POWID Newsletter 2015 Spring


POWID Newsletter 2015 Spring
Power Industry Division Newsletter
What’s Watt
In This Issue:
POWID 2015 is coming to Kansas
City.................................................... 1
Power Industry Division Officers, 2015
POWID Symposium Committee List,
and Logos of 2014 POWID Symposium
Supporters......................................... 2
2015 POWID Symposium Preliminary
Program............................................. 3
Newsletter Editor Update and Reference Data– FM Global Data Sheets... 9
The Best Paper from the 2013 POWID
Conference...................................... 10
Securing Connected & Embedded IoT
Investments..................................... 20
Dr. Gooddata #7................................. 21
POWID Membership Recognition....... 25
ISA POWID Executive Committee
update, ISA67 Standards Committee update, and ISA77 Standards
Committee update........................... 26
POWID 2015 is Coming
to Kansas City!!
By Xinsheng Lou,
POWID Conference General Chairman
The 58th Annual ISA Power Industry Division
Symposium is coming to Kansas City Missouri
on June 7-11, 2015 at the Kansas City Marriott
Downtown. If you and/or your company are involved in power plant
instrumentation, control and automation, then this is the conference for
you. You will have the opportunity to hear directly from some of the
industry’s leading managers and engineers about the latest technology
and practices in the rapidly evolving power industry. The two and a half
day Symposium features important keynote speakers, technical presentation sessions, vendor exhibits, and adequate opportunities to interact with
other participants. Along with and immediately after the event there will
be other industry related meetings and training.
The Symposium covers all types of power stations – coal, nuclear, gas-fired
gas turbine/combined cycle, and renewable energy (hydroelectric, solar,
and wind, and biomass, etc.) - from all over the world. The conference is
large enough to provide a comprehensive program of presentations and
panel discussions necessary for professional development yet small enough
to induce intimate conversations around special topics critical to your company’s competitive growth and vitality. The exhibit hall typically attracts 3040 companies giving you a chance to really get to know solution providers
without feeling overwhelmed by a hall requiring a GPS to navigate. POWID
has a long-standing relationship with Power Magazine, which potentially
can leverage your exposure from several hundred attending a conference
to an audience of tens of thousands in print and on-line.
This year, the symposium’s theme is “Instrumentation & Control Solutions
for Today’s Industry Challenges”. The Program Committee, headed by Seth
Olson, is putting together a program of technical papers (peer-reviewed)
and presentations (subject to review) on the following topics: cybersecurity,
environmental control systems, combustion turbine and combined cycle
plants, advanced controls and real-time optimization technologies and
applications, fleet management and performance M&D centers, sensors,
and wireless data communication. Several sessions on nuclear plant topics
will feature modernization strategies, post-Fukushima impacts, state of
cybersecurity requirements and solutions, regulatory challenges and lessons
learned, I&C strategies for small modular reactors (SMR), digital equipment obsolescence, EMI testing requirements, set points and uncertainties,
operability determination experiences, SRP Chapter 7 changes, and commercial grade dedication. ISA Standard Meetings will be held for ISA67
(Nuclear Power Plants) and ISA77 (Fossil Power Plants) during the POWID
Spring 2015
Symposium. Three ISA training courses are planned and will be offered to
industrial professionals on boiler and power plant controls. Professional
Development Units (PDUs) are provided for all session attendees to help
meet PE license and CAP certification renewal requirements.
Mr. Rick Roop, ISA President, will be attending the POWID 2015 Symposium and will give a welcome speech. Three keynote speakers from
Black and Veatch (B&V), General Electric (GE), and the U.S. Department of
Energy will talk on three important technological subjects:
- Mr. Scott Stallard, Vice President, Black & Veatch
o Integrating Clean Renewables into the Grid – Optimizing
the Collective Capabilities of Renewable and Conventional
- Dr. Pengju Kang, Executive Technical Lead, GE Global R&D
o Impact of Industrial Internet on Power Generation
- Dr. Robert Romanosky, Deputy Director, Office of Coal and Power R&D,
US DOE National Energy Technology Lab (NETL)
o Fossil Energy Research and Development for Clean Power
For more information, please visit www.isa.org/powersymp. The site
includes a link to submit a paper abstract electronically along with conference and hotel registration links. If you have questions or wish to discuss
your involvement in POWID (or you have problems with the automated
on-line forms), please contact one of the Symposium Committee members
listed below:
Xinsheng Lou
General Chair
Seth Olson
Program Chair
Bob Queenan
Program Co-Chair - Nuclear
Don Labbe
Program Co-Chair - Fossil
Susan Maley
Program Co-Chair - Advanced
Tech. for Generation
Rick Meeker
Program Co-Chair Hydro and Renewables
Jim Batug
Program Co-Chair Cybersecurity
Aaron Hussey
Program Co-Chair Generation
Carol Schafer
ISA Exhibit Coordinator
Terri Graham
Technical Paper
Review Coordinator
Rodney Jones
ISA Staff Contact
For information on becoming a Symposium Champion at the Platinum,
Gold or Silver level or to purchase exhibit space, please contact Carol Schafer of ISA at cshafer@isa.org or (919) 990-9206.
We look forward to seeing you at this year’s POWID Symposium!
