r g t t « t l y benefited. Hundreds of c e r t i f i e s ^ HANDBILLS, • Bnlad aad Papers and P r l n t l n s iJik f a g r r t t r u l t t j , could be given of a.luLisblag cares, but I s.'.nld CARDS, to tka trada a t a i a i u i l ^ t t t r c r * ' p r i e a a . 4.t refer to any one who has n»cd the»5 waters. CbnrnikiK M a d e Easy, BILL HEADS, Hacks meet every train at Tallahotaa to U W B TBOSX ntffariac froai Wade Iiangi a n d Tolas, n r a tha work is eem over a good road tf. the Springs. BILLS LAMNG, f l A r y ^ t i * , a a t f y « a a * a 8 o r s Tluroat, ITaakaeia ^ t b a By using Buel's patent I>asberle«* Chora " v x t J T B a - A J a KA BE.—Good board, $35. per month. Lew tha* avc -.ecotapUshad i a a very short time wU& little or a o labor. B a v i a c txcn a a p I M t o h y seraral t o proeaia Otaaa la- t U aiapUcity and daraUlity will racammead It t « all who Further -"o^j^itil^^-'p^.^Snar. • I f o l a * * * o r Sorsham i c T w i a U o m a d i a a k a l n p p o r t m • a l a o t h e r y a a n . I h a T o will aau aad «xanUa» it a t OrglU Bro*. A Co.', or B . C. mad* arraogeaiaBtt wnk D r . B . t o ftmrard th«m by ax* f i a i g A Oo '*, M«Dpb!«. r . L a i S B , T f a n ^ » U t e r , 5 » m w e a , Oonn. 4-ly TaBahttaa, by U a i l recaiTe prooipt attenUoB. *-tf p r w i ^ K c w T o r k p i i M t - f a ^ A d d n w Xdltor B a p t t i t 6-3m-17 wUJuut Ike liu one ia one huulrtc N E W MUSIC BOOK. Office No. 391, Main S t r e e t Urmer. ONLV. General Commission Merchants, 332 F E O H T 8TBEET, "IVr o x m . X 3 I x ± S I , T o 2 Lr.crsl AtUances mods on all Conaieiimant>., 47-tf J L. A N D Southwestern Publishing Company, VEJtSER, C O T T O ] * F A C T O R COMMISSION 314 F m a t BOOK B I N D I N G M E R C H A N T , Street, UEAIPH13, TEJJJfESSEE Bagxisg, Hope and Ties farniaiinl a t UwMt m a r k c prioen. Cotton iblpped bj rlTcr, and aU coltoD in itore viO be ia«gT«fil. nnlcia othTTrba tuttrncted. ii-C-tf F. M. CAi-n, h u e of F«H» it Ca*ti. U t e Cashier ..f H w a phhtPa.k. J. U. CAsH, ttttrLanwfchA.CMh. AGENTS WANTED ma^otM in ^t F. M. CASH & CO., BlaikktU, Quilit, Cotton*, Gingkamt, Dress General Commission Merchants, ShtucU, Good*, Table Linen, Totrels, ITotien/, Gloces. BIBLE DICTIONABY. Slirl*, Corsets, etc. Silver Plated Ware, Spoons plated on Nickel Silver, Dessert Forks, Five-BottU plated Sauthicett Corner Front and Madi*on StreeU, Castors, Britannia Ware, 1 Glass Ware, Table and »'JO F r o n t , 3 a n d 3 S l a d l a o i i m t a ^ ' Pocket Cutlenj, in great variety. C t a {) faanil now a t Ha. 8 Hadiwn street. Wlti oi^tt October l a t , in the!.- K e v OBce, Sp«:ial attrairon t o laJts of Cotton, and fcj tUlin^of Cunntry Otiler*. Piudoce o f s l i kinds ircciTed, i t o m ' and soM. Lihem' advcnees in ttore. Gold and Plated Jewelry, of the nercest rtiiles. CluiTtj's Mvderute. Promjjt adeict 0/ Sales. ,M1 ( in^igninful* r o t i r e d by o^-n policy in trrjisitn ami .) ji , un!i-«»>rn>r«l«4? fptMiiiI^inn writ inc. ••nmlG T H E kh C H A M P I O N " Wrought Iron Oven Cooking StoTe. Ttiiii «to»» Bm».Iy-»api'r^o. to all oiiier»in economy lillatla?.^ conTrnirnce, u n J U warranted to ( i r f »ti'iAi. lixn ia ail casek, o r tb« money rt^f^ndeA T!— i. t u r i a l n»cd iir THE CKAJSiPION I:..)! ji-I'rrii .[naliry of tlao^iaK Eock Cbarcoat Iron, aniT' lly atliui;t«: t<i b» the iron i a t h e warld »i»r tbe annnntc: ttire nf !tt»Te«, both as to fl< dnrabillly and iti r«i>iri:i!>i.'>' In the aetinn uf h ' S t . Tbe snperior qaality '•( fh-i< win b«! ert-a by tiir «mootlio<-S( of tbe c a f j ' f - thii. ci.mptiBC TWE C H A M P I O N . riticv iviiti T/°n •samio^ eaorefnlly raaay first alaa* etOTM {»o-e«lln.t Itt T t t l w n oacd a y e a r or io. will t e e ^ si^sat di-fi<'vn y un tJi<'s paint. M a ^ y axaellont recomai'jaUnt 111- ' f'lla^nml wbleli wontdbarobeen withheld *.fl<-r Di<>)<> rSi< ndn triat. The plate* of THE CHAMPION Ai • r> !t,>tiurt(xi i a toch a litrB a« to gire the greatest •lr«UAtii i>niJ ittra -iUty to the casting*, while pruper alUiwacci.- 5> nuutt) Rir contraetian and exp&iuiob. Tbe al! ^.r-an-I, makintf th«m lit aa air-ti^bt as H.i«ffi» V. THE CHAMPION Z-- • i" ti< Li-;. a.M." will last, with proper care, twentyBT.-^ j i ' a n . . ur-urlonallj r s p l a c l a i the fire- plata, which >at>v I t tl.. direct h r a t at the Dr*. I t l« the heaeiMi Kiti'i -fc^tt Ti»i> irfOTe nuvtii io Ameriea, and for timt>l!c(ty ..f fua. i«i-ttt ^THE CHA:^IPION niiBfifcity I t hsiB h n t o n e damper, which COB-.Ill, tcly CTia'ror* th«^ Urat of lha MOT*. I t ia a tlUing damper <iu Uin top uf th^ atoTr, the iu» of v h k h ia obTit lis til any «ia« who e r e r iaw a ito»e in oxieralloa. IS THE CHAMPION I j th raUBbive > c a ^ with Wroogkt X o f t O t A — tliit btfttfui a i i l baeHoren pUJaa aia«a Bf b f a r y wruTwiit i n D. M h r a t ; Utoy n o s o t k a b n ^ R O r c i a c k n l , aad :Sc Ur.il ..aaa Jt wax?. ftaes »f THE CHAMPION Are ifo C B ^ t m r f ,1 that the o r e n win bak» in t h a front aa injuiy other p a r t . On arcomnt of thess ImproTemean, fflcrci-t-niittfir, THE CHAMPION. THE CHAMPION Will bak" .iniakrr wiUi leia fa»l t h a a a n y o t h e r r t o a a "•fe-iJf » m e r r o i r of hot a i r which i> •oatfcriitty radiatfaz info the orea to aaaiat in the r»t«nti«s of tbe Iteat. The Are chamber! of Aro cua^trnctcd with wperfal rrt^reaee t a U e waoU of tha • oa a t h e n i t r a d r . The wood door fis T»ry laiaa. bllns the parehaaer to a w large, roai wood. <tSe lli«> h r g e , roaBh chMobera a r e tS ioehea long i a o a r I and B t n t h A o v u n a d a r t n t U Ban«mi«uT to e a t cord waod b a t oace l a a r e p a r l n c It for tha atote, thareby taeinc a araat deal of i ^ K i r o w t ^ I ^ o f a ^ a a n a d a ftut. A e h r e ^ a t o Ta^r n a r a A a t i n c M i * a a belac v a t r Urg«, nil SHIRI need be entartaised i o r e n r d to tla h M i . i a t t a « c o l d m Mtahan l a wliitw> ! • Wliili'tira of tha c w y a l w U b a {aralihrd the aboTs (MTV, o r a n y othur i a our atore, a t coat forthaSr o v a a a a . H . V K T r a K 4c C O . , ^ d-3tti-U 13 aad U g a a m a St., Tena. ^ O B e w a H U Stalni, on UM VHh «f V a n k , ISO, frois tha aadaci m d , a w r g a r e r X a a , A U a 4 q » m m t j , STk:, C Ctmm CAT^B9TIRRI«*AADTAAD^ AWMTE«TO<I« I teetoad, » e m wUta •&««< U i n e o r h i ! ftet« m t d i i B "ItfcrsuBl, i S o i r i l l w * haada W ^ W T e a y a a s i IlM nUNI for hia d d l m r , a r laftrmatloii " ^ i a o IMO b r t i a t l d d l : J p m r TXATSIAS. ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. Ray's Key to Campbellism. CHRONIC DISEASES ONE-UALF THE REG ULA R RA TES. Diseases of the Eje and Ear. BUY ELECTRIC OIL, OF MEMPHIS, BLOOD PURIFIER AXD TONIC GOD IN HISTORY JTA^^I>WIiITI:^G OF GOD, To Rheumatism, Neuralgic Fever, htjlasamtions, Kidneif raid Bladder Ditntse, Sore Eyes, and all old Ckrcmc Complaints. PA r TUE EXPRESS CHARGES. i The Poor Man's Friend .1 MAy OF A TBOUSAyD. A TliEA TISE on the Pleading and Cultivati^'*. of the Scitppemong Grape, and icilh IHreetions for Malting Wine from it thai far Surpasses ihe Famousfftr.«<if California or the Rhine, BOOKS. PHhllshlpg Company, Soathwestern Pobfishiiig Company A TO TBE METING. Ignaranee is tl^ Cause of Saffering. H Paper Deeltrs, PBNRTEBS AIRO BOOK BINDEBS, B A N N I N G» S iiio^ and Body Brace, cuurej p* Steamboat and Bail Boad Work; \ TtttL. T Jt-Ll STAVBB n>. •BtwimMrari to fitniga porta, a m p t BritMi X n l h H E New M d Renewed Patrons. Vthmf»mwt1t»,U tU» M o b » m r | U l . t « pwm pNtaOwaadStete. SendyoaraiMWTlapart^MfoSIr, w rcgi^ ft. ^ aMtlMr tfaBw aftar thti data. If rem ecMat afford* Ikwerata to iManOwaaf* aaaJa^Bf ytmrmmtr •^wa.saw, waangMferjra • M daOar, wkjrmiiatar-Atain- aayMiM kmjam—hirrammmdhtaVmint. ^ I f T m v f a A u sMwcr by manobymir buisMa, W « J. V OKATaS. 3»1 Main gttaat. M t of Ladlar ta tbi porta. I or Indefltai^, amefc fiOOO or p u t lf)r«xecatiaic4atlaof M71 ~ 1 to Tal. S Qfefttfaata of Btoefc2 B A Braat, S C pd to......24 (krtilcata of DepoM not MutJliif flW.. 5 tettteat* of Itapatt « n M ^ « I O 33 5 Xld T B Bapr, Ala Chttlaealaar l U n j a e e . B d H O WcjBoath, La...n _ ! or Jf ortipvea, or attor connyaaata of n a l •itata Bst ncacdiiis tWW S* X P H a r t l a r n i It 9o. asMwUBc tsao mmd aat McaniiBS HBO 1W TTHIiyitah 6 a T. S5 JBo^auawUBc tOBO, forararTiOOar tnctfamalpartH M imiftarOnferataiKht « • Faratalr ID OtaJt, nut at lifiiit, tor cacfa IW or part S d d 8 e Eraaa Taaa 41 tar aaiiinuBgnt ef mme, art orar aw 25 »above SOO, fur each additioaal 300 or part 60 Thae Deaa Taaa Sbrtgage ar aaiigiUBant ataaoM, oTar IW and- not Tal4 a w JOO — — SbrtpMn, for each aiidltiooal SOU or part a LaapkiB Qa pd ta ^13 Satn tor eacli lOU or part A J Jarmaa Ark. 13 •KaipU for t S and aver.. A v e r o f A c f i n v y t o a d l a t a c b or collect dividaoJ M n C Z Tartar Ark... II S3 ar tatarsat t h a r a o n — — U I 00 J H Hkka Ark B««rr 10 Mil or rent.Mt eatate_ JIIDTaan S3 Anrer to cvllrat rent?™— 2S WBHopaoa A.-k. n«tte»t of nnt? or draft..... .11 KiatXIU lfa(to««iArk-ll OrricB o r T h « B a p t i s t , JABM^aa Ark II JlEJippis, Tuesday, N « t . 28, 1869. B H Owen Ar»_ 11 11 COTTOS—The market is acliTe. We q a o l e : D » Taskar Ark A J Whartaa Ark. .11 Good O r d i n a r j Bobl M»j Ark...... 11 Low M i d d l i n g s . 2 8 @ 2 3 } WSConaer Ark U OPCaanur Ark 11 Middlingff • 11 Strict and Gaad .Middlings 2 3 ) @ 2 4 T U WmfaaM Ark P S C Wat«>n Ky„.i Jl S e w T o h k , N o t . 23.—Cotton q u i e t and wealc. / C Ward Ark 11 Ordinary 2 3 4 ; Good Ordinary 2 4 ; t o w Mid- SU WAldrup Ark 11 W V FeudrtU Mmj „.ll d l i n g s 2 4 J ; Orleans 2 5 1 ; U p l a n d s 25. Vra 3f Br«d*B Min II LivKKFQot, Hoy. 23.—Cotton s t e a d y . Up- H HiataaMiw II M WiUiaau HUi 11 i a n d s l U d . Orleans 11 Jd. JBraaa MU»„ 11 B A G G I S G — U lb 2 1 c : 2 a n d 2 } H) 2 7 @ 2 0 c ; J TaUMo... „11 Ijidia 2 5 ® 2 C . D B HcAlroy Jlo._ 11 BITTTER—^The snpply i s fair, a n d choice S^^elly Me n jrttdes are in d e m a n d at 3 8 @ 4 0 c ; E o o d 3 0 @ 3 6 c . Kt> Jao U KeUoa aiUa...l9 Br« P H BatUr Ui*« B E A S S — C h o i c e SaTT $ 2 BROOMS—So. 1, S 4 0 0 @ 6 0 9 per d o z . ; No. i f3 5tJ. Tal.4 noaaa Davit MIta„. 11 JeaaaCSavte.Xiaa... 11 D X Toaaf Texai.... 11 W T BatBff WT5idioIa9a Taaa A G Hadaaa Ala SO J Denton Aik 11 J HUt Ark .11 JHocaaArk 11 HCOrbyTann 8 J A Fletcher Tenn 11 Capt B l!y Saiith Tean..