new goedhuis portfolio list
new goedhuis portfolio list
T H E P O R T F O L I O L I S T A U T U M N 2 0 15 INDEX PAG E 2 F O RE WO R D BY J O H N NY G O ED H U IS PAG E 3 D AV I D R O B E R T S M W I N T R O D U C T I O N PAG E 4 L IS T AT A G L A N CE PAG E 8 WHITE: CRISP & MINER AL P A G E 12 WHITE: BRIGHT & ZEST Y PA G E 14 WHITE: ROUND & FULLER BODIED PA G E 18 PRETTY IN PINK PAG E 2 0 RED: FRESH, FRUIT & CRUNCHY PAG E 2 2 R E D : E L E G A N T, S C E N T E D & P R E C I S E PAG E 26 RED: BORDEAUX CL ASSICS PAG E 3 0 RED: SMOOTH, RICH & SPICY PAG E 3 4 BRILLIANT BUBBLES PAG E 3 8 SW EE T TRE ATS PAG E 4 0 BIG BOT TLES PAG E 4 4 A FEW OTHER THINGS WE DO: B U Y I N G F I N E W I N E /G O E D H U I S C E L L A R P L A N S/ P R I VAT E R E S E R V E S/B R O K I N G T H R O U G H G O E D H U I S PAG E 4 6 GOEDHUIS EVENTS PAG E 4 7 DELIVERY CHARGES & HOW TO ORDER PAG E 4 8 CO N TAC TS W I T H T H A N K S T O A L L T H E D O M A I N E S , A N D I N P A R T I C U L A R J E A N - M I C H E L V A C H E O F L E C L O S D E S C A Z A U X , D O M A I N E S I M O N B I Z E , D O M A I N E B E R N A R D R E V E R D Y, D O M A I N E FO NT D E M I CH ELLE, G UY CH ARN E AU & A N D RE AS D U RS T FO R TH E S TU N N I N G PH OTO GR APHS 01 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M I H AV E H A D A W O N D E R F U L T I M E A S A W I N E M E R C H A N T F O R MORE YE ARS THAN I C ARE TO REMEMBER. I have been lucky enough to taste some utterly stunning wines that now command equally stunning prices. However what still really excites me and the team at Goedhuis & Co is finding wines that are delicious but affordable. Our Portfolio List is the result of these discoveries. Many are old friends but there are lots of new additions. We are unashamedly Francophiles. Nevertheless we also have some wonderful wines from Rioja to the Nahe, Mendoza to Montalcino, Otago to the Veneto, and an English sparkling to boot. The guiding principle behind our Portfolio List is that every wine should be of the very highest quality in its price bracket and its appellation. However, the list shouldn’t be so extensive that it makes selecting wines you want to drink nigh on impossible. This is our best list to date, and I hope you find some delicious wines to drink. Please don’t hesitate to telephone any of us at Goedhuis & Co if you require further information. JOHNNY GOEDHUIS 02 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M W E A R E H U G E LY P R O U D O F E V E R Y W I N E I N T H I S L I S T A N D CO N FI D E N T O F T H E G R E AT P L E AS U R E E ACH W I L L G I V E. Naturally, I love all the wines that we buy and would dearly like to include them all, but not everything can make the cut. Our selection reflects the quintessential qualities of each style and region, in a way we believe will be an invaluable buying guide for both the novice and knowledgeable wine consumer. We are lucky to have worked with many of our growers for years and are proud to call so many of them friends, as well as suppliers. One of the many advantages is that this allows us to buy more strategically and price equitably. For us it is important that our vineyard owning friends make money enabling them to both maintain quality and invest in the future. In return they appreciate the work that we do and recognise the value of being included in the Goedhuis & Co list. They give us amazing support for our events and guarantee allocations even in leaner years. The focus of our list remains on Europe, and in particular France. As I have said before, this is not because we don’t think great wines are made elsewhere in the world, but we do believe in specialisation. Our passion and expertise are rooted in the classic Old World regions. The wines are listed by style, which we think makes choice easier. Increasingly we hear people say, “I like a big rich red, or a crisp, fresh white”, as opposed to, “I love claret or Sancerre”. Organising our list in this way seems eminently more sensible than by region or grape variety. I hope it is useful and that it may even encourage a little experimentation with the potential for an exciting new discovery! All the wines have just been re-tasted so the notes are completely up to date and only wines for current drinking have been selected. The remit for this list is wines which are absolutely ready to go, and many are perfect for drinking over the next 2–3 years or beyond. For some additional inspiration, our team have provided their own comments about their favourite growers, regions and wine styles. I really hope you enjoy this portfolio list. The adage “small is beautiful” comes to mind; a succinct selection of wines, but every single one a star. Happy drinking! D AV I D R O B E R T S M W 03 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M L I S T AT A G L A N CE WHITES £ /C S £ /B T PAG E I N C VAT I N C VAT N O. M U S C A D E T D E S È V R E E T M A I N E S U R L I E D O M A I N E M É N A R D G A B O R I T 2 013 ( 6 P K ) £ 4 7. 0 0 £ 7. 8 3 13 S A U V I G N O N D E T O U R A I N E D O M A I N E PA U L B U I S S E 2 014 (6 P K ) £ 48.0 0 £8.0 0 13 C H A R D O N N AY V I N D E PAY S D ’ O C D O M A I N E B E G U D E 2 014 £ 9 9. 0 0 £8.25 9 C H L A F O R Ê T E N T R E - D E U X- M E R S 2 014 £ 1 0 7. 0 0 £ 8.9 2 13 L AW S O N ’ S D R Y H I L L S S A U V I G N O N B L A N C 2 014 £ 12 5 . 0 0 £10. 42 13 M Â C O N M O N T B E L L E T PA U L TA L M A R D 2 014 £ 12 8 . 0 0 £10.67 15 S O AV E TA M E L L I N I 2 014 (6 P K ) £ 7 1. 0 0 £ 11 . 8 3 13 V E R N A C C I A D I S A N G I M I G N A N O L E C A L C I N A I E 2 014 £14 3 . 0 0 £ 11 . 9 2 13 M Â C O N - L O C H É D O M A I N E M A R C E L C O U T U R I E R 2 013 £14 4 . 0 0 £ 12 . 0 0 15 S T V É R A N D O M A I N E D E L A C R O I X S E N A I L L E T 2 013 £ 15 0 . 0 0 £ 12 . 5 0 9 M E N E T O U S A L O N M O R O G U E S D O M A I N E H E N R Y P E L L É 2 013 £ 15 4 . 0 0 £ 12 . 8 3 13 P O U I L LY F U M É T R A D I T I O N D E S L O G E S M A R C D E S C H A M P S 2 014 £ 161. 0 0 £ 13 . 4 2 9 C H A B L I S D E N I S P O M M I E R 2 014 £ 16 2 . 0 0 £ 13 . 5 0 9 B O U R G O G N E C H A R D O N N AY G O E D H U I S & C O 2 013 £ 16 5 . 0 0 £ 13 . 75 9 S A N C E R R E D O M A I N E B E R N A R D R E V E R D Y 2 014 £ 1 6 7. 0 0 £ 13 . 9 2 9 R I E S L I N G D R Y Q B A D Ö N N H O F F 2 014 (6 P K ) £90.0 0 £ 15 . 0 0 13 C H A B L I S J E A N - P A U L D R O I N 2 013 £18 6 . 0 0 £ 15 . 5 0 9 M O N T A G N Y 1E R C R U V I E I L L E S V I G N E S S T É P H A N E A L A D A M E 2 013 £ 1 9 9. 0 0 £ 16 . 5 8 9 O B E R H Ä U S E R L E I S T E N B E R G R I E S L I N G K A B I N E T T D Ö N N H O F F 2 012 ( 6 P K ) £10 3.0 0 £ 1 7. 1 7 9 B O U R G O G N E V I E I L L E S V I G N E S J E A N - P H I L I P P E F I C H E T 2 012 £ 2 2 7. 0 0 £18 .9 2 15 R U L LY 1E R C R U L E S C L O U X J E A N - M A R C B O I L L O T 2 013 £228.0 0 £ 1 9. 0 0 15 C H A B L I S 1E R C R U M O N T M A I N D O M A I N E P I N S O N F R E R E S 2 012 £235.0 0 £ 1 9. 5 8 15 K R E U Z N A C H E R K R Ö T E N P F U H L R I E S L I N G K A B I N E T T D Ö N N H O F F 2 012 ( 3 M A G S ) £ 11 9. 0 0 £ 3 9. 6 7 41 M O N T A G N Y 1E R C R U V I E U X C H Â T E A U J E A N - M A R C B O I L L O T 2 013 £ 2 3 9. 0 0 £ 1 9. 9 2 15 C H A B L I S 1E R C R U M O N T D E M I L I E U B I L L A U D - S I M O N 2 012 £245.0 0 £20.42 15 T O N S C H I E F E R R I E S L I N G D R Y S L A T E D Ö N N H O F F 2 012 ( 6 M A G S ) £245.0 0 £ 40.83 41 M O N T A G N Y 1 E R C R U V I E U X C H Â T E A U J E A N - M A R C B O I L L O T 2 0 13 ( 6 M A G S ) £252.0 0 £ 42.0 0 15 /41 M O N T A G N Y 1 E R C R U V I E U X C H Â T E A U J E A N - M A R C B O I L L O T 2 0 13 ( 12 H A L V E S ) £ 1 2 9. 0 0 £10. 75 15 S AV I G N Y L E S B E A U N E B L A N C L E S M O N T C H E N E V O Y P A T R I C K J AV I L L I E R 2 013 £280.0 0 £23.33 15 K R E U Z N A C H E R K A H L E N B E R G D R Y D Ö N N H O F F 2 012 ( 6 P K ) £ 1 4 7. 0 0 £24.50 9 S T A U B I N 1 E R C R U F R I O N N E S D O M A I N E H U B E R T L A M Y 2 0 11 £335.0 0 £ 2 7. 9 2 15 M E U R S A U L T J E A N - P H I L I P P E F I C H E T 2 012 £388.0 0 £32.33 15 M E U R S A U L T M E I X S O U S L E C H Â T E A U J E A N - P H I L I P P E F I C H E T 2 0 11 £398.0 0 £ 3 3 .17 15 M E U R S A U L T C L O S D U C R O M I N P A T R I C K J AV I L L I E R 2 013 £ 405.0 0 £ 3 3 . 75 15 P U L I G N Y M O N T R A C H E T J E A N - M A R C B O I L L O T 2 013 £ 450.0 0 £ 3 7. 5 0 15 P U L I G N Y M O N T R A C H E T J A C Q U E S C A R I L L O N 2 0 11 ( 6 P K ) £ 2 3 7. 0 0 £ 3 9. 5 0 16 C H A S S A G N E M O N T R A C H E T 1E R C R U C H E N E V O T T E S B R U N O C O L I N 2 013 £ 4 75 .0 0 £ 3 9. 5 8 16 C H A S S A G N E M O N T R A C H E T 1E R C R U C L O S S A I N T -J E A N P A U L P I L L O T 2 012 £ 480.0 0 £ 40.0 0 16 C H A B L I S G R A N D C R U L E S C L O S J E A N - P A U L D R O I N 2 013 ( 6 P K ) £ 2 4 9. 0 0 £ 41. 5 0 16 C H A S S A G N E M O N T R A C H E T 1 E R C R U E N R E M I L L Y M I C H E L C O L I N - D É L É G E R 2 0 11 £ 505.0 0 £ 42.08 16 P U L I G N Y M O N T R A C H E T 1E R C R U C H A M P C A N E T J E A N - M A R C B O I L L O T 2 0 11 ( 6 P K ) £ 310.0 0 £ 5 1. 6 7 16 C H A S S A G N E M O N T R A C H E T 1 E R C R U C H A M P G A I N M I C H E L N I E L L O N 2 0 12 ( 6 P K ) £ 310.0 0 £ 5 1. 6 7 16 04 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M L I S T AT A G L A N CE ROSÉ £ /C S £ /B T PAG E I N C VAT I N C VAT N O. C H S T B A I L L O N R É S E R V E D U C H ÂT E A U C Ô T E S D E P R O V E N C E R O S É 2 014 £ 11 9. 0 0 £ 9. 9 2 19 C H S T B A I L L O N R É S E R V E D U C H Â T E A U C Ô T E S D E P R O V E N C E R O S É 2 014 ( 6 M A G S ) £ 12 8 . 0 0 £ 21. 3 3 19 C H L É O U B E R O S É D E L É O U B E C Ô T E S D E P R O V E N C E R O S É 2 014 (6 P K ) £ 8 9. 0 0 £14 . 8 3 19 W H I S P E R I N G A N G E L C Ô T E S D E P R O V E N C E R O S É C AV E S D ’ E S C L A N S 2 014 (6 P K ) £ 8 9. 0 0 £14 . 8 3 19 C H L É O U B E R O S É D E L É O U B E C Ô T E S D E P R O V E N C E R O S É 2 014 (6 M A G S ) £18 8 . 0 0 £ 31. 3 3 19 CH ST BAILLO N RÉSERVE DU CHÂTE AU CÔTES DE PROVENCE ROSÉ 2014 (1 D BL M AG 30 0 CL) £65.0 0 £65.0 0 19 W H I S P E R I N G A N G E L C Ô T E S D E P R O V E N C E R O S É C AV E S D ’ E S C L A N S 2 014 ( 3 M A G S ) £10 0.0 0 £33.33 19 C H L É O U B E R O S É D E L É O U B E C Ô T E S D E P R O V E N C E R O S É 2 014 (1 D B L M A G 3 0 0 C L ) £ 8 7. 0 0 £ 8 7. 0 0 19 C Ô T E S D E P R O V E N C E C L O S M I R E I L L E R O S É D O M A I N E S O T T 2 014 (6 P K ) £ 15 5 . 0 0 £25.83 19 REDS £ /C S £ /B T PAG E I N C VAT I N C VAT N O. CO MT ES D E TAS T ES B O R D E AUX 20 09 £95.0 0 £ 7. 9 2 27 M I N E R V O I S D O M A I N E S T J A C Q U E S D ’A L B A S 2 0 1 3 ( 6 P K ) £ 54.0 0 £ 9. 0 0 31 C H B E L L E V U E G A Z I N 2 010 (6 P K ) £ 55.0 0 £ 9. 1 7 27 C O R B I È R E S C H Â T E A U L A B A S T I D E R O U G E 2 012 £ 11 2 . 0 0 £ 9. 3 3 31 C H L A F L E U R C O T E R I E B O R D E A U X 2 010 £ 11 5 . 0 0 £ 9. 5 8 27 C Ô T E S D U R H Ô N E R É S E R V E P E R R I N 2 013 £ 11 9. 0 0 £ 9. 9 2 31 C H L A F L E U R C O T E R I E B O R D E A U X 2 010 (6 M A G S) £ 12 5 . 0 0 £20.83 2 7/41 C Ô T E S D U R H Ô N E R É S E R V E P E R R I N 2 0 11 ( 6 M A G S ) £ 1 2 9. 0 0 £ 21. 5 0 31/41 P E Ñ A A L D E R A R I OJ A C R I A N Z A B O D E G A S J A L Ó N 2 010 £ 13 5 . 0 0 £ 11 . 2 5 31 M I N E R V O I S C H Â T E A U S T J A C Q U E S D ’A L B A S 2 0 1 0 ( 6 M A G S ) £14 2 . 0 0 £23.67 41 C R O Z E S H E R M I T A G E É T I E N N E B A R R E T 2 012 £14 3 . 0 0 £ 11 . 9 2 31 F L E U R I E C L O S D E L A R O I L E T T E 2 014 £14 4 . 0 0 £ 12 . 0 0 21 B O U R G O G N E R O U G E C H A M P D E P E R D R I X J E A N - P I E R R E C H A R T O N 2 013 £ 1 4 9. 0 0 £ 12 . 4 2 21 M O N T E L E C C I O I G T C A S T E L L O D I A R G I A N O S E S T I 2 012 £ 15 5 . 0 0 £ 12 . 9 2 21 V A C Q U E Y R A S C U V É E S T R O C H L E C L O S D E S C A Z A U X 2 0 11 £ 1 5 9. 0 0 £ 13 . 2 5 31 C H L A G O R R E H AU T- M É D O C 2 0 0 9 £ 16 0 . 0 0 £ 13 . 3 3 27 C H H A U T B E R N AT P U I S S E G U I N S T E M I L I O N 2 010 £ 16 5 . 0 0 £ 13 . 75 27 V A C Q U E Y R A S C U V É E S T R O C H L E C L O S D E S C A Z A U X 2 0 11 ( 6 M A G S ) £ 16 8 . 0 0 £28.0 0 31/41 C H M A L E S C A S S E C R U B O U R G E O I S H A U T- M É D O C 2 010 (6 M A G S) £ 1 74 . 0 0 £ 2 9. 0 0 41 C H M O N T A I G U I L L O N M O N T A G N E S T E M I L I O N 2 0 11 £ 1 74 . 0 0 £14 . 5 0 27 P E Ñ A A L D E R A R I OJ A R E S E R VA B O D E G A S J A L Ó N 2 0 0 9 (6 P K ) £ 8 7. 0 0 £14 . 5 0 31 L A W S O N ’ S D R Y H I L L S R E S E R V E P I N O T N O I R 2 012 ( 6 P K ) £ 8 9. 0 0 £14 . 8 3 21 A M A N C AYA G R A N R E S E R VA B O D E G A C A R O 2 012 ( 6 P K ) £ 8 9. 0 0 £14 . 8 3 31 M É G A P H O N E A O C V E N T O U X V I G N O B L E S B R U N I E R 2 012 £ 1 7 9. 0 0 £14 .9 2 31 C H H A U T B E R N AT P U I S S E G U I N S T E M I L I O N 2 010 (6 M A G S) £18 0 . 0 0 £30.0 0 41 G I G O N D A S L A T O U R S A R R A Z I N E L E C L O S D E S C A Z A U X 2 0 11 £18 5 . 0 0 £ 15 . 4 2 31 C H M O N T A I G U I L L O N M O N T A G N E S T E M I L I O N 2 0 11 ( 6 M A G S ) £ 19 2 . 0 0 £32.0 0 2 7/41 C H I A N T I C L A S S I C O R I E C I N E 2 012 ( 6 P K ) £96.0 0 £ 16 . 0 0 31 C H S É N É J AC C R U B O U R G E O I S S U P É R I E U R H A U T- M É D O C 2 010 £ 19 8 . 0 0 £ 16 . 5 0 27 R O S S O D I M O N T A L C I N O C A S T E L L O D I A R G I A N O S E S T I 2 012 £204.0 0 £ 1 7. 0 0 31 M E R C U R E Y V I E I L L E S V I G N E S J E A N - P I E R R E C H A R T O N 2 0 11 £ 2 0 9. 0 0 £ 1 7. 4 2 23 C H H A U T P L A N T E Y G R A N D C R U S T E M I L I O N 2 010 £240.0 0 £20.0 0 27 05 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M L I S T AT A G L A N CE REDS £ /C S £ /B T PAG E I N C VAT I N C VAT N O. M E R C U R E Y 1E R C R U L A C H A S S I E R E J E A N - P I E R R E C H A R T O N 2 012 £245.0 0 £20.42 23 C H O R E Y L È S B E A U N E L A P I È C E D E C H A P I T R E T O L L O T - B E A U T 2 0 11 ( 6 P K ) £ 12 5 . 0 0 £20.83 23 C H PAV E I L D E L U Z E C R U B O U R G E O I S S U P É R I E U R M A R G A U X 2 010 £258.0 0 £ 21. 5 0 27 M A R S A N N A Y L E S L O N G E R O I E S C H A R L E S A U D O I N 2 0 11 £260.0 0 £ 21. 6 7 23 L A RÉSERVE DE LÉOVILLE BARTON ST JULIEN 20 08 £263.0 0 £ 21.9 2 27 CH DE FONBEL ST EMILION 2009 £268.0 0 £22.33 27 M O U L I N - À - V E N T C L O S D E R O C H E G R È S L O U I S J A D O T 2 012 ( 3 M A G S ) £ 13 5 . 0 0 £ 45.0 0 41 C H A S S A G N E M O N T R A C H E T V I E I L L E S V I G N E S P A U L P I L L O T 2 013 £270.0 0 £22.50 21 P A V I L L O N D E L É O V I L L E P O Y F E R R É S T J U L I E N 2 0 11 £ 2 75 .0 0 £ 2 2 .9 2 27 TAS S I N A I A C AS T EL LO D EL T ER R I CCI O 20 09 (6PK) £ 13 8 . 