Brandon Parker
Black & Veatch
Overland Park, Kansas
(913) 458-8886
Denny Younie
Case M&I, LLC
(970) 443-4098
(Currently vacant)
Dale Evely
Southern Company
P.O. Box 2625 / Bin B463
Birmingham, AL 35202
(205) 992-6649
Upcoming POWID International Conferences
58th Annual ISA POWID Symposium
Kansas City Downtown Marriott, Kansas City, Missouri USA
7-11 June 2015
You can find information on other ISA Events at
2014 ISA POWID Symposium Supporters:
Xinsheng Lou
Alstom Power
Aaron Hussey
Expert Microsystems
Seth Olson
Chevron Power and Energy
Terri Graham
Hurst Technologies
Bob Queenan
Curtiss Wright
Carol Schafer
Don Labbe
Schneider Electric
Dr. Robert Peltier
Power Magazine
James Batug
PP&L Generation
Mike Skoncey
First Energy Corporation
Rick Meeker
Florida State University
Joe Vavrek
Sargent & Lundy
55 E. Monroe St. 25W53
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 269-2270
Susan Maley
Electric Power Research Institute
Rodney Jones
P.O. Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
(919) 991-9418
Power Generation:
Instrumentation & Control Solutions for
Today’s Industry Challenges
Kansas City Marriott
Kansas City, Missouri
Preliminary Program
9:00 am 5:00 pm
ISA POWID Staff Office
Location TBD
10:00am 10:30 am
ISA POWID Long Range Planning Committee Meeting
Location TBD
10:30 am –
12:00 pm
ISA POWID Symposium 2015 Committee Meeting
Location TBD
12:00 pm 1:00 pm
1:00 pm 4:00 pm
Exhibitor Setup
Location TBD
ISA POWID Executive Committee Meeting
Location TBD
Conference Registration
Location TBD
Opening Night Reception / Exhibitor Showcase
Location TBD
Exhibitor Showcase Drawing
Location TBD
8:00 am 10:00 am
1:00 pm 5:00 pm
1:00 pm 5:00 pm
5:00 pm 7:00 pm
6:45 pm
6:30 am 7:30 am
7:00 am 5:00 pm
7:00 am 5:00 pm
7:00 am 5:00 pm
7:00 am 8:00 am
8:00 am 9:45 am
9:45 am 10:00 am
10:00 am 11:45 am
Speaker Breakfast
Location TBD
Speaker Practice Room
Location TBD
Conference Registration
Location TBD
Spouses' Lounge
Location TBD
Attendee Breakfast
Location TBD
Session 1
Location TBD
Conference Opening: Dr. Xinsheng Lou, General Chairman 2015 ISA POWID Symposium
Introductions: Brandon Parker, Director ISA POWID
Welcoming Remarks: Rick Roop, President ISA
Keynote Speaker: Scott Stallard, Vice President, Black & Veatch
Integrating Clean Renewables into the Grid – Optimizing the Collective Capabilities of
Renewable and Conventional Generation
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Pengju Kang, Executive Technical Lead, GE Global R&D
Impact of Industrial Internet on Power Generation
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Robert Romanosky, USDOE National Energy technology Lab (NETL)
Fossil Energy Research and Development for Clean Power Production
Session 2
Location TBD
Topics: Cyber Security, Changing Landscape of Fossil Generation Portfolios, Integration of
Renewables, and Effects of Policy and Regulation on the Industry
Moderator: Jason Makansi, Pearl Street Inc.
Scott Stallard, Vice President, Black & Veatch
Dr. Pengju Kang, Executive Technical Lead, GE Global R&D
Dr. Robert Romanosky, USDOE National Energy technology Lab (NETL)
Leo Staples, Senior Manager Utility Operational Compliance, OG&E
POWID’s popular Keynote Panel Discussion tackles the big issues, challenges, and
opportunities facing the power industry and the corresponding role of instrumentation and
controls, automation, monitoring and diagnostics, and asset and knowledge management
systems used by the power stations and their corporate owners. This year’s big issues will
include the impact of catastrophic events, cyber security rules and regulations, extracting
productivity and efficiency gains in response to financial pressures on utilities, need for more
flexible operations to integrate renewable energy, new-found synergies and challenges
between the shale gas and electricity industries, the role of/experience with upgraded
12:00 pm 1:30 pm
1:45 pm 5:00 pm
5:00 pm 7:00 pm
6:45 pm
automation and control systems on plants owned by smaller utilities, and much more.
ISA POWID Honors and Awards Luncheon
Location TBD
Guest Speaker: TBD, TBD
Recognition of POWID Leadership - People, Facilities & Authors
Session 3D
Session 3C
Session 3A
Session 3B
Location TBD
Location TBD
Location TBD
Location TBD
Exhibitor Showcase
Location TBD
Exhibitor Showcase Drawing
Location TBD
6:30 am 7:30 am
7:00 am 5:00 pm
7:00 am 5:00 pm
7:00 am 5:00 pm
7:00 am 8:00 am
8:00 am 12:00 noon
12:00 pm 1:30 pm
1:30 pm 5:00 pm
5:00 pm 7:00 pm
6:45 pm
Speaker Breakfast
Location TBD
Speaker Practice Room
Location TBD
Conference Registration
Location TBD
Spouses' Lounge
Location TBD
Attendee Breakfast
Location TBD
Session 4A
Location TBD
Session 4B
Location TBD
Lunch Break & Exhibitor Showcase
Location TBD
Session 5A
Session 5B
Cyber Security II
Location TBD
Location TBD
Exhibitor Showcase
Location TBD
Exhibitor Showcase Drawing
Location TBD
Session 4C
Location TBD
Session 4D
Location TBD
Session 5C
Location TBD
Session 5D
Location TBD
Preliminary Program
Revision 3/27/2015
6:30 am 7:30 am
7:00 am Noon
7:00 am 5:00 pm
7:00 am 5:00 pm
8:00 am
11:00 am
7:00 am 8:00 am
8:00 am 11:45 am
11:45 pm
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
- 1:00 pm
12:00 pm
- 1:00 pm
1:00 pm 1:30 pm
1:00 pm 3:00 pm
1:00 pm–
5:00 pm
Speaker Breakfast
Location TBD
Speaker Practice Room
Location TBD
Conference Registration
Location TBD
Spouses' Lounge
Location TBD
Exhibitor Teardown
Location TBD
Attendee Breakfast
Location TBD
Session 6A
Session 6B
Session 6C
Session 6D
Location TBD
Location TBD
Location TBD
Location TBD
Closing Comments
Location TBD
ISA Conference Critique Meeting
Location TBD
Note: Open only to Conference Committee Members and EXCOM Members
Location TBD
Exhibitor Critique Meeting
Location TBD
ISA67 Committee Meeting
ISA77 Committee Meeting
Location TBD
Location TBD
EPRI Interest Group Meeting
Location TBD
7:00 am 8:00 am
8:00 am 4:00 pm
8:00 am 5:00 pm
8:00 am 5:00 pm
8:00 am 5:00 pm
ISA Training Course Registration
Location TBD
ISA Training - Overview of Setpoints for
ISA Training – Introduction to Boiler
NuclearSafety-Related Instrumentation
Control Systems (ES15C)
(IC68PD) – Day 1
Location TBD
Location TBD
ISA67 Standards Committee Meetings
Location TBD
ISA77 Standards Committee Meetings
Location TBD
EPRI Cyber Security Meeting (open to all ISA attendees)
Location TBD
7:00 am 8:00 am
8:00 am 4:00 pm
ISA Training Course Registration
Location TBD
ISA Training – Overview of Setpoints for
ISA Training – Introduction to Industrial
NuclearSafety-Related Instrumentation
Automation Security and the ANSI/ISA99
(IC68PD) – Day 2
(IEC 62443) Standards (ICE32C)
Location TBD
Location TBD
Newsletter Editor Update
By Dale Evely, P.E., ISA POWID Newsletter Editor
Southern Company
As I write this I am supposed to be landing in Dallas, Texas but
winter weather forced the cancellation of my airplane flight and
that business trip. Many of you had it far worse this winter than
we did in Alabama and hopefully the snow and ice will be a distant memory when this newsletter arrives in your electronic inbox
or mailbox. I want to thank those of you who contributed to this
edition of the POWID Newsletter and would like to encourage all
of you to consider submitting something for future editions.
