current program guide
current program guide
TOWN O F B ILLER ICA RECREAT IO N D EPARTMEN T 2 016 FALL PR0 GRAM GUID E 2016 FALL PROGRAM GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS ADULT SPORTS VOLLEYBALL 8 BASKETBALL 8 GOLF LESSONS 8 PRESCHOOL MOMMY & ME 5 ADULT FITNESS PRESCHOOL PALS 5 ZUMBA 9 T-BALL TRAINING 5 BI’S, TRI’S, CORE & THIGHS 9 SCIENCE FAMILY NIGHT 5 FULL BODY WORKOUT 9 ZUMBA WORKOUT 9 BELLYDANCING FOR WOMEN 9 BELLYDANCING 101 WORKSHOP 9 YOUTH DRAMA - HAM I AM 5 ZUMBA CLASSICS 9 DRAMA - BEYOND THE SPOTLIGHT 5 TWILIGHT YOGA 10 FIRST LEGO LEAGUE 5 TAI-CHI LONG FORM 10 LEGO BUILT IT MOVE IT 5 LEGO SUMO BATTLE BOTS 5 ADULT MIDDLE SCHOOL FISHING 6 LEARN TO FISH FOR ADULTS 10 KIDS JAM 6 PARTY DANCING 101 10 PARTY DANCING WORKSHOP 10 ADULT SKATE 10 ED2GO 10 YOUTH SPORTS GOLF LESSONS 6 NEXT STEP BASEBALL 6 FLAG FOOTBALL 6 PAL STREET HOCKEY 6 VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES 6 TENNIS LESSONS 7 YOUTH SKI/SNOWBOARD OUT & ABOUT DISCOUNTED TICKETS 11 BRUINS TICKETS 11 CELTICS TICKETS 11 NASHOBA TUESDAY LIFE TICKETS 11 WESTSIDE STORY TICKETS 11 HOLIDAY POPS AT LOWELL AUDITORIUM TICKETS 11 NASHOA SNOWBOARD LESSONS 7 SOMETHING ROTTEN TICKETS 11 NASHOBA SKI LESSONS 7 CURIOUS INCIDENT TICKETS 11 FRIDAY NIGHT WACHUSETT 7 THE KING AND I TICKETS 11 TRIPS & TOURS ADULT SKI/SNOWBOARD NASHOBA LESSONS 7 ADAPTED PROGRAMS DAY TRIPS 12 OVERNIGHT TRIPS 12 LEISURE ADVENTURE CLUB 8 LATE ARRIVALS ADAPTED ZUMBA 8 CHECK HERE FOR ADDED PROGRAMS FAMILY PROGRAMS FAMILY SCIENCE NIGHT 8 13 BILLERICA RECREATION DEPARTMENT 248 Boston Road * Billerica, MA 01821 978-671-0921 * FAX 978-671-0927 E-MAIL— Website— BILLERICA RECREATION COMMISSION John Bartlett * Chairperson Addie Finley * Vice- Chairperson Cynthia Rich * Secretary Paul Capone * League Liaison Ruth Mingo * Special Events Donald Casey * John Colbert Opening * Joseph Fiumara Jim Spinale * Rick Heckbert Cancellation: The Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel a program for which there is insufficient registration or for any other reasonable cause which prevents the presentation of the program. Weather Cancellations: Billerica Recreation Department programs follow the public school calendar and cancellation policies. If there is no school due to a storm, there will be no recreation program. There maybe times when we are able to run a program at specific locations that are outside of the school systems. Recreation Department cancellations will be announced by recorded message at 978-6710921 and via the internet using the town’s web page and the department’s facebook page. Employment & Volunteer Opportunities: We accept applications for employment and for volunteers to work in our programs. Contact the Recreation Department for more information. If you have a special skill or talent and would like to offer a program for the Recreation Department. Contact us and we will send you a program proposal form! Important Contact Information ACTING DIRECTOR Joseph Higgins, Jr. ACTING ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Donna Hansen, CPRP PROGRAM COORDINATOR David Grubb SECRETARY Lori Boucher Office Hours: Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Privacy Policy: Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy, Billerica Recreation has developed the following practices and procedures regarding how we collect, use, and safeguard the personal information that you provide us through our web site. When you apply for a registration account on-line or register for a program, Billerica Recreation will collect certain personally identifiable information. Personally identifiable information is information that is not otherwise publicly available and may include such things as your first and last name, your physical address, including house number, street, city, state, and zip code, your e-mail address, your home, cell and/or work phone number, family names, date of birth, school grade, other data that identify the individual; data that describe the individual's health or medical condition related to programming, family relationship, or living arrangements and special instructions/information about an individual that an instructor needs to be aware of for successful participation. Secure website: Billerica Recreation Department’s on-line registration site is a secure website, ensuring that all information and transactions are secure between web servers and browsers. Billerica Recreation uses Plug n’ Pay Technologies Inc. (PnP) to process all credit card transactions. They have created a privacy statement in order to demonstrate their firm commitment to privacy and security and to clearly define these standards to our customers and the community they serve. They have established these policies to protect the security and privacy of the information collect In addition to these policies, they maintain strict internal policies against unauthorized disclosure or use of customer information. Security protocols have been implemented to restrict access to information according to job responsibility. Any suspected attempt to breach PnP policies and procedures, or to engage in any type of unauthorized action involving their information systems, is regarded as potentially criminal activity, and all suspected computer mischief is reported to the appropriate authorities. For more information regarding plugnpay’s privacy Policies & Procedures check out their web site at: privacy.php E-NEWSLETTER: To sign up for our e-newsletter click on this link BILLERICA RECREATION EMAIL NEWS FACEBOOK: Visit us on facebook “Billerica Recreation”. VISIT BILL & ERICA’s ADVENTURES: Our two critter mascots have traveled far and near with Billerica families and friends. They have been to the Grand Canyon, Disney World, skiing, local museums, the neighborhood parks, Europe and many more places. Check out their adventures on their Facebook page! Stop by the Recreation office to invite them on your next adventure. REGISTRATION INFORMATION You may register anytime after this brochure has been published for viewing. The earlier you register, the better chance you have of getting into the programs you want. The Billerica Recreation Department is pleased to provide you with the flexibility of on-line registrations, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week. This new site will allow you to login and register for Recreation programs, as well as browse our seasonal brochure and find additional department information. WALK-IN REGISTRATION Walk-in registration will be accepted at the Recreation Office, Monday – Friday from 9:00 to 3:00. MAIL-IN REGISTRATION Complete a registration form showing the programs & participants. Use one form for each household. Make checks payable to: “Billerica Recreation Department". Insert registration form and check into an envelope and mail to: Billerica Recreation Department 248 Boston Road, Billerica, MA 01821 ON-LINE REGISTRATION ( Log on with your User ID and Password, choose an activity category, select a class, add the class to your cart , choose the family member to register, answer any registration questions, continue to the shopping cart, choose checkout and finish by paying, and log out when complete. There is a non-refundable convenience fee for all credit card purchases. To request a User ID and password: Click on the My Account tab and select Request New Account. Complete and submit the on-line New Account Request Form and you will be provided information from our department. Please allow one business day to process your request. Classes or events may not be available for on-line registration if the nature of the class and event requires prerequisites or other specific information,. You will need to visit the Recreation Office. However, you will still be able to view their availability. Registrations will be processed as soon as they are received at the Recreation Department. Registration is on a first come first serve basis, until the maximum number of persons per program is reached. Your name will be placed on a waiting list if the program is full. Age and grade requirements: If age is specified, the child must be that age on the day the program begins. The grade level refers to the grade the child is in during the current school year. Any special information including allergies, and/or other instructions that an instructor should be made aware of to ensure you or your child’s participation in a program should be noted on the application. Every effort will be made to accommodate your special need. If you do not hear from the Recreation Department, you should assume that you are registered for the program that you submitted a registration for. You will hear from us if: 1.The class is full and you have been placed on the wait list. 2.The class is cancelled. 3.There has been a change in the day, time or date program will begin. Fee: A person is registered for a program only when full payment and completed registration form is received by the Recreation Department. Trips & Special events require advance payment. There will be a $25.00 fee charged for a returned check. There is a non-refundable convenience fee for all credit card purchases. Refund Policy You may withdraw from a program two weeks prior to the start date and receive a full refund minus any expenses incurred for a program. All refunds regardless of payment used (cash, check or credit card) are processed through the Town and a check will be mailed to you. Credit card convenience fee will not be refunded. If a participant withdraws from a program less than two weeks prior to the starting date of a program, they are entitled to a household credit for the full amount minus a $10.00 administrative fee and any expenses incurred for a program. Credit card convenience fee will not be refunded. If you cancel your registration for a program for which the Recreation Department has paid a deposit, purchased supplies, equipment, tickets or incurred other expenses on your behalf, your refund if any will be reduced by the amount of the expenses incurred including administrative fee and Credit Card convenience fee. A full refund will be made only if programs are canceled, filled or if the Department's change in offering prohibit your attendance. Allow 2-3 weeks for processing all refunds. Once a program has begun, no refund will be issued, with the exception of a medical emergency which would prohibit completion of the class or a hardship. A household credit for the remaining classes would then be issued. PRESCHOOL YOUTH MOMMY & ME DRAMA ~ HAM I AM Calling all preschoolers! Join other 2 & 3 yr. olds and their caregivers for a fun hour of organized playing and socializing. Each week will have a different theme that is explored through books, games, crafts and toys. Parent / caregiver participation is required. This class focuses on imagination and improvisation utilizing old favorite drama games, as well as, some brand new ones! Whether you are a seasoned actor or this is your first drama class, you will have fun and gain confidence by working in teams, building characters and tapping into your own creative talents. Students will also experiment with music, creative movement, improvisation, fairy tales and theatre games. Costumes and props provided. Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Elizabeth Gardner *No Class 11/11, 11/25 Session 21109-A 21109-B Age 2-3 2-3 MIN/MAX: 4/12 Date 9/23-10/21 11/4-12/16 Day F F Time Location: HAJJAR ELEMENTARY Instructor: Cindi Haggerty Fee 10:00-11:00A $30.00 10:00-11:00A $30.00 Session 23364-A PRESCHOOL PALS Session 21110-A 21110-B Age 3-5 3-5 Date 9/20-10/18 11/1-11/29 Tu Tu Time Fee 10:00-11:30A $35.00 10:00-11:30A $35.00 Now is your chance to learn the basics of t-ball/baseball and get some practice. We will have fun doing drills and practicing as well as playing some games. Wear your sneakers and comfortable clothes and be ready for a lot of fun T-ing off with us! Age 4-5 Date 9/18-10/30 Day Th Time 6:30-7:30P Fee $125.00 Session 23365-A Age 9-13 Date 9/29-11/17 MIN/MAX: 6/15 Day Th Time 7:30-8:30P Fee $125.00 LEGO BUILD IT MOVE IT Location: P. HANNON-RIZZA COMPLEX Instructor: Rob Rizzari 21623-A 9/29-11/17 Location: HAJJAR ELEMENTARY Instructor: Cindi Haggerty T-BALL TRAINING Session Date Remember if you shine from within, you’ll never need a spotlight! In this drama class, we’ll have a blast playing improvisational theatre games, performing short scenes and rocking our group “Acting Challenges.” This celebration of imagination and performance art is not only fun, but fosters valuable skills too. These skills, such as: the art of improvisation, confidence, stage presence, leadership and teamwork are beneficial for success on the stage. But more importantly, these are skills that are essential in life. No need to dream about escaping the ordinary life; in this class, we will discover and celebrate how truly extraordinary we really are! Costumes, scripts and props provided! MIN/MAX: 5/12 Day 5-8 DRAMA ~ BEYOND THE SPOTLIGHT Now that the children are older, it is time for them to have fun with friends. This is a drop off class for ages 3 to 5. Each week will have a different theme that will be explored through books, crafts, games and activities. Children must be toilet trained. Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Elizabeth Gardner Age MIN/MAX: 6/15 This is a great program for that junior Lego(R) builder! Each week participants will learn how different simple machine works. These will include pulleys, gears and wheels. Then participants will then use their creativity to meet the challenge of building a moving project that uses that simple machine. MIN/MAX: 5/15 Day Su Time Fee 11:00-12:00P $25.00 Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Billerica Recreation Staff *No Class: 10/10 YOUTH FIRST LEGO LEAGUE Session 23524-A Calling on your ages 9-14! Is your room covered in Lego® blocks? Do you like robots? If so, this is the team for you! Join other Lego® fanatics in creating super robots and competing with other teams from around Massachusetts to solve this year’s challenge: “Animal Allies”. Our first meeting will be held on 9/9 at 6:30PM at the Lewis Building. Come to the meeting a learn more! Age 6-8 Date 9/26-10/24 MIN/MAX: 5/8 Day M Time 3:30-4:30P Fee $40.00 LEGO SUMO BATTLE BOTS Using our Lego(R) collection, children will design and build simple battle robots then battle each other for fun. Bring your creativity and get ready to build your battle bot! No Legos will be taken home. Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Pavithra Giridharan & Recreation Staff Session 23523-A 5 Age 9-12 Date 11/7-11/28 Day M MIN/MAX: 4/12 Time 3:30-4:30P Fee $40.00 YOUTH SPORTS YOUTH NEXT STEP BASEBALL MIDDLE SCHOOL FISHING This is a great opportunity to take the next step beyond t-ball, and take your swings against a moving ball. We will have fun doing drills and practicing as well as playing some games. Wear your sneakers and comfortable clothes and be ready for a lot of fun! Middle School Fishing fans are invited to hop on the Recreation Department bus from the Marshall or Locke Middle Schools for an afternoon of fishing fun. Poles and tackle can be stored at Micozzi Beach each week or dropped off at the Recreation Department office. One of our trips will include travel to another nearby fishing hole for a longer afternoon of fun. Location: MICOZZI BEACH Instructor: Billerica Recreation Staff Session 23472-A Age 11-14 Date 9/30-10/21 Location: P. HANNON-RIZZA COMPLEX Instructor: Rob Rizzari Day Time F 2:00-4:00P Session Fee 21623-B $25.00 Location: TBD Instructor: Kamate Fitness 23339-A 6-11 TBD Day Time TBD 3:45-4:45P Session Fee 23100-A 23100-B 23100-C $77.00 YOUTH SPORTS 6-15 6-15 6-15 6-15 Date 9/10-10/8 9/10-10/8 9/11-10/9 9/11-10/9 23640-A 23640-B MIN/MAX: 1/5 Day Sa Sa Su Su Time 9:30-11:00A 3:00-4:30P 9:30-11:00A 3:00-4:30P Fee $119.00 $119.00 $119.00 $119.00 VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES This exciting league will feature practice, instruction and a season of competitive games. Fee includes team shirts (please note size), playoffs. LIMITED SPACE! Register before November 27 and save! The fee goes up to $105 beginning November 28. Location: BILLERICA MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL Instructor: Billerica Recreation Staff MIN/MAX: 15/40 Session Age Date Day Time Fee 33644-A 33644-B 1/8-3/5 1/8-3/5 Su Su 2:00-4:00P 2:00-4:00P $95.00 $95.00 9-11 11-14 Su Time Fee 12:30-2:30P $40.00 Age 5-7 7-9 9-11 Date 9/17-10/29 9/17-10/29 9/17-10/29 MIN/MAX: 20/25 Day Sa Sa Sa Location: PAL RINK AT Marshall Middle School Instructor: Billerica Recreation Staff Session Location: BILLERICA COUNTRY CLUB Instructor: Barrie Bruce Golf School Age Day Time 4:00-5:00P 5:00-6:00P 6:00-7:00P Fee $99.00 $99.00 $99.00 PAL STREET HOCKEY GOLF LESSONS 23613-A 23613-B 23613-C 23613-D 9/18-10/30 Co-ed teams will compete in this recreational league. Team assignments will be announced after first week based on registrations. Players must wear sneakers. Equipment will be provided. These classes are for beginners as well as those who are in the process of developing better golf skills and consist of a series of five one-and-a-half hour lessons dealing with safety, the address position, the swing, irons, woods, the short game, and golf etiquette. Session Date Location: P. HANNON-RIZZA COMPLEX Instructor: SATURDAY NIGHT LIGHTS MIN/MAX: 8/25 Date 6-7 Saturday Night Lights - Flag Football. Join us for this great opportunity to experience the positive, social & athletic benefits of flag football. The goal is to have fun playing the great game of flag football in a safe environment that will help kids learn and develop the proper skills required. A game shirt and mouth guard will be provided to each participant. Good Sportsmanship is also a top priority. There will be practice time and teams will be 8-10 players for 7 weeks. NO TEAM REQUEST WILL BE HONORED IN THE INTEREST OF KEEPING TEAMS BALANCED. Kick it with your friends! This after school dance fitness program is a fun fusion of the latest dance styles and music. We dance, sweat, and most importantly we have fun! Get funky and move with attitude! We learn new steps, create our own dance and work together as a team—including a performance on the last day of class. Bring a water bottle and snack to during class. Wear comfortable clothing and sneakers. All registrations will receive Kids Jam shirt. Age Age FLAG FOOTBALL - SNL KIDS JAM Session MIN/MAX: 5/15 MIN/MAX: 5/10 6 Age 7-9 10-12 Date 9/24-11/12 9/24-11/12 Day Sa Sa MIN/MAX: 10/26 Time Fee 9:00-10:00A $20.00 10:15-11:15A $20.00 YOUTH SKI/SNOWBOARD YOUTH SPORTS NASHOBA SKI LESSONS TENNIS LESSONS Take advantage of these discounted rates for six lessons for the beginner to the advanced skier/snowboarder. Lesson fees include 6 week lift ticket good for Tuesday evenings after lessons! Equipment rentals (skis/boards) are available from Nashoba Valley Ski Area for $110 for 6 weeks OR save $25.00 by getting your equipment fit early at Nashoba prior to the start of their season. Helmet rentals are available for rental at $45 or purchase at $60. Payments for rentals are made out directly to Nashoba Valley. Call Nashoba Valley for more information: 978-692-3033. Students are encouraged to bring their own racquet to class. Demonstration racquets are available if needed. In case of adverse weather, call The Next Champions 978-815-0473. Min. 3/Max. 6 per court. Location: P. HANNON-RIZZA COMPLEX Instructor: The Next Champions YOUTH BEGINNER Perfect for students who are new to tennis or have taken a few sessions of instructional lessons. Players who are in grades 1 & 2 must register for this class, unless instructor approval is given to change to the intermediate class. Don't try to move up to Intermediate too soon! Session 23641-A 23641-B 23641-C 23641-D 23641-E Age 4-8 4-8 4-8 4-8 4-8 Date 9/12-10/25* 9/14-10/19 9/13-10/18 9/15-10/20 9/11-10/16 Day Time M W Tu Th Su 3:30-4:30P 3:30-4:30P 