0 0 £23.0 0 31 C H M O U L I N R I C H E S T J U L I E N 2 010 £280.0 0 £23.33 28 P A V I L L O N D E L É O V I L L E P O Y F E R R É S T J U L I E N 2 0 11 ( 6 M A G S ) £285.0 0 £ 4 7. 5 0 2 7/41 C H ÂT E AU N E U F D U PA P E F O N T D E M I C H E L L E 2 0 0 4 (6 P K ) £14 4 . 0 0 £24.0 0 31 C H M O U L I N R I C H E S T J U L I E N 2 010 (6 M A G S) £290.0 0 £ 48.33 2 8/41 C H ÂT E AU N E U F D U PA P E F O N T D E M I C H E L L E 2 0 0 9 (6 M AG S) £30 0.0 0 £ 50.0 0 42 A K I T U P I N O T N O I R C E N T R A L O T A G O 2 013 ( 6 P K ) £ 15 3 . 0 0 £25.50 23 M A S D E D A U M A S G A S S A C R O U G E V I N D E P AY S D E L ’ H É R A U L T 2 013 ( 3 M A G S ) £ 15 8 . 0 0 £ 52.67 42 F I X I N L E R OZ I E R C H A R L E S A U D O I N 2 010 £324.0 0 £ 2 7. 0 0 23 S A V I G N Y L È S B E A U N E 1 E R C R U L E S L A V I È R E S C H A N D O N D E B R I A I L L E S 2 0 11 £330.0 0 £ 2 7. 5 0 23 B L A C K Q U A I L E S T A T E P I N O T N O I R 2 012 ( 6 P K ) £ 16 5 . 0 0 £ 2 7. 5 0 23 B E A U N E 1E R C R U C E L E B R A T I O N L O U I S J A D O T 2 012 ( 3 M A G S ) £18 0 . 0 0 £60.0 0 42 L A R I OJ A A LTA R I OJ A G R A N R E S E R VA 9 0 4 2 0 0 5 (6 P K ) £18 0 . 0 0 £30.0 0 32 CH COS L A B O RY 5È M E CRU S T ES TÈPH E 20 09 (6PK) £18 2 . 0 0 £30.33 28 S AV I G N Y L È S B E A U N E A U X G R A N D S L I A R D S S I M O N B I Z E 2 010 £370.0 0 £30.83 23 M O U L I N - À - V E N T C L O S D E R O C H E G R È S L O U I S J A D O T 2 012 ( 1 J E R O 3 0 0 C L ) £ 12 4 . 0 0 £ 12 4 . 0 0 41 S AV I G N Y L È S B E A U N E 1E R C R U L E S M A R C O N N E T S S I M O N B I Z E 2 0 0 7 £ 3 75 .0 0 £ 31. 2 5 23 CH GLORIA CRU BOURGEOIS ST JULIEN 2006 £378.0 0 £ 31. 5 0 28 V O S N E R O M A N É E V I E I L L E S V I G N E S M A I S O N R O C H E D E B E L L È N E 2 0 11 £378.0 0 £ 31. 5 0 23 G E V R E Y C H A M B E R T I N L O U I S B O I L L O T 2 012 £384.0 0 £32.0 0 23 M A S D E D A U M A S G A S S A C R O U G E V I N D E PAY S D E L’ H É R A U L T 2 013 (1 J E R O 3 0 0 C L ) £ 13 0 . 0 0 £ 13 0 . 0 0 42 C H Â T E A U N E U F D U P A P E F O N T D E M I C H E L L E 2 0 11 ( 1 J E R O 3 0 0 C L ) £ 13 5 . 0 0 £ 13 5 . 0 0 42 S AV I G N Y L È S B E A U N E 1E R C R U L E S M A R C O N N E T S S I M O N B I Z E 2 0 0 7 (6 M A G S ) £ 420.0 0 £70.0 0 23/42 C H B ATA I L L E Y 5 È M E C R U PA U I L L AC 2 010 £ 420.0 0 £35.0 0 28 CH L AGR ANGE 3ÈME CRU ST JULIEN 20 07 £ 4 40.0 0 £36.67 28 B E A U N E 1E R C R U C E L E B R A T I O N L O U I S J A D O T 2 012 ( 1 J E R O 3 0 0 C L ) £ 15 5 . 0 0 £ 15 5 . 0 0 42 C H L A L AG U N E 3 È M E C R U H AU T- M É D O C 2 0 07 (6 M AG S) £ 466.0 0 £ 7 7. 6 7 42 L A G I O I A R I E C I N E 2 0 11 ( 6 P K ) £ 2 3 9. 0 0 £ 3 9. 8 3 32 C H C A N O N 1E R G R A N D C R U C L A S S É S T E M I L I O N 2 0 0 8 £ 510.0 0 £ 42.50 28 V O L N A Y 1 E R C A R E L L E S S O U S L A C H A P E L L E J O S E P H V O I L L O T 2 0 11 £ 535.0 0 £44.58 23 G E V R E Y C H A M B E R T I N D E N I S M O R T E T 2 0 11 £ 540.0 0 £ 45.0 0 23 G E V R E Y C H A M B E R T I N 1 E R C R U C R A I P I L L O T S D R O U H I N L A R O Z E 2 0 11 £ 540.0 0 £ 45.0 0 24 V O L N A Y 1 E R C R U E N C H A M P A N S J O S E P H V O I L L O T 2 0 11 £ 545.0 0 £ 45.42 24 G E V R E Y C H A M B E R T I N 1E R C R U L E S C H A M P E A U X M A I S O N R O C H E D E B E L L È N E 2 0 0 9 £ 570.0 0 £ 4 7. 5 0 32 C H L A L AG U N E 3 È M E C R U H AU T- M É D O C 2 0 07 (1 D B L M AG 3 0 0 C L ) £ 19 5 . 0 0 £ 19 5 . 0 0 42 B R U N E L L O D I M O N TA L C I N O T E N U TA S I LV I O N A R D I 2 010 (1 M A G ) £ 9 9. 0 0 £ 9 9. 0 0 42 06 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M L I S T AT A G L A N CE REDS £ /C S £ /B T PAG E I N C VAT I N C VAT N O. C H Â T E A U N E U F D U P A P E C L O S D E S P A P E S P A U L A V R I L 2 0 11 ( 6 P K ) £298.0 0 £ 4 9. 6 7 32 C H A M B O L L E M U S I G N Y 1E R C R U L E S S E N T I E R S M A I S O N R O C H E D E B E L L È N E 2 012 ( 6 P K ) £ 3 1 5 . 0 0 £ 52.50 24 CORTON BRESSANDES GR AND CRU CHANDON DE BRIAILLES 20 06 £645.0 0 £ 5 3 . 75 24 G E V R E Y C H A M B E R T I N 1E R C R U L E S C O R B E A U X C H R I S T I A N S É R A F I N 2 0 0 8 £650.0 0 £ 5 4 .17 24 V O L N AY 1E R C R U M I T A N S B E N J A M I N L E R O U X 2 012 ( 6 P K ) £335.0 0 £55.83 24 P O M M A R D 1E R C R U C L O S D E S E P E N O T S D O M A I N E D E C O U R C E L 2 0 0 8 £ 695.0 0 £ 5 7. 9 2 32 N U I T S S T G E O R G E S 1E R C L O S D E S F O R Ê T S S T G E O R G E S D O M A I N E D E L’A R L O T 2 0 0 9 £ 695.0 0 £ 5 7. 9 2 32 CH GISCOURS 3ÈME CRU M ARGAUX 2005 £720.0 0 £60.0 0 28 C L O S D E V O U G E O T G R A N D C R U D R O U H I N L A R O Z E 2 0 11 ( 6 P K ) £ 480.0 0 £80.0 0 24 S PA R K L I N G £ /C S £ /B T PAG E I N C VAT I N C VAT N O. PRO S ECCO S U PER I O R E E X T R A D RY CO N E G L I A N O VA L D O B B I A D E N E B I A N C A V I G N A N V (6PK) £ 7 5 . 0 0 £ 12 . 5 0 35 PAU L G O E R G B R U T R É S E R V E N V (6 P K ) £ 1 2 9. 0 0 £ 21. 5 0 35 PAU L G O E R G P R E M I E R C R U B L A N C D E B L A N C S N V (6 P K ) £ 15 6 . 0 0 £26.0 0 35 N Y E T I M B E R B R U T C L A S S I C C U V É E 2 010 (6 P K ) £ 1 74 . 0 0 £ 2 9. 0 0 35 PAU L G O E R G P R E M I E R C R U B R U T M I L L É S I M É £18 0 . 0 0 £30.0 0 35 B I L L EC A RT SA L M O N B RU T RÉSERVE N V (6PK) 20 05 (6PK) £ 1 9 9. 0 0 £ 3 3 .17 35 P O L RO G ER W H I TE F O I L B RU T N V (6PK) £ 1 9 9. 0 0 £ 3 3 .17 35 LO U IS RO ED ERER B RU T PRE M I ER N V (6PK) £ 210.0 0 £35.0 0 35 LO U IS RO ED ERER B RU T PRE M I ER N V (3 M AGS) £ 2 3 9. 0 0 £ 7 9. 6 7 3 5/42 LO U I S R O E D E R E R B R U T P R E M I E R N V (1 J E R O 3 0 0 C L ) £18 5 . 0 0 £18 5 . 0 0 35/42 RU I N A RT B L A N C D E B L A N CS N V (6PK) £283.0 0 £ 4 7. 1 7 35 B I L L EC A RT SA L M O N B RU T ROSÉ N V (6PK) £335.0 0 £55.83 35 P O L RO G ER B L A N C D E B L A N CS VI N TAG E 20 0 8 (6PK) £390.0 0 £65.0 0 35 D O M PÉR I G N O N 20 05 (6PK) £ 590.0 0 £98.33 35 LO U IS RO ED ER ER CR IS TA L 20 07 (6PK) £70 0.0 0 £ 11 6 . 6 7 35 SWEET £ /C S £ /B T PAG E I N C VAT I N C VAT N O. C H P E T I T V É D R I N E S S A U T E R N E S 2 0 11 ( 1 2 H A L V E S ) £ 11 6 . 0 0 £ 9. 6 7 39 E R D E N E R T R E P P C H E N R I E S L I N G A U S L E S E D R L O O S E N 2 012 ( 6 P K ) £ 17 0 . 0 0 £28.33 39 M O U L I N T O U C H A I S C O T E A U X D U L AYO N 2 0 0 5 (6 P K ) £ 17 0 . 0 0 £28.33 39 O B E R H A U S E R B R Ü C K E R I E S L I N G S P Ä T L E S E D Ö N N H O F F 2 012 ( 6 P K ) £ 17 8 . 0 0 £ 2 9. 6 7 39 C H G U I R A U D 1E R C R U S A U T E R N E S 2 010 £ 460.0 0 £38.33 39 D O M A I N E D E L ’A L L I A N C E S A U T E R N E S 2 0 1 0 ( 6 5 0 C L ) £ 15 5 . 0 0 £25.83 39 C H G U I R A U D 1E R C R U S A U T E R N E S 2 01 0 ( 12 H A LV E S ) £235.0 0 £ 1 9. 5 8 39 PORT £ /C S £ /B T PAG E I N C VAT I N C VAT N O. T AY L O R ’ S Q U I N T A D E T E R R A F E I T A 19 9 5 ( 3 P K ) £90.0 0 £30.0 0 39 F O N S E C A 19 8 3 ( 6 P K ) £ 3 9 9. 0 0 £66.50 39 07 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M CRISP & MINER AL T H I S S E L E C T I O N I S A LWAY S A FAV O U R I T E AND CONSISTS OF SOME OF THE PUREST WINES I N O U R L I S T. The wine making here is all about simplicity, with growers wishing to reflect the characteristics of their grapes, appellation and unique terroir. Oak should not play a part and nearly all the wines are vinified in stainless steel, aged for a minimal time and bottled relatively young to give vibrancy and purity. In general the wines are designed to be drunk young to highlight their crisp, fresh and mineral characteristics. Chablis and Sancerre are the two most obvious examples, but the delicious white from Begude is strikingly mineral, especially for a wine from the warmer Languedoc climes. This is the section to keep in your fridge, corkscrew nearby and when the unexpected visitor arrives, pull the cork, pour and enjoy… 08 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M C H A R D O N N A Y V I N D E P AY S D ’ O C DOMAINE BEGUDE 2014 M O N TA G N Y 1 E R C R U V I E I L L E S V I G N E S S T É P H A N E ALADAME 2013 £99.00/cs inc VAT £8.25/bt inc VAT £199.00/cs inc VAT £16.58/bt inc VAT This lovely 29ha estate near Limoux owned by James and Catherine Kinglake makes a wonderfully pure and refreshing Chardonnay. Avoiding the use of oak, it is vibrant and fresh with subtle citrus fruit characteristics. Totally uplifting and an absolute joy. This lovely Vieilles Vignes cuvée is part barrel vinified and part unoaked and therefore balances a delicious freshness with a long and enticingly creamy finish. A forward drinking wine from the Côte Chalonnaise, but beautifully rewarding. ST VÉRAN DOMAINE DE LA CROIX SENAILLET 2013 OBERHÄUSER LEISTENBERG RIESLING KABINETT DÖNNHOFF 2012 (6PK) £150.00/cs inc VAT £12.50/bt inc VAT £103.00/cs inc VAT £17.17/bt inc VAT In Burgundian terms this is a very young domaine having only been created by Richard and Stéphane Martin’s father in 1969! But in a short time they have firmly established themselves as one of the finest domaines in Davaye. A very attractive style, balancing soft creamy fruit flavours, with a light touch of acidity, gentle on the finish; an extremely versatile white wine. Helmut Dönnhoff always considers the Leistenberg vineyard one of his finest for producing benchmark Nahe Kabinett. The warm steep slate soils produce a wine with delicious volume of fruit, full of peaches and rose petals. An off dry wine of great charm and appeal. POUILLY FUMÉ TRADITION DES LOGES MARC DESCHAMPS 2014 £147.00/cs inc VAT £24.50/bt inc VAT £161.00/cs inc VAT £13.42/bt inc VAT Subtle lime green colour, this has spicy jasmine aromas. In the bone dry palate the zesty fruit is balanced by an enticing crisp freshness attributed to the cool nights of the Kahlenberg vineyard. KREUZNACHER KAHLENBERG DRY DÖNNHOFF 2012 (6PK) The chalk based vineyards of this 9ha estate produce a very intensely structured Sauvignon Blanc. Bright driving acidity balances a fleshy citrus pulp core. Powerful and concentrated with a long broad finish. CHABLIS DENIS POMMIER 2014 £162.00/cs inc VAT £13.50/bt inc VAT The wines of Isabelle and Denis Pommier just get better and better and they are rightly deserving of the growing respect they have in the region. A lovely unoaked cuvée, fresh lively and zesty, with beautifully bright citrus fruit characteristics, with the added depth on the finish from 6 months maturation on the yeast lees in stainless steel vats. B O U R G O G N E C H A R D O N N AY G O E D H U I S & C O 2 0 1 3 £165.00/cs inc VAT £13.75/bt inc VAT Specially created for us by one of Meursault’s most acclaimed growers, Jean-Philippe Fichet, to represent classic Côte d’Or white wine. Lemon yellow colour, this balances a lovely citrus freshness on the nose with hints of almond and fresh Jersey cream. In the palate the wine is beautifully accessible, weighty without being over the top and has a deliciously fresh and long finish. SANCERRE DOMAINE BERNARD REVERDY 2014 £167.00/cs inc VAT £13.92/bt inc VAT This Sancerre from the adorable Reverdy family is a perennial favourite. A bright lively Sauvignon Blanc with hints of floral fruit flavours and fresh white currants. Deliciously concentrated. C H A B L I S J E A N - PA U L D R O I N 2 0 1 3 £186.00/cs inc VAT £15.50/bt inc VAT Benoit Droin makes classically mineral Chablis; this is bright and zesty, with layers of concentration and great length. A truly fabulous combination with oysters! 09 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M THE GOEDHUIS OWN L ABEL BURGUNDIES It has taken us a long time to introduce a range of wines bearing our own Goedhuis & Co labels but over the last two years we have been working closely with a number of top growers in Burgundy and Bordeaux to produce an exclusive range of wines of superb quality. The first to launch was our Bourgogne Chardonnay made for us by the brilliant Jean-Philippe Fichet with input from David Roberts. The first 200 cases of the 2012 sold out quickly and the feedback from our clients has been hugely positive. The beautifully balanced 2013 Bourgogne Chardonnay has now arrived and is available for delivery. Our Bourgogne Pinot Noir made by the hugely talented Charton family is at present ageing in the cellars in Burgundy and will be shipped early next year. JOHNNY GOEDHUIS, CHAIR M AN OBERHÄUSER LEISTENBERG RIESLING K ABINETT D Ö N N H O F F 2 012 The word ‘leisten’ in German means to achieve or perform, and wines from this Dönnhoff vineyard do just that. This sets a high benchmark for all the Dönnhoff Kabinetts, with a delicious fruit bouquet of peaches and rose petals, it has a subtle elegance and is utterly charming. S T E P H A N I E A L B E R T, B R O K I N G S A N C E R R E D O M A I N E B E R N A R D R E V E R D Y 2 014 Having worked in Sancerre during the 2014 harvest I can testify to the superb quality for the Sauvignon Blanc fruit – juicy, ripe, high acid: everything you need to make a great Sancerre. Winemaker Romain Reverdy agrees – their best vintage in recent years. C AT H ER I N E PE TR I E, BUYI N G 10 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M DOMAINE BEGUDE C H A R D O N N AY We have a very strong range of everyday drinking wines here at Goedhuis & Co and this is a very fine example. This versatile Chardonnay, made by the great James Kinglake at Domaine Begude near Limoux, is, I think, our best ‘drinking white’. If you haven’t already tried it, you’re missing out! HUGO MCMULLEN, SALES M O N TA G N Y 1E R C R U V I E I L L E S V I G N E S S T É P H A N E A L A D A M E 2 013 Stéphane Aladame has been churning out fine Montagnys for many years now. We have been representing the Domaine in the UK for about 15 years, and the 2013 Vieilles Vignes is an excellent cuvée. Always terrific value, his wines are firmly at the mineral end of the spectrum with great acidity. TOM STO PFO RD SACK VILLE, M ANAGING DIRECTOR 11 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M BRIGHT & ZESTY THE LIGHT AND REFRESHING UNOAKED WHITE WINE IS KING IN THIS SECTION. The focus here is single varietals from classic regions. Their primary fruit characters make them ideal for early drinking, and their youthful zestiness and approachability mark them out as perfect aperitif wines. Here you can find a wonderful distinction between varieties, in wines that offer tremendous value for money. Venture into Italy or Germany with wines that are characteristic and rewarding, or explore the wideranging expression of Sauvignon Blanc in four diverse styles from the Loire, Bordeaux, and New Zealand. In these wines, cool climates have resulted in modest levels of alcohol at perfect ripeness, so that fruit purity and vibrant acidity sing out. These citrus-accented wines possess the texture and zingy drive to slake any thirst and refresh the weariest palate. 