„ll B C C ^ Taan ... „.H Jacob Joaea Teaa 11 E H Arjo Tenn 11 W F Kendall Misi 11 W L Coapwoad T J S Chancellor Uits 12 S J StexaU Mis* 12 ElfQGMeLeadon AU. T WBXjriekAla 7 Saaaael Tovaaend Ala liA FBcerea Tann 13 Mra Capt L B Willi* Ga—lS J WSattU Ala..... 12 J S acCny A U ™ 12 J M Berry AU 15 J Ph.llip« AU 12 f HJametN C 14 T U Stout Ca 12 TCGrifHa Ga 12 'ruoa Vftnce Cal E'd E Dyer >rk IS Mrs H B DaTidsan Cal 4 Dr B L Atfalnck Ky 12 Stis H J WinntOB TeBQ-...12 B A "The I ^ S ^ B«»tist^ ^ Tract Society. TMtermaf iberaliip la ttila PaeiatraVdulblleWa':^ Aay aa« pladgiBt »>»• In or AlPiMraelf to Mil aell »or at »l worth of SaptbtMifl rrttclou tiM«t« or nnall boaka dari a j ^ M , wnt ba aaraUed aa aa aaaaal memberl 18 worth % Mfc raeaibar; l t d ^ h iTir. « r « t a r . Fire thonaand atembera waBt»d at aaeo. Addreaa J. B. GKATBS.' 0 « r K e w T o l M t e e r a n>r S e c o n d «i««rtcr. MEMPHIS NURSERY. ' T ' H E IX)IJ:.AB W A T ® ^ J L fiM-kWMr, «itkHK#i«Br CBMMi ^ * — ' r ^yHlaOraiM»arCMC< *TTrt Urtiir J •tart aa4 ktaM wofks. V n a l watckaiaa. •ria8taI.aBdlaeIaBaatirfiaiaba4 0reidaeaM. ^Tha Proprietora of tkia aaw aaubllahmaat hopatoaacare far it a M r rapatatiaaby %ral, latoTMy-^i F a m ^ LirXMKMBXBS. Baili^S BO wiMitaji mo wvuuuM coapBBB. caMpBBB. w awanu n u t a a t x t i yaaia. tioagaaraataad. B S at eB^i *c «a aa^^a , i 8 B e a t e a a a , B a i M ] tioaraaraataad. paM te - aMrMBiaiitearia] , t«r«tB, l ^ B X Z K ! WAm- CO.. HiBKlala, X. U T OF W IABSB, HASbSOmi PAGSa, ' 00 ' atadlac oat ealr S CO 5 «0 SI>/r^D BT DONALD G. MITCHBLL, ft oit JJOBINSON'S fi oe Aaaiatadbyan a ^ O a i ^ af Aaaaehitaa la an D a j a t t ^ a t a . s eo C ^ o o d T h r i f t y S l t o c k , » eo Antidote fte iBteaiperance 6 M •AT ItEASOXABLB XATBS. ' 6 00 H E A B i a ASD HOME meau tha w « i t . af aU mam- l a y fatHQUMaearafar tUiharfhlrice. l U uao wfllat 5 oe b«ta of KMd IkmtUaa avarrirhai*, aad oaMaiaa tha katt af y ***** ^ atlaialaata, and irtU « » aTerythiB«forareryboaylnelty,Tini^(,Mrt,^t U & Oa 5 00 axpariaaesd i S ^ u withoat a x c w a t • » T R U J S T O N A M E . girea pracU^l lastraattaa. by tha 5 o* A I T D writara. apra all Baral tofJaa-FaHatag. Fralt GraWiaa. 5 «» 13 Bar bar. 3 00 Flowar-Caltare, Oraamsatal GardeBlaf, Baral ArahUa*. Srtdby Dm ^rQa;{ata,OT tare, Ooaatry aad Wty H o a i ^ their FaraliUas aa« eoraar Harri«,» Str^'t^ BWak^a,' .AN'NVAL U E U B B B S . BawTork. Adarameat, Damastie t t f M m j , Eaaaakaeriag Hiata, ata. EM 0 W Prime, BldaradA, Ark, pai.l I eo Thay a.rar for Fall of isao and Spriag af 1ST«, aa foUawi: W » U Smith HiiUbaro Union ArCpVid'."::.';.;: 1 f« It Lar Cholea SUriea, Skatahea, Bsaaya. PaaMi.iru a _ . Mra Maltha Williamt, HllUbora. Ualon co Ark'.. 1 00 g T A M M ^ I N G curea h j m ^ ^ Mra M B CaraUa, •• •• Hamor, the Nawa. Moaay aad Market Beparta, Beaatitkl 1 M BColemaB, 1 Ct Pictaraa by the boat artiata, aad, la ahart, alt tha Box S076. N . J . • BSanBdera, •• •• « Baob raa 100 fcataraa af 1 00 a, .. ^ Elias J erren, •• 1 0« 50,000 A p p l e Trees, o to 7 f e e t . 2 5 « . $ 2 0 J McBride. Yaladaala, Ga, paid 1 (0 . A Fint-Class Family Weekly. MrtEBl«ckraan, Homer, Claiborno parish uai La, paid- 1 «0 Tf» TITW wrnDWTv/1 . • • • 1 MraBJehaaan, 1 00 paid... HoIUa Blaakman, paid.. 1 00 It caatain) sa much room that erery aambar has aa Georire Garrett, p<id... 1 m 25,000 P e a c h Trees, 3 ta 5 f e t t . . 25«. $ 2 0 abaadaat Tiriety for Fathers, Kathen, Saas, Daathtara, Mn M U Mitrhetl, paid... 1 Ou dawa t* tha l a a B M t ahild' eiS. of cither aex aaaflT Mra Lea Blaekmaa paid... 1 00 Jamea T Fartaor, paid... 1 ( • Eld W C Moteland, Arixona, Claiborne par. La, pd^ 3 00 $50 J U Williams, Lisbon, Claiborne parislv. La. pd - 1 IH) 4 , 0 0 0 S t a n d a r d P e a r Trees, 2 y e a r s — W c . R E D U C E D H A T E S F O R Mrs X Wilkarsan, Lisbon, " " p^d 1 00 ^^^ •nparallelad afTer: To suclj as ara u o t ^ 1870, V X W Nichuis, Marietta, Oa 1 eo iBg. FbU parti^lara, a -ralaabUtampie, which \ m L J L Harris, Byhalia, Miss, paid sont 1 00 ISVABIABLY IN ADVA5CB. Matthew Brown, C«rmantawn, Tenn, p»id_ sent I ao 6 , 0 0 0 D w a r f P e a r Trees, 2 y e a r s 50c. $ 4 5 R E BBaylar, Independence,-Tex iO G W Hiil, Vewbera.TeBB i (« Slmclc Copica, Tltree Caplea, a U a t a n e B N Craaford, SanULury, Tean 1 co aewapapara pabliahed—all sent fraa by mail. Btidat^' J Turner, Ash Grora, Ma., paid ijeni 1 50 timic, 8 9 1 F t w e O a p i e a , yaa want paraaaaat. prafitabla work, address ^ W P Ratliflr, Baymond, Miss, p^id 1 00 1,500 Cherry Trees on Mahalab _50c. $ 4 0 E. C. ALLEN A Cfl.. H. D. Boyd, Troy, Pike ca, Ala, paid 1 a, Augusta, M ^ Hakiag BBABTH AND HOME, ta a Clab af FiTa «r Eld Elias Dodaan, Jacksoa, Tens, paid I M ^ n e w grtielea fr' EM J W Stein, Germantavn, Tenn, paid i . . " 1 00 mora aabscribars at $2 40 each, the Cheapest aa it U tha $ 2 5 Agenta, Samples free. H. B. SHAW,' E H Htara. Center. Tex, paid . „ 1 0(i mast Campleta 1,000 P l u m Trees, P l u m stock 50e. $ 4 0 Alfred, t ^ . . T J Perry, Bams, Ga, paid 1 u) G Y Shoemaker, MouUoa, Ala 1 o« " A B P Z . B S O I O PAPKK.'^ F A M I L Y TTIEKLY N E T f S P A P E R * E. d. WICKER, rierk. K A BaiUy, Albany, Ga 1 m J KichoU, Calnmbla. Tann, paid 1 <!0 BUT CITES THK SKW8 OP ALL. BtAD IT. J M Thomas lufca. Miss, paid... !...".."!.'„!". I «i 1,000 Apricat Trec»„ 5O0. $ t 0 in tha worU. SBbaaribara bafara Ua flnt of Jaaaary H J Dennis, Hemaoda, Miss, paid jent 1 iK) naxt will gat all nambars la that dato t n t , aad tkair WC Grace, YorkTiiie, Tenn, paid..... ; O") H X r W Y O R K O B S E R V I S R , year will aad January 1, IITI. Spaaimaa aambaia aaat BROOM CORN—Dull at ^.lOOg^iOO p e r tan. Texas; paid... 1 fw SS 91 FEB AXKVM. firaa. Eld Jas Hall, Grena'-a.Misa, paid ......tent 1 <.0 BEESWAX—Steady at 30@32c. U C Carter, Marshall, Teroa, paid 1 (W SAMPLE COPIES FREE « I PBTTBN«ILL, BATBS ft CO.. H B Wester, ParU (what State J) 1 OO B r i L D E R S MATERIAL—Cape Lime § 2 ® A L L O U R S T O C K W A E E A U T E D . Eldrr N A Bailey, Albany, Ga (spcciiil) 1W M r r E. M K S E , Jr., & CO. iJ-ie-p ^ a r k Baw. Naw Tark. W W Beans, Union Sprines, ^ U , paid 1 lO 2 5 ; A l a b a m s ? 