Technical content that is specific to the automation side of the
power industry is what provides the best benefit to our membership. We are also interested in historical items and would also
welcome items of general technical interest. Please share with
your colleagues any tidbits that have been beneficial to you in your
job or in expanding your knowledge base. You can send your articles to dpevely@southernco.com (please limit any attachments to
5MB or my mail server may not let them through and I will never
know that you tried to send them). If you e-mail an article and
do not get a thank you response from me it may not have gone
through. If the article was not authored by you, please provide us
with a statement that you have cleared publication of the material
with the author. Please keep in mind that articles need to be noncommercial in nature so don’t include a heavy sales pitch as a part
of the technical content.
ISA has had a lot of problems with their website, distribution lists,
and reporting of membership rosters to the divisions and sections
but things continue to improve. The goal that POWID works
toward is to publish three newsletters each calendar year; with the
basic schedule being publication in March or April (Spring), August
or September (Summer) and December or January (Fall). All three
of the newsletters are published electronically and the Spring
newsletter is also published in paper format and mailed to those
of you who live in the USA.
I hope 2015 has been a good one for each of you so far and that
it continues to be that way. Have a great Summer!
Promote your products and services to a very specific, focused readership
of power industry instrumentation and control engineers and managers
by advertising in this newsletter. Advertisements will run for 3 consecutive issues (typically March, August and December) based on the payment
schedule below.
Newsletter Location
Ad Size
Inside Front Cover
Full Page
Back Cover
Half Page
Inside Back Cover
Full Page
Inside Page
Full Page
Inside Page
Half Page
Inside Page
Quarter Page
Advertisement rates also include a link to your advertisement being
provided on the POWID website. For further information please view the
advertisement order form, which can be found on the POWID website at:
Useful Reference Data – FM Global
Property Loss Prevention Data
Contributed by: Allan J. (Zeke) Zadiraka
ISA POWID Executive Committee Member Emeritus
FM Global operates in more than 130 countries and is a provider
of insurance products and services.
Quoting from the FM Global web site at:
“FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets are engineering
guidelines written to help reduce the chance of property loss due
to fire, weather conditions and failure of electrical or mechanical
equipment, and incorporate loss experience, research results, input
from consensus standards committees, equipment manufacturers
and others.”
These data sheets are available at no charge but do require registration to download.
Some of the data sheets that may be of interest to ISA Power
Industry Division members are:
Pulverized Coal Fired Boilers
Oil- and Gas-Fired Single-Burner Boilers
Oil- and Gas-Fired Multiple Burner Boilers
Boiler-Furnaces Implosions
Coal Pulverizers and Pulverizing Systems
Systems Integration and Control – Electric Power
Generation Steam Cycle
The Best Paper from the 2013 ISA POWID
During the Honors and Awards Luncheon in June 2014, the
Best Paper Award for the 2013 POWID Conference in Orlando,
Florida was presented to Don Labbe, Marlina Lukman and
Robert McHugh of Invensys Operations Management for the
paper entitled “Operator Training Simulator for Power Plant
Combustion Optimization System Design”. This technical paper
is provided in its entirety in this newsletter for your reading
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Operator Training Simulator for Power Plant Combustion
Optimization System Design
Don Labbe (Donald.Labbe@Invensys.com)
Marlina Lukman (Marlina.Lukman@Invensys.com)
Robert McHugh (Robert.Mchugh@Invensys.com)
Invensys Operations Management
Keywords: Operator Training Simulator, OTS, Optimization, Combustion Optimization
System, Once Through Boiler
An Operator Training Simulator (OTS) provides many valuable services in support of power plant
operation and design. The primary objective is operator training for start-up, shut downs, load
management, equipment malfunctions and special case scenarios. Such training provides substantial
operating cost savings by lowering unforced outage rates due to operator error and speeding startup
and shutdown rates for additional revenue and fuel savings. OTS systems have supported control
system upgrades and plant design enhancements by confirming design changes prior to installation in
the actual plant. Such capability has become increasingly important for cyber security compliance.
In this project a Combustion Optimization System (COS) was integrated with an OTS, comprised of
both a process model and a complete emulation of the DCS control design. The OTS process model
includes models of the air and fuel within the furnace and heat transfer models, allowing it to provide
detailed predictions of emissions values, steam temperatures, spray flows and other parameters
impacted by adjustments to fuel and air distribution. The complete emulation of the DCS control
design allowed the full integration of the COS interface logic and graphic displays. The integrated
system was applied to conduct parametric testing for COS model development. The faster than real
time feature coupled with the full time availability provided for rapid generation of modeling data. The
design of the COS was confirmed and potential benefits were quantified. Operator graphics and
operating scenarios were available to train operators in the details of the impact of COS on operations.
By applying the OTS, the interface logic and graphics were fully designed and checked out with
preliminary models prior to touching the actual plant. This greatly reduced any operational concerns to
the plant for the implementation of the COS and is yet another illustration of the value of an OTS.
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
The traditional role of an operator training simulator (OTS) has been to provide operator training for
start-up, shut downs, load management, equipment malfunctions and special case scenarios. High
fidelity OTS provides operator training with a close approximation of the specific operating
characteristics of the unit. Such training has demonstrated significant reduction in operator error,
speeds the operator response to undertake corrective action, and enhances startup and shutdown rates.
The net impact is substantial operating cost savings by lowering unforced outage rates due to operator
error, extending equipment life through stress mitigation, and fuel savings through faster start-ups and
The role of high fidelity OTS has expanded beyond operator training to support a wide range of unit
related activities such as control logic modifications, control system upgrades and plant design
enhancements. The OTS can confirm design changes prior to installation in the actual plant. DCS logic
confirmation has become increasingly important for cyber security compliance.
However, applying OTS for unit heat rate and emission optimization lies beyond the typical
application domain. The required modeling demands a rigor beyond the typical high fidelity OTS
framework. A project was undertaken to explore the integration of a Combustion Optimization System
(COS) with an OTS and this paper describes the methods and results. The OTS featured sophisticated
air and fuel modeling within the furnace along with water/steam heat transfer models that provided the
framework for detailed predictions of emissions values, steam temperatures, spray flows and other
performance parameters. Through the OTS, adjustments in fuel and air distribution undertaken by
COS simulate the impact on emissions and thermal performance.
Other components of the OTS included a complete emulation of the DCS control design including
graphics. This provided the means to undertake a full integration of the COS interface logic and the
associated graphic displays.