12 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M MUSCADET DE SÈVRE ET MAINE SUR LIE DOMAINE MÉNARD GABORIT 2013 (6PK) S O AV E T A M E L L I N I 2 0 1 4 ( 6 P K ) £71.00/cs inc VAT £11.83/bt inc VAT £47.00/cs inc VAT £7.83/bt inc VAT Although the estate was only created in 1998, Gaetano and Pio Francesco Tamellini have built a reputation as producers of outstanding, authentic estate-bottled Soave. With fresh citrus fruit aromas, this is an easy and lively style of this classic Italian white wine. A new wave Muscadet from the extremely capable Ménard family. Everything it should be, vibrant, crisp and fresh, with appealing floral fruit flavours, great length and lovely with shellfish. S A U V I G N O N D E T O U R A I N E D O M A I N E PA U L B U I S S E 2014 (6PK) VERNACCIA DI SAN GIMIGNANO LE CALCINAIE 2014 £48.00/cs inc VAT £8.00/bt inc VAT £143.00/cs inc VAT £11.92/bt inc VAT Lively fresh zesty fruit, with appealing crisp herbaceous characteristics. Strikingly clean and pure on the finish; this is a very approachable Sauvignon Blanc from the Loire valley. From the irrepressible Simone Santini, this organic vineyard produces wines of real integrity. His Vernaccia is very weighted, with flavours of freshly picked pears, supported by a hint of earthy rusticity to give personality and style. CH LA FORÊT ENTRE-DEUX-MERS 2014 £107.00/cs inc VAT £8.92/bt inc VAT MENETOU SALON MOROGUES DOMAINE HENRY PELLÉ 2013 A blend of 40% Sauvignon Blanc and 20% each of Sémillon, Sauvignon Gris and Muscadelle. This is a very attractive EntreDeux-Mers, balancing the aromatics of Sauvignon Blanc with breadth of peachy fruit flavours from the Sémillon. An outstanding all purpose white wine. £154.00/cs inc VAT £12.83/bt inc VAT L AW S O N ’ S D R Y H I L L S S A U V I G N O N B L A N C 2 0 1 4 RIESLING DRY QBA DÖNNHOFF 2014 (6PK) £125.00/cs inc VAT £10.42/bt inc VAT £90.00/cs inc VAT £15.00/bt inc VAT Founded by Ross and Barbara Lawson in 1992, this estate is firmly part of the Marlborough establishment, home to New Zealand’s most famous Sauvignon Blancs. A more restrained style than some, which is what we like. Subtle crushed blackcurrant leaf aromas, pure and balanced on the palate, with a very refreshing finish. Lime scented, dry, and vibrant. Made from a collection of parcels, this is the estate’s entry level dry Riesling, which offers the concentrated minerality of the grander wines with an accessible, enticing palate, ready for enjoying straight away. This is the perfect aperitif wine. From the famous village of Morogues in Menetou, the Pellés produce a strikingly full and plump flavoured Menetou as highlighted by this excellent 2013. SUR LIE RIESLING I TA L I A N W H I T ES Muscadet and oysters get along famously well. The six months the Ménard Gaborit wine spends on its lees before bottling give added tang and texture, which complement salty shellfish so well. Served chilled, there is surely nothing more thirst quenching. A woefully misunderstood style, dry German Rieslings offer the most outstanding value for money. Dönnhoff is one of Germany’s foremost winemakers. This wine is a fabulous introduction to a top class producer, to one of the finest white grape varieties, and to a classic fine wine producing country. Our two popular Italian whites have consistently earned their place on our list. Grown on volcanic soils, the Soave is generous and rich in body despite its 12% abv. The Vernaccia offers genuine complexity, distinct character and great value. 13 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M ROUND & FULLER BODIED IN REALITY THIS SECTION SHOULD JUST BE C A L L E D ‘ W H I T E B U R G U N D Y ’, B U T W H E R E I S T H E FU N I N T H AT ? Round and fuller bodied, though, describes the finest expression of classic Côte de Beaune white perfectly. It is famed for its great names such as Chassagne Montrachet, Puligny Montrachet and Meursault, which produce wines of incredible depth and often power as well. The Meursaults are the broadest and creamiest in style; Puligny produces wines with a little more drive and minerality due to its stonier soil base, and Chassagne’s wines are rich, nutty and age extraordinarily well. Also included are a St Aubin, a rare white Savigny lès Beaune, and some fuller Premiers and Grand Crus Chablis, which abundantly reward the more adventurous taster seeking top quality and exceptional value in Burgundy. This is where you will find the often overlooked southern appellations of the Côte Chalonnaise and Mâconnais; whilst a little less powerful, these wines have stunningly open, tropical fruit flavours. Nearly all the wines have been vinified in oak and age for 6–10 months in cask before bottling. However, each possesses a true individuality, reflecting the uniqueness of their origins and the style of the grower behind the wine. 14 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M M Â C O N M O N T B E L L E T PA U L TA L M A R D 2 0 1 4 CHABLIS 1ER CRU MONT DE MILIEU BILLAUD-SIMON 2012 £128.00/cs inc VAT £10.67/bt inc VAT £245.00/cs inc VAT £20.42/bt inc VAT Soft elegant buttery flavours with hints of white fruits. Gentle and easy with delicate acidity, an extremely versatile wine which highlights the great charm of Chardonnay in the Mâconnais. The red clay top soil of this south facing 1er Cru, to the right of the town, makes for big, weighty styled wines. This glimmers with grapefruit and spice, and there is excellent depth and complexity in this hugely concentrated wine, with fine direction and delicious drive from the outstanding 2012 vintage. This was Bernard Billaud’s last year in charge at this great estate and he certainly finished his 40th vintage at the helm in style. MÂCON-LOCHÉ DOMAINE MARCEL COUTURIER 2013 £144.00/cs inc VAT £12.00/bt inc VAT A more structured style than the Montbellet, a beautifully honeyed wine supported by a subtle hint of minerality. Lovely depth and length. S AV I G N Y L È S B E A U N E B L A N C L E S M O N T C H E N E V O Y P A T R I C K J AV I L L I E R 2 0 1 3 £280.00/cs inc VAT £23.33/bt inc VAT BOURGOGNE VIEILLES VIGNES JEAN-PHILIPPE FICHET 2012 Savigny has created a reputation for making great red wine, but white wine making star Patrick Javillier has used all his skills from Meursault to create a very creamy and generously full white wine. Very giving with lots of depth on the finish. £227.00/cs inc VAT £18.92/bt inc VAT Fabulously creamy nutty flavours, this is very Meursault in style with its layered richness and flamboyance of fruit flavours. A high class Bourgogne Blanc. ST AUBIN 1ER CRU FRIONNES DOMAINE HUBERT LAMY 2011 £335.00/cs inc VAT £27.92/bt inc VAT RULLY 1ER CRU LES CLOUX JEAN-MARC BOILLOT 2013 £228.00/cs inc VAT £19.00/bt inc VAT Always wonderfully expressive, Frionnes is invariably a very generous wine, full and concentrated with hints of toffee and peaches. A forward style absolutely at its peak now. Jean-Marc Boillot uses all his skills as a winemaker in Puligny Montrachet to create a very complex Rully. This is fresh and mineral with hints of oranges and lime, excellent drive and length at the end. MEURSAULT JEAN-PHILIPPE FICHET 2012 £388.00/cs inc VAT £32.33/bt inc VAT CHABLIS 1ER CRU MONTMAIN DOMAINE PINSON FRERES 2012 Subtle lime green colour, this is a creamy harmonious style, with its fine volume of fruit, supported by a steely freshness and finishing with warm ripe tropical fruits. A very appealing and generous wine. £235.00/cs inc VAT £19.58/bt inc VAT A very floral open style with beautiful white peach aromas. This is always a hugely reliable 1er Cru from the Pinson stable, vignerons in the village since 1640 and respected for making archetypal Chablis, focusing on harmony, grace and gentle freshness on the finish. Always an earlier drinking style, this is hitting its peak. M E U R S A U L T M E I X S O U S L E C H ÂT E A U JEAN-PHILIPPE FICHET 2011 £398.00/cs inc VAT £33.17/bt inc VAT The warmer location of the Meix vineyard helps to produce a wine of opulence and succulence with charming pear fruit flavours. A fatter and broader style, without lacking any acidity. Beautifully hedonistic. M O N TA G N Y 1 E R C R U V I E U X C H ÂT E A U J E A N - M A R C BOILLOT 2013 £239.00/cs inc VAT £19.92/bt inc VAT M O N TA G N Y 1 E R C R U V I E U X C H ÂT E A U J E A N - M A R C BOILLOT 2013 (12 HALVES) M E U R S A U L T C L O S D U C R O M I N PAT R I C K J AV I L L I E R 2 0 1 3 £129.00/cs inc VAT £10.75/bt inc VAT £405.00/cs inc VAT £33.75/bt inc VAT M O N TA G N Y 1 E R C R U V I E U X C H ÂT E A U J E A N - M A R C BOILLOT 2013 (6 MAGS) Coming from a core of vines which average almost 70 years, this is unsurprisingly a very concentrated and complex Meursault Village. Subtle aromas of almonds and Seville oranges, this has a broad creamy texture, with real length and energy. A “must buy” Meursault. £252.00/cs inc VAT £42.00/bt inc VAT One of our most popular wines year in year out from the great Puligny Montrachet grower Jean-Marc Boillot. He has exported his considerable wine making skills to the Côte Chalonnaise vineyards of Montagny. With a very fresh citrus fruit nose this has rounded balanced weight and a soft clementine orange finish. Pure and very rewarding. PULIGNY MONTRACHET JEAN-MARC BOILLOT 2013 £450.00/cs inc VAT £37.50/bt inc VAT The most inviting Puligny Village I tasted during my Primeur tastings in 2014. Fulfilling its potential it is now gracious and honeyed, with a delightful citrus edge. Wonderful purity with elegance and charm on the finish. Delicious. 15 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M PULIGNY MONTRACHET JACQUES CARILLON 2011 (6PK) C H A B L I S G R A N D C R U L E S C L O S D R O I N 2 013 £237.00/cs inc VAT £39.50/bt inc VAT Les Clos is the one vineyard I recommend to anyone seeking top Grand Cru Chablis as it always performs to the highest level. The clay rich soils within this great site produce wines of power, richness and concentration, which allow for incredible ageing potential. An enticing balance between gentle citrus aromas and flavours and a soft honeyed mouthfeel. A real beauty and everything that Puligny should be with great finesse. CHASSAGNE MONTRACHET 1ER CRU CHENEVOTTES BRUNO COLIN 2013 £475.00/cs inc VAT £39.58/bt inc VAT CHARLIE WHIT TINGTON, SALES I always like this cuvée on the borders of Puligny. It balances the bright fresh mineral drive of Puligny, with some textured earthy weight of Chassagne. A really good wine, vibrant and refreshing with lots of beautiful flavours of clementines and lemons, a striking line of minerality and great length. CHASSAGNE MONTRACHET 1ER CRU CLOS S A I N T- J E A N PA U L P I L L O T 2 0 1 2 £480.00/cs inc VAT £40.00/bt inc VAT Floral white fruit aromas, with hints of marzipan and apricots in the palate. This is always a very forward style of 1er Cru giving lovely youthful pleasure. C H A B L I S G R A N D C R U L E S C L O S J E A N - PA U L DROIN 2013 (6PK) £249.00/cs inc VAT £41.50/bt inc VAT This outstanding Grand Cru is naturally a little reserved and reticent in its youth, but has a wonderfully layered texture. Clean, lively, with huge depth and weight on the finish. Undoubtedly a class act. CHASSAGNE MONTRACHET 1ER CRU EN REMILLY MICHEL COLIN-DÉLÉGER 2011 £505.00/cs inc VAT £42.08/bt inc VAT A superb but very small 1er Cru at the border of Le Montrachet, Michel’s holding highlights its qualities. A noticeably structured style finely balancing the opulence of fruit with a crisp freshness. Perfectly balanced and great depth on the finish. PULIGNY MONTRACHET 1ER CRU CHAMP CANET JEAN-MARC BOILLOT 2011 (6PK) C H A S S A G N E M O N T R A C H E T 1E R C R U E N R E M I L LY £310.00/cs inc VAT £51.67/bt inc VAT M I C H E L C O L I N - D É L É G E R 2 0 11 The 1er Cru vineyard of Champ Canet is renowned for making Pulignys with a generosity of fruit and this excellent 2011 is a classic example. It balances a subtle purity for which the village is famed, but finishes warm and honeyed. A hugely charming wine. Michel Colin is now semi-retired, having passed on the bulk of his vineyard holding to his children. He retained his parcels of Chevalier Montrachet, Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Les Demoiselles and this Chassagne Montrachet 1er Cru which sits to the south west of Grand Cru Chevalier Montrachet. The En Remilly 2011 is drinking well now, with plenty of ageing potential. CHASSAGNE MONTRACHET 1ER CRU CHAMP GAIN MICHEL NIELLON 2012 (6PK) £310.00/cs inc VAT £51.67/bt inc VAT Light lime green colour, this is a vibrant and fresh wine, with intense citrus fruits in the palate. Full, concentrated and very energetic on the finish. TOM STO PFO RD SACK VILLE, M ANAGING DIRECTOR 16 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M D OM A I N E H U BERT L A MY Now run by Hubert’s son Olivier, this is one of St Aubin’s most sought-after addresses. The Lamys own some of the best vineyards in St Aubin, some of which are situated just above the Grand Cru ‘Le Montrachet’. They are all well worth seeking out. ‘Les Frionnes’ is a forward style and is delicious in its youth. G E O R G I N A C R A W L E Y, S A L E S Jean-Marc Boillot is a legend in my eyes. He is a top flight grower based in Puligny Montrachet who makes wines that are not only very well priced for the superb quality, but are absolutely delicious. His approachable, fleshy style makes his wines enticing upon release, and in good vintages, also capable of ageing for many years. The Montagny 1er Cru is a personal favourite. J A M E S L O W, S A L E S Jean-Philippe Fichet is quintessentially Burgundian: from a long line of wine-makers, he vinified his first Meursault aged a mere 21 in 1981. From these early beginnings, through hard-work and determination over the past 30 years, he has built his namesake domaine into one of the most respected in Meursault. ARTHUR COGGILL, SALES 17 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M PRETTY IN PINK T H E B E A U T I F U L LY R O L L I N G P R O V E N Ç A L H I L L S H AV E B E C O M E T H E S TA N D A R D B E A R E R F O R G R E AT R O S É AT A L L P R I CE P O I N T S. I suppose it is inevitable that this region of sunshine, beauty and one of France’s most dynamic coastlines running from Marseille, via Cannes and Nice to Monaco, should produce wines to suit its image: fun, frivolous and yet also hugely classy, some a little more discreet than others but always truly delicious. The grape varieties of the Rhône Valley, Syrah, Grenache and Cinsault lend themselves superbly to making forward early drinking pink wines, often delicate in colour, but full of lovely fresh summer fruit flavours, with a subtle bite of freshness. These are the perfect wines to drink young, sitting on a terrace as an aperitif or with antipasti and charcuterie. The more serious wines have the layered flavours and fine structure for drinking all year round, whatever the weather. 