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133105 ISA Annual Report_FINAL
N E T W O R K I N G | E D U C AT I O N | I N F O R M AT I O N | R E P R E S E N TAT I O N
To help all members increase sales, decrease expenses and increase profitability.
The Industrial Supply Association is the premier source of education, networking, information, and relationships that drive success for members and their customers in the
Industrial MROP marketplace. ISA delivers value to members and the marketplace via
its promises.
ISA’s Education Promise: Provide our members with dynamic educational programs
focused on sales management, channel management and leadership.
ISA’s Networking Promise: Provide the preeminent Industrial MROP Convention
& Booth Program in North America for our members and participants.
ISA’s Information Promise: Be a strategic resource to our members for economic,
financial and business information that influences the Industrial MROP marketplace
and its businesses.
ISA’s Representation Promise: Represent the interests of the Industrial MROP
community to industry and government leaders.
The three pillars of the ISA’s 2013-2016 strategic plan are Outreach, Networking and Education
(O.N.E.). It is with one common direction that the leadership of the association directs its efforts
to grow membership, strengthen core products and widen ISA’s competitive advantage.
Dear Colleagues,
Twelve months can seem an eternity, or a blink, depending on how a year plays out. For
ISA, 2014 has been a year of change unlike any other in my experience. The loss of ISA’s
Executive Vice President and my good friend John Buckley at the beginning of the year
still seems as if it happened only yesterday. Your ISA peers that participated in the executive search process should be commended for investing their time and energy in this very
important process. I am happy we found our way through many very qualified candidates
to hire Jeff Hughes as our new CEO and President. The anticipation of exciting changes
sure to come through ISA’s new President & CEO, and my new friend Jeff Hughes, has me
longing to see what’s next for ISA.
Members have always been first and foremost in everything the ISA Officers, Board
Members and staff initiate. While it’s true that members come first every year, in 2014 we
focused on The Year of the Member and the value ISA delivers to you for your investment.
Task Forces of members from every category within ISA worked diligently to better define
what ISA means to them, and their business. You’ll find the statements that each Task Force
created in this report and on the “About Us” page of the ISA website. I encourage you to
hold us accountable for the promises in those statements.
The 2014 Annual Report, Delivering on Promises, reflects the progress ISA is making
toward the goals outlined in the current ISA Strategic Plan: ISA O.N.E. Strategy (Outreach-Networking-Education). Perhaps the most visible change was in the efforts to improve the networking platform the ISA Annual Convention provides. The return of distributors to the booth program moved the levers significantly toward that goal. ISA addressed
its digital voice objectives through improved website navigation and content upgrades,
including the creation of How To Guides for ISA’s Industry data reports. We went a step
further by hosting and recording webinars to make the information ISA collects from the
channel easier to find and easier to use. A crowning achievement for ISA’s education efforts
was the launch of the ISA Learning Center, where the highest quality online training programs were made both affordable and accessible. I consider the Learning Center the “Best
Kept Secret” among all of ISA’s offerings. Educational development of our current and
prospective employees is the foundation of our future success as businesses.
I encourage you to review the ISA website Learning Center opportunities.
The year presented challenges as well. The much anticipated Distributor Dashboard initiative to replace the annual Profit Report has not yet met the participation levels needed for
the tool to be the robust resource we all know it will be. Our Convention, while profitable,
fell short of our revenue expectations and, despite new strategies, our membership growth
is not where we think it can be. We addressed the convention revenue issues and are
aggressively identifying opportunities to improve overall membership
I’m optimistic that these areas were just a bump in the road on ISA’s success journey. With
our new President & CEO in place, the leadership of our dedicated volunteer board officers
and directors, as well as a committed staff team, ISA’s future looks as bright as it ever has.
Our commitment to delivering on our promises to you; creating even more value for your
membership, will guide every effort. I wish you all the best in 2015.
