the 2014 - Summer Newsletter - St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic


the 2014 - Summer Newsletter - St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic
Winged Lion
S U M M E R  2 014
Blessing a New Home
By Paul Turner
When you move into a new home, you may invite a
priest, deacon, or lay minister to come over and bless it.
You may invite anyone else you’d like. At a minimum, the
people who live in the house should be there. The ceremony comes from the Book of Blessings.
All stand in some spacious place, such as a living room.
The minister makes the sign of the cross, the greeting, and
an introduction.
Someone reads a passage from the Bible. There are several possibilities. In
Luke 10:5–9 Jesus sends out the 72 disciples to evangelize by entering homes
and saying, “Peace to this household.” In Genesis 18:1–10a visitors to the home
of Abraham and Sarah promise the couple will have a new child. In Mark 1:29–
30 Jesus goes to Simon’s house to heal his mother-in-law. In Luke 10:38–42
Martha welcomes Jesus to her home. In Luke 19:1–9 Jesus invites himself over
to the house of Zacchaeus. In Luke 24:28–32 two disciples invite the risen Jesus
to stay with them, not knowing who he is.
All pray a psalm such as 112, 127, or 128.
The minister explains the biblical texts.
Someone who lives in the house leads intercessions. The minister concludes these with
the blessing. It includes these words: “Be
their shelter when they are at home, their
companion when they are away, and their
welcome guest when they return.” The minister also prays that God will receive the members of this household into their
everlasting dwelling place.
The minister sprinkles the people and the new home with holy water as a reminder of the redemption that is ours through baptism into Christ. A short
prayer and a song conclude the ceremony.
Copyright © 2012 Resource Publications, Inc. 160 E. Virginia St. #170, San Jose, CA 95112, (408) 286-8505.
Have you ever thought about
becoming an Altar Server?
St. Mark’s is in desperate
need of Altar Servers for the
5:00pm Mass on Saturdays.
We especially need older kids
who can carry the Cross.
If you are able to help serve this important Ministry, please pick up a form from
the Server room and turn it back in to the
Server room, or you can scan and e-mail
it to Donna Montemayor at:
Any questions may be directed to Donna
at the above e-mail address.
Ministry Highlight
Focolare : The Work of Mary
“The Work of Mary” otherwise known as “The Focolare” is a world-wide
spiritual movement within the Catholic Church, founded by Chiara Lubich,
who consecrated her life to God with a perpetual vow of chastity in 1943, and
a dedication to the charism of unity and love of neighbor. Since these founding days, The Focolare has become active across the globe in 194 countries, in
an array of different ethnic, religious, and national settings.
Mariapolis’ (Little Cities of Mary), where communities of congregants live
together in 33 of these actual little towns, are located throughout the world.
Adherents may live there with consecrated members for several months or
longer, living in the faith filled setting with others who have found meaning in
community and love of neighbor. Formation centers in Italy provide the substance and studies for those interested in fully dedicating their lives to this
movement. And Focolare centers and groups are accessible almost everywhere traveled.
Within the movement, many are on the list for beatification. One of our
youngest contemporary saints, Blessed Chiara Luce Badano (1971-1990), was
beatified by Pope Benedict on September 25, 2010. And the petition for the
beatification of Chiara Lubich was submitted earlier this year.
Following the example of Jesus, who gave everything in the supreme redemptive love of all people (including those who crucified Him), the charism of
Unity, and Love of Neighbor is established as the beacon guiding us all to the
wish of Jesus, “that they may all be one.”
In 2014, St. Mark became one of the first parishes in the world to have The
Focolare as one of its established ministries. Everyone desiring a deeper understanding of scripture and the love of neighbor is invited to attend the
meetings on the third Sunday of each month, from 3-5 pm in rooms 201 and
202, in Christopher Hall.
Our monthly meetings explore the dynamics of living the words of scripture
pertaining to life, community, neighbor, and love. This same scriptural passage is the focus of “Word of Life” groups meeting throughout the world
during any particular month.
In addition to the Word of Life monthly meetings, city centers have larger seasonal gatherings, regions have annual
retreats for members and families, and National and International events offer opportunities to gather with the wider
Focolare Family. In recent years, youth members of the San Antonio Focolare Community have traveled to Rome for
the Beatification of Chiara Luce Badano, to Budapest and Rio de Janeiro for World Youth Day.