2 0 0 @ 2 2 5 ; LouisTille Ce37 Park Baw. Kaw York. J W EllTsny. White PouJ, W . . . . 1 00 xncnt 2 5 ^ 3 5 0 ; Rosendale § 4 5 0 ® 5 ; p l a s T J Andirsoa, CUrksTiHe. Texas 1 60 0U& S E W WABESOQMS, O W Witt, Junesb9rn, Ark., paid SO. >ent 1 CO Ade it in s i x m o n t b s . ter $ 5 , hair, i n 4 0 ft bales, S 2 7 5 @ 3 ; fire L M Guyer, Janesboro, Ark., paid Wc »-ut 1 aaapla mailed free. A. J. In addi'tinn ta above, tJi<.y aff,T, at low ratoa, a brick §5<s,6; b u i l d i n g brick $ 8 per M. Elder J A Enoch, Austia, Texaa paid rOLlsAII, Kaw York. •1 u* fine stack of W R I T E R S T A K K KOTICR. T J An erson, CUrkville, Tixas I 00 C0TT0"X Y A R N S — N o . 400, 21 to 2 2 c ; 509, John Turuer, AshGroT*. Mo, paid 1 10 ' P H E MAGIC COMB AQlii ne«8 telBtins ta the Pablithing Honge, books, 1 19 to 2 0 c ; GOO, 18 to ISc. •»ntiB_. etc.. thoald Ix- addretsed to the Secretnr/, I. 6. Mrs L J Merrivethsr, Senatobia, lli^», paid A WBl WBlahaananr aalorsd hair or beard to a per ahaaga any aalorad ermas Lvk, s , and not to ni. We hare no connr<;tien with the "tS^ browB. Oaa Camb . . . JTor b aani aant by mail for SI. C O F F E E — S k i m m i n g 1 8 ® l 0 c ; R i o 2 0 @ 2 2 c ba«in.^s of the Publlsljing Hoaso «iateTer, having r»aaJabyMarahaaUMdDijj^tipBsraUy^ Addreaa F o A d a O n r l u g aiii t h e Flral^ ( ( u a r t c r . GRA PS VIS'ES, # far common to f a i r ; prime 2 3 @ 2 4 c ; L a g u y r a lignnt to eiTe onr nolo attention to this paper. MA«ie OdtMB Oo.. Springfield, Mai AU hniiaeM reUtins ta the Sabbath-school derartment, ^ LIFE DIBECrORS. 2 8 @ 2 S c ; J a r a So@38c. baalu. papers, etc., should be oiiJressed to S. 0. Racers, S H Shackleford, Tuscunbia, Ala„ 'J'HOMPSON'S PATENT i m t IS 00 Depaiitory AjBnt. SOOSBSBRRim, B Bayd, Troy, Ala, (5 paid . j e a i !i!5*) C O R S M E A L — T h e demand i s not actire, and All bnsiness rtlatinj t® " TheS.>uthrra Farmer" should JHJacob Parker, Choctaw Corner, Ala sent le eo b« addrcdsed ta M. W. Philips & Co.. 3»!l Main street. r Thamas, Forest City, Ark scat 10 9U CffliRAXTS, SLEEPIWG stock Ught, f^l 7 o @ 5 i s asked. But all bDMness n-Utins to Thk BArrwr, or "The B Eld S J Jenkins, Silrer Ban. Ala s^Dt 1" no Tract Society." shaolJ be aJdreesed to J. B. GBAVt^, C H E E S E — F a c t o r y 1 9 1 @ 2 0 c ; W. R. A 8 Warrall, Lexingtoa, Ky sent F o r R e t a t n t a g B e d C l o t b e a O-rer C h l l d f e u . 10 «MI RASPBERRIE&, 3S1 Main 8tre»t. 8 1 6 E a s t aetli S t r e e t , N . T . Eld 8 P Arnaid, Camden, Tann jn-nt 11 01) I 5 c ; E. D. to 2 0 c ; Gloster 2 0 to 21c. We say thU bocansc Allawa parftet freedom af moTemimt. Effectually aeKnreka. Hiss .sent 10 «<i SHRUBS, 1. It w l l saTe onr clerics a preat deal of Tezatioa and J BC Barry, euras the bad-clathea. Appliad in a mojoe-t, and nKjalrei Smith, (where?) COTTON S E E D — § 1 2 . S". 00 trauble when bus'^rss Iwlongins ta rarious parties comes A no farther trouble. * a d J W Lipsey, Uaraaado, Miss j e a t 10 <« all mixed up like hotel h u h . Fram Mrs. Stawe's Haaara aim Hoaa, Aag 11. EGGS—35 to 37c per do*. ORXA^BA'TAL TRBBS, W J Collins, Ptrry, (H ji^at lU (K1 PATENTED. 4 I.«tters often miscarry and maney l« often last, and Sid J M Wood, BarnesTllIe, Ga "Astaipla aaiaffeetiTa caatriTaaca far keeping "Uia seat M (ID bad-clathea oa children wha kick In tkair sleep. ParaaU FLOtJR—Market d u l l a n d p r i c e s j i n s e t t l e d . ure I'a not wish to be mponslblfitiraihrr people's money 3 0 Beam, Opaiika, Ala PLAINTS, _.„.6tnt la «i CLIMBIXO P B I C E S B E D T T O E B e We aniy risk money sent us in Rocistrred Letters, by Kid If Buss, Landon, B T Who Sad 3bat their childran ara canstanUy taking culd „...sent I « 00 F i n e 5 4 6 0 ( ^ 4 5 0 ; s u p e r s § 4 7o<^5; X S o 6 0 Postofflco Orders, or by Expres.'. Where no premium is Wm Baram, Paraclina, .\rk bacause thay throw tba cnrarii^ali; can auraly afford ta for Cireular. „»»nt 10 ou ROSES, ETC., BTC. alloweil it cap be ^nt at our expense. iBTaat a dollar in aa article which obriates this diflJ. L. Whiule, Jefferson, Texaa sent I t 00 Q f i ; f a m i l y SO 2 3 ^ 6 5 0 ; f a n c y S 3 7-5(3^8. eulty." Articles for publication should be written pUinly and W. «. Dyer, Kansas. Ky ii-i« sent le 03 only ans side. We cannot enjagr to return deferred or Seat, post-paid, oa receipt of SI. Stata a«e of child. F R U I T — C h o i c e apples S 3 @ 4 5 0 b b l ; drd an M F E MEMBBKS. rejected articles. J. R. gBWK-^, TH: TBOMPSON BROS., Bid T G Espey, Athens, Ala 8.-nt •1 io Editor Bvptut. apples 5 ® 7 c . P e a c h e s 8 @ 1 0 c . Lemons $ 8 per a Park Baw. K. T. W S Wallace, Murfreesbora, Ttrsa Si'nt 5 to C b a r l e a G r e g o r y , AU.—Your S1.50 received. s«. Lalarette Fargnsoa, Floyd Coarthause, Va.....»ent 6 (0 MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN €0., b o i . Oranges 5 7 to 7 5 0 p e r b a r r e L Cranberries Eld W W Niddletan, Eureka, Mi«.. sent 5 lO ciuJMkTal will'be sent to you when issued. Corrfspondecss snd arders salieitsd. ffatnlegues seat SIO to 13 per barreL B Bardie, GreenTille. S C sent E CO WIKKERS OF TBB t a e k e j r . Miss.