3rd World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace


3rd World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace
3rd World Congress of
Imams and Rabbis for Peace
The Sacredness of Peace
Organised by Hommes de Parole Foundation
in the framework of the UNESCO Interreligious Dialogue Programme
UNESCO, Paris, from 15-17 December 2008
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Production/media :
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Israel Palestine, “Tomorrow peace will come…”
Alain Michel
Director - General of the Hommes de Parole Foundation
It was the Imams and Rabbis of the Middle East who initiated the idea of the Third World
Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace, centred on peace between Israel and Palestine,
convinced, as they were, that dialogue is the only tool for obtaining a just and lasting peace.
This Congress will be a historic step. For the first time in the last 60 years, leading religious
authorities from Israel, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Iran will be coming together for official
meetings and thereby will participate in breaking a seeming deadlock.
We must leave defeatism and fatalism behind. History has taught us that prior to 1948 Jews and
Muslims had no problem understanding each other and living together. And now, unlike stereotypic
opinions, the 11 million people living in the Middle East, both Israelis and Palestinians, nearly all are
aspiring to peace. For their vocation is to be brothers and neighbours, not enemies.
In 60 years, the governments have not been able to solve the longest conflict in modern times.
From one failed peace process to the next we see that however more we move forward, however
more we move apart… It may, at long last, be the moment to recognise the obvious; to solve the
problem requires the participation of the religious leaders in the negotiations, meetings and official
discussion. In the present forced political vacuum, caused by the elections in Israel, Palestine and
the United States, the words of the religious leaders take on special importance, especially since the
politicians will not be able to fulfil the Annapolis commitment (November 2007) to sign a peace
agreement before the end of 2008.
The religious implications of this conflict, an essentially territorial conflict, cannot be ignored. Think
of the consequences for the whole world if the Al Aqsa Mosque or the Wall of Lamentation were
destroyed in an attack.
It is not the calling of the religious leaders to take upon themselves the efforts incumbent on
politicians to reach peace agreements, but there can be no question of passing them by.
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Israel Palestine, “Tomorrow peace will come…”
We know that religious leaders who have the power to go to war also have the power to contribute
to peace, and that in this region of the world, today, peace can be achieved. The moment has come
for the religious leaders to spread a common message of unity and open-mindedness so that
government leaders will have the wisdom and the political will to overcome all obstacles to a
future of shared, universal peace. These are the keys to true peace in the Middle East, peace which
concerns a large part of the world since the elimination of the main causes to Israeli-Arab tension
will spread to all the neighbouring countries.
It behoves the religious leaders to condemn and delegitimise every act of violence committed in
the name of God, once and for all, so that positive efforts emerging the world over are not be
destroyed by fanatics. The religious leaders must repossess the word of God that has been stolen
and perverted by the extremists. With the present exponential rise of terrorism, their silence could
be interpreted as complicity and partial responsibility.
This Congress here in UNESCO will permanently marginalise the fanatics and make them outlaws
when men of Faith speak up with intellectual, spiritual and human courage to cast theological
condemnation on all attacks on human life.
These meetings will be a sign of hope, a strong voice to tell us that the crises we must face today
must be accepted as opportunities for change and not as catastrophes.
If all the Israeli and Palestinian religious leaders, together with other participants, commit to peace,
here and now, commit themselves as custodians of the sacredness of life and peace, the people will
unquestionably follow.
Although many years of conflict are still inhibiting people from gently taking each other's hands,
many indicators show that Israeli and Palestinian public opinion is ready to move forward. The
commitment of the religious leaders will instigate their march towards genuine peace.
This commitment will probably address people around the world by calling upon them to provide
the support that allows public opinion to give governments the force to undertake useful political
initiatives. And the dynamics of peace, generated by people who support the religious leaders and
the countries' populations will make way for the pardon and reconciliation needed for the
existence of a true Palestine and a true Israel.
Alain Michel
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
His Excellency Abdoulaye Wade, President of the Republic of Senegal and President of the
Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference honoured the Third World Congress of
Imams and Rabbis for Peace by attending the meeting.
One people - One Goal - One Faith
After being elected President of Senegal in 2000, he implemented his noble ideas for unity and peace in West Africa
and for sustainable development. His actions, furthermore, have been recognised internationally. Among the many
awards he received, let us mention the Henry Sylvester William gold medal for African renaissance, in 2003, and on
16 May 2006, at Unesco, he received the 2005 Félix Houphouët-Boigny award for his efforts to secure peace. The
award was bestown by the Unesco Director General and the President of the Jury, Henry Kissinger, former U.S.
Secretary of State and holder of the Nobel Peace Prize. We wish to recognise that the opening session of the
Congress was addressed by a great artisan of peace
President Wade started his speech by recalling the overriding importance of peace in the three great monotheistic
religions and understanding among the believers of these three religions. He came to the conclusion that history has
proven that good understanding is possible and in present times, as technology brings people closer together than
ever before, "the challenge [...] is rather to accept to live together."
President Wade emphasised that "accepting to live together first of all means celebrating our shared values and
respecting our differences". He then stressed that extremism is obscurantism and that it is, thus, the duty of each and
every one of us to work henceforth to "overcome fear and ignorance"; it is the duty of each individual but it is a duty
that is even greater among religious leaders who, by their functions also have a capacity for peace:
"You, Imams and Rabbis, as men of faith and of the Word, with spiritual elevation that puts you above the demands
of time, you have the gift and the sacred mission to rekindle and maintain the flame of peace in the hearts of men.
Where politicians come to a halt, you can open closed doors, alleviate resentment, remove the suspicion that
generates distrust and fear, and thus you can plot the path of dialogue and cordial understanding.
Against those who incite war and violence, ostensibly in the name of God, you again have the authority to say: no,
God loves peace, and God's side is the side of peace, not war!"
Further enriching the presentation of his thoughts by giving a few examples from among the many concrete actions
that comprise his strongly peace-bent policy, the President ended his address with a heartening appeal that
summarised all the hopes founded on this world congress of Imams and Rabbis for peace:
"Honourables Imams and Rabbis, may the faith within you light up the heart of all believers and all men and women
of good will.
And may your prayers be with us, not only for the reconciliation of Israelis and Palestinians but also amongst all
peoples in conflict so that peace may triumph in the world."
"During the opening session of the Congress, Pres. Wade also agreed to be President of the Committee of Honour of
Hommes de Parole Foundation."
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
UNESCO Letters of patronage (excerpts):
“I confirm the patronage of UNESCO for this important event, which is fully consistent with UNESCO's
objectives concerning interreligious and intercultural dialogue”.
Director General of UNESCO
“We are pleased to give our support to the World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace, on the theme “The
Sacredness of Peace”. In times such as this when conflicts are often aggravated by religious fundamentalism, it
seems indispensable for religious leaders, be they Jewish or Moslem, together with Christians, to express a
common vision of peace”.