For additional information about The Focolare (either for adults or children), please call: Kay Parker at 494-4517,
Jim Lee at 403-0696 or Nick Young at 402-6109
St. Mark the Evangelist
Catholic Church
8th Annual
Golf Tournament
Saturday, Sept. 13
SilverHorn Golf Club
See the St. Mark website to
download the registration
form. Teams are forming now!
Camila Clemencia Acosta Mendoza-St Rose of Lima
Santana Barrera-St Sebastian
Michael Andrew Bauer– St John Paul II
Jaret Stephen Brown-St Joseph of Cupertino
Kevin Thomas Gregory Brown-St Francis of Assisi
Matthew Anthony Brune-St Gabriel the Archlange
Nicholas Andrew Cappellini-St Mark
Angeluz Mayola Carrera-St Dymphna
Aiden Sean Cruz-St Anthony
Jonathan James Dardeau-St Leo
Madeleine Marie Dardeau-St Maria Goretti
Danielle Cecilia De La Paz-St Cecilia
Jesus Saul Dominguez-St Sebastian
Jonathan Gerard Ehlinger-St Gerrard
Elizabeth Dawn Espinoza-St Lucy
Javier Matthew Flores-St Dominic
Joel Anthony Foran - St Sebastian
Allison Marie Funk-St Agnes
Arianna Gabrielle Garcia-St Anthony de Padua
Nicholas Paul Garza-St Peter
Luis Robert Jocson Garza III-St Louis
Thomas Enrique Gibbs-St Thomas Aquinas
Jacob Anthony Gilbert-St Anthony
Victoria Elizabeth Grohman-St Francis of Assisi
Joshua David Guerra-St Michael
Prebble Marie Hare-St. Simon
Kathryn Nichelle Hernandez-St Francis of Assisi
Taylor Jane Hernandez-St Joan of Arc
Jacob Keith Holzmann-St Michael
Emily Fallon Jackson-St Angela Merici
Kapp Edward Japhet-St Edward the Confessor
Kathryn Marie Kaihlanen-St Genevieve
Meredith Lindsay Kendrick-St Therese of Lisieux
Nicholas Prejean LeBlanc-St Joan of Arc
Rachel Lynn Lee-St Lucia
Alyson Jordan Lippincott-St Agnes
Elizabeth Loftus-St Clare
Luis Roberto Magallanes-Duarte-St Matthew
Jacob Daniel Mangold-St Augustine of Hippo
Geovanna Gabriella Marotta-St Maria Gabriella
Isabel Mercedes Martinez-St Julia
Jamee Nicole Mascorro-St Ursula
Kelly Rose Mc Ginty-St Rose of Lima
Connor Francis McKane-St Mark
Kory Allen Morawietz-St Sebastian
Anthony Gabriel Palermo-St Anthony of Padua
Taylor Parker—St Agnes
Alyssa Michelle Pena-St Cecilia
Nikole Juliana Pena –St Michael
Sarah Diane Rangel –St Agnes
Katelyn Alise Reyes –St Agnes
Jordan Ashley Ruiz-St Rose of Lima
Jacob Anthony Sandoval-St Brendan
Emily Marie Schaefer-St Rose of Lima
Braden Thomas Schulze-St Hubertus
Esteban David Spongberg-St Stephen
Cameron Michael Stiles-St Lawrence
Sally Marie Sullivan-St Augustine of Hippo
Claire Marie Treu-St Francis Xavier
Brianna Renee "Johnson" Valdez-St Agatha
Ryan Van de Riet-St Patrick
Amanda Vasquez-St Sebastian
John Richard Velten-St George
Victoria Maria Villa-St Joan of Arc
Elyse Yvonne Villanueva-St Jane de valois
Christian James Votion-St Michael
Katia Elizabeth Werner-St Elizabeth Ann Seton
Eileen Michelle Willingham-St Teresa of Avila
Emily Katherine Wilson-St Maria Goretti
Sofia Claire Winkley-St Teresa of Avila
Emily Nicole Zagrzecki-St Helena
Let us continue to pray for those who
celebrated their Sacraments at the
Easter Vigil, on April 19.
