it`s all about the kids - Texarkana Baptist Children`s Home


it`s all about the kids - Texarkana Baptist Children`s Home
Spring Edition
For the past one hundred eight years, the Missionary Baptist Churches of the American Baptist Association have reached
out to needful children through their mainline benevolent ministry of the Texarkana Baptist Children’s Home (Orphanage). All the
while, it has been appropriately all about the kids. With the help of God’s people ; their strong support; the additional help of corporate and civic partners, the work continues to the honor of God (James 1:27) and to the changing of legacies for many precious lives.
As the Home pushes forward in the multi-faceted activities of 2015, the trustees, staff, and children all combine to say “Thank you”
for your valuable, indispensable help of a most worthy work that continues to be all about the kids!!
Folks with a compassionate heart for needful
children still abound. Individuals
such as Ray and Johnnie Mae
Whisenhunt; his brother, “Butch”
Weatherford, and Lawrence Green,
take keen interest in the Home and
help in so many ways. They have
funded the Arville Hinsley Scholarship (Johnnie’s mother and faithful
supporter of the Home while she
lived); sent loads of supplies;
Ray Whisenhunt
helped to fund special projects; outfitted college students; provided spending money and
clothing on vacation trips, and more. Ray and Johnnie
are not alone in so great a work as mentioned here. But,
they have been consistent, vocal supporters as well,
encouraging others who have helped, too.
That several churches and church groups participate in the
MEALS FOR MOM food and supplies pounding each Mother’s
Day. It is an anticipated joy for so many to bring a non-perishable
food item or kitchen supply item to their church to help make up
important benefits to the Home. They are blessed! The Home is
blessed! The children are blessed! The latter especially so because
they know that dollars saved in not having to purchase these abundant supplies means more things can be done directly for them to
increase their happiness, and to make life at the Home much more
Churches and church groups are encouraged to remember
the Home in this way, by beginning early to promote a MEALS
FROM MOM pounding. If transportation of the MEALS FROM
MOM pounding is needed, a contact with the Home will set in motion arrangements to help. Thanks in advance to all who elect to
help the Home with a MEALS FROM MOM pounding this year.
IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS . . . that church groups of children, teenagers, and keenagers find their way to the campus to
enjoy fellowship and brighten lives. Here a group from Hyde Park Baptist Church in W. Monroe, LA visits the Home in December as they have done for many years. Could we say “Not Duck, but Hyde Park Dynasty!” Amen! Additional group pictures are
on page 6.
Cleaning & laundry supplies,
Personal hygiene items, Ant/
roach spray.
Given by:
Kenny & Tracy Johnston,
Ardmore, OK
Personal hygiene items, Hair
products, Curling irons, Hair
straighteners, First aid items,
Storage bags, School supplies,
Batteries, Toys
Given by:
Kristen Cross/W Somerset
BC, Somerset, KY
KIDS. . . that in-kind goods
and services find their way to
our campus. Business, individuals and churches alike
show a compassionate heart
through in-kind goods and
services as well as direct financial support. Each gift is
important to us. Thank you
so very much!!
Clothing & accessories, Jewelry, Jewelry organizer,
Shoes, Boots, Handbags,
Undergarments, Perfumes,
Sunglasses. Watches,
Given by:
Cato, Texarkana, AR
Clothing, Jewelry, Home ,
décor, Perfumes, Purses, Undergarments, Shoes, Sunglasses, Watches
Given by:
Cato, Texarkana, TX
Clothing, Intimates, Jewelry,
Home décor, Journals, Perfumes, Purses, Shoes, Sunglasses, Undergarments,
Given by:
Cato, New Boston, TX
Gum & breath mints, Candy,
Cookies, Cereal, Canned
goods, Macaroni & Cheese,
Rice-a-Roni, Coffee, Cocoa,
Marshmallows, Toys, Sparking water, Snack foods
Given by:
CVS Pharmacy,
Texarkana, AR
3 cases of cereal, Candy,
Gum .
Given by:
CVS Pharmacy,
Texarkana, TX
36 dozen eggs,
Given by:
Butch & Yvette Brown,
Texarkana, TX
$339.40 in reduced charges for
dental work
Given by:
Dr. Chris Ferguson,
Texarkana, TX
Given by:
Texarkana Area APT Assoc.
Texarkana, TX
17 handmade quilts.
