Ordinance No. M-130 - City of Texarkana Arkansas
Ordinance No. M-130 - City of Texarkana Arkansas
REPEALED PER SPECIAL ELECTION JUNE 28, 2016 ORDINANCE NO. ~- \~o AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN ANTIDISCRIMINATION POLICY FOR THE CITY OF TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, it is hereby determined to be the policy of the City of Texarkana, Arkansas, not to discriminate in its employment and personnel practices because of a person's race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, political opinions or affiliation; and WHEREAS, the City seeks to insure that its employees with responsibility for contracting with vendors do not discriminate against vendors because of the race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, political opinions or affiliation of the vendor's owners; and WHEREAS, the City seeks to insure that its employees, in providing City services to the public and public accommodations, do not discriminate against because of the race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, political opinions or affiliation; and WHEREAS, the City seeks to encourage businesses and firms it does business with to adopt employment practices and to make sales and provide services to the public without discrimination. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the City of Texarkana, Arkansas: Section 1. The City of Texarkana, Arkansas, shall not discriminate against vendors because of the race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, political opinions or affiliation of the vendor's owners. All Ci ty departments, divisions, commissions and offices that contract with vendors shall adopt a written policy that reflects such nondiscrimination in contracting. Section 2. Employees of the City of Texarkana, Arkansas, in providing City services to the public shall not discriminate because of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, political opinions or affiliation. All City departments, divisions, commissions and offices shall adopt a written policy that reflects such non-discrimination in providing City services. Section 3. All contracts hereafter entered into by the City of Texarkana, Arkansas, providing goods and services to the C ity shall contain a clause stating that the contracting party shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or genetic information. All bid and proposal requests for such contracts from the City of Texarkana, Arkansas, shall hereafter include notification of such a clause and the requirements that it will be agreed to and followed. Section 4. In the event any title, section , paragraph, item , sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional , such declaration or adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect as if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional were not originally a part of thi s ordinance. PASSED AND APPROVED thi s 19 th day of January, 2016. ATTEST: APPROVED: Advertising Receipt Texarkana Gazette P.o . Box 621 Texarkana , TX 75501 Phone: (903)794-3311 Fax: (903)792-7183 City of Texarkana , Arkansas ( 1255215 216 Walnut Street Acct #: Ad#: Phone: (870)779-4995 01/25/2016 Date: Ad taker: TDW Salesperson: TOW TEXARKANA , AR 71854 Sort Line: ORDINANCE NO. M-130 AN ORDINAN Classification 00021836 00216564 Ad Notes: 190 Description Total ) ( ~--~--------------------------~--~ 01 Daily 01 /27/2016 278.63 . Ad Text: ORDINANCE NO. M-130 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN ANTI-DISCRIMINATION POLICY FOR THE CITY OF TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, it is hereby determined to be the policy of the City of Texarkana, Arkansas, not to discriminate in its employment and personnel practices because of a person 's race, color, creed , religion , sex, national origin , age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation , gender identity, genetic information, political opinions or affiliation ; and , I .:.,:, \ ~tmek;FAf~rln~~I\ " l Total: Tax: 278 .63 0.00 Net: Prepaid: 278 .63 0.00 ( Total Du 278 .63 ) Texarkana Gazette 315 Pine StreetlPO Box 621 Texarkana Texas 75501 (903) 794-3311 Fax (903) 792-7183 COUNTY OF MILLER STATE OF ARKANSAS I, Tracy Woodle, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Texarkana Gazette, a newspaper published in Miller County, Arkansas and having a bona fide circulation therein; that said newspaper is authorized by law to publish legal advertisements; and that the advertisement annexed hereto was published in said newspaper 2 time (s) on the following dates: 01/27/2016 T!