18 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M C H S T B A I L L O N R É S E R V E D U C H ÂT E A U C Ô T E S DE PROVENCE ROSÉ 2014 CH LÉOUBE ROSÉ DE LÉOUBE CÔTES DE PROVENCE ROSÉ 2014 (6PK) £119.00/cs inc VAT £9.92/bt inc VAT £89.00/cs inc VAT £14.83/bt inc VAT C H S T B A I L L O N R É S E R V E D U C H ÂT E A U C Ô T E S DE PROVENCE ROSÉ 2014 (6 MAGS) CH LÉOUBE ROSÉ DE LÉOUBE CÔTES DE PROVENCE ROSÉ 2014 (6 MAGS) £128.00/cs inc VAT £21.33/bt inc VAT £188.00/cs inc VAT £31.33/bt inc VAT C H S T B A I L L O N R É S E R V E D U C H ÂT E A U C Ô T E S DE PROVENCE ROSÉ 2014 (1 DBL MAG 300CL) CH LÉOUBE ROSÉ DE LÉOUBE CÔTES DE PROVENCE ROSÉ 2014 (1 DBL MAG 300CL) £65.00/cs inc VAT £65.00/bt inc VAT £87.00/cs inc VAT £87.00/bt inc VAT 2014 was the first vintage for new owners, the Delon family, and what a lovely introduction. Very delicate pale pink colour, this balances elegance with subtle freshness. Incredibly easy to drink and everything that rosé should be. A wonderful Provençale blend of Syrah, Cinsault, Grenache and Mourvèdre, this is a creamy and rounded style of rosé with light strawberry fruit flavours. Deliciously mouth coating with an appealing full finish. WHISPERING ANGEL CÔTES DE PROVENCE ROSÉ C AV E S D ’ E S C L A N S 2 0 1 4 ( 6 P K ) CÔTES DE PROVENCE CLOS MIREILLE ROSÉ DOMAINES OTT 2014 (6PK) £89.00/cs inc VAT £14.83/bt inc VAT £155.00/cs inc VAT £25.83/bt inc VAT WHISPERING ANGEL CÔTES DE PROVENCE ROSÉ C AV E S D ’ E S C L A N S 2 0 1 4 ( 3 M A G S ) Ott makes some of the prettiest and most complex rosés from Provence. Clos Mireille hails from a beautifully placed vineyard located next to the sea. The cool Mediterranean breezes enable the grapes to retain wonderful freshness with lovely notes of raspberries, lemon sorbet and white flowers. A poised wine that will drink beautifully both in its youth or with a year or two of bottle age. £100.00/cs inc VAT £33.33/bt inc VAT Delicate pink colour, with lovely aromas of raspberries and red fruits. This is a wonderfully enticing style with fine volume, a light freshness and gentle harmonious finish. Whispering Angel is reputedly the go-to-wine for Manhattanites holidaying in the Hamptons, and the New York Post has issued dire warnings of “another devastating rosé wine shortage this fall”! We are fortunate to have a modest reserve of Sacha Lichine’s stunning rosé still available. P R E S S R E V I E W: 2 014 DOM AINES OT T CLOS MIREILLE “One of France’s greatest rosés, this Cotes de Provence wine sits in the glass with a gorgeous pale peach color. The 2014 is fresher than previous vintages, with a delicate floral nose and some wild strawberry, finished off with juicy ripe, grapefruit.” W I L L L Y O N S , WA L L S T R E E T J O U R N A L Château Léoube is owned by the founders of Daylesford Organic, renowned for their dedication to environmentally friendly farming. They have brought this natural approach to Provence. Their stunning vineyards are situated amongst the olive groves between Toulon and Saint-Tropez; with every sip you will feel transported to this Provençal idyll. 19 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M FRESH, FRUIT Y & CRUNCHY T H I S I S O U R R E D E Q U I V A L E N T T O ‘ B R I G H T & Z E S T Y ’, W H E R E S I N G L E G R A P E VA R I E T I E S S H O W O F F T H E I R P U R E, F R U I T Y CH A R AC TERS W IT H O U T T H E A D O R N M EN T O F OA K AG EI N G. Explore the varieties of Gamay, Sangiovese, and Pinot Noir in their most direct and approachable forms. Their fine grained, light tannins makes them excellent candidates for serving slightly cooled on a warm day, whilst their up-front approachable red fruit aromas are a great match for juicy burgers, and their fresh acidity will balance with any tomato based dishes wonderfully well. The Monteleccio, from the charming father and daughter team of Giugi and Elisa Sesti, has received kudos from the press, being selected by Jane MacQuitty as one of her ‘50 best red wines for summer’ in The Times. Its easy style and generous Italian fruit make it the perfect pizza wine all year round. Pinot Noir is a versatile grape that finds its home on our ‘Elegant, Scented & Precise’ as well as ‘Smooth, Rich & Spicy’ sections, but here it is all about the vibrant red fruit characters of raspberry and cranberry, with crunchy acidity and a refreshingly fine structure. 20 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M FLEURIE CLOS DE LA ROILETTE 2014 L AW S O N ’ S D R Y H I L L S R E S E R V E P I N O T NOIR 2012 (6PK) £144.00/cs inc VAT £12.00/bt inc VAT £89.00/cs inc VAT £14.83/bt inc VAT From Beaujolais’s most famous Cru, Fleurie, the Clos de la Roilotte is a leading estate. Everything Gamay should be: succulent with lots of open summer fruit flavours, broad and mouth coating, soft gentle tannins, fresh and lively on the finish. Deep purple red colour, this has heady aromas of cherry and raspberry. Hints of chocolate in the mid palate, a generous and full style. This delivers the best of New Zealand Pinot Noir – juicy red fruit, cool climate balance and purity – at a brilliantly affordable price. BOURGOGNE ROUGE CHAMP DE PERDRIX JEAN-PIERRE CHARTON 2013 £149.00/cs inc VAT £12.42/bt inc VAT CHASSAGNE MONTRACHET VIEILLES V I G N E S PA U L P I L L O T 2 0 1 3 Still very youthful but extremely approachable which is very much the characteristic of a Bourgogne Pinot from the Côte Chalonnaise. Masses of pure red fruits, light tannins and dangerously drinkable. £270.00/cs inc VAT £22.50/bt inc VAT Fifty years ago there was more Pinot planted in Chassagne than Chardonnay. With the soft berry fruits and freshness typical of Côte de Beaune reds, this is wonderfully pure and very true to the easy red fruit style of young Pinot Noir. MONTELECCIO IGT CASTELLO DI ARGIANO SESTI 2012 £155.00/cs inc VAT £12.92/bt inc VAT A brilliant value 100% Sangiovese from the wonderful Sesti family in Brunello. Packed with rich, bright cherry fruit and a hint of raspberry on the finish. No need for any ageing, simply delicious. L AW S O N ’S D RY H I L L S P R ES S R E V I E W: PINOT NOIR M O N T E L E CC I O, S E S T I This estate is part of the prestigious New Zealand group, Family of XII, whose commitment to quality has lead the charge in marking this country out as a go-to for enthusiasts seeking real excellence at modest prices. “Starry Sesti has popped up before in the Top 100 and remains one of my all-time favourite Tuscan wine producers. I adored this svelte, ripe, gamey, floral (lots of violets), bitter-cherry and dried cranberry-styled red and so will you.” J A N E FLEURIE For too long overlooked, Beaujolais is making a comeback as a source of genuine quality and character. Fleurie is one of the most respected of the 10 Beaujolais Crus, and as the name suggests, its wines are floral, violet scented, and beguiling. M A C Q U I T T Y, T H E T I M E S . 21 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M E L E G A N T, S C E N T E D & P R E C I S E I N T H E S A M E WAY T H AT ‘ R O U N D & F U L L E R B O D I E D ’ I S T H E D O M A I N O F W H I T E B U R G U N D Y, T H I S A R E A I S M O S T D E F I N I T E L Y T H E H O M E O F G R E A T R E D B U R G U N D Y. The Pinot Noir grape variety is famed for making the most scented and aromatic red wines, with extraordinary purity of fruit. Precision comes from freshness, and the more northerly vineyards of Burgundy benefit from a cool climate. The cool nights help them retain a crisp acidity, which lifts both aromas and flavours. Stylistically within this group we have breadth and range. The southerly vineyards of Mercurey produce beautifully accessible wines, with great appeal, always forward and early drinking. The Côte de Beaune is about vibrancy and red cherry fruit flavours. This is never better reflected than in the wines of Volnay – so full of charm and style. In the north, as one heads up through the Côte de Nuits to Vosne Romanée and Gevrey Chambertin, the wines have denser wild fruit characters, building in concentration and structure. This is a great section for experimentation and discovering the breadth and complexities of myriad styles of fine Pinot Noir, including some excellent examples from further afield. 22 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M MERCUREY VIEILLES VIGNES JEAN-PIERRE CHARTON 2011 S AV I G N Y L È S B E A U N E 1 E R C R U L E S L AV I È R E S CHANDON DE BRIAILLES 2011 £209.00/cs inc VAT £17.42/bt inc VAT £330.00/cs inc VAT £27.50/bt inc VAT Planted in the southern section of the village, these 45 year old vines produce a very open styled wine with gentle strawberry fruits and soft rounded tannins. An easy style ready for drinking. Deep purple colour, this has open bright red wild strawberry aromas. In the palate this is a wine of charm, with subtly sweet fruit flavours, whilst remaining fresh and pure. A very attractive style for mid-term drinking. MERCUREY 1ER CRU LA CHASSIERE JEAN-PIERRE CHARTON 2012 S AV I G N Y L È S B E A U N E A U X G R A N D S LIARDS SIMON BIZE 2010 £245.00/cs inc VAT £20.42/bt inc VAT £370.00/cs inc VAT £30.83/bt inc VAT A very fine cuvée with its deeply strong dark black fruit flavours. This wine has stunning volume and richness and is beautifully approachable in style. Côte Chalonnaise red at its best. Wonderfully open, wild, spiced dark berry fruit aromas. This is a really fine cuvée, balancing richness of fruit, with gentle sweet berry flavours. A full and supple mouth feel with soft tannins and great length on the finish. CHOREY LÈS BEAUNE LA PIÈCE DE CHAPITRE T O L L O T- B E A U T 2 0 1 1 ( 6 P K ) £125.00/cs inc VAT £20.83/bt inc VAT S AV I G N Y L È S B E A U N E 1 E R C R U L E S M A R C O N N E T S SIMON BIZE 2007 The pure spiced dark berry fruit aromas carry through into the palate. Rounded and balanced with softly layered tannins. An appealing and forward drinking wine with class. £375.00/cs inc VAT £31.25/bt inc VAT S AV I G N Y L È S B E A U N E 1 E R C R U L E S M A R C O N N E T S SIMON BIZE 2007 (6 MAGS) £420.00/cs inc VAT £70.00/bt inc VAT M A R S A N N AY L E S L O N G E R O I E S CHARLES AUDOIN 2011 On the southerly edge of the appellation, this is a fulsome wine, with hints of Savigny rusticity. There is a notable intensity of wild dark berry fruits balanced by a Beaunesque restraint. Full, rich, and concentrated on the palate, the finish is long and structured. £260.00/cs inc VAT £21.67/bt inc VAT A powerfully structured Marsannay with tightly knit tannins. This naturally masculine feel is softened by the appealing whole bunch pressed wild strawberry flavours. This finishes very long and with lots of class. VOSNE ROMANÉE VIEILLES VIGNES MAISON ROCHE DE BELLÈNE 2011 £378.00/cs inc VAT £31.50/bt inc VAT A K I T U P I N O T N O I R C E N T R A L O TA G O 2 0 1 3 ( 6 P K ) Very perfumed red fruit aromas, a refined and balanced style with hints of spiced berries. The rounded tannins produce a very complete wine from this famous village. £153.00/cs inc VAT £25.50/bt inc VAT Brilliant bright wild blackberry colour. On the nose there is an array of wonderful spiced cinnamon, hints of white pepper and fresh raspberry fruit. In the palate there is a delicious focus on elegance and completeness, the tannins are beautifully integrated with clean freshness and a long cherry fruit finish. Perfect with lamb and game. GEVREY CHAMBERTIN LOUIS BOILLOT 2012 £384.00/cs inc VAT £32.00/bt inc VAT A gem of a wine, with its vibrantly uplifting floral bright red fruit aromas. This is intense and full with a very long and concentrated finish. Certainly punching well above its village classification weight. FIXIN LE ROZIER CHARLES AUDOIN 2010 £324.00/cs inc VAT £27.00/bt inc VAT A slightly more structured Pinot than Audoin’s wines from Marsannay. This has lovely intensity of crushed raspberries and plums, and the palate is supported by fine grainy tannins. Beginning to drink beautifully now. V O L N AY 1 E R C A R E L L E S S O U S L A C H A P E L L E JOSEPH VOILLOT 2011 £535.00/cs inc VAT £44.58/bt inc VAT A real star in any Voillot flight. Bright strawberry red in colour, there are subtle hints of cinnamon spice and red fruits. A very mouth coating style, balancing breadth of fruit with a refined silky fruit texture. Gentle acidity and gorgeous sweetness on the finish. High class wine from this lower lying, but superbly positioned 1er Cru. B L A C K Q U A I L E S TAT E P I N O T N O I R 2 0 1 2 ( 6 P K ) £165.00/cs inc VAT £27.50/bt inc VAT Brilliant bright ruby colour. This has beautifully expressive aromas of loganberries and wild berry fruits. It has a fine natural intensity, plush tannins, rounded and full in the mid palate, with great length and drive on the finish. Delicious. GEVREY CHAMBERTIN DENIS MORTET 2011 £540.00/cs inc VAT £45.00/bt inc VAT Spiced black cherry and wild strawberry aromas. This is a finely focused wine with its carefully crafted fruit enhanced with rounded ripe tannins and open freshness. This wine finishes with lovely long sweet black fruit flavours and is full of generosity. 23 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M GEVREY CHAMBERTIN 1ER CRU CRAIPILLOTS DROUHIN LAROZE 2011 £540.00/cs inc VAT £45.00/bt inc VAT With only 3 proprietors making this 1er Cru, it is relatively unknown. Close to the village, it is a classical Gevrey, with its strong brooding wild berry fruit flavours and firmer tannic structure. Consistently reliable and deserves greater recognition. V O L N AY 1 E R C R U E N C H A M P A N S J O S E P H VOILLOT 2011 £545.00/cs inc VAT £45.42/bt inc VAT Considered by the elder statesman in the village as Volnay’s most classic 1er Cru and the very epitome of what the appellation is all about. As one would expect for a wine of this stature, it is still a little backward and will benefit from an hour or two in a decanter. A full, concentrated style, with a central line of minerality and structured tannins on the finish giving a feeling of power and depth. CHAMBOLLE MUSIGNY 1ER CRU LES SENTIERS MAISON ROCHE DE BELLÈNE 2012 (6PK) £315.00/cs inc VAT £52.50/bt inc VAT A more Morey style of Chambolle, sitting at the foot of Bonnes Mares. Brilliant bright red cherry characteristics, this is a bright and lively wine with appealing freshness and depth. CORTON BRESSANDES GRAND CRU CHANDON DE BRIAILLES 2006 £645.00/cs inc VAT £53.75/bt inc VAT CORTON BRESSANDES GR AND CRU CHANDON DE BRIAILLES 2006 From the mid slopes of the hill of Corton, Grand Cru Bressandes always makes very giving wines. This is a full and concentrated Pinot with hints of earthy rusticity. At nine years old it is reaching optimum maturity and is a great example of the wild gamey flavours of top reds from the Côte de Beaune. What can I say, a mature Grand Cru from a producer of this quality for under £54 per bottle, simply unbelievable value. C AT H ER I N E PE TR I E, BUYI N G GEVREY CHAMBERTIN 1ER CRU LES CORBEAUX CHRISTIAN SÉRAFIN 2008 £650.00/cs inc VAT £54.17/bt inc VAT A gentle giant, this 2008 impresses with its weighty feel, but its core of ripe sweetness is seductive and soft. Notably complex and concentrated with an impressively long finish. V O L N AY 1 E R C R U M I T A N S B E N J A M I N LEROUX 2012 (6PK) £335.00/cs inc VAT £55.83/bt inc VAT A plump rich nose of vanilla pods and plums. In the palate this is rounded and harmonious with a delicious volume of fruit and a sensationally long finish. Very classy indeed. CLOS DE VOUGEOT GRAND CRU DROUHIN LAROZE 2011 (6PK) £480.00/cs inc VAT £80.00/bt inc VAT A very traditional styled Clos de Vougeot, full of masculine power and structure. This is intense and concentrated with earthy bramble fruit flavours. A wine that will age well and highlight the Clos’ well-deserved reputation. 