Bartlett`s Root Invigoration Program
Bartlett`s Root Invigoration Program
ROOT INVIGORATION PROGRAM BARTLETT’S ROOT INVIGORATION PROGRAM Bartlett Research Laboratories’ Root Invigoration™ program for soil revitalization reduces soil compaction and incorporates organic matter and nutrients to promote root growth. This program has been very effective in: Maintaining healthy trees Reversing tree decline Reducing transplant shock in large trees Bartlett Root Invigoration is such a breakthrough it has received a patent from the U.S. government. Root Invigoration is the best method to incorporate Bartlett Premium Landscape Biochar into the soil. This unique product sequesters carbon, improving soil and increasing plant growth. Combined products and treatments yield the best results. “ Bartlett’s Root Invigoration program is a combination of analysis and treatment that is unique to your landscape.” — Dr. E. Thomas Smiley Soil Scientist, Bartlett Tree Experts Research Labs BARTLETT PREMIUM LANDSCAPE BIOCHAR Enhances soil fertility while reducing nutrient leaching and ground water contamination Increases soil microbial activity Increases water retention Stimulates plant growth Reduces disease and insect susceptibility HOW ROOT INVIGORATION WORKS SITE EVALUATION, PLANT EVALUATION, SOIL SAMPLING Healthy mature trees, declining trees and large new transplants are evaluated for vitality. A soil sample is collected to determine existing nutrients, pH/organic matter and soil penetrability or density. SOIL CONDITIONING A supersonic air tool is used to cultivate the soil to a depth of 6–8 inches (15-20cm). This eliminates soil compaction without damaging roots. SOIL TREATMENT Organic matter and Biochar are added to the soil to improve its health and quality and to prevent re-compaction. A fertilizer meeting your specific soil and tree needs is applied. These components are then incorporated into the soil using high pressure air. MULCHING Figure 1 Basic Root Invigoration Figure 2 Complete Root Invigoration Trunk Trunk Mulch is applied after the treatment. This protects the soil from compaction and water loss. Over the long term, mulch breaks down and provides organic matter to the soil and nutrients to the tree. Mulch should be maintained at a depth of 2–4 inches (5–10 cm). ROOT DISEASES If root disease is observed when roots are exposed, or is suspected for other reasons, treatments will be recommended. Dripline Dripline Area of Soil Conditioning WHAT YOU WILL SEE Typically, the next flush of growth will be denser and more vibrant in color. This increase in leaf health and density will relate to future root growth and continued improvement in overall tree health. WHAT ARE THE RESULTS? After Root Invigoration, water will absorb more rapidly into treated soil and the plant will have a much denser and vibrant crown. Our recommendations may include advice about care for the root system, dead branch removal, borer treatments and tree risk assessments. Our treatment recommendations vary with each unique situation. THE VALUE OF MAINTENANCE Preventive care is always best. It’s easier to keep a healthy tree healthy than to treat a tree in decline. Losing a plant should be considered as a loss of shade, privacy, noise reduction, balance and beauty to your property. While trees and shrubs can be replaced, it can take years for them to realize their full potential in the landscape. Your Bartlett Arborist Representative recommends proactive tree and shrub care as the most cost-effective method of landscape management and it gives you the best results. Root Invigoration Treatment CONTACT YOUR BARTLETT ARBORIST REPRESENTATIVE TODAY! 1-877-BARTLETT 1-877-227-8538 1-877-BARTLETT 1-877-227-8538 UNITED STATES BTE 128 9/15 /BartlettTreeExperts @BartlettTreeExp CANADA GREAT BRITAIN IRELAND
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