Ambassador to the Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to UNESCO
“We feel that this event on peace among the great religions is of unquestionable importance. It is with greatest
pleasure that the Permanent Delegation of Israel to UNESCO gives its support to the process launched by the
Hommes de Parole Foundation”.
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Israel to UNESCO
“The French National Commission shall of course support this process which we feel, as part of UNESCO's
mission, will promote intercultural dialogue and contribute to peace as a culture”.
Secretary General of the French National Commission to UNESCO
“Our Commission is in favour of your request to include UNESCO in this action in support of reconciliation
between Israelis and Palestinians and, more broadly, inter-cultural dialogue and peace”.
Deputy Secretary General of the Swiss Commission to UNESCO
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Objectives :
On 21 September 2007, the representatives of the World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace launched a
campaign called “2008, Year of Peace Initiatives for Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians”. Further to their
commitments in Brussels and Seville, the representatives of 400 religious leaders and members from 43 countries
who participated in the Congresses will be meeting to launch new actions, based on dialogue and brotherhood to
support current peace efforts.
The Sacredness of Peace - Congress of Paris : 15, 16 and 17 December 2008.
Under the High Patronage of UNESCO
The meeting will bring together 85 participants: 25 Palestinian Imams, Israeli Rabbis and Christians from Holy
Land surrounded by other religious leaders and experts from 21 countries. Its aim will be to voice the common
view of Islam and Judaism and their proposals for peace.
It will also create a joint monitoring group to support, develop and propagate initiatives that encourage peaceful
coexistence and dialogue.
Representatives of the national and international media will attend the opening ceremony and will participate in
the press conference following the closing ceremony. They will play a key role in convincing the international
community to actively and tangibly support the Congress goals.
To encourage uninhibited discussion, the work sessions will not be public. Religious dignitaries of Islam and
Judaism will be sharing their opinions openly and will be working together on promoting peace and
reconciliation within and between their communities.
15 March 2009: 1st working session of the joint monitoring group. Post-Congress assessment and proposals.
The Sacredness of Peace
Production/media :
Monday 15 December 2008 - UNESCO, Room IV
15:30 - 17.00
Opening Ceremony
Alain Michel, Founder and Director General of Hommes de Parole Foundation and
co-founder of the World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace
Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO
His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder the International Association for Human
Values, Founder International Art of Living Foundation, India
H.E Maitre Abdoulaye Wade, President of the Republic of Senegal
and President of the 11th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference
H.E. David Kornbluth, Ambassador of Israel to UNESCO
M. Salah Zoheika, deputy minister of interreligious affairs (Ministry of Waqf, PA)
Abraham Yossef, Chief Rabbi of Holon, Israel
Message from Prince El Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan
René-Samuel Sirat, Chief Rabbi, Unesco Chairholder (Network of mutual knowledge of
the religions of the Book)
co-founder of the World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace
Imam Abduljalil Sajid, Chairman Muslim Council for Religious and Racial Harmony,
United Kingdom
European Representative of World Council of Muslims Inter-faith Relations (WCMIR)
17.00 – 17.30!: Break & informal discussions
17.30 – 18.30 : Introduction to workshops, moderators, Congress objectives and expectations
18.30 – 19.15!: Report
Sheikh Abdallah Darwish of Kfar Qasem (Co-Presidents of the Israeli-Palestinian Mosaïca
Chief Rabbi David Rosen and M. Salah Zoheika, (Members of the Council for Religious
Institutions in the Holy Land)
19.15 – 23.00 : Cocktails, dinner, Arabo-andalus music (upon invitation)
Tuesday 16 December 2008 - Pullman Rive Gauche
09.00 – 10.30 : Work Groups
• Responsibility and commitment of religious leaders to peace - Concrete actions
Mr Doudou Diène - Leonid Kishkovsky
• The coexistence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the Holy Land.
The position and expectations of the three monotheists in relation to each other
Mr Patrice Brodeur - Imam Yahya Hendi
• The position of religious leaders on the place and role of women in future Judeo-Christian-Muslim
Imam Abduljalil Sajid - Rabbi Claude Sultan
10.30 – 11.15 : Break & informal discussions
11.15 – 13.00 : Work Groups
• Religious education as a tool for promoting the oneness of the human being, and for discovering and
respecting the other by benefiting from his/her diversity. Peace education through common rites and
teachings of religions
Dr Ghassan Manasra - Rabbi Ari Smadja
• Introspection in Judaism and Islam to change oneself and down the walls of misunderstanding.
Sharing this introspection
Rabbi Marc Raphael Guedj - Imam Yahya Pallavicini
13:00 Lunch & informal discussions
14.30 – 17.00 : Collective manifestation : Jewish - Christian - Muslim at the Wall for Peace located on «!le
Champ de Mars!», Paris. Presentation of Inter-religious projects and creating of partnership.
With Rosa Guerreiro, Programme Specialist - Projects related to intercultural dialogue, in particular
interreligious dialogue - Pluralism and Intercultural Dialogue Section, UNESCO (Paris, France)
Doudou Diène, United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism (2002 – 2008),
Vice-President of the Niwano Peace Prize Committee (France)
Chris Sacarabany, Director of the Intercultural and Interreligious Section, Hommes de Parole Foundation
17.00 – 19.00 : Sharing of concretes actions
19.00 – 20.00 : Plenary Session – Summary of work
20.00 : Dinner, evening event - testimonies, informal meetings & concert of arabo-andalus music
Preparation of the final declaration and of the action plan
Wednesday 17 December 2008 - UNESCO, Salle IV
07.30 – 09.00 : Planning Committee meeting
Which will ensure the follow up on actions decided during the workshops
09.00 – 12.00 : Plenary session, following synthesis of work, debates about the final declaration and
action plan
Doudou Diène, Rosa Guerreiro, Rabbi Ari Smadja, Sheikh Raed Bder, Imam Yahya Pallavicini, Rabbi Elie
Abadie, Imam Abduljalil Sajid, Rabbi Tsion Cohen, Imam Yahya Hendi.
12.00 – 12.15 : Break
11.15 – 13.30 : Closing session, Conclusions, Presentation of the intended Action plan and Final
Declaration in the presence of the Media.
Alain Michel (Director general of the Hommes de Parole Foundation)
Ali El Samman (President of the Committee for Dialogue in the High Islamic Council),
His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Founder the International Association for Human Values, Founder
International Art of Living Foundation, India),
Katerina Stenou (Director, Division of Cultural Policies and Intercultural Dialogue, UNESCO)
13.30 : Final Lunch
15:00 : To conclude the congress, the Imams and Rabbis visit the Great Mosque of Paris and the Great
Synagogue de la Victoire, giving the first image of unity and peace following the Congress.
