All ArE WElComE - Congregation Emanu


All ArE WElComE - Congregation Emanu
All are Welcome
ince its beginnings in 1856, Congregation
Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun has grown and evolved.
From the earliest days following the arrival of the
Our Congregation
first Jewish settlers in Milwaukee, the synagogue
provides members
has been a high priority. Today, more than 150
with a broad array
years later, we have become a more diverse
of educational
religious community than the founders of the 19th
opportunities for
century congregations could have envisioned.
Inter-faith couples are warmly welcome. We are
an eco-friendly facility pledged to sustainability.
We are a strong Congregation in the mainstream
of Reform Judaism and affiliated with the Union for
Reform Judaism.
Honoring Traditions
Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun provides its members with
spiritual fulfillment through kedusha (holiness)
and kehilla (community). We believe that the rich
traditions of Judaism and those established by our
Congregation since its inception exist to guide
our lives, strengthen our beliefs, and provide our
Congregation with a warm and welcoming setting
for everyone to come and join us.
serious Jewish learning
(Torah l’shma). We also host a variety of social
activities that encourage family involvement as well
as fun and inspiring programs for all ages.
Supporting Communities
We are active community leaders. As a
Congregation, we have a commitment to social
justice and leadership in the Jewish community, the
Milwaukee community, and in the healing of our
world (tikkun olam). Led by our Social Action and
Caring Committees and our Religious School, we
do this by supporting programs which range from
providing meals and clothing for the less fortunate
along with a community-wide hunger program
developed from a large bequest.
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Building On Our Rich History
athering first in homes
When plans for the new
for Shabbat worship, the
courthouse called for the
Jewish community in Milwaukee
demolition of B’ne Jeshurun’s
grew to include three tiny
synagogue, the wheels were
congregations. In 1856, they
set in motion for the 1927
joined together to form B’ne
merger of Milwaukee’s two
Jeshurun. A year later they
Reform congregations. Today
moved into their first synagogue
a bronze plaque on the
building on Fourth Street
south face of the courthouse
between State and Prairie
commemorates the former B’ne
(now Highland Avenue).
Jeshurun building. Since 1927
the combined congregations
Thirteen years later, 35 families
have existed as Congregation
left the congregation to
Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun.
establish a new congregation,
Emanu-El, while B’ne Jeshurun
In October 1997, we dedicated
remained at its building on 10th
our new building at 2020
and Cedar Street (now Kilbourn
West Brown Deer Road in
Avenue), the site currently
River Hills on the Joseph &
occupied by the Milwaukee
Vera Zilber Campus. It
County Courthouse. Both
became our permanent home
groups flourished separately
in 2000. In August of 2009,
for 58 years, until Emanu-El,
we completed renovation and
in need of larger
expansion of that
facilities, broke
building to better
ground in 1927 for
accommodate the
a new building at
growing needs of our
2419 East Kenwood
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Our Spiritual Leaders
Congregation’s sixth senior
Cantor Barash continues the
rabbi since the merger of
strong musical tradition of
Emanu-El and B’ne Jeshurun
our Congregation, having
in 1927. Active in a wide
developed our very popular
antor David Barash has
abbi Marc E. Berkson
has been with us since
been serving our
1999 and is only the
Congreagation since 2001.
range of local and regional Jewish, inter-religious,
Torahpalooza and Totpalooza Shabbat services.
and human relations programs and organizations,
In addition, he personally works with our B’nai
Rabbi Berkson brings his love of teaching and his
Mitzvah and Anshe Mitzvah students as they
community-building skills to Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun.
prepare for their services. Cantor Barash serves
A native of Chicago and a graduate of Beloit
as one of three chaplains for the North Shore Fire
College in Beloit, Wisconsin, Rabbi Berkson was
Department. After receiving a Bachelor of Arts
ordained by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish
degree in
Institute of Religion in Cincinnati in 1978. Following
Music from
ordination, Rabbi Berkson served as rabbi of
Temple Judea Mizpah in Skokie, IL. He is an avid
in 1987, he
bicyclist and railroad buff. The Rabbi and his wife,
Debbie Carter
Hazzanut at
Berkson, have
The Jewish
three children,
Abigail, Jesse
Seminary and completed his training at its Cantors
and Michal
Institute in 1992. Previously, he served for nine
who is married
years as Cantor at Congregation Beth Shalom in
to Jonny.
Kansas City, Missouri. He has two children, Natan
Contact the
Rabbi at rabbi@
and Rafi, and is married to Debra Gorra Barash.
Contact the Cantor at
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Our Spiritual Leaders & StafF
aurie Kestelman has been
abbi Jessica K. Barolsky
has joined us as Rabbi-
serving our Congregation
Director of Lifelong Learning.
since 2008, first as Interim
While coordinating all
Executive Director and
aspects of our Religious
then as Capital Campaign
School, Adult Education,
Coordinator and Director of
Family Education, and other
Member Services. She has
educational programs, Rabbi Barolsky also joins
worked for Jewish organizations in Milwaukee for
with Rabbi Marc Berkson and Cantor David Barash
over 20 years. Her professional Jewish communal
in worship, pastoral, and life cycle events.
work began with the Congregation as Group
Services Coordinator. Laurie holds a Bachelor of
Rabbi Barolsky comes to us from Cincinnati, where
Science degree in education from Temple University
she was ordained at Hebrew Union College-
in Philadelphia and a Masters degree from Temple
Jewish Institute of Religion and earned her Masters
in Educational Psychology. She also is an artist who
in Education Administration at Xavier University.
works and teaches fiber arts and jewelry design.