Elect who were Baptized, Confirmed, and
received First Eucharist.
Emily Marks Gannon
Jason Alan Gannon
River Mackenzie Gannon
Aris Starr Roth
Sierra Star Belmares
Alexander Thomas Arielly
Jack Stuart Brents
Jacob Aaron Chhilders
Maggie Marie Mizell
Samantha Ann Mizell
Timothy Jacob Mizell
Camila Michelle Palacios
Misty Nicole Perez (one of our
Elect who entered the Church at
the Vigil at Sacred Heart Church
in Abilene, Texas)
Candidates who made a Profession of
Faith, were Confirmed, and
received First Eucharist.
Lacey Jean Simpson Chote
Jessica Brooke Evetts
Douglas Ivan
Ashley Nicole Benge
Lauren Michelle Benge
Candidates who completed their
Sacraments of Initiation.
Jedi Vance Ryan Kane
Judy Sodapop Kane
Sinesio Matthew Martinez IV
Joaquin Arturo Mata
Nicolas Mendoza
Farash Elizabeth Neely
Sheyenne Dallas Neely
Sofia Alejandra Rivera
Christopher Jonas Valdez
Roberto Velazquez
Andrea Marie Wallace-Diaz
Nicole Marie Wallace-Diaz
Robert Franklin Chote III
Jordan Foster
Raquel Lynn Sendejo
Jaime Maximiliano Flores
Miranda Valeria Flores
Paola Montserrat Flores
A slide show was produced of pictures of moms
and daughters and Catherine Lopez read Love You,
Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate all of our moms
Forever. The Krystal Diaz & Danzavida de San Anand Mobile Loaves & Fishes did it up in style with a
tonio dancers provided entertainment. Frank
tea party! About ninety people attended the first
Lisenbee serenaded the group with guitar music
annual event held in St. Mark’s gym on Saturday,
during the lunch. Hand made cards and fancy
May 10. There were raffles of a quilt, crystal
mesh wreaths were some of the sale items.
pieces and a special Tiffany mystery gift. LunchMany thanks to the enthusiastic committee who
eon of Cordon Bleu Chicken Casserole, assorted
supported and supplied everything from food to
breads, mixed greens salad, seasonal fruit and
cake was served to the guests by some very dedi- flowers and, most importantly, added to the fun
and festivities of Mother’s Day.
cated men!
Shown below is Dr. Sheri Michel, Chief Rehabilitation Services, Warrior
Transition Battalion at Brooke Army Medical Center as she accepts the
donation of an Egg Chair from Knights of Columbus St. Rafael Guizar, Valencia Assembly 3018. Members of this Assembly are Fourth Degree
Knights from St. Mark the Evangelist and Padre Pio Parishes.
The Holy Spirit works in ways that
are sometimes unexpected, says
Sam Szalwinski, a member of Assembly 3018. This time it happened
while members of St Mark the
Evangelist Parish were sponsoring
and building a Habitat for Humanity
house on a Saturday during March.
Dr. Michel and her husband,
Art, were volunteers helping with
construction on that day.
During a morning break Sam and
Dr. Michel engaged in a conversation in which she mentioned that
she and her husband
recently joined St. Mark Parish. The
conversation then developed in
which Dr. Michel indicated that she
and her husband both worked at
BAMC with Wounded Warriors. One of the principles of Fourth Degree
members is Patriotism, to include helping members of our Armed Forces.
Realizing that this was an opportunity to help Wounded Warriors,
Sam asked if there was anything that Dr. Michel needed to assist
Wounded Warrior rehabilitation. An Egg Chair, came the reply. As other
volunteers gathered, Dr. Michel explained that an Egg Chair is a very special chair shaped as an egg cut in half along the long axis. When a
wounded warrior sits in it the shape acts as a cocoon. With this sense of
security the wounded warrior feels protected, while music of choice can
be played. The chair is also fitted to monitor vital body functions such as
blood pressure, heart rate, etc.
Members from Assembly 3018 who participated in presentation of the Egg
Chair included Nieves Gonzales, Tom Hardy, Ron Hrncir, Roger Mays,
Robert Parrott, Sam Szalwinski, John Thabet and Larry Zoller.