Manifestation in front of the Wall for Peace, Champ de Mars, 16 december 2008
© Jérôme Paillon Collective
manifestation in front of the Wall for
© Marc Puissant
(From left to right)
Imams and Rabbis, with Mgr Mouallem, Father Samir Khalil Samir, His
Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Alain Michel.
Imam Ilyasi, Rabbi Rozwaski, Eliyahu Mclean, Ayatollah
Abtahi, Alain Michel, Ayatollah Iravani, Father Samir, Marek
Halter, Salah Zoheika and Rabbi Garzon Serfaty.
© Jérôme Paillon
The embrace
Dialogue is possible, Peace too …
© Marc Puissant
(center) Oded Wiener, Cabinate Director of the Chief Rabbinate (Israel)
and Salah Zoheika, Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs (Palestinian
Authority). Chief Rabbi David Rosen (back) arms reaching to the sky.
© Jérôme Paillon for Hommes de Parole
Declaration and action plan
Religious dignitaries, Imams and Rabbis, together with Christians and other religious experts from around the world
met at the Third World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace to determine ways to defend the sacred
character of peace, together, and to commit themselves, as of now, to implementing all possible measures,
within a religious context, to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The Congress was held in Paris from 15 to 17 December 2008, under the patronage of UNESCO and with the
support of His Excellency Maitre Abdoulaye Wade, President of Senegal and Chairman of the 11th Session of the
Islamic Summit Conference.
First and foremost, the Imams and Rabbis, joined by the Christians, hereby reiterate their commitment to
denouncing and condemning henceforth, ceaselessly and publicly, all forms of violence, terror, and individual
and collective injustice committed in the name of God and/or their respective religions or Holy Scriptures.
They also reiterate their determination to be active custodians of the Sacredness of Peace.
The Third World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace has decided:
1. to expand the dialogue to include Christians.
2. to include women and young people in their discussions and decision-making.
Following extensive discussion, a road map was established setting out tangible commitments by the religious
leaders for peace. The moderators pledged to go deeper into the themes considered in their respective
workshops. They will compile and summarise all relevant suggestions and proposals for actions transmitted by the
Congress members.
The Congress decided to set up a permanent multi-religious group comprised provisionally of 18 members, to:
1. compile initiatives and proposals for peace submitted by religious leaders for onward distribution and adoption;
2. organise and guarantee the systematic involvement of women and young people in designing and
implementing educational programmes on peace;
3. support, coordinate and expand forthcoming meetings and activities organised by the Hommes de Parole
Foundation in the framework of the World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace;
4. expand the network of partners and participants on the basis of the UNESCO interreligious programme and the
World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace joined by christians;
5. adopt a common stand in the event of crises or conflicts stemming from the ethical and peace values of the
three monotheisms (Defense of the sacredness of peace and life);
6. draft a charter of ethics on religions that will be a veritable manual on "living together" to be disseminated using
all modern means of transmission and will highlight the golden rules and common values of religions;
7. to form, without delay, a “representative” committee of Imams, Rabbis and Christians who will speak to the
political authorities on behalf of all of the members of the “World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace”, as
well as everyone else who chooses to join this movement. This committee will present the “collective demands of
the Congress” directly to politicians. These demands are meant to facilitate a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian
This work group will begin its activities today. Its first update meeting will be held on 15 March 2009 in Jerusalem.
Third World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace
Paris, UNESCO, Wednesday 17 December 2008.
Composition of the Work Group
Sheikh Khaled Bentounes – Spiritual Leader of the Tariqa Alawiya (France)
Mr Patrice Brodeur – Titular of a Canada Research Chair: Islam, Pluralism and Globalization (Canada)
Mr Doudou Diene – United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism (2002 – 2008),
Vice-President of the Niwano Peace Prize Committee (France)
Chief Rabbi Marc Raphael Guedj – Former Chief Rabbi of Geneva Traditional Jewish Congregation and
Director of the Inter-Religious Roots and Sources Foundation (Switzerland)
Imam Yahya Hendi – Secretary General of Clergy Beyond Borders, President of Imams for Universe, Dignity,
Human Rights and Dialogue, Muslim Chaplain and professor at Georgetown University (United States)
Mr Leonid Kishkovsky – Moderator of the World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP) and International
Director of External Affairs and Interchurch Relations in the Orthodox Church in America (United States)
Dr Ghassan Manasra – Director of the Center for Islamic Culture (Nazareth)
Imam Yahya Pallavicini – Vice-President of the Islamic Religious Community CO.RE.IS, (Italy)
Imam Abduljalil Sajid – Chairman of the Muslim Council for Religious and Racial Harmony UK (MCRRH);
European Representative of World Council of Muslims Inter-faith Relations (WCMIR); (United Kingdom)
Chief Rabbi René-Samuel Sirat – Former Chief Rabbi of France, UNESCO Chair for "Network of mutual
knowledge of religions of the Book, the spiritual traditions and the specific cultures", (France)
Rabbi Ari Smadja – Rabbi of Ramat Shlomo (Israel)
Rabbi Claude Sultan – Director of the Rabbinic Institute Rachi of Troyes, and professor in the French Rabbinic
seminary (France)
Personalities joining the work group
Rabbi Elie Abadie – Rabbi of the Edmond J. Safra Synagogue (United States)
Cheikh Raed Bder – Director of the Adam Center for Interreligious Dialogue in Qfar Qasem
Rabbi Tsion Cohen – Rabbi of Shaar-Hanegav (Israel)
Ms Rosa Guerreiro – Programme Specialist - Projects related to intercultural dialogue, in particular interreligious
dialogue - Pluralism and Intercultural Dialogue Section, UNESCO (Paris, France)
Mr Alain Michel – Director general of Hommes de Parole Foundation (Switzerland/France)
Kadi Ahmad Natour – President of the High Muslim Court of Appeal (Israel)
Themes of the workshops
• Responsibility and commitment of religious leaders to peace - Concrete actions
• The coexistence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the Holy Land. The position and expectations of the
three monotheists in relation to each other
• The position of religious leaders on the place and role of women in future Judeo-Christian-Muslim relations
• Religious education as a tool for promoting the oneness of the human being, and for discovering and
respecting the other by benefiting from his/her diversity. Peace education through common rites and
teachings of religions
• Introspection in Judaism and Islam to change oneself and down the walls of misunderstanding.
Sharing this introspection
• Prayer as a peace instrument
Opening Speeches (excerpts)
“You cannot imagine how many times we were put to the test, in every possible
sense; humanly, financially, with our families: how many times we were, and will
be, forced to overcome the odds. What kept us going was the knowledge of the
success of the first two congresses and, with this, having absolute conviction, that
with the help of God, you can change the world.