3:00-4:00P 3:00-4:00P 2:00-3:00P Location: NASHOBA VALLEY SKI Instructor: Nashoba Valley Staff Session Fee 33628-A $78.00 $78.00 $78.00 $78.00 $78.00 Age 7-11 7-11 Date 9/12-10/17 9/11-10/16 Day Time M Su 4:30-5:30P 3:00-4:00P Fee $78.00 $78.00 HIGH SCHOOL PREP Get a jump start to your spring tennis season with this special program designed for the High School tennis team player. Through a combination of instruction, drills, and play this program is a great opportunity to build your skills. Session 24643-A 24643-B 24643-C Age 14-18 14-18 14-18 Date 9/13-10/18 9/15-10/20 9/11-10/16 Day Tu Th Su Time 4:00-5:30P 4:00-5:30P 4:00-5:30P Session 33670-A Fee $135.00 $135.00 $135.00 Age 6-18 Date 1/3-2/7 Time 4:15-5:15P Fee $205.00 Age 11-18 Date 1/6-2/10 Day F Location: NASHOBA VALLEY SKI Instructor: Nashoba Valley Staff *No Class 1/16 Session Tu Fee 4:15-5:15P $205.00 MIN/MAX: 30/70 Time Fee 4:00-10:00P $110.00 ADULT-LESSONS-NASHOBA 35629-A 35629-B 35629-C MIN/MAX: 0/10 Day Time Lessons are available Monday-Thursday mornings & evenings or Sunday evenings. NOTE: Each of these time slots has its own session number. Week day lessons will have flexibility for day attending but time slot must remain consistent . Equipment rentals (skis/boards) are available from Nashoba Valley Ski Area for $110 for 6 weeks OR save by getting your equipment fit early at Nashoba or attending one of their boot fit nights or prior to the start of their season. Helmet rentals are available for rental at $45 or purchased at $60. Call Nashoba Valley for more information: 978-692-3033. NASHOBA SNOWBOARD LESSONS 33629-A Tu ADULT SKI/SNOWBOARD Take advantage of these discounted rates for six lessons for the beginner to the advanced skier/snowboarder. Lesson fees include 6 week lift ticket good for Tuesday evenings after lessons! Equipment rentals (skis/boards) are available from Nashoba Valley Ski Area for $115 for 6 weeks OR save $25.00 by getting your equipment fit early at Nashoba prior to the start of their season. Helmet rentals are available at $45 or purchase at $60. Payments for rentals are made out directly to Nashoba Valley. Call Nashoba Valley for more information: 978-692-3033. Session Day Location: WACHUSETT MOUNTAIN YOUTH SKI/SNOWBOARD Location: NASHOBA VALLEY SKI Instructor: Nashoba Valley Staff 1/3-2/7 FRIDAY NIGHT WACHUSETT YOUTH INTERMEDIATE 23643-A 23643-B Date 6-18 Great night skiing and riding at Wachusett!! This Friday night ski program is open to Middle and High School students attending Billerica Public Schools. It is a six-week program that combines our transportation with the Wachusett Mountain packages. Registration fee paid to Billlerica Recreation is only for transportation to the ski slope. Students MUST also register online directly with Wachusett for lift ticket, rentals, lessons, etc. as desired. Rates available at: Please note that daily registrations will NOT be accepted unless space is available, and participant substitution is not permitted. All students registering with WACHUSETT for their ski/boarding programs MUST enroll with Billerica Recreation for their transportation. Our buses leave the Good Street Parking Lot at 4 p.m. and returns at 10:15 p.m beginning on Jan. 8, 2016 and continues for 6 weeks. Evenings that are canceled due to inclement weather will be made up at the end. No skiing during school vacation week. Please note: Bus rate increase on 12/1/16 so register with Wachusett now! HELMETS ARE NOW REQUIRED. Please remember when selecting options such as rentals and lessons that our program is a 6-WEEK PROGRAM. ON 12/1 the bus fee increases to $120. This class is for students grades 2 & older who have learned the basic strokes and are working on shot placement and control. Players will focus on ball returns and develop their overhead serve for match play. If you are returning to playing tennis after an extended break in action, this would be a good place to start so you can re-develop your skills. Session Age MIN/MAX: 0/10 7 Age Date 18 & older 1/9-2/16 18 & older 1/9-2/16 18 & older 1/8-2/12 MIN/MAX: 0/10 Day M-Th M-Th Su Time Fee 10:00-11:00A $200.00 7:30-8:30P $200.00 5:30-6:30P $200.00 ADAPTED PROGRAMS ADULT SPORTS ADVENTURE CLUB Open play. Teams formed each night. Sneakers required. For those who would rather pay per night, the cost will be $8/per night and can be paid directly to the program supervisor. Or SAVE MONEY by registering for all 12 nights. $80 gets you a season pass. ADULT VOLLEYBALL This recreational program is designed for older teens and young adults with disabilities who would like a variety of fun social activities. Each season, a different line up of trips and activities is scheduled twice each month. Location: MARSHALL MIDDLE SCHOOL Instructor: Billerica Recreation Staff *No Class 11/23 A separate registration form will be available for this program. Please contact the Recreation Department for details. Session ADAPTED ZUMBA 25353-A Zumba is a fun movement program with a Latin beat! This class is designed and modified especially for teens and "young" adults with special needs. These 45 minute classes are fun, exciting, fitness movement gatherings with dance routines to upbeat music, including: pop and dance classics and a few "party" line dances! Get ready to move your body to the beat and rhythms as you build up your endurance. Please wear comfortable clothing and sneakers. Bring a water bottle (make sure you have your name on it!) Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Carolisa of Moonlightdj's Session 23617-A 23617-B Age Date 15 & older 9/13-10/18 15 & older 11/1-12/6 Age Date 18 & older 9/21-12/14 Day W MIN/MAX: 16/40 Time 7:00-9:00P Fee $80.00 MIN/MAX: 4/15 Day Tu Tu Time 5:30-6:15P 5:30-6:15P ADULT - RECREATION BASKETBALL Fee $30.00 $30.00 Open play. Teams formed each night. Sneakers required. Save money by signing up for all 12 nights in the season! $80 gets you a season pass. For those who would rather pay per night, $8/per night can be paid directly to the program supervisor. SPECIAL OLYMPICS BOWLING Join in the fun, develop new skills and make new friends during the Special Olympics Bowling program on Saturday afternoons at Wolburn Bowladrome. Fee includes shoe rental and three strings of bowling. This program is for individuals ages 8 and older who receive or had received special education services. It continues until the annual Special Olympics Bowling Tournament in late winter/early spring. Instructor: Billerica Recreation Staff *No Class: 10/10, 10/31, 11/24 Location: MARSHALL MIDDLE SCHOOL Session Age Date Day Time Fee Location: PARKER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Session Age Date Day Time