Warm Regards,
Tommy Thompson, Board Chairman, ISA
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
Dear ISA Members,
I’m very excited to be your new President & CEO. Please know I will work diligently
with ISA’s volunteer leaders, staff and our management company partners at Fernley &
Fernley to lead the organization into the future.
The officers and directors are very accomplished professionals in the channel and ISA
is poised to lead the industry through the challenges facing industrial distribution in
today’s economic environment. Together, we will build on the accomplishments noted
in this report.
I look forward to meeting and working with you and I’m grateful to you for giving me
the opportunity to be a part of ISA’s future.
Jeffrey R. Hughes, President & CEO, ISA
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
ISA’s superior networking opportunities
have positioned it as the industry’s premier source for linking channel partners.
Historically, ISA’s Convention & Booth
Program has been the Association’s most
successful networking event and 2014
was no different. In 2014, ISA members
could also take advantage of a wide
range of offerings to connect with trading
partners, highly qualified employees and
potential employers.
The 2014 ISA Annual Convention was held
May 17-20 in New Orleans and included
several positive changes. Most notably,
the convention included the highly regarded return of “Distributor Day” on
Sunday, May 18, which put distributors and
industrial manufacturer’s representatives
in exhibit booths for four hours of face-toface meetings with supplier channel partners. More than 400 distributors participated in the 2014 convention, the highest
total since 2011. Manufacturers occupied
the exhibit hall for a day-long session on
May 19, which was designated as “Manufacturer Day.” More than 1,500 attendees
participated in the 2014 convention, which
received very positive reviews in postevent surveying.
The IMR Summit took place Feb. 3-5 in
2014 at the Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay.
The event included a golf outing and several speakers on topics vital to reps.
The 2014 Young Executives Forum (YEF)
Executive Development Retreat, an annual
summer event, was held in Austin, Texas,
July 15-17. The event attracted 29 attendees and significant changes for 2015 are
expected to more than double this number. The event is being rebranded as the
Emerging Leaders Summit for its next
The Women Industrial Supply Executives
(W.I.S.E.) held its 2014 Summit at the
Marriott Phoenix Tempe in Tempe, Ariz.,
October 20-22. The event drew more than
70 attendees, which continued the growth
the event experienced in 2013. The event
offers a chance to network with peers,
gain education and do some community
outreach with a local charity.
ISA’s American Eagle Awards program
recognizes companies in the MROP channel for their commitment to driving value
to channel partners. The awards program
also recognizes individuals in the MROP
channel for longstanding service in the industrial supply industry with the Lifetime
Achievement Award. In 2014, Jergens Industrial Supply was named the winner of
the American Eagle Excellence in Industry
Award. Timothy T. Tevens, president and
CEO of Columbus McKinnon Corporation,
was the recipient of the John J. Buckley
Lifetime Achievement Award.
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
“This was our second
year attending the IMR
Summit, and just like
last year we returned
home with ideas to
improve our company.
We feel that it is important for all MFG Rep
companies to continue
to improve themselves
and improve the image
of MFG Reps as a
whole. Great job ISA!”
- Tom Paine, President,
Tom Paine Group Inc.
“The gains for this
membership [W.I.S.E.]
far exceeded my
expectations. To
begin connections
with women who are
running departments
or companies and learn
how they do it, what
struggles they face and
how they overcome
those struggles was
invaluable. It is also
nice to learn how they
balance family and
business and create
boundaries for both.”
- Stephanie Smith,
Coordinator, Durrie
Sales Co.
The ISA promise to provide members access to dynamic professional development
programs focuses on sales management,
channel management and leadership topics. ISA’s promise is driven by new realities
of the marketplace, which require ISA to innovate and develop educational programs
that help ensure its members are adapting
to the changing landscape.
ISA continues to leverage the work it
achieved in 2013 to make its education
more flexible, allowing members to learn in
a variety of styles: in-person, live online and
via recorded content. Notable professional
development offerings in 2014 included
content driven by the ISA Education Foundation, ISA’s Special Interest Groups and
third-party content providers.