The simulated unit is a pulverized coal fired supercritical once thru unit rated at approximately 800
MW gross featuring a split furnace design with 7 coal mills and 8 corners for fuel and air injection
with three levels of newly installed over-fire air. The simulator has been verified against an actual
power plant.
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Figure 1: Overview of Operator Training Simulator
The figure above illustrates that there are two major software modules to an OTS: a dynamic
simulation module, that replicates the actual plant, and a control system module, that emulates the
control system. A simulation executive module coordinates the two modules, synchronizing time
control of the two modules. Time can be allowed to advance slower or faster than real time. The state
of the dynamic simulation module and the control system module can be saved as an initial condition,
which can be re-loaded to allow simulator operation to begin at a fixed condition.
This module undertakes the mathematical modeling of the plant using comprehensive, rigorous, field
proven dynamic process simulation software. The model of this power plant features the primary
components of the plant, including the water and steam systems, the fuel, air and flue gas systems, and
the auxiliary systems. The water and steam systems include detailed models of the steam turbine,
condenser, deaerator, feedwater heaters, pumps, steam and water piping systems, and the heat transfer
surfaces comprising the boiler. The fuel, air and flue gas systems include detailed models of the
pulverizers, fans, ducting, dampers, furnace enclosure, and air heater. The auxiliary systems include
models of the cooling water, lubrication, and electrohydraulic system. The models are dynamic,
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
predicting transient behavior by using equations based on conservation of mass and energy and
appropriate rate equations.
The furnace model divides the furnace into several discrete volumes, including discrete volumes for
each elevation where fuel and air are introduced into the furnace and accounting for the side to side
variations in fuel and air flows. Calculations for each volume account for the mass transfer, heat
transfer, and chemical reactions taking place in the volume. Mass transfer accounts for the vertical and
horizontal movement of the gas. Heat transfer accounts for various modes of heat transfer from the
volume to the boiler heat transfer surfaces, including flame and gas radiation and convection. The
chemical reaction models produce a time-varying heat release, gas composition, and temperature
profile throughout the furnace.
The main steam temperature leaving the boiler is measured along the four paths providing steam to the
main steam header and the heat transfer surfaces are modeled to account for the possibility of different
heat absorptions along each path. The reheat steam temperature leaving the boiler is measured along
the two paths providing steam to the hot reheat header and the reheat heat transfer surfaces are
modeled to account for the possibility of different heat absorptions along each path.
This level of detail allows the simulator to describe the behavior of the plant over a wide range of
conditions, For example, the model predicts the changes in heat absorption by the various in-furnace
heat exchangers due to changing the distribution of air between primary and secondary levels or
among the secondary air dampers.
Models of CO and NOx production are also included in the OTS model. These models are empirical,
rather than rigorously derived from first principles. The emissions models predict the CO level based
on oxygen concentrations at different furnace elevations and secondary over fire air damper positions.
The emissions models predict the NOx level based on oxygen concentrations at different furnace
elevations and burner tilt positions (Reference 1).
This module is where the actual DCS is being emulated. In this case the plant control algorithms are
matched one to one using emulation software. The emulation is, in essence, identical to the DCS
software; providing a virtual controller instead of actual controller hardware by executing the
controller software on the simulation workstation rather than a real-time control processor. The
control emulation was based on exactly the same computer software (source code) as the actual DCS.
This enables the load of actual configuration files from a project directly into the simulator without any
need for translation. In addition, since it behaves just like a normal DCS system, any peer-to-peer
stations on the control network will connect to the control emulation without any need for reconfiguration. This includes graphic workstations, engineering stations, historian packages, offplatform network connections, etc. And it guarantees that the behavior of the control system and
connected graphics screens function on the OTS just like they do on the main control system.
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
For this simulator, the control configuration and graphics are identical to the actual DCS as the OTS is
configured from the same files as the actual DCS and uses actual DCS operator console hardware. This
integrated simulator then provides an environment for operators to practice a wide range of activities,
including start-up, shut-down, raising or lowering load, and responding to emergency situations such
as equipment failures.
In this project the simulator also provides an environment for operators to observe and understand the
consequences of various actions on heat-rate and emissions, for example, how increasing excess air
may decrease heat-rate but also decrease the amount of CO production and increase NOx production.
The intent of this project was to demonstrate that COS could be integrated with the OTS plant controls
and that COS could drive the unit to an optimum condition of reduced emissions and improved thermal
performance. The selected optimization control variables were furnace NOx, CO, O2 and steam
temperatures, since these are the dominant emissions and thermal performance variables in once
through coal fired application.
The COS interface to a DCS involves a degree of complexity and security, since COS exports control
signals to an active control system. These exported signals automatically modulate key manipulated
variables and drive the plant to optimum conditions for emissions and thermal performance. By first
implementing within the OTS environment, the control interface design is confirmed prior to
commissioning on the DCS.
A staged approach was undertaken to establish the COS – OTS Integration:
 Link the COS computer and software to the OTS control system module and demonstrate COS
data collection
 Apply COS software to conduct Pseudo Random Binary Sequencing (PRBS) testing of the
dynamic simulation module in support of the generation of COS controller models
 Configure the COS controller models and optimization strategy
 Configure the COS control interface to the OTS for closed loop optimizing control
 Operate the OTS and enable COS to simulate emissions and thermal performance changes
 Assess the optimization performance
The OTS control system module software was compliant with current NERC Critical Infrastructure
Protection (CIP) requirements. The COS computer and software were linked to the OTS consistent
with these requirements. Software communications were established applying a proprietary protocol
and COS data collection was established. The integrated system was applied to conduct parametric
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
testing using PRBS testing for model development. The faster than real time feature coupled with the
full time availability of the simulator provided for rapid generation of modeling data.
The control variables (CVs) are the process variables that the COS will optimize. For this work the
selected CVs included: NOx, CO, O2, superheat temperature, reheat steam temperatures, and other
select variables. These are representative of the crucial control variables necessary to achieve
emissions and performance benefits.
The manipulated variables (MVs) are the input signals generated by the COS and sent to the DCS. For
this work the selection of MVs was based on prior experience with similar boilers and the desire to
simplify the demonstration yet retain the dominant variables. The following MVs are included: O2
controller setpoint bias, windbox controller setpoint bias, and a number of damper bias signals.
The COS interface to the DCS includes a secure supervisory control system which employs watch
dogs and other techniques within both the DCS domain and the COS domain to ensure continuous and
secure communication. Should a loss of communication be detected, each manipulated variable falls
back automatically according to the specific individual configuration. All transfers to and from normal
control and COS optimization are bumpless.
The emissions models for NOx, CO and O2 distribution within the OTS are empirical and not intended
to be rigorous. When COS is applied to the actual unit, the emissions models within COS would be
finalized based on the emissions data from the actual unit. An on-line model adaptation technique can
be applied to finalize the COS emissions models on an operating unit (Reference 2).