24 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M For those of you who have not drunk the wines of Domaine Simon Bize, you are missing out! They are quite simply delicious. They use whole bunch pressing which gives the wines a lovely sweet fruit character. We work closely with the Domaine and are fortunate to have some good volumes of mature stock. J A M I E S T R U T T, S A L E S P R ES S R E V I E W: DOM AINE CHARTON A K I T U P I N O T N O I R 2 013 2013 is the vintage of a generation in Central Otago: “Aromatic black cherry fruit with spice and teasing sage and thyme undertones, some spice too; quite intense fruit – summer pudding – with great clarity, marked bite of acidity and fine tannins…” 95/100 points, Peter McCombie, Decanter Magazine This Côte Chalonnaise domaine is a real find. JeanPierre and his son Vincent make wonderfully friendly wines that offer all the appeal of juicy Pinot Noir, with none of the rusticity occasionally found in Mercurey. The Bourgogne has wonderful concentration; it is quite simply superb for the price. The Mercurey VV and 1er Cru are complex, pure and delicious. Highly recommended. J A M E S L O W, S A L E S PRESS REVIEW New Zealand wine critic, Raymond Chan, scores B L A C K Q U A I L P I N O T N O I R 2 012 5 stars: “This has a soft, full and voluminous bouquet with a deep and elegantly presented core of concentrated black cherry and savoury dark red berry fruits, harmoniously infused with aromas of dark and dried herb perfumes and complexities, revealing nuances of oak toast. This is a densely concentrated, soft-textured Pinot.” 25 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M BORDE AUX CL ASSICS G R E AT B O R D E A U X , A N D I N PA R T I C U L A R C A B E R N E T S A U V I G N O N , BENEFITS FROM BOT TLE AGE. Bordeaux Classics consists in the majority of wines with five years age or more, when some of the more powerful tannins soften and the richness of fruit has the opportunity to express itself truly. The key grape varieties in this section are Cabernet Sauvignon (power and structure), Cabernet Franc (freshness), Merlot (sweetness and succulence), and Petit Verdot (boldness and breadth). The majority of these wines are a blend of some of these varieties, if not all of them. They highlight the nuances and complexity that can be achieved by blending. While not necessarily more sophisticated than single varietal wines, these can often be more layered and are fascinating to watch develop. If structure is what you are looking for, this is an excellent place to go… 26 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M C O M T E S D E TA S T E S B O R D E A U X 2 0 0 9 CH SÉNÉJAC CRU BOURGEOIS SUPÉRIEUR H A U T- M É D O C 2 0 1 0 £95.00/cs inc VAT £7.92/bt inc VAT £198.00/cs inc VAT £16.50/bt inc VAT An excellent value claret, this 2009 opens up with ample sweet bramble fruits and savoury undertones. Velvety and smooth. Ch Sénéjac is one the Haut-Médoc’s most consistent estates as highlighted by this excellent 2010. Richly coloured and mouthfilling with a palate full of sweet plums, blackcurrants and chocolate. This has notable density and concentration and is reminiscent of the 2005 but with a bit more edgy power. CH BELLEVUE GAZIN 2010 (6PK) £55.00/cs inc VAT £9.17/bt inc VAT For those who worry that Bordeaux only focuses on the premium end, this is a wine to restore confidence in the region’s ability to produce some of the finest price quality ratio wines in the world. A well-structured wine, ideal for current drinking balancing strong rounded tannins with succulent red fruit flavours. Intense without being excessive. A wine of tremendous harmony. CH HAUT PLANTEY GRAND CRU ST EMILION 2010 £240.00/cs inc VAT £20.00/bt inc VAT Bordering Ch Troplong Mondot this is the last vintage where the vineyard’s fruit was sold as a whole under the Château label. Since then the Thienponts have bought the estate and created their new St Emilion wine L’If. A traditional styled St Emilion with a fine feeling of earthy fruits and truffles; this is appealingly complex and very rewarding. CH LA FLEUR COTERIE BORDEAUX 2010 £115.00/cs inc VAT £9.58/bt inc VAT CH LA FLEUR COTERIE BORDEAUX 2010 (6 MAGS) £125.00/cs inc VAT £20.83/bt inc VAT C H P AV E I L D E L U Z E C R U B O U R G E O I S S U P É R I E U R MARGAUX 2010 This is a stunning follow on to the wonderful 2009 vintage. This 2010 is slightly weightier than previous vintages but is every bit as drinkable. A perennial Goedhuis favourite. £258.00/cs inc VAT £21.50/bt inc VAT This superbly structured 2010 balances power with the classic charm of Margaux. Ample layers of sweet, red berry fruit flesh out the palate while its velvety tannins carry through to its notable finish. C H L A G O R R E H A U T- M É D O C 2 0 0 9 £160.00/cs inc VAT £13.33/bt inc VAT LA RÉSERVE DE LÉOVILLE BARTON ST JULIEN 2008 The charm of 2009 has always been its opulent rich dark fruits and this lesser known Haut-Médoc highlights these characteristics in every way. Intensely opaque inky colour, this is full of summer pudding flavours. It is richly opulent, with a fine feeling of sweet dark fruits on the finish. A very versatile claret. £263.00/cs inc VAT £21.92/bt inc VAT The Barton style is for wines of masculinity and power, and whilst the Grand Vin requires patience, this 2nd wine matures a little more quickly and highlights why this great estate has become one of the Médoc’s most sought after in recent years. C H H A U T B E R N AT P U I S S E G U I N S T E M I L I O N 2 0 1 0 £165.00/cs inc VAT £13.75/bt inc VAT CH DE FONBEL ST EMILION 2009 C H H A U T B E R N AT P U I S S E G U I N S T E M I L I O N 2 0 1 0 (6 MAGS) £268.00/cs inc VAT £22.33/bt inc VAT £180.00/cs inc VAT £30.00/bt inc VAT Brilliant ruby colour. This relatively unsung St Emilion owned by the Vauthier family of Ch Ausone has delicious sweet plum fruit aromas, with lovely broad volume of juicy ripe fruit flavours in the palate. This has subtle depth without being power-packed, and a refreshing touch of acidity on the finish. Good, long, and a fine reminder of how rewarding St Emilion wines can be. This small 6 ha estate highlights the charm of the Merlot grape variety in the best vintages. Sweet open plum fruit flavours, this is a hugely layered wine, with a soft velvety tannic structure. It is very long and shows the great appeal of the satellite areas around St Emilion. P AV I L L O N D E L É O V I L L E P O Y F E R R É S T J U L I E N 2 0 1 1 C H M O N TA I G U I L L O N M O N TA G N E S T E M I L I O N 2 0 1 1 £275.00/cs inc VAT £22.92/bt inc VAT £174.00/cs inc VAT £14.50/bt inc VAT P AV I L L O N D E L É O V I L L E P O Y F E R R É S T J U L I E N 2 0 1 1 (6 MAGS) C H M O N TA I G U I L L O N M O N TA G N E S T E M I L I O N 2 0 1 1 (6 MAGS) £285.00/cs inc VAT £47.50/bt inc VAT £192.00/cs inc VAT £32.00/bt inc VAT This is the 2nd wine of Ch Léoville Poyferré and an absolute beauty. It has open succulent dark black fruit flavours, with subtle hints of vanilla pod and spice. The tannins are softly layered and the wine finishes with a moreish juicy richness. A Montagne St Emilion which always punches above its weight. From the delightfully charming Chantal Amat, this is a wine of great structure, with layered dark black fruit flavours and rounded tannins. Long and full this would be perfect with roast beef. 27 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M CH MOULIN RICHE ST JULIEN 2010 £28.00/cs inc VAT £23.33/bt inc VAT CH MOULIN RICHE ST JULIEN 2010 (6 MAGS) £290.00/cs inc VAT £48.33/bt inc VAT From the Cuvelier family, proprietors of Léoville Poyferré, this is an incredibly delicious 2010. Deeply coloured with a lush palate of raspberries and blackberries, it subtly reveals its powerful core by gently unfolding its concentrated, ripe and velvety tannins. Polished and smooth. CH COS LABORY 5ÈME CRU ST ESTÈPHE 2009 (6PK) £182.00/cs inc VAT £30.33/bt inc VAT Neighbour to Ch Cos d’Estournel, this is as benchmark a St Estèphe as one could get at a sensible Cru Classé price. It has weight and structure with strong brooding fruit flavours. This is fulfilling its potential; a class act now at its peak of drinking. Margaux is the most feminine of the major Bordeaux appellations, calling to mind elegance and perfume, violets, pure cassis notes and suave silky tannins. From one of the most celebrated vintages this century, the Ch Paveil de Luze 2010 is a brilliant introduction to the commune. CH GLORIA CRU BOURGEOIS ST JULIEN 2006 £378.00/cs inc VAT £31.50/bt inc VAT Jean-Louis Triaud, the manager and part owner of both Gloria and St. Pierre, is delivering fantastic results at both châteaux. The 2006 has enticing notes of blueberry, blackberry and chocolate. The palate is discreet and structured, with good balance and length. P H I L I P PA W R I G H T, M A R K E T I N G C H B ATA I L L E Y 5 È M E C R U PA U I L L A C 2 0 1 0 £420.00/cs inc VAT £35.00/bt inc VAT A superb Ch Batailley, the pure fresh berry aromas follow beautifully through into the palate. A wine of great balance, not too powerful, whilst nicely concentrated. This is a very fine Pauillac and a superb example of the well-structured fruit characteristics of this great vintage. Wonderful if decanted in its youth, but has the potential to age for years to come. CH LAGRANGE 3ÈME CRU ST JULIEN 2007 £440.00/cs inc VAT £36.67/bt inc VAT The naturally powerful structure that is such an important characteristic of Ch Lagrange’s wines helps to create a delicious 2007 with lovely substance of spiced plump fruit flavours and an appealing sweetness on the finish. This is a great example of why 2007 is one of Bordeaux’s most appealing current drinking vintages. CH CANON 1ER GRAND CRU CLASSÉ ST EMILION 2008 £510.00/cs inc VAT £42.50/bt inc VAT Beautiful violet fruit aromas. This is a wonderfully polished wine highlighting this extraordinary Château’s outstanding breeding. A silky harmonious style, with masses of finesse and a long fresh finish. Very fine. CH CANON 2008 Under the ownership of Chanel‘s Wertheimer brothers since 1996, this beautiful château sits on the top of the limestone plateau above St Emilion. With plenty of investment under the shrewd management of John Kolasa, Canon is making one the great wines in St Emilion once again. The 2008 is approachable now, but wouldn’t mind another year or two in the cellar. CH GISCOURS 3ÈME CRU MARGAUX 2005 £720.00/cs inc VAT £60.00/bt inc VAT The 2005 will give previous vintages a run for their money. Dark and brooding with chocolate and blackcurrant flavours, it is deep and pensive – more St. Julien in style than Margaux. A wine that the Wine Spectator suggests may be their “best ever”. TO M S TO PF O R D SACK VI L L E, M A N AG I N G D I REC TO R 28 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M L A RÉSERVE DE LÉOVILLE BARTON ST JULIEN 2008 It is no secret that shrewd customers seek out quality and pedigree by keeping a firm eye on the 2nd wines of the 2nd Growths. This is quite a sturdy St Julien, one that excites the palate with its core of intense dark fruits. The 2008 La Réserve is drinking exceptionally well today. J A M E S L O W, S A L E S BIG BOT TLES We love large formats at Goedhuis, and what’s better than large format claret? To find our range of magnums, double magnums, and jeroboams from the Haut-Médoc, St Julien, and St Emilion don’t miss the Big Bottles list on page 40. Pull the cork on any of these at a dinner party and you’ll have a very happy table. ARTHUR COGGILL, SALES CH H AU T B ER N AT P U IS S E G U I N S T E M I L I O N 2 010 CH L AGR ANGE 20 07 One overlooks 2007 claret at one’s peril: certainly there are grander vintages but approaching its tenth birthday 2007 Lagrange is a joy. Plump fruit, ripe but unobtrusive tannins and a finish that sates the palate all furnish this wine with an elegance that is unmistakeably St Julien. Delicious. TO BY H ER BERTS O N, BRO K I N G This superb value wine displays irresistible plum, black cherry and blackcurrant fruit, layered with a soft tannic structure and delicate toasted oak. This 6 hectare vineyard, situated on hilly terrain 5 miles north-east of the town of St Emilion, is planted almost exclusively with Merlot. The wines are matured in oak barrels (50% new) for 12 months. Great in bottle and magnificent in magnum. M I K E C L A P P, S A L E S 29 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M SMO OTH, RICH & SPICY I F YO U L O V E T H E F U L L B O D I E D, H E D O N I S T I C R E D S O F T H E R H Ô N E V A L L E Y, I T A L Y, A N D S P A I N , L O O K N O F U R T H E R . The Mediterranean sunshine beats down on the vineyards, and late maturing red varieties achieve stunning ripeness, with peppery aromas and long, sumptuous structure. A selection of juicy, succulent Rhône wines highlight the open generosity of fruit from local grape varieties, Grenache, Mourvèdre, Cinsault and Carignan, and the white pepper spice of Syrah. A little further south into Spain we reach the great historic vineyards of Rioja, where Tempranillo and Grenache, known locally as Garnacha, play such an important role. These wines always possess a smooth, velvety texture with supple tannins, gentle acidity and charming flavours of vanilla pod, plum and red cherry. Spicier, fuller bodied Premiers Crus Red Burgundies find a happy home amongst these enduringly popular Old World blockbusters. These really are the wines to see you through the depths of British winter, and on into spring, keeping you warm at the fireside or enjoyed with new season lamb. On into Italy and the most picturesque of viticultural regions: Tuscany, where Sangiovese is king. Brunello and Chianti epitomise all that is smooth, rich and spicy, with firm acidity, crunchy tannins, and are joyous to drink. 