Officers and Committee Members Currently in the Pipeline Free


Officers and Committee Members Currently in the Pipeline Free
Currently in the Pipeline
Projects we have in the pipeline at the moment are as follows.
l Organising a Transatlantic Egg Race between Billericay School
and Shawshin Valley Technical High School Billerica
l Pen Pal schemes for primary schools.
Members of Billerica Police Department on parade
l Establishing firm links between soccer clubs in Billericay and
l Establishing contacts between Billericay Spartans American
Football Club and their counterparts in the Billerica area.
A group of Patriots on Memorial Day
The Committee is currently looking for fresh ideas
and younger members. There is no shortage of
enthusiasm on the part of current Committee
Members but an Association like ours can only
flourish if younger members of our community
join us and help us maintain and expand the
activities we offer. So please do not hold back!!
Please get in touch with our Chairman, Secretary
or Treasurer (details opposite) and find out how
you can not only contribute to, but benefit from,
the activities of our Association.
Brian Hughes
01277 226644 (B)
01277 624505 (H)
Vice Chairman
Mick Staines
01277 622766
Linda Walsh
01206 367857
Alan Wood
01277 651417
Geoff Douglas
01245 345922
Vera Wood
01277 651417
Pat Staines
01277 622766
Doreen Shaw
01277 630967
John Brown
01277 625298
Ross Holland
01277 632299
Social Secretary
Advisers to
Trevor Draper
USS Constitution - Old Ironsides, Charlestown
Free advertising for Sponsors to Businesses in Billericay
Sponsor our Association and receive free advertising on our Website. Apply to Linda Walsh (above) for details of our
sponsorship scheme.
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Officers and Committee Members
Issue No. 4 Spring 2012
Welcome to the Spring 2012 edition of the of the BMTA Newsletter. We hope you
enjoy reading it and we also hope you will feel encouraged to participate in our
activities as a result. In this edition we record some highlights of the past year as well
as inform you of our programme for 2012.
Twinning is all about
getting to know our
counterparts in our twin
town of Billerica and
about introducing them
to our locality and our
“English ways” when
they visit us.
Informal Barbeque - combined group photo
It is a matter of
cooperation and good
fellowship and exploring
the ways in which we
can draw Billericay and
Billerica closer together.
Thirteen members of
our Association visited
Billerica in May/June
last year and were
extremely well hosted
by the Billerica Twinning
shown opposite and on
page three are photos of
some of the highlights
of our visit to Billerica.
On a trip round Boston Harbour. Visit to Fort Warren
‘Twinning for the people’
What You Can Find On Our Website ___________
On our Website you will find a lot of information on Billerica with links to the
“Billerica Minuteman” Newspaper and websites in Billerica. In addition there is
information on our historic link with our twin town and details of past and
forthcoming events.
Forthcoming Events ______________________________________________________
Quiz Night at the Canon Roche Centre.
Commencing at 7.30 pm. Make up a team of six to
compete at this very popular event.
Independence Day Garden Party
at 37 Stock Road, Billericay.
Our third and very popular Independence Day Garden Party
from 2 pm onwards. In addition to cream teas there will be
musical entertainment, all in a garden setting.
£6 entrance fee
(plus raffle!!)
Annual General Meeting also at the Canon Roche Centre.
Commencing at 8 pm. In addition to the normal business of
our AGM we will be asking for comments on possible new
initiatives for our Association and our Community: our
discussion will be followed by a talk entitled “A walk down
the High Street” by Sylvia Kent. Light refreshments available.
Charity Fun Walk
John Barons Charity Fun Walk from
Barleylands commencing 1.30 pm.
Come and join us and many other
local organizations participating in this
enjoyable afternoon stroll.
Quiz Night.
Our second Quiz Night this year. A favourite fixture for
families and groups of friends, held once again at the Canon
Roche Centre.
Proposed Events
We would like Members to tell us about other events in which they would be interested. We have in mind, for example, a
trip to Tilbury Fort followed by a visit to Pocohontas Tomb in Gravesend with lunch at a Dickensian pub in Kent, sometime
during the summer. Your views on proposed excursions of this nature would be most welcome.
Presentation of Model
On 18th November 2011, members of the Committee
attended the Mayflower School and formally presented a
handcrafted model of the Mayflower to the Headmaster, Mr.
Lee Brumby for display in the main reception area of the
School. Mr. Brumby was delighted to receive it on behalf of
the school.
Members of the Committee with the model
Visit to Billerica May/June 2011
Links with Billerica were greatly strengthened by our visit and by the cooperation we were given by Billericay Town Council.
Presentation of scroll by Peter Bowditch Chairman
of Billericay Council
Presentation of scroll by Brian Hughes to the Chairman
of Billerica Council
Before we left Billericay we were presented with a splendid looking parchment scroll by Billericay Town Council: the Scroll was
framed and handed over with some fanfare to Robert (Bob) Correnti, the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen of Billerica in
the Council Chamber there: displayed above are photos of the presentation to us and our presentation to Bob Correnti.
In addition to the Civic Reception at which the framed scroll was presented we also participated in the Town’s Memorial Day
Parade, the equivalent of our Remembrance Sunday Service in England. Shown below are photos taken at the Parade.
We can still be friends!
Memorial Day Service at Town Hall
There were numerous other activities including a visit to a Patriot’s barn for a meal, a barbecue lunch at a Member’s home,
visits to two local Churches for welcoming receptions, a visit to a well known Artist’s Studio, a tour of the Boston Museum of
Fine Art, a lunch at the Veterans Club and finally a private visit to the State House in Boston as Guests of the State Senator
for Billerica. We tried not to impose ourselves on our American hosts but they would hear nothing of “our English reserve”!!
If you are interested in joining our next visit to America or in hosting our friends from Billerica when they come once again
to us, please let our Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary know: their details are on the next page.