Given by:
Thursday Afternoon Quilters,
Dierks, AR
Brangus bull
Given by:
Douglas Huett, Texarkana, AR
12 packages of Kool-Aid
Given by:
Pleasant Hill MBC,
Strawberry, AR
Groceries, Paper towels,
Given by:
Locust Bayou BC,
Stephens, AR
Clothing, Boots & sandals,
Reading glasses, Jewelry,
Dishwasher detergent, Hand
sanitizer, Body lotion, Soup,
Baby supplies
Given by:
Sam’s Club, Texarkana, TX
Plastic hangers, Handmade
quilts, Paper products, Groceries, Personal hygiene items,
Cleaning supplies, School supplies
Given by:
Springfield BC,
Springfield, AR
Bath, bed & kitchen linens,
Clothing in all sizes, Personal
hygiene items, Cleaning &
laundry supplies, Batteries &
light bulbs, Household items,
Storage & trash bags, Toys for
all ages, School supplies,
House paint & rollers, Charcoal, Canning jars, Tarps,
Pocket knife
Given by:
Walmart, Texarkana, AR
Men’s & women’s hosiery,
Ladies’ watches & extra batteries, Women’s clothing,
Bath linens, Hair clips, Earrings, Men’s underwear &
sleep pants.
Given by:
Douglas & Della Alcorn,
Redding, CA
Groceries, Paper products,
Personal hygiene items,
Given by:
Beech Grove BC,
Fordyce, AR
Basketballs, Books, First aid
items, Paper products, School
supplies, Socks, Gloves, Leg-
WHAT WOULD CHRISTMAS BE: without an ugly
sweater contest! Administrator Heather and staff member
Tom show off theirs!
AMBA has ongoing projects scheduled during the
year. It is all volunteer.
Please call for the latest
schedule. Come, help us to
help the Lord’s work.
Eddie Gene Wright, Dir.
eddiegenewright@gmail .com
Howard Brewer, Eng.
The Homeline is produced by the staff of the Texarkana Baptist Children’s Home, Dr. W. A. Dillard, Editor. Heather Thompson is Administrator and point of
contact at the Home. Crys Adam is Office Manager. Trustees are Allen Hagood, Chairman; Dr. W. A. Dillard, Dr. Billy Daniels, Fred A. Penny Sec.-treas., Doney
Blackerby. Dr. Morris L. Cloud is Trustee-emeritus. Address all correspondence to Texarkana Baptist Children’s Home, P.O. Box 611, Texarkana, AR\TX 75504.
The physical address of the Home is 5401 E. 9th Street, Texarkana, AR 71854. Telephone (870)774-8214. TBCH is supported by the churches of the American
Baptist Association. Email is received at: Visit us online at and on Facebook at BaptistKids
The greatest number of guests in a specific, concentrated timeframe is the Christmas
season, hands down! Of course, there are other
really important, fun, and educationally achievement times, but Christmas outranks them all. So,
as we say in the theme of this edition of the
Homeline: “It is all about the kids!” And it is a
distinct joy to all the children and staff to see
their world lit up with love, fellowship, and exciting Christmas gifts. Moreover such excitement knows no age limit. From the smaller ones
as (Harley) pictured right to the older ones as
(Dakota) on the left.
Life for all the kids at Texarkana Baptist Children’s Home is not the same as
being in a close knit, loving family, but the staff goes overboard to make it the next best
thing, and the love and compassion shown to the children by staff, churches, businesses and other guest from time to time goes a
long, long way toward achieving this goal. . . after all, it is all about the kids!!
If Santa looks different in the two pictures he appears in here, it is because he is. We are so indebted to the benevolent
spirit of groups such as
Woodmen of the World,
above (L); Kiwanis of
Texarkana (Middle L.);
Cooper Tire Corp. and its
employees; Texarkana,
Arkansas Police Department; and several church
groups (some pictures on
P. 6) for providing for the
children at Christmas year
after year. The kids look
forward to this so much it
is hard to keep them focused on school work
once Thanksgiving arrives,
and who could possibly
blame them!
Pictured at the
left in the two middle pictures are Jay (L) and Harley who seek to butter Santa up with milk and cookies. Word is they got
more presents this year so
maybe it worked! Pictured
in the right middle picture
is Joseph with his shiny
musical horn and spiffy suit and bow tie. The occasion was a special band presentation at school. He loves music and is really
doing well with it. He sits first chair! Joseph ( J. J.) as he is more often known, is a bright young man who we think will go far in
life. Like others both before and after his arrival, Joseph has accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. He has also
followed Him in baptism at Northern Hills Baptist Church.