Fee 25648-A Call the Recreation Department at 978-671-0921 for more information. MIN/MAX: 8/20 25648-B 25648-C 18 & older 9/22-12/15 18-45 45-80 9/19-12/12 9/19-12/12 Th M M 6:30-9:00P 6:00-7:30P 7:30-9:00P $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 ADULT GOLF LESSON Designed for the new golfer who has little or no experience, this class will teach the fundamentals of golf including addressing position, swing with irons and woods, putting, practice techniques, and drills in a relaxing and stress free environment. There are five one-hour lessons spread one week apart with flexible scheduling for missed lessons. Equipment provided, if needed. Class is limited to six students so sign up early! FAMILY PROGRAMS Location: BILLERICA COUNTRY CLUB Instructor: Barrie Bruce Golf School SCIENCE FAMILY NIGHT Join us for a fun night exploring science together! This program is intended to bring children, parents, and grandparents together for a fun family night out! The theme for this event will be "All About Chemistry". The fee is $10/ child, and all parents/grandparents are free!! Location: SENIOR CENTER Instructor: Top Secret Science Session 23516-A Age 5-12 Date 9/26 Session MIN/MAX: 10/20 Day M Time 6:30-8:00P Age 25613-A 18 & older 25613-B 18 & older 25613-C 18 & older 25613-D 18 & older Fee $10.00 8 Date 9/10-10/8 9/11-10/9 9/12-10/10 9/15-10/13 MIN/MAX: 1/6 Day Sa Su M Th Time Fee 11:30-12:30P $169.00 11:30-12:30P $169.00 5:30-6:30P $169.00 5:30-6:30P $169.00 ADULT FITNESS ADULT FITNESS ZUMBA BELLYDANCING FOR WOMEN Zumba is a style of intense dance-aerobics workout with pulsating Latin music. So get ready to move your body to the beat and rhythms as you build up your cardiovascular endurance during hour long classes! Please wear comfortable workout clothes and be sure to bring a water bottle. Class size is limited so sign up quickly. Location: MARSHALL MIDDLE SCHOOL Instructor: Tina Kelly *No Class 11/24 Session 25617-A 25617-B Age Date 14 & older 9/22-10/27 14 & older 11/3-12/15 Day Th Th This special evening is a perfect "Girls' Night Out!" Join others for a fun time learning the basics of this ancient but beautiful and joyous dance! In this Beginner Workshop we will cover the basics. Learn moves from fast & fiery to slow & smooth, including hip and core isolations all set to a fantastic mix of world music! We will top if off with the beautiful Veil dance (veils provided). Increase flexibility, work all muscles, especially the core (low impact) & feel great in this FUN & friendly class! Women of all ages, generations, body types and fitness levels encouraged. Wear stretchy comfortable clothing and two pairs of socks or slipper socks. MIN/MAX: 5/20 Time 6:15-7:15P 6:15-7:15P Fee Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Carolisa of Moonlightdj's *No Class 10/10 $60.00 $60.00 Session BI'S, TRI'S, CORE & THIGHS 25123-A This fat blasting class combines aerobic dancing with light weight work. The easy to follow choreography will remain the same during each session so participants will become familiar with the routine. Bi's, Tri's, Core & Thighs class will help you tone those stubborn target areas. Wear comfortable clothing and bring water. Participants should also bring a yoga mat and 2-3 pound weights. Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Jan Stimpson *No Class 10/27, 11/24 Session 25646-A Age Date 16 & older 9/29-12/15 Th Time 3:30-4:30P 25618-A Age Date 16 & older 9/17-10/22 Session 25124-A Fee Sa Time 9:00-9:45A Fee Age Date Day Time Fee $60.00 Date 18 & older 11/21 MIN/MAX: 3/15 Day M Location: MARSHALL MIDDLE SCHOOL Instructor: Carolisa of Moonlightdj's *No Class 10/19 $60.00 Session 25621-A MIN/MAX: 4/15 25620-A 14 & older 9/13-10/18 Tu 25620-B 14 & older 11/1-12/6 Tu 6:15-7:25P Time 7:00-8:30P Fee $14.00 ZUMBA CLASSICS ZUMBA WORKOUT Session Time This class is geared toward the “baby boomer”, active older adult, and all levels including Zumba beginners and those new to exercising. If you’ve felt lost in other classes that were just too intense, this is your class! It’s easy to catch on; moves and dances are explained as needed. Adjust the workout to suit your own level. This energizing dance-fitness workout combines easy dance moves with traditional exercise to burn calories, strengthen and tone, especially the core and lower body. Workout, dance & get funky to a fantastic mix of music. Mix in some of the best dance & party classics, disco, funk, 80’s pop, classic rock, motown, r&b, & and even a few line dances! Requests welcome. Dance away calories and have a blast in this fun & friendly class! This energizing dance-fitness workout combines easy dance moves with traditional exercises to burn calories and strengthen abs, core, and your lower body. Workout, dance & get funky to a fantastic mix of "old school" to current music. Adjust the workout to suit your level whether it needs to be easier or more intense! We will use therabands for a few songs to target those tri’s and bi’s; includes a short segment on mats for core work and glutes. Bring your mat - we will supply the therabands, Dance off calories and get a complete workout in this fun & friendly class! Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Carolisa of Moonlightdj's Age $50.00 MIN/MAX: 5/20 Day M Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Carolisa of Moonlightdj's FULL BODY WORKOUT Session Day BELLYDANCING 101 WORKSHOP A fully body workout for all fitness levels that incorporates resistance training, cardio, and mat work. This workout will help you build strength, increase your metabolism, and improve performance. Bring water and a can do attitude. Sneakers required. Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Tina Kelly Date 18 & older 10/3-11/14 In this one-night workshop, we will introduce participants to all of the basics of belly dancing listed in the description posted above. MIN/MAX: 5/15 Day Age MIN/MAX: 3/15 Fee 6:25-7:25P $60.00 6:25-7:25P $60.00 9 Age Date 14 & older 9/28-11/2 MIN/MAX: 4/15 Day W Time 6:25-7:25P Fee $45.00 ADULT FITNESS ADULT TWILIGHT YOGA LEARN TO FISH FOR ADULTS Gain flexibility, strength, and relieve stress through yoga! Whether you're new to yoga or have experience, this class will meet your ability level. Bring yoga mat, water, and dress comfortably. Participant should be able to stand up and sit down on occasion, in addition to mat work. Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Jennifer Stimpson *No Class 10/27, 11/03, 11/24 Session 29645-A Age Date 16 & older 9/29-12/15 Have you ever wanted to learn how to fish, but didn’t know where to start? Here’s your chance; let the MassWildlife Angler Education Program be your guide. This is a two session (4 to 5 hour) "adult only" fishing course for beginners, designed to give you the confidence to fish on your own. We’ll show you the basic equipment, and how to use it. We’ll teach you how to rig up, and cast out. We’ll teach you what, where, and when to fish. And the best part – we’ll take you fishing. So come try your hand at this great pastime, you’ll be guaranteed to catch some fun! Minimum age is 18. Please note: This program is for BEGINNERS only. MIN/MAX: 5/15 Day Th Time 7:00-8:00P Fee Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Massachusetts Wildlife Angler Education $55.00 Session 29506-A Age Date 18 & older 9/8-9/15 Day Th MIN/MAX: 0/10 Time 5:30-7:30P Fee $0.00 PARTY DANCING 101 Have you always wanted to jump in when everyone hits the dance floor at a wedding or party? Don’t sit on the sidelines, join in & have fun! We’ll review all the popular “party” line dances you’ll need: electric slide, cha cha slide, hustle, some country line dances, a Greek dance & more! In our warm-up, move & groove to a mix of some of the best pop & dance from each decade; using easy low impact moves to get loose on the dance floor. This class is for anyone who loves or wants to learn to dance. Get in the groove! TAI-CHI LONG FORM This easy to learn and fun to do exercise combines elements from both Tai Chi and Qigong and works your inner life force. It is about our breathing coordinated with slow and gentle repetition of each movement along with visualizations and is done along with music. Get relaxed and invigorated with us. This is a drop in program with fee paid on date of class. Our leaders, Carol Mason and Joanne Shaughnessy, have practiced the Yang Style Long Form TAI CHI at the Billerica Senior Center and are excited to open this up to others! Come and follow along and practice the Yang Long Form. Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Joanne Shaughnessy *No Class 11/24 Session 29650-A Age Date 18 & older 10/6-12/15 Location: MARSHALL MIDDLE SCHOOL Instructor: Carolisa of Moonlightdj's *No Class 10/19 Session 25146-A MIN/MAX: 5/20 Day Th Time Date 18 & older 9/28-11/2 Day W Time 7:30-8:30P Fee $45.00 PARTY DANCING 101 ~ ONE FUN NIGHT WORKSHOP In this one-night workshop, we will introduce participants to all of the basics of party dancing listed in the description posted above. Fee 9:30-10:30A $3.00 Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Carolisa of Moonlightdj's ED2GO.COM ~ ON LINE CLASSES Session 25665-A 25665-B Are you considering a change in jobs or returning to the workforce? Do you need to improve your professional skills? If so, these economical but excellent training classes may meet your needs! Check out our instructor facilitated online classes from, one of the world's leading providers of distance learning programs. Take these low cost courses at home, in your office, or wherever you have Internet access, at times that are most convenient for you. Learn more at Age MIN/MAX: 5/15 Age Date 14 & older 9/26 14 & older 10/25 MIN/MAX: 5/15 Day M Tu Time 7:00-8:30P 7:00-8:30P Fee $14.00 $14.00 ADULT SKATE Come join your friends for a morning skate at the Hallenborg Rink. Have fun while exercising to a healthy lifestyle. Please register directly with the Recreation Department. Location: HALLENBORG RINK *No Class: 11/24 Session 10 27618-A Age Date 18 & older 10/6-12/22 Day Tu,Th Time 8:10-9:10A Fee $18.00 OUT & ABOUT OUT & ABOUT HOLIDAY POPS AT LOWELL AUDITORIUM We sell a variety of tickets to great sporting events, shows, and special attractions. Listed below are the tickets we are currently offering for the Fall/Winter seasons. Celebrate the holidays with the joyous sound of Keith Lockhart and his orchestra as they perform their festive collection of seasonal tunes. The music itself can really attract even the mild Grinch-like listener! Don't procrastinate! These tickets are sure to go quickly! Seats in Balcony C. Ticket Order Deadline: Nov. 10, 2016 DISCOUNTED TICKETS Showcase Cinema Discounted Tickets: $9.75 Topsfield Fair Tickets: Coming Soon! ScreamFest: Coming Soon! Location: LOWELL MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM Session BRUINS TICKETS 20001-A Limited discount group tickets to watch BOSTON BRUINS, on their home ice at the TD Garden in Boston. Seating in the Promenade Section: Bruins vs. Flyers – 1/14, Bruins vs. Canucks – 2/11/2017, Bruins vs. Devils – 3/4/2017 Location: TD GARDEN Session 39912-A 39912-B 39912-C Opponent Flyers Canucks Devils 1/14 2/11 3/4 Day Sa Sa Sa Time $129.00 $129.00 $114.00 CELTICS TICKETS 39915-A 39915-B 39915-C Opponent Heat Lakers Bulls Date 12/30 2/3 3/12 Day F F Su Time Session 20002-A Age All Ages Fee 7:30P 8:00P 3:30P 33625-A 6-18 1/3-2/7 Day Tu Session 20003-A $175.00 WEST SIDE STORY 20000-A All Ages 11/6 Day Su Time 2:00P Date 1/22 Day Su Time 1:00P Fee $42.00 Age All Ages MIN/MAX: 10/25 Date 3/19 Day Su Location: OPERA HOUSE Session 20004-A MIN/MAX: 0/10 Fee $53.00 $75.00 Time 1:00P Fee $42.00 Widowed governess Anna Leonowens lands in 1860’s Siam (now Thailand) to take up a very special post. She's to live at the palace of King Mongkut and act as teacher to his myriad of offspring, providing them with a secular, westernized education. Upon arrival, she realizes the uphill struggle which lies ahead of her - the Siamese culture is a strange and alienating one, and the king is a critical and arrogant employer. Over time, this initial coldness towards each other begins to thaw, and a tentative romance between the pair begins to blossom, but it's a possibility that they're both afraid to recognize. Ticket Purchase Deadline: February 15 West Side Story is the award-winning adaptation of the classic romantic tragedy, "Romeo and Juliet". The feuding families become two warring New York City gangs - the white Jets led by Riff, and the Puerto Rican Sharks led by Bernardo. Their hatred escalates to a point where neither can coexist with any form of understanding. But when Riff's best friend (and former Jet) Tony and Bernardo's younger sister Maria meet at a dance, no one can do anything to stop their love. However, before the lovers know what's happened, tragedy strikes and doesn't stop until the climactic and heartbreaking ending. Ticket Order Deadline: 9/22/2016 Location: N.S. MUSIC THEATRE Session Age Date Fee THE KING AND I MIN/MAX: 0/20 Time Fee 4:15-9:00P 2:30 MIN/MAX: 10/25 Location: OPERA HOUSE Location: NASHOBA VALLEY SKI Date Time Fifteen-year-old Christopher has an extraordinary brain; he is exceptionally intelligent but ill-equipped to interpret everyday life. When he falls under suspicion for killing his neighbor’s dog, he sets out to