December - Shawnee Lake
December - Shawnee Lake
The Newsletter of the Shawnee Hills Property Owners Association • December 2014 Photo by: Ralph Wirth Shawnee Hills Property Owners Association Board of Trustees Requests for Nominations The Shawnee Hills Property Owners Association has had questions about our hired law firm, why we need one, and additional details. Below is a descriptive letter answering some of these questions voted on by the elected board of trustees. & C us iman o O ur La w Fi rm is K aman ners even has a law firm. Other ow y our association needs or wh n stio prevent que y or ma ms s ble ner pro ow Some n rather than solve blems and/or cause litigatio arch, our rese ch mu to t uen believe lawyers cause pro a lot of lawyers. Subseq has a eric Am ws, ctice is kno ne ir litigation. As everyo is unique in that the pra an & Cusimano. This firm Kam of firm one the any d nt hire rese association has y do. They do not rep association law. It is all the nity ers, mu nag ma com s, to y per irel elo ent dev devoted , they do not represent ociations. In other words dle ass han nity not mu do y com n The tha er ers. oth ual board memb contractors, or even individ resent the management companies, ns. When we say they rep atio oci ass nt rese rep is do y the All rd, but ls. divorces or do wil not “hired guns” for the boa resent all of us. They are rep y the ans operate the me to t rd tha n associatio they may guide the boa governing documents so our d rea & lly an efu Kam car e rd, hav boa rather, ociation, not just the representing the entire ass lawyers ir the of st Mo n.” atio association correctly. In mmunication and not litig “co of phy loso phi ation’s a oci tes Cusimano advoca have served on their ass associations and several nity mu com get in bud live ize tly have or curren h the board and recogn quely able to empathize wit uni are y the lt, resu a As board. restraints. law system called a _____ for a preventative 600 t of $__ oun am ual ann an ts three firm We pay the law litigation, the firm presen e Option, and to prevent vic Ser the der as board h Un . suc tion ics Service Op These seminars cover bas year for board members. ion per rs lect ina col sem and l , ona ent cati em edu per rule enforc , amending documents, pro ers to mb me rd boa ts aler t responsibilities, contracting tha publishes a newsletter rly ula reg firm the Kaman n, se itio procedures. In add st important reason we cho g trends. Possibly the mo pin elo een dev fift and of ers law mb the changes in ne calls from board me no extra charge for telepho is our re n, the t stio tha que is al no leg or ima & Cus cedural, operational, a board member has a pro inars, sem The n. atio oci ass minutes or less. Anytime itional cost to the ne call away without add .” lawyers are just a telepho tem of “preventative law sys a as act er calls togeth newsletters and the phone tive articles that imano, as well as informa law firm of Kaman & Cus the on tion rma info r the Fur ners, may be found may be of interest to all ow .com aw dol at www.ohiocon On the first Monday evening of every month, the trustees gather to make decisions and take actions for our community They deal with many vital issues, from managing our money to protecting the lake itself. That means their decisions affect your property value and the quality of life for you and your family, Thus, we all want the Board of Trustees to be made up of the sharpest and most dedicated members of the community. You Can Make A Difference! The board of trustees meets monthly and each trustee serves on at least one committee. Committees include: Property Maintenance, Community Building, Smoke Signals, Building Permits, Informational Sign, Beach Operations, and Lake Patrol Operations. If you are interested in volunteering to help manage our beautiful community, please fill out the form below and mail to : S.H.P.O.A. P.O. Box 216 Jamestown, OH 45335. Name ____________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________ Lot# _______ I would like to serve on the SHPOA Board of Trustees because ____ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ All nominations must be received by December 31st, 2014. Candidates must be S.H.P.O.A. members in good standing 2 Smoke Signals Monthly Newsletter • December 2014 Visit Shawnee Lake's web site: 3 during the holidays. Fill up on some of these healthy snacks before you start sharing those holiday treats at the work place. Holiday Tips for Healthy Eating and Exercise Many folks will indulge and eat special feasts with their loved ones through out this holiday season. Here are a few tips to follow so you don’t do too much damage to your exercise program and over all health. First with all the stress of shopping, holiday parties and extra cooking that we do, do not loose site of your exercise