A number of church groups have made Christmas at the Home an annual event. One of them is East Union Baptist
Church where John Goodman serves in
music. Brother John does a lot as well
with youth. He blesses all the kids, and
adults, too, with his guitar and specials
prepared for all to enjoy. He is a favorite
with the kids! John is pictured bottom
right with Harley who is enthralled with
his guitar.
One of the highlighted events
in the fall of the year is school homecoming. The Home has two young ladies scheduled to graduate this year.
that made school homecoming really
special for them. Pictured bottom right
are Nikki and Kari, our beautiful young
ladies who helped to make up the homecoming court. Stunning! ….. Just stunning!
Allen Hagood,
After serving for almost 25
years as a trustee to Texarkana Baptist
Children’s Home I have assumed the
position of Chairman of the trustees. I
am humbled by the confidence that the
trustees have placed in me by putting me
in this position. W. A. Dillard has
served the churches of our state association very well over the past 38 years as a
trustee, administrator and chairman of
the trustees. I am grateful that I can rely
on him and his experience and wisdom.
I know that I can never take his place.
By the way, let me say that the other
trustees, Doney Blackerby, who serves
as our farm manager, Fred Penny, our
treasurer, and Billy Daniels, who is
from Texas are all great men who do a
marvelous job macro-managing the affairs of the home. We are also indebted
to our Trustee Emeritus, Dr. Morris
We have a wonderful staff led
by administrator Heather Thompson.
She has brought so much to the home.
Her energy, enthusiasm, passion, and
genuine love for our kiddos (as she so
affectionately calls them) are contagious. This has made a big difference for
both employees and kiddos .
The latest employee of the
home was hired after our beloved Willie
Canton was promoted to heaven. He is
Clyde Myers. He and Willie were lifelong friends, and Clyde had spent many
days and nights at the home. Clyde is
very experienced with cattle and farm
operations. He has cattle himself and has
been cutting and bailing our hay for several years. In the short time he has been
here, he has already made a lot of improvements to our farm. Recently, We
were given a two year old Brangus bull
by a friend of Clyde’s and the Home. He
was also a friend to Willie. Thank you
so much Mr. Douglas Huett for this valuable gift.
Currently, we are beginning the process to make further improvements
to the farm/campus. The old firehouse once used by the Rondo Volunteer Fire
Department (before this area was incorporated into the city of Texarkana) is
fallen into a serious state of decay. It would cost more to repair it than it is
worth. As a result, it will be torn down, the area cleaned, and a new barn erected closer to existing structures.
In other matters, the Home has been blessed recently with a couple of
monetary gifts. We were remembered in the final will of two estates to receive
a percentage amount. We are certainly grateful to the Ray Ingram Estate and
the Margaret Pitman Eiland Estate for being so kind and thoughtful.
What can we say about Christmas at the home? We are so indebted to
the churches, business and civic organizations and others, too, who opened their
hearts to the children. The kids look forward to this time of the year. Thank
you, all of you, for your great compassion and kindness. Please keep us all in
your prayers as we seek to be helpful to needful children for the churches.
Editor’s Note: Congratulations to our new Chairman of the Trustees, Allen
Hagood! At my initiative, Brother Hagood and I are simply swapping chairs.
He will be the point man and I will make motions and vote. I am pleased to
continue as a trustee of the Home and to serve as editor of THE HOMELINE, as
long as I am wanted. I do have other things I want to give more attention to
before my hourglass runs out. All of the trustees are conscientious men who
love the Lord, His churches, and His children. I count it a joy to be numbered
with them, and ask that you support Brother Hagood in prayer and in encouragement as you have done for me all these years.— W. A. Dillard, Editor.
Pictured (L to R) are Trustee
Doney Blackerby, Texarkana, TX
Mayor Mr. Bob Bruggeman, and
Chairman of the Trustees of the
Home, Allen Hagood. Mr. Bruggeman is the administrator of the Virginia Eiland Estate. He presented a
percentage gift of her estate to the
Home. Virginia had a previous affiliation with our Home, and was a faithful
Baptist and a very big believer in education. Texarkana Baptist Children’s
Home and its children benefits by the bequests of kindness and love of others
who remembered this ministry when making their Last Will and Testament.
Some have left the bulk of their estate to the Home. Others have elected to
leave a part of their estate. We are grateful that folks remember the Home in
this important way.
Heather Thompson
The Year of Stories. What’s Yours?
