The Newsletter of the Shawnee Hills Property


The Newsletter of the Shawnee Hills Property
The Newsletter of the Shawnee Hills Property Owners Association • July 2012
50th Anniversary
July 27 & 28th
Well, the Shawnee Lake 50th Anniversary Celebration is nearly
upon us, and volunteers are scrambling to with all the necessary plans
and preparations. Following are some newly-developing details:
One important change has been made to the plans for the event
weekend. The idea of a Warrior Prince and Princess costume contest
has been cancelled, and will be replaced by a “Duck Grab” for
children. Plans are still being finalized at the time of this writing, but for
now the plans will include placing a bunch of toy ducks in the kiddie
pool area of the beach, and allowing children to grab one for a chance
to win a prize. (Just one duck per child will be allowed, so there will be
no need for a rush to battle for a certain duck. Hopefully this will help
to prevent injuries, etc.) Each duck will bear a number on the bottom,
and then the numbers will correspond to prizes which will await each
kid with a numbered duck.
Other communities have been very successful in having Duck Races, raising funds for worthwhile projects,
while having a great social day for their entire community. The SHPOA trustees hope that this year’s little “Duck
Grab” for the children may develop into a full-blown Duck Race for the community some day.
Yes, we’re going to have our own cruise-in for hot rods, show cars, classics, vintage trucks, motorcycles,
and just about any kind of cool special vehicle. There will be awards and door prizes, and at least one special
vehicle will be chosen to be featured in full color in an upcoming
issue of SMOKE SIGNALS. A live DJ who specializes in cruise-in
events has been hired, and will be on hand to play all of the cool
old car tunes from the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s. Photographers will
snap shots of the vehicles for inclusion on our SHPOA website,
and celebrity judges will pick out their own favorite vehicles for
The Cruise-In will be held Saturday in our “new” grass lot, just
to the east of the Max Powers Community Building parking lot.
The New Jasper Fire Dept will be on hand to help park the show
vehicles and to keep everyone safe.
If you have a collector car or truck, or indeed any special vehicle that you would like to display, bring it on
out! Don’t worry if it is not perfect, or even if it is an incomplete project car on a trailer. We would love to see all
the special vehicles from our community, and we won’t mind a few little flaws or missing parts. It might even win
a prize, just as it is!
The event is not restricted to SHPOA community vehicles only, but only SHPOA member-owned vehicles will
be eligible to be featured in SMOKE SIGNALS. Any age or type of special vehicle is welcome. Decisions by our
staff and judges will be final. Entry fee for each vehicle will be just $5, and all proceeds will go to the SHPOA
community fund.
For details on the Duck Grab or the first-ever SHPOA Cruise-In, contact us via email newsletter@, or if you do not have internet access, call SHPOA clerk Janet Barker at 937-902-6194.
Smoke Signals Monthly Newsletter • July 2012
Updated Schedule of Events
Friday July 27, 2012
6:30 pm Boat Parade:
(Matt Simpson and Lake Patrol will lead boating parade around the lake)
7:00 pm Opening Ceremonies:
Duck Grab (3 to 5 volunteers needed) and Raising of the 50th Anniversary Flag on the beach flag
pole below the American Flag.
7:30 pm Sand Castle Building Contest:
Teams gather and register at the beach after opening ceremonies. Teams can include up to 4 members. You can bring your own tools or use what is available. Teams will have 1 hour to complete
their sand castle. No other building materials may be used. All participants will have their picture and
their sand creation displayed on Shawnee Hills web site. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and
3rd place and their pictures along with their sand creations will be in the September issue of Smoke
8:30 pm Shore side Campout:
Residents may set up their tents anytime on Friday at the designated area
(grassy shore area next to the beach in front of the Community Pavilion.)
Saturday July 28, 2012
8:00 am Pancake Breakfast:
Menu will include Pancakes, Sausage, Bacon, Eggs, Fruit, Coffee, Tea and Juice. Adult $6 (13 and
up), Child (3-12) $3, Under 3 Free. (8 Volunteers are needed to help cook, collect money, and
clean up)
9:00 am Ski Show:
Come watch the Lake’s best skiers and wakeboarders. Spectators can gather in the ski area around
the beach (Contact Mindy Simpson with any questions 937-371-8143)
11:00 am Sand Volleyball Tournament:
6 member team, registration begins at 10:00 am at the volleyball court next to the beach. Single
elimination bracket. All participants will have their team picture displayed on Shawnee Hills web site.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes will be awarded with those teams’ pictures appearing in the September
issue of Smoke Signals.