—Our books du not show credit, Bliaa H Cornelius, AU, paid $4 86 sent i (0 free OD applicatiaa. 'Addreis F E E D — C o m 1 1 5 ; o a t s C Z i ; bran ^ 5 0 ® but the Depository Agent's books rTo show a eradit af $2 J J McLeaden, AndersoBTill;,' N V sent 6 OC P A R I S S E D A I ^ sent c on 23; h a y §82.^ for Kt.ND WoBM. The D.>pt«iitory Agnat is now in the Mrs S L Arrington, BagansrilU, Ga Thaw JaaUy calabratad ediUans of the BIBLE hava M V Baird, Beech, Danklia caunty. Ma .".sent & ou "^iT/*'' aot know hovr the aistike h«ppea«d. To Wha bars unifsrmlj besa awarded font r, to nJK/^? anywhere pubP I S H — M a c k e r e l , No. 1, b b l 3 S 2 4 ; h a l f b b l s "^"•"^'iyWu direct your litter? You sw- tha t.-eubls Bonj S Wilson. Hnntsrille. Texa«. 0 P Malane, Teun'a Station, Tenn a.-iit a 10 HIGHEST MOTORS I^TiU-.^liL"'' ''•P" Binding. An 3:2 50, kiisCi No. 2 , b b l 3 S 1 6 0 0 ; h a l f ibzt Ciways will aris3 from mixing bcsin-ss. Had you T. L. Yoang. Caldwell's Store, Tex. pd ft: v n t 5 w s t r ^ r ^ It ^^ respectable Boak Eld. J. W. Vork, P O. Adamsville, Kx. 0. Bethe: bbla $ 3 5 0 @ 3 ; k i t s $ 2 2 5 ; f a m i l y , i n bbls $ 1 4 ; inclawd tha 6J cents for Kisd Wosm in a stparata snTel- A T— • Springs, M. Jt O. R.B scat 5 00 SOLMAOBNTS FOR THE II. S^ 30 S F r o n t St. Mcmpbia, T e n n . «.„t 5 0* h a l f bbis § 7 5 0 ; k i U W h i t e fish S 8 @ 9 i n opa and placed it within Inter to us. it would hara b*ea CearKaW Uall. paid II jiaid «out s oti atSrnied t». We tliis we>-k credit you $1 and send S nCelemau. Bolney. Miss, Industrial Exhibitions in this Country T H 0 5 . K K I ^ S O S * SOKS, half bbls. Sardines, quarters § 1 0 p e r c a s e ; B. S. Manard. Bristal./fena, paid SI sent 6 « o i-acts. « Bl«-eaker gtn-t, Xcw Totk. J. W. Huat, Lib»>rty, DeKalb co-.Tcnn teat Sa that their work is the ceknowlrdged sUndard o; 6 eo h a l T c s S 3 2 50. B . W . E a n r a r d . } , Te.Tas.—We are gUd to hear fram W B Cieaey, Uinga Station, Ky seut 4 IK) R. B. KOE.N. J. M. G I L B E R T . exeellsnaa ia ItsdepartmaBt, reepeotftilly aBnaunes that, » d J W Ya k AdairsTille, BcNairy so, Tunn-sout • it with extended aad perfected faciliUes. and by the exelnC O M M O N SENSE!! G U N N I E S — G o o d d e m a n d for s e c o n d h a n d a t yon, and we autharize you to act, and Dr. Philipa will Mrs E JI Breyirs, Klae Mountain. Ark... ii-tf .*-iit siTe ase of recent improTemsata. thay tre aaw producing s 00 alita. You shall hare the fifty Mammnths. jat more perfect Organs than eesr b^fare. In great ratietT 16®17c. WAKTED-A6E^•TS. per moatii to s^ll only ANNUAL , iXEMBEKS. P . S . G. W a t s o n . — W e will publish your praspec;os, as ta style and price, adapted ta all public aad prirate (^aaina Improrad Commen Sense Famny S.-wins MaDA Nixon / I ( > U Bisa; farDrtwiagBaoais.LibrariM, Music Eoams. C^arttne Priee only tl8. Great inducfmi-otj to a n a U H I D E S — D r y flint 1 9 c ; d r y s a l t 1 7 ® 1 8 c ; and sliaclJ be glad to see yen snsceed in di seminatiag a Joel CV>Crey, IlartsTilie. Ind MaaafiutarM by smt I iHI c«rt Ualis, Ladgrs, Chnrshrs, Srhaols, ete., in plain and This U tha most popuhir Sewiag Hachinr of :he ^ y — I Mi green salt UJc; g r e e n 8 c ; deer s k i n s 30c per true principle of proph< tical interpretation. What is the Miss J L ilendrrson, Pantotac, elegant eases, all of which they ara enabled by thsir S J*",'"® ' • • o " "Elastic Lock S U t c h w i l l do any T b N a W Watch Co, keiit abomination of desolation ? if it refers not to the Bojian J B EiW-ir-If, Swceiwate.-, Ti-nn (lo^tj I 00 nns^aaled facilities for mannrarturs to ssll at pricea of klBd of work that can ^ d a s « o u any Jlariino. KJU.ooo p o r n d ; sheep's pelts 25@C0c-. d o g s k i n s 5 0 to Stinnardi appeariB£ Ij^fore Jerufalam, stanJmg Marcus Willi»ins, SeBa.tou^a, .Mi-w sent 1 00 inf.rior wark. O F BXfOIH, l U . . aoldaad tba demand cantUuiTy increasing. Xow is ths upon C II William.. Meridian, Mi« •cut 1 00 The recent impraremsnts ia thesa Orgaaa kara sa ia- t i ^ to take an aganry. Send for CircBlan-. Bfware of 60c each. holy ground ? S HallowsJ-, Tciry, Miss (lost) jent 1 0«> craased their assfulBeBS aad papularily that they are V n a w e t i h j W a t A Inmn^era. Address SECOHIl t OJ A . T a t e s , Ark.—Vour p.iper u regularly sent ta A Payne, Inka, Jlin 1 oa anquestianably the mast desirable instramsaU abtainable SaktTs, BaUroadTsMd Kx« B<wun. lUsa., Pitubarg. Pa., or St. L.,ni.. Mo. ffiON XliS—Prices are steady at G}@7ic. O S Aske*--, BlackTilli% 8 C "."sent 1 M for family use, as well as Cbarchas, SskooU, etc., while Princeton, Arkan<ai>. Do oth-rs there pot their papers ? vrsM a n , SMt aad WctL B Barrptt, c. W T Tharatoo, .Ithcns, Gii..!l^ut 1 M the prices at which they aaa b« alTardsd (»30 ta $1000 a L I V E STOCK.—Ga(ja to 5 J c ; choice 6 to If sj, it is yonr Pcsfiaiutf r's fault. St'r np kis pore JJ L to ht the a o s t carrert K Wama>;k. Uarfreesbora, Teun._ sent 2 00 aach) adapt them ta tht msaas aad rrtuiraments af all nateKcapenaukae. J 51 Thenipsan, Vicksbnrg, Miss crni 1 00 A M E R I C A N 6 J c ; Tcsas beeves S 5 9 t i 5G0 per head; cows mind. classes. They are equally adapted to secalar and sacred Aroid parUM who adMrs N K Uoase, llally Springfi, Mi«» sent 2 es musia, are a>gant a< furniture, acoupy little space, are J . J . B y e r « , Ark.