The Delta Heat Rate Methodology (Reference 3) was applied to quantify the performance benefits.
Figure 2 presents a trend chart of 16 pens in groups of four and illustrates:
 The delta efficiency, delta NOx, furnace stoichiometry and furnace O2
 #1, 2, 3, and 4 finish superheat steam temperatures
 NOx, CO, A & B side reheat steam temperatures
 A, C, E and G level furnace stoichiometry
This trend graphic illustrates the results for the 1st hour after enabling the optimizer. The key
performance variables impacting efficiency (heat rate) are furnace excess air (O2) and superheat and
reheat steam temperatures. A significant reduction in furnace excess air is achieved without a
significant increase in CO, providing an efficiency improvement of 0.31% within the hour. The
furnace stoichiometry is adjusted to a more favorable range and achieves a NOx reduction of 9.7%.
Superheat and reheat steam temperatures are maintained near setpoint throughout.
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Figure 2: COS Performance Trends
Optimizer Enabled
Baseline CO increased,
prior to enabling
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Figure 3: COS Trend: NOx, CO, O2, Reheat, Air Heater and Superheat Temperatures
Figure 3 presents the emissions and key thermal performance parameters following the enabling of the
optimizer. This COS trend charts below present more detail of the unit response and optimizer action
and displays the following variables:
 NOx and O2 corrected NOx in ppm
 CO in ppm
 Furnace O2 controller measurement and setpoint
 Reheat A/B side steam temperatures
 The air heater A/B side gas outlet temperatures
 The four superheat outlet temperatures
Just prior to enabling the optimizer, the baseline CO level used in the simulator was adjusted to a
higher and more typical value. Since CO is a key feedback to combustion optimization, a higher
baseline would increase the CO sensitivity and challenge the optimizer to achieve improved air
distribution and lower the O2.
After enabling the optimizer the O2 setpoint bias and other MVs transitioned towards their optimum
targets, a solution representing optimum performance. The steam and gas temperatures responded to
the MV moves, but settled soon after at near optimum values. The calculated benefits are displayed in
the following trend.
Gross Efficiency
Figure 4: COS Trend: Δ NOx and ΔEfficiency including gross MW, Fuel and Btu/kw-hr
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Figure 4 presents the delta efficiency values (based on Delta Heat Rate Methodology) and the
calculated gross unit heat rate displaying the following variables:
 Percentage NOx reduction
 Percentage efficiency improvement total and by variable: superheat, reheat and air heater exit
gas temperatures and O2
 Gross unit efficiency, Btu/kw-hr
 Gross MW
 Total fuel, tons/hr
The Delta Heat Rate Methodology approximates a total heat rate improvement of 0.332%, which
compares favorably to the 0.255% heat rate improvement based on a comparison of the before and
after ratio of total fuel consumption to gross MW generation, shown in Figure 4. Assuming 70%
capacity factor and $50/ton the projected annual fuel savings for 0.332% is ~$380,000.
To further investigate the performance of the optimizer an additional constraint was placed on the
optimizer to balance the four superheat steam temperatures, thereby increasing the average steam
temperature. The trends below illustrate the results of a change to the superheat temperature constraint.
Figure 5: Sensitivity results of Superheat Steam Temperature Constraint
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
The initial conditions show differences between the four finish superheater outlets, which is quite
typical for large boilers. The #2 finish superheat steam temperature was operating approximately 10°F
cooler than setpoint. Since balanced steam temperatures can improve turbine cycle performance, the
side to side superheat temperature difference constraint was tightened from 5°F to 0.5°F. The response
illustrates an increase in the #2 superheat steam temperature and impacts emissions performance.
The response is not representative of final tuning, but this example demonstrates the “give and take”
characteristics of a multivariable optimizer. Action is undertaken by the MVs to address CV
constraints with the ultimate response dependent on assigned tuning weights and optimizer importance
factors. For example, the CO increases slightly due to the action undertaken to balance superheat steam
temperature which increases the O2 setpoint.
The COS was successfully integrated to an OTS featuring current NERC CIP compliance. The OTS
served as an effective platform to conduct parametric testing, design the COS interface control logic,
build operator graphics, commission the COS and evaluate COS performance.
The integrated optimizer/simulator demonstrates key principles of the COS operation potentially
providing operators and engineers with insight to the incremental performance improvements available
to the unit. The system illustrates how both heat rate and emissions objectives can be addressed
through multivariable optimization. With such a tool the operators and engineers can widen their
optimization experience and further the achieved benefits.
The design of the COS was confirmed and potential annual fuel saving benefits of $380,000 were
quantified. Operator graphics and operating scenarios were available to train operators in the details of
the impact of COS on operations. By applying the OTS, the interface logic and graphics were fully
designed and checked out with preliminary models prior to touching the actual plant. This not only
greatly reduces any operational concerns to the plant for the implementation of the COS, but addresses
NERC CIP requirements for control validation prior to installation. The COS-OTS integration is yet
another illustration of the value of an OTS.
1. Influence of Process Parameters on Nitrogen Oxide Formation in Pulverized Coal Burners, R. P.
van der Lans, P. Glarborg, K. Dam-Johansen, Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. Vol. 23, pp. 349, 1997.
2. Smart Firing Control System, by C. Houn, B. Begley of Wisconsin Public Service and D. Labbe, T.
Kinney, A. Morrow, and A. Speziale of Invensys Operations Management, presented at the
55th ISA POWID Controls & Instrumentation Symposium, June 3-8, 2012, Austin, TX.
3. Entergy Independence NOx/Heat Rate Optimization and Steam Temperature Control with
Neural Net/Model Predictive Control Combo, by D. Labbe, A. Speziale and S. Coker, presented
at the 15th Annual Joint ISA POWID/EPRI Controls and Instrumentation Conference, 48th
Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 5-10 June 2005, Nashville, TN.
Copyright 2013 ISA. All rights reserved. www.isa.org
Presented at the 56th ISA POWID Symposium
2-7 June 2013, Orlando, Florida
Securing Connected & Embedded
IoT investments, End-to-End
By Frank Ignazzitto
Ultra Electronics, 3eTl
Rockville, Maryland USA
With embedded systems in the power industry, security is typically an afterthought. This resource-driven constraint usually leaves organizations in the
automation industry susceptible to cyber-threats that can drain revenues
and endanger lives. The Internet of Things (IoT) is driving massive growth
in connected embedded devices which, in turn, is surfacing new cyberattack vectors. In the face of IoT-supported vulnerabilities, a fresh look at
best practices is warranted for companies that rely on embedded devices
for day-to-day operations.
it is to be comprehensive. Owners and operators must address all avenues
in and through the network, which means taking into account endpoints
when devising systems and cyber-security programs and purchases. There
is no point in securing the front door when the back window is wide open.