The Pumpkin Patch is coming back!
Mobile Loaves and Fishes will be hosting a patch in October. We are looking
for volunteers to help with the planning.
Our first meeting will be June 16 at 7pm
in Christopher Hall, Room 203.
Hope to see you there! Contact Karen
at for info.
Coming Next Fall & Spring
The Great Adventure
presents the studies of
Galatians and Revelation
September 9, 2014 – February 10, 2015 on Tuesdays from 9:00-11:00 am or 6:45-8:45 pm
Starting September 9th we will begin Galatians:
Set Free to Live. This study by Jeff Cavins and
Gayle Somers speaks of the extraordinary gift of
salvation that Jesus has won for us, explaining
how we can unite ourselves to Christ’s redeeming
sacrifice. Reignite your love for God as you learn
about the deep love God has for you.
The study of Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to
Come by Jeff Cavins will be an intriguing look at
one of the most talked-about books in Scripture.
Jeff Cavins explores Revelation to demonstrate
how the kingdom established by Christ in His
Church is intimately connected with the kingdom
of heaven, especially through the celebration of
the Mass.
You will learn what all the mysterious figures and
images of Revelation present, as well as what will
happen during the Second Coming of Christ, what
has already happened, and what is happening
now in salvation history.
Registration will be held August 9/10 and 16/17
after all Masses. For further information, please
contact: Sheryl Parker at 274-1031 or Elida Robles
at 491-9896. Babysitting is available.
During the month of May, 122 children were welcomed at
the Table of Our Lord for the first time. This included 4 of
our Special Needs children. Congratulations to each of you,
may you continue to grow in love of Jesus as you receive
His Body and His Blood each Sunday. As one First Communicant stated, “After receiving Jesus, I feel like I can do anything God wants me to do!”
VBS Week: July 7-11
(Prep Week: June 30-July 3)
Summer Faith
July 21-24 & July 28-31
6:00-8:30 pm
This is an opportunity for families to strengthen their faith
and prepare their children for celebrating the Sacraments of
Reconciliation and Eucharist. The program is for children
entering 2nd-5th grades in the Fall 2014 and their parents.
Children who attend Summer Faith Formation must attend
the 2014-15 Faith Formation program in order to prepare for
their celebration of the Sacraments.
If you are interested in helping with this fun event, please
contact Theresa at
Registration begins May 1st for Parishioners &
June 1 for non-Parishioners.
Registration is open to all
children age 4 (by July 1) through
entering 6th grade (Fall 2014).
For Teen Volunteers contact Dorothy Godines at
Do You Have ..?
(just to borrow for 2 weeks)
A large tent : Blue tarps (or any color) : Canopies :
Picnic Baskets : Artificial Trees
Craft Supplies
Metal Mint tins (Altoids, Sucrets, etc) : Religious medals :
Holy Cards : Duck tape (all colors) : Contact Paper :
Vinyl tablecloths : Plastic Shower curtains :
Wooden Spring Clothespins : 100% White Cotton Fabric
Do you have special skills?
Sewing : Woodworking : Singing : Storytelling :
Baking : Crafts
Registration fee: $100 per family. Childcare available for
younger siblings upon request only.
For more information please call Theresa Crow at
210.494.7434 or by email
Mobile Loaves & Fishes, Inc.
(MLF) celebrated the opening of their
new (temporary) kitchen on Saturday,
May 3 with a special blessing by
Msgr. Kevin. The new name –Daily
Bread—was announced. This marks the
twelfth year of operations at St. Mark
and an estimated 600,000 meals have
been served with the help of more than
700 volunteers from both the St. Mark
parish community and the San Antonio area. Many other
churches and denominations have joined with MLF to produce this much food for the homeless.
MLF plans to join with Travis Park United
Methodist in helping outfit newly independent women who had been emotionally traumatized. The women will
have gone through a program called
“Deborah’s House” and will establish a
new residence. The program offers mentoring and help
in finding work. MLF provide used furniture donated to
the organization.
MLF also plans to expand its ministry in
partnership with the SA Food bank by
delivering sacks of groceries to low income housing developments and resettled refugees new to San Antonio
through Catholic Charities.
If you are interested in helping, contact Sandy Finleon at