(2 Volunteers Needed to Help with Registration, 3 Referees and Multiple Teams Needed)
2:00 pm Casting Tournament:
Individuals test their casting accuracy using their own fishing pole. Registration begins at 1:30 in the
field above the beach. Contestants divided by age 5-7 years, 8-10 years, 11-13 years, 14-16 years,
17 and up. All participants will have their picture displayed on Shawnee Hills web site. The winner of
each age group will receive a prize and a group picture of the winners will be in the September issue
of Smoke Signals.
(2 Volunteers Needed to Help with Registration and 2 Judges Needed to Determine the Winners)
5:00 pm Fish Fry:
Menu will include Fried Fish, Chicken Tenders, Fries, Hush Puppies, Coleslaw, Dessert, Iced Tea and
Pop. Adult (13 and up) $10, Child (3-12) $5, Under 3 Free. (8 Volunteers are needed to help fry, take
money and clean up. Donations of baked goods are needed)
5:30 - 8:00 pm Cruise In:
Collector Car Cruise-In grass lot beside Max Powers Community Bldg. All special vehicles welcome.
Live DJ on site. Plaques and door prizes awarded.
*Photos taken at the beach or other parts of the lake and pictures of fish caught are wanted. If you
have pictures that were taken at Shawnee Lake, that you would like displayed in the Community
Building, please contact Wendy Bottorff at (937) 266-5695.
Any interested residents of Shawnee Hills contact Nick Bottorff at nickbottorff@aol.
com or call (937) 266-5640 to volunteer to participate or help with events.
Visit Shawnee Lake's web site:
Shawnee Lake Club Information
You Can Get in Shape in
20 Minutes!!!
Experts offer advice on
making the most of your limited
time. Although most health
recommendations are for a halfhour workout daily, a concentrated
20 minutes can be just as effective.
The idea is to do as much as you
can in that 20 minutes.
Many researchers have studied
the effect that intervals had on
various groups of people. Intervals
meaning short bursts of intense
exercise. They found that a
20-minute workout consisting of
one minute of strenuous activity
alternated with a minute of easy
recover, had significant health and
fitness effects on unfit volunteers,
cardiac patients and in diabetics.
There is a lot of benefit in 20
minutes if done the right way.
Experts in physical education
recommend doing a “superset workout”, moving from one
strength-training exercise to
the next without stopping, then
repeating the set at least one more
For example do a set of squats
(lower body, abs and core) followed
by bench pressing (arms and
chest) and row exercise (back).
Remembering to always do larger
muscle exercises before smaller
muscle exercises, and alternate
muscle groups.
One research group suggested a
20-minute workout that alternates
one minute of running or cycling
hard with one minute of decreased
intensity, done a couple of times a
Once again any time you start
a fitness program for the first time
you should discuss your plans with
your physician. Next month we
will have some tips and ideas that
you can incorporate with this same
pattern while swimming or doing
(Article taken in part form “Healthy Living”)
This 20 minute theory is basically
what our instructors do for our
toning and conditioning. They also
use weights for strength training
and some Yoga for stretching and
flexibility. Nothing too difficult.
We have classes available every
morning at the Baptist Church on
Jasper Rd or at the Max Powers’
Community Building you can check
your Smoke Signals calendar
for the times. If you have any
questions you can contact Susan at
675-2189 Mary at 287-8700 or Tina
at 675-2093. Would love to have
you join.
Smoke Signals Monthly Newsletter • July 2012
Shawnee Lake Club Information
Please join us for our July MEETING!
WHEN? ......... THURSDAY, JULY 12, 2012, 11:00 A.M.
(Carpools leave at 10:00 A.M.)
WHERE? ....... OUTING to Tipp City and West Milton, OH
WHAT? ......... Lunch in Tipp City at 11:00 A.M. followed by A Tour of the Gardens of
Sandy Stefanko in West Milton at 1:00 P.M.
Hostess for the day is Laurie Burns
WHO?............ RSVP to Betty & Gary Bicking by July 8 at
** Please make a note of the change in our 2012 Program Schedule.
Due to circumstances beyond our control (Mother Nature!), the June and July
programs had to be switched.
A total of 17 Members and Guests
enjoyed the lunch and tour of
Springbrook Lavender Gardens in
Hillsboro on June 14. Arrangements
for the outing were made by hostess
Judy Hobbs.