30 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M MINERVOIS DOMAINE ST JACQUES D’ALBAS 2013 (6PK) A M A N C AYA G R A N R E S E R VA B O D E G A C A R O 2 0 1 2 ( 6 P K ) £89.00/cs inc VAT £14.83/bt inc VAT £54.00/cs inc VAT £9.00/bt inc VAT Deep shining opaque colour, on the nose there is an explosion of dark berry fruits. A full and concentrated wine, without being excessive or forced. Great drive and purity, with lovely sweetness of dark fruits and subtle hints of fresh mint and liquorice. A great choice for classic steak! Dense, dark opaque colour. Full of ripe unctuous black fruits on the nose. In the mouth this balances succulence with easy depth, hints of spice and flavoursome wild bramble fruits. A lovely pleasurable wine. C O R B I È R E S C H ÂT E A U L A B A S T I D E R O U G E 2 0 1 2 MÉGAPHONE VENTOUX VIGNOBLES BRUNIER 2012 £112.00/cs inc VAT £9.33/bt inc VAT £179.00/cs inc VAT £14.92/bt inc VAT A very soft appealing style of Corbières. A blend of Grenache, Syrah and Mourvèdre, this has depth and spice with a succulence and generosity. A hugely versatile red wine for all occasions. This tiny 1 hectare vineyard in the Ventoux is a lovely addition to the Brunier family’s portfolio. A gorgeously intense wine with a silky tannic structure. An open wine with bags of fruit which will give a huge amount of pleasure. 70% Grenache 30% Syrah. CÔTES DU RHÔNE RÉSERVE PERRIN 2013 £119.00/cs inc VAT £9.92/bt inc VAT GIGONDAS LA TOUR SARRAZINE LE CLOS DES CAZAUX 2011 CÔTES DU RHÔNE RÉSERVE PERRIN 2013 (6 MAGS) £185.00/cs inc VAT £15.42/bt inc VAT £129.00/cs inc VAT £21.50/bt inc VAT This Gigondas seems to have it all – a wonderful core of sweetness, round tannins, rich fruit flavours and fresh acidity. Opulent notes of dark chocolate with ripe red cherries and savoury undertones add depth and layers of fruit while it finishes lively and lifted. A characterful wine that remains balanced and focused. Dense dark blackberry colour. A lovely full unctuous wine from one of the most famous families in Châteauneuf. Nothing is forced in this charming wine, with its flavours of summer fruits and hints of white pepper. A very giving and easy going style; everything Côtes du Rhône should be. CHIANTI CLASSICO RIECINE 2012 (6PK) PEÑA ALDERA RIOJA CRIANZA BODEGAS JALÓN 2010 £96.00/cs inc VAT £16.00/bt inc VAT £135.00/cs inc VAT £11.25/bt inc VAT We just can’t get enough of this outstanding Chianti from Sean O’Callaghan at Riecine. Bright red cherry flavours, this is a fine balance between richness, power and bright freshness. A wine which has the potential to develop even further. Crianza indicates a wine that has been aged for at least a year in oak, as opposed to the more onerous ageing requirements of Reserva and Gran Reserva. This is quite a dense opaque colour with lovely smoky aromas of vanilla and spice, an appealing velvety texture and lots of rich plum flavours. R O S S O D I M O N TA L C I N O C A S T E L L O D I A R G I A N O SESTI 2012 £204.00/cs inc VAT £17.00/bt inc VAT C R O Z E S H E R M I TA G E É T I E N N E B A R R E T 2 0 1 2 £143.00/cs inc VAT £11.92/bt inc VAT Always a lovely wine from the inimitable Giugi Sesti and his charming daughter Elisa. Very pure nose, blackcurrant and cherry on the palate, smooth and mellow. Truly a baby Brunello from the charming 2012 vintage. A full and structured Syrah from the thoughtful Etienne Pochon of Château de Curson. Plump and concentrated, this has weighted dark berry fruit flavours. A quality Crozes Hermitage. TA S S I N A I A C A S T E L L O D E L T E R R I C C I O 2 0 0 9 ( 6 P K ) VA C Q U E Y R A S C U V É E S T R O C H L E C L O S D E S CAZAUX 2011 £138.00/cs inc VAT £23.00/bt inc VAT £159.00/cs inc VAT £13.25/bt inc VAT With its dense, rich dark plum and cherry flavours and a hint of menthol and eucalyptus there is lots to like about this warm, rounded Tuscan classic. If you love Bordeaux, there are definite similarities to be had with some of the better left bank chateaux; if you enjoy the leading ‘Super Tuscans’ centred just to south, it sits very much in this league. VA C Q U E Y R A S C U V É E S T R O C H L E C L O S D E S CAZAUX 2011 (6 MAGS) £168.00/cs inc VAT £28.00/bt inc VAT Jean-Michel Vache has hit the jackpot again. This balances strong southern Rhône gamey black fruit flavours, with a feeling of refinement and class. A stunning wine which has the ability to age further. C H ÂT E A U N E U F D U PA P E F O N T D E M I C H E L L E 2004 (6PK) £144.00/cs inc VAT £24.00/bt inc VAT P E Ñ A A L D E R A R I O J A R E S E R VA B O D E G A S JALÓN 2009 (6PK) The Gonnet family’s wines just get better and better. Lovely rich full mature gamey red fruit flavours. This is an intense and robust style with strong mature aged rusticity. Excellent length and fine concentration. £87.00/cs inc VAT £14.50/bt inc VAT A fine follow-up to the delicious 2007. Intensely opaque in colour, on the nose there are hints of peppery spice and vanilla. A creamy dark berried palate with a long lingering finish. Delicious. 31 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M L A R I O J A A L T A R I O J A G R A N R E S E R VA 904 2005 (6PK) £180.00/cs inc VAT £30.00/bt inc VAT Ruby brick in colour. A very classy Reserva, with hints of vanilla pod, spice and plum fruits. Tremendous refinement with an easy silky texture on the finish. At ten years old, this is absolutely at its peak. LA GIOIA RIECINE 2011 (6PK) £239.00/cs inc VAT £39.83/bt inc VAT This prestige cuvée from our favourite producer in Chianti is a real delight. A deep ruby colour, this has a fine mix of aromas between ripe plums, fresh white truffles and spice. A good intense palate, with a firm central core, the volume of fruit supports the structure of tannins and has great length on the finish. Masses of class. GEVREY CHAMBERTIN 1ER CRU LES CHAMPEAUX MAISON ROCHE DE BELLÈNE 2009 £570.00/cs inc VAT £47.50/bt inc VAT Earthy and dark, the 2009 Champeaux delivers brooding flavours of black cherries, treacle and warming vanilla spice. It has impressive concentration, smooth tannins and a long, elegant finish. A very good wine from a top quality vintage. Bravo Nicolas! C H ÂT E A U N E U F D U PA P E C L O S D E S PA P E S P A U L AV R I L 2 0 1 1 ( 6 P K ) £298.00/cs inc VAT £49.67/bt inc VAT SESTI, CASTELLO DI ARGIANO Rich and dark in colour with strong aromas of white pepper and cassis fruits. In the mouth there is a hugely appealing wild gamey fruit character with a touch of liquorice supported by weight and depth provided by the heavier and fuller Mourvèdre variety. Already delicious, this will age extremely well and is very fine. Located in the hills of Tuscany, their vineyards are enviably positioned on the southern slopes of Montalcino, where some of the most prestigious Brunello comes from. The maestro behind the estate’s success is Giuseppe Maria “Giugi” Sesti. Assisted by his daughter Elisa, he has established an impressive international reputation. They produce some of the most sumptuous wines made from the Sangiovese grape variety, with delicious flavours of ripe juicy berry fruit with a spice and cherry finish. POMMARD 1ER CRU CLOS DES EPENOTS DOMAINE DE COURCEL 2008 £695.00/cs inc VAT £57.92/bt inc VAT Beautifully succulent wild berry aromas. A wine highlighting the structure and freshness of the 2008 vintage. Undoubtedly Pommard’s most refined 1er Cru, this delicious wine reveals exquisite levels of finesse. This is a wine entering its peak of maturity and a lovely example of the domaine’s quality. M I K E C L A P P, S A L E S NUITS ST GEORGES 1ER CLOS DES FORÊTS S T G E O R G E S D O M A I N E D E L’ A R L O T 2 0 0 9 £695.00/cs inc VAT £57.92/bt inc VAT One of our perennial favourites for its pronounced density and meaty core, the 2009 follows suit with previous vintages… and then some. Dark, velvety and spicy, it opens up with aromatic and heady scents of clove and star anise before diving into its palate of plush dark fruit. P R ES S R E V I E W: C H I A N T O C L A S S I C O R I E C I N E 2 012 “Bright ruby and transparent, yet you find yourself searching the glass for a skeleton, skate-wing bones of neatly structured and delicate tannins fanning out through the fruit. Fine, focused and extremely drinkable. 93 points. Drink 2015–2022.” E M I LY O ’ H A R E, D E C A N T E R M A G A Z I N E 32 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M I have a soft spot for La Rioja Alta. Having spent some time down there, their wines have certainly left a lasting impression on me. They receive glowing awards and reviews from many of the top critics. The wines are classic and in the finest tradition of Rioja. HUGO MCMULLEN, SALES P R ES S R E V I E W: L A R I OJA A LTA R I OJA G R A N R E S E R VA 9 0 4 2 0 0 5 “Usually my favorite wine from La Rioja Alta and 2005 is one of its best showings, going back to the quality of the vintages of the 1950s and 60s. The nose is very balsamic with notes of camphor, hints of mint, leather and hung game wrapped around a core of cherries in liqueur. Together it is balanced, subtle, truly elegant and classical…” 96 points, LU IS G U T I ERRE Z, T H E W I N E A DVO C ATE FONT DE MICHELLE Font de Michelle’s Châteauneuf is an elegant, restrained southern Rhône, which stands apart from the crowd. The blend is predominately Grenache which gives it some really enticing sweet fruit flavours with hints of spice. This 2004, and the large formats on page 42, are great food wines and represent terrific value for money. J A M I E S T R U T T, S A L E S Tuscany is on a formidable roll at the moment having enjoyed a consistently fine run of vintages since 2004. This can partly be attributed to the rising status of the ‘Super Tuscan’ producers centred around the village of Bolgheri on the south west coast, while further inland the producers of Chianti and Montalcino can also lay claim to some stunning recent releases. This is my go to area for value and quality. TAS S I N A I A C AS T EL LO D EL T ER R I CCI O 20 09 CHARLIE WHIT TINGTON, SALES C AT H ER I N E PE TR I E, BUYI N G Emulating the great ‘Super Tuscan’ wines of neighbouring Bolgheri, Tassinaia combines the classic Bordeaux varieties of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, lifted by a touch of Tuscan charm from 15% Sangiovese. The wine has the tannic structure of an impressive left bank Bordeaux estate, with the juicy red fruit of a top Chianti Classico. 33 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M BRILLIANT BUBBLES WH O NEEDS AN E XCUSE TO P OP THE CORK O N A BOT TLE OF BUBBLES? Here is a range of levels and styles, from a dangerously drinkable Prosecco, through the Champagne Grandes Marques with their signature non-vintage cuvées, up to the most sought after celebrated prestige vintage releases. We are also delighted to launch our new house Champagne, Paul Goerg. This mini co-operative in the Côte des Blancs is the result of eight small growers pooling resources, and producing Champagne of excellent quality at a very forgiving price tag. The Blanc de Blancs is surely unbeatable at the price. After hunting high and low for an English Sparkling wine, we are convinced the Nyetimber 2010 is the best of the current releases out there. If the occasion calls for a vintage Champagne, the 2008 Pol Roger Blanc de Blancs is the small family owned house’s best kept secret, while Cristal 2007 and Dom Perignon 2005 have been lauded by critics and are an occasion in themselves. 34 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M PROSECCO SUPERIORE EXTRA DRY CONEGLIANO VA L D O B B I A D E N E B I A N C A V I G N A N V ( 6 P K ) LOUIS ROEDERER BRUT PREMIER NV (6PK) £210.00/cs inc VAT £35.00/bt inc VAT £75.00/cs inc VAT £12.50/bt inc VAT LOUIS ROEDERER BRUT PREMIER NV (3 MAGS) £239.00/cs inc VAT £79.67/bt inc VAT We have been working with Elena and Luca at Bianca Vigna for several years and the quality of their Prosecco highlights why these stunning sparklers have become a firm Goedhuis favourite. Soft and creamy with notes of fresh almond, pear and apple, it is refined and pure. Everything a good Prosecco should be. It finishes with lemon zest and mineral notes. Delicious. LOUIS ROEDERER BRUT PREMIER NV (1 JERO 300CL) £185.00/cs inc VAT £185.00/bt inc VAT This acclaimed Champagne house remains a family run operation, and consistently delivers one of the very best non-vintage blends, with a high proportion of Pinot Noir. This has a rich, creamy consistency with a lovely lemon clean finish. A small proportion is matured in oak cask, and the wine spends 3 years on lees before disgorgement. This ageing process, combined with a high proportion of reserve wine in the final blend, gives this wine excellent complexity and definition. PA U L G O E R G B R U T R É S E R V E N V ( 6 P K ) £129.00/cs inc VAT £21.50/bt inc VAT This fine blend of 60% Chardonnay and 40% Pinot Noir benefits from 3 years sur lattes ageing to allow the Chardonnay to express itself truly. Gentle lemon colour, with open brioche aromas which follow through into the palate to give a creamy citrus freshness on the finish. RUINART BLANC DE BLANCS NV (6PK) £283.00/cs inc VAT £47.17/bt inc VAT Lime yellow colour. Beautifully fresh with pure citrus fruit aromas and hints of clementines. A delicious Champagne, with a delicate mousse balancing charm with breadth of flavours. Full of stone fruits, hints of white peaches and soft tropical flavours, very harmonious with elegance and length on the finish. PA U L G O E R G P R E M I E R C R U B L A N C DE BLANCS NV (6PK) £156.00/cs inc VAT £26.00/bt inc VAT The 2009 vintage forms the base of this outstanding Blanc de Blancs from the 1er Cru vineyards of Vertus. Brilliant, bright lemon colour, this balances citrus fruits, with flavours of rich tea biscuits and Jersey cream. A very pure style, with length, breadth and complexity. BILLECART SALMON BRUT ROSÉ NV (6PK) £335.00/cs inc VAT £55.83/bt inc VAT The most elegant of all pink Champagnes, this is everything that a great rosé should be. The delicate pink colour is supported by gentle aromas of light strawberries and red fruits. In the palate, it has beautifully open red fruit flavours, with a gentle freshness and crisp acidity. A very appealing open style and perfect for lifting the spirits! NYETIMBER BRUT CLASSIC CUVÉE 2010 (6PK) £174.00/cs inc VAT £29.00/bt inc VAT Bright golden colour, this is a really classy example of English sparkling wine at its best. With pronounced nutty aromas, a weighted and intense style, this coats the mouth with tremendous breadth. Rich and full, balanced with lots of freshness on the finish. A great ambassador for English wines. P O L R O G E R B L A N C D E B L A N C S V I N TA G E 2 0 0 8 ( 6 P K ) £390.00/cs inc VAT £65.00/bt inc VAT On the nose it has a classic Blanc de Blancs aroma of toasted brioche, burnt lemon and crisp Braeburn apple, cut through with a hint of salinity. The palate is rich and concentrated, with a moreish crisp lemon sherbet and fresh quince tang. This is seriously well balanced with the lively acidity carrying through to the stunningly long finish. PA U L G O E R G P R E M I E R C R U B R U T MILLÉSIMÉ 2005 (6PK) £180.00/cs inc VAT £30.00/bt inc VAT Golden yellow in colour, there are hints of white peaches and fresh cream. Very broad in style, with an appealing nuttiness on the finish. A high class 2005 at a very sensible price. DOM PÉRIGNON 2005 (6PK) £590.00/cs inc VAT £93.33/bt inc VAT BILLECART SALMON BRUT RÉSERVE NV (6PK) A truly explosive wine, from the minute you smell it, with its beautiful and giving creamy aromas, supported by hints of citrus and ripe white fruit carrying through into the palate. It is like watching a young Christiano Ronaldo on the football field, its exuberance and class jump out at you… a very exciting wine: just a stunning glass of Champagne. Fine in its mousse, very giving in its fruit characters, with hints of white peach and apricot, coated with a subtle nutty texture. It may not necessarily have the age worthiness of the 2002 but as a prestige cuvée, ready for immediate drinking, this is most definitely the one to go for. A simply delicious wine. £199.00/cs inc VAT £33.17/bt inc VAT This classic blend of Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay is deeply structured for a non-vintage cuvée. Brilliant golden straw colour, it possesses a lovely weight of fruit without being overpowering. A wine which fills the mouth focusing on its broad fruit flavours. Its complexity on the finish reflects an additional period of bottle age which provides added length and class. POL ROGER WHITE FOIL BRUT NV (6PK) £199.00/cs inc VAT £33.17/bt inc VAT L O U I S R O E D E R E R C R I S TA L 2 0 0 7 ( 6 P K ) £700.00/cs inc VAT £116.67/bt inc VAT Favoured by Winston Churchill and with a huge UK fan base, this fresh lively appealing dry non-vintage is Chardonnay dominated and extremely consistent. Three years’ ageing adds complexity with wonderfully creamy bubbles. Fresh and elegant. Gentle golden yellow colour, with fine bubbles in the glass. This outstanding Champagne has a broad and concentrated mouth-feel. Initial white fruit flavours of peaches and pears follow through into hints caramel and hazelnuts. Delicious persistence of mousse and great length on the finish. 