• Getting the Most from FASTMATCH® 2014
• Know Your Markets: Reach Your Potential
• Sales Professional Training Camp
• Your 2015 Market Plan: Where to
Focus Growth Efforts
• How to Triple Your Online Sales Leads
ISA is continuing its educational efforts in 2015, with
a slate of educational opportunities already on tap.
Events will include several summits as well as a fourpart education series.
Professional Development Opportunities in 2015
• 2015 IMR Summit, Ft. Lauderdale/Pompano Beach, FL
February 23 - 25
• Emerging Leaders Summit, Fort Lauderdale, FL
March 4 - 6
rogram 1 - Best & Brightest Education Series,
Fort Lauderdale, FL
March 4
• 2015 Annual Convention, Cleveland, OH
April 25 - 27
• Program 2 - Best & Brightest Education Series,
Minneapolis, MN
Date TBD
• Program 3 - Best & Brightest Education Series,
Chicago, IL
Date TBD
• Program 4 - Best & Brightest Education Series,
Las Vegas, NV
Date TBD
Watch for details on additional webinars being
developed to meet members needs in 2015.
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
Representing the interests of the Industrial MROP Community to industry and government leaders is an ISA priority. ISA’s
goal is to ensure members have adequate
information about issues which have the
potential to impact business practices.
ISA collaborates with relevant groups to
champion legislative and regulatory issues
on its members’ behalf.
commonly known as Obamacare. During
2014 many details about ACA that are
important to businesses were in play,
including final employer mandate rules,
final small business tax credit rules, small
group health plan extensions, and final
reporting requirements.
Throughout 2014, ISA members were
informed about key issues through the
Government Relations Newsletter. The
primary issue in the spotlight during 2014
was the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more
ISA promises its members that it will be
a strategic resource and provide timely,
comprehensive economic, financial and
business information which impacts the
MROP marketplace. ISA is focused on
educating its members and, therefore,
provides financial, marketing and economic information which is easy to use.
ISA provides members access to a series
of reports that include monthly economic
indicator reports, quarterly economic outlook reports, industrial markets reports,
distributor performance dashboards,
annual ISA profit reports, machine tool
trends report, and a biennial employee
compensation report. All reports are available in the Member’s Only section of the
ISA website. In 2014, ISA launched a new
set of “How To” Guides to help members
achieve a better understanding of the
data, information and analysis ISA collects
and provides. The guides provide an overview of what is included in each report
and information about practical uses for
the data.
In addition to reports, ISA also produces
original informational content such as
instructional webinars and The ADVISOR,
ISA’s electronic newsletter delivered to
more than 4,000 contacts within ISA
member companies. The new Distributor
Performance Dashboard provides industry and cross-industry benchmarking.
ISA also provides members access to its
Research Center, which continues to be a
valuable resource for industry trends and
historical data.
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
• Awarding the Gary L. Buffington Memorial
The ISA Education Foundation once again
played an important role in developing and
organizing the educational opportunities ISA
• Continuing to promote and support the Inprovides its members and the industrial supply
dustrial Careers Pathway program
industry throughout the year. The Foundation,
established to perform education, research
and other activities for the benefit of the in“BEST & BRIGHTEST
dustry, has three missions:
• Provide a level of education and training that
will greatly enhance the capabilities of all
industry employees.
The ISA Education Foundation’s “Best &
Brightest” regional education series presents
educational workshops that help individuals
• Provide a series of scholarships that reward
and companies in the industrial supply inthose seeking a career and who are currently dustry better prepare for the future. Whether
employed by member companies.
attending one or all of the workshops in the
• Work to attract qualified future employees to series, participants come away with valuable
the distribution and manufacturing segments information that they can immediately put into
of the industrial supply industry.
practice in their organization.