ALL residents are welcome to join
the Shawnee Hills Garden Club which
meets the second Thursday of each
month (expertise in gardening is
NOT a prerequisite). The Club helps
maintain landscaping and promotes
beautification projects in our Lake
Community. Yearly dues of $10 will
be collected at the August 9 meeting
which will be a potluck salad luncheon
with a program planning session for
2012-2013. New ideas are always
welcome and needed!
If you would like more information,
please contact Esther Burnett,
675-2132 or Margaret Johnston,
675-2682, and join us on
July 12.
Sign up to be on our E-Mail Alerts mailing list
and be notified of any late-breaking news that
may not be included in our Smoke Signals
newsletter. Visit our web site and sign up today!
Visit Shawnee Lake's web site:
The Miami Valley Cardiologists
Team Is In Your Neighborhood!
Crappie Fishing
May 19th
Congratulations to Mike Kelley for
catching the most crappie on the May 19th.
Mike caught 125 crappie that day. Second
place went to Derek Harlow with 99 crappie, and third place was Jeremy
Heard with 38. Doug Heard caught the biggest crappie. All crappie that
were harvested were cleaned and will be enjoyed by many.
The Shawnee Hills
Community Club
would like to thank all
those who participated
and came out to watch
the count.
Mukul Chandra, MD, FACC
Miami Valley
Miami Valley Cardiologists is the group to turn to for complete heart
health care. All of our cardiologists are board certified and we have
specialists in Interventional Cardiology, Cardiac Electrophysiology,
Nuclear Cardiology, Echocardiography, and Peripheral Interventions.
Winner Mike Kelley
(left) and Shawnee Hills
Community Club President
Nick Bottorff pictured
Doug Heard with granddaughter
Brenna Heard pictured
When it comes to your family, trust Miami Valley Cardiologists...
because we take your health to heart.
Now accepting new patients. Please call (937) 223-4461 to schedule an
appointment. Most insurances are accepted.
Miami Valley Cardiologists
4940 Cottonville Road
Suite 600
Jamestown, OH 45335
(937) 223-4461
Signals Monthly Newsletter • July 2012
6MVC 5"x7.75" Chandra Shawnee
Hills ad.indd 1
5/31/12 10:59 AM
Grant Gallagher (left) and
Cameron Bottorff (right)
helping count crappie
Visit Shawnee Lake's web site:
How you can do your
Tip Brac
Kitchen Stove Safety Anti
tragic accident. For
I recently lost my father to a
t his footing and landed on
whatever reason my father los
s about to remove a cooked
his open oven door as he wa
standing oven is the most
I have since learned the free
. The opened oven door
lethal booby trap in the home
which can quickly overturn.
becomes a very effective lever
pressure to tip a stove.
It takes only 25-30 pounds of
t that comes with stoves
There is a very simple bracke
t and takes only minutes to
called an anti-tip over bracke
fessional installers do not
install. Unfortunately most pro
install this bracket.
ldren are the victims
Typically elderly and young chi
elderly might use the door
of this type of accident. The
rs and young children
handle to get balanced. Toddle
astrous results.
reach, grab and climb with dis
their stove to verify that
I hope that everyone checks
ving bracket installed. If
you do in fact have this life-sa
they can be retro fitted.
you do not have the bracket
happened to a toddler
This website talks about what
involved in such an accident.
am hoping by talking and
Please check your stoves. I
t no one else go through
warning people about this tha
what my family is going throu
Karen Ragland
Smoke Signals Monthly Newsletter • July 2012
Did you know that free-standing kitchen ranges and
improperly installed built-in ranges can tilt forward
when too much weight is applied to an open oven
door? This can result in death or serious injuries
from being trapped under the range, and scalds and
burns caused by hot food and liquids falling from the
For protection against range tipping, make sure the
anti-tip device (included with the product) is installed.
This device secures the range to the floor, wall or
cabinet and helps prevent it from tipping. Remember
to reengage the anti-tip device if the range is moved
for cleaning or repair.
While such an accident can happen to anyone, small
children and elderly people are especially vulnerable
to accidental range tipping. The Association of Home
Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) urges parents to
supervise children when they are in the kitchen and
teach them the safe use of the range. No one should
ever use the oven door for support.