YOU are men of God and because of this you are closely connected to Him. With
yourself as a model and using references from holy texts, you have a decisive
influence over man. You are the vehicles of His Peace, and this is why, my dear
friends, that I am convinced that peace is not for tomorrow, but for today. I no
longer dream of peace, but already see it in your hands”.
© Jérôme Paillon
Alain Michel, Director General, Hommes de Parole Foundation
“Our organization cannot act as a substitute for Cultural or religious actors, but we
can accompany them in their journey of tolerance and solidarity. Such a goal,
notably in the Near East, requires a learning process and a constant will to listen to
the other. In the same sense, it is also important to recognize the silences and the
dead ends. I know that you are ready for this kind of open, pluralistic dialogue.
This is why the chosen theme for the congress «!the sacredness of peace!» is
particularly stimulating. For the three religions of the book, as well as other spiritual
traditions, Peace is, in fact, a sacred accomplishment that echoes a profound
demand of dignity and fraternity. Know that this demand is ours as well. I,
therefore, want to welcome you, again and wish that your work be fruitful”.
© Jérôme Paillon
Koïchiro Matsuura, Director General of UNESCO
“Honorable Imams, Honorable Rabbis,
The existence of two States, Israeli and Palestinian, living together in Peace, each
within their respective borders, safe and internationally recognized, is a dream
whose realization is within our reach.
Devoting the theme of your third Congress to the «!Sacredness of Peace!» is a just
reminder of the virtuousness of peace, due to the fact that it is one of God’s
commandments and is in essence a part of the divine order.
Peace, which signifies more than the absence of war, is an essential dimension of
the monotheism in which we believe.
Peace is inseparable from the sacred word of God, revealed by His envoys and
recorded in the sacred texts.
The Torah, the Bible, and the Koran, with remarkable historical continuity,
prescribe for good, forbid evil, encourage spiritual elevation, preach charity, call
for forgiveness, command the respect of diversity and laud affection towards
Address of his Excellence, Maitre Abdoulaye Wade,
President of the Republic of Senegal
My truest thanks to everyone who, from near or far, contributed to the success of this magnificent Congress
which we know will reap great fruits for the cause of peace.
There are so many of you that we have not been able to list all our friends and partners from the first two
congresses, but they are always with us. Without them the third congress could not have been held.
If we have forgotten you, please accept our apologies. We did not do it on purpose.
President Mahmoud Abbas
Azzedine Addach
Georgina Alioth
Ghislain d’Auvigny
Marcio Barbosa
Ethel Bardavit
André Bespalov
Alice Bodourian
Marc Bonnant
Mr Boyer
Patricia Brimbeuf
Mgr Brizard
Sheikh Bukhari
Mr Canet
Hubert de Canson
Rénuka Hinduja Cavadini
Morgan Chevat
Alain Chevillat
Khaled Chibane
Stéphane Chmelewsky
Denis Clavel
Sheikh Abdallah Darwish
Laurent de Cherisey
Philippe Demaison
Doudou Diène
Mohamed Saleh El Din
Lionel Di Rico
Xavier Droin
Damien Dupont
Lea Passi-Even
Imad Al Falouji
Stéphane Fouks
Patrick Fournier
Vittoria Fresco
Tilly Gaillard
Georges Galibourg
Therese Gheziel Loken
Christian Gomis
Katerina Goubanova
Bruno Graves
Rosa Guerreiro
Marek Halter
Vincent Hanssens
Gita Hazani
Yves d’Hérouville
H.E Nassif Hitti
Luc Hoffmann
Carole Holmey
Rafic Husseini
Shamil Idriss
Pierre Jaubert
Laurent Jobert
Vincent Joly
Laurent Jouffray
Patricia Kahane
Issa Kassissieh
Galitt Kenan
John Kinsella
H.E David Kornbluth
Daniel Kropf
Alex Lati
Yaël Levy
Nicole Lorin
Hocine Loukkaf
Albert Mallet
Ezra Marcos
Camille Martin
H.E. Koïchiro Matsuura
Michael Melchior
Marie-Ange, Elisabeth Michel
Jacques Michel
Ed Miller
Ali Moussa
Cheikh Khalifa Niasse
Carole Perez
Alain Perry
Bruno Petta
Michal Philosophe
Sheela Pimparé
Marie-Françoise Pissard-Grantet
Armelle et Jean-Pierre Place
Christine et François Place
Marc Puissant
Jean-Claude Rémond
Alain Rémy
Françoise Rivière
David et Sharon Rosen
René Roudaut
Joël et Audrey Sacarabany
Dr Ali El Samman
H.E Elias Sanbar
Marianne Sébastien
Dr Djelloul Seddiki
Michel Serfaty
Marcel Serrero
Antoine Sfeir
Daniel Shek
René-Samuel Sirat
H.E. Bjorn Skogmo
Sister Isabelle
Sister Véronica
Katerina Stenou
Raymond Swiergiel
Françoise Sylvestre
Judith Symonds
Ahmed Al Tamimi
Taysir Al Tamimi
Winston Tangoa
Jean-Max Tassel
Michel Taube
Thich Nhat Hanh
Phung Tran
Alioune Traoré
Knut Vollebaek
HEM Abdoulaye Wade
Oded Wiener
Mr et Mme Wilmet
H.E Ali Yahya
Mohamed Ziadah
Salah Zoheika
Palestinian Authority, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Advisor for Religious Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, the French Consulate in Jerusalem,, the Norwegian Embassy in Paris, the Community of Sisters of
Bethlehem, the Carmel for Peace, the!Sant'Egidio!Community, UNESCO,
Euro RSCG C&O, Euro RSCG Worldwide Events Hommes de Parole Foundation!: the Board, the volunteers and the team
The Sacredness of Peace
Production/media :
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Jewish religious leaders
Albert Guigui
Chief Rabbi of Brussels
David Messas
Chief Rabbi of Paris
Michel Serfaty
Rabbi of Ris Orangis - Delegate of the French
Consistoire for Inter-religious Affairs
David Brodman
Chief Rabbi of Savyon
Tsion Cohen
Rabbi of Shaar-Hanegav
Menahem Froman
Rabbi of Tekoa
Josef Gliksberg
René-Samuel Sirat
Former Chief Rabbi of France
Unesco Chairholder (Network of mutual knowledge
of the religions of the Book, the spiritual traditions
and the specific cultures)
Claude Sultan
Director of the rabbinic Institute Rachi of Troyes,
France, and professor in the French Rabbinic
Chaim Zwi Rozwaski
Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Berlin
Sjalom Awraham Soetendorp
President of the World Union for Progressive
Judaïsm in the European Union
Yaacov Ariel
Chief Rabbi of Givataym
Salomo Pappenheim
Rabbi - Edaah Har Edit
David Rosen
Former Chief Rabbi of Ireland President of IJCIC (International Jewish Committee for
Interreligious Consultation)
Abraham Sherman
Rabbi – Member of the High Court of Jerusalem
Ari Smadja
Chief Rabbi of Ramat Shlomo
Oded Wiener
Director General, Chief Rabbinate of Israel
Avraham Yossef
Rabbi of Holon
Chief Rabbi of Ramat Gan
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Jewish religious leaders
Yossef Levi
Chief Rabbi of Florence
Berel Lazar
Chief Rabbi of Russia
Benito Garzon Serfaty
Former Chief Rabbi of Spain
Marc-Raphael Guedj
Former Chief Rabbi of Geneva and
President of the Inter-religious Foundation
of Roots and Sources
Elie Abadie