The Foundation’s Board of Directors works
hard to fulfill all aspects of the organization’s
mission. The Foundation organizes content
for the annual ISA Convention, it coordinates
regional education workshops, it maintains the
ISA online learning center, it oversees ISA’s relationship with the Industrial Careers Pathway,
it awards annual scholarships, and it conducts
fundraising to fund educational opportunities
for members of the industrial supply industry.
In 2014, the Foundation undertook a number
of key initiatives, including:
In 2014, the educational topics presented
during the series included how to utilize social media and the Internet to gain valuable
knowledge about customers, using analytic
techniques and industry best practices to
build a market plan and boost sales, and ideas
on recruiting and retaining the best employees for your business. The Foundation hosted
three workshops in 2014: October 2 in Illinois,
November 17 in Ohio, and December 2 in
North Carolina.
The “Best & Brightest” workshop series for
2015 is already established. The first event will
• Launching the “Best & Brightest” Regional
Education Series, which included workshops be held March 5, 2015, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Dates are being determined for the final three
on gaining business intelligence about customers; using ISA data to grow your business events, but they will be held in June in Minneapolis, September in Chicago, and December
in a competitive market and recruiting the
in Las Vegas.
best employees
• Creating the ISA Learning Center, an e-learning portal offering bundles of education in
five development areas
• Awarding the Allan W. Chartier Memorial
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
The ISA Education Foundation Learning Center is a 24/7 on-demand, online
training portal for “Sustaining Patron”
industrial supply companies. It was
formed through a unique partnership with
Skillsoft, a world-class, internationally
recognized electronic education content
The initial programs in the Learning
Center cover five subject areas: sales
management, selling skills, leadership and
management, operations and customer
service, and Microsoft Office. Each subject area contains up to 40 courses.
Companies can enroll learners in one or
more subject areas and they have one
year to complete the course work in a
program area in which they enroll.
The Foundation has established a Learning Center Task Force that helps to
promote the Learning Center, establishes
metrics to track usage, creates a budget
and evaluates future opportunities for
content development.
The Foundation will continue to strive to
enhance the Learning Center in 2015 by
adding content. Potential content additions include more recorded webinars,
new member onboarding, new employee
onboarding, primers for using ISA reports,
technical training from manufacturers and
additional sales training.
- Associate from
Wolseley Industrial
* As of November 24, 2014
“I wanted to broaden
my Excel knowledge
to help me with the
projects I manage. I
have been taking the
Learning Center/Skillsoft Excel courses and
these have helped a lot.
I’ve learned several new
things about Excel that
have helped me in my
day-to-day processes.
Also, I have found the
questions and step-bystep tasks that follow
the courses to be a
good measure of my
proficiency in each
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
R.J. Patterson, Petersen Brands
Dave McCallen, Simonds International
Jim Nelson, Ideal Industries
Inc./SK Hand Tool LLC
Jon D. Eames, N. H. Bragg
David Dolen, Dolen Tool Sales Inc.
Rick Thurston, WFS Ltd.
Carter Waters, Bessey® Tools
North America
David J. Zaval, The Whittemore Co.
Tom Paine, Tom Paine Group
Earl Houston, Zephyr Tool Group
C. R. (Roger) Kinsman,
C. R. Kinsman & Associates Inc.
Mike Grantham, Osg Tap & Die Inc.
Jeff Bigelow, Hubbard Supply Co.
Jeff Major, Greenfield Industries
Patrick Curry, Fullerton Tool Co.
Jim Carey, Insize Usa
Terry Snower, Cicero Mfg. & Supply Co. Inc.
Bruce J. Kyle, Knight Carbide Inc.
Monica Greene, Vermont Gage
Vermont Precision Tools Inc.
Alan G. Gilbert, Quality Mill Supply Co. Inc.
Jeff Bigelow, Hubbard Supply Co.
Pat Butler, Butler Bros.
Colin Brogan, Dynabrade Inc.
Robert Friesen, S-T Industries Inc.
Rodolfo E. Kahn, Intexim Inc.
Nancy Kurtenbach, John Day Co.
Jan Pflugfelder, Komet of America Inc.