35 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M Part of the Moët Hennessey stable, Ruinart consistently produces enormously satisfying champagnes. From their non-vintage range to Dom Ruinart, the wines are at once elegant and powerful, generous but hinting at more, moreish and all too soon, gone! Their non vintage Blanc de Blancs is as beguiling an expression of Chardonnay as one might find outside the Côte d’Or. TO BY H ER BERTS O N, BRO K I N G Louis Roederer is without question one of the great Champagne Houses, famed for their prestige cuvée, Cristal. We are incredibly proud to be one of their chosen UK ambassadors. Their flagship wine is the Brut Premier NV which is seriously delicious. The Rouzaud family ensure that quality remains at the heart of this much loved Grande Marque. J A M I E S T R U T T, S A L E S 36 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M POL ROGER BLANC DE BLANCS 2008 Unlike the 2002, which had several more years on it when we tried it, the 2008 is still on the young side. However don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s not ready yet. Its youthful pale lemon-gold hue belies its tremendous intensity and down-right deliciousness. The most exciting aspect of its age is that it’s only just entered its drinking window! ARTHUR COGGILL, SALES I am convinced we should all be drinking more vintage Champagne. Dom Perignon is iconic; legendary even. In its infancy it shows finesse combined with power and an intensity of fruit; as it ages, it gains the depth and complexity of any great Grand Cru White Burgundy. The small team behind this great Champagne are always looking to push themselves further and with each vintage, to reveal the wine’s soul, giving the drinker a chance to experience the true character of each year. G E O R G I N A C R A W L E Y, S A L E S O U R N E W H O U S E C H A M PAG N E We are so excited to be introducing Champagne Paul Goerg for the first time this year. These elegant Champagnes with real finesse and individuality are produced by a group of winemakers who joined forces in the 1950s. The house is named after the ex-Mayor of Vertus, one of the Côte des Blancs villages famed for its Chardonnay. S T E P H A N I E A L B E R T, B R O K I N G 37 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M S W E E T T R E AT S H ED O N IS TI C A N D PL E ASU R A BL E, T H ERE IS N OT H I N G Q U ITE L I K E A GL ASS OF DELICIOUS SWEET WINE TO LIVEN THE SPIRITS. These extraordinary wines are not just about sweetness; the very best have a honeyed silkiness, velvety texture, but most importantly – notwithstanding their extraordinary sugar levels – lovely vibrancy and freshness. They all possess a zingy acidity which lifts the palate and drives through on the finish. There is no more delectable finale to a great evening. There are three wonderfully distinct styles of sweet white wine here: the mouth-watering vibrancy of sweet German Rieslings, the elegant purity of Coteaux du Layon Chenin Blanc, and the bold richness of beautifully honeyed Sauternes. Sweet wines reach their greatest heights when noble rot develops in the vineyard; the botrytis cinerea shrivels the sweet ripe grapes, concentrating their sugars. A particular combination of evening and morning mists, which burn off as the autumn sun rises over the vineyards, creates the perfect microclimate for noble rot to develop. The Englishman’s love of Port endures. This great fortified wine begins its life in the stunning terraced vineyards of the Douro Valley. Produced from an array of up to thirty indigenous grape varieties, even today the best parcels are still trodden by foot as the best method of gentle but complete extraction of flavours and tannins. These fully mature Vintage Ports from two great Douro houses, Taylor’s and Fonseca, deserve more than a single seasonal outing. 38 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M CH PETIT VÉDRINES SAUTERNES 2011 (12 HALVES) D O M A I N E D E L’ A L L I A N C E S A U T E R N E S 2 0 1 0 ( 6 5 0 C L ) £116.00/cs inc VAT £9.67/bt inc VAT £155.00/cs inc VAT £25.83/bt inc VAT This second wine from one of Barsac’s most famous estates highlights the class of the sweet wines in 2011 and the great purity and finesse for which Barsac is famed. Full of lovely caramelised pears and oranges, this is deliciously sweet whilst always remaining fresh in the palate. From vineyards neighbouring Ch de Fargues this excellent Sauternes punches well above its weight. Golden yellow colour, this has very attractive honeyed fruit aromas. On the palate there are flavours of caramelised fruits and hints of butterscotch. A very appealing style with soft layered botrytic flavours and good sweetness on the finish. ERDENER TREPPCHEN RIESLING AUSLESE DR LOOSEN 2012 (6PK) CH GUIRAUD 1ER CRU SAUTERNES 2010 £170.00/cs inc VAT £28.33/bt inc VAT £460.00/cs inc VAT £38.33/bt inc VAT With hints of mandarins and exotic fruits, this shows German sweet wines at their very best. Honeyed and viscous without being over the top, this has a refreshing raciness and the lasting sensation is freshness and life. CH GUIRAUD 1ER CRU SAUTERNES 2010 (12 HALVES) £235.00/cs inc VAT £19.58/bt inc VAT A great Guiraud in the making with a lovely elegant honeyed fruit palate. This is a Sauternes of true balance, without being excessively sweet and has a very appealing uplifting freshness on the finish. A delicious wine which is already drinking beautifully. M O U L I N T O U C H A I S C O T E A U X D U L AY O N 2 0 0 5 ( 6 P K ) £170.00/cs inc VAT £28.33/bt inc VAT Light golden yellow colour, this sweet Chenin Blanc from the Loire has a beautifully floral honeyed nose. In the palate it is absolutely delightful; soft and elegant and yet creamy and honeyed, gently coating the mouth. A wine of extraordinary purity, with harmony and a fine feeling of freshness on the finish uplifting the flavours and providing great length and complexity. Stunning now but will unquestionably keep as well. T AY L O R ’ S Q U I N T A D E T E R R A F E I T A 1 9 9 5 ( 3 P K ) £90.00/cs inc VAT £30.00/bt inc VAT This is exactly what you are looking for in a vintage Port – wonderfully rich fruit, lovely weight and great intensity. Beautifully expressive with a very long finish. A stunning example from one of the great Port Houses. O B E R H A U S E R B R Ü C K E R I E S L I N G S PÄT L E S E DÖNNHOFF 2012 (6PK) FONSECA 1983 (6PK) £178.00/cs inc VAT £29.67/bt inc VAT £399.00/cs inc VAT £66.50/bt inc VAT A truly gorgeous Spätlese, opulent and flamboyant, full of layered textured fruit. This is a real charmer, balancing its gentle sweetness of fruit with lovely freshness and life. A hugely classy wine and everything that great Spätleses should be: a generous semi-sweet style with brisk acidity. Equally well suited to being served as a chilled aperitif, or with lighter puddings. This 30 year old wine is brick red in colour and has very scented aromas of figs and cocoa. A wine entering its peak of maturity with delicious sweetness and subtle tannic structure to provide depth and complexity on the finish. Absolutely in its prime of drinking. TAY L O R ’ S P O R T MOULIN TOUCHAIS Established over three centuries ago in 1692, Taylor’s is one of the oldest of the founding Port houses, and has built up a reputation as a ‘first growth’ among Port shippers. Their benchmark Vintage Ports are noted for their elegance and poise as well as for their restrained power and longevity. The Touchais family release their wines at a minimum of 10 years age and only when they are perfect for drinking. They have an extraordinary library stock with most years in their cellars. We selected the delicious 2005 for this list, but if you have a special year in mind (perhaps for a 21st or 50th celebration) we can always request availability. Ch Guiraud is nestled up against the Ruisseau de Piquant tributary which feeds into the river Ciron – a perfect position for noble rot to work its magic and create the unique bittersweet marmalade and honey characters typical of great Sauternes. In the wise hands of Xavier Planty this château is truly going from strength to strength. 39 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M BIG BOT TLES M A N Y P E O P L E M I G H T T H I N K B I G B O T T L E S M A K E A P A R T Y, I N FAC T W E T H I N K B I G B OT T L E S M A K E F O R BRILLIANT QUALIT Y! The optimal size for ageing wine and to achieve maximum quality is a magnum; it is quite simply a law of physics. The neck size of half bottles, bottles and magnums are all the same which means the proportion of air in comparison to liquid in a magnum is less than any other bottle size, and therefore a magnum will always age the longest and the best. They are also great fun. Nothing looks more impressive than a magnum on the dinner table, and if you are really feeling strong, what better way to entertain than with a double magnum or jeroboam? Our range will vary slightly as we don’t hold large quantities, but if you do have any special requests be it red, white or Champagne please don’t hesitate to ask. 40 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M KREUZNACHER KRÖTENPFUHL RIESLING KABINETT DÖNNHOFF 2012 (3 MAGS) C H M A L E S C A S S E C R U B O U R G E O I S H A U T- M É D O C 2010 (6 MAGS) £119.00/cs inc VAT £39.67/bt inc VAT £174.00/cs inc VAT £29.00/bt inc VAT Krötenpfuhl’s warm loam soils and south facing exposure combine to produce a lovely hedonistic style. This is elegant and harmonious with appealing white peach fruit flavour and masses of charm with a balanced finish between perfumed fruit flavours and gentle minerality. Delicious. One of the most consistent Cru Bourgeois in the Médoc. This finely structured wine is full of dark berry fruit flavours, supported by an appealing spicy richness. On the finish it is long, full and subtly fresh. Very good. C H H A U T B E R N AT P U I S S E G U I N S T E M I L I O N 2010 (6 MAGS) T O N S C H I E F E R R I E S L I N G D R Y S L AT E D Ö N N H O F F 2012 (6 MAGS) £180.00/cs inc VAT £30.00/bt inc VAT £245.00/cs inc VAT £40.83/bt inc VAT Always a favourite of ours, this is a full, dry Riesling balancing aromatic orchard fruit and crisp citrus flavours, with layered minerality. A very well integrated wine with length and concentration on the finish. This small 6 ha estate highlights the charm of the Merlot grape variety in the best vintages. Sweet open plum fruit flavours, this is a hugely layered wine, with a soft velvety tannic structure. It is very long and shows the great appeal of the satellite areas around St Emilion. M O N TA G N Y 1 E R C R U V I E U X C H ÂT E A U J E A N - M A R C BOILLOT 2013 (6 MAGS) C H M O N TA I G U I L L O N M O N TA G N E S T E M I L I O N 2 0 1 1 (6 MAGS) £252.00/cs inc VAT £42.00/bt inc VAT £192.00/cs inc VAT £32.00/bt inc VAT One of our most popular wines year in year out from the great Puligny Montrachet grower Jean-Marc Boillot. He has exported his considerable wine making skills to the Côte Chalonnaise vineyards of Montagny. With a very fresh citrus fruit nose this has rounded balanced weight and a soft clementine orange finish. Pure and very rewarding. A Montagne St Emilion which always punches above its weight. From the delightfully charming Chantal Amat, this is a wine of great structure, with layered dark black fruit flavours and rounded tannins. Long and full this would be perfect with roast beef. MOULIN-À-VENT CLOS DE ROCHEGRÈS LOUIS JADOT 2012 (3 MAGS) £135.00/cs inc VAT £45.00/bt inc VAT CH LA FLEUR COTERIE BORDEAUX 2010 (6 MAGS) £125.00/cs inc VAT £20.83/bt inc VAT MOULIN-À-VENT CLOS DE ROCHEGRÈS LOUIS JADOT 2012 (1 JERO 300CL) This is a stunning follow on to the wonderful 2009 vintage. This 2010 is slightly weightier than previous vintages but is every bit as drinkable. A perennial Goedhuis favourite. £124.00/cs inc VAT £124.00/bt inc VAT £129.00/cs inc VAT £21.50/bt inc VAT Brilliant garnet red colour. This is a wine full of red cherry fruit flavours, supported by subtle hints of vanilla pod, aged for 12 months in oak it highlights the more weighty style of this famous village’s wines. A perfect partner for game. A consistently great all-rounder from the Perrin family of Ch de Beaucastel, this is a velvety and forward style full of violets and dark berry fruits. Soft, all too easy to drink and excellent value. P AV I L L O N D E L É O V I L L E P O Y F E R R É S T J U L I E N 2011 (6 MAGS) CÔTES DU RHÔNE RÉSERVE PERRIN 2011 (6 MAGS) £285.00/cs inc VAT £47.50/bt inc VAT This is the 2nd wine of Ch Léoville Poyferré and an absolute beauty. It has open succulent dark black fruit flavours, with subtle hints of vanilla pod and spice. The tannins are softly layered and the wine finishes with a moreish juicy richness. M I N E R V O I S C H ÂT E A U S T J A C Q U E S D ’ A L B A S 2010 (6 MAGS) £142.00/cs inc VAT £23.67/bt inc VAT Wild spicy black fruit aromas. This is a wine of huge character with its strong earthy wild berry flavours, packing a real punch with masses of weight and succulence. A full concentrated style ideal with a rich wintery stew. CH MOULIN RICHE ST JULIEN 2010 (6 MAGS) £290.00/cs inc VAT £48.33/bt inc VAT From the Cuvelier family, proprietors of Léoville Poyferré, this is an incredibly delicious 2010. Deeply coloured with a lush palate of raspberries and blackberries, it subtly reveals its powerful core by gently unfolding its concentrated, ripe and velvety tannins. Polished and smooth. VA C Q U E Y R A S C U V É E S T R O C H L E C L O S D E S C A Z A U X 2011 (6 MAGS) £168.00/cs inc VAT £28.00/bt inc VAT Jean-Michel Vache has hit the jackpot again. This balances strong southern Rhône gamey black fruit flavours, with a feeling of refinement and class. A stunning wine which has the ability to age further. 41 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M C H ÂT E A U N E U F D U PA P E F O N T D E M I C H E L L E 2009 (6 MAGS) C H L A L A G U N E 3 È M E C R U H A U T- M É D O C 2007 (6 MAGS) £300.00/cs inc VAT £50.00/bt inc VAT £466.00/cs inc VAT £77.67/bt inc VAT Besides its wonderful sweet core of fruit, the most remarkable thing about Gonnet’s 2009 is its incredible silkiness. Wonderfully fine and ripe tannins unfold onto the palate while gentle savoury notes of celery seed, cedar and pencil lead surface in the background. A beautiful wine from a very good vintage. C H L A L A G U N E 3 È M E C R U H A U T- M É D O C 2 0 0 7 (1 DBL MAG 300 CL) £195.00/cs inc VAT £195.00/bt inc VAT Dense opaque in colour, this has lovely unctuous black fruit flavours. Whilst not powerful, there is great breadth and this highlights the super juicy fruit characteristics that this superb property on the edge of the appellation of Margaux achieves. MAS DE DAUMAS GASSAC ROUGE V I N D E P AY S D E L ’ H É R A U L T 2 0 1 3 ( 3 M A G S ) £158.00/cs inc VAT £52.67/bt inc VAT B R U N E L L O D I M O N TA L C I N O T E N U TA S I L V I O N A R D I 2010 (1 MAG) MAS DE DAUMAS GASSAC ROUGE V I N D E P AY S D E L ’ H É R A U L T 2 0 1 3 ( 1 J E R O 3 0 0 C L ) £99.00/cs inc VAT £99.00/bt inc VAT £130.00/cs inc VAT £130.00/bt inc VAT Gentle crimson red with generous cherry fruit aromas. This balances a fine succulence of fruit, with intensity and firm but nicely integrated tannins, giving the wine verve and personality. Last paired with a homemade carbonara and it was simply delicious! In the estate’s notes they wonderfully understate the blend, by saying 70% Cabernet Sauvignon and 20% rare grape varieties. In fact it is approximately 15 varieties! The “combo”, as they say, really works. Deep purple in colour, the wine is a mouthful of wild bramble fruits and so characterful. It is structured and yet rounded, full and concentrated but most definitely not overworked. A lovely and very fine Mas de Daumas to maintain their tradition for producing greatness in the Languedoc. LOUIS ROEDERER BRUT PREMIER NV (3 MAGS) £239.00/cs inc VAT £79.67/bt inc VAT LOUIS ROEDERER BRUT PREMIER NV (1 JERO 300CL) £185.00/cs inc VAT £185.00/bt inc VAT B E A U N E 1 E R C R U C E L E B R AT I O N L O U I S J A D O T 2012 (3 MAGS) This acclaimed Champagne house remains a family run operation, and consistently delivers one of the very best non-vintage blends, with a high proportion of Pinot Noir. This has a rich, creamy consistency with a lovely lemon clean finish. A small proportion is matured in oak cask, and the wine spends 3 years on lees before disgorgement. This ageing process, combined with a high proportion of reserve wine in the final blend, gives this wine excellent complexity and definition. £180.00/cs inc VAT £60.00/bt inc VAT B E A U N E 1 E R C R U C E L E B R AT I O N L O U I S J A D O T 2012 (1 JERO) £155.00/cs inc VAT £155.00/bt inc VAT Sweet rich dark berry fruits aroma. A beautiful example of the perfumed floral fruits that typifies the finest wines from the vineyards surrounding Beaune. Rich and juicy in the palate with soft ripe velvety tannins. A really rewarding wine that will give huge pleasure. C H ÂT E A U N E U F D U PA P E F O N T D E M I C H E L L E 2 0 1 1 (1 JERO 300CL) £135.00/cs inc VAT £135.00/bt inc VAT Having decided not to make a Cuvée Etienne Gonnet in 2011, only the very finest fruit has gone into this very classy blend. A wine full of dark, wild spiced fruit flavours, it is gamey and rich and has excellent volume and concentration. A wine which highlights why this estate is rightly now considered one of the very best in the appellation. S AV I G N Y L È S B E A U N E 1 E R C R U L E S M A R C O N N E T S SIMON BIZE 2007 (6 MAGS) £420.00/cs inc VAT £70.00/bt inc VAT On the southerly edge of the appellation, this is a fulsome wine, with hints of Savigny rusticity. There is a notable intensity of wild dark berry fruits balanced by a Beaunesque restraint. Full, rich, and concentrated on the palate, the finish is long and structured. 42 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M M I N ERVO IS CH ÂTE AU S T J A C Q U E S D ’A L B A S 2 0 1 0 Graham Nutter, a great friend of Goedhuis & Co, has been producing award-winning Minervois wines since 2001. A blend of 60% Syrah and 40% Grenache, this wine is drinking beautifully now and works wonderfully in magnum for any gathering of friends or family. M I K E C L A P P, S A L E S CH M O N TA I G U I L LO N M O N T A G N E S T E M I L I O N 2 0 11 This property is a real find – I was fortunate enough to stay and have dinner at the Château. The hilltop vineyard neighbours one of our favourite St Emilion estates, Grand Corbin Despagne. It is excellently positioned for maturing both Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc that so ably support the principal variety, Merlot. Look no further if you are in need of great quality and brilliant value claret. HUGO MCMULLEN, SALES 2 012 G E R M A N R I E S L I N G S B R U N E L L O D I M O N TA L C I N O T E N U TA S I LV I O N A R D I 2 010 German Rieslings in magnum formats are such a beautiful, elegant object, so tall and slender. Almost tempting to just admire unopened, but well worth pulling the cork on. 2012 was an outstanding vintage for wines in the Nahe. The bone dry Tonschiefer and off dry Kreuznacher Krötenpfuhl from master winemaker Cornelius Dönnhoff are quite superb. The Nardi’s are one of the oldest Brunello producing families; their estate dates back to 1895. Regarded as one of the finest expressions of Italian wine making, Brunello di Montalcino is produced exclusively from Sangiovese grapes. Their elegant wines are characterised by a pure, silky mouthfeel, terrific intensity and superb sweetness. C AT H ER I N E PE TR I E, BUYI N G G E O R G I N A C R A W L E Y, S A L E S 43 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M A FEW OTHER THINGS WE DO BUYING FINE WINE GOEDHUIS CELLAR PLANS This Portfolio List is all about delicious wines that are ready for drinking now. Another thriving side of our business is our well established En Primeur campaigns. The next significant releases will be the Rhône Valley 2014s in November, Burgundy 2014 in January 2016 followed by Bordeaux 2015 in early summer. Are you interested in starting a cellar for drinking or investment but not sure how to begin? Goedhuis Cellar Plans are an easy, affordable route to building up your own bespoke collection of wines tailored to your tastes and budget. With payments from as little as £50 a month, you can start to build your collection with advice and recommendations from our sales team. And to get you started, we’ll give you a free case of wine when you set up your Cellar Plan. We also offer small parcels of highly sought-after fine wine from all over the wine-producing world throughout the year, both new releases and mature stock. This gives our clients access to some of the world’s most exceptional wines including the five Médoc First Growths, Le Pin, Cheval Blanc, Ausone, Yquem, Domaine de la RomanéeConti, Armand Rousseau, Laurent Ponsot, Coche Dury, Gaja, Masseto, Ornellaia, Vega Sicilia, Pingus, Screaming Eagle, Grange and Henschke, amongst others. There are no fees or extra costs involved. All your funds will be spent on wine and storage. Your wine will be stored at our independent storage company, Private Reserves Ltd, to ensure it remains in perfect condition. You can access details of your portfolio, drink dates, and tasting notes online. For more information contact James Low ( or Hugo McMullen ( 44 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M A FEW OTHER THINGS WE DO P R I VAT E R E S E R V E S BROKING THROUGH GOEDHUIS We recommend storing your wine with Private Reserves Ltd, our independent wine storage company set up by Johnny and Laura Goedhuis in 1988, and now one of the largest, most respected wine storage operations in the UK. Our expert broking team is available to value your cellar and give you advice on which of your wines to retain and which to sell. If some of your wine has grown appreciably in value, or you wish to clear some space in your cellar for some new purchases our team are happy to talk you through the possible options and the broking services Goedhuis offers. Private Reserves use Octavian’s cellars in Corsham, where the storage facility is set within a disused limestone quarry. This provides perfect conditions for wine storage: constant humidity, temperature and vibration control, as well as excellent security. There is no charge to list your wines. The brokerage fee is 10% of the selling price, subject to a minimum fee. For more information or to discuss a valuation please contact Toby Herbertson and Stephanie Albert on If you chose to sell your wines, provenance will be a key component of its value for potential investors. Keeping your wine In Bond with the UK’s leading wine storage operation ensures impeccable provenance. S T O R A G E C H A R G E S F O R 2 015 – 2 016 12 bottle case per annum £10.50 6 bottle case per annum £ 5.25 For more information on Private Reserves go to W W W. P R I V A T E R E S E R V E S . C O M 45 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M GOEDHUIS EVENTS We are proud to have fantastic relationships with our growers and are delighted that many of them can attend our events in person, so that you have the chance to meet the people behind the wines. We hold numerous events throughout the year which vary in size and specialist region, from small focused single producer dinners, to larger regional tastings. In 2015 we held a major Bordeaux tasting at the Saatchi Gallery featuring over 50 châteaux showing wines from the 2005, 2008, 2009 and 2012 vintages. In the coming year we will be holding a number of smaller events focusing on Burgundy and Italy, both new releases and older back vintages. 46 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M UK DELIVERY OVERSE AS DELIVERY CHARGES AND TIMINGS CHARGES AND TIMINGS Delivery to UK addresses (excluding Highlands and Islands) is free on orders over £300 inc VAT. For overseas deliveries please telephone us on +44 (0)20 7793 7900 or email us. Overseas shipments can be arranged via third party freight forwarders or shipping agents. Please contact us on +44 (0)20 7793 7900 for a quotation. Delivery to UK addresses (excluding Highlands and Islands) on orders less than £300 inc VAT delivery is charged at £18.00 inc VAT. We consolidate regular shipments to Hong Kong. Please contact us on +44 (0)20 7793 7900 for details of costs and timings. Delivery to the Highlands and Islands incurs an additional charge of £30 inc VAT. Orders are delivered Monday to Friday during normal working hours. If possible let us know if there is somewhere safe the wine can be left in the event of your absence. Please note, orders received through the website are for UK delivery only. Orders received before 12 noon on weekdays will be delivered as follows: within the M25, the following working day elsewhere in the UK (excluding Highlands & Islands), three to four working days after the date of order to the Highlands and Islands, from five to seven working days after the date of order. On occasion delivery can be expedited but will incur an additional charge. H OW TO ORDER TELEPHONE: +44 (0)20 7793 7900 For advice or to place an order please call the Sales Team. E M A I L : S A L ES @ G O E D H U I S.CO M Send an email to the Sales Team or directly to your salesman at their email address listed on page 48. O N L I N E : W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M When our new website is completed you will be able to order for UK delivery and pay invoices online. In the meantime you can browse wines online and keep up to date with our news. TER MS AND CONDITIONS Normal terms and conditions apply. Delivery in the UK (except Highlands and Islands) will be charged at £18 inc VAT. Free UK delivery (except Highlands and Islands) on orders over £300 inc VAT. Delivery to the Highlands and Islands incurs an additional charge of £30 inc VAT. Payment must be made within 30 days of purchase. For full terms and conditions go to 47 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M C O N TA C T THE SALES TEA M NAME EMAIL TELEPHONEMOBILE MIKE CLAPP M C@ G O E D H U I S.CO M 020 7 793 5622 0 7 76 9 3 18 6 3 6 ARTHUR COGGILL AC@ G O E D H U I S.CO M 020 7 793 5627 0 75 9 0 19 5 7 9 5 G E O R G I N A C R AW L E Y G C@ G O E D H U I S.CO M 020 7 793 5623 0 7 7 76 19 7 6 8 4 JOHNNY GOEDHUIS J D G @ G O E D H U I S.CO M 020 7793 5633 078 31 2 96 3 9 3 TO BY H ER BERTS O N T H @ G O E D H U I S.CO M 020 7793 5638 0 7 7 7 1 7 9 0 19 0 JA MES LOW J L@ G O E D H U I S.CO M 020 7793 5637 0 7 813 8 8 6 8 5 3 HUGO MCMULLEN H M @ G O E D H U I S.CO M 020 7793 5642 0 7 8 7 2 4 76 12 2 D AV I D R O B E R T S D R@ G O E D H U I S.CO M 0 2 0 7 79 3 5 621 0 7 9 17 3 61 9 9 0 TOM STO PFO RD SACK VILLE, HK T S S @ G O E D H U I S.CO M + 8 52 2 8 01 59 9 9 +852 9385 2528 JAMIE STRUTT J S @ G O E D H U I S.CO M 020 7 793 5628 0 7 9 17 8 5 1 2 4 7 CHARLIE WHIT TINGTON C W@ G O E D H U I S.CO M 020 7793 5644 0 7 74 7 6 0 4 1 3 8 P H I L I P PA W R I G H T P W@ G O E D H U I S.CO M 020 7793 5634 0793 0 9 91 8 8 4 D E PA R TM E N T S OFFICES TRADE DESK & BROKING LONDON: H O N G KO N G: Toby Herbertson: Stephanie Albert: Unit 6 Rudolf Place, Miles Street, London SW8 1RP 9A On Hing Building, 1 On Hing Terrace, Central Hong Kong CUSTOMER SERVICES Mandy George: Amanda Banham: T F E +44 (0)20 7793 7900 +44(0)20 7793 7170 FINANCE & ACCOUNTS Justin Randall: Dan Lane: M A R K E T I N G, E V E N T S & P R Philippa Wright: Catherine Petrie: Mike Clapp: 48 0 2 0 7 7 9 3 7 9 0 0 ∙ S A L E S @ G O E D H U I S . C O M ∙ W W W. G O E D H U I S . C O M T E +852 2801 5999