—Your brace is ready aid we will Tertite to s«ad Watches aed c a l r e s S50 to 1 0 0 ; hags 10c gross; s h e e p Kilny Jattiee, Stackten. Cedar ca, Jie .ent 2 W) not liable la get euteferdsr (not reauiring tuaing oace " c . o . n . " pvBPOBTnra send it to Camden, on the first rise of water. Ella ATPBt. Middleburg. T nn., (lest sent I c-o where a piauaforte is tuned twenty times), are Tery durai 4 t3 3 per head. ta be af oar make. Wo S A Bornady, Mantizuma, Ua sent I V e w s p a p e r I ^ i r e c t o r y . ble. and ra.«y to Uarn tn play upon. So many b«ok^ conld not with safety be seni by mail. I M ftirBlsh Boae fi>r that Wm B Loyd, Bed Fork, Desha co.. Ark „seDS 1 00 The M. k H. Organ Co. ara aow sailing Fear OcUtb Hold on ta yonr brace. We wi'l enter that broiter's name aarfooa. Thera are taal> m o l a s s e s - C u b a j5oc; L o u i s i a n a s u g a r Elder J. C. Furgerson, Memphis „.sent I O'J Organs far eash; E;t» Octare Orgaaa, Fire Stops, C & m l a Market. this week. Did you sen ! the 81 by itfwlf or with othar B. W. Tickle, Maachestrr Tenn., ihcrSl lost, Siiwith twaaatsafTibratara far 1125, a a i athar styles at hor-se 8 5 c : golden s y r u ? S I 10@.l 15 i n bbl, . »«t QKICIIS KMIM ter Williams' toh.r) ...'. .^nt 2 (*• money that has bwn ret-eipted for ? Can yen not s»nd a prajartionate rates. W i r a c s , m l y ta dealer* fa n a r ewa lacaUty or and 10c a d d i t i o n a l i n k e g s ; sorghum 5 0 to 80c club tf fire or ten for your paper before January 1, 1870 « 8 - i r t e r e , ^ 0 B i yaa kaaw ta k koMrahle., For teetimenf ta the sap.riarity af their Orgcaa, the PRI"E, FIVE DOLLARS. Hasan A HsmUn Org.n Ca. r«i»strally rafsr to the Will the clerk's or brethren in Tennessee fill JS^ Sales ]K«om<U9 * l O Z«ke K i d . G e o . ar. P r i n c e , Aric.—We h.-»»e handed you SATAL S T O R E S — T a r , i n kegs, $ 5 2 5 to musiaal prafeaaiaa gewirally; a liaiority af tha mast aieeet, cucasot m . let terta the Secretary, and he will write you aad wa up the L-aaka of their Aasoeiatien in t h i s table promiBsnt musicians in th* cauntry. With maay af emi5 7 5 f o r p i n e ; i n 4 0 g a L bbla. 5 8 to 1 0 ; pitch will indorse. Wa sluill seed you firty-Mammoths. Da for 18G9, and let us have the perfect statistiis » n c e ia Baropa, haeing gieen pablie taatimany that the T-fiw-eow J 6 p e r b b l ; o a k u m $ 5 to C per bale. Masau A Baalin Organs exesi all othsra. nat gire them away, you are not able. ~ COSTAISS A airaalaraaataiaiag this tastimany in ftaU willfcaseat of the d e n o m i n a t i o n i n T e a n e s j e e for one y e a r ? J . M . Wood, Ga.—The $1 rcceired. We did write fraau aaycna deairiag it. also a JsMriptiva airoaUr. 5UTS—Filberts, Braxil and EoRlish walnuts J ^ ^ ^ CONSTANTINE'S contaiplng tail pcrtlaalars respecting theaa inatraMaate, in reply aad wiU writs ajaia. Answer was, yes, and A list af the Kawspapers and ether PeriodicaU in the , ilc; almonds 30 to 32c ; Texas pecans 22c; pea- you with correct drawings af tha direraat atyiaa aad the United Statea and Territoriea, the Demiaien of <;anada time to begin apj^inted. We jein yon in yonr alasV lowaat prices, whtah ai« t s e d an<< iaTarUbla. Addraaa nuts 8 to 9c. What are we cominj to ? We are surpnsed to sea tha poaad the BritUh Caiaaiea; arraagad alphabeUdally by THE HA80B A HAVLIMTOBGAV CO., P e r s i a n I l c a l i n ? o r P i n e T a r Soap. NABP. OF ."MCIATIO.I. sition of Bra. Wells touching preaching. Will you not Braadway. K. T . ; IM Tramaat Btraat, Baataa. tawns. giring name, daya af imne. poiltics or general OILS—Coal, SS@40c; lard, $1 GO; linseed, reeiew him * EMheakeia stamped " A . A. CoasUntiae's Persiaa character, form, siie, subccripUen price per year, date of 9 1 2 0 @ 1 2 5 ; do boUed, $ 1 3 0 @ 1 3 4 ; U n n e r t , Beallng or Pine Tar ^•oap, patented March 11,1S87." Ko Mtabllihkeat, aditar'a aad pabUshtr's nan«s, circuUIt. <inlia. Ark.—We cnaaot excuse in Bra. H. what other ia ganalna. SI 10@1 25; lubricating, 50@75«; castor, yaa reUta. A fall reply ta his letter appears this waek. tiaa, ata. FortheTaila:, Bath aad Narsery, tbis S.»p hai na Baulah , aqaal. It prasarTas tha aaapiexioa fair, ramaraa all $ 3 5 0 ^ 7 5 ; turpentine, G 5 ® 7 0 o ; o l i r e , 2 4 01 You kaTe an argan now, aaJ whsterer is proper will ap- Big IIatchii»„ A liataf Towai and CiUsa ia the CniUd Sutea a ^ dandraif, ^eeim tha hair aoit and aiiky, and preTsnU it Central Territariea, the bomiaiaa afCaaada and the British Opi. pear. Send clubs and g^t aaotier for premium. bottles, $10 per basket fraai taUi^aS; . . 4 ia "thaBsct Bair Beaarator ia asa." •alas, ia whiah Bawtpapan aad atker PeriodicaU are A. B r o o l u , Sliss.-We well remember yau glTiDg Clintoi;_... IT CCB£S chapped hands, pimples, salt rheum, ft^ed A G R I C U Z T U R A L feet, baras, diaeaasa af the siailp a . « akia, eatarrh af P O U L T R Y — T o t i n g a n d old c h i a k e n s are us money on the train, and had supposed tha names en- C*Beard pabliahed; arraagad alphabatlaany by aauaties. girtag Duck Birer „." tha head. an< is East Tennessee. topaUtiaa, laaatioa. braaah of ladnsiry from which Ht selling A t $ 3 5 0 @ 4 5 0 per dox ; d^cks $ S per tared. TaU as Aberaathy's Pactoffica. Enon darlrao Its fMpartaaaa, ata. Taa are right ia yomr surmises. We kad oar ia'arma Hiwassea dox.; geese $6 to $3. A SHATITVG SOAP.' AND tiaa from ana man. 