Betty J. Rice
Michael Carr, Snap-on Industrial Brands
Jerry Brewer, Sticks &
Stones Unlimited Inc.
Tom Paine, Tom Paine Group
John Stevens, CMT Inc.
Terry Snower, Cicero Mfg. & Supply Co. Inc. Lisa Penzick, Tungaloy America Inc.
Gail Ludewig, Totalworks Inc.
Ryan DeArment, Channellock Inc.
Charles A. Lingenfelter,
Industrial Distribution Group
Cari Eaton, Powell Tool Supply Inc.
Leslie Banduch, LMT Onsrud LP
Chris Kaiser, Big Kaiser
Precision Tooling Inc.
Ralph Colby, Titan USA Enterprises Inc.
Colin Brogan, Dynabrade Inc.
John Morrison, IDI
Independent Distributors Inc.
Dan Podgorsek, Productivity Inc.
Emily Paladino, G & J Hall Tools Inc.
John W. Allenbach, Apex Tool Group LLC
Jeff Pallone, ATA Tools Inc.
Nancy Kurtenbach, John Day Co.
William F. Hurst, III, WM F. Hurst Co. Inc.
Robin Roberts, Protective
Industrial Products Inc.
Bruce J. Kyle, Knight Carbide Inc.
Jim Remmey, Remco Supply Inc.
Dana Ashouri, Probuilt
Professional Lighting LLC
Steve Setzer, JIT Industries
Greg Genevro, Anglo American Tools
Tony Ingram, Hagemeyer North America
Jerry Rosin, S. L. Fusco Inc.
Dan Berry, TPI Corp.
Patrick Curry, Fullerton Tool Co.
Tom Hensel, KEO Cutters Inc.
Rich Bucher, ITW Fluids
Barry Gerin, PM Industrial
Supply Co. Marin Supply Co. of CA
Kathleen Durbin, General
Industrial Tool & Supply Inc.
Bob Varzino, Wilton/JET/Powermatic
Christine Szafraniec,
Cragin Industrial Supply Co. Inc.
Terry Leach, Richards Micro-Tool LLC
Charles K. Slagle, The Tool Crib Inc.
Mark A. Mueller, Universal Tool Div. Florida
Pneumatic Manufacturing Group
Nick Wendt, Promax Tools Lp
Denny Brackeen, Fuller and Associates
Terry Fuller, Fuller and Associates
Dean Meier, Aptex
Kathleen Durbin, General
Industrial Tool & Supply Inc.
Steve Short, Updike Supply Co.
David R. Henry, Walter A. Wood Supply Co.
Shaan Ahluwalia, Alfa Tools
Arthur Roberts, The IPS Group LLC
Char Cooper, Cable Tie Express Inc.
Charles A. Lingenfelter,
Industrial Distribution Group
Gail Ludewig, TotalWorks Inc.
Ignacio Ricaud, Fandeli International Corp.
John Byles, F. K. Machinery Ltd.
Leslie Banduch, LMT Onsrud LP
Michael Sutley, Oxarc Inc.
Ralph Colby, Titan USA Enterprises Inc.
Glenn Shaw, Summers
Hardware & Supply Co.
Jim Long, Cline Tool & Service Co.
Jim O'Connor, Norton/Saint-Gobain
Richard Lawless, Lawless Sales Group
Will Powell, Jr., ST Solutions
Christopher A. Wysong, Hemco Gage
Chuck Whipps, Eclipse
Tools North America Inc.
Gary Rau, J. C. Industrial Supply
Jessica Desrochers,
ITW Polymers Adhesives, North America
John Morrison, IDI
Charles Thompson, Roughneck Supply LLC Independent Distributors Inc.
Randy Breaux, Motion Industries Inc.
Kristen Walsh, CRC Industries Inc.
Tom Nemic, Nemic Industrial Supply
Mary Ellen Giangiulio, Streamlight Inc.
Gary J. Kropf, Allied Machine
& Engineering Corp.