identify the true culprit, which leads to an earth-shattering discovery and a journey that will change his life forever. Winner of the 2015 Tony Award for Best New Play, the acclaimed National Theatre production of THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT-TIME is now in its second smash year on Broadway and now comes to Boston! Ticket Reservation Deadline: 1/20/2017 NASHOBA TUESDAY LIFT TICKETS Age Su CURIOUS INCIDENT $73.00 $73.00 $73.00 Don't need lessons but want to ski or snowboard at Nashoba? Take advantage of this discounted price for 6 Tuesday evenings of lift tickets. Dates must coincide with the Billerica Ski/Snowboard lessons. Equipment rentals (skis/boards) are available from Nashoba Valley Ski Area for $110 for 6 weeks OR save $25.00 by getting your equipment fit early at Nashoba prior to the start of their season. Helmet rentals are available for rental at $45 or purchase at $60. Payments for rentals are made out directly to Nashoba Valley. Call Nashoba Valley for more information: 978-692-3033. Session Day Location: OPERA HOUSE Limited discount group tickets to watch the BOSTON CELTICS on their home court at the TD Garden in Boston. Seating in the Promenade Section: Celtics vs. Heat – 12/30, Celtics vs. Lakers – 2/3/2017, Celtics vs. Bulls – 3/12/2017. Session 12/11 SOMETHING ROTTEN Fee 1:00P 1:00P 7:00P Date All Ages SOMETHING ROTTEN is the hilarious new Broadway smash from the director of ALADDIN and the co-director of THE BOOK OF MORMON. This mash-up of 16th Century Shakespeare and 21st Century Broadway tells the story of brothers Nick and Nigel Bottom, two playwrights stuck in the shadow of the Renaissance rock-star, Will Shakespeare. When a soothsayer foretells the next big thing in theatre, the Bottom brothers set out to write the world's very first MUSICAL! With the most singing, the most dancing and the most gutbusting laughs on Broadway, it's something wonderful... something for everyone... It's SOMETHING ROTTEN! Ticket Reservation Deadline: Dec. 2, 2016 MAX: 18 Date Age MIN/MAX: 0/10 11 Age All Ages MIN/MAX: 10/25 Date 4/16 Day Su Time 1:00-P Fee $42.00 Day Trips Overnight Trips Sports Trips and Cruises! Something for All! New Trips may be added throughout the year and posted on the Recreation Dept. pages at Check out the RECREATION DEPARTMENT MOTOR COACH page by clicking HERE or our E-Newsletters for new adventures that we schedule throughout the year! All these trips are offered with Deluxe Motorcoach and Celebration Tours Escort throughout. On-line registration available for DAY trips only at SEPTEMBER 18; VERMONT DAY TRIP; Sunday; Austrian Buffet Luncheon at Trapp Family Lodge; History tour of the Trapp Family/Sound of Music; Visit cold Hollow Cider Mill and Ben & Jerry's factory tour. $144 pp. SEPTEMBER 24; KENNEBUNKPORT, ME; Saturday; Lunch at Mike’s Clam Shack. “Step-On” guide provides history of the town and important landmarks with time to shop and browse waterfront area. $99 pp. OCTOBER 2; OCTOBER COLORS DAY TRIP; Sunday; Brunch at Delaney House (Holyoke); Vineyard Tour and Tasting at Raven Hollow Winery; visit of Red Apple Farm. Cost:$101 pp. OCTOBER 16-19; PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH; 4 Days/3 Nights; 3 nights at Fulton Steamboat Inn, Lancaster, PA with 3 Family Style Breakfasts at hotel. Dinners at Miller's Smorgasbord, In-Home Amish Dinner and Hometown Kitchen Family-Style Dinner; Visit Amish Farmlands Quilt/Craft Shop Kitchen Kettle Village; Tour Hershey Chocolate Town, Deardon House and Founders Hall; Chalk Talk at Elva's Studio; watch Sight & Sound Theater Biblical extravaganza of "Sampson"; Narrated tour of Philadelphia with free time for lunch. $645 pp / Twin. OCTOBER 28-30; NIAGARA FALLS WITH Patriots/Buffalo Game, 3 Days/2 Nights (on Canadian Side of Niagara Falls). Motor Coach Transportation with accommodations at Trovelodge Niagara Falls (Canada) or similar with Breakfast Buffet. VALID PASSPORT REQUIRED. Game tickets not included but if you wish to purchase these through the tour company (Celebration Tours II at 617-696-1900) or get them yourself through another source. $329 pp / Twin. NOVEMBER 6-7; CASINO TRIFECTA; 2 Days/ 1 Night; Depart Sunday morning for Mohegan Sun Casino with full buffet or $10 pp food credit—$10 Bet; Overnight at Foxwoods Casino with food credit or buffet, $10 Slot Play and $5 pp food credit or full breakfast. Afternoon at Twin River Casino with $10 Slot Play—$7pp meal credit. $176 pp / Twin. NOVEMBER 12; NEW YORK CITY/RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL; Saturday; Early departure and drop off at Rockefeller Plaza area; Orch/First Mezzanine tickets to Christmas show at Radio City Music Hall. Cost: $169 pp. NOVEMBER 14-16; TURNING STONE CASINO, VERONA NY; 3 Days/ 2 Nights; Stay at Turning Stone Casino with 2 Breakfast Buffets and one $10 Meal Credit; Gaming Bonuses each day totaling $105! Cost: $329 pp. DECEMBER 10; NEW YORK CITY SHOPPING; Saturday; Leave early, and have a great day in the Big Apple with the holiday displays and Christmas shopping. Cost: $85 pp. DECEMBER 11; PORTLAND SYMPHONY; Sunday; Reserved seating Conductor Robert Moody and special guest artists bring the Christmas celebration to you. Specific show time to be announced and will determine meal choice of either Lunch or Dinner. Cost: $165 pp. TRIPS AND TOURS POLICIES The Recreation Department cannot guarantee bus transportation in the event of stormy weather or other causes beyond our control. If the tour/trip cannot be not provided, the Recreation Department will refund the amount you were charged for the bus. However, the Recreation Department cannot give refunds for ticket or admission fees if the tour/trip is held. Please note that many of these trips are scheduled in conjunction with other towns or organizations. While it is hoped that a sufficient number of Billerica registrations for these trips will allow for departure from the Municipal Parking Lot at Good Street, this cannot be guaranteed. If the registrations are not sufficient to allow for the motor coach to come to Billerica, a different departure location will be scheduled, as close to Billerica as possible. 