~lQP Legal Secretary ~ subscribed and sworn to before me, this _ : .~ '1>- day of 2016. w:b ~ ' C5 Notary Public Miller County, Arkansas My Commission expires: _ _ _-'1\,.,,\JL' -"" O'-'C.....: ' 2m """,'~dL\'--____ CoHn A. N Oi effl:'~---You are hereby notified that an action has been com- ' me need In the Probate Dlvlslon, of the Circuit Court of Ray County, Missouri, the abject and general nature of which is applicants desire to seek guardianship of Respondent. ThaI Appllcanls Jamie D. McGinnis and Jeremy L. McGinnis reside In Ray County, Missouri 64035. That Applicants' attorney is Mark A. Goodwin, 119 West main Street, Richmond, Missouri 64085, Telephol1.e Number is (816) 776-3222. You are further notified that, unless you file an Answer or other responsive pleading tO j or shall otherwis,e appear ano defend against, the aforesaid ~pplicatlons within 45 days, Judgment by default shall be rendered. Witness my hand and seal of the Circuit Court this 29th day of December, 2015. Mishell R. Sander _ _ _ _ _-'P.::ro:.:b=al:.e.::CI:::""'k tlon, gender i ent tv. genetic Information, political opinions or affiliation; and WHEREAS, the City seeks to encourage businesses and firms It does business with to adopt employment practices and to make sales and provide services to the public without discrimination. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Cirectors ot.the City of Texarkana Arkansas: ' Section 1. The City 01 Texarkana, Arkansas, shall not discriminate against vendors because of the race, color creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic Inlormation, political opinions or affiliation of ,the vendor's owners. All City departments1 divisions, commissions and offices that contract with vendors shall adopt a written polIcy that reflects such non-discrimination In contracting. Secnon 2. Employees of the City of Texarkana, Arkansas, Spend Less Time Finding The Perfed Candidate with th$ job PQsting that delivers it all on TexarkanaGazefte,com v NUTlUE i ".,i'i. ""'" '.', __ ,.• _i.":, Circuit Court of Miller Co. , AR; No. 46PR-16-19-3; Estate of Carl Wayne. Bohn of 16399 MC 10, fouke, AR 71837 who died on 1/18/16. I Marshall Bohn was appointed administrator of the estate on 1125/16. All persons having claims against the estate must present them, duly verified, to the und,erslgned within 6 months from the date of the first putilicatlon of " ~~~"i~."!~ ~here _. City this nollce, or they shall be .~~~'~~~.~:_~" barred from any benefit in the of Texarkana, Arkansas, proestate. This notice first pub- viding goods and services to lished the 27th day of Janu- the City shall contain a clause ary, 2016. Mars~afl Bohn rio stating that the contracting K.Kemp, Attorney, 300 Olive party shall not discriminate Street, Texarkana, AR 71854. on fhe basls ,of race, color, PUBLIC NOIlCE creed. relioion. sex. national Notice is hereby gjven that origin, age, disabilitv, marital Texarkana Urban Transit Dls- status, sexual orrentation, !rict (TUTO) will be expanding . gender IdentiIY or genetic InRoute 1 from a 30 minute formation. All i bld and proroute to a one hour route. posal requests lor such conThis will become EFFECTIVE: tracts from the City of TpxarFebruary lsI, 2016. ' If you kana, Arkansas, shall hereafter nclude notification of . have any questions or com- such a clause and the requirements, please contact TUTO, menls that It wlll be agreed to 1402 Texas Blvd Texarkana, and followed. TX 75501. Section 4. In the event any tiORDINANCE NO. M..:ln tie, section, paragraph, item, AN ORDINANCE ,sentence, clause, phrase or ESTABLISHING AN word of this ordinance is deANTI-DISCRIMINATION clared or adjudpeQ 10 beln,,POLICY FOR THE CITY OF lid or unconstitutional, such TEXARKANA ARKANSAS; declaration or a~judication AND FOR OTHER shall not affect the remaining PURPQSES. portions of r the ord!nance WHEREAS, it Is hereby deter- r which shall ~ema!n In full mined to be the policy of the f~rce and effect as If the porCiIY of Texarkana, Arkansas, 'Ion ~o declared or ~dJudged nof to discriminate In its em- invalid or unconstitutional ployment and personnel prac- w~re not originallYla part of lices person's thiS ordinance. race, religion, PASSED AND APPROVED this i age dis- 19th day of January, 2016. Ruth Penney Bell, Mayor " !~~~~:i~~;,:~ilWl,i-I~~~[;i~~1 , Coli us today 01'903-794-3311 aask for Total Talent Reach" ATTEST: A ~."wo! -----; e, .network i' ,J "