BBPL B y-lines - Bertha Bartlett Public Library


BBPL B y-lines - Bertha Bartlett Public Library
Volume 10, Issue 6
June 2015
Every Hero Has a Story!
The Benson Brothers . . . LIVE!
Saturday, June 6, 2 p.m. @ Bertha Bartlett Public Library
BBPL By-lines
Bertha Bartlett Public Library
Story City Hours:
10 am—8 pm
10 am—8 pm
Wednesday 10 am—5 pm
10 am—8 pm
10 am—5 pm
10 am—5 pm
1 pm—5pm
Gilbert Hours:
3:30—7:30 pm
3:30—7:30 pm
10 am—12 pm
Story City’s own poet laureates, the Benson Brothers, Barry
and Steve proudly announce the publication of their newest book,
Barry & Steve will be signing their new book and reading several new poems, which include the names of many from Story City
and Nevada,. These wonderful poems will bring back to life the
many lasting memories we all share of growing up in the 50’s and
60’s. Don’t miss out on an exciting journey back in time.
Heroes in History told by Pippa White
Acclaimed storyteller Pippa White will present programs for the
school-age children at the Bertha Bartlett Public Library on June 16 at
1 pm and at the Gilbert Library at 3:30 pm. She’ll tell us all about
“Heroes in History”, including Iowa’s very own Kate Shelley.
Join us for an adult program by Pippa at 7 pm at Bertha Bartlett
Public Library. Pippa will share stories and poems about heroes
throughout history.
Pippa White has been featured at Story City’s STORY! Festival several times. Pippa White's
One's Company Productions have taken her to over 30 states and many different venues
(performing arts centers, conferences, festivals, schools) because her performances appeal to a wide
range of audiences. Pippa is based out of Nebraska.
Jots by Julia
Our Fearless Children’s Librarian!
Wee Read for our babies and toddlers meets
this summer for a brief 20-minute storytime on
Mondays at 4 pm. Preschool storytime meets
on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 am. The
same program will be given on Tuesday and
Thursday, but change from week to week.
School-age children have programs every week
on Tuesdays at 1 pm, starting with superhero
training camp.
We’re Unmasking
Bertha B’s
Teens this
summer! Join
Denise on Wednesdays in June and July from
1:30 to 2:30 for food and fabulous fun times!
 Librari-Con / June 3
 Photo Scavenger Hunt / June 10
 Mask Mania! / June 24
The Hanson Family
We’re excited to have The Hanson Family
perform for our school-age kids this summer!
Come see them on Tuesday, June 9, at 1 pm in
Story City (at
Viking Hall)
and 3:30 pm
in Gilbert!
It’s Tween Time!
Tweens (5th-7th graders) are meeting on
Wednesdays in June and July at 10:30. Sling on
your cape, don your mask and get your super
powers ready for a good time!
+ Speech Bubble Mania / June 3
+ Superhero Altered Brushes / June 10
+ Heroes & Villains / June 17
+ Grappling with Hooks / June 24
Advance tickets available at Bertha Bartlett Public Library.
A Visit with Ulysses S. Grant
Be rtha Ba rtle tt
Publi c Li bra ry
503 Broad Street
Story City, Iowa 50248
207 Main Street
Gilbert, Iowa 50105
SC Phone: 515-733-2685
Gilbert: 515-232 0087
Fax: 515-733-2843
A one-man show written and performed by Peter J. Grady, this informative, humorous, touching portray depicts the General’s tenacity to win the
Civil War, the President who struggled to rebuild the country after the
war, and the husband and father whose final efforts were devoted to the
financial support of his wife and family.
A Special Event on July 25 at 2 pm / Roland-Story High School Auditorium
Reception with refreshments following the performance in the high school commons.
Tickets: $15/adult or $25/pair
$10/student K-12
Bertha Bartlett
Public Library
is closed on Sundays
between Memorial Day
Patron Picks
A new feature of our Staff Picks display,
the Patron Picks shelf is a rotating
selection of items recommended
by your fellow library patrons!
and Labor Day.
Escape the Ordinary this summer!
Adults are invited to participate in our 2015 Summer Reading Challenge. Pick up a reading log at
the Circulation Desk. Choose at least six books
from the “heroic” categories. Record your books,
including author and date completed, on the log.
When you have completed the challenge, turn
your log in at the Circulation Desk to collect a
Enjoy our special programs this summer too!
The Benson Brothers and Pippa White will be at
the library in June. Watch for details about other
programs throughout the summer.
“Like” Bertha Bartlett Public Library on Facebook!
Keep up on the latest books and materials
added. Stay in loop about library news and
events. Follow us on Pinterest too! We pin new
materials, upcoming programs, fun crafts and
lots of library and reading related links!
Bartlett Book Club
The Bartlett Book Club meets the 4th Tuesday of each
month at 2 pm. For June, the group is reading ??.
Regular Events @ the library:
Wee Read (Babies & Toddlers)
Mondays, 4-4:20 pm
Preschool Storytime
Tues or Thurs, 10:30 am
KOOL (K-4th)
Tuesdays, 1-2 pm
Tween Team (5th-7th)
Wednesdays, 10:30 am
Bertha B Teens (7th & Up)
Wednesdays, 1:30 pm
Stitch ‘n’ Knit
Fridays, 10 am
Bartlett Book Club
Reminder: Take care of your library materials! Please keep them
away from pets, liquids and extreme temperatures.
4th Tuesday, 2 pm
Memory Makers Storytelling Guild
4th Thursday, 2 pm, Timberland Village
View all upcoming events on our website at!