Doing so merely drives an attacker from the strongest point of defense to
the weakest, most unguarded area.
It is necessary to think about the entire infrastructure - the technical side,
as well as management and operations. The effective cyber safety net shelters people, devices, networks, and data from within as well as externally.
There have been several widely-publicized assaults on the industrial market, among them Stuxnet, Flame and Regin, that compromised security
and operational integrity. When such advanced attacks succeed, plants are
exposed to potentially severe losses ranging from the financial to the physical. Human loss of life is not out of the question.
The Internet of Things (loT) and the new network security
landscape for embedded systems
The threat landscape today has changed dramatically with IoT. The convergence of computers and connectivity everywhere mean we are now
enabling computers to interact with our daily lives without us even knowing it. The era of the network perimeter is gone. Critical Infrastructure (Cl)
systems such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems,
generators, pumps, motors, light bulbs, temperature sensors and the like
are becoming connected networks.
Each new technology innovation always brings unforeseen consequences.
For the IoT, we are combining computers to power our everyday lives in
new ways with no direct human interaction. The consequence is increased
cyber risk. If you can reach out and touch those things that matter to you,
hackers can do the same.
Industrial facilities typically deploy both information technology (IT) and
operational technology (OT), which often operate separately. The IT side
implements high-end enterprise cyber security. OT focuses on efficiency
and safety.
Cyber security must be in place as part of a unified, end-to-end architecture. Every device on the network must be identified and secured,
authenticated and validated, to ensure that data is consistently and reliably
transmitted, unaltered, only to intended recipients. Most of us secure our
PCs even though our broadband providers and ISPs offer firewall protection. Our operating systems also include security yet most of us, and all IT
departments, add security to individual machines. Doesn’t it make sense
for industrial plants to take the same approach with their networked automation systems? Today, very few are doing so.
Of chief concern today is that we’re connecting devices everywhere with
little or no security. Businesses and individuals worry most about other
people stealing private data. In fact, with all of these computers connected
together as part of the IoT, there may not be a great deal of personal
financial information to steal but there is significant damage that can be
done. Today’s cyber-security technologies are focused almost entirely on
the enterprise or the home PC. These are computers running antivirus software with their own firewalls, but the critical IoT endpoints that connect
the cyber to the physical world do not run any of these technologies.
Manufacturers and process automation plants must embrace the
necessity of additional security
Economics are critical in the industrial markets. Effective operations lead
to more efficient output, particularly in oil and gas or utilities. Efficiency
derives from automation. Process automation is a huge industry, and we
increasingly see controllers - programmable logic controllers (PLCs) -- and
other automated systems driving plant equipment.
There must be a balanced assessment when considering the costs of
security versus the true cost of losses from downtime, repairs, broken work
flows, and more when manufacturers forego comprehensive industrialcontrol security. These losses can be staggering. More than one study has
put the cost for resolving a single significant attack as high as $1 million.
When human life is in the balance, as it is daily with the power industry,
the costs escalate considerably and are far harder to quantify in dollars.
About the Author
Frank Ignazzitto is vice president, marketing, for Ultra Electronics, 3eTI. He has
more than 30 years of experience that spans military service, international business
management, and start-up business execution in industries that include defense
and energy. He has dedicated the last 15 years of his career driving new technology
adoption with the Department of Defense, the intelligence community, Homeland
Security and many other federal agencies. His diverse technology experience includes
computer peripherals for human-machine interface, electro-optical nanotechnology,
When implementing proper cyber security, the approach must be holistic if
and advanced fuel cell systems.
by Ronald H. Dieck
Ron Dieck Associates, Inc.
Welcome back again to Dr. Gooddata country. Well, how’d you do on the “pop quiz” we had last
time? I hope you did well. Now, we’ll launch into a new detailed review of an actual uncertainty
We have gone through the ins and outs of random, systematic, error, uncertainty, Type A, Type
B, ISO, ASME, degrees of freedom, root-sum-square, (bias), (precision), etc. [Note the () are to
indicate “dead” terminology. sigh.... RIP] Now we need to see how this all works. We need to
combine some data via the formulas and technologies we’ve learned through these many months.
Let’s take a look at some temperature uncertainties and how to handle the expression of the
uncertainty in a temperature measurement. We will consider only three (3) sources of
uncertainty. This is certainly not typical, as most measurement processes have dozens of sources
of uncertainty. However, for our education, three will be an adequate example.
Consider the table of uncertainties below.
Uncertainty Calculation Example
Temperature measurement uncertainties, F
Systematic Standard Number of Random
Degrees of
measurement uncertainty, deviation, data points, uncertainty, freedom,
of tc
This table is based on an ISA paper: Measurement Uncertainty Models, Proceedings of the 42nd
International Instrumentation Symposium, San Diego, CA, May 1996.
Let us note a few things:
1. The sources of uncertainty are grouped as “systematic” or “random.” This is the engineering
classification. We could have grouped them as “Type A” or “Type B” if that was desired (but we
didn’t). Why? Why indeed? So that an engineer could understand what to do with the
measurement methods if the resulting uncertainty was too large. Noting the Type, A or B, only
designates the origin of the uncertainty sources, not the impact of the errors.
2. There are three sources of random uncertainty. As per our usual approach, they need to be
root-sum-squared. We root-sum square the s X terms, not the s X terms. Why is that? Because all
uncertainty analysis equations are based on the statistics of s X . When we root-sum-square the
random uncertainties, we get the 0.20 shown in the table above.
There are three sources of systematic uncertainty. Two of the three have infinite degrees of
freedom (assumed when the degrees of freedom, d.f., are not stated) and one has 12 degrees of
freedom. This will cause us some problems when we assess the appropriate degrees of freedom
for the uncertainty of the result and when we do the root-sum-squaring of these systematic
uncertainties. We must be careful to only RSS one standard deviation for each, that is:
bR   0.03
2 2
 0.035  0.05
 0.068
This yields the 0.07 shown in the table above.
4. The random uncertainties also get root-sum-squared as shown in the table.
5. The equation for the uncertainty is:
 
U 95  t 95 bR   s X , R
2 2
2 2
 t 95 0.068  0.20
The problem now is what Student’s t95 to use. For this, we must determine the degrees of
freedom for U95. That is done with the Welch-Satterthwaite approximation. But for now, let’s
just assume it is over 30 and complete the calculation as follows:
2 2
U 95  20.068  0.20
 0.42 F
In words, the 42F means that the true value for this temperature measurement lies within the
interval of the average, 42F 95% of the time.