Rabbi of the «!Edmond Safra Synagogue!»,
New York
Richard Marker
Rabbi of New York
Vice-President of l’IJCIC (International Jewish
Committee for Interreligious Consultation)
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Muslim religious leaders
Cheikh Khaled Bentounès
Spiritual Leader of the Tariqa Alawiya
Hassan Chalghoulmi
Imam of Drancy
Djelloul Seddiki
Director of the Alghazali Institute
at the Grand Mosque of Paris
Umer Ahmad Ilyasi
Secretary general of All India Imam Organisation
Hojat-Al-Islam Seyed Mohammed Ali Abtahi
President, Institute of Inter Religious Dialogue
Ayatollah Ahmad Iravani
Director of Islamic Studies, Catholic University,
Washington, DC
Khalil Albaz
Imam of Tel Sheva
Abdul Kareem Al Zorba
Imam of the Dome of the Rock
Raed Bder
Director of the Adam Center of Qfar Qasem
Abdallah Darwish
Founder of the Islamic Movement in Israel
Abd Elsalam Manasra
Vice president of the association of Soufis
in the Holy Land. Head of the Dariya Soufi Order
Hassan Mareh
Imam of Faradis
Ahmad Natour
President of the High Muslim Court of Appeal in
Salah Zoheika
Deputy Minister - Ministry of Waqf (religious
Affairs, PA)
Abd Al-wadoud Gouraud
Imam of the Al-Wahid Mosque of Milan
Abd al-wahid Felice Pallavicini
President of the Islamic Religious Community of
Italy (COREIS)
Yahya Sergio Pallavicini
Vice President of Coreis (Islamic Religious
Community of Italy)
Abdullah Omar Nasseef
President of the World Muslim Congress
Ahmed Khalifa Niasse
Deputy and Mayor of Kaolack
Abduljalil Sajid
Imam of Brighton. Chairman of the Muslim
Council for Religious and Racial Harmony
Yahya Hendi
Chaplain at Georgetown University
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Personalities & Experts
Vincent Hanssens
Coordinator of Interreligious Network of the
International Federation Catholics Universities
Katrien Hertog
Desk officer Middle East, Pax Christi International
Patrice Brodeur
Titular of a Canada Research Chair: Islam, Pluralism
and globalization
Ali El Samman
President of the Committee for Dialogue in the
High Islamic Council
Norma Anav
Representative of The International Council of
Jewish Women
Youssef Baouendi
French Representative of the World Islamic League
Isabelle de Castelbajac
Docteur en histoire des religions et anthropologie
Youssef Dib
Personal Wealth Management Global Coordinator
Doudou Diene
United Nations Special Rapporteur on
contemporary forms of racism (2002 – 2008),
Vice-President of the Niwano Peace Prize
Philippe Gaudrat
Professor at the University of law and social sciences of
Poitiers. Head of the International Foundation of the Art of
Living for Lebanon
Omer Faruk Harman
Councelor for Social Affairs for the Turkish Embassy in
France and Consultant of the Religious Affairs
Marc Puissant
Anne –Marie Revcolevschi
Director General of Fondation Memoire pour la Shoah
(Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah)
Michel Sternberg
Member of Steering Committee of the Judeo-Christian
Friendship of France and the Brotherhood of Abraham
Michael Kagan
Co Director of the Jewish climate Initiative
Alexandre Lati
Movie Director
Ghassan Manasra
Director of the The Center for Islamic Culture – Nazareth
Eliyahu Mclean
Director ‘Jerusalem Peacemakers’
Boutros Mouallem
Archbishop of Galillea
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Personalities & Experts
His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Founder of the International Association for Human Values,
Founder of the International Art of Living Foundation
Father Samir Khalil Samir
Professor of Arab Thoughts and islamic studies at Saint
Joseph University - Beirut
Canon Trond Bakkevig
Pastor of the Lutheran Church of Norway
Matthieu Gosse
Member of Saint John Congregation in Bucharest
Rev. Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff
Senior Advisor, C-100 Initiative
Sayed Nadeem Kazmi
Founder and director, The Britslam Partnership and Editor
of Shia Affairs journal Director of international affairs
Abraham Radkin
Director of the Foundation for Human Rights
Marshall J.Breger
Law Professor at Catholic University, Washington DC
Agha Jafri
Shia Muslim Community Leader
Leonid Kishkovsky
Moderator Religious for Peace
Boris Pincus
President of the American Association of Central Asian and
Caucasian Countries. President of Religions in Dialogue
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Congress Advisory Committee
Ahmed Abaddi
General Secretary of the Mohammedi League of
Moroccan Ulema
Imad Al Falouji
Director of the Adam Center in Gaza
Abdallah Darwish
Founder of the Islamic movement in Israel
Michael Melchior
Former Chief Rabbi of Norway, Member of Knesset
David Rosen
Former Chief Rabbi of Ireland
President of IJCIC
(International Jewish Committee for Interreligious
Abduljalil Sajid
Imam of Brighton
Chairman of the Muslim Council for Religious and
Racial Harmony
René Samuel Sirat
Former Chief Rabbi of France
Unesco Chairholder / Network of mutual knowledge
of the religions of the Book, the spiritual traditions and
the specific cultures.
Oded Wiener
General Director of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel
Salah Zoheika
Deputy Minister - Ministry of Waqf
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Operations team
Alain Michel
Director general
Chris Sacarabany
Director of Intercultural and
Interreligious Section
Jérôme Paillon
Head of audio-visual
Development of Partnership
Judith Symonds
Nathalie Beaufils
Invitations (next)
Golchehr Damghani
Jessica Ferrigno
Reception desk
Rami Abdulhadi
Diane Angelie
Alan Caillaud
Keredine Defdaf
Marianne Spreng
Christoph Spreng
Johannes Wanka
Press - Medias :
Mathieu Pissard
Press Contact
Agathe Coustaux
Tilly Gaillard
Alexandra Wagner
Web Team
Atelier jnet
Marie Wilmet
Delphine Gautier
Xavier Roc
Marine Mornet
Rosa Guerreiro
Programme Specialist
Interreligious dialogue
Sheela Pimpare
Vittoria Fresco
Logistic, Production :
WorldWide Events
Gérard Askinazi
Marijo Sallon
Charles Ifrah
Thomas Regan Lefebvre
Guillaume Jandot
Gilles Labouh
Pierre Catalan
Cecile Cohic
Mostafa Aghrib
Marianne Stone
Marina Bellardinelli
© Marc Puissant
© Jérôme Paillon for Hommes de Parole
Hommes de Parole Foundation
Excerpt of the Charter
Previous Congresses
First World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace
Second World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace
Partners of the previous congresses
Messages of support
32 - 34
Press Review (samples)
35 - 41
© Jérôme Paillon, Johannes Wanka, Xavier Zimbardo pour Hommes de Parole
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Information and Dialogue for peace purpose
Hommes de Parole Foundation
Through its publications and conferences,
Hommes de Parole Foundation creates spaces of
free speech, dialogue and mutual recognition.