Phil Kurtz, Wetmore Tool & Engineering
Jason Pierce, The Andersen Co.
Chris Kuhrt, M. A. Ford Mfg. Co. Inc.
Jim Kinney, Beeson Industrial Sales
Virginia Yaksic, Grier Abrasive Co. Inc.
Gary Osborne, Clark & Osborne LLP
John A. Thompson, Deleon Thompson Inc. Paul Leleux, MDM Tool Supply LLC
Steve Mitchell, Idaho
Roger Kaden, Duracell
Machinery & Supply Inc.
Steve Brewton, R. G. Brewton Inc.
Tara Rands, Brush Research
George Boles, Hatfield And Co. Inc.
Manufacturing Co. Inc.
Jeff Pallone, ATA Tools Inc.
Buddy Rohr, Sioux Tools
Darryl Whitehead, Howard Supply Co. LLC
Gerhard Sowa, Jr., Sowa
Louis A. Oleksy, Jr., Hyde Tools Inc.
Tool & Machine Co. Ltd.
Mark F. Johnson, Tapmatic Corp.
Ron Wallace, Ron Wallace
Patrick Davis, Tool Supply Inc.
& Associates Inc.
Michael Carr, Snap-on Industrial Brands
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
Reginald W. Macdonald,
B. C. Macdonald & Co.
Steve Watson, Century
Tools & Machinery Ltd.
Thomas Bergin, SCA Americas
AFH Professional Hygiene NA
Robert B. Costa, Rex-Cut Abrasives
Mollie Hubler, Metal Working Supply
Chris Stanford, Henkel Corp.
Sandra Rutherford, A. J. Rod Co. Ltd.
Patti Van Treuren, Grobet File
Company of America LLC
Joseph Lawrence, United
Stationers Supply Co.
Carter Waters, Bessey®
Tools North America
Paul Enander, Hannibal Carbide Tool Inc.
Steve Mullan, Maryland Brush Co.,
A Div of MBC Ventures Inc.
William F. Hurst, III, WM F. Hurst Co. Inc.
William Hoy, WG Russell Supply Corp.
Joe Goudeseune,
Detroit Band Saw Works Inc.
Dudley Barton, Max Tool Inc.
Philip S. Downs, MHS Industrial Supply
Robert S. Mars, III, W.P. & R.S. Mars Co.
Jerry Rosin, S.L. Fusco Inc.
Ken Schuman, Western Tool & Supply
Mark Graham, Primary Source Distributors
Peter Brettner, All Material Handling Inc.
Rick Meizlish, Buckeye
Industrial Supply Co.
Bob Severance, Jr.,
Robert H. Severance Co. Inc.
Steve Robson, CeramTec
SPK Cutting Tools Division
Dennis J. Synal, JDS
Industrial Supply Corp.
Keith Ambtman, KTS Tooling Supply Inc.
Frank MacDonald,
Superior Glove Works Ltd.
Lee E. Eagan, Jr., Oliver
H. Van Horn Co. LLC
Joseph P. O'Mera, CGW,
Camel Grinding Wheels
Marcel Bila, Hexagon Metrology Inc.,
Brown & Sharpe/TESA Group
Wayne Shelton, Mapal Inc.
Tool Trader Partners
Sally Sebastyn, DEB USA (SBS)
Troy R. Ballard, Cimcool Fluid Technology
Eric Steinbrenner,
Columbus McKinnon Corp.
Daryl C. Van Dyke, Promax Tools LP
Jim Ryba, Lawson Products Inc.
Rich Bucher, ITW Fluids
Karl Ganshirt, Global Tooling Solutions LLC
Robert M. Mitchell, Jr., Omni Services
Darrell H. Cole, United
Central Industrial Supply Co.
Robert Winters, General Mill Supplies Inc.
Dennis L. Nyhus, Viking Drill & Tool Inc.
Travis Horton, Xebec
Deburring Technologies
Donovan Chen-See,
National Supply Co. Ltd.