Now we’ll examine what to do if the degrees of freedom are not 30 or higher. We will learn to
use the dreaded “Welch-Satterthwaite” approximation for the degrees of freedom for a result. In
this example we need to calculate the degrees of freedom with the Welch-Satterthwaite
approximation (a real pain), which is:
 S   b   b   b  
 S  
    b     b     b 
df   
  i
 
 
       12     
 
 
 
Note in the above that two of the bi terms go to zero in the denominator as we’ve assumed their
degrees of freedom, note here as “,” to be infinity. The bi term with only 12 degrees of freedom
does not reduce to zero. Putting all the values into this expression, we have:
df   
0.095  0.045  0.173  0.03  0.035)   0.05 
2 02
 0.0954 0.0454 0.1734 0.034 0.0354 0.054 
 
 9
 22.51  22
Now for 22 degrees of freedom (we truncate to obtain a slightly larger, more conservative
uncertainty) we have t95 = 2.07. Therefore, U95 is:
2 2
U 95  2.07 0.068  0.20
 0.44F .
Not much difference is there? Now that wasn’t too hard, was it? Now there is only one soulsearching question: “what ever happened to the ISO uncertainty?” Let’s look into that now.
In the engineering/ASME/US model of uncertainty, uncertainties and errors are grouped
according to their effects. That is, uncertainties follow the assignments of their original errors by
the effects of those errors. The groupings or classifications used are random and systematic.
Random uncertainties are so called because they are estimates of the limits of errors that are
random and/or caused by random effects. Random errors cause observable scatter in repeated test
Systematic uncertainties are so called because they are estimates the limits of errors that arise
from systematic causes. The effect of these systematic errors is to displace every measurement
from the true value by the same amount for a defined experiment or test. These errors do not
cause any observable scatter in test results.
With the ISO (International Standards Organization) approach, error sources and their limits’
estimating uncertainties are grouped by their source of information, not their effect on test data.
That is, Type “A” is uncertainties whose error sources have data to calculate a standard
deviation. Type “B” uncertainties are estimated without having data to calculate a standard
In Table 1 above, note the uncertainty estimates have sub-scripts “A” and “B.” These subscripts
define the sources of information from which the uncertainties are estimated. Grouping the
uncertainties by Type “A” and Type “B” would provide an alternate way to calculate the overall,
or total, measurement uncertainty. In this case, as with the engineering/ASME/US model, the
Welch-Satterthwaite approximation is needed to compute the degrees of freedom for the
resulting total uncertainty.
The ISO uncertainty model root-sum-squares elemental uncertainties of Type “A” and Type “B.”
The operating equations are:
U ISO   K U A   U B 
2 1/ 2
the measurement uncertainty
The Type A uncertainty for the result
The Type B uncertainty for the result
A multiplier used to obtain the confidence of interest. It is often Student’s t.
Here, UA and UB are obtained as follows:
U A   U Ai
 i 1
 
1/ 2
U B   U Bi
 i 1
 
1/ 2
These are the root-sum-squares of the elemental Type A and Type B uncertainties. Remember,
now, Type A uncertainties have data to calculate standard deviations and Type B do not. Often
Type B uncertainties are based on engineering judgment.
The degrees of freedom for the U Ai are taken from the test data used to calculate the standard
deviations. The degrees of freedom for the U Bi are usually assumed to be infinity. Here, the U Bi
are estimates of one standard deviation for that uncertainty source.
What answer can we expect for the ISO uncertainty, UISO at 95% confidence? Try the calculation
yourself. You may be surprised.
Now look at the Table above and note that there are four “Type A” uncertainties and only two
“Type B.” Aha! That makes calculating UB easy. It is:
 
U B   U Bi 
 i 1
1/ 2
 0.06 / 2  0.10 / 2
 0.0583
We then calculate UA. It is:
 
U A   U Ai 
 i 1
1/ 2
 0.07 / 2.18  0.095  0.045  0.173
 0.205
The ISO uncertainty then becomes:
U ISO   K U A   U B 
 2.07 0.205  0.0583
 0.44F
Note here we assumed 30 or more degrees of freedom for the final UISO. Note also the subtle use
of “2.18” to convert the “Type A” uncertainty of “0.07” to one effective standard deviation. The
“0.07” was in effect a 95% confidence uncertainty that had to be changed to fit into the above
If we don’t assume the 30 or more degrees of freedom, the Welch-Satterthwaite equation given
above for the engineering grouping of uncertainties is repeated, exactly, for the ISO groupings.
The degrees of freedom are the same as is the uncertainty result.
Now note we got the same answers. Working the problem to more significant digits is left as an
exercise for the reader (I love that expression!).
See you next time. Until then, remember, “use numbers, not adjectives.” Bye for now!
POWID Membership Recognition
October 2014 through January 2015
By: Dan Lee
POWID Membership Chair
The Power Industry Division (POWID) of ISA continues to grow. We
would like to welcome all of our new POWID members and our
new student POWID members. We hope you will take advantage
of everything POWID has to offer for your work and your career
including the opportunity to network with power industry professional colleagues across the globe. Our primary goal is to provide
a means for information exchange among engineers, scientists,
technicians, and managers involved in instrumentation, control
and automation related to the production of power. POWID is
active in developing industry safety and performance standards,
working closely with two ISA standards committees—ISA67,
Nuclear Power Plant Standards, and ISA77, Fossil Power Plant
Standards. The Division also conducts technical training and sponsors awards for power plants and individuals advancing instrumentation and control within the power industry. POWID welcomes
your involvement in our division activities. Opportunities are available to provide information for our newsletter and web site, to
develop papers for presentation at our annual conference, and to
participate in our division’s management structure. It’s a great way
to get to know other industry professionals, to gain professional
recognition, and to keep informed!
Welcome New POWID Members
César Mauricio Aguilar Magaña, Carvajal Empaques S.A De C.V.
Nasser Al-Marri
Mr Felipe Arroyo Cercadillo
Marcos De Assis Bernardes
Jack Brian
James Evers, Ibcontrols
Mr Juvenal Farias De Sousa Junior
Mr N Ganesh Kumar, San Process Automation
Camilo Ernesto Garcia Gomez, Jefe Sistemas y Communicaciones
Karen Julieth Garzon Pulecio, EQUION ENERGIA
Tony Gore, Cimation
Mr Ganapati Hegde
Johnny Jones, Croft Automation
Mr Ranjit Kumar, Praxair India Pvt Ltd
James Long, Samsung
Mr Rajesh Achut Magar, Praxair India Pvt Ltd
Juan Luis Marroquín Bermúdez, Carvajal Empaques S.A. De C.V.