'ffill write. ABrt af Krwspapera aad Parfodiaala claiming Holston „ PRODITCE—Choiee onions are in demand at Thia Soap has already w a . tha praiaa and aatsem af thaa BOSS slfMUtlaa aaah teae. W . T n m l p a e e d , Miss.—Clerk says ha hai no Indian Creek•ary maay of our t.^t bmHisa ia this city and throagh ~ $ 4 7 5 b b l ; potatoes in good supply at 7 o 0 S O a tracaof Toar maney. We will loak Into Poatailce and Johasen A Hat af Eswspapars aad Pariadicals claiming asH •at tha coantry. S E E I > S T O R E JndsoB thaa l«,as» siraalatlaa aaA Issaa. IT IS TTSBBaxteasiTsIy by oarfeaat physicUas. Whereturnips at ^ per bushel; sweet report. ^ Mount Zian... arar aaed it kaa baeoma akoaaakald aaeessity. We adA . B . Groolc, Tenn.—Yonr paper was sent from this Xnlbsrry Gap A Bst af Hawapapara aad Periadieala claiming i p o U t f l e a $ 2 @ 2 5 0 per barrel; cabbage $ 1 0 to else all to trr it. For sale by all daalara. AicaatB waatad. aSce fram No. 23. Tol. 1 to No. 2i Vol. t Wa ara aader Nalachnaky thaa » . M » ^raalatfaa a a * i m a , with aetaal amouat af Callaraddr«aB A. COESTANTINE A CO., Narthara 514 per crate. 8 7 9 M a i n Street, Ba abUgatioa to make up lapses by mail—a rainaoa pra- Saleai.., f t t m M t n BlTaa la saah asai, aasardiag to tha hekt 14-if M Ana Straat. Baw Tork. eedeat, yet we order yours sent three mantha frao, and S. W. Bistriot aanaaikla aatharity. P R O V I S I O N S — M e a . pork, $ 3 1 7 s Q 3 2 5 0 j Sweet Water.. trust yon will help as to one or flra sabscriban. A Hst«fBellgtea« B m ^ p s r a aad Periodicals. MMMPHIS, I » K T rmw V A K B pride mess, $ 3 1 5 0 @ 3 2 ; clear sides, 1 7 J @ 1 8 « ; M l a a a . H . S c l a o n , Misa.—Taut SI raeairad. a a i Tanaeasee TBH-ITMSSBM Ualoa .... A l k t a r l M t B a p u a a a d Pariadiaala dareted to Agfiohorulders, 1 7 @ 1 7 J c ; plain aiigar-cured hama, yonraelf enrolled an annual member of tha Tract Saciaty. Baity Uaity~i aaltara aad ••rtiattltara. Weatara Diatrict 3 3 Q 2 4 c , and scarce; breakfast bacon, 2 2 « ; lard Yaa wni aaU aad giee away $1 warth each year while" TSE AUstaraavspaparsaad Pariadlcala deroted to Motfiitaaaad B a m r y . tierce I S ^ l S J c ; koga l » @ a O e ; caddies 22o! yaa Ura. Writa to Bra. Lowrey; ha haa Ike powar to aa- Stotiatiaa for I8«a_ gaga a minisUr fur you. We want one thaaaaad weU A BaterX*««»apcrs aad Pariadiaab derated to EdafitP O W D B R - B l a s t i n g $ 4 50 per k e g ; rifle taaUtsd. thoroughgoing, fearless BaptUt miaUtari for • • a a l malton. B B l K l s T PI.OW8. S O U T H S U N F A R M E R ? I f E W A B V E E T I S E M E H T S . $6 60. Ua Saatkwest right now. Writa to him at BJpley, XUa. A Ust^ at Xewayapera aad Pariadiaala deToted to tha H - H i U , W. Ta.-Wa hare craditad yaa $3,^ AaMassaaat aad laatraaSaa of dkildraa. W C B - C a r o U n a 9 i < S l © i « ; L o u i s i a n a 8 4 to TMM SFAA^MAMM^ aad paper to sent. Uope you wUl auccead ia gBttlng a PBICBS: A U s t a f B s a i p a t s t i aad Pariodicak deroted t s F i ^ A G B N T S W A N T E D — I n every town 9je. taa d a b ia West Virginia. They will aerar iadaraa - T V a a d r U l M o t o a a n tfaa "CkllArea'a Albam af RaHsiiaiT, Odd VaBawsklp a a i Tamperaaaa. tnrea aad Stories." It coataias a picture and a atorr at 8 i r O A » S — C m s h e d , powdered and g r a a u l a t e d Campbelllto immarafona for baptism, va trust. AIMafVartyapara aad Pariadiaala darotad U OaAN . . 1, 7 l « , k ant ( s t e e l p o i n t ) • 00 ararr O M i n g a r t t e f t U tha chaapart.prattiaat aad A f l r r i e a l t a r a l , S v r t i M l t m n a txO. nmOr • r * . H . Wmlm'm money was lost, but he is credited kaatbMkerarelbredlbrcIilidraa. Ladies wha can gat • a r » mad Fiaaaee, lasaraaaa, Baal XaUte. Urcbanics, i S « ; coffee A, 1 6 j « ; B, l e ^ c ; C, extra, l « i o ; D e . BP to Ka. 31, Vol. 3 . •P d a t a la their a v a towas are iaTitad la aagaga l a tha J v a m t v f flie S M i l i w t s t . » t . 1, 7 i n e k e a t ( e t e t l p t k U m i s i d e ) * 8 f O I « w , Bpattlag, Xasia aad Wamaa's Blghta. niBrmra, 1 5 J @ 1 6 « ; LoBlsiAna, old process, I S j e ; K i d . J a a . H a U , Misa.-Mr. H. aallai for your SI A drt af Bawapapaia aad Fwiadlaab prUted whoUy A prime, 1 5 } e ; f a i r , 14Jc; common, 13 to 1 4 « ; J . worth of tracts before we read yonr letter, or- wa ahaald la part ia tha Qarmaa. Fraaah. SeaadiaaTan, Bpaaish, » • . 2, « { . a l l n t ( s t e e l p e i « t ) . . . . . . i f 0 0 hara pat an aapec.al package for you. Try theaa. rapart. CV14J ; Island 14 to 14Jc. T B I BBfiX. CUaaflO. HriUadiah. ItaUaa, Wabh aad Bahamtaa languagea. and yaa caa a r i « all of ana or mara Uads. T B I MOSX S B L I A B L B , aSUFF—Garrett, box, $16; packed, $18. 2, 8 i n a h e a t («t«e1 p t k l a a d s i d e ) ^ 1 0 SO U S E A S H E P A R D , S . A . B a U c r , Ga.-Wo hara not aaat yonr tracta aor F o r w t f d e i cm B e e e l p t o f P r i c e , XHB MOS? BBADABLB, SHOT—Drop, per bagi $ 2 8 0 ; buck, $3 0 0 0 doweaeayournamejfathe Society rtdl. Did yoa aead Pabliahara, B a a t ^ Man.. wiU gira ta aay raapacUbla money withyoarorder? Hopaaot. Wa aaUr yaa tWa i>*Taoa(Mlaar ftawla), wha wUl write to uTm ra^ T H B MOST I N S T B T T C T I T ^ SB«. P. KOWBLt • CO., Pablbhers, B o . 