We at Texarkana Baptist Children’s Home believe God has a specific and unique purpose, plan, and calling for every
person. My prayer for every kiddo (and staff) is that each of us will know the divine purpose for which God created us…and to
live out our callings with passion.
Our God is an exciting God of adventure. And He is a master story writer…leaving us the ultimate story ever told (The
Bible). Our theme at Texarkana Baptist Children’s Home for 2015 is “The Year of Stories. What’s Yours?” (And I MUST give
credit where credit is due. Joey Cook, church planter of College City Church in Conway, AR is the genius behind this theme.)
God wants to write a big, bold, and beautiful story in and through our lives…but it is up to us to be intentional about pursuing
Christ. What does Jesus want to write in your life’s history in 2015? The more you
read “His Story”…the more He will reveal the story He wants to write in you and
through you.
Maybe 2015 is the year He begins writing “forgiveness” in our lives…if
there are people to forgive. Maybe He wants to weave in courage, boldness or a persistent “can do” spirit. Maybe He wants to uproot bitterness. Maybe He wants us to
become less critical and reduce our murmuring and complaining. Maybe He wants to
reveal more of His amazing grace!! God is always busy writing. But are we listening?
There’s only one way to find out…so let’s ask Him what He’s up to, what He wants.
to change in us and what He wants to accomplish through us. Then let’s submit and
surrender to Him. 2015 could go down as the greatest in history…IF…we let His
Story be written out through us.
Here at the Home, stories continue to be written, stories of life, accomplishments, growth in young lives. We look forward to sharing additional stories as they,
by the marvelous blessings and grace of God, unfold before us.
Sullivan’s Egg House gave these boys the
“catch of the year” when they donated over
$200.00 worth of fishing tackle.
Kari and Nikki (L) are a long
awaited story of excitement, and a little
nervousness. For 18 long years they have longed for and anticipated graduation from
high school. Now that it is upon them, they can hardly believe it. We wish them the
best in continuing stories of life.
Harley ( Mid ) is another story. He has accepted Christ Jesus as his personal
Savior, and followed the Lord in baptism. Amen! The smiles on his and Pastor
Copeland’s faces speak a story of joy for us all.
Yet another story, is that of the happiness and
sense of self worth that the Texarkana,
Arkansas Police Department brings to
the kids ( R ) when they treat them to a
night on the town including rides in a
convoy of police vehicles with lights
blazing. This compassionate event establishes a sense of camaraderie, lifting
self esteem in an event long cherished
and storied for years after achieving adulthood. We are thankful for
our Police heroes who know how to cut up with kids. Yes, it is the
year of stories. What’s yours???
If readers could
only be present when
groups of youngsters
come to visit, they would
more keenly realize that it
really is all about the kids.
There is just something
wonderful in the air when
a group of youngsters arrive to fellowship with the
youngsters of the Home. It is not that groups of older persons fail to incite a thrill of company, and the evidence of love and care
with which they bless the kiddos, rather it is just the magical moments of young folks of similar age, school grades, and other common experiences sharing as they get to know one another. In the picture above, a sweet group of youngsters and their chaperons
came in December to visit. They are from East Union Missionary Baptist Church in Hensley, Arkansas. Their hours on campus was
filled with laughter, singing, and the blessing of sharing.
Another large group of young people traveled from their church, First Baptist Church in Queen City, Texas. They are the
Royal Ambassadors
group of youngsters,
grades 1-6. Their presence brought fun, games,
presents, and a lot joy to
the campus.
This was not the first
time this fine group of
kiddos reached out with
helpful gifts for the
youngsters who live
here. As with others,
their visits are always
most welcome, and sure
to emphasize the spirit of
our Lord Jesus Christ
Who lives in our hearts.
In addition to church groups, the Home is blessed to have the benefit of caring compassionate employee and corporate
groups in the business world. There are several that are so dear to the Home by being so helpful to the young folks here. One such
group is the employees and corporate group of Cooper Tire, our neighbor just down the road. In the words of our administrator,
Heather Thompson, “Cooper Tire is one of the absolutely best community partners any city could have. These super fine folks
headed up by Michelle Bearden surprise our kiddos year after year with the best Christmas! Thank you Michelle for being such a
community cheerleader for
our children and our
Cooper Tire employees became interested
in bringing help and cheer
to the Home several years
ago. Then it became a corporate activity. The corporation matches in gifts to
the Home what the employees contribute. What a
wonderful example of individual and corporate care they are! It is a tremendous encouragement to us all to realize that there are so many wonderful people out
there who really care and who open their hearts to others, especially during the precious Christmas season.