A tool for peace-building dialogue
As a neutral platform for dialogue, the
Foundation brings a large gamut of international
actors together and provides them with the
opportunity to express and commit themselves.
Listening to all positions helps to produce
common solutions that go beyond individual
strategies and helps meet the needs of the entire
group of participants. The Foundation shapes its
actions bearing in mind that public opinion is
the first world power, that peace cannot exist
without the will and active support of the
The Second World Congress of Imams
and Rabbis for Peace
(19 to 22 March 2006, Seville)
220 Imams and Rabbis from 43 countries,
accompanied by 80 leaders and experts
from around the world, under the high
patronage of King Juan Carlos I of Spain and
King Mohammed VI of Morocco.
The First World Congress of Imams and
Rabbis for Peace
(3 to 6 January 2005, Brussels)
Judaism and Islam: A dialogue formally
110 Imams and Rabbis from 25 countries,
accompanied by 70 leaders and experts
from around the world, under the high
patronage of King Albert II of Belgium and
King Mohammed VI of Morocco.
The Israeli-Palestinian meeting held in
Caux from 23 to 26 June 2003.
In a unique place and without media
coverage, this congress brought together
more than 40 men and women from the
world of politics, religion, science, academia
and the social sciences. Powerful leaders
showed their desire to contribute to the
construction of “An Alliance for a Culture of
Peace in the Middle East”. The organization
of the World Congress of Imams and Rabbis
for Peace is one of the results of this
Hommes de Parole’s publications aim to inform
the public at large about the positions of the
world’s actors toward the major issues of our
global society.
These positions are broadcast free of any
comment, censorship or judgement so that they
can express and enrich approaches and visions
in all their diversity.
The World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace declared:
‘2008, Year of Reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians’
Excerpt of Hommes de Parole Charter
The Hommes de Parole charter sets out the values
endorsed by the foundation
Hommes de Parole is a non-profit making Swiss
foundation, based in Geneva. It was founded in 2001 by
Alain Michel who therebefore devoted 15 years to
humanitarian actions in 25 countries. It considers
spirituality as the essence of life. The foundation is
independent, and has no religious, political, philosophical,
ideological or economical affiliation. Its objective is to act
on the causes of conflicts and the principal problems of our
times relative to the future of the planet and peace in the
In order to accomplish this objective, it organises events,
meetings, etc. and develops the information and news that
people need in order to be able to contribute to preparing
the future of Humanity. It pursues its goals using all
possible means of communication and all channels of
Thanks to its ‘active’ neutrality, it is a permanent platform,
acceptable to all for dialogue and contacts. It is ‘A Bridge
between Human Beings’ and a bridge between the different
religious, political, economic authorities and civil societies.
Hommes de Parole has adopted a Code of Ethics based on
the following quotation from Thomas More:
“The words I utter are my being, that I hold in my
Believing in human being also means believing in his word.
Establishing and fostering dialogue regardless of
circumstances, requires a deeper knowledge of what the
human being is beyond his differences, and better respect
for the human being in his search for justice and peace.
In all its actions, Hommes de Parole is meant to be an
instrument and a platform of dialogue where everyone can
meet, exchange information, even under extreme
conditions. This implies a genuine and professional
commitment, fully respectful of the individual and peoples
in all their diversity, regardless of the surrounding
Being in unity with someone's word means imparting
onto it a creative power of an extraordinary force. It is a
commitment to an exemplary way that contributes to the
transformation of the world. The men and women who
have been at one with their words have profoundly marked
Free speech means also renewing dialogue. We cannot
exist without the ‘other’, and the constant rediscovering of
this total interconnexion obliges us to confront our
differences and our disagreements, to go beyond our
individual interests and together build models based on
cooperation amongst all and respect for the development
of each and every one of us.
Sharing one's word means sharing experiences, means
opening one's mind to the complexity and humanity of
situations, free from judgment, prejudices and stereotypes.
This is an opportunity for the public at large to understand
conflicts more deeply and personally, to grasp global issues
and the reality of situations in the field.
It promotes listening to all the viewpoints and constructing
one's own vision.
. “A life is unique, irreplaceable and has no price”.
. “What we do for others, but without them is done against
. “The goal (as an end) does not justify the means, the goal
is already part of the means.”
Hommes de Parole has chosen to be independent and
will maintain its private voluntary commitment under
all circumstances:
. through its financial independence
. through its political independenceya
. through its independence from any ideology, thanks to its
non-denominational character.
First World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace
Brussels, 3 to 5 January 2005
From 3 to 6 January, 2005, 110 Imams and Rabbis from 25
countries, accompanied by 70 leaders and experts from around
the world, under the High Patronage of King Albert II of
Belgium and King Mohammed VI of Morocco, to act together
and state to the world, that peace and reconciliation are at the
very heart of their religions.
© J. Paillon
Originally to be held in Morocco, but finally relocated to Brussels
due to the international situation, the First World Congress of
Imams and Rabbis for Peace sought to :
. Condemn all forms of violence perpetrated in the name of God
or some religious principle.
. Create a dialogue and a far-reaching, durable partnership
between Islam and Judaism.
. Allow the religious leaders to contribute to identifying peaceful
solutions to conflicts which can be influenced by the two
religions and foster the development of concrete actions in the
. Bring the leaders of the two religions before the media of the
whole world and allow them to express a position of peace and
© J. Paillon
Final Statement
We, leaders, representatives, Rabbis and Imams of Muslim and Jewish religious communities who have assembled from all over
the world for the first world congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace affirm our commitment to strive to end all bloodshed
and attacks against innocent human beings that offend the right to life and dignity given by the Almighty to all human beings.
We call upon all people to combat hate, ignorance and their causes and to build together a world of peace, rich in diversity, in
which all faiths and their practices are respected and protected.
We call upon the political leaders of all peoples to work for righteous and peaceful durable solutions around the world and in
particular in the Holy Land for the benefit of all peoples and faith-communities who live in the land and hold it dear.