8, 9 i n e k e n t ( s t e e l p o i n t ) 1« 6 0 Q 3 1 0 ; p i g a n d bar.lead, l l @ 1 2 c aad laad tracts. a b r v a t l o a aa will n a b l * thaai to i,, ' AXfi M l U O I T WIBILT e a c i r L A T B D . A P — P a l m soap, 6 e ; No. 1 do, 7c; P a n a l a G . A . C r « j n m « r . - Y o a r tlm^-waa oat at t o L 2. Ko. « Park Bow, Baw Tork. H*. ^ 9 w « k M t <atMl p t Jt U a d a i d * . . . \ l 0 0 ITo.«. J j M i y Fmrnsr JTteA it{ do, 9 ® 1 0 c ; erasire, 9<aH0<5 extra family, 8 0 9 c ; M m r p h y , Ky.—ajrk says ba lada ito arldaaeo »«r|f fhiit erovtr Ifeedt it; m x — K H n w K m T . 1 7 e ; imported 25@28e. Bo.a^ Ugkt subseU of haTlBc receiTed the money for Wolfa'a jtapar. How - 8 00 A w r y (ktlU Brt^ Kmi» k: dWyoaaondl Toa are eatered for thirty Xammotha. S A L T — B b l a o f 2 8 0 1 b e f 3 0 0 0 3 25. A n a t s wasted avatrwhata tosaU tha American Kaittins A t m JSrm^ Mmdi ki AXD XadUaa, Ua aaly praetieal FaaiilT Snitting Machlaa B.*a money a B right. B o . 2, r e g a U r s a k s e i l . . . . . . . . 11 00 srar laraatad. TUm CU. Wifl kaU M.OOO stitches per Mmjf Mmmt Srmiir JTm* ^ I T S - P r o o f whisky, $ 1 4 0 ; common • U a t s . Addraas n e & t ^ 9 O c 0 $ i 2a. J^mt^ JMtr JTteJk it; A m B I O A X n m i B G XACHXBE CO., 0. 7, s o d p l o w ( i t U d s t e e l p e i n t ) . . . . . . . . J T a M JTmA Us I S 0 0 Boataa, ilaas., c. St. Lonli, _ 1 ^ 0 0 BUSHELS o f G o l d e n P w l i f i o Ewnf Floritt Jf0ti, U: S O D A - I a boxes, 7 J c j kegs, 6 to 7c. I Mi,A t / W / Cottonseed for sale at Daraat, H t a . O. B. Wa h a , , tha Iw^aat S t o c k . . * Variety af E. It haa pwrad to bo the beat aad mart r k t U e &>ttoa Awry Jrwrwyii, it; AGBBT8I OU&BBW TALLOW—lOc. b u r r a , m ^ u f t p m one to two bale* per acra, owiag ta BIJBUES A H D TESTAlIElfTS ^ Ga O R A I S ft C O J ^ ImfUmmt Dmke- JTetdt qaaBty af laad. I : ;aakea mora Bat f r o a tha saad Hi ' T O B A C C O - F m e natnral leaf $ 1 to I 10; raa kM thaatkraa to oae. A d r y S f t d ^ ITtti, U; PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE, I h j d ^ be fisaad la tha Saath, ranging fr«; at Duraat. AB ordrn ahaaM ba tPIFTSKN V r f p n i . SWc to $ 1 ; fine bright pounds 86 to90q Mwf L ^ Omur Ktedt it; AOBBTS, OEHTB t« rOBTT OOLLABS each. aeat to C.Simona A Co., Buraat. JAS. X . BABBT. T h a a i M t Coataias mora thaa 1000 "-Ra and anthenJ ^ A M M i / b J ^ ^ U; a e d i n m 7 0 to 8 3 c ; common « 2 toTOc- s o o d We, tha iindan]gaed,IiaTa exaaiiaed aB aftha nost aptit IBastratiaas; M,OeO Bafrrences, BireeT H E SOUTKEItBr PSAIJII8T, •Rwy Fanur't Som ITudi U; Cattona axtaat. and indoras tha abort atatnaa^ tioBS Ibr ths ProStabIa Beading h t i g h t quarters 6 2 to 67c. S m o k i n g - f i n e and proved • • • and - -Geo^qgicai ^af tha 8 7 9 Kftin S t r e e t , M e m p h i s , Teanessee. of Dr. Jaa. M. Barry. J . T. XcOXK. F r v C t e U * M p t a w CbroBoIcficI Umaer'a Daughter If Jib it; Tha Boat popular Baptist Hymn Book e w latrodacad IS-tf fixncy 6 0 to 8 0 c ; comraoa a n d medinm 36 to ^vc; « = ^ . „ B-IuGOBDOS. «faU T a b l ^ lablea oU m — to iMduHrial BdueaOon ximk itf P. 8.—Wa will receire and flB order* for thia aplendid I a U t l » I > a a a ^ a U « a . I t 4 . Cut taking tha placa of .Rfy t M k s . - Coins, eta., a hMatlfbl Fam! Virginia, to the trade, not i n c l o d i n z packages ae«d y Jnritnd to Smal that va bare fnlly tried tha paat aa4 fbaad it to ramUr Alhaja. ate., ate. ITeidt U; A D A Y T O l U L E ASD F E M A L E •Twy othar. sappUad at prfe,,. tBTBOD T IS PL 2 0 to 30c. ^ ' TirM fUly one-third mora thaa Dixoa^ PraliSc. I t is prsaoaaaad t ^ aempataat Jadgaa to be sapmiM ^ ^BD WITS IT. ^ SC. W. PHILIPS it TO., Aswta, a U o t w a d i t i o n s o f t h e H o l y Bible, fitr tjie ass^lkiai* ShatUaSawiaeMa- Has. W h a n e w yaa Tisit X a m ^ l 4 « . e c a l l aadsM H-ii»-2C HampWa, Taaa. wahrtsrs, stadsats aad b t h o i . Oar a m t s ai» w hotS tfdaa. aad is tha aajy ft?"'J!® WHEAT—There 13 r e r y KtUe coming in, and ^ r a c a t o t a d h a r m t . For C3rcnWs aad aad aead yoar ordara ta Idaaaaad Shattls Kaakiaa B(dd i a «ka tJaitadSutaa » r tnticrfamSSr' aoatiibato f a s pwrtiaalaii, address 15200 Sricca a r e firm. N a 1 r e d a n d w M t e § 1 ' 1 0 0 7 K T O r month to Agents, LSS8 TMAN FORTY DOLLARS, • " salary or co J P ^ 5 W I W E * 00., Puhlhdiat* a t e sen oar Pataat White Soathwestern FalilisUiigCoBiiaBT. I ^ Ho. 2 $1 0 0 0 1 10; inferior or rejects Wire Clothes Ltaea. m aad m a a a w t Btrsst. PhBadalphta.^ —^ Address Hadaoa Kirer Wha Warts, WthU moath aad yoa ^ aeHer ami aaar ara S K J m ^ ^ ' ® - ^ ' Bichaiaad. Ta.; A G E N T S WA3JTED.—laght w i f e WiU rM^dnittha halaaea af this yearCS aeathri aad M^lotoprom*atiaaaadIaiprl«»BaieBtc OatttFraa. or Bamphls, Teaa. U-4t B. GEH*,\*; ?• 8 uni Trws. for WW. Addrsss W. A. m m B S O S * CO.. Claralaad. Ohla._. - t A . good pay. SampU 10c, r s t a i l ^ Shiremaatowi^^k^ i-Sm-P-H I Uuatar.Pa ^T.™ XMfeavArk^M Si <»•>«»*>•. Mi»».. paid.. C 6 » « « • » . Kttaboro. lllti.. paid.^ h a CrifflB. Moajicello. Ark. paid.... » Wder J II Thoraaa. laka. Mlw.. " d M G M Prime. BMorada. Ark, p«u... i N-hobTaSnaty, aonaty, llit*...„„. p Tezaa , p , Swtadall, _ . •L A ai rt ;t e r .iTDalUa caaaty, ^»anty, Texaa„... h L Craealea. Oifydaa, O.tfdaa. Wayna c««Bty. CBBty. OMa... OWa J ^neway. Sweiftwater. Tena... J Harrall. Aaatin. Texa», paid BldarTP BaaV Beaiey, Ark, pald .tZ jent ^ 1865-ABION FIANO-1869 OXFORD BIBLES. R. G. CRAIG & CO., BIBLES, BIBLES BOOK^.