program no matter what it is. You will need to find time to add an extra workout or at least add a few more minutes to your current workout regimen. When you are shopping don’t look for the closets parking spot. The extra few steps from the back of the parking lot add up and it only takes a couple extra minutes. Use those stairs at work not the elevator. With the extra eating we do during the holidays adding some extra workout time can help with the extra calories you will be consuming. Secondly, drink a lot of water before eating and drinking. This will help fill you up and your less likely to eat so much. Some times the hunger may be an indicator that you are actually thirsty. Third, at work or in your travels carry a lunch bag with healthy snacks. This is actually a good habit all year round but especially 4 Fourth, Don’t skip breakfast or meals throughout the day to save up for that holiday party. That’s a big no no. Breakfast, as we all know is the most important meal of the day. People think skipping meals to save up for those holiday calories is good, but in actuality, can make you eat more. Your body does not need that many calories at once, so the calories your body does not use it stores in you body. Last but not least, everything in moderation. This is so true during the holiday season. Pace yourself start small, wait a few minutes and if you’re still hungry , go back for another small portion. By doing this you allow your stomach to catch up to your eyes, and you will know if you are really hungry for the next plate. (Article taken in part from Jacqueline Boyle Dayton Daily News) As part of your holiday fitness program we would love to have you join us at the New Jasper Baptist Church on Monday and Wednesday mornings. If you cannot make our classes try and squeeze in a 30 minute walk or activity at home. For information about our classes you can contact Susan at 675-2189 or Tina at 675-2093 or refer to your Smoke Signals for times on the calendar. Wishing all the residents and owners of our beautiful community a Blessed Christmas and a Healthy, Prosperous New Year. Next article will talk about those new years resolutions again. Smoke Signals Monthly Newsletter • December 2014 Please Join Us For Our December Meeting! WHEN? . ...... December 11th at 11:30 a.m. (Carpools leave from Main Entrance at 11:10 a.m.) WHERE? ...... Edith Mae’s Tea Room & Gift Shop, 235 E. Second Street, Xenia. (Arrangements made by Sharon Raflik and Judy Hobbs.) WHAT? .. ...... Christmas Party with a high tea luncheon (Consisting of seasonal soup, assortment of traditional English Tea sandwiches, decadent desserts, assorted hot teas or coffee, scones and homemade tea breads.) Instead of exchanging gifts, members are encouraged to bring canned goods or monetary donations for the Jamestown Food Pantry. WHO? ......... RSVP by December 4 to Judy Hobbs: **Note: An exact count of attendees needs to be given to the tea room a week in advance. THANKS to all volunteers who helped with Autumn Clean Up Days to prepare areas for the winter season. Thanks also to those who helped decorate the entrances for the Christmas holiday season. For more info about Garden Club, contact Margaret Johnston at 675-2682 or Sara McIntyre at 614-580-3076. New members and guests are always welcome! December Gardening Tips for ALL Residents: Now that Thanksgiving has passed, it is time to think about decorations, wreaths, roping and evergreens that will be needed to celebrate the month of December. In earlier times, pagans used evergreens as a symbol of good cheer, everlasting life and hope for the return of spring. Much folklore surrounds the use and meaning of mistletoe because it grows on trees instead of in soil. Kissing under the mistletoe was a pledge of friendship. The first recorded use of an evergreen tree for Christmas was in Riga, Latvia. Germanic tribes of northern Europe began using evergreens for their Yule tree as a renewal of life. Now many homes in America have either a Christmas tree or a holiday tree. They might be freshly cut trees, balled live trees, or artificial ones. Ohio has numerous evergreen farms where you can choose and cut your own. Note: If you have gardening questions, contact Master Gardener Sarah Preston, 675-3729. The Shawnee Hills Garden Club members extend best wishes to everyone for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Visit Shawnee Lake's web site: 5 6 Smoke Signals Monthly Newsletter • December 2014 Visit Shawnee Lake's web site: 7 Winter Begins Hanukkah Cont. 28 21 14 7 December 1st is the deadline for ALL January SMOKE SIGNALS Submissions 22 Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM 29 Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM Hanukkah Cont. Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM 15 Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM 8 Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM SHPOA Board Meeting 7:00 PM 1 Hanukkah Cont. Hanukkah Begins 30 23 16 9 2 24 31 Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM Core Strength -7:00 PM New Year’s Eve Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM Core Strength -7:00 PM Hanukkah Cont. Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM Core Strength -7:00 PM 17 Christmas Day 25 Garden Club Christmas Luncheon 11:30am Hanukkah Cont. 18 Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM Core Strength -7:00 PM Hanukkah Cont. 11 4 10 Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM Core Strength -7:00 PM 3 19 Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM 26 Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM Hanukkah Cont. Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM 12 Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM 5 Community Building Rented Hanukkah Cont. 27 20 13 6 Photo by: Ralph Wirth December 2014 Family and friends watching the costume parade Snapshots from the SHPOA We had another huge turnout for this year’s Trunk ‘N Treat. Here’s some images from the event and we look forward to the costumes next year! Scary Vehicles Princesses Separate Age Groups Creative Costumes Images captured by SHPOA President Karen Ragland 8 Smoke Signals Monthly Newsletter • December 2014 Visit Shawnee Lake's web site: 9 Policy: Classified ads in Smoke Signals are available as space allows FREE to all SHPOA members with current paid-up dues. Note: Only non-commercial, non-business classifieds from private individuals will be run. (No groups, organizations, professionals, home businesses, etc). Classifieds will be accepted or rejected at the discretion of the Smoke Signals editor. Limited to available space. Ads should be e-mailed to: or mailed to 4303 Pueblo Trail, Jamestown, OH 45335. For further information call (937) 372-1331 or (937) 675-3123. Ads are due the 1st day of the month for the following month’s issue (Please let us know when ads can be pulled to allow room for more current ads.) FOR SALE: Sears Kenmore heavy duty washer and electric dryer like new. $300.00 for the pair. 937.371.1358 FOR SALE: 2008 Honda Rebel 250, 1614 miles, $2300.00, Great Bike to Learn to Ride. 937-657-7412 Gas warming pit. $350.00 937-307-7514 FOR SALE: (2) Minibikes, 9hp motors, new tires, $400 for both. 675-6604 Your Ad Here! Visit our website page or call Anna Betz 937-422-5120 For more details on how to become an advertiser FOR SALE: Hampton Bay Patio Table w 6 chairs. Table is also a LP IMPORTANT SHAWNEE LAKE NOTIFICATIONS! Sign up to be on our E-mail Alerts mailing list and be notified of any late-breaking news that may not be included in our SMOKE SIGNALS newsletter. Visit our web site and sign up today! 10 Smoke Signals Monthly Newsletter • December 2014 Where do you go for objective investment advice? Objective investment advice starts with objective research. As America’s largest independent brokerage firm, *LPL Financial is one of the few sources of unbiased research – uninfluenced by investment banking activities or corporate relationships like some other firms. LPL’s research team performs in-depth research on stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities and investment managers across every asset class. This unbiased, independent research is the foundation for investment recommendations that are truly in your best interest. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a one-on-one consultation. Brian L. Stephan, CFP(R) LPL Registered Principal Kevin R. Wichman, CRPC(R) LPL Registered Principal 354 N. Detroit St., Xenia, OH 45385 • (937) 374-2002 Fax: (937) 372-0392 • Toll Free: (800) 244-2037 (Ohio only) Member FINRA/SIPC Fee-based Services and Securities offered through LPL Financial Visit Shawnee Lake's web site: 11 Shawnee Hills Property Owners Association P.O. Box 216 • Jamestown, OH 45335 (937) 902-6194 Janet Barker (SHPOA Clerk) Questions & Inquiries please call: (937) 902-6194 Monday-Friday 10am-2:00pm Beach Community Building Phone: 675-9482 Your 2014 Board of Trustees Karen Ragland: (937) 675-6731 President, Beach Operations, Community Building Asst. George Huff: (937) 675-3380 Vice President, Bylaws & Deed Covenants, Dam Maintenance Asst., Rental House Asst. Jim Dichito: (937) 675-4029 Treasurer, Property & Dam Maintenance, Rental House Nick Bottorff: (937) 266-5640 Secretary, Information Sign, Community Building, Beach Operations Asst. Mike Kelley: (937) 581-4914 Building Permits & Inspections Matt Simpson: (937) 675-9054 Lake Operations/Patrol, Property Maintenance Asst. Jim Wirth: (937) 372-1331 (normal office hours) Smoke Signals & Website PRSRT STD U.S. PoSTage paid jaMeSToWN, oh DAYTON, OH 45335 PERMIT NO.3741 PeRMIT No.