12 LATE ARRIVALS TAEKWONDO In this program the students will be taught more than martial arts. They will learn discipline, self-discipline, and respect. In addition, they will learn how to properly handle bullying. Lastly, this program will build self-confidence and much more! Wear comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle. Children will be divided into age groups. Check back here for any programs that have been added after the publication of our program guide! HATHA YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Lowell Taekwondo Hatha yoga is the most commonly practiced tradition of yoga. It is an ancient, time tested practice of well-being and calm abiding. This class will incorporate four basic yoga principles: centering and relaxation to calm the mind; yoga postures to stretch, strengthen and tone the body; breathing techniques to increase lung capacity, strengthen internal organs and deepen one’s ability to relax; and meditation practice as a means to reduce stress and achieve spiritual self-enlightenment. Please bring a mat and wear loose, comfortable clothing. This class is appropriate for beginners to advanced practitioners as each person works at his or her own pace. Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Joan Trubiano *No Class 10/10 Session 29646-A Age 16+ Session 23685-A Day M Location: LEWIS BUILDING *No Class 11/23 Session 21657-A Time Fee 9:15-10:30A $58.00 Age 16+ Day W Time 4:30-5:30P Fee $58.00 Age Youth Adults KIDS JAM Session 23339-A Age 6-11 Date 10/1-11/12 Time Fee 11:00-11:45A $74.00 Session 23602-A 25602-A Date Day Time 10/4-12/20 T 5:45-8:15pm 10/4-12/20 T 8:15-9:30pm Fee $99 $129 YOUTH CROSS COUNTRY & TRACK Introducing the sport of cross country and track to the youth of Billerica, putting an emphasis on fun, teaching and overall strength and conditioning. In addition to practices held on Thursday evenings, athletes will have the opportunity to compete in several cross country meets (both state wide and local) in the fall. There will be a town wide youth cross country meet held at beginning of November at Veterans Park. Running shoes and water should be brought to each practice. Everyone will receive a cross country t-shirt. MIN/MAX: 8/25 Day Sa Date Day 10/12-12/07 W Location: HAJJAR ELEMENTARY Instructor: ON-SITE ARCHERY Kick it with your friends! This after school dance fitness program is a fun fusion of the latest dance styles and music. We dance, sweat, and most importantly we have fun! Get funky and move with attitude! We learn new steps, create our own dance and work together as a team—including a performance on the last day of class. Bring a water bottle and snack to during class. Wear comfortable clothing and sneakers. All registrations will receive Kids Jam shirt Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: KidsJam Staff *No Class 10/8 Age 2-5 MIN/MAX: 8/15 ARCHERY CLUB MIN/MAX: 10/20 Date 9/28-12/07 Fee $58.00 Learn to shoot target archery! Led by USA Archery certified coach. Learn the fundamentals of target archery, shooting form, range safety, scoring and more! We teach the shooting process based on the shooting cycle developed by the USA Olympic coach, Kisik Lee. Everything needed for you to participate is provided. You may bring your personal archery equipment, but bows must be approved prior to being shot on the range. Please wear sneakers. No opentoed shoes, sandals, crocks, flip-flops. Instructor: Bob Wait and On-Site Archery. This class will offer a unique and intelligent blending of yoga and pilates. We will combine the core work of abdominal asanas (pilates) as we move through multiple, varied, and magnificent yoga flows. Combining yoga and pilates will strengthen, stretch and tone the entire body. Each class includes yogic breathing, relaxation and meditation techniques that quiet and calm the mind. You will leave each class with a feeling of peace and harmony . Session 29647-A Time 3:30-4:30P LIL SPORTS BEYOND YOGALATES Location: LEWIS BUILDING Instructor: Joan Trubiano Date Day 10/11-12/13 Tu This fun, energetic program is set to music and teaches children the basics of multiple sports and activities while building teamwork, listening skills, and gross motor skills. Instructor: Lil Sports staff MIN/MAX: 10/20 Date 9/26-12/05 Grades 4-8 MIN/MAX: 10/25 Location: VIETNAM VETERANS PARK Instructor: BHS Cross Country & Track Coaches MIN/MAX: 10/75 Time Fee 10:00-11:00A $77.00 Session 23200-A 13 Age 9-14 Date 10/6-11/03 Day Th Time 5:30-6:30P Fee $30.00 ____ Total Date ____________ Fee Paid __________ Check ________ Cash ________ Balance ___________ RCVD by ________ Signature of Adult/Parent/Guardian ________________________________________________________________ Date ________________ Please complete ABOVE sections as well as providing individual program registration below: This is to certify that the above registered individual has permission to participate in the program indicated above being conducted by the Billerica Recreation Department or its agents. I hold harmless any member of the Recreation Department or its agents from any and all injuries that might be sustained by the participant during the program. Further, this verifies that the participant is up to date with his/her immunizations and is able to participate in all activities. In the event of injury, I grant permission to provide/acquire medical care or assistance. By registering for a program. I give Billerica Recreation permission to take and publish photos of me or my dependent participating. Pictures and names may be used for promotion of our programs. (You may submit a written request with this registration, if you do not wish to be photographed.) Please note our refund and cancellation policies which are available on- line ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Youth / Adult Program Participant Name Sex Date of Birth School Grade Session # Program Fee _________________________ Special instructions, allergies and/or information that an instructor needs to be aware of: Name _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number _________________________ Emergency Information: If we can not reach you at the number listed above, please call: Secondary Adult/Parent/ Guardian Name: ________________________________________ Contact Information: Home Phone: ____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ ____ Work Phone: ____________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________________ Town: _____________________________________ _State______________ Zip____________ E-Mail: __________________________________________ HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION Primary Adult/Parent/ Guardian Name: ______________________________________ Contact Information: Home Phone: ____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ ____ Work Phone: ____________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________________ Town: _____________________________________ _State______________ Zip____________ E-Mail: __________________________________________ REGISTRATION FORM BILLERICA RECREATION DEPARTMENT * 248 BOSTON ROAD * BILLERICA, MA 01821 978-671-0921 * FAX 978-671-0927 *