We pledge ourselves to pursue a shared goal of respect for human rights for all people and peoples, without which no peace can
be possible. We call upon all religious leaders in Jewish and Muslim congregations around the world to devote regular sermons
and addresses to their communities on the importance of inter-religious respect and reverence for all human life under all
We announce the establishment of a advisory joint committee to help implement these commitments and propose
programmatic initiatives on a regular basis, in keeping with the proposals presented during the congress and in its spirit for the
wellbeing of all peoples.
Egmont Palace - January 6, 2005
Second World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace
Seville, 19 to 22 March 2006
© J. Paillon
Under the High Patronage of His Majesty Juan Carlos I, King of
Spain and His Majesty Mohammed VI, King of Morocco,
Commander of Faithful,220 Imams and Rabbis from 43
countries, together with 80 key personalities and experts from all
over the world, gathered in Seville, from 19 to 22 March 2006, for
the Second World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace.
Giving priority to the promotion and implementation of
education and knowledge - including the teaching of peace - was
the principal theme of reflection and action during this second
meeting. This Congress brought together more than two hundred
eminent personalities from the Islamic and Jewish communities,
with contributions from Christians and representatives of other
religions, academics, educationalists, students from Rabbinic and
Koranic schools.
© J. Paillon
© J. Paillon
Final Statement
In the name of the One Creator and Master of the Universe, the Compassionate and All Merciful, we Muslim and Jewish leaders
and representatives, gathered for the Second World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace organized by Hommes de Parole
in Seville, in the region of Andalusia - recalling the past era in which Jews and Muslims lived together here in harmony and
mutual enrichment - and aspiring for such relations today and in the future.
We accordingly affirm that contrary to widespread misrepresentation, there is no inherent conflict between Islam and Judaism,
on the contrary. While modern politics has regrettably impacted negatively upon the relationship, our two religions share the
most fundamental values of faith in the One Almighty whose name is Peace, who is merciful, compassionate and just; and who
calls on us human beings to manifest these values in our lives and to advance them in relation to all persons whose lives and
dignity are sacred. Therefore we reiterate the message we sent from our first congress, that we deplore bloodshed or violence in
the name of any ideology everywhere. Especially when such is perpetrated in the name of religion it is a desecration of religion,
itself and the gravest offense against the Holy Name of the Creator.
Thus, in addition to calling upon all our co-religionists to respect all human life, dignity and rights, to promote peace and justice;
we call upon them and the governments of the world and international institutions to show respect for the attachments and
symbols of all religions, as well as their holy sites, houses of worship and cemeteries, particularly in the Holy Land, due to its
special sensitivity.
Accordingly, we condemn any negative representation of these, let alone any desecration, Heaven forbid. Similarly, we condemn
any incitement against a faith or people, let alone any call for their elimination, and we urge authorities to do likewise.
We recognize that there is widespread misrepresentation of our religions, - one in the other's community as well as in the world
at large.
We affirm therefore the urgent need for truthful and respectful education about each other's faith and tradition in our respective
communities and schools; and call upon those responsible to promote such essential education for peaceful co-existence.
Solemnly we pledge ourselves to the abovementioned continue to seek out one another to build bridges of respect, hope and
friendship, to combat incitement and hostility, to overcome all barriers and obstacles, to reinforce mutual trust, serving the noble
goal of universal peace especially in the land that is holy to us all.
Seville, Spain, March, 22nd 2006, Safar 21, 1427, Adar 22, 5766
… They supported the First and the Second World
Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace :
Kingdom of Belgium
European Union
Kingdom of Morocco
Kingdom of Spain
Kingdom Holding Company
Saudi Arabia
Alliance of Civilizations
Kahane Foundation
Evens Foundation
Message of support to the World Congress of
Imams and Rabbis for Peace
“This is a critical step in our continuing dialogue-working together across geographical, political,
cultural, linguistic and religious boundaries. In religious thinking, in politician life, and even in
economic circles, the call is for increased tolerance and more peaceful coexistence-based on an ideal
of shared interests. We can make a better world if we are committed to the principles of altruism, of
wisdom, and compassion and fairness”.
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Moderator, World Conference of Religions for Peace
“I would like to renew all my support for the successful approach you are taking, reuniting around
the voice of God at the service of peace, Imams and Rabbis that have chosen to hold a dialogue.
You can rely on our determination, and the willingness of the Kingdom of Morocco, which has
never neglected its efforts to give peace and dialogue a chance between cultures and religions of the
Advisor to King Mohammed VI
“I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere support for the initiative taken by the
Hommes de Parole foundation. At a time when it appears that there are more efforts to divide us along
many lines, particularly religion, bringing together imams and rabbis to affirm their unity of faith and
commitments to peace is a visionary and worthwhile goal”.
Former General Secretary of United Nations
“I assure you my entire support for this undertaking in which you have engaged yourself, aiming at
that each religion be a vector of peace in these lands of the Mediterranean”.
Former President of the European Commission
“I found the idea of tackling the religious aspects of the dialogue between Jews and Muslims
particularly challenging. I share your hope that if Judaism and Islam are examined without
prejudice, the notion of peace and the rejection of violence will emerge as common and
fundamental principles. Spiritual leaders, if they are true to their calling, must play a central role in
enhancing the sanctity of human life, regardless of race, religion, nationality or gender. It is
important that their voice be heard in the name of peace and moderation and not, as is
unfortunately all too often the case, in the name of fanaticism, rejection and hatred”.
Nobel Prize of Peace,
President of the State of Israel
Message of support to the World Congress of
Imams and Rabbis for Peace
“Time passes quickly and already a couple of weeks have passed since my return from Seville after
the Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace. I always had present in mind sending you a word
of thanks for the wonderful experience of the Congress.
The fact of meeting so many participants, both Jews and Muslims and exchanging a few words
with them was just as important for me, I who have always lived amongst the believers of the
two religions.
I wish with all my heart that efforts such as this congress will more than ever bring together the
believers of the different religions for a better comprehension and understanding, to spread and
build a little more peace in our troubled world. This congress is certainly one of the necessary and
useful steps in this direction.
In the meantime I send you my very best wishes. May God bless you. ”
Auxiliary Bishop of Jerusalem
“The responsibility of religious men for peace is even heavier than public or political figures,
because when they silence they find themselves!to be in contradiction with Faith, which imposes
on them courage and truth. Our future depends on the courage and the audacity of theologists of
each religion to greet their respective adepts, their co religious partners, to condemn out loud and
without detour, fanatics and violence. Each one must take care of their own fanatics.”
Director of the Al Azhar Committee for Inter-religious Affairs, Egypt
“Interfaith dialogue is a difficult business. The issues at stake are highly emotional and intense.