David Brown, Arkansas Mill Supply Co.
Eddie Caulfield, Caulfield Industrial Ltd.
Jacquie Gilmore,
The Plastic Forming Co. Inc.
Greg Harvieux, Mid Iowa Tools Inc.
Roger Lee, Ellsworth Adhesives
Kevin C. Dougherty, Industrial Tool Co. Inc. Specialty Chemical Distribution
Susie Johnston Fox,
Kevin L. Hornberger, Martin Tool & Forge
Johnston Industrial Supply Inc.
Michael Wochna, Melin Tool Co. Inc.
Rafael Kramer, Steiner Industries
Rick Parlett, General Tool and
Supply Co. Div. of Motion Industries
Chet Hood, ORS Nasco
Cathy Pendrick, Sandvik Coromant Co.
Larry Lefkof, Niagara Cutter
Ross Blumenthal, Radiac
Abrasives, Inc., a Tyrolit Co.
Frank Prenda, Gemtex Abrasives
Richard L. Hyre,
M & H Supply & Equipment Inc.
Tom W. Hagler, III, Hagler & Associates LLC Mike Sheridan, Waterloo Industries Inc.
Craig Vogel, Lenox/Newell Rubbermaid
Glenn Watt, Tenaquip Ltd.
Steve Delk, IAC Industrial Supply Division
Jack Jackson, Shop Tools Inc.
Dale Bartelson, Capital Safety
Frank Stanbach,
Carbide Cutting Tools SC Inc.
Kathleen Durbin, General
Industrial Tool & Supply Inc.
Michael Bolden, DXP Enterprises Inc.
Jerry Robbins, The LCA Group
Matthew Cohen, Replenex
Terry Leach, Richards Micro-Tool LLC
Patrick Curry, Fullerton Tool Co.
R. Frank Carmazzi, Industrial
Supply Solutions Inc.
Paul R. Hoffman, Standard Abrasives
Brian Schied, Industrial Sales Group LLC
Ian Jones, Trainor Associates
David Strovers, BDI-USA
Michael J. O'Connor,
Shamrock Supply Co. Inc.
Reid Ferguson, Modern Sales Co-Op
Tom Hughes, K P Supply Co. Inc.
Fred Mowczan, Legacy Manufacturing Co.
Mark King, Air King Ventilation Products
Joe Linklater, Patco Air Tools Inc.
William L. Grand,
Grand Saw & Machine Co. Inc.
Baris Cezaroglu, Dorian Tool International
Brent Mackintosh, Mackintosh Tool Co. Inc.
Jeff Welday, Dayton Lamina
Jim Littlefield, Western Abrasives Inc.
Karl Hochuli, Wohlhaupter Corp.
Nitin Bichkar, Cumi America Inc.,
Carborundum Universal Limited, India
Richard M. Cahn, Dixie Mill Inc.
Joe Scolaro, ADB Hoist
Rings Manufacturing
Suzanne King, Widia Products Group
Craig Erickson, Safety Rail Co. LLC
Sameer Bhosale, Trident Tools Ltd.
Susan L. Conrado, Kenneth
Crosby, A DXP Co.
Troy Kerin, Machine Tool Supply Inc.
Henry Eisenhuth, Highlander Tool
Jamie Christian, Milwaukee
Electric Tool Corp.
Christine Szafraniec, Cragin
Industrial Supply Co. Inc.
Bill Mackinnon, RPM Mechanical Inc.
Dolph E. Schallenberg,
VSM Abrasives Corp.
Eric Wixom, Industrial Distribution
Ronald N. Cohen,
Ronco Industrial Supply Co.
Kevin Weadick, Acklands-Grainger Inc.
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
at October 31, 2014
at October 31, 2013
Industrial Manufacturer’s Rep
Service Provider
Meetings & Events
Meetings & Events
Operating Expenses
Committees & Programs
*2014 Projected Financials are as of
October 31, 2014, and are unaudited.