[ ] This gift is in memorial to the following dear one (s).
In memory of:
In memory of:
Dollie Davis
B. W. Powell
Jane Woolsey
Morris & Johnie
M. C. & Pearl Lievsay
Given by:
Shirley Morris,
Pine Bluff, AR
Sarah Powell Family
Rita Smith Family
Vickie Taylor Family
In memory of:
J. C. Clement
Given by:
Shirley Morris & Family,
Pine Bluff, AR
In memory of:
Noel Loftis
Jimmy Ray Smith
Virginia Windfield
Given by:
Norma Williams,
Prattsville, AR
In memory of:
Delcie Rollosson
Given by:
Judson Memorial MBC,
Griffithville, AR
In memory of:
Sarah Margaret
Bissell Lay
Given by:
Pleasant Valley BC,
Nashville, AR
In Memory of:
Eld. Robert Williams
Given by:
W. A. & Laura Dillard
In Memory of:
Eld. John Gottman
Given by:
W. A. & Laura Dillard
[ ] This gift is given to honor the following dear one (s).
NAME: _________________________________________
GIVEN BY: ______________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________
CITY: _______________ ST.: ______ ZIP: ____________
In memory of:
In memory of:
Billy Moore
Sonny Witteborg
Dorothy Madden
Given by:
Ralph & Dorothy Collins,
Choudrant, LA
Given by:
Prairie View BC,
Colbert, OK
In memory of:
Eld. Joseph Sweat
In memory of:
Given by:
W. A. & Laura Dillard
Irene Ketchum
Jimmy Lawrence
Avis Ann Pickard
Given by:
W. A. & Laura Dillard
In honor of:
Given by:
Bob & Wilda Seiple,
Sarepta, LA
In memory of:
Ellen Jean Johnson
Given by:
Wade & Riki Williamson,
Texarkana, AR
Given by:
James & Carnell Proctor,
N. Little Rock, AR
In memory of:
Oral Lee Kennedy
In memory of:
Given by:
Peggy Morse, Sarepta, LA
Grady Wait
In memory of:
Given by:
Wyndrock BC, Abilene, TX
In memory of:
Bailey Don Tripp
Given by:
Louise Tripp,
Greenwood, AR
In memory of:
Wm. H. “Bill” Adams
Given by:
Kathy Adams, Bryan, TX
Wanda Harrison
Given by:
Melba Pierce, New Boston, TX
Monty & Candace Pierce,
Hallsville, TX
John Calvin Pierce
Richard & Susan Nawrocki,
Texarkana, TX
In memory of:
In memory of:
Bernice Almon
Wm F. “Willie” Caton
Conan Doyle
Carroll Foster
Eld. Fred S. Stevenson
Given by:
Sidney & Betty McLeod,
Amory, MS
Eld. Thomas “TD” Terry
Given by:
W. A. & Laura Dillard
In memory of:
Given by:
W. A. & Laura Dillard
In memory of:
In Memory of
Tommy Standridge
Diane Kitchens Ginn
Given by:
Center MBC, Rison, AR
Given by:
W. A. & Laura Dillard
Pat Wagy
In honor of:
Dr. Terry Parrish
Given by:
Don & Martha Quattlebaum,
Benton, AR
In honor of:
Dr. Joe A. & Cheri Cloud
Dr. W. A. & Laura
Allen & Mackie Hagood
Given by:
Sidney & Betty McLeod,
Amory, MS
In honor of:
Junior Barham’s 50th
Given by:
Timbo MBC, Timbo, AR
In honor of:
Kelvin & Brenda
Given by:
Bill & Rebecca Smith,
Amity, AR
P. O. Box 611
Texarkana, AR\TX 75504
Non-profit Org.
U. S. Postage
Permit No. 223
Texarkana, TX
“A Christian home for
orphaned, dependent,
and neglected
Our wish currently includes the fulfillment of needed equipment storage facility!
The old volunteer firehouse on the property which has long served as a barn has seen it last
days. It must be razed and that leaves us in need of a new storage barn for cattle trailer and
other important pieces of equipment. So we are hopeful for sufficient special help to raze
the old structure and clean the area where it sits. Then sufficient help to erect a new storage barn adjoining other structures on the main campus. Help us to pray about this matter.
We are hopeful that this wish will be fulfilled in 2015.
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their
affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27
God puts special ministries on special hearts. If He is calling you to extend love and a helping hand to
children, please contact our home for details of special ministry at TBO. Please make this a matter of prayer.