Therefore, we should not be worried when the temperature in the room increases. It is good!
What we need to make sure is that the framework or the ground rules of dialogue are
maintained. The most impressive part of the conference to me was the fact that most of the
participants never talked or met people from the other side. Usually when I go to interfaith
dialogue events, it consists of people who know each other very well (what I call "the already
convinced"). In the 2nd World Congress many participants where of “the hard core” of religious
conservatism and that was a very refreshing site. ”
Clinton Global Intiative.
Deputy Topic Director Religion, Conflict
and Reconciliation Track
“I believe that such a gathering could not only serve as an invaluable international testimony to
Jewish-Muslim good will and desire for peaceful reconciliation, but also impact upon
perceptions and attitudes that can contribute to a peaceful resolution of conflict in the Holy
Land. !”
Former Chief Rabbi of Ireland,
Director of the International Chair of the American Jewish Committee
Message of support to the World Congress of
Imams and Rabbis for Peace
“Today, as the foundations of the world shake with the tremors of conflict, God is calling the
children of Abraham to a supreme challenge – one that will test our religious imaginations to the
limit. Can we – children of the same God, descendants of the same ancestor – live together, make
space for one another, and move beyond the tensions that have so often accompanied our
relationship in the past?
We have so much in common. We are committed to a pure and profound monotheism. We believe
in the Divine authority of our sacred texts. We cherish education as a sacred task. We believe in the
religious significance of law as a revelation of the Divine will. In an age of relativism, we hold firm
to absolute values. In a culture of materialism we insist on the primacy of the spirit. We care about
the family and the importance of modesty and self restraint. We are committed to a world of
economic justice and care for the poor. These principles are at risk, now and for the foreseeable
future, but our commitment to them is strong, and this gives us strength.
Let us share our strength in dedication to the principles we hold in common, and let us respect our
differences where our traditions diverge.A message of joint commitment by Muslim and Jewish
spiritual leaders will send light to guide a troubled world.”
Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth
“It would be a great pleasure for me to see that the advocates of the forces of Good, that believe
in good actions, join their efforts with other doers of good and work towards a just and
humanitarian cause to attain a noble objective: put a stop to terrorism, establish lasting peace and
entice populations to dialogue as to give solutions to their problems. This will help us to better
distinguish our problems, to put our efforts together to arrive at an efficient solution and set
concluding action on the field. These are my personal convictions that are the fruit of a long
meditation that I expressed some time ago. I hope that the actors of this event will reach a
concluding solution so to limit fostering tension and put an end to one of the sources of peoples'
Former Chief Mufti of Tunisia
“Religion has always played an important role in this region. Unfortunately, it is all too often used
negatively, as an instrument of war and extremism, whereas its natural role should be one of
appeasement and reconciliation. Bringing prominent religious leaders together from the Middle
East and around the Jewish and Moslem world under the auspices of the King of Morocco, in
order to discuss peace and its religious roots, sends precisely the right message to the peoples of
the region. ”
Israel’s Ambassador to France
At the end of the First World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace, 57650 articles (Google sources) of
various languages have been published in the international press.
At the end of the Second World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace, a total of 112 000 articles
appeared (from simple quotations to complete reports) in the international press (in Asia, Africa, the exUSSR, Europe, the United States, etc.) and on Internet sites in many different languages.
Some articles are presented in the following pages. A great number of radio and television transmissions were
also made during and after the Congress.
(CNN, Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabia, MBC, TV1, Israeli Television, Euronews, RFI, RFO, etc.)
! Full Press Review available upon request
Brussels: Imams-Rabbis international congress ends
By: Anjum Kermani
BRUSSELS, Belgium: The first three-day World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace aimed at creating a dialogue and a
durable partnership between Islam and Judaism concluded at the Egmont Palace in Brussels.
Azoulay, a Moroccan Jew, called on participants at the second day of the conference, to discuss "the challenges facing both
(Muslim and Jewish) communities," to favor progress and modernity" and to reject "archaism and obscurantism."
"The right to freedom, justice, and dignity of peoples and nations, is the same whether we are Muslims, Jews or Christians," he
insisted before calling upon Imams and Rabbis to be "the champions of the sovereignty of the Palestinians" to live in peace and
dignity side by side with Israelis.
In his welcome address, Alain Michel, founder of the Geneva-based Hommes de Parole (Men of the Word), the organizer of the
event, said the meeting, opened Monday night, will give a "new impetus for understanding" between Judaism and Islam.
Rene-Samuel Sirat, former chief Rabbi of France, in his speech, noted that Abraham was attached to all monotheistic religions
whose fundamental teaching was love among human beings.
Palestinian authority representative for inter-religious affairs Sheikh Talal Sedir recited a verse from the Holy Quran inviting the
people of the book for dialogue.
The conference which is attended by over 500 experts from the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, Europe, Africa and America,
more than what was expected, according to organizers, is held under the High patronage of King Mohammed VI of Morocco and
Belgium's King Albert II.
Imams, Rabbis
BRUSSELS, January 5 (IslamOnline.net) – Imams and rabbis opened Wednesday, January 5, in Brussels a third day of an interfaith conference aimed at promoting greater understanding and dialogue between Muslims and Jews.
The Muslim scholars and Jewish clerics are building on two days of marathon discussions, which opened Monday, January 3, on
means of combating “Islamophobia” and “anti-Semitism.”
Entitled “Imams and Rabbis for Peace,” the conference brings together some 150 Muslim and Jewish leaders and is held under
the auspices of Belgian King Albert II and Moroccan Monarch Mohammad VI, Britain’s daily The Telegraph reported.
The event is organized by the Paris-based peace foundation Hommes de Parole (Men of Their Word).
Hommes de Parole sponsored a similar conference between representatives of the Islamic and Jewish faiths in 2003 in
Addressing the conference's opening session on Monday, Dr. Abduljalil Sajid, a senior figure of the respectable Muslim Council
of Britain (MCB), said the British Muslim delegation called for “naming and shaming” extremists of both sides.
“Ninety-nine per cent of Muslims, along with 99.9 per cent of Jews favored peaceful co-existence,” he said.
The chief rabbi of France, Joseph Sitruck, hailed the conference as “an important moment because it carries hope and freedom
for a disillusioned world.”
A Bridge between Human Beings
“The Words I utter are my being, that I hold in my hands ”
Thomas More
Excerpt from Charter of Hommes de Parole
Hommes de Parole Foundation
Registered Office
32, rue des Grottes
1201 Geneva
38, rue Liancourt
75014 Paris
Tel: + 33 1 43 35 40 96
Fax: + 33 1 45 35 01 88
Old City, P.O. Box 14359
91142 Jerusalem
Tel: + 972 26 285 598
www. hommesdeparole.org
Chris Sacarabany
+ 33 (0)1 43 35 40 96