Paul Ogomigo, EPCM Engineers Limited
Francisco Orellana
Mr Ravindra Parathakara, Infosys Ltd
Doug Phillis, Dphillisllc
Ms Sowmya R, Manipal Institute of Technology
Ryan Richards, Emerson Process Management
Julian Romero Suarez, TGI S.A ESP
Mr Warren R Sanders, RWP Technical Services
Wesley Shipp, Wedge Energy Services
Mr Shyam P Sutrave, Praxair India Pvt Ltd
Mr. Ken Taylor
Mr Oscar Uribes Mariadolores, IBERDROLA
Fernando Varela
Kirill Voltegirev, Schneider Electric
Eric Yuen, Well Gain Electronics, Inc.
Welcome New POWID Students
Mr Asifkhan A Bihari
Mr Luiz Felipe Carvalho Magalhaes, UFES
Ms Sayli Jamrut Dagade
Mr Suraj Ramesh Darade
Mr Hemant Shirish Devare
Ms Gayathri J Jeevanantham R, MCET
Mr Abhishek Keshri, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Mr Amit Ganpati Kirdat
Mr Saurabh Kumar, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Mr Om Prakash Kumar, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Mr M Manikandan M Manickam, MCET
Ms P Karthika M Palanisamy, MCET
Ms Samantha Brenda McAlear
Ms Poornima N, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Andre Seidel Oliveira
Ms S Indhumattll P Selvaraj, MCET
Ms Chethana P V, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Mr Jignal B Pandya
Mr Pratyush Parimal, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Mr Nirav Pushpak Patel
Ms Nikita Deepak Patne
Gabriel Perotto
Mr Nikhil Prakash, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Yazharasi Rajan, MCET
Steve Reddington
Ms Surabhi S, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Mr Amit Sudhakar Salunkhe
Mr Aakash Sanjay Sangle
Ms Neha Arun Sapkal
Mr Vignesh S Selvarajp
Mr Shrey R Shah, SCET
Ms Anjum Zakir Shaikh
Mr Chetan Shandilyaa, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Mr Aadesh Dilip Shingade
Mr Anupriya Shriwastava, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Ayush Shubham, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Mr Kumar Shubham, Siddaganga Institute of Technology
Ms Gayatri Madhukar Sontakke
Jacob Spurlock
Ms Surbhi Surbhi, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Ms Swati Swathi, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Mr Nagashree T N, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Mr Akshansh Thakur, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
José Arturo Ticas Lara
Ashutosh Kumar Tiwari, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Mr Advith Cugati V, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Ms Rakshitha Y V, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
Mr Syed Yusuff, Siddaganga Inst of Technology
ISA POWID Executive Committee Update
The ISA Power Industry Division (also known as POWID) is organized within the Industry and Sciences (I&S) Department of ISA
to provide a means for information exchange among engineers,
scientists, technicians, and management involved in the use of
instrumentation and control in the production of electrical power
by any means including but not limited to fossil and nuclear fuels.
The POWID Executive Committee (EXCOM) administers the activities of the division. The Executive Committee normally meets
three times per year, traditionally in late winter or early spring,
at the POWID Annual Symposium in June, and at or near the timeframe of the annual Fall ISA Leaders’ Meeting. POWID Executive
Committee meeting minutes and attachments have historically
been posted on the ISA POWID website but that location has disappeared and our sincere hope is that ISA will eventually restore it.
As was the case previously, you will need to be a POWID member
to view these minutes.
ISA67 Nuclear Power Plant Standards Committee
By: ISA67 Committee Chair Bob Queenan
ISA67 is responsible for all ISA nuclear plant instrumentation and
control standards and last met on June 4th at the annual POWID
Symposium and that meeting was reported on in the last newsletter. There have not been any meetings since that time. More
information about the ISA67 Committee and its activities can also
be found at the ISA67 committee page https://www.isa.org/isa67/.
The group is in need of active members so please consider getting
involved today!
ISA77 Fossil Power Plant Standards Committee Update
By: ISA77 Committee Co-Chairs Bob Hubby and Daniel Lee
Hello! POWID Industry members! The ISA77 committee recently
held its first 2015 meeting and has established plans for the
upcoming year. First, I am pleased to report that the ISA77 committees have made steady progress in the revision/drafting of
multiple standards. ISA-77.43.01 Unit/Plant Demand Development
has completed its revision cycle and is available for publication.
Also, ISA77 committee has recently approved ISA-77.41.01 Boiler
Combustion Controls (revision) and ISA-TR77.30.01 Power Plant
Control System; Dynamic Performance Test Methods and Procedures (new document). These two documents need to resolve a
few comments but, both document should be published in the 1Q
of 2015. Thanks goes to Xinsheng Lou and Cyrus Taft (respective
committee chairs) for their great effort.
The ISA committee has several documents that are currently being
revised, being developed, or need to start their reaffirmation cycle.
The committee’s goals are to publish these document as quickly as
possible. The following documents will be balloted later this year:
ISA-77.13.01 Steam Turbine Bypass Systems (in revision)
ISA-77.14.01 Steam Turbine Controls (in revision)
ISA-77.22.01 Power Plant Automation (new document)
ISA-TR77.70.01 Tracking and Reporting Instrument Documentation (in revision)
ISA-77-42.01 Feedwater Control – Drum type (to start reaffirmation)
ISA-77-82.01 SCR Instrumentation and Control Standard (to start
In 2014, the ISA77 committee was looking forward as to what
new topics/documents would best support the power generation
industry. During the February meeting, these topic were prioritized
and two task teams were formed to explore the topic further. The
task teams are to report on their findings at our June meeting. The
ISA77 committee’s plan of action include;
a)Joint ISA18/ISA77 “Alarm Management for Power Industry”
– A task group will research current ISA 18 documents to
see if/how a unique alarm management document for the
power industry is warranted.
b)New ISA77 definitions and basic control design – A task
group will prepare a proposed outline to address ISA77 usage of definitions and power industry specific basic control
design issues.
c)Once through boiler design (firing rate/feedwater ratio)
– Members agreed this topic needs to be addressed. The
decision was to include this topic in the steam temperature
standard when the document is up for reaffirmation.
If you are interested in any of these topics and would like to
contribute in the development of these standards, please contact
the respective committee chair. Most committee meetings are held
via web meeting so no travel is required. Your technical input is
greatly appreciated.
The ISA77 committee last met on February 18th via a Live Web
meeting. The ISA77 committee’s next meeting will be a physical
meeting to be held after the 2015 POWID Symposium in Kansas
City on June 10th. The ISA77 committee meetings are open to
members and guest. If you wish to become active with ISA77 or
have any suggestion/comments, please feel free to contact Bob or
Dan dan.lee@us.abb.com.