During her time at HUC-JIR, Rabbi Barolsky served
Laurie and husband, Bruce, have a daughter, Amy,
student pulpits in Grand Forks, North Dakota; Joplin,
who is a product of the Congregation’s religious
Missouri; and Portsmouth, Ohio. Rabbi Barolsky
school. Contact Laurie at
grew up in Potomac, Maryland, and attended college
at Princeton University.
argie Stein has
joined our staff as
Rabbi Barolsky loves sharing Judaism through
Events Coordinator. Margie
stories, lessons, language, and customs, whether
has been Special Projects
from the bima, in a classroom, on Facebook, or
Director at the Milwaukee
in a hospital room. Rabbi Shammai said, “Make
Jewish Federation and prior
your study of Torah a fixed habit, say little and do
to that worked at MAJE (now
much, and receive every person with a cheerful
known as CJL). Margie will work part time for our
countenance” (Pirke Avot 1:15). Following
Congregation while she continues to take on special
Shammai’s wisdom, Rabbi Barolsky especially
projects for the Federation. Margie is a native
enjoys connecting with people at different points on
Milwaukeean, who was confirmed and married at
their journeys with Judaism, hearing their stories,
CEEBJ. Margie is returning to our Congregation with
and telling some of her own. She loves to bake, cook
special expertise that will make all of our events–
with her husband, Michael, and explore restaurants.
religious, life-cycle, fundraising or fun–Special Events.
Contact the Rabbi at
Contact Margie at
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Lifelong Learning
Learning at Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun involves all
generations. Throughout the year we offer many
B’ne Jeshurun
adult and family education opportunities including:
is dedicated to
Introduction to Judaism, co-sponsored by the
lifelong learning.
Wisconsin Council of Rabbis and the JCC
The religious
Individual B’nai Mitzvah preparation
school serves
Anshe Mitzvah, a two-year intensive adult class
children from kindergarten into high school.
Our school offers a comprehensive curriculum,
in Hebrew and Judaism
YOFEE, YOung Families of Emanu-El,
including the study of holidays, Bible, prayer, God,
programming for the 7-and-under set
life-cycle events, Hebrew, history, ethics, Israel,
and their familes, including Totpalooza
Rabbinic literature, American Jewry, comparative
and special Shabbat worship
religions, and philosophy. A variety of additional
activities—weekly parasha study, art, library,
music, assemblies, current events, and field trips—
round out our program. All children participate in
The Rabbi Dudley Weinberg Scholar-inResidence Weekend
The Cantor Sol Altschuler Artist-inResidence Weekend
a school-wide worship service each time we meet,
Shabbat morning study minyan
so their classroom studies can “come to life.”
Monthly book club and Yiddush class
2x per month
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e are committed to providing each member
with a warm and caring atmosphere in which
to pray, learn and grow. There is something for
everyone here at Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun. Join us
weekly for our Shabbat Eve service and Shabbat
Morning Study Minyan, as well as a variety of
special monthly, seasonal and annual Shabbat
services including:
Torahpalooza, “Shabbos With An Attitude,”
a musical Shabbat appealing to all ages
Totpalooza, “Shabbos With A Smile,”
a 30-minute, fun, musical service for
younger children
A monthly service honoring those celebrating
birthdays and anniversaries
Outdoor picnic Shabbat dinners and services
during the summer
Shabbat adult havurot including pot-luck
dinners and study sessions
Young family havurot activities
Shabbat services led by our religious school
Child-friendly services with a quiet play area
in back of the sanctuary
We gather for special festival celebrations such as:
A congregational break-the-fast at the
conclusion of Yom Kippur services
A traditional Selichot dinner and study session
A Sukkahmobile (during Sukkot) that travels
and stops at congregants’ homes throughout
the community
A Purim carnival, Schpiel and Megillah reading
A congregational second seder on Passover
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We welcome prospective members to worship with us at any Shabbat service, or
Saturday morning study minyan or service. Our Chaver Program matches new members
with congregants to help welcome them into our community.
e offer our congregants
Mitzvah Meals
and their families a
KOACH-The Jewish
wide range of programs and
Community Senior
opportunities for involvement
Adult Program
Religious School and
Hebrew classes
Temple Brotherhood &
Women of Emanu-El
YOFEE, YOung Families of
Our Traveling
Purim Carnival & Schpiel
and Megillah Reading
Book Club
Cantor’s Annual Concert
Emanu-El, activities for the
7-and-under set and their
Ask about our special dues
offer for your first year. For
Youth Group
more information, please call
Adult & Youth Choirs
our Office at 414-228-7545,
Shabbat Study Sessions
visit us at 2020 W. Brown Deer
Young Family & Senior
Road in River Hills, or check
Havurah Activities
Hanukkah Latke Dinner
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our website at
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