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
Bryon Shafer, Chair,
ASG Jergens Inc.
John Corley, SIG Chair, Lenox
Creates reports that help members make good business
Serves ISA members 45 years of
age or younger, providing peer
networking and educational opportunities, developing management
and leadership skills and preparing
members to become association
and industry leaders.
The committee created several
task forces to engage more members in its important work and
upgraded all of ISA’s reports to
provide members with high-quality, meaningful and powerful
reporting tools to
better drive business.
Craig Vogel, Chair, Lenox
Responsibilities include planning,
managing and implementing
the ISA’s Convention and Booth
Program in conjunction with other
committee representatives, staff
and contractors.
In 2014, the committee led the
reintroduction of Distributor Day,
improved FASTMATCH® capabilities
and worked with the Foundation to
produce dynamic education
programs for the Convention.
Sandy Johns, SIG Chair,
Brady Corporation
Offers networking and professional development opportunities to
female executives from member
ISA firms. Membership is by nomination. W.I.S.E. held a successful
summit event in October in Tempe,
AZ, and has four task forces to
execute their programs: membership, education, networking and
communications. The SIG also held
a webinar on “Communicating with
Impact” in December 2014.
YEF held a successful golf outing
in 2014 at the Lakewood Golf Club
in New Orleans, LA, as well as an
Executive Development Retreat in
Austin, Texas that drew 29
Kevin Weinacht, SIG Chair,
Weinacht & Associates
Works to enhance educational opportunities for its members to learn
about the role of the manufacturer’s representative within
the channel.
The IMR SIG held its most successful IMR Summit event to date,
attracting over 80 participants to
Miami in February. The SIG is planning a late 2014 Webinar on Strategic Accounts and is preparing
for its 2015 IMR Summit Program,
to be held February 23-25 at the
Fort Lauderdale Marriott Pompano
Beach Resort & Spa.
Tommy Thompson, ISA Board
Chair, Turner Supply Company
Craig Vogel, ISA Board Vice Chair,
John Wiborg, ISA Treasurer, Stellar
Industrial Supply Inc.
Derek Yurgaitis, ISA Secretary,
Brady Corporation
Michael Carr, Immediate ISA Past
Board Chair, Snap-on Industrial
Greg Baumker, E.H. &
Associates LLC
Jeff Bigelow, Hubbard Supply
Jerry Bruening, Henkel Corporation/Loctite Industrial Group
Bart Carter, SGS Tool Co.
Matt Cohen, Replenex
Jon D. Eames, N. H. Bragg
William Henricks, DGI Supply, a
Doall Company
Sandy Johns, Brady Corporation
James O’Connor, Norton
Rene Savage, Stellar Industrial Supply Inc.
Chris Weiler, Weiler Inc.
Jim Welch, Walter Surface
Jessica Yurgaitis, Industrial Supply Co.
To build value propositions for each membership category that reflect the
propositions put forward in the O.N.E. Strategic Plan, Membership Value
Proposition Task Forces were established for Affiliate Members (Buying
Groups & Service Providers); Distributors/Wholesalers; Industrial Manufacturer’s Representatives; and Manufacturers/Suppliers. The result of their work
has been incorporated into the About Us section of the ISA website,
on membership applications, and in other pertinent communications.
Look for the YEF SIG to “emerge” in 2015 as the Emerging Leaders SIG.
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
Jeffrey R. Hughes,
President & CEO
Ken Hutton,
Interim Executive VP
Mary Ritchie,
Director, Membership
Joe Casey, CAE
Executive Director
Melissa Jidenma,
Associate Director
Gary Cheeseman,
Administrative Director
Monica Mobley, CMP
Conference Manager
Kate Ho, CMP
Show Manager
Rich Vurva,
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report
100 N. 20th Street, Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19103
T: 215.320.3862 | 866.460.2360
F: 215.564.2175 | 866.460.2365
E: info@isapartners.org
Industrial Supply Association | 2014 Annual Report