Consult the manual before using a range to
make yourself aware of safety guidelines. Read the
instructions on how to check your range for the proper
installation of the anti-tip device. Only use appliances
for the tasks they are designed to do.
to Protect Against
Range Tipping...
on the
and safe
use of the
Always make sure the proper anti-tip
device is correctly installed. Contact
the range manufacturer, your appliance
dealer or an authorized service agent
for information and assistance or to
obtain a replacement anti-tip device.
keep the
when not
in use!
Never use
the door as
a step stool,
seat or as
a support
for body
weight or
Brochure and information from the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
FOR SALE: I have a Shore Station boat
lift for sale. Model #ssv20100, 2000
pound capacity. This is a manual vertical
lift previously used for a 16 ft fish and
ski. Original price for this lift was around
$2800.00 I’m asking $1000.00 Lift is
located at 4347 Alleghany Trail
FOR SALE: 1988 Supra Comp Ts6m
20 ft. direct drive inboard ski and
wakeboard boat in immaculate condition.
Beautiful red and white in immaculate
condition inside and out. 351 Ford
PCM 240HP. Stereo with newer Infinity
speakers. New Perfect Pass Stargazer
GPS speedometer (never needs
calibrating) and original Airguide analog
speedometer. Adjustable wake plate,
newer automatic bilge pump, depth
finder. 1996 Supra SMP trailer just
repainted with surge brakes, chrome
wheels, spare, new tires. 1500 hours
Visit Shawnee Lake's web site:
Fee-based Services and Securities offered through LPL Financial
Smoke Signals Monthly Newsletter • July 2012
Visit Shawnee Lake's web site:
Fit and Firm - 9:00 AM
Fit and Firm - 8:00 AM
8:50 PM
8:00 PM
8:49 PM
No Wake times are shown under the date for each day
in RED numbers. Please use these times to know when
no wake speeds will be enforced.
Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM
Fit and Firm - 9:00 AM
Fit and Firm - 8:00 AM
Fit and Firm - 9:00 AM
Fit and Firm - 8:00 AM
50th Anniversary Celebration
8:00 PM
8:52 PM
8:53 PM
8:54 PM
8:56 PM
8:00 PM
8:55 PM
Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM
Fit and Firm - 9:00 AM
Fit and Firm - 8:00 AM
Fit and Firm - 9:00 AM
9:02 PM
8:00 PM
Fit and Firm - 8:00 AM
8:00 PM
8:59 PM
9:00 PM
9:00 PM
Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM
Fit and Firm - 9:00 AM
Garden Club
11:00 AM
Fit and Firm - 8:00 AM
Fit and Firm - 9:00 AM
Fit and Firm - 8:00 AM
9:01 PM
8:00 PM
Fit and Firm - 8:30 AM
9:04 PM
9:04 PM
9:05 PM
9:05 PM
8:00 PM
9:05 PM
Fit and Firm - 9:00 AM
Fit and Firm - 9:00 AM
Fit and Firm - 8:00 AM
Board Meeting
7:00 PM
LPL Registered Principal
354 N. Detroit St., Xenia, OH 45385 • (937) 374-2002 Fax: (937) 372-0392 • Toll Free: (800) 244-2037 (Ohio only)
July 1st is the
deadline for All
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Signals Submissions
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8:00 PM
LPL Registered Principal
9:06 PM
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Brian L. Stephan, CFP(R)
9:06 PM
Independence Day
9:06 PM
9:06 PM
Where do you go for objective investment advice?
8:00 PM
July 2012
Clean out your
garage or attic
by posting ITEMS
in Trader's
8:00 PM
but looks, runs, and drives like a new
one. Plenty of underbow storage.
Fiberglass swim platform. Rear
sundeck and storage for life jackets.
Price reduced to $7,900!
Shawnee Hills Property Owners Association
P.O. Box 216 • Jamestown, OH 45335
(937) 902-6194
Janet Barker (937) 902-6194
Your Board of Trustees
Don Sellars 675-2638
President, Information Sign, Bylaws & Deed Covenants,
Building Permits & Inspections, Dam Maintenance, Rental
Jim Dichito 675-4029
Vice President, Property & Dam Maintenance, Rental House
Karen Ragland 675-6731
Treasurer, Beach Operations, Community Building
George Huff 675-3380
Secretary, Bylaws & Deed Covenants, Rental House
Mike Kelley (937) 581-4914
Building Permits & Inspections, Assist.
Matt Simpson 675-9054
Lake Operations/Patrol, Property Maintenance
Jim Wirth 675-3123 